#prose and cons
squeemcsquee · 9 months
Otakon 2023: Day 3 (Sun)
Sunday got off to a slow start for us. We began with the Otamuseum, since @lechevaliermalfet was curious to see what they had on display from the other years he's attended the con.
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We then parted ways to attend separate panels. I went to the Isekai Like It's 1999 panel. It wasn't a bad panel, though the title wasn't wholly accurate. I did learn about some shows I decided I might check out. And I left with some panel ideas of my own, which made @lechevaliermalfet happy when he heard about it. He's been encouraging me to consider doing panels for years now. I still don't know if I will, but I definitely got the idea for a few research rabbit holes to dive into as a result of attending this one.
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After the panel, we met up and some general wandering around and soaking up con vibes occurred, before again heading to separate panels. I went to the Dubbing Around the World panel, which featured voice actors from the UK, Latin America, and Japan. The moderator was involved in the voice acting scene in the US.
It was a Q&A panel, and even though some of the questions were very typical ("How do you rehearse for a role?" "Do you have a good working relationship with your fellow dubbers?" "What's your favorite line you've ever dubbed?"), the answers were so widely different, it was great.
I always understood intellectually that there were likely different practices between different countries. But actually hearing it broken down in comparisons of rehearsal and prep time, booking time frames, group vs solo recordings...that was very illuminating. This is honestly a panel I would love to see repeated through the years, at any con that can afford to do so.
After the panel, it was time for lunch and the final rounds of Arist Alley. We always buy a ton of prints -this year was no exception. Especially after I found an artist who did FMA artwork based around Nina & Alexander memes. What can I say? I'm a sucker for them.
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After our final shopping rounds and some last-minute pictures of cosplayers, we said goodbye to Otakon.
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And while I didn't screenshot it, DC traffic moved slowly enough that I actually completed the Pokemon Go Community Day tasks during our drive out of the city.
All in all, I did enjoy my time at Otakon. But I don't think it's a con that @lechevaliermalfet and I will be adding to our annual roster. And not just for the expense and additional travel time. There's something about the overall feel of the con as well.
While we appreciated the differences in panel focus, artist alley, and vendor selection compared to ACen, I think we just both still feel that we really only have 1 large con in us per year. And ACen feels more like home to us, in that sense. So Otakon is one that we may do every 5 years or so, just to liven things up.
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booksandwords · 1 year
Prose and Cons by Amanda Flower
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Series: Magical Bookshop, #2 Read time: 1 Day Rating: 4/5 Stars
The Quote: There was a war going on in Charming Books as the crow and the cat positioned themselves against each other: a tight for shop mascot. Both Faulkner and Emerson thought they were deserving of the title. Faulkner, who had been a resident of the longer, had seniority on his side, but Emerson had him beat in crowd appeal. — Violet
I enjoyed Prose and Cons though not as much as Crime and Punishment. Though it's nothing to do with the characterisation and story perse more to the writing and the classic literature was used. Violet, Daisy, Emerson and Faulker are all still fantastic. Prose and Cons picks up in the 3rd week of October four months after the conclusion of Prose and Cons. Charming Books is all decorated for fall and Halloween. It's a busy time for Cascade Springs, it's their annual Food and Wine Festival. Being as it is Violet in Cascade Springs something inevitably goes wrong and someone dies. The death was entirely unexpected to me, Anastasia Faber. Anastasia is the literary fiction author from the Red Inkers we met previously. The prime suspect is another member of the Red Inkers, Sadie (the bubbly fashion queen). Worse still the death happens at Charming Books.
It was nice to meet some new faces during Prose and Cons especially Danielle and Aster Cloud and EMT Keenan all of whom I think will make further appearances. I'm hoping Renee does too. Renee does all librarians justice. She's loud full of passion and personality and is really not a shusher. The epilogue is adorable. I adore Aster. She is just too cute, the best Joan of Arc I can think of. As an aside, I am now convinced there is no signposting for the killer or the motivation though it's Anastasia she was not particularly liked, unlike Benedict who was well-liked and respected. This is all about the reading and the journey.
The story of Prose and Cons is self-contained though perhaps a little less pleasing for me than Crime and Punishment, potentially due to an accessibility problem. It might due to the use of Dickinson's The Carriage vs Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher and The Purloined Letter, as a poem The Carriage the can be replicated with ease giving us the most relevant parts for the story as they are needed. Whereas The Fall of the House of Usher and The Purloined Letter are both approx twenty-page short stories that rely more on themes and impressions than words. If you haven't read them you are likely to understand less. I'm likely to see similar problems with Murders and Metaphors which uses Louisa May Alcott's Little Women. As with the Poe works I've never read Allcott's classic but it won't stop me from reading the next book in the series. That said using Poe was a great choice it does allow Faulkner to indulge in some raven yelling (no one wants to tell him he's a crow, not a raven).
The tree is interesting, protective of Violet and healing. They don't hide its power from David but David himself says in the course of the story that as important as Charming Books birch tree is to Violet they are sacred to David's people. They hide the secret yes but with him, he observes more and notices that something near-impossible has happened. Have some David and Violet quotes just because.
My gaze glossed over Trudy and Richard and locked with the amber-colored eyes of the village police chief. As a member of the Senca tribe, Rainwater had coal black hair, which he kept short, honey-colored skin, pronounced cheek bones, and eyes that were like pools of warm maple syrup. It went without saying that he was a handsome man. The fact was he was an aspiring writer of children's books could topple a book-loving girl like me clean over. — This is a lovely descriptive passage. And yeah just ditto to that last line. There is just something truly appealing about children's book writers. (p.26)
"My work is fiction for kids, true, but it's still a peek into my deepest thoughts. In a way, isn't that what all writers allow readers when they share their work, a window into another person's mind? Poe, the tortured soul that he was, was the perfect example." — This is David's reason for not letting Violet read his draft well the final reason he settles on after she calls bullshit on the others. The line is accurate but I would love to see what is in that book. What truth is he hiding from her? I mean at this point it could be anything. (David, p.40)
My eyebrows shot up a little father with this new information about the chief of police. He sounded like a true Renaissance man. Chief, writer, role-playing game aficionado. It just seemed a little too good to be true. I wondered what else I didn't know about Chief David Rainwater. — This is after Violet founds out from Keenen that he's in a D&D group with David. But before we meet Danielle and Aster. That just adds a whole other level of oh wow. (p.66)
""You do realize everyone else in the village, including my own grandmother, is pushing me toward Nathan, not David." She clicked her tongue. "The mayor is all wrong for you," she said with conviction." — While Violet may not like this conversation at least someone is saying 'oh I can see that'. Also, I like Renee in this scene, she makes me smile. (Violet and Renee, p.192)
More quotes to finish this very, very messy review.
The pounding came again, and Emerson seemed unconcerned by it, so I felt myself relax too. In the last few months since I had adopted the small tuxedo cat, I had begun to trust his instincts about people. He always seemed to know who was friend and who was foe. It was nice to have a feline litmus test, — This is a great take on pets. And Emerson is the best when it comes to an indication of good faith. (p.24)
"Adrian boxed up some more cookies for you. He copes with bad news by feeding people." I took the box from her and smiled. "Since I cope with stress with sugar, we are well matched." — And this is why we adore Adrian. I know Lacey is the suspect for bk 3 so it is going to be interesting to see hope Lacey and Adrian cope with that level of stress. (Lacey and Violet, p.85)
Despite growing up in wine country, I wasn't much of a drinker myself. I'd never acquired a taste for alcohol. If I was given the choice, I would much rather eat my calories in the form of sugary baked goodness like the cookies from Le Crepe Jolie than from a glass of wine. — I feel this on a deep level. I did grow up in wine country (and brewing area now). I too would rather eat my calories, or drink them through something close to designer tea. (p.159)
I could use a ruler-high stack of chocolate chip pancakes after the night I'd had. On second thought, Grandma Daisy could hold the pancakes and just hand over the bag of chocolate chips straight up was the only medicine that would do the trick. — Oh my god yes to this. (p178)
A student strolling the sidewalk did an about-face when the librarian screeched at me. Perhaps a yelling librarian was even more alarming than a running librarian. Nat that Renee was your typical librarian, with her tendency to be loud and her infectious laugh that could be heard all over the library building multiple times throughout the day. She wasn't one to whisper, and I had seen her shush a student only once, when a group of football players was especially rowdy. — It has been so long since I saw a librarian written this well. Renee is loud. Personality plus. And I can see why Richard is intimidated by her a little.
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gabriella-arareyes · 4 months
And somehow, in all of that you lose your spark
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critical-quoter · 8 months
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gazkamurocho · 6 months
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Prison buddies
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perenlop · 2 months
rpgs are kinda like comfort food to me where theyre very cozy to come back to and just indulge in, especially pokemon where no one team is gonna be exactly the same, but dear god i need to take a break from them every once in a while or it risks feeling samey anyways
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A veces se siente como si fueras a colapsar...
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dalliroch · 1 year
brindis de año nuevo 
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“  ¿te gustaría pedir un deseo?  ” invita amablemente a la persona que estaba más cercana a ella, ofreciéndole una de las lamparas aerostáticas que llevaba bajo el brazo. “  acompáñame afuera. ” le agarró gentilmente por la muñeca y le  arrastró con ella entre la gente y las mesas, uno de sus guardias la siguió de inmediato cuando salió fuera del restaurante. se detiene un segundo para deleitarse con la vista privilegiada de parís e inspiró el aire frío de invierno que le mordió la piel de las mejillas. “ en veinte minutos tiran los fuegos artificiales, tendremos el mejor lugar. ” sonríe emocionada a su acompañante. “ hay que subir.  ”
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altvirs · 1 year
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' espera, orión '   llama con suavidad, en tanto sus pasos se convierten en un pequeño trote cuando el felino avanza, para luego aferrarse con sus garritas a la prenda de otra persona.  '  oh — lo siento '  es lo primero que pronuncia cuando se aproxima a tercere, inclinando un poquito la cabeza.  ' está muy inquieto y juguetón hoy —  ah, espero que no arruinase tu ropa '  suspira, para luego sonar el ratón de juguete con el que parecía divertirse.  '  suéltate orión. ven aquí ’
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squeemcsquee · 5 months
Anime Magic 2023: Saturday
Saturday morning kicked off with breakfast in @shbumi's room, then she and I did some PoGo in the area.
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At about 1040, we headed toward the hotel ballroom to join the line for Drag Show.
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It seemed odd to be going to a drag event in the morning, but apparently Oriana requested it when scheduling. There were some technical hiccups and delays, so the show proper (which was scheduled at 1100) didn't start until approximately 1115.
And what a show it was! As always, a kickass event. I apologize for any blurriness to the photos, but it definitely was a great time.
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After the drag show, we stuck around for an Iaido demonstration and discussion. @lechevaliermalfet got to go onstage for some hands-on work while @shbumi and I remained in the audience, listening as the presenter explained what the groups on stage were doing.
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After Iaido, it was time for some lunch. And then for shopping!
We made sure to make a pit stop at @artbyquinton's booth. It's always great to see what new stuff he's rolling out and it's also a good chance to catch up if we haven't seen him for awhile.
After his booth, we checked out the other offerings on display from various artists and dealers.
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It may seem a strange thing to say, but in some ways, the artist alley and dealer hall feel too big for a con the size of Anime Magic. Like, I love having so many booths to visit. But I also don't budget for AM the same way I would for say, ACen or Otakon, in terms of money for the exhibit hall. I budget less, since the event is smaller. So then I feel bad when I see the amount of cool stuff on hand. There were plenty of artists where I ended up grabbing business cards to hopefully support them at a later time.
After shopping, it was getting on late afternoon and it was finally time for another panel: The Best of Steampunk Anime.
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This was a cool panel, and it was presented by a member of the Chicago Steampunk Exposition team. So you know he knew his stuff. First, we were given a short background on steampunk, then divided into small groups to brainstorm anime we thought *might* be on the list that our presenter intended to talk about. Each group offered up a title, and we ranked what was offered.
And then, we began to review this list by CBR. For each title offered, we had some discussion as to why CBR included it...and why our presenter would or wouldn't include it in his own list.
I think I had more fun and learned more in this panel than I have in almost every other steampunk-themed panel I've attended.
After the panel, we ordered dinner from Giordano's, but knew we would have an hour to kill before it arrived. So @lechevaliermalfet and I checked out the itasha car show while @shbumi chilled in her room.
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I loved wandering the cars and looking at the different wrap jobs, even if I didn't always know the show being represented.
I also tried not to pay too much attention to Tattoo Alley, which was right next door. See, I had considered getting a tattoo during AM 2022 but decided against it. And this year, I had planned to get one if the tattoo artist returned - but you aren't supposed to get a tattoo during pregnancy. So I just looked at the increased number of options and hey, we'll see. Maybe if we attend AM 2024, I'll get one. Next year's con schedule is a bit up in the air, since we'll have an infant to consider.
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We grabbed some drinks and extra snacks from the Hello Tokyo booth (and got some pocky balloons) and then headed back to the hotel for dinner.
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After dinner, we went down to the Anime Singalong Dance Party with Kohei. It was scheduled for 2100, but technical issues meant that it ran late. As on Friday, it was great to just sing and dance along to anime OPs with a bunch of other nerds.
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Kohei didn't get to put on as long of a show as Friday night due to the tech issues, as there was a concert scheduled immediately after him.
Crunk Witch are a married couple who go for an electro-pop sound. They did some kickass 80s covers during their show. Annnd they also hit tech issues. Really, this seems to be a recurring thing for AM.
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Oh! and on a random note, I got a free glow bracelet from the Atlas cosplayer, who was hanging out just outside of the concert.
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I don't expect free stuff from cosplayers, for obvious reasons, so it was cool to get something.
I also grabbed a Crunk Witch CD after the concert. There was a dance scheduled for after Crunk Witch, but for us, it was time to call it a night. We were wiped.
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acerathia · 7 months
okok, i need to say this: the shouto fic? idk if anyone noticed it, but as their relationship continues to grow, the way they walk together also changes, idk if anyone noticed lol, but at first reader was walking behind him, but slowly getting closer until they walk side by side at the end
probably difficult to see bc it's a rather short piece
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semperardens-juli · 1 year
"Still you may find there, Lovely together, Flowers crushed and grass down-pressed."
Under the Linen Tree, Walther von der Vogelweide from The Literature Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained, James Canton
leave a little kindness
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thevarietycorner · 10 days
Here are some of the benefits of kiwis for chickens. These benefits are of various sources and can apply when fed in moderation.
1. Immune System Booster: Kiwis are a treasure trove of Vitamin C, a vital nutrient that acts as a shield against various poultry diseases. This vitamin is not only essential for the immune response but also aids in the healing of wounds, ensuring that your chickens stay robust and resilient.
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demiworlds · 29 days
ironing out the magic system for Riversong,, so far i have a few different categories under the cut
bloodline magic: this is what Alra has, it's passed down through the line of the ruling family. technicallyyyy it's dragon magic, but that knowledge has been kinda lost over the years..there's a folk tale that supposedly explains the origins of the royal magic and the dragon connection and everything, but (after the elimination of the oral tradition in favor of written record) people kind of treat it like a bedtime story rather than a legit explanation
book magic: the majority of magic in the world falls under this. there's an official magic school in the kingdom, but anyone can learn magic from a book, it's like learning plumbing on your own. it's hard as hell and you can really fuck up your house if you practice before your skills are at a certain point, but there's no law against it.
healing magic: this category doesn't technically exist, but the important thing is there's ambient magic in the atmosphere (on account of more dragon stuff, that'll be its own post i think) that makes what we would probably consider herbal medicine INTO potion work. like book magic, anyone can learn this, though it tends to be more organized (the current potion maker in a village will take on an apprentice)
dark magic: usually gained through making a pact with an evil force, very rare and very dangerous.
n e ways, i should probably give the types snappier names, but knowing myself it's more likely they won't be named at all
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¿Que se siente el no poder llenar ningún vacío emocional metiéndote con la primera persona que te trate bien?
¿Que se siente buscarme en otras personas?
¿Que se siente perder?
Acaso no era eso lo que querías...
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dalliroch · 1 year
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“  amaría que estar en la proa de crucero en medio del océano en este momento y gritar como leo dicaprio que soy la reina del mundo.  ” ríe al final y deja su copa de champagne a un lado. “  ¿cuáles serían tus vacaciones perfectas?  ” las vacaciones no llegarían pronto para ella, por tanto sólo quedaba soñar por ahora. “  aunque no me quejo de la vista de parís, sigue siendo poético.  ” al ver a su al rededor en el balcón de un edificio había un hombre calvo bailando tontamente en calzoncillos. dallia lo apunto para que su acompañante viera también, sin prever que el señor se daría vuelta y les enseñaría sus pálidas nalgas por unos segundos antes de entrar a su departamento. se quedó con los ojos bien abiertos y estallo en risas. “  ¿qué fue eso?  ” 
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