#prophecy in your name
andrewpcannon · 1 year
Jesus has been preaching His most popular sermon, what we call the “Sermon on the Mount.” It is the single most important sermon in all of history. It is the centerpiece of Christian living, a sermon we want to plunge the depths of if we want to live significant lives. The entire sermon is important, but I want to take a moment and look at the end. While we look at the end, I want to invite you…
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wombywoo · 18 days
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ID 🪪
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visenyaism · 1 month
Is it ever said what happens to alys and/or her baby I can't remember. Like did she just decide to fuck off to Essos or smth after doing All That
I think that they say that her planning and plotting was waylaid by the outbreak of the spring fever of whatever year it was, but they do not specify whether her and little aemondcito rivers survived or what they might have gotten up to after 
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wizzard890 · 5 months
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Bastian and Volo - The Antichrist and his Hound
There once was a boy who served in a castle. The noble family who lived there paid him no mind.
One day, like a blow through the heart, that boy saw God.
Something bright. Something terrible. Something holy, greater than every blazing star: Bastian, second issue of the Duke of Burgundy, seething and ambitious and wrathful.
Souls depart the body through the eyes; the boy never looked away.
Bastian was eighteen when he noticed Volo: the young son of a stablehand who had taught himself to read, to carry, to serve. Desperately ready to file himself into a cold and razored sword for Bastian's hand, if only that hand would close like a collar around his neck.
And so, in time, Bastian seized him.
It is your turn to see them now, years on, as the storm gathers.
Ecce homo: A Conqueror on a pale horse, his banners flying behind him, with a hunger for heaven on his lips and a burning crown on his head. But that which truly bears his glory runs at his heel.
Ecce canis: A chaste and brutal Galahad, rimed with frost, leading the legions of his Lord to any end, any dictate, as long as he is granted the final honor of slitting his own throat on Bastian's altar.
They are linked by a silver chain. God to slave, king to knight, love to worship. Even death cannot break it.
There once was a dog who served his master. The dragon who holds his leash will never let it go.
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liviatrivia · 2 years
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“He picked the skull out of the sink and held it in one hand, mournfully. ‘Alas, poor Yorick!’ he said. ‘She heard mermaids, so it follows there is something rotten in the state of Denmark. I have caught an everlasting cold, but luckily I am terribly dishonest. I cling to that.’ He coughed pathetically.”
Chapter 17, Howl’s Moving Castle
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roses are red,
violets are blue,
if you had really seen Kosh,
you’d learn “the Truth,” too
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euniveve · 2 months
Heyyy I know ur on a break (which is rightfully deserved<33) but Ahhhhh mind won't shut up
Pookie im so sorry that i missed this HWODNOEND
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Hc that when the mechanisms were in The City, Drumbot Brian became Apollo's lover and then faked his death when they were leaving. That's where he got his gift of prophecy
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yvningshowers · 2 years
every once in a while I remember that Katsuki can be read as victory over the self and I need to lie down on grass for 45 years
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I hate it when I get re interested in ASOIAF because I’m like…. Oh my god do we know which of the Lannister twins was born first?! Is Jaime the valoqar??!! Oh man!! And Ghost is an albino canine, is he deaf like many albino dogs are? Is that why he makes no noise? And when Jon calls for Ghost moments before his death, is it merely affection for his companion, or is there more to it than that? The prologue in ADWD is about a warg taking the skins of animals to survive when his own body can’t, is that significant? Is Jon the reason why it’s included at that particular time? It says he never feels the fourth knife, only the cold. Is that because he’s in Ghost’s body now? Oh my god, is it?! And Maester Aemon says dragons change sex at will, this is mentioned in Fire and Blood as well. That’s what makes Aemon think there was an error, and the Prince that was Promised is actually a princess. But GRRM has described the story as Jon’s as well as Dany’s many times. Is the fluid nature of the dragons’ gender just there to explain the potential misgendering of the ‘prince’ or is there more to it than that? And IF Jon is currently living in Ghost’s body and can now shift bodies, where will he go next? Jon as Rhaegar and Lyanna’s son is long foreshadowed in the books, from the like the first Ned chapter back in AGOT. Is the subject of dragon’s changeable genders foreshadowing as well? And IF Jon really is alive in Ghost’s body, is he eventually going to find his way to Dany? Will the concept of dragons and their sex changing abilities be reflected in House Targaryen’s children, the ‘dragons’ Jon and Dany? Are we looking at some weird body sharing situation here? Are they BOTH the prince(ss) who was promised, or are they when put together?! And also what about Dany’s three men prophecy? It says ‘will be’ does that mean that all of the men were men she had yet to meet? And when they discuss the dragon’s three heads, with the concept of that being equivalent to three people, how do you count that? Is there significance to what generation they are from? Can it be any Targaryens?? Does it have to be Targaryens, for that matter? The Mad King had three children; Rhaegar, Viserys, Daenerys. Rhaegar had three children; Rhaenys, Aegon, and Jon. Dany has her three dragons, who she considers her children, but she also had a stillborn child, Rhaego. How does that factor in? If Jon’s body is not recovered for him, does he count as one of the three heads the dragon must have? GEORGE??!! GRRM???!!! George, I have so many questions, I need you to finish writing the books so I can sleep at 1AM instead of making this increasingly frantic post. I’m begging, please just have an actual ending.
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bacon-neko · 7 months
Nano 2023 Day 17
hey wait a minute! how did you get here? (and where is that large automobile...)
“And I suppose you have special insight into his fate?” said Hermes. “Like where he is now? How to find him?”
“Bold to assume my visions would be helpful,” replied Apollo.
Hermes doubled down. “You found your way here, didn’t you?”
“Several hours late.”
“Sure, but you came.” Hermes pulled to the front, forcing his brother to a stop. “You’d never leave Hyperborea without a reason, come on. You had to have seen something big.”
Apollo stared Hermes down a moment before releasing a puff of white breath and scrubbing his hands through his curls. “I didn’t see much,” he said, eventually, leveling carefully against his brother’s gaze. “Just a crumbling Olympus, a boy with dark hair and grey eyes, and halo of storm clouds above him. I felt motion in the weave, so I let the strings pull me here.”
Hermes frowned. “You’re lying. There’s something else.”
Apollo smiled and shifted past him to continue walking. “Good luck proving that in court.”
“Pretty sure the god of liars can smell a rat,” Hermes called after him.
“And I invented lawyers!” said Apollo. “I like my chances. Now, if you don’t mind, we have bigger fish to fry.”
Hermes huffed and bit back a groan. Despite himself, he asked, “What kind of fish?”
“The kind that keeps father from clocking us as traitors the minute we get home,” replied Apollo cheerily. “Let’s hop to it.”
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infizero · 7 months
currently having a hamilton moment .
#relistened to the full soundtrack. rewatched the proshot (not on D+ dw). im ill#yes its problematic dw I KNOW I KNOW. but it is my problematic fav and i will not lie to you and say i dont love this shit to my core#this shit makes me fucking batshit insane it is srsly a fucking masterpiece#dont get me started or i will talk about it for 5 trillion years. the fucking DETAILS MAN. IN EVERYTHING#THE MOTIFS IN THE MUSIC. THE VISUALS AND CHOREOGRAPHY AND BLOCKING. THE STORYTELLING#i cannot name a single other piece of media that is SO fucking cohesive in how everything relates to everything and everything#always comes back but changes in little ways and its all so circular and. GAHHHHHHHHHH im seriously goingto lose it#i feel like i notice something new every time its crazy. how did i never realize the emphasis on ''time'' when the full cast sings it in#the very beginning lined up directly parallels how they put emphasis on ''time'' in who lives who dies who tells your story#and dont get me fucking started on burr. oh my god. i could talk for YEARSSSSSS about his character and how well written he is and how#he and hamilton parallel each other and how their duel looms over the entire musical like its an unescapable prophecy.#''we keep meeting'' EVERYONE DIE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#anyways. sorry. i need to be put down. bye#serena.txt#also i can still remember the exact time phillip's heart stops in stay alive reprise despite it having been like 2 years#<- what does this say about society.
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nerdyqueerr · 1 year
couple qs!! your latest project 8 & 17
woo ok have i said anything about this project on tumblr yet? no! am i gonna answer these questions as if everyone knows what im talking about? yes!
8. What do they find physically sexiest about each other?
ok so Stella (fortune teller and occasional real prophet, also a human lie detector) obviously cannot resist the buff sword arm charms of Rose (runaway noble pretending to be a fully qualified knight) but i had a really hard time figuring out what Rose finds physically sexiest about Stella. and then i remembered they have a homoerotic haircut scene so i'm going to go ahead and say her hair and you can take that however you want
17. Do they believe in marriage?
At the beginning Rose is probably really into marriage considering her whole schtick is following antiquated rules (partially in order to game the system but also bc she kinda believes in old ideals). By the end of the story they might consider a kind of commitment ceremony bc it's important to celebrate and Show Your Affection Even When It Makes You Vulnerable but i havent really decided what happens to them down the line. doubt they'd get legally married unless utterly necessary
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canadiankakashi · 1 year
Decided to attempt some poses with my current favorite oc
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I really want to ink em later
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alliluyevas · 2 years
me and miranda watching utboh whenever “onias” showed up like you can’t fool us. your name is bob.
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