robotbulls · 1 year
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Exploring the Fusion of FinTech and IoT: How Connected Devices are Revolutionizing the Tech and Finance Ecosystems in 2023
In 2023, the fusion of FinTech and IoT (Internet of Things) has reached new heights as connected devices are revolutionizing the tech and finance ecosystems. This article will explore some uncommon tips and content related to this fusion, which most people might not be aware of.
1. IoT-Powered Predictive Analytics in FinTech
IoT devices collect massive amounts of data that can be utilized by FinTech companies for predictive analytics. Financial institutions can use data from connected devices to predict market trends, customer behavior, and potential risks. For instance, wearable devices can provide data on customers' spending habits, which can be used to offer personalized financial products and services.
2. Enhanced Fraud Detection and Prevention
IoT devices combined with advanced machine learning algorithms can detect and prevent fraudulent activities in real-time. These connected devices can analyze data patterns and identify anomalies in transactions, signaling possible fraud. Financial institutions can then take immediate action to prevent any losses.
3. IoT-Enabled Smart Contracts
Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. IoT devices can be used to automate the execution of these contracts, making financial transactions more secure and efficient. For instance, when a customer makes a purchase using a cryptocurrency, IoT devices can automatically verify and execute the transaction, reducing the need for intermediaries and lowering transaction costs.
4. IoT-Integrated InsurTech Solutions
IoT devices have the potential to revolutionize the insurance industry by providing real-time data on customers' habits and behaviors. Insurers can use this data to assess risk more accurately and offer personalized policies based on individual needs. For example, by monitoring driving data from connected cars, insurance companies can offer usage-based policies that more accurately reflect the risk associated with a driver's habits.
5. IoT-Based Financial Inclusion Initiatives
IoT devices can play a critical role in promoting financial inclusion by providing access to financial services to underbanked populations. For instance, IoT-enabled mobile banking solutions can facilitate seamless financial transactions for individuals without access to traditional banking services. The data collected by IoT devices can also help financial institutions understand the financial behavior of underbanked populations and offer tailored financial products to meet their needs.
6. Energy-Efficient Crypto Mining Powered by IoT
IoT devices can contribute to more energy-efficient cryptocurrency mining by optimizing energy consumption. IoT-enabled sensors can monitor and control energy usage in mining facilities, reducing their carbon footprint and lowering operational costs. This fusion of IoT and FinTech can lead to more sustainable practices in the cryptocurrency mining industry.
7. IoT and RegTech Synergy
IoT devices can help financial institutions comply with regulations more efficiently by providing real-time data monitoring and reporting. RegTech, the application of technology to facilitate regulatory compliance, can leverage IoT data to streamline compliance processes and reduce the burden on financial institutions. This synergy between IoT and RegTech can lead to more efficient and cost-effective compliance efforts.
In conclusion, the fusion of FinTech and IoT has the potential to revolutionize the tech and finance ecosystems in 2023. The power of connected devices can enhance financial services, improve security, and promote financial inclusion worldwide. As these technologies continue to advance and mature, the potential benefits for consumers, businesses, and financial institutions will only grow.
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vishal-kumarmaurya · 1 year
The Best 10 Websites for Coding Practice:
1. Hackerrank .com
2. Projecteuler .net
3. Hackerearth .com
4. Codeforces .com
5. Topcoder .com
6. Leetcode .com
7. Exercism .org
8. Coderbyte .com
9. Codewars .com
10. Codechef .com
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live0-0evils-world · 2 years
First page of a new chapter...
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cricketwrangler · 6 years
projecteuler replied to your post: Sort of a top surgery update but mostly me ranting...
i’m so happy for y'all!
:') Thanks you!
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wallnoises · 6 years
green apple and grape are the shit-tier flavorings of the candy world
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otorringo13-blog · 5 years
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LEARNING SHOULD NEVER END. After finishing @freeCodeCamp 30 projects and 6 certs, now I am addicted to their "Coding Interview Prep" #coding challenges. @rosettacode @projecteuler #100DaysOfCode #freeCodeCamp #javascript #reactjs #RosettaCode #ProjectEuler https://www.instagram.com/p/B0OZCOqBMCe/?igshid=wt0nfqqn4ah2
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farmernomad · 7 years
Project Euler #2
Each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two terms. By starting with 1 and 2, the first 10 terms will be:
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ...
By considering the terms in the Fibonacci sequence whose values do not exceed four million, find the sum of the even-valued terms.
나의 풀이
큰 문제 없이 풀었다. 포럼 보니 비슷하게 푼 사람도 많은 것 같고, 수학적인 원리(원주율과 피보자치 수열의 관계)를 이용해 더 쉽게  푼 사람들도 있었다.
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anguillifax · 7 years
Just finished the first fifty Project Euler problems!
Whew, time to go back to the JavaDocs and brush up on some more Java concepts.
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choitaepoong · 7 years
Project Euler Problem 4
function isPalindrome(product) {  var strProduct = product.toString().split("")  if (strProduct.join("") === strProduct.reverse().join("")) {      return true  }  return false }
function largestPalindrome(a,b) {  var array = []  for (var a = 999; a > 100; a--) {    for (var b = 999; b > 100; b--) {      if (isPalindrome(a*b) === true) {        array.push(a*b)      }    }  }  return Math.max.apply(Math, array) }
can make shorter by making a=<b all the time?
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111017 - Free Python Resources
I have been getting questions on this, so here is a compilation of free/affordable resources you can try to learn Python online from, within the context of Data Science:
Complete Python Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero in Python Jose Portilla Buy it when it is on offer and it should cost only $15SGD. You can claim this from Skillsfuture if you are Singaporean!
Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp Jose Portilla
same as above
Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science Kirill Eremenko, Hadelin de Ponteves
Haven’t tried this personally but heard good review from a friend - also $15/$18 when on offer
Kaggle Python Tutorial on Machine Learning
There are just a few free courses on Datacamp, feel free to explore, but this was pretty fun
I am still in the midst of figuring this out, but apparently if you go into the individual courses some of them are free, even though they are part of the nanodegree (which as a whole is not free)
Haven’t tried this personally, but seems like there are some basic courses for free as well according to a friend
Also still trying to figure this out, but apparently materials are free. You only pay for graded assignments and certification
For basics
For the guys who have learnt and want to test your skills, I’d suggest giving the below a try. Practice makes perfect!
Project Euler
Reddit Daily Programmer
For those who want to make your code more Pythonic:
https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/ (specific to docstrings)
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messylifetidydesk · 7 years
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The sum of all even numbers in Fibonacci sequence under 4 million
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taxevaderoftheday · 6 years
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Today’s Tax Evader Of The Day Is:
@cyelatm‘s Own Vore Guy!
“Taxation Is Theft -Vore Guy” -@projecteuler :O
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live0-0evils-world · 2 years
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I have known about Project Euler for some time now but I have never actually gotten about solving them. I figured they were all super simple and are not a big deal, but last week I thought of incorporating coding into my daily schedule. I should be doing it already since I am currently pursuing Software Engineering and I have to go through a rigourous placements procedure. But better late then never I guess. So yea, I just started, lets' see how long it takes for me to have more yellow boxes than white.
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All the best to me :)
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the-river-delta · 6 years
Tag Game
Rules: answer 20 questions then tag 20 followers you wanna get to know better
Tagged by @wrathful-oddity
Name: River
Nickname: Riv
Height: gee uh I don’t remember...in the 170cm-190cm range?
Orientation: Queer (Asexual biromantic)
Nationality: Polish
Favorite fruit: Mandarines?
Favorite season: Dislike all of them but autumn is okay, I guess?
Favorite plant: Gee uh I don’t KNOW? Dandelions are cool and underappreciated, though.
Favorite scent: *big ol’ shrug* Homemade food smells hella nice though.
Favorite colour(s): White, red, purple, blue, black
Favorite animal: Cats, crows, lizards
Tea, coffee or hot chocolate: Tea by far, followed by hot chocolate.
Average hours of sleep: 4-6 during school time, 6-8+ otherwise. Usually.
Dog or cat person: Cat person all the way!
Favorite fictional character: Do video game characters count? The entirety of the TF2 crew (Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Heavy, Engineer, Medic, Sniper, Spy) just oozes character and I like them a lot.
Dream trip: UK and Canada because that’s where either my friends live and/or (me, them or both) want to live.
When was blog created: This one specifically? January this year. Been on Tumblr for much longer, though.
Number of followers: 49 apparently.
Random fact: 2018 is the best year of my life for multiple reasons and I couldn’t be happier honestly.
Tagging: @coffeedonut @dziewana @demon-delishy @justiceandcats @onilinkplus @starryeyedgiant @starryautistic @daydream-bear @littlehexboy @projecteuler @anxious-dinosaur @lumberjack-lesbian @fractured-heart @narpas @sparklyredflower @storylikesummer @mockingajaybird @kittyhawke56 @queen-of-arcordia @angelofgrace96 @star-wreck
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cricketwrangler · 7 years
projecteuler replied to your post “does anyone else study/know a language that distinguishes b/w partial...”
finnish has it too, but idk of any good resources besides like the wikipedia article on the partitive case or something
yeah when i googled stuff i could only find scholarly articles discussing it from a linguistic perspective, which might have been intersting but kinda unhelpful. Like I have a decent textbook and resources from my teacher to kinda help memorize “these situations the DO takes om, these take gen, these take part.” but like it can be kinda difficult to even figure out whether its meant to be total or partial in some cases. Cases in estonian are ifficult in general tbh, its where i struggle the most bc its hard to learn systematically.
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wallnoises · 7 years
lol omg ok so if you search on youtube "minecraft with gadget without gadget" there should be a video at the top called "Calm - Minecraft" which should be the one with gadget edited out (the thumbnail is misleading bc it's like a bait and switch thing)
you know what i’m actually in physical pain i hate this
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