#profit off of people’s freely shared content
swingsdown · 2 years
ok but fuck ai in art lmao the shit that’s been happening in the digital art community has been WILD
scraping has been a thing since the advent of search engines and beyond but while i won’t go to the length of hosting my own no-link in/out site for my fic (like some of my friends did in the mid aughts), i sure as f will make it as hard as possible for something like sudowrites to scrape my shit
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triple-mayday · 1 year
Okay if I see a motherfucker promoting/using AI for “art” I’ll break their jaw. Fuck off. Literally fuck off. Don’t you dare steal labor and passion of real human beings for profit, you shitstains.
This is incredibly discouraging, to be an artist and wish to share your work with people, and spend every moment fearing that it can be stolen by some piece of shit to feed an algorithm.
People are getting hurt. People are scared, devalued, belittled, and humiliated. The AUDACITY some have to rip off the fruit of years of hard work to generate a Frankenstein-esque abomination. I don’t see beauty in AI “art” despite its superficial appeal, I see thousands of people getting robbed and losing their creations to corporate greed.
And don’t you tell me that it’s “inspiration” and “transformative”. Fuck you. Manet was actually inspired by Titian, he studied his work, he practiced his art, he used creativity and years of practice to breathe life into his art. I am damn aware where my inspirations come from, I can ramble for hours about how much I love Junji Ito and Kohei Horikoshi’s art styles, or how I’m absolutely in love with Edgar Degas and Ivan Aivazovsky. I’m a slut for Impressionism and proud of it. Loudly and lovingly. Mindless uploading of content into a program and mix-and-match automatic production is *nothing* compared to the journey the artists go through. There is no creativity, transformation, or inspiration. There is no effort. Just a machine following a command and chopping up millions of works and glueing them together to mimic a prompt.
I went to school to study art, I’ve had a pencil in my hand since I was a toddler, I practice and practice and practice my craft. I love what I am doing. I hate that I cannot share my work as freely as I once could. I will never consent to having my creations used as fuel for a soulless machine. I know how much it hurts to lose a job to AI, to have your effort devalued and looked down upon in the era of instant gratification. I also know how much artists love to create, and that human beings physically cannot stop themselves from getting inspired, falling in love, creating. That one thing that keeps me going. I will not accept AI as a tool for as long as it is used to abuse and exploit the art community.
Pay artists, report art theft. Tell the companies who decide to replace artists with AI to go fuck themselves. I’m not spending a single penny on generated and almost certainly stolen mangled bullshit. No books with generated covers. No movies that replace makeup artists with AI. Nothing. Capitalism only speaks the language of money, so SPEAK UP
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ghfghfc23 · 2 months
A Closer Look at the Dangers of AI in the Porn Industry
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Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has emerged in recent years and has significantly advanced many different fields. But the porn sector is one where AI is seriously hurting things. A new documentary called "The Dangers of AI in the Porn Industry" highlights the victims' stories and the pressing need for regulation while illuminating the serious effects of deepfake pornography produced by AI.
Testimonies from people who have been duped by deepfake pornography open the documentary. These victims, whose faces were digitally altered to appear in explicit media without their permission, talk about the severe emotional and psychological effects of being used for such purposes. For them, the encounter serves as a type of violence that has permanently changed their life and made them feel insecure, humiliated, and ashamed.
One man, known only as Dr. Faker, freely acknowledges making deepfake pornographic videos for customers, who are mostly straight guys looking to put women's faces over explicit footage. The disclosure made by Dr. Faker emphasizes the market for this kind of content as well as how simple AI technology makes it possible to produce.
I Need to Alert You About Something Horrible I Found in China
China has long captivated people as a country with a rich past and dynamic culture. But beneath its surface is a bleak reality far more real than most could have imagined. I must share with you all something that I have discovered in recent years that is really concerning. It's an I feel that everyone should be aware of this fact, which has completely upset me.
Data Brokers' Ascent
You see, there's a menacing presence among the hustle and bustle of China's fast changing society—the data brokers. These people collect and sell your personal information to the highest bidder as their business. These unseen profiteers of our private lives, who range from junk mailers and advertisements to more sinister operators, are known as data brokers.
However, there is cause for optimism in the struggle against this invasion of privacy. I'm pleased to provide Incog to you as a cutting-edge data protection service. By determining and classifying Incog, one of these data brokers, puts out great effort to guarantee the security of your personal data. They work to end the use of personal data for commercial gain by using both direct and legal means, protecting you from spam and possible identity theft.
A View Into the Dystopia of China
When I initially arrived in China more than ten years ago, that's when my quest to discover this sinister reality started. A universe unlike anything I had ever experienced awaited me. The constant chaos of everyday life mixed with the cacophony of noise created a very uncomfortable yet captivating atmosphere. However, in the middle of the lively bustle of the streets, I started to see something far more subtle take hold.
The Hold of Compulsive Phone Use
During those initial days, it was clear that China was dealing with a widespread addiction that cut across generations and boundaries. China had already fallen victim to the smartphone era, while the rest of the world was still trying to come to terms with its arrival. People were engrossed in their screens and completely unaware of the surroundings everywhere I looked. What started off as harmless diversion quickly developed into a severe addiction that affected every part of everyday existence.
Tech Slavery's Tyranny
However, this addiction was not just a matter of personal preference; the government also used it as a means of control. In China, a smartphone is more than just a gadget—it's a way to watch your whereabouts, observe your actions, and control your basic existence. based on social credit ratings Every aspect of life is constantly monitored, from government-mandated apps to personal freedoms and dissent.
The Path to Atonement
However, there is still hope in the midst of China's dystopian, tech-driven landscape. The road to redemption is not unsurmountable, despite its many obstacles. We have the ability, as a global community, to recover our independence and free ourselves from the bonds of addiction and monitoring. However, it all starts with awareness and a readiness to face the harsh realities of the digital world.
I'm about to cross a milestone—one million subscribers—and I'm pleading with you to unite with me in this struggle for liberty. We can create a world where privacy is valued safe, where uniqueness is honored, and where people defeat oppression. I therefore beg you to subscribe to my channel if you haven't already, and to accompany me in my effort to bring light to the shadowy areas of our society. And never forget that each and every one of us has the ability to change. I appreciate your help, and I hope that together we can move on in the direction of a better tomorrow.
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dfdsfdsf23 · 2 months
A Closer Look at the Dangers of AI in the Porn Industry
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Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has emerged in recent years and has significantly advanced many different fields. But the porn sector is one where AI is seriously hurting things. A new documentary called "The Dangers of AI in the Porn Industry" highlights the victims' stories and the pressing need for regulation while illuminating the serious effects of deepfake pornography produced by AI.
Testimonies from people who have been duped by deepfake pornography open the documentary. These victims, whose faces were digitally altered to appear in explicit media without their permission, talk about the severe emotional and psychological effects of being used for such purposes. For them, the encounter serves as a type of violence that has permanently changed their life and made them feel insecure, humiliated, and ashamed.
One man, known only as Dr. Faker, freely acknowledges making deepfake pornographic videos for customers, who are mostly straight guys looking to put women's faces over explicit footage. The disclosure made by Dr. Faker emphasizes the market for this kind of content as well as how simple AI technology makes it possible to produce.
I Need to Alert You About Something Horrible I Found in China
China has long captivated people as a country with a rich past and dynamic culture. But beneath its surface is a bleak reality far more real than most could have imagined. I must share with you all something that I have discovered in recent years that is really concerning. It's an I feel that everyone should be aware of this fact, which has completely upset me.
Data Brokers' Ascent
You see, there's a menacing presence among the hustle and bustle of China's fast changing society—the data brokers. These people collect and sell your personal information to the highest bidder as their business. These unseen profiteers of our private lives, who range from junk mailers and advertisements to more sinister operators, are known as data brokers.
However, there is cause for optimism in the struggle against this invasion of privacy. I'm pleased to provide Incog to you as a cutting-edge data protection service. By determining and classifying Incog, one of these data brokers, puts out great effort to guarantee the security of your personal data. They work to end the use of personal data for commercial gain by using both direct and legal means, protecting you from spam and possible identity theft.
A View Into the Dystopia of China
When I initially arrived in China more than ten years ago, that's when my quest to discover this sinister reality started. A universe unlike anything I had ever experienced awaited me. The constant chaos of everyday life mixed with the cacophony of noise created a very uncomfortable yet captivating atmosphere. However, in the middle of the lively bustle of the streets, I started to see something far more subtle take hold.
The Hold of Compulsive Phone Use
During those initial days, it was clear that China was dealing with a widespread addiction that cut across generations and boundaries. China had already fallen victim to the smartphone era, while the rest of the world was still trying to come to terms with its arrival. People were engrossed in their screens and completely unaware of the surroundings everywhere I looked. What started off as harmless diversion quickly developed into a severe addiction that affected every part of everyday existence.
Tech Slavery's Tyranny
However, this addiction was not just a matter of personal preference; the government also used it as a means of control. In China, a smartphone is more than just a gadget—it's a way to watch your whereabouts, observe your actions, and control your basic existence. based on social credit ratings Every aspect of life is constantly monitored, from government-mandated apps to personal freedoms and dissent.
The Path to Atonement
However, there is still hope in the midst of China's dystopian, tech-driven landscape. The road to redemption is not unsurmountable, despite its many obstacles. We have the ability, as a global community, to recover our independence and free ourselves from the bonds of addiction and monitoring. However, it all starts with awareness and a readiness to face the harsh realities of the digital world.
I'm about to cross a milestone—one million subscribers—and I'm pleading with you to unite with me in this struggle for liberty. We can create a world where privacy is valued safe, where uniqueness is honored, and where people defeat oppression. I therefore beg you to subscribe to my channel if you haven't already, and to accompany me in my effort to bring light to the shadowy areas of our society. And never forget that each and every one of us has the ability to change. I appreciate your help, and I hope that together we can move on in the direction of a better tomorrow.
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cryptoguru420 · 5 months
CyberConnect - The Decentralized Gateway to Web3
Aiming to solve a few specific problems with contemporary social media, cyberconnect promises to be the decentralized gateway to Web3. By building a unified social graph and leveraging blockchain technology, it aims to create new opportunities for users and developers. It prioritizes privacy, independence and decentralization and provides a range of features including the ability to transfer identities across different platforms.
The team behind cyberconnect is composed of experienced technologists with a deep understanding of blockchain systems. The project initially started out as a blockchain called the Lino Blockchain, which developed DLive, a decentralized live video game platform. After identifying unsolved data issues, the team decided to shift its focus and build a decentralized social graph protocol.
When it comes to cybersecurity, the team is confident that they’re able to tackle the key challenges that plague social networks today. Among them, censorship and privacy infringement are the main issues that CyberConnect seeks to address. The project also aims to bring back the level playing field that powered the early social internet, enabling communities to express themselves freely and openly.
CyberConnect’s core technology is its unified social graph and the CyberAccount, an ERC-4337 compatible identity system. It serves as the embodiment of a person’s self-sovereign digital identity and is linked to all other CyberConnect services alongside CyberGraph. It provides interoperability and scalability across apps with its social graph. The unified social graph is built on top of the CyberNetwork, which has a shared data layer that connects all user content and actions across multiple applications.
The system is scalable thanks to its hybrid scaling solution. It uses off-chain storage through Arweave and other blockchains to avoid scalability limitations that plague centralized social graphs. This way, CyberConnect’s social graph can scale and be usable by a large number of people.
Additionally, a decentralized social network can provide a more secure environment than a traditional one. It can’t be hacked or compromised because it doesn’t store user information in one place. This is why the decentralized model is often regarded as more trustworthy than centralized ones.
Despite its impressive technological foundations, the crypto market is still a volatile environment that requires due diligence before making an investment. However, if you do your homework and understand the risks involved, cyberconnect could be a profitable investment option in the future.
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dblacklabel · 2 years
How to Know If a Website is Credible
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How to Know If a Website is Credible Learn how to know if a website is credible; an article from a credible author is reputable because it has been written by someone who is an authority in the field.  How to Know If a Website is Credible A website can be misleading if it is filled with advertisements or misleading information. - Websites owned by corporations are most likely trying to sell something, so their content will be biased. - Check the "last updated" date to see if the information is still up-to-date. - Websites that do not have reviews are not credible because they do not have enough people to warrant a review. - Review platforms do not always review every website; some focus on certain topics or locations. How to Know If a Website is Reliable Even credible websites can contain misleading information and may lack the credibility of credible institutions. - Non-credible websites are often poorly designed, have broken links, grammatical errors, lack source information, and contain advertisements. - While some websites are highly credible, they may also contain misleading, inaccurate, and nutty information. - To avoid these pitfalls, search for websites affiliated with reputable institutions. - Check whether the website is affiliated with a reputable organization or has a well-established voice. References - If you are looking for information on a topic, check out the references for that subject. - A website with only a few contributors may not be as credible as one that draws upon diverse sources. - Use Google's Advanced Search to limit your search by domain and get the most relevant results. - A website that lacks credible sources or is written by non-credible authors is unlikely to be a reliable source. - Popular dictionaries and scholarly works written by credible authors in the last decade are a great place to start. How to Tell If a Website is Credible It is difficult to determine the credibility of a website based on the content alone. - Look for sites that include a date or at least a source of information that is cited. - You can also look for large discussion forums where members can freely voice their opinions and share ideas. - You can determine the credibility of a website by checking out its writer's credentials. History of Publishing - You can usually tell if a website has a credible author if its author has a long history of publishing similar articles. - The author's credibility can also be established by straying from the source, which can help you determine the website's credibility. - A website's padlock icon may signify that it is a scam. - Another sign of a scam website is a domain name that includes symbols or dashes. - Even one-off sites may have bad English - it is important to read the details of the website in full before making any payments. How to Find Out If a Website is Credible One way is to search for the website address or domain name and read the results. - A website promotes a product, ensuring a credible organization backs up the information. - These sites should be legitimate and not merely "spreading false information" for profit. - You can usually tell if a website has a credible author if its author has a long history of publishing similar articles. - The author's credibility can also be established by straying from the source, which can help you determine the website's credibility. Grammar and Spelling - Check the grammar and spelling of the website before you visit. - If the site does not include a contact page, you are probably dealing with a one-off site. - A reliable source should have evidence and be written by a reliable author. - For example, if the book has not been written in the last decade, it is probably not credible. - Another way to tell if a website is credible is to check the publisher. How Do You Know If a Website is Credible One way to check if a site is credible is to look at its domain extension. - A website with this domain extension will likely be affiliated with a credible institution. - It is best to double-check information with other reliable sources when researching information online. - If a website claims to report on a certain issue, it is unlikely to be objective. - You can check the dates on a website to see how recently it has updated its information. Poorly Written - A website that's poorly written is not credible. - Do not be fooled by articles with anonymous authors. - Check the domain name and security of the site before you visit. - A secure internet connection is required to protect your data from hackers. - Look for contact options on the site, including a form for making inquiries. How to Check If a Website is Credible Credible websites aim to make their content easy to understand and avoid using awkward phrasing or spelling. - If the site uses bad grammar and poor spelling, you may have stumbled upon a one-off site. - Look for a contact page on the site; if it does not have one, it has probably been created by someone else. - One way is to look for similar articles by the same authors. - Another is to check for links from the site's name to other credible sites. - Check for the author's name and affiliation, which will help determine their credibility. - If you are unsure if a website is credible, try to find relevant articles and websites that mention the website. How to Know If a Website is Credible YourNameWebsite Read the full article
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mack3030 · 3 years
i feel like you're a c0mmie /lh
First of all, there is a reason that assume is spelled the way it is, but I'll answer this seriously because I'm in the mood to. First of all, hating how commercialism and monetization has taken over what should be an open-source community does not mean I am a communist. It means that I just think that there are some places and communities that don't need everything to be transactionary. I'm all for people making money with their own labor, talent and tools but the truth is, when you're making works for the Sims 4, the labor and talent is not all you. And I personally don't think it's fair for people to monetize what is essentially a derivitive work, especially when they use that as an excuse to act like asshats to the community on top of it. First of all, you are using EA's platform/game which they worked hard on as a display for your work. To get your CC, poses, or mods to work in the game, you have to use their tuning files, and/or clone their objects in Sims 4 Studio or another similar program. Which, ironically...let's think about it...oh wait...Sims 4 Studio is a FREE program that someone else made. And they FREELY update it and add important patch-fixes to the community for zero cost. Again. Not your work. In addition, there are a LARGE number of very WELL known sims 4 creators {especially in the alpha side of things} who are converting from 3D models they didn't make in the first place, and doing it unethically without talking to the original owners of the models. So that compounds the "not your work" argument further. If people want to sell 3D stuff they made on a 3D modeling site, or on a site that has terms that allow it like secondlife, they can go wild. But this community, when it originally started, hated and villified paywallers, because the community was open and focused on sharing and being creative. Sadly, we've strayed from how things used to be, and have slowly let in drips and drips of monetization until we basically expect that everything we try to download is going to lead to an ad or a patreon-locked page. And that f'ing sucks.
Also, let's turn to the dictionary and look up COMMUNISM, shall we? {Because I'm the daughter of a history teacher, and I like talking about history and stuff like this.}
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If I were a communist, here are some statements I'd probably make: - We all own all CC that is made, and can freely share it regardless of who made it in the first place. [Oh wait, I've talked before about how you should talk to people who own rights to the original 3D models, and how we shouldn't share early access content. Darn.] - Each person who is the community must work for the betterment of the community. Nobody can freeload, or else they will not get any cc or spoils at all. [But wait, I've never said anything about how everyone has to work on something to receive CC. Because obviously I currently don't have the talent yet to make custom content by myself. Darn it again.]
- People should be paid based on their cc making abilities. So people who mesh their own stuff like Bill L and Syb should be paid more than people who convert! [Wait, I've not said that either. I have said that people need to be ethical and give credit when converting, but I haven't said that people who hand mesh deserve to be paid more...shucks.] Also, let me be real....communism is one of those things that is often FORCED upon people. The main people who choose to be communist, are usually people high up in the ponzi-scheme that is that political system, because they want to gain power, wealth, or other resources off the backs of their people. Many people who are in communist countries don't choose to be communist, they just...are...because the people in power are and make them be that way. It's a system that benefits few, and hurts many. And that's not what I'm about. The fact that you're so ignorant about how this system causes people to suffer while those in power grow rich and fat just shows your immaturity {and your lack of capitalization doesn't help either}. I'm an artist. I believe artistic spaces should be about sharing and creating, not profit. Especially when the PLATFORM and the TOOLS we are given to make that art are not our own. I feel making a profit off a community that already has been fleeced so much by EA is just ethically yucky. One last thing, here's a couple documentaries about Communism and Facism, should you decide you want to educate yourself on how those political systems actually work, and why they should be avoided: How to Become a Tyrant - Documentary Series, Netflix Evolution of Evil - Documentary Series, Amazon Prime Video I would highly recommend both as they dive very deeply into what makes someone a dictator, and you will find that communism/facism are both primary tools used by evil people suffering from delusions of grandeur to achieve such power over their people. I'd also recommend reading books on the subject, but you don't seem like the type who'd enjoy that. I hope you've learned a little something. If you don't like my answer, here's where you can go to solve that problem!
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beneaththetangles · 3 years
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Sasaki and Miyano, Vol. 1
Miyano is a Boys Love (BL) manga fan and Sasaki is an older boy who seems to constantly get into trouble. When they meet, Sasaki realizes pretty quickly that he has a crush on Miyano. What follows is an leisurely-paced first volume featuring the flirty Sasaki and an oblivious Miyano, who sometimes brushes off the advances as a joke. The chapters vary from longer form story-telling to quick, 4-koma bursts of bite-sized moments between the characters. It’s a slow burn story about a blossoming friendship as they share an appreciation for BL manga, with romantic overtones strewn throughout. It’s cute and innocent so far, and I may give the next volume a go when it drops. ~ MDMRN
Sasaki and Miyano is published by Yen Press.*
Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement, Vol. 2
It took a while, but we finally got volume two of this series. It’s a FUNA story. In case you’ve never read the author’s other works—Didn’t I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?! or I Shall Survive Using Potions!—then you should know that a FUNA story means absurd, comical isekai adventures with a nerdy, wisecracking heroine who wishes she had a larger bust (no, seriously, why is this a thing with every FUNA protag? I don’t get it?). The unique aspect of 80k Gold is that protagonist Mitsuha can freely, effortlessly jump between our world and the fantasy world. She exploits this for all its worth—literally. While pursuing profit, she also has a chuuni moment where she calls herself the ��Lightning Archpriestess,” helps a family restaurant, brings in otherworldly backup to defeat dragons, starts a blog, promotes rural economic development, and trolls Russian spies in absolutely magnificent fashion. Like FUNA’s other stories, 80k Gold is a generally lighthearted, silly tale; don’t expect especially deep characters, world-building, or plot. I had a blast reading this volume, and happily recommend it (but start with vol. 1, obviously). ~ JeskaiAngel
Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement is published by Sol Press.*
Penguin Gentlemen
Do you like penguins? Would you like to read an educational manga that teaches you more about different species of penguins with window dressing of pretty manga boys running a restaurant? But mostly, do you really, really want to learn about penguins? Then Penguin Gentlemen is the manga for you. This single volume is mixes in gags while educating readers about the different kinds of penguins in the world, all the while beefy gentlemen serve as anthropomorphized versions of the individual penguins. That’s about it. There’s not really a plot to speak of—the manga is almost entirely interesting facts about penguins. But I do mean interesting! The writers provides information about mating practices, different head shapes, the differences between an Emperor and King penguin, and more. I never knew there were so many different kinds of penguins in the world! Definitely recommend even if you are only remotely interested in penguins. While it’s a Teen-rated manga, there really wasn’t any content that was problematic enough that I wouldn’t let my 9- or 11-year-olds read it if they were interested. ~ MDMRN
Penguin Gentlemen is published by Yen Press.*
Ride Your Wave
This adaptation of the lovely Masaaki Yuasa film is extremely faithful to its source material—even more so than most anime-to-book adaptations. Despite essentially being my third experience with Ride Your Wave, however, I found Mika Toyoda’s novel to an engaging read as he capably rearranges and moves the movie to narrative form, thereby creating a story that stands on its own—quite a feat considering that Yuasa’s film is visually sumptuous. Explaining the tale of the love that develops between admirable firefighter Minato and bumbling surfer Hinako, Toyoda’s writing is most effective in its gentle, funny, and sometimes weepy material centered on the relationship between the two, and particularly in how each moves the other (and others around them) to grow. The fantasy components that make up the latter half of the book never quite feel right—they’re less whimsical and moving and more disquieting and awkward—though the earnestness of the story, those elements included, pushes it forward toward a satisfying conclusion to this lovely romantic tale, which perhaps is the perfect, quick read as summer approaches. ~ Twwk
Ride Your Wave is published by Seven Seas.*
Turning Point: 1997-2008
Between 1997 and 2008, Hayao Miyazaki directed perhaps his four biggest hits: Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Howl’s Moving Castle, and Ponyo. Focusing on this period of unmatched success, during which Miyazaki challenged himself thematically and creatively while receiving international acclaim, Turning Point: 1997-2008 is at once a rich collection of essays, poems, interviews, and other documents by and involving the master that animation historians can bury their heads into, and a work that provides sharp insight into some of the most beloved of Studio Ghibli’s works and the director himself for those desiring a less academic read. For instance, it was fascinating to read how historic ironworks and the Emishi people fed into Princess Mononoke, but just as intriguing is Miyazaki’s philosophizing on a variety of other related subjects, from how parents and the education system do a poor job with Japanese youth to his thoughts on (and sometimes criticisms of) those he admires, like Osamu Tezuka, Akira Kurosawa, Roald Dahl, and Gary Cooper. As a collection of pieces divided by film, Turning Point sometimes lack the flow of a secondary work, but like his films, Miyazaki’s words—yes, sometimes accompanied by a grumpy, old man vibe—are imbued with an immense heart for children, the environment, and Japan, making for a work that equal parts enlightening and inspiring—much like the films of the master himself. ~ Twwk
Turning Point is published by Viz.*
The Ancient Magus Bride, Vol. 1
Purchased at a disreputable auction and spirited into the home of an imposing, demon-like entity, Chise is surprised to discover that her purchaser’s plans for her aren’t nefarious at all. In fact, she is to become the mage’s apprentice, and her natural talents and ability to see magical creatures will be honed and developed under his awkward but warm tutelage. Volume one of The Ancient Magus Bride sets the stage for a magical tale with beautiful illustrations of faeries, dragons, and Elias, the ancient mage, himself, whose character design is one of manga’s most memorable. The rest of the volume isn’t quite as outstanding as the art and design, particularly with the mangaka struggling to convey the dialogue of Britain and the language of the isle’s mythical beings, but there’s enough here, particularly with a beautiful interlude involving dragons and a conflict that ends volume one, for me to anticipate future volumes—even without personal experience from watching the anime informing me that this series is headed toward somewhere magical. ~ Twwk
The Ancient Magus Bride is published by Seven Seas.*
Reader’s Corner is our way of embracing the wonderful world of manga, light novels, and visual novels, creative works intimately related to anime but with a magic all their own. Each week, our writers provide their thoughts on the works their reading—both those recently released as we keep you informed of newly published works and older titles that you might find as magical (or in some cases, reprehensible) as we do.
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*Thank you to Yen Press, Seven Seas, Viz Media, and Sol Press for providing review copies.
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ivyblossom · 4 years
Open Letter to the Developer of “Fanfic Pocket Archive Library”, aka “Unofficial AO3 Reader App”
Dear Sergey Pekar,
I see you’ve built an app that scrapes AO3 and dubs itself an “archive” of fanfiction, the biggest in the world. The fanfiction you’re publishing is fanfiction that we wrote, that we chose to put on AO3 because we feel good about the OTW’s motives, methods, tools, beliefs, and origins. Many of us refuse to put our work on platforms that collect ad revenue or censor fanworks (like ff.net). While our works are available for free on AO3, we retain the ability to control what happens with it, and we can edit, remove, or restrict any fic we’ve posted at any time. AO3 also acts as a platform through which we interact with readers, and AO3 provides information about our readership through statistics that help us understand the impact of our work.
The app you’ve built runs counter to all of that. You are taking our work and redistributing it without our permission, and you are soliciting “tips” from readers and ad revenue from advertisers. You are literally selling an archive of fanwork without any fan permission.
Fanwork is based on remixing, borrowing, and reconceptualizing media and work owned by others. In principle, taking our work and making something new out of it isn’t inherently bad or counter to our values. But that’s not what you’re doing. You’re taking work uploaded to one trusted platform and republishing it on another, selling it as a “huge fanfic collection to read”. You’re selling our work, not yours.
The kicker, for me, is that AO3 has explicitly asked you not to do this. They do not offer a feed so that app developers can do what you’re doing, and you are in no way authorized to use their code and their work in this way. You are scraping AO3 directly against their clearly articulated wishes. To do so, you are using the bandwidth the rest of us donate to make available. We don’t donate to AO3 so that you can profit off of it: we donate so that readers can access our work for free, and so that we can store and share our work in a place that aligns with our morals, ethics, and values. 
If you were partnering with AO3 to develop an app that would provide fans with a tool to store, comment on, interact with, bookmark, rec, or transform fanwork posted on AO3, I would be your #1 supporter. Building tools for the fannish community that builds on and transforms the fannish experience is an amazing act of fanwork in itself, and tools built with an eye towards how fans interact with each other are amazing. But that’s objectively not what you’re doing. 
Just because content is freely available on the internet doesn’t mean its creators don’t still have rights. Freely available doesn’t mean you own it. We are all about transforming works into something new, but re-publishing someone else’s work without permission is not transforming anything. It’s just profiteering. 
As a copyright owner, you do not have my permission re-distribute and re-publish my work via your “Fanfic Pocket Archive Library” app . You do not have my permission to profit via tips or ad revenue based on offering people an archive my work. You are currently publishing all of my available works on. AO3: please remove all of it immediately.
Ivy Blossom
Thanks to Kizzia for bringing this app to my attention. <3
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bjy-on-ao3 · 3 years
Fic Friday: Over Indulgence
It’s Friday again so that means it’s time for a new fic and time to get erased from a new tag on tumblr! This week I have an x Reader in the Hades (Supergiant Games) universe with one of my favorite gods from it!
As usual, you can find a link to the AO3 version in the Masterlist section of my blog!
Over Indulgence (F!Reader/Dionysus)
Potential Warnings: Aphrodisiacs, Dubious Consent, Drugged Sex, Public Sex
You didn’t often make trips into the heart of town - usually only when necessity called for it. It wasn’t as if you didn’t like the people in town, just you much preferred the quiet of your home on the outskirts of town near the fields and woods in the distance. Yet, you couldn’t resist the draw of the celebration held in town that eve. A grand celebration to give thanks for a bountiful harvest of the grapes your home was known for. Other crops, too, but none were as special to the townsfolk.
As you surveyed the throngs of cheery townsfolk, your gaze passed over the dais and chaise that had been arranged as a symbolic place for the god most beloved for a town whose livelihood depended on the profits of vineyards. Expecting to find it empty, your face twisted in surprise and your eyes widened when you noted it was occupied. No townsperson would dare to sit upon the chaise - to do so would’ve been an immense sign of disrespect or stupidly misplaced bravado. 
The man sprawled languidly on the chaise could hardly be mistaken for one of the townsfolk. He sat with one leg bent at the knee and the other stretched out comfortably. Long, dark hair fell to his shoulders and tied off neatly, as vibrant and glossy as the grapes and leaves that festooned it. He was dressed in a pale violet tunic that flowed and rippled like water at the hem. A cloak fashioned from the fur of a wildcat was draped over a body so flawless at a glance it seemed nigh impossible to exist. Sitting there casually, oozing relaxation and confidence, the man could be none other than one of the gods descended to join your quaint little town festival. You had no doubts about that.
Nor did the townsfolk you noticed eyeing the reclining man with reverence and cheer. Some seemed so awed they were near dumbstruck. Others raised their drinks happily, many deep in their cups, toasting the man. Some chose not to look at all, as if fearful it might be an offense to meet his eye. The truly bold or lascivious stepped closer, trying to engage the god, seeking his wisdom and blessing or his company for more untoward purposes. 
You couldn’t say you blamed them, whatever reaction or intention. By his looks and the seat he had so boldly claimed as his own, there was only one god he could be: Lord Dionysus, God of Wine himself. The town’s festival was receiving a very special blessing. Or perhaps Dionysus simply couldn’t resist a party where wine and fun were freely flowing.
Soon, the initial shock settled and you finished studying the beautiful god on the chaise. You turned on your heel, intending to go about exploring the rest of the celebration and hear what your fellow townsfolk had to say about such a rare happening. But before you could go far a deep, booming voice, rich and smooth as a well-aged vintage, caught your attention.
“Heeeeey,  you there.”
Your brows knit with curiosity and confusion and you turned back, trying to discern who was being addressed and who had spoken. Your eyes fell on the god upon his makeshift throne again to find his easy-going gaze directed at you. You glanced back over your shoulder briefly, as if searching for someone or something behind you. Surely you weren’t the object of his attention, right?
“Yes, you,” he called again. “Come here, would you?”
A sudden tension crept up your spine, but you pushed it down stubbornly. There was no need to fear the god that allowed your home to thrive. Besides, from the accounts of him, Dionysus was a far more benevolent god than many of his kin, much loved by his worshippers. Though still, you couldn’t stifle the nervousness rising in your chest, unsure what he could want with you.
You stopped a respectful distance from his seat, mind racing. You were all too aware of the hush of the townsfolk surrounding you, certainly chattering and wondering about the same thing you were. “Where have you been hiding all night, babe? Think I’d have noticed a pretty thing like you before now, you know?”
The informal, familiar way in which Dionysus spoke was a surprise. Intimidating as it was to be so close to an actual deity, the air of his honeyed tone was warm, almost calming. Heat spilled across your cheeks, echoing the rosy glow on Dionysus’ own as you processed his words. But you knew he expected an answer, and you found your tongue quickly to give him one.
“I just arrived, my Lord Dionysus, it’s been a busy day,” you explained, trying to keep your voice level and polite, cringing internally at the stiffness. “What can I do for you?” You added. Surely he hadn’t called you over just to compliment you.
“You can come a little closer. I promise I won’t bite too hard,” Dionysus joked, flashing a charming grin your way.
Puzzled, but unwilling to disobey, you inched forward slowly, carefully. Why did you need to be closer? You could hear him clear as day already. Were you speaking too softly?
“Little bit more.” Another short distance fell away between you until you were standing just in front of him, feeling even more daunted so very close to him. Up close the immaculate details that identified him as a god were impossible to miss and his frame was larger than you had thought at first. “There we go!” He exclaimed cheerfully. “Why don’t you have a seat?”
Brows sinking again, you took in the short chaise that he was spread over, trying to decide where it was he meant for you to sit. “Um, where?” You blurted out, turning back to him.
“Where else? Right here, babe!” He declared as if it were the most obvious thing in the world while giving his lap a welcoming pat.
You could already hear the uptick in the surrounding whispers at the god’s loud answer. “Oh, right, my Lord,” you said, half-distracted by the gossip you knew was forming. But how could you deny the whims of a god?
“You can just call me Dionysus, babe,” he instructed as you sat down on his lap gingerly. He paused, a hand on your hip as he adjusted his position and yours along with it, and you felt the flush on your cheeks deepen. “So tell me, what do you think of the party?”
You didn’t answer at first, carefully considering your words, and trying not to focus on the fact you were sitting rather intimately in God of Wine’s lap. “It’s lively, for sure. We don’t have many like this.”
“Oh?” There was surprise in his tone as if he couldn’t fathom the idea. “What a shame. Why not?”
“The grape harvest isn’t usually this plentiful. I guess everyone wanted to thank, well, you,” you mused, reminding yourself of who you were having such casual conversation with as if were some routine, normal thing.
The answer seemed to please Dionysus and reinforce his cheer. “Glad I dropped in then! Can’t resist a party, especially not one in my honor,” He said. “You seem a little stiff, babe. Let me help take the edge off.” He noted, lifting one arm.
Your eyes flickered to the golden cup in his hand you had missed - though with the column of smoky haze drifting from it you weren’t sure how - as he raised it to his lips and took a drink from it. To your bemusement, the level of liquid in the small cup didn’t seem to have gone down at all. Just what kind of wine was in that chalice?
You had only a moment to wonder before he took hold of your jaw gently and leaned forward toward you. Your eyebrows shot up when his full lips met yours, though you didn’t try to wriggle away or stop him. His fingers squeezed a little tighter on your cheeks until your lips parted. With a brief brush along your bottom lip, his tongue slipped into your mouth, along with a hot mouthful of wine.
Half in surprise, you swallowed the wine - a taste almost overly sweet. His lips remained sealed over yours for a minute after, tongue content to tangle with yours and explore before he moved back. “There we go, that’ll do the trick right quick,” Dionysus assured you, lounging back against the chaise.
You weren’t sure just how quick he meant, though you knew already you felt warm all over. You attributed that to the heat of his body and the unabashed fashion in which he had thought to share the wine. “I gotta say, babe, you’re even sweeter than the wine. I think I need another taste.”
“If that’s what you want, Lor-, I mean, Dionysus,” you corrected yourself swiftly, though your face was burning even hotter at his shamelessness.
He bent forward again, his hand curling in the hair at the nape of your neck, and he kissed you again. The second was deeper, more feverish, and even without a mouthful of wine, a syrupy, alcoholic taste persisted on his tongue. All around you - despite the sensual distraction - the sense of eyes on you was almost tangible.
When the kiss ended, you were out of breath, feeling as if a fire was seeping into your blood, for a multitude of reasons. His face remained close to yours, violet eyes half-lidded and focused on you keenly, his breath tickling your skin. “Erm, people are really starting to stare,” you said in a hush. People had been watching with half-interest before, but you were positive their attention was growing much more intense.
“Don’t mind them, babe. Just pay attention to me,” Dionysus dismissed easily.
It was simple for him to say, sure. He wasn’t the one who would get questioning looks or an earful demanding why you had been making out with the God of Wine while sitting in his lap so brazenly. Even with that thought in mind, you felt like you didn’t care quite as much as you should. Something was muting the sense of embarrassment you imagined you ought to have.
“What was in that wine?” You asked, suspicious. 
The warmth only grew and your heart beat faster in your chest, unrelated to your company or the many eyes glued to you. A light sheen of sweat beaded on your skin and a sensation like pleasant tingling or prickling swept over you. It was the strongest and hottest where your body pressed close to his.
“Just a bit of nectar, babe. Good stuff. Sweetest drink you’ll find,” he boasted without batting an eye.
“I feel a little.. off. Kind of hot,” you explained, your words coming out in almost a pant. What in the world was going on?
“Hot? Ooooh, right, it’s a bit of an aphrodisiac. Forgot how it affects you mortals,” Dionysus remembered, his voice becoming puzzled for an instant before returning to a casual manner.
“Oh, I-I see,” you stammered.
The heat was more and more distracting, as was the pulse between your thighs that beat in time with your pounding heart. Just as distracting was the feeling of something long and stiff making its presence known beneath you gradually. You would have been shocked how quickly it took effect if you had been in a less bothered state of mind.
Dionysus considered your state of distress, taking another sip from his chalice while he did so. “Don’t worry, babe, I can help you out,” he decided, in a casual tone one might use when lending someone spare change.
Your face and skin burned more when he adjusted the folds of his flowing tunic and your own - the both of you remaining well covered to anyone not nearby - until your core was pressed more snugly against something hot and hard, growing more so as the seconds ticked by. “Di-Dionysus,” you said in a gasp, gaze flitting about worriedly. “What if-what if they notice?” 
“Let them. No one’s going to make a fuss. Did you forget who you’re talking to?” He reassured you nonchalantly.
Your lips twitched and you opened your mouth to protest again, but your will to argue died as a more tangible wave of heat rolled through you. The need to quench the burning in your belly and your cunt was suddenly outweighed the potential mortification of fucking a god where all your neighbors could see you. The feeling of said god pressed thick and willing so close to where you craved him did little to dampen your growing need. “A-alright,” you gave in with a groan, leaning forward and pressing your face into his neck. 
With a short chuckle, Dionysus shifted you in his lap subtly until you felt the head of his cock slide between your folds, already wet from the potent effect of the nectar-spiked wine. He splayed one large hand along the curve of your ass and back against your skin, his golden goblet clasped casually in his other hand. The touch made you shudder, drawing in a deep, aching breath at the anticipation building alongside the lava in your blood. With a short, smooth half-roll of his hips, pulling you down towards him, he sheathed himself inside your dripping heat.
Your reaction was instant, a moan leaving your lips and immediately drowning in the cool skin of Dionysus’ throat. His length stretched you deliciously, enough that if the aphrodisiac hadn’t ensured your cunt was soaked, you were positive it would’ve been uncomfortable. Instead, the sensation of fullness was bliss, your pussy already clenching around him, even as he remained buried inside you unmoving.
The purr of Dionysus’ voice broke through the cloud of lust and fire, clear as a bell. “So tight and wet. You’re making to tough to leave it at just this, babe. Easy, just relax,” he soothed, though you could hear a husky strain that made his voice all the more enticing.
For a while, being filled seemed to be enough to satisfy the nectar piquing your desire. The burning in your gut faded to a low, steady smolder, and you breathed a relieved sigh. You sat up slowly, realizing finally that your current position slumped against Dionysus was far more telling than anything else. With some of the demanding hunger satiated by Dionysus’ cock stretching you, your anxiety returned to the townsfolk.
When you took in Dionysus’ face again, his cheeks were an even rosier stain and you imagined it wasn’t just his spiked wine. Your heart continued to beat an irregular pace in your chest, and you felt overly warm, but at least you were able to think somewhat straight. Enough to notice the people around you were well aware something was amiss between you and Dionysus. 
Dionysus, on the other hand, was remarkably unphased aside from the warmer glow on his cheeks, sitting with a mirthful, almost sleepy expression, coolly taking long draws from his cup. He flashed a few smiles to some folks who wandered closer to snoop or catch a better look, thinking themselves unseen, and sending them scattering. His hand on your skin rubbed back and forth absently. How often he did these kinds of things to be so at ease? Though it occurred to you he had no reason to fear what mortals thought of him or his escapades. He was right - no one was going to make a fuss over something a god did, whether or not it was right in front of them.
You made the mistake of squirming in Dionysus’ and adjusting your position, making him hum in pleasure and his cock twitch inside of you. You bit your lip viciously, another surge of heat striking you like a bolt of lightning through your spine. The aphrodisiac hadn’t been completely satisfied - only temporarily sated, waiting to reawaken at the slightest provocation. “Oh fuck, Dionysus, I feel like I’m on fire again, worse,” you whimpered.
The cheeky smile that flickered over his lips for a second was lost to you, already distracted again. “Gotta speak up. What do you need, babe?” 
Was he teasing you? Had he known that just a bit of cockwarming wouldn’t satisfy the nectar’s potent effects? Whatever the case, there was no resisting the returning fog of heat and desperate arousal, giving you a mind to do anything to abate it. “You. More, just more, please,” your voice sounded wild to your ears, needy.
“Can do, babe.”
Abandoned was any pretense you were behaving - you weren’t of a mind to care anymore and Dionysus hadn’t been bothered from the beginning. He set his chalice aside, careful not to tip it and spill out its endless contents. Both hands cradled your hips in a firm grasp, fingers rubbing ticklish lines over your burning skin.
“Shit, you’re gushing now, babe. Nectar really did a number on you,” he acknowledged, beginning to rock his hips against yours.
Each stroke of his cock was euphoria all its own, the heat fading each time he filled you, only to come roaring back when you were nearly empty. You bent forward, clinging onto his biceps with little shame, panting and whining low. “Fuck, fuck, so… hot, More, harder, Dionysus, please,” you begged breathlessly, grinding your hips against his, trying to match his unhurried pace.
“More of me? If you insist..” Dionysus dipped his lips towards your ear, hot breath tickling the shell of your ear. “Mm, you feel so good,” he purred, his words making the maddening tension and heat in your abdomen swell.
His hands clamped tighter over your hips, pulling you more roughly against him each time he pushed forward. His hips canted harder, his cock sinking even deeper. He moved you again in his lap, as easily as if you weighed nothing. The new angle added more friction to the buck of his hips, brushing your clit and a spot inside that had you clawing at his arms and your toes curling.
“Oh.” The word was a surprised gasp, a realization of just how good the new sensation was. “Right there, right there,” you chanted pleadingly. “Don’t stop.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Dionysus promised, a groan of his own punctuating his words as your cunt pulsed around him especially tightly.
With each roll of his hips, your control over your voice shattered more and more. It was too much to contain the cries trying to escape and even burying your face against him was doing less to dampen them. One of Dionysus’ hands abandoned your hip, tangling in your hair and tugging your head back so your noise flowed free. It was his turn to press his face to your neck, lavishing it with feverish, open-mouthed kisses and nips.
Any embarrassment or dignity you had possessed fled at the blooming tension in your gut and the ache of Dionysus’ cock pounding into you. You bucked your hips more urgently against his, egged on by the spiked wine and the lusty groans and growls ghosting over your skin. “Oh, Dionysus, fuuuck,” you crooned, your grip white-knuckled on his biceps as you bounced more wildly in his lap, sweat coating your skin.
“Get it all out, babe,” Dionysus breathed thickly, placing a sharper bite on your throat. “Louder. Let everyone know who’s making you feel so good.”
You couldn’t help but oblige him, caught up in the full pull of the aphrodisiac and the overwhelming sensations Dionysus wrung from you. The drone of the onlookers was drowned out completely by the volume of the lewd noises and words leaving your mouth. “Dionysus, Dionysus... oh fuck. I feel like I’m going... to explode,” you gasped out between moans.
Dionysus’ grunts and curses filled your ears, a complement to your bawdy chorus. Harder and faster you chased the tension, winding it tighter until it was on the edge of snapping. Just a little longer, a little harder, a little more friction, that was all you needed. “Aaa, Dionysus, I’m cumming, fuck, fuck, fuuuuck.”
When the hot coil finally burst, you thrust your hips even more desperately against Dionysus’, your cunt squeezing his cock for all it was worth and trying to draw him closer, deeper. Your words died away, a slew of obscene screams tumbling out in their wake.
“Almost there, keep making those noises,” panted Dionysus, his lips skating over your pounding pulse. “Feels so damn good.” 
His grip in your hair stung, and his tight grip on your hip was sure to leave a mark later. His breath came in more and more ragged puffs. The steady tempo of his hips faltered, becoming sloppy and wild. “Fuck, babe, I can’t take it anymore. Here it comes,” he growled.
He continued to drive into you, hard and deep, as he came, only stalling when he had spent every drop of his cum inside. You became incapable of contemplating much else other than the tingling rapture beginning to die away and the hot, wet feeling of his cum and his cock filling you up.
When Dionysus reclined back against the chaise again, he didn’t bother to withdraw, dragging you back with him. You slumped boneless and exhausted against his chest, finally free of the sense that you were going to spontaneously combust.
“Feel better, babe?”
 “I think so. Sore, but better. Not burning up anymore.”
“Hope you don’t mind keeping me company and drinking with me a bit longer?”
“Gladly. Just… maybe something a little less, ah, potent for me for now?” You agreed. You weren’t going to admit that weren’t ready to face the flood of questions your fellow townsfolk surely had. And just maybe you were interested in seeing if you couldn’t convince Dionysus to take the fun to a more private setting.
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sarahkhoojijean · 3 years
Blogpost 9: A disconnected, unrequited (cosmopolitan) intimacy between YouTubers and their audience. (Sarah Khoo)
In this week's reading, Lambert (2019) conceptualizes intimacy to be a "thing" that can be shaped and transformed, along with the time and its contextual developments. Intimacy is shaped by the ideologies that the individuals hold on to, and is often dictated by those in positions of power. Lambert argues that intimacy is not restricted to a physical presence or closeness, but rather a sharing of space, where "space" transcends into virtual, augmented, locative and even mental. The psychological conception of "being with" another individual also stimulates the intimacy in an interpersonal relationship. (During the lecture, Lambert had also conceptualized intimacy as a "being in" — being in a relationship, a family, sharing a certain boundary that allows for those within that boundary/"sphere" to be freely vulnerable. Again, this concept deals with the idea of space, while further suggesting that the Other is very clearly outside and cut off from those within the boundary.)
Through the term "cosmopolitan intimacy" Lambert suggests that the concept of intimacy is very much connected to the social, cultural, political and material elements. Intimacy encompasses all, and does not discriminate between differences. Aside from the three key enablers established (firstly, that for intimacy to be established, there has to be an uncomfortable beginning. The second enabler is the repeated, intentional interaction. Finally, cosmopolitan consciousness is required to compel such an activity.), Lambert expresses that the digital platform has greatly afforded individuals a multitude of abilities for relationships to foster, untethered by the barriers of differences. The online platforms foster a relatively safe space as the interactions that are facilitated on those platforms are sufficiently protected. (Users are well able to turn away from the interaction when the intensity of the intimacy gets overwhelming, and there are no dire threats or consequences — the online space puts a great distance between the two parties while still being able to foster a strong perceived intimacy.) Lambert further examines the cosmopolitan intimacy while regarding the media infrastructures, self-tracking community, and other aspects. However, I am interested to consider how the digital space has managed to bridge the wide, unseen gap between users and allow for such a tangible, lasting intimacy to be forged. To probe further, I wonder how this intimacy has been modified, shaped to become a product to be sold to those who desire that intimacy but cannot find it anywhere else, and address how this intimacy is often a disconnected, unrequited one, leading to a problematic relationship being formed.
In this blogpost, I look to the online media platform that is YouTube, and the phenomenon that is YouTubers. I would describe a "YouTuber" to be a social influencer who creates content in the form of videos for their audience. These videos mostly comprise of vlogs (video blogs) that showcase their daily lives, and video entries of errant thoughts that these individuals want to share with the public. I believe that for YouTubers, success is reaching that target number of subscribers, gaining traction in terms of views, watch time et cetera. Thus, they are highly motivated to keep an attentive fan base, and their viewers would only choose to stay if they are invested in the content, or care for these YouTubers. As a result, YouTubers foster an illusion of intimacy with their viewers, to create an agency for viewers to keep coming back to catch up with their favourite YouTubers. They speak into the camera, looking directly at their audience and addresses them as "you". They welcome viewers into their personal space, whether is it their own home, or around their school/workplace, bringing their fans along with them for quick grocery trips. Fan interactions are also usually encouraged ("Comment down below your favourite __ and I will try my best to reply you!") YouTubers often show their vulnerable sides, sharing with their viewers when they go through personal, painful experiences. They build strong "relationships" with their audience, in hopes of creating a fanbase that will faithfully stay to watch and support their content. This intimacy proves to be cosmopolitan as well, as it crosses over the differences between them — the YouTubers address all their fans the same way despite any differences in cultures, beliefs or differences of any kind.
And it works. This strategy has proven itself for years, since the early 2010s during the era of Zoella, PewDiePie and Lilly Singh, to present day with even greater variety of content (family vloggers, streamers, podcasters etc.). The "realness" that these YouTubers emulate facilitates a strong, "genuine" connection between Them and their audience, such that their audience would feel like they can empathise and connect with their idols in such a strong, intimate way. The sense of intimacy and interpersonal connection is very much real, as the viewers perceive it to be. In this phenomenon that is being a YouTuber, the manifestation and dynamic of intimacy has yet shifted again. It introduces a disconnected sense of intimacy. A commodified intimacy. A profitable intimacy. Selling one's attention in a packaged, 10 minute video for viewers to enjoy, collecting their attention and reaping the benefits from it.
As these feelings of intimacy escalate, it has frequently led to some fans overstepping their boundaries. Some fans have even extreme measures, going directly to the YouTuber's home to get a chance to meet their idol. It is evidently a great invasion of privacy, especially when the fans are strangers to these YouTubers. The disconnected relationship between YouTubers and their fans are made clear through these situations. Intimacy has translated itself so clearly and strongly from the YouTubers to their fans, while the YouTubers themselves feel little attachment to them. Thus, the medium that is YouTube evidently allows for such intimacy to be transmitted, overcoming the need for physical closeness or even any acknowledgement of one's existence, for one to still perceive themselves to have an intimate relationship with another. Therefore, I find that Lambert's analysis of the intimacy cosmopolitanism to be very much evident, and even problematic in this context.
Here are some examples of YouTubers addressing the issue of having fans show up at their house, and warning other fans not to do so.
Jenna Marbles: don't come to our house https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HcoFZv6_AE
PewDiePie: Don't come to my house.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ei-i1P6pxxk
James Charles: JAMES CHARLES FANS ARE SHOWING UP AT HIS HOUSE!! (This is not ok!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WewtXrX3xCE
This is another video I was particularly inspired from while writing this blogpost up. It features Toast, a gaming streamer who made it clear to his fans that he is "not your friend", directly telling his audience not to idolise the people they watch and to just enjoy the content as casual viewers.
Disguised Toast: Toast is not your friend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4yxglfssQk
Lambert, A. (2019). Intimacy, cosmopolitanism, and digital media: A research manifesto. Qualitative Inquiry, 25(3), 300-311. doi:10.1177/1077800418806600
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taexual · 5 years
HOLIC - 37 | jb x reader
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pairing: Im Jaebum x Reader
genre: enemies to lovers au | roommate au
warnings: angst (and a lot of technicalities, so bear with me)
words: 5.2k
disclaimer: i do not own the gif, please let me know if it belongs to you, so i can give proper credit
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Jaebum still had his arms wrapped tightly around you when your alarm went off the next morning. His grip felt a little like what sleeping in the very center of hell must have felt like and yet, you’d have rather burned alive than complained. For the first few minutes after waking up, your anxiety didn’t even realize that it was supposed to work overtime today to prepare you for your interview, because waking up with Jaebum right next to you felt so calming.
It was very difficult to remember your responsibilities but, after spending another few moments content in his arms, – moments you knew you’d regret as soon as you left the motel and had to run to the gallery – you finally managed to pull out of his grip and sit up. Your skin shivered immediately – the motel room, when Jaebum wasn’t holding you, was surprisingly cold – and you went to find a sweater you’ve taken just in case before you headed for the shower.
As you rearranged your overnight bag in search of your make-up bag, Jaebum’s phone on the nightstand right next to you began to buzz. You couldn’t understand how the sound didn’t wake him up. He actually didn’t seem to hear it at all because when you stood up another moment later, Jaebum’s eyes were still closed and his breathing was just as slow, even though his phone continued to go off.
Thinking that something happened, you leaned closer to check if this was an emergency and if you should have woken him up for this, but retreated as soon as you saw Jackson’s name on the screen, along with a very aggressive, “CALL ME AS SOON AS YOU SEE THIS!!!!!” as one of the text messages, followed by a dozen identical ones.
You couldn’t tell what Jackson’s reasons for trying to reach Jaebum this early were, but you didn’t investigate further. This would have been an invasion of Jaebum’s privacy that you hoped you’d never have to resort to. Clearly, since Jackson didn’t bother calling and settled on endless texts instead, this wasn’t that big of a deal, and, therefore, it could wait until Jaebum saw the texts himself.
Glancing at his sleeping features one more time, you smiled to yourself out of reflex, and then headed for the bathroom to prepare for the day ahead.
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It took you longer to gather the courage to leave the motel room – Jaebum was still asleep and, therefore, was unable to push you out of the door – than it took for you to find the gallery on foot. You didn’t want to bother with a taxi so you’d left early, expecting to get lost at least a few times on your way there – granted, you’ve miscalculated just how relatively small this city was – but you had Google Maps open on your phone for all of the fifteen minutes that it took you to reach the gallery. Needless to say, you stood outside of their door twenty minutes before your interview was supposed to start.
The gallery was not in a very large building even though it stood in-between two 20-floor giants – most likely the tallest buildings in this whole city – and looked decidedly out of place. When you opened the doors, however, you realized that this was only the first impression because, once you were inside, you saw that just the entrance desk and the waiting area alone took up as much space as half of the first floor of your gallery back home. The size of this place fit right in with the vibes of the city center.
As you waited for the receptionist to finish her phone call and let you know what to do, you looked around. It was certainly a photography-oriented place, contrary to the gallery you worked in - they only specialized in photography exhibitions once in a blue moon. Here, however, even without any exhibitions currently taking place, the walls were decorated by still-life moments captured by photographers whose names you've read up on before you came. You felt comfortable here – and, paradoxically, insecure, too – but that was soon to change.
“Miss?” the receptionist called on you another few minutes later. You raised your head and met her kind smile. “Please, come this way. They are ready for you. The whole team rarely ever gathers for interviews such as these, but we have everyone waiting for you today.”
You were suddenly very hot. “The whole team?”
“Yes,” she confirmed, leading you past the doors labeled “STAFF ONLY” and walking down the hall. The walls here were decorated with works of photography, too. “Usually, it's only our agents that attend the interviews. Or, well, in the case of up-and-coming photographers such as yourself, it's just one scouting agent. But the owner is here, too. And so are all three of our agents.”
“Oh,” you swallowed, not having prepared to impress such a huge group of important people. “I'm starting to feel the pressure.”
“Oh, don't!” she whipped her head to look at you and stopped outside of a sleek black double door at the end of the hall. “You should be honored. It is obvious that the gallery is interested in you, especially.”
You couldn't understand why that was – you hadn’t studied on campus here and you certainly hadn't made a name for yourself with your photography yet – but then the receptionist opened the door for you and you had to do a double-take at the sight of the room in front of you. You'd been warned to expect at least four people inside, but there was only one. And yet, the sight of him explained the special interested in you and, at the same time, it made it clear that you were absolutely not going to get an exhibition here.
“It's nice to see you again,” Jiho spoke, standing up from his seat on the far right of the meeting room where he'd been reading something on his tablet. “I hope you don't mind, I've asked the rest of my team to join us later so you would hopefully feel less intimidated.”
“You, uh... Y-you knew I was coming?” you asked, so deeply uncomfortable and distracted, you couldn't find one spot to rest your eyes on.
The sound of the door closing as the receptionist left you and him alone sent nervous shivers down your spine.
“Yes, well, your application had your name on it,” Jiho explained, this way revealing to you that the reason why he had called you in the car on your way over here could have been this. “Although, your last name did have a typo, so I wasn't sure if it was really you but all of my doubts were cleared when I saw your portfolio. Normally, it's just me holding interviews with our candidates – or, sometimes, it’s me and Luke, one of the senior agents here – but I gathered the whole team here today.”
You dared to look at him. “Why?”  
“Because I know how much potential you have,” he replied. “And I think this exhibition – if you don't mind hosting it here – shouldn't be a one-night event. I think we can make it last the whole weekend at the very least. And that’s just for starters.”
“I'm not sure I’m following your train of thought.”
“Sit, please,” he offered, pointing at the chair next to him.
You strongly debated leaving but, after having come all the way here, it wouldn’t have made sense to just drop everything and run. You had to, at least, endure this interview. So, you sat down next to him and desperately tried to stop your hands from shaking so much. When Jiho had mentioned – all of these days ago – that he came from a town six hours from here, you should have really kept in mind to avoid all places within the ratio of his potential hometown.
“Usually, when working with amateur photographers, we offer them a chance to hold their exhibition here for one night,” Jiho explained then. “We might buy some of their works for the gallery, and, of course, other people who are interested are able to contact the photographers through us later, too. But it's just this one night we’re offering. They present their work, interact with the guests, maybe earn a profit if these guests express an interest in buying something. And then, if they're thinking about another exhibition, they have to go through the same process again; they have to send us the updated resumes, go through the interviews and so on.”
“I see,” you nodded slowly. He seemed to have been describing an extremely short-term contract. “You don't guarantee them a future. It's just one night.”
“Right,” he said. “But that's not what I—we—want for you. I'm thinking it's possible for you to hold a successful weekend exhibition here. Three days, at the very least: Friday through Sunday.”
Knowing your lack of experience in exhibitions, Jiho was truly offering you a treasure chest. You couldn't understand why. In all of the times that you've known him, he had expressed his admiration for your work only once or twice, choosing instead to give you advice about what you could have done better. You’d learned that he was never one to freely share compliments, so this confused you.
“Why?” you asked again. “Why am I receiving this different treatment?”
“We must have two different sets of eyes if you have to ask me that,” he smiled. You didn't. “You're good. Very good. You have a lot of potential for growth. That's exactly what we're looking for here. At this current time, the gallery only sponsors two young photographers. That's where I started out, too, and, well, in three weeks, I'm having my second exhibition in the capital city.”
“Congratulations,” you said in a dry tone but he didn’t seem to pay attention to it and nodded politely.
“Thank you,” he said. “I hope you see that getting recognized by one gallery is already enough to jump-start your career. I stayed here because these people have helped me become who I am today, but getting their sponsorship does not necessarily mean you have to continue to work here. It's an open agreement.”
You were hesitant – and so desperate to find a way to turn back the time before you’d allowed yourself to believe that turning your dreams into reality was actually possible for you – but you still asked, “what does that imply, exactly?”
“It means that we're flexible. We'll never give you specific orders or find gigs for you. But we will sponsor you and whatever photoshoots you're interested in doing, and, most importantly, we’ll provide you with the opportunity to exhibit your work here again. If you should accept this opportunity,” Jiho explained and you closed your eyes momentarily, exhaling your frustration. You’d have been over the moon to get an offer like this at any other gallery. “As long as there’s mutual interest, we supply the money, you deliver the art.”
“Without any interviews?”
He nodded. “Without any interviews.”
“Sounds like this is based an awful lot on trust, though,” you pointed out.
“It is,” Jiho didn’t deny it. “We need to be able to trust the artists we're working with. I'd have never offered you this if I didn't trust you.”
Perhaps accidentally, he focused all of his attention on the offers of the gallery, avoiding the question you’d asked him twice already. You dreaded to know why he was really excluding you from the bunch of other applicants for an exhibition here and yet you couldn’t resist not finding out the real reason because this was simply too good to be true. There had to be a hidden intention here.
“So, you're offering me a three-day exhibition and a sponsorship,” you concluded, “even though I’m barely an amateur. Why?”
“Because you have potential,” he repeated himself.
“I can't help but feel like there's a catch,” you admitted, unable to conceal the suspicion in your voice.
Jiho smiled at this, not offended in the slightest.
“Perceptive as always,” he said and you cringed. Clearly, perception was not your strong suit or you would have figured out why a gallery so far away from your own city was offering you an exhibition. Moreover, you’d have seen through Jiho’s intentions from the moment you had first laid your eyes on him, and this meeting would have been far less awkward. “The only catch is that the gallery needs a stronger guarantee that you will succeed.”
“How can I guarantee that?”
“By making a name for yourself before your first exhibition,” he said simply. “It's smooth sailing from then on. You just need more people to know who you are and your exhibition will automatically succeed.”
“Critically acclaimed exhibitions aren't always hosted by famous photographers,” you said. “Sometimes, they’re hosted by unknown artists.”
“Of course. But “sometimes” is not a word we use when we agree to work with young photographers because we need guarantees. As I’ve said, the agreements we reach with our artists are based on mutual trust. We don't measure success in, uh, critical terms here,” Jiho spoke. “We focus on advertising. The gallery is making a name for itself through its' exhibitions. If our photographers are being talked about, the gallery is being talked about. That’s success to us. Consequently, the more popular the gallery is, the more success it can bring to its’ artists and vice versa. It's a win-win situation.”
That explained Jiho's need to have popular – beautiful – faces at his exhibitions. He wasn’t interested in getting recognized by the critics – at least, not as much as he was interested in gathering more attention – he just needed to become a household name.
“Alright,” you said, swallowing thickly. “And how do you suppose I can make a name for myself before I have an exhibition?”
“I'm here to help you with that.”
You could feel his answer in your chest but you still asked, “how?”
“I've started working on my own career by allowing Luke, the agent I'd mentioned before, to mentor me. He took me everywhere with him leading up to my debut as a photographer,” Jiho told you. He’d somehow – probably on purpose – skipped out on this part when he was telling you about his photography origins the first time you’d met. “He introduced me to so many people, we couldn't fit them all in here when the day of my exhibition arrived. I was an instant success because Luke believed in me. He became my first social connection, and the strongest one I had at the time, too.”
You weren’t looking at him because you knew he’d be waiting for your eyes to start glittering. He’d expect you to perk up at this and perhaps even agree to everything immediately. But this didn’t sound right. None of it did. It sounded too easy. Too fake. Those “success overnight” stories didn’t actually happen overnight and you wanted to believe that they happened because of someone’s hard-work and not because of various PR stunts.
“I can do that for you,” Jiho added gently after you didn’t reply.
“Why me, specifically?” you asked for the upteenth time, more confused by each of his explanations. “It can’t just be potential. There are lots of promising photographers out there.”
“There are. But they all lack something,” Jiho explained. “I’m offering this because I believe in you. I've already told you that this always works both ways - it would never be just me bringing you recognition. Both of us would be noticed. The press adores finding tendencies. Us two getting spotted at several events in a row? We'd be the talk of the photography world before we even realized it.”
“I… I don’t know,” you were already shaking your head before you could even open your mouth. “I don’t think that’s a—”
“Listen, if there are any personal affairs you’re worried about, I can explain the situation,” he cut in. “I mean, if you’re worried your boyfriend wouldn’t approve—”
“N-no,” you stopped him. You had a feeling Jaebum would have ended Jiho’s life on the spot if he saw him. God knows what he’d do if Jiho actually tried to explain this plan to him. “No. There’s no one to explain anything to.”
“Well, then I’m afraid I don’t really understand your hesitation,” Jiho said, chuckling awkwardly, “I know you’re smart enough to realize how crucial this is for the rest of your career. You know offers like these don’t fall out of the sky with every rainfall,” he paused, giving you time to consider the weight of his words. They were heavy, sure, but instead of pressing you down, they just made you want to run away to escape them faster. “But, of course, I’d never force you to do something you aren’t comfortable doing. The rest of my team will tell you the same thing when we meet up with them for a tour of the gallery later.”
“You don’t have to give me an answer right now,” he continued, not letting you get a word in. “I think I’ve already told you that I took the job here because I want to help young, starting photographers.”
“Have you personally offered this to any other applicants?” you asked.
“No. None of them showed as much potential.”
You feared that potential had very little part in this. “Do… uh, do looks matter when it comes to this?”
“You’re a photographer,” he smiled. “You tell me.”
“Right,” you exhaled slowly before admitting, “I don’t want the reason why I’m hosting an exhibition to be my relationship with one of the agents of the gallery – because that’s what the media will think. That’s—I’m not sure that would be good for my reputation.”
“That would never be the reason,” Jiho disagreed but he wasn’t very convincing. “But even if it was, your reputation wouldn’t be damaged. Whatever the media assumes, we don’t interfere. You can’t destroy your reputation if you don’t even say anything, right? And that’s exactly how it goes – the more we’re seen together and the more we stay quiet about the nature of our relationship, the eager everyone will be to figure out what’s going on here. The press is the best at making a big deal out of nothing and it’s all just a game of publicity. By the time the exhibition happens, you won’t just be a promising amateur who takes pictures occassionally. You’ll be a promising photographer. People will know who you are and they will want to see what you’ve got.”
“That kind of media attention, though… it brings rumors,” you insisted, still having a hard time grasping his reasons for being so set on this as the right way to bring you success. “Being seen together causes speculation. Maybe people will even realize that what we’re doing is just for publicity. It will paint us both in a negative light to the point where it won’t even matter why we were actually together. It won’t matter that we never confirmed or denied anything. How is that going to help any of our careers?”
Jiho – chuckling lightly at your innocence because he liked to think that he was an old dog in this business – leaned in closer before he spoke, “let me teach you something vital about this: as long as people are talking, you’re doing great. You have a big heart and you care a lot about your appearance in the eyes of others but, the truth is, any kind of publicity is good publicity. It’s what brings you the recognition you seek. You don’t have to hope and pray to become one of the few popular photographers who became popular just because they’re that good. There are barely any people who could say that so it’s just unrealistic, really. But nor hope, nor prayer has anything to do with what we’re offering you. Our offer guarantees you become popular.”
You expected nothing less from him. Media attention was his main priority. Reputation was on a different level that was, clearly, nowhere near as important as popularity.
You’ve heard of the scandals the famous Hollywood photographers sometimes got involved in – it was all a part of “show business” – and you never wanted to become like them. However, at the end of the day, you really did not know what the inside of this world looked like. Perhaps Jiho was right to look at you with pity – your fear and your innocence when it came to similar manipulations might have been the very reason why it had taken you so long to send your portfolio to any gallery and this same innocence also threatened to become the reason why your career never advanced.
Your moral compass kept vibrating and telling you that this was not something you should have gotten involved in, but you knew that most of your values – and your ability to tell right from wrong – stemmed from fear and general conformity. You were starting to see that you lacked boldness and perhaps you lacked determination, too. Jiho was right, there were so few people who were magically rewarded with opportunities to become world-renowned artists on their own terms. Barely anyone was good enough -- and interesting enough -- to achieve immediate critical success with no outside help whatsoever. The rest of the world had to work hard to achieve popularity and success. They had to break out of their own shells. Step out of their comfort zones.
You didn’t think you had it in you to break the chains that were the norm for you. You didn’t think you’d manage to forcefully start your career Jiho’s way, but you didn’t want to fade into oblivion by waiting around for an opportunity to do this your way, either.
“I need some time to think,” you decided, your throat as dry as sandpaper.
“By all means,” Jiho leaned back in his seat. “Let me check with the rest of the team, then, alright? And then we’ll show you around and introduce you to this place. I’m sure you’ll love it.”
You didn’t feel up for a tour anymore. “Uh, I—”
“You can get back to us with your answer as soon as you reach a decision,” Jiho said, already standing up from his seat and pulling his phone out of his pocket. “The sooner the better, though. You know how this works.”
He smiled at you in this specific way that let you know that, although he was generous enough to offer you an opportunity to host an exhibition – even if it might have irreversibly stained your reputation – he wasn’t going to sit around waiting for your answer for too long. Perhaps the only reason why he was offering you some time to think at all, was because you and him already knew each other. Perhaps, when it came to others – not that there were any, according to him – he demanded an answer right away.
His smile told you that he thought he was doing you a huge favor. He thought he was offering to create a career for you. He thought he’d crafted the perfect conditions for you to succeed – the kind of conditions that no other gallery—no other agent—was ever going to offer you unless you magically became more well-known some other way.
And, with anxiety pooling in your stomach, you feared that Jiho was right. This was a favor that no one else was going to offer you. But it felt an awful lot like a crossroad contract – you may not have been selling your soul just yet, but you still worried you were about to make a deal with the devil.
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When you left the gallery an hour later, your mood was even worse. The place was fantastic. And with each story the owner of the gallery told you – God, he was such a pleasant man; if it’d been him talking to you in that room, you’d have said yes right away – you kept falling in love with it more and more.
Three of your professors from college have actually hosted exhibitions here in the past, and one of them was even sponsored by the gallery for a few years before he took up the teaching position. It was like you were meant to come here. Like you were meant to start your career here.
And yet, you’d left without giving them an answer because responding in the affirmative would have meant stomping on all of your beliefs and agreeing to play their game with no rules. At the same time, dismissing the offer would have meant throwing your entire future away. Neither answer seemed appropriate and you’d never thought offers that could not be refused actually existed outside of Mafia books but now you knew they were real.
You’d hoped to clear your mind and settle on a decision that made more sense as you walked home from the gallery – it wasn’t hard: either you lost yourself or you lost your future –but you found yourself standing outside of the door of your motel room with your mind still buzzing with loud repetitive thoughts, lists of pros and cons, and dread, dread, dread.
But then you finally managed to open the door and, within moments, Jaebum was leaping from his bed and pushing you against the nearest wall.
“Thank God you’re back!” he exclaimed, his hands on either side of you, his face close. The excitement in his eyes was like nothing you’ve seen before and you couldn’t find it in you to worry if you’d closed the door after you entered.
“I—alright there, golden retriever,” you pressed your hands to his chest – noticing his rapid heartbeat and concluding that if he’d had a tail, he’d have been wagging it all over the place right now – and gave him a look. “Did something—”
“Yes!” he said. “Jackson called.”
“Okay,” you said, already having guessed that he might call, given the number of text messages you’d seen him send to Jaebum this morning. “What did he—”
“He said a representative of some entertainment agency had reached out to him. I don’t even know the label but Jackson does,” Jaebum continued, reading through your questions before you could finish asking them. Seeing him this energized with glee was, actually, slightly alarming. You could not deduce anything that he was going to say or do next. “Apparently, this representative would like to meet me face-to-face. They’re thinking of signing me.”
“They—” your eyes went wide. “Oh my God!”
“My point exactly!” he agreed, removing his hands from the wall on either side of you to clap them together. “I don’t—I didn’t even—shit, he said they contacted him last night but my phone was dying, so I didn’t get his call. But—fuck me, they want to meet me.”
“Shit,” you were laughing suddenly, your own anxiety long forgotten as your chest swelled with joy. “Jaebum, this is amazing. This is a huge step—no, a leap—towards becoming a real, actual singer. A-as a profession, not just a hobby.”
“I know,” his hands were on his cheeks as he turned around, walking a circle around the room due to his inability to stay still. “God, I know. I seriously can’t believe this.”
“You deserve this,” you reminded him, deciding to intervene and remove his hands from his face, taking them into yours instead, before he walked into a wall in this blind euphoria. “Did you agree on a date? When are you meeting these people?”
“I don’t know yet,” Jaebum replied. You may have stopped him from pacing around the room but his heart was very much still having a fieldtrip inside of his chest – it would have screamed, too, if only it could. “Jackson’s handling it. They just wanted to know if I’d be interested a-and now they know that I am—”
“How could you not be interested?” you cut him off and then realized, “unless you get a different offer.”
He shook his head. “Oh, no. This already doesn’t seem real. Another offer would mean I’ve entered a parallel universe where I’m actually, you know, lucky.”
“Luck has nothing to do with this,” you said, letting go of his hands and stepping closer to hug him instead. “It was pure talent. I’m so proud of you.”
“Shit,” he exhaled into your hair, wrapping his arms around your waist and staying still for a good minute before finally remembering, “fuck—h-how was your meeting? Did it go well?”
He’d pulled away to ask this – you wished he hadn’t because then he wouldn’t have seen your face as you lied to him. Telling him the truth was simply not an option after you’ve seen this side of him – this hopeful, overjoyed side of him that you were sure you’d only be lucky enough to witness once in your life.
“It was fine,” you said, choosing your words carefully but trying your best to sound realistic. You nodded for more effect, too, wanting to change the topic but deciding not to because Jaebum’s expectant eyes weren’t going to let you get away with it. “They’re, uh—they’re considering me. Some tough competition, probably. But the gallery’s wonderful, they gave me a tour.”
He nodded along to every word you said and you thanked his good mood for temporarily clouding his mind or else he would have seen through your fabricated smile immediately. You didn’t want him to know the truth – to know the lengths you’d have to go in order to make your dream come true – because his road to his goals wasn’t as complicated as yours was. He’d waited long enough to start his singing career but once he dared to take a step forwards, he found himself steady on his feet. His bravery was paying off.
You, on the other hand? Maybe you should have waited longer because the steps you’ve taken so far were minimal and so very shaky, it was a miracle you hadn’t fallen off the ledge yet.
“I’m sure you’ll hear from them again soon,” Jaebum told you, his voice genuine. You couldn’t help the sinking feeling in your stomach, the labels “failure” clouding your mind. He believed in you a lot more than you believed in yourself in that moment. “You simply have to. They can’t let someone like you go away.”
“I—” you started to say but Jaebum – his arms still around you – pulled you closer to him, prolonging the hug. His embrace made you forget what you were going to say. “Yeah. I hope they do.”
The only proof of the complicated situation you were in was the sigh that passed your lips but disappeared before Jaebum could feel it on his neck. Good. You didn’t want him to know about your own predicament. You didn’t want to rain on his parade – you knew how long he’d wanted this and how much courage it had taken for him to fight for it.
“This is finally working out,” he whispered into your neck. Your skin shivered but you didn’t think it was because his lips brushed against your neck with each word he spoke. “I’m so glad we’re in this together.”
“Jaebum,” you said shakily. You didn’t know why – it must have been your heart, seeking the comfort of his words, which it couldn’t get if Jaebum didn’t know the truth – and you regretted it as soon as his name escaped your lips.
Noticing the edge in your voice, he pulled away to look at you. “What?”
“I’m—” you swallowed, concealing that tears that had welled up in your eyes with a careful smile. You couldn’t do this. Shaking your head, you told him the honest truth, “I’m really glad you’re here with me.”
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virendrablog · 3 years
How to make a website in WordPress(Beginners Guide)
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Building your own website can help you preserve your profit margin as a small business owner. 
If you've got longer than money, the great news is that lately , it's relatively easy to create your own site from scratch.
Nowadays, there are many platforms to assist you build an internet site yourself, but WordPress is among the first website creation platforms and remains among the foremost well respected.
In fact, it claims that 38 percent of all websites live today are run thereon.
In this article, we’re getting to show you ways to create an internet site with WordPress.org.
First, though, be aware of the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org; on WordPress.com, WordPress itself will host your site, whereas, on WordPress.org, you choose your own host.
WordPress.org allows for better customization options, including plugin installation and liberal customization of web themes, numerous businesses prefer it.
Hear what we've to mention and choose if the world’s hottest content management system is true for you.
Before you begin to build your website with WordPress, you must know the purpose and objectives of your site.
Decide exactly what quiet site you would like to make , for instance , whether you plan to be an e-commerce platform with a blog attached or a media platform with a small store.
Knowing the identity of your brand and therefore the nature of your product will make designing an appropriate WordPress site much easier.
Consider how your customer will use your site, whether or not they will go to complete forms, register for events, browse classes, or purchase products.
This will help you determine what tools and plugins you’ll need to use or purchase while creating your site.
Also, believe why your customer would use your site and what solutions they’re trying to find .
This will assist you design a site that frictionlessly satisfies the stress of your audience , ultimately getting you a far better conversion rate when the location launches.
What is the purpose of making a website?
Firstly Identify your purpose of creating your website. Are you going to make a blogging website in which you post content or you are going to create an ecommerce store on WordPress or it is a one page website or Q n A website?
Ask this question first.
What is WordPress?
WordPress is one among the world's hottest Content Management Systems (CMS), with over 445 million WordPress websites currently online.
But why is it so popular? And how do you use it? We've unpacked everything you would like to understand to line up your WordPress website.
Features of WordPress:-
WordPress is open-source software.
It’s flexible.
You can customize your site fully.
You’re able to build any type of website.
It’s easy to find help and support.
Steps to create website in WordPress
Step 1: Choose good Domain name
What is Domain?
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A domain name is the name of the website which user search.
Search and buy domains with WordPress. WordPress has its own name registrar which allows you to get your name while you build your WordPress site.
Alternatively, you'll purchase a website name from another provider then integrate it together with your WordPress site.
Make sure your domain name represents your brand or the ambitions of your site, and that the extension you choose is appropriate to the region you’re in.
WordPress and other name registrars assist you choose a website name which will be good for your SEO by ranking them.
I recommend beginners to go with Godaddy which is one of the best Domain registrar in the world. Most of the Domain name are registered in Godaddy.
If you are looking for Domain at a cheap price you can go with Namecheap.
Step 2: Choose a host for your website
Why do you need hosting services?
Hosting is important As you need some space on the web to store your website information like images, video and graphics and media files.Choosing a good host is not difficult.
WordPress recommends three web hosts from the hundreds available.
Web hosting services allocate your website space on the web so it's ready to deal with the stress of a billboard website, like large numbers of tourists , and remain online.
If your site is intended as a personal project that you share with few people, you should use WordPress.com, instead of WordPress.org, as it has free plans available which allow small numbers of tourists to access your site freely.
However, if you intend to build a site for commercial purposes, you’ll need to choose a web hosting service.
Over 100 web hosting services are compatible with WordPress, but WordPress advises that you simply use BlueHost, DreamHost, or SiteGround because it considers these services the simplest .
I personally use Godaddy hosting services to host my websites but I am switching my host to site ground because of its unique feature and fast loading time.
If you have some more money to invest you can go with Cloudways which is costly but it will increase your website speed dramatically.
Comment Below which hosting services are you going to use for the wordpress.
Step 3: Installing WordPress on server
Manually install WordPress or use an automatic installation service. Many WordPress hosts automate the method of putting in WordPress.
All you’ll need to do is log in to your WordPress instrument panel or web host and click on a button. The entire process takes five minutes maximum.
Alternatively, you'll manually install WordPress by downloading the package then creating a database for it on your web server.
Step 4:General Setting in wordpress
Log into your wordpress account and then go to setting and then you can change the setting from there.
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Step 5: Choosing a great theme.
WordPress has around 8,000 stylish themes to settle. WordPress sites are endlessly customizable. Themes allow novices to adapt elements like color or font with none technical skills.
However, if you would like to form deep design customizations, you’ll need CSS coding skills, or to rent a developer with these skills.
Because WordPress has an astonishing range of customizable themes in varied styles, though, you should be able to avoid this.
First, choose your WordPress theme. WordPress itself offers 8,000 themes designed with a spread of business and media niches in mind.
Some are free and others are paid. Navigate from your WordPress dashboard to Appearance, then Themes to browse.
When you’ve found the one you like, activate it.
If one of WordPress’s 8,000 themes doesn’t meet your requirements, you can find one on a third-party site, download it to your computer as a Zip file, and install it in the Themes tab by clicking Upload.
Then, activate your uploaded theme, as you'd one that's already integrated.
Choosing a good theme is important as it determines your website appearance and loading Time.
You can choose your theme based upon your business requirements like if you have to create a website you can go with genesis framework and if you want to start your own blog you can go with Generate press.
I am currently using Generate press premium theme on my website. It is super light and fully customizable. You can also use the Astra theme whose free version is quite good but does not provide better flexibility.
I recommend you to go with Generate press which is best for beginners and it is cheap when compared to other themes.
Step 6: Installing Essential plugins
Plugins enhance the capabilities of your site and protect it. Plugins are software additions that enhance the capabilities of your WordPress site. There is a wide variety available to meet the functional requirements of almost any business, including e-commerce inventory systems, SEO tools, and tools to enhance your site’s security.
List of Essential Plugins for WordPress
Site Kit by Google-For managing search console analytics and AdSense at one place
Anti Spam - Protect your website for spammers
Rank Math or Yoast SEO - For SEO Purpose
Short Pixel - compressing the size of image
contact Form 7 - Creating Contact form
For Customizing your website you need theme Editor Plugin like thrive Architect and Elementor to give your website a professional look.
I am currently using both of them but if you don't have money to invest you can go with any of them.Both are the best.
Thrive Architect- Best for customizing your Blog post and articles.
Elementor pro- Best for making Landing Pages.
Step 7: Create Content
Create content to offer your site authority . Content is what lends your site authority and is that the reason that sites rank on search engines.
First, add essential information content to your website, like the About Us, FAQ, and Contact Us pages, as well as legal information (Shipping/Returns, etc.).
From the WordPress dashboard, you'll easily navigate to the Pages tab and build content from there.
Once you've got your essential content, you'll create product pages or blogs. Installing a plugin that imparts SEO advice, like Yoast, as you create content will help your site rank better on search engines.
Step 8: Optimize your Website for user Experience.
Encourage a conversation by allowing comments. Once your site has the proper theme, domain, and plugins, you would like to make sure the purchasers or readers who visit your site enjoy the experience.
Decide what your audience is trying to find and optimize your site’s features to satisfy their requirements.
First, build a Menu bar which makes it easy for your website’s visitors to navigate exactly where they want to go.
Choose Appearance in the WordPress dashboard and click Menus to build or customize a menu bar.
Choose whether to enable or disable comments to encourage a conversation.
Head to Settings and then Discussion to decide whether you want comments enabled on all posts, or just on blogs.
Building a site with WordPress is slightly more complicated than it's with website building platforms like Wix or Weebly.
The extra effort pays off, because of the near infinite number of plugins available to enhance your site’s functional capabilities.
Do confirm you avoid these WordPress mistakes while building your site. Conduct a little research on WordPress for beginners before you start, so the process goes smoothly.
WordPress beats many of its competitors with its sheer variety of themes and plugins.
You can create any kind of site you want from your WordPress dashboard.
Despite of sites like Wix offering good customization options and a few ability to tinker with the CSS code, sites remain less and adaptive than those hosted on WordPress.
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turquoisemagpie · 6 years
Idea: we make our own website based like tumblr, only: 
there’s no word or image limit (like Twitter) so fan-fics and art projects, no matter how big they are, can be posted.
hashtags actually work and links to other sites are allowed. In fact links are encouraged: if arguments between people occur, people have to use sources to back their arguments (so actual evidence of the argument can be checked and shared, as well as teaching people to think before they write what may just only be an unbacked opinion: would stop the majority of discord between people.)
run by us with actual people committed to listening to feedback and requests to improve the site, professional IT consultants and code makers who will actually know what to do if issues arrive, but who also use the site and completely relate and understand the issues pressed by people out of experience. 
live streaming capabilities, for artists and gamers and others who stream. 
blogs with full access to all medias (audio, video, text) so whole content can be posted (not just snippets or content which had to reduce it’s quality in order to be successfully uploaded). 
it’s charity run (just incase Article 13 goes through; then at least if it’s charity run we’d be able to freely use copyrighted material). 
there is a reliable properly functioning filter system for those who need it (if you block or blacklist something, you NEVER see it), so NSFW stuff is still allowed. Sex/porn bots are reported and taken care of instantly. 
reports of socially unacceptable behaviour is reported and instantly dealt with, users who aim to do harm to others or display and promote harmful views (far-right, antisemites, homophobes, TERFs, basically ‘overly-privileged assholes’) are removed and banned from ever using the site again.
since it’s charity run advertisements can’t be allowed: good side= no ads everywhere, bad side= no one who actually uses it can use the site for commercial needs BUT they are allowed to link to other sites to take care of commercial needs off site/ on another site. (all this is because if people are using the site for commercial needs we’d have to treat commercial activity like Redbubble: the site gets more money than the person who’s responsible for their own business. Which is unfair on a lot of people. If the site is charity there’d be no need for money from other people’s businesses and the individuals can keep all the profit that’s earned.) 
the whole site is made, funded and used by people who AREN’T money-grabbing CEOs. It’s run by the common people who have humanity and no lust for money. People who make content ‘just because’, with no expectation to being rewarded except for moral support or constructive criticism on their works so they can improve. 
In an ideal world this would be a perfect site. There are no other sites like tumblr so if it goes it will be a terrible loss. But while the need is still ripe, I believe now it’s time for us to stop wishing for better sites and actually aim towards making our own sites that can be maintained safely and in a much better management system than what most social networking sites are currently using now. 
Most sites we use today were made in the midst of postmodernist capitalism (2000′s), so now, in late capitalism, these sites are struggling as there is battles between working for very capitalist CEOs or working for more liberal common people who actually use their sites. That why suddenly loads of sites are being restrictive and policies are introduced to stop the flow of networks.
I think now we need to introduce a new form of social media, one that sees it’s value in it’s social impact, rather than how much money it makes. 
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mo-mo-and-porkchop · 5 years
Freedom is a state of mind
Vikings Fan Fiction
Chapter 7 (Chapter 6 here)
*I do not own any part of the Canon Vikings characters. It is simply my interpretation. I make no profit off of this.
**I do own the original characters and everything associated with them.
((This is my first attempt at this.  Hope you enjoy.  A special thanks to @ragnarsscn for help with the inspiration for this work.))
Tagging for updates: @whenimaunicorn , @captstefanbrandt , @kenzieam , @mblaqgi , @wish-i-was-a-mermaid , @microsmacrosandneedles , @babeyouareenough
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He pushed the extra bowl of food her way and went back to his own food. He wasn't naive to the amount of sustenance thralls were allowed to enjoy and she would be no good to him if she starved to death before their first lesson.
Her cheeks warmed to a soft, rosy flush and she hesitated slightly before pulling the bowl the rest of the way toward her.
She didn't mind the kindness. In fact she welcomed it to his usual irritability. It just felt a little odd being treated so nicely by him. Until now Ivar hardly paid her any attention, and it admittedly unnerved her, but her stomach hadn't been full since her capture and the stew smelled delicious.
"Thank you," she said quietly.
Ivar paused, his spoon idly stirring the contents of his bowl. He was unfamiliar with the gratitude, but it felt good. He smirked to himself and savored the feeling a moment longer.
"Now," he said returning his behavior to normal. "Tell me what you know already."
As she lay in bed that night, the day's events ran through her mind. Everything had been so...unexpected. Ehrlana knew Ivar must have an ulterior motive for his sudden interest in her, but nothing he had done pointed to a reason. She was nothing than a slave. No one to him. He'd made that point clear to her more than once.
So why was she now?
Her mind raced as she tried to figure out his game; coming up empty each time.
"....meet me," a voice drifted to her ears.
"Hmm?" she asked as she sat up, a small shiver running up her spine as she was brought back to reality.
"You did not meet me," he restated.
"I'm sorry," she apologized when she saw it had been Declan who'd interrupted her thoughts. After Ivar's request her mind had been in a fog the rest of the day. She had complete forgotten the two shared plans.
"It has been an odd day," she admitted freely.
"What happened?" he asked concerned.
She looked at him sympathetically. Telling him was going to difficult. The two had grown close since her arrival; a welcome side effect to their enslavement. He would be devastated and she could see no way around hurting him.
"I do not need your help anymore," she said with a sorrowful sigh. "At least not with their tongue."
"What?" Declan replied quietly. He did his best to hide the sudden surge of fear coursing through him. "What do you mean you do not need me?"
"Ivar has taken notice of my new ability to speak and has decided he is better suited to be my teacher," she explained, still not yet over her own surprise.
"What?! What do you mean Ivar wants to teach you?! You are a slave!" he exclaimed defensively before he could stop himself.
He rose and began to pace the floor; his mind already assuming the unknown details. It was evident his argument was with Ivar, not Ehrlana. And even though his misguided words showed he cared for her, she was still offended that he believed no one other than Declan would see her worth here.
"Only here am I just a slave," she reminded him firmly.
"You are right," he replied realizing his misstep. "But you can not trust him. Ivar never does anything out of kindness. He always has a reason," he continued much more calmly, though she could hear the pleading in his voice.
"I am not a fool. Save for you I trust no one here," she replied. His relief was obvious.
"Then why has he decided he is better suited to teach you than me?" he asked defeated.
Declan had been doing his best to hide his hurt, but his last remark couldn't contain it. At the very least it felt good to have someone other than her brothers become attached to her. Ehrlana managed a small smirk, enjoying the moment before her caught sight of it.
"I don't know," she answered honestly. "But he owns me..."
"Only because you allow it," Declan cut in.
"He owns me and I can not deny him. Doing so will only anger him and nothing good will come of it."
He hated to admit it, but she was right. He knew if Ivar gave her an order, as a slave, she was expected to follow it. No matter how opposed to it she was. This was not home and she was afforded no protection from the young prince's wrath should she disobey. The only way around it was to reveal her true identity and that would only lead to worse; for both Ehrlana and the people she worked to protect.
Declan looked to her, full of worry - his eyes still silently pleading for her to reconsider. "I will be fine," she tried to reassure him.
He risked reaching out and gently held her cheek, his thumb caressing the scar just beneath her eye. The scar she still vehemently denied had been given to her purposefully. "How can you be so sure?" he asked, his implications understood.
She thought back to the day's events and the way Ivar had been with her upon realizing her growing fluency. How he hadn't immediately lashed out or grew angry. How he had actually shown some form of kindness sharing his meal with her. This was not the Ivar she or anyone had grown to know, but oddly she wished for more. Her curiosity was winning out on this.
Gently removing his hand and holding it she gave him a soft smile. "I just am." Her brow furrowed in slight surprise at her steadfast belief that no harm was going to befall her during her time with Ivar. "You must trust me," she said with a squeeze of his hand. "Should anything happen or my beliefs change, you will be the first to know," she continued in offerance when she saw he was still undecided about things.
"The absolute first," he agreed, returning the squeeze.
"I swear it. And do not worry," she added, letting go of his hand and laying back down on her bed. "Spending my time with Ivar does not mean I will abandon you. You are my only friend and not even Ivar the Boneless can take that away."
He tried to share in her resolution, but he couldn't help but feel this was it for them. Even though she was no one's wife and had no intimate ties to Ivar, the young prince was not accustomed to sharing. He'd killed another when he was young over play and rumor had it he had attempted to kill Margrethe when their shared evening didn't go as planned. No matter how sure she was of her safety Declan would continue to keep an eye out. There was no telling what would come of this unexpected alliance.
Sleep had done little to calm her nerves and she rose just before the sun. Ehrlana was a mix of emotion as she made her way to the great hall. Her feet were heavy with doubt, trying their best to stop her from moving. Her skin crawled with chills as the spring breeze blew across her, forcing her to hug herself for warmth. Her heart raced with excitement the closer she got. Her mind raced with the possible meaning behind his sudden interest, but she soon brought herself back to reality when her steps finally made it to her destination.
The hall was largely empty; slaves always the first to arrive. The smell of food drifted through the air and slowly the King's family emerged from their slumber. They shuffled to the main table. First Ubbe. Then Sigurd. The Queen trailed behind the two, followed by Hvitserk - the least awake of the three.
She wondered if any of then knew of her arrangement with Ivar.
Before she could speculate further a sleepy voice broke through the silence. "Ivar is enn að sofa," Hvitserk said yawning widely and stretching. He hugged himself against the cool morning air blowing through the hall. "You ættir að vekja him áður he missir dagbók. He is miklu angrier if he borðar eat," he chuckled halfheartedly as one more yawn escaped him.
Ehrlana smiled in return, still only understanding some of his words. He laughed slightly and returned the smile, catching her confusion.
"Ivar..." He rested his hands against his face and closed his eyes momentarily. "You," he said pointing at her. "Go..." he added mimicking walking with his fingers. He mocked sleep again before opening his eyes as if being woken.
Ehrlana let the sma laugh fall freely from her. "I will go to Ivar and...." she replied before copying his sign for awake.
Hvitserk watched her leave, leaning against the doorway and thinking this girl was too good for Ivar; even as a slave. He pushed off the wall and joined the rest of his family for breakfast.
She quietly crossed the room toward Ivar's sleeping body. She watched as his chest fell in steady breaths. He wasn't full of rage. His defenses were down. Ivar was completely oblivious to the world around him. He was so at peace and in that moment Ehrlana saw what no one else had - the human within the beast.
Kneeling by his bedside she held her hand just above his face a moment, momentarily debating herself over waking him or letting him sleep. "Ivar," she began quietly, her fingers still hovering above him.
No response.
Her heart began to beat faster as she readied herself to try and more. "Ivar," she gently cooed, gently grazing his cheek.
A soft groan fell from him as he shifted in his sleep. She snapped her hand away, fearful of his reaction should he actually wake. Fortunately he fell silent once more.
The air was cool against his face. Waves crashed softly in the distance. Tress rustled. People slowly roamed through town as the day began From his perch he could see all of Kattegat. He shut his eyes, inhaled deeply, and savored his contentment.
This was his Kingdom.
The laughter of children drifted to his ears and a hand slid over his shoulder gently. The touch sent chills through his spine. He wrapped his fingers around it and gently moved it further across his chest. He hugged her hand against hisself and enjoyed the calm washing over him. Even though it was a stranger's hand he held, she felt familiar.
Her lips grazed his ear as she whispered his name. "Ivar," her voice cooed, fading just as quickly with the wind.
He hmm'd in reply, but was met with nothing more than a repetition of his name. Two small bodies, a boy and girl, ran past in a blur calling for him to follow. As he moved the woman from round him everything melted around them.
He was now in a hall. Much smaller than his, but ornate just the same. The smell of fire and earth tinged his nostrils. A long table sat in the center of the room. People surrounded the far end, eating, unaware of Ivar's presence. Their faces all a blur and indistinguishable.
Still holding onto the mystery woman he slowly moved her to face him. Her raven hair flowed weightlessly as if underwater, covering her face.
"Who are you?" he asked. "What is this place?"
His name her only reply. When he let go to reveal her identity whe began drifting further away. Desperately he tried to grab hold of her once more, but failed, dropping to the ground once again immobile - his braces and crutch vanished.
"Stop!" he shouted as fear crawled through his veins. Further away she drifted. "Come back!"
Darkness crept in around him, swallowing everything in its path. He crawled furiously forward and gave one last panicked grab for the woman. Victoriously he felt the fabric of her dress between his fingers. With a triumphant grin he held tighter and yanked her back.
Immediately he dropped the clothing and scurried backward. The seer rushed forward and grabbed hold of Ivar's shirt. His face was mangled. Blood poured from his eyes. Ivar fiercely tried to escape the seer's grasp unsuccessfully. "Let! Me! Go!"
Nothing more than a gargle escaped him as he tried to speak.
A wave of hot air rushed past. The seer rose from the ground where they struggled, lifting Ivar until his feet dangled above the floor. He floated toward the nearby fire. A low growl began to eminate from his chest.
"What do you want?!" Ivar asked, the fear evident in his voice.
"Wake up!" he bellowed just before tossing Ivar into the nearby fire.
"Ivar, wake up," Ehrlana tried once more.
He shot up, grabbing her wrist tightly and pushing her aside. Fear spiked in her veins. "I am sorry," she stammered. "Food is ready. Hvitserk..."
He glared over at her, his heart still pounding from the dream. "So you hlusta to Hvisterk now?" he grumbled sarcastically.
"I am sorry," she repeated avoiding his gaze.
His anger was slowly fading taking his fear along with it. The calm still lingered enough to keep him civil enough to wave off her apology.
"Hvað veistu samt? Þú ert bara heimskur þræll," he mumbled to himself. "Do not láta it gerast aftur."
She let her eyes find his with his last statement. He knew she did not understand his warning. He slid to the edge of the bed and motioned for her to help him dress.
He hung his head still reeling from the dream. Ivar found no rhyme or reason behind his dream. He'd recognized no faces. Aside from Kattegat, he'd been in unfamiliar territory. He assumed then that had been nothing more than an odd dream.
Ehrlana quietly gathered his clothing and began dressing him. Her fingers were nimble and effortless as she tied the straps around his legs, tucking the knots in between them snugly. She handed him his shirt followed by his gloves.
"Go and serve my food," he said pulling the tunic over his head. "Mid day you will hittast me rétt fyrir utan skóginn. Handan hreinsun," he continued putting one glove than the other. "Do not be late."
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The Present: The Rise and Fall of Tumblr
With the expansion of Tumblr’s user base and need to grow the platform as a whole, David Karp began selling paid advertisements to companies on Tumblr. In our discussions, we talked about platforms turning into companies with the sole power of making money. Although Karp originally made Tumblr to share blogs, connect others to one another, and build community, the temptation and call to work with investors for the upkeep of the platform was unavoidable. Although I don’t believe money necessarily corrupts, I do believe that this was the slipping slope and initial fall for the platform. 
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After 6 years of self-success, Karp officially sold the platform to Yahoo! for 1.1 billion dollars in June 2013. This business deal was not very profitable for Yahoo! because the site did not have any way to make revenue off of Tumblr. Thus, Yahoo! began incorporating native advertisements on the site that were integrated into the user’s blog feed on their homepage. Many Tumblr users disliked this change to their once “free from capital” platform, yet the user count sustained and even grew during this time.
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 After Yahoo! was bought by Verizon in June 2017, Tumblr became a subsidiary company to Verizon. Shortly after this in 2018, Tumblr notified its users that 84 accounts linked to Russian propagandists were removed from the site because of the spread of disinformation regarding the 2016 US Presidential election. This infiltration and sway reminds me of the Herder reading, specifically the governmentality section.  Although Tumblr is simply a digital platform, we expect it to filter out and regulate the fake news and fake information that people may post. In part, Tumblr is doing just that; however, what if there were more blogs with this type of propaganda? 
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Wait for it....wait for it....
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One of the final nails in the coffin that contains Tumblr comes from its ban on the App Store in November 2018. Apple decides to remove the Tumblr app from its services once reports come in that large scale material containing child pornography and child abuse are posted on the platform. 
Although Tumblr was a place for self-expression and self-exploration, particularly on topics related to sexuality, identity, self-image, etc, this type of content was not regulated by the platform. One could argue that this is a good thing because it allows free speech and free expression; however, one must take into account the other side which could depict material that no one should be posting or viewing such as the exploitation of minors in a sexual manner. Considering Verizon was losing ad revenue from Tumblr being taken off the App Store, Tumblr (under Verizon) decided to ban all adult content from the platform. 
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Instead of updating their current algorithm (cross-referencing algorithm) to find posts deemed unsuitable for the website, Tumblr decides to place a ban on all “adult content” and use an algorithm which places a flag on all adult content.
"Written content such as erotica, nudity related to political or newsworthy speech, and nudity found in art, specifically sculptures and illustrations, is also stuff that can be freely posted on Tumblr. Although, photorealistic imagery or photography – images, videos, or GIFs -- with real humans that include exposed genitals or female-presenting nipples or depict sex acts is not allowed per our guidelines."
With a bad algorithm for finding posts that did not meet their past guidelines, Tumblr has instated an addition onto their past algorithm which will only make the matters worse for its users and their experience with the platform. Many users criticized this move and believed that Tumblr should be focusing more on finding and banning hate speech, fake news, and porn-bots which post a majority of the content they were trying to censor. Instead, the freely and openly sexual community of Tumblr (who made up a large number of their user base) is punished for the misdeeds of something completely out of their control. Posts that met the new guidelines were being flagged, and content was being hidden from users that had nothing to do with the new algorithm set in place. Pictures of men’s chests, dogs, cartoon characters, etc. were being flagged for inappropriate content showing that this algorithm is flawed. Majorly flawed. 
This ban has a direct correlation between Tumblr losing nearly 30% of its user base and having 100 less million views (March 2019). But hey, they got rid of all the porn and did a good deed. 
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