#produce x 101 seungwoo
baenabi · 2 years
Emm... I wanna know what happened to the others performance videos of Produce x 101 "Move" "Pretty Girl" (these are the ones I noticed that aren't there anymore) bc there were two video of those performance and know when you search for them only one appears... Did Mnet deleted them or ???
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rubybunnii · 1 year
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anqelblccm · 1 year
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⊹˳⁺ ⠀⠀⠀ YOU’RE  WATCHING  :  친한  친구에게  듣는  자신의  앞담화  |  WOODZ  :  HERO  CUTS  ! 
ib.  :  woodz’s  baverse  studio  video  on  yt  ! 
final  word  count  :  1.7k
warning(s)  :  none  as  far  as  i  know,  but  do  lmk  if  you  find  some  ! 
𓂃 ⠀⠀⠀ INTRO  ! 
the  camera  shows  two  people  sitting  back  to  back  in  the  middle  of  an  almost  empty  room.  the  words  “WOODZ’s  BEHIND  CLIP”  show  as  the  people  in  question  shuffle  in  chairs  as  they  laugh  together.
“you  so  were,”  the  man  on  the  right  exclaims,  pointing  his  forefinger  at  the  one  behind  him,  laughing  even  louder  as  the  guy  in  question  loudly  covers  his  face  in  embarrassment.
the  scene  quickly  changes  to  them  sitting  straight  up:  "we  interviewed  WOODZ’s  closest  friends,  KINO,  SEUNGWOO  and  HERO.  they  will  have  their  backs  to  each  other  so  they  can’t  see  each  other’s  faces,”  appears  in  the  centre  of  the  video. 
as  the  question  disappears,  euiwoong  smirks  and  seungyoun’s  sigh  can  be  heard  behind  him.  “hello,”  the  idol  begins  with  amusement  in  his  voice,  “i’m  a  soloist,  HERO,  and  my  relationship  with  seungyoun  is….”  he  purposely  trails  off,  side-eyeing  the  camera  as  he  presses  his  index  finger  to  his  lips.  “don’t  be  weird!”  the  other  soloist  quickly  shakes  his  hands,  trying  to  calm  down  the  younger  guy.  “i’m  kidding,  i’m  kidding,”  euiwoong  reassures  everyone,  “seungyoun  is  someone  precious  to  me;  i  am  practically  his  brother.”  
seungyoun  smiles  lovingly  at  his  answer.
“oh!”  euiwoong  exclaims,  snapping  his  fingers  together,  “our  official  meeting  was  during  the  time  we  were  in  PRODUCE  X  101  together,”  the  soloist  answers,  almost  melancholy-like,  “but  i’ve  known  about  him  since  his  debut  with  UNIQ.”
seungyoun  widens  his  eyes,  “you  never  told  me  that.”
“you  never  asked,”  was  the  soloist’s  answer,  yet  it  sounded  soft  coming  from  his  mouth.
“the  first  time  i  saw  him  in  person,  i  thought,  ‘oh,  that’s  a  guy  i  want  to  be  friends  with’.  i  enjoyed  watching  him  dance  to  ‘DREAM’,  and  i  was  shocked  when  he  told  me  he  composed  the  song  himself!”  seungyoun  smiles,  “he  came  up  to  me  later  and  started  talking  like  we’ve  been  friends  for  years,  yet  with  manners  because  he  knew  i  was  older  than  him.  it  was  refreshing.” 
the  duo  is  quick  to  laugh  at  the  question,  “right!  i  tried  asking  the  staff  members  to  let  me  bunk  with  seungyoun  because  we  were  in  the  same  grade  for  most  of  the  show,  but  they  always  said  no,”  euiwoong  playfully  sulked,  pretending  he’s  crying.  “after  we  debuted  together,  i  think  we  tried  to  share  a  room,  but…”  he  continues,  trailing  off  as  he  starts  snoring,  hearing  seungyoun  gasp  behind  him  as  he  understood  euiwoong’s  action.  “i  do  not  snore!”  the  older  soloist  is  quick  to  defend  himself,  yet  he’s  unable  to  because  the  younger  of  the  two  bursts  out  laughing  at  the  tone  of  his  voice.
euiwoong  ponders  the  question,  tilting  his  head  as  he  hums,  “at  first,  i  thought  he  was  perfect–”  seungyoun  quickly  cuts  him  off,  bashfully  exclaiming  ‘ah,  stop  it!’  “–but  after  spending  so  many  hours  talking  and  bonding  over  many  things,  i’ve  come  to  realise…  that  there’s  a  person  that’s  louder  than  me,  which  i  thought  was  impossible!”  they  laugh  together  at  his  accusation. 
“another  thing  i  realised,”  euiwoong  is  brief  to  continue,  “is  that  he  barely  takes  care  of  himself  unless  someone  reminds  him.”  the  person  in  question  nods  in  agreement  to  his  words,  looking  down  at  his  lap.  “despite  being  younger  than  him,  i  always  reminded  him  to  do  things  and  to  take  it  slow.  i  hope  i  did  it  successfully,”  he  admits,  yet  his  tone  sounds  down,  even  with  seungyoun  reassuring  him  he  did  well.
(  the  video  shows  HERO  walking  towards  the  chair  with  a  perk  in  his  step,  excitement  displayed  on  his  face,  yet  his  fingers  couldn’t  stop  fiddling  with  his  sweater.  )
“i  felt…  sad  in  a  way?”  euiwoong  admits,  “it  was  the  first  time  in  almost  two  years  since  i  saw  seungyoun  in  person,  and  i  sensed  regret  in  my  stomach.” 
“why,  why?”  seungyoun  was  swift  to  ask  in  worry,  never  expecting  euiwoong  to  say  that.
“i  guess–”  euiwoong  stops,  tears  collecting  in  his  eyes  again,  “–seeing  one  of  my  best  friends  after  a  long  time  with  no  contact  made  me  sad.  i  can  only  blame  myself  for  that.”  
after  much  prodding,  euiwoong  clears  his  throat,  feeling  seungyoun  lean  back  in  his  chair,  their  backs  touching.  “when  our  group  was  announced  disbanded,  i  closed  myself  off,  cutting  off  contact  with  practically  everyone  i  knew.  i  became  too  obsessed  with  perfecting  everything  that  made  me  me.”  he  nods  to  himself,  biting  his  lip  to  force  his  tears  to  disappear  as  he  talks  about  his  vulnerable  moments.
“i  think  seeing  him  cry  at  that  moment  made  me  shed  tears  as  well,”  (  the  video  shows  the  duo  sitting  further  from  each  other,  now  face  to  face,  as  they  cry  together.  in  the  last  second,  HERO  smiles  brightly,  making  seungyoun  do  the  same  before  the  scene  disappears.  )
WOODZ  hums,  understanding  his  feelings  after  hearing  it  from  the  singer  himself,  “i’m  not  sure  if  our  euiwoong  knows,  but  i  was  never  angry  at  him  for  not  contacting  me  before.  i  understood  what  he  felt,  even  if  he  never  got  the  chance  to  talk  about  his  problems  with  me.  seeing  him  trying  to  hold  back  tears  made  me  want  to  stand  up  and  hug  him,”  he  heard  HERO  sigh  in  relief  at  his  answer,  wanting  to  reach  behind  and  hold  his  hand. 
both  sigh  simultaneously,  chuckling  after  doing  the  same  action  in  unison.  the  two  suddenly  go  quiet,  fiddling  with  their  clothes  to  prolong  the  time  before  answering.  “heartbroken,”  euiwoong  broke  the  silence  first,  answering  with  blatant  honesty.
“i  never  expected  that  news,  especially  after  just  debuting  together  and  slowly  getting  to  know  each  other  as  a  whole  group,”  he  continues,  turning  his  head  to  the  side  to  try  and  catch  seungyoun’s  eyes,  yet  failing  as  the  latter  kept  his  head  down.  “i  felt  betrayed,  but  most  importantly,  i  couldn’t  stop  thinking  of  other  members.  for  some  reason,  i  couldn’t  help  but  shut  everything  down  and  just…  disappear,”  euiwoong  forces  the  words  out,  yet  his  shoulders  sink  down  in  comfort  after  expressing  his  feelings  aloud.
seungyoun  continues  from  where  the  former  soloist  stopped,  “first  thing  i  thought  of  was,  ‘is  woong  okay?’  because  he  was  sick  at  that  time  and  could  not  hear  it  straight  from  us  but  from  a  second  source.  i  think  the  disbandment  hit  him  the  most  because  of  that.  i  just  wanted  to  come  over  to  see  him  after  collecting  myself.”  
“it  was  a  very  stressful  situation  for  everyone,  especially  for  members  that  debuted  in  the  k-pop  industry  with  x1,”  they  agreed.
“i  remember  seungyoun  telling  me  to  call  him  if  i  needed  anything,  but  i  was  so  shocked  and  disappointed  in  myself  that  i  never  got  the  courage  to  do  so.  i  will  always  regret  not  picking  up  the  phone  just  to  send  him  a  text  message,”  euiwoong  says,  leaning  back  in  the  chair  and  moving  his  arm  around  to  briefly  lock  it  with  seungyoun’s.  “i  will  never  make  that  mistake  again;  i’ll  always  make  sure  it’s  you  who  i’m  contacting  first.”  seungyoun  patted  his  hand  to  reassure  him  he’s  gonna  be  there  for  him.
right  off  the  bat,  euiwoong  blurts  out,  “he’ll  stay  the  same!”  pouting  as  seungyoun  only  smiles.  “in  nine  years,  i  hope  to  stay  in  contact  with  him  and  ensure  we’re  thriving  and  worrying  only  about  our  families.  seungyoun,  i  hope  you  stay  healthy  and  happy  as  you  are  now,”  he  confesses,  hearing  his  friend  hum  in  agreement.
“life  is  unpredictive,  and  we  have  no  idea  what  will  happen  in  the  next  nine  years,  but  i  wish  we  stay  the  same  and  do  what  we  love  the  most;  performing.”  
in  the  last  moment,  he  slowly  leans  back  and  softly  whispers  to  seungyoun,  “did  i  do  it  well?”  hearing  nothing  but  positive  remarks  from  the  older  idol.
euiwoong  smiles  brightly  despite  looking  sad  only  minutes  ago,  “to  my  precious  seung~”  he  starts,  hearing  the  guy  in  question  laugh  at  his  choice  of  words,  “you’re  my  role  model,  and  i  respect  you  as  an  artist,  much  more  as  a  person  because  of  how  much  you  helped  me  through  our  journey.”  euiwoong  twists  his  upper  body  to  briefly  pet  seungyoun  on  his  head  before  properly  turning  back.  “even  if  we  became  friends  in  such  a  short  time,  i  want  you  to  know  that  you’ve  helped  me  a  lot,  even  when  we  were  simply  goofing  around  in  the  training  room.  i’ve  always  supported  you  through  your  journey  from  UNIQ  until  now,  and  i  will  continue  to  do  so,  only  a  lot  closer.”  he  pauses  to  collect  his  thoughts,  feeling  his  throat  dry  from  his  emotions,  “now  that  we  both  share  the  same  stage  in  a  way,  i’m  glad  to  say  that  i  will  be  seeing  you  a  lot  more,”  he  snaps  to  look  at  the  camera,  “and  who  knows,  maybe  a  collaboration  or  more  will  happen  soon!”  euiwoong  teases,  sending  both  of  them  into  giggles.
“my  precious  woong~”  he  replies  back  in  the  same  manner  to  euiwoong,  making  both  of  them  smile  at  the  endearing  term,  “i’m  so  happy  to  see  you  in  person  again,  and  i  want  you  to  know  that  i  will  always  be  there  for  you,  so  don’t  be  afraid  to  message  or  call  me  if  you  need  anything.”  seungyoun  waits  until  they’re  both  calm  to  finish  his  speech,  “wanna  know  something  interesting?”  brisk  to  ask,  he’s  patient  with  euiwoong’s  hum  of  curiosity  before  he  adds,  “the  past  year,  whenever  i  felt  alone,  i  could  almost  feel  your  presence  next  to  me  like  you  were  physically  there,  but  i  just  couldn’t  see  you.  it  made  me  feel  safe  to  know  that  even  if  you  weren’t,  the  feeling  of  protection  was  still  there.”
“this  sounds  like  you’re  my  guardian  angel  in  a  way,”  seungyoun  jokes,  not  expecting  euiwoong  to  hit  him  back  with,  “maybe  i  am?”  
(  the  scene  shows  them  laughing  again,  cutting  to  them  standing  up  and  looking  at  each  other  for  a  couple  of  seconds  with  soft  smiles  before  the  screen  turns  black,  ending  the  video.  ) 
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changbeens · 2 years
Tagged by @minzbins thank youuuuuu
Name: bee
Sign: zodiac? cancer. no idea what that means though
Height: 5'4
Time: 18:53
Birthday: july 1st
Favourite band/artist: nct, ateez, skz, victon, up10tion, a.c.e, the academy is, cobra starship, taking back sunday, fall out boy, (old) panic! at the disco
Last movie: i dont know, definitely something horrific though
Last show: i'm watching the real housewives of atlanta right now
When I created this blog: i started using this account on the day of the produce x 101 final but i dont remember when i actually created it
What I post: kpop, mostly skz and reblogs of lots of other kpop stuff. also genshin and ghibli
Other blogs?: none that i actually use
Do I get asks?: only if i beg for interaction lol
Followers: 3.1k for some reason. thank you
Average hours of sleep: 1 or 2 hours at a time, spread of a 24 hour period
Instruments: piano, bass, guitar, drums, ukulele, stylophone... i'm mainly a bassist though
What I’m wearing: the flash lounge pants and a red lanterns tshirt
Dream job: the person that fluffs changbin's hair and brushes seungwoo's bangs over his eyes
Dream trip: canada
Favourite songs: right now its skz easy, i have too many songs to list here
Tagging: @hvseul @hwiyoungies @cheekyquokka @hanjesungs @chanstopher @kyoungjo @kyubins @chamhwis @bangchanies @felixlixifelix @geniaparadox and anyone else who wants to (absolutely no pressure, feel free to ignore)
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proxduce48 · 30 days
Produce Finalists List
Produce 101 Season 1
Jeon Somi
Kim Sejeong
Choi Yoojung
Kim Chungha
Kim Sohye
Zhou Jieqiong
Jung Chaeyeon
Kim Doyeon
Kang Mina
Im Nayoung
Yoo Yeonjung
Han Hyeri
Lee Suhyun
Kim Nayoung
Kim Sohee
Yoon Chaekyung
Lee Haein
Park Soyeon
Ki Huihyeon
Jeon Soyeon
Jung Eunwoo
Kang Sira
Produce 101 Season 2
Kang Daniel
Park Jihoon
Lee Daehwi
Kim Jaehwan
Ong Seongwu
Park Woojin
Lai Kuanlin
Yoon Jisung
Hwang Minhyun
Bae Jinyoung
Ha Sungwoon
Jeong Sewoon
Kang Dongho
Kim Jonghyun
Im Youngmin
Ahn Hyeongseop
Yoo Seonho
Ju Haknyeon
Choi Minki
Produce 48
Jang Wonyoung
Sakura Miwayaki
Jo Yuri
Choi Yena
Ahn Yujin
Nako Yabuki
Kwon Eunbi
Kang Hyewon
Hitomi Honda
Kim Chaewon
Kim Minju
Lee Chaeyeon
Han Chowon
Lee Gaeun
Miho Miyazaki
Juri Takahashi
Miyu Takeuchi
Miu Shitao
Park Haeyoon
Miru Shiroma
Produce x 101
Kim Yohan
Kim Wooseok
Han Seungwoo
Song Hyeongjun
Cho Seungyoun
Son Dongpyo
Lee Hangyul
Cha Junho
Kang Minhee
Lee Eunsang
Kim Minkyu
Gu Jungmo
Lee Jinhyuk
Song Yuvin
Ham Wonjin
Keum Donghyun
Hwang Yunseong
Lee Sejin
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seokmatthewz · 1 year
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lublycho · 5 years
Someone requested a boyfriend! Seungwoo scenario so here it is!! I'll be posting some w.i.p reactions as well, tomorrow so look forward to it!
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Can I just say Boyfriend!Seungwoo is literally the cutest, most legitimate concept ever?!
And that having him as his boyfriend can go two ways
One, you’re either gonna be babied by him all the time, with him acting like your second father,Or, two, he’ll force you to adopt 10 babies with him and become the second parent x1 members so desperately needed. 
I mean, I don’t think any one of those ways is better than the other, so you’re probably gonna suffer
But you’ll be happy about it. 
Seungwoo is also big on keeping all your dates pre planned because he doesn't wanna mess things up
Like he'd literally make a reservation to your favorite restaurant a month early just to be on the safe side
Dates with him also vary a lot based on your moods. 
One moment you guys are all dressed up and ready to head over for some romantic candlelight dinner and the next you're literally curled up on the sofa in your pyjamas crying over movies on netflix
I feel like Seungwoo would be the kind of guy to focus more on the contrasting expressions on your face rather than the movie
He loves the way your mouth hangs in surprise or when it curls into an everlasting smile or when you yell instructions at the characters in the movie as if they could hear you
It's all cute and all until you start discussing the movie with him and he has literally no clue what happened in it
You guys also have this 'eye contact' thing between you two. 
Like, for example, when you're in a gathering and someone says something cringy or weird, you both look at each other with that 'wtf are they on about' face
And it's so common that sometimes he doesn't even have to look at you to know you're making that face
He just knows...
Also can I use his point as a reminder that Dongpyo must be your favorite son? Because Dongpyo must be your favorite son lmao.
He's the third wheeler on most of your dates, and is also your no.1 shipper
Anyways, Moving on to the personal bits, 
A.k.a kissy times
Seungwoo can sometimes be a really shy guy, so kisses with him are an extremely rare, private affair. 
He isn't very big on PDA on either, but a little hands holding here and there with that adorable blush on his cheeks is common
Kisses with him happen at meaningful times, like when you guys are having those deep 3 am conversations
Or when you're leaving for an exam, since you claim his kiss is your good luck charm
I'll just take this opportunity to say Seungwoo as your boyfriend is like signing up for a 24/7 support system.
Specially when you have exams or are stressed with work
He literally counsels you until he's 101% you've gotten over all stress and anxiety
And even after you're relaxed and fallen asleep, he still keeps caressing your hair and pats your back like the mom he is
On the contrary, you are no less in taking care of him either
Even though Seungwoo is the kind of person to want to handle everything alone, you still coax the things troubling him out of his mouth
And that's a power couple right there 💪
Coming back to the cute stuff, 
Seungwoo loves to see you in his clothes
And just pretends to be annoyed about it for fun
"If you keep stealing my shirts at this rate, I'll have to walk around naked."
"I don't see how that's a bad thing."
You'd wink after saying that, leaving Seungwoo very much turned on by the little sway in your walk.
I'd go into detail about your more intimate life *wink* *wink* but that's a story for another time
For now you have Seungwoo, and your 10 hyperactive kids
And that's enough chaos as it is.
Thanks for reading! It's a bit short so sorry for that. Also if you're still reading then make sure to make a quick prayer for my upcoming gsce result! Ty in advance 😁
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softpacksx · 5 years
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[ seungwoo soft icons ]
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yundetails · 5 years
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Seungyoun and Seungwoo - matching icon
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veehyuk · 5 years
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Please reblog/like if you are using or saving it. -Credit @ veehyuk on twitter
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incorrectx1quotes · 4 years
Seungwoo: What are you going to bring to Christmas dinner?
Minhee: My negative attitude and sparkling personality.
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vorespsd · 5 years
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rubybunnii · 2 years
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suhwan-ee · 5 years
Peak's interview about X1 members!
Produce X 101 trainee Peak under Chandelier Music was asked for an article about his relationships with the members of X1. Here's what he had to say about all of them:
q: Are you close with Kim Yohan?
peak: me & yohan hyung were close from the beginning. we were in u got it team. he took great care of younger trainees. i'm 2 years younger than him. when i cried (in episode 8) because i knew that it was impossible for me to survive the elimination. yohan hyung, wooseok hyung, and seungwoo hyung gave me a hug, patted my head and said, “it’s okay, don’t cry.” yohan hyung is really nice and funny.
q: How about Kim Wooseok?
peak : wooseok hyung is weird and full of energy. sometimes he screamed loudly for no reason. he asked me to teach him thai words. i taught him about thai food like khao man gai (chicken rice), tom yum goong (spicy shrimp soup), kaeng khiao wan (green curry). then wooseok hyung wanted to know how to say, “you look like green curry” in thai. he’s weird, but super talented.
q: How was Han Seungwoo as a leader?
peak: i met seungwoo hyung when we were in u got it team. he’s great at everything, whether it’s singing, rapping or dancing. i look up to him as one of my idol. he always delivered great performances and he has a lot of experience. i’ve learned a lot from him. he’s really cool.
q: Song Hyeongjun and you were both in class D right?
peak: yes, and hyeongjun taught me a korean slang word. that word is “galbi” (korean bbq short ribs). it means “almost”. for example, if you’re playing soccer and you missed a shot, you will say “galbi”. it's like “almost”. he taught me that word after he moved up from class X to class D. from that moment on, i stopped calling him hyeongjun. every time i called him galbi, he said galbi back to me.
q: Cho Seungyoun?
peak: seungyoun hyung has the most energy among X1 members. his laughter is hilarious. he never fails to make everyone laugh. we've never been on the same team, but he speaks english very well. he always said, “yo, peak. what’s up?” he never runs out of energy. i've never seen him get tired. no matter how hard he practiced, he’s still being himself.
q: How about Son Dongpyo?
peak : dongpyo is adorable. we've never been on the same team, but he’s close with eunsang and seungwoo hyung. when i'm with eunsang and seungwoo hyung, dongpyo always came and talked to me. his cheeks are so squishy that they can be pulled like this. they’re like mochi rice cake. he’s such a cute kid.
q: Your first impression on Lee Hangyul?
peak: our hangyul hyung, he is great. he's a cool guy. from the first day, his impression was that he's super cool, when he walked in with his golden hair and an undercut, i looked at him and thought he's really cool. i went to him all the time. he's heavy-handed though, he'd go, "yo! peak!" then we'd shake our hands and my hand will go *jello motions*.
q: We heard that you liked Nam Dohyon so much?
peak: nam dohyon, my little hamster, has made it into X1. congrats from the bottom of my heart. i told him that he has to debut, and he did it. after the finale, we didn't get a chance to talk yet. but i told dohyon, “see you in thailand”. he said he will come here, but i don’t know when. i also told wooseok hyung “see you in thailand”, and he said, “okay”. i met dohyon’s mother at the show finale. she thanked me for taking care of her son. she also whispered to me that he told her everything. if he come to thailand, i want to take him to wat phra kaew (temple of the emerald buddha). i want him to see our beautiful culture.
q: You and Cha Junho are both shy thats why you got close to each other?
peak: me and junho danced x1-ma and slept beside each other. we talked about, "when will we go home?". junho asked me, "is korean language difficult?" junho is shy. at first we were shy. because we didn't know each other before. but after that they we feel more relaxed.
q: How about Kang Minhee?
peak: when minhee sleeps, he doesn’t close his eyes. i got close to minhee’s face one and minhee woke up being shocked bcs of how close i was.
q: Lastly, your impression on Lee Eunsang?
peak: at first, eunsang is a very shy person but after i know him, he is not that shy like you saw him. he is so funny. he is very nice, he smile easily and smile a lot. he always takes care of other people.
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wooseok-ing · 5 years
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Livestreams of X1's debut showcon will be shown on the channels above!
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binsualship · 5 years
You weren't happy that your boyfriend Seungwoo joined Produce x 101 when he has already a group where he debuted but you supported him nevertheless. It's the day where he and his group are performing 》너를 만나《by Paul Kim. You always loved the song but didn't knew that Seungwoo was a part of it and he didn't knew that you were standing in the first row, so both of you were surprised when you saw each other, a small smile appeared on his face. They sat down and prepared to begin. During the song you could see his passion and tears started to roll down your cheek, it was like he sang the song dedicated to you. His eyes were closed during almost the whole song, once he opened them he saw your teary eyes and also immediately teared up, you formed a 'You did well, I love you' with your mouth and he smiled softly. Once again realizing that he loves you so much and can't live without you.
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