#probs not something you want to do right after waking up!!!!
coca-cola-fiend · 9 months
How I think the straw hats sleep when they have company (romantic or platonic)
Wraps himself around you
You are NOT moving for a while
Snores, unless you prop him up right
Likes to cuddle, will whine if you say no (unless you look like super uncomfortable, emotionally aware king love that)
Mans has no thoughts of personal space. He wants to be close ALL THE TIMe
Will talk your ear off as he’s wrapped around you. Yes both arms and legs if it’s comfortable.
Tried to listen to you too, but will probs fall asleep. He doesn’t mean to be rude, bro is just tired and happy your with him.
Warm, but wiggles a lot.
After Marineford, he’s especially clingy. Has nightmares about it and only sleeps well if he knows his crew is safe and close by.
Please comfort him and tell him that the crew is safe, that he is safe.
Will drag you off for a nap if he’s tired. Or just falls asleep on top of you.
Will wake you up in the middle of the night to spout off random shit. Then fall back asleep. Or he’s going to try and grab a snack. Sanji is not pleased when the fridge is dented from this attempt.
Please make a deal with him to shower more. Your nose will think you.
Dude also needs a shower
Likes to work out and then have a nap
Doesn’t like to admit it but prefers when your around for both of these activities
Enjoys flexing while training and then relaxing with a nap with one of his favorite people on the ship
If he stinks, MAKE HIM BATHE. Bro is STINKY and needs to scrub more. After he washes then it’s nap time. That’s the deal.
Nami thanks you for this
It started with just napping around you, then slowly leaning onto you.
Neither of you make a big deal out of it, more for his sake then yours. He’s embarrassed to admit he’s soft for your time together.
Not a huge talker, but is very good a listening.
Gives advice if he thinks you want it, but will sit and listen if you need to get stuff off your chest.
Is a little jealous you can do so with ease (in his mind). He’s too caught up being strong for the crew that he forgets that he’s allowed to just be Zoro, not Pirate Hunter or King of Hell Zoro.
Snores a little, but not super loud. Place his head on your shoulder or lap and he’s OUT. May even curl an arm or leg around you if he feels like it.
Not used to co-sleeping
Sleeps with a weapon close by due to her past with Arlong. This doesn’t change, only the location of the weapon does.
Particular about her sleep. Has a routine and everything.
Expects you to hold yourself to a certain standard if your sleeping in the same room as her (you’ll have to work up to cuddling).
Will gift you nice pjs, soaps, blankets, things like that.
Gets hot easily, but hates being too cold.
Will fall asleep at her nap desk. Please pick her up and tuck her into bed.
That’s how it starts probably. She holds onto you in her sleep and mumbles something you can’t make out. You wait and get a quiet “stay…don’t go”. You stay.
This happens a few more times before your invited into her bed. You slept on the floor before to avoid making her uncomfortable.
Refuses to admit that she likes being the little spoon, but she has the best sleep when she feels safe and protected by someone she trusts deeply.
Likes to nap in the sun under her trees with you. The warmth and the smell of the fruit is relaxing.
Doesn’t ask you to nap, just expects you to agree. Drags you to nap when she’s had a bad day.
Please just hold her for a bit and listen to her rant about stuff. She appreciates it more then you’ll ever know.
Tries to act chill when you fall asleep on him for the first time.
Is smiling while trying to act annoyed like it’s an inconvenience (he feels so happy do NOT believe him)
Another one to fall asleep while creating. If you can’t pull him away wrap a blanket around him and place a pillow under his head.
Usopp is a lonely guy, considering he didn’t really have any friends before the straw hats (not including the Usopp pirates and Kaya).
If feels nice to be chosen
Likes to tell you stories (real and make believe) as your winding down to sleep.
Lights up when you smile or laugh because of him.
Makes it his goal to make you smile at least once before the end of the day. Even if it’s just an eye smile, he knows he’s made you happy, and that makes him happy.
LOVES late night talks. Doesn’t matter what it’s about. He’s happy to spend time with you.
Does his best not to wake you up in the morning if your not ready to wake up. Will save you some food (from Luffy) if your not awake yet.
Will be thinking of stories all day to tell you. Of course he tells the rest of the crew, mainly Chopper and Luffy, as well. But your late night talks hold a special place in his heart and day.
Is forever grateful you chose him as your best friend.
Another one who has a hard time accepting affection (Zoro, and Robin too).
Happens after he has a nightmare about his family (this feels familiar ha).
You catch him up super late and ask him what’s wrong.
He doesn’t tell you right away (especially if it’s before Whole Cake) and gives a vague explanation of having a hard time sleeping.
You offer to help, and for some reason (sleep deprivation due to stress) he agrees.
You bring him back to bed and hold him. He’s not used to being held and take a bit to relax and get comfortable. The last time someone held him like this was either Zeff or his mom. Probably his mom.
This repeats for about a week before he starts seeking you out. He’s embarrassed about it at first but can’t deny he does sleep better with you around.
At some point, you start waking up with him and keeping him company while he makes breakfast. Whether you help him or not depends on what he’s making.
You keep him entertained while he cooks, and he makes you a little extra as a thank you.
Of course he’ll deny this if you bring it up, so if you want extra, just enjoy it.
He may tell you more about his dreams as time goes on, but nothing huge until you actually meet his family. Then he doesn’t even need to tell you, you just know when he’s having a hard time and step up the comfort.
He’s grateful to have such a wonderful crew to call his own.
I’ll probably do a part 2 with the rest of the straw hats later, but I’m tired and want to post this already. The straw hats deserve some comfort with all that trauma.
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mystellenia · 25 days
sleepy late nights with ellie ��ৎ
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summary: both you and ellie wake up in the middle of the night and cuddle your way back to sleep.
content: answer to this req!! nothing nsfw :] just fluffy and ellie being stupid
notes: sorry i havent posted in a while.. but yes finals are coming up so i’ll prob kms soon. but i have this class where i hate the teacher and after finals i'm done with him FINALLY YESSS
(wc 1.0k)
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a loud coughing fit came from over your shoulder where you slept in bed, making you open your eyes to see if it would stop. it did not, instead intensifying after you look over your shoulder to find a hunched over ellie sitting up with her legs swung over the edge of the bed. she notices that her coughing woke you up and she quickly palms her mouth, hoping to muffle the volume of the coughs. 
she tries—and fails—to get an apology out in between her coughs: "fuck- i didn't mean- didn't mean to wake you up." 
you simply watch with your eyes wide and brows drawn in naked concern. finally, she calms down and lowers her voice to a whisper. "sorry baby." 
rolling onto your back, you extend your hand out towards her and then stop it midair, shocked at how unconcerned she seems at her previous death hacks. 
"um, hello? are you okay?" you whisper-yell. 
she lifts the covers to get back into bed, trying to rub her eyes of the sleep that was so violently interrupted. "i woke up with the worst cotton mouth so i just drank whatever was on my nightstand. it was soda. squirt to be exact. i think i just asphyxiated." 
"stupid- why would you drink soda for thirst? drink water," you scold her. 
"it was right there- i just needed anything! i would've drank chocolate milk if it was right there!" 
"dummy," you huffed. the blinking led lights of the clock on ellie's nightstand catches your eye—it was just past two in the morning. yawning, you say, "just come back, let's sleep." 
she didn't resist—she looked exhausted. ellie was anything but a morning person, and she got cranky if she didn't get a full night's rest.  
scooting down to get under the blanket, she pulls it up to her chin and turns on her side to face you staring back at her. she moves with a shimmy to get closer to your body, pushing her legs in between yours and tangling them as she nearly presses her nose to yours. with a content sigh, she nuzzles into her pillow and closes her eyes. 
softly chuckling at her apparent routine to get resituated, you huff out a laugh, making her open her eyes. 
"what?" she murmurs, confused at what you were laughing at. 
"el, what do you mean what? i'm exhaling right into your nose and inhaling your breath." 
"just say you don't love me," she pouts, theatrically turning over to face her back to you and yanking the blanket. 
"you're so annoying," you say and roll your eyes while sitting up to litter her face in kisses. "please come back so we can share germs?" 
"that's more like it." she returns to her previous position with her legs tangled in yours and face a centimeter from yours. 
her head pushes forward for a second to drop a kiss on your lips—just a quick goodnight. "'night, baby." 
you laugh, "good night, ellie." 
you settle into your pillow and close your eyes to begin to drift off to sleep when you feel the weight of ellie's head lift off of her pillow. after a second or two, you open your eyes to a squint to see ellie looking at you in disbelief. 
"can you give me a kiss back or should i roll back over and social distance again?" 
"oh my god, ellie, can we sleep?!" she raises her eyebrows in expectation, giving you her cheek to kiss. "my stupid big baby."  
you plant your hands on either side of her jaw, speaking and punctuating every few words with a kiss. "yes, i love you,"--kiss--"yes, i wanna exchange microorganisms with you,"--kiss--"no, i don't want us to sleep six feet apart,"--kiss--"...but... drinking squirt three seconds after you open your eyes is actually insane, baby." 
you see in her eyes how badly she wants to throw something back at you, but her cheeks are barely containing her suppressed smile, so instead she just giggles and lays her head back on her pillow, the tip of her nose tickling yours. 
"good nighttt," ellie whispers in a sing-songy tone, kissing your lips once, twice, three times before settling back in her nose-to-nose position. 
"you're so cute," you blurt out, pulling the blanket up and tucking it under your chin. 
her words started to slur, her syllables beginning to blend together by exhaustion. "d'you wanna order food tomorrow morning for breakfast in bed?" 
"it is tomorrow—it's, like, 2:30 now." 
she kisses her teeth in irritation. "you fuckin' smartass," she murmurs, a long yawn following. "do you want to or no?" 
"duh i want to. i can't wait to get fat together." 
she takes so long to respond that you think she's dozed off until she mutters out, "perfect," a sleepy smile taking over her face. 
"can... can we get caprisuns in the cup for him, too?" she adds on nonsensically. 
"baby, what?" you question, unable to make any sense of her... request? her statement? she's too tired to be speaking. 
ellie's breaths slow down again, making you think she's actually fallen asleep until she hums to get your attention. you hum back at her to show you're listening, and she starts to speak. 
"can we get a liter of squirt tomorrow with breakfast?" 
"what the fuck. bedtime now. good night," you say, shutting down her meaningless rambling to go to sleep. right before your eyes shut, you notice her soft pout at you silencing her, but it fades off into a smile as you fall asleep. 
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i dont have much to say!! gonna post now bc i have an appointment rn 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 month
You may request A batboys reacting to the death of the reader
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First time writing for Tim, so he’s probs ooc in this one.
Dick feels as though he’s failed you.
He tries to act like he was fine but he was far from it and everyone knew it as they stepped on eggshells with him during this time.
Dick would often find himself sat on the very rooftops where he’d take you on countless dates or just to star gaze and talk as though you were still with him.
It was his own way of comforting himself with your loss but that was never enough to stop the tears that fell from his eyes when he spotted a bright star he’s never seen before until now, and laughs humourlessly.
‘I see you’ve finally made your way amongst the stars huh sweetheart?’ He’d say as your star would twinkle in response, making him chuckle. ‘You’re so beautiful, the brightest of your kind.’ He adds sombrely as he wipes his eyes with the back of his hand as he felt his heart sing out for you, only to receive nothing in return.
Reality was often disappointing but with you it was a fairy tale.
Waking up to you was a dream within itself and getting to do mundane things with you before heading off to work was something that could only exist in a daydream.
He knew Hayley misses you as badly as he does with how he’d hear the poor dog whine and whimper at the door, as if waiting for you to walk through it and tackle her with kisses and love like you always did, only to get nothing for hours.
‘I know, I miss them too.’ He says against Hayley’s fur as she whimpers and whines at the door. ‘I miss them so fucking much it hurts.’ He adds as he allows himself to mourn for you alongside his dog long into the night.
Jason blames himself for not being fast enough or strong enough to keep you protected and safe.
The apartment you once shared with him that only recently had started to feel like home to him now felt cold and haunted with the ghost of you, so much so to the point he avoids it at all cost.
Nothing felt right without you, everything felt wrong and unjustified that he became more ruthless then before on patrols just to let off some steam and would come back from them more beaten and bruised then normal.
He didn’t care, he couldn’t feel anything anymore with how numb he became after loosing you.
Dick and Roy would stop by to see how he was doing but each visit was the same with Jason refusing his older brother and best friend entry as he held one of your plushies tightly against his chest. He knows they mean well but he just couldn’t find it within himself to hear the same thing he’s heard from everyone else; It just felt disingenuous after a while and didn’t feel as though people truly understood the impact that you had on him throughout your time together.
Jason would become more destructive with himself and going headfirst into danger without a second thought and damns his teammates for dragging him out by the scruff of his neck as he fights and kicks out of their hold. He doesn’t want to be saved! He just wanted to be with you again, why couldn’t they see that?!
After loosing you Jason becomes more prone to angry outbursts and often lets them out on the wrong person but he couldn’t care less at this point, his favourite person was gone and he was left back where he was before you.
Lost and deeply afraid.
Tim would retreat from everyone and everything by cooping himself into his room, rarely to come out.
He’d rather rot in his bed and on his phone, looking through all the photos you’ve taken together and seeing just how happy you both were, all the while a pit in his stomach grew at the thought of all the plans you’ve made but would never get to do.
He hated how easily he gave you his heart and hated it even more at just how easy it was to loose you that he wishes that he could stop himself from meeting you for the first time, just so he could selfishly save himself from the best moments of his life and the inevitable heartbreak he’d soon suffer.
Tim would do anything in his power to get you back but knew that it just wasn’t possible.
He knew Jason was given life by the Lazarus pit but he wasn’t willing to subject you to that even if he was held at gunpoint. He’d rather you rest in peace than force you to live with the knowledge that you should technically be dead.
Tim would remain in his room, wondering about the what ifs and the what could’ve beens if you hadn’t died. Would someone have taken your place? Was your death an unchangeable fixed point in time that was meant to happen?
He would only be reunited with you in his dreams where he has saved you and you had gotten to live out the rest of your life happily, rather then left for dead in an alleyway not too far from the place where you were originally going to meet up for date night.
Damian dedicated his life to getting revenge.
He had lost the light in his life, so why should he think his adversaries should live when you weren’t even given the option?
There will be more bodies pilling up on the streets of Gotham at a faster rate than normal whenever Damian is on patrol, much to Bruce’s dismay.
His anger and grief was all consuming and that left little to no room for logic to make him stop and see what he was doing was no better than the thing that took you away.
Life was black and white for a long time for Damian and you were the colour.
You were the air he breathed and without you he was gasping.
He knew about the Lazarus pit in his grandfather’s possession and its mythical properties and how it gave Jason a second chance at life. However he was at a cross roads on using it for his own selfish gain, on one hand he could have you back and everything would be fine again, but on the other hand you wouldn’t be the version of you he fell in love with…
Damian didn’t know what to do. The grief, the anger, the sadness…it was all too much for him. He felt as though he apart of him was missing and he would never get it back, it just wasn’t possible.
Bruce feels as though nothing has changed since his parents death.
He may be older, faster, stronger and wiser but that didn’t mean nothing in the face of death, and your death only proved that to be true as he held you in his arms, holding you close to his chest as he quietly sobs into your cold neck.
Much like Tim, Bruce doesn’t take care of himself anymore and it was up to Alfred to make sure that he doesn’t keep over and die unexpectedly.
‘They wouldn’t want this for you sir.’ Alfred would say as Bruce slams his hands down on the surface of his desk. ‘And what would you know that they want for me Alfred, y/n’s dead and it’s my fault.’ He would bark and bare his teeth at the only father figure he had in his life, a father figure whom has seen this expression bore on the young master’s face more times then he could count, but it still hurt him to see Bruce in pain and heartbreak.
‘They would want you to take care of yourself, sleep proper hours, eat full meals, shower, reach out to anyone,’ Alfred began to walk towards Bruce and place a hand on his shoulder, where he could practically feel the unbridled anger and pain radiation through him that he kept under control. ‘They wouldn’t want you to wallow in pain alone, Gotham needs you.’
‘And I needed them.’ Bruce replied sharply, aggressively wiping his eyes with his hand as he looks over at a framed picture of you that he always kept nearby. ‘All I wanted was them.’ He adds softly this time as he looks at Alfred, lost and confused at what to do now that his anchor was gone. ‘I miss them so much Alfred.’
Alfred brings Bruce into his arms, much like he did when he lost his parents, when he lost Jason and now you, allowing him to burrow his face into the Butler’s shoulder and softly sob into the fabric. Alfred felt his heart break even more as he rubbed Bruce’s back in an attempt of bringing him comfort. ‘I know master Bruce, I know, but you’d be doing their memory a great disservice by destroying yourself.’ The older man started as he looked over at the framed picture of you and smiled soberly, you were a beacon to Bruce and Alfred wasn’t afraid to say that he viewed you as his in law with how happy you made Bruce and that was all Alfred could ever want for him.
Now that you were gone, Alfred couldn’t help but feel that the manor got just that little bit lonelier without you.
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bambisnc · 3 months
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lie with you [or, how riize comforts you when you're crying bc of a nightmare]
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pairing : ot7 x reader! genre : implied hurt n subsequent comfort cw/tw : hugging + kisses + food mention + possibly swearing? wc : idk ,,
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shotaro ,. ! - im a firm believer of taro heavy sleeper agenda - bro will be out like a log, no fire alarm is waking him up anytime soon D: - but! when you wake up because of the nightmare and end up moving a bit away from him as you process it - he knows. - he just somehow subconsciously knows that there's distance between you and just reaches out for your warmth and traps you in a big hug – all while he's snoring softly (in the CUTEST way ever) - ends up comforting you without even being conscious he's just skilled tm like that yk??
eunseok ,. ! - light sleeper!!!!! his happy burritos and cream pasta dreams stop the literal second he hears the slightest whimper out of you - mentally goes "who tf hurt my darling s/o." - when he finds out it's you crying bc of a nightmare i'm sorry but he might tease you (later ofc, when you've had enough time to heal from it bbg dw) - but rn he offers distractions in the form of bingeing cutesy animes (imagine you watch horimiya's toffee scene w him or any other anime romance cliche and he goes would u like me to do that to you. i'd pass awa y)
sungchan ,. ! - you may have to wake him up depending on how tired he is :/ - but as soon as he finds out, wraps you up in the comfiest + warmest clothes he can find and throws you over his shoulder like a potato sack/holds you in a princess carry -> depends entirely on which you prefer he can do both 💪 - takes you straight to his car (we're js gonna pretend he can drive for the sake of the hc my extensive research i.e. 15 mins on reddit led me nowhere ;-;) it's time for a midnight drive! - puts on you guys' shared playlist and takes you to a grocery store snack run followed by going to an open-ish place so you can watch the stars tgt :(
wonbin ,. ! - i think his waking up abilities are honed purely due to being w you (yk like what if you need him to hug you at like 3 am. and he's too busy passed out (dreaming of you) then what.) - feels you trembling and is lowkey upset that you didn't wake him up when you needed him :( - he gets that you might not want to face him tho, so simply presses his chest against your back and places soft kisses on your neck. probably drops in a couple "'m here for you love" "it'll be okay" "i love you so so much yk that right?" he's versatile w his sweet nothings like that :( <3
seunghan ,. ! - this guy scares me ngl /j - he probably knows you're having a nightmare before you know you're having a nightmare - wakes you up by shaking you gently, comforts you with many many many hugs as you're waking up - kisses your tears away .. (i'm so weak for him) - lays your head down on his lap and lets you vent to him just listening to you, dude's gentle presence alone is enough to calm you down - BUT ALSO. imagining him drawing you a warm bath and you ending up coercing him into wearing cutesy animal face masks w you :(((
sohee ,. ! - guy who must be facing his s/o while sleeping !! gets to know and wakes up immediately when you start crying - clings to you like a koala that's it that's the hc. has his head buried in your neck, hands tied so so tightly around your waist which greatly help to ground you - also probably cracks a couple of really cringey jokes something along the lines of "i'll be your silver knight, my princess" but says it w the softest, sweetest expression and in the sincerest, honey-like tone that you can't help but melting completely :( - when he feels you've calmed down enough prob also initiates a tickle fight sorry i don't make the rules acc to him you need to laugh after a bout of crying okay??
anton ,. ! - guy who must be facing his s/o while sleeping (2) except his ass is not waking up unless you physically shake him awake - you'd probably do that though bc what better way to comfort you from a nightmare than your half-asleep bf's soothing voice? - bro is probably so out of it that he just very eloquently goes "wh huh wha" or something of that sort - when he's coherent enough (not really) he would sort of kind of roll up on top of you forgetting his 6'1 stature - but on the positive side his weight over you is a lot like a really comfy blanket (that can kiss your forehead w the utmost gentleness) - if you ask nicely he'll even sing you a lil lullaby to help you get back to sleep <3
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notes : THIS WAS FUN !! ppl who dont know my current bias try guessing based on this 🤭 + [m.list]
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lolapiastri · 10 months
early mornings | c. leclerc
warnings: fluffy smut, like sickly sweet smut, wrote this at 2am so prob incorrect grammar
authors note: first story i’ve ever written, would like to thank @jamminvroomvroom for unknowingly inspiring me to write this and start my own blog xx
it was quiet when you woke up that morning.
not silent. a low rumble of the early traffic rose from the streets to your apartment window, left slightly open because your boyfriend insisted it was too hot to sleep without some air in the room. you protested, like you always did, but he insisted that he could keep you warm in his arms. and he wasn't wrong with that. a whisper of wind tickled the curtains, letting pockets of weak winter sunlight gently illuminate the room.
not silent. birds chirped softly outside, all in harmony with each other, mother nature at her best. that was partly the reason you begged charles to move in with you, and not the other way around. yes, he had the bigger and more luxurious apartment, but you lived further away from the centre of montecarlo, away from the hustle and bustle of businessmen and playboys. your place was on the outskirts, near enough that everything was close to you, but far enough that nature was all around you, and you got to wake up to bird song.
not silent. your boyfriend's breath fanned just under your ear, sound so gentle it was almost sending you back to sleep. you head was tucked under his, arm slung over your hip, slid underneath the baggy t-shirt you had 'borrowed' from him, pulling your back into his chest. you couldn't physically be closer together, legs tangled together like you were frightened something or someone was trying to pull you apart. it felt like that sometimes, when he was away for weeks at a time and the timezones didn't match well, it felt like the universe was trying to tell you something. but you never let it sway you. you knew you loved him. you always would.
you felt him stir behind you after just a few minutes, probably because of the quickly rising sun brightening the room. his thumb shifted slightly, and goosebumps followed wherever his touch went. he always loved how responsive you were, how much you craved his touch, how much he affected you. he was your drug, your addiction you couldn't live without. you craved him, and he loved that you did.
"morning, amour," he rasped, voice hoarse and thick with sleep.
you just hummed in response, settling further into the cushions, his gentle touch the only thing filling your mind. you stayed like that for a while, the knowledge that the other was there and in your presence enough to satisfy the mind.
he planted a soft kiss into your head, still felt through the tangles of your bed hair. "still awake?"
you hummed again. "still awake."
you felt his hand rise, inch by inch, up your chest. his cold touch trailed up the valley of your breasts, chest held tense as you held your breath, trying to anticipate his next move, use every piece of knowledge you had collected over the time you've known him to try and work out something, anything.
"charles," you whined as his hand finally brushed over your right nipple, touch featherlight, nowhere near enough of what you wanted, what you needed.
he left out a soft chuckle, breathy and carefree. "tell me what you want, mon amour."
you shook your head. "too tired, baby. don't do this now."
charles loved to tease, loved to see how far he could push you, how close you could get to the edge of pleasure and pain. but on mornings like these, where your brain wasn't fully awake yet, at least not enough to enjoy the thrill of his teasing, you just wanted him, in any way he could give to you.
he didn't say anything, but seemed to understand your drift, fingers coming together to pinch your nipple, and the feeling was so so so good that your arched your back away from him, letting out a whiny moan. it was so basic, so simple, yet when it was him, it was like the heavens were shining down upon you, filling you with complete and utter euphoria.
his other hand joined in on your other breast, doubling the pleasure, and you could physically feel your breaths getting shallower.
"more, please charles," you whined, "need more of you."
he let out a playful scoff. "only been touching you for a few minutes and you're already a mess, huh? god, i love you-"
whatever he was planning on saying next was cut short as his lips attached to your neck, instantly sucking against your sweet spot, the place that he knew could turn you on all too well. your hips brushed against him, feeling the growing length of him against your ass. he groaned into your skin, biting down ever so slightly, while a hand slid down your stomach and started fiddling with the waistband of the panties you had slept in.
he groaned as he felt the material, the same lace he had fucked you in earlier in the week. the feeling brought him back to that time, he could remember every second of that night. the way your legs wrapped around his head as he went down on you, the way your tongue swirled around the head of his cock as you returned the favour, the way you rode him like your life depending on it - all the memories added to the feeling growing in his boxers, and he knew that he just had to fuck you soon, or it felt like the earth would stop spinning round the sun.
as soon as his fingers brushed over your clit he chuckled, pulling them out and admiring them. they glistened in the weak sunlight, the sparkle catching your eye as he brought it towards his mouth, licking off your juices.
"fuck, mon amour," he practically moaned at the taste, and at you grinding down against him, desperate for contact. "taste so sweet, and i haven't properly touched you yet."
"baby, baby please," you whined, grabbing his wrist and bringing it down to where you needed him the most. "need you, baby. need you so fucking much."
he chuckled softly, but gave into your begging, fingertips tracing loose circles against your clit. "you're so beautiful, you know that? fucking prettiest girl in the world."
you turned your head slightly, and he did the same, so you could meet each other in a loving, sloppy kiss, tongues swirling around each other as he kept the pace on your clit, moaning into each others mouths.
the feeling was only emphasised when he dipped two fingers into you, with ease due to how wet you already were, curling them up against that spot inside of you, and if you thought your moans were loud before, they were deafening now, even with the muffling of charles' mouth. you disconnected the kiss, throwing your head back against his shoulder, quick shallow breaths against your boyfriend's neck as he kept doing what he was doing. and god was he good at it; he knew your body like the back of his hand - no better than that. he was the only man you had been with who could have you crumbling within minutes, or even seconds, and you loved him that little bit more for it.
it had only been a few minutes and you could already feel your orgasm fast approaching, but there was no need to tell charles. he already knew, judging by the fact he was speeding up his fingers, his thumb now firmly settled on your clit.
"close, pretty girl?" he almost teased, planting a kiss on your forehead.
you nodded as best as you could, in too much pleasure to even answer him, just able to moan as your hips bucked slightly against his hand. and you let out the least holy sound in the world as you finally came undone on his fingers, body tensing then relaxing in charles' arms. he slowed down his movements as he carried you through your orgasm, before slowly sliding them out and back up to his mouth for the second time.
you could only focus on calming your breaths, but charles had other ideas, pulling his now hard dick out of the boxers he slept in and dragging it through your slick. you turned your neck around, grabbing charles' jaw and pulling him in for a thanking kiss.
"love you, love you so much baby," you panted, whimpering as his dick began to push into you slightly. "want you to fuck me, fuck me however you want."
and how could he ignore such a sweetly spoken invitation, finally sliding himself entirely into you, letting out a deep grunt as he got fully inside. you couldn't even speak, a choked moan coming out of your throat as he began to move back and forth.
"merde, mon amour," he always ended up speaking in french when he first fucked you, claiming afterwards that he was in so much pleasure that he literally couldn't think in english. "je me sens toujours si bien quand tu m’entoures."
you chuckled, your french okay but not quite that good. "english, charles. can't understand you."
"i said," he thrusted especially hard then, your mouth falling into an 'o' shape naturally when his dick brushed the spot he knew all too well, "that you feel so fucking good wrapped around me."
his hands wrapped around your body, holding you as close as physically possible as he kept the pace up. both of you knew you weren't lasting long - you because you were already so sensitive from your last orgasm, and him because he was so in love with you that he never lasted that long when he was fucking you.
"not gonna last long, mon amour," he panted, fucking into you faster than ever, "you feel too good."
"neither, baby, i'm gonna cum, i'm gonna cum, fuck-"
as you said that you came on his dick, and the way you squeezed around him triggered his own orgasm, releasing inside of you as both of you guys collapsed against each other, thin layer of sweat covering both you bodies, him slowly sliding out of you. you somehow found the energy to turn yourself around, so you could see him properly for the first time this morning.
"you're so pretty," you muttered, hand rising to cup his cheek, post-orgasm glow adorning his cheeks.
he blushed slightly, making a natural smile pull your cheeks up. "the same could be said for you."
the jobs for the day could wait, you two just needed a moment to stare into each others eyes, to show each others love for each other, and to snuggle yourself into your boyfriend's arms.
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iammattswife · 5 months
Matt Sturniolo Fluff Alphabet Headcanons!!
warnings: mention of sex, idk i think that's it?
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Everything. Literally everything. He would be so love sick that everything you do would be adorable to him. He likes the simplicity of being with you, sleeping in the same bed together, waking up together, getting ready together in the morning, being able to have long in depth conversations without any judgment or awkwardness.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Huge physical intimacy guy, caressing your hand, tighs, cheeks, arm, etc. Anything that allows him to give both of you a sense of comfort. Also your boobs. Definitely napping on them 24/7.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
I think he's a huge switch, not just sexually but also when it comes to simple things like cuddling. He likes to hold you, he likes to know that he can provide you that sense of comfort and safety that no one else can. But he also likes to be held, he loves when you run your hands through his hair (he will also play with yours because it "relaxes him") or when you gently caress his back, he likes to lay his head on your boobs or on your stomach. (especially if you were pregnant as it would make him feel closer to the baby)
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Honestly, probably staying in a lot. Movie nights, baking dates, legos, maybe a spurr of the moment karaoke night where you both laugh at each others terrible vocals, driving around or walking around a park or on the beach (specifically at night) anything that's a normal activity but with you, he'll love.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Very very well. Huge communication guy, what's to know how you're feeling about everything. Won't pressure you into talking tho but will definitely make sure you know you can talk to him whenever you want/need to and it will remain between you and him. He also displays his emotions through his body language a lot, so whenver you're in public/social setting and he starts to get anxious or just wants to leave with you he'll start to be more touchy and whisper sweet nothings to you.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. Did i mention yes? Wants to be a dad so bad and wouldn't want to do it along side anyone but you, I don't think he'd have a specific age, he could literally have kids right now as long as you both want it and are ready. But also if you did get accidentally pregnant he definitely would be so so excited, obviously nervous as it wasn't planned but so so excited. And speaking of accidental pregnancies, he probably would be the type to just go off all protection (condoms, birth control) so it wouldn't be planned like "we're trying for a baby" but you also wouldn't not be trying. Yk? He'd def have at least 2 as he wouldn't want them to be an only child, but if you wanted to stop after 1 cus the pregnancy was bad or just whatever reason he would 100% respect that and wouldn't pressure you at all. I like to imagine him with 2 twin girls. And than maybe like 3yrs after you'd get pregnant again on accident (how i said earlier, trying but also not trying) and you'd have a cute lil baby boy and he'd be smothered from his girly older sisters all the time. (Sorry that was REALLY long)
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
He doesn't like to make gifts a big deal, he'll just randomly see something that he knows you'd like, were thinking of buying or knows you need and just buy it for you. For birthdays and christmas he'd prob he'd have one big main gift and than a bunch of little things like matching socks, hoodies, jewelery, etc.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
As I already mentioned he loves to hold hands, literally everywhere. He's not huge on pda like he won't randomly make out with you in a public setting but he will definitely hold your hand (and a few kisses). Holding your hand while driving, eating, sleeping, sex, walking around, shopping, etc. Also if you 2 are just chilling both on your phones he'd have one hand on his phone and one holding your hand (or thigh)
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Oh boy he'd definitely panick, i think it would depend on the injury tho. If you clumsily got a paper cut or scrapped your knee he'd probably laugh at you a bit but still make sure you're ok. But imagine you got in a car accident. Worried sick. Literally hyperventilating. And if he was the one driving?? He'd blame himself constantly and apologise profusely. Also the type to cry at your hospital bed while holding your hand even tho it was smth minor like getting your appendix taken out.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
He loves like sarcastic remarks and inside jokes but not really pranks? Like I've seen some couples do cheating pranks or where they pretend smth rly bad happend or that they're made at their partner. He definitely wouldn't do that and would hate it if you did it to him. He would definitely overthink it and question himself/your relationship especially if it went too far. Also would never want to be the reason you overthink or are stressed.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
He LOVES kissing. Just a bunch of repeated pecks after eachother while caressing your cheek or neck with one hand around your waist or holding your boob??? Would definitely kiss passionately especially if you won't see eachother for a while or one of you has to go out without the other. Also loves to be kissed, loves when you kiss his forehead or his hand while he's driving. Anything that's gentile and delicate and natural, he just loves kissing.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
HUGE on physical touch. Also quality time, would literally text you to go fill up gas with him or drag you with him to the bathroom cus he doesn't want to leave you. He also loves acts of service, he knows you can do it but why do it when he can do it for you?? Princess treatment all over. Tbh I think all the love languages fit him in some way or another.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
That one night you both stayed up together cuddled up going from sloppy kisses all over to talking about everything that crosses your minds, like the deep overwhelming thoughts to how many dots does a ladybug have. He just loves the simplicity of it all and how you can turn everything into magic. Also your first time having sex, it would've been so gentle and delicate he would think about it all the time.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
You cheating on him or breaking his trust in any way. HUGE HUGE HUGE on loyalty, trust and secrets. Not necessarily secrets but keeping things to yourself, like wouldn't want you to talk about your sex life with someone other than him and he also wouldn't want you to share anything personal he tells you. Basically just you breaking his boundaries and trust. He would definitely be devastatingly heart broken if you cheated on him, it's a great intimacy and connection to him. Something that is so vulnerable and special to him. He'd definitely feel used and would rethink everything if you betrayed his trust/wasn't loyal.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
"No I'm not hungry" *steals your food*
"No I'm fine don't worry about it" *sobbing on your shoulder 2hrs later*
"No I'm not tired let's go for a drive" *nearly falls asleep behind the wheel*
"Who's that?" *someone you've both known for years*
Just random stupid stuff like this, he doesn't do it on purpose and feels bad as he definitely doesn't want to annoy you but you find it cute and adorable so it's fine. It also doesn't happen that often just when he's having a rough time with his anxiety or is upset.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
He'd definitely be all "nah I don't like pet names it's stupid" and than would be calling you baby 10 seconds later. I think he'd use baby a lot during intimate moments, not alot in public just in situations between you two. Angel, sweetheart, princess (maybe?). Wouldn't rly like babe but it does slip out sometimes. Loves when you call him pet names too.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
This man would spend every second of his life with you as possible. He just wants to do and share everything with you, having there also just makes him hapoier and makes the time more special.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
Honestly every song can be associated with him. But Slut! and stay stay stay always make me think of him immediately.
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
Very open, not immediately but very open, if you ask him about smth he'd tell you the honest truth, he hates secrets and doesn't like to keep things from you and doesn't want you to keep things from him. He understands your boundaries tho so if it's a sensitive topic he definitely wouldn't pressure you to talk about it but would also love to know your story and would listen to you any time.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
He was rly rly nervous at first, you were probably friends first, flirty friends. He would know you two are just friends but would also be loyal to you, you'd probably be hanging out one day and end up kissing, just a lot of unoffical dates and kisses until they become official and frequent. Would probably ask you to be his girlfriend right after you two kiss one day, wouldn't take him too long maybe like 2weeks or a month depending on how often you hang out. (SO you are in love coded)
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
Wants to be around you all the time to make sure you know he's there and also to keep track of how you're doing but would also understand if you want time alone. Checking up on you constantly, cooking for you, cleaning up around the house for you, constant reassurance and affirmations. Lots of hugs and cuddles.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
Definitely talks about you all the time, doesn't even realise he's doing it he just does. Posts abt you too. Would probably post one of does shadow pictures of you two or a picture of you two cuddling. Also would post you for international gfs day. Just imagine "it's my birthday today but it's also international girlfriends day-"
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Definitely sticks by you through everything, even if you're wrong. He would talk about it later in private if he thought you were in the wrong but would definitely stick up for you. Even if you're in an argument and someone brought you up he would def be protecting/defending you. (Also speaking of arguments they def wouldn't last longer than a day or two if its rly bad cus he hates arguing sm and constantly apologises)
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
Knows you better than he knows himself.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
You'd probably have a cute romantic dinner at somewhere expensive that serves your favourite food and than a walk around the park as the sun is setting while you two sit on a bench somewhere quiet snd private and he pulls out a ring. Wouldn't want to make a big deal out of it as he doesn't like grand gestures and thinks this is a more personal intimate moment. Also he'd def know if you were a silver or gold jewellery girly and get you a ring he knows you'd like. He knows the ring isn't the most important part of a marriage but he can definitely afford a beautiful one that would be exactly how you'd want it. I can also see him making a custom one.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
You. Cuddles. Kisses. Hugs. Hugs. Hugs. Holding eachother. Back rubs. Talking with you. Knowing you're there and he isn't alone.
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ma3mae · 1 year
"I feel like sleeping on the couch tonight"
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Summary: Pranking your hubby/bf by telling them that ^ and how they'd react (fukuzawa, ranpo, tecchou)
Genre: kinda cracky, def some fluff and more tooth rotting fluff 💀🛐
Warnings: tecchou whipped for ur cute ass, me barking for fukuzawa, ranpo being a child.
A/N: saw it from a reel on insta and immediately HAD to use that inspo, okurr 😤✋originally wanted to add fyodor but ill prob do it in a part 2 thingy
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Fukuzawa Yukichi
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Ok so first off hes a major workaholic so you prob often fall asleep on the couch during some movie watching while waiting for him at home
always feels apologetic and even guilty bc not only as his lover but as a person, you should be sleeping in the comforts of your bed
will always carry you to bed bc he wouldnt want to wake you up as well. You already did enough by trying to stay up for him
So you can see how surprised he is when he finally arrives at home at reasonable hours and you lying wide awake on the couch
And you suddenly blurt that shit out?? HES ALSO PROB TIRED AF ILL MASSAGE U, ZADDY WOOF
takes a seat next to you and immediately asks if theres a reason for that
wont jump to conclusions but will still be a bit taken back and worried that it might be his fault...
"Nah, i just feel like it today." "Oh okay, well if you say so" SOBBING FR
He values honesty above all else and wouldnt doubt that you'd be pranking or lying to him tbh and overall your comfort is one of his main priorities
So he'll let it go but still be saddened that you dont wanna sleep in your shared bed :((
A sudden idea pops up in his head bc at some point even he wants to still be in his lover's arms especially after work
Its already sad enough that yall cant do it whenever u want to D: HUG HIM FFS
"Then I shall join you on the couch if you're alright with it?" Before you can even say anything, he takes a seat right next to you. You shuffled your feet away from him to give him some space, focusing your gaze onto the TV. You knew if you'd look at him, you'd immediately stop the prank. His gaze alone would make anyone confess their biggest secrets and well, you didn't want to spoil the fun yet.
Yet it only needed a clearing of his throat to turn your attention towards him and oh no...
You couldn't do it. How would you? When he was looking at you like you just kicked a ton of cats infront of him.
"I'm sorry if I have been neglecting you lately. If there's anything I can d-"
"It's prank.."
You sat up as you took his hands into yours.
"I didn't mean to make you feel like you've been neglecting me... I just saw it online and thought it was a funny prank."
Blinking his eyes in confusion, his gaze softened at your words.
He pulls his hands back before wrapping them around you, gently pressing your bodies closer as you felt his lips on your head.
"Even if it's just a prank, I have still been neglecting my duties as your husband lately and apologize greatly for that."
Slightly pulling back, you feel his rough hand cupping your cheek.
Eyes full of love looking into your glassy ones as he lets his thumb stroke a stray tear away.
"I apologize deeply for making you feel in such a way that you had to" prank" me as you called it. You must have felt lonely these days but don't worry. I will make sure to return home earlier because I have also been missing you, my love. "
After a loving kiss and an enjoyable evening, he had kept his word for the future days and if something would change, he made sure to notify you immediately.
Yet at the end of the day, he would always return to your beloved home and into your arms for the night.
Yall, dont be surprised in how FAST we confessed
look me in the eyes and say you wouldnt spill everything out when THIS man looks at you like he'd give you the world if he could 🛐🛐
He'd def try his best to keep his promise but sometimes yokohama takes a bit longer to save but dw he'll make time for you bc happy wife happy life
cook him smth, massage him, just be there for him and let him lie on your chest or smth and he'll already feel so blessed
we all wanna pamper him ok, he be raising a whole orphanage so someone gotta pamper him too
I just want me a nice fukuzaddy alright 😩😩😩😩
Edogawa Ranpo
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He'll give you the biggest side eye fr 👁️
like?? Hello?? Why sleep on the couch when you can be in bed with the world's greatest detective???
Will fr shame you for that ngl
He obviously knows its a prank but he cant believe you have the AUDACITY to do it to him
You are literally challenging a MAN CHILD, have fun 🤓
For the sake of it, you did the prank after knowing that it was a pretty uneventful day at the agency but oh dont worry
This man WILL gaslight u into thinking it wasnt 💀
"So you want to sleep on the couch, huh?"
There he stood infront of you, arms crossed, the biggest pout he could muster on his face and blocking your sight of the TV as you continued to nonchalantly munch on HIS chips he had hidden under the bed.
"Well, I just feel like it."
""wElL i jUsT fEEl LikE iT", she says. Then I feel like taking MY chips back, thank you very much!"
Before he could snatch them away, you immediately turned your back towards him, clutching the bag tightly in your arms.
"and I'M sleeping on the couch."
Silence fills the room for some seconds before you hear a huff behind you. Hasty steps making their way towards your shared bedroom before the door being shut quite loudly.
Doubt was creaking through your resolve, asking if you were maybe overdoing it.
"Nah, he knows I'm joking....Right?"
An hour passed before he came back, flopping himself down onto your legs and you could just feel how he was pressing down harder on purpose so there'd be no way to leave.
"Ow, Ranpo?! Get off of my legs!!"
Yet his sharp gaze stopped you, not giving you the slightest chance to tell him off.
It made you nervous, how he just sat there with his arms crossed, eyes not leaving yours.
Was he threatening or mocking you??
You weren't sure.
"You know, Y/N..." He slowly began as you felt him press down even harder.
"I really don't appreciate what you're doing right now."
"H-Huh, what do you mean?"
He physically had to hold himself back from laughing at your clueless face because oh...
Oh, you wanted to prank him? Then be ready to get it handed back at you even worse.
"So many people have been hurt today, all these lives the Agency had to save with MY help. You don't know how many eyes I had to witness as they were about to lose their light in them. So many were at Death's door and we managed to help them. Now I'm tired and ready to be welcomed by the comforts of my home and the love of my life pulling me into her arms, telling me how proud she is of me of having LITERALLY saved the city and maybe wanting to lighten that burden on my shoulders I have to carry every day? "
He pressed his index finger on your forehead as he leaned in closer.
"That's not very nice of you, you know. Imagine you'd be the World's Greatest Detective and coming home exhausted but your lover decides to be weird and seemingly not EVEN appreciating my work. Can't relate to that, right?"
You hated him.
You hated him so much for how he exactly knew what to say to get what he wanted.
But that's also what made you fall in love with him at the first place.
"If so many people have been hurt then why didn't I see it o-"
"We have ties, Y/N. Of course they wouldn't broadcast something like that on TV. Do you know what chaos it would cause to this city and possibly the world? "
It only made you frown as he clicked his tounge at you while waving his finger at your words.
"Now, now you know what you should be saying after pulling such a stunt like this. Especially after I have worked so hard today."
Pulling your blanket over your head to break from his intense gaze seemed to do nothing, as he had just simply snatched it out of your hands.
"I'm not gonna apologize to you for that! Just wanted to pull a prank on you and you just have to turn it onto me!"
He merely shrugged his shoulders.
"Well, what did you expect? You should be glad that I didn't give it back to you ten times worse. Just wanted to go home, eat your cooking and maybe cuddle but I might actually not do that at all today."
"Ugh, you're such a buzzkill."
You just sighed at his words and he suddenly found himself in your arms.
He turned towards you with a frown on his face yet his reddened face seemed to lessen the effect of his next words.
"H-Hey! I didn't say that I forgive you for your prank!"
"Well but I forgive you for trying to make me feel bad for it. If you wanted me to cuddle and kiss you then just say so. You knew it was a prank after all."
"But I didn't like it when you said that you'd rather sleep on the couch than on the bed today..."
His voice resonated through your chest as he pressed his face against it, muffled words accompanied with a whiny tone.
"I never said, I would sleep without you though?"
A laugh escaped you as his head shot up, big eyes meeting your amused ones.
Yet he only gave a pout at your words as he went back to your chest, wanting to hide his embarassement from you.
"You're mean but I still love you. You owe me candy for putting me through this, though."
You only let your hand glide through his hair before settling it on his neck, giving light scratches to the spots he liked.
A satisfied sigh escaped him and soon the room was filled with only noises from your TV.
"I'm already sweet enough so that should suffice as" candy", right? And that was your pick up line not mine so I'll stick to what you meant."
"Yeah, yeah. Now let's just cuddle in peace, okay."
A comforting silence grew between the both of you as you later on fell asleep together, a smile etched on each face.
This was SO long lmao but next time you'll prank him, he'll just dump some water on u bc thats sparing you from him at this point
bRO COULD legit just expose everything of u but he wouldnt bc he loves u too much 💕💕💕😤😤😤
Suehiro Tetchou
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bro, thats like the worst prank u could do to him bc... he wouldnt get it first...
the only reaction you'll get is 🙂 him when he greets you > 😐 when u tell him that
hes gonna be fr confused like... why does his partner want to sleep on the couch but... okay?????
Honestly i think he wouldnt protest right out but at the end of the day, even he wants some cuddles after work :(
Tecchou was excited. No one would really know about it if it wasn't for the light smile adorning his face as he thought about going home.
The only one who'd notice is Jouno but he didn't really care enough to mention anything about it.
He'd merely click his tounge when his annoying ass colleague would take a bit longer to respond to his questions, only saying the words "Just go home if even the smallest things are distracting for you."
Jouno could swear he was about to kick him in his face when he'd hear him turn towards him and only reply with "Y/N is smaller than me but not the smallest thing though."
"JUST LEAVE ALREADY, OH MY GOD!! I can't listen to your rambling about them any longer!"
Only he could nearly make Jouno groan in agony as he turned and began to walk away, not wanting to be near that idiot, knowing he'd just be looking like a lovestruck dumbass to everyone around them.
Tecchou only blinked at his partner's outburst, yet took his word and began to make his way home.
An exasperated sigh left Jouno's lips as he heard his footsteps yet it didn't surprise him at all.
He just couldn't get it around his head how someone could even be into that guy but oh well.
It's not his problem as long as it doesn't disrupt their work.
After all he had to give his thanks to that weirdo's partner for having given him a way to make him comply more easily.
It took him a simple "Just finish already and then you can go home."
Would be his only answer every damn time yet Jouno couldn't help but let out a small smirk when he'd hear the racing pulse of their enemies as if it was a declaration of Death from the Grim Reaper himself in their eyes.
Finally arriving at home, Tecchou would take off his coat and hat, hanging it onto the designated stand for such things.
A soft smile adorned his face as he walked into the living room of your shared apartment, finding you laying comfortably on the couch, the crinkling of stuffing your hand into the pack of spicy potato chips echoing through the room as a cackle escaped your lips.
"Trash TV's surprisingly entertaining if it's done right, HA! "
A yelp escaped you as you sat up and whipped your head around, only to see your boyfriend standing behind you.
Tecchou was unfazed by your surprise,reaching for your face to wipe the potato crumbs on your lips with his thumb.
"Mmh, chips. The spicy one's are especially tasty with mustard and red pepper." He told you as he licked the crumbs off of his thumb, a smile adorning his face as he sat himself down next to you.
Laying his head onto your lap, the soft fuzzy blanket covering it, making it all the more welcome for him to lay on them.
He had randomly gifted them to you one day, simply because "it reminded him of you".
Fuzzy and warm. That's how he'd always feel when thinking, looking and touching you.
"That sounds like a really weird combo." You replied as you smiled at his words, settling your hand on his head before let your fingers run along his scalp and scratching the right spots, making him sigh as he pressed his face against your stomach, snuggling into it.
"Are you tired, honey? You could go to bed, you know?" You asked him as he closed his eyes, breathing evening out while he wrapped his arms around your waist, enjoying your smell and warmth.
"Just wanna cuddle right now."
"Alright." You replied with, thinking about how you'd tell him the words you've been wanting to say for a while now.
An hour passed before you felt your boyfriend stir a bit, finally turning his head up to you, yet his arms still enclosed around their original spot.
Your legs were cramping at this point but how could you tell that your boyfriend when he just looked so cute like that??
"Had a nice nap?"
"Yeah, it was nice but I'm still tired..."
"You can go to bed if you'd like. Have you eaten anything yet though?"
"I have after the mission. I think I'll go to bed though."
Tetchou stood up and made his way to the bathroom, getting ready for bed.
After 10 minutes, he found himself back on the couch, a slight furrow of his eyebrows as he asked.
"Aren't you going to bed with me?"
Welp, straightforward as always.
"Uhmm no, I feel like sleeping on the couch today. Sorry, honey..."
"Oh. That's okay."
Blinking at his reply, he gave you a peck on the lips before going to your shared bedroom, the shutting of the door being the last sign of him before you were left alone on the couch.
You had forgotten that he wouldn't see any fault in that...
So was it really a prank? You didn't know, feeling a bit guilty yet you stuck to your plan.
Maybe he'd notice something was wrong the next day....
You felt a hand slightly shaking you, making you stir in your sleep before slowly opening your eyes, recognizing the face of your boyfriend through your blurry sight.
There he was kneeling before you so you'd be face to face as you lied on the couch, having fallen asleep after your continious marathon of trash TV.
Blinking to get a clear sight of him, you could see slight eyebags under his eyes.
"I can't sleep without you, Y/N. Come to bed or let's sleep on the couch together."
He suggested as he cupped your cheek with his hand, leaning his forehead against yours.
Hazel eyes bore into yours as the guilt inside of you went haywire.
"I'm so sorry, Tetchou. I should have gone to bed with you."
"But you said you wanted to sleep on the couch which is no problem at all."
You let out a sigh as you sat up, hands fiddling with your blanket, feeling him instantly lay his arms and head onto your lap, his eyes refusing to leave your face.
"Well... It was a prank."
He merely blinked at your words, seemingly processing your words.
"Why would you say that you'd want to sleep on the couch as a prank? Isn't a prank something like hurting someone but making it seem like an accident?"
"Yeah well, I did hurt you."
Your only reply was him furrowing his eyebrows as stood up, only to take a seat next to you.
Letting him pull you onto his lap, he gently cupped your face in his hands.
"But you never did?" His obliviousness was taking a toll onto you.
The guilt was surely consuming you. He was so honest to a fault and that made itself apparent in how he'd perceive anyone else especially you.
He would never think that YOU would ever do something to hurt him.
How could he? You loved him and he loved you.
Why should someone hurt the person they love the most?
"But Tetchou, I-I did. You couldn't sleep because I didn't go to bed with you and I had a hunch you'd probably get up and talk to me about it but I wasn't sure so I... stuck to it."
You couldn't look him in the eyes, yet the sudden lips on your forehead made your gaze shift onto his, confused eyes clashing against slight amused ones.
"That's not hurting me. Don't worry, Y/N. I'm used to pranks even if yours isn't one. Jouno would often do that too."
"Jouno??? Since when does he even do something like pranking??"
"Well he would sometimes just not reply when I talk to him or try to make me trip when I'm about to deal with the enemy. He would sometimes just click his tounge and walk away because it never works on me though. Heh, it's kinda funny if I think about it now. "
How would you tell him that it was just Jouno being a dick.
You couldn't help but sweatdrop at his words, the guilt being comepletely wiped away as you thought that it would be better for their... colleagueship to just leave them be.
"That does sound funny... But maybe let's just go to bed. It is late after all."
"Hm, but I haven't forgiven you yet."
Eyes bulging yet narrowing at his words as you saw the corners of his lips rise up, a small but definite smirk decorating his handsome features.
"Hey!! You just said that I didn't even prank you!"
He let out a breathy laugh as you yelped, having lifted you up with ease and making his way to the bedroom.
"Yeah but u got pranked, heh."
You could only let out a "Hmph!" at his words yet not stopping the smile spreading on your face as he laid you down onto the bed, immediately laying down next to you and wrapping his arms around you, your legs entangling with each other as he pressed a soft kiss onto your lips.
"I think Jouno is being a bad influence on you." you teased as he let a hand glide through your hair.
"Hm maybe but I can now understand when he says" give them a taste of their own medicine.""
You merely rolled your eyes at his cheeky statement, pinching his nose before tucking your head under his chin, shuffling closer towards him.
"Let's just sleep already, you tease." were your last words for the night before closing your eyes, the beating of his heart like a lullaby for your ears.
"Good night, Y/N." he said in a quiet voice as he let his lips linger on the crown of your head before closing his eyes as well, the warmth of your body guaranteeing him he'd have the best sleep as always with you in his arms.
you still dont know what posessed him that night for behaving like that 😩
U even went to Jouno and asked him about it, no eyes boy was just like "? maybe that was a fake LOL" u shouldnt have asked that h*e 🙂🙂🙂 jk we love him
now you'd be wary of "pranking" ur bf, maybe he'd prank u back again but worse.... yet you'd quickly forget about all of that bc he'd shower u with kisses whenever you'd ask him about it
even he can be sneaky but we forgive him bc hes cute ok 🛐
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lotties-ashwagandha · 1 month
how the yellowjackets would react to you being sick (headcanons)
i wrote these forever ago when i had the flu and they got lost in my drafts enjoyyyy gender neutral reader i think but taissa does reference her partner as her wife. also if the pics on this don’t format right (theyre supposed to be 3 in a row and then the header) pls tell me sometimes it fucks up :(
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sees you sneeze once and runs to the store for cold medicine with the fervor of middle aged preppers fist fighting for toilet paper in 2020
she would do or get absolutely anything you wanted, would go and buy takeout food from your favorite restaurants or make sure you’re comfortable wherever you’re situated
will make sure you’re taking whatever medicine you need, whether it’s just over the counter cough medicine or it’s something prescribed by a doctor. you can’t put up a fight with her about it bc you’ll never win. she gets so intense about it but it’s ultimately for your good and you know that
also just likes to hold you. she cancels whatever plans she has and you lay and watch movies together — she might not like everything you pick to watch but she’ll put up with anything to make you feel a bit better. as for the close proximity of holding you, she doesn’t care if she gets sick because she knows you’ll take care of her once you’re better in the same way she cared for you. plus i’d imagine her immune system is of fucking steel after having a baby in the wilderness???? no germs are getting on this woman ok and ykw that probs goes for all of them they probably have some fucked up forest girl immunity or smthn idk im not a doctor don’t come at me
she’ll never admit it ever but at first she gets kind of excited because she’s been waiting for someone to fall ill so she can try out a new herbal remedy
but then she sees how upset you are and how much discomfort you’re in and feels guilty
anyway rich girl lottie is averse to germs and when you first get sick she handles you a bit like you’re a giant jellyfish someone’s trying to throw at her , she wants to help you but girl has a whole wellness center to run she is not getting sick
until she caves and you’re cuddled in bed together watching movies because she can’t keep away from you
she lets you watch whatever you want while you’re sick , but she does get a bit bored sometimes when you’re asleep so she flips the channel to nature documentaries. she’ll flip it back to whatever you were watching immediately after you wake up tho, and yes of course she was watching your horror movies instead of bird watching shows go back to sleep
she also cooks for you while you’re sick — probably not very well, but she won’t allow anyone else cooking for you because she wants to make sure you’re eating quality food that will help you get better and not just anything you could pick up
she gets very protective over you and over your health in general and won’t allow anyone to come bother you, if you work outside the wellness center she makes sure your bosses aren’t being bitches about you being sick and she ensures everything’s in order to her standards
panics because she has absolutely no idea what to do when you get sick, probably googles “what to do when your wife is sick” and follows the wikihow
she’ll take a few days off work for once to look after you, it doesn’t seem like a big deal but it is to you because she hardly ever takes time off from the campaign
she’s very stereotypical in the way she takes care of you — she’ll make you chicken noodle soup, get you blankets, everything she knows is the “standard” of taking care of someone with a cold but she works so hard to make sure everything’s perfect for you
she knows you’re miserable so she’ll try to make you laugh when you’re sick. telling you stupid jokes, funny stories from work, anything she can think of. your body is down but she won’t let your mental health go down with it especially if you already struggle with mental health
might offer you some dirt and a spot in her tree if you’re lucky
knows you’re sick before you do it’s some psychic ass shit she just KNOWS
you sneeze once and she’s like “oh I bought you some cold medicine earlier” like ??? girl ok whatever
she usually loves to make you watch her old dvds and tapes but when you’re feeling bad she puts on a marathon of your favorite movies
she buys you a lot of sweets. she’d be one of those “chocolate fixes everything” girls and whenever she would go out to buy you something she would come back with some sort of treat for you
she lets your rant about being sick if you’re one of those people who get grumpy when you get sick, she wants you to trust her and feel safe enough to express your distress
i think we all know natalie isn’t the best person in health and wellness situations but she does make it fun to be sick at least !
raids the vending machine for you
will probably google how to take care of you like taissa , but thinks the instructions are too long and gives up
will probably call misty and make her bring over whatever medicine you’d need because she knows she’ll fuck it up picking it out herself
she’s silent on the bed for an hour and then announces “i made you a spotify playlist” out of the blue. it has like 5 songs on it but they’re all very very very meticulously selected and she’s so proud of it, she knows it cant help you get better physically but hopes it will make you happy
warns you not to get her sick as if it’s something you can control. looks at you so sternly and goes “don’t. don’t get me sick.” it makes you roll your eyes
she’s been waiting for this day her whole life tbh not in a creepy way but in a loving “i want to take care of you” way
will do absolutely everything to make sure you’re comfortable when you’re sick, she would kill for you (she would anyway but especially when you’re not feeling well)
knows a bunch of get better health hacks from all the reddit forums she’s stalked over the years and only half of them work but it shows that she cares
tries to search amazon to see if there’s a little covid mask she can get caligula “just in case”
she makes you watch true crime documentaries with her and narrates every episode and then gives you all her hot takes afterwards. you can’t escape and she takes advantage of it
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99k4manii · 5 months
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Ony x black!f!reader
Sooo basicallyyyy fem reader who lowkey strong asf get jealous but like she little bitty like literally 5’1 while ony a whopping 6,4 everytime YALL argue you give him some rough bruises then y’all fuck it out
Warnings: nsfw! P in V, jealousy, toxic relationship, idk what else tbh
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You and Ony were cuddling on the couch watching “missing” for like the 100th time, he half sleep half woke and his phone started dingin’ at first you didn’t really pay attention. But then it started getting constant so you picked up his phone and put his passcode in to see messages from instagram? but you was pretty sure you told him to delete that shit!
Next thing you know you scrolling through some texts from a bitch named “Ri’hna” it’s like they were texting non-stop yk damn well he aint drop sum off for her ONE time you was finna wake his ass up and slap him in his shit but something told you too see what this bitch look like so you know who you finna beat tf up.
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after about like 35-40ish minutes of checking her socials (off of his phone) the bitch texted talkin’ bout’ sum “mmm why you looking at my page sm?? You obsessed aint you 👅👅?” First of all, the bitch was ugly asf and built sloppy second of all, the bitch knew he had a girl! Thats what made you aggressively wake up ony.
“Hmm..? What ma-“ he said sluggishly and he was tired but once a hard ass slap hit him across his face he woke up right away “y/n what the fuck?!” He said like he didnt know what was going on (he didnt) “now who tf is ri’hna?” You said calmly but in a minute you was finna go off “what is you talkin’ bout?!” Ony looked at you with a confused faced then you punch him in his nose, “nigga stop playing dumb with me” you said tryna keep yourself from hitting him again “y/n you ain’t gon keep hitting’ me!” “NIGGA JUST ANSWER MY QUESTION” you said finally gettin loud after that Yall started fighting not just yelling but fist fighting
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Ony ended up spendin’ the night at armin and his girls house (your friend) “damnnn she fucked yo shit up!” Armin said feeling bad Ony had a couple bruises over his face nd a somewhat black eye “what did you do fa ha do dat?” F/n had asked with a concerned look, “ion even fuckin know! She just started asking me who Ri’hna is..” “well who is she” f/n had asked “she a regular drop off but she got a crush on Ony” armin and had said “well if yk she gatta crush on you.. why don’t you block ha or sum’ ?” F/n had asked a good question “because she a customer and y/n shouldve look at the messages better I don’ t respond unless she ask for a drop!” Armin and f/n look at each other “welllll—“ armin said “how bout you just go talk to her yk Yall gon end up back togetha’ anyway” he was right no matter how many times y’all “broke up” or fought y’all ended up fuckin’ it out nd being lovey doves again
It was about 2:23 am you heard a knock at yo apartment door you was confused asf because why somebody at your door at 2 somthing in da morning? You looked through da peep hole, suprise suprise it was no other than ony
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“Ngh~! Ohh~!” “Fuck-fuck-fuckkkk” here you two are fucking like animals on the living room floor, that’s how terrible it is y’all didn’t even make it to the bedroom! “Mama, you better not beat me up like that again understand?” Ony said somewhat outa Breath while in missionary still pounding tf outa you. “Don’t make me want~to beat you up aga~in” you said with moans interrupting your words. “You didn’t even let me try to explain myse-“ you shut him up with a French kiss “that’s the past this the present forget about that”
After a couple days the same thing happened which ended up in you two fucking YOURE problems out again this relationship was not healthy at all.
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Heyyy y’all! so prob tmr ima do the thing cuz gojo won the poll! This is short so hopefully in the future I make longer ones but I ain’t good a typing for a long time.. but anyways yup bye love y’all😘
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wheeboo · 1 year
seventeen with an older s/o
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PAIRING. seventeen (ot13) x gn!reader GENRE. fluff, established relationship, headcanons WARNINGS. none WORD COUNT. 1.09k
requested from 🌙 anon: hello! i love LOVE your writing! i wonder if you can write about how svt would be in a relationship with an s/o who's like 3-4 years old older than them? thank you very much.- 🌙
notes: hope u enjoy this anon, i rlly hope it makes sense?? for some reason it was a bit hard to write for some of them. ty for ur patience as well djflksdjfl
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choi seungcheol 
used to being the Dad™ of 12 chaotic men so he prob want to take advantage of the fact that you are older than him. loves it when you would be the one to initiate things like wanting to cuddle with him, being the one to cook dinner for the night, etc. sometimes he just comes home absolutely exhausted from the day and prefers to be in your safe and comforting presence where you would whisper sweet things in his ears and take care of him
yoon jeonghan
teases you in a playful way ofc. like maybe you both are having a restaurant date or something and by the time it finished, you ask him “can you call the waiter over for the check if you see them?” and then he’s like “well since you are the grown-up, how about YOU call the waiter?” and you just roll your eyes to his remarks. then he’s like “jk” and calls the waiter over. doesn’t admit but he loves it when you baby him cuz it makes him feel so secure
joshua hong
can be another tease but only when the time is right yk. is prob like a mixture of cheol and jeonghan in a way, but he absolutely melts when you treat him like a baby at times w/ your little pet names and it shows in his face when he has that big wide smile and tries to hide it away. cherishes the little moments when you take care of him and he will def treat you back in the same way no matter the age difference
wen junhui
constantly asking for your approval on things, even the smallest kinds. like if he’s out getting groceries he’d text you asking if he should buy this or that, or if it’s fine for him to stop by the nearby bakery to buy something even tho he doesn’t need permission. already gives little spoon energy tbh so he loves the feeling of falling into your open arms and when you run your fingers through his hair, it soothes him a lot
kwon soonyoung
another one who asks for help and approval on stuff. absolutely adores waking up from a nap or in the morning and sees that you already planned an outfit for him laying at the end of the bed. gets so giddy when you call him sweet pet names or when you pat his head or grab his face in your hands. goes to you for a lot of advice for stuff and he becomes sooo attentive when you are talking to him and takes in all your words very carefully. he just admires you a lot heh
jeon wonwoo
doesn’t mind the age gap at all. I think that he is more into an equal relationship where it’s like a “you give me this, I give you back” kind of deal and you both make sure that one of you doesn’t get any less care or attention. but he doesn’t mind at all if you are to swoon over him and ruffle his hair cuz pretty sure he secretly loves it and won’t admit it
lee jihoon
pretends to hate being babied but don’t worry, he secretly loves it. prefers for you to do it when you are both alone together because if you were to do it in front of the other members, he would go all red in the ears and look down at the floor wishing he could sink in it. at rare times when he does want the affection it doesn’t take long for his cold exterior to melt as he allows you to take care of him
xu minghao
another one who doesn’t rlly mind the age difference, but I think since he naturally loves caring for others he might prefer to care after you more as a way to show his respect n love, age difference or not. like if you offer to cook that night he’d be like “don’t worry, just rest up so I can do it”. if you baby him he’d def pretend to despise it in some way, but he likes the balance between maturity and being babied, and loves how he can be open w you
kim mingyu
gosh he loves the feeling of being babied by you, or when you call him pet names or ruffle his hair and all that. even of this man is tall and huge he can’t help but feel so small when he’s around you and he’s whipped and fonding over your care and attentiveness and responsibility. he also makes sure to repay your care and will literally go all out to make sure you are 101% taken care of
lee seokmin
might be used to being treated like a baby his whole life since he has an older sister. is very playful and attentive and takes all your words of advice as something to treasure and cherish for himself, and he def loves to show you off as well. like “guess what y/n treated for me today???” like he is prob livid on the fact that you spoil him sometimes. loves the comfort n reassurance you give him
boo seungkwan
is also used to being babied. absolutely treasures all the advice you give him and the mature perspective you have on things. the type to prob cower behind you and let you take the lead in things as well. also continuously asks for approval and gives you the utmost respect possible. would act cute around you just for you to spoil him in some sorts. he also loves it when you allow him to take care of you back n also won’t shut up abt you to the members
vernon chwe
also doesn’t mind the age difference like it’s not even there for the two of you. you both seem to balance each other out quite equally and your relationship is already laid back as it is. honestly he might treat you like both are the same age. your relationship flows pretty naturally, but he does quietly appreciate the times you give him comfort and reassurance and he makes sure to show his love in subtle ways
lee chan
man already has to suffer with his 12 older brothers so he def doesn’t mind the age gap at all and is used to being babied, teased, and playfully bullied by them and you (save him). cherishes more from you ofc, and he thrives on the opportunity of being babied and taken care of. feels the immediate relief when coming home to you and you already have dinner cooked and a home date prepared
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @ylliris-hanniehae​
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
hobie brown (spider-punk!!) is giving me severe brain rot, i love him sm 😭
if you ever decide to write for him, could you do some relationship hcs??
ty ^^
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Not sure wether this is what you wanted but I hope it was worth it.
Music from the heart:
One of the most obvious ones is that Hobie would have a plethora of songs about you, it’s fucking adorable and so sweet, and so he would play them for you within the comfort of your room because where else would you rather be serenaded?
If anything it makes the moment more special and memorable for the both of you as something you can look back on with fondness.
Though you probably try teasing him one day by asking how many more songs of you he had in the works and Hobie would either say ‘too many to count.’ Or ‘a whole albums worth.’ He’s not going to hide the fact that he’s got notebook after notebook filled with song lyrics dedicated to you.
Pda though not quite:
Hobie isn’t the type to heavily involve himself in PDA but isn’t against the likes of:
holding hands.
his hand being placed on the small of your back when guiding you somewhere else.
the classic arm over the shoulder.
Thigh holding
His/ your head resting on each others shoulders and or laps.
Guitar pick:
This one came to my head out of the blue but I’m gonna add it here even though I’m not too certain but here it is anyway:
if Hobie uses guitar picks to play his guitar -which he probs doesn’t but idk- I’d like to think he’d make you a guitar pick necklace from one of his old picks.
Sure he hates gifts and such but this is the sole expectation alongside any and all handcrafted jewellery you may give him because he wears that shit with pride.
Terms of endearment:
Impromptu sleepovers:
Hobie crashes at your place more often then not to the point he might as well be living with you in regards of how often he leaves something of his at yours, so much so you’ve begun to wonder if he was doing it intentionally or accidentally.
Either way you made sure that his stay was comfortable by having a makeshift bed set up for him so he didn’t have to constantly sleep on the uncomfortable couch and wake up with a crooked neck.
Hobie appreciates all that you do for him but would often tell you it’s not necessary but you weren’t about to get into a discussion about whether or not he was deserving of help because the answer was obvious and that answer would always and forever will be; yes.
Also he’s a bit of a cuddle bug but only with you but that’s your little secrete.
Date nights:
Most, if not all of your dates are either just the pair of you being your natural selves in the comfort of your own home where’d you would talk about anything and everything that came to your mind, free of judgment.
showing Hobie your undying love and support by showing up to his gigs and scream the loudest because he is talented as shit and deserves a lot more in your eyes.
Either way as long as you were within each others company, anywhere you both went could be considered a date.
Spidey business:
Now this is all dependant on wether or not you know he’s Spider-Man:
If you did then you’d probably would help him patch up his wounds after every fight he had
If you weren’t due to Hobie wanting nothing more then to keep you and that life as far from each other as possible, you’d most definitely would be concerned when you see him with any sustained injuries he tried patching up himself.
No matter how hard you try to get him to tell you what’s wrong, Hobie would just tell you it wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle.
Meeting his friends/ Bragging rights:
Before introducing you to the likes of Pavitr, Miles and Gwen(if you haven’t already met her), it’s almost an 100% guarantee that he brags about you anyway he knows how which only intrigues them more and more to the point they’re just pleading with Hobie to introduce his cool, kickass partner to them.
So when he does, the three are practically hounding you about your relationship with Hobie and when you looked back at him for help in wrangling in his over excited friends, the little shit merely smirks and shrugs his shoulders as though he had no idea they’d react like this, all the while leaning on the wall with his arms crossed over his chest; happy to see all his favourite people he cares about a lot interacting with one another to the point that by the end of the day you’re very good friends with each of them.
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looking4userthatworks · 3 months
Being sick
Rottmnt edition
Romantic relationship not established yet
♡ would most likely be upset hearing the news, but after some thinking, I would take it as an opportunity to hang out with you
♡ Comes over to your place with groceries for chicken soup as much as he likes hanging out with you while you sick he's determined to get you feeling better
♡ Doesn't let you get up for anything for the reason being 'that he can get it for you'
♡ Plays music to help you sleep he says he'll wake you up when the soups done </3
♡ Check up on you he's just want to make sure you are resting
♡ Very worried mother vibes ngl
◇ as soon as you let him, you were sick he portals into your room with the sick day essentials like medicine, tea ingredients, etc.
◇ teases you about it but don't get him wrong he is still very much concerned about your health but he just won't let it show
◇ if you got house chores, expect them to ether be put off due to your sickness or done by none other than Nardo himself shock 😱😱😱
◇ If you have homework, hell, TRY to ether help you get it done or see if he can do it himself more often them not he just gets Donnie to do it
◇ instead of letting you rest he likes to keep you up to talk to him if he's gonna take care of you he might as well hang out with you
◇ if you do somehow manage to fall asleep, he'll probably end up leaving you alone, only entering your room to either check up on you or let you know the tea is done just like Raph</3
Would come over at a time that's convenient for both of you most likely
When he does come over however he wears a mask and gloves can't be too safe after all
While preparing you medicine he'd give you a lecture about the cons of getting sick and the effects it has on your health and more importantly grades etc. and how to take care of yourself because he not always gonna be there to aid you thats a lie he'll always be there he just hates seeing you sick
The one and only time he actually does your homework is because you need your rest
Will absolutely NOT let you get up so your basically bed ridden the whole time
Other little head cannon, after you're done being sick, he'll enforce a schedule for a bit just to ensure you don't get sick as much and that you learned your lesson
☆Your one and only person chef
☆ Makes you anything you want as long as you finish your soup
☆ Puts on something to watch while he's cooking, and he doesn't want you to get bored prob Lou Jitsu
☆ Although he doesn't like seeing you sick he think you look absolutely adorable all huddled up in those blankets!
☆ Cuddle time! It doesn't matter that your sick he's supposed to be a mutant warrior ment to end human kind right? So Draxum must have ensured that they have a strong immune system!!!
☆ He is also like a housewife in a sense? He basically makes sure your plants are watered trash is thrown out and the tissue box is always refilled
☆ This man expects nothing in return except quality time with you HES SO POOKIE
Srry if this was sort or bad this is my 1st time writing hcs 4 the turtles so please have patience with me!!! criticism is very much welcome just don't be 2 mean abt it ya know?
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can you write relationship headcanons for hyugo please? he's so underrated oh my god- btw love your blog, i'm so happy there's more people in the tkatb fandom <33 thank you for your service!!
My Exaltation (Hyugo x MC/Reader - Relationship HCs)
Thank you for the ask, Anon! And especially thank you for the kind words! :D
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer Exaltation: a feeling or state of extreme happiness. Trigger Warnings: NSFW and sexual mentions (nothing too crazy though).
A/N: (Check down the bottom for more info: but here's the server skeleton I've made: Link: TKATB Server).
I see Hyugo as somebody very affectionate, like a puppy. (He literally gives puppy-dog eyes like c’mon). Also is capable of becoming as feral as one.
Definitely will be the type to walk up to you randomly and beg on his knees request to do something, considering I feel like part of the reason he has so much on his plate is due to the fact he can't stand having the same routine day after day. He needs spice. And you'll happily oblige.
Also very protective. Hell, this guy killed someone(s), so he’d be more than willing to defend you if it comes to that. Owns weapons 110%. Is also very capable at using them.
Hides all his suspicious activity from you. Not because he doesn't trust you, but mostly due to the fact he doesn't want you to get involved.
When If you move in together, he will make sure to enroll you in self-defense/weapon training classes (or he'll teach you himself, who cares about the law he's committed about 56 crimes in the span of a month /jkjk).
Is alarmingly strong, for someone of his stature and build, he often ensures to work out, because, well, he never knows when someone will come after him now does he?
Is paranoid about your safety 25/8, he's alert and vigil every waking moment. Ever since the cinema incident, he's been freaking out internally. (What if they find out about you? What if you go missing too?). Will hide it though, he can't afford you to be scared of him, now can he?
Crime hustles aside, Hyugo is genuinely a very loving and #goldenretriever boyfriend. Will use petnames as much as humanely possible, usually the flirty ones like 'darling'.
If you are a clothesnapper, expect him to start stealing back, eventually both your wardrobes will be swapped. You both don't care though, because both your horny asses will be relishing in the smell of each other in secret teehee.
Will be pulling the biggest 'Aww you look so adorable!!!!!' face known to man the first time you stole his clothes (probs a sweater or overshirt). Will tease you about it.
Makes puns 24/7, actually a master at them, it's kind of unnerving.
If you're ticklish, do not, under ANY circumstance, let him find out. You will be on the verge of dying each time he tickles you.
Hyugo's heart melts if you wanna watch his favourite movies with him: "Uh...Oh my God! MC! The new *insert movie title* came out...wanna watch it together this Sunday?" *insert massive puppy dog eyes, a cutesy little pout and two slender hands clasped together in a praying motion*
You agree, because...of fucking course you will.
Doesn't care enough to cook most of the time, but will try for you. :]
If you're cooking (or baking desserts), he'll spawn right behind you and hug you.
Will make you game with him, you don't have a choice, this guy needs action in his life (totally not like he doesn't already have any right-)
He's the little spoon, loves being smushed into your tits/pecs pressed against your torso, it means he can hear your heartbeat. It means he can fall asleep knowing you're safe.
NSFW (I am aware these may seem short. But. uh. I'm rusty cut me some slack).
I see Hyugo as a power bottom, or even a switch. (Emphasis on the 'power' part, this guy is strong).
Is capable of serving cunt/cock scarily well. Like you have no clue how he got this good.
Don't pull his hair too hard, a bit'll make him whine groan, but he doesn't seem the type to be into hair pulling unlike Sol and Crowe teehee
More funny during sex imo, depending on how intimate it is. If it's a sudden need then he'll be silent as the grave and going all out on dishing his horniness out, but if you're both chill and happy then he's much more jovial.
Masterful at aftercare, will murmur praises for how good you were, how much he loves you, etc. into your collarbone.
You are everything to him, his lover, his vehement source of peace, and his exaltation.
A/N: So, @hayooni mentioned that we should probably have a Discord server or something, so I made one. It's pretty mid so far, and I'm definitely going to hand off admins to other people who're superior when it comes to Discord server making, but hell, how about we make sure this community is as nontoxic and interconnected as possible. We're the OGs and veterans of this fandom; we might as well make it a fucking good one.
Link: TKATB Server
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mikalame · 9 months
Hello!! Can you please write some headcanons like f reader is in the band too, she is Tom's girlfriend and Bill's best friend since childhood. Thank you sm, love your works🥰
Ofcc pookie 😝
taglist: @oppopotamus @violentnewmarley @adissonsss @saumspam
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when tom realised he kinda had a crush on you he would make you,bill and him play a game where he has to save you (so he can touch you)
you probs meet through bill and right away he was SHOOK but still ended up having a sorta care free personally even tho he died inside
When you guys got an apartment he would sneak into the room Georg was sleeping in and tell him all about what you did today or just talking bout you general (poor Georg)
if you were drinking a drink and put it down and went into another room he would probably drink from the same cup 😰
if he ever wanted confirmation about you liking him he would listen in on you and bill little sleepover conversations and giggle when you said something about him
Bill would be so sick of both of you as you 2 would tell him both of your problems about wondering if the other person liked them, he would be ripping his hair out.
when bill and tom were younger and sharing a room and you would see random pieces of toms clothing around the fall bill would watch you with like a 😐 face as you picked them up saying like "im just cleaning up 😅"
after your little sleepovers tom would BOMBARD bill with questions about what you two talked about (wondering if it was about him)
if you and some other band member was watching a movie tom would come down, sit next to you then annoy the living hell out of you until you talked to him.
Tom would take 'group' photos but make sure he is on the end you are next to him close and who ever s next to you kinda far apart so he could cut the others out (Gustav found his little stash off photos and uses it as blackmail)
he would find out what perfume you use then spray it on his pillows to have them smell like you (you do the same 😜)
Tom thinks very highly of him self so he somehow convinces you to kiss him saying "its practise, you don't wanna embarrass yourself do you?"
would pretend to hate doing skin care with you but get butterflies in his stomach when you adjust the face mask on his face being very close.
if you two had one an award he would hug you so tight you would get lifted up he has the biggest smile ever . (this is when the others knew something was up)
when its winter and cold in the house he'd wake up earlier just to hold you and if one of the others saw he'd be like "soaking up the warmth, cant waste it" hiding his face into your neck.
Hope this is enough is is more so leading up to it as i kinda got side tracked oops
but if you want when they are ACTUALLY dating i can do that Sorry
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potatomountain · 10 months
My Filthy Boy- part 3
Witch!bf!Wooyoung x reader x witch!ateez ot8
Masterlist | <<Previous | Next >>>
Word count: 5.2k
AN: took me absolutely forever but here it is! Part 3! I’d say my biggest challenge for this series is figuring out the different ways m/f/m can screw and which ways fit which boys :’) I will be putting Smut tags below the cut and taglist at the bottom! Ask/comment to be put on the taglist! also no idea who to do next ^^’ so will probs be awhile before i put out part 4. Also i apologize cuz bottom woo just got out of hand for me- haha whoops
reminder i dont edit my works and i dont update frequently. 
Smut tags/warnings: switch wooyoung, switch reader, dom ???, cumeating, mxm, mxf, mxfxm, threesome, oral (male receiving)  slight degradation, slight food play(?), orgasm denial, squirting, fingering, praise, overstimulation, slight breathplay (if you squint), use of petnames (baby girl, pretty girl, baby boy, princess, kitten, etc), let me know if i missed any :’) “mommy” kink.
You weren't expecting Mingi to still be there when you woke up, but it was Wooyoung not-so-quietly shooing him away that had caused you to stir. You briefly caught his bare back leaving the room. With a sleepy stretch, you reached out for Wooyoung, the soft sound drawing his attention.
He turned with a bright smile, quickly making his way over and sitting on the edge of the bed before covering your upper body with his in a makeshift hug. “Good morning sleepy head.” “Mm… I can’t believe you’re awake before me.” With a sleepy smile you wrapped your arms around him, quickly entangling yourself in his limbs.
“I wanted to shoo Mingi away before he asked for round two.” He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, placing soft kisses there. “He wanted to wake you up with a surprise.” You shivered at the idea of just what that surprise could be, and truthfully you wouldn’t have minded at all. But- “Other’s first right?”
“Mhmm, my girl knows what’s up.” Nibbling on your ear the nature of his touches quickly changed tune, his hands gripping your hips while his own grinded into your thigh. 
If you didn't know any better, you would think that sex was the only thing on your boyfriend’s mind. Most of the time it probably was, and right now you didn’t mind. Your curiosity was more than peaked on the others, and not just because you had been thinking about them for days now. No, after Mingi, you could say you were eager to try them all on for size.
Your stomach protested your current train of thought, Wooyoung’s lips pausing on your collarbone and you could feel them spread into a smirk. “I think my baby needs to be filled with something else first.” He teased, pulling away reluctantly, letting his hands run over your still naked body and admiring every inch he exposed by pushing the blanket off you. “Then I’ll fill you up just how you like it.”
Rolling your eyes you climbed off the bed and away from him, looking for your discarded clothes. “Shower, then food, and then we can talk about next. Okay?”
Pouting, he followed you around the room as you picked up your clothes and his. “But that’s no fun! Can we have shower sex and then eat?”
Sighing, you turned to him and placed your hands on your hips. “Wooyo, I’m hungry, pleeeease let me eat before you wear me out again.”
Despite his playful smirk, he nodded and saluted. “Yes Ma’am! What baby wants, baby gets.” 
He did behave well enough in the shower, going so far as washing you and showering your body with kisses as he dried you off. You didn’t know if it was your imagination or not, but you felt closer to him than before. Safer and more loved. He also seemed a bit happier.
You humored him and wore one of his t-shirts and sweats, leaving your underwear off as they needed washed. With the way things were going between you and the others in this household, modesty wasn’t your biggest concern. Besides, they all had seen you butt ass naked and getting rammed by Wooyoung, there wasn’t much of a point in trying to remain modest.
That didn’t make it any less awkward when the two of you walked into the kitchen, Wooyoung behind you with his arms wrapped around your waist, to find Seonghwa cooking.
He turned to see who entered, eyes locking onto you and widening several degrees. “Ah, good morning you two.” 
You tried to return his awkward smile but Wooyoung was rushing you over to the breakfast bar to sit you down. “Morning Hyung! Is any of that for us? It smells sooooo good.”
“Mhmm, I figured you both would be hungry.” His eyes lingered on you for a moment before turning back to the stove. “I can call for you when it’s ready.”
“Nah, we’ll just hang out here until then, that’s fine.” Wooyoung helped you up into the stool and then made his way over to the fridge to get you both some juice. “You don’t mind, do you Hyung?”
“Not at all.” And yet his back seemed to be much more tense than when the two of you had entered.
Whether or not Wooyoung picked up on it, he didn’t seem to care. “Perfect!” He poured two glasses of juice and brought them over to you. Setting one down in front of you he climbed into the seat next to yours but moved it closer. “Then I can love on you some more in the meantime.” With a bit of a pout you brought the glass to your lips. “You are really insatiable aren’t you?”
“Only for you, love.”
“Didn’t seem like that last night.” You teased, voice low in an attempt to keep the conversation to yourself.
“Ah that’s right, you’ve never seen me suck a cock before. Though you still do it better.” Wooyoung, however, kept his tone normal, not even caring if Seonghwa overheard.
By his red ears, he definitely heard. Unlike Wooyoung, he had enough decency to keep quiet, but at the same time you wished he wouldn’t. What did Seonghwa have to say on this? He was the one who made sure everyone was fed and kept the place clean, usually by Hongjoong’s side or scolding the others when things went wrong. A true mother figure.
But fuck he was gorgeous, you could only imagine the expressions he would make, or the sounds he’d let out. It was hard to get a clear picture because you weren’t sure what to expect really. You had ever pegged Mingi for the type to eat pussy like his life depended on it. Or to be so desperate for it. Even Wooyoung, you hadn’t expected him to enjoy watching you get railed so much.
So in what way was Seonghwa going to surprise you?
“I’m excited to see what else you can do, baby boy.” Trying to take your mind off the other man in the room, you turned in your seat to face your boyfriend who had quite the smirk on his face. “What?”
“I’m sure I’m not the only one you are curious about, kitten.”
You shrugged, taking another sip of your juice as you mulled over for an answer. You could be honest and shameless, or you could feign ignorance and let Wooyoung play the game of getting it out of you. Both options sounded tempted, but really you wondered which would rile up Seonghwa.
You didn’t have to tell Wooyoung that’s what you wanted, he probably gathered that just from the way your eyes were raking over every inch of the older man’s back in the pastel shirt he wore. “I’ll admit, I’m curious about a lot of things. You opened Pandora's box, how do you plan to take responsibility?”
Wooyoung pulled himself closer and wrapped his arms around your waist, placing a kiss to your shoulder before resting his chin there. “By making sure the love of my life is always satisfied.”
Your heart swelled at his comment, resting your head against his. “I would constantly need an appetite to keep up with you though.”
“Don’t you already?” He placed kisses to your cheek, his hand rubbing your stomach gently before slipping up your shirt to continue his soft circles.
Before all this, you would deny that, but now you weren’t so certain. Wooyoung was being sweet and loving, and yet your gaze kept moving to the silent figure in the room. Yes, it seemed you had a much larger appetite than you had thought; not that you were about to admit that. “Your appetite seems to be much bigger than I thought, so I’m not so sure about that.”
“What makes you say that?” There was a cocky smirk in his tone and you could feel it as his lips moved to your neck with small open mouthed kisses. His hand moved lower over your stomach but instead of stopping him, you just gripped your glass a bit tighter. 
“For one, you haven’t been able to stop touching me since we woke up.” You pointed out, glancing at him out of the corner of your eyes.
He chuckled, not at all threatened by your tone. “You aren’t stopping me though.” He leaned in closer, nibbling on your earlobe and glancing out of the corner of his eye towards Seonghwa. “How long do you think I can finger fuck you before Seonghwa notices?”
You didn’t get a chance to answer, his hand cupping your mound and running a finger over your lips, finding irrefutable proof that you were enjoying this. On the other side of the island, Seonghwa dropped whatever utensil he was using to cook on the floor, a loud bang ringing out followed by a curse under his breath as he bent down to get it. Only because you were watching him did your eyes meet when he glanced up; and it was that moment Wooyoung chose to push not one but two fingers into your cunt and stretch you out.
You weren’t very subtle in hiding your reaction, eyes widening a little and your lips parting with the softest gasp. You swore you saw Seonghwa’s gaze darken, the way he licked his lips hitting your core just like Wooyoung’s fingers were. 
There was no way to deny that Seonghwa knew just what Wooyoung was doing to you, but by the clench of his jaw he had no intention of saying anything at this point. Which, just disappointed you… you wanted him to say something. No- you wanted Seonghwa to beg.
Mingi had been so eager that you had actually enjoyed it, to be wanted so desperately by someone other than Wooyoung- in particular one of his dear friends that would be considered off limits. The immorality of it that most people might frown on was really quite exhilarating, and part of you wanted to see that same reaction, that same eagerness, in the others. Of course it might be quite the ego boost to have them fawning over you.
Yet Seonghwa wasn’t the type to fawn, that you knew of at least, over someone else’s girl. Even if this whole situation allowed it- Seonghwa was just too respectful of a person. He proved it by tearing his gaze from yours and turning his back.
For a short moment disappointment and even shame filled you, but your boyfriend made quick work of pushing those emotions to the back burner. Wooyoung curled his fingers and rubbed just where he knew would drive you crazy, teeth scraping against the shell of your ear with a teasing chuckle. 
"Wooyo-" Gently you warned even if it lacked any conviction, your hips moving in tune with the rhythm he was setting for himself.
"Hyung won't care, make some noise baby."
You felt differently, setting the glass on the counter and pushing it a bit out of the way, you gripped his arm with the intention of stopping him. "I think he will." Again the protest came out weak, breathless as you bit down on your lip to hide a moan. 
Despite your words, Wooyoung was wooyoung and went the little shit route: he called out to Seonghwa. "Hyung! Want to hear the pretty sounds she makes?"
"Woo-ah!" Your protest immediately died as he pushed in a third, pumping them in at a pace that was making it difficult to think.
"Or do you want to make her cum?" There was a challenge in his tone, and you weren't sure if it was that or his words that had Seonghwa stiffening. He didn't turn…. But he didn't deny any of it either.
It was enough.
You were close to coming, breathing heavily as you stared at the back of the man across from the counter. Shame filled you for just a moment at the realization you were going to come on your boyfriend's fingers in the middle of the kitchen while desiring the other man in the room. The shame only doubled when you moaned out his name.
Wooyoung chuckled in your ear, leaving a love bite just under the lobe. "Even my little baby wants you to Hyung, are you going to disappoint her?"
The stove was off in the next second, Seonghwa busying himself with plating three plates. "Disappoint her? Anything you do to her will be a disappointment if I make her cum, do you really want to risk that?"
Wooyoung pulled his fingers out of you as he stepped aside, bringing them up to his lips. "Is that a challenge?"
"Not much of a challenge against you, brat. Especially if she can suck dick better than you." He quipped back, finally turning to you both, tongue darting out to lick his lips. "Didn't even let you come, did he,  pretty girl?"
You whined out, shaking your head and clenching your thighs together.
"And he was promising to always keep you satisfied? Tsk tsk." The glare he sent Wooyoung's way had you clenching around nothing and your boyfriend shivering. Everything that had been said he had heard, using it against Wooyoung in a degrading way.
And you knew he was enjoying it, the way he bit down on his lip just gave it away.
Seonghwa set one of the plates down on the island and then patted the spot next to it. "Come here Princess, I'll take care of you properly."
Perhaps you were far too eager with the way you jumped off the stool and rounded the corner. Seonghwa didn't seem to mind, turning to you when you stopped just before him and where he had patted. Before you could scramble up, his hands were on your hips and he was lifting you with ease. It caught you by surprise, staring down at him with wide eyes. The pretty man in pastels, the figurative mother of the coven, and he was staring you down with such intense desire he didn't seem so sweet now.
It just made you even more excited; the way his eyes ran over your body and fixated on first your chest, then your core, saying nothing as he licked his lips. Rubbing your thighs together you cleared your throat to garner his attention. "Seonghwa?"
"Yes pretty?"
His hands were still on your hips but he was making no other move, leaving you unsure of where this was really going. You glanced back at Wooyoung, only for your chin to be grabbed and you were forced to look back at Seonghwa. "Don't look at him, I'm in charge now."
The tension in the room shifted as his voice lowered, a dominating edge that had both you and Wooyoung straightening your posture. "You gunna take care of me then?" You whined out, fluttering your lashes and even pouting out your lips. Wooyoung had worked you up only to deny your orgasm, and you were far too curious about this new side of Seonghwa to give a damn about anything else.
He smirked, a devilish grin that hit you right in the core. "Mmm yes, but you have to eat first."
“Eat?” Perplexed, you glanced down at the food next to you. “Do you have a food kink or something?”
Behind you, Wooyoung was fighting off laughter, no longer sitting at the counter but making no move to join the two of you just yet. “Or something… better listen baby.” “Or what? I can handle you just fine.” You spat back, not at all intimidated by Wooyoung’s smirk. Perhaps you should be a bit worried, a sudden grip on your jaw forcing you to face who should intimidate you. Something about the way he held your chin so firmly with the way he gaze down at you in an almost condescending manner left you breathless. It hit you like a ton of bricks, the realization that sweet caretaker Seonghwa… was a brat tamer. And one thing you and Wooyoung had in common was your brattiness in the bedroom.
The idea of him taming you, playing with you, had arousal swimming in your core. The smirk Seonghwa wore showed he knew just what effect he did have on you. "Start eating, pretty girl, and I'll take even better care of you."
The demand was easy enough, and curiosity fed your appetite that you picked up the first bite without hesitation. Seonghwa looked pleased, wiggling two fingers in Wooyoung's direction in a come here motion. You watched, taking another bite as your boyfriend obeyed so easily. You could learn a thing or two from him, you decided, as getting Wooyoung to obey was never so easy for you.
"And you, apparently you need a lesson on how to suck a cock. Been so out of practice she can do it better huh? That's no good Wooyo, on your knees." Seonghwa's tone was different from what you were used to, a bit huskier and deeper, dripping with command that made you want to obey.
Wooyoung was a bigger brat than you were though, crossing his arms over his chest. "What? I don't get any warm up kisses or anything? At least she gets food."
"She's going to be a good girl for me, isn't she?" At Seonghwa's question he turned to look at you, mouth full of food as you had eagerly been stuffing the very delicious dish down. His lips pulled up into an amused smirk, a chuckle leaving him. "Already such a good girl."
The praise had your knees weak and thighs pressing together, a small noise of approval escaping your lips before swallowing.
Wooyoung huffed. "Why should I then? I can fuck her better than you can."
He shrugged, stepping closer to you and pushing your knees apart. "Sure you can-"
"I'm going to test that theory." Seonghwa cut his protests off as he pressed himself closer to you, placing a soft kiss on your cheek. "How do you like the food?"
His breath on your ear had your own hitching, staring over his shoulder at your pouty boyfriend. "It's good."
Despite the nature of the conversation, his hands were running over the sweats and over your hips, dipping his thumbs under the hem and tugging them down. "Keep eating, I want that plate empty." He placed a  chaste kiss to the tip of your nose before he was lifting you up enough to pull your sweats down. Eager, you helped kick them off onto the floor beneath him, still obeying and taking another bite of food.
You had no idea what was going through Seonghwa's head, already thrown off by his behavior as you really hadn't expected your pants to be gone so fast. With a tap to your inner knees he asked you to spread, so you did, bringing your ass to the edge of the counter and legs spread as wide as they could comfortably.
He admired how slick your pussy was on display, running his thumb unashamedly over your folds and biting down on his lip with his brows pulled together. "Fuck it's so pretty-"
In your anticipation you stopped chewing, watching his finger run gingerly up and down and coat itself in your slick. Wooyoung stood right next to Seonghwa, eyes fixated on his hand as well, his own gripping the bulge in his pants eagerly. The action wasn't lost to Seonghwa who reached over and slapped his hand away.
"Good boys get rewards; and what do you need to do to be a good boy?"
"Get on my knees." The whimper that left his mouth affected you just as much as Seonghwa's slender finger pushing into your hole. As he climbed down to his knees you couldn’t decide if you wanted to watch him or the way Seonghwa was exploring your cunt, not even paying attention to Wooyoung on his knees now.
Instead, he lifted one hand up to cup your jaw, finger and thumb pressing your stuffed cheeks. “Keep chewing pretty girl. I told you I want that plate clean.” He apparently left out the part that he wasn’t going to make it easy for you, the twist of his finger inside your walls making it difficult to focus on the food in your mouth let alone the taste.
But you were going to try; just as Wooyoung was tugging Seonghwa’s slacks open and bringing his mouth to the obvious bulge straining against the fabric of his underwear. He seemed to know just what to do, reminding you that he’s done things like this with his coven before. It just excited you even more to think of Seonghwa railing your boyfriend, making him a drooling mess too fucked out to be a brat. The way he listened to Seonghwa without much fuss, so eager to be good for him, just added the image.
Swallowing, you took another large bite, eyes fixated on Wooyoung exposing Seonghwa more, the weight of his cock now resting along his cheek and over his eye. You nearly choked on your food at the size of him, a bit bigger than you were expecting as well. Were all of Wooyoung’s coven hung?
The thought was banished from your mind as another finger was pushed inside, stretching you out before curling and once more exploring your inner walls. He had dropped his hand from your chin to reach down and thread his fingers through Wooyuong’s hair and force his head back, his gaze following suit. He had both you and Wooyoung wrapped around his finger so easily it was a bit shocking.
With obvious fascination you watched Seonghwa’s cock disappear into your boyfriend’s mouth inch by inch, drool spilling out around his girth until his balls were sitting on his chin and Wooyoung was gagging with how deep he was.
You couldn’t remember a hotter sight, nor think of one.
Seonghwa’s fingers rubbing right against your sweet spot had you moaning around your mouthful, reminding you that you had a task to do. Swallowing the bite, a moan escaping you as he brought his thumb up to rub your clit. 
“Seonghwa-” You whined out, food forgotten as you glanced down, gasping at the scene before you.
“Hm?” He didn’t look up, his focus on Wooyoung as he guided him along his length as if actually teaching him how to properly suck a cock. His thumb and fingers moved at the same slow agonizing pace he moved Woo.
It wasn’t enough for you. “I- please-”
“Please what? Use your words pretty girl.”
The pet name had your head a little fuzzy to reply right away, trying to find the right words increasingly difficult as his ministrations continued. “I wanna- no more teasing, I wanna cum.” You blissfully whined out, hands gripping the edge of the marble beneath you, legs spreading wider hoping that would push him deeper.
Instead his fingers halted, a curious tilt to his head as he looked you over before zoning in on your half eaten plate. “When your food is gone, that was the deal wasn’t it?”
You whined out, reaching for his wrist to try and force more friction, even if it was you doing all the work fucking yourself on his palm. He flicked your clit with his thumb in response, shaking his head and letting go of Wooyoung to grab your hand off his. He muttered your name in a warning tone, excitement running down your spine like a shiver at the promised punishment lying under his tone.
But you really did want to come, Wooyoung’s teasing from before and now the beautiful image of him choking himself on Seonghwa left you needy and greedy for sweet release. So you obliged.
Seonghwa waited until you had taken two full bites before his fingers started to pump into you again, his thumb rubbing soft tantalizing circles around your nub, stopping every time you stopped chewing or your hips grew desperate. His other hand had gone back to Wooyoung, keeping him in line and controlling the pace. 
You did your best to eat bite after bite, soft moans leaving you every time you got close but Seonghwa could tell, already attuned to your body, and he would stop. He had no intention of letting you come until your plate was clean but that just excited you even more. He wasn’t unaffected by Wooyoung either, the soft gagging sounds of the man on his knees and the drool dripping out of his mouth seemed to urge Seonghwa on further.
Wooyoung already looked so fucked out, tears brimming his eyes and drool running down his chin with his hair a mess from Seonghwa’s grip. He had brought one of his hands up to stroke the base of his Hyung’s swollen member, matching his pace. It was difficult to focus on the food with such a sight before you paired with Seonghwa’s fingers making a mess out of your cunt. He was well aware of the dwindling food on your plate, and just when you had a bite left his pace quickened, particularly his hips thrusting to face fuck Woo who took it so diligently. “That’s it, you know what I want don’t you?” His tongue was hanging out, longer than you thought it would be, panting. “Come on, I wanna come with our pretty girl.” 
No sooner had you swallowed your last bite did his fingers begin to work furiously, pumping up into you and rubbing against your gummy walls just right while rubbing your clit as well. Quickly grabbing the edge of the counter you found yourself lifting your hips to meet his thrusts, whining and breathlessly begging to come this time.
Your own sounds were echoed by muffled versions from Wooyoung, your eyes locking as the pace kept building, that familiar twist in your stomach getting tighter and tighter by the second. It was when Seonghwa let out the sweetest, deep guttural groan of praise that the coil snapped. You came hard, your essence squirting out of you and coating both Seonghwa’s forearm and even hitting your boyfriend’s cheeks just as Seonghwa’s hips stuttered to a halt.
Wooyoung gagged, gripping Seonghwa’s pants as tears ran down his cheeks, choking on Seonghwa’s cum just as your own coated his features.
Your own head was spinning, aftershocks twitching through your body as you rode out your high on Seonghwa’s fingers. Seonghwa stepped away a moment later, leaving Wooyoung gasping for air and you whining at the sudden absence of his appendages. “Good little pets, the both of you.” He started out, locking eyes with you as he sucked your slick off his hand. “Listened so well.”
“I want more.” Despite how hard your climax had been, it wasn’t enough.
Seonghwa lifted a brow, gaze moving from you down to Wooyoung who was rubbing his raw throat, a mess of drool and tears. “She really is perfect for such a whore like you Wooyoung, I think you should show me how you take care of her.”
At his words, you shared a look with Wooyoung, watching his swollen lips turn up into a smirk. “Gladly. Come here kitten, I’ll fill you up just how you like it.” He patted his lap and you happily slid off the counter to straddle his legs, crashing your lips to his. You could taste Seonghwa’s cum on his lips, especially when he pushed his tongue between your lips to mingle with yours. His hands pushed your shirt up and gripped your hips, grinding you against the bulge in his pants and making a bigger wet spot than there already was. Seonghwa wasn’t going to be forgotten, his hands gripping your waist above Wooyuong’s hands as he brought his lips to your neck. Your own hands were working Wooyoung’s pants off him, wanting him free and inside you. “You looked so good taking his cock baby.” You muttered against his lips, lifting your hips with their help and adjusting so the next second his entire length was pushed into your cunt. “S-so fucking good.”
Wooyoung whimpered, eyes glazed over with pure bliss as he bucked his hips up. “You were so fucking hot kitten, coming all over my face like that. I wanted to come on the spot.” His hips slamming up into you erratically enough that you could tell he was moments away from coming.  Getting face fucked really must have turned him on, and the idea drove you wild.
Seonghwa tutted in your ear, his hands moving up your shirt to cup your chest, pinching the peaks between his thumb and forefingers. “Are you going to fill her up now? Doesn’t our pretty girl deserve it?” Wooyoung nodded, breathing heavily as he twisted his hips to angle himself deeper. Your head fell back, moans pouring from your lips at the sensations. “N-not going to stop until it’s spilling out of that pretty cunt of hers.” “That’s right.” The man behind you practically purred out, hand slithering down and working at your still sensitive clit. “And what do you say when you come?” He tilted your body back with his other arm, breathing on the back of your neck as he kept kneading your breast and rubbing furiously at your clit. Still sensitive from earlier, you were a moaning mess in his hands, trying to follow their conversation. “I- ngh- I thank her. F-fuck gunna come. Gunna fill you up until you’re leaking my cum for days Mommy.”
Caught off guard by the name spilling from Wooyoung in such a blissful moan had your walls clenching around him and once more coming and crying out. Like with Mingi, there was something else mixed into this moment, something that made his cum spilling into you and the breath on your neck feel so much more.
Wooyoung was coating your womb with his seed, too fucked out to even breath or do more than whimper out as his body shook beneath you. Seonghwa held you still, continuing to rub your clit until it was painful and you found yourself coming again from overstimulation. “Wooyoung-” He warned when the man beneath you finally opened his eyes, too dazed to really focus on Seonghwa but smiling up at you in pure bliss.
“Thank you Mommy. Felt so good.” His breathless words were like a punch to the gut in the right ways. In love with him all over again you leaned down for a messy kiss, this time the slight glow of his eyes was unmistakable. 
You felt like you could devour your sweet boy whole right there, but Seonghwa pulled you back and up, turning your head to steal a quick breathless kiss himself. “You did so good for me, pretty girl, I’ll clean you both up.” When he stood up and fixed his clothes it was like a switch was flipped and he was back to sweet Seonghwa ready to take care of everyone. You didn’t question it, feeling full and worn out and totally spent; you just collapsed next to Wooyoung and rested your head on his shoulders, your hand finding his naturally to intertwine your fingers.
The pleased hum Wooyoung let out as he nuzzled closer had a smile spreading across your face. “I love you, baby boy. But I think you’ll need to give me a bit more details about what I’m getting myself into. Mommy?”
“I’ll tell you later- love you kitten.”
Taglist, and those i think would appreciate it ^^': @candypop1611   @justhere4kpop  @anyamaris   @sookacc @sanniessnails  @simplyalfie  @spooo00oky  @diamondjen03 @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @hyucka02   @sweetmoonlight9 @gugggu6gvai / @starillusion13  / <3
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lollipoe · 25 days
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/ Idea:
Idk if you guys do have this but, y'know every time you wake up, the first thing you see next is scars, bruises, and scratches- LIKE WHERE DID YOU CAME FROM? Well i pretty much think because of the heat or sheet and bed problems, idk (I'm from the Southeast Asia countries)
And this will prob based on my problem I'm having almost everyday lol
/ Warning:
Grammar, yandere-ish behavior, Sagau, (i pretty much quit genshin due to school, so i apologize for anything that doesn't fit? As it was supposed to be in the game), bruises etc
Please remind me if i missed anything
/ Loli says...
It's my first time doing this so yeah, hope you guys will like it ❤️
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No one's POV
'Gosh... It just won't disappear...' you thought, since the heat happened in the start of april, lots of bruises, scratches and itches start to happen and appear ever since the start of april
Now your legs and arms have a lot of scars, bruises etc, but that won't keep you from playing genshin impact
Hmmm... Maybe Tomorrow you'll get it checked and get some new items to make the problem you have disappear
In-Game POV
You were controlling Nahida and collecting some artifacts for your newly 5-star pull, Furina De Fontaine (?)
Wanna know the problem is? You keep pausing just to scratch the itch and keep on putting some medicine to keep the itch away for EVERY 5 MINUTES
And they were worrying why do you keep stopping nahida from walking/running every 5 minutes, lol they're also having a problem and discussion what is the problem that you keep stopping over an dover again, your not thinking every 5 minute that you want to delete them, Right? Their thoughts are so away from yours
Even the characters in your picked slot are panicking too, especially nahida and traveler on your group, oh and i forgot to mention, they can hear you, i mean who else doesn't?
And of course your completely Unaware that they can Hear you, after all... Its something that you can't know 🤫🧏
→ Next day...
No one's POV
You went to a hospital so you can know what has been causing this itch everyday and why there's a lot of scratches and bruises on your legs and arms every Day...
/ Loli says...
Lol cliffhangered 🤣, i'll continue this later once i wake up, its like- 2am in my county rn-
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