#pregnancy stone theory
quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
Stone Monkey Eggs
I'm just adoring the idea of "Stone Monkey" being literally born as Stone Eggs since it brings some hilarity to any Jttw-au.
Tang, stunned: "Wait... it's natural?!" Sun Wukong, holding a stone egg: "Yeah. I was born from a stone egg too. C'mon Tang, you know that." Tang: *nerdy spluttering!*
The nitty-gritty science of it is probably just regular primate reproduction + a mineral shell developing as an extra layer of protection from the outside world - sorta like a backup amniotic sac. Patterns or a "swirl" develops on the egg in the final stretch as a remnant of where the cord connected them to their parent.
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They probably hatch almost immediately after hitting fresh air, or they hatch after "settling in" after a few days. SWK literally busted out his egg within seconds of it falling out of his Boulder Mom.
This fact def catches every celestial and demonic species off guard when they hear about it. No one ever bothered recording that "Stone Monkeys Lay Eggs" since no one really got the time to do so.
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cuchufletapl · 8 months
I'm a bit obsessed with Ging because what the fuck was he thinking, when he had Gon. Like yeah, yeah, the deadbeat anime dad Ging Freecss, we've all seen him, BUT HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT IT???
Here's this guy, who's been working as an archeology Hunter since he was ELEVEN, age at which he left his home and his family (and soon after became an orphan), since then traveling the world on his own, doing various shit, never settling with one thing, probably having swamp-tier hygene because I mean have you looked at him — and then he has a full-ass baby when he's nineteen. Nineteen! This fucking teenager who's been parentless since age eleven and leads the wildest life you can imagine decides to raise a child!
Presumably he was Gon's main (and only) care-taker for the two years they were together, presumably there were very few changes to his lifestyle during those two years. When he came back to Whale Island he just intended to ask his relatives to babysit for a bit, and he was surprised when Mito told him that it would be better for Gon to stay long-term??? Presumably, given that Mito admits to Gon that Ging didn't actually abandon him, initially he refused and they fought about it because he had planned to raise his son fully????
What was he doing. How did it take him two years and his teenaged cousin calling him out on his bullshit to realise that maybe he's an inadequate parent. He's canonically a genius.
It's histerical when you look at it from the angle of him being a young adult without a fucking clue who severely underestimated how hard parenting is, but dear god.
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timeskip · 2 months
Would you hate me if I said the pregnancy stone theory for the fan theory chart?
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I wouldn't call it "compelling" but I love it. It's so funny. What if the main character of our manga was an mpreg baby. What if he was his dad's clone. I think it's sooooooo good also on the "we don't need to care about Gon's mother" side of things too because I love how Gon reacts to information about her (shuts it down)
Anyways it's almost certainly not what Togashi intended but the timeline adds up perfectly and I'm running with it so hard. I hope it never EVER gets disproven
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nocturnalxsociety · 6 months
its so funny to think of ging inventing mpreg for the love of the game
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ging-is-a-boar · 2 years
I lied. I don’t actually like sex. Put your clothes back on, I’m going to give you an in depth explanation of Greed Island game mechanics.
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thewriterg · 1 year
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐬, 𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮.
pairing(s): simon ‘ghost’ riley x fem!reader, john ‘soap’ mactavish x fem!reader, simon ‘ghost’ riley x john ‘soap’ mactavish, force 141 x black!reader, r is referred to as ‘grim’
summary: You’re a new recruit to the force and being honest no one expected you to stick around, that was until they got a first glimpse. But their were only two left to stare in awe
word count: 3.2k+
warning(s): Red room AU, hints of past SA, hints of past abuse, usual cod violence, childhood trauma, trauma in general, teen pregnancy, child loss/abduction, death, blood, mentions of self harm, and language
A/n:—GIFs; @daniel-bruehl & @multi-fandom-imagine— Happy New year Writers! A surprise for my absence we have a new series, layout, and writing structure. Let’s start this year off to a good start :)
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Soap was beyond annoyed with everything around him it was ass crack dawn in the morning less than fourteen hours after a rough mission that went that did not go to plan whatsoever and he was planning to sleep
“Alright I know all of you lot would like to head back to your bunkers, so I’m not going to piss around the bush.” Soap and Ghost felt like they could breathe feeling his shoulders relax at that Price kept it clean and cut and they both appreciated the man for the fact
“We have a new recruit.” Ghost’s tense shoulders were right back up again while Soap’s lips etched into a wide smirk before the sounds of boots smacking against the concrete floor that were familiar to the teams ears without a thought
“We have a new recruit.” Ghost’s tense shoulders were right back up again while Soap’s lips etched into a wide smirk before the sounds of boots smacking against the concrete floor that were familiar to the teams ears without a thought
Ghost feel he could take the knife that was stuck resting in the holster sitting at his ankle and slice you clean with it you were tense but too tense just to be introduced to a new team tense like you were a spy lurking around his base in the shadows he stood in
“Team this is—” Your eyes widened as the older man began to introduce you were quick to but in and cut him off without a second thought it seemed
“Grim” Your voice was rich and low Soap declared. You said nothing more and nothing less it was also barely muffled by the mask that rested on your face the only thing visible were your eyes and your curls that tousled past your shoulders and some down you back
those damn curls.
that were too long according to guidelines of the field
Price didn’t seem surprised as he waited a few seconds in case you had anything to say which he doubted and his theory was confirmed as the room sat in silence
“She’ll be joinin’ you lot on the Task Force and a few more missions to come. She’s a hell of a shooter and even better sneaker” Ghosts eyes met yours in the moment as Price began to unimaginatively introduce you it was withholding and bland
“Grim like, Grim reaper?” Soap questioned smiling brightly his groggy state long forgotten as he tried to figure you out yet your face never seemed to falter with a smile or any amusement just steady cold stone
“Somethin’ of the sorts” Your answers were short and direct and Ghost couldn’t help but see himself in you but he honestly couldn’t bring himself to focus on his surroundings when you spoke
It made his head foggy and he hated it
He also hated the fact that he couldn’t tell what you were thinking no matter how much he tried to secretly break you down you we’re already throwing him off
Being honest Price didn’t expect anyone else to be debated over permanently staying on his force or not but you were recruited by Laswell herself so who the hell was he to decline? Especially when he saw your charts for sniping
There was no doubt you were the best sniper on the force
“I want all of you to get along Grim is going to be around for a while. Simon I want you to show Grim to her room” As price spoke he gave the blonde a pointed look before walking out of the common room
As you went to pick up your belongings a veiny hand beat you to it as Ghost hauled your bags into his hands his usual skeleton gloves absent without any trace producing nothing more than a grunt before walking out of the room expecting you to follow which you did reluctantly
After less than a three minute walk and you slightly struggling to keep up with six feet and four inch steps you finally had made it to your room you opened the door for the man who you tried to figure out on your way here and while it took longer than usual it didn’t take long
He was quiet and didn’t try to make a ‘walking over eggshells’ conversation which you appreciated he sat your bags in one of the corners of your room you were dressed similar yet completely different
You wore full tactical gear your vest adding at least another ten pounds to your mass a black balaclava with a cut out smile looking animation almost resembling the joker himself covering every feature on your face except your eyes
Ghost having being in his comfortable attire since just gotten awoke from his sleep had plain grey sweatpants, a fitted Henley, and his own balaclava with a skull printed on it
“Get some rest we have a mission, forty-eight hours” and with that he left you standing in the middle of your room your eyes not tracing over his footsteps until the sound of your door closing brings you to reality
You stare out the window the light of the moon the only source of light you have as a guide around your room before you let out a soft sigh forever staring at the moon
The past two missions you had been on were successful to say the least you accelerated your job each go round and Ghost didn’t know if he respected you for using your head and skills or hated you for being a ‘goody two shoes’
Now you all sat on the chopper Soap goofing around with his gun seeing how fast he could take it apart and put it back together while grinning like an idiot, Ghost sat cracking his knuckles any other bone he could to straighten it out, and you sat quietly…
Dead silence.
It wasn’t necessarily… unusual but in a sense it was at the same time. Ever so often Soap would usually get you to crack a smirk and even maybe join in just a tiny bit on teasing the lieutenant but now it was just
Dead silence.
Almost to the point where the man could barely tell if you were breathing properly not to mention you shaking leg that bounced up and down repeatedly never seeming to falter
Simon didn’t have anything on you and he would be lying through his damn teeth if he said it didn’t bother him none even when he tried to pry the information from Price he got a dead end
“Classified information Riley I don’t tell unless she does”
Classified information his ass.
“Chopper is reaching the margin L.T” Soap’s voice broke the lieutenants thoughts as he stood from his seat the door of the chopper coming to an open as the harsh winds of the sky brought a bit of stinging to his eyes
Surprisingly for you to be in the back of heli you reached the doors first, you were the first to drop, and the first to land not even waiting for your lieutenant to give you the green flag to go you were just gone
The mission was so sick it made you feel filthy and you had learned to evade yourself of that feeling a long time ago but you couldn’t help but feel it creep back onto you as you stared at the pathetic excuse of a man in front of you
He was tied to a chair as soldiers were coming and going inside and out of the cold warehouse You had a ringing in your ears as you both stared at each other the man with a smug you and You with pure disgust, hatred, and even devastation
Price and König were outside of the warehouse loading girls into different vehicles handing out blankets and water bottles while Ghost, Soap, and Gaz all stood around you and each other in a sort of half circle
Anyone and Everyone could tell, it didn’t take a genius to know that there was some sort of familiarity in the both of your eyes and before Ghost could demand you to tell him what the hell was going on the supposed mystery man spoke
“Never thought I would see the day, I get to see my favorite Scholar again.” Your eyes never left his as your fist that wasn’t clutching the M16 Rifle in your hand even though it was strapped around your shoulder and falling to your hip
“Never thought I’d get the chance to kill you” You usually smooth voice was now spiked with hatred as you gritted every word throughout your teeth you didn’t know you were stalking closer to his seated position until you were staring down at him your eyes blazing through your mask
“Grim” Ghost warned as the call for you went in one ear and out the other
“Is that what you call yourself now, you know I couldn’t help but take credit when people were splurging and talking about this girl taking down men four times her size, Sniping through thin air quickly and quietly without a miss, and moving with so much precision you would think she would be a dancer. A ballerina. I knew it was you. My favorite little girl.” He started chuckling the same chuckle that used to make your blood run cold now made it boil
“I’m not that same little girl Dreykov. I’m a grown ass women who could slit your throat before you could even perfect your stance. You will never hurt another girl or woman in your pathetic little life again, because it will be taken from you for all the lives you’ve ruined and traumatized” Your hands sat on the collar of the man’s collar his hair that was one brunette and full was now grey and thin
“Do you remember the time when I threaded your innocence? You fought and fought never let me see the tears that streamed your little face, a true warrior. That’s when I knew I’d had to save you for myself, never let those pretty curls slip my grasp” You couldn’t find the words in you to speak no one could even Soap who always had something say couldn’t utter a word
Ghost and Soap could help but pray and Ghost never found himself doing the act even when he was fighting for his life on the battlefield that what this bastard was talking about wasn’t what they thought he was even Gaz found himself holding his breath in anticipation
“And then we found out that, another addition would be added to our headquarters. That there would be an offspring a mix of our two souls soon to be padding around this base. God you tried and tried to remove yourself too the point you were put on heavy watch do you remember?” You could never bring yourself to forget even after five years it would always be in the back of your mind taunting you
They all felt sick.
“I was seventeen you sick bastard!” The pistol that usually sat in the holster at your hip now collided with the forehead of that man in front of you
And again…
Until you were thrashing against the tight hold of Ghost who scooped you up without a speck of struggle the only thing stopping him from keeping you there was your struggling against his firm grasp
“You raped me! You first raped me when I was fourteen! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!” You were screaming so loud it would be sure to take your voice it left you so dehydrated you were sure to soon start dry heaving
“Okay one more push it’s almost here, come on one more big one!” Your legs propped up on either side of the medical cot underneath you a sheet blocking your view from seeing what was going on on the other side
But if you were being honest you could barely give an ounce of care what was going on the other side your this was worse than any dagger cut you could bring to receive or give yourself it was a searing pain that made your ears ring and bring you in and out of consciousness
“It’s a Girl” the female nurse smiled brightly down at the newborn in her arms and then back to you as sweat dripped down your body you tilted your head as you stared at the baby girl in her arms
“A girl?” You were sure that was the first time you smiled in all your years at the base the nurse noted it too
“What will you name her?” You had thought about it. The name of your child over the past nine months even if you didn’t want to your head couldn’t help but start to generate it
“I will name her Natalia. Please let me see her” You held your arms out and the women inched towards you with a smile ready to lay the crying infant in your arms
“Woman, what are you doing!? Don’t.” Both your smiles left at the sound of Drekovs voice and reluctantly the women backed away from you as your eyes began to water
“Please just once. Just one time” Your voice was hoarse as it cracked and shattered in your throat
“Dreykov please! Please, please Dreykov NO!” The man left without a word your baby in his filthy hands. You were too weak to get up, to run after her.
“It’s better for her Zero, let her go, just let her go” The nurse hugged you tight your head tucked underneath her chin rocking you back and forth as you screamed and cried along with your aching body
Your heart would never heal and that was the last day you cried in your life.
You were in Soaps hold now when did you get here you had no Idea his grip was firm like Ghost’s but it was also cradling as if you were the most expensive porcelain on the market that’s what you didn’t want that’s what you’ve been trying to prevent
For everyone to tread around or walk on eggshells when it wasn’t from fear but pity holding you like glass as if you would b r e a k if the spoke too loud you hadn’t been held like that since that day
The sound of bones snapping evaded your senses as you looked to where ghost stood repeatedly smashing his fist the Dreykovs face bones snapped and you didn’t know if it was concerning that you knew the sound of each one
that was the nose
that was the jaw.
that was the neck
that was the windpipe
that was the skull.
You watched as the chair tipped on its side the man who robbed you of your chances of a normal life still strapped to it as blood gargled in his mouth you locked eyes as you watched him take his last breath and he watched as you took your first real one
You felt a tremendous weight lifted from your shoulders and you couldn’t tell if that was metaphorical or because Soap finally let you go
“Grim, do you copy!?” The blaring of the little box on your chest hurt your ears as Price’s voice ran through it out into the open
“Yes sir” Your voice void of any emotion as if you weren’t screaming bloody murder ten minutes ago the Boys stared at you as you kept your eyes glued to his dead ones
“Any issues?” There were plenty of them that you could count at least ten on all of your fingers that came to the top of your head
“Negative sir.” You turned around on the heel of your boot walking out of the room with the slam of the door
Your way back to base was silent the only noise was the birds choppers swinging rapidly over your head and by the time you had gotten to your destination you were already headed towards your room not waiting for your lieutenant Ghost to dismiss you like you were supposed to
Your hands shook as you opened the door to your room and it made you heavily curse You were a sniper you never shook
Your clothes you had to talk yourself into putting into your drawers were back in your bag with an amount of Meer minutes and then there was a knock on your door it was time you knew it was
You stalked to your door your fingertips lingering on the knob before you opened it suddenly and there stood Gaz a beanie on his head majority of his tactical gear off his body
“Price wants to see you in his office” His voice was soft as he stared at you none of your gear was off there was blood splattered on your balaclava and your body seamed to tremble
You simply nodded pushing past the taller man so you be on your way and you got there too soon it felt like you were too fast on the way there like you didn’t use enough time You knocked on the door three times and a second past by before price spoke up to let you enter
“Take a Seat kid” Was the first thing that spilled from his lips as he stared at your stiff and tense figure standing in front of the door and even thought it was only a minute that past as you reluctantly sat down it felt like hours
“No one’s blaming you for what happened, I know. I’d never tell anyone, haven’t told anyone. The only people who know are me and Lawswell” Price’s word stuck in your head it didn’t go in one ear and o u t the other
“I’m, I’m not suspended?” You couldn’t help but question the one thing, the only thing on your mind as the white haired man inhaled the smoke of his cigar before letting it seep back out of his teeth shaking his head
“No, but I do have a job, a mission that you aren’t going to like I know you run off structure and discipline so you could claim this as a challenge more than a punishment.” You caught yourself holding your breath in anticipation at the pause in the air
“You’ll be going on a undercover mission… with Ghost and Soap to accompany you” Your fist balled up in your lap as you both stared at each other you finally let the bruising hold on your hands go before giving the captain and stiff yet swift nod standing from your seat
“And Grim” You turned back to face him your fingertips steady on the door knob
“You did well today” There was only a hum mixed with a grunt of acknowledgment before you left Prices office heading back down the hallway to your own room
Something you could finally call your own
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hazyange1s · 3 months
1901 (Sebastian Sallow x F!MC)
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so. I generated the middle photo with midjourney months ago and people on tiktok seemed to like it 😂 probably because we are desperately in need of some happy endings….
which brought my aching little heart to write a painfully self-indulgent one-shot based off of said picture (ft. my two brainchildren). this is from October and I’m cringing; I feel like I’ve improved a bit since but we’re here for vibes so who cares.
Synopsis: the year is 1901, and after a lifetime of dealing with the turmoil he became so accustomed to, Sebastian has finally gotten everything he could ever want. a night with his wife and best friends reminds him exactly how lucky he is.
Warnings: slightly suggestive reference (but still keepin it SFW), dad!Seb and Ominis, tooth-rotting fluff, aged up characters, alcohol use, pregnancy, not edited just raw word vomit
The stone and wood that made up Hogsmeade had hardly weathered since the first year Sebastian could remember coming, when he was a sprightly six year old boy with his parents. Back then, the buildings had looked larger than life. The people seemed wonderful and strange and extraordinary; their wands aloft to float signs or move merchandise. He had tugged on the folds of his mother's skirt upon staring with rapt attention, whining, "Mummy! When do *I* get to make things fly?"
"Soon, sweetling." His mother had smiled, the most beautiful sight he could comprehend at that tender age. "Soon, you yourself could be flying above the clouds."
Now, Sebastian found himself doing just that.
Cold wood bit into the callouses of his palms, which gripped the handle of his broom securely as the biting October wind tousled his dark hair into knots. He might have already frozen solid where he sat, had it not been the warming charm on his coat and the heat of his wife's smaller body pressed up against his back.
She shouted something just then amidst the roar of the wind in his ears. Sebastian turned for a split second to get a glimpse of the wide grin on her flushed, freckled cheeks.
The most beautiful sight in the world to him now.
"What?" He chuckled, turning back around as they neared the stone path leading into the quaint village.
"I said; they're going to have our heads for being late, so you better take full responsibility." Raegan repeated with her lips grazing Sebastian's ear.
Another laugh was dragged from his dry throat. Raegan had a special ability that when beyond just her fire-wielding, ancient magic, and skills on a broom. She was also one of the only people in the world who could make him laugh without really trying.
"I don't suppose you want me to tell them WHY?" Sebastian replied wryly as they landed and climbed stiffly off of the broom. The feeling of solid ground beneath their feet was a certainly a relief after miles of dark skies above the Highlands.
Raegan gave him a taunting little smirk that he'd come to understand was one she reserved especially for her husband. "Doubt you'll have to. It's hard to hide anything from those two. Ominis will probably sniff us out the moment we enter the pub."
She smoothed down the wild, russet tangle of waves Sebastian had run his hands through just an hour ago as they walked hand in hand over the bridge. He smiled at the memory as if he could still feel the softness of each lock between his fingers.
"I have considered the theory that he's part bloodhound."
The pair came to the familiar, flickering facade of the Three Broomsticks, pausing just outside when Sebastian tugged on Raegan’s hand to bring her to a stop beside him (a feat in itself, really).
“You know…” he mused, eyes crinkling at her questioning look. “Technically, we had our first date here.”
“If you call nearly getting…what were the words you used? Pulverized by a troll a romantic outing.” She laughed.
“Don’t forget the bar fight you nearly got me into. Honestly, it’s a wonder I managed to stick around for so long, with all the trouble you bring.”
The words were made in obvious jest and followed by an affectionate press of his winter-chapped lips to her temple. Because they both knew damn well that trouble was Sebastian’s middle name (it could replace Alexander for all he cared), and that chaotic whirlwind of a fifth year when they’d met was precisely what had him falling head over heels for her in record time.
“Well, as much as I love a good troll fight…the only thing you have to be scared of tonight is Ominis.”
A half-hearted scoff had Sebastian’s breath clouding in the air. “I wasn’t scared.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t wet yourself.”
“I was not scared!”
Raegan grinned indulgently at her husband, who rolled his eyes at the all-too-familiar teasing. Still, Sebastian found himself imitating her expression as he pulled her flush against his side and leaned down to fit his mouth to hers.
How many times had he enjoyed the saccharine taste that clung to every bit of her skin? It was far, far too many to count, surely, and the proof was in the way their lips moulded together like two pieces of a well-loved puzzle.
A rush of warmth hit their wind-chapped skin once the couple had finally broken apart, Sebastian opening the door for his distinctly kiss-drunk wife.
The Three Broomsticks was just as he remembered, too. Sirona, ever the dedicated businesswoman, spotted them instantly and offered a friendly wave. That was almost certainly Mr. Pippin and Mr. Hill chatting jovially over pints, and that blasted portrait of Ferdinand Pratt that had somehow withstood the ire of the patrons.
Raegan breathed the smallest of fires into her cupped hands before rubbing them together to generate more heat. It was not needed, though; for their friends had clearly planned ahead and already snagged the table just adjacent to the roaring hearth in the back center of the first floor.
Ominis's corn silk hair seemed to reflect its golden light, acting as a beacon for the Gyrffindor and Slytherin alumni to meander their way through the crowd and plop down eagerly at the round mahogany table.
"I was just about to send a Patronus if you hadn't shown up in the next five minutes." Diana gave them both an exasperated look, her brows shooting up as she took in their disheveled appearances. "Did you fly here?"
"Of course we did. It's a gorgeous night." Raegan leaned in to give her lifelong friend (sister might have been a more accurate term) a hug, despite the smaller girl's grumbling.
Ominis, who had his arm slung casually against the back of his wife’s chair, shook his head at Sebastian and Raegan like a disappointed father. It was a gesture so familiar to them both that it had been permanently seared in the back of their minds.
"Well, while you two were wasting time doing god knows what and flying fifty miles instead of Apparating like reasonable people, we've already been through half a flagon of wine." Ominis held up his half-full goblet as evidence.
The Hogwarts Professor was usually not one to indulge so heavily, but with the start of a new school year keeping him busy and his youngest daughter clinging to the chaos of her terrible twos, Sebastian supposed he had more than enough reason tonight.
"Well, you know me. I'll catch up in no time." Sebastian said with a roguish grin as he poured the rich, sweet-smelling liquid into a goblet that had clearly been waiting patiently for him.
Ominis, ever the gentleman, waved his wand to take serve Raegan from the flagon next, its contents tipping into a fourth cup.
"Oh, er...none for me, Ominis; thank you." Raegan said politely, the flush from the cold now returning for an entirely different reason.
His eyebrows furrowed into a mask of disbelief, as though the very fabric of the world had suddenly been torn open. "Are you ill? Or has someone taken Polyjuice Potion and replaced your wife, Sebastian?"
Raegan couldn't help but pair her laugh with an eye roll at Ominis's over dramatic display of surprise over her refusal to drink. Though she supposed it was true, there were very few times in her life she'd turned down a casual drink.
"Oh my-"
Diana's soft gasp broke the suspenseful silence, her pale, delicate fists causing ripples in their goblets as they collided with the table's surface. "I knew it! I told you that dream was a vision, Ominis!"
Now it was Raegan and Sebastian's turn to look confused, their shifting eyes replacing the self-indulgent grins they'd donned long before they'd arrived in the village.
"What dream?" Raegan asked, grabbing her friend's hand to recapture the raven-haired Seer's attention. "What did you see?"
Sebastian could see the tension in her grip, the light reflected by the fireplace that shone in her brilliant amber eyes. She had been dying to share this news; and if he knew her at all, Raegan was nearly bursting to deliver it herself before Diana could answer.
But it appeared her curiosity had won out over her flair for the dramatics at the present moment.
Diana beamed when she met Raegan’s imploring stare. Her voice had lowered, as if sharing an important secret.
"Last week, I dreamt of a little girl. She had the most beautiful auburn hair. Plus these adorable freckles and big, brown eyes. She was playing outside your house with a boy who looked exactly like Samuel, if he were ten years older."
Sebastian and Raegan both sported round, awestruck eyes that flickered to each other before they returned to Diana.
"Wait, I'm having a girl?" Raegan squealed, getting miles ahead of herself while Sebastian put the pieces of the puzzle together in her head.
"It's a girl?!" He gaped at the same moment.
Now, his other two friends were forgotten; his gaze solely on his exuberant wife, tears brimming despite himself.
A girl. It seemed all too perfect. A daughter and a son. Just like him and Anne, and Raegan and her brother Ronan.
"Oh...sur...prise?" Diana smiled sheepishly. "So, are you going to say it, or not?"
"It seems pointless now, since you’ve stolen my spotlight," Raegan raised her brow playfully in the beautiful Seer's direction. "But yes...I'm pregnant!"
Ominis's face broke into a huge smile, its brilliance so rare the honor was rarely bestowed upon anyone , save for the three people seated at the table now.
"Congratulations, Raegan. And you, Sebastian."
Diana began to gush as she hopped up from her seat, throwing her arms around her best friend once more. "This is amazing! How far along are you? Do you have any names picked out yet? How's your morning sickness? Mine was positively awful with both of the girls, I couldn't-"
Ominis chuckled affectionately at her elation. Gently, he placed a guiding hand on her arm to bring her back down to Earth - which was usually her least favorite place to be. "Darling, you're doing it again. Let her breathe for a moment."
To her credit, Diana looked positively pink as she relented and settled back down in her chair without losing her grin.
"Sorry, Rae. I'm just...so happy for you two."
"To answer your questions as my poor wife gathers herself, Di," Sebastian echoed Ominis's affectionate sound with his fingers intertwining through Raegan's. "She's seven weeks along, which is why we weren't sure about telling you just yet. But i suppose now is as good a time as any. And, for names, we were thinking-"
"Kassady Anne." Raegan jumped in for him, squeezing his hand as if she could pour all the love she had into that one gesture.
Diana almost teared up at this revelation, as Ominis let out an uncharacteristic, "aww". The namesakes of Raegan's late mother and Sebastian's only sister. It hadn't been a very difficult decision to come to. Though Sebastian had tried to insist on Anne as the first name in their hypothetical discussions.
"Fair warning," Ominis broke in, a knowing grin stretching his pale face. "Your second child will be your undoing. Little menace; our Gwen."
"Hey, I'm a second child." Raegan retorted, though her offense was clearly falsified. Nothing could break through the bubble of pure joy that seemed to radiate from her like the rays of the sun.
"I think you're proving his point, my love." Sebastian smirked. He barely dodged the well-aimed elbow to his side with a soft sound of indignation.
Ominis raised his glass once more after happily listening to the familiar sounds of his friends' excited chatter. "To Helen, Gwen, Sam, and Kassady-may they leave their own remarkable legacy on the world under our expert guidance."
The four of them all laughed, the sound like a chorus of church bells signifying the end of a long, fulfilling day. Three glasses of wine and one filled with water were raised in celebration, connecting the circle of lifelong friends with a resounding clink.
It had been over ten years since they'd all first sat in this pub together. Back then, the topics of conversation had centered around the goblin rebellion, Professor Black's latest warpath, and the homework that had led to countless sleepless nights.
In a way, things hadn't changed all that much. Except the rebellions now came in the form of arrests made by Raegan at the Auror's office or the tantrums of Ominis and Diana's three year old daughter. War was still in the backs of their minds, but for the most part their arms had been laid down in favor of peace.
And the sleepless nights, well...
Sebastian's mind again wandered back to the blissful visit of his youth. How he'd been unsatisfied with his feet on the ground, longing to soar above the rest.
Now, he got to feel like that every day of his life. No broom required.
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buttercupyellow · 18 days
BBC Merlin character ages & birthdays
the only one even close to having a canon age is Arthur
at a minimum he's 20 - Uther in 1x01 says that Kilgharrah (the great dragon) was captured 20 years ago, which likely means that the Purge ended, or began to end 20 years ago. The Purge began shortly after Arthur's birth as Nimueh was thrown from the court and Uther began executing every magic user in Camelot.
We don't really have a max age, but I'd say 25 as that's how old Bradley James was at the time of S1 release.
So Arthur's age at the beginning of S1 is 20 - 25
Arthur also "comes of age" in S1 (which is slightly strange as medieval coming of age for boys would be more like 17 i think, plus he also goes on the heir's quest in S3 which is roughly 1 - 3 years later - which doesn't seem to correlate to any age in particular???). The only age of "coming of age" significance between 20 and 25 is 21, so while ridiculous for medieval period, it's highly likely that Arthur turns 21 in the first season.
Arthur's birthday is a little harder. The interpretation I lean towards is Areoway on Ao3's theory that his birthday is prior to Beltane (May 1st) sometime in late April, as in 4x03 we have Arthur's Birthday -> Uther's Death -> Arthur's coronation. and later in 5x03 we have Arthur's coronation -> visiting the Stones of Nemeton to contact Uther's spirit, which was said to be traditionally done on Beltane.
Since Arthur goes to the trouble of travelling to the Stones (at least 2 days ride with a small company aka Merlin) it stands to reason that he also obeyed the Beltane rule and it was just plot convenience that he learned this in time to travel there.
I counted the days and it seems to be Arthur's Birthday -> 2 days -> Arthur's coronation in 4x03. Arthur's coronation anniversary -> 1 day -> arriving at Nemeton on Beltane (May 1st) in 5x03.
Which would put Arthur's birthday on April 26th?
Merlin has some canonical information, but less than Arthur.
Uther tricked the Dragonlords into bringing Kilgharrah (the great dragon) to Camelot where he then massacred the Dragonlords, save for Balinor who escaped. Kilgharrah is known to have been captured 20 years ago, so this happened 20 years from 1x01. Balinor then fled to Ealdor in Cenred's Kingdom which is roughly 2 - 3 days away from Camelot City.
This means that Merlin is at a maximum 20 years old in 1x01, more likely 19 to account for 9 months of pregnancy.
However, I think the more likely choice is that Balinor and Hunith spent at least a year together, to build a relationship strong enough that Hunith would never marry, and Balinor would still have affection for her (enough to take a strong interest in Hunith's love lofe aka whether she got married) at least 20 - 21 years later.
This would push Merlin back to 19 - 18 years old in 1x01.
However, since the only "coming of age" age that's viable in this fictional world is 21, and Merlin changes from "young boy" to "young man" in S4, and there's a 1 year gap between S3 & S4 + a 1 year gap between S2 & S3 + 1 year per season to complete 3 seasons worth of episodes... meaning roughly 5 years has passed once we reach S4 =
Merlin should be roughly 16 in 1x01.
So he's anywhere between 16 - 20 years old.
Colin Morgan was 22 at the time of filming, so his age cannot match regardless of how canon is twisted (he;s also got a bit of a baby face).
As for Merlin's birthday, it's never seen on screen, or mentioned as having happened aside from being born & becoming a "man" between S3 & S4. So it's kind of free space.
I once again very much like Areoway's theory that he was born to be the opposite of Arthur, so his birthday is on the opposite month to April, which is October.
For a more solid date, my sister chose October 4th as that was opposite the 26th (Arthur's birthday) on her calendar.
Morgana is a little tricky to place.
Uther says she wasn't around 20 years ago, perhaps implying that she wasn't born 20 years ago. However that could imply a lot of things, such as she wasn't in Camelot City at the time, or she was too young to notice anything amiss (basically 0 - 6 yro).
In my opinion, it makes little sense for Morgana to be younger than Arthur, as she is also Uther's child.
Some may argue that Uther wouldn't cheat on Ygraine, but he was known to have gone behind her back, without her knowledge or consent, to conceive Arthur with magic (how else would he keep it secret between only himself, Nimueh and Gaius). So it's not strange for him to lie to Ygraine.
In the legends also, he concieves Arthur through deceit, disguising himself with magic to appear as Ygraine's husband, having sex with her and then later marrying her without her knowing that Arthur was ever biologically his.
Uther and Ygraine also seems to be a retelling of the Arthur/Guinevere infertility plot of the legends, as it's Guinevere, not Ygraine, that's unable to concieve. To prove that it was Guinevere's failing, and not Arthur's, Arthur then fathered multiple illegitimate children.
It seems more likely to me that Uther was unable to concieve with Ygraine (and as someone without strong ties to Camelot, as he states he wasn't from here in 1x01, he needs an heir to continue his legacy) so he sought out Vivienne to test if he was the infertile one. Vivienne was alone, likely as per Uther's doing via sending Gorlois into battle, of high birth, and was already friendly with the royal household, so she was a suitable match to have a make a back up heir with.
Morgana's birth proves that Uther wasn't infertile, and that Ygraine was. Causing Uther to turn to magic to force Ygraine to concieve.
So Morgana is older than Arthur by at least 9 months, making her roughly 20 - 21 in 1x01.
Katie McGrath's age when S1 released was 25, so I'd say Morgana's maximum 25.
So she's 20 - 25, much like Arthur.
(if she's at the older end, 25, and Merlin's at the younger end, 16 I'd argue that's ok bc he was crushing on a beautiful older woman and it was never reciprocated).
As for her birthday, we know that she has one birthday on screen in 3x05. There's no real events to connect this too, so it came down to a guess. On my timeline, which counts each day that passes in the each episode, her birthday landed in June. Specifically, June 10th.
Gwen has literally nothing going for her.
She is a love interest of Merlin's in S1 so she should be similar in age to him. and she's also Arthur's love interest in S2+ so she should also be similar in age to him.
So at the extremes she's between 16 - 25 years old.
My preference is that she's 18 to fit between Merlin being 16 (so that once 5 years pass he's 21 & a "man" & Balinor had time to build a relationship with Hunith) and Arthur being 20 (about to turn 21) in 1x01.
Her birthday is even more up in the air.
Seeing as how Arhur's birthday fell in Spring, April. Merlin's fell in Autumn, October. and Morgana's fell in Summer, June. I think it's reasonable to give her a Winter birthday, December, January or February.
I personally chose January 17th to place her close to the middle of Winter, but it's a bit random tbh.
So that would put their ages in 1x01 as: Merlin, 16. Gwen, 18. Arthur, 20. Morgana, 22.
Making their ages in 5x13 roughly: Merlin, 27. Gwen, 28. Arthur, 31. Morgana 33.
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rainhadaenerys · 1 year
One thing that I always saw from Dany antis, but never really wrote a proper post to refute, is the claim that Quentyn is not the Sun's son, it's Young Griff, and that Young Griff is not the mummer's dragon, it's Jon. So I want to make a post about this.
The argument usually goes: "Quentyn can't be the Sun's son because he is the Sun, not the Sun's son. The Sun's son must be Young Griff". But by this logic, Dany can't be called "the dragon's daughter" because she's the dragon, not the dragon's daughter. And yet, she is called the dragon's daughter and daughter of dragons. At some point people have to recognize that GRRM was just trying to be poetic. Quentyn is pretty much confirmed to be the Sun's son: he tried to steal Dany's dragon, and if that wasn't enough, his death creates a political problem for Dany in her negotiations with Dorne. So he was one of the people that Quaithe warned her she shouldn't trust.
Another argument is that "Aegon is not the mummer's dragon, he really is Elia's son, so Jon is the mummer's dragon, because Jon was hidden and playing a false role just like a mummer". And like… no. First of all, because there's a lot of evidence that Aegon is not the real Aegon, and that he could actually be Illyrio's son:
First, why wouldn’t Illyrio tell Dany and Viserys about him, or at least tell Doran and his family?
If Elia made a deal to save Aegon, why didn’t she try to save Rhaenys as well?
Why didn’t Elia tell anyone about this supposed plan? She could have written a letter to her family and Varys could have delivered it to them so that they would know Aegon survived.
Why would the Golden Company (that was always loyal to the Blackfyres) help a Targaryen prince? Especially when we consider that Viserys asked for the Golden Company’s help and was rejected, so it makes no sense for them to suddenly want to help some other Targaryen;
Illyrio even says something that hints very heavily at Aegon being a Blackfyre, when Tyrion asks him why would the Golden Company help a Targaryen: "Black or red, a dragon is still a dragon."
Illyrio’s wife had golden and silver hair;
Illyrio’s house has children’s clothes but there seems to be no sign of children in his house;
Young Griff is traveling with a septa that has stretch marks from a pregnancy;
Illyrio even says: “I told you, my little friend, not all that a man does is done for gain. Believe as you wish, but even fat old fools like me have friends, and debts of affection to repay.”
Illyrio also sends Young Griff gifts and sounds "oddly sad" when talking about him.
Of course, nothing is set in stone until GRRM writes the next books and reveals the truth, but people have to stop acting like there's no basis for the Aegon Blackfyre theory, because there is basis.
And Jon as the mummer's dragon makes no sense. If Jon was going to be referred to as playing a false role (and therefore being a "mummer's something"), he would be a mummer's wolf, not a mummer's dragon, because no one knows Jon is a "dragon", everybody thinks he is a wolf. He is posing as a wolf, as a Stark bastard. Quaithe and the Undying didn't warn Dany against a mummer's wolf, but against a mummer's dragon. They didn't warn her against someone being paraded as a wolf but who is not a real wolf, they warned her against someone being paraded as a dragon but who is not a real dragon (which can only be Young Griff, because there's no other character being paraded as a dragon in the story).
Finally, all of Dany's other prophecies seem to refer to different people. Daughter of Death refers to Viserys, Rhaego (the tall lord with copper skin and silver hair) and Rhaegar (the dying prince with rubies flowing from his chest); Bride of Fire refers to Drogo, probably Hizdahr (the corpse on the ship), and Jon (blue flower in a wall of ice); Slayer of lies seem to refer to Stannis (blue-eyed king with no shadow), Aegon (mummer's dragon) and probably Euron (stone beast breathing shadow fire from a smoking tower). Jon is already in another prophecy, the bride of fire prophecy. It would break the pattern GRRM wrote if he also was the cloth dragon (I'm not saying that it's impossible for GRRM to decide to break the pattern in these prophecies, just that this pattern is another clue that Jon likely won't appear twice and Aegon is the mummer's dragon).
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bugeater101 · 2 years
Truth or Dare?, pt. 1
Synopsis: Minho and you played a game of Truth or Dare, and when you don't comply with the rules and refuse to obey your orders as a loser, you must face the consequences.
Content: SMUT !!!! slkfsdlkjf anyways. sub!reader x dom!Minho, fem!reader, perv!minho, best friends to lovers, school au, mentions of weed, mentions of masturbation (f. and m.), discussion of dick size, sex toys, Minho's an ass man (and i stand by that!!!!), panty sniffing, as always the reader is curvy/plus size but it doesn't really play into the plot but Minho's super hot for her obviously, suggestive content, slight fluff if you squint ig.
Word Count: 6.8k
Author's notes: I've been playing with this idea for a while and I'm so excited to finally put pen to paper! I hope you enjoy this mini series (should only be 2/3 parts, depending on how long I decide to make them) and they will be all out fairly shortly since I intend to release them a day after another. Even though the characters in this fic are portraying students, it is just like my Han fic, Public Display of Affection. Meaning that both characters are 18+. Please, do not interact with my work if you are a minor. Thank you everyone and enjoy!
Edit: Originally, when leeknow's... size was discussed, it was wayyyy too big. So I have (sadly) shrunk him a bit. The story does not change at all other than that detail!
Taglist: @scribblemetae, @mygsis, @9900z, @taekbokki
part 1, part 2, part 3
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"Truth or dare?" Minho questioned as he undid his tie, freeing himself from his school uniform
"Hmmm... truth!" you answered, leaning your head on your hand that was supported by a layer of forgotten homework on the table below.
"What's your opinion on Mr. Nam?" Minho questioned, making you squeal with laughter and make him laugh too.
"Oh my God!" You hollered as you fell back, laying on the ground in fits of giggles as Minho clapped. The secrets and rumours surrounding Mr. Nam made him a living legend, a feared yet benevolent dictator at your school. You sat up and cleared your throat, containing yourself as you cleaned some of the work that you had scattered off your table.
"He's a total snob, and I do believe the rumour that he's gay and called off his engagement to elope with the former Phys. Ed. coach," you responded, finally answering his question.
"No way!" Minho shouted back, amused at your response. "Not possible! I total believe the one that he got the former drama teacher pregnant but that it turned out to be a hysterical pregnancy because she wanted him to leave his fucking wife." You snickered at his assertion, loving how he entertained the beloved "Nam Theories" just as much as you did.
"Good for her. I always respect a woman who knows what she wants," you remarked with satire in your tone. With a nod to your homework, you silently suggested to Minho to return to the task at hand. The schoolwork had piled up throughout the week, waiting for you two to try and tackle it all in one day as you usually did. You too always did schoolwork at your house after Thursdays, shut away in your bedroom and attempting to diminish the growing pile of work before the weekend began.
Throughout the years of friendship between you two, your bedroom had become a safe haven for Minho, adorned in memories you two had gathered throughout your years of schooling and bathed in sunlight that pour in from your skylight and west-facing windows. Minho also just liked being close to you in general, watching you giggle at his jokes, toppling over at the melodramatic responses he gave and giving him a chance to sneak a peak up your skirt or down your shirt.
Okay, yeah. There's that.
So he had a crush on you. Big deal. Everyone in the school did. He loved how your personality reflected his mischievous ways and adored the way you smiled at everything he said, yet remained stone-faced with everyone else. Plus, you were obviously well-endowed to the point that the school uniform didn't fit you as conservatively as it should have, but you didn't mind (or you chose not to notice). You two had other friends but were just closer with each other, which was how Minho liked it, especially when he got to be in your room with you exclusively once a week; it was a gift. Sometimes, you two played games to distract from the mountainous pile of work, like today. Other times, too even cuddled together while watching a movie to finish the evening off. He enjoyed holding you, having you play with your hair, your tits pressing against his arm, your thighs crushing his hands to keep them warm, and... God... your ass was just perfect.
He loved when you laughed like this now, cackling and bending over from fits of giggles, giving him the perfect opportunity to stare at your pretty body. Now, however, you wanted to stop playing games and get back to work, which was never fun in Minho's opinion. It was sometimes annoying that you were always the more diligent one of the two of you, even though you always kept him on track.
"Booooo," Minho pouted, laying his face on the coffee table that you used to study on. He kicked you under the table as you both sat on the floor, nudging you and making you smack him back. "C'mon! Let's keep playing! It's your turn!" He protested.
"No, Minho," you scorned him. "We have this test next week and we have to study for it."
"Please, God, no, kill me now," he cried out, burying his face in the workload. "C'mon, please?! We can make it interesting?" You stopped scribbling on your work and silence filled the room. Minho smirked: you could never resist a good bet.
"...What kind of bet are you thinking of?" You responded, not lifting your face from the work.
"Oh, so now you want to play," Minho mused, sitting up and leaning against the wall behind him.
"Shut up and set the rules," you groaned at him, tossing a pen at his chest and grabbing a new writing utensil.
"Ah! Christ, okay," he laughed, blocking the pen with his forearms. "Hmm let's see..." he leaned his head back and thought to the annoying tapping of your pencil.
"Ooh! I got it!" He shouted, making you jump. A maniacal smile spread across his face as he rubbed his hands like an evil mastermind.
"Why do I feel like I made a dumb decision," you pondered out loud, sighing at his ridiculousness. Minho cleared his throat, pretending as if he was making a huge announcement to an anxious crowd rather than to the singular annoyed you.
"This round of truth or dare will be like no other! The questions will be aggressive, dangerous, and downright inappropriate for any normal game," he mimicked a posh accent, acting as if he was speaking some royal decree into effect, "Additionally, this game will have raised stakes! If one refuses to answer the question of truth or do the dare, that individual will be forced to do anything that the victor— i.e. the person who gave them the request—demands of them. And, the loser will do it without question. If the loser refuses or does not comply, the victor gets to punish them any way they deem fit."
You thought for a moment about the terms of the agreement, crossing your arms at Minho's proposition.
"Anything I want you to do, you'll have to do it?" You questioned.
"Precisely," Minho nodded. You blew some air out before looking back at him.
"What did you mean by 'punish the loser any way they deem fit?'" You raised your eyebrows, concerned about that portion of the rules.
Minho shrugged, "I dunno. It could be anything, like a horrible prank or even spreading a rumour about the loser or something. Anything you set your mind to."
You shivered slightly. What would such a punishment resemble? However, the idea of winning and making Minho do something so embarrassing—or something even worse if he was defiant against you—was too sweet.
You shrugged. "Fuck it." You stuck your hand out and Minho reached out to grab it and gave it a firm shake. "I've been wanting to start a rumour anyways that Mr. Nam was having an affair with you. This will be a great opportunity."
"Wait, what?" Minho looked taken back as he released your hand, making you giggle.
"Don't worry, I'll be incredibly benevolent as a victor. The rumour will say you ended it."
"You forget that I will reign triumphant," Minho retorted, making you snort.
"In your dreams," you sneered back. "Anyways," you leaned on your palms, staring back at Minho. "Go for it."
"What are you talking about, dumbass? It's your turn in 'Truth or Dare.'" Minho crossed his arms in annoyance and rolled his eyes back, making you chuckle.
"Fine, I'll start this show then," you giggled, pretending to be annoyed that you got to begin this game of dares. You thought for a moment, glancing up and looking around. Though you took long, Minho didn't mind. Not only did get to prolong his humiliation for picking truth or dare, but he got to stare at your tits while you absent-mindedly arched your back, causing the buttons of your uniform to stretch against your chest.
"Ooh! Okay! I got it," you snapped back into reality and leaned forward, ruining Minho's view and his good time. "Truth or dare."
"Truth," Minho's response was almost automatic, choosing something safe for his first round.
"What..." you let the tension build as you placed your elbows on the table and then cradled your head in your palms, "is your cock size?"
Minho gagged a bit on nothing, not expecting you to be so forward and taking out the big questions on your first round. He cleared his throat and stared at you before awkwardly laughing
"Damn, really?"
"Why, too scared to respond?" You egged him on, sitting straight again and looking at him like he was a coward who refused to fight in a war.
"Not on the first round, no!" He defended.
"Well, then answer! May I remind you that you were the one who set the rules of the game!" You shot back. Minho leaned back and smiled at you as his face turned slightly red. He glanced away, too embarrassed to meet your gaze.
Never, ever had you seen Minho blush. He was so flustered, genuinely embarrassed by your question! You would never admit it, but he looked kind of cute being so taken back as someone who was normally so forward.
Minho cleared his throat before muttering something.
"What was that?!" You shouted at him with a dramatic hand to your ear, hoping to catch what he said. Minho shot you a look in an attempt to scare you but to no avail. Instead, you looked back at him with a devilish grin. "I'm waittinggggg," you chanted in a sing-song voice.
"Seven inches, okay?!" He shot back, turning his head to you and making deadly eye contact. Your hands immediately flew to your mouth and your eyes shot wide, surprised at his confidence and the fact that he responded at all. Silenced crept in again before you shook your head in disbelief.
"No... way..." you whispered. "You are not packing that much, not you! No!" Minho nodded as your hands slowly held your heart, acting like someone who just heard the most tragic news.
"That's kind of a dick thing to say," he scolded you.
"I—I'm sorry, I'm genuinely just like... shocked I guess?" You laughed before you began blushing too. "Damn, good job!"
"I already regret encouraging you to play this game," he sighed, shaking his head.
"Does that mean you secede?" You questioned teasingly.
"No! Especially not after I told you my dick size," he said. "God, it's my turn anyway."
"Fine, fine," you gathered yourself, smoothing your skirt and beginning to loosen the school tie that made you feel claustrophobic. "Go for it." Minho thought for a second before looking back at you, his face finally losing its redness
"Truth or dare?"
"Seven inches..." you whispered.
"Y/N!!!" He shouted.
"Yes, fine!" You giggled. "Dare!"
Minho smirked at you. "Wrong choice." Suddenly, you felt your stomach become queasy. You didn't like the glimmer in his eye nor the way he licked his lips. You agreed with him: you had definitely made the wrong choice. Minho stared at you for a second longer, admiring how wide your eyes went at his words, enjoying how you realized that you have brought upon your own demise.
"Show me the most embarrassing thing you own," he stated with a nod.
Dread washed over you and your face became a deep red.
"No... please... anything but that..." you whispered out, flustered at the request. Minho just laughed.
"Though I love to hear you beg for mercy," he chuckled, "rules are rules. Are you going to comply, or are you going to take your punishment?" You felt your throat go dry at his words. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, huh? Either show him the thing you were most ashamed of or be subjected to a slave-like status, forced to do his bidding.
You went with the former.
Wordlessly, you rose from your spot and turned around to go to your bed across the room.
"Ooooo," Minho called. "I'm excited!!!"
"At least one of us is," you mumbled back loud enough for him to hear.
"What's Y/n's little guilty pleasure, hmm?" He teased, his playful tone ringing in your ears. You knew your shameful secrets, you just didn't want anyone else—especially your best friend—to know them, too. You sat beside your bed and bent down, reaching deeply underneath the frame to pull out something tucked closely to the wall. It took a long time to pull out what you were looking for, but Minho didn't mind: he was more engrossed in listening to your little groans and watching your skirt ride up your thighs, your back arching just enough to stick your backside out at him and have the bottom of your ass show. He licked his lips, hoping that you'd stay a little longer in the position as he felt his cock grow in his pants.
Sadly, you had found what you were looking for and shot back up. Your eyes gazed at the black shoebox in your hands, wondering if you were really going to complete this dare. Yet, Minho's words rang in your ears: are you going to comply, or are you going to take your punishment? It was obvious that feeling guilt now would be better than any future retribution.
You stood up and walked back to the table, sitting cross-legged on the floor and holding the box in your hands before looking back at Minho. His eyes were amused, enjoying your guilty expression and the flushed nature of your face.
"Don't tell me the biggest shame you own is an ugly pair of heels or some weed or something," he taunted, his frustrating giggles filling the room again.
Then, you remembered. Minho could still lose this game, and maybe your own boldness could scare him away. If your embarrassment couldn't get you to win, maybe your bravery could.
You smiled up at him, your expression quickly making suspicion replace his amusement.
Ripping the top of the box off, you flung the lid across the room and threw the container on the table, cascading papers across the surface and leaving the contents of the box on display.
Minho's eyes went wide and his face immediately became crimson again. He couldn't believe what his eyes were feasting on, unsettled by your sudden act of courage and the sudden tightness of his pants.
Various sex toys were displayed in front of him: dildos ranging from smaller sizes to enormous lengths, assorted vibrators with numerous settings and sizes, butt plugs, handcuffs, and flogs, just to name a few. Minho's felt uneasy by the sight, but also incredibly turned on.
Somehow, he was a bit angry too. Maybe it was because he knew that you had violated your pussy in countless ways before he's even had the chance to even taste you. Though the thought of you touching yourself with all these toys made him jealous, his mind also relished the fact that these toys had been used on you. He even briefly considered picking on up and licking it, choking on the fake cock, hoping to get a taste of your cunt that lingered on the silicone or glass.
Yet, to your eyes, he remained stagnant, supposedly shocked to stillness by the exposing state you just put yourself in. You laughed at his astounded expression.
"You can touch them if you want, by the way, " you giggled as you picked up your biggest cock. "They're clean. I always clean them after I use them." Minho's eyes followed you, watching you stroke the cock teasingly as if you were studying every artificial vein with the eye of an artist. Your finger traced the ridges of the dick before slamming it on the table, sticking the suction cup to the wooden surface and causing Minho to jolt back at the agility of your actions. He became hypnotized by the swaying phallus, fixating his eyes on it. Slowly, he tore his gaze away to watch you study the other contents of the box.
"You can always quit the game," you stated with a straight face before placing a glass dick along with a butterfly vibrator on the table. Minho shook his head, finally snapping out of his trance.
"What?!" he shouted, his face straight.
"Well, if you were shocked by my answer," you studied a glass butt plug before placing it back in its box, "then there's no saying how you'll react to the next questions I ask."
"Well... that's— I-I can't even—" Minho scoffed but it was obvious that he was still stumped by your reveal. Could he beat you in this game? He so desperately wanted to win, but he still had to survive his next turn, and then yours after. And, with what just happened, there's a possibility he can fail on your turn. Not to mention the hardness of his cock and the disappointment he feels knowing that your toys were clean and not coated in your juices clouded his mind.
However, he had to remain focused. His diligence had to override yours, he had to win this game as the defeat could be so bitter in so many ways. So, with a clearing of his throat and a wipe of his brow, he looked back at you who still examined your various toys and was beginning to put them away.
"It's my turn," he mumbled at you, making you acknowledge his existence for the first time in a bit. "Ask me: truth or dare."
You looked back at him for a second before placing the last toy back in the box and moving it to the side of the table, not placing the lid back on it and torturing Minho with a view of everything that had stuffed your pussy or ass or teased your clit and inevitably made you cum. It pained him to know that none of those toys were him, but he was pleased knowing that the size of your biggest dildo at least resembled the measurements of his cock. God, you knew his cock size now. He had thankfully forgotten for a brief second before the memories of minutes before came flooding back. Goddammit! Now he was hard thinking about you struggling to take it, having to work your way up to that size and still barely managing to squeeze it into your little pussy. Fuck, he had to focus!
Minho shook his head as he looked back at you, trying to shake the thoughts from his mind and avoid the box to his right. Your eyes showed your enjoyment of his suffering as you leaned on your hand, studying his expression just as you studied the toys moments before.
After a moment of silence, you finally spoke.
"Truth or dare?"
"Dare," he immediately answered to his regret.
You laughed. Really laughed. Like, leaned back and cackled like a super villain.
Fuck. He made the wrong decision.
You stared back at him
"Let me see it," you stated.
"W... what are you talking about?"
"Your cock. Let me see it."
Okay, so Minho was surprised by you a few times already today.
But this took the cake.
"You wanna see my cock?"
You laughed out, yet his expression showed his true concern at your dare.
"Yeah You see, you're sporting seven inches hard, and I know for a fact that you're rock solid right now." Minho's embarrassment skyrocketed, horrified that you knew of the state of his cock and more worried that you might know that you were the one who caused it. "You always get that weird look whenever you have a boner, and I'm assuming seeing all these sex toys and maybe it just fucked with your male hormones or something."
Oh. Minho forgot for a second who he was talking to. Thank God you were too dumb to realize that it was what those toys represented that made him hard. That it wasn't the fact that there were just sex toys around, but that it was because he knew you used them. But, you always assumed that he was just like other guys. Even when you two went into that sex shop for shits and giggles one time, you supposed his awkwardness was because of all the fleshlights and pornstars on the wall. In reality, Minho couldn't handle the shop because everything made him think of you. Constricting you in that red harness which hung the wall, edging you for hours with that fat vibrator stuffed up your cunt, gagging you with the various ball-gags in the shop—it was all too much. With his mouth going dry and his pants unable to hide his growing hard-on, the shop quickly became an unsafe location for him. He left unexpectedly and you teased him for weeks after about it, starting a rumour that he was a prude and a virgin who couldn't handle even discussing sex— none of which being true. Minho didn't mind, however; he'd rather you'd think he was a stiff than a slag who was desperate to fill your holes with his fingers, cock, and toys. Plus, he was plenty happy with the happy fantasizing about you and all that stuff in the shop in his free time.
But now... this was different. Now, you were making him put his cards on the table, or fold. Either show you his cock or succumb to your whims, practically becoming your male odalisque instantaneously. Though at this point either option sounded insane to him, he still preferred to have the upper hand.
His eyes met yours, yours burned back into his, and he decided that it was time you saw how similar your larger toys were to him.
To your shock, Minho stood up and frantically began unzipping his dress pants, knowing that if he was too slow he'd psych himself out. His dress shirt came out next, Minho pulling it out of its previously neatly tucked form and freeing the wrinkled fabric. Then, with a single tug, his pants were just low enough to reveal the top of his boxers. Soon his cock would be out and he would be done this—
"STOP!" You yelped.
For the first time since he started undressing, Minho looked at you. Your expression was confusing, a mixture of holding back laughter and genuinely horrified.
"I..." you began, "I didn't think you'd actually do it... holy fuck you want to win." You began laughing loudly, making Minho pull up his pants to cover his boxers.
"You mean to tell me that you just wanted to see if I actually would do it?" he spat. "You dumbass this is literally truth or dare! If I don't comply I lose, you get that?!"
"Yes!" You laughed, "But I couldn't actually make you do it! I can't see your penis! I trust your seven inches and all but I don't want this to be how I see your dick, okay dude?"
"What the hell do you mean by that?" Minho argued back, aggressively zipping up his pants and crashing to the floor, pissed and ready to move on with the game.
You glanced away, "Nothing, don't worry. Just... let's move on okay? That counts as your turn."
"You're damn right that counts as my turn," he mumbled as he re-rolled his sleeves. "Can't believe I almost just showed my cock to win this fucking thing. Let's end this." You didn't like the sound of that. If Minho meant that and you just put him through hell, then what would he subject you to?! What diabolical things could he make you do, or make you admit to? Worse, what if you lose? Your mind starts to panic and you barely hear Minho speak those terrifying words.
"Y/N!" He shouted.
"What?!" You replied, snapping out of your worries.
"I said, 'Truth or dare?'" That stupid fucking mischievous smile came up on his face again.
No matter what you chose you were screwed. What could be worse: truth or dare? Goddamit!
"Truth... no, dare!" You corrected. "Wait..."
"Tick tock, y/n," he urged.
"Goddamit! Dare!" You shot back. "Final answer!"
You believed that this was the better choice. It was better to do something than have to admit to anything, right? Then you met his eyes again, the crescent moon shapes indicating his happiness at your choice.
Fucked. You were fucked.
"I want you," he leaned forward and shoved the box to his right onto the centre again, scattering some of your homework off the edge table, "to show me how you use these."
No. Fucking. Way.
Your immediate response was to laugh. Why wouldn't you? Being who he was, Minho was probably just getting back at you for the last dare you gave him. But why was he so worked up? You got him out of it and it was just a little prank. You didn't really want to see his cock because of a stupid dare, so he wouldn't want to watch you play with yourself in return turn.
Wouldn't he?
"I'm not joking, Y/N," Minho stated, straight-faced.
Your laughter was cut short, the room filling with silence.
"Oh God..." you mumbled. "You're actually serious, aren't you!?"
"You're damn right I'm serious," he replied. For the first time, Minho reached into the black shoebox and pulled out your toys. His imitation of you was impeccable, matching exactly how you studied the fake cocks and butt plug before placing them down in front of your still figure. As you watched his motions, a cocktail of fear, embarrassment, and overwhelming anxiety filled you. He was like a mob boss deciding what method of torture to use on you. "It's my turn. First, you show me these toys— some of which your perverted self probably bought when we hung out together at the mall and you snuck off! Then, you make me think you wanna see my cock, know what I'm packing, see if you can take it or some shit, and then make me stop?" He spat, "Heh. I don't fucking think so." He slammed down a vibrator on the table, making you shiver. You looked so small across from him, your nipples peaking through your shirt and your hands nervously fiddling with the edge of your skirt. Minho chuckled again. He knew what he was saying was on the money, that what he spoke wasn't an accusation, but a statement of fact.
"You're a bit scared, aren't you?" You nodded as a response, not daring to utter a word. He erupted in laughter. "Good! I hope you're terrified."
"M-Minho, you can't do this!" You protested, "I didn't make you show me your dick, I was just fooling around, but this is ridiculous! You can't make me—"
"Do you want to lose?" He shot back, quieting you instantly. "You know the consequences if you do." You did know. What would he make you do as retribution for your non-compliance? You dared not to think of it.
Instead, you occupied your mind with the various toys laid out in front of you. In an attempt to calm yourself, you began calculating the amount it all added up to. How much money have you spent on each one? How much time have you spent scouring the internet for them? How many hours have you spent using them? Unintentionally, your mind became filled again with the unbearable memories of how these toys made you feel, how you know they can make you feel, and how strangely good you felt after Minho's little speech just now. What the fuck were you going to do?
Finally, you glanced up at Minho's eyes, meeting them for the first time in what felt like forever.
"No," you said, "I don't plan on losing." Minho respected your courage, yet his smirk suggested he was calling your bluff.
The spread of the phallic objects and other various suggestive shapes in front of you gave you plenty of options, but you opted for the bunny vibrator, snatching it quickly and decisively so you couldn't hesitate on doing what you had to do.
"Fine choice," Minho muttered in response to your action. You rolled your eyes at him and then sat up on your knees, placing the vibrator beside you on the floor. You leaned forward slightly, giving Minho a perfect view of your cleavage from your unbuttoned top, though you took this position to attempt to give yourself some sense of privacy. Your hands ran up the back of your thighs tentatively, careful to not ride your skirt up too much. As your hands found the hem of your panties, you quickly pulled them down, not wanting to stay in this embarrassing position any longer. Minho let out a small yelp from across the table, indicating to you that he was excited by your exposure. Sitting back on your spread knees, you held your white lace panties between your thumb and index finger. Looking back at Minho, you saw him lick his lips and noticed his stiff posture. His cock was just as tense as the rest of his body and you knew it. You would enjoy how torturous this would be for him. You dropped your panties to your side. Picking up the vibrator on your other side, you looked up at Minho one last time before you would ruin any last shred of dignity you had remaining.
"Last chance to back out," Minho stated. Your face was just as blank as his, attempting to hide any lingering regret or the horniness either of you was experiencing.
You clicked the vibrator on, the low hum filling the room.
"I'm not backing out."
With your tongue already out, you placed the tip of the vibrator on the muscle and wet it with your spit. Minho took a deep inhale at the site, watching you hum slightly at the sensation. God, were you really going to do this? Both of you worried the same thing, wondering how far this game was going to go.
"Stop... stop teasing the tip," Minho said dryly. "Go on, show me how you work your little pretty pussy." Your heart tightened at the words, feeling stupid that your panties weren't there to absorb the wetness growing between your thighs.
"Let me take my time, Minho," you whispered back, making him moan lowly at your response. You chuckled at him. "Don't worry baby, I like it slow."
What had this game become between you two?
"If you take too long, you're going to lose by default," he responded, leaning forward, palms flat on the table and his hard-on clearly visible in his pants. He was getting antsy and it amused you, though you knew how serious your predicament was.
"That's not fair," you tutted, attempting to act dominant in a situation where you were clearly pitted against. "I can't do it right if I go too fast." You pouted slightly, letting the drool-covered vibrator buzz in your hands.
Minho shook his head, "Do it now or take your punishment."
Now it was your turn to gulp. He was serious.
You nodded, glancing down to your spread knees, your only privacy your school skirt, then at the buzzing bunny in your hands. Though you couldn't see him, you could feel Minho's look seethe into you, his breath heavy. At a snail's pace, your hands began to move the toy lower and lower. One hand parted from the object, caressing your thighs before lightly grasping the edge of your skirt. You pushed the hem higher and higher, raising the skirt to your mid-thighs as the toy continued pushing downward. Suddenly, you found Minho's hand touching yours, the one that held the vibrator, guiding it down to your cunt.
"C'mon, show me..." he whispered, a mixture of a beg and a demand. "I know you can, y/n."
His entire body was stretched across the table, face-to-face with you, noses and foreheads almost touching as you both stared down past your tits and tummy to the rising fabric with the vibrator as a guide. So close, the space closing and closing until finally your skirt was bunched so much it almost showed your soaked pussy. Minho could feel himself drooling, his hand upping the speed on the vibrator until it violently buzzed in his and your hands. Your chest rose and fell quickly with the speed of your breath, confusing Minho as he tried to watch your entire body at once. The toy now was only a few inches from you, your pussy still covered by your skirt, but one final movement and—
"WAIT!" You shouted, scaring Minho and causing him to collapse on the table and making you fall back. The vibrator was flung across the room and you scurried to cover yourself, pulling your skirt down. Minho groaned at the impact of the fall on his chest, his hand cradling his ribs as he closed his eyes in pain.
"Oh-oh my God, Minho!" You sputtered out, clamouring over to him and picking up his face in both of your hands and looking up at him. "I-I'm so sorry! Are you okay? How are you feeling?"
Minho shook his head, "Uhh... fine, I think...." he slowly pushed off the table, sitting back against the wall and across the table from you again.
"I'm sorry about that," you quickly apologized, "I just got a little... I just think that dare was too much, maybe... I don't know... I—"
"Don't apologize," Minho looked up at you, sincerity deep in his voice. "It was intense, and you don't have to do it if you don't want to."
You opened your mouth to say something again, another apology you suppose, before shutting it and nodding, silently appreciating his understanding. Slowly Minho rose, stretching and rolling his neck back.
"Are you okay?" You asked. He nodded.
"I'm fine, just a little sore." He walked around a bit, stretching his legs that had almost fallen asleep from the long period of sitting on the floor. "Are you okay?" You nodded, watching him cross the room so now he stood across the carpet from you.
"Yes, I'm fine." Minho nodded at your response and then looked down beside him to the humming bunny. The buzzing hadn't ceased: the vibrator still bounced aggressively beside him. He looked down at it then at you.
Abruptly, you became extremely embarrassed. God, what the fuck did you just do!? Minho smiled at your reddening face before bending down to pick up the toy. He shut it off and then looked up at you, waving the toy in your direction. With a smirk, he tossed it back in the box before sauntering over to you and sticking his hand out. The last of your pride was already torn to shreds after that debacle, you might as well let him help you up. You grabbed his hand and jumped up with the support. Yet, you didn't realize that your legs had fallen asleep, and you stumbled into Minho. Quickly grasping the small of your back while his other hand remained intertwined with yours, Minho caught you and let you stumble into him.
It was quiet for a moment, the seconds passing as you stood like two dancers frozen in a performance. He smiled at you, and you smiled back. Then, he ruined the moment.
"You won't be fine for long," he whispered. Confusion hit you first, then, after a brief moment of thinking, you realized what his words meant. Horror swept across your face.
"I... I lost..." you muttered.
"Yep," Minho said, his hand rubbing your back, "and I won."
You gulped. "What will you make me do?"
Minho chuckled, "Nothing too bad." His hand continued to stroke your back, calming you in this moment of terror. "Just want to show you off, is all." The sound of that made your knees weaker than they already were.
His hand began to rub lower and lower down your torso before caressing the curve of your ass through your skirt. You hiccuped at the feeling, realizing how close you two were with him holding you like this. Minho leaned into you, lips touching the curve of your ear.
"Do you feel me, y/n?" He asked, "Do you feel how good you make you feel?" You did. It was undeniable that you felt him through his pants. He was still so hard, aching to be buried in you, and you realized how much you actually would enjoy his seven inches, the slight curve of his cock hitting your g-spot perfectly. You were a fool to think that it was just the toys and all that stuff getting Minho hard: it was you.
You tightened your grip on him.
"W-What will you make me do, Minho?" You asked again, hoping that it wouldn't be as embarrassing as this moment was.
"I know exactly what I want. Do you know what you want, y/n?" he asked, his breath tickling your ear. You buried your face in his neck.
"I don't know..." Your voice came out as a hushed mumble, your shyness making him smile. He could be sweet if he wanted, ease your self-consciousness and feed your begs by letting you not experience the suffering he had in store.
But Minho wasn't nice. He wasn't sweet and only was if he wanted to be. And right now, it seemed like charity was the furthest thing on his mind.
"You look so pretty right now, without your panties on," Minho's hand slowly bunched your skirt up, clasping the fabric underneath his wrist as his fingers played with and caressed your ass. Whimpering at his touch, you realized how wet you still were, how much you needed him. That almost went away with the words he spoke next.
"I wonder if you want everyone else to see you like this." The world stopped for a moment, fear freezing your body.
"...what?" you muttered, glancing at him.
Minho hummed, "I wonder how long you could stand not wearing panties." Minho pulled back his hand from your back and moved away from you, making you ache to feel his cock again. He cupped your chin and forced you to face him "You'd like that, wouldn't you baby?" You were too stunned to speak. Could he really make you do that? What would happen if you didn't comply?
"Minho... please.." you begged. Minho chuckled and separated away from you, making you drag your reach out for him. He walked towards the table and started gathering his homework in his bag, picking up every last scattered paper that was his.
"Now, now, y/n you knew the rules and you still obeyed," he tutted. "Tomorrow at school: no underwear, shorts, tights: anything. I don't want anything covering your pussy or your thick ass." He looked up at you, staring deeply into your wide eyes. "I want to be able to bend you over any time I want and enjoy the view." He looked down to check if he had forgotten anything, and he did. The white lace of your panties peaked through a flipped-over notebook, almost escaping his searching gaze. Minho picked them up gingerly, smirking at you as he stood up straight. Balling them up and sniffing them lightly, Minho basked in your scent before dropping them in his bag and zipping it tightly shut. "You won't be needing these, will you, y/n?" He asked. "You'll get them back when you've been good."
He walked up to you and patted you on the head before bending down and meeting your eyes. You had said nothing, stunned to a motionless figure at what was happening.
"But..." you muttered out, meeting his eyes. "But I've been good..."
"Not good enough," he laughed out. With a lean, he kissed the top of your forehead before patting you again. He stood straight and walked past you. Your gaze followed him towards the door of your bedroom, watching him turn the knob and swing the door open. Before taking another step, he stopped and turned back towards you.
"See you tomorrow, y/n!" Happiness and monotony layered his voice, making one think that what just happened was a regular occurrence and that what was to come wasn't out of the ordinary either. Minho turned again and walked out, closing the door behind him and beginning his journey home.
Silence filled the room as you looked at the mess around you before turning back towards the shut door.
"Tomorrow... no panties... nothing..." you recited. Your mouth was dry and you felt lightheaded. Oh, fuck... what were you going to do?!
"See you tomorrow, Minho."
continued in part 2
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
Imagine if the celestials didn't realize Wukong's connection to the island at all and just thought those strange weather conditions were caused by the fact the mountain was just weird like that. Sorta like how in certain places it can be storming on one end of a year but sunny and bright on the other. Then maybe, to help Wukong get back into shape after carrying a baby, Nez Ha accidentally hurt Wukong. It wasn't serious, he just got a good hit in with his spear and managed to slice a deep cut onto his arm. Nothing big.
But then the ground next to himself cracked open as if he had sliced into the ground itself.
referencing this post about Wukong being a physical deity of FFM itself.
I do hc that him and Macaque cause enviromental incidents/mini-disasters whenever they go into labor so >:)
Wukong sees this happen and is like "Oh damn. why that do that?"
He has a lot of questions for the higher ups. Probably needs to bother a Bodhisattva or God or something to get answers.
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cuchufletapl · 3 months
If, by some insane twist of Togashi's mind, the pregnancy stone theory is real I desperately need to know what Ging said in the tape about Gon's "mother."
35 notes · View notes
timeskip · 5 months
Do HxH fans know that in the 1999 version Kurapika, Leorio, Mito and Ging all have blue eyes. The 2011 version actively gave more characters brown eyes (except Kurapika, who got grey eyes)
11 notes · View notes
misslavenderlady · 1 year
The Prince & The Princess 👑👑
Summary: Marko has held onto the guilt of hurting his bride for months now. She's sad to see him feeling so down, so she decides it's time they properly made up~
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Thank you @aairadaebak for the request! I appreciate your patience and I hope you enjoy this!
This is the sequel to the KARMA collab series with @ghoulgeousimmaculate. It features her OCs from Party The Pain Away and Little Red (which I highly recommend you read). This has references to her stuff, and takes place in the modern world, not 1987!
WARNINGS: N.s.f.w./18+ Readers Only, References to physical/sexual abuse, References to torture, Pregnancy, Guilt, Panic attack, Fear, Make-up sex, Cunninglingus, Vaginal sex, Sex on a desk, Language Kink, Light Dom/Sub, Romance, Cutting skin, Blood drinking Credit to @losthavenmine and @ofallingstar for gifs
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Being a bride of the Lost Boys wasn’t for the faint of heart.  
David and the boys were cruel with their love, showing no mercy until they ensnared the objects of their desire. The four lured vulnerable victims with sweet nothings and gentle caresses before swooping in to seize their mind, body, and soul with sadistic torture and manipulation.  
Only the most resilient women could see their twisted affection for its beauty.  
And Sis was one of those women.  
Out of all the sisters, she sacrificed the most to be their mate. Her mother was deceased, her sanity was fried, and her soul was compromised. But out of all the horrific things the men she loved did to her, she never expected one of them to force themselves on her.  
The boys held her prisoner for over a year before they wed. But every time she opened her legs, she gave herself willingly. 
Marko’s assault was an exceptional betrayal that disgusted the entire pack. The vampires who once feared and revered him now looked down their noses like he was nothing more than a disrespectful cockroach scurrying across the ground. Marko felt out of place in the pack, like he was no longer welcome despite atoning with his flesh. 
Life after the traumatic event was challenging for him and Sis. 
Despite enacting her triumphant revenge and being blessed with another child, Sis had some hurdles to conquer. Her confidence was restored, but she was still uncomfortable in the petite vampire's presence. Being in the same room with him without David or Dwayne for support was difficult, but she didn’t want to spend the rest of eternity distrustful of one of the vampires she loved immensely.  
She wanted nothing more than to restore the bond that was broken all those months ago. 
Marko had never been one to fall into self-loathing or shame. He was a ruthless man in life and in death. When he once walked in the sunlight, he was a noble lord, a powerful man to be feared and respected by all.  
He took great pleasure in torturing others. There was an entire dungeon of horrors named in his honor. Servants whispered theories about what he did in such a dark, terrifying place.  
That sadistic thirst for pain stayed with him as a vampire. In fact, it was dialed up to a greater level. He found sick pleasure in the cries of anguish the brides made in his beloved toy room. It made his cock as hard as stone.  
But this time around, he wasn't in a position of power. David was. Marko was his lackey, always doing as he wished, no matter what. Whether it was running errands or bending over to let his body be used, Marko would follow David's order. 
He wished with all his blackened heart he had done so this time around. 
Marko truly didn't know what came over him. In his moment of weakness, the feral side had completely taken over, wanting nothing but to breed the beautiful vampire bride. Perhaps it was an ancient, animalistic call to grow the coven.  
Whatever it was, he should have controlled himself.  
After every last punishment David put him through, Marko was healed in body, but not mind. He wasn't like himself. Instead of sneaky and confident he was now meek and silent. His impish nature had gone, leaving behind a frightened, cherub-faced boy who would never dare to look anybody in the eye. 
Sis noticed his change in demeanor and ironically, it hurt her so. Marko’s mischievous nature caused her great terror during training, but it was also the very thing that drew her to him when they first met. She first laid eyes on him across the bar roughhousing with Paul—with a cheeky smile upon his lips. She loved the chaotic glint in his eye when he was about to inflict the most exquisite torment.  
The vampire queen was made from the worst parts of the boys. Her sadism in particular was nurtured by Marko. Some of her most cherished date nights were with Marko after her turning. Together they would trap the prettiest women and release them in the woods to be hunted and devoured.  
She loved the mania in the petite vampire’s eyes when he picked her up around the waist and spun her around. She missed that vampire. It was like he didn’t exist anymore.  
And that was something she couldn’t allow as the mother of the pack. So, with shaky legs and an uneasy belly, she sought out her fourth husband. She searched their underground kingdom high and low until she found the littlest vampire hiding in a nook deep in the bowels of the sleeping wing.  
Marko looked up to her doe eyes, her presence startling him from his project. He was surrounded by vivid scraps of fabric, obvious trinkets from recent victims that he had eaten. He was in the process of adding the patches to his jacket, which had gotten quite the upgrade over the years.  
“How’s the sewing going?” Sis whispered as she lingered by the doorway of the alcove. She didn’t enter the room fully, afraid that Marko might flee before she could show him that she meant no harm.  
Marko didn't look at her with hunger like he used to. He instead had the sad expression of a puppy who misbehaved and got a scolding from its master. It didn't look right to Sis. Those deep, hazel eyes were meant to burn with a playful fire.  
They had since fizzled out after that fateful night.  
"H-Hey there," Marko mumbled. He set down his needle and thread and got back up to his feet. When he was alive, his servants greeted him in a similar manner. Frightened, yet on alert for his orders.  
"Oh…this is nothing. Whatever you need, I can do this later." 
If he had been his usual self, Marko would have gleefully told her stories about each patch. They would have snickered devilishly together over each victim and how they screamed.  
It hurt Sis dearly to see her husband act in such a way. With a gentle look in her eyes, she slowly made her way further into the room.  
"N-No! Please…" Marko winced at the title. He brought his entire body downward, making himself smaller and lower to the ground compared to her. "I don't deserve to be called that…not after….w-what I did…" 
Sis pouted at his display. The night she tortured him with the help of David was something that brought her power and confidence. She had survived the attack and came out stronger than ever. Now she hated the way Marko continued to punish himself.  
"You can't keep doing this to yourself, handsome," she cooed. "It was bad the first few weeks after the toy room, but ever since I got pregnant, you've been so much worse.” 
“It’s what I deserve,” he whispered, skittishly scurrying to the corner.  
Sis could tell he was calculating a way out of the room to escape her. She sighed, using her speed to block his path. She mentally kicked herself when she saw him yelp and cower against the cold stone. The last time she used her speed against him, she feasted on him, leaving the vampire drained and unable to heal while she tortured him nearly to death.  
It was her pound of flesh for all that he’d done to her, but she hated that it had tainted his spirit.  
“I’m sorry,” Sis soothed as she spoke to him in hushed tones. “I’m not going to hurt you. I promise. I just want to talk to you.” 
“I’m not worth to be in your presence…” 
“You are worthy, Marko,” Sis challenged. “I’m your wife.” 
“You’re David’s wife…” 
Sis seeped into her irises, Marko’s words hurting her beyond what she could ever imagine. She and David had a very sacred bond, but she belonged to ALL of the boys. Their blood ran through her veins, not just David’s. On her wedding night, she fed from all of them. 
“Is that what you think?” Sis questioned.  
“That’s what I know,” Marko replied in defeat, his eyes drifting to her baby bump. “You didn’t want my child…” 
Sis let out an exasperated sigh. Even though she was just finishing her first trimester, Marko was still pained to see her growing belly. It was a mark of her bond with David. They were king and queen and would bring another precious heir into the world. One that could have been Marko's.  
"I didn't want your child by force, Marko." 
The blond trembled, immediately regretting his choice of words. Every time he was reminded of how he pinned his wife down to the ground, his stomach churned, and his head felt dizzy. The mere memory sickened him.  
"I'm s-sorry! I…I know I shouldn't have done that…" he stammered. The shaking was getting worse, and it worried Sis terribly.  
"My Marko…love…please.." Sis said to him. She was gentler than ever. It was most certainly foreign to her experience with him, but absolutely necessary. Not wanting to startle him, she slowly and gently reached out to cup his cheek.  
Even if he was scared of hurting her again, she had to show that she held no fear towards him in return.  
"First of all, we raise our babies together. We're all a family. Laddie, Eva, Jasper, Paulina, and the little ones on the way. They're all ours. Second, you have to understand that I'm not upset with you anymore. You paid for your crime, and now you're a free man. How can we grow from this if you keep beating yourself up?"  
Marko's gaze fell to the cave floor. He spoke so softly, yet Sis heard his words loud and clear.  
"Because I don't deserve you…" he muttered somberly. "I don't deserve the boys, I don't deserve Red and Spunky, and I especially don't deserve that baby on the way…the one I didn't appreciate like I should have…." 
“If you didn’t appreciate the child you had, you wouldn’t have compromised everything you believed in to make sure Red was safe when Gem and the sisters protested on my behalf,” Sis pointed out. “You couldn’t bear the thought of Red starving or miscarrying. That sounds like a father who loves and deserves his child to me.” 
“But not a man who loves and his wife…” Marko countered. “I carried you into that room kicking, screaming, and begging for mercy….I tortured you for days…I don’t deserve you.” 
“I was out of line for attacking Spunky. She infuriated me, but I shouldn’t have tried to kill her. My punishment was justified, and your hand wasn’t the only hand I suffered under. David, Dwayne, and Paul punished me too.” 
“It’s still no excuse…” 
Sis’ shoulders slumped. She was getting exhausted with this melancholy banter, but she refused to give up until he was alive again. 
“Marko…Master, I wouldn’t be me if it weren’t for you. You and the boys made me what I am today…” 
“And I’m disgusted by it! By what we did to you,” he spat, springing to his feet. “We destroyed your entire life.” 
“You gave me a second chance. I wasn’t living. My grief crippled me. The way I drank, smoked, and popped pills, I would have been dead by 40. You gave me eternal life. Love. Children—a family I thought I’d never have. You and the boys forced me to sacrifice some things, but I feel more alive than I ever did when I had a soul.” 
Marko opened his mouth again, most likely to continue on with his words or self-degradation. But Sis would not allow such a thing.  
Quick in her actions, she took hold of both sides of Marko's face and pulled him in as close as possible. Her plush lips pressed against his own, silencing any of his negative thoughts with a kiss.  
The blond vampire let out a noise of surprise. He hadn't tasted her love in such a way for months. It was as if he was a teenager again, so inexperienced for a kiss. Getting to feel her again like this was making his knees buckle and his heart swell. 
When she finally released him, they were both panting, practically breathless from such an intense moment.  
"Dio mio, principessa…" Marko sighed, his native tongue coming out from such a surprise.  
“Mio principe, farai l'amore con me?” Sis whispered with hopeful eyes. 
Marko hesitantly glanced at his wife from under his brow. He studied her beautiful face, thinking about how long it had been since he’d seen it contorted in pure ecstasy. Thinking about her dainty coos of pleasure. The warmth of her soft breasts against his chest. How good it felt inside her.  
Marko missed holding his wife in his arms. Missed running his nimble fingers over her tender flesh and kneading her ample curves.  
Oh, how Sis fit so well in his arms! One of his fondest memories as an immortal was holding his tiny future bride in embrace while she wantonly bounced on his lap at the dinner table.  
It was one of the best first dates he EVER had. 
"I…I…." Marko stammered with a shuttered breath. He felt as if an angel and devil were perched on his shoulders, whispering to him. One telling him to ravage the beauty before him and the other ordering him not to hurt her.  
His usual personality was fighting with his punished self. Sis just knew how to turn his world upside down in every way possible.  
Perhaps it was possible to have a little bit of both. Enjoy her touch and savor it for what it was. No chains, no floggers, no toy room. 
Just man and wife.  
"Oh God, come here, beautiful," he sighed, finally giving in to temptation.  
He moaned deeply as he brought her in for another kiss. His arms wrapped around her waist, desperate to keep her close. It all felt so right. Like he found his missing piece of the puzzle. One little taste was already driving him wild with need. 
And Sis was unraveling too. 
The ebony queen slithered her taloned fingers under Marko’s crop top to caress his pale flesh. She giggled when Marko shivered under her ministrations, the curly-haired blond moaning into her mouth as he crushed his lips to hers.  
Pressing her toes forward, Sis ejected herself into the air and wrapped her legs around Marko’s waist. She gyrated her hips, grinding her pelvis against her husband’s burgeoning erection. The large stiff bulge of his manhood pulled a sultry sigh from her full lips.  
“Ooh, Master,” Sis cooed as Marko trailed kisses down her throat. “Ti amo tanto~” 
The blond vampire carried his bride across the room, holding her about the waist with one hand as he swept the other over the desk. Spools of thread and patches of intricate fabric scattered on the ground in a chaotic heap.  
But Marko didn’t care. His jacket was usually his pride and joy. But at this moment, all that mattered was the precious time he was spending with his beautiful wife.  
With her legs still wrapped around his waist, Sis purred in delight underneath her husband. She loved it when Marko tossed her around for some fun. Even if he was being more gentle with her for now, she still loved getting to be with him again.  
She tugged at his shirt, silently begging him to take it off. Marko's body was absolutely flawless. The image of a Greek statue carved to perfection. He shouldn't have to hide it.  
"God, you're so sexy, Master," she sighed, her manicured nails running along his muscular chest. "I want you~" 
It truly felt amazing to hear his wife beg to have him again. Her voice was pure music to him, and he wanted to make her sing out some more.  
"I always want you too, principessa~" Marko whispered to her. If he was going to do this, he was going to do it right. "Please, beautiful. May I taste you?"  
Sis was certainly never one to deny the chance to get eaten out. With a newfound desire in her eyes, she spread her legs for Marko, granting him access to her body.  
For once in his life, Marko didn't tear off her clothing like a wild animal. He wanted to treat her right. Like a real lady in need of some love. He trailed kisses down her plush thighs as he gently tugged her panties down her legs. 
Seeing her pussy glisten for him again was making the front of his pants sore. He had to have her.  
“Ti leccherò la figa,” Marko purred as his nimble fingers caressed Sis’ smooth chocolate thighs. The blond vampire kneaded the supple flesh, sighing from the sublime sensation of her body beneath the pads of his fingers.  
With tender dominance, Marko seized Sis’ thighs, pulling her to the edge of the table so he could dine. He plopped in his chair, scooting towards his wife’s dripping orifice with a devilish glint in his eye.  
“Sembri così gustoso amore mio,” Marko whispered against his wife’s folds. He lulled his tongue from his mouth, teasingly panting like a greedy puppy against his wife’s dripping loins.  
Sis whined as she felt the soothing heat waft over her needy body. She squealed in delight when Marko rolled his tongue over her slit before delving in face first, vibrating his tongue like a ravenous creature who fed on lust. A sinful shiver tore through her needy body from the ministrations of Marko’s evil little tongue. He was driving her mad, the woolly walls she used to hide her inner beast unfolding. 
Sis percolated with madness; the vixen giggled uncontrollably until her child-like titters turned into wails of passion.  
A moan fell from Marko's soft lips, muffled by the warmth of his wife's womanhood. She was absolutely delectable, inside, and out. Every time he had a taste, he felt starved for more. He'd give up all the blood in the world just to feed off her.  
"Ooooh M-Master~!" Sis sighed out. Her head fell back as she relaxed more into Marko's hold. In between each girlish giggle was a womanly moan. She flipped back and forth between her states of mind when the boys were pleasuring her so intensely.  
That only fueled the blond's hunger more. He grabbed hold of her soft thighs and threw her legs over his shoulders so he could dive in deeper. He knew every sweet spot within his wife's body, and he rubbed each one nicely with his tongue.  
"Ooh! Ooooh fuck, mi principe vampiro~"  
“Ti piace quella, principessa?” 
“Sì, mio principe...but I need you inside me,” Sis panted. “Please, Master…” 
“I tuoi desideri sono ordini…” 
Marko gave his wife one last teasing lick before standing at his feet to mount her. He unzipped himself, dropping his jeans in a heap around his ankles to free his dick. His manhood sprang free, standing at attention engorged, veined, and weeping. He stroked it as he lined himself up with Sis’ slick hole. He playfully tortured the writhing woman, running his glans up and down her sensitive slit.  
Marko enjoyed watching Sis shiver and coo with anticipation as he denied her desire to be filled, but his game backfired. The petite vampire could barely hold out long enough to get her begging, because feeling her reminded him of how long he hadn’t been inside. Halfway through his torment, he abandoned his teasing and slipped into Sis in one motion. The vampire queen was so slick that he slid in with ease, her juices producing a lewd squelching as he entered her body. 
"Mmmn yessss~" she sighed out, delighted by the feeling of Marko stretching and filling her with ease. She was incredibly grateful to have not one but four different husbands with amazing cocks to fuck for eternity. They never left her unsatisfied.  
She eagerly tightened her legs around Marko's waist. The closer he was, the better. Sis always longer to feel Marko fuck her nice and deep. Make her go positively dumb with lust.  
But this time was different. Marko wasn't his usual self. Rather than roughly fucking into her, he was smooth and slow with his motions. Gentle, in fact. A little too gentle. 
"Master…" Sis cooed, cocking her head to the side, and looking up at the blond with big, beautiful doe eyes. "Is something wrong?"  
He figured she would notice. They had embraced as lovers enough time to recognize the unique ways they made love. Marko smiled sheepishly down at her. It was quite different from the usual sadistic smirk he gave her.  
"Sorry…didn't want to hurt you…or the baby…" he admitted. Marko gently placed a hand on top of her baby bump, softly massaging her skin.  
“Master…” Sis sighed as her breath hitched from the tender kneading of her bump. “I trust you…I know you won’t hurt me.” 
“I appreciate that, principessa,” Marko purred, “but I want to savor you…just this once….” 
Marko rolled his hips, arching his back in a serpentine manner as he pistoned his hips into Sis. His thrusts were confident and powerful, but slow and sensuous. And with purpose. He may not be dominating Sis in the way he usually did, but his sadism still shined through as he massaged her deep inside.  
Each time he pumped into his wife; he could see her eyes widen with ecstasy as the plump ridges of his manhood caressed her sensitive erogenous zones. A playful giggle fell from his lips when her back arched and she whined pitifully. Sis murmured in Italian, little curses falling from her pretty painted mouth. 
“FUCK…signore oscuro! Mio principe, ti amo! SHIT!” 
Hearing his beloved mate say things in his first language drove Marko wild. It made him imagine her with the title of Lady to his Lordship. Though he and his brothers had plenty of money to spare in the modern world, he would have enjoyed spoiling her in his human life as well.  
Still, she had an even greater title to her name; Vampire Queen of Santa Carla.  
"Sei bellissima. Sei la mia vita. Ti amo, cara mia~" 
The words of romance poured out of Marko's mouth like water from a stream. It just came to him so naturally having her like this. Craving even more of Sis, he brought himself down, pressing her body onto the desk with his own. Not too much pressure to hurt her belly, of course, but just enough to enjoy her even more.  
"My beauty. I missed you so fucking much~" he purred into her ear. Marko slipped his hands over here, intertwining their fingers together. "I swear I'll never hurt you again, principessa." 
Sis mewled, her body vibrating as Marko led her to orgasm. She gripped his fingers tightly, holding on for dear life as her walls pulsed around his thick shaft. Marko continued riding her, his hazel eyes boring into hers. He leaned forward, crushing his lips to hers once more before running his tongue along her cheek.  
He sighed into the crook of her shoulder, the taste of her driving him ballistic and sending him over the edge. The salt of her tears. The sweetness of her juices.  
And that GRIP! 
Marko rolled his hips as long as he could. But her vampiric muscles of her core trapped him in place, milking him. He came with a grunt, bathing her insides with his seed—reclaiming her as his own.  
But she wasn’t fully his. Not just yet. They had to complete one more sacred act to make things right. Marko picked Sis up around her waist, carrying her around the desk. He seated himself while he was still attached, holding her tenderly in his arms as she clung to him. Her body still rigid from orgasm. 
“Principessa…look at me…” Marko whispered, untangling Sis’ arms from around his neck.  
Sis sat back, looking at Marko with reddened eyes and tear-streaked cheeks. She watched him in curiosity as his claws extended and slashed a section of his own throat to free his century-old blood.  
“Mi amore…Drink…let’s renew our vows as husband and wife.” 
Sis nodded, overwhelmed with emotion that Marko wished to renew the unholy sacraments they participated in on their wedding day. She wiped a tear from her eye before she wrapped her lips over the weeping cut, drinking deeply from her mate. His blood, thick and rich with wisdom and power flowed down her throat and into her belly. She would digest and metabolize his essence, making herself one with him once again.  
And to return the favor, she wanted him to do the same.  
“Mio principe, prendimi…” She whispered as she ran her index over her breast, her red talon freeing her fledgling blood. She was young, but she was made from greatness. Her blood a fusion of the covens—the boys and the sisters. By Marko drinking from her, their bond would come full circle, and they could finally move on as a family. 
Marko's tongue slowly traced over his lips in hunger. She truly was his. He could see that clear as day with her offering her blood to him in such a way. Months ago, he used his talons on her, accidentally slicing part of her skin. She was so scared and helpless that night.  
Now she was willing and happy. That was all he truly wanted. Even if it would be centuries before he could give her another baby, he'd be more than satisfied to enjoy the marital bliss as it was.  
"Come to me, beautiful," he purred, bringing her bosom to his mouth. He greedily lapped at her blood, thrilled to taste her. Such perfection would only get better with age. Like the world's finest wine.  
"Master~" Sis sighed out for him. She ran her fingers through his silky curls as he drank from her body. It felt right to be like this again. No fights or punishments. Just love. 
By the time Marko took the last drop and cleaned her wound, their connection was fully restored. Both the vampires could feel it. Life would still have plenty of ups and downs, but now they were stronger than ever.  
"I love you, Marko." 
"I love you too, beautiful." 
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Once Sis had been properly cleaned and set up in her luxurious bath to be pampered by the other boys, Marko decided to go off on his own. He was more than satisfied with how he and his wife made up, but there was another special lady who needed his attention.  
Slipping through the hall of the cave, he made his way to the nest of a certain little redhead.  
He poked his head in the entryway to see Red in her room. She was deep in a fit of nesting, carefully folding all of the baby clothes she had been gifted so they were all ready for when she gave birth.  
That delivery could happen any day now, as indicated by the great roundness of her belly. It made Marko's heart swell with pure love.  
"There's my beautiful girls," he cooed.  
Red lifted her head to meet his gaze, surprised by him after being so lost in focus.  
"Hi, Marko," she smiled. "You seem like you're in a much better mood. Everything going well?"  
"Going fantastic, actually," he sighed. He stepped into the room, his hands hidden behind his back as he moved. It made Red grow quite curious.  
Marko finally had his smirk back. The one that made it clear he was up to something sneaky. Red would have gotten nervous if she didn't already know his games were on hold while she was heavily pregnant.  
"I have a gift for you, love," Marko said. He pulled his hands out from behind his back. 
Marko revealed a tiny satin box, opening the vessel to reveal a dazzling ring—a ruby, similar to Sis’ mammoth opulent gem, but unique. It was white gold, emerald cut, and flanked by two large diamonds.  
“I know Sis is my wife,” Marko whispered, “but you are just as so special to me, mi amore. You accept me for the beast that I am, and you blessed me with the best gift a man could ever ask for. I may not be king, but I am eternally grateful that you carry my legacy. I wanted to give you this months ago, but with my crime…and my shame. I thought I was unworthy of you…I still am, but…that’s because I know how important you are to me. Principessa, ti amo….” 
Red’s bottom lip quivered, her pregnancy hormones triggering her turbulent emotions. Her heart fluttered in her chest as she laid eyes on the sparkling ring. As a child, Red always dreamed of getting married, being a bride, and living happily ever after. But when Marko handcuffed her to his bed over a year ago, she thought she’d die without ever becoming a bride.  
And yet, he made her one.  
She was born in blood, becoming his mate for eternity, but in comparison to her elder Sis, she felt inferior. Sis was strong, commanding, and exceptionally beautiful, with the wit and charisma worthy of a queen.  
Red loved Big Sis, but she was sometimes jealous. Envious of the looks of adoration that blanketed Marko and the boys’ faces when she walked in the room. How they waited on her hand and foot. How she had the power to make them buckle and bow when she played her cards right. 
And the ring. The beautiful symbol of matrimony that represented a union between two lovers. Red longed for a gem of her own. A sheath for her bare ring finger.  
Now, thanks to her dark prince, she had one of her own.  
“Marko!” Red gasped, springing from her seat and dropping the baby items she had obsessively fussed over for the last hour. “For me?” 
“Sì, mia bellezza! I love you so much! I want you to know you are royalty too…una degna sposa.” 
Red gazed at Marko with a great look of adoration in her eyes. She leaned in to kiss him, her baby bump set in the middle of their bodies as she did so. Marko didn't mind, of course. It felt good being reminded of the newest edition of their happy little family.  
"I may be a monster, but I promise to be good to you forever, Red. To both of you." 
He leaned down in order to press a sweet kiss on her belly, showing his love for his unborn daughter. To think that a wicked, corrupt soul like Marko could have this second chance with love and a family was such a miraculous gift.  
All truly was right again. 
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Italian Translations:
Dio mio, principessa - My God, princess
Mio principe, farai l'amore con me? - My prince, will you make love to me?
Ti Amo Tanto - I love you so much
Ti leccherò la figa - I will eat your pussy
Sembri così gustoso, amore mio - You look so tasty, my love
Ti piace quella, principessa? - you like that, princess?
I tuoi desideri sono ordini - Your wish is my command
Signore Oscuro - Dark Lord
Sei bellissima. Sei la mia vita. Ti amo, cara mia - You are very beautiful. You are my life. I love you, my dear
Prendimi - pick me up
Sì, mia bellezza! - yes, my beauty!
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Tag List: @britany1997 @6lostgirl6 @pixielostboy @bloodywickedvamp @kurt-nightcrawler @bezinful @american-idiot-jpg @vampirefilmlover @crustyraccoon @legal-lost-boy @ria-coolgirl
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i-heart-hxh · 8 months
I don't know why people think the idea of Gon being as tall as Killua or even taller when they are older is something crazy, they usually say that since Ging is short Gon will also be short, I mean, is not like Silva is twice the size of Zeno, also some older Zoldycks were really small like Maha and Zigg, it also happens with Netero who had an average height and his son Beyond is huge, interesting enough the only examples of father and son where the son is not taller than the father are Silva's older kids, neither Illumi nor Milluki are as tall as Silva is.
This is a great point, anon! People do talk about Silva and Ging's heights as if they're the only factors to go off of with Gon and Killua's future heights, but in both cases there's a degree of uncertainty. It's true that the Zoldyck family heights overall are all over the place, and it's worth noting we don't know where the rest of Gon's genetics even came from. (I know the Greed Island Pregnancy Stones are a popular fan theory, but that is still just a theory at this point.)
I don't think there's anything wrong with deciding for yourself how you prefer to imagine their heights when they're older. We don't have a canon answer on this and only time will tell if we ever get one.
I like to imagine them ending up being around the same height roughly, give or take a couple inches perhaps, but I definitely think everyone is allowed their own preferences on this matter. They're certainly not done growing in canon, so anything goes!
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acilykos · 2 years
Alright, I bought myself the Dr. Stone Fanbook and for anyone curious about Senku's biological parents this one's for you.
According to his timeline:
• Senku's birth parent/s "suddenly died" (急逝 Kyūsei) in January 2006, yes, after he turned 2 years old, and was placed under Byakuya's care.
• The Kanji used is 生みの親 (Uminooya) which translates to either birth parent (singular) or birth parents (plural), so there could be a possibility that Senku was raised by a single parent. Everyone else seems to use 両親 (Ryoushin) when refering to their parents, which directly translates to parents (plural), unlike Uminooya which seems to be used as singular and plural noun. This includes Taiju whose parents both died in a car accident. So whether it was chosen to just refer to Senku's birth parents as his bio parents to not confuse them for Byakuya, who'd be is parent too, or if it's just refering to one, it's not exactly clear, which can lead to some interesting theories.
And now for some my personal theories/headcanons regarding this:
Considering Byakuya was chosen as Senku's guardian, this means that Byakuya must have been present enough in their lives to be someone they trust their baby on to. Taiju for example was given to his grandpa to be raised, so them picking someone outside the family is very interesting. Either meaning they trusted Byakuya more or that Senku doesn't have any other biological family left
If there was only one "birth parent" Byakuya could have been there helping the struggling single parent too. Depending on who, if it was his mother who was the single parent, Byakuya might have been her only support during the pregnancy too. Either way should it indeed have been a single parent, it would also explain why someone outside the family was picked over bio family because that way there would only be the family of one parent (the other one could have either died prior to Senku's birth or just straight up left) available to take Senku in, but with that the likelihood that that parent might not have any family left is statistically more probable
(This was such a complicated way of saying if there only is parent A, it means only their family might be available who might be dead too, which resulted in Byakuya getting guardianship because parent B's family is unavailable if parent B indeed just up and left)
Which, please, run wild with Byakuya helping his best friend/s handling pregnancy/ parenting scenarios, and just being present for them and baby Senku from day one.
I haven't read Byakuya's timeline yet, but if there should be anything new regarding this, I will absolutely add on to it.
I read Byakuya's timeline and there's nothing new regarding this specific event, except the added confirmation that they were his best friend (which again isn't exactly clear).
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