teamwilsonfamily · 9 months
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Hittin Licks…Zone 1-6. ATL Forever 😏
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sims4snoww · 14 days
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Hi! Long time was looking for poses pregnant. All which I found always was smiling and happy. I needed for my story to my sim that he would not be happy for this reason because you can't always be happy. I hope I managed to create such poses. ❤️ Sorry for my bad English! 😣
 10 poses (5 poses on wall, 5 poses on kitchen cabinet)
You have bottom a photo where the teleport should be placed!
Pregnant test download 
You need: Pose Player and Teleport Any Sim !!!!!!
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lostmykeysie · 1 year
kiera knightley in love actually ‘i look quite pretty’ but it’s me and i actually feel quite sick
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siegelst · 2 years
people that don't have a uterus should stfu about not liking abortions.
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yamujiburo · 10 months
I was wondering, do you know of those novelizations of the Kanto era stuff that Takeshi Shudo wrote back in the day? The one that also adresses Satoshi's dad basically being like: "Oh, you are pragnant? You know what, darling? I always wanted to go on a Pokémon journey. Brb!" And then disappearing?
i do! i reference it a lot in my comics (at least the stuff pertaining to delia)
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mewvore · 1 year
why did you draw bugs bunny pragnant :(
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because I have little money and must instead subsist on jokes
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kasagia · 5 months
Can i request a klaus mikaleson x reader where she is pragnant and all he’s x girlfriends ( genevice, hayley, aurora) are jeolous and one of them tries to seduce him but he wil never cheat on reader
I'm sooooo sooooo sooooo sorry, dear anonymous, but I'm not currently taking requests for Klaus. 😭😭
But, maybe someone would be inspired by the idea and want to write it? Idk, so I will just post it to the world or sth. 😅
But, anyway, thank you for sending your request to me! 🩵🖤😊
Happy New Year, Klaus' nation! 🖤🩵🖤🩵🖤🩵
And if anyone is curious, I promise that I will finish Our little games by the end of February at the latest!! 😅🙈
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mpregspn · 23 days
2 things plaguing me since yesterday is gamma ray's Damn the Machine from the 2001 album no world order. and a craving for hazelnuts. am i pragnante
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jackpotpie · 3 months
Fucccck. Just found out my wife is pragnant
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sphines · 2 years
FOMO and hypergamy
Sexual (and financial) hypergamy for women has a significant psychological consequence in addition to anxiety: Fear Of Missing Out.
Every hypergamous woman who pursues a man out of her league as her instincts demand is constantly wrapped by the fear that her current target(s) is not the most sexually (or financially) attractive man whom she has a chance with. What if a better man turned up shortly? This was one of the reason why many women would not engage in promiscuity when young and were virgins on marriage: being already pregnant with a less attractive man would prevent them from becoming pregnant with a more attractive man, so it was a difficult step to take.
Note: The other reason why most women were virgins on marriages was that the mothers of the grooms insisted on it, to ensure that their investment in bearing and raising their sons would not be voided by the bride being already pregnant with the child of another woman's son.
The Fear Of Missing Out was particularly strong before anti-conceptionals: getting pregnant with a man out of her league meant being unable to get pragnant with a man even more out of her league, for at least the duration of the pregnancy. Thus the high demand for abortions in the past, and also in the present.
Note: in some (mammalian too) specieses females kill their cubs if their main male mate dies, in order to better attract a new male mate.
The anti-conceptional pill changed a bit that situation: it simulates pregnancy to prevent conception, but a pregnancy that does not last 40 weeks, and stopping taking the pill simulates ending the pregnancy, rather quickly. This has enabled many women with a weaker instinct for reproduction to sample many men, even those slightly less attractive than their ideal of a father for their sons, knowing that there was no risk that these than ideal fathers would not make them pregnant. However old instincts persist and for many women FOMO is still a powerful force leading them to procrastinate pregnancy.
There is however another side to FOMO: that the more they wait, the more hypergamous women age, and therefore their league falls, and so also the attractiveness of the men most of their league they can target.
So many women are caught between both sides of FOMO: wait too little, and they may have to give up on getting the man most of their league they can realistically get, and wait too much and their league decays to the same effect.
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hawkeyescoffee · 2 years
Restless Night
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Ship: Dickon Tarley & Gilly
Prompt: Restless
Daily Randomized Prompts: 10/?
Summary: Dickon watched the woman Sam had told them to keep.
Word Count: 684
Warning: none
Note: Gilly is pragnant bc I can and I found it very interesting to write those two interacting. 
Requests are open! Sent me a asoiaf/got ship and prompt!
Dickon Tarly beheld the disheveled young woman with the fussing baby in her arms. She had kind eyes, he thought quietly as she was caressing her pregnant belly.
This was the woman his brother loved.
The child he had taken in as his.
And the unborn babe that was his.
His brother, Samwell a deserter, an oath breaker, a stealer of maidens and father of bastards…
Granted Dickon hadn’t seen Sam in quiet some time, since he had been a little boy himself, but the existence of that woman contradicted everything he knew about his older brother, everything his father had preached about useless Sam, that Dickon couldn’t really do anything but stare really.
Gilly. Her name was Gilly like the flower. Gilly was pretty, not breathtakingly beautiful like a heroine of songs, but soft and sweet and gentle. Just like Dickon remembered Sam to be.
Sam who had stood before their gates this afternoon, still clad in the black of the Nights watch and had asked shelter for the pregnant girl while he went on to Old Town…
Dickon could just stare at his brother, the brother who would have been in his place if their father would have seen worth in him. Dickon himself had never really wasted a thought on Samwell since he believed to never see him again anyway. What was a Reach Lords business so far North anyway?
His silence was mistaken for disapproval he feared since his sweet mother bagged him to aid Sam. Even Talla suddenly remembered a love for Samwell she had not voiced when he had been disinherited.
Dickon would have liked to ask Randel what to do. Not because he couldn’t imagine the answer but hearing it from his father made it seem right to him.
But Lord Tarly was with the Tyrells, so it was Dickon’s call. And maybe he was still a little boy with fancy in his head, but this was still his Sam above all the other things. So, he let the woman and the babe stay.
Maybe he should have hugged Samwell?
Maybe he should have said more to him?
Maybe it was the last time he would see him?
Now, hours later he watched the woman with the small child, listen to the foreign melody she sung quietly to the boy and watched the moon light reflect in those soft brown eyes.
She reminded him of a doe, he realized.
“I am sorry, my Lord.”, the woman spoke to Dickon maybe the first time since she had arrived at his home.
“My father is the Lord.”, he answered promptly.
She gave him a sigh he could not place. “But right now, you act as Lord for him, right? You call me Lady too, even though I am far from one and honestly can’t stand it.”
“What is his name?”, Dickon asked after giving her an aloof shrug. She wasn’t entirely wrong. Maybe he was closer to being a Lord than she was a Lady.
“He doesn’t have one, not a real one at least not yet. It’s strange to me that you folk just give children their real names without knowing if they die or not… Feels like challenging the gods to me but we call him Monster for now…”
Dickon didn’t know what he should answer her. He did not completely get what she meant by you folk, but he knew that enough children died during infancy even up here were it was warm and lush…
“Do you call him Monster because he never sleeps?”
“Val called him Monster because of his father.”
But Dickon didn’t ask who the father was or were exactly her people where from or who this Val person was, she spoke of… It just cemented in his mind that Sam wasn’t the father, not in blood anyway, but he might be the only father this poor little worm ever knows… He could not imagine anyone calling his weak and soft brother a monster.
“What are you doing out here at this time anyway, my Lord?”
“I guess I am just restless too.”
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Wreck-it Ralph And Fix-It Felix Jr As Blob In Marvel 2099 Big Guy Men Sumo Pragnant Belly Fat Tattoo Rainbow Hair #04
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Wreck-it Ralph And Fix-It Felix Jr As Priest of Balance Big Guy Men Sumo Pragnant Belly Fat Tattoo American Civil War 2024 #04
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fantasticbirdbluebird · 5 months
kisi ne apni wife pragnant share threesome ksrna ho to Massage me
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comfymommy · 8 months
Can Pragnant Women Wear Mask ? - COMFY MOMMY – ComfyMommyShop
Pregnant women with COVID-19, who have pre-existing medical conditions, like diabetes or chronic high vital sign, or those that are older or overweight, also are more likely to suffer severe health complications thanks to COVID-19. The research says all people, including pregnant women, can wear masks once they are public to slow the spread of COVID-19. Wearing of the mask is recommended because studies have shown that folks can spread the virus before showing any symptoms.
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Worldwide, many pregnant women wear masks at work, including the widely used N95 respirator with a filtering mask. The N95 respirator restricts normal airflow, so a lady may need to breathe harder while wearing it. A question that arises in our mind, does an N95 filtering mask put more physical stress on a pregnant woman who wears it?
But the research says whether pregnant women who wear an N95 respirator have different health effects than women who are not pregnant. Researchers took steps to make sure that the tests did not themselves create a risk for harm. They monitored 16 pregnant and 16 non-pregnant voluntary participants for pulse rate, pressure level, fetal pulse, and other indicators of heart and lung function. The research includes an hour of alternating sitting, standing, and moderate exercise on a stationary bicycle, both with and without a filtering mask.
However, both pregnant and non-pregnant women wearing the respirator mask had a mild—but significant—increase within the heart resting or pressure. The provisional increase did not affect heart and lung function, so it is unlikely to cause health problems in healthy women.
Pregnant women should do similar things in the general public to avoid infection. You will help stop the spread of COVID-19 by taking these actions-
Cover your cough (using your elbow may be a useful technique).
Avoid people that are sick.
Clean your hands often using alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap and water.
Stay at home or a minimum of six feet faraway from people who do not sleep in your home.
Avoid public gatherings and individuals with symptoms.
Maintain an appropriate social distance (6 feet) and wear a mask if you will not maintain distance.
What if I am a pregnant health care worker exposed to Coronavirus?
Ans- At present, pregnant patients should observe similar precautions and procedures. All other healthcare workers are instructed to look after their employee health or infection prevention and control departments for guidance on PPE.
Ans- We do not know at this point if COVID-19 would cause problems during pregnancy or affect the health of the baby after birth. It is essential to possess an idea in place and brace oneself for you and your family's best health. Do not panic, but know enough and stay informed to understand when the time is right, if necessary, to take proper action.
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yunalai · 10 months
-> [ wiiife ] : qiqi? -> [ wiiife ] : hypothetically -> [ wiiife ] : like veryyy hypothetically -> [ wiiife ] : ik we mostly fucked around abt making me pregnant for fantasies n fun -> [ wiiife ] : but ive been wondering -> [ wiiife ] : what woud u think if i ever were pragnant
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-> [ hubby ] : thats uh
-> [ hubby ] : a loaded question
-> [ hubby ] : i think without ranting to u
-> [ hubby ] : if it were unplanned id freak out a bit
-> [ hubby ] : cuz me??? a mom????
-> [ hubby ] : my cat is my baby nd she still bites me
-> [ hubby ] : but like
-> [ hubby ] : if we planned it
-> [ hubby ] : i'd be very happy
-> [ hubby ] : and also not allow you to stress a single muscle during 9 months
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