#powder coating system
rockettwheels · 10 months
Leading Contract Manufacturer with over 100 years of Trusted Technology
Electric Energy, Power Transmission & Distribution, Generation & Motors, Material Handling, Brick & Ceramics, Furnaces & Kilns, Steelmaking, and other specialist sectors are among the industries we serve. Forged Steel Wheels and Assemblies, NEMA Enclosures and Weldments, Tunnel Kiln Cars, and Powder Coat Painting are some of our specialties. Rockett employs "Best Practice" production and management approaches to provide our clients with flexibility and value. Rockett is ready to service your production requirements by combining a devoted and experienced workforce with contemporary equipment and large facilities. To know more visit https://www.rockettinc.com/capabilities/equipment-list/
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ductsystems · 10 days
Taming Tough Materials: Why Mild Steel Powder Coated Ducting is the Answer for Abrasive Applications
In the world of industrial ventilation, handling abrasive materials presents a unique challenge. Traditional ducting materials can succumb to wear and tear, leading to leaks, reduced efficiency, and costly downtime. Here's where Advanced Duct Systems, Australia steps in, offering a robust solution – high-quality 2mm mild steel powder coated ducting components specifically designed to handle abrasive environments.
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Beyond the Standard: The Challenges of Abrasive Materials
Abrasive materials, like wood dust, sand, or metal shavings, pose a significant threat to traditional ducting systems. These materials can erode standard galvanized steel ductwork over time, causing:
Leakage: As the abrasive particles wear down the duct walls, leaks develop, compromising system efficiency and potentially leading to contamination of surrounding areas.
Reduced Airflow: Leaks and internal wear can disrupt airflow, hindering the system's ability to effectively remove dust and debris from the work environment.
Increased Maintenance Costs: Leaking ducts require frequent repairs and replacements, resulting in higher maintenance costs and downtime for your operation.
Safety Concerns: Worn-out ducting can pose a safety hazard. Leaks can release harmful dust particles into the air, and weakened ducts increase the risk of collapse.
The Power of Protection: Introducing 2mm Mild Steel Powder Coated Ducting
Advanced Duct Systems, Australia offers a solution that tackles these challenges head-on: 2mm mild steel powder coated ducting components. Here's why this system is the ideal choice for abrasive environments:
Enhanced Durability: 2mm mild steel provides exceptional strength and resistance to abrasion compared to standard galvanized steel. This ensures your ducting system withstands the constant wear and tear caused by abrasive materials.
Superior Protection: The powder coating adds an extra layer of protection against abrasion and corrosion. This coating extends the lifespan of your ducting system and minimizes the risk of leaks and premature wear.
Smooth Internal Finish: Powder coated ducting boasts a smooth interior surface. This reduces friction and minimizes the buildup of abrasive materials within the ducts, promoting optimal airflow and system efficiency.
Versatility for Any Application: Advanced Duct Systems offers both traditional beaded and fixed flange systems in 2mm mild steel powder coated format. This allows you to choose the system that best suits your specific application and installation needs.
Advanced Duct Systems, Australia: Your Partner in Abrasive Ducting Solutions
At Advanced Duct Systems, Australia, we understand the unique needs of industrial ventilation for abrasive applications. Here's why we're your ideal partner for your 2mm mild steel powder coated ducting needs:
Unwavering Commitment to Quality: We source only high-grade materials and utilize cutting-edge manufacturing processes to ensure superior quality and longevity in our ducting systems.
Comprehensive Product Range: We offer a wide range of 2mm mild steel powder coated ducting components, including straight lengths, elbows, bends, transitions, and fittings. This allows us to create a customized ducting system that perfectly meets your specific requirements.
Expert Design and Consultation: Our team of experienced engineers can assist you in designing an optimal ducting system for your abrasive environment. We'll consider factors like airflow requirements, material handling needs, and space constraints to create a system that maximizes efficiency and minimizes wear and tear.
Precision Fabrication and Installation: Our skilled technicians meticulously fabricate and install your 2mm mild steel powder coated ducting system, ensuring a perfect fit and optimal performance.
Investing in Durability and Efficiency: The Benefits of 2mm Mild Steel Powder Coated Ducting
Choosing 2mm mild steel powder coated ducting from Advanced Duct Systems, Australia offers significant benefits for your abrasive applications:
Reduced Downtime: The exceptional durability of the system minimizes leaks and breakdowns, keeping your operation running smoothly and reducing downtime for repairs and replacements.
Improved Efficiency: The smooth internal surface and leak-proof design of the ducting system promotes optimal airflow, ensuring efficient removal of abrasive dust and debris from your workspace.
Enhanced Safety: The robust construction and leak-proof design ensure a safer work environment by minimizing the risk of dust leaks and duct collapse.
Long-Term Value: The superior durability and extended lifespan of the 2mm mild steel powder coated ducting system translate to significant cost savings in the long run.
Conquering Abrasive Applications with Advanced Duct Systems, Australia
Don't let abrasive materials compromise your ventilation system. At Advanced Duct Systems, Australia, we offer the perfect solution – 2mm mild steel powder coated ducting components. Our commitment to quality, expert design, and precision fabrication ensure a durable and efficient system that can handle even the toughest materials.
Contact Web - https://www.ductsystems.com.au/2mm-mild-steel-galvanised-duct-system-melbourne/ Mail - [email protected] Ph - 1300 382848 Address - 3/11 Cooper St Campbellfield VIC 3061 AU
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truteksystem-blog · 14 days
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Shower Tester Systems in India - Trutek Systems Elevate your shower experience with Trutek System's cutting-edge Shower Tester Systems in India. Our innovative technology ensures precision in water flow, temperature control, and pressure, providing you with a luxurious and personalized bathing experience.
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capaic · 3 months
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Honoring Strength, Courage, and Hope
On World Cancer Day, CAPA stands with warriors, survivors, and caregivers around the globe. Let's unite in the fight against cancer, spreading awareness, supporting research, and offering love and compassion to those affected.
Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can bring light to the darkness. Join us in honoring the resilience and determination of cancer fighters everywhere. #WorldCancerDay #CAPACares #StrengthInUnity
To know more tile adhesives and waterproofing floors, epoxy grouts visit: https://capaindia.in/product/capa-flex/, https://capaindia.in/product/capaproof-hybrid-w/
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ella-hannacoatingline · 3 months
Transformer fully automatic spraying system, auxiliary lifting system
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toros-engineering · 3 months
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Welcome to Toros Engineering's guide to Pure Polyester Industrial Powder Coatings, your go-to resource for understanding the benefits and applications of this versatile coating solution in the United States. As a leading provider of innovative powder coating technologies, Toros Engineering is committed to delivering exceptional quality and performance to industries across the nation. In addition to our expertise in Pure Polyester Powder Coating, Toros Engineering also offers best-in-class Warehouse Storage Solutions & Industrial Storage Systems tailored for businesses in the United States.
Understanding Pure Polyester Powder Coating: Pure Polyester Powder Coating is a popular choice for industrial applications due to its exceptional durability, UV resistance, and aesthetic appeal. At Toros Engineering, we utilize advanced manufacturing processes and premium-quality materials to produce Pure Polyester Powder Coatings that meet the highest standards of quality and performance. Whether you need coatings for automotive parts, architectural elements, or industrial equipment, our Pure Polyester formulations offer long-lasting protection and vibrant finishes that withstand harsh environmental conditions and maintain their integrity over time.
Key Features of Toros Engineering's Pure Polyester Powder Coatings:
Durability: Our Pure Polyester formulations are engineered to provide superior durability, ensuring that your coated surfaces remain protected against corrosion, abrasion, and fading for extended periods.
UV Resistance: With excellent UV resistance properties, our Pure Polyester Powder Coatings are ideal for outdoor applications, offering long-term color stability and protection against sun damage.
Aesthetic Appeal: Available in a wide range of colors and finishes, including gloss, matte, and metallic, our Pure Polyester coatings enhance the visual appeal of your products and surfaces, adding a professional and stylish touch to any application.
Toros Engineering's Commitment to Quality and Innovation: At Toros Engineering, quality and innovation are at the core of everything we do. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and stringent quality control measures ensure that every batch of Pure Polyester Powder Coating meets our rigorous standards of excellence. Whether you require standard formulations or custom color matching services, our team of experts is dedicated to delivering solutions that exceed your expectations and elevate the performance of your products.
Comprehensive Warehouse Storage Solutions & Industrial Storage Systems: In addition to our powder coating expertise, Toros Engineering is proud to offer best-in-class Warehouse Storage Solutions & Industrial Storage Systems designed to optimize space utilization, enhance efficiency, and streamline operations for businesses in the United States. From pallet racking and shelving systems to mezzanine floors and automated storage solutions, we provide customizable options that meet the unique needs of your warehouse facility, ensuring maximum productivity and organization.
Conclusion: With Toros Engineering's Pure Polyester Industrial Powder Coatings and comprehensive Warehouse Storage Solutions & Industrial Storage Systems, businesses in the United States can elevate their performance, durability, and efficiency to new heights. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services and discover how Toros Engineering can help you achieve your goals.
Toros Engineering: Your trusted partner for quality, innovation, and excellence in powder coating and warehouse solutions in the United States.
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epoxyplus · 1 year
Looking to add a unique touch to your epoxy plus? Try our metallic pigment powder for epoxy! With a wide range of colors to choose from, you can achieve a stunning, high-gloss metallic finish on your floors, countertops, and more. Our easy-to-use powder is specially formulated for use with our epoxy kits.
Call us at 1-(888) 361-2641
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imcmetallizing · 1 year
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Thermal Spray Process Is The Advanced Coating Process
• Advanced level coating Thermal spraying involves heating and spraying a material like aluminum and copper on a metal surface to create a coating on that surface. The thermal spray process has several advantages for manufacturers. • The versatility of the process is unmatched Thermal spray guns are used to form coatings of a wide range of materials including aluminum, copper, ceramics, and polymers. It can be applied on varieties of metallic surfaces. • Precision Precision coating as per the requirements is the primary advantage of the thermal spray process. the thickness of the coating can be altered as the manufacturers want. Moreover, curved surfaces can be given a homogenous coating. • The durability of the coatings Coatings produced through this process are highly corrosion, wear and tear, and erosion resistant. It prolongs the lifecycle of a machine or machine part. • Cost-effectiveness This process of coating formation is much more cost-effective than other coating processes. The process requires lesser time to complete, especially large and complex parts.
For more information on the thermal spray process visit https://imcmetallizing.com/
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vivarailing · 2 years
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munson-blurbs · 9 months
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Inspired by this TikTok. Thank you to @lesservillain for the idea and to @emsgoodthinkin for brainstorming with me!
Summary: Eddie jumpscares you one too many times, and so you decide to freak him out at work. But who will be more shocked: him, or you?
Warnings: fem!reader, friends-to-lovers, idiots in love, brief description of (fake) gore, joke about throwing up (doesn't actually happen), kissing as a joke (please only kiss w/ consent irl)
WC: 1.3k
It was just a joke. 
A joke that had started when Eddie had barged into your house—the man wouldn’t knock if his life depended on it—and proudly announced, “I got the job!”
The job in question was a haunted house performer at Hawkins’ annual Fall Festival. You’d both been going since you were kids, and his favorite part had always been the haunted house. 
He’d gotten word about his new job in early September. By mid-October, you’re fully sick and tired of his antics. 
“Boo!” he’d yelled as he jumped out from behind the Wheeler’s couch, making you leap out of your seat. 
“Raaahhh!” he’d growled in your ear while you were in the midst of a conversation with Robin, and once your heartbeat returned to normal, you flipped him off. 
His enthusiastic “Gotcha!” during your history quiz was the final straw. You’d yelped, actually shrieked in the middle of class, clapping a hand over your mouth as Mrs. Click glared at you. 
“I’m gonna get you back for that,” you’d hissed once you’d turned in your exam, growing more irritated when he’d just shook his head. 
“You can’t scare me,” he retorted with a smirk, leaning up against a locker. “You’ve never been able to freak me out, and you never will. Don’t even try, little girl.”
Challenge accepted. 
You spend the rest of the week wracking your brain for ideas. What is Eddie Munson afraid of? What will shock him?
The obvious answer is hiding a prized possession and making him think it was stolen or lost. You grin to yourself as you picture him frantically searching for Sweetheart; maybe you could leave a ransom note of sorts. 
But that plan has too many moving pieces, so you scrap it. You’re about to give up entirely when Robin inadvertently gives you an idea. 
“You guys coming to Steve’s party tomorrow?” she asks in between bites of her turkey sandwich. 
“I’m down,” you eagerly agree, itching to have a night out with friends. 
When Robin turns to Eddie, he shakes his head. “Gotta work,” he reminds her, wiggling his fingers to emphasize the spooky nature of his job. 
Robin rolls her eyes. “Fine, okay. Stop by after. I promise we won’t make you play spin the bottle again.”
Eddie’s eyes widen, cheeks redden, and he gets up from the lunch table without another word. 
The plan is set: on Friday, before Steve’s party, you’ll pay Eddie a visit at the Fall Festival. It’ll be a visit he’ll never forget, you’re sure of that. 
Robin stands with you outside the haunted house, picking at a funnel cake with powdered sugar-coated fingers. “I’ll wait out here,” she promises, “but when you’re done, I wanna hear everything. Especially the look on his face.”
“You got it.” You shoot her a thumb’s up as you jog up to the bored-looking attendant taking tickets. 
You’re in. 
The first room just sets the tone. Eerie organ music pulses through an ancient sound system, and a fog machine creates a steam that prevents you from seeing the floor. Cobwebs hang in the corners of the ceiling, though you’re suspicious that they’re not intentional decorations. 
Eddie’s not in the next room, either; just a woman wearing a blood-spattered wedding dress, wielding a knife and clutching a plastic severed head. She’s screaming something about, “teaching him not to cheat with a bridesmaid,” and looks vaguely annoyed that you’re not quaking with terror. 
You go through three more rooms, getting increasingly irritating with the lack of Eddie in each one. He’s working tonight, so he has to be here—
Loud, stomping footsteps follow you into the dungeon-themed section of the house, and your heart skips a beat as you lay eyes on him. A distorted mask covers his face, but his unruly curls give him away despite the mad scientist costume he’s donning. He holds up a knife and creeps closer, a low growl emanating from his throat. You run until you no longer can, and he easily traps you, the cold metal gate pressing into your back. 
If you’re going to do it, now’s your chance. 
In one swift motion, you turn him so he’s backed up into the gate. A soft, confused “wha—?” leaves his lips as you lift his mask and lean in before you lose your nerve. Your lips press against his; hands on his cheeks as he accepts the way you melt into him.
Why isn’t he pulling away? Why isn’t he laughing and appreciating your prank? Why does it seem like he wants this…like he’s BEEN wanting this?
Fuck. Fuck. 
This isn’t what you were expecting. He’s kissing you back, surprised but hungry, and you’re the one who ends up breaking away. 
Before he can begin to question what’s happening, you dash out of the room. No. No, no, no. Your head spins as you attempt to process the emotions pulsing through your veins. 
It was supposed to be a way of getting him back for his unwavering desire to scare you. Show him what it’s like to be the one on the other side of the joke. Because that’s all it was; a joke. 
So why do you want to kiss him again?
Fresh air hits you like a slap in the face, and once you find Robin, you cling to her like a lifeline. 
“We have to go,” you mumble, dragging her to the exit and refusing to make eye contact. 
“Whoa, what happened?” When you refuse to answer, she sighs but doesn’t relent. “C’mon, did he, like, throw up or something?”
You shake your head. “I think he liked it.”
“Of course he did,” she says with a laugh, “the guy’s in love with you.” She nudges your hip with her own. “Toldja he would lose his shit.”
Your mouth goes dry. “Robs…when I said that I wanted him to ‘freak out,’ what did you think I meant?”
Robin crinkles her nose. “Um, that the Dingus-ette—that’s you—and her doting Dingus were finally going to admit that they have big, stupid crushes on each other?” Her expression falters when you stop in your tracks. “What did you mean?”
“I wanted,” you start, swallowing hard like a gob of peanut butter is stuck to the roof of your mouth, “I wanted to get him back for scaring me. I wanted to freak him out.”
“Mission accomplished.”
She’s no longer looking at you when she speaks, and you follow her gaze to where Eddie’s shuffling over to you. You want to beg her to stay, but she just squeezes your hand in a silent good luck. 
“Hi.” Eddie’s voice is uncharacteristically quiet. “Can we talk?”
You can only nod in response. His mask is atop his mess of curls, and you can see the longing in his eyes. How have you never noticed it before? How did you not notice the need within yourself?
“Actually, I’m lying. I don’t want to talk.” With that, his arms pull you into him, torsos pressed together, and he’s kissing you. It’s like a missing link in a chain you hadn’t realized was broken, and you allow your hands to drape over his shoulders. You can feel him trembling slightly as he deepens the kiss. 
“You okay?” you murmur against his lips. 
“Huh? Oh, yeah,” he answers, ducking his head behind his curtain of hair. “Guess ‘m just a little freaked out that this is really happening.”
A smile twitches at the corners of your mouth, and you lace your fingers with his. 
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rockettwheels · 2 months
Expert Industrial Powder Coating Services | Rockett Inc
Trust Rockett Inc. for expert industrial powder coating. Our comprehensive services offer exceptional quality, durability, and a wide range of color options for any project.
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sparrowrye · 4 months
Alastor x Fem! Reader {soulmates} Part Pilot
Synopsis: soulmate AU where you have the same mark on your body as your soulmate, and if your soulmate dies you also die. Alastor needs to make sure that his soulmate is safe so he can continue his reign - whatever that takes.
The hair on the back of my neck rose half a second before something hard hit my head. I couldn't see anything but I could still feel when I hit the pavement. I rolled onto my back and tried to kick up at whoever was there.
Multiple hands grabbed me and dragged my across the hard ground. I felt my strength slowly coming back with my sight. There wasn't much to see as three dark figures towered above me. My back cracked when they slammed me into the wall.
One of them grabbed my jaw and dug their fingers into my cheek. I tried clenching my teeth but they easily pried my mouth open. I tried flicking my wrist but the rocks under my feet barely moved. They had hit my head so I couldn't use my magic. Now they were trying to drug me. Keep a mage discombobulated or high and they can't use their magic.
One of them had their entire weight on my legs and the other had my arms pinned against my side. They slipped a powder past my lips and clamped my mouth shut. I took a deep breath before they pinched my nose. I had only seconds before I passed out and they could get the rest of the powder down my throat. It was already soaking into my tongue and cheeks. I tried scrapping it against my teeth.
The weight on my feet disappeared. I tried kicking them but there was nothing but air. I pulled my leg up and dug my heel in their groin. They fell back and slammed into the wall behind them at an inhuman speed. I reached for the last attacker's eyes and dig my nails in. He let go and jumped over me as if to run. I immediately spat on the ground and wiped my tongue with the back of my hand.
I looked around at the dark alley. Everything was starting to double, the colors a wild red and blue. Some of it had gotten into my system. I saw two men laying still on the ground, the other running for the bright road. Something flew past my face and strikes him dead center in the back of his head. His body fell limp.
"Are you alright, my lady?"
I turned over my shoulder to see Alastor, the Radio Demon, towering above me. His eyes seemed to glow in the dark alley and his coat was as red as blood. I knew he was tall but he looked even more terrifying in person. His long, red fingers were outstretched in a kind gesture.
"What do you want?" I demanded.
"Is that any way to treat your savior?" He moved his hand closer, edging me to accept his offer.
"Why would you help me?" I rubbed the back of my head and winced. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet. He stood a full head taller than me but he seemed oddly skinny. He didn't have the muscle I had.
"I know rumors deem me a dark light, but I can assure you I'm still a gentleman at heart. How could I let those fools continue their assault?" He wiped his hand on his coat as if I had some kind of germ or disease on me.
"I didn't ask for the help so I'm in no way obligated to do anything you ask," I said. I looked down to examine my hands because that was better than staring at his terrifying eyes. I lost my balance and fell backwards into the wall.
He grabbed my wrist and roughly pulled it up. I tried pulling it back but he held on painfully tight. I could picture him using his sharp teeth to slice it off in one bite. But he didn't. He dropped my hand and grabbed my chin next. He turned my head as if examining my neck. I tilted my head back and pulled away. I slammed into the wall again but tripped on my own feet, landing right on my tailbone.
He leaned down and grabbed my face again. I tried digging my nails into his wrist but my strength had disappeared. The drug was taking full effect now. "Let go of me, demon," I spat. He used his other hand and dragged a claw down my cheek. I cried and tried pushing him away with my feet. He stepped back, his smile never fading. I covered my bloody cheek and stared him down.
I had managed to stay free for five years. I wasn't about to fall into another mage's trap. I wasn't going to go back. I would rather die trying to escape the Radio Mage than go back. I knew his patience was thin and nothing immoral was off the table for him.
He reached up and touched his cheek, his claws coming back with a dark liquid. He looked down at his fingers before slowly meeting my eyes. That's when it clicked. I felt a rush of cold reality over my body. Matching cuts. A soulmate match.
I put both hands in the ground and pushed myself up. I ran down the alley, jumping over my attacker, and bolted for my home. I tripped several times but nothing was going to stop me. People stared at me as if I had seen a ghost. They didn't know that I had seen worse.
Everything hurt by the time I reached my apartment. I hadn't seen him since the alley so I hoped that meant I had lost him. I fumbled with my keys, struggling for several minutes to get the small key into the lock. I fell into my apartment and slammed the door shut with my feet. I turned the lock and crawled into the corner of the living room. I hugged my legs and stared into the dark apartment. Everything was spinning and unnatural colors jumped out at me. I felt jittery, like everything inside me was buzzing.
I stayed there for several minutes, waiting for the inevitable knock at the door. What was I thinking? I had just led the most powerful mage on this side of the country to my doorstep. I should've hid somewhere else. He of all people could follow someone without being noticed.
The only tell of time was the old clock on the fireplace mantle. I stayed in the corner for nearly forty-minutes, unmoving. Time seemed to be past uncharacteristically fast. I blamed the drugs on that. How long before this wore off, again? It wasn't the first time I had ingested this type of drug. It was the drug they used to keep mages from using their magic.
I finally found the courage to stand. I flipped the light switch and walked along the wall to the bathroom. I fell against the sink, clinging to the edge just to keep myself up. For such a small amount it was having a huge effect on me. Had the drug gotten stronger or had it been that long since it was used on her?
I turned on the faucet and gulped down the cool water. I splashed my face and tired to blink away the bright colors. No amount of drinking or splashing could return me to my normal state. I practically choked on the water and finally turned it off, grabbing the towel off the rack and pressing it to my face. I carefully straightened my feet and tried standing up. I felt more sturdy on my feet now. This meant that I had passed the peak of the drug. I was on the hill down to my normal state.
I let out a sigh and hung up the towel. I looked at my red eyes and saw another pair behind me. I screamed and spun a cast back at him. I slipped and fell into the old tub. I slipped into the corner with my hand outstretched. The faucet dug into my spine. He practically glided into the small room.
"Don't come closer!" I yelled. "My accuracy gets better every time."
"Your Slight magic stands no chance against me," he mused, "but I appreciate the confidence."
"The fuck do you want?" I demanded again.
"Should it surprise you that I want to meet my soulmate?" He tilted his head to the side.
"If you kill me you also die," I reminded him.
He chuckled. "I know how the magic of soulmates work, my dear." He stepped close and held out a hand to me. "If I wanted you dead, I would have done so already." The deepening of his tone didn't make me want to accept his gesture any more than already. "I'd like to have a civil conversation, if you don't mind."
It was another moment before I slowly laid my hand on top of his. He was careful to wrap his claws around my hand and didn't roughly pull me to my feet this time. I stepped out of the tub and let him lead me out of the room. He finally let go of my hand, gliding to the small fireplace and lighting it with a snap of his fingers.
He perched himself on one of the chairs and motioned for me to sit in the other one. I quietly obliged, my eyes never once leaving his smiling face. His trademark cane seemingly appeared in his lap.
"What do you want?" I asked less aggressively this time.
"My my, you're a distrustful soul aren't you?" He leaned his cheek on his hand.
"With my history you would be too," I said.
"What do you do for a living?"
"Anything and everything. Really anything that pays me."
"A tradition-breaker I see," he said. "Most women your age are attending school or doing housework for a master or husband."
"Let's just say I'm not well liked."
"Did you know those men?" he prompted.
"No, but they probably knew me."
"Does that happen to you often?"
"It's not frequent but it's not possible to avoid either," I answered. My clasped hands were sweaty and my cheek pinched from the dried blood on it. He was still sporting the same cut on his own cheek, clearly visible in the firelight.
"What did they want with you?" He was sitting straight again with his legs partly crossed and his hands clasped in his lap. Everything in me was tense and conscious. My hair on the back of my neck was standing up. I needed to get the demon out of my house.
"I used to belong to a fight ring."
"Lovely." His tone suggested anything but that. He looked down at his watch and let out a short sigh. "My my, it's sure getting late. We should be heading back."
"We?" I stood up just as he did.
"I can't leave my soulmate in danger, now can I?" He stepped closed to me.
"I know how to go under again," I said quickly. "I'll be leaving town and changing my appearance. No one will know it's me again."
"Then I wouldn't be able to find you again."  His eyes grew brighter the further we walked away from the fire. I bumped into the kitchen table and tried to put it between me and him.
"I'm sure this will scar and you'll be able to tell it's me." I pointed to my cheek. "Or I could just let you know where I go. That way you know where I am."
"If I bring you with me I'll always know where you are." I found myself staring at a shadow the second his claws touched my shoulder. I turned and he shoved me into the wall by my neck. "Besides, I of all people could keep you safest." His claws squeezed my neck.
"I feel qui-quite safe, I'm okay. I-I assure you." I casted a forced smile up at him. The room seemed to darken around his bright red eyes.
"I'm sorry, dear, it's not a request." He slipped his hand behind my neck and pulled me against him. He slammed his cane down on the ground with a cold THUD. His hand moved behind my back as the floor disappeared from beneath my feet. I instinctively grabbed at him to keep myself from falling. Wind whipped my hair around but I didn't dare let go.
My feet abruptly touched solid ground and the wind died down. I carefully let go with one hand to move my hair out of the way. Around me was a dark forest and the sound of waves crashing was apparent, as was the smell of the sea.
His chuckled vibrated through me and I jumped away. "Where the hell are we?" I turned around to see a dark mansion sitting on the cliff's edge. It's pointed roofs sliced through the light blue of the set sun.
"Welcome home, dear," Alastor said as he walked past. I spun in a circle, seeing nothing but forest and ocean. How far were they from civilization? For his reputation, probably hundreds of miles. Maybe even thousands. I crossed my arms and rubbed them to keep warm.
I turned around to see him waiting for me. His smile was still plastered to his face but his teeth weren't showing this time. He was leaning on his cane, if you called his stance leaning, at the base of the porch steps. I clenched my teeth and forced my feet to take one step after another.
Once I had reached him, he put a hand up to stop me. He tried to touch my forehead but I jerked back, my knees nearly buckling underneath. "Relax darling," he said, "I can ease the drug effect." I forced myself to be still as he swept his palm across my forehead. My vision cleared and the bright colors disappeared. I felt more stable but my magic was still out of service.
"Where are we?" I asked.
"Home, dear." He turned and walked into the old house. I looked around once more before following him. Inside looked as dark as the outside. The door slammed shut and the lights abruptly lit up at the snap of his fingers. The house's true colors came through - a deep purple and velvet with dark wood accents.
To the right was the living room that held the warm fire and large windows. To the left was the dining room with what looked like stacks of old furniture and other timely pieces. Did he collect things?
"You don't..." I hesitated, "you don't think...that you can keep me here for the rest of my life."
"I do." He spun his cane and slammed it into the wood flooring. "Because just as you said, lovely, if you die, I die. You have made a name for yourself just as I have. You should be thanking me really," he said walking past me.
"Thank you?" I scoffed.
"I'm doing you a favor. No more of this running from town to town nonsense. Now you have a place to call home and don't have to worry a hair on your head about living to the next day."
"I'd prefer freedom over a fancy cage. I've survived on my own just fine for twenty-one years of my life. I'm no housemaid."
"Then let me put it simply." He stepped dangerously close until I jammed my heels into the door. He leaned down so his yellow teeth were inches from my nose. "You will remain here for the rest of your life, whether you like it or not." The room began to darken. "I have my ways of keeping people in their place. We may share scars but we don't share pain." His face contorted unnaturally and his eyes looked less humane. I felt sick. "You should remember that when you think of defying me. I'm called the Radio Demon for a reason." He abruptly stood up and the lights came back. "Sound good, darling?"
My shoulders fell with my spirit.
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truteksystem-blog · 14 days
Pre Treatment Systems in Pune Maharashtra India Discover top-notch pre-treatment systems in Pune, Maharashtra, India, with Trutek Systems. Elevate your industrial processes with our cutting-edge solutions designed to optimize water quality and enhance overall system efficiency.
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capaic · 3 months
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sardonic-the-writer · 7 months
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𝐀 𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ warnings: none. pure fluff
↳ song: go kitty go—dancing cats
masterlist | coms | carrd
• Snow days in New York weren’t exactly uncommon, but it was always a treat when they happened
• School was canceled and puffy jackets donned; all for the sake of the lovely white powder
• You were no different. The second you woke up to freezing cold temperatures, you were already dialing April's number in preparation for a hangout
• Plans were made in record time, and you soon found yourself standing at the foot of Leonardo’s bed in preparation to rip the covers off of him
• “Rise and shine Nardo! It’s a snow day!”
• The minute his Jupiter Jim covers fell to the floor, you were met with the sight of a very grump turtle
• Oops
• It took a considerable amount of prying to get him and his stupid nightcap out of bed and down to the lairs main room. By the time you had managed to get him to stop teleporting back onto his mattress, April was standing in the living room with the other three brothers - and looking much more damaged than you remembered
• “What happened to you?” You cringed at the sight of her mussed up hair, keeping a tight hold on Leo’s shell so he wouldn’t run off. You ignored his whines
• “Someone forgot to mention that they had the security system set to ten.” April said with zero amusement, looking pointedly at a purple teen
• “Smashed with the Tech Bo?” You smiled somewhat sympathetically. Donnie whistled and looked away innocently
• “Smashed with the Tech Bo.” April parroted,
• After you got April to stop chasing Donnie with her bat, all of you suited up to head to the nearest snow covered park
• Part of your brain remembered in the middle of preparation that turtles didn’t do well in cold temperatures, and you asked Donnie about it as everyone zipped up their coats
• “Patented hand warmers.” He smirked proudly. “And our numerous layers should protect us from any harsh elements. If anything, the worst that will happen is that the cold will cause us to get sleepy.”
• “I am totally using that information for blackmail.”
• “Do not—"
• Overall, it’s very fun. Mikey brings his revered hot chocolate, you April and Leo beat Raph in a snowball fight, and Donnie spends the entire time building a lifelike bust of himself from snow. And this time there weren’t any mutant ghost bears to terrorize you
• “Why don’t we do this more often?” You had paused to ask Mikey while snowballs flew over both of your heads. At this point, everyone had switched teams, and you were stuck with the orange turtle as Donatello’s mechanical arms whirled snowballs in your direction at record speed
• “Hang out, or challenge Donnie at deadly activities?!” He screamed back, yelling as a chunk of snow barely missed his head
• “Fair point.” You grinned before returning fire
• In the end a truce was called, and the promise of extra flavorless juice at home eventually coaxed Donnie to agree to the terms
• “For the record, I still won.”
• “Don’t make me take away your juice privileges Dee, because I will.”
• “Gasp! Oh the treachery! The betrayal!”
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bigfan-fanfic · 8 months
Geralt and his bf cuddling up in kaer morhen. Just cuddling on a windowsill under some thick blankets enjoying the falling snow over the valley. (What a veiw that would be!) can you tell a little story with that setting perhaps?
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The cold doesn't quite reach Geralt. The songs say the mutations turned all witcher blood to fire, but Geralt knows that cold affects him just fine, he simply has a higher tolerance to it because of mutations and the endless residual decoctions lurking in his system.
Perhaps the true reason for this warmth lies in his arms.
Geralt leans his head down, sniffs your hair, lets the scent wash through him. Ask anyone, he's not the poetic type, but ask him to describe the way you smell and he will find the most lyrical and most brief summary he can muster.
Maybe the answer is much more obvious and it's the heat of numerous blankets draped over yourself. Geralt would find it amusing - no, strike that, he does find it amusing. But along with that, it's just adorable. And he won't deny that the physical touch is glorious.
Geralt is a Witcher. And most people daren't deal with a Witcher, let alone touch him. But you - whether bravery or naivety or a need for connection greater than his - you fearlessly initiate and continue contact. Geralt had never cuddled before you. Bed sharing was usually transactional, and with Yen, let's be honest, if cuddling occurred, it was more Geralt holding her than her actively participating.
You seem to crave his touch. You hold his hand on your own, you wrap your arm around his waist and invite him to hold you round the shoulder. You cuddle into his chest as if it is a safe haven. You play with his hair, his nose, his lips, his chest, his arms. There is never fear on you - and though Witchers cannot smell emotion like people think, he can usually hear the elevated heartbeats, see the shortness of breath, the dilating pupils, the contraction of muscles as they tense - none of the signs of fear from you, ever. Not towards him.
Lambert would find it insulting, he chuckles to himself. Geralt finds it... enchanting. More than any sorceress' spell.
"Witchers can hear the snowfall, you know." He smirks. It's a game sometimes. He makes up some wild, outlandish 'witcher fact' and practically dares you to call his bluff. There's enough weird shit that IS true to often disguise well whatever he comes up with.
"Oh, really?" You grin, leaning back against him as the valley beneath Kaer Morhen is coated in snow like powdered sugar. In an hour or so, the clouds will drift and the whole valley will be obscured in fog. "What does it sound like?"
"Like biting an apple. Crunch, crunch, crunch."
"Ew." You respond, and Geralt can feel you cringe while imagining the unappealing noise. "That doesn't sound right."
"Snow is wet and crunchy. Ice crystals grinding together."
"Yes, but they land on top of each other, not crunch, don't they? It should be more like a tinkle or a wet thud."
Geralt laughs. "Ah, yes, I forgot. The Continent's expert in onomatopoeia is in my arms."
You turn to raise an eyebrow at him.
"You do know I studied at Oxenfurt? I taught a class or two at Oxenfurt - I know big words!"
"I believe you." You smile, craning your neck to kiss the underside of his jaw, and Geralt is immediately mollified. "You know what? Tell me about it."
Geralt chuckles. "It's not all that exciting."
"I like hearing your voice anyway."
"Alright then... this was way back, sometime in..."
And Geralt talks, you cuddle against him, and the snowtouched valley is slowly lost in fog. Safe. Happy.
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