#posessive aemond x reader
Imagine 02
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You've been avoiding Aemond for a whole week. That was the adamant truth of it.
In your defense, there was hardly anything you could say to him, while remaining neutral and polite about it.
The speech he gave at the dinner table, when his father announced your engagement with his nephew, Jacaerys, was shocking, low and disrespectful - even for him.
His 'final tribute', as he so called it, not only put Jace's legitimacy into question, but strode to poke at your honor, as well.
"And to my dearest Lady," He had said, "Who'd rather stay a Riverland cunt, than bear a true Targaryen name."
His harshness and impetuous words were the last straw for your betrothed, who marched forth and punched him straight in the jaw, despite his attempts to be prim and proper the entire night.
You recalled the ease with which Aemond pushed him away, schooling his features into a proud and arrogant smirk - one that faded away within a second, the moment he saw your hurt and angered look.
You merely shook your head, letting out a huff through the welling of tears, and made your way back to your Quarters, followed close behind by Jace.
Pleasantries were exchanged with him, heartfelt goodbye's were said - it would be a while yet until your wedding would take place, and, as his mother considered then, it would be best for them to take again to Dragonstone, until the animosity between her and the Queen's sons would simmer down, allowing for curteous conversation to haul its place.
For the first time in forever, you felt completely alone.
Whenever Aemond would appear at the table to break fast or bread with you, you'd elegantly excuse yourself, not even sparing him a second look.
And the Prince felt broken, in such agony and despair. He could count on one hand the amount of times he saw your shadow linger, the times he heard your skirts kiss the stone grounds which your feet carried you over.
Such was the way of things, until one fated night, when neither of you could find sleep - only then did Aemond corner you in the dark, secluded library. Only then did he turn so red in the face, you humorously thought he matched both your Houses' banners.
"You've been avoiding me. And I need you to stop."
His tone of voice ought to have vexed you. For who was he to command you so?
You turned around to face his gaze, and promptly raised your head at him.
"Some might say you now reap what you have sown, my Prince."
His shoulders slouched forward - and if you didn't know him so well, such movement would have gone unnoticed. Gingerly, he tried again.
"You've not once called me that. Not even when it was expected."
"People have a way of surprising you sometimes. Wouldn't you agree?"
He pursed his lips tightly, and lowered his lavander glare. Half a heartbeat later, and a drawn-out breath in, Aemond Targaryen fell to his knees.
Deep creases marred over his forehead, his silky hair having fallen out of place. He dared not to look at you, and instead trailed his eye over the details of your blue dress.
"Your silence cuts me. Deeper than a thousand blades."
His able words had made you scoff. You were tempted to praise his silver tongue, and quirk an eyebrow at his attempted poetry: after the stunt he pulled, it was a wonder he knew how to speak so sweetly.
Still, you settled on biting your inner cheek, in favour of listening to him further.
"I shall beg you on my knees if you so desire. But... torture my heart no further."
Quietness ensued a while, until you thought of an appropriate reply.
"I thought we were friends."
"We are, My Lady. We always have been -"
"Clearly, I was wrong." You assertively interjected, "Gods, Aemond, how can you say such a thing?"
His face was every bit as hurt as you imagined your own to be.
"What you said at dinner..."
"Was very wrong on your behalf, and I apologize. I deserve no less a punishment, but please - Please grant me release and forgive me."
"You bring forth foul rumours of my future husband's legitimacy, and put everything into question. You tried to hurt him, and by extension, me." Breathless from the intensity with which you spoke, you pinched the bridge of your nose to calm your aching nerves. "It's not enough to be sorry for what you said to me. You must regret what you said in regards to my future family, too."
For the first time that night, Aemond's eye shot back up, and his swirling orb came in direct contact with yours. Confusion and anger were etched into his sharp features, and the Crown Prince fought to stay composed as he spoke.
"You cannot mean to tell me... you actually intend on marrying that bastard."
Ired far beyond belief, you opened your mouth to face his allegations, but Aemond's minestrations were faster than yours.
"You see no problem in becoming the Realm's laughing stock, in moving to Dragonstone to mother the Strong's bastards?"
It was your turn to feel your cheeks catch aflame. Your face twisted into a painful scowl, and you bravely took a step ahead, pushing out your chin out to openly defy him.
"Jacaerys will be King of the Seven Kingdoms. Our offspring will be anything but bastards."
Before you knew it, Aemond rose up from his taciturn pose, towering over you, as he pushed you onto the cold, stone wall. His face mirrored the expression he wore not a week prior, and the man nodded in understanding, before tracing your jaw with his calloused finger.
"There is nothing I won't do for you.. I would carve my heart out and bear it in front of you. If you won't see to reason, then I will make you understand."
Your mouth slouched open, and your eyebrows furrowed in grave turmoil. All the colour drained from your face. "... Excuse me?"
"After all these years," Aemond huffed, "do you still not understand? I love you. I have loved you... ever since we were children."
You jerked your face away from him, and closed your eyes in disarray. You chewed on your bottom lip for but a moment, and forced yourself to stare at him again. "I'm marrying Jacaerys." You whispered lowly, despite your inner certainty, "And there is nothing that can be done about it now."
Aemond growled - animalistically, possessively - all over something he could never have. His hand tried to rest over your cheek, but you sternly pushed him away, widening the distance between your two, heaving bodies.
"No, Aemond." You chastised in vain, as you felt his arms snake around your form again. "No good will come out of this. And you know it, too."
"You're to be betrothed, as well." You halfheartedly reminded him. "And when you meet with the Baratheon girl, you'll think yourself very silly for ever wanting this - for ever wanting me."
"To Hell with the Four Storms." He gently whispered into your ear, "All my life I fulfilled my duty. I will not be denied the one thing I desire most."
With one final push and pull, you wiggled yourself free of his scorching embrace. "The hour is very late. I'm going to bed." You declared in your best neutral tone.
Aemond remained hammered in place. His erratic breath accompanied your hurried footsteps and swish of your dress - until none of the two echoed throughout the narrow hallway anymore.
"Ziry iksos issa ao jāhor nykeōragon hembar naejot mēre tubis, issa jorrāelagon... Se nyke jāhor zālagon glaesagon... qilōni elsvōk issa hen melaestōr ao."
For Aemond would not renounce you so easily. That was the adamant truth of it.
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zkvry · 9 months
My Lady | Possesive!Aemond Targaryen x Targ!Fem!Reader
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Summary : You provoke Aemond, who is prone to jealousy
Warnings : red flag behaviour, some violence towards the end, jealous and posessive Aemond. Slightly dark towards the end.
Additional Information :
> standalone from HOTD storyline (there are no spoilers) > written in second person perspective > 1232 words | 9 minutes
Aemond sipped on wine mindlessly as he watches you interact with Lords of noble houses. It was clear that they were trying to woo you, in hopes to have your hand in marriage.
His only seeing eye narrows with distaste, his lips pursed.
From afar, you mindlessly nod at whatever the man was saying, sipping on your wine to keep yourself busy.
Aemond had seen a few men approach you. It was obvious that they had taken to your beauty. His right hand had clenched around his wine cup, and his smile was gone as he watched the scenario play out. His eye remained fixed upon you, unblinking.
His eye was filled with an angry glare, his lips had pressed into a hard line, he was jealous, and did little to hide it.
you were finally able to run off from the man that had occupied your attention longer than you had hoped. Walking with haste, you approach the Royal Table, isolated from the rest and telling of your royal status.
You plop yourself down next to Aemond, sighing in relief.
Aemond sees your approaching figure, and softens his gaze, his eye hiding the fury he was feeling only moments ago. His mouth pulls up into a faint, pleasant smile.
"Did anyone bother you, my lady?" His voice quiet and monotonous, yet there was a hint of concern in his voice.
"I continuously, have been steering away from marriage proposals. I do not know how much longer I can entertain this," You chuckle humorlessly, hiding your face in hands with exasperation.
Aemond chuckles lightly at your reaction, a tone of amusement evident in his voice. "So it seems, my lady is popular?"
You took it upon yourself be forward, a small smirk on your lips. "Well, yes. your lady is popular".
Your words made him smile softly, a hint of his dimples showing. Unsure of how to respond, a slight blush appears on his face. His eye remains fixed upon your own, for there was a sense of appreciation, admiration, and respect that very few people can evoke.
"Do I have any competition?" He asks softly, his voice merely a whisper as he entertains your teasing.
"Yes. Yes, you do," you lean closer to him, subtly pointing at a few noble lords in the crowd.
"By that table, we have Cregan Stark. He is noble and a gentleman. I almost fell for him, truth be told-" You chuckle, hearing Aemond breathed in sharply, sounding constrained.
"-And over there, is Tyland Lannister. His house is one of the richest in all Seven Kingdoms, he said he would buy me a castle and build the largest dragonpit the world has ever seen. But he is arrogant," You continue your teasing, wondering how far you could push him.
Aemond turned his head, following the direction of your finger. His lip frowned for a moment, before he looked at you again, unimpressed.
"The Northmen and the Westmen are both powerful and wealthy. But I can buy you a castle and build you a dragonpit, too."
He chuckles - "And I am not arrogant."
Aemond gives you a sly smile, his pride evident.
Your eyes study him. "No, you are not arrogant.. You are cunning, loving, and very handsome," You trail off, a certain twinkle in your eye.
"-but stubborn!" You point an accusing finger at him, a playful smile on your lips.
Aemond chuckles at your accusation. His eye brightened with glee while his grin grew a tiny bit wider. "You know me well, my love."
"Cunning, loving, handsome, stubborn.. and proud." He repeats it back to you. "Are my qualities what attracted you to me?" He asks you with a teasing tone in his voice, his eye twinkling with mischief.
"You wish! you would be the luckiest man alive if you had me as your wife" You roll your eyes, trying to hide your smile.
Aemond chuckles, while his cheeks took upon a slightly redder hue. He takes his finger and rests it under your chin, pulling it nearer to his face as he leans closer to you.
"I am only the most blessed man because I have you," He spoke in High Valyrian, his words easily putting butterflies in your stomach. Your heart drums in your chest at your closeness.
You narrow your eyes, not once breaking away from his hypnotic gaze. A sly smiles creeps onto your face. "What makes you think you have me already, hm?"
Aemond's top lip twitches slightly, curving into a smirk as he sees your sly smile and narrowed eyes.
"The way you look at me, the way you talk to me, the way you behave around me," He speaks without missing a beat, his eye still trained on yours. His gaze falls to your lips, returning back to your meet your eyes - his pupils dilated.
Aemond paused for a second, and leaned in to whisper in your ear, his voice sultry and deep. "You love me, just admit it."
Your smile only grows wider as he lists down the things about you. You try horribly to keep your emotions in check as the your heart beats loudly in your chest, feeling tingly in your stomach. Biting your lip, you lean into his ear.
"I'm sorry, but I have marriage proposals to accept" You pull away, the faintest of red on your cheeks. Still, you did not want to back down. Your words were a harmless effort to rile him up, and rile him up you did.
Aemond's heart started to beat heavier and quicker, his eye shimmered with jealousy, narrowing to fix his gaze on you. His lips curved in a sneer, his gaze predatory. Aemond pulled you towards him with force, holding you by your wrists as he brought his face threateningly close.
In your shared mother tongue, he softly spoke, his voice firm and threatening. "Would you accept someone else's proposal?"
You give him an impish smile, your eyes twinkling with mischief. "What would you do if I did?"
Aemond's breathes become staggered as he holds on with restraint. His face appeared filled with wrath, his voice lowered with an iron determination. His hands tightens around your wrist, pulling you to his hard chest.
He leaned forward, his other hand clamped around the back of your neck. His voice firm and serious - "I will kill anyone who dares to marry you, for you are mine, my love. Only I hold your heart."
Your hand is turning white from the deadly grip he has on your wrists. Your faces merely inches from each other as he holds your neck firmly. You feel his hot breath on your face, seeing this pupils blown with desire and rage. You smirk devilishly, you had him right where you wanted him.
"Would you claim me as yours?" You whisper lowly, your voice enchanting. Your eyes were half-closed with desire.
Aemond's eye gleamed again, angry and full of wrath.
His voice was filled with dominance and authority, "Yes." He replied confidently, as he stared directly into your eyes. "You are mine, my love. I will claim you, mark you…" He whispered, his eye roaming your figure with hunger.
His lip sneered with ferocious determination, as he uttered - "By the Gods.. you will have our children, and I will make you forever loyal and bound to me, and to our house."
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myladysapphire · 1 year
My Lady Strong (I)
Aemond had always been protective of his neice, obssessed even, insiting on keeping her sheltered, and purley his, he never let her stray far and following the incident at Driftmark, Aemma was rarley without Aemond as her shadow. How will the kind, sheltered girl fair in the dance of dragons?
word count: 1,645
CW: childbirth, Aegon being Aegon, Bullying, child abuse, fear of the dark, refrences to torture, loving parents, oc is described to have brown hair, streaked with silver and purple eyes
Fem!oc x Aemond Targeryen (can be read as x reader)
Masterlist | series masterlist | next part
disclamer:  i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and  fire charecters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all charecters are his  except for my OC          
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When Rhaenyra fell pregnant for a second time, she knew it would be different.
For the birth of Jacaerys, her pregnancy was followed with mass celebrations, house Veleryon showering her with gifts, proud that a child with Velaryon blood would sit on the iron throne. But after his birth, the celebrations ceased. Whispers swept through the court, questioning his birth. But after a few months, many came to the agreement it was his grandmother Rhaenys Baratheon’s blood shining through, she once looked more Baratheon than Targeryen and the child was merely taking after her.
But then she fell pregnant again, and though she was once more greeted with celebrations, the court held its breath.
One child born with the Baratheon looks was one thing, genetics was a mystery and it was pure chance he had brown hair and eyes.
But if this child too had the ‘Baratheon looks’ then it would all but confirm the rumours queen Alicent spun.
But that was not why Rhaenyra felt this pregnancy to be different, unlike her first pregnancy, she had different symptoms, morning skinniness, new cravings, and where before she had always had clear skin she was getting pimples and spots. She hoped for a girl, having always wanted a little sister, and now she would have a daughter. She had only ever imagined having girls, and though she was not disappointed at having a boy when the masters spoke of their predictions of it being a girl, she got a little jump in her step.
So, when she went into labour, whilst the court held its breath waiting for the legitimacy of her children to be confirmed, she held her excitement over having a daughter.
The day of her labour was not cheerful, the skies were grey and cloudy and when her contractions began rain fell from the sky, a storm from Stormsend having reached KingsLanding.
With the wind rattling against the windows, and thunder striking down from the sky, the family waiting outside, Viserys pacing the halls. Alicent biting her nails. This labour was tough, though Jacaerys birth had been easy, this had taken double the time his had, her screams, louder than even the storm raging outside. And when it all stopped the family feared the worse.
The young prince Aemond, only eighteen moons old had awoken, screaming insisting he is with his mother. Only to arrive just in time to hear his niece's screams and his eldest sister's laughter.
He rushed into her room, not even allowing time for his father to check on his daughter, before jumping up (as well as a toddler could) and sitting next to his sister insisting on holding his niece. Tired from the labour Rhaenyra agreed.
When her father and Alicent finally entered, they were quick to approach. Alicent caught a glimpse of black hair streaked with silver.
“A girl?” Viserys questioned, smiling down at the babe in Aemonds arms.
Nodding, Rhaenyra smiled “Aemma” she declared, causing a delighted laugh to leave Viserys mouth.
“She looks just like her, the Arryn genes are strong with her it seems, she even has your mother’s eyes.” And she did, Arryn blue eyes, not violet, as she had dreamed, but perfect.
She had attempted to take Aemma back from  Aemond, but he had not let go, simply smiling and babbling to his niece, his Aemma.
As the years went by Aemond continued to stay with Aemma, scarcely letting her stray from his sight, his hand always holding hers. Where one was, the other was always near. Being the only two without a dragon, his never hatching, and her own destroyed along following the storm on the day of her birth, they had the same lessons, with no dragon lessons, they were very rarely apart.
Aemma had grown into a sweet, beautiful, and intelligent girl. Her looks compared to that of her great-grandmother, Daella, alongside her sweet nature. She had an innocence around her, being the middle child and only girl of her mother, her mother wished to preserve the child-like wonder for her daughter, wishing to grant her daughter the childhood of being the heir and the only child of a king stolen from her. Aemond was all too pleased to keep her like this, wanting to preserve her wonder, her need for him. Though book smart, the sheltered life she lived kept her from the real world. She was even protected from rumours, though they still were whispered, all desired to keep her from them.
She was a kind girl and underserving of the cruelty of court, but even that did not protect her from her family. Alicent had always been fond of her, always allowing her near her children, being kind, braiding her hair and even commissioning gifts for her. She was close to Heleana, the pair, whenever Aemond left her alone, often found each other’s company. Aemma was one the few people to share her interest in insects, even going out of her way to collect any that she thought Heleana might enjoy. But Aegon and her brothers were another story. Aegon was a jealous person, envying his niece for the kindness his mother never found him, so he took it out on her.
When Jacaerys let slip Aemma’s fear of the dark, an idea struck him.
The black cells.
Aemma rarely slept alone, with Aemond often sneaking in and sleeping with her, hating the moments apart even when they sleep. When he was sick, they often slept apart, his fear of catching his illness, however little or contagious it was. And her chambers always had candles lit for when she did sleep, a reassurance that whatever lurked in the dark was stopped by the glow of a candle.
Aegon waited for Aemond to fall ill, for a time he knew she would be alone. And snuck into her chambers, her brothers by his side.
It was the dead of night, the boys aged 9 and 6 tired but willing to please their uncle, snuck into her rooms and carried her through the keep down to the third level of black cells.
Being a deep sleeper, she didn’t wake once, not even flinch when Aegon picked her up and then dumped her in the cells.
They had run off giggling, thinking it a brilliant prank, and a way to cure her of her fear, as Aegon put it.
They had thought it would be overcome morning, that she would wake in the dark before finding the door and leaving.
None of them expected her to be locked in there for a week, they did not know the doors were locked and only opened from the outside.
The keep was in disarray searching for her, neither boy spoke up, fear of their punishment keeping them.
Aemond was driving everyone mad, ordering and screaming for her to be found. He was normally a shy quiet boy, unsure of himself. But with his Aemma missing all that was left of him was a madman.
The rest of the keep was in disarray. All guards were on the lookout for the princess, searching high and low. She had completely disappeared, without a trace.
The boys were growing nervous, they couldn’t admit to what had been done and they feared the black cells too much to return and retrieve her.
Aemma had woken in complete darkness, she could even see her hand it was so dark.
She could hear screaming as if they were her own, but she didn’t notice, she didn’t even notice as she crawled forward in her small cell and pounded on the door, begging to be let out. Or as she threw her guts up after hours of screaming and pounding.
She did notice when it all went quiet. When even her screams stopped when the screams of the criminals being tortured turned quiet.
She didn’t know how much time had passed, there was no way to tell day from night.
She slept when she collapsed, her tears lulling her into a tormented sleep, her stomach empty and churning.
She had no food nor water, the dungeon master had no clue she was down here, and no one did.
 Not until a week had passed and Aemond dreamt of the black cells. She had refused to rest till she was found, but collapsing from exhaustion lead to his dream, leading his startling awake, and his racing to the cells. Ser Criston Cole was quick to follow him, though he did not care for the girl he still had a duty as a kingsguard. She was found after three hours of searching, three hours of Aemond shouting and ordering guards to search every cell on every level.
Ser Harwin Strong found her, he and her mother had, like Aemond, not stopped, fearing the worse, had not rested. When he found her she was sitting in the corner, head between her legs, rocking back and forth, tears streaming down her face. She was thin, with chapped lips, her face red and puffed with her never-ending tears.
She screamed when the light poured in, shuffling back into her corner.
“Aemma” Harwin breathed, before alerting the rest of the guard, Aemond came running over, taking her into his arms.
“Aemma” he cooed, taking her hand, she had flinched back from Harwin when he took her hand, but with Aemond she took it, and jumped in his arms, tears falling from her eyes once more. “it’s ok…it’s ok… your safe now” he spoke softly, stroking her hair.
Maesters were quick to attend to her, she was weak and dehydrated. And her mind was still in a panic. She refused to let go of Aemond, using him as a shield when her brothers and Aegon paid her a visit.
She never said who had done it, but her distance and new timid nature around her brothers and uncle was proof enough for Aemond.
But he couldn’t do anything, he was a victim of their bullying. Though they never did something similar or remotely as cruel again, Aemonds crazed state was enough for them to leave Aemma and him alone, at least until the pink dread.
a/n more of an intro chapter, half edited
next part
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lalalala514 · 6 months
Yandere HOTD hcs
Aegon ⭢ Aemond
(Not edited)
Aegon II Targaryen (Aegon The Elder)
Aegon Targaryen, second of his name and first born son of king Viserys I and first born child of Queen Alicent. Named after Aegon the first - one of the three conquerors that conquered Westeros. Believed to be the next ruler over the seven kingdoms and that he will one day sit on the iron throne. Growing up Aegon was told he would be the next king after his father, however if he was going to be completely honest he didn’t want it. He didn’t want all of the responsibilities that came with it. But he was told that there was no way of avoiding it, and that he would bear all those responsibilities one day, whether he wants it or not. So he drowned himself in wine, bought so many whores and spend his time with women whether they wanted to or not until he forgets what his future might look like.
After a long day of drinking like there was no tomorrow, he passed out in one of the many hallways of the red keep. That day Aegon gently woke up to the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He remembered how softly she woke him up, how she slowly led him to his room in his own pace and not rushing him, how gentle her hands and words were while changing his clothes and holding his hair back while he threw up. Aegon didn’t know if he had drank too much wine or if he was just losing his mind, but he had never felt so much genuine love in a long time, if ever.
He tiredly watched you afterward as you cleaned up his vomit and picked up his clothes that would later be washed. He couldn’t stop staring at you, not when you were so beautiful.
The morning after he asked Larys Strong for any information he had on the beautiful woman he had seen last night. And when he found out you worked in the reed keep Aegon demanded that you from that day on work as his personal maid, always next to him following orders or in his room cleaning up after him.
He stopped visiting brothels, but still keeps on drinking himself to death in hope that you would come and take care of him which you did. While spending time together he tries his best to get to know you, and of course also telling you things about himself. Sometimes he asked if you want to go and meet or fly on Sunfyre. The more he was with you, the more he fell in love. And now he was sure that it wasn’t the wine, maybe he had a few screws loose, but he definitely loved you.
Aegon would give you everything. From expensive jewelry and clothes to the best food and wine money can buy in the seven kingdoms. He would spoil you and give you a life you never thought was possible for someone like you.
But now Aegon has started to get more possessive and obsessed. Any knight, maid, lord or lady that would stare at you for to long or say anything about you would ether get their nose broken or their throat slit. And if someone dared to say or do anything suggestive towards you would be tortured till death.
Now that he has met you, and found out what Rhaenyra might do to you or his family, he wants to be on the throne- no he needs to be in the throne. And when he is, he has some very special plans for you and him.
Aemond Targaryen (Aemond One-Eye)
Aemond knew that his brother would one day be king, while he would never sit on the iron throne. He knew that his brother would always be seen as someone more important than him. He knew that Aegon would be the next ruler because of his birthright, even if Aegon didn't deserve it or want it and he was more suited. After all, the younger brother was the one who studied philosophy and history, it is he who trains with the sword, who rides the largest dragon in the world. It is he who should be king. But he would never be the next lord of the seven kingdoms and he wouldn’t kill his brother and his children to sit on the throne.
Though there was one thing that he wanted just as badly, if not even more, that he would get in his grasp no matter what.
You were his mother's personal maid, always by her side, in her room or getting something for her. You were young for someone in your position of work, around his age, and it was thanks to your mother. She worked for the Hightowers and took care of Alicent when she was younger, and as thanks Alicent took you in as her personal maid after your mother died.
At first you tried to avoid Aemond as much as you could. He creeped you out. Always staring at you with his one eye, quietly. And he always seemed to be in the same room you were in. When avoiding him didn’t work you just tried to ignore him, but not too long after he started talking to you. You always answered, after all he was a prince and you could lose your job if you didn’t. Although you tried to keep the conversations short.
Aemond noticed your strange behavior, but didn’t know what to do. So, he asked his mother to move your position from the queen's personal maid to his personal maid. At first she was hesitant, though Aemond never asked for much and always well behaved so she did as he had asked.
Now, you would have no way of escaping Aemond’s love.
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jamespotterismydaddy · 7 months
Traded Posession
Dark!jacaerys x reader
A/N: I definitely did not do this request justice but I also feel like this would have to be a series if I did and I probs should finish a series before I start a new one😭
Pt 2 here
TW: DUBCON, smut, semi public sex, degration, talks of death, size kink
word count: 1,656 words
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They call you a witch, all of them. How else would an unremarkable peasant girl get the attention of Aemond Targaryen? You spend your days at his side, bathed in blood as you lick his dagger clean. You’re his perfect accomplice. You like to think that he cares for you, loves you even but in this moment, you realize just how wrong you are.
The Kinslayer has fled King’s Landing and Prince Jacaerys has claimed it. He leaves you behind like a toy that he has tired of.
The next few days are a blur. Cregan Stark’s
men are the ones to find you after your
failed attempts to escape the city. In hindsight, it was silly to think you’d make it to Harrenhall anyhow, make it to your lover. After you are arrested, they promptly throw you into the dungeon, the dungeon where you have been left to rot for the past few days.
This is when you truly realize that he’s not coming for you. He’s. Not. Saving. You. And you were an idiot to think otherwise.
You’re getting close to having been left alone too long with your thoughts when the door to your cell clangs open. Two guards walk in and lift you under each arm, to your feet.
“Hey! What are you doing?” You ask, happy to be taken out of the dungeon but unsure if it’s out of the frying pan and into the fire.
“His Grace has summoned your presence.” The guard on the left says as they drag you to the throne room.
When you arrive, the doors are thrown open and you stumble in, the guards’ pace much quicker than your own. You come to a halt and someone says, “You stand in the presence of the Dragon Prince, Jacaerys, Heir to the Iron Throne and future Protector of the Realm.”
Jacaerys Velaryon stares down at you from the Iron Throne, a cold gaze in his eyes. “Kneel.” He commands and when you don’t immediately obey, your legs are kicked out at the joint and you fall to your knees. He just looks at you for a moment. “You’re much plainer than I had suspected.” He comments offhandedly.
“Sorry to disappoint.” You say with a grimace.
A hand strikes you across the face. “You will use the proper honourifics when you address the prince, whore.” The guard on the right spits out at you.
“There’s no need for that at the moment, Ser.” Jacaerys says and then smirks. “Actually, i’ll have the room cleared.
“Your Grace.” The guards bow and then exit the room dutifully.
“I was truly pleased when we captured you, girl. I had this whole plan to trade you to my traitor of an uncle just to make him watch as I burned you alive instead…” He trails off. It’s almost like he’s telling you a story rather than describing your fate. “It was all going to be proper vengeance for my brother. Though, you’re not nearly as innocent as he was, are you?” The way he speaks is so casual that it could almost unnerve you, if it wasn’t for your experience with one bloodthirsty Targaryen already. “Imagine my surprise when I send a messenger to him and the boy returns, cockless, with a note that says I can keep you.”
You try not to let the hurt show on your face. After all you’ve done for him, Aemond couldn’t give a shit whether you live or die.
“Ahh disappointed, are you? So am I.” He says simply. “I was actually so terribly disappointed that I found that sweet little village you’re from and burnt it down instead.”
The blood drains from your face. “W-What?”
“You were not useful to me so I burnt your fucking village to the ground.”
You don’t feel like the powerful woman you were at Aemond’s side at this point. You don’t even know how you feel. Your silence reflects your shock.
“Is that all you can show your future king, a blank stare? The more I look at you, the more I can’t believe how the cyclops was so beguiled. You’re nothing.” He says with a cruel disappointment.
You stare him down, angrily now and you spit on the ground in front of you.
“Are you trying to prove something to me, wench? All I can see is that you are perhaps a bit more reckless than an average peasant. Do you care for your life at all?” He asks, like he thinks you’re stupid.
“Yes, your Grace.” You say, thinking it would be unwise to lie. Spitting at his feet was unwise as well but perhaps pride is your fatal flaw… perhaps.
“Come here.” He says, beckoning you with his fingers. You follow his command, stopping at his feet. He points down. “Kneel.” You feel inclined to disobey, Aemond liked that defiance but this man is harder to read, frightening in a different way.
“I plead your mercy, my prince.” Grovelling usually is the safest bet.
“You really cannot decide how to act, can you? I intend to find your purpose.” He grabs you by the chin and tilts your head up. “Let’s start with the most logical.” He unbuckles his belt and you know exactly what he desires.
The prince is well endowed, you know it before he releases himself, but you could not have expected him to be this sizable. He laughs at your reaction. “Judging by the look on your face, Aemond’s cock is small.”
Not small. You think to yourself. But compared to this…
“I don’t doubt that you know what to do. I trust you won’t try anything stupid” He says seriously.
Stupid like biting his cock off.
He’s right though, you do know what to do, taking him in your mouth as much as you can and beginning to suck, you quickly realize Jacaerys is bored. You speed up your movements, just the way Aemond used to like it. The quick pace usually is pleasing to most men… you thought, but the way the prince slumps back in his throne says otherwise. He examines one of the swords next to him in a distant sort of interest and after a few moments, he grips your hair and pulls you off.
“I see now why he didn’t come back for you. You’re like a broken toy.”
You just gaze up at him from under your lashes. “It’s how he liked it.”
Jace scoffs. “What a surprise. You have no technique. I suppose you can learn. I expected you’d be a fully trained pet but oh well.” He brings your head close again. “Go slower this time.” He tells you and you do, taking the head into your mouth and beginning to suckle like a little lamb. “Better.”
You lick up his shaft and then try to take him fully into your mouth again. He never completely fits but you bring your hand up to aide yourself. He guides your movements, pulling on your hair back and forth. You gag almost every time but it would be pretty much impossible not to with how big he is. Though he seems to get off on both, it’s more the motions than your suffering that brings him pleasure.
“Good. Now get up.” He says as he pulls you off again. He stands as well and though he’s not as tall as aemond, he’s still taller than you. “Bend over.”
“Over what, your Grace?”
He sighs and rolls his eyes, like you’re more of a nuisance than anything. He then swiftly grabs you by the waist and manhandles you so you’re bent over the iron throne. Though, you make yourself pliable for him.
“You would think that as a prince, I wouldn’t have to do all this work.” He rucks up your skirts and tugs down your smallclothes. He sees your folds glistening with wetness. “Oh gods, you like all this? What a pretty little cunt you have.” He says as he rubs his hand through it. “Let’s see if it’s enough to truly make a man cunt-struck.” He then slips himself inside of you, so slowly that you think that it makes it hurt more rather than less.
“Ah-ah…” you whimper out once he’s fully sheathed inside of you.
“I almost didn’t think I’d get it all the way in.” He laughs a little before beginning to thrust lazily. “Maybe this was the only reason he kept you around. It wasn’t enough though, was it? He still abandoned his little whore.” He chuckles and begins to thrust a little harder now. “Nothing to say? You were so confident at the cyclops’s side you seemed to have lots to say then.”
“My prince…” you moan as he hits that sweet spot inside of you, his thick cock filling you up deliciously.
“Say my name when I fuck you.”
“Mmm, Jacaerys.” You whine out as his hands come to your hips, his thrusts making you unsteady.
“Perhaps I’ll keep you around. Make you my little fuck toy.” His thrusts get quite rough now. He’s angry and taking it out on you. And you could swear that his thrusts are so deep that his cock is in your tummy. You feel his fingertips on your pearl.
“Please, Jacaerys.” You beg him for release.
“Begging now? Gods maybe my stupid fucking uncle just enjoyed how pathetic you are, but you don’t care about him now, do you? You’re my whore now.” His hips keep slamming against yours and his words make you hit your peak, the possession of them enticing you. The way you constrict around him has the young prince hitting his peak as well. He spills his seed deep inside you and then immediately pulls out.
“I’m going to my chambers. I’ll have you bathed and delivered there in an hour.” He says before descending the steps and leaving you there, slumped over the iron throne.
taglist (comment to be added): General: @valeskafics @urmomsgirlfriend1 @girlwith-thepearlearring @darylandbethfanforever9 @lovellies @juhdoche @papichulo120627 @watercolorskyy
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cambion-companion · 2 years
Hiiiii I am ABSOLUTELY obsessed with your Aemond fics and they are literally getting me through the day because oooofffff are they so wonderful to look forward to!!! I was watching this show the other day and one of the scenes just got me thinking of how interesting it would be to see Aemond in it. I just wanted to request something if that’s alright with you? Just reader admits to not being jealous or doing crazy things like threatening others for flirting with her because she knows Aemond’s crazy about her but Aemond thinks of it that she doesn’t want him the same amount as he does so decided to make her jealous by dancing and flirting all night with Alys/or someone other lady and instead of getting angry like Aemond wanted she gets incredibly sad and hurt by him. Plan backfires and Aemond realizes he fucked up. Even better if they’re married and he does this dumb shit because we love a groveling obsessed Aemond trying to make up to his wife for all the mistakes he makes
Thank youuuuuu and keep loving Aemond as much as you do because it is EVERYTHING
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Again, I created a drabble hehehe, we love a quick read!
This definitely serves both angst and fluff so buckle UP and yes I am spoiling you guys...2 fics in one day!
Aemond x reader | angst to fluff | jealous Aemond | posessive Aemond
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You smiled up through your eyelashes at the noble lord who’d grabbed your attention, insisting on engaging you in flirtatious banter.  All around the two of you, couples danced with lively abandon to the swelling music.  He was handsome enough, you thought tiredly, casting your eyes about the crowded room for your lover.  Aemond was nowhere to be seen and with an imperceptible sigh you nodded and smiled at the overeager lordling.
“Excuse me, a moment, will you?”  You had spotted your prince, his silver hair contrasting in the swirling color of dancing people.  Touching the elbow of the rather crestfallen man, you departed, weaving your way over to Aemond.
He looked at you, rather aloof, as you approached.  His violet eye displeased upon your face, the other eye covered by his preferred black leather patch.
“Having fun, Lady Y/N?”  Aemond’s voice, though low, was cutting. “That Lannister cub seemed entranced by you.”
“Oh please, Aemond.”  You pried his rigid fingers open from the fist he’d made, interlacing them with your own.  “You know I am wholly yours, heart and body.”
“Hmm.” Came the terse reply.
“Do you want to dance with me?”
He didn’t answer, instead Aemond continued to stare across at the unsuspecting man who you’d been speaking to.
You rolled your eyes, releasing his hand abruptly. “Fine, be sour. I plan on enjoying my evening.”
With a toss of your heavy hair over a shoulder, you stomped away rather ungracefully, almost immediately running into another eager lord.
“May I have this dance?”  The young man asked, silver eyes twinkling.
You glanced back at Aemond, his eye practically sparking fire with the heat of his gaze.
“Yes, I’d love to!”  You graced the nobleman with a winning smile as he led you onto the dancefloor.
He was an excellent dancer, his hands firm upon your waist, his steps light and quick.  Tommin Greyjoy, from the Iron Islands he introduced himself.  Tommin quite enjoyed talking about only himself and before long you instinctively began to tune him out, beaming and nodding up at him each time he paused for breath.
You were quick to duck away once the song ended, making up a hurried excuse about needing water and scurried over to the drink table, grabbing a goblet from a passing servant.  Glancing around, you saw Aemond almost immediately.  He was chatting with a short curvy young woman, with red hair that tumbled in ringlets down her back.  Her amble bosom was straining against the pale blue corset she wore, and the way she looked at the Targaryen prince as she spoke made your teeth grind.
Your brow furrowed, eyes narrowing as you watched Aemond lean closer to her, far too close for your liking.  To your chagrin, another flower of a girl joined them, her delicate fingers coming to clasp Aemond about his wrist as she laughed at something he’d said.  He made no move to remove her hand.
Your heart dropped.  It became hard to swallow.
Aemond turned his head, feeling your attention upon him.  His eye met yours, but you quickly averted your gaze to the ground.  Your lips tugged down into a frown, the infuriating feeling of tears beginning to make your eyes burn.
Setting your goblet carefully back onto the table, you walked to the edge of the room where you stood observing the suddenly lurid scene of revelers. You hugged yourself, maintaining a neutral expression as yet another young man approached you asking for a dance.
“No, I’m afraid I feel rather unwell.”  You declined, shaking your head.
“May I retrieve something for you?”  He asked politely, looking mildly concerned at your wan face.
“That’s not necessary.”
He left you alone.  You sent up a silent prayer of gratitude to the gods.
You spied Aemond once again with those same two women, he was paying them attention but kept glancing over at you in the corner.  His expression had morphed from one of vindictive pleasure to barely concealed worry.  You watched him excuse himself from the ladies, peeling one of their hands off his arm before striding purposefully toward you.
Aemond came up to you just as another lordling attempted to ask you for a dance. “No.”  The prince growled, answering for you.  “She is not interested.”
The man looked around for the intruder, opening his mouth to argue but blanched as he saw who it was and made haste to put distance between himself and the Targaryen.
“Thank you.”  You said reluctantly, hugging yourself tighter.
“You are crying.”  Aemond stated, peering into your face.
“I am not.”
“What is wrong, Y/N.”
“What do you think?”  You cut your eyes over to where the women he’d been engaged with had their heads together, whispering.  “They seemed rather enamored by you.”
Aemond sighed, tilting your chin up with his finger. “This conversation is seeming rather familiar.”
“It’s not at all the same, Aemond.”
“How is it not?”
You refused to look at him, though his grip on your jaw tightened. “I will always only be interested in you! You have my adoration in its entirety.”
“You think I feel differently.”  It was not a question.  Aemond tapped your cheek with his index finger, his thumb stroking your quivering lower lip.  “Y/N, look at me.”
You raised your eyes to meet his.  Aemond’s expression was soft, tender even, as he gave you a small smile.
“I thought you were clever, Y/N.”
Your protestations were silence with a muffled “I ammfph!” as Aemond brought his mouth down hard upon your own.  His lips were hot against yours, you instinctively pressed flush against him as Aemond’s hands gripped low at your waist, his leg parting your thighs.  You tangled your fingers in his thick hair, pulling him further into you.  You felt a low wanting groan rumble in his chest, his breath filling your lungs as your tongues tangled together.
He broke away slightly placing a little peck to the tip of your nose.  Your head was spinning, but you noticed many eyes upon the two of you and the whispering of voices buzzing around the grand room.
“Perhaps that will alleviate those doubts from that pretty head of yours.”  Aemond ran the back of his finger down your cheek.  He leant in to place another, more chaste, kiss to your parted lips.
“What doubts were those again?”  You followed his movements with wide eyes as the prince took your hand in his, leading you back onto the dance floor.
He chuckled, leading you into the beginnings of a slow waltz. “Exactly.”
You glanced over his shoulder to the two women he’d been speaking to.  Their cheeks were flushed; they watched the movements of your and Aemond’s dance with expressions of shocked anger mixed with envy.  You hid your satisfied smirk in the crook of Aemond’s neck, breathing in his smell of smoke and leather.
“Something amuse you, my dear?” Aemond’s breath tickled your cheek.  He grazed his lips against the shell of your ear before kissing your temple.
“I think we’ve upset a couple women over there.”
“As if they could hold a candle to you in any way, perzītsos.”
And he kissed you again, in front of the gawking crowd.
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madame-fear · 7 months
My lovely lady wife,
I think we know what I’m about to request for. A little Aemond fic on what I told you because Aemond being possessive..🤭
Arguing over reader having a dance with Lucerys or Aegon, but then turns sweet after reader snaps at him, telling him that she’s devoted to him?
Pretty please? (I love you!!❤️)
*ೃ༄ 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐄 .ೃ࿐
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★ amira speaks! : My sweet darling Vinca, an honour to receive your requests as always! ❤ Please enjoy this and hope it was what you expected. I was inspired by the dialogue you sent me on some of the dialogues in here 🤭 Ily sm honey !! 💕 — summary : [ — ✧ request ] — word count : 1.6k ꒰ა ✧ additional note ; title is based on the song “come to me” by björk. 💗
— pairing : jealous/possesive!aemond targaryen x reader — genre : a bit of arguing, but then turns into fluff.
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“It was just one dance, Aemond!” your shouting echoed through the dimly lit halls, going after Aemond, behind of him.
Patience was a virtue that lately began to heavily hang from a thin string for the One Eyed Prince; and the arrival of his bastard nephews, the Velaryon boys, back again to King’s Landing wasn’t making things any easier for him... And mostly, for his usual possesiveness around you.
Not that the presence of both boys itself bothered him. Quite the contrary, his natural self around them was to tease and make them upset on purpose, constantly reminding them how everyone knew they were merely bastard sons; “Strong” boys, as he would refer to them. But the problem was, when the betrothal dinner had arrived.
While Helaena took the hand of the eldest Velaryon, Jacaerys, for a dance after she made a subtle remark on how her brother-husband Aegon ignored her, Lucerys stood up from his seat, and offered his own hand to you for a dance. Such act was merely out of the usual polite and gentleness that identified the future Lord of Driftmark, but Aemond couldn’t help but silently seethe with overwhelming jealousy at the sight of you giggling and dancing with Lucerys Velaryon.
Lucerys. His bastard nephew. The one that had made fun of him with a pig as a young boy when Aemond had not yet claimed Vhagar, and the same nephew that had taken out his eye. How could someone as himself so pridefully offer his hand out to you, out of all the people, right in front of his face? And what was worse, was that YOU had taken it, only to notoriously have fun with the young Velaryon bastard.
And that could only lead to you having to chase after him through the large halls of King’s Landing, shouting out his name for him to listen to what you had to say. His usual stoic face now shouted an expression of pure grimace, feeling as if he were to lose himself to a burdening sensation of posessiveness towards you.
Aemond couldn’t even bare when his brother Aegon was too drunk to the point he started flirting with you, or using sexual innuendos — but seeing you dance so gracefully with Lucerys, the nephew he despised wholeheartedly, was the least of things Aemond could possibly tolerate.
“Aemond!” you kept shouting, “Seven Hells, would you even care to listen to me?!” his steps had turned nearly into harsh stomping, feeling your own legs get tired from the heavy rushing towards him.
As you were nearly reaching him, trying to place your hand on his arm to catch his attention, the One Eyed prince abruptly stopped on his steps and turned around to face you. Out of surprise at his sudden actions, you made a few steps backwards.
“I don’t need to listen to anything.” he retorted, with a monotone, yet cold voice tone. The stare on his blue eye hinted a fiery jealousy that abruptly ignited on him, you crossed your arms tightly against your chest. “And most certainly, I don’t need to hear you talking about how you accepted the hand of my bastard nephew to dance with him right in front of me!” his voice raised its tone, notoriously sounding angrier by the minute.
You had to admit, you were both frustrated and surprised by his sudden outburst. While you knew Aemond could be rather overprotective of you — especially ever since you had taken care of him after the incident with his eye —, you had never seen him acting in such... A possesive manner. “To which, I remind you: he owes me his eye.”
Your lips were partly open, about to protest against his sayings, as your brows knitted in confusion at the way Aemond behaved towards the situation. “I was only being polite to him, Aemond!” you snapped at him, shouting louder. “What was supposed to do, turn him down right in front of everyone?!”
You understood that Lucerys was certainly trying to be as polite and gentle as his brother Jacaerys was with women, and you saw no issue with that. But apparently Aemond did.
“You should have, yes!” your hands both went to your face, immediatly letting your head fall against your palms, releasing a muffled frustrated huff at his answer. You then fluttered your eyes open, going back to face him. Your heart loudly pounded against your chest from the adrenaline of the situation, loudly arguing with one another; being loud enough as for your voices to echo around the halls.
“I can’t believe you,” you said, with your eyes furrowed. “That was literally the most attention I have ever paid to any of the Velaryon boys!” pointing your index finger at him, you continued. “And you are making such a fuss over that?” while his lips opened to speak against you, you rapidly interrupted him, feeling bold enough to confront him. How could Aemond be so oblivious to the way you were entirely devoted to him, and only him?
“It was one dance.” you remarked, lowering your quivering voice. “And while you may have lost an eye, Aemond, that does not mean you are blind.” hearing your words made his grimly jealous expressions turn into an intrigued one. You sighed, allowing the hand that was pointing at him with your finger to fall by your side in a swift manner.
“I only accepted the dance out of politeness, but did I kiss Lucerys, or anyone else? No, I have not.” you began remarking, feeling relieved that Aemond seemed to attentively listen to you without making too much of a fuss. “Did I fuck him, or anyone else? Yet again, I have not.” a soft huff spurred from your nose, looking at him in disbelief.
“Do I ever stroll with anyone else in the gardens, spending hours talking with one another, like I do with you? No, I don’t.” leisurely, his face softened, hearing how the tense atmosphere seemed to switch into a more tranquil one. “I have never read to anyone else in the gardens, except with you. I have never cheered for anyone else in their swordtraining, except with you.” you continued, trying to discreetly build the point to him.
“I could never spend hours comforting anyone else, like I comforted you when you lost your eye. I have never cared for anyone else like I genuinely care for you. I never even cared to fix my gaze on someone that isn’t you, Aemond.” the initial angry frustration softly washed away from you, even if you could still feel the thrill of it pumping through your veins.
Perhaps it was true. He could have overreacted just a little bit — more than extremely, actually — to the situation. But how could he not be possesive over you, when you had such remarking, exceptional qualities that any man could possibly long for in a woman?
It had always been you the one braiding his hair playfully, it was you the one who comforted him whenever he felt angry, or outraged... It was you the one who always cheered and clapped for him when his skills in swordtraining became better each time; occasionally tossing Ser Criston’s own sword to the ground merely to impress you, and hear you root for him proudly.
Walking a few steps towards him, you lifted your sight to his eye, staring profoundly at him. A soft, quivering sigh escaped from him. Faintly, a rosy tint crept on his pale skin gently. “How can you not realise, it is you the one I truly adore? The one I am most devoted to?” the sound of your voice nearly made him melt, especially when you raised your hand to his cheek, and tenderly stroked it with the tip of your thumb.
A scoff spurred from his rosy lips, with a little sheepish grin tuggig at the corner of his lips. He was used to being possesive and jealous over you, but those feelings of adoration — now mutually felt — were always kept to himself. The One Eyed Prince was absolutely clueless on how to express his feelings towards you, to which, he preferred that saying nothing at all would be much better.
“I should have known it sooner.” he muttered, sounding a slight tone of disbelief at himself. It was just too obvious for someone such as himself to not realise. You scoffed, smiling at him as you shook your head lightly. A certain pride filled you, as your skin could feel his own heated cheek from the fluster under your touch.
Without hesitating, you tiptoed as his presence towered your own, and your free hand went to cup his other cheek. Awkwardly — yet a bit needily — his arms went around your waist sweetly, pulling you closer to his body. Fluttering your eyes shut, your lips locked against his own. And Gods, your lips were as sweet-tasting as he had always imagined they would be.
You kept your lips pressed against his own for what seemed an eternity, despite it being a minute, almost. His way of kissing you was soft, yet, it became a bit more deep and intense as the time progressed. Reluctantly, you had to pull away from him, despite him trying to inconsciously encourage you to keep going.
As you pulled apart, with your hands on his cheeks, a prideful grin was seen on his lips. Perhaps being jealous and possesive had its own perks, after all. A soft chuckle spurred from your lips gracefully, moving your hand lower to caress his jaw with the tip of your finger. There was something sweet in seeing how he could act just like a fiery, possesive dragon, but turn into an endearing puppy that melted at your touch. At that touch of yours he so longed.
“But now you know,” you whispered, caressing his skin delicately. “And I don’t care if I have to spell it out for you.”
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♡ taglist : ♡
@keiratonks @kyuupidwrites @tchatso zzz000eee @bellarkeselection @visenya-reigned @maria699669 @hopelesswritergall @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @dragon430 @sweethoneyblossom1 @jamiemydeer @snowprincesa1
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writingsofwesteros · 2 years
I had to ask another request from aemond x daemon’s daughter because I need some daddy issues drama i’m sorry😭
daemon came to kings landing like ep 8 with rhaenyra and the kids and got surprised after founding out that his daughter already had a son and pregnant again. She refused to tell him about her children or have any contact with them so he got mad
but daddy aemond got into a fight with him and reminded him how he neglected his daughter for years
maybe she’s his first wife daughter rhea and looks exactly like her mom thats why he’s not so into her but he regretted later after seeing his grandson
Similar Request :Aemond targaryen x daemon’s daughter part3? maybe something from the dinner scene in ep8?jace had been in love with reader since they were kids so he started hinting it and maybe asking her for dance. Aemond becomes jealous and started some drama with the strong speech reader is pregnant and got little hurt during their fight which made aemond go feral
AN: Hi, I hope you like it x
“I can’t believe we have to feast with them.” Aemond groaned into your ear. His hand resting posessively on your large stomach. He gently stroked you and pressed a soft kiss to your neck; your head falling to the side. “Shh, it’s only for an evening.” You whispered out whilst you both rested.
“With your father and those sons of hers.” Aemond nearly snarled before you turned around in his hold. “Shh, it will be fine.” You looked up at him. You softly began to stroke his chest and watched him relax. Your fingers moved to brush a lock of his hair before moving to stroke his cheek.
You leaned in and lovingly captured his soft lips. Your noses brushed together and soon you were all he could think about. “Come on..and don’t make a scene.” You whispered to him but he only hummed. It was the best you were going to get; you knew that as you followed behind him. His hand reaching for yours once more.
Your hand moved onto your stomach as you slowly moved. The pregnancy was as ever still so hard. “Are you well?” Aemond asked as the guards and maids bowed when the both of you walked past. “Of course..just the sickness as ever.” You whispered and he brought you impossibly closer.
“Hmm, I would apologise..” Aemond hummed and you rolled your eyes at his nature. He enjoyed seeing you pregnant a little too much. His hand gently stroked up and down your back as you walked. “I believe I should go and welcome them.” You whispered mostly to yourself as you ducked your head.
Aemond stared down at you; the size difference was only more delicious as he’d grown. “Not alone.” His protectiveness as ever was so high. It was a wonder you weren’t confined to your apartments. “Aemond, I will be fine.” You whispered and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek but he only hummed and stayed linking arms with you.
You shook your head but you couldn’t help the soft smile coming over your face as you rested your head on him. The soft talking had your attention for a moment as you looked up at Aemond. You took his hand now and moved to bring some distance between you both; something that annoyed the Prince.
It wasn’t hard to see the two visitors and you watched them both look around. You rolled your eyes at their words. “If only you’d visit at all, you’d notice the difference.” You couldn’t help but speak. Aemond stayed silent behind you; protectively as a smirk danced on his face. His hands rested on your hips from behind.
Their eyes flashed over and you saw your father’s reaction. He looked over the dress that flowed over your growing stomach. “You are with child?” Rhaenyra asked and it was then you realised so was she. “Yes, and yourself.” You tried to be civil and softly smiled. This would be your sibling, you thought to yourself and you would care for them unlike Rhaenyra with her own siblings.
Your father hadn’t spoken yet as he and Aemond stared at each other. Your hand moved back to your husband. “We should prepare for the feast.” You whispered up at Aemond to try and calm them. He nodded and pressed a kiss to your head but before you could move on; a little boy’s pair of feet moved over the marble floor. 
All the heads moved to the little boy rushing towards his parents. His grabby hands moved to you before Aemond picked him up; protectively moving him from your pregnant stomach. “Father.” Your son giggled out. You couldn’t help the bright smile coming over your face at the sight.
Your attention was elsewhere but your own father could only stare. His child had a life he wasn’t a part of anymore. Daemon was able to keep his face from reacting but his heart seemed to drown in sadness. Gods, what had he done? He fought against those words and watched his daughter and her husband in their own little world.
“I’m sure my mother will be waiting for you.” Aemond finally announced as you gently took your son. Rhaenyra hummed in agreement and you looked back at your father once more before leaving. Aemond watched you go with a soft look before it quickly turned when Daemon moved forward to follow.
“I think it’s best if you don’t follow.” Aemond hummed and moved to stop the rogue Prince from going any further. A scoff left Daemon as he stepped forward. “I will see my daughter.” It was Aemond’s turn to roll his eyes. “Oh, now you want to see her?” The Prince argued back with a look of disgust.
Daemon only stepped forward; there was nothing else he could say, especially when Rhaenyra reached for his hand. “We should see my father.” The Princess whispered and Aemond had much more to say about that but kept his tongue. For your sake. Aemond only shook his head once more before turning to leave.
The music of the feast echoed around you as the delicious food was presented. The soft green dress had your shoulders uncovered as it looped around your neck. The pregnancy was making you too warm most of the time and you began to dress in light silks and dresses that weren’t so figure hugging.
You softly smiled over to Aemond over the goblet of water you sipped at. A soft blush coming over your cheeks as his lips tugged. “Would you like a dance?” The voice of Jace coming from beside you interrupted the staring between lovers. “Oh, of course.” You whispered politely as ever. 
You gently took his hand and moved towards the dancefloor. The music only picked up pace as soft giggles escaped you. You knew Aemond wasn’t one for dancing and you respected that; you knew he sometimes had his insecurities. “Are you enjoying your return?” You asked to keep up the conversation. 
“Yes, It is nice to see you again.” Jace smiled brightly as he twirled you around the room. The Prince continued to speak. Your giggles continued to echo around the room as you both moved. You hadn’t noticed your husband moving to stand. His larger stature took over the room as he brought his cup up.
“To the three strong boys.” You hadn’t even heard the start of his speech but you had realised Jace had stopped dancing. A soft blush moved over your face for a different reason now as you stopped. “Aemond..” You gently whispered; a soft look of confusion coming over your face as you stepped forward.
His eye moved sharply towards you and your hand moved to rest on your stomach once more. “Say that again.” Jace called out. “Do you not think of yourself as strong?” Aemond hummed with poison dripping in his tone. A soft gasp escaped you when Jace brushed past you to get to your husband.
Your hand reached for the table but it was too late. The corner moved against your stomach and a whimper soon escaped you. “Jace.” You heard someone gasp out; Rhaenyra probably and chairs moving. “Y/N..” Aemond’s soft voice was in your ear as you finally looked up to him. “I’m fine.” You babbled out instantly even as a flash of pain moved through your face and body.
You gently reached for Aemond as he stepped up to Jace and you noted your father had stepped in between. A scoff escaped you at that. You were his daughter but again; he chose another. “We should rest now.” You whispered into Aemond’s ear as he stared down both of them. 
Your voice was forever his reason and he gently wrapped his arm around your middle. Aegon moved to follow you both and took his sister’s hand softly. Alicent could only watch with soft eyes and a growing smile. Her family; looking after each other as they should and not picking and choosing. 
“Are you sure you are well?” Aemond couldn’t help but ask as he worriedly checked you over. “I promise.” You hummed before nuzzling into his neck. “No more dancing for you.” He whispered out and you could only giggle; happy to be in his arms once more as you felt unbelievably safe.
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euphoniumpets · 2 years
The song of Ice and Fire - Aemond Tagaryen x Targaryen! reader
pairing: Amenond Targaryen x Strong! Reader
Warnings: incest. (but we all knew that)
Summary: You knew the moment you fell for Aemond was a cruel thing, it was forbidden, considering that your family was held the grudge against the greens and now that the two of you were sneaking your love behind your family's back was even harder to keep it a secret when war is coming closer to both of your families.
A/N: now I know that Aemond is a complicated character in the series and honestly, i live for complicated men especially when they're hot. The last episode killed me so we're just gotta pretend that didn't happened. Daemon has a soft spot for his daugther. Ngl, this was a crappy one since i'm still rusty about coming back but here it is lmao.
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Aemond didn't remember when he fell in love with lady Strong. But he thought that he had always loved her when he was a child. He admired her fire, fietsy, and her love for her brothers. She was different from any lady he had known and it was maybe why he fell in love.
You knew loving Aemond was a complicated, challenging, but most of all it was one of the passionate love you had ever known. You felt free when you were with him and Aemond could feel it as well. He never showed any emotions with anyone, except with his sister and his mother. But with you, Aemond could let his guard down and show you who he really was.
You both knew the risks of falling in love with each other and sneaking behind your families back. But that didn't stop you from doing it so. The longing looks, the sneaky touches were unnoticed by your families. And you knew that if one of your brothers knew, or your father, you knew you'd be a treason to the family.
So, you didn't said anything and kept the secret as long you could keep it buried.
You fidgeted your fingers nervously as you approached the room and took a seat next to your brother and Heleane. You had grown fond of the Targaryen girl to consider you one of her closest friends. You didn't had a lot of friends since you often kept to yourself and your brothers. But you admired Haleane and her fascination for her bugs.
You could feel Aemonds gaze next to you. His gaze held with a hint of lust and posession as you took a seat next to him. You almost wanted to touch his hands before you decided not to.
Jace asked Heleane to dance and you could feel yourself smiling towards the girl. However, Aemond stood up after when the two of them had finished their dance before he held his cup to raise a toast.
''I want to make a toast of my nephews, Jace, Luke, and Joffery, each of them handsome...wise,'' Aemond trailed off as you looked at him, knowing what he was doing. You sent him a pleading look, but he ignored your gaze towards Jace. ''Aemond,'' You heard Queen Alicent warn him.
''Come, let us drain our cups to these strong boys,'' He finished and raised his cup. You looked at him with disappointment and betrayal. ''I dare you to say that again,'' You heard your brother threaten him as you widened your eyes.
''Jace,'' You warned him.
''Why? It was only a compliment, do you not think yourself Strong?'' Jace punched him, causing Aemond to push min back to the ground.
''Jace!'' You exclaimed as you stared at Aemond in disbelief as the knights held Jace, Luke, and Baela back. ''Having troubles, lady Strong?'' Aegon mocked you as you glared at him. ''Say that again, I dare you,'' You threatened as Aegon threw a comment about you and your brothers being bastards.
You grabbed the knife at the table before turning at him. ''Say that again and I will have your tounge cut off,'' You threatened him. As you began to approach him with the knife in your hand, you could hear your mother calling your name as you saw Daemon approach in front of you, blocking Aegon's sight. ''Y/N,'' Your mother said with a firm voice.
You turned around and saw her look before turning your father. He held the same gaze as your mother but with a slight soft tone. ''Go to bed, all of you,'' Rhaenerya ordered as you sighed and placed the knife back at the table before turning your gaze to Aemond. You looked at him with a slight disappointment before going to your chambers.
Walking back to your chambers, you heard faint knocks on your door. You opened the door as you saw Aemond in front of you. ''What do you want?'' You asked him. A little too rudely but you were still upset about him. ''I wanted to see you,'' He murmured as he entered into your chambers.
''Why did you had to do that? In front of everyone?'' You asked him and closed the door. ''I only complimented them, it's not my fault that they were offended,'' Aemond replied as you looked at him.
''I tried to defend you- I have defended you and this is the only thing i get to recieve, you offend my brothers?'' You argued. ''Please, Aemond, I thought you were better than this,'' You replied as he approached closer to you.
Aemond didn't say antything as you lifted his chin to meet your eyes. He looked into your eyes. The two of you didn't say anything since you were still upset with him, and you were right, you had defended him even when your brothers didn't enjoyed that you were taking his side. But it what he was, he was cruel, posessive, and many peopple believed that he was a monster. You doubeted it and you saw something else that didn't many people saw in him.
You didn't say anything in that moment before you kissed him.
The days passed and the tension rose towards your family and his. His family were in kings landing while your mother was preparing for war. Well, she tried to prevent it from happening.
When Jace decided to take the letters to the lords, you wanted to go with him. But your mother told you no, since she wanted you to stay at the court.
You were nervous and you had a feeling that something was wrong the moment you got to know that Jace was back from recieving the letter to the lords. ''Jace!'' You exclaimed, excited that you had your brother back as you missed the heart broken expression on his face.
You embraced him tightly before you noticed the expression on his face. ''What's wrong?'' You asked him as you turned to your mother, who had the same look as your father. ''Where's Luke?''
''He's gone, y/n,''
''What do you mean?''
''Luke's dead,'' Daemon responded from behind. You turned around.
''What? What happened?'' You gasped as you felt your brother's hand taking yours for comfort.
''Aemond went after him-''
''No, no, he wouldn't,'' You began to say and look at Jace.
''Y/n, he's the one who killed-''
''No! He wouldn't kill him,'' You shouted as you felt Jace look at you with anger. ''Stop defend him like you've always done, he's the one who killed Luke and you need to snap out of whatever he's done to you!'' Jace shouted back with anger as he had his hands placed on your shoulders. You looked at him with tears in your eyes, shocked since he never used to raise his voice at you.
''Jace,'' Your mother spoke softly, and sent him a warning sign. Jace looked at you with sadness in his eyes. ''Go to your room,'' Your mother ordered him as he nodded and leaved the room. Daemon shortly followed after.
You turned to look at your mother. ''I know,'' She spoke softly. ''I've always known,'' She responded before you approached her and began to let out a sob. You embraced her as she held you tightly in her arms.
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Me after making myself upset with the subplot of the fanfic that I'M WRITING
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do you have any headcanons for a darker Aemond? say there is a ball and he gets very jealous when MC starts dancing with a Baratheon lord or something lol
Ask and you shall receive. I hope you enjoy this cathartic mess that my head came up with!
Warnings: yandere!Aemond, some dubious consent (though he's still pretty soft with you);
Even his brother was eyeing him weirdly - the way Aemond was leaning forward, almost painfully so, a predator glint swirling in his lilac orb: it was unsettling, and most unnatural, coming from him;
The younger Targaryen felt his undoing the moment he denied you the first dance of the night. He thought that the way your body closed in on itself, sadly, and the way your eyes shimmered with doubt would be enough torture for him for days to come;
It was an action that couldn't be helped, he told himself - you needed to be taught a lesson, never to smile around anyone else; Aemond Targaryen, The One-Eyed Prince, was no one's means to an end. Not even yours;
But here he was, being further punished by his fair lady, subjected to eyeing her smiles and hearing her giggle with that good for nothing Baratheon lord;
The grip of his cup tightened when the drunken food placed a hand too leisurely around your waist;
"(...) what say you, my Prince?"
A meek voice interrupted his trail of thought. Aemond's eye clashed with his mother's, who was now smiling tightly at the young lady fronting their table;
"Lady Tyrell was asking for your hand in the next dance." Daeron came to aid his brother, whispering to him lowly, masking the movements of his mouth with his hands;
Aemond hummed, boring through the maiden with his open stare, concentrating on your breathless form;
He quickly mached the object of his desire to the girl in front of him - her hair was slightly darker and her lips not as defined. The most clashing feature on her face were her eyes; Aemond shuddered in disgust when he glanced upon them: green, emotionless, carrying no original thought behind them;
Very different from yours, indeed;
Nonetheless, he figured he had stalled enough. He bowed his head in her direction, prepared to stand up and lead her through the waltz;
She wasn't a perfect copy of you. But she would do;
He lasted a dance with her, though his eye found yours everytime;
But you, either hurt or bored by his theatrics, turned your full attention to the Baratheon lad in front of you;
The night went on seemingly without quarrel - you, joyously swaying from one man to the next. Him, seated in a nearby corner, with the swooning lady on his tail;
He gave her a curt nod from time to time, never once engaging in conversation; he could tell by the sweat on your brow that you would depart soon, so he waited;
And waited. And waited for the perfect moment, knuckles white, until it finally came;
You curtsied deeply to your father, your King and your date, exiting the wide hall with a small smile upon your face;
Enraged by the simple sight, Aemond got up abruptly from his chair, blinding jealousy making him forget all about etiquette;
He followed you down the hall at a moderate distance. People were around, and he wouldn't want them to suspect a thing;
Should your reputation be tarnished by his doing, Aemond would never forgive himself.
Although... a fleeting thought of orchestrating such a situation, in which you and him were found in a most unbecoming position, ran though his mind. And would that be so bad...?
He would take it one task at a time;
Before you knew it, a pair of iron arms ducked you into a secluded corner;
Glorious (y/e/c) eyes were met with lilac hues, swirling with lust and want;
"Did you have fun, byka zaldrīzes? Did you revel in the arms of that Baratheon scum?"
As he spoke, his hands travelled lower, onto your bare back, and the Targaryen had to bite back a groan;
Had you worn that dress just to vex him?
"You should already know... I don't ever take lightly sharing what is mine."
His tongue ran over your pulse, before biting down gently - posessively.
"Did you really think you could flaunt yourself before me at no occurring cost?"
You hand went over your mouth, clasping it tightly, as to not let out a moan;
That taught reaction elicited a low purr from deep within his throat;
"A-Aemond. I don't... I don't understand."
You were confused, more so now than ever - the building in your lower stomach, his crude refusal at the beginning of the night - what did they account to mean?
The silver haired man chuckled darkly, his breath rolling over your neck, and his hair tickling your shoulders;
"Don't worry, perzys hen issa prūmia. The night is still young."
As he spoke his last words, Aemond effortlessly threw you over his shoulder;
"And I plan to make you learn your lesson all throughout it."
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"Byka zaldrīzes" = little dragon;
"Perzys hen issa prūmia" = fire of my heart.
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Small author's note: please let me know what you guys think - feedback is always appreciated! And if you have any requests, feel free to use the ask button; I love writing them ^^
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Smut: 🍆
Personal faves: ⭐️
Requests I plan to write -> here
Aemond Targaryen Masterlist
Rhaenyra Masterlist
Aegon Masterlist
Oneshots/mini series:
Best Friends Brother, Cops And Robbers (modern!jacaerys)🍆
Traded Posession, Gilded Whore (dark!jacaerys x reader) 🍆
Oneshots/mini series:
Attitude Adjustment (cregan x wife!reader)🍆⭐️
Lord Husband (cregan x reader)⭐️
Daemon Targaryen Masterlist
Oneshots/mini series:
A Simple Favour 🍆
Michael Gavey Masterlist
Luke Castellan Masterlist
Sejanus Plinth:
Tom Bennett:
Sailor Boy🍆
Joseph Descamps:
Behind Closed Doors🍆
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