#pop culture witch
thehazeldruid · 10 months
A Lesson on Learning
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Brought to you by “Avatar: The Last Airbender” and Uncle Iroh
In season 2′s episode ‘Bitter Work’ Iroh is teaching Zuko how to bend lightning and the lesson that he uses to do so is one that can be applied to LITERALLY anything.
The lesson goes thus:(Quotes from IMDB)
Uncle Iroh: [Draws Fire symbol in the dirt] Fire is the element of power. The people of the Fire Nation have desire and will and the energy and drive to achieve what they want.
Uncle Iroh: [Draws Earth symbol] Earth is the element of substance. The people of the Earth Kingdom are diverse and strong. They are persistent and enduring.
Uncle Iroh: [Draws Air symbol] Air is the element of freedom. The Air Nomads detached themselves from worldly concerns and found peace and freedom. Also, they apparently had pretty good senses of humor.
Uncle Iroh: [Draws Water symbol] Water is the element of change. The people of the Water Tribes are capable of adapting to many things. They have a sense of community and love that holds them together through anything.
Prince Zuko: Why are you telling me these things?
Uncle Iroh: [Draws straight lines separating the four symbols] It is important to draw wisdom from many different places. If you take it from only one place, it become rigid and stale.
Uncle Iroh: [Draws a circle around all four symbols] Understanding others, the other elements, and the other nations, will help you become whole.
Prince Zuko: All this four elements talk is sounding like Avatar stuff.
Uncle Iroh: It is the combination of the four elements in one person that makes the Avatar so powerful. But it can make you more powerful, too. image
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Now, this can obviously be applied to witchcraft and magic in general, paganism or any spiritual path, our moral paths, our personal lives and any work that we do. Because Iroh is right (when is he not?).
If we simplify our focus to one thing, one source, one single pillar of thought, we limit it and it becomes rigid and stale as he said, but also weak and fallible. If we instead learn to draw inspiration, wisdom and knowledge from differing sources, seeing how they work together as a whole, we strengthen the foundation of our own beliefs, our own knowledge.
This most obviously applies to studies of the elements, as it is the entire premise of the show and the quote itself. From that we can draw so many varied conclusions though! How do the above elements work together? Is there overlap between any of them? Do they together form other things- or change each other into the other elements? How do they impact one another? How can studying one in turn help you to study the others?
I digress… It’s just one of my favorite quotes from the show. But if you’d like me to extrapolate on this some more, just let me know or message me and we can discuss it! :)
The Basil Druid
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neonswitchhouse · 7 months
Pop Culture Witchcraft and the Importance of Being Cringe
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Cringe has become a bit a loaded word nowadays, being at first a word to describe feelings of second-hand embarrassment, arguably from failings to impress others or to raise one's social capital. Think for example failed motorsports stunts, falling into pools with a tray full of fruity drinks or even worse; someone trying to impress a crush by molding themselves into someone they only think the other party would like via baseless assumptions. Your body recoils, seeing a dirt biker tumble down the course. Your stomach sinks, watching someone plunge into the shallow end of the water. You squirm watching someone try to convince their crush to go out with the facade they made. That I would describe as "empathetic cringe"; a reaction based on witnessing something you do not wish upon yourself like physical harm or embarrassment.
The modern definition of cringe however, is a different beast entirely.
Using the Urban Dictionary meaning as defined by user Screech McGee, "Before the internet trolls changed the meaning of this word, "cringe" was a verb used to express embarrassment or disgust. Now, this word is mostly used to define something that you dislike or do not understand. Internet trolls use this word as an insult towards people in fandoms, with bad grammar, or both combined. Trolls also use this word to describe memes on some occasions."
Doing a quick search on YouTube or Tiktok for "cringe" gives you an array of oddities to the average eye; people dressed in rainbow-colored wolf fursuits, teens expressing their love and attachment for their favorite anime character, or perhaps someone outwardly displaying behaviors considered aneurotypical. They fall outside societal norms and standards of behavior. They aren't perceived as "normal or acceptable" to the standards set by white-cis-het-able bodied-neurotypical persons and communities.
But in it, the furries, the fandom-lovers, and even the "neurospicys" are harming none. They're doing what they want.
Sounds kinda familiar doesn't it?
Lets loop around to what you're probably reading this rant for; the witchy reasons.
Witchcraft as a practice, is already an outsider to most societies, especially to those predominated shaped by Protestant Christian beliefs. It's already something outside the norms. Even back during the hey-day of reality tv shows like Wife Swap, those who weren't considered Christian or followed more "earth-based" religions and lifestyles were presented as the butt of the joke. And while witchcraft and non-Christian beliefs as a whole have becoming more popular nowadays, it's still considered something outside the norm or in the minority of persons identifying themselves as witches and pagans voluntarily.
So we're already ticking one "cringe" box according to societal norms
Chaos Magic as a whole is based on using belief as a tool or as a fuel source to workings to enact change or bring it about to oneself or to the environment around them as a whole. Hence the whole "nothing is true, everything is permitted" thing in that there's no one strict set of rules to make something work.
Pop Culture Witchcraft and Pop Culture Paganism deriving from chaos magic, while with several theories as to how it works, the crux is in "belief", in energy fueled into something or even someone.
Going off the egregoric model, egregores are formed and fed by the energy (ie: belief) fueled into them. This is where fandom comes into play. Fandom is fueled by passion, by love, by admiration, by forming community around shared likes, interests, or even dislikes. Fandoms are funnels for that collective energy, passion, creativity, etc.
And to some, pouring in so much joy, passion, fervor, and creativity can be seen as something out of their grasp of understanding; something that they're the outsider to and not the main target audience of. It's "not made for them". Therefore it's deemed as "cringe" underneath that definition.
But why deprive oneself of joy just for the approval of others?
Why force oneself to conform to arbitrary rules and norms?
As long as your joys and passions affect only yourself and do not harm others directly, why shield it from view?
To get the most out of a pop culture practice, it's good to have it based on what you're passionate about; what you're well-versed in. What gives you that fuel or belief. What brings you joy and makes you want to pursue things even further.
So be cringe, be passionate, be able to go on a dang unprompted 20minute rant about the lore to your favorite failed RPG series. Be able to show a whole dang portfolio of your self-insert smooching your favorite character on the cheek. Be absolutely, unapologetically passionate about something and see what happens. See what happens when you drop the worries of how others perceive you.
So stay safe, have fun, be cringe, be free, stay spooky.
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xx-d34d-h4v3n-xx · 8 months
DAMNATIO MEMORIAE: A curse to condemn someone's memory.
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With that in mind; would you like to wipe the floor clean with someone who did you dirty? Has that person in question gone unpunished for long enough? Have their sins not caught up with them yet? Then this is the curse for you!
What you need:
-A peice of paper or stickynote
-A pencil
-A lighter
-A small metal/ceramic bowl
-Any crystals that represent justice, karma, and wrath. (Red Jasper, Bloodstone, Pyrite, Sodalite, Ruby, Tiger's Eye)
-Any other person(s) affected by the target (optional)
How to execute the spell:
First, draw this sigil on the paper/stickynote. Then write the full name of the target on the other side. You may anoint the paper with any essential oils or spit on the sigil if you so wish.
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Second, take all materials to a place to safely light the sigil on fire. Hold the sigil in your hands as if you were in front of a stage with a script. You must list off all wrongdoings of this target with the following script: "For (wrongdoings), the people say: Damnatio Memoriae!" Allow yourself to feel angry as you list off the wrong doings of the target.
(If you have at least two people with you for this ritual, all they must do is repeat back "Damnatio Memoriae!"
EX: "For the times you have stolen something from me, the people say: Damnatio Memoriae!" "Damnatio Memoriae!")
After you have exsausted everything the target has done, suround the bowl with your crystals of choice, and burn the sigil within the bowl. As it burns, verbaly list ideal punishments for the target. (May they lose their job, may their partner break up with them, may they become bankrupt, ect.)
Once the sigil is reduced to ash, toss the ashes into the air.
lastly, clean the bowl, return the crystals, and do further clensing and protection.
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emilytheghostwitch · 1 month
Was just thinking about the real take off of fandom, and it surrounding McSpirk.
Any pop culture pagans work with these guys?
Like, the gods of the gays, the queers, those who love the sciences and arts, fandom in general. Healing for McCoy. Meditation for Spock. Acquiring new knowledge could be Spock’s domain. Crossing gender could be Jim’s, as well as calling on him for protection, for anything queer related, or even strength to get through something.
Anyone know if this has been done?
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jasper-pagan-witch · 4 months
🔥pop culture spells?
It's even harder to use someone else's pop culture spell than it is if the spell weren't tied to pop culture. Even if you share the source media with the spell's creator, the two of you will inevitably read into it differently and stress different parts. This is completely normal and also cool, but makes engaging with other people's spells a bit more difficult.
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alexsgrimoire · 2 months
Hyrule(an Magic) Historia: An Effort for Archival
Greetings. It's my first time posting on this blog, so it's nice to meet you all.
The purpose of this post is to detail my behind-the-scenes effort to archive as many of the lost Hyrulean Paganism/Magic blogs and posts as possible. For those unaware, in the mid-2010s, there was a "renaissance" of The Legend of Zelda Pop Culture Pagan posts and blogs. The pantheon/practice went by many names, such as Mudoran Magic, Hyrulean/Hylian Magic, Hyrulean Paganism, etc. As a result, efforts to find remaining content can be complicated, especially when perusing tags. Different phrases were used for various blogs and posts, sometimes leading to dead ends.
Thankfully, there are some leads. @lostwoodstarryskies made a list of blogs, both old and new, here. This is a good start and helps navigate search engines such as Google more efficiently. Additionally, this post by the now-defunct @/hylianshrinemaiden (more on her later) lists additional blogs.
Now, to Twili (hylianshrinemaiden). While we (the Magic Collective) weren't in the same Pop Culture Pagan circles at the same time, it's clear she was a pillar in the community. It's a shame that she and other active members deleted their blogs, as Tumblr's archival system is half-functional at best. There is some hope of recovering her blog, however. @hyrulian-legends reblogged this post from her, listing various spells and resources from her. While it's not entirely clear if this list is her complete work, it at least gives names to her work. Through this list, I've had some luck on Google, and a surviving reblog of her Minish Cap Glamour was found here. I'm not sure what else is available, as I became un-frontstuck when I was planning on searching further. (Such is the way of systems.)
I plan on delving further into what remains, and I'm very grateful to the remaining community members for their advice on where to look. Many thanks, in particular, to @knightofhylia, @knightofhylia-sageofthetriforce, @wind-sage-serin, and @lostwoodstarryskies. Additionally, those in the Community of Hyrulean Faiths Discord server provide resources.
There remain some posts in the Collective's communal Likes that we plan on sharing upon adding to our Grimoire document, so expect those somewhere down the line. In the meantime, I'll continue my search and bring updates whenever possible.
Vaati the Wind Mage 🌪️
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fictionsthings · 8 months
"Dead Men Tell No Tales" is actually false. They do tell tales, and once they start, they will never shut up.
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earthboundtimelord · 8 months
I know this is coming out of literally nowhere but I lost my job recently and don't have any income so I am going to be opening up some readings.
Currently doing dice divination at $5 per 5 questions ( yes/no )
Comfort Entity / Deity bundle $25 ( includes 20-40 song channeled spotify playlist, an affirmation card chosen by your entity / deity of choice, a prism oracle card chosen by your entity / deity of choice, and a moodboard with a channeled message from your entity / deity of choice ) [ because of the amount of things incorporated in the bundle do not expect it all to be done in the same day ]
I will do these for pop culture entities as well.
Note: Do not ask me to do anything for closed practices.
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villianouswitch · 6 months
November 2.
Christmas shit is everywhere again.
So I'm making this post to warn you all.
I'm very anti Christmas. Fuck this holiday, fuck everything about it!
So yea.
Anything Christmas related on this blog will be anti.
If you don't want to see it, avoid my blog until like mid January.
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fernthewhimsical · 8 months
Whelp, I did a thing! And I am excited about the thing!
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Welcome to Fernflower Witchery, a new place where I talk about my practice and my meanderings on the Crooked Path! Will something change here on Tumblr? No. I'll still share the same stuff here. But I wanted to make something to reach out to people outside of Tumblr, and: in two languages!
For Dutch witches you can find the same stuff in Dutch on Varenbloem Toverij!
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thehazeldruid · 1 year
Palpatine's Deception
*A spell to keep your personal plans and goals hidden from those who could get in your way until the proper time*
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What you need
a black candle
a white candle
a small square of black cloth
red string
a piece of paper
a pen
a fire are dish
What to do
Prepare yourself however you need to. Meditate, ground and center, invoke a deity. Prepare your work space. Cast a circle, call the elements or raise whatever powers you need for the spell.
Write out the plan or intentions you have on the paper (a goal for work, home, money etc. I used this one to help me get a promotion last year. One five other people were gunning for, and got it)
Visualize in your mind that your plan is successful, that you’ve reached your goal, think clearly of each step you need to take to achieve this goal or execute this plan
Light the candles (and incense if you’re using any. I did not) Light the corner of the paper in either of the candles and burn it in the fire safe dish.
Collect the ashes carefully once they’re cool and put them in the black cloth
Tie the cloth closed with the red string, visualizing yourself going about reaching your goal, each step in the plan to your success going as you as you need it to. Visualize that those who could get in your way or interfere with your plan remain unaware of your goals and actions.
Carry the cloth sachet with you or keep it somewhere safe until you have successfully reached your goal or your plan has succeeded.
Once you have you can either keep it, or discard of it.
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Best of luck and happy casting witches!
The Hazel Druid
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neonswitchhouse · 2 years
PCWT: Closet Crafting, Discreet Devotions, and Inconspicuous Altars
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So while not necessarily in the full vein of Pop Culture Witchcraft and Pop Culture Paganism, I’ve had several requests regarding how to work one’s craft discreetly. And so I thought, why not put a little PCW spin on things while I’m at it at least?
Whether it’s a nervousness about being open as a witch, wanting to be more subtle, or in some cases harsh living situations, there’s several reasons to want to be perhaps more inconspicuous in one’s inner ways. Though in the case of the latter situation in particular, --please-- make sure to put your personal safety and well-being first before trying any of these tips. We cannot guarantee that you won’t get in any sort of trouble for these.
Starting off, we have
In-Game Ideas
Do you devote yourself to anyone in particular when it comes to Pop Culture Witchcraft or Pop Culture Paganism that stems from a game-based source? Do you enjoy playing games focused on decorating, building, or life simulators? Then why not try these tips!
Try making an altar or devotional space in games such as Animal Crossing, The Sims, Minecraft using in-game items or even modded items! Rooms and spaces can easily be made for general purposes such as elemental altars, nature-based altars, and depending on who you work with, even items that pertain to them in particular
Use games such as the aforementioned Animal Crossing or The Sims as a form of sympathetic magic! Want to focus on self-care and inner beauty? Why not give gifts to your favorite “Snooty” villager who represents those aspects? Want to perhaps make some misfortune come to someone? Make them into a Sim and get up to some mischief with their Sim-Poppet!
Don’t have space to do your own gardening but want to still do some sort of green witchery? Why not try farming sims such as Stardew Valley or Story of Seasons to scratch that botanical itch for the time being? You can even make digital spell jars in some cases by growing the plants that best represent your purpose and placing them in chests with other items that may also best represent that purpose?
These are just some possibilities in the way of In-Game methods of spellcrafting and the like, but what about those hidden little shows of devotion or love towards someone you work with outside of their mediums? 
Discreet Devotions and Obscured Offerings
Hear me out: Devotional Ita Bags. Collect charms, pins, stickers, etc. of who or whatever you work with! Work with a traditional pertaining to solar energies? Why not a brightly colored bag with sun-based imagery? Work with a pop culture deity/entity/spirtit/etc.? Places like Etsy and Redbubble just to name a few have plenty of options when it comes to fan-merch (of course make sure that the stuff from Redbubble is not stolen from other artists)
Playing an RPG game or something similar? Why not devote a playthrough for whomever you wish? Make your character a hunter-based class in honor of someone associated with hunting and the wild! Pop Culture Wise, if working with a game characters, why not play as them if applicable or even bring positive actions to your character of choice? Boost their stats, complete some quests, the whole nine-yards for them!
We’ve mentioned this before, but why not try making private moodboards, Pinterest collections, or even music playlists for whomever you work with? Energy and devotion is still energy and devotion no matter the medium, ancient and traditional or even modern and tech-focused. At the end of the day, it’s your safety and comfort that matters the most.
While this isn’t a complete list of ideas, here’s a few to get yourself started! But as we’ve said before,
Do not compromise your health, safety, and/or financial stability for the sake of your craft.
You. Come. First.
But as always,
Stay safe, have fun, stay spooky! 🦇💜
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popwitch-dorian · 1 year
Pop Culture Devotion Society is Reopen!
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Pop Culture Devotion Society has been reopen! Invite code: evmxwyrwTf
This discord server is 15+ and a great way to interact with your fellow pop culture witches and pagans
Make sure to read the rules and you'll gain entry for sure!
Hope to see you there!
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brizobituin · 5 days
Imagine being an avid user of tech magic and not believing the existence of entities and divinity forming via the same concept of magic.
Anyway, where are my fellow pop-culture magic practitioners at? 🙈
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jasper-pagan-witch · 3 months
Hey! Do you think you'd ever be willing to talk about pop culture work one on one with someone? (on Tumblr of course) I keep trying to learn about it but its so hard to start learning about
I prefer Discord when it comes to one-on-one or group conversations because Tumblr's messaging system is hell on my brain. Discord also lets me pause when someone else is typing so I can make sure I address all concerns. I'm jespurrwizard on there, feel free to shoot me a friend request!
As for where to start...there's a lot, and because pop culture magic and paganism alike are so personal, it's pretty hard to give a good starting point, because there are so many! I have a masterpost of resources that are pretty broad-scale (as in, not focused on particular media) so you can get the gist of the thoughts of myself and others. I highly recommend deciding what you want pop culture magic and/or paganism to be like and about for you before you dig into the weeds, though.
So yeah, feel free to shoot me a friend request on Discord! I'm happy to chat! I promise I don't bite...much.
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alexsgrimoire · 2 months
Extremely bored as we wait for our appointment to get our ears repierced, we're gonna reblog some ask games! Feel free to send us other asks/q&a stuff, too!
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