#poor Merces
prajjna · 10 months
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wejustvibing · 4 months
mercedes: "lewis we'll give you a short contract with a clause that allows us to terminate it early if we want to :)"
lewis: "aight I'd like to activate that clause"
merc: *surprised pikachu face*
he pulled a them on them. tell me this ain't peak comedy
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vapolis · 3 months
No wonder Merc is crazy. That would be the most stressful adhd filled four days of my life. And then jax started being angry at us. Like shut it or im going to murder something for real
no fr 😭😵‍💫 they're just go go go four days in a row.
merc is in jail now they've killed a man or two or three and now they're antagonizing jax and going back to being manhandled by him and orla sends them from one end of town to the next and now they're trailing a mistress and now they've seen echo twice in 2 days which is a record and now they meet dante/delilah and accept a friendship and now-- they need a break
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willyonilly · 11 months
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MORE HORSES, fiddling with spy horse's design, plus a miss pauling mule
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do it. give him a cord tail.
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“Y’know, this ain’t such a bad addition after all…”
Feat. @physically-synthetic-engibot
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fatedroses · 19 days
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Mortal attachments and when trying to build up your henchman goes terribly wrong.
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princemick · 6 months
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mick teaches german
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surunoita · 2 months
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not feeling a hundred percent about drawing again but i had so much fun with the new rywd chapter that i had to try n draw my token mc austin (they/them) as the merc :3c
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Hello hello, im aware that you made a platonic Yandere!engie recently and probably don't want to make another but I can't stop thinking about this idea.
Recently I managed to convince my friend to play TF2 with me and it was...something?? They quite literally spent half an hour trying to "deactivate the smoking" while they played as Spy for some reason and kept shooting at me while they played Engie bc they were trying to get my Spy to stop smoking. It was fun, they got disappointed at the realization but played with me anyways haha.
I was wondering if you could write some platonic yandere!engie with a spy!reader, I just think is a very funny idea for Engie to constantly to try and make them stop smoking is all, specially with Pyro who is nothing but delighted to light reader's cigarettes.
(once again I apologize for bad English from my part and for making an ask about a fairly recent character, hope you have a great day!)
AAAAAHHHH! Yes! YES! platonic yandere Engie gives me serotonin and a reason to live! He is such a weird yandere because of his kindly disposition. THANK YOU! I really like this ask. :)
Warning: Platonic yandere, smoking.
Taking a deep breath, you sigh as you walk through the base. Having won a particularly grueling battle today you could feel some pride well up in your chest as well as a creaking in your bones. It was going to be a rough day tomorrow. Thank goodness it was the last battle of the week. Tomorrow you could rest easy and relax. Thinking about all the plans for tomorrow you smiled to yourself and hummed a happy little tune. The way that the battle was won today was incredible. The soldier did his part phenomenally and you think about how you backstabbed the enemy medic so many times he ended up paranoid around his own teammates. It was a sight to behold. Just thinking about it made you smirk and chuckle slightly.
Just one thing was off....during battle the Engineer on your team kept looking at you. It was weird. It wasn't a mean look or anything...but it gave you the chills. You didn't think he was mad at you. You didn't even do anything to him. As far as you can tell, you both are on pretty good terms with each other. Just the way he acted; it was off putting. Sighing softly, you round the corner and almost bumped into Pyro. The smell of burning and something sweet fills your nostrils. Looking into the gasmask you see your own reflection being reflected back at you.
"Ah, hello Pyro....good job out there today."
He doesn't say a word but holds his hand out with a lighter in it. Flicking the lighter on and off you look at it and let out a small sigh of relief.
"Oh...thank you."
Taking out a cigarette you light the end of it and bring it to your lips. Taking a long slow drag of it you let out a pleased sigh as you feel your body relax. Pyro seemed just as pleased. Clapping his hands together and practically hopping on his toes his happy mumbles break the silence.
Leaning against the wall you and Pyro relax for a while. Pyro looks more to your left and then takes off without a word. You roll your eyes at his antics and continue smoking. Leaning back and closing your eyes you don't notice the sound of someone walking closer until a hand is on your shoulder. Opening an eye you look to your left to see the Engineer.
"Hello Engie...how are you?"
He sighs heavily and reaches a hand to your mouth and plucks the cigarette from in between your lips and drops it on the floor and stomps on it with a huff.
"I hate seein you smoke those things."
You feel your eye twitch, a swell of anger rises within you and you give him a piece of your mind.
"Engie...don't you dare do that again!"
Your words coming out harsher than you liked. The look in his eyes looks dark and hurt...it scares you. Swallowing nervously, you lower your head and apologize softly.
"I-I'm sorry Engineer...I...I didn't mean to-"
He sighs and crosses his arms.
"I hate seeing you hurt yourself this way...If you keep this up, I'm gonna have to hurt you."
His thick Texan drawl mixed with uncharacteristically unkind words made you laugh hard. You look up at him through tears of laughter and stop cold. A pit of dread settles in your stomach...He wasn't laughing....he wasn't even smiling...You looked him in the eyes and freeze. His cold eyes pin you in your spot. Hearing your name being called from down the hallway you took this as a sign and took your chance to escape. You walked away slowly. Leaving Engineer staring after you in the hallway and a feeling of fear in your stomach.
I hope that you enjoy this! I finished my finals and I'm so happy! :)
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overheard-on-base · 5 months
Deathstroke to an unfortunate new recruit: if you don't shut up right this second, I will resurrect P.T. Barnum and sell you to him as the world's most annoying man
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koyot1 · 1 year
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newbie medic seconds before disaster
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fred-vestis · 7 months
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vapolis · 3 months
the angst levels towards the end of the chapter go like this ↗️↗️↗️
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l8tof1 · 9 months
surely in hindsight keeping george on the hards in 2nd to split sainz and norris, and only pitting lewis to catch lando would’ve been the smarter strategy?
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My first post in damn near a decade and it is to discuss the fact that I woke up the morning of February 1st in a Lewis to Ferrari AU and i could not believe this was real life…
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randomnameless · 8 months
I finally watched the paralogue about Lorenz's dad and I correct myself
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The plan was not to ask mercenaries to dice merchants coming from Riegan, because uwu poor mercs couldn't stomach killing poor, unarmed merchants :'(
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So instead they set wild beasts on their way :')
Obviously it's way more safe for those merchants, to rely on a wild beast's instinct of not slaughtering them all but only to frighten them than for mercs to, just, beat up those merchants without killing them.
100/100 foolproof plan !
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Claude's uncle, that imbecile, instead of running away, tried to fight against the beasts to protect the merchants, and died, just like said merchants afterwards.
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People wonder if this stupid order was sent by Gloucester Sr.
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It wasn't lord Gloucester who ordered those mercs turned bandits to proceed, but another unnamed member of the House.
Which is funny, because much like Naruto, you never meet members of various Houses/Clans save for the heir and maybe the current Leader, but suddenly other members of the family exist to make sure the named characters aren't BaD.
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They warped Agarthan style ?
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Sad uwus for those poor mercs, they only set up defenseless people to be eaten by wild beasts, but they were really upset when their employer betrayed them :'(
Tfw you can't enjoy an "ancient Adrestian spectacle" anymore :(
Morale of this story :
An unnamed guy ordered mercs to set loose beasts on defenseless people "only to scare them uwu", Claude's uncle BaD because he didn't wanted to run away and wished to protect the merchants so he fought and everyone died.
But it's not those poor mercs's fault :'(
They were betrayed by their employer :'(
Because they thought Erwin asked them to set those beasts loose, and when people died he turned against them for, uh, having fucking killed people-but it wasn't them it was those beasts, and the order was to scare them, and anyways it wasn't their fault they were supposed to run but stupid Godfrey wanted to protect his people :/
And ultimately the blame doesn't lay on those poor mercs who only "listened to orders" as people were brutally killed, but on the unnamed Gloucester member who gave that order that is totally not Lorenz's dad.
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