#poor Lana :c
rafeysdoll · 1 month
could you do a blurb based on this lana lyrics?🍒
open me up
tell me you like me
fuck me to death
love me until i love myself
i love.. first thought was fwb w rafe!!! ur both hooking up and it's “just sex” till smthing happens & he realizes his feelings?! say some random guy & u are slowly getting closer cs ur trying to get over your crush with rafe, believing it’ll never happen yet that’s when he realizes he likes u back? ugh he’s so sickkkk!
tysm @rafefuckingcameron for dialogue help !
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“tell me you like me,” you mewl, glossy tears streaming down your cheeks as rafe’s fucks his cock deep into you, opening you up softly. each touch and every kiss filled with love and affirmation. “i love you, i love you.” he mumbles softly, a whispered promise.
you whine, breathing hard as your nails scratch down his toned back, pushing him closer to you as you lock your legs behind his waist. “i’m right here baby,” he coos before pressing butterfly kisses against your face. “i got you, i got you now baby. i’m all yours,” he affirms, drawing his dick back until just the tip was at your entrance, pushing back in and hitting your sweet spot.
you nod, the sound of the head board thudding against the wall making your head spin. “mine,” you agree, eyes closing at his ministrations, losing yourself in the stomach tightening pleasure. you could feel your brain turning into a mush, halting when rafe’s hand comes in contact with your cheek — a gentle, light slap.
“come on pretty, eyes on me, yeah?” he mumbles, a pitiful whimper falling out of your swollen lips as you peek, bottom lip trembling. “sorry daddy,” you apologize, voice shaky and barely audible. the ecstasy completely binding when you feel that electric feeling crawl up your spine.
you could barely contain yourself, writhing and melting under him. tits bouncing at every thrust. body on fire. “how it feel, kitty?” he pleas, voice practically dripping with condescension and mocking. yet another broken form of a whimper leaves your lips, you take in a shaky breath as you try your best to structure your words.
“i-i dunno,” you cry, the dick drilling itself inside your contracting walls cause your brain to short circuit. “feels..” you blubber, cutting yourself off prematurely. “feels what? use your words.”
you squeal, tears brimming in your eyes, collecting your lower lash line. “tell me, he ever touch you like this, doll?” he questions, hand reaching out to caress the exact spot he slapped. “c-can’t..” you mumble, eyebrows knitting at a deep thrust — small hiss ripping out of you.
“poor little kitty, can’t even form a proper sentence huh?” he taunts, resting one arm besides your head, hot breath fanning your face. you could barely focus on any of the words he was spewing, too focused on how he was sending you to cloud nine.
rafe’s soft and gentle touches completely counteract with his smug and humiliating words. “dick feels too good, hm?” he continues, speeding up purposely to make it harder for you to reply, your own squeaks and the bed's mixing together. n
you knew rafe was irreplaceable.
a little visual for you guys >.<
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izicodes · 1 year
I’m a beginner w programming and I really need motivation :((( I feel kind of dumb because it takes me a while to understand basic concepts. What did you do when you felt like this? (when you were starting out )
Honestly, how I did it was I had a lot of people who were either depending on me to succeed with programming with my apprenticeship or wanted me to do well. I come from a fairly poor family and a lot of my family live back in Africa so I also have the privilege to be here to get free education. By constantly reminding myself (but not overdoing it) that I need to do well in the course, that kept me motivated.
Other things include the ability to create cool projects. I used to watch Frontend Web Development tutorials on YouTube way before I actually started coding and I wanted to make all those cool aesthetic websites! “One day I’ll make something like that but more amazing” and here I am learning programming to achieve that.
The other major motivation for me is I found learning about new languages or technologies fun. When I got the hang of HTML, I was super excited to learn CSS and then I learnt some Python and that was such a good feeling ticking the box of “Oh yeah I learnt that one, and built a couple projects”!
I think this is just a me thing, but I sign up to do courses that has a fancy certificate at the end solely because of two things: I learn the new language/technology and… I love seeing my name on a certificate! Sounds stupid but I really do! One day I’ll have a wall with all the certificates I’ve ever completed! THAT definitely motivates me!
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When trying to stay motivated, you’ve also got to stop comparing yourself to others or feel like you have to know everything “right” way or go a certain path. Remember, everyone starts somewhere, everyone is different and programming is a lifelong learning process.
Find a project that you're passionate about or something that motivates you to learn programming. It could be a game, a website, or a tool that you need in your daily life.
Find the reason you wanted to learn programming. “Because I study it for university/school/online course/etc” does not count. WHY did you start the course? WHY did you pick programming and not knitting or law whatever? WHY do you think you’ll be good at programming? Find that inner passion for programming, write it on a sticky note and have it where you constantly be looking (study area) and keep reminding yourself
Example from me: I wanted to learn how to build websites about my interests (Hello Kitty, Anime, Lana Del Rey and music). Now I want to work towards create mini adventure games one day. Hope that one day I’ll get to work for The Sims/Electronic Arts in the Game Development team. I’m doing all of this to make my Dad proud and feel I was worth it after all the years of sacrifice he did to get me here where I am. I’m learning so I can live comfortably with my fiancé (husband in the future obvs) and spend money on buying him gifts and funding his little hobbies! (He’s super adorable) <- Write something like that
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In terms of feeling dumb:
Accept that it’s normal to feel that way. No genius becomes a genius after 1 day of studying. Not even 1 month of studying. Programming is a freaking hard subject to handle. Accept that it’s normal to feel dumb sometimes. You’re not the only one.
Please don’t look at the whole picture when learning. By that I mean, yeah C# (for example) looks like a freaking hard language from the outside but when you start to break it down into topics like variables and data types etc and even break it further into subtopics, suddenly the language doesn’t look at scary! You just have to tackle the little guys and poof! You beat them all and now you know your target language/technology!
Don’t be too pride or too shy to ask for help. From teachers to the users in a programming discord server, ask for help please. Ask even the dumbest of questions “Does does HTML mean?” Do it. Learn from the answer. Keep it in your memory. Move on. Keep doing that throughout your learning!
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Programming is a skill, and like any other skill, it requires practice. Try to write code on a regular basis, even if it's just a few lines a day. Don't push yourself too hard, take breaks, and come back to programming when you feel refreshed. Remember that learning programming is a journey, and it's okay to take your time to understand concepts. Don't give up, stay motivated, and keep practicing!
** I made other tips for beginners in another post - LINK
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trollsedits · 2 months
Hello, Can you please write your headcanon for whatever trolls you picked?
Like your own opinion about them...
Of course I will, I decided to do Both poppy and viva since I love their sister duo 😭🫶🏻
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Poppy 🩷:
-She’s definitely a huge swifties she would drag branch to go to every single one of Taylor Swift concert (or the troll version of her)
-she’s clingy especially when around branch
-definitely hates it when her dad keeps secrets from her especially about her long lost sister Viva
-she is a supportive friend she will support you no matter what
-she’s the troll that everyone wants to go to for comfort or just need to vent
-Her favorite brozone member is Clay
-she would easily forgive anyone especially creek who literally sold them out to chef
-she’s very talkative you can’t make her shut up
-Is a major fan of Rave and party she will throw the biggest party/Rave with the help of the techno trolls
-she will remember every trolls,bergan birthday/anniversary so do expect her to
show up at your door with gifts and stuff
-she rarely gets mad is hard to see her mad
-when she dose get angry she would angry scrapbook til the scrapbook is in flames she almost set her pod on fire one time b/c she was so angry branch and her father would make the whole troll village splash water on their pod and her father banned her from scrapbooking when she’s angry
-she also listed to Harry styles aswell
-she owns all of brozone albums
-she once called branch older brother John Dory the old one during the Royal wedding it was funny even branch wasn’t mad at her for saying that
-She has tons of baby pictures of branch she even ask John Dory for more pictures of baby branch she made a scrapbook of baby branch
-She’s wears the pants in the relationship (Base on a fan art I saw)
-she would be the one to make a move on branch like proposing etc.
-she owns every Taylor swift album and one Harry style album
-She gave barb a swiftie friendship bracelets after the rock apocalypse
-she basically gave every trolls a swiftie friendship bracelets either with their name/songs from Taylor swift or just something that describes them
-she also gave one to brozone too each one of them having words that describe them John Dory was the most offended by it branch threatened to beat his square *** up if he dare take it off
John Dory: The Old one
Bruce: Daddy BRUCE (okay don’t look at it the wrong way guys cause he’s a dad now 😭)
Clay: serious boy
Floyd: the sensitive one
Branch: Lover or bitty B 💙
Viva 💛:
-Still dose not know why her sister is friends with a Bergens
-Still dose not trust Bergens
-Definitely has abandonment issues
-she still mad at her father after 20 years for not telling poppy about her
-she loves milkshake so much that she once drank so many and got hyper clay had to banned it from her for a while til she can control herself
-She’s definitely listen to Lana Del Rey she cried to so many of her song cuz it reminds her of her father and poppy
-Her favorite lana del Rey album is the Lust for life and honeymoon album
-she is protective of poppy won’t let anyone near her not even Bridget and sometimes branch
-Viva likes to make candy necklaces with any new friends she meets
-Viva is that type of girl to kick down anyone door without knocking so believe it or not she has seen some stuff she once kick down clay door and caught him….
-knowing that viva will kick down anyone door down they all got hard metal door to keep viva from kicking in
-She gets angry quickly when she dose clay is afraid of her clay would often try to avoid things that trigger her
-she and clay are business partners
-she’s super duper chaotic
-she’s braided everyone hairs
-she’s a tight hugger she once gave clay a hug so tight taht it almost broke his poor ribs
Anyways, thanks again for the request Anyways if you want to request me just click under my profile “Ask me anything” I’m currently slowly running out of content so do request if you have any also just to let you all know that I’m working on another brozone headcanon so it will take a while…
Like + Follow are very much appreciated! ✨
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mrhowells · 1 year
Smallvillle 4x13
disclaimer: I blame too much sun exposure and the huge slushie I drank but my mood when I watched the episode was basically this:
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😭😭😭squealing blushing kicking my feet
They way one slipper is still on her foot and she's cuddling the other one😭😭
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I'm down bad, REALLY bad
god she's pretty
Jonathan not letting Clark drink on principle even though alcohol doesn't affect him is so on brand
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my heart is doing backflips I SjsakjskaAJDKA
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no because if you could hear the sounds that I'm making right now
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look I'm too weak for this, I'm not even going to be focusing on the plot, this is literally just me embarrassing myself over clois
I just know that when I finally get to "where is she" it's going to send me straight to the grave🤡
Chloe what were you hoping to accomplish here💀 (I mean she makes a valid point but is she going to pretend she doesn't know about his powers or no?)
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I have no words
lmaoooo am I watching a car commercial right now?? (edit: turns out it was relevant to the plot later on, could've still been a smart commercial, idk let's move on)
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I'm dying but I've never felt so alive, does that make sense?
just realized I'm only 14 minutes in, god help us all
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screaming rn
idk why they keep trying though, he's clearly uncomfortable💀💀
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I C O N I C .
I love them your honor they're my everything😭
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"She's no Hemmingway, but still-"
Clark ushering her back into the closet, GET MARRIED I THINK U SHOULD GET MARRIED RIGHT NOW😭
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he called her his friend that makes me so happy😭
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seeing Lana chew out Lex feels so good, GO OFF QUEEN
this dude telling Lois his tragic life story while paralyzing her is so???, SHE DOES NOT CARE DUDE AND NEITHER DO I🤡
"What are you gonna do, break it and rip open the safe?" "... of course not."
"Don't worry, it'll be quick." DUDE YOU'RE LITERALLY LETTING HER DROWN HOW TF IS THAT QUICK????? Not a single braincell left in this mfs head
I don't think Chloe quite understood the advice she got from Lois about Clark's secret, she keeps trying to get him to confess💀
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dude stop monologuing, I'm trying to savor this moment (I do know that Clark is having his own little realization about playing football and lying but still)
(his monologues aren't even that long, I just lack ✨patience✨)
I won today.
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Clark I love you😭😭😭 He's such a good kid
Martha and Jonathan and Clark, perfection. Enough said.
Lana just give up men at this point, it's not worth it I promise.
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Lois just happened, don't sweat it bby you never stood a chance
"Chloe you've been saying a lot of weird things to me lately." LMAOOOOO
They need to stop playing songs that I mainly know from memes if they want me to take this seriously😭
🎶how could this happen to meeeee🎶
I need to go to sleep.
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sarahrogersevans · 2 years
Hey love! It’s me again :) here another ask ❤️
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My Class Is Always A Safe Room- Teacher! Chris Evans xreader fan fic request
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Summary: Reader deals with seizures every so often and has a few happen in Chris’s class and he comforts reader and helps her through it and lets her know they’re in a safe place and that he’s there with them
Warnings: mentions of seizures, mentions of feeling scared, angst, teacher and brother fluff, soft Chris, a lot of fluff, mentions of medications for seizures, let me know if I missed anything
~Y/N’s POV~
I didn’t always like going to school with how unpredictable my seizures are sometimes but I had friends at school plus my favorite teacher Chris Evans who always helped me to feel ok after one occurred. I walked into the English classroom and I saw my best friend Lana sit down at a desk close to me and she quietly said “hey Y/N you doing ok today?” I nodded with a smile and said “yea so far I’m ok thank you I appreciate you checking how are you?” I loved having my best friend Lana in classes with me since she know about my seizures. Lana smiled and said “I’m alright just tired from math class it’s too much thinking.” I laughed and said “oh you’re not kidding all those numbers and equations like enough already.” A few minutes later Mr. Evans our English teacher walked in and said “good afternoon class sorry I’m a minute late, please grab out your books and we will get this lesson started.”
A half hour into the class and I ended up having two small seizures it felt like I was daydreaming and not really in the room it’s always freaky but thankfully Lana was there to help me back. But later another seizure started and it was more scarier than the other one. Our teacher Chris notices what’s going on and dismisses the class to make some space in the room to help me through it.
~Chris’s POV~
Poor Y/N going through seizures, I’ve never had one personally but I’ve done research on what happens to be able to help Y/N through hers so she would be ok. I rubbed Y/N’s back and said “hey darling wanna move to the sensory corner with me so you’re more comfortable?” I could see it was coming so I helped her move to the soft couch and she sat there holding her hand in mind talking to her to get her to focus on me. I could tell she wasn’t hearing everything. I grabbed her medication from the drawer I had for her in the room and I carefully handed it to her and she quickly took them before it started and I sat there close by saying “it’s ok Y/N it’s alright I’m here doll I know it’s scary but know I’m here ok?” She sat there for a few minutes and then laid her head back on the headrest and said “C-Chris?” I scooted closer and said “yea Y/N? I’m here I got you, I know you’re tired try and relax ok? Why don’t we sit here for a bit and just hangout don’t worry about your other classes today ok? I’ll write you a note for the other teachers and I’ll help you get caught up when you’re up for it.” Y/N smiled and said “thank you Chris that means a lot that you’re helping me, I hate that this happens I get so scared and paranoid.” I gave her a sad sympathetic nod and handed her a lavender scented fidget toy and said “I know but you’re back now and I’m right here I got you doll.”
~Y/N’s POV~
Dealing with these seizures was so exhausting and frightening I always worry I won’t come fully back to where I am but just sitting next to Chris in the sensory area I felt so safe I felt like I was able to breathe again. Chris would look over at me every so often and asked “you with me Y/N?” I nodded and said “yea I’m here Chris thank you for helping me back.” Chris smiled and said “Y/N I’ll always help you I care about you I just want you to be ok, I’m glad I was here to help you through one today, his classroom is a safe place for you always will be Y/N.” Gosh I loved how relaxed talking to Chris was and plus he’s my teacher and I’m grateful he made a sensory section in his classroom and even leaned how to help me & honestly you don’t know very many teachers that would that these days. I got worried and said “w- what about my other classes? The teachers will be furious..” Chris said “no don’t worry about a thing your health is more important honey just sit and relax focusing on your breathing ok?” I nodded with a smile while starting to do breathing exercises and Chris smiled and said “good girl Y/N I’m so proud of you.”
Here ya go luv hope you like it 😊💜💜xx for @chrisevansdaughter
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anchanted-one · 1 year
For the Character Development questions:
4. Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
Answering for Vajra Devarath, Jedi Knight. The poor, tortured boy.
In the first corner, we have the slaughter of his tribe by one Darth Bellicose, professional mass murderer of innocents. It was what led to his discovery by Masters Oteg and WenSuul. Due to... certain questionable healing methods by Oteg, it did not haunt him, but it did put him on the path to becoming a Jedi. He was five.
For the second event, we have that time he arrived on his second home, Uphrades, only to see it be destroyed by Angral. He Sensed all his friends and acquaintances in their last, horrible moments. It took him firmly off the pure Light path enough that he was willing to break Angral's psyche with the Force, something he instantly regretted. He was haunted by the ghosts for a long, long time. He fled the Temple, seeking a life of exile. Running away didn't work at all, and within a few months it all became too much for him. He survived his suicide attempt only because Cipher Nine--who saw a parallel of her own final struggle against Jadus--felt sorry for him. Her action saved his life and allowed Jasme Shan (Theron's twin sister) to get him the help he needed, but he fought severe depression for the next decade. It wasn't until Rishi that he finally came to terms with everything that had happened (the time he spent enslaved by the Emperor didn't help). He was sixteen when Uphrades was destroyed. Kira, Jasme, C-9 and the Council know what happened.
What changed? To all outward appearances, he didn't. Inwardly, he started to lose faith in the Jedi teachings. The first thing to go was the belief that the Light/goodness brings victory. He became much more of a realist. He began fighting a lot more ruthlessly, dealing with Sith and Imperial soldiers like they were faceless statues, though he did struggle on worlds like Balmorra, where Balmorrans began fighting for the Empire. Long term, he began to question the Jedi doctrine of not interfering with politics. When Kira talked about running for office, he took her seriously, wondering if there was anything he could do to gain political power in order to stop the war. Instead, he received absolute power rather unexpectedly, having won the Eternal Throne from a resurgent Valkorion. Acina submitted to his rule without complaint, so the Republic did too. Most of the galaxy had favorable view of him, and he used that to his advantage. Which totally is the red flag it sounds like.
For the most part, his reign brought peace and stability to the galaxy after nearly fifty years of war, but he wouldn't have hesitated to crush anyone who challenged his rule, at least without a good reason. By the time he passes on his title to his (and Lana's) apprentice, the Galaxy is in a much better place, but few realize just how close they were to a dystopia.
(I envisioned Vajra, and Arro before him, to be this character who walks on the dangerous and blurry line separating responsible use of power from corruption)
Thanks for the ask, @elveny !
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copias-girl · 1 year
I just read this last chapter and I just adore how reader is getting more blalant and bold, but still doesn't quite defend poor C, like I get so violent, I know 🙃
Also, everytime I read this I play "No hay ley" from Kali Uchis, cause that's my song on being unapologetically in love 🖤 don't ask for permission nor forgiveness type song
*chef's Kiss* i'll wait patiently for the next one. It's coming amazing. Hope you have a great day
Yesss!! Like she’s letting him free fall a bit before swooping in to get him lol! I just love watching the poor man struggle a teensy tiny bit 🤭😈🖤 But the next chapter is gonna make up for it 👀
And omg I LOVE listening to music while I read fics! Ik a lot of people can’t read/write while listening to music but I absolutely love it! I always listen to music while I write tcac, usually Lana or Twin Temple! 🖤
Thank you!! I hope you have a fantastic day too! 🥰🥰🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Hi<3 once again, I have a few songs for the odnlb playlist :D (I'm the Pomme songs anon btw<3)
Working for the Knife - Mitski (Adrien. "I always knew the world moves on, I just didn't know it would go without me", he's so sad about everyone moving on while he's still stuck in his old abusive life :c or "I always thought the choice was mine, and I was right, but I just chose wrong", we know he blames himself even if he knows he's just been controlled</3)
Family Line - Conan Gray (Adrien, just Adrien)
Summertime Sadness - Lana del Rey (Marinette about her kitty)
Mirrorball - Taylor Swift (Adrien again! He is what others want him to be)
Sweet But Psycho - Ava Max (our beloved Lila)
Quelqu'un M'a Dit - Carla Bruni (Marinette! Is her beloved kitty still in love with her? Could that be possible?)
People You Know - Selena Gómez (the betrayal! Maybe Nino in the last chapter thinking that Adrien is Argos?)
Gilded Lily - Cults (Adrien maybe? He's already decided that it's time to do something, but he's so tired too)
Always Forever - Cults (Mari and Adrien in every existing font)
Possibility - Lykke Li (Adrien. Just a little and sad hope)
No One Ever Loved - Lykke Li (Marinette. The only one who really loves Adrien even knowing all his sides, and not all his reasons)
If I Killed Someone For You - Alec Benjamin (Adrien. "You have to understand that the one I killed is me, changing what I was for what you wanted me to be. I followed your direction, did everything you asked. I hope that makes you happy, 'cause there's just no turning back")
Only Love Can Hurt Like This - Paloma Faith (the angst!)
Running Up That Hill - Kate Bush (Mari! She would do anything for Adrien (and vice-versa))
Hope you like them! 🐈🐞🐝🐍🐲🦊🦚🦋🐢
i got SO excited when i saw your ask! your taste in music is sublime!
mmmm yesss sad and bleak but the singer can't help but try to hope things will get better, just like our poor adrien!
yes!! this is such a good one, it traces adrien's trauma like a geneology. he is made of his pain and of his father's sins & this song really does feel like it's talking about the agrestes
another one i didn't think to put on here! this is perfect from ladybug's perspective. she is sooo not handling her grief well and she's ready to make bad choices that step from deep pain and broken love.
ooh i had a hard time interpreting mirrorball when it came out but wow oh wow does it fit adrien well. he's lost his identity in the function of others' schemes. and you know what, i think this song could also fit luka, and how he relates to adrien.
dude YES. it's lila about herself, which is the most meta lila content ever. absolutely agree 100%.
this is so sweet and literally just what i need for an upcoming scene 👀 how poetic and shy and hopeful in the midst of the bitterness this singer is experiencing. so fitting for odnlb ladynoir
love this for the adrien & nino relationship, but you know what? it kinda works for adrien & gabriel too.
ooohh this song was so deep and sad. you're right, it suits adrien so well; all those self-destructive tendencies he has, but also all the love in his heart.
it's them! it's each to the other, them against the world ♥️ 🐞🐈‍⬛
lol poor little meow meow. all his life he just wanted to be loved and do good and look where it's gotten him. he's so sad, he's ready to go. he's resigned to it now and that makes him more sad than anything.
okay this one actually made me emotional lol. what a way to capture grief. chat noir is everything beautiful and meaningful to ladybug and when he "died" all those parts of her kinda died too :((
if i killed someone for you - this is so dark!! but omg it does fit adrien so well! he has done everything for his father/monarque that he has essentially destroyed himself in the process. lol maybe that's why he's so all right with it
only love can hurt like this - ok what a bop first of all. i actually listened to it twice because i was imagining ladynoir first and then feligami 😂 love kinda hurts them but they literally can't stop
running up that hill - again, you have opened my eyes to a song that fits odnlb so well! marinette is so desperate and sad and in such pain. she really would have swapped places with chat noir if she could have, because nothing was right if it wasn't the two of them together :(
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theroguequeenaniki · 2 months
yup, there was backtrack (and no, it is not banned. many singers use it like lana del rey) but as you said it was just to fill in some parts so they can get a break and breath/rest.
i do think it was a bit louder this time but i mean, is that a sin? after all the criticism there was not a way for them to 'redeem' themselves in the eyes of the haters.
Yeah, I figured it wasn't banned, b/c it made no sense for it to be banned. Especially when I've watched other Coachella performances where you could also hear it. And they used it for the same purposes as Le Sserafim used it, so they could catch their breath.
They were 100% live, and I'm also on the side of they weren't even bad last week. I think weekend 1 was a mix of mixing being off with mics & band, nerves, and they went HARD on the dancing. This weekend they didn't go as hard on the dancing and their vocals were more stable.
But, in the kpop fandoms world, and honestly just in "stan" culture in general, once they label a group/artist as something, it doesn't matter what they do to prove them wrong. Once a hater has made up their mind, there's no changing it. My best advice to Fearnots is to just block the haters and just enjoy what the group puts out. Because it's no use arguing when their minds are made up and they'll keep circling back to the one or two examples of whatever. Even if the group gives flawless performances before & after, if they have one poor performance (even if it's not actually poor just perceived as such), nothing will change the minds of haters. Le Sserafims haters have decided they are bad singers, so even if they showcase a flawless vocal performance, they'll find a way to make out that it's bad. They can't win. So...it's best to just block and ignore the haters and keep sending love to the girls and enjoying their music & performances & contents.
I have no idea if I've made sense. But I hope you have a great day!
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bi-badass-geek · 6 years
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“Kiss: Gentle“ by @rainofaugustsith.
Viri intervering when Lana working too hard : (Ao3)
* Lenses : (x)
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magicrobins · 5 years
The people of Rishi: You're those horrible pirates!!
Ben: I am a Dark Lord of the Sith...
Kyle: I'm the Voidhound...
Godaey: [quietly trying to figure out why people think he's a cannibal] ;-;
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cognacdelights · 2 years
unfinished business
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the romantic tirades of indie routledge series masterlist
the domestic pleasures of indie routledge series masterlist
add yourself to my taglist
summary: summer is marked by the first kegger of the year and free-flowing alcohol means loose lips and short tempers. secrets are outed and grievances are aired as indie finds herself centre stage once again.
warnings: swearing. violence. mentions of cheating. slut-shaming (kind of). 
author’s note: i simply do not apologise for the chaos i have just unleashed. please feel free to leave a comment or a reblog giving your feedback on this chapter! i would also love it if you came into my ask box and talked to me about the chapter too! i hope you enjoy!
Local law stated that it wasn’t officially summer in the Outer Banks until the first wild, all-night kegger was thrown at the boneyard. It didn’t matter if the island was teeming with out-of-town tourons that had been shipped in by the boatload by the twice as frequent ferries, or that the thermometers had begun to peak above eighty degrees Fahrenheit, or that the sandy landscapes were alive with luscious, green trees and bushes and the sweet aromas of the blooming flowers. Those facts were negligent; summer didn’t start until the parties did, and tonight both pogues and kooks alike were ringing in the summer months the only way that they knew how.
Indie was stood beside the small, driftwood bonfire — an empty, red solo cup in hand as she chatted casually with an old friend from high school. “Wait— so Amber cheated on Deighton with Lacey at Chase’s party and now they’re together?” a slight glimmer of excitement flickered within her terracotta eyes as she engaged with the mindless gossip, a small slither of her missing the social side to high school and her old group of friends — minus Eve, of course, “poor Deighton. That’s got to be rough. They were together for like two years, right?”
“Yeah, he didn’t take it very well. Got in a couple of fights with some of the other guys on the football team and coach kicked him off,” Tyler responded with a glum-looking, sympathetic expression, “the last I heard, he moved to the mainland to live with his aunt and uncle so he could still play football. Something about getting into college. Which sucks, he was such a nice guy.” She then shrugged her shoulders dismissively, her tone shifting dramatically as her thin lips turned upwards into an obvious smile as she taunted, “you would know all of this if you didn’t disappear on us.”
“I didn’t disappear,” Indie’s upbeat tone and dulcet laugh rose above the tinny echoes of music that filled the background as she nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders, “I dropped out. I hated it there and everybody just looked at me with pity eyes after what happened with my dad so — uh — yeah. I go to beauty school now and work in Ms Lana’s salon on my days off.”
“Ugh, I wish I could drop out,” the taller, auburn-haired girl responded with a tipsy slur to her words, “you’re so lucky you don’t have to do calculus anymore. Mr Gleeson came down hard on my ass. I averaged a C in his class this year and he was so stingy with the extra credit work.” She brought her half-filled cup up to her lips and took a quick gulp of the cheap, flat beer — her peachy-toned lipstick imprinting against the plastic rim of the cup. “How come Eve never told us this?” she questioned with a furrowed brow before cocking her head drunkenly to the side, “she just started acting as if you never existed.”
A deep, sarcastic laugh rattled through Indie’s chest as her mahogany eyes rolled involuntarily, “we’re not friends anymore.”
“What happened?” a surprised expression contorted the red-head’s freckled complexion as she once again brought the lipstick-printed cup up to her mouth once more. She took another, quick sip and allowed the white rim to linger along her bottom lip as she continued with her questioning. “I thought you two were like… literal sisters?”
“She fucked my brother,” Indie stated rather bluntly. The tangerine glow of the bonfire’s flames reflected against her doe-like orbs as she diverted her attention to the flickering fire momentarily, choosing her next words very carefully. “I tried to tell her that she was just a rebound thing to him. He’d just broken up with Sarah and she took advantage of that. She didn’t like what I had to say, asked him to choose between me and her, and then didn’t like it even more when he chose me. He’s been avoiding her for a while now, actually.”
“Oh my god,” the freckled red head drew out her words in an intoxicated drawl, “what the fuck? That’s next level crazy. She never said a word about this to anyone.”
“Yeah,” Indie laughed along, an amused expression curling the very corners of her plump lips upwards into a subtle grin, “because she’s probably too embarrassed to admit she was the rebound girl that he didn’t give a shit about after she spent so long telling everyone about her mysterious, older guy and how they were so in love. He just used her to get over his ex. It was just a hook up thing.” Once again, Indie shrugged her dainty shoulders in a dismissive gesture.
“No way. She would always ask me and Cara to cover for her if her dad came around asking for her, when they used to go away to the mainland every weekend.”
A second, sardonic laugh bubbled deep in the depths of the back of Indie’s throat, “she would ask me to do the same before I found out that it was John B. And he never took her away to the mainland… He used to pick up weekend shifts as a security guard for events and she tagged along. It wasn’t some big, romantic weekend away that she made it out to be. She literally sat in the hotel room all night on her own whilst he was out working. Then he’d come back and sleep all day for work again the next night.” Rolling her dark eyes once more, she toyed around with the empty, red solo cup — running the pad of her forefinger along the plastic rim. “She’s so delusional. This is gonna give John B a laugh when I tell him what she’s been saying. Everything was all in her h—"
“Are you fucking kidding me?” an emphatic, angry voice cut Indie off abruptly and gained the attention of the nearby, scattered teens. The bleached-blonde head of hair that was stood several feet away from the two, chattering friends turned around — veridian eyes glazed over with rage and chiselled cheeks flushed with a deep shade of rouge. Her heated gaze burned scornful holes into Indie’s flannel-clad body as she took several steps towards her. “That’s not how it fucking happened, Indie, and you know it. You’re talking shit to make yourself feel better about all of the bullshit stunts you pulled.” It was Eve, and she had overheard every word of their catty conversation.
“I was going to be the bigger person and ignore your lies—” Eve was visibly seething as she took another step closer towards Indie, her voice raised several notches, “—but you’re making me out to be some psycho stalker who made up my whole relationship with your brother. You don’t know anything about me and John B. You just have this whole, childish narrative that I set out to steal your brother from you because everything in your stupid, little world is about you. You make everything into some over the top, melodramatic performance because you crave attention, and your mommy didn’t love you enough. You’re sad and pathetic—”
“Hold the fuck up—” Indie swiftly shoved the empty solo cup at her taller friends before stepping towards Eve with an unfaltering confidence, “did you really just go there?” Her tongue slowly swept across her upper row of pearly teeth as a wicked laugh rattled against her chest. She looked Eve straight in her emerald eyes with a fire-like glare and unleashed her venomous tongue, “Eve, you are so fucking deluded it’s unreal. You’re psychotic. I tried to warn you that you didn’t mean shit to John B, I told you that you were just the rebound, and you didn’t believe me. You thought you knew my own brother better than me, as you always do. You think you’re so much better than me, smarter than me, prettier than me. You think you’re God’s gift to fucking men. But look at you. You’re the one who was dumped in a split second because he got bored of you and moved on to somebody else, and I’m still very happy with JJ. Coming up to our one year anniversary, actually.”
“Here you fucking go again with your bullshit,” Eve screeched enraged as she shoved Indie backwards roughly, “you’ve made it all about yourself again. I’m this, I’m that, I’m so hard done to. You’re just proving my point. Change the fucking record. This whole routine is so fucking old. No one gives a fuck about you or your little fantasies. Yes, I am smarter than you and, yeah, I am prettier than you. Get over it. People need to stop feeding into your stupid, little drama. Maybe then you’d finally shut the fuck up with the all the dramatics.” Her chest heaved up and down as she took several, heavy breaths before continuing again, “and, no, don’t make out that you were ever looking out for me. You attacked me like the crazy bitch that you are and called me a slut. Just because I was in a relationship with your brother. You weren’t a friend to me on bit.”
“Well—” Indie responded through gritted teeth, shoving Eve backwards with a forceful push to the shoulders, “—if the shoe fucking fits, wear it.” Her do-like eyes glazed over with a bitter darkness as she stared down her former best friend — tenacious as always as she refused to back down. “You threw yourself at John B when he was vulnerable. He’d just broken up with Sarah and you saw that as an in. Although Sarah would never have stopped you in the first place. Everyone saw how you were clinging on to him and throwing yourself at him on that camping trip and they were still very much together then. That’s homewrecking behaviour.”
The blonde scoffed incredulously, a deep and bitter laugh slipping from between her rose-coloured lips, “don’t you dare act as though you’re this prim and proper, virginal queen. You are the least innocent person I know. You lost your virginity at a house party, in some random person’s parents’ bed. You fucked Colby Ramsden — of all people — in a toilet, on a field trip. You blew a guy in a parking lot. You blew another guy so he’d give you free drugs. You send nudes to whoever fucking asks for them. And don’t even get me started on the whole fucking mess that was you and JJ before you were even together. You stole his fucking truck and crashed it all because you were the last one to find out something. You want to call me out for being a slut just because I fucked your brother? Take a good, long, hard look at yourself in the mirror first. I slept with someone that I love and was in a relationship with. You put it about because it was the only way people would give you any bit of attention. You had to deep throat a popsicle for JJ to even give you the time of day. The whole reason he was interested in you in the first place was only because it would get him laid. And when he got that, he threw you out like the trash that you are.”
“You want to air out my business like that, huh? Well, how about we tell your dad who those photos that got around really were? I wasn’t a slut when I was taking the fall for you then, was I? I wasn’t a slut when I was covering for you when you were following my brother around like a stupid, brain-dead lap dog, was I? I wasn’t a slut when I took the fall for your drug debts, was I? I wasn’t a slut when I was buying you pregnancy tests, or when I sat with you in the girls’ toilets whilst you took them, was I? I wasn’t a slut when—”
Indie was abruptly silenced by Eve’s indignant scream as she lunged forwards, grasping a handful of Indie’s chestnut waves in her dainty hand and pulled with a vicious might. “I’m so fucking sick of you and how you have to make every fucking thing about you,” she yelled, pulling even harder on Indie’s long waves, “I’ve kept my mouth shut for too long and I am so over The Indie Show. You’re not five, this shit isn’t cute.”
Instinctively, Indie grasped onto Eve’s straightened, blonde locks and yanked with a mighty force as a crowd of intoxicated teenagers quickly formed around the pair. Eve drunkenly stumbled backwards as Indie’s manicured nails scratched haphazardly at her arms in a bid to free herself from her claw-like grip. Eve retaliated with a full-force shove against Indie’s cheek — the tanned skin instantly turning a deep shade of crimson as the pair continued to screech loudly and hurl intentionally hurtful insults back and forth with one another.
“I don’t make everything about me—” Indie protested furiously as she quickly managed to free her now knotted locks from Eve’s vice-like grip and gave her a half-assed shove, “—you’re just jealous that people give a shit about me. You know, I don’t hear of people going out of their way for you. Especially not John B.” It was a low blow, an extremely low blow, on Indie’s behalf, but in that very moment, she couldn’t have cared less.
“John B loved me. We were happy,” another acidic screech spewed from Eve’s mouth as she allowed herself to regain balance. Her usually perfectly straightened, bleached-blonde hair was a matted mess as her chest continued to heave up and down with each jagged breath. “You just couldn’t bide that somebody else was happy besides you. You’ve spent so much of your life having people run around after you — having John B run around after you — whilst you treat them like shit that you can’t stand when somebody else gets a little bit of attention. It isn’t about me being jealous of you because I’m not. There’s nothing about you to be jealous of; you’re a selfish, childish, jealous, attention-seeking bitch whose only friends are her boyfriend and her brother. You throw a tantrum over stupid, meaningless shit and make everything into a whole performance. There’s a reason that nobody wants to be your friend — they don’t want to be a part of all your shitty drama or punished whenever you don’t get what you want. You—”
“Fuck you,” Indie spat harshly, her words dripping with venom and her gaze positively searing as she continued to stare Eve down.
It was at this point that an oblivious JJ and John B managed to slowly push their way through to the very front of the gathered crowd, both holding onto ice-cold cans of beer as they observed the vicious scenes before them. The pair of them watched, slightly stunned, as they identified the two brawling individuals as Indie and Eve; there was a hateful array of indignant screeching and resentful name-calling before Indie — with every ounce of might that she could possibly muster up — launched her clenched, ring-cladded fist directly towards Eve’s face. It was a rough punch that spoke a million unsaid words and was powered by pure, unadulterated hatred. Eve stumbled backwards unsteadily, a pained wince slipping from between her lips, before finding her ground once more. She took an assured step forwards and swung her fist dainty fist at Indie in response. What could have possibly transpired in the small, almost negligible amount of time that had passed since the pair of them had departed down the stretch of beach in search of another beer?
“Fucking hell,” John B muttered, utter confusion consuming his voice, “we left her alone for five minutes and she’s got herself into a fist fight.”
“That’s Indie for you,” JJ commented casually, his toned and muscular arms crossing tightly across his robust chest. His indigo eyes were focused solely on Indie — poised and ready to jump in should he need to; the unruly brunette may be able to hold her own like a damned Irish bare-knuckle boxer, but that was still his girlfriend — that was the doe-eyed, rosy-cheeked girl that he loved so dearly and would do anything to protect. “She could start a fight in an empty room.”
“You think we should step in?” John B turned to face the shorter, tousle-haired blonde and arched his dark brows curiously. There was a slight nervousness to his fluctuating tone, yet an overall sense of protectiveness as he continued to watch the unfolding scene before him.
“I’m not sure,” the broad-shouldered blonde answered honestly, his focused gaze remaining fixed on his tyrant of a girlfriend, “let’s see how she handles that punch first.”
Indie let out a sharp hissing sound as the impactful punch landed against the very high point of her cheekbone. Sucking in a quick breath of air, she held her hand up to her face — lightly cradling the tender spot as her chest heaved up and down with each heavy breath. It took her a moment to catch her breath, the shock of the retaliation punch silencing her for a moment, but then she spoke up. Her voice was as spiteful and malicious as ever as she practically spat the words at the seething blonde. “You think John B loved you, huh? If he loved you so fucking much — you were so happy together and you weren’t the damned rebound girl — then why did he fuck you off so easily, huh? Why did he jump straight back into bed with Sarah—” Indie cut herself off immediately, realising exactly what she had said before swiftly attempting to cover up her scandalous revelation, “—with someone else not even twenty four hours after he’d broken up with you, huh?”
It was too late; Eve had heard exactly what Indie had said. She didn’t respond — however, the evident, crimson rage that had once painted her fair complexion was replaced with an embarrassed shade of roseate as she peered behind the poison-tongued brunette at John B. Her once sharpened glare had softened into an almost pleading glance as she silently begged him to rebuke the revelation, to tell her that it was simply untrue — it was merely nothing more than a hateful attempt at hurting her by her former best friend, and to comfort her in all of her deepest fears. She longed for reassurance, yet all John B could do was avoid her veridian eyes like the plague. He looked away — down into the bleak nothingness of the ivory sands — and in that very moment Eve Shoupe knew that it was true; every single word that Indie had spitefully uttered was true. Her face shattered like a broken mirror, falling soft and melancholic as the once fire-like light behind her eyes dimmed into darkness. She was heartbroken.
“Fuck you,” she screeched loudly in response. Whilst the impassioned expletive seemed to have been aimed at a smirking Indie, John B very much knew that it was intended for him. His gaze remained strongly averted from her own as she took a deep inhale, and then proceeded to let out a calming, drawn-out exhale as she steeled her overwhelmed emotions. Then, she walked away — roughly shoving past several of the intoxicated teens and disappearing into the luscious brush.
Indie — with her reddened cheek swollen and pulsing with pain — turned on the heel of her worn combat boots and went to step towards her boyfriend and brother. However, she was stopped abruptly in her tracks by a stern and deep voice rising above the gossiping whispers of the crowd. “What did you say about Sarah?” the voice demanded an answer this an authoritative tone, and as she peered over her flannel-covered shoulder she was met with the darkened, glacial eyes of Topper Thornton emerging through the opposite side of the crowd. Damn, she had really picked her moment to let that secret slip.
“Nothing,” Indie responded quickly, “I didn’t say anything about Sarah.”
“Don’t fucking lie to me,” Topper spoke harshly through gritted teeth as he stepped forwards towards a much more petite Indie. His long, purposeful strides meant that he was stood — toe to toe — with her in a matter of seconds and his impassive, cerulean eyes were staring her down intently. “You said that John B jumped straight back into bed with Sarah.”
“You better back the fuck up away from my sister, Topper,” John B demanded with a low, threatening voice as he too stepped forwards. His large, paw-like fists clenched in anticipation as his jaw locked tightly, poised and ready for a fight himself.
“Yeah,” JJ echoed, stepping forwards also with a razor-like stare.
“Are you fucking my girlfriend?” Topper aimed his question at John B as his beady eyes narrowed with hatred.
John B remained quiet once more, simply peering expectantly at Sarah who was stood half behind her polo-shirt-wearing, country-club-attending boyfriend; if their star-crossed lovers-esque affair was to ever come to light, now was as good of a time as any. After all, they couldn’t sneak around under the darkened cover of night, stealing illicit kisses and forbidden moments with one another forever. Of course, they had spoken about this very moment a thousand times — how they would do it, what they would say, how they would minimise the inevitable fall out as much as possible. Yet it had always felt so far away, so out of reach. His dark, mahogany eyes locked with hers but were met with sheer desperation and pleading. It was evident that the longer that he remained tight-lipped the more nervous Sarah became.
That was until eventually she was overcome with anxiousness and panic, and a spew of words slipped out of her mouth, “it’s not true, Topper. Of course, I’m not sleeping with John B. We’re over. Done. We have been for months. I chose you. You’re the one that I love. I wouldn’t do that to you again. We’re going to get married and start a family. Why would I jeopardise that? That’s all I want.” Her mocha eyes fixed on Topper, peering upwards into his own as she spoke quickly and with utter desperation. “I promise you. I don’t know why she said it.” She stole a quick, momentary glance towards John B — flashing him the most apologetic of eyes — before taking Topper’s hand in her own. “We promised each other that we were it. I meant that.”
Her words were like knives to his heart; each desperate, pleading syllable was like a purposeful slash to his wounded heart. He loved Sarah with every inch of his being and always had; he had every faith that one day, in the near future of not, that they would once again be together — openly and free to live life as a young couple blossoming in love. He was completely and utterly oblivious to all of the plans and promises that she had made with Topper — in fact, those were the same plans and promises that she had made with him just days prior. It was a very stark and cruel wake up call to the situation at hand; Sarah Cameron didn’t love him, at least not in the way that he yearned for her, and he would never be enough for her.
“I didn’t ask you,” Topper spoke, “I asked John B.” His ice-like, sapphire eyes found John B once more and he stared expectantly in anticipation of an answer. “Well, Routledge?”
As earth-shatteringly heartbroken as John B felt, his tanned complexion remained set like concrete — hard and emotionless. He took a swift and sharp intake of air, before running his tongue along the dried ridges of his bottom lip. In the few, fleeting milliseconds that he had procrastinated, he considered admitting the truth, outing Sarah as a liar and inflicting as much pain as he felt in that very moment. However, he chose not to; he chose to be the bigger person despite neither Topper nor Sarah deserving such a courtesy.
“No,” he eventually answered in a deadpan voice, “I’m not sleeping with your girlfriend. Indie got her facts mixed up.” Then, he watched as Sarah’s petite silhouette visibly relaxed, and she let out her bated breath. “She’s all yours, bro.”
Satisfied with the response, Topper nodded his head curtly in reply before making his way back down the stretch of ivory sands — his hand laced tightly with Sarah’s. John B, however, remained frozen in his spot as he took a brief moment to process exactly what had just happened. His aching heart squeezed tightly at the reminder that Sarah had, once again, chosen Topper Thornton over him and he was snapped back into the harsh reality.
Indie stepped towards John B — her umber eyes wide and glazed over, “John B, I—”
“I don’t want to hear it, Indie,” he responded rather calmly, dismissing her with a casual wave of his ring-cladded hand before turning around and nonchalantly walking in the opposite direction.
She then, eventually, looked towards her boyfriend and let out a drawn-out, defeated exhale, “go on then, get it over with. Yell at me. Let me hear it.”
“What have I told you, huh?” JJ’s teal eyes staring down at her and his stubble-lined features set into a stern expression, “if you’re gonna throw punches like that then you’ve gotta commit to it. You gotta put all of your weight behind it, otherwise it’s going to hurt your hand more than it hurts the other person. And why did you go for the nose? That’s like the hardest part of the face. Do you want a broken finger?” He tutted dramatically with a playful roll of his eyes. “I’ve taught you better than that, squirt.”
A flood of relief surged throughout her petite silhouette as she realised that JJ wasn’t mad at her like she thought that he would be; it was a great weight off her shoulders. She needed him right now — she needed him in her corner, at the very least. She wasn’t entirely sure where she stood with John B right now; was he just mad, or was he specifically mad at her? Was he heartbroken over Sarah and her complete denial of their relationship and needed time and space to grieve, or did he blame her for the whole ordeal? Were they okay, or was there about to be a repeat performance of their latest fight? Would it reach such drastic precautions once more or would it all blow over in a couple of days?
Indie peered upwards at JJ — her doe eyes wide and glazed over with a glimmering layer of unshed tears. He simply responded by cupping her reddened cheek in the warm palm of his hand and every so gently brushing the pad of his thumb over the developing lump atop her cheek. She hissed at the pressure, the forming bruise tender to the touch and aching at the slightest movement of her doll-like features. His gaze then suddenly dropped to the still col can of beer in his hand before he carefully placed it against the high point of her cheek. “Hold this on it until we get home and can get something frozen. It should take the swelling down and stop the bruising,” he told her softly, then placed a loving kiss against her forehead.
Indie nodded slowly, replacing his hand with her own around the unopened can of beer. She felt his burly arm snake around her waist and allowed herself to nuzzle into the inviting warmth of his side as they casually made their way back towards the dirt pathway that led back to the main road. “I want to check on John B first,” she told him adamantly.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea right now,” JJ pressed his lips into a thin line, “I think we should let him feel things first before you go round there. Let him get it out of his system.”
She just let out a deflated sigh in response.
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alldatwrite · 3 years
Okay, so I just watched the 7th episode, then I entered Twitter, and as I was expecting, everyone was dissing characters like Alma or Isabel or Scooter or Catherine - BASICALLY EVERYONE WHO'S NOT RITA. And then again... it's the Lana stans...
Now, Rita gets arrested for murdering Carlo. We know she didn't do it. Okay, fine.
But my problem is, how people are praising Vern for helping her: he's only helping her because he wants the money (which is understandable, because that man is getting married AND having a child, he wants and needs to provide for his new family). And people is dissing Scooter for doing the same thing when a) Rita was LITERALLY pimping him out, b) she left him with nothing unless he did what she asked (which I'm pretty sure it's coercion) and c) he owns her nothing because she put him in that position. Also, I don't care if he's feeling something for Catherine or not, he's saving his ass, something we praise on women but... not on men??? The AUDACITY.
People are also dissing Alma (I swear, you don't need to bring up the fact she's fact to diss her) when, AGAIN, she's protecting her family. This goes beyond the Graden Club thing, Rita humilliated her, got her daughter fired, and threatened her family. I think she has every right to attack Rita. You could have pointed out how she manipulated Bertram but no, you went with the "she's hurting my poor baby". Well, she had it coming.
Also, dissing Isabel and Catherine????? Catherine has already stated that she felt she and Rita were friend and that Rita betrayed her because she was never her friend. Do we see pattern here? I say we fucking do. And Isabel... she left her to rot in jail, but we can't judge her UNTIL we know their full story. Because she was right, Rita gave her a job - as a maid. And to be fair, I hardly doubt Rita is the mastermind here, I think Isabel is smarter than what she looks like, I'm pretty sure she could have given her another job. Hell, even when it was the two of them she still treated her cousin, who apparently helped her get rid of an abusive man that was hurting her, like a maid. You don't do that to the people you love.
I'm tired of people justifying Rita's behavior, she's a bitch. And she had it coming. And no, you can't compare her to Regina, those two are way different characters, Regina had SEVEN seasons to develop, to change, to grow. Rita doesn't, and she's not that appealing in the way you may think. She's a good villain, a good antagonist, but she's not the main character, and she's not a good person. And that's okay, but what's not okay is people complaining that we feel not sympathy for her when she's that type of character. It's 2021, trust me, you're allowed to like a villain just because.
I feel a bit sorry for her, for being framed for a crime she didn't commit, but I don't think I can say much in her favor until I know her full story. In the meantime, I admit she's stylish and sassy, but she's also a horrible person.
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queenlua · 3 years
Ace Attorney case tier list
so, in the past year, i finished replaying games 1 through 5 for the first time in forever, and also played game 6 for the first time ever
so here’s where i ruthlessly rank each of the cases based on that most scientific metric of all, My Opinions:
S-tier: Turnabout Trump (4-1).  I already knew this case, and I still gasped with surprise when Phoenix showed up, and when Kristoph showed his true colors, and when Apollo realized OH SHIT OH FUCK I REALLY AM ACCUSING MY BOSS OF MURDER HUH... what a wonderful, splashy, shockingly concise case to open up the post-O.G. trilogy world.  Marvelous.
A-tier: Turnabout Memories (3-1).  Seeing Mia Fey (finally!) in action is a long-awaited delight; seeing Phoenix being a total dumbass was an unexpected-yet-perfect and fitting delight.
B-tier: The First Turnabout (1-1).  Solid lil’ case with some conventional-but-well-executed humor.  I’ve got a soft spot for Larry Butz.
C-tier: The Lost Turnabout (2-1), The Foreign Turnabout (6-1).  The former’s fine but a little forgettable; the latter has some fun gags (Payne’s ridiculous new outfit, dude absolutely shredding on the mandolin, etc) but is marred by how uh... kinda silly the game’s core conceit is, lol
E-tier: Turnabout Countdown (5-1).  The context surrounding this introduction is just sloppy (badly handled in media res + let’s lowkey retcon game 4 isn’t a great setup), and also the case itself is just. irksome. ted tonate is just fundamentally irritating to look at
S-tier: Bridge to the Turnabout (3-5), Turnabout Goodbyes (1-4).  No explanation needed.  God they fuck so hard
A-tier: The Cosmic Turnabout + Turnabout for Tomorrow (5-4 + 5-5), Turnabout Succession (4-4).
The former two cases are what makes AA5 worth it, and they make for a tremendously fun ride.  It fumbles the execution in some notable ways (Apollo’s sudden j’accuse moment feels a little forced/awkward/inadequately foreshadowed, and damn it sure would’ve been nice to know Clay Terran at all before he died, and also The Phantom’s final meltdown could’ve used a bit more emotional heft)... but okay let’s be real, I’m here for Simon Blackquill, and this case gives me so much of him so who gives a shit.  (And Aura!  Condescending obnoxious engineering queen!  I love her!)  
As for Turnabout Succession... while I earnestly wish the game had explored more of Klavier’s feelings about this whole setup, and some more emotional beats for Apollo, the case still makes for such a satisfyingly twisty and fun investigation overall (the poison stamp! what a ridiculous murder method! I love it!) that it’s a more-than-worthy finale.
B-tier: Turnabout Revolution (6-5), Farewell, My Turnabout (2-4).
The former does some cool stuff—I particularly like the opening half, where Apollo’s being real snippy and coping with Frankly Bizarre Dad Feelings, and giving Apollo a chance to finally throw down against Phoenix is a blast.  The latter half of the case starts feeling a little... ridiculous? cramped? idk? like, they didn’t do nearly enough foreshadowing about Nahyuta’s whole deal for me to care about his drama, this justice system is so obviously silly and the manner in which the revolution is playing out strains my already-suspended-sky-high disbelief... fun, and flashy, but more noise than signal in the last part, I guess.
As for Farewell, My Turnabout: of course I love Edgeworth rolling back into court goin’ through SOME kind of bizarre emotional arc of Hey I’m Totally Healed Now and obnoxiously preaching about Truth TM.  And it’s cool that the game set up a case where you want to lose.  But the net result is a bit strange tonally—it’s trying set up some kind of message about It’s Not Just About Winning, It’s About Pursuing The Truth, but it feels really muddled when that’s combined with Okay But Maya’s Literally Being Held Hostage Like Right Now, Surely A Reasonable Justice System Has A Process For Dealing With This Obviously Complicated Situation, Right?
but also Franziska takes a fucking bullet (how did I forget about that) and then gets to roll in like Ms. Save The Day so, really, lots of good shit here
S-tier: Reunion, and Turnabout (2-2), Turnabout Beginnings (3-4).  Look, the first one gives me all the Fey family drama a girl could ask for, and the latter gives me young Edgeworth being a total shit in an obnoxiously shimmery outfit.  The whole enchilada is here
A+ tier: The Magical Turnabout (6-2).  DELIGHTFUL!  MAGICIAN!  SHENANIGANS!  Like you get to guess the trick behind a magic act as part of the case, how fucking fun is that, and also the Apollo & Athena duo’s chemistry is perfect, the villain is a FANTASTIC bastard, and even the bit characters you meet during the investigation are total delights... Probably the best “standalone” case in the series, in that it doesn’t rely on any emotional connections to previous cases (unlike 2-2 and 3-4) to still totally and completely rule.
A tier: Turnabout Samurai (1-3), Turnabout Reclaimed (5-DLC).
For Turnabout Samurai, I remembered before this replay how delightful the TV SHOW STUDIO investigation and actor-fandom stuff was; I had TOTALLY forgotten Vasquez calling in her mob connections to try and wreck you.  What a fantastic villain; what a fun case.
Turnabout Reclaimed is just good solid goofy nonsense.  Probably receives a boost for me in particular because, yeah, Simon Blackquill.  But then again who isn’t giving cases a boost on that account; they are MISSING OUT
B tier: The Stolen Turnabout (3-2).  Ron and Desirée are so great sighs into hands
C tier: Listing roughly in order of preference: Turnabout Academy (5-3), Turnabout Serenade (4-3), Turnabout Sisters (1-2), Recipe for a Turnabout (3-3), Rite of the Turnabout (6-3), Rise from the Ashes (1-5).
Four of these (5-3, 4-3, 1-2, 3-3) are perfectly solid cases; I just don’t love them quite as much as “thievery hijinks” or “Hollywood hijinks” or other such particularly delightful flavors.  Everyone has a favorite flavor of Jolly Rancher and all that.
Rite of the Turnabout is interesting and connected with the larger themes of the game in a cool way, and makes good use of the divination mechanic.  However, the last bit gets twisty enough to actually be kind of confusing, and said larger themes of the game are... kinda hard for me to take seriously... which, yeah, leads to it feeling a little stilted when it really should be singing.
Rise from the Ashes landed awkwardly for me.  I know it was added well after the first game’s release, and it does a good job of continuing some of the cool stuff from that game—it’s neat, in isolation, to see Phoenix and Edgeworth working together (while still sniping at each other!), and some of the DS-specific mechanics are neat.  However, I just didn’t feel like I learned quite enough about Ema and Lana to care about them like I should, and retconning “(almost certainly true) rumors that Edgeworth was involved in Shady Shit TM” into “actually Edgeworth was totally ignorant of Shady Shit TM, like at worst his crime was willful ignorance / incuriosity, he was just been manipulated by the Police Chief”... makes Edgeworth less interesting to me!  Like, it’s cool to see Edgeworth caught off-guard and under pressure, but I wish the circumstances had been different?  Also Gant’s theme song is annoying as shit, which is petty but hey this is my blog post so
D tier: Turnabout Storyteller (6-4), Turnabout Corner (4-2), Turnabout Big Top (2-3), The Monstrous Turnabout (5-2).
Turnabout Storyteller has some fun gags with My Dude Simon and also Taka, but was heavily marred by Everyone Talking Down To Athena The Entire Fucking Case Oh My God Can You All Just Shut Up.
Turnabout Corner has... lots of fun elements but... look the fucking stolen-panties setup just grates ok
I don’t think I hate Turnabout Big Top the way most people seem to, but I did find the final murder setup more annoying that I remembered this playthrough—bro you were really sure the dude was going to conveniently stand right there and the heavy statue was definitely going to strike a killing blow and not just give the guy a concussion?  ok lol
The Monstrous Turnabout suffers mostly from poor puzzle/investigation design, being too hand-hold-y, and also having a core gimmick/setting that just wasn’t really my thing.  Alas!
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
Soulmate AU: Shay Cormack X Reader
Au: your Soulmate gets a scar, you get a tattoo in the exact same place it disappears once your soulmate kisses it , Reader's tattoos resemble ivy vines with a small black flower with red tips blossoming on the ends.
 Y/n frowned as she heard giggling coming from behind her back, Her older sisters were laughing at her again or to be more specific her soulmate's mark, ever since it showed up they've been more rotten than usual, possibly out of all them she wants to meet her soulmate instead marrying the first rich sod that blinked at them.
Their parents obviously shared Y/n's churning as both were soulmates and always encouraged their daughters to seek out their soulmates. however, when the scars started showing on the twins there was no rejoice in their eyes; just disgust and annoyance. when they did meet their soulmates they laughed in their faces, declaring fate be damned they would never be with "the help" or some low waged dock worker!
Sara the oldest twin who soulmate was a stable boy in Lexington, She married the prominent banker's son and lives in New York. Who's unbeknownst to Sara cheating on her with his actual soulmate who is a man, Y/n was the one who caught him, but won't say anything because she knows what will happen to those poor boys should anyone find out. 
while Lana the younger of the two whose soulmate was a quartermaster and large shipping vessel, is a mistress of a disgusting plantain owner who was a two decades older her who claims he's going to leave his wife for her. (good luck with that!)  
They mock and chastised Y/n for chasing a pipe dream and rave about how ugly and poor her soulmate must be and he's probably a smelly drunkard for getting such an ugly marks on the y/ht woman's body, Y/n just kept a straight face while they and their gaggle of high-class hens peck and squawk at her supposed misfortune.
As their mother & father chided twins for picking on their sister, Y/n sighed and decided she needed a break from this posh gig and being mocked. The y/ht decided to take a walk, after changing out of her dress and into a shirt, jacket and trousers and wandered out into the streets of New York enjoying the silence, when a black blur suddenly slammed into her knocking the y/hc woman to the ground bringing whoever it was down with her. 
The y/nat woman wince and looked up to see what hit her y/ec met brown Y/n was suddenly forcibly hoisted up to her feet a man and dragged away as distant sound of several angry footsteps came barreling in their direction, the stranger dragged her into ally and covered her mouth "Don't make sound do as I say..." a hoarse voice hissed in her ear as a flask suddenly found it's way in her field of vision, the y/ht swallowed then awkwardly nodded. 
When the guards turned the corner they were met by two men one tall and y/ht awkwardly walking down the alley reeking of alcohol and the barely conscious one was just barely holding on to a flask, [Shay had tossed his jacket into a hay pile] "Oy you two," the y/nat 'man' turned to look at them while struggling to keep 'his' friend steady. "Eh, w-whaz ya wunt?" the annoyed soldier grimaced at their hoarse scratchy voice and assumed they were a young lad. "Did you see a man run by, wore a black hood?" Y/n stared blankly at the group leader trying to register what he had said then slurred out "Him rynning vy n' knuck meh n' frewns ohver.." the men looked very confused. "What?" another soldier answered.
" I believe he said 'he ran on by and knocked him and his friend over' sir." 
"oh.. did you see where he went?"
" waz halpin hin upf bot i tink i zaw 'im goh dat wah [points an unsteady finger towards the docks.]'
"He thinks he went that way {points in the same direction Y/n pointed in]"
"Thank you, Oh and lad? [Y/n and Shay tense.] take it easy with the ales..."
The y/ht woman awkwardly nodded as Soldiers rushed down the alleys towards the docks and Y/n sighed in relief when they finally left them alone, the man next to her stood up to his full height nearly dwarfing you in comparison; you were shocked that you were able hold him up giving the bulk on him,
{taller reader] you sighed annoyed seeing your were almost the same height if this man, if he knew you were female he'd surely be intimidated by that, almost all the men you've met felt threatened by your height... they avoided you like the plague. 
You sighed ready leave when your new "friend" suddenly moved your h/c bangs out of your face staring intently at your tattoos... your face felt hot when you realized he had the scars to match them, after a few seconds of silence the man broke the silence with a smile.
"I have to say, this was definitely not how I thought to meet you...Lass." You starred at him shocked that he guessed your gender, he chuckled before awkwardly pointing out that your neck tie had come lose and could you didn't have an Adam's apple. 
So needles to say the walk back to your home was a lively one Shay told you he was bounty hunter who worked for a private company, he seemed pretty interesting. you wanted to ask about this company? but were abruptly interrupted by the snobby laughter of your sisters and their friends having their little party. 
You grimaced debating if you should bring him inside however your Mother saw you through the window and waved.  You sighed annoyed walking up the porch and towards the firing squad...
third POV
The snobby whispers and giggling from the girls soon died down when Y/n walked in with a very handsome and well dressed man, the tall/petit woman grimaced seeing her sisters eyeing Shay like hungry bobcats, as her mother & Father stood up and walked over curiously eyeing the man next to their youngest daughter warily. "Y/n dear would you introduce us?" the older woman press hope was clear in her voice as Shay stood up a bit straighter.
"Shay Patrick Cormack ma'am, I'm uh...*ahem* Miss Y/n's soulmate." immediately Y/n's sister's expressions shifted into annoyance and jealousy they processed Shay's word's "I would like to know if I have your blessing.? I wish the court Y/n." He asked as Y/n's father eyed him reluctantly as his older daughter's whispered and boasted about this whole thing being a ruse, Y/n paying mister Cormack, but the second Mr. L/n noted the matching scars he knew this was real.
"Very well Mr. Cormac you may court my youngest, But be warned should you hurt her..." Shay assured him that he would never harm his fated one, before kissing Y/n on her cheeks making her tattoos disappear, causing the women in attendance to ooh and aww while her sisters glared venomously at her...  Of course Y/n could care less about what those harpies thought, from then on out she knew she'd be happy for as long as she was with Shay.
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hellotvshowtrash · 4 years
Hi everyone!! Here’s another fic I’ve been working on. Check it out, please like/reblog if you like it!! :) (I’m so nervous eeee!)
Random Online Prompt: "You thought he was dead, but there he is, right in front of you on the street, smiling at you."
 You and Elijah are in love for centuries, his family becoming your family over the years. Until something goes horribly wrong.
A/N: I feel like I've seen this same kind of situation/prompt but honestly I love it so here we go. Starts in S1 ep 15 flashbacks, (following the story) then moves to present day (definitely not following the story).
Elijah x reader (S1 of TO)
word count: 3.3k
warning: implied smut, sadness, death, loneliness, gore, language, season 1 spoilers?
Immortal life was a bit drab without something to live for. For centuries, you had just that. A totally epic love. Someone to be with forever, adventuring, fighting, loving. Elijah had lit up your life like no other, he was the candle that brightened your darkness.
Until Mikael returned.
The Quarter was vibrant and full of life with news of the peace agreement between factions in the face of prohibition. Meetings held in secret at local speakeasies, jazz music, dancing, and drinking. You eyed your love from the dance floor as he talked with his younger brother and the Werewolf Queen, Lana, raising their glasses to newfound peace. Elijah turned to scan the room for you. He found you, dancing to the lively music. He smiled as you raised your hand, finger pointed in his direction, instructing him to come dance. He finished his drink and set it on the bar behind him, smirking as he glided over to you. He grabbed you by your waist, moving in sync with you and the music. Elijah Mikaelson spent his night getting lost in the movement of your hips.
The next morning, Elijah was gone, a box and note on the pillow next to you rather than his warm body.
"For tonight. xx" The note read. You picked up the box to find a diamond necklace with matching earrings. You smiled giddily as you eyed the shine of the necklace. It would go perfectly for your dress for the opera, "Les Huguenots". Rebekah would be accompanied by Marcel, Niklaus with his new plaything, the Werewolf Queen from the previous night, and you and Elijah. Call it a group date. The Abbatoir was quiet in the mid-afternoon as you spent the day agonizingly passing time until the opera, doing your hair and makeup when the time came.
A knock at your door startled you from your concentration on your hair.
"One moment," You called. You stood, adjusting your dress in the mirror. You turned to see a tall, blonde man you didn't recognize standing in the middle of your room. Surprised, you took a step back. He was holding a decorated, carved wooden stake. He gave the smallest of fake smiles that looked devilishly familiar.
"Forgive me," he said, his accent thick, "But I must use you." He came toward you at an alarming speed. You threw your arms out in an attempt to protect yourself, but blackness and pain was the only thing that came next.
Consciousness came and went as you hung from the metal fence prop to be used by the opera cast that night. The man - who you had not learned the identity of - had dropped you down on top of the prop, impaling you through the stomach. Through your haze, you saw Marcel, unconscious, his body hanging limply, his hands and feet were tied to a large wooden torture prop. Your gaze moved as your head lulled back, eyes landing on the body of the werewolf queen, Lana, impaled on a large wooden stake. You squeezed your eyes shut as tears fell, unconsciousness taking over again.
The next time you woke was to the sound of laughter and fighting. Your eyelids parted to see the audience of the opera, cackling with laughter at the gruesome sight on the stage. You squinted, confusion taking over. You tried to move as pain ripped through your body. You saw figures fighting over Marcel, Klaus trying to free him as the man - who was he, why was he doing this? - attacked Klaus from behind. Rebekah ran from the right, trying to help Klaus free Marcel.
The man threw Klaus into another prop on the far end of the stage.
"Father," you heard Rebekah gasp. Your head fell back as realization flooded over you. Mikael. He had found the Mikaelson siblings and would kill all of them, here and now. Where had Elijah been all day? Panicked, you tried to move again, desperate to help your loves' family - your family. The pain was unbearable. It was then you heard Elijah's voice.
"There's no helping Marcel," He grabbed his brother, gazing at Marcel with Mikael's hand in his chest. A bright colour caught his eye, a deep and familiar red. Y/C/H hair on the other end of the dress, in just a position that he couldn't confirm whether or not it was you, his love. The glint of diamonds caught the light as you fell limp again, the pain finally getting the better of you. A pit fell in Elijah's stomach. "We must run," were the last words you ever heard Elijah say, as he and his siblings ran from the opera house. If there was a god, you prayed that Elijah got out safely. Flames erupted from somewhere in the opera house, and you swore this was your end.
Present day
That night lingers in your dreams every so often, even now, a century later. You had come to the conclusion that Mikael had gotten to them that night. Why else wouldn't Elijah swoop in and save you?
Marcel had come to just before the flames took over, seeing you struggling to get free. He saved you that night. Not Elijah. Together, you and Marcel built an empire in New Orleans, years spent building what had burned. Allyships, enemies, pacts, and treaties. It was, in all ways, strictly platonic. You had formed a friendship with the man, some nights even spent drunkenly crying to him about what you both had lost that night. You were each other's family now.
You left New Orleans in the late 1990's, feeling as though you had accomplished everything there was to do. Marcel stayed to rule what you had built together, but he always stressed to you that you had a home there, no matter what.
Travelling wasn't what you remembered it being. When you were with Elijah, it was always filled with adventure and awe. Now, it was lonely, and you found yourself searching for something, or more specifically, someone.
Years ago in Rome, you saw a dark-haired man in a tailored suit and your heart skipped a beat. You grabbed onto his arm and spun him around. But, of course, it wasn't him. You apologized to the man, as he scoffed and turned back around. The rest of your time in Rome was wasted in back alley's, taking your anger out on unsuspecting tourists. Your humanity was killing you. Done with the hurt and the pain, you finally flipped your switch. Ripper Y/N was a force to be reckoned with.
You found yourself in New York, playfully stalking a poor soul in the dead of night when your phone rang. Growling, you took it out of your pocket, the phone lighting up your face in the darkness reading "Marcel".
"What?" You put the phone to your ear as you watched your prey run to safety.
"You need to come home," he said in a hushed tone, "there's someone important here that you need to see."
You scoffed. "No one in my life is important anymore." These comments had become more and more frequent since you flipped your switch, but it stung Marcel nonetheless.
"I'm serious, Y/N/N. Come home. You wouldn't believe who it is if I told you." You heard him move away from the phone a bit, probably watching his surroundings. You rolled your eyes but decided to humour him.
"I'll be there tomorrow. This better be good." You hung up the phone, not waiting for his response. The veins around your eyes turned ashen and your eyes black as you hunted down another meal.
Walking down the French Quarter streets almost brought back fond memories for you. Almost. You made your way toward the compound to find Marcel, giving little notice to the walking food supplies around you. Mardi Gras was around the corner, and you would stick around town to have your fun then. Nothing better than booze, parties, and blood.
"Y/N!" Marcel greeted as you rounded the corner, arms outstretched.
"Marcel," You greeted, "What brings me here?" You asked in a bored tone.
He dropped his arms in a defeated manner. "Good to see you too," You rolled your eyes and raised an eyebrow. "Fine. I'll show you. Let's go." He pulled out his phone and sent a text. You eyed him but followed as he walked out onto the street. You recognized where he was heading. The ol' reliable of bars, Rousseau's. A smile crept onto your face, glad to be getting a drink in your system soon. He turned to look at you and reciprocated the smile. "Just wait," He said, leading you into the bar.
The bar was generally full, about as busy as you remembered it being every time you were there. You breathed in the familiar scent of the bar, catching a second familiar scent. You froze before you could exhale, eyes looking wildly around the bar. They landed on the beautiful blonde woman sitting there, watching you with a small smile on her face. Rebekah. Your eyes followed to her right, another blonde with a shit-eating smirk on his face. Klaus.
Something inside you changed, and you involuntarily flipped your switch back. The wind was knocked out of your lungs as you stared at the two Original siblings who were supposed to be dead. A tear fell down your cheek. Marcel pulled you by your arm toward them, gesturing the pretty blonde behind the bar for a shot or two.
Klaus raised his eyebrow, but his eyes shined. Rebekah was emotional as well.
"I thought you were- I swore, you and him and El-" you choked on the words as Rebekah pulled you into a hug, that you weakly responded to.
"I know, love. Us too. We couldn't bring ourselves to come back because we thought we'd lost you both." Klaus said from behind Rebekah. Rebekah released you and looked into your eyes.
"It's so good to see you, Y/N." She smiled, brighter. You forgot how much your heart ached for your adopted sister over the years.
"I just, I need a second," You gave a weak smile and walked out of the bar, pressing yourself against the brick wall outside. Covering your face with your hands, you slid down the rough bricks, gasping for air. You had to know if he was here, too. If he was alive, too. You pulled your head out of your hands, looking up and around the sidewalk as people walked by.
You could feel it, that he was there, somewhere. You don't love someone for centuries and not know what their presence is like. You looked into the street and saw a figure facing you, hand in his suit pants pocket, looking at you from a distance. He hadn't changed at all, except the suit was surely more expensive than any others he had owned in the previous years. He smiled a small, sad smile. You stood on shaky legs, not daring to take a step for fear of falling. You thought he was dead, but there he is, right in front of you on the street, smiling at you.
"Elijah?" Tears spilled from your eyes as he sped to you in an instant, inches from you now. He was ready to catch you at a moment's notice. His scent filled your lungs as he looked down at you, taking you in. Your hand reached up to hover over his cheek, not daring to touch him.
"Y/N, I-" Before he could speak more, you silenced him with the flat of your hand, slapping him across the face. Surprise filled his eyes, unsure of what to do. You touched him for the first time in a century, and it felt good. You picked up a choked laugh from inside the bar, as you realized how close you were to the windows of Rousseau's. Marcel had choked on his drink, laughing as he watched.
"How dare you." You whispered. As if he knew this might happen, his eyes became more understanding, more guilty. "Years, Elijah. I thought you were dead, for years. Because you never came back for me." He looked at the ground between you, taking a step back. He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again, debating on his words.
"I did, Y/N. I did come back for you," He ducked his head but raised his eyes to meet yours. "A few decades after what happened at the opera house. I had to know if you were alive. I didn't see Marcel, but I saw you, being a leader and thriving, and I couldn't bring myself to put you in that same danger. You had healed and you were so strong. Mikael was still out there, and I knew he would use you against me, again. I couldn't have that." He talked of Mikael in the past tense, leading you to believe that he wasn't a problem anymore. You shook your head, your eyes never leaving his.
"That doesn't make it any better," You said quietly, "I was mourning you and your family, my family. I was rebuilding what you had all worked so hard to create in the first place. Marcel and I rebuilt. This isn't something you can just come in and take from us. He helped me over these years. He's the one that saved me. I would've died if it wasn't for him. Not you." Those last words stung both of you. What little was left of your heart was cracking and breaking. A tear slid down Elijah's cheek and you reflexively moved to wipe it away. Elijah's eyes looked hopeful as your hand gently moved toward him, but you stopped yourself and hovered your hand over his cheek once again. You blinked your eyes as if shaking yourself from a trance and lowered your hand slowly.
"Y/N, please, let me spend forever showing you that I deeply regret not making myself known to you. Please." He took your hand this time and kissed it, his eyes searching yours for your response. The picture of you limply hanging from the metal fence flashed in his eyes and guilt clouded him. You let him take your hand, desperately wanting him to keep kissing you.
"I need a drink," You slouched and pulled your hand away, deciding to stand your ground in your anger. You turned and walked back into Rousseau's where Rebekah and Marcel had started a tender conversation while Klaus was flirting with the blonde bartender. You plopped down next to Klaus and he looked at you, remorseful.
"A drink here for my friend please, sweetheart." He winked at the bartender - her name tag read Camille - and she nodded, obliging his request. Elijah followed into the bar, sitting closer to Rebekah and Marcel to give you the space you needed.
"You should know, that it wasn't just his choice to stay away. We had to run, Mika-"
You cut him off with a wave of your hand, "He told me. Mikael, danger, blah blah blah," you felt anger rising again, "but you all just left us here to die. I don't even know if you saw me in the opera house, thanks to daddy dearest, I had a slight stomach problem." Klaus's eyes narrowed as you spoke, remembering that night. You saw that you had pushed some buttons. This encouraged you even more.
"I get it though, Marcel is like a son to you, so he takes precedence, but it would've been nice to know you held me in the same regard that I held you. Family. What's that phrase? Ah, 'always and forever'? You must have forgotten that you welcomed me int-" before you could finish, Klaus had his hand wrapped around your throat. You smiled a twisted smile and chuckled as his eyes darkened.
Elijah was behind him in a second, pulling him away. A few people's gazes were drawn to the scene, but there was otherwise no public response. Camille came over, alarmed. "Is everything okay?" She asked, concerned for you. You turned and smiled sweetly at her. You looked deep into her eyes, compelling her.
"Everything is fine here. I'll be taking that drink now, to go." She nodded slowly and handed you the glass of bourbon she had poured. Klaus' eyes hadn't left you, but they softened and he waved Elijah off. He returned to his seat next to Rebekah and the entire group looked toward you as you gestured your head to the exit, beckoning them to follow.
"A bit vindictive, are we?" Klaus challenged upon arriving at the compound.
You softened at his words. This isn't who you are. A century of anger and grief had built up in your chest, but this wasn't how you wanted to reunite with the people you loved most. You turned to Klaus.
"I'm sorry." You said softly, to no one in particular, but simultaneously to everyone in the group.
Rebekah shook her head and moved to stand by you. "No, Y/N, we should have returned sooner," She glanced back to look at Marcel, regret thick in her voice. "We should have come back for both of you. We shouldn't have left without you in the first place." She took her hand in yours. Her words brought tears to your eyes, again. Klaus nodded in agreement. "It took years before any of us could even speak your names aloud. We thought you both dead."
You and Marcel exchanged looks. He moved to stand with Rebekah, his arm wrapping around her waist. She smiled at him, but he hadn't moved his eyes from you. "All Y/N and I have wanted is to know what happened to you guys. Personally, I'm just glad you're all okay." He stated.
You sighed and finally met Elijah's eyes. He hadn't stopped looking at you since the bar. He would never stop looking at you, not until he erased the image in his head of you in the opera house. His eyes were dark and anxious, desperate to know what was going through your head. Another tear ran down your cheek, you just couldn't believe that he was here. That he was okay. In a flash you were to him, arms wrapping around his neck. Not missing a beat, his hands found their way to your waist, where they belonged. It felt like home. You hadn't felt this safe in a very, very long time. He breathed a sigh of relief, pulling you in and squeezing you, taking in the scent of your hair.
"You promised me forever," You whispered to him.
He nodded into your neck, "Forever I shall give you," he whispered back.
You pulled away from the hug and kissed him, aching for him in every way. He kissed you back with the same urgency, matching your hunger. Getting lost in Elijah was just what you needed.
A cough came from behind you, interrupting your reunion. You blushed and pulled away, turning away from him. Klaus had both eyebrows raised, "I know we're all happy to be reunited but please save the intercourse for somewhere more private." He chuckled and walked toward the stairs, making his exit.
"If I have to wait-" Marcel wrapped his arms around Rebekah's waist, pulling her in hungrily. "- so do you." Rebekah giggled and turned to kiss him. You smiled warmly at them, knowing Marcel felt the same relief you did.
You turned back to Elijah, surprised to see him already looking down at you. He cocked his head to the side, his mouth curling up in a smile. He tugged at your waist, pulling you into him again, kissing you with a century's worth of passion.
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