serenefreakgeekao3 · 1 year
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[Table of Contents]
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[A/N] Hello, yes, it is me! I've actually posted this! Now, just gonna say rn that tumblr post editor is a sack of klunk so if you want to read the story how I wrote it out (essentially with added italics in places that need emphasis) then go ahead an click that little link at the top of the post that says the fic's title, it'll lead you to Ao3, who is more friendly to me and doesn't hate me. Anyway, hope you enjoy this 9k word chapter!
Day Two-Three, Thursday-Friday
You wake slowly, your mind full of hazy thoughts of comfortable couches and electrical lights. Images floated away gradually, like memories you had remembered in your dreams that didn't seem relevant to remember in your consciousness. The feeling remained though, warm and safe and happy.
You blink your eyes open, and the first thing you notice is a head of blond hair turned away from you, laying the same way you are, aside from the pillow under his head. The second thing you notice is that the warm, comforting feeling isn't quite going away. You feel something pressing on you, and you glance down to notice a familiar cream-coloured blanket lying draped across you, heavy and warm. You wonder where it came from, then notice that the boy next to you doesn't have a blanket of his own. Not anymore, anyway.
You sit up slowly, groggily, and stretch your muscles to finally gain some movement. It's still dark out, though you couldn't tell if the sky was getting lighter or if perhaps there was a nearby light source, like the bonfire last night, lighting the Glade up gradually. From the sounds of- well, nothing, you figured the party was over and likely not the bonfire. Maybe if you got up now you would be able to watch the sunrise in this mysterious place.
The blanket was thick and soft under your hand as you took hold of it. You pondered, briefly, if you should wrap it around your shoulders and take it with you on your walk. You half wanted to, but looking down at Newt beside you, and Thomas curled up rather close next to him, you felt your resolve to steal his blanket away crumble. You pulled the blanket up and off of you, then gently draped it over the sleeping boy. You held back a laugh at the tattered piece of cloth that Thomas used as a 'blanket,' and pushed yourself to your feet.
Leaving the little sleeping area of the Glade was harder than when you went to bed. This time it was full of bodies, hanging from hammocks or lying stretched across the floor, all facing random directions. You tried to move as quietly as possible, dodging around stray hands and feet that stuck out just enough to trip. You took your time though, so no one was harmed or awoken by your movements.
You walked the Glade in slow, leisurely steps. You didn't like the idea of being found in the centre of the whole area so you made your way to the wall first. The doors you had watched close were still pressed tightly together, and you felt along the crease on the wall gently. You let your hand gently drag across the stone as you started walking, toward and around the outskirts of the farms.
The sky was gradually becoming lighter, just slow enough to not notice as it happened, but fast enough that by the time you reached the east gate, the sky was full of a light pink. You watch the sky, a gentle white puff of a cloud floating past, and smile at the serene silence surrounding you. You knew you were trapped here in some giant stone box, but for just a moment you felt peaceful enough to relax. But only for a moment.
The grinding of stone started, extremely loud in your ears, and you jumped away from the wall quickly as it began moving under your hand. Your eyes widened impossibly large, watching as the stone doors began sliding open directly in front of you. Your breath caught in your throat, terror filled your belly, and you felt frozen in place. You hadn't expected this side to open. Yesterday it had been the northern and southern sides?
Just as the doors opened enough to see down the long hall, something at the end caught your vision. A tangle of slimy black organic material and shiny, sharp iron coalesced into one great big shape, moving- or rather, crawling- oddly toward the end of the corridor. Its movements were janky, flailing slightly, and it practically climbed the side of the wall as it turned right at the end of the hall, and suddenly it was no longer in view. It was terrifying to behold, but something else was terrifying you even more.
You remembered it. You didn't remember seeing it exactly, which was weird, but you remembered the description. It was as if you read about this creature, the way it operated and the horror it could unleash. You weren't just scared because it looked horrid, you were scared because you knew the damage it could do- and has done.
"It's called a Griever." You nearly jumped out of your skin at the spoken words behind you, twisting to gawk at whoever had caught you off guard. Newt stood there, arms crossed against his torso, staring into the hall past you. Looking behind him, you could see multiple Gladers already up and moving about, getting ready for the day. Sucking in a deep breath, your eyes fell back to the blond, studying him for a moment.
You hummed, unsure of what to say. You knew it was a Griever, you knew what it did and how it operated, and that a sting from it could turn a person crazy. But you also knew that telling anyone you knew this might be dangerous. Newt was explaining this to you as if you shouldn't know already. You were told everyone lost their memories, only gaining back their name. Why were you remembering so much so easily?
Your confusion must've shown on your face, as Newt didn't seem too suspicious about your lack of response. You could see him studying you, but he seemed to come to some kind of conclusion that you couldn't begin to comprehend. He took the last few steps toward you that had separated the two of you, laying a gentle hand on your elbow.
"Fry should be done making the early riser's breakfast. Let's go grab something to eat." He spoke softly, gently tugging on your arm. You followed willingly, though your stomach turned at the thought of food after just witnessing a Griever in person. He kept his hand on you for half the walk before finally dropping it away, and for some reason, you missed the comforting heat of it.
Arriving at the shuttered building, Newt knocked on the window twice before suddenly a man swung one side open, grinning at the two of you. He worked the other side open, and you could see him notice and study you for a moment.
"Must be the new Greenie, nice ta' meet ya'." His voice was smooth, and you couldn't help but smile back.
"Name's [Y/N]. You must be Fry?"
"Frypan, yeah, but Fry is good too." He studied you for a moment as he scooped some food into bowls, handing them over through the window. "Weird you got your name back so soon. Happen this mornin'?"
"Yesterday, actually. Almost immediately after coming up," Newt inserted, grinning over at you and handing you one of the bowls. "Probably the quickest anyone has." You heard Fry laughing behind the two of you as you followed Newt over to an empty table, sitting and looking at your breakfast. It was a mix of scrambled eggs and some kind of salsa. Taking a bite, flavour burst across your tongue, and you were grateful that Fry ended up being such a great cook. You could definitely get used to living in the Glade if this was the food you got three times a day.
"Good?" You looked up after shovelling a few bites into your mouth, noticing an amused Newt eating at a rather normal pace compared to you. You finish chewing and swallowing, clearing your throat before replying.
"Didn't realize how hungry I was. And this is good." Newt grinned at this, nodding along before taking another bite.
"Benefit of growing or raising all of your own food, I guess."
The sky was finally brightening to a light blue, and you could hear the Glade becoming livelier with it. Gladers were forming a long line at the kitchen window, and others were getting ready for their day's work. You glanced back to the sky, noticing another couple of clouds. One of them looked to be shaped like a dog- if dogs had long necks.
"Where do you go when it rains?" The question was out of your mouth before you really even processed saying it. The clouds above drifted lazily by, puffy and white and looking nowhere full of condensation. It still seemed like a relevant question to ask though, until Newt spoke.
"It doesn't." This causes you to look back down from the sky, watching as Newt took another bite of his eggs. You blinked a few times and glanced between the sky and Newt once more.
"What do you mean it doesn't? Surely it's rained at some point in the last eight years?" Newt's shrug seemed casual, but you could see the slight stiffness of his shoulders if you really looked.
"It just hasn't. We don't know why."
"Where do you get your water from then?"
"The Creators," Newt answers easily, shovelling in another bite. He finally looks up at you, studying you before tapping his own bowl with his spoon. "Eat up, you'll need the energy."
You took another bite in response, watching Newt nod his head. Suddenly Chuck appeared by Newt's side, his own bowl in hand with a giant smile on his face, shovelling a bite into his mouth before speaking with his mouth full.
"Ready for work, Greenie?"
You chuckled at his manners- or, lack thereof- and nodded to him, taking your own bite. Chuck began talking animatedly about his job, and the duties he was planning on for the day. He assured you that you could have the easier ones, since you were new, and you appreciated it. At some point during his spiel Thomas had shown up, sliding onto the bench next to you. He sat close by, his thigh pressing against your own, and you felt comforted by his presence.
As Chuck continued to drone on, Thomas joking around with him every so often, you finally glanced up to lock eyes with Newt. His expression had been neutral, or slightly puzzled if anything, though smoothed out quickly. The ends of his lips quirked up slightly, a tiny smile that felt solely for you. With the press of Thomas against you, and Newt's comforting gaze and soft smile directed at you, it was as if the 'why's and 'how's didn't quite matter anymore. And wasn't that just a terrifying prospect?
Slopper duty, it turns out, was just as horrible as everyone made it out to be. Chuck hadn't fooled you in any way, he had been extremely honest in that this was possibly the grossest job in the entire Glade. And you were even given the easiest parts.
Chuck had worked with you at first, before being pulled away by what some Glader called an 'Outhouse Emergency,' and you dread to think of what that might entail. Currently, you are shovelling animal… excrement into a mix of dirt and other compost, and you had hoped to get used to the smell by now, but the sun was high in the sky at this point and you could still smell nothing else. You were somewhere toward the middle of what was called the Deadheads, Chuck explaining that the smell wasn't exactly something the other Gladers had wanted to live around. You couldn't help but agree.
Lifting an arm, you wipe the sweat from your brow and lean against the shovel planted into the ground. Breathing through your nose was bad, but breathing through your mouth almost seemed worse. You weren't sure if you were ever going to be able to get rid of this stink, and hoped dearly that you wouldn't be asked to continue this after lunch. The thought of lunch turned your stomach in a bad direction, and you shook your head to try to physically rid yourself of such thoughts.
"Alright, so just finish that up and you can take a break 'til after lunch, good that?" You turned, spying Chuck and another Glader walking in your direction. The Glader nodded enthusiastically, spouting off some thanks before turning and jogging back to their work. Chuck nodded once and continued on his way toward you, lighting up when he noticed you watching. "'Ey, no one told you that you could stop!"
"Just a small rest Chuckie, I'm dying of thirst out here." You chuckled good-naturedly, though you watched as Chuck's brows furrowed from concern.
"Awh, shuck. I meant to leave a canteen here for you," He expressed, jogging closer to you and reaching for his own canteen slung by a long strap across his torso. He pulled it off, throwing it over to you. Catching it, you uncork it quickly and begin to take a drink. After, you wiped your mouth with a smile.
"Wasn't really dying, but nice to know you care." You took another sip, watching the boy become suddenly shy, raising a hand to pat at his curly hair.
"Well- I mean- of course. I care for all of my friends." This brought a quick and easy smile to your face, and you could feel the fondness for the boy showing so plainly on your face.
"Already? I've barely been here a day, and you consider me a friend?" You watch Chuck look taken aback, then look adorably confused.
"Well, yeah. Why not?" You smile, tossing his canteen back and watching him sling it back over his shoulder. You study him for a moment, the tool belt around his waist, and remember the looks the other Sloppers had been giving him.
"So how's it feel to be the youngest Keeper?" Chuck met your eyes again with a mischievous smirk, and you raised your eyebrows in surprise.
"You mean the youngest Glader?"
"Wait- you're the youngest? Of everyone?"
"Yep," Chuck popped out, "And it's been challenging, but I mean- someone's gotta be the youngest. Just like someone's gotta be the oldest, or wisest, or nosiest." You laughed at this, shaking your head.
"Ah, yeah? And who would those be?"
"Alby, Newt, and Thomas, respectively." Chuck laughed, and you couldn't help but join in. "But, to be serious for a moment, I guess-" He huffed lightly, reaching to take the shovel from your grasp and lean it against a nearby tree. "It is kinda hard. They don't like to involve me with a lot of plans, I feel excluded most of the time. Even though I've been here five years, and I've proven myself. I know I have."
You tried to keep the pity from showing on your face, but you felt bad for the kid. You understood why the others might do that, but he seemed adult enough, now. They may still see him as a kid, but he certainly handles himself and his job well. He may be a young adult, the youngest here, but he didn't deserve exclusion from the group of Keepers that he should've been a part of.
"Chuck," You began, your voice quiet as he refused to meet your eyes. You take a step forward, placing a hand on his shoulder, "I know I can't say much, being here for hardly any time at all. But, I saw the way the Sloppers looked to you." At this, Chuck finally lifted his watery gaze, meeting your eyes. "They respect you. You lead them, and they trust every decision you make. I can't say anything for the other Keepers, but they'd be fools not to have your input in regards to the Glade. You have one of the most important and hardest jobs here."
Chuck laughed weakly, raising a hand to rub his eyes with his forefinger and thumb roughly. "Hardest, huh?" You laugh at this, swallowing roughly.
"Yeah. And- I mean, I'll help you out the rest of the day of course. But I don't know if I'm cut out for this work." Chuck laughed at this, finally dropping his hand to turn toward you, patting your back with hard thumps twice.
"Ah, yeah. I could tell. Don't worry though, it's not for everyone. Every Greenie's gotta try it out first though, otherwise, we'd never get any helpers." You barked a laugh at this, shaking your head. Chuck continues anyway, pulling you along, "But I think you've earned yourself a break, regardless. C'mon, lunch should be ready soon."
You spent your lunch with the Sloppers in the far corner of the picnic area, away from the rest of the Gladers and their noses. You joined in on some of the laughter and jokes surrounding you, though mostly your eyes roamed your new home. Some builders were still out, working through lunch, but most Gladers sat at different tables in front of the kitchen or ate in the shade of the Deadheads across the way. You noticed Newt had been sitting next to Alby, laughing brightly and nudging the man with his elbow every so often.
Lunch passed quicker than you would have liked, and luckily the second part of your shift also seemed to zip by. Before you knew it, a loud bell rang through the Glade. You glanced up from your work, buckets piled in front of you, to notice almost every Glader dropping their tools and leaving their work for the day. You left the buckets where they were, jogging closer to Chuck. He and another Slopper were laughing, walking away from whatever project they had.
"Hey Chuckie," You grin as the boy blushes at the nickname, "Can you point out the showers? I'm not too keen to keep smelling like this."
"Ah, yeah no problem." Chuck waved his friend on, turning toward the Homestead. "The water isn't hot or anything, but shouldn't be too cold either. It's actually part of the job as a Slopper to keep the water silo full, at the top up there." You look where he's pointing, a large bucket-shaped thing sitting near the roof of the Homestead. "Builders engineered a kinda piping system. Since the water starts up there, it's basically just gravity that lets the water fall down. And since it's so high up, the sun heats the water enough to not be so chilled, like the lake."
After his explanation of how the showers worked, and where to find the necessities, you felt the hard day's work bleed off your skin. The shower, while it would've been nicer if it had been hotter, was decent enough. Soon after, you felt clean enough and hoped you had scrubbed the Slopper smell from your pores. You also hoped, once again, that you'd never have to get used to that smell.
You were just leaving the Homestead when you noticed the group of Runners arrive back in the Glade. Your eyes were locked on the few of them, something tugging at the back of your mind that said this was familiar while not explaining why. You were walking slowly with no destination in mind as you watched them, Newt jogging up soon and handing out a couple of canteens to the group of them.
They were discussing something, Minho elbowing Thomas and laughing brightly, the other just rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. He didn't seem to respond, choosing instead to sip his canteen and begin scanning the Glade. You noticed Newt watch him do this, hands on his hips as he nodded along to whatever story Minho was telling. Your eyes fell back on Thomas just as the boy's eyes fell upon you.
Your feet stopped abruptly, locking eyes with him, and watched a slow smile spread across his face. Next to him, Newt follows his eye line and locks eyes with you as well, a similar smile spreading across his own face. You see more than hear Minho begin to shout something, waving his arms and elbowing Newt, causing the man to flinch and laugh at his friend. The other Runners were already dispersing, and you felt like you were standing still for too long, though unsure where to go.
Thomas began heading in your direction, screwing the cap of his canteen back on and slinging the strap around his torso, and you noticed Newt follow close behind. Minho threw his hands up, yelling something you still couldn't quite hear before the Keeper began to jog to catch up to his friends. Now knowing they were heading toward you, you felt less awkward just standing in one place for so long.
"Hey! How's the first day in the Glade?" Thomas called out before he could quite reach you, and you noticed Newt begin to unsteadily jog to catch up. Minho shook his head with a laugh behind the two, and you shrugged.
"Second, technically. But, fine. Messy, I guess," You answered, running a hand through your wet hair. "Hope I don't reek too bad still?" You had phrased this as a question, though were afraid of the answer. Newt laughed as he finally slowed to a stop, though Thomas kept approaching until he was in your personal space, leaning close.
"Nah," He began, a smile lighting up his features as he ran a hand through his hair. "Fresh as daisies." He took a belated step backwards, as if remembering a little too late how close he still was. You laughed awkwardly, shrugging again.
"Ah, well, that's reassuring."
"Did you just sniff them, shank?" You heard Minho's incredulous voice from behind the two and leaned over slightly to see the, as expected, incredulous expression on his face. You weren't quite sure how to feel about this. You had asked, you just hadn't expected an actual answer like that. Thomas was red, from the heat or embarrassment you weren't sure, and Newt was just laughing loudly alongside the group.
"I- uh, well, they asked," Thomas stuttered out, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly and taking another step back. Minho just shook his head, crossing his arms and nodding toward you finally.
"And you, how was your first day on the job? Sloppers, yeah?"
"Yeah," You agreed easily, glad for the change of subject and grasping it quickly, "I worked pretty closely with Chuck for a lot of the time. He gave me the easy jobs, at least that's what he told me."
"He did," Newt agreed, his smirk remaining but finally able to get his laughter under control. He passed Minho and slung an arm around Thomas' shoulders, leaning against him. Thomas didn't seem to mind, and by the shuffling of his feet, also seemed to lean into Newt as well.
"Oh, and how would you know, Mister TrackHoe?" Minho asked, chuckling lightly and turning his crossed arms and curious expression toward Newt. The man just shrugs, keeping his expression.
"Well, I kept an eye on them, yeah? Gotta make sure the Greenie doesn't run off anywhere."
"Yeah, sure, that's why you'd do it," Minho mumbled to himself, and you wondered what he had meant by that. Thomas spoke up abruptly, blocking your train of thought as you turned toward him.
"What's your job tomorrow? Do you know yet?" You hesitated, tilting your head in thought. Newt jumped in, sensing your hesitation.
"Slicers, tomorrow." At your apprehensive look, Newt's smirk fell slowly to a gentle, encouraging smile. "It'll be fine, I'm sure. Gotta try it at least once, then ya' can do another the next day." You nod slowly, still unconvinced, and Newt removes his arm from Thomas to approach you, placing a hand on your elbow. "If you want, you can work the TrackHoes on Saturday?"
"Sure, that sounds nice," You mumbled, lowering your gaze and remembering earlier today, how some of the Sloppers had to clean out the Bloodhouse, where the Slicers worked. How you had almost been dragged along to help until Chuck came running up, insisting that he would help instead, that you should wait across the Glade until they were done. You worried about what it was you had almost witnessed, then realized you would be seeing it with your own eyes in under twenty-four hours.
You felt a squeeze on your elbow and a gentle tug and looked upward to see your little group wandering slowly over toward the picnic area. You were led along by Newt, who eventually dropped his hand once he realized you were obediently following along. Minho was poking fun at Thomas currently, something about the man being a Slicer when he first arrived to disastrous results, and couldn't help but laugh along with the group belatedly.
Dinner was delicious, of course, and you sat at the table with the rest of the Keepers and Runners, feeling almost like a civilian among celebrities with the way the rest of the Gladers would always keep an eye on the table. You tried to leave early, the undue attention raising the hairs on your arms, but with gentle encouragement from Newt and a hand on your wrist from Thomas, you stayed with the group in the end. It wasn't as if you'd regret it though, actually able to relax as the night went on, and you found yourself laughing and joking with the group as a whole.
That night held no bonfire, which was explained away by Alby: bonfire nights were only the first day of every month. You learned more of the Glade as you kept asking questions, the rest finally in an open sort of mood and willing to answer. They knew the old calendar had been a little weird with extra days in some months, or even leap years. However, in the Glade they consider one month to be 30 days. They had counted it out in the beginning, how many days between each Greenie. And back then when a Greenie had appeared every month they had decided that would be the way they counted their time in this place.
They continued to explain that now, since they had so many Gladers, they decided one day off a week for each would help give motivation to the other six days. The day each Glader came up into the Glade would be their day off, and at your confused expression, Thomas had added quietly that your day off would be on Wednesdays, like his own. You felt a weird sort of thrill at this, nodding at him. You had hoped this meant he might spend time with you then since you hardly get to see him during the day. You wondered for a small moment about being a Runner, though decided not to voice this thought aloud.
The group slowly began dispersing, some heading toward the Homestead for, you assumed, a shower. Others went straight to bed, calling their farewells. Thomas began to fidget on your left, Newt still twisting a piece of twine that had appeared in his hands not too long ago.
“So, make any new friends?” The question startles you, Thomas now gaining your full attention. New friends?
“Well, you all introduced me to-” You hesitate, motioning lazily at the lunch table that had been full of people just a bit earlier, “I mean, I thought maybe-”
“They’re all your friends, yes,” Newt quickly interjects, sending a half-hearted glare toward Thomas, who began rubbing the back of his head guiltily. “What I think he means is, any more? Besides in our little group, I guess.”
“Oh,” You breathe out, almost like a sigh. Were you supposed to? Were they beginning to feel too suffocated by you, being around so often? Hadn’t they been the ones to drag you along with them this entire time? “Well, not really.” You spoke slowly, unsure of yourself. Newt quickly nods in response, reaching the hand not currently holding twine across the table to yours. You take it hesitantly, looking between the two of them. “I mean, I haven’t really had the chance. Spent all day with Chuck, and then we all had dinner together and- well, I guess there was lunch. That blond guy had been nice-”
“Who? Ben?” Thomas was quick to ask, leaning toward you with his head tilted, curiosity evident across his face. Unbidden, it created an odd giggle to come out of you in response, rushing to answer his question to cover it up.
“Well, no. Ben’s a runner. He was out with you during lunch.” You turned to look at Newt to find him shaking his head slowly, a fond grin lighting up his face as he watched Thomas. “No, I think his name was Josh? Just some guy who was nice to me, tried to include me in the conversation whenever Chuck would get distracted.” Silence followed for a moment, and you watched some sort of emotion play across Thomas’ face that you couldn’t quite place. Newt was quick to speak up in his absence.
“Well, that’s good, right Thomas? It’s good that the glade is keeping you safe, helping you to feel welcome.”
“Oh- yeah! Of course, it’s a good thing! Why wouldn’t that be a good thing? Obviously, yeah, good. Very good thing-” Newt had to take his hand away from yours to smack Thomas’ arm, finally ceasing his rambling. Thomas cleared his throat, turning his head away from you and scanning the glade to his left. Which, really only consisted of a couple of empty tables and the giant wall of stone beyond those. Silence reigned again, though this time it felt considerably less comfortable than you’re used to with the boys. You squirmed gently in your seat before clearing your throat, though neither boy turns to look at you.
“I think I’m gonna hit the hay- uh, pad? Bed?” At this, more silence meets you, and you clear your throat once more to fill the awkwardness. “Yeah, anyway. Bye.” You quickly swing your legs over, beginning the walk to the sleeping area. Just as you were beginning to wonder how weird that interaction had been toward the end, you could’ve sworn you heard Thomas’ mumbled voice.
“So who exactly is Josh?”
You must’ve been exhausted. That was the only real reason you could think of, as you wiped the sleepiness from your eyes, as to why you had slept so heavily. You remember laying down as the sun was setting, and now you’re being woken up just as the sun was rising. It was Newt’s smiling face that you saw as you were finally able to wretch your eyes open. He seemed humoured by something, though he only had eyes for you. Was it you that he was laughing at?
“How rude,” You mumbled, unsure if you were able to actually pronounce the words right. This just caused another laugh from the man kneeling in front of you, shaking his head.
“What, for waking you up? You got a job to do, Greenie.” He pulled a hand from behind his back, holding a pillow and folded blanket toward you. “Plus, would a rude person bring you the bedtime comforts that you’ve forgone for a second night, now?”
“A nice person would’ve given them to me before bed.” Your voice was slowly gaining clarity, and you reached to take the offered items, laying them down in the spot you had just rested in. Looking up, you see a sombre look on his face, and it throws you for long enough that Newt was able to speak up.
“Why hadn’t you taken it sooner then? We showed you where you could find them the first night.”
“I just didn’t-” -feel like I deserved them. Luckily, you managed to cut yourself off in time, glancing guiltily up toward Newt. His expression only furrowed further, leaning down closer toward you.
“Everything here is for us- for you. You’re here with us too, y’know?” You kept yourself from shaking your head, but you couldn’t help feeling out of place. Last night’s dreams- feelings, more accurately- slowly began unfogging in your head, and you remembered a book again. Sitting somewhere bright, and reading, and certainly nowhere near this place that you just knew you weren’t supposed to be. You were an outsider, even still. If not to the rest of the Glade, then in your own mind at the very least. You couldn’t help the feeling still, even after the full day of work in the Glade. You didn’t really belong here.
“I just,” You begin trying to explain yourself, having to look away from Newt’s earnest gaze. “I felt like maybe-”
“What’s taking so long? Slap ‘em in the face with that pillow, that’ll wake ‘em up!” You heard Minho’s voice call out from a distance, and you quickly turned to see him elbowing Thomas, who stood next to him and was pointedly not looking in your direction. “Hurry up already! I’m starvin’ and Thomas wants to wait for you!” You watched Thomas quickly elbow Minho, and the two begin bickering quietly. A sigh draws your attention back to Newt, who stands with a wince and some difficulty before reaching a hand down toward you.
“Let’s go before the man decides he’s going to die of starvation. We’ll never hear the end of it.”
You take his hand and haul yourself up, catching Newt from falling forward once you steady yourself. You glance down, one of his legs seeming a bit unbalanced. “You okay there?”
“Yeah,” Newt’s voice was strained, but he straightened himself up with another wince, “Just fine.” He wouldn’t meet your eyes but began walking by your side as you made your way to the awaiting others. You tried to ignore the limp that Newt was obviously trying to minimize.
As you near the boys, Minho suddenly rushes forward, taking your arm in his and pulling you to walk faster, ahead of the group. He begins immediately telling you of your job for the day with the Slicers, mentioning that Winston was the Keeper and likely your job companion for the day. He spoke loudly, boisterous in the way he always was you were starting to realize, but you could still hear mumbling behind you. It was Thomas’ voice that you eventually made out.
“Why were you kneeling like that then? You know it’s bad on your knee.” You remembered back to when Newt woke you, and you couldn’t help the worried expression crossing your face. Why had he done that if it hurt him? You couldn’t help feeling bad, but then you felt a tug on your arm and you glanced at Minho, realizing he had fallen silent.
“It was his choice to wake you. Not your fault.” Minho was talking quietly, probably for the first time since you’d met the man, and you couldn’t help but feel slightly reassured. His voice was low, and soothing to your senses. “He’s had that for awhile, anyway. His own damned fault if he does stupid klunk like that. He knows better.”
You wanted to ask what happened, but like a lightning bolt to your brain, you remembered. Or- maybe remember wasn’t exactly the right word. You knew what had happened to him, what he had tried to do and where he had done it. You let out a heavy breath, stopping in your tracks and feeling winded. Scenes flashed before your eyes- Newt using the vines to climb the large stone walls, looking so young, younger than Chuck was currently. The jump, the fall, and how he had laid there for awhile before someone had finally found him. Before Minho found him.
You looked up, directly into Minho’s eyes in front of you, and felt your own begin to water. You sniffed loudly, your breathing having turned heavy without realizing it, and you finally recognize worry and panic in Minho’s eyes. Then you felt their presence on either side of you.
“[Y/N]? Hey, what’s wrong? What happened?” You heard Thomas’ panicked voice, and you look quickly to your left, meeting Thomas’ own anxious eyes. He had his hands spread out toward you without actually meeting you, like he was unsure of himself.
“What happened?” Newt’s voice was strong, rough, and you finally looked to your right. He wasn’t looking at you, but directly at Minho with a stern expression. Seeing Newt again caused a shaky inhale, and you reached out quickly, grabbing his forearm. He looked down at your hand, then back at you with such a soft expression, you had to clench your eyes together to keep more tears from spilling. And- yeah, more tears, as you could feel the warm tracks down your cheeks currently. What had just happened?
“I-I don’t know! We were just talking, and- and then-” Minho was rambling, panicked, and you had to clear your throat before interrupting him.
“It’s fine. I’m fine,” You try to reassure, but after finally opening your eyes you’re met with Newt’s disbelief. “I don’t exactly know what happened, but it’s okay. I’m better now.” You kept hold of his forearm, taking comfort in the feeling of him, reassuring yourself that he was still there with you. Newt places his own hand on yours, his eyes never leaving yours. You feel an arm wrap around your shoulders, and turn to see Thomas leaning in close. You could feel your heart stutter for a moment, swallowing roughly as you look back and forth between the two men trying to show you comfort.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Newt’s voice is soft next to you, and you finally settle your eyes on him. How would you even go about talking about this? The fact that you knew something so secret, so deep, and it had hit you like a freight train when you remembered? How would Newt even take it? How do you even know all these things in the first place?
“I don’t know how to,” You mumble, shrugging lightly and feeling disappointed when Thomas takes that as an indication to remove his arm from you. “I don’t even know what happened, really.” The three men begin nodding in response, trading glances with each other.
“Well, let’s get some food in you at least. Maybe that’s all you’ll need.” Minho smirks toward you, reaching a hand out and taking your arm, pulling you away from Thomas and Newt. He drops your arm once you start walking alongside him, and you already miss the comfort that your two favourite guys had provided.
You were still shaken up about your visions from earlier, the scene repeating in your mind over and over throughout breakfast. You could barely taste your eggs, but you swallowed them down nonetheless. You avoided Newt’s worried glances as often as you were able, but Thomas’ leg was bouncing in agitation right next to yours, and you had to subtly scoot over an inch on the bench so it would stop reminding you. It didn’t work out very well, however, and with Newt’s subtle eyebrow raise, you realized it wasn’t as subtle as you would’ve liked. When Winston finally stood and looked at you, you were practically vibrating in your seat with the need to do something, anything to get this train of thought out of your head.
“Ready for a rough day’s work, Greenie?”
You practically pounced out of your seat, nodding quickly and rounding the table to walk with him. “Yes, absolutely, let’s get this over with.” Winston’s laugh was melodic and helped you to smile finally. You hoped the fact that he hadn’t been around for your little meltdown would ease your way for the rest of the day.
It had worked, mostly. Winston was a good guy, and very dedicated to his job. He loved what he did, which was evident enough, but he repeatedly had to remind you not to get attached to the animals. “They’re not pets,” He’d said multiple times throughout the day. You had spent the majority of the time with the chickens- taking their eggs for tomorrow’s breakfast, spreading their feed out and opening their coop door to let them roam the allotted, fenced-in yard. Once, another Slicer had entered the yard without much mind, causing a chicken to escape the pen. After a brief bit of stunned paralysis, Winston called out to you, “Well go get it!”
You chased the chicken, much to everyone’s enjoyment. After a particularly unsuccessful leap, and consequentially disastrous fall, you glanced up from the ground to notice a group of farmers- of TrackHoes- standing together to laugh at you. Newt was among them, chuckling with his arms crossed, but with a look in his eyes that you didn’t have enough time to interrupt before bounding up from your muddy position and chasing after the little bugger once more.
You eventually caught the chicken, with some congratulations from the rest of the Slicers. Winston’s, “I didn’t even need to send help over, you managed great,” had awoken some pride within you, and by lunch you were walking with a beaming smile on your face to meet with Fry.
“So, fieldwork or Bloodhouse?” Fry’s question shocked you, causing you to look up to meet his wicked gaze. He was currently handing the tray over to you, as was customary so far, but this was the first time he had spoken to you since you first met.
“Oh- fieldwork, I guess? I was with the chickens-” Frypan’s laugh cut you off, his voice boisterous.
“Right! I had heard about the prank! Typical Greenie stuff, y’know? Wish I could’ve been there to see it.” His smile was contagious, but a certain part of your chest shrivelled to know that it had been done to you on purpose.
“Right, well, enjoy those eggs I gathered for you. I think breakfast will taste even better than usual tomorrow.” Frypan’s laugh echoed through his kitchen as you began to walk away, glancing through the gathered tables and wondering where you should sit. The rest of the Slicers were behind you, since you had been first in the line of the group, and you remembered yesterday when you had sat with your job group at lunch. You had just locked eyes with Newt when someone spoke up to your right, startling you.
“I know you’re probably averse to the smell by now,” You glanced over, meeting eyes with the friendly boy from yesterday, Josh, “But it’s my day off today so I probably don’t smell like klunk right now, if you want to eat together?” His smile was bright, matching his light blue eyes. At your silence, he quickly added, “I’m not sitting with the other Sloppers today either. Well, except for Chuck. But it’s his day off too.” His shrug brought a small smile to your face, and you nodded to him.
He placed a hand on your elbow and gently guided you to the edge of the tables, finally releasing you as he sat across from Chuck. You smiled at the boy as you took your seat next to Josh, laughing at Chuck’s excitement for you to be joining them for lunch. He immediately dove into a story about his day, Josh remaining silent but pleasant next to you. You were glad for Chuck’s almost constant dialogue, as it didn’t prompt you to engage more than you volunteered, and it kept your mind busy enough.
“So,” At this Chuck finally paused, gaining your attention at the shift in the atmosphere, “I had heard they did the whole ‘chicken chase’ today?” You could see Chuck was scanning your face, trying to glean some insight into your feelings. You tried your best to put what Fry had told you out of your head, pasting a smile on your face. Chuck, unable to know any better, grinned along with you.
“Yeah! Winston said I did great catching it! All by myself, didn’t need to send anyone over.”
“After that massive fall though,” A familiar accented voice added playfully, and you looked behind you to see Newt holding a tray with his half-eaten lunch on top. As he placed his tray to the side Josh wasn’t on, he sat sideways on the bench, facing you. “Lucky that dirt didn’t stick.” He reached out anyway, brushing a stray clump off of your shoulder with a kind smile. You had expected the flashes of visions to return once more, but thankfully they had stayed away, and all you were left with was Newt’s attractive face focused on you. You hoped the heat you felt on your cheeks was from sunburn, or something similar, and that you weren’t already blushing at having Newt’s full attention.
“I heard it happens often,” You lied, dropping your gaze down to your plate with a small smile, half pleased that Newt had joined you, and half stung from the prank revelation. “Y’know, tripping and making a fool of yourself during the ‘typical Greenie prank.’”
You felt more than seen Josh tense beside you, and you lifted your eyes slowly to notice Chuck’s fallen expression. You refused to look toward Newt during this, remembering his laughter earlier and wondering if he was somehow in on it. It was Chuck who had finally broken the silence.
“I would’ve helped, y’know? If I hadn’t been- well, preoccupied.” He shrugged, playing with his empty tray. You felt your smile grow, narrowing your eyes at him.
“Mhm, and what, praytell, was this preoccupation you had? Josh told me it was your day off.”
“Hey! I’ll have you know a Keeper’s job is never finished!”
“He was sleeping,” Josh muttered to you, startling a laugh out of you. Chuck blushed visibly, shrugging.
“I mean, who could deny a good nap?”
“But you still managed to get up in time for lunch?” Josh added on helpfully, finishing the last few bites of his own.
“Three meals a day, Josh! What's the point if not?” Chuck’s exclaimed, your mind instantly rushing back to the first day you arrived, and you catch Thomas’ exact phrasing. You wonder how much time he spends with Thomas if he’s quoting him directly like that. Hearing Newt chuckle to your side, you wonder if he noticed the same thing.
“True enough, my friend,” Josh exclaims before yawning, stretching in an obvious way. “Although, after my busy morning and with lunch out of the way, I think I’m ready for an afternoon nap.”
“Oh!” Chuck gasps, grinning toward Josh, “I’ll join you! Let’s go!” They both stand, Chuck a bit bouncier than his counterpart, and begin making their way toward the kitchen to drop their trays off. It’s silent between you and Newt for a moment, and you take another bite of your lunch, close to finishing it off yourself.
“I’m sorry,” Newt whispered, gathering your attention. You turned to meet his eyes, and realize he hadn’t turned away from you this whole time, still facing you on the bench. His eyes were sad though, and he was almost sporting a pout on his lips. “I would’ve told them otherwise if I had thought about it. Especially after your rough morning-”
“Don’t worry about it!” You’re quick to cut him off, pasting on a smile once more. It hurt your chest, just slightly, to use a poker face with Newt. You knew already that you wanted to be honest with him. “It’s fine, really. Everyone gets the treatment, I’m sure. I’m the newbie, the odd one out.”
“You’re not though,” Newt immediately replies, a furrow on his brow, “An odd one out? Not to me anyway. And not to Tommy.” You tilt your head, considering this, before asking the first thought that came to your mind.
“Why do you call him Tommy?” Newt was understandably startled at the change of subject, looking down toward his lunch with just the hint of a blush lighting his cheeks.
“Hm? Well, it’s a nickname, you see. That’s this name that people give you-”
“That you gave him,” You interrupted, your smile growing, turning real once more. “I haven’t heard anyone else call him that.” Newt just shrugs in response, and you couldn’t hold back a laugh. You notice the slight pout come back to Newt’s lips, and you shake your head, turning in your seat to face him. “So, anyway, who exactly is Josh?” You could see Newt’s confusion clear as day as he turns to face you again.
“What? We were just eating lunch with him.” You roll your eyes, raising an eyebrow with a smirk.
“I meant, what did you tell Tommy last night? When he asked?” It took a moment for Newt to process this question before he abruptly laughs, shaking his head fondly.
“I told him the truth,” He smirks at you, a mischievous look in his eyes, “He’s Chuckie’s crush.” You gasp in response, your grin widening as you lean forward.
“No! Really?” Newt only nodded in response, tearing a piece of meat off of his lunch and placing the small bite in his mouth. You look up toward the sky, wracking your brain to try and remember any indication of this new revelation from yesterday when you worked with the pair. Chuck did seem to glance up at Josh a lot when they worked the fertilizer together- though, not a very romantic setting, you could admit. “Crazy. I never would’ve guessed.”
“You haven’t been here even a week yet. Give it time, you’ll be able to point out everyone’s infatuations.” Newt chuckled lightly, and as you lowered your gaze back to him, you noticed the soft look in his eye was back.
“So what about you?” At Newt’s question-mark of an expression, you barreled on, “Who’s your crush?”
Newt immediately shook his head, mumbling an “Irrelevant,” quietly and directing his attention to his food once more, raising a hand to pull at his earlobe. You laugh lightly, your smile beginning to hurt your cheeks. He was cute like this, you noticed. Blushing, soft, and slightly awkward. And it seemed like it should be weird; you’ve been here almost three days now and yet you felt like you knew him so intimately already. It felt like-
“[Y/N]!” You turn your head, noticing Winston already standing a few feet away from the dining area. “Back to work, let’s go! Can’t spend all day chatting with Newt!” You notice another Slicer say something to Winston, both laughing and cracking up with each other. You instead turn your attention back to Newt, who looked slightly disappointed.
“Well, that’s me I guess. This was fun though, I’m glad I got to spend lunch with you. Part of it, anyway.” It’s instinctual, leaning over and giving Newt a hug. He felt warm against you, his shirt sun-soaked from working the fields all day. Newt turns stiff at first, long enough for you to begin to regret your sudden action, but just as you’re about to pull away he raises his arms and wraps them around your shoulders, pulling you closer. His grip isn’t tight, but it’s extremely comforting in a way that you didn’t realize you needed. It soothed the wound left open from this morning, and breathing in his earthy scent almost closed it entirely.
The hug felt simultaneously too long and yet not long enough before you finally pull back, feeling the heat on your cheeks once more. You pick up your tray, standing from your seat and smiling down at him. “Find me after work? Maybe we can think up our own prank?” And with Newt’s encouraging smile, you began your trek to take your tray back and resume your responsibilities.
You realized a tad too late that Winston was leading you to the building in the middle of the pens- the Bloodhouse. Apprehension filled you, however, you felt obligated to follow along. Winston was ranting on about some sort of story, involving the pigs if you remembered correctly, but your mind was already running with scenarios, trying to prepare yourself for whatever you would witness stepping inside the building. Winston pushed the door open and entered easily, and you followed cautiously behind him, casting one last glance at the open air of the Glade before stepping inside.
Now, let’s be honest here, when you pictured the ‘Bloodhouse,’ you had pictured blood covering the floor, dripping from the walls, and perhaps meat hooks with carcasses hanging from them. You were instead greeted by a singular, large room. It was clean, almost extremely so. Tanning racks lined one wall, and there were a few hooks hanging from the ceiling, though thankfully empty. A large table was situated in the middle of the room, with a block sitting atop on the right-hand side, handles of knives sticking out of it. You finally looked back to Winston, who had stopped talking and was now just studying you. You felt your shoulders relax, and the man nodded to himself with a pleased expression.
“Alright, wait here. Gotta go grab dinner.” You tilted your head, confused at the wording considering you just left lunch. You did wait though, and as Winston left out a side door, you began to wander through the room, dragging your hand across the leather stretched and strung up between a rack. A loud squawk caught your attention, and you turned to see Winston walking back inside, holding a chicken by the neck. “It’s Friday!”
“Friday?” You reply, confused as Winston rounds the table once more, lining up at the front and laying the chicken down atop.
“Yep! Friday is chicken day.” What happened next seemed so fluid, and you knew it happened in almost an instant but time seemed too slow for you. Winston took hold of a large handle jutting from the wooden block on the table, sliding the giant knife out. With ease and familiarity with the action, he heaved the knife downward, slicing through the neck of the chicken and cutting its entire head off. The last squawk from the chicken burned through your ears, and you felt yourself choke, raising a hand to cover your mouth.
Sure, you knew that whatever meat you had been eating had come from animals. You knew they had to die to be harvested, and eaten. And if you really thought about it, the fact this was called the ‘Bloodhouse’ and was situated between the two animals' pens should’ve given you some type of clue. A clue you didn’t need, you remembered being hesitant as you entered the building. But none of this knowledge prepared you for the surprise of watching a life being taken before your very own eyes.
Before you even realized you were doing in, you had already left the building and began running. You didn’t exactly have a destination in mind, but you just knew you couldn’t stay in that place. You already felt your lunch coming back up at the sight and didn’t want to upchuck in front of the entire Glade. You finally slowed as you reached the trees of the Deadheads, reaching a hand out toward the tree and resting your weight against it, breathing in and out deeply through your mouth in hope that the nausea would fade.
There was a building to your right, with a group of Gladers standing around outside of it. After a cursory glance, you recognized two of them right away: Gally and Ben. After locking eyes with them, you notice Gally say something to the group before both of them began making their way toward you.
“Slicer not for you, huh?” It was Gally who asked, and you could only nod in response as you drew in another breath through your mouth.
“It’s okay, it’s not for everyone,” Ben insisted, finally closing the distance and stretching a hand out to rub your back. Gally stood a few feet away, arms crossed with an almost stern expression. Or maybe that was just how his face rests.
“I just- I didn’t expect-”
“What, that the Bloodhouse would be filled with blood?”
“Gally,” Ben reprimanded, and the man in response deigned to look sheepish, shuffling his feet awkwardly. “It’s okay. It took me by surprise, too. I knew what was going to happen, but seeing it- that’s a different thing altogether.” You could only nod in response, lifting your gaze to finally meet Ben’s.
“I thought you were a Runner?” The statement caused a surprised huff of a laugh from him, and he finally took a step back. Gally, instead, took a step forward, a smirk lighting up his features.
“He is, and a brilliant one at that. But he likes to spend his time with me on his day off.” With the way Gally slings an arm around Ben, and the easy way they move with each other, you could see there was something between them. You couldn’t help but smile, looking between the two happy men. You replied with a light, ‘Oh,’ just as Gally began speaking again. “Actually, since you’re good on the Slicers, why don’t you come over and learn the basics of building? I can show you what a nail is.”
“I know what a nail is, you-” You pause, unsure what you were trying to say, until Ben pipes in helpfully.
“Shank. The word you’re looking for is shank.” Gally then turns a playful glare at his boyfriend, poking him in the side and causing the man to jump away, laughing.
“Teaching the Greenie to call me names? Not a very good partner you are.” His mumbles were half-hearted at best, his smile warring with his words already. You inhaled one more deep breath, and then followed Gally back to the Builder’s hut to hopefully enjoy the rest of your day.
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mazerunner-rarepairs · 2 months
Maze Runner Rarepair Bingo: Rules and FAQ
Which ships qualify as rareships?
All ships with less than 150 fics where they are the main ship posted to ao3.
Qualify: Brenderesa, Soniet, Minally, Nally, Trenda, Nalby + all other possible ships you can think of!
Don't qualify: Thomesa, Thomally, Newtmas, Thominho, Minewt, Thominewt
When does the event take place?
The bingo runs throughout the month of May - May 1st to May 31st.
Read on for rules & FAQ 🔽
When posting, tag this blog and add the tumblr tag #rareshipbingo2024. Indicate which square your submission fills.
Fic and Artwork needs to be original, that means created for the event.
Any submission types are welcome for the Rarepair Bingo. fanart, fic, fanvids, moodboards, podfics - knock yourselves out!
The AO3 board however can only be filled with fic.
All topics are allowed, the one important thing is to tag your works appropriately. With darker themes err on the side of caution. If you're unsure, feel free to reach out.
If you post nsfw fics to tumblr, make sure you put the text under a read more break (just type :readmore: and hit enter).
You must be 18+ to submit explicit content.
I will be marking all nsfw submissions with the community label for sexually explicit content, so those who don't want to see nsfw submissions make sure to enable community labels.
This event allows all kind of content regarding maturity and topic - I expect followers and participants to practise good fandom culture and adhere to the don't like don't read principle. No bashing ships or tropes you personally don't like.
Unnecessarily hateful comments are to be deleted without response after you notify me, the mod, about them. (Just message this blog)
Upload your fics to the AO3 collection .
Addition made on May 5th: platonic ships are also allowed! For more info see this post.
Clarification: the rarepair needs to be the main focus of the fic. pairings that don't qualify as rareships can appear in your work, but only as a side ship. if you're unsure about this rule feel free to contact me.
Is there a minimum word count for fics? No.
Are poly ships allowed? Yes.
Can one submission count for multiple squares from the same board? No. You have to decide which square you want to "use" your submission on, even if it combines prompts.
Can one submission fount for 2 squares on different boards? Yes! Eg if you write a fic for the square "poetry" and it's also the first fic for a ship, it can count for both the poetry square and the "write the first fic for a ship".
Can I submit WIPS? Yes.
Can I submit new chapters of a current WIP? Yes. If you have a rareship fic that you've been dying to continue, feel free to use the bingo as a motivator!
When is the reblogging perios? May 1-31st.
How does the Extra Rare Advanced AO3 Bord (For The Very Insane) work?
All the AO3 squares are to be filled in regards to the AO3 tag before April 22 - today.
Example: if you want to write a Rachel/Miyoko fic, and someone coincidentally would post one before the start of the bingo, your Rachel/Miyoko fic would still count for the "Be the first to write a ship" square.
Similarly, and using the same example as before, if 2 bingo participants decided they wanted to write Rachel/Miyoko, the person who posts their submission second would still get to fill the "Be the first to write a ship" square.
This applies to all AO3 squares:
If your fic is longer than all the fics posted before April 22, it fills the "Write the longest existing fic for a ship" square.
If before April 22nd there was no "General Audiences" rated fic for the rareship of your choice, your fic fills the "Be the first to write a rating no one has written for the ship before" square.
If you need help using the AO3 filtering system to figure out if you would be the first to write for a ship or for any of the other AO3 squares, drop this blog an ask and I'll help you out! I know not everyone is familiar with AO3 and I want this event to be open to everyone, including AO3 newcomers.
If any questions remain, don't hesistate to get in touch!
This post may be edited if further questions arise.
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madhare0512 · 1 year
Ships I Write For:
- Marvel
The Scientists and the Spies (Leopold Fitz/Jemma Simmons/Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff)
Lance Hunter/Leopold Fitz
Daisy Johnson/Piper
Daisy Johnson/Piper/Lincoln Campbell
Melinda May/Phil Coulson
Mack Mackenzis/Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez
Foggy Nelson/Matt Murdock
Wilson Fisk/James Wesley
Luke Cage/Danny Rand
Danny Rand/Spiderman (Ultimate Spiderman only)
Armando Muñoz/Alex Summer
Danielle Moonstar/Rayne Sinclair/Illyana Rasputin/Sam Guthrie/Roberto de Costa
Carol Danvers/Maria
Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson
Kate Bishop/Yelena Belova
- DC
Malcolm West | Herald/Joey Wilson | Jericho (Teen Titans only)
Rachel Roth | Raven/Garfield Logan | Beast Boy
Bruce Wayne/Selina Kyle
Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy
Tony DiNozzo/Jimmy Palmer
Tony DiNozzo/Nick Torres/Jimmy Palmer
Nick Torres/Jimmy Palmer
Sam Hanna/G Callen
G Callen/Eric Beale
Kensi Blye/Marty Deeks
Poly!Agents (Callen/Sam/Kensi/Deeks/Eric/Nell)
Gibbs/Jack Sloan
Jessai (Jesse Boone/Kai Holman)
- Criminal Minds
Micphet (Prophet/Mick Rawson)
Sam Cooper/Prophet/Mick Rawson
- Harry Potter
Jacob Kowalski/Newt Scamander
Fred Weasley/Harry Potter/George Weasley
Ron Weasley/Harry Potter
Hermione Granger/Harry Potter
- Maze Runner
- Doctor Who
Rose/Nine/Jack Harkness
- Supernatural
- Star Wars
- Star Trek
- Merlin
- Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
- Lord of the Rings/Hobbit
Frodo Baggins/Samwise Gamgee
Meriadoc Brandybuck/Peregrin Took
- Dark Matter
- Power Rangers (full list in the pr blog)
Jake Holling/Noah Carver
Brody Romero/Preston Tien
Hayley Foster/Calvin Maxwell
Tyler Navarro/Riley Griffen
Jayden Shiba/Antonio Garcia
Devon Daniels/Ravi Shaw/Zoey Reeves/Nate Silva
Devon Daniels/Nate Silva
Casey Rhodes/RJ
Vida Rocca/Xander Blye/Chip Thorn
Nick Russell/Chip Thorn
Jack Landors/Syd Drew/Sky Tate/Z Delgado/Bridge Carson
Jack Landors/Bridge Carson
Will Aston/Mackenzie Hartford
Ronny Robinson/Rose Ortiz
Scott Truman/Summer Landsdown/Dillon/Fynn McAllistair/Ziggy Grover
Dillon/Ziggy Grover
Scott Truman/Flynn McAllistair
Shane Clarke/Dustin Brooks
Zayto/Ollie Akana
Zayto/Ollie Akana/Javi Garcia
- Hawai'i Five-0
Max Bergman/Jerry Ortega
- Shadowhunters
Alec Lightwood/Simon Lewis
Jace Herondale/Clary Fray/Simon Lewis
Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood/Simon Lewis
- Umbrella Academy
Dave/Klaus Hargreeves
Eudora Patch/Diego Hargreeves
- Flashpoint
Julianna Callaghan/Sam Braddock
Lewis Young/Spike Scarlatti
Sam Braddock/Spike Scarlatti
- Teen Wolf
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
- Grimm
Monroe/Rosalee Calvert/Nick Burkhardt
Roddy Geiger/Carter Brimey
- White Collar
Peter Burke/Neal Caffrey
Horatio Caine/Eric Delko
Calleigh/Ryan Wolfe/Natalia
- 9-1-1/Lone Star
- One Chicago
Kelly Severide/Matthew Casey
Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz/Jay Halstead
Will Halstead/Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead/Natalie Manning/Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead/Justin Lieu/Connor Rhodes
Antonio/Peter Stone
- Mission Impossible
- Sherlock
Greg Lestrade/Mycroft Holmes
- House
- Ghost Whisperer
- Baby Driver
- Bull
- Julie and the Phantoms
Leo/Usagi (2003 only)
Leo/Karai (2003 only)
Raph/Casey Jones
Don/Usagi (2003 only)
Mikey/Mondo Gecko
Splinter/Tang Shen (2012 only)
I do not write incest of any kind, I do not write abuse unless by my own ideas, I do not write manipulation unless by my own ideas
If you have a question about a ship you don't see up here and want me to write, you're welcome to DM/IM me.
Thank you!
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masivechaos · 2 years
☆ characters i write for! ☆
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if i write a sibling!reader or child!reader, reader is adopted!
marauders era:
romantic: remus lupin, sirius black, james potter, regulus black, marlene mckinnon, lily evans
platonic: poly!marauders, wolfstar!dads, jily!parents, jegulus!dads
pairings: wolfstar, jegulus, jily
golden era:
romantic: fred weasley, george weasley, nymphadora tonks
the maze runner:
romantic: newt (gn! and male! reader only), gally, minho
platonic: chuck
pairings: newtmas
stranger things:
romantic: robin buckley (gn! and fem! reader only), eddie munson, steve harrington
platonic: hopper!dad, max mayfield, dustin henderson
pairings: steddie
dead poets society:
romantic: charlie dalton, knox overstreet, todd anderson, neil perry, steven meeks, gerard pitts, richard cameron
criminal minds:
romantic: spencer reid, aaron hotchner, derek morgan, jj, penelope garcia
romantic: charlie springs (gn! and male! reader only), nick nelson
sherlock bbc:
romantic: sherlock holmes, john watson
shatter me series (i just finished shadow me please don't spoil me):
romantic: aaron warner, kenji kishimoto, juliette ferrars
lord of the rings:
romantic: legolas, aragorn, pippin, merry
star wars:
romantic: anakin skywalker, obi-wan kenobi
daisy jones & the six:
romantic: graham dunne, karen sirko, warren rojas
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ back to the navigation!
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pinkandblueblurbs · 1 year
would you still write poly!newtmas stuff for your celebration?
yes! i still write all the stuff i used to write :))
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notes from my dashboard:
deep talks about what Teresa did, about what thomas did. thomas misses newt. says maybe if he'd know it was possible to find a cure for newt he would have done terrible things to people. breaks down when he realises that. Teresa strokes his hair, says ``i know''
they find out thomas loved newt in a way. (in a gay way haha)
thomas is a bisexual icon and can love more than one person.
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darkeunology · 3 years
♡ Poly Newtmas Masterlist ♡
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Infinity - Jaymes Young
1:36 || ━━━━━〇─────── || 2.22
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Masterlist || Other Fandoms || Rules for requesting
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Coming soon
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newtieluvstommy · 2 years
i know newtmas is like the otp of tmr but im curious about what other ppl ships who with who like maybe thomas and minho? newt and minho? newt and GALLY??? that one i never seen before thominewt is cute tho a lil poly relationship between ivy trio
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sweet-demiboi · 3 years
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Request rules:
I don’t write for heterosexual relationships.
I write for female x female, male x male, non-binary x every gender.
I also would write for ftm or mtf, if you want it.
My english is... probably bad at some points, so please be gentle with me XD
I will write smut if you want (I actually like it). At this point: If you’re non-binary and you have a woman’s body: I will write for you and a male (or another non-binary with a man’s body, or another woman, you got me).
I only write smut for people, who are older than 16 (in the story).
I like to be creative in every genre, I guess, but I haven’t written angsty stuff yet (but I’m open for it) and I’m not good at bad ends...
You can describe yourself as specific as you want, for example what nationality you have, or skincolor, or anything else.
Requests are CLOSED RN
NOTE: When a character's name is orange I DO NOT write for them at the moment.
Who I write for:
Peter Parker
Warren Worthington III
Loki Laufeyson
Thor Odinson
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Tony Stark
Bucky Barnes
Sylvie Laufeysdottir
Tom Holland
Tom Hiddleston
Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Dylan O'Brien
Harrison Osterfield
Henry Cavill
Ben Hardy
Harry Potter:
Hermione Granger
Sirius Black (young)
Remus Lupin (young)
James Potter (young)
Lily Evans (young)
Regulus Black (young)
+ Poly: Wolfstar, Jegulus
Maze runner:
+ Poly: Newtmas
The hobbit:
Thorin Oakenshield <3
Kili Durin
Fili Durin
+ Poly: Bagginshield
Lord of the rings:
+ Poly: Aralas
The witcher:
+ Poly: Geraskier
Helluva boss:
+ Poly: Stolas x Blitzo
Love, Victor:
Mia Brooks <3
Benji Campbell
Hawaii Five-O:
Steve McGarrett
Danny Williams
Tani Rey
Alexander 'Alec' Lightwood
Magnus Bane
Jace Lightwood
Clary Fairchild
+ Poly: Malec, Jace x Simon, Clizzy
Arthur Pendragon
Sir Gwaine
+ Poly: Merthur
Chronicles of Narnia:
Edmund Pevensie
Prince Caspian
The goldfinch:
Boris Pavlikovsky
+ Poly: Boris x Theo
Stranger Things:
Eddie Munson
Billy Hargrove
+ Poly: Mungrove
Enid Sinclair
Bohemian Rhapsody/Queen:
Roger Taylor
Brian May
Gwilym Lee!Brian May
Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor
+ Poly: Brian x Roger
6 Underground:
The hobbit:
Thorin with an introverted boyfriend
Thorin with a jealous boyfriend
Thorin being attracted to his smoking boyfriend
Thorin with a boyfriend who can transform into a horse
Love at first sight
Arachnophobia is a bitch
Thorin with an angel boyfriend
Thorin with his FtM!Pregnant!Husband
Peter Parker
Little chat #1
Little chat #2
Studying with Peter
Bottom!Loki x Top!Male!Reader
Soft sex with Bottom!Loki
Loki with a boyfriend who can only sleep to noise
Little chat #1
Bucky Barnes
Wholesome smut
Thor with a boyfriend who is the god of wisdom
Loki/Peter/Tony/Thor x Male!Reader (also NSFW)
Tom Holland
Little chat #1
Little chat #2
Little chat #3
Little chat #4
Little chat #5
Helluva boss:
Imagine being Stolas and Blitzo's boyfriend
Love, Victor:
Mia Brooks:
Being Mia's girlfriend
Magnus Bane:
Magnus with his boyfriend but it's very gay
Alec Lightwood:
Alec Lightwood x Trans!Male!Reader
Sir Gwaine:
Little chat #1
Night activities
Candy hearts
(Y/N) is drowning but it's funny
Pregnant!Ftm!(Y/N) (and Gwaine being a sweet husband)
Merthur and Male!Reader x Gwaine fucking but no actual smut
Marauders comforting you after you were raped by your boyfriend
Stranger Things:
Billy Hargrove:
smoking together for the first time
Male!Reader makes Billy question his sexuality pt.2 pt.3
Comforting Billy after he gets abused by Neil
Making out with Billy
Fucking Billy after pe class
Eddie Munson:
giving trans!Eddie a blowjob at a pool
Roger Taylor:
you have sex for the first time after Roger gets back from tour
new name for trans!masc!(Y/N)
Sir Brian May:
Going to university with Brian (Trans!Male!Reader)
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serenefreakgeekao3 · 2 years
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[Table of Contents]
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CHAPTER ONE, The Beginning
Day One, Wednesday
The first thing you notice upon waking up is darkness. You feel your eyes fly open, can feel them twitch around wildly for any purchase of light, something to see. Suddenly a flash of light passes in a blink of an eye, on and off again, and you squint and blink the stars back. So you listen instead. Clunks and grinding of metal, the pull of what sounds like chains. And clucks, from chickens.
You feel around and you're laying on some sort of canvas bag, pushing it down you feel little pieces inside, like rice. You follow the canvas bag down until you meet a smooth, cold metal floor. It's slightly cold, and you can feel wind rushing past you, blowing through your hair and whipping your cheeks.
Another flash of light, this time you manage to see boxes piled up in the corner opposite of you. The light flew downward, as if the platform you're sitting on is rushing upward. Like an elevator. You're not sure where the word comes from, or how you know it, but you do. You try to remember how you got here, how you know what anything is, and can't quite grasp it. It all feels so familiar, like you might've lived this once. You study the feeling, the only thing you can latch onto in this darkness, and you realize maybe you haven't lived this before, but you know it. And you know you're heading someplace both safe and dangerous. Guard up, but not fight or flight. You start feeling irritated, the memory is just there and you can't quite reach it.
The platform you're on is slowing, the wind isn't as rough against your cheeks and the sounds aren't quite as noisy and dangerous sounding. Clunk, clunk... Clunk. The platform comes to rest, and you huff a breath. Ok, now what?
Your question is answered as the darkness above you opens- first with a slit, then expanding, an exceedingly bright light blinding you. You raise a hand, covering your face and blinking harshly a few times, trying to accustom your eyes to the new brightness as quickly as possible as fear flared up in your stomach. You were surrounded.
There were voices, calling and mocking, and an authoritative one calling for everyone to disperse. Your eyes adjusted more and you can see people surrounding you- inside some hole in the ground? You take a moment to look around, and you had been right. An elevator, boxes with the letters WCKD across them, and a sack of rice under you. You look back up, noticing fewer people than before, the novelty must've been wearing off as they wandered away. 
"You must be confused." A deep voice calls down to you, and your eyes finally find purchase on one of the people. A young adult man, dark skinned with a bald head. You couldn't see his eyes from here, but his voice sounded kind. "We all were, when we came up."
"Where am I?" You call up- and, yep, that was your voice. You heard a few chuckles from the surrounding people, only about ten left, and your eyes scanned around and through them. The sun was shining down into your eyes still, and the people were standing in front of it. All you could really see was shadowy forms. 
"The Glade," A rough voice was next, followed by the man who spoke jumping down and landing harshly into the cage across from you. You didn't move, or flinch even, still just letting yourself rest against the rice. You watched him warily though- 'Guard up, but not fight or flight,' you repeat to yourself- and his impressive eyebrows seemed to raise even higher. "Any other questions, Greenie?"
You watched him turn around and grab a hold of something being lowered into the cage, some kind of jumble of ropes. He bends down, lifting a box and fitting the jumble of ropes around it. "Why am I here?" The next question out of your mouth earns a surprised chuckle, the man turning his head to eye you for a moment before securing the box better.
"Pull it up!" He calls out, and you look in the same direction, noticing the rope being suspended in the air by some sort of metal pole, and two boys hefting the rope up. The box began to ascend steadily, and he turned to look you in the eye once more. "Dunno' why. To live here, I guess?" The answer confused you, though you considered that if he didn't know why then it wasn't likely anyone here did. At that answer, you felt restless, and pushed against the rice to stand and meet his gaze at eye level.
"What do you know?" You winced at the condescension in your voice, not meaning to sound rude. You felt better at the bark of a laugh the man produced, and watched as he looked upward toward the others. You followed his gaze, noticing far fewer people. Your eyes met the first man that spoke, and a few other men to either side of him. The workers were lowering the rope already, and the man in your cage turns and begins working on the next box.
"Why don't we discuss that once you're up here?" The kind voice spoke up again, now that you were looking at him. You took a deep breath, nodding. "Gally can help-"
"I can do it, so long as you catch me." You call out, watching him shift his feet and glance at the man to his right warrily, before looking back to you.
"What do you mean-" His voice tapered at the end, cut off by your sudden burst of movement. You ran toward them, jumping and kicking up the cage wall as best you could, throwing your hands upward. The man dived for you, as did both of the others standing next to him, and suddenly you had multiple hands grasping your wrists and forearms. 
You laugh, disbelief coloring your voice, followed by the men's groans. They must've thrown themselves down pretty hard. They began pulling, and you helped where you could, getting footholds on the gaps in the cage walls and hoisting yourself upward as best you could. Soon, you were laying on the grass just outside the elevator. You laughed once more, and you could hear another chuckle from one of the men nearby.
The sky was blue. You knew this was true, at least. It definitely seemed true enough, as you stared upward toward it. You heard a few weirdly worded curses nearby, and pushed yourself up to your elbows to take a look around. What you noticed first was the walls. Giant, made of stone, and surrounding you on all four sides, two of which with large openings in the middle. Great, you jumped out of one cage to be trapped in another.
The next thing you noticed was how green everything was. Ivy climbed high up the walls, passed the tree tops- and yes, those were fully grown trees. An entire forest fit into this land, and as you sat up further you noticed a farm with growing foods, and a barn with some animals grazing in front of it. Many people swarmed around, digging in the farm, carrying sacks or boxes in their arms, or even raking over in the animal pens. An entire community.
"Shucking warn a man next time," Came the kind voice, though not sounding quite as kind as he had. You turned to meet his eye, and he huffed out a breath, wiping his hands on his pants. You looked more and noticed other two who had helped you up. One with shaggy, dirty blonde hair who wouldn't meet your gaze, and another with short brown hair whose gaze wouldn't leave yours. This one had a smile on his face, and you figured he had been the one to laugh with you.
"I'm Alby," The main man said- the leader? You looked back to the dark skinned man as he stood, reaching a hand down to his friends to help them up. "I'm the one in charge of the Glade," He confirmed your suspicions, and you pushed yourself up on your own. "Welcome to your new life."
"I'm Thomas," The brunet piped up quickly after Alby finished. You met his eyes again, the man still not looking away from you, so you decided to give him a once-over. His clothes were dirty, though his shoes were surprisingly well kept. You could tell he was fit under his clothes, and lean, like a runner's body. 
"I'm Newt," You turned to the blond, finally meeting his eyes, though something had been off with his voice. He didn't speak much, so you couldn't quite tell, but he sounded different. You studied him as well, and he was similar. Dirty clothes- in fact, you could see clumps of mud clinging to his hands. As your eyes land on them, he raises his hands and begins to brush them together, puffs of dirt falling from them. "Don't worry too much if you don't remember your name yet-" And there it was, he had an accent. That was what had been off- "They take everything but your name, though it usually takes a day or two to remember it."
"What about Greenie?" You ask, finally lifting your eyes to meet his once more. He had soft brown eyes, kindness apparent in them, though his eyebrows furrowed in evident confusion, so you continued. "The man down there called me Greenie?"
Thomas laughed, but Alby was the one who answered. "Just a nickname, for the newest member of the Glade. At least until you find your own name." You nod gently, glancing around once more before an irritated huff draws your attention back to Alby. "Where's that kid when you need him?" He was glancing around the open area, raising a hand to shield his eyes from the sun for a better vantage.
"I'll do it!" Thomas blurted out eagerly, his smile still lighting up his face. He was still staring at you when both of the other boys turned to look at him with exasperation, and he finally turned to meet Alby's gaze, he began waving his arms as he spoke, "What? It's my day off Alby, I have time! I can give them the tour!"
"I didn't even mention anything about the tour," Alby protested weakly, and you held in a chuckle that Newt let out as Thomas lowered his arms finally, looking slightly embarrassed. His eyes lit up once they landed on you again, however. "Whatever, shank. Go ahead, have at it."
You didn't quite like how Alby phrased that last sentence, but you couldn't stop the bubble of laughter from rising up after seeing how excited Thomas got. He reminded you of a puppy, almost jumping in the air from his elation as he quickly moved closer to you, placing a hand on the small of your back to turn you, his other arm showing the way. Your eyes caught on the last of the group, Newt, whose eyes were also solely focused on Thomas with a mix of exasperation and fondness that conveyed some rather strong feelings for the man.
Thomas began to push you toward the rest of the Glade that you hadn't seen when your back was turned- a set of buildings jumbled together and a roof with no walls suspended nearby, covering a host of bedrolls and hammocks. His arm gestured wildly as his excited voice began to fill the air around you. You started to wonder where he stored all of this never-ending excitement.
"So the largest building there is the homestead, where we keep the majority of our supplies and have Gatherings and stuff. That building next to it with the giant shutters is the kitchen, they open those up when it's time to eat. Three meals a day, of course, 'cause what's the point if not, huh?" You heard a laugh to your other side, and turned your head to notice Newt following a few feet behind, his arms crossed but with a smile.
"The man's obsessed with food," He felt the need to point out, and you couldn't help but match his smile as you turned to look back at Thomas.
"A man's gotta eat! Especially when Fry is the one grilling it up." The name sounded a bit too on the nose, though you didn't have much time to dwell on it as Thomas moved on to the next building. "The one on the other side of the homestead is the Med-jack's hut. They deal with injuries and sickness and stuff. Clint runs the place, but Jeff and Holly help out when needed."
"Holly is actually the last Greenie before you," Newt tagged on, and you and Thomas both turned to face him, "About five- six months ago?"
"Six months?" 
"Well," Newt huffed a laugh, running a hand through his shaggy hair, "For the first few years here, a Greenie would get sent up at the start of every month. About four years ago it slowed down. Maybe the Creators were worried about overpopulation or something. Now we get one every so often, at least two a year. Maybe more, depending."
"Depending on what?" Your question caused the two men to catch each other's gaze before they both looked off into random directions, one with a shrug and the other with a light huff.
"Just. Stuff," Newt answered vaguely, waving a hand noncommittally. Thomas began to tug you in the direction of the roofed area, and you realized perhaps that wasn't the best subject to pursue any longer. 
"Not really any other buildings I can show you right now," Thomas began, apparently less excited, "But we can get your sleeping arrangements set up!" As you walked, you turned the conversation around in your head before glancing back at Newt.
"You mentioned years. Like a lot of them. How long…?" You trail off, unsure of how to ask your question. Newt just smirks and shrugs, answering blatantly.
"Alby was the first sent up. He was here, alone, for a whole month. That was a little over eight years ago." You tilt your head, and it's as if Newt can read the question in your eyes. "I was sent up only a few months later. I've been here eight years too. Tommy here's only been five."
"Yeah, 'only,'" Thomas scoffs out, shaking his head with exasperation. The group wanders to the middle of the scattered sleeping area, Thomas reaching down to tug open a lid to a box, glancing inside. "Alright, so, hammock or sleeping pad?"
You notice both boys eyeing you, waiting on your decision. Taking in a breath, you turn to start scanning the immediate surroundings, walking over and feeling the sturdiness of the ropes on a nearby hammock, then bending down and feeling the sleeping pad that lay beneath every sleeping bag on the floor, cushioned a lot nicer than you had originally thought. You straightened back up, placing your hands on your hips and glancing back to them. "I'm sure this isn't a permanent choice? I could change my mind if I don't like my first choice?"
You watched both boys let out a slow breath, glancing at each other once before meeting your eyes again. Thomas straightened up and shrugged, nodding along, "I mean sure, yeah. Just gotta find an open space. Where exactly you sleep might change, openings are slightly different depending on either. Like that spot would be good for a hammock, but not enough space for a sleeping pad, right?" Thomas gestured loosely so you couldn't tell where exactly he meant, but you nodded along anyway, glancing around.
"So where are you guys sleeping?" One of them seemed shocked, sucking in a breath quickly, though you couldn't tell who. You wait a moment for a response, finally turning to look back at them. Thomas was approaching, then placed his hand on the small of your back, once again, to lead you somewhere. 
It was toward the back edge of the floored area that you found two sleeping pads on the floor, pushed close but not touching, one with a ratty green blanket and one with a dirty cream colored one. There were bags full of, what you assumed, their personal things sitting on their bed or just to the side. You glanced back up to Thomas, seeing him nod and Newt not too far behind. You wait a moment, looking between them before trying to smother a smile, looking back downward.
"What, so- so this," You wave your hands at the two, letting a small smile through, "These are your beds? Right next to each other?" You turned, your smile growing as you watched Thomas flounder, his mouth opening and closing wildly. "How convenient I have what accounts to two roommates giving me a tour of the Glade together."
"It's just a coincidence-" Newt began suddenly, raising a hand to rub the back of his head, "That we, uh, it happened to be us. And everyone's sleeping arrangements are random, really. They change so often, too." If you didn't know any better, you'd say the redness rising high on Newt's cheeks was a magnificent blush. But it was quite hot outside, wasn't it?
"Do you need some water Newt? You seem to be getting flushed," You added onto the conversation, smirking softly at the boy. He was cute- undeniably so, you decide as you watched him huff from embarrassment. He was about to answer again when Thomas cleared his throat loudly.
"So, hammock or sleeping pad?" You meet Thomas' eye, and you couldn't quite tell if he was having the same problem or not, blush not as evident on his tanned skin compared to Newt's pale. You glanced back down and shrugged.
"Sleeping pad, I guess? Seems it's good enough for you both?" You smile, looking back to both of them. Newt began to look around, a question on the tip of his tongue.
"Any idea where-"
"They can be here," Thomas interrupted, his eyes never leaving your form. You shift in surprise, though you don't feel upset about this. You couldn't quite place the feeling, but it wasn't bad.
"Nearby here? Would that be okay?" You ask, looking between both of the boys. "I mean, you guys are really the only people I've talked to as much since-" You hesitate, trying to come up with words to describe what you went through. You really did just appear here with no idea of where or why. You suck in a breath, trying to crush down the panic that's been lightly simmering under the surface this entire time, before a gentle hand placed on your shoulder wakes you from your trance. You looked directly up into Newt's kind eyes, letting out a slow breath. "I just mean I might feel safer, is all. Having you both nearby."
"Yeah, I think that's a fine idea." Newt's voice was soft as he answered, finally looking away and studying the area. "We'll just push some pads around, make some room."
"Might have to push them against each other to have enough room for all three," Thomas adds, as if this was no big deal. He was already turning away, wandering back to the middle to fetch the pad. Newt released your shoulder, studying the arrangements before giving you the side-eye.
"Any preference for which side?" You were considering it, opening your mouth to answer somehow, but nothing came out. You were stumped, honestly. Would it be weird to say in the middle? They obviously knew and liked each other better than you. But you were going to be pressed in against them anyway. Would it offend one to pick another? You closed your mouth and shrugged, before Thomas barreled past you and started shoving the bed pads around with his feet, shaking a new one out and placing it down on the outside, grabbing up both blankets and making sure the edges of the bed pads lined up.
"I don't think we need to decide right now, right?" Thomas' voice was even, and you could feel heat rising in your cheeks. "When night comes, we'll see who lays where." He stands, balls the blankets up and tosses them both on the middle of the mat. He turns with a large smile, hands on his hips. "So, I guess that's the tour!"
"That's it?" Newt laughed loudly at this, crossing his arms. "Tommy, have you ever given a tour before? You didn't even go over the three rules!" Newt takes a few steps past Thomas with lingering chuckles, raising a hand to point toward the forest, "That's the Deadwoods there. The pond, where we wash up our clothes, is there, and nearby there's two outhouses. Even further inside is the graveyard." He turns, gently twisting and guiding you along, "There's the farm, of course, where the TrackHoes work. There's two outhouses out past those too. The ranch is across the way, where the Slicers work."
"TrackHoes? Slicers?
"Job names," Thomas answers, walking up to your other side, "There's also Builders, Cooks, Sloppers, and a couple Med-jacks."
"They do the jobs that no one else wants," Newt answers now, shrugging, "To quote the Keeper of the Sloppers, anyway."
"Keeper? Ok I can't keep up-"
"No, you're fine love, it's a lot of information at once." Newt barrels right along as if he didn't just use the cutest nickname you had ever heard, and you keep your gaze looking out toward the Glade to hopefully detract attention from your burning cheeks, "There's a Keeper for every job out here, they're basically the one in charge of making it all go smoothly. Alby, as first in command, basically runs over all the Keepers. Though he doesn't hesitate to help out wherever needed, of course."
Your gaze easily slides back in the direction of the elevator you came from, watching Alby haul on the same rope as before, helping to lift a chicken cage up and out of the box. You could tell he works hard, his physique showing evidence as such. He seemed antsy when you spoke before, as if he should always be doing something productive. It made sense, now. Everyone was working hard, every day, to make a life out here with what they could.
"Which brings me to the three rules of the Glade," Newt swings around, standing in front of you while still facing you, holding a hand up to count along as he smirks, "Firstly, everyone does their part. Which means you'll need to find which job you're best suited for." Thomas walks up next to him, placing an elbow on his shoulder and leaning against Newt casually, "Secondly, never hurt another Glader. We have to be able to trust each other." You nod along, agreeing to the reasonable rule as he holds out a third finger, "And lastly, never go outside the Glade."
This brings you pause, your head snapping quickly in the direction of one the openings in the giant walls. You study it for a moment from a distance, the ominous size of it a bit unnerving. You look back to the boys, and something must've spooked them as Thomas was taking a firmer stance, and Newt was slowly raising his hands in a placating gesture before speaking.
"Now I know that might sound bad, but you have to trust us. It's for the best." He was being cautious, like he expected you to bolt? Where would you even go? You just cross your arms and watch them both relax over time, turning to look back at the doors.
That's when you watch someone jog into the Glade. From outside. You do a mix of a scoff and a chuckle, raising a hand and gesturing toward the Asian man that had just stopped, pulling a canteen from his side to drink from. "Did someone tell that guy rule number three?"
You watch both boys twist so suddenly you were surprised you didn't hear their back pop. They both laugh belatedly, turning back to you. "Well, yes, obviously. But no, that's just Minho." It was Thomas who spoke this time, and you just raised your eyebrows.
"Just Minho? Is this one man allowed out?"
"He's the Keeper of the Runners," Newt tacked on, chuckling under his breath. "The Runners are a job we didn't mention because newcomers aren't typically asked to join. You need to be approached by them, or make your intention known and work toward it." Newt shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"Ah, the elite job, I see."
"No," Thomas interrupted, shaking his head, "It's the dangerous one."
"We say not to go into the Maze because it's dangerous. Not usually during the day, but we can't be too careful. You have to be in peak physical shape, and you have to have a great sense of time and direction."
You could feel the panic beginning to rise again, and you loosely watched as Newt placed a hand on Thomas' shoulder, attempting to stop him. You look back to the doors, watching another blond man run out into the Glade, joining Minho. Your mind was focused on one thing, your voice almost a whisper, "Maze?"
"It's fine, look," Newt approaches you, placing his hand on your shoulder in a mirror of the last time you felt this panic, and you quickly glanced up to lock eyes with him. It was weird, his brown eyes were lighter than Thomas' own eyes. Like honey, swirling in tea perhaps? Why did it matter? You realized Newt was still talking, and were able to tune in for the last part, "-close at night, alright? So they'll be locked out."
"What will be locked out?" You watch Newt take a breath, feel him squeeze your shoulder briefly.
"We call them Grievers. But this is a bit too much for a newcomer, alright? We don't normally bring all of this up so soon." Newt is hesitant as he watches your eyes, like he's waiting for something. "You can learn more tomorrow, maybe?"
You nod lightly, taking in a deep breath and realizing that, once again, Newt managed to calm you down from a terrifying state of mind. You take another fortifying breath as you spin around on your heel, trying to take in more of your environment.
"You're taking all of this a lot better than most," Thomas mumbles, and for a moment you're not sure if he had meant to say it out loud, but Newt was already nodding along like he agreed with the thought.
"I am?" You eye both of them before letting out a small laugh, "Is that why you both keep looking at me like you're expecting me to catch fire?" Newt laughs, and it makes your smile widen. 
"Well most people panic," Thomas adds helpfully, shrugging. "Some cry, some upchuck," You wince in sympathy, and Newt interrupts Thomas with a laugh.
"Some decide to take off running and fall flat on their face." You smile at this image before Thomas groans loudly, roughly rubbing a hand against his face, and you realize he was referring to a certain person. Newt turns and begins leaning his shoulder against your own, the both of you laughing at Thomas' apparent misfortune. It was almost too easy to imagine- like a forgotten memory slowly materializing in front of you.
You perceive movement out of the corner of your eye, and you twist your head to look past Newt, your eyes locking on a squat teenager who was running up to your little group. He had shaggy brown hair, with a cute round face, and something about him made you relax even more. He seemed younger than any of the other men you've seen here. In fact- he seemed like the only kid. Your movement brings the attention of Thomas and Newt to the newcomer as well, and Thomas moves quickly, ducking behind the kid.
"Chuck, save me, they're bullying me!" Chuck laughs loudly and grins up toward both you and Newt. He seemed extraordinarily happy, like a little brother finally being invited to hang out with his brother's friends. You felt yourself shaking your head fondly, a soft smile on show, as Newt reached over and pressed a hand on top of Chuck's head.
"There you are, Alby was looking for you earlier, mate! Slacking on your tour guide duties!" He retracts his hand, crossing his arms and keeping his light lean against you. There was something comforting and solid about having Newt lean against you, and you him, as you stood there watching this whole interaction. 
"Hey, it's not my fault that some shucks decided to spill-!" Chuck huffs dramatically, shaking his head and raising his arms in front of him. "You know what, don't get me started. This the Greenie then?" He looks at you and smiles broadly, and you feel yourself immediately nodding, extending a hand to him as if on instinct.
"Yeah, that's me. Name's [Y/N]." Chuck grins and reaches to clasp your hand, though you feel Newt suddenly stiffen beside you, and watch Thomas raise his hands up toward you in a bout of sudden movement. You pause, your hand in Chuck's, and you glance between the two boys again. "What?"
"[Y/N]? That's your name?" Newt asks suddenly, standing up straight, and you feel the weight of him leave you. "Are you really sure?"
"Yeah…?" You trail off, confused, as you let go of Chuck's hand. Then you slowly realize, 'Oh, I had forgotten that,' and blink quickly. Your gaze flickers between the three boys around you and you let out a laugh, shaking your head. "Wait, I remembered it! My name!"
"Already…?" You hear Thomas muttering in the back, but Chuck started clapping your back in congratulations and Newt was looking at you with what could only be described as fondness, and you felt your emotions take over. You leapt at Newt, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in for a tight hug. He seemed hesitant for half a second, not expecting this, but his arms were wrapping around your waist and pulling you closer.
You didn't linger, pulling back and taking a stabilizing breath. You turned to look back at Thomas and smile brightly. His smile was slow forming, but soon spread across his face as well. You couldn't help but be thankful that if you were going to be locked in the middle of some random maze, it happened to be with these people.
The bonfire crackled loudly in front of you, the heat just on this side of bearable, and you heard the laughter and play of an entire community surrounding you. The sky was painted in the fading shades of indigo, earlier having been bright bursts of orange and red. When the sunset was at its peak, Thomas and Newt had brought you over to watch the doors close. You finally realized why they had been so antsy next to you, as you watched them relax when the doors finally closed. Did they expect you to run inside?
Of course, that was earlier. Now, you stood holding some random glass jar and were surrounded by the merriment and cheer of the Gladers. They treated this as some sort of holiday, you figured. That, or perhaps this was just how they partied. Celebrating you, they had said. Though you didn't feel too celebrated, everyone minding their own business- too consumed with the drama of their own daily lives. You had just arrived here, shoved into the middle of a society that's been surviving for years. 
The jar that had been shoved unceremoniously into your hand was sweating from the cold drink inside so near to the heat source in front of you. It was filled with some kind of liquid, yet when you initially raised the glass to your nose it had singed your nose hairs. You still weren't sure whether you should drink it, even as you watched the party grow more lively around you as most everyone else drank greedily. You knew what it was, vaguely, and you knew it was strong.
A light 'clink' sound is heard, slight vibrations running up your hand as someone steps forward and taps their jar to your own in some kind of welcome. You look to your right and see Thomas siddle up, his eyes full of mirth and slightly watering. You wonder how much he's drunk of what you were told was 'Gally's drink.'
"For someone who's having a party thrown for them, you look awfully sober." He doesn't even need to speak too loud, as no one else is within a good distance of you two, as spread around as they were. It's like the entire Glade lit up in celebration.
"It's weird," You begin, hesitantly, "I almost feel like I'm intruding. Like I'm-" You're unsure of how to continue, but at Thomas' confused look, you press on. "Almost like I'm supposed to be an outsider, looking in? And suddenly I'm here, in the center of everything, and it feels so bizarre and-" 
"Strangely comforting?" Thomas finishes quietly, and you meet his eyes quickly. You didn't realize you were staring into the fire before as you rambled, but his gaze grounded you suddenly. There was recognition there, and understanding. You began to feel a lot less alone. 
"Yeah, comforting. Why is that?" You watched Thomas suck in a deep breath, then turn to look into the fire. He took a long drink of the liquid in his jar, then turned to you and shrugged.
"Dunno'. Hey, why don't you come over and hang out for a bit? I'll introduce you." He nodded his head in the direction he came from, and you looked over to see a group of friends laughing and having fun together. Newt sat on a log at the end of the group, his gaze looking steadily and directly at you and Thomas, even as the boy you recognized as Minho must have been talking his ear off to the side.
"Yeah, sure," You agreed easily, following behind Thomas as you approached the group. You already recognized half of them- Newt, Minho, Chuck, Alby, and that guy that had originally jumped into the cage when you first came up, and you thought you remember one of them calling him Gally- though there were a couple new faces. You smile as Thomas gets everyone's attention, introducing you with your name before he turns to you and begins to list off the rest of them. 
"That's Frypan, the Keeper of the Cooks, and Holly, she works with the MedJacks. There's Gally, Keeper of the Builders, and Ben, one of the Runners." As you're introduced, you begin to slowly realize that this group was most, if not all, of the main leaders in the Glade. You felt that trickle of self doubt in the back of your head, wondering why they were taking such an interest in you, being as new as you were. Unless they did this with every Greenie?
"It's really cool to meet you all," You sounded awkward, and raised your jar in a cheer toward the group. Most did the same back with their own, half of the group going for a deep swig afterward. You realized that maybe you weren't the only one refusing to drink the strange liquid, and you belatedly looked toward Newt to see if he was. It didn't seem like he drank from his own, but you realized he was curiously watching you throughout this whole introduction. 
"So, any idea on what job you wanna' try first, Greenie?" The man introduced again as Gally spoke, his eyebrows sitting high on his head. You laughed lightly at this, shrugging.
"Well, I still don't really know anything about any of them, but I did promise Chuck I'd spend my first day trying out the Sloppers to see if it might work out." You looked to Gally's side and watched Chuck- who seemed to be one of the only Gladers not holding a jar- cheer and jump at Gally. The man quickly caught the kid, lifting him up and spinning around before putting him back down as Chuck taunted the man loudly.
"Yeah, see Gally! I told you I could get the Greenie to be a Slopper on day one!" Chuck fist-pumped himself, grinning broadly. Gally seemed to humor him, nodding along and seceding. 
"Yes, yes, you have beaten me, little squire." You laugh at the apt nickname, watching Gally reach over and take his friend's jar- Ben, you think- and drink a gulp from it before handing it back. "Alright, ring time." 
You watch Gally clap his hands together loudly before jogging over toward the forest more, entering into the center of a ring on the floor, a crowd of people already gathering and forming around him. You hear calls and jeers thrown around, and someone Gally must know enters the ring, causing the man to laugh. The sport starts as the two men begin wrestling, attempting to push each other out of the ring, and you watch with interest for a few moments. 
"You should try it." It's Newt's voice being whispered into your ear, and suddenly all of your attention shifts to him being right next to you, raising an arm to lean on top of your shoulder. "Gally's brew," He continues, as if clarifying his earlier statement, and you glance down to the jar still half full of the strange liquid. His breath smells almost the same as the drink itself did, and you realize perhaps he did have a few drinks when you weren't looking. 
You lift the jar to your mouth, holding your breath as you let the liquid into your mouth, and try to swallow quickly before tasting it. It goes down, but the aftertaste irritates your gag reflex, and you hear Newt laughing merrily at your side afterward. When you meet his eyes again, you see something resembling astonishment, and wonder why that was. He had just told you to drink it.
"I see how it is shuckface," A new voice began, and was quickly identified as Minho as the Runner enters your field of vision, glaring directly at Newt. "I would say I'm mad about you walking out halfway through my story, though I'm certain you hadn't listened to a word of it." You watch him cross his arms, holding his mostly empty jar by the ridges on the top. Newt laughed brightly, turning to lean his shoulder against yours in a mirror of earlier, and you felt a rush of comfort so strong you weren't sure what to do with yourself. So you took another drink while Newt responded to his friend.
"Can you blame a man, mate? I've only heard you tell that story a little over a thousand times." As you finish wincing from the burn, you look up to see Minho's expression completely changed. He looked jovial, and this expression seemed much more at home on his face. You watched the two crack up like old friends, knocking into each other and sending you wobbling through the impact, Newt's arm quickly shooting out to steady you.
"Hey, Newt! Alby's lookin' for ya'!" The three of you turn to see another random Glader, calling out and waving a hand toward him. Newt just sighs heavily, handing his jar off to Minho and patting your shoulder before wandering away. Minho laughs, cheersing himself with his two glasses.
"Second-in-command duty awaits!" Minho hoots loudly, and you tilt your head in confusion as the blond meets up with the new Glader and they both take off in the same direction.
"Second in command?" 
"Yeah, just after Alby!" Minho answers with a grin, and you feel yourself suddenly being sized up by the Runner. "You didn't know? You've certainly caught his interest, I'm surprised you don't know everything about the Glade already." He finishes this with a large swig from one of the jars, and to burn time you take a swig of your own. The burn is beginning to hurt less already.
"Well, I do know quite a few things already," You tease, which brings a mischievous smile to his face. At his gesture, asking you to go on, you acquiesce, "I know we're in the middle of a Maze." You watch his face deflate just slightly, and his head tilt curiously, "And that there's dangerous things out there called Grievers. I know there are jobs, and Keepers of those jobs, and that you," You point one of your fingers from the hand holding the jar, "Are the Keeper of the Runners." Minho smirks a little more solidly, crossing his arms and watching you. You decide to strike out, turning your gaze to look into the bonfire, "And I know that you chart out a map of that maze every day." 
"How do you know that," Minho asks immediately, taking a step closer to you. He was in your personal space now, leaning close, but his seriousness was contradictory to his unsteadiness, wobbling where he stood. You could smell Gally's brew on his breath from this distance, and you kept your head turned for some fresh air. "Who told you?"
"No one told me," You mumbled back, locking eyes with him, "I'm just a great guesser." It felt like a lie coming out of your mouth. It was true that no one told you, but you felt firm in the belief of what you said. It felt almost natural, like it was one of the truths brought with you, along with the sky being blue. It only just hit you that you hadn't remembered or thought of it until after you said it aloud.
"Pretty spot on for just a guess," Minho mumbled under his breath, finally pulling away just enough to give you breathing room. You watched him take another long drink from one of his jars, emptying it and pulling a face. "So what do you wanna' know then?"
"Who said I want to know anything?" You reply easily, watching him stumble slightly on his feet before finding his footing. You subtly start inching closer to a nearby tree, thinking maybe he'd be able to hold onto something soon.
"You're a Greenie! Greenies always wanna' know stuff!" You laugh at this, raising a hand out to steady Minho as he tries to follow you.
"I think all I want to know at this point is whether you'll be okay," You catch him as he stumbles into you, helping to lower him down onto the ground near the tree. He makes to wave you off, but just manages instead to slide his hand against your shoulder and knock his head into the bark of the tree. With a groan from him, you glance around for help when you feel a presence step up close on your side. 
It's Thomas here, leaning down and settling Minho into a comfortable position. He's sporting a fresh red spot on his cheek, very obviously tender and maybe even split, and you wonder if he had just got out of the ring with Gally. You back away, letting him deal with his friend, and turn to watch Gally throw a lightweight man practically out of the ring, laughing loudly. The cheers from the crowd begin to prod at your head, and you decide maybe that's enough celebration for you for one night.
You remember where your bed was. You set your jar down on one of the benches sporting an entire line of extra drinks, and make your way over. It was dark finally, and though most of the party was still in full swing, you could already see a couple people laying in their beds or hammocks. You don't have to step over anybody on the way over, but you try to keep your footsteps quiet.
You find the three bed pads, all pressed together like one giant bed, and move to lay down in the furthest one. You leave their blankets and pillows alone, and you figure if you looked in the boxes in the center you might find a spare for yourself, but you decide not to. You feel too out of place, and thinking of doing it gives you a sickly feeling in your stomach, like you were contemplating stealing from people who already had so little. 
You were in the middle of a hazy half-sleep when you felt the ground shifting nearby, and heard whispered mumbles. You tried to lift your head, force yourself awake, but you were too far gone. Before you knew it, you were engulfed in a warmth and comforting feeling, and you left your first day in the Glade behind.
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fangirl-writes · 3 years
Who/What I Write & Masterlists
Hi, I’m the writer here at fangirl-writes and this is a little masterpost/list for the fandoms and ships and people I write for. Some of them don’t have any content yet, but if you want to request a fic for said ship or person, feel free.
Requests Are Always Open, how fast I get to your request depends on how inspired I am by it and how much time I have in my personal life.
I write: X Readers, Poly Relationship X Readers, Ship Fics, Ot3 fics, Ot4 fics, etc. Friendship Fics, Fluff, Angst.
I WILL NOT WRITE: Smut (can get a little suggestive), Self-Harm, Suicide, Gore, Mental Illnesses (I don’t feel comfortable writing about what I don’t experience), Abuse, Dark Fics, Sexual Assault, Rape, Pedophilia
All X Readers Female Unless Otherwise Stated Or Requested.
I don’t do transgender reader because I do not feel I could do that justice, as I am not trans. Thank you!
If you don’t see a ship or character you want me to write for, shoot me an ask and I’ll let you know if I feel I can write for them or not!
Who/What I Will Write For:
MBAV: Masterlist
- No Longer Writing For This Series
Outer Banks: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers -
Boys: John B. Routledge, JJ Maybank, Pope Hayward
Girls: Kiara Carrera, Sarah Cameron
Jarah, JJPope, KieSarah, CleoPope, KieCleo
Maybe others if requested
Cloak and Dagger: Masterlist
- No Longer Writing For This Series
Stranger Things: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers -
Boys: Steve Harrington, Johnathan Byers, Eddie Munson, Argyle
Girls: Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley
Ships -
Joncy, Stonathan, Stoncy, Ronance, Steddie, Jargyle, Buckingham
Mileven, Lumax, Byler, Greatwise
Teen Wolf: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers - 
Boys: Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey, Liam Dunbar, Theo Raken
Girls: Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, Kira Yukimira, Malia Tate
Scallison, Stydia, Sciles, Scira, Scisaac, Malira, Allydia, Thiam
Twilight: Masterlist (not yet)
NOTE: Movie or Fanon verse only because we hate Stephanie Meyer
X Readers -
Boys: Edward Cullen, Jacob Black, Jasper Hale, Emmett Cullen, Seth Clearwater, Embry Call, Quil Ateara, Jared Cameron, Paul Lahote
Girls: Bella Swan, Alice Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Leah Clearwater
Bedward, Jella, Jalice, Rosemett, Carlesme, Blackwater, Rosella, Jaspella, Balice, Jakeward, Belliciper, Jacobelaward
Dead Poets Society: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers - 
Neil Perry, Todd Anderson, Charlie Dalton, Knox Overstreet, Steven Meeks, Gerard Pitts
Anderperry, Cheeks, Knarlie, Mitts, Daltonperry
The Outsiders: Masterlist (not yet)
X Reader -
Darry Curtis, Sodapop Curtis, Keith “Two-Bit” Matthews, Steve Randle, Dallas Winston
The Breakfast Club: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers -
John Bender, Claire Standish, Andrew “Andy” Clark, Allison Reynolds, Brian Johnson
Any pairing between the main five or maybe a crossover ship if you’re into that.
Footloose: Masterlist (nah)
Note: Not really a fan of the remake but I’ll do it. Requests for the original are much appreciated though 🥰
X Readers -
Ren McCormack, Ariel Moore, Willard Hewitt, Rusty Rodriguez, Woody (no last name for this guy, apparently)
Any within the canon or a crossover if you’re into that
Hunger Games: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers -
Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, Finnick Odair, Johanna Mason, Annie Cresta
Everlark, Gadge, Odesta, Hayffie
The Maze Runner: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers -
Thomas, Newt, Minho, Frypan, Winston, Gally, Teresa, Brenda, Aris
Newtmas, Thominho, Minewt, Thominewt, Brederesa
Descendants: Masterlist
- No Longer Writing For This Series
Merlin: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers -
Merlin, Arthur Pendragon, Gwaine, Lancelot, Guinevere, Leon, Eleon, Percival, Morgana, Mordred
Merthur, Arwen, Mergwen, Gwencelot, Morgwen, Perwaine
Julie and the Phantoms: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers -
Julie Molina, Luke Patterson (pansexual king 👑), Reggie Peters
Male Reader or Platonic only: Alex Mercer, Willie
Juke, Willex, Ruke, Lalex, Julie x Nick
Request others and we’ll see 
Avatar the Last Airbender: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers -
Boys: Aang, Sokka, Zuko, Jet, Haru, Teo
Girls: Katara, Toph, Suki, Mai, Ty Lee, Azula
Zutara, Taang, Sukka, Yukka, Mailee , Yueki, Teoaang, On jaang, Jinko, Yuetara, Yueko, Ty Luko
Maybe others if you request them
Big Hero 6: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers:
Hiro Hamada, Tadashi Hamada, Gogo Tomago, Honey Lemon, Wasabi No-Ginger, Fred Frederickson
Tadahoney, Gogodashi, Gogozilla (Fred x Gogo), Honeysabi, Honeyfred, Fredsabi, Honeygogo, Gogosabi
Hiro x his age appropriate love interests
Crossovers if that’s something you’re into.
5 Seconds Of Summer: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers
Luke Hemmings, Michael Clifford, Calum Hood, Ashton Irwin
Ships: Real People. No shipping.
Queen/BoRhap: Masterlist
- No Longer Writing For This Series
Smosh: Masterlist (nope)
X Readers -
Boys: Anthony Padilla, Ian Hecox, Shayne Topp, Damien Haas, Keith Leak Jr., Noah Grossman, Chanse McCrary, Spencer Agnew
Girls: Courtney Miller, Angela Giarratana, Arasha Lalani
Ships: Real People. No shipping.
X Readers - 
Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield, Ben Barnes, Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Timothee Chalamet, Indiana Jones, Trevor Spengler (Ghostbusters: Afterlife), Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians), Howl Pendragon (Howl’s Moving Castle)
Maybe other actors/musicians/characters if you request them
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thinmint2 · 2 years
i just want some good newt, thomas, and or poly newtmas fics is that too much to ask?
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crestfallercanyon · 2 years
hey! what about 8, 9, 12, 26 for tmr (though, the CW DC is good, too, if you're feeling it) 😊
Oooh! (Also I didn’t know you also watched CW DC! Hooray!! I will probably answer that too!)
Not going to lie, your weakness is Newt @graeae , my weakness is Gally — I admittedly wanted to answer with him far more than was probably applicable lol 😂
8. Most fluffy ship
TMR: post-canon in safe haven? Newtmas fix it. I just think their potential for kindness and healing is too good. In the Glade? Probably Nalby, but like, I imagine it to be a very secret love affair. Very pride and prejudice hand touches motifs. In public you’d never know, only radicals would guess such a thing (I say Frypan) but it’s all love and declarations in private. Maybe not so much fluffy but romantic.
DC: Felicity Smoak/Barry Allen. Particularly when they first met. They’re just two nerds trying to make their way in their awkward world.
9. Most angsty ship
TMR: Thomally, but I’m p sure we all saw this coming, lol. They have so many ways in which the angst can flow. They’re oil and water yet two sides of the same coin, both wanting to save everyone but one’s instinct is defense and the other’s is to attack, they just don’t see how fucking critical it is that you need both. Nally is a close second. I think it’s a hard earned love affair born of a lot of tragic understanding, and I’m coming to love them.
DC: Coldflash, which is also not surprising. They’re just a conglomeration of tragedies that they’re both trying to bury — both out to prove something, but by totally different means — and the whole “I see the good in you, you see the bad in me” is just ripe and volatile.
12. Character I see in only one ship
Alby. You converted me to Nalby, but I really don’t see him with anyone else (unless I completely tailor another glader’s personality to meld with his). Sadly, Alby is just SO focused on leadership and survival… I think only Newt could ever break through that. However, I would have LOVED to see him develop a relationship with Teresa. But like… brotps in their own right.
DC: I only really see Len with Barry, but I’m starting to warm to a poly relationship of coldwestallen
26. Characters that you like in every dynamic (lovers,friends,enemies)
TMR: Believe it or not, I love Thomas in every dynamic. He is passionate, focused, charismatic, and investigative. As a lover, this is beautiful in his devotion to finding out about his partners and taking care not to hurt them, to protect them, to inspire them and make them push their boundaries but also ensuring their safety while he does it. As a friend, he is a close confidant, he’s not so much a cheerleader as he is a SUPPORT PILLAR — if his friend has a goal he will help them achieve it. He spots patterns and connections and while he can be oblivious and self absorbed at times, he can also show up and help in a pinch. As an enemy he is DANGEROUS because he doesn’t view what he’s doing as antagonistic or destructive. He’s trying to help. He craves approval and following, even if he’s leading people to their death. He is willing to break the rules that are long in place and provide safety in order to achieve his goals. I think, if he doesn’t convince someone to join his flock, it could actually be really easy to hate him. And if someone feels he’s betrayed them, it can really leave them reeling because them feel like he loved them but now he’s willing to bring them down — and the worst part is he probably looks guilty as hell doing it. Which makes them question going against him, even if they feel they need to.
DC: Snart. Hands down. He’s a cold blooded bastard who hides a lot of pain, who is brilliant and delights in his trade, making him the most devoted for the few people who are in his circle, an intelligent and impish lover, and a terrifying villain. There’s a reason why, even if Barry could kill him easy, he’s still intimidating just in his confidence.
Thanks for the asks!!! These were so fun! 💕
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pinkandblueblurbs · 2 years
Congrats on 10k gill!! your celebration is adorable i love the theme, could i request a my melody for first time double penetration with poly!newtmas?
newt x thomas x fem!reader. penetrative sex, anal sex, double penetration, d/s dynamics, praise, dirty talk, light degradation
“Tommy…. I think she might be ready tonight.” Newt muses as he gently thrusts three fingers inside your ass, spreading them slightly to get you stretched. Your eyes widen at his words, and you crane your head back to try to see him.
“Yeah? You think she’s loose enough?” Thomas is standing at the side of the bed, fisting his cock languidly with one hand while the other strokes up and down your back. You can just barely catch Newt’s nod from the angle you’re at.
“She took me back here just fine last night, so she’s still nice and loose from that.” The brit explains, pulling his fingers out of your hole and stroking the excess oil onto his cock. “Reckon she’ll take both of us just fine.”
“What do you say, baby?” Thomas asks, hooking his pointer finger under your chin to guide you to meet his eyes. “Wanna try it?”
“You’ll…. You’ll be gentle, right? Take it slow?”
“Course we will, poppet. We’d never hurt you.” Newt says reassuringly, calloused hand caressing your waist down to your hip. You nod, excitement bubbling up inside you as you offer both boys a nod.
“Yeah, okay. Let’s try it.”
With some maneuvering you get into position, Thomas below you on the mattress, your chest pressed against his, and Newt behind you, gripping your hips and rubbing the head of his cock over your lubricated hole.
“Who should go inside first?”
“Probably me, yeah? Get the tough bit out of the way?” Newt suggests, waiting for your input. You nod.
“Yeah, makes sense. You first.” You murmur, voice slightly shaky with nerves. Thomas reaches up to cup your face.
“Take it easy, baby. If it doesn’t feel good, just tell us, and we’ll stop.” You nod again, and Newt starts applying pressure to your rim, slowly pushing inside you.
“Thaaat’s it, sweetheart. Bloody hell you’re tight. Feel so fuckin’ good for me. Lemme in, just like that.” The slew of dirty praise as you moaning and relaxing enough that he can slide in without issue, bottoming out after a few seconds of steady pushing.
“Alright? Feels okay?” The brunet below you asks, looking up at you with furrowed brows. You nod, letting out a pleasured sigh.
“Yeah. Really good.” You’re already breathless. “Want you too, Thomas. Want you to your cock in my pussy.”
“Fuck, Tommy, can’t turn that down now can you?” Newt pipes up. You can’t see him, but you can picture the smirk on his face well.
Thomas can’t, it turns out, turn that down, and within moments you feel the head of his cock swiping against your clit and then down to your entrance. Made easier by how wet you are, he starts pushing inside you, separated from Newt by only a thin layer of flesh.
“Fuck.” You gasp out, eyes squeezed shut and hands gripping the pillow on either side of Thomas’s head like a lifeline. “Oh my god, Thomas.”
“‘S that good? Or do you need me to stop?” His voice is tight, and though he doesn’t say it, you can hear the hidden prayer of “please don’t ask me to stop” in his strained tone.
“Don’t stop. It feels so- I’m so full.” You stumble over your words, overwhelmed by pleasure. Slowly, Newt pulls out of you, and in tandem Thomas does the same, building up a slow rhythm of alternating thrusts.
“Like this, poppet? Like having two cocks inside you?” Newt taunts, smirking when you nod with a lewd moan. “Such a greedy thing, one isn’t even enough for you.”
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goddessofdawns · 3 years
Can you write a wishing Wednesday blurb on Poly newtmas and after care?
"Don't fall asleep just yet, love." You heard Newt speak as he shook you awake. You hummed lightly, signalling to him that you had heard him.
You could feel the bed moving as Newt stood up, coming round to your side of the bed to bundle you in his arms, your eyes opening again as he did so, "let's get you cleaned up first, then we can sleep." he mumbled, placing a gentle kiss to your head as he carried you into the bathroom where Thomas had been running you a bath.
Newt placed you down in the water gently as Thomas began to carefully clean you up, humming as he did so "you did so good for us angel." he smiled.
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darkeunology · 3 years
♡ Darkeunology's Masterlist ♡
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I do not give permission for my works to be reposted or translated anywhere!
Requests: Open
Most Recent fic:
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The Maze Runner
Newt | Gally | Poly Newtmas
Harry Potter ┃ Marauders Era
Fred Weasley ︱George Weasley ︱Draco Malfoy ︱Remus Lupin ︱James Potter ︱Sirius Black ︱Poly Marauders ︱Poly Wolfstar
Sam Wilson | Bucky Barnes | Helmut Zemo | Loki Laufeyson | Stephen Strange | Tony Stark ︱Peter Parker (Tom & Andrew) | Matt Murdock
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner | Derek Morgan | Spencer Reid | Criminal Minds Kink Bingo 2024
Formula One
Carlos Sainz ︱Charles Leclerc ︱Daniel Ricciardo ︱Pierre Gasly
Other Fandoms
Richard Madden & co | Taron Egerton & co | Ben Hardy & co | Joe Mazzello & Co | Gwilym Lee & Co | Finnick Odair | Peeta Mellark | Eric Coulter | Astarion
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