#pokemon swish
my-zygarde-era · 1 year
After much consideration, analysis, and having to wait 4 months....we have our answer
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I believe Scarlet/Violet's evil gremlin is Capsakid!!
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roodle-things · 2 years
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Hop aesthetic for anon, I hope you like it!!
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sleepingcatemojis · 1 year
Could I request a Vaporeon tail wag and ear wag emoji?
here you go! for the ear wiggle i did one with the forehead fin and one without
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Okayyy Wallace is feeling himself here😂😂
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dailypokemoncrochet · 2 years
Do you have a method that you use to select the pokemon you're doing? Or do you just use a random number generator or something and go "this is the One"?
Mostly random! I have a poll on Patreon to pick around 5 that I will for sure do that month, and the rest I just pick whatever I feel like. Sometimes random pokemon generator, a color I want to use, an easy pokemon, I saw a specific Pokemon in the anime/other fanart and felt compelled, etc
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vapormage · 1 year
not to get all "maybe sword shield weren't THAT bad!!" but man after scarlet violet seeing pictures of swsh's player characters has me feeling wistful. i miss jackets.
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rosenfieids · 1 year
the most surreal part of playing on a regular switch is Holy Shit This Rumbles?
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jumpingjoltiks · 1 year
▽ Autistic Submas Headcanons ▲
They have coats that are weighted and coats that aren't. The weighted ones have weights in the shoulder and chest area so that the fabric below the hips can swing out pleasantly and they can swish it around!
Emmet likes routines. What he does. What he says. Always the same.
As a part of this, Emmet also likes scripting. He has a set of scripts he comfortably can fall back on during conversations and is in the habit of analyzing his interactions to better script for the future.
Knowing he has something prepared ahead of time makes him feel safer. If he doesn't have anything prepared, there's a strong possibility he may freeze up and say nothing at all. Usually, he can get away with this by making it seem like he's listening intently.
Verrry little patience for things he views as unnecessary. As a boss, he can usually delegate such unpleasant tasks to depot agents.
Ingo masks wayyy more than Emmet does, and so he's usually more exhausted at the end of a day.
In the early days of working at Gear Station, he would often get back to the apartment and completely crash until morning. It worried Emmet and their pokemon greatly.
He was very happy with his work! But public service can be exhausting, even if it's your calling.
If Ingo is offered a listening ear, he will gladly infodump. All the repressed information comes out in one long spiel (spheal?).
Emmet is less likely to outright ask. If he feels comfortable enough with someone, he'll just begin to ramble, assuming that they'd be as happy to listen to him as he would to them.
They do both have special interests in battling and trains, but Ingo likes trains slightly more than battling and Emmet likes battling more than trains.
Emmet stims by pacing and has several vocal stims ("I am Emmet." for example). Ingo stims by tapping his foot or fidgeting with his uniform.
They were bullied a lot as kids, but Elesa was one of the few people who never picked on them (and who often stood up for them). Her unwavering acceptance of who they were helped them develop a strong friendship.
They've always felt more at home among pokemon than among people. Pokemon don't demand you behave a certain way or repress yourself to socialize "properly". Their pokemon love them for who they are, and the twins love them right back!
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ask-eden · 5 months
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Alaxia remains practically frozen in place, not even his tail was able to swish around like normal Almost as if he had stopped breathing on the spot Etoile fiddles with their own tail and continues to ramble on, not acknowledging the other mew's sudden stillness
Etoile: Do you keep it to appear cool? Not as a insult of course, I just know a long time ago I remember even your father went through a phase of "scars being cool" Etoile: Are scars still cool? Am I out of touch? Etoile playfully wiggles their tail tip in their hands and they giggle at themselves. Alaxia spoke suddenly, causing Etoile's pupils to snap over suddenly at him Alaxia: I... Keep it. For personal purposes. Not to appear a certain way to others. Alaxia: I can heal it but.. I don't want to. I want to remember it. Etoile raises a brow, a sharp trill purr of curiosity escapes them Etoile: Why would you want to remember a random giratina attacking you exactly?
Alaxia: Just. To remind myself that not every universe is happy to have visitors. That's all. Etoile: Hm. Do you still jump through random portals like you did when you were a kitten? Alaxia: Well. No. Etoile: Then I'm having some trouble understanding your reasoning. You've been attacked by things before, yet you don't keep those scars. Why not keep a scar to remind you not to mess with poison pokemon? Or the scar to remind you to not touch the hot spots on a typhlosion's neck? Alaxia remains silent for a moment, causing Etoile to lean in a bit closer Etoile: Plus, you seem to go out of your way to keep it covered all the time. Why keep it if you don't want to show it off? I bet it would be a hot ice breaker for any new person. Etoile: If I didn't know any better, I would think there is more to that scar than a random attack~ Are you hiding something from me Alli- Alaxia: NO. I'm not. It is just my first scar and I want to keep it. That's all. That's all there is to it. Etoile doesn't seem to jerk in surprise at Alaxia's sudden interruption, only their pupils turning into slits as they make eye contact with him.
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Etoile remains silent for a moment, pupils flickering back and forth, looking Alaxia up and down with a unreadable expression. Alaxia dips his head a bit in respect, forcefully making himself smile awkwardly to try and apologize. Alaxia: Sorry for snapping, My Mew. I didn't mean to speak out of turn. Alaxia: I just.. Really want to hear what you have to say! It's not every day you have a private conversation with someone! Is something wrong? Alaxia forces another smile to appear friendly, despite the lies coming through his teeth. In all honesty he didn't care at all what Etoile had to say to him and wanted to be done with this mew. His mind already trying to think of another way to once again send Etoile on a pointless fetch quest. There is another small silence between the two, as Etoile stares for a moment longer before suddenly speaking once more in a cheery tone. As if the awkward conversation had never happened.
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"..... what ....... "
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delcakoo · 1 year
im obsessed with hybrid aus i wish there were more ☹️☹️
what do you think hybrid!rikis or hybrid!taehyuns (either of them i rlly dont mind) would be when they found out they were getting adopted 😁
OOOO i decided to go w riki to continue my hybrid riki agenda !! consider it a warmup for the longer fic i have in the work for him 🫶 also i was thinking of picking up my pokemon riki fic since it was literally a scene from being done 🧌 sigh so many riki thoughts
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3:41PM — “so, what kind of companion would you be looking for in a hybrid?”
you give the adoption centre employee a nervous smile, “um, i’m actually not too sure yet,” you confess. “sorry, i should’ve came more prepared.”
the boy with a nametag reading ‘mark’ giggles, leading you to the back where you assume the hybrids are located. “nah, we get customers like you a lot, don’t worry. just follow me and let me know if anyone catches your eye.”
with an appreciative nod, you follow him into what you assume is the bunny hybrid area judging by the long, droopy ears atop each hybrid’s head. one bunny with shining blue hair watches as you walk by with big, boba eyes, and you hastily lift a hand to wave in his direction. you grin when he shyly waves back, taking note of the name ‘soobin’ on his pen.
mark speaks up, vocalizing just what you’d been thinking. “these are our bunnies, the most common species of hybrid right before dogs and cats. they’re definitely nice if you want a cuddly and affectionate match, but if you decide on one, you’ll have to bunny-proof your whole house before taking them home,” he notifies.
you tilt your head, “what does that mean?”
“well just like real bunnies, they have a habit of chewing everything, especially if their owner isn’t giving them enough attention. i’m sure you can guess what that means for your furniture and well.. everything else in your house.”
you gulp, glancing back at soobin who’s now busy chewing on small carrot slices. “… i think i’ll keep looking.”
after getting through the rowdy enclosure of dog hybrids and silently independent cat hybrids, you sigh. mark’s brows furrow, sending you a sympathetic gaze, “still nobody?”
instea of replying you glance around the room, eyes locking onto a seperate grey door reading ‘enter with caution’. without a moment’s hesitation, you rush over in big, curious strides. mark’s footsteps quickly follow, grabbing the handle first right as you reach out for it. “hey, uh- ma’am, i dont really think there’s anyone in there suited for you,” he laughs awkwardly.
you give him a polite smile, and you can tell it scares the male a bit by the drop in his expression. “i’ll decide that for myself, please.” the boy swallows, pulling the door open for you hesitantly and trailing close behind.
some hisses and other strange sounds were heard as you walk in and gasp, taking in the sight of all sorts of unique looking hybrids. “these are our.. other hybrid options. all quite rare species, and of course way more expensive and challenging to look after,” he reminds.
you slowly walk by cage after cage, mark introducing you to a meek-looking deer girl, a giddy, cheerful penguin, and even one buff tiger hybrid along the way. most of them were either scared or curious at the sight of you, though the tiger seemed more determined to intimidate you than earn your ownership.
however, a moving figure near the back of one enclosure catches your eye before you can mention anything. you watch intriguingly as a pitch black tail swishes side to side under the dim lighting, gaze drifting up to meet the face of a tall, pouty-lipped black cat boy. unlike the other hybrids that rushed up to see you or pounced away in fear, he only sits there in silence, studying you curiously.
“oh, that’s riki,” mark informs from behind you. “he’s a panther hybrid, and he doesn’t care for humans much from what we’ve seen so i wouldn’t really recommend him.”
riki’s ears drop at the male’s words, but he doesn’t say anything. you inhale, “can i go inside the enclosure then?”
“uh.. yeah, i guess so. but ma’am, i really think there are better matches for you back at..”
mark’s words fade into the background as you focus on opening riki’s cage, slowly stepping inside until you were only a few feet from him. he makes no reaction to escape or attack; merely staring up at you with no emotion.
you clear your throat, abruptly feeling nervous as you tap your foot. the panther quickly notices your anxious movements, a tiny smirk growing onto his plush lips. “hi i’m y/n. it’s nice to meet you, riki. do you like it here?”
the panther blinks calmly, “i get free food and shelter, so it’s okay i guess.” his deep voice visibly startles you, and riki giggles breathily as he watches your eyes widen and lips stutter. he thinks you’re cute.
“well then uh- what would you think about coming home with me?”
you watch worriedly as the cat boy glances at mark, clearly weighing his options while his tail swishes animatedly behind him. “i wouldn’t mind.”
at his shocking response, you snap your head over to the employee for confirmation, yet he simply shrugs in reply. “alright then, i’ll go get you the paperwork.”
by the time you’ve slowly turned back to face him, ready to begin some basic small talk, your jaw nearly falls from your face. the hybrid - technically your hybrid now — has risen to his feet, realising in horror that he towers over you ridiculously. you estimate he’s around 6’2, and his cute, fluffy ears only make you look that extra inch shorter.
you choke at the smug, amused smirk now plastered across riki’s lips. “is something wrong, owner?” he asks slyly.
only a few minutes past your introduction, and you were already starting to question who was owning who in this relationship.
this wasn’t supposed to be that long why do i always do this 💔 other hybrid riki drabble heree
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leggerefiore · 1 year
cw: giratina volo, pokehybrid au, volo centric, 3333 words,
pairing: Volo/Reader
summary: Volo escapes from his banishment and plans to forcibly usurp the powers of Arceus. Sadly, he finds himself played in a trap by the deity with a certain human sent to stop him and his own feelings.
It was a lonely existence that he lived.
He lived in shadows, in a corrupted, distorted world that was unlike the one he could only observe from a distance.
Why was he banished here, unable to interact with others, you may ask? Well, the Renegade pokemon had perhaps made a certain creator deity a bit too mad with his violence. Still, Volo could not help but feel anger for his situation.
Cogita – Arceus – Whatever the damn deity wanted to call herself today, banished him to this world and prevented his reentry into the one he observed. Sure, he had foolishly attempted to stand against her and take her power as his own, but her own strength and that of Dialga and Palkia sent him here and left him. He felt his blood boil the longer he watched humanity through his empty glances.
Hisui, the land in which Arceus supposedly first made, had caught his attention for numerous reasons. It was where his first violent outburst had happened. The blond sighed.
Was this envy? Desperation? Did he want the deity that had created him and then refused to take responsibility for him to be forced to lay her eyes on him once more? He was lonely, he knew.
His long wings, shadowy and like tendrils, swished behind him as he moved. He wished to leave this place. It was both his home and his prison, but he was tired of being locked inside. Centuries of isolation could weigh heavily upon even an immortal being like himself.
His eyes landed upon the clans of Hisui, led by the two that had helped seal him. More rage bubbled up inside him. There had been enough of him waiting around.
An attack called forth from him, slashing the very fabric that tethered the space and time of where he was trapped and into the other world. Without hesitation, he stepped inside.
For a moment, there was nothing.
Then… there was everything. His body forcibly shifted in this world, wings fusing together into a singular entity and his ridges along his neck sealing into the pale flesh underneath. He gasped in a breath. Icy winds lashed around his as chilled water fell from the clouds. He tried to flap his wings, but he had not yet adjusted to his new form. The ground grew closer and closer…
And he crashed.
Volo laid on the muddy ground, eyes peering at the sky distantly. The portal slowly closed, leaving him where he was. He felt exhausted. Everything around him was too distant for him to gasp on to. His eyelids felt like lead as they slowly began to close.
Suddenly, however, a weight crawled onto him. He opened his eyes from the surprise to see a small pokemon had got onto his chest. The pokemon was egg-like and let out a small chirp, nuzzling into him. Confusion rushed through the dragon's mind. Carefully, he reached a hand out to touch the pokemon. It rubbed its cheek against his skin.
Volo felt completely awake.
A smile spread across his lips.
He had made it.
Arceus could no longer restrain him, and he would usurp her power for certain this time.
Time passed, Volo entirely managed to hide his features that gave away his true nature, both physically and psychologically. A merchant's guild had taken him in and employed him, much to his luck. He easily became a friendly face among the humans of the Galaxy Team and the clans. A travelling merchant who preferred to spend his time staring at ruins and artefacts rather than selling things.
He felt lucky.
His disguise had given him a perfect opportunity to go to the temple that lied at the peak of Mt. Coronet and begin his plan.
Once again, he unleashed his move and tore a rift in space and time above all of Hisui.
He watched as a poor sap was pulled through from some other place and time in the world. There was little reason for him to seek after the by-product of his destruction, however.
Over the coming days, he watched as the populace of Hisui became aware and frightened of the looming portal hovering above their lands. The person who had fallen through his portal had not a single a memory of what had happened to him before waking up in the frigid lands of the north most icelands. A certain pokemon of the lake had made sure of that.
He watched as speculations went wild, but not one dared to involve him. Volo escaped any suspicion of foul play by his friendly yet distant nature as a merchant.
Soon, the portal would force the clan leaders to act and try to stop the portal, lest it pull them in itself. Dialga and Palkia would fail, he knew. This trap of his design was impossible to stop otherwise.
That was what he thought, but then something he never could have expected came forth.
Arceus sought to spite him by bringing out a human to stand against him. Taken from out of space and time, falling through a portal similar to his own. He encountered them carefully, observing how they acted. They were nearly as confused and lost as the person he had accidentally brought through his own portal. He even challenged them to a battle to observe their capabilities there.
Needless to say, they easily beat his low level Togepi. He could feel their potential and pondered how to stop them before they became too much of an issue for him. There was something that he noted as they spoke to him, however. A twinkle of trust in their eyes toward them. He could not understand it himself, but any opportunity that bared itself to him would be exploited.
The legendary would set out to become your trusted ally. His friendly demeanour was obviously a welcome change to the harsh looks and suspicious glances of the Galaxy Team. He felt smug as he watched you head out to do your tasks, keeping an eye on you from a distance. Even scaring you once, much to your obvious distaste. You gave him a glare, but he offered you catching advice and an amicable grin.
It was only after you truly quelled a raging Noble, another side effect of his plan, that he realised that you would truly become a problem if he did not stop you. Volo felt frustrated Arceus would spite him with such an odd and cruel punishment. He felt even more mortified when you presented him a plate of Arceus.
… But Volo was no idiot. If his first plan failed, having a backup would never be a bad idea. You had a plate. A plate he knew very well could call out Arceus from her realm.
Poor you just had to be dragged into this by a cruel deity.
Volo's continued monitoring involved battles and attempts to dissuade you from your actions or helping you to the best of his abilities. It was most unfortunate that these involved your random bursts of bright smiles or blissfully ignorant words.
It was only after he found you utterly dejected after being banished from Jubilife when you had just helped everyone with their nobles that he realised something. A strange feeling had been beginning to bud within him for a quite a while. You were pitiful, truly. Brave and reliable, but pitiful. An outsider forced from your home by a deity to fulfil its job since it refused to play its game. When he called out to you, he watched as you turned to look at him, completely deflated. Even the clans had denied you assistance in your grave time of need, fearful of Team Galaxy.
He wanted to laugh at how pitiful the gods of time and space had proven themselves to be. Softly, he laid a hand on your shoulder and promised to take you somewhere for you to stay.
His campsite was certainly lacking, but it was not as though he could take you to his true home. Then you would be fully aware of how easily he was playing you. A pokemon from the team had appeared not long after you settled down. He shook his head at the action. If they truly cared for you, why would they have allowed your banishment? Volo understood your situation with ease. Which is why he decided to go with his second plan completely now. He was well aware of the plates you had collected through your journeys.
That is why he helped you mend the very disaster he had started. Gathering the power of the lake trio and using the red chain to stop Palkia and to stand beside her to stop the frenzied Dialga. He felt annoyed, watching from a distance, but amazed that you had the willpower to stand against the very people who wished ill-will upon you and stand alongside legendaries regarded as deities so easily.
Of course, he remained out of sight and away from them for good reason. One glance at him from either of those two would blow his entire cover completely away. Even disguised as a human, they would recognise him. He did not miss the glance back they would give back to his general area when he stood out too much.
Volo felt something when he watched Dialga embrace you after snapping him out of his frenzied state. Rage poured into his heart. Something about you made him want you all to himself, just as pitiful as you were during your stay in his camp. His plans were to keep you at his side after he stole Arceus's power for his own.
He would just have to convince you now, to help him with his next plan. After all, gathering the plates now on his own would be useless, as he only had a single one in his possession. Besides, he found himself oddly entranced with the idea of spending time with you.
Of course, you eagerly agreed, clearly happy to spend more time with him and wanting to know more about the mysteries of Hisui, too. Volo easily led you around the region, searching for the item required for his next plans. An unintended side effect of his plan unfortunately arose as he spent more and more time with you.
Hi chest tightened when you smiled at him, leaned against him during colder nights, hugged him after a difficult battle, or said such sweet words to him. There was no time to second guess himself at this point. He was too far into his plan to lure out Arceus once more to snatch you away and hide you in his dimension for all eternity, but, he supposed, if this plan failed, he would do just that.
Somewhere in the middle of his hunt with you, a familiar woman appeared before him and you while searching for information on the final plate he needed. Her grey eyes identical to his own, and an ancient, primordial energy swirled around her. He bit his tongue, knowing better to play her in her own domain. She just sighed and shook her head at you both. You tilted your head at her sudden appearance in the village.
“… Volo,” her voice was filled with heavy disappointment, “Have you learnt nothing?” Your gaze went between them curiously.
“Mistress Cogita, how rare to see you,” he forced a smile on his face to continue playing his part, “You know very well how deeply I love to learn about Hisuian legends and myths more than anyone.” As if he had not watched them develop over time from his prison as her unwanted child. She shook her head.
“You haven't then, I suppose,” her attention shifted to you, “He hasn't been too awful, has he?” You shook your head and turned to him with a sweet grin.
“I… I really like him, actually,” your voice was soft, “Doing all this with him has really made me see how much he loves his hobbies…” Cogita's eyebrow raised curiously.
“… I see,” she turned away from them both and gave one last look over her shoulder, “The Pixie Plate is in the Ancient Retreat. You know the place well, Volo.” With that, she walked out of the village and disappeared.
You looked at Volo curiously. He sighed and made up a story about her being his grandmother. They were distant, and that is why he never mentioned her before. You believed it easily. Assembly much easier than you would have believed her to be, the very being you were working towards summoning.
When he told you the story of Giratina, himself, as you walked to the remote location of the location given to you both by Cogita. Your brows pressed together as you listened to him carefully. In the end, he wondered what your opinion of the situation would be. You stopped dead in your tracks and hummed.
“If Giratina was unwanted, why would Arceus make it then?” you asked him curiously, “… You make it sound almost personal, actually. Do you sympathise with Giratina, Volo?” He froze, too. How astute were you? He supposed his bias was not hidden.
“I do,” he said plainly, “I believe Arceus should have taken more responsibility for its creation rather than banishing it. You should know all too well how cruel banishment is.” You were the stunned one this time. Your eyes went to the ground, but your hand grabbed his own.
“I do, Volo, I do know,” you told him, “But… I suppose I can understand why Kamado did, too… I don't know. Is Giratina still banished even after all this time?”
“… Yes,” he said simply, “I'm hoping it will make its appearance at the Temple of Sinnoh after we obtain all the plates.” You nodded but kept your hand locked with his. Stepping to his side, you leaned against him.
“Well, maybe after freeing Giratina from its banishment, it will understand why it happened,” you wondered aloud. Volo resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Still, the feeling of being so close to his goals, and you, made him elated.
The time came as Volo stood in his true form at the destroyed Temple of Sinnoh. Cold winds lashed at his skin as he stared intently at the sky where his portal once reigned. You were going to arrive soon. How would you react to this truth? Anger? Rage? Dare he even consider… Acceptance? Either way, you two were about to stand opposed. He could already tell that you would not support his urge to create his own, better world than this one.
As much as he had come to care and even… love you. He knew you could not support this, not as Arceus's chosen one. His brain had been a mess since that horrid portal spit you out and laid you before him.
“… Volo,” your voice was soft as he turned to face you. Your eyes were not wide but rather red and glossy. No words had to be said, you understood it all at a glance. “… You were behind it all, weren't you?” you decided to ask the question which held the weight of the world.
“Of course,” his eyes grew cold, but he would still try to have you see his side, “This world is cruel. Ruled by an apathetic deity who would rather banish a being she created rather than take responsibility for him. She is only intervening now as a means to preserve her power. I will create a new, better world.” His hand reached for the pokeball of the first being that had greeted him in this world. You shook your head and imitated his action.
The battle was intense. Volo had not shown you his true hand until now. Battling was something that came naturally to him, especially in a moment where everything lied upon his victory. You were no pushover, either, obviously experienced in your own way. Even after you defeated his last pokemon on his team, he refused to accept it.
If he…
If he lost, he would be banished again. Left in complete and utter isolation and only able to observe distantly.
He would lose you.
In his madness, Volo himself took to battle against you as Giratina, both of his forms employed. Still, even despite the harsh adversity of going against someone as physically strong as he was, you managed to rip victory from his hands.
He fell to his knees. Rage and terror brewing heavily with him. Sadness creeping in from the edges. You breathed heavily, watching him for any more unpredictable actions.
Nothing came.
A hand rested on his shoulder as light poured too brightly behind him.
“… Volo, that is enough,” Cogita's voice was harsh yet pitiful, “I do not hate nor do I consider you unwanted. I simply do not trust you to interact with humans and pokemon of this world without harming them.” You gasped at the sight of her, thoroughly different from the dark clothing she had worn in her human disguise.
You stood up tall.
“Please… Don't banish him alone,” you begged her, “Don't banish him at all… I'll watch him. So, please.”
She gave a curious glance at you and shook her head with a sigh. “Volo… You claim you love them, do you not? Why not protect the world they so love, then?” she questioned him. His head remained low.
You had been through so much pain, just as he had at the hand of Arceus. You were kindred spirits, but you had her favour while he did not.
“… Would you even allow me to come and go into this realm as I pleased,” he wondered? Cogita gazed down at him intensely.
“Of course, if you swear to quit causing problems,” she knelt down and softly brought a hand to comb through his hair, “I do care for you and want you to be happy despite what you believe me to be. Why do you think I even bothered to let you do all of this?” He froze from both her words and the unexpected affection.
You smiled down at him. He felt stuck. If he denied everything Cogita had said, he would be banished back into the Distortion World with no hope of ever escaping, and you would be let here alone. If he agreed, he did not know what to do.
“Fine,” he relented, “… Just don't expect me to be like those two.” Cogita laughed, unexpectedly.
“I never expected you to be like Palkia and Dialga in the first place,” she stood herself and him up. Her eyes, now glowing green, turned to you, “I will hold you to your words to watch him.” You nodded.
You walked over to carry him on your shoulder as you took him from her, his injuries from the battle still needing to be tended to. She watched you both with curious eyes.
Before she left, Cogita leaned into your ear and whispered that Volo was truly her favourite of the three before disappearing into the clouds above. You understood her feelings entirely as you watched the blond man barely keep himself on his feet.
“I love you, Volo,” you told him plainly as you headed back towards the nearest base camp, “I didn't want you to be alone again… I didn't want you to be banished from this world.”
He was silent for a moment after your confession. Closing his eyes, he soaked in the feelings that the words brought him.
“I love you, too,” he managed to get out.
Sadly, despite your love, he was still a wanted criminal in Hisui for the whole nearly destroying the world thing, so he had to return to his dimension for the most part. On the bright side, you could visit him and get away from the stresses of your Survey Corps duties.
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my-zygarde-era · 2 years
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Ok, it’s not perfect but I’ve had a realization, thoughts under the cut
So my main rules were it being between cat and dog pokemon but I made some exceptions esp with Gen 2. I feel the most comfortable with Gens 1, 3, 5, 7, + 8 so far. If anyone has critiques or recommendations, my ears are open! But all in all I can’t wait to see the bitchy pokemon for Gen 9!!
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roodle-things · 2 years
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Piers and Galarian Linoone aesthetic for @penguin-brianmay I hope you like it!!
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sleepingcatemojis · 1 year
Maybe the ear wiggle and tail wags with Gengar ears and tail?
here you go!
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pokeheadcannons97 · 1 year
Hey could you do one where team star has a crush but their crushes pokemon is a jealous and mischievous and gets in the way?
In some of these yall are already dating, my bad ;_;
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Thinks that your pokemon just needs their space and he respects that, some pokemon aren't as friendly. His Pawinard is the same.
Overtime though, when the hostility hadn't changed and was always butting in when the two of you were spending time together?
It didn't makes sense.
He placed them together.
Would honestly cross his arms at your Jigglypuff when it was hugging you and smirked at him while your back was turned.
One time he noticed that one of his shoes were missing and were somehow on top of the fridge behind the Flaafy Flakes.
Would bring it up to you and you hadn't noticed until you saw them purposefully trip him while making food for his and your pokemon. Floating around with a giggle.
You gave your pokemon a stern talk and during so they had curled up against Giacomo with a huff and a roll of eyes at your onslaught.
It wasn't that your pokemon didn't like Giacomo, they just wanted all the attention and got jealous easily.
He gently placed his palm for your pokemon to sniff before giving them a soft pat on their head. "Looks like someone got a bit jealous."
They cried out while puffing their cheeks. Right on the money.
He felt like he wronged them somehow? And offered sincere apologies to your pokemon over and over.
This only made your pokemon more prissy.
Poor Atticus woke up one day to his fabric being shredded with your pokemons claws and strewn across the room in pitiful piles.
Your Sprigatito was swishing her tail while cleaning her paws nonchalantly. And smirked when he glared at the pokemon through gritted teeth.
When you walked in you gasped and didn't have to ask who did it as you tapped your foot impatiently at your young grass type.
The cat pouted and looked away with her ears folded against her head and meowed audibly yet pitifully when you asked them to explain themselves.
Hid most the day after that and only came out when you had gone to use the restroom. Making her way over to Atticus as he was busy sewing a tear together to mend it.
He raised an eyebrow at the pokemon and froze when she hopped up on his lap and laid down, purring softly while staring at him.
He drew a hand out slowly and she butted her head against it, asking for pets.
"To all I've seen." He murmured but smiled as he did as requested.
Sometimes a good head scratch was all that was needed to let a pokemon know they weren't all bad.
Surprised but gave your Floette space that she wanted. Some of the Charcadets that she raised were a little standoffish at first and some loved their space.
The fairy type would do the most underhanded things however.
Filling her trademarked boots with glitter one time that STILL isn't free from the stuff.
Wedging her little body next to yours and stuffing her blue flower in her face to block her from kissing you.
To even summoning a rather powerful fairy wind to disheveled her hair right after she'd fixed it.
The two of them would bicker together over the most mundane thing. Since her temperament could be easy to press, Mela lost her cool easier.
It wasn't until you got visibly upset at one of their arguments that both herself and your Floette froze mid fight and panicked over you together. Apologies frantically given to you.
Floette had been there with you since you were small, so she got rather protective over you and didn't want Mela to hurt you like you'd been in the past because of bullying.
Mela understood, how could she not? She's been there, is practically the reason why Team Star was founded.
Needless to say that the two of them became part of the Y/N protection patrol.
He used his best manners. Suckered up to your Zangoose, everything in the books of manners and politeness.
But boy was your normal type hard to please.
Expensive food that took forever to get cause it was on back order? Ignored. New sweater that Ortega stitched himself with Atticus' help? Roll of eyes and smacked away.
He could not wrap his head around why your pokemon was so apprehensive about you. He was being nice, and even more so than your Zangoose deserved in his opinion, from his poor behavior towards him.
Zangoose would stare at him through furrowed brows while you brushed him one afternoon outside of school. Ortega seated next to you.
"Is he glaring at me?"
You peered down at your partner pokemon and shook your head. "Mmm no. He just has that kinda face." You bent forward to blow raspberries into his fur. "Cause he's a cutie and good boy."
Your Zangoose cried out happily and his expression quickly retorted back into a glare towards the other male seated next to you.
"Has he always been with you?" Ortega responded, flicking his wrist idly, not looking at you out of being off put by your Zangoose. " Your partner pokemon I mean."
You hummed. "Since I was a kid. Aang's always been here for me. We practically grew up together. He wouldn't let me leave home without him." You ran your fingers thru your pokemons hair. "He's a bit overprotective sure, but after all the time we spent together? It is understandable."
Ortega glanced at your Zangoose who had one eye open peering at him. Their eyes met and remained like that for a few more seconds.
Now it made sense.
"He's a good partner then. I can appreciate protecting the ones you care about. You don't find people like that as often as pokemon." Ortega said aloud while looking anywhere besides your Zangoose, even though it was meant for him.
Your pokemon lifted his head from your lap slightly and rolled his eyes, but the small smile was unmistakable on his face.
Any pokemon would have to be incredibly stubborn to dislike Eri. Yes she may be a bit out there and her presence was known when she entered the room. But she was kind and lots of people liked her.
Nothing more stubborn than your Mudbray though. Wouldn't budge and wouldn't like her.
You and Eri had been going out for a few months now, and she was at her wits end.
Poor gal had tried everything to win your ground type over. Nothing worked.
It wasn't until you had commented on how your pokemon seemed to enjoy shows of strength. Be it from her being from the Mudsdale line or that you go came from a farm where the pokemon competitor to see who was the strongest. That Eri knew how to gain her love.
Your poor girlfriend stood outside in the rain, entirely caked in mud, dirt, and soaked from the water, stacking barrels of hay at your families ranch to try and help out.
You had asked her so many times to come inside and to not worry. But Eri wouldn't have it and instead threw haybale after haybale towards the barn for drying.
Your Mudsy was of course helping out and by the end of it was throughly impressed and even tackled the girl on her side as a sign of affection.
"I guess she likes you now." You teased and Eri could only cry as she hugged that small ground type in the rain.
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mushroom-for-art · 2 months
@eeveelutiontwos Xiangliu: The Azuretwo stared quietly at Vismay for a good long moment, dark pink tail swishing behind her. When she finally spoke, it was to say:
"You are very beautiful."
Another moment of silence.
"...Are you like me? I have a purpose I was created for. Do you have one?" While the sentence could come off badly in text, Xiangliu's voice held only genuine curiosity.
The old mew startled slightly at her compliment ears up before lowering in a bashful manner mouth falling into a smile, "You are too kind dearest one," one of his top paws idly brushed through the fur of his chest, "although the sun and ages have weathered my form I accept your compliment with gratitude and warmth," he moved in his float to bow to her in show of gratitude and general display of his manners paws moving in a flourish before righting himself to observe her in great intrigue.
"Forgive me if this is rude but you are a mewtwo correct?" Moving around her carefully, "my and something else yes I sense it, Eevee dna I'm sure," a paw to his mouth in thoughts before remembering himself, "ah I apologise but I believe I have not had the honor of this form of evolution in my own world, dragon typing yes?"
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"You are if I may say far more beautiful than I, I am honored to be in your company. Having the opportunity to become even only briefly aware of the vast variables of evolution across the multiverses meeting pokemon that I may never meet back home, it's a privilege to always be learning so thank you." His voice carried so much wonder and warmth for having met her.
Though it was somewhat obvious they were avoiding her question using the opportunity of meeting her and a new eeveelution to keep the conversation away.
The guilt however of not answering her question when it was likely she was trying to reach out and bond with an individual she believed to be like herself caught him first before she had to ask again or believed she may have crossed a boundary. He gave a sad smile to her as he exhaled from his nose slowly.
"I'm afraid I was created without a true purpose, just like how through random variable your world has a dragon evolution of Eevee, random variables led to my existence, it was purely chance I'm here now." One of their ears moves to the side then righted itself as he thought, "I was given tasks of course and purpose but," ears flattened again in sadness their voice faltered cracking until it quietened having miscalculated how ready for the discussion he was. He offered a sad shy smile of apology.
Clearing their throat coughing into a paw they regained their voice and spoke again, "I do what I can in the meantime, I help keep the dna of lost pokemon stored," he patted his chest above his heart, "so they're never truly gone even if extinct, reintroducing older dna into species for biodiversity, typical mew work even if I'm not technically," he moved his head in sort of a wobble not finishing the sentence since it was pretty evident he wasn't a traditional mew by any means.
"While, I know that was likely not the answer you expected may I ask about your purpose? I would love to hear to be enlightened about you and the world you reside in, I'm aware of mewtwo often having, complicated origins, perhaps yours are kinder than what I know?"
Ft Vismay sketch reaction to compliment I was too lazy to finish because giving me a hard time and too cowardly to add in main post but please behold the silly getting surprised
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