#poison berries
brianrope · 2 months
Poison Berries
Photography Exhibition Review: Photography Poison Berries | Janhavi Sharma Photo Access | 15 March 2024 – 27 April 2024 Two exhibitions running concurrently explore identity and memory, in quite different ways. Poison Berries is one of them. Janhavi Sharma is a visual artist from India currently living and working in Nottingham, UK. In this exhibition she reflects on her childhood and…
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punkgardener · 2 years
aka phytolacca americana
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Pokeweed is native to Eastern North America and upper central America and is is known for its purplish red stem and black berries. It is widely regarded as a weed and can be found growing in pastures, ditchs, roadsides, and thickets
I find it growing everywhere in my climate even growing out of the hedges in my own front yard!
Pokeweed is toxic and ingesting to much of any part of the plant can be deadly, but, and I DO NOT recommend this, you can eat the young shoots of the plant if you boil them in several changes of water, if they taste bitter after boiling in 3 changes of water, do not eat them, they are only safe when they are completely not bitter. DO NOT TRY THIS without conducting extensive research on the process of detoxifying them and preparing them. Do Not Try if you are not a professional.
I am by no means a professional and therefore I have not tried this and do not recommend doing it.
On a lighter, less poison-y note:
Pokeweed feeds many wild animals, such as birds, deer, and insects, pokeweed is even a host plant for the giant leopard moth (a quite beautiful species pictured below)
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(I actually found this guy myself which makes me very happy)
Another poison warning
Pokeweed is poisonous leave it for the moths, birds, and deer to enjoy
Pokeweed sap can cause skin irritation in those with cuts on their hands or sensitive skin, which I can testify to. I recommend wearing gloves if you're going to mess with it.
Now here are some more pictures of it that I took on a lovely rainy day
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Aren't those flowers just so pretty!
I understand the need to weed and I must be honest when I first learned about them I was very anti-poisonous plant, but now I see their importance in our ecosystem and I'm happy to live in an area that has them. They play an important role in feeding the wild animals in my region and for that I am thankful.
Even if I wasn't happy to have them there's not much I could do to stop them, they spread easily and have massive 4 foot long tap roots which can grow 4 inches wide! Good luck removing it if you don't like it!
Stay tuned for more everyday plant identification 🌱🌿
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books-apples-socks · 7 months
all time hall of fame black sails scene comes at the tail end of season 2 when a feverish newly disabled john silver, a man, who at that moment is in genuinely hysterical amounts of pain, wakes up to start lying his ass off for no other reason but a sheer commitment to the Bit
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dunnowho180125 · 2 months
I absolutely love (Zukka or not) fanfics in which Zuko has very dubious talents like lockpicking or pickpocketing or shady bargaining and being generally good with boats and where he doesn’t always live the lavish lifestyle of a prince and where Sokka is the one who can put shit together in nature and who can actually hunt and know what to eat and whatnot and is super good at geography and-
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occasionallybirds · 3 months
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Dude, careful, you're standing on poison ivy!
White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis)
Feb 27, 2024
Southeastern Pennsylvania
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(Jason Piper and Leo hiking)
Leo: ooh berries
Piper: pretty sure those are poisonous
Jason: yes they are! If you eat one you will bleed out of your mouth and have very severe stomach pain and it hurts a lot and even though there’s and antidote you have to find it and that’s really hard because these ones and the antidote look very similar and the antidote gives you breathing problems for like a month. And you get a rash
Piper: that’s… awfully specific
Jason: yeah, speaking from experience, that really messed with 3 year old me and I still had to do like.. sparring with the other wolves while going through poisoning and had to find the antidote myself… at like 3, it was scary.
Leo: ok… WAIT WHAT???
@hermemescabin I’m putting ur son in situations again
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keydekyie · 3 months
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rainymoodlet · 5 months
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nimphidia actaea, because i'm just not Me if i don't have 424985 active saves ⚗
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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This is not my beautiful cultivation partner.
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neon-zipperooni · 6 months
some whacky/weirdly specific cookie run headcanons i have
capsaicin cookie really likes the song "one two buckle my shoe" for some reason and nobody knows why. besides that most of his music taste is probably 80's-90's rock
electric eel cookie is afraid of escalators, this is a common thing for eel cookies
the fives great dragons all unironically think morbius is peak cinema, only those five, other dragons don't get it. hydrangea keeps having to watch it with lotus, same for mango with ananas. save them.
dark choco cookie is a cat person and also a cat magnet, he can just go "pspspspsp" and the cats will Approach him
royal berry cookie is the kinda guy to plug his nose and say "geronimo!" when diving into a pool or clap when the plane lands
custard cookie III loves watching MLP:FiM and jake and the neverland pirates (slight bit of projection on this one since i grew up on mlp)
there's a whole conspiracy theory about chocolate bonbon being a spy for the cookies of darkness (she's not) and she's really tired of it
rebel cookie regularly steals from lotus dragon cookie and distributes their wealth to the victims of their "wishes", he's also got his sights set on stealing from the corrupt elders in the republic
poison mushroom cookie's favorite movies are those badly reviewed animated films like the good dinosaur, home, and either of the secret life of pets movies
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waterghostype · 5 months
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world’s worst polycule
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silverstudios · 7 days
veldigun headcannon- They can eat things that are likely- hyper toxic and be perfectly fine. I'm talking like nightshade berry and death cap mushrooms.
But also all of them but Flock can Not handle spicy food.
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nishihii · 7 months
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made a new elden ring girlie, having lots of fun with her
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livinginteo · 1 year
I learned some bad news about Fin Fin Jr. and it turned into this...
Featuring a conversation between @the-jade-palace and @that-one-scratch-on-your-arm while testing Fin Fin on QEMU.
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poisonousquinzel · 10 hours
see the way we know janet isn't built for a relationship with Ivy is that she saw Her and had no reaction skdksksks
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harley would have rode her till the sun came up twice over<3333
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sweetlyharley · 11 months
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🌿-🍋-🌿//🌸-🍀-💐\\ 🌿-🍓-🌿
#@ with themes of nature !!
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