#podcast list
hinaypod · 7 months
Just saw this now, but what a wonderful article! Thank you for the Hi Nay shoutout and for the other fantastic podcasts on the list!
(I see you @hellofromthehallowoods ;))
Hi Nay is a supernatural horror fiction podcast about Filipina immigrant Mari Datuin, whose babaylan (shaman) family background accidentally gets her involved in stopping dangerous supernatural events in Toronto. It takes inspiration from the concept of the “mystical BIPOC” character in horror films, but reimagines her as the protagonist.  Mari joins Detectives Donner and Murphy in dealing with supernatural threats across the city after saving her neighbor from a monster. The writing is the strength of the show; the first-person narration pulls you into the story and puts you in Mari’s shoes. It can be tense at times; the supernatural monsters Mari encounters are vivid and almost too well described. But Mari’s burgeoning relationship with the detectives is sweet, and there’s a caring undercurrent to the story that makes a good foil for the horror.  Good for fans of: Alice isn’t Dead, Desperado Also consider: Meteor City, CARAVAN
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lgbtpodcasts · 11 months
If you're interested in seeing which podcasts I'm working on adding to the site so far, I've got a list here. There's also some podcasts I already know I need help to further classify the characters (or with character names). If you're interested in helping me out here, I'd really appreciate it. If you notice any mistakes, have further recommendations, want to help me fill this out or a character is mislabeled, please also feel free to reach out!
Podcasts already added (Link to tumblr page)
Podcasts that I've already updated to the website, but that I need further help with:
Achewillow: character name, identity: Miriam DuFours girlfriend from I think season 2 or 3.
Afflicted: character name: trans man, plays a role in episode 5
Alba Salix: character name: theres a gay character and a lesbian character
Among the Stars and Bones: character name: trans woman (VA also a trans woman iirc)
And195: character name: theres a lesbian character? but idk her name or if shes a main or side character
Arden: character name: trans character, also theres an aroace character named Rosalind but idk if shes a main or side character
Brimstone Valley Mall: character name: 2 gay characters, m/m couple, maybe other queer characters I forgot?
Burst: character name: Beth's girlfriend. Also potentially other queer characters that I completely forgot.
Calling Darkness: character name, identity: I think there's queer characters here, but I can't remember any of them.
City of Ghosts: character name: bisexual XC (?)
Civilized: character name: ?? there's at least one bisexual character on here (most likely more), but I can't remember who it is
Death at a Low Price: main character(2 or more episodes)/side character: (lesbian XC (Sarah, Elliot, Kiera), gay XC (Icarus, Terry, Bundlebuddy), bisexual XC (Agent Harrison, Kennedy, Jeremy XC (biromantic), pansexual XC (Eugene, Manager), asexual XC (Hannah, Jeremy), graysexual grayromantic XC (Kiera), aromantic XC (Hannah), nonbinary XC (Eugene, Bundlebuddy), trans man XC (Terry, Jeremy, Manager), trans woman XC (Oswin))
Death by Dying: character name, identity: I remember there being queer characters, but I don't know who or which identities they have.
Desperado: character name, identity: there's many queer characters in here, but I don't remember who. At least one is gay.
Deviant A Space Pirate Story: side character/main character: theres a lesbian character (Cassidy) and an asexual character (Valcor), are they main or side characters?
Dice Shame: character name: one of the PCs is gay and has a husband. Whats their names?
Dining in the Void: theres an aromantic character named Nefeli, are they a main or side character?
Doctor Who Redacted: character name, identity: who are the queer characters? I just know one of them is trans, but thats it.
Dos After You: transcript: I remember there being a transcript available once upon a time, but I can't find it anymore. Does anybody know where to find it?
Dungeons and Lesbians: character name, identity: many lesbians apparently, but idk their names
Echobox: character name: the main character is bisexual, but i dont know her name
Electromancy: character name, identity: I know there's queer characters in this podcast, but I don't know who they are
Fawx and Stallion: theres an asexual aromantic character named Hampton, main or side character?
Flying in the Face of Fate: main character(2 or more episodes)/side character: two trans characters, Aire, Jun, theres also a gay character
Freed: are the characters Ezra, Claire, Sera, Erin, Mikhail main or side characters?
Gone: character name: Do you know the names of the main character and her girlfriend?
Heart of Ether: character name: theres multiple lesbian MCs, whats their names?
Hopes Hearth: character name: there's nonbinary pirates, trans werewolves and gay ghosts, but what are their names?
Into the Hollow: character name, identity: If i remember correctly there's a lot of queer characters but I can't remember any of them
Kakos Industries: character name: multiple bisexual characters in this show beside the bisexual main character Corin
Kalila Stormfire's Economical Magick Services: character name: theres a gay character, whats his name?
Legends of Chel: are there queer characters in this pdocast besides the aromantic character Day?
Lesser Gods: character name, identity: there's more queer characters than Charon, does anybody know their names?
Love and Luck: character name: theres a trans woman character, whats her name? I think theres also polyamorous characters?
Mage and Machine: Who are the queer characters in this podcast?
Main Street Mythology: theres a lesbian character apparently? Whats her name?
Moonbase Theta Out: character name: there is a gay character, whats his name?
Neighbourly: character name/identity: theres queer characters in this podcast, but who are they?
Night Shift: character name/identity: I found two nonbinary characters (Adair & Cam), but i think theres more queer characters in here
Novitero: character name/identity: i heard theres wlw characters in this show? Who are they
Old Gods of Appalachia: main/side character, identity: Dougie, Edie, Katie, Marcie, Witch Queen. do Edie & Katie have a specific identity or just sapphic?
Parkdale Haunt: character name: the MC is a lesbian, but what is her name?
Patient 33: I heard theres queer characters in this podcasts, but I cant find anything online
Professor Chronomier: I heard theres queer characters in this podcast, but I dont know who they are
Splintered Caravan: character name, main character/side character: theres a trans woman in this show, but idk her name or how big her role is
Startripper: character name, main character/side character: there is a gay character in this show
The Far Meridian: main character/side character: Peri, Ruth and Ollie
Podcasts I haven't added to the site yet and may need help. Will be removed or added to the above as I get to them. If you have some knowledge about queer characters in any of these, please also feel free to send me a message.
Super Suits: gay XC
Supernatural Sexuality with Dr Seabrooke: asexual SC (Alford, Ava)
Superstition Podcast: gay XC, bisexual XC (Jack)
Tell No Tales: nonbinary MC (Leo)
The 12:37: lesbian MC (Nora, Ivory, Sam, Nxy, Autumn), trans XC (Nyx)
The Aberrant Report: wlw MC (Junie), nonbinary SC (Ash)
The Adventures of Sir Rodney the Root: lesbian XC (Camilla, Bianka), gay XC (?), trans ? XC (Gilbert)
The After Disaster Braodcast: bisexual MC (Jo), lesbian XC, aromantic XC
The Alexandria Archives: asexual XC (Allison)
The Amelia Project: lesbian MC (Amelia), gay MC (Kozlowski)
The Attic Monologues: nonbinary MC (Nyx)
The Author's Anathema: asexual lesbian MC (?), bisexual MC (?)
The Ballad of Anne & Mary: bisexual MC (Anne, Mary)
The Beacon: lesbian XC (Capy), bisexual XC (Wolf), trans ? XC (Moth), lesbian asexual MC (Bee)
The Chronicles of Professor Chronomier
The Encounter Table: bisexual XC (Clarissa), pansexual XC (Dex), trans man PC (Scott)
The Far Meridian
The Fall of the House of Sunshine: trans woman MC (Pangla), wlw MC (Feltina, Huphelumphugus), queer SC (Professor Y, Sondra)
The Finale Girl Tapes: wlw XC (Joan, Lila)
The Flame: lesbian MCs (Sam, Jamie, Rachel), aromantic XC
The Ghost Radio Project: nonbinary MC
The Girl Who Set Out to Seek a Living Wage: lesbian MC (Rachel, Kayla), trans woman MC (Kayla)
The Godshead Incidental: aromantic asexual (Imogen)
The Kingery: asexual XC (Cal)
The Kingmaker Histories: gay MC (Telesphore, Eisen), polyamorous SC (Alkadies, Peregrine, Finn)
The Lucky Die: lesbian XC (Zaltanna),
The Night Post: 3 queer MCs (wlw & mlm)
The Once And Future Nerd: lesbian XC
The Orphans: lesbian XC (?)
The Paracelsus Effect: trans woman MC (Jacquiline), nonbinary MC (Kyrell)
The Pasithea Powder: bisexual MC (Sophie, Jane)
The Path Down: nonbinary SC (Lucero)
the Pilgrimage Saga: lesbian MC (Dr. Armstrong), trans XC
The Polybius Conspiracy: gay XC (Ruebin, Mark)
The Secret of St. Kilda: asexual aromantic XC (Georgie)
The Sheridan Tapes: biromantic graysexual MC (Sam)
The Silt Verses: asexual aromantic MC (Carpenter), trans man MC (Faulkner)
The Six Disappearances of Ella McGray: trans XC, asexula MC (Jordan)
The Strange Case of Starship Iris: graysexual lesbian MC (Arkady), bisexual MC (Violet), pansexual trans man MC (Brian), nonbinary MC (Krejjh, RJ McCabe) | TW: near death experiences, gaslighting
The Two Princes: gay MC (Rupert, Amir, Prince Darling), wlw XC (Joan), bisexual XC (Lady Cecily, Percy Jr)
The Van: nonbinary SC (Audre)
The Way We Haunt Now: nonbinary SC (Myrtle)
The Weird: nonbinary players, nonbinary DM & nonbinary PCs (Bishop, Delaney)
This Planet Needs a Name: nonbinary MC (Kolian, Angel), trans ? XC (Quill, Cyrus), gay XC (?), bisexual XC (Zahava), pansexual XC (Devi, James), asexual XC (Izley), demisexual XC (Cryus)
Tides: bisexual MC (Dr. Erus), pansexual XC (Stevens, Montague), asexual XC (Melissa), demisxual XC (Monty)
Transmission Folklore: nonbinary MC (Sorrel, Emery), trans ? XC (Carter)
Tranthologies: trans MCs (queer short stories)
Tumanbay: bisexual XC (?)
Twigs and Hearts: asexual biromantic MC (Iris), aromantic asexual MC (Zenith), aromantic trans man (Dylan)
Under the Electric Stars: nonbinary MCs (Caine, Su-jin, Indra), mlm MC (Vic)
Under Pressure: lesbian MC (Jamie, Mona), nonbinary SC (Sidney), bisexual SC (Phaedra)
Unwell: lesbian MC (Lily), gay XC, nonbinary SC (Abbie)
Vacant: nonbinary MC (Marx, Lil Tipsy, Machie)
Valence: bisexual XC (Liam, Morgan), gay demisexual XC (Nico), trans man XC (Flynn), asexual XC (Sarah), lesbian XC (Mahira, Noel), asexual aromantic XC (Grace), heteromantic asexual (Sarah), genderfluid, bisexual, polyamorous XC (Soledad)
We Fix Space Junk: bisexual MC (Kilner)
Weeping Cedars: nonbinary MC (?, ?), gay XC
Welcome to Night Vale: Gay MC (Cecil, Carlos), Nonbinary SC (Sam the Sheriff, Alicia), Wlw SC ( Maureen, Johanna), Mlm SC (Kevin), Lesbian SC (Basmia Bashara), Bisexual SC (Josh Crayton) | TW: unreality, body horror | listen here | transcript
What Happened in Skinner: queer MC (?)
What Will Be Here: nonbinary MC (Jules, Armani, Kei), asexual MC (Jules)
Where the Stars Fell: lesbian MC (Lucy, Maggie, Huma, Phil), wlw MC (Edison)
Windfall: lesbian XC (Pav, Kendal), bisexual XC (Helina)
Witches of the City: birmantic asexual MC (Lia)
Witchever Path: bisexual XC (Ana, Darren), trans XC
Within the Wires: lesbian MC (Hester, Oleta, Indra, Nan), polyamorous MC (Roimata, Claudia), bisexual MC (Roimata, Claudia, Pavel, Vivienne), trans man MC (Michael) | TW: medical abuse, forced institutionalization, body horror, unreality, dissociation | listen here | transcript
Woe.Begone: gay MC (Mike, Edgar), mlm MC (Ryan)
Wolf 359: gay SC (Fisher, Daniel Jacobi) | TW: | listen here | transcript
Wooden Overcoats: asexual MC (Rudyard), bisexual MC (Georgie), gay SC (Desmond, Nigel) | listen here | transcript
Y2K: trans woman MC (Bri), lesbian XC (Jess)
Zoo: trans XC, nonbinary SC (Normandy)
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evenyouyouweirdo · 1 year
List of David Mitchell appearances on podcasts/radio
The Unbelievable Truth (all seasons from the start) (was on the internet archive but isn't anymore some episodes are on youtube and some are on the BBC website if they rerun them or if there is a new season) (link)
Guest or Panelist
Heresy (hosted by Victoria Coren Mitchell since season 5) (s5e1, s5e6, s6e4, S6e6, s7e5, s8e3, S9e2, s10e6, s11e2, s11e5, s12e3, s12e5) (link)
I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue!: S52 Es3&4, S53Es 5&6, S55 Es3&4, S60 Es 5&6)
That Mitchell and Webb Sound: (some episodes but not all)
Radio 2's History of British Comedy: (haven't found that one yet)
Behaving Ourselves: Mitchell on Manners: (4 episodes)
Mitchell on Meetings : (3 episodes)
Desert Island Discs: (link)
Saturday Live : (14 may 2016)
The Rest Is History: (season 1 episode 5)
Front Row : (11/10/2012) and (23/10/2013)
Think The Unthinkable : (link)
Myths Reimagined : (episode 8 : Severus)
Pauline Pepys’ Dowry : (link)
My Time Capsule : (Ep.38 )
Secrets of the Pharaohs - a Peep Show podcast : (link)
RHLSP (Richard Herring's Leicester Square Theatre Podcast) : (link 2012), (link 2016) and (link 2021)
Rules Of Three : (Remain Indoors Special)
Standard Issue Podcast : (Ep.178 link)
How To Academy Podcast : (Dishonesty is the Second Best Policy)
The Adam Buxton Podcast : (Ep.89)
Brydon & : (link)
Open university 60 Second Adventures : (link)
David Mitchell Soapbox : (link)
Apple Back Story interview : (link)
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zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u · 2 years
Audio Dramas on Hiatus
Hi there! Lately I’ve been looking into audio dramas that are older and while some are completed, there’s also several that are on hiatus/incomplete. There could be various reasons, but since all indie audio dramas are self-produced, I figured give these guys a shot, support them, and maybe they’ll come out of hiatus! All these shows have not been updated since 2020 or earlier. At the moment none of them are officially discontinued, but if there are announcements of it, I’ll definitely update.. If anyone has other recommendations (including discontinued shows), feel free to add to this list or send them my way and let’s share the love!
Last updated August 2022:
5 Week Countdown (Updated 2020): interactive audio voted horror, no official plans to continue, but implied continuing
Archive81 (Updated 2019): speculative horror with very creative sound design, no official plans for the future, but implied continuing.
Bastard Fur (Updated 2020): Werewolves and cults (NSFW). Midseason hiatus.
The Beacon (Updated 2018): Queer superheroes in-universe podcast. Cliffhanger season ending.
Blood Crow Stories (Updated 2020): Anthology with each season being a different horror story. Midseason hiatus.
Caravan (Updated 2019): Traveling through hell (NSFW). No official plans to continue, but cliffhanger season ending.
Gay Future (Updated 2019): Post apocalyptic gay future satire. Cliffhanger season ending.
The Glass Appeal (updated 2020): A tinker’s prison conversation logs. Cliffhanger season ending, planned next season.
Hit the Bricks (Updated 2020): 100 years after Wizard of Oz, the musical. Cliffhanger season ending.
Lake Clarity (Updated 2018): Investigation of a teen camp slasher horror. Cliffhanger season ending/season 3 trailer kind of.
Null/Void (Updated 2020): Scifi taking down an evil corporation. Cliffhanger season ending.
Return Home (Updated 2020): Comedy horror of a supernatural stuff in a town. Very painful cliffhanger season ending.
Splintered Caravan (Updated 2019): Action-packed heists, AIs, and gender-swappy body mods. Cliffhanger season ending.
Bonus- Shows that last updated in 2021 that seemed to have a next season/more episodes planned, but circumstances imply they are on a hiatus:
Dining in the Void
Fuck Humans (NSFW)
Jar of Rebuke
Stonesinger Chronicles
Strange Case of Starship Iris
Wizard Seeking Wizard
Note, I mention the update status to prepare you if you want to avoid listening to a cliffhangers.
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volup2 · 1 year
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NEW ARTICLE UP! https://www.volup2.com/articles-and-blog/2023/3/27/ultimate-list-of-body-positive-podcast ULTIMATE LIST OF BODY POSITIVE PODCASTS by Elizabeth Romero Photo by Velvet d'Amour H/MU Rachel Williamson Models Georgina Horne Kate Nolan Netsai Tinaresse Dandajena and Yazmin Fox
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alien-bluez · 6 months
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errrrmmm cheesed to meet you?
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skyfullofpods · 6 months
Hello fans of Re: Dracula who were introduced to fiction podcasts through the updates from our good friend Jonathan Harker! Now that the story's over (sob!), would you like some recommendations for some other audio dramas that you might enjoy, made by some of the folks who worked on the podcast?
Jonathan Sims, who played our local phonograph enthusiast, is the writer of the hugely popular horror podcast, The Magnus Archives. The Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute records statements made by members of the public, detailing strange encounters with the supernatural. What soon becomes clear is that these statements do not describe separate and unrelated events, and a bigger and horrific picture begins to emerge. Also appearing as recurring characters in this series are both Sasha Sienna and Alasdair Stuart.
Karim Kronfli is a prolific voice actor, and while he might be best known for his roles in both Re: Dracula and The Magnus Archives, he has voiced a wide range of characters in many different fiction podcasts. Out of all the ones he's appeared in, I would personally recommend urban fantasy anthology series, Unseen. The unseen world exists alongside ours, but only a few humans can see it. It's a world where magic and magical creatures exists, and Karim's character tells his story in episode 7, titled We Ourselves.
Beth Eyre and Felix Trench played twins Antigone and Rudyard Funn in Wooden Overcoats, a British sitcom set on the tiny fictional island of Piffling, in the English Channel. The twins run a funeral parlor together, the only one on the island, until a newcomer arrives. Eric Chapman (played by Tom Crowley) sets up a much more successful funeral parlor, and the story is narrated by the Funns' house mouse, Madeline.
Alan Burgon plays the Interviewer in The Amelia Project. The Amelia Project is a secret organisation, and clients come to them looking for their help in faking their deaths. The Interviewer listens to each client's story, before concocting unique and often elaborate ways in which they will stage their deaths, before being reborn into a new identity.
David Ault is also a very recognisable voice to anyone who spends a considerate amount of time listening to fiction podcasts, and The Kingmaker Histories feels like an appropriate choice here. A weird steampunk series set in the Valorian Socialist Republic in 1911 , this story involves found family, its own intriguing magic system, and being gay and doing crime.
Our favourite cowboy, Giancarlo Herrera, plays one of the protagonists in sci-fi action/thriller, Primordial Deep. Spinner is part of a team which is sent deep beneath the sea to investigate the resurgence of creatures thought to be long-extinct. There's plenty of horror to be had here, as something ancient is stirring in the depths of the ocean.
As for the crew? Tal Minear works on so many podcasts, and if you like fantasy stories, I would recommend the delightfully lighthearted Sidequesting, which follows new adventurer Rion, as they help people on their travels. If you would like some more horror, there's their spoiler-driven anthology series, Someone Dies in This Elevator.
Hannah Wright's Inn Between is a fantasy series based on D&D. Each episode follows a party as they meet in the Goblin's Inn, in between adventures, as the tavern follows them around wherever they go.
Stephen Indrisano's upcoming docu-horror Shelterwood promises to be a series which explores the horror of suburbia, as it follows one man's quest to find his missing sister. Until this is released, I would recommend Do You Copy, in which Stephen plays one of the protagonists. This found footage horror series follows the events which unfold after the closure of Red Tail National Park, and the people who were left inside the park, after its mysterious closure.
Ella Watts is regarded as a walking encyclopedia of all things audio fiction, and has worked on several high-profile projects, including directing both Doctor Who: Redacted and Marvel Move. Her upcoming Camlann is a post-apocalyptic series due to be released next year, inspired by Arthurian legends and British folklore. She is also the executive producer of Tin Can Audio's (who are also producing Camlann) beautiful experimental series, The Tower. The protagonist of this story, Kiri, leaves her life behind to climb an impossibly high tower, making phonecalls along the way.
Newt Schottelkotte's Where The Stars Fell is a supernatural fantasy set in the town of Jerusalem, Oregon. Cryptozoologist Dr Edison Tucker arrives in the town to carry out some research, and meets her roommate, author Lucille Kensington. There's so much more to this strange town than first meets the eye, with a huge revelation at the end of season one.
If you're new to fiction podcasts, welcome! I hope this short (ish!) and very much non-comprehensive list gave you some ideas of what to listen to next!
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humming-fly · 1 month
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Happy to report I have finally started listening to Malevolent and to no one's surprise I am already obsessed (I'm almost done with s2 atm please don't send me spoilers yet sdlkfj)
I'll skip over my usual formality of having one normal art post before diving into shitposts let's not waste anyone's time here
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whore-era · 1 year
not a request but pls recommend some of ur fav ellie fics, i feel like i’ve read everything already 😭
had to open my laptop for this one. cracks knuckles i got u!
these r some ive read recently that ive loved / fics i keep rereading / series i keep checking on. these fics r either fluff angst or NASTY SLUTTY SMUT that's listed in no specific order
n i have sm other recs but my brain is short circuiting rn and i have so many other writers i love but these ppl r the ones that pop into my brain atm <3
don't you dare fall in love. by @ohcaptains
slow burn by @elskittie
herbal therapy by @elskittie
e. williams corrupting innocent reader by @clearheartgreyflowers
take everything by @clearheartgreyflowers
the invisible string series by @elleloquently
over and out by @cozy-mp3
falling in love at a coffee shop series by @elli3luvs
i saw you in a dream series by @elliesflower
otw by @elliesflower
rockstar tendencies by @anchoeritic
how it should be by @kurosaaki
streamer ellie hc by @rxllingstones
perfect girl series by @coeurify
sex, drugs, etc by @hazelnutsforellie
tattoos by @scandalcus
lover's rock by @elliephobic
shameless by @elliesquerida
midnight snack by @shesluxurious
true blue series by @totheblood
and burn by @strgrlxox
angels wept by @elsfavor1te
all the kisses in the world by @elsfavor1te
the inevitable pull by @prrimordiais FREE BINDI
a fool's game series by @elliewill
ellie using a vibe on reader by @evanpetersluver
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squivulous · 9 months
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My podcast blorbos
Can you guess who is who? All is revealed below…
In order of when I listened, going left to right and starting in the upper left corner:
Juno Steel // The Penumbra Podcast
Prince Rupert // The Two Princes
Jonathan Sims // The Magnus Archives
Arthur Lester // Malevolent
Gordon Porlock // Red Valley
Ryan Dalias // EOS 10
Samir // CARAVAN
Doug Eiffel // Wolf 359
Mike Walters // WOE.BEGONE
Nate // The Cellar Letters
Nico Salvai // VALENCE
Samson // Harbor
Aurora // Rifted
Mark Bryant // The Bright Sessions
Graham Casner // The White Vault
Orion Lancaster // Find Us Alive
I could’ve added more but I needed that perfect square. But also if you have any podcast recs, lmk!
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murderandcoffee · 4 months
every time a character is canonically stated to be ace I grow more powerful
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evenyouyouweirdo · 1 year
List of Victoria Coren Mitchell appearances on podcasts/radio
Heresy (Host : from season 5 onward)
Women Talking About Cars (host) : (link)
Heresy (as a guest): Episodes: Pilot, S1E3, S1E4, S2E1, S4E4
The Unbelievable Truth: season 12 episodes 3 and 6, season 15 episodes 4 and 6
Chain Reaction: season 11 episode 3 : (link) (interviewed by Ian Hislop) and 4 : (link) (interviewing Sandi Toksvig)
My Teenage Diary : (link)
Richard Herring's Leicester Square Theatre Podcast: (ep.59 link)
Loose Ends : (link)
Off Menu podcast : (Ep 17 link)
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zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u · 2 years
Some of my favorite “coming out” “scenes”
Or not-coming-out but more like canon-implications-that-basically-confirm-a-queer-character without a coming out speech. I’m bored with coming out speeches/scenes, “marketed sexuality”, and forced coming out/gossiped coming out. This list is from a mix of mostly podcasts, but also books/movies/TV/games. Last updated Aug 2022.
Established queer couple from their introduction, no coming out needed:
Tiffany & Keisha (Blood Crow Stories)
Buddy/Vespa, Quanyii/Caroline (The Penumbra Podcast)
Deena & Sam, Sarah Fier & Hannah Miller (Fear Street series)
Zelda & Pat (Mission Rejected)
Jason & Lucas Cawfield (The Glass Appeal)
Cherry & Vesta (Fuck Humans)
Meydinyor & Aule (Hulm)
Feltina & Humph (Fall of the House of Sunshine)
Sam/Allen, Anna/Maria, Bill/Robert (Sheridan Tapes)
Tommy & David (Putting 2 & 2 Together)
Emmy & Jo (Trials of Apollo: The Dark Prophecy)
Strone/Chipwick/Rel (Hubris round 5 ep 4)
Obvious life circumstance implications:
Wyatt Whaley (Blood Crow Stories)- has period products. 
Frankie Meeks (The College Tapes)- said he changed his name. 
Elle (Heartstopper) - changed from boys to girls school.
Apollo (Trials of Apollo) - OG!Apollo’s various mythology lovers + adds more male/female love interests
Cast of Surrender Your Sons- they’re at a conversion therapy camp
The Flame cast- owner of a gay bar, all the main characters are lesbian
Gay Future- it’s literally a gay future
Clay (How I Died)- wears a binder
Ethan McBride (Killing Spree)- gay porn stash
Most of Last Night at the Telegraph Club- attendees of a dyke bar
Conversation confirmations:
Machie/Rez (Vacant Arcadia) - They have FOUR songs dedicated to flirting with computer programming. Can’t get any gayer than that.
Piper Lee (Null/Void) - “I’m in a closet.” “Thanks for coming out, but is this the right time?” “No I’m actually hiding in a closet, but not the homophobic kind. Someone is about to catch me.” My favorite.
Mike Walters (WOE.BEGONE)- challenge featuring his exboyfriend
Nick Waters (Archive 81) - question challenge about ex-boyfriends
Monty Montague (Montague sibling series)- listing his dating history + flirts with everyone
Robin Buckley (Stranger Things) - implies her crush on Tammy Thompson & Steve/the audience just gets it
Zachary Ying (Zachary Ying & the Dragon Emperor) - “I don’t like girls!”
Lucius (Our Flag Means Death)- "I lied to my mom that I liked girls!” 
Reyna (Trials of Apollo) - laughs her head off & complains that people think she needs a romantic partner
Quincy (Blood Crow Stories) - flirts with guys & girls + Travis: “Omg sis, I don’t care who you sleep with.”
Zach (Keep It Steady podcast) - rants about his obvious crush on Gabe
Characters from Shimanami Tasogare by Yuhki Kamatani. Ok I mentioned that BL/GL won’t be included, however this one is a special mention because its more like a LGBT+ manga than a BL/GL. There’s several queer characters at different stages of their life and while several of the coming out or reveals (if they’ve already come out long ago) were in homophobic situations, they were understandable and realistic. I’d say my favorite unfortunate “coming out” is Utsumi‘s arc and fave positive coming out is Haruko & Saki’s arc. I say arcs bc several characters have to come out multiple times, which is really realistic :O
Action confirmations:
Kyoshi & Rangi (Avatar Kyoshi novels) - confess & kiss
Rupert & Amir (The Two Princes) - confess & kiss
Pangla (Fall of the House of Sunshine)- transitions during an episode
Juno Steel (Penumbra Podcast)- kisses Peter, addressed as both guy & lady
Angel & Bast (Fuck Humans) - they hook up
Caitlyn Kiramman (Arcane)- in a brothel with a female prostitute
Aiden Jamison (Swipe Right for Murder)- goes on DirtyPaws
Ellie Williams (The Last of Us) - kisses Riley
Zagreus (Hades, game) - hooks up with Thanatos & Megara
Travis (Blood Crow Stories) - hooks up with guys
Conrad & Rudyard (The Vanishing Act) - confess & kiss
Paul (Moonface)- hooks up with several guys
Rita (Penumbra) - open to anyone at brothel + flirts with Yasmin
Jake Wheeler (Chucky TV 2021) - ok technically the actual “gay” confirmation was across 3 heated arguments that included the f-slur, but the first official signs was Jake very obviously oogling Devon.
Syd Carter (Proxy) - the initial outing was unpleasant but made sense in context, but the better reveal was kissing Knox
Character referred by neo-pronouns/nonbinary/multiple pronouns immediately:
Many many many characters from Under the Electric Stars
Several characters from Vacant Arcadia
Several characters from The Penumbra Podcast
Several characters from Electromancy
Several characters from Jar of Rebuke
Dr Kim (How I Died)
Ben Bernard (The College Tapes)
Alex Fuentes (Skillset Podcast)
Krejjh (Strange Case of Starship Iris)
Prince$$ (Blood Crow Stories)
Alright thats it for now! I’ll add more later. Obviously I skipped the entire BL/GL genre in anime/manga/visual novels because those are all just givens.
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anxious-omnipotence · 3 months
Quick reminder to everyone who is caught up on Penumbra: the Ruby 7 is still in Juno’s pocket, and Peter doesn’t know what Ruby actually is.
The next episode is going to be WILD.
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alien-bluez · 6 months
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errrrmmm cheesed to meet you?
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