#pickled persimmons
pagan-stitches · 2 years
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Another pickled persimmon dish—this time smoked Gouda, pickled persimmon, and cracked black pepper toasted cheese sandwich.
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morethansalad · 2 years
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Pickled Persimmons (Vegan)
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whats-in-a-sentence · 1 month
The Ne'er-Do-Well
Arthur M. Sampley
When Enoch should have been at work,
He might be fishing in the creek,
Or when the dewberries were ripe,
He'd leave his plowing for a week.
He'd take an hour to smoke a pipe,
Sitting with legs crossed like a Turk.
And yet the banker, looking grim
When Enoch with a note past due
Had left his corn patch to the cows,
Sought a persimmon grove he knew
And, finding Enoch in the boughs,
Stared long and wistfully at him.
"Reflections on a Gift of Watermelon Pickle... And Other Modern Verse" - compiled by Stephen Dunning, Edward Lueders, and Hugh Smith
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chuck-snowbug · 6 months
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コーヒーのある食卓の風景・その342 - 何も添えぬ2023年の11月編 - Coffee with Foods Part 342: November 2023
1: Coffee with Banana, Homemade Pickles, Milk Tea Pudding of "TEA MAISON KoKoTTe" & Yakult Y1000 + Tomato Juice - Breakfast
2: Coffee with Chikuwa Bread of "Kimuraya" & Pistachio Milk - Lunch
3: Coffee with Vanilla Pudding of "TEA MAISON KoKoTTe" - Coffee Break
4: Coffee with Milk & Vanilla Cookie of “ARPAJON” & Yakult Y1000 + Tomato Juice - Breakfast
5: Coffee with Almond, Pear, Custard Pudding & Yakult Y1000 + Tomato Juice - Breakfast
6: Cafe Au Lait with Banana, Persimmon, Matcha Geppei(Chinese Sweets) of "Kiyoken" & Yakult Y1000 + Tomato Juice - Breakfast
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littlemissomega · 1 year
Natasha romanoff! x pregnant!reader
Warnings: smut, mommy kink, pregnancy, pregnancy cravings, strap on, hypersensitive, nipple play, aftercare, pet names, Russian pet names
Summary: Y/N wakes up with intense pregnancy cravings
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"'Tasha?" Y/N whispers.
Natasha squints at the clock in the dark room. 2:37 a.m. Natasha knows there's only two reasons her very pregnant wife would make her up this early; she's hungry, or horny.
"Yes, Девочка (Babygirl)?"
"We reallyyyyy need some persimmons right now, 'Tasha,"
Natasha smiles at her in the dark.
"You need them?" Natasha asks.
"Uh huh! Please, 'Tasha! I've literally been having dreams about them!"
Pregancy has been really hard on Y/N. Between the intense morning sickness, back pain, and mood swings, she hasn't been able to do much of anything. Natasha has tried to do everything she can to help her, but its been hard on both of them
"Okay, luvie, I'll get you and baby some persimmons," Natasha chuckles, kissing Y/N on the nose before dragging herself out of bed.
"Ooo and some pickles! The Slovakian ones!" Y/N calls from bed.
"As you wish," Natasha smiles.
Y/N props herself up against the pillows happily as she waits for Natasha to return. Her hands subconsciously go to her growing belly.
Natashs comes back in a few moments later carying a bowl full of sliced persimons and pickles. She plops back down on the bed and hands yn the bowl and a fork.
"Here you go, my luv,"
"Thank you, 'tasha," she smiles.
Natasha rests her hands on her wife's bump as Y/N eats. Natasha realizes Y/N is wearing nothing but one of Natasha us oversized t shirts.
Shes done that a lot throughout her pregancy. Between her growing bump and swelling breasts, none of her clothes fit anymore. And her skin as been almost hypersensitive, so underwear isn't very comfortable either.
Its driven Natasha absolutely fertile to come home from work to find her wife cooking or sleeping in nothing but one of her shirts. It's taken all of her self restraint not to bend her over the counter and fuck her silly every day.
Natasha snaps out of her thinking as yn tucks her sleeve.
"You know what else I really need?" Yn whispers.
Thats odd. Yn usually says 'we' when taking about the cravings she and the baby has.
"What, Девочка?"
"The blue strap with the pink tip! Please 'tasha, want it so bad!" Y/N whimpers.
Natasha is taken aback by the request despite how often this happens. Pregnancy hormones have also made Y/N extra horny.
"It's late, button, and you need your rest! We should-" Natasha starts gently.
"No! Mommy I need it so so bad! I'm so fucking wet, Mommy! Look!"
Y/N parts her legs and grabs Natasha as hand, putting it on her most sensitive parts. She whimper at how cold Natasha is hand is.
Natsha gasps at how wet her wife is. She must be dripping all over the sheets.
"Awww my poor baby," Natasha croons.
"Please, Mommy! Need you do bad!"
"Okay, button, shhh," Natasha whispers, stroking her throbbing clit.
She lets out a loud moan from the stimulation. Natasha could blow on her clit and make her cum.
"Natasha!" She whines as Nat moves her hand away.
"Nu uh uh! That's not my name, silly girl," Natasha responds as she reaches over to the nightstand and pulls out the strap Y/N asked for, pulling it on.
"I'm sorry, Mommy! Just need you so bad!" Y/N whimpers.
"I know, button," Natasha chuckles, "just lay back and let Mommy take care of you,"
Natasha eases her onto her back and pushes her shirt up to her chin.
"F-fuck," yn moans as Natasha tweaks her sensitive nipples, "Mommy!"
"I know, Девочка. You're so fucking sensitive,"
Natasha starts grinding the tip of her strap against Y/N's clit, causing her to jolt forward and grab her arm.
"M-mommy, please!"
Natasha simply hums at her and lines her strap up with her dripping entrance. Y/N's nails dig into her arm as her strap slides in.
Every one of Y/N's nerves are on fire and warmth fills her belly. Natasha starts slowly and deeply thrusting into her, causing her climax to build even faster.
"Gonna cum!" Y/N moans.
"I know, button. Cum for Mommy," Natasha whispers, her fingers continues to rub Y/N's sensitive clit.
"fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" Y/N babbles as she tips off the edge.
Y/N squirts everywhere as her climax takes her over. Natasha gently works her through it, whispering how perfect and beautiful she is.
"Умница (good girl)," Natasha croons, pulling out.
Natasha gently picks her wife up and carries her to the bathroom, flipping on the tub facet. The tub fills with warm water as Natasha gently pulls off yns shirt. Natasha finishes undressing herself and puts her wife in the tub; sliding in behind her. The warm water stings Y/N's sensitive skin and she moans.
"You were so perfect, my luv," Natasha whispers in her ear, "I love you so much,"
"I love you too, Natty," yn smiles, "Oh!" She jolts forward a little.
"what? What's wromg?" Natasha as, worried.
"Feel this," Y/N smiles, grabbing Nat's hand and placing it on her stomach.
Natasha smiles as she feels the baby kick against her hand. Y/n looks over her shoulder and giggles at her.
"I'm so excited!"
"Me too," Natasha smiles, "you're gonna be such a good mom, Девочка,"
"You are too,"
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mamedorilabo · 9 months
My exhibition & Kakishibu dyeing
こんにちは。 この地に引っ越してきて半年、もうすぐ秋になろうとしています。
Hello. It's been 6 months since I moved here and it's almost fall.
Although the days are still hot (Japanese summers are really wet & hot!) ), I can feel that autumn is approaching when I look at the dye process of the persimmon tannin.
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My lovely friend purchased a my works' gown made of linen and dyed with persimmon tannin.
These are called myoga, Japanese summer herb, eaten pickled in vinegar. It can also be eaten raw.
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私は本当に柿渋染めの色が大好きなので、布をどんどん染めなくてはと焦ります。 そしてこちらは最近の制作風景。柿渋が鉄と反応すると黒くなる事を利用して模様を描いています。
I really love the colors of persimmon tannin dyeing and I am in a hurry to dye more and more fabric.
And these pics are recent work in progress. I draw patterns using the fact that persimmon tannin turns black when it reacts with iron.
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The deep black charcoal color, which is not just black, is very beautiful. And it seems to have a very strong water repellent effect. さて、展示に向けてラストスパート! 国内ではこちら。
MAMEDORI LABO. solo exhibition
ギャラリー水巣 新潟県柏崎市松波3丁目3-3-28
Next my exhibition in Japan is
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その後、イギリスのセレクトショップ Beautiful fashion freal lab. さんへたくさんの作品を送ります。Beautiful fashion freak lab.とMAMEDORI LABO.の限定コラボ商品も制作中。 イギリスの皆様、何卒よろしくお願いいたします。
After that, I will send a lot of works to a select store Beautiful freak fashion lab. in England. I'm also working on a limited collaboration product between Beautiful freak fashion lab. and MAMEDORI LABO. Thank you very much for your kind attention to me in the UK.
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garden-with-squid · 8 months
At my mom’s house: took lemon and lime tree cuttings, took sea lavender seedlings, and cut down this cactus. My mom wants to grow corn there, and I’m trying to dry/propagate the cuttings. They’re very thick, so no promises. Got a bunch of 3 gallon pots from the neighbor. Persimmons are almost ripe.
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I harvested the first round of French breakfast radishes! I didn’t really like them pan fried, but they’re very refreshing raw. Might pickle them.
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For seedlings: overwatered the zinnias, under watered the next onion sowing (there’s also cherry bell radish and carnival blend carrots, sown in a few inches of compost), and got germination on the peas and beans.
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cviperfan · 9 months
Hello! Forgive me if you've answered this question already but now that you've gotten me hooked on Soiran, what are some headcanons of this interesting pair? What are things they'd do together inside and outside closed doors?
Thanks for your question! I like the idea of Soiran as a pair that starts physical and develops feelings over time, as they become comfortable around each other and start to become more open and vulnerable together. Rangiku is very playful and seemingly devil-may-care on the surface but carries a lot of sadness when she feels like no one is around and Soifon has a hard outer shell but is truthfully very emotionally driven and loyal, and I feel like they gain a lot from being together beyond just physical attraction. Soifon suddenly has someone who cares if she comes back from a mission, who tends to pop in and play hooky in her office and take a nap on the couch when she feels like it and Soifon starts to look forward to it,and Rangiku has someone who prioritizes her needs and wants and is honest with her. Like it takes them a while to both get there but when they fall they fall hard.
I like the idea of Rangiku taking the lead on dates; she likes showing Soifon human world things she thinks she'd be interested in, like kung-fu movies. Soifon tends to do things for Rangiku, like making the pickled persimmons she likes, or just silently taking care of her 10th Division work or cleaning up a little in her apartment.
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tinyshe · 2 months
Garden Report & Frugal Living 24.04.12
Today we managed to get a bucket of sand from the beach before the weekend rains appear. Also planted in pots some old seeds, really crammed them in thickly because I am so late and not sure if they will even germ . Note to self: harvest dates are important especially if you have a tendency like me to over purchase/horde seeds/trade seeds. And make sure they are sealed well! I spilled a great deal of Peshawar poppies because inner glaceing bag was haphazard and another bag of some sort of bean was in open plastic (is that mold or inoculation?). I planted out the beans thickly in a glow box not wanting to take up space for about 75 bean plants. If they come up it will indeed be a pleasant surprise! and even more if the voracious creatures stay off! So here is what is planted:
Peshawar poppies
early cabbages (hope they won't bolt)
purple broccoli (hoping for cooler grow season so no bolt)
yellow mangels/beets
pole beans
spring onions
guava seed (saved seeds, idk but I am guessing they may be pineapple guava from fruit we receive every year)
giant prague celeriac (giant celery root)
white pickle cucumber
tiger toms (red paste toms with green stripes)
flat leaf parsely
basil (genovese/sweet style)
I have some black polish radish that is suppose to be sweeter than the spainish variety but those I need to direct sow.
The ants are still in grow box #2. I thought I had gotten them out last year but no such luck. I will need to find some terro boxlettes.
The purple asparagus has quickly sent up a spear. No sign of any others. I collected seeds off of it last year and I really should plant but I'm not sure I can commit to the slowness of it (about 8 weeks to germinate!).
There is so much I want to plant this year but I need a major clean and if I get settlement, there may be enough for roof but the tear off will generate a huge amount of waste and even with tarps down, many things will probably die due to impact and workers' boots so definitely can not do guerrilla gardening along the flower beds and shrubbery.
Currently foraging lilac blossoms. I dry them and place in jars for tea.
The quince is just loaded with blossoms! I have never seen this many flowers! We love quince so hoping for good pollination and much fruit. The red fleshed apple is starting to bloom as is the pears -- yes, the little asian pear may pull through! The raspberries are also starting to bloom. The pots I propagated last year need to find homes or be planted. I need to pull weeds from the white currant transplants. This is the year I need to transplant my little persimmons I grew from seed if they survived. They make a long tap root first so its essential to find a good spot -- no moving them around!!
Once again, too slow on the pruning! The birds are setting up housekeeping. The collared doves once again are trying to nest in the garden. I'm hoping that the neighbors will mellow out. They are becoming more aware of the songbirds that frequent my thicket (there really is a method to my madness... for some things).
Frugal tip: do you knit or crochet? do you want to learn but don't want to commit to a large project? got an old t-shirt? with a pair of cloth scissors, cut your t-shirt into a continuations ribbon about the width of your little finger or half that width. Roll your t-shirt 'ribbon in a ball. From the thrift store or if you have a crafters borrowering library get like maybe number 6-8mm knit needles/ crochet hook. Most craft stores also have economy priced needles/hooks if you want to invest and learn. You can knit/crochet a 'sample' sqare and use it as a wash cloth for your dishes. You can do this trying out new stitches as well with cotton yarns (look in thrift stores, rummage sales and craft discount sales). This way you are learning a new skill, recycling a spent object and hopefully being enthused and having fun. It might even become a hobby!
So my friends, get outside! Grow a garden, get a hobby and grow yourself in the process!
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vodka-and-ocs · 3 months
Abby Idris
Ada Amakiir (later Galanodel)
Adel Weiss
Arbus Lawrence
Ariane Serta
Aster Nordström
Clarabell "Bell"
Barnard "Bernie"
Nathaniel "Brownie" Brown
Camille James
Cobalt Nightingale (formerly Song)
Daryl Galanodel
David Ceese
Eris Winberg
Narangerel "Gan" Purev
Gary Khan
Hazel Brown
Helen C.C. Kobena (the C.C. stands for Craterellus Cornucopioides)
(The) Hero
Hillen Eke
Himari Fujimori
Isabelle de la Tour
Jak'raadun'zaerazylym "Silver Jack"
Jackie Lantern
Kal Idris
Keion Galanis
Kris "Krill"
Laurel Walters
(Idris) Lavellan
Levi Eke
Lewis Glory
Liz (short for Lizard, allegedly)
Lyr Galanodel
Mercury ? (later Lawrence)
Mushi ? (later Skoll)
Nora Eke
Persimmon "Percy"
Phoebe Hobbes
Pluto Cedeño
Poe K. Amon
Rena Idris
Robjorn "Rob"
Sedna Ramanantsoa
Sol Nordström
Swift J1818.0
Thej Mahariel
Valerie (Valentine, Raphael, ...) Heart
Vincenza "Vinny" Fontanelli
Will Frey
Yori Kamiya
[lonely avatar]
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thetavolution · 5 months
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Full name:  Araminta Joy Lam Name meaning:  Araminta: prayer, protection; Joy: speaks for itself; Lam: Woods, forest Pronouns: She/Her  Race: Shield Dwarf Age: 27  Orientation: Pansexual Romance: Wyll Class: Cleric  Subclass: Tempest Deity: Selûne Origin: Acolyte  Theme Song:  Can’t Wait To Be Pretty — Cate
Personality Minty is excitable and bubbly. She’s kind-hearted, friendly, and cheerful. She can be one-track minded, especially whenever she has a new obsession. This can make Minty seem rude when she’s just bulldozing right past someone’s point. 
She’s a little too confident in her knowledge as a cleric, believing she can handle whatever is thrown at her. She's not "stupid" after all. But going out on this adventure teaches her a bit of humility, especially her encounters with Shadowheart.
Sometimes she can get so single-minded that she doesn’t think twice about her actions. She’ll accidentally hurt people when she becomes obsessed with getting her way.
She’s a family oriented person. While her father has passed away, she’s very close to her mother and older sister. She’ll do anything to help or take care of them.
She’s quick to adopt friends into her family. So when she puts her family above all, that includes her friends. Even if she doesn’t always see eye to eye with her loved ones, she draws her strength from her family.
Background She was born and raised in Baldur’s Gate. Her parents are originally from Wai, T'u Lung, Kara-Tur, but made a life for themselves in Baldur’s Gate. Her father, Yuning, was a life cleric who treated people out of the Lam household. Her mother, Fei Fei, is a sorcerer who works at the Baldur’s Gate Library. 
Yuning was a dedicated Selûnite alongside his wife. They would raise their daughters to worship Selûne. Minty was a daddy’s girl and she was excited to follow in his footsteps. She started training to be a cleric at a young age.
Sadly, her father passed away when she was 14. She never truly recovered from the loss.
Minty was living with her mother and sister when she was taken aboard the Nautiloid. She’s desperate to get home to take care of her mother.
She’s desperate to communicate with her father again. She truly believes she’ll find a way to reach him again, and she hopes Selûne will be the key to their reunion. She can see herself reflected in Ketheric Thorm, but she's convinced she'd never turn so corrupt.
Likes: Her family, clerical magic, honoring her father’s memory, scary stories, romantic comedy novels, autumn, rainstorms, music, thunder, sunny days, and attending plays
Dislikes: Humidity, doing laundry, cold mashed potatoes, wearing pants, beer, and flies
Fears: There are some fears I can’t touch on to avoid The Bonneville Game spoilers. But I can say that she’s terrified of losing everyone she loves or driving everyone away by being “too annoying.”
Eventually, she fears that her grief might consume her the way it did Ketheric. She finds herself sympathizing with him too much at one point.
Quirks: She can be very single-minded and she's unintentionally hurt and insulted people because of it. She snorts when she laughs and she LOVES grilled cheese sandwiches with pickles. 
Mental Health:  While she had a good childhood, she’s been scarred by her father’s death. She never really got over it and she still makes a lot of decisions based on wanting to see him again.
She’s terrified of being too annoying. She can sometimes beat herself up if she thinks she “failed” a social interaction.
Favorite Foods: Grilled Cheese with Pickles, Persimmons, Niangao, and Rzukaal
Favorite Drinks: Plum Wine and Tea
Favorite Flower: Bat Orchid and Calla Lily
Height:  4’9” / 144.78 cm 
Skin: Warm Beige
Hair:  Green. In her original universe, she has black hair and she dyes half of it green. I couldn't really do half and half in BG3, so I settled for green.
Eyes:  Brown
Color Scheme:  Her color scheme is simple: she likes to wear black. If she wears any other colors, it’s usually dark greens, deep reds and purples.
While she still defers to black, she gets more colorful with her makeup. She loves blues, greens, reds, and pinks.
Fashion Sense: She’s a little goth princess no matter what universe she exists in. If anything, her gothic aesthetic fits in perfectly for BG3.
Yuning Lam — He’s Minty’s late father. He was a life cleric and Selûnite. He was once an adventurer who settled down to have a family with Fei Fei, the love of his life. He considered fatherhood to be the best adventure he could ever embark on. He loved his family more than anything.
Fei Fei Lam — Fei-Fei is Minty’s mother who still lives in Baldur’s Gate with her daughters, Minty and Trophie. She works at the Baldur's Gate Library and she is a storm sorcery sorcerer. She's always been the more stern parent, but she is still loving. It's been hard since Yuning died, but she has managed through it.
Trophie Lam — Trophie is Minty's older sister. She takes more after their mother and she's a sorcerer of storm sorcery, too.
She's inspired by my lead character from @thebonnevillegame!
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portersposse · 2 years
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Porters Posse: Michaelmas [Michaelmas Entries]
A huge ‘thank you!’ to all of the adventurous seasonal cooks who took part in our first Porters Posse seasonal cooking challenge!  Hopefully we all bonded a little with each other and with the season!
If you’re interested in reading what the Posse got up to this Michaelmas, entries can be found by clicking the links below:
@aircea: pickled plums, apple cider, and blackberry butter with dried fruit babka
@henbane-and-honeysuckle: blackberry butter, Strùthan Mhìcheil, and sriracha berry wings and a lovely ritual
@hrusewif :  cumberland sausage, apple, and cider casserole
@msgraveyarddirt:   pickled plums and dumpsie dearie jam
@pagan-stitches: pickled plum toasted cheese sandwich, pickled persimmons, pickled plums, dumpsie dearie jam, and  cider apple chicken with mushrooms with wardens in red wine sauce
@woolandcoffee : cider chicken with mushrooms and a lovely ritual.
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chuck-snowbug · 5 months
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Picture 1-3: Denshu(Japanese Sake/田酒 NEW YEAR ボトル 2024), Beef Sinew Red Curry Rice, Salami Salad & Rakkyou - January 2024
Picture 4: Leftover Breakfast feat. Felto the 1st, Next Day - January 2024
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pastriesandsundries · 7 months
My mental health is fine
*eats pickles, a persimmon, chips and salsa, and a granola bar for dinner*
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lfcrobbo · 2 years
one more! can i have one more?
hi picky eater, meet gremlin 🤝
how many of those you enjoy/tolerate, or just opinions (you can be as specific as you like, e g boiled vs fried are different etc): broccoli, spinach, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, olives, pickles, cough syrup, tomato juice, tomatoes in general, celery, cilantro, oatmeal, radishes and persimmon (GOOD persimmon, not the one that bites back when you bite into it)
also some fights: egg yolks vs egg whites, drummette vs wingette (i specifically googled it and am astonished why are they called this) when it comes to chicken wings, strawberry vs cherry vs banana as an artificial flavouring, and red apples vs green apples vs no apples
also also what is the most generic food you would never eat (i e the one that gets you the most 'wdym you dont eat this??' reactions)?
also also also can i offer you some cake (imagine it to be a cake you would actually eat) 🍰
xo xo
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭PLEASEEE i love u, and i am also about to reveal JUST how much of a picky eater i am....
out of that entire first list, the only ones i would say i LIKE.... are tomatoes and oatmeal... celery i think i would be fine with? spinach i'm not sure but i might be fine with that too. the thing is, a lot of my picky-ness comes more from. food anxiety re: trying new things, so. i genuinely don't know if i've ever tried broccoli. also SMELL is big for me, if i for some reason don't like the smell i will not be eating it😭 i do LOVE tomatoes tho, and that's a recent development so there's HOPE for me....
egg yolks or whites: depends on how they're prepared, i guess? i like. scrambled eggs & omelettes but i don't like. boiled eggs lol (again, it's the smell.. stinky)
drumette or wingette: CONTROVERSIAL PERHAPS but anything. with bones still in it is a big no from me, so i'm not into chicken wings in general😭
artifical flavour: i GUESS strawberry, but just bc i cannot stand banana flavour (artifical OR real. lol sorry) and not crazy abt cherry either... but in general im not a fan of aritificial flavouring... too sweet/fake!
apples: GREEN APPLES ALL THE FRICKIN WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! literally i love green apples. Best thing in the world!
generic food i would never eat: bacon. don't like it! also mushrooms, but that's pretty standard for picky eaters.
Bless u for sending this😭 hope u still think i'm cool
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731785626 · 1 year
39 days until virginia is home and all of the colorful veggie seedlings should be ready to transplant to the garden by then ☺️ she loves colorful plates so i started midnight snack tomatoes, guatemalan tomatillos, dragon's tongue bush beans, dark opal basil, and thai bananas 🌈 plus a few things that are their expected colors: an heirloom variety of pickling cucumbers, teeny tiny spoon tomatoes, dill, tarragon, greek oregano, rosemary, orangelo thyme, lavender, spicy globe basil, thai basil, aleppo and thai peppers, leeks, various onions, snap peas, and regular ol green bush beans 🌱 our persimmon tree is waking up and the plantains are sending up new shoots as well! summer is gonna be delicious ☺️
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