#pick a pike
pearl-tarotist · 9 months
PAC: Your current position in your love journey and what you should do next
Choose a red eyeshadow to know about your love journey (P1-P2-P3) and a white eyeshadow to know what you should do next to make it advance (PA-PB-PC).
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Pile 1, you are focused on building yourself in other aspects of your life. It seems you are a "queen", a boss, an expert....really good at your job or studies...You are so good that you even are able to give advice to others or help them with their doubts. You are a woman whose friends and coworkers look up to.
Apart from that, when you focus on yourself, it seems you just want to feel at peace being sensual and beautiful...independently you. Which position are you in? In the one where you can enjoy yourself shamelessly, you feel really sensual and nowadays you just want to enjoy the feeling of your own skin and sensations. You don't want to share your wellness with others.
I feel that this pile is composed of grown-up, 22 years old and up, you have reached a mental position where you are not scared nor obvious to your own emotions and you can analyse them freely. It's a beautiful position, but sometimes, you could feel tired and want the company of others in your more sensitive moments.
I feel you are taking care of yourself for the first time as an adult, and it has been being quite a success. Once you feel more comfortable and healthy on your new stage of life, you will be more open to search and find for love.
Queen of Pentacles, The Hermit, Queen of Swords, 9 of Wands, 9 of Roses, 10 of Shells.
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Pile 2, you are my romantics in the making. It seems that a few of you are interested in a specific person or you all have a really strong crush/platonic love. You are all longing for that person or love, it seems that even some of you are in the talking stage.
But, you are still scared of love and compromise, no? (me too hehe 🤗). Your position in your love life is one of perseverance. It will take time to find yourself in a comfortable and enough brave position to confess your love to others but you will, and it will be worthy of waiting.
The message that I want to send to this pile is to not lose your hope, optimism or smile. Some things in your life right now need to be solved (I think you are someone real and that's not interested in games or half-truths) before fully immersing yourself in the adventure that love is. But when you do, when you find someone that's for you, destinated soulmate or however you want to call it, it will be wonderful.
I think you want someone perfect, (as you deserve), and have really clear feeling of what your relationships to be like; natural, emotional, deeply connected and romantic; you may like to communicate a lot with your future partner.
7 of Cups - 2 of Pentacles - Justice- Knight of Cups - The Star - The Lovers
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Pile 3, I think you all come from a moment of victory followed from a moment of disaster. it's possible that you have gone trough a breakup recently or a moment where all of your romantic expectations have changed drastically, and nowadays you all trying to find the new concept that you want to give to love.
For some, love could be a caress on your check, for others holding hands or taking care of the other, for others kissing under the moonlight...Your deal breaker? Still unknown. You have all the freedom of the world cause after your past relationship all of your locks have been broken.
You are open to a lot of things right now, to all of the opportunities (The fool + 3 of roses: opportunities). I think you are becoming aware of all the opportunities to improve your social life that could have been hidden under your past relationship or stage of life.
I think this is a good moment for you, even if sometimes, you are still mentally getting dragged into the mess that you have just leave.
Your position? Discoverment. Enjoy all the opportunities that you are offered and discover what you like, that will describe love for you and what you want in your future romantic relationships.
6 of Wands, The tower, The fool, 5 of Wands, 3 of Roses, The Sun
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In this spread there's a focus on building new sides of your personality and person. There's a need to close unhealthy unemotional cycles and to focus on positivism and in your thoughts; as they manifest.
Change your emotional focus and start to be gentle and motherly toward your own self, we are always the most picky and strict towards us, but there's always the opportunity to not judge us so much.
For some, there's a push to start to get into divination/tarot because it will help you to understand the unconscious ideas and concepts inscrusted in your mind that are at blame for all your negative and victimist thoughts.
In conclusion, what could help you to advance in your love journey is to stop focusing in those feelings. Close the door to the cycle of logic, coldness and robotism. You are not a productive robot but a person with feelings, a sensitive soul. Once you start practising gentleness toward yourself, things could improve in your life as you will be more open to interact with others with the expectation to be perfect all the time.
The Angels say:
Chemistry: Passion, sparks, and romance can be revived through playfulness, thoughtfulness, time together, and caring gestures, even to one self.
New love: In these cases, the Romance Angels are asking you to keep the faith that love is in your cards. You deserve love, and you’re lovable! The angels guide you to be aware, as you never know when your partner will arrive.
Ace of pentacles, queen of cups, ace of swords, 10 of swords.
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There are a lot of 3s. You are on the right path, the universe is with you, advising you at each step that you walk. So, keep doing what you are doing.
Keep going out with your friends, keep being friendly, and keep dreaming about travelling and moving on the globe. It's also possible that there's a push in these cards to advice you to keep learning about everything.
You will find peace and knowledge if you involve yourself with other cultures. It seems that you just need to pour your passions and interests in a project, do something with your likes, work on them.
I don't know...write a book, learn a new language!, start a small business, start a youtube channel, start a blog, draw, paint, sing...do something with all your emotions and share it with the world! You will be happy after having it done.
You need to express all of your emotions because it's clear in the cards that you have talent. Sharing your talent will make you happy and being happy will make you more comfortable in yourself what will make you more open to share that happiness with others.
The angels:
Deception: The Romance Angels are trying to protect your heart. Please say this invocation either silently or aloud: “Romance Angels, I ask that you give me very clear guidance that I can easily notice and understand, to reveal the truth about this situation to my conscious awareness.” Then, notice and trust the signs that follow.
Stay optimistic about your love life: The Romance Angels send you this card to remind you that you have a strong influence upon your love-life satisfaction. If you’ve been complaining or worrying lately, the angels guide you to shift to a more optimistic perspective. Even if you’ve had your romantic hopes repeatedly dashed, there’s still reason to hold the faith that real love can be yours . . . if you believe it! Your positive outlook will make you a more physically and energetically attractive person, which will definitely help your relationship with yourself . . . and everyone else, too.
3 of Cups and Pentacles, wands, The world, 6oP
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A whole change, a full change. With the death card there will be a super transformation! You need to be strong and start fighting for yourself and for what you want. Aren't you tired of always having to be last choice or waiting for others to do their part?
You need to initiate the spark of action. I think you have been stuck in a rut for a long time, where you have not been appreciated and respected as you deserve to be. Therefore, you need to dare to separate yourself from those who does not benefit you and try to find a creative spark that gives you the opportunity to be successful on your own. To be your own boss, in a way.
I believe that there may be people around you who are taking advantage of your abilities and that, at the moment of truth, you are too tired to use your knowledge to your own wellness. So, you need to try to change that, be more careful of who you help and use your energy with, so you will have the energy to focus on your own projects and advance.
The Angels:
Retreat: The Romance Angels see that your love life blossoms as you spend time alone with your partner (or by yourself). It appears that you’ve become confused or conflicted by other people’s advice. It’s time for you to disconnect so that you can better hear your own feelings and opinions.
Love without fear: This card indicates that you’re protecting your heart from hurt because of painful relationship experiences. However, the angels can only bring as much romance as you’ll allow inside. If you have a shield around your heart, how is love to get in? A closed heart repels the sensitive partner you’re trying to attract. Following your inner guidance will protect you and simultaneously allow you to feel loved and loving.
Death, Strength, 2oW, The high priest
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This reading belongs to @pearl-tarotist.
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onaperduamedee · 7 months
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For my part I have sought liberty more than power, and power only because it can lead to freedom. What interested me was not a philosophy of the free man (all who try that have proved tiresome), but a technique: I hoped to discover the hinge where our will meets and moves with destiny, and where discipline strengthens, instead of restraining, our nature.
— Memoirs of Hadrian by Marguerite Yourcenar, translated from the French by Grace Frick
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morallyinept · 4 months
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I've seen a number of posts from people in the fandom lately saying they wish they were able to make friends, or they're not sure where to start in making friends...
Some are scared or anxious to reach out and others are overwhelmed simply by how many of us there are in this fandom.
And it gave me an idea! 💡
So, here's my thinking...
If you're someone who is struggling to make friends, or wants to reach out, but isn't sure how or where to start, Marcus and I are here to help, aren't we, Marcus?
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Excellent! Knew you were the man for this! 🙌🏻
So, what I'm proposing is that anyone - and it can be anyone, writer, reader, artist, silent lurker - who wants to make friends with someone, either comments on, or reblogs this post.
If you only like this post, I won't count it as your confirmation to participate. You can leave something simple like an emoji if you'd prefer not to write a full comment, but I need to know you're genuinely interested, and a like doesn't really tell me that...
Then, I shall collate all of the user names and match you with someone to talk to. A bit like pick n' mix, they'll be something for everyone! Or speed dating...
And we're not talking numbers here, you can have hundreds, thousands of followers and still feel lonely. So no matter how big or small your blog is, or what you contribute to the fandom, you're welcome to participate.
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Don't worry, Marcus and I will look after you. 😊
I'll then post the pairings so you know who your match is! Then, you guys can reach out and talk to one another and hopefully start a friendship over something you have in common. I mean, we all have Pedro in common, so this would be a great place to start, right?
If you're someone who is keen to make new friends with other like minded people, don't be afraid to reblog or comment on this post. Then in about a week's time, I'll post the pairings.
☝🏻I'll try to match you with someone who shares similarities based on your profiles too, so please ensure you have your age listed at least.
And please be willing to engage with your pairing. This will only work if you open yourself up to talking to someone new. It's a new year, let's start with a new friend! 🥰
And if you could share this and signal boost, I would be incredibly grateful! 😘
Let's create some great friendships!
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☝🏻I understand if you'd rather not participate, it can be scary putting yourself out there. You can always DM me if you have any concerns, or if you have changed your mind about participating later. You're safe here. 🖤
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justreckin · 7 months
You think Amanda met Captain Pike and Number One and was immediately like “oh perfect, you two can help me raise my ridiculous child. Here’s coparenting papers.”
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sharkcove · 8 days
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wow its Gutter Pike the totally real leaked shredforce nordic bunny minion character
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Haven’t thought up much for him, I just really wanted to make a guitar pick fish. I think he’s like a higher ranked minion? If Nordic would even have any of those. He doesn’t talk too much and stares quite a bit but he’s helpful and I love him.
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tinderbox210 · 8 months
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La'an Noonien-Singh and Human Spock + incorrect quotes
How to flirt 101
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bumblingbabooshka · 6 months
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Odd and Recent Planets
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• Friday Five •
Hi friends! I hope everyone’s weekend is off to a fantastic start! Mine is starting with indecision! (Not that this is a surprise or different from any other day, it just happens to be Friday.) Want to help me pick what to work on this weekend?
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Here are snippets from 5 of the wips I’ve been working on lately. If any of them seem particularly interesting to you, please do feel free to weigh in or ask about them!
Petrichor - long overdue follow-up to Point of No Return - Ezra x OFC Clara - the rainy season is here.
Leaning her temple against the cool pane of glass, she looked out and up at the sky, at the endless churning of slate gray and deep purple clouds. The occasional rumble of thunder tumbled down as one cluster crashed into another. Sometimes it was low and distant, drumming out a slow beat. Other times it sounded like it was right over their heads, shaking the walls and rattling things on shelves. The first truly loud boom had made her jump and gasp, her eyes widening before they rushed to find Ezra’s across the table, frightened for a second that the roof might cave in or the ground would collapse.
“Not to worry, little bird.” He’d said it with a wink. “We’re safe and sound in here, I guarantee it.”
Recall - Part 3: Un(f*cking)believable - Jack Daniels x F!Reader - Jack finally opens his big brown eyes in this one.
A metallic taste filled your mouth as you glanced over at him and finished your thought. I don’t know how yet but it’s connected. It has to be.
“When did you last hear from Merlin and the Galahads?” Champ asked. “And what’s the status of their mission?”
Their mission. Right.
In the chaos of dealing with Jack you’d almost forgotten what had preceded his arrival in the lab
Unfinished - Part 3: They Haunt Me in The Night - Marcus Pike x F!Reader - Ghost AU - taking on a trope I’ve never done in this one.
You turned into the hallway just in time to see Marcus open the door to the guest room. As he froze in place, head cocked to the side in confusion, you realized you’d forgotten to address the one logistical hang up of his visit. He spoke your name, a hint of amusement in his tone. “Am I missing something?”
“Shit.” You winced, fingertips coming up to rub at your closed eyelid before dragging your palm down over your face. I completely forgot about - you groaned. “I’m sorry, Marcus. I forgot to tell you. Bill took the guest bed when he moved out.” You gave a pathetic little shrug. “It was technically his, so…”
Trailing off, your eyes widened as another realization hit you. Oh, fuck. Because of how the night had gone, the sheets for the pullout couch that you’d thrown in the wash that afternoon had never made it into the dryer. “Shit!” You half sighed, half hissed through another wince. “I fucked up, Marcus. I left the sheets for the pullout mattress in the wash and now-“ You clicked your tongue and threw up your hands.
Untitled ACR one shot - Nico x F!Reader - angst x comfort - a dinner party goes a little sideways in this one.
Since you’d been reunited, the tether rarely stretched farther than the confines of your home. When it did, when Nico had to go into the office for work or when you had meetings with your editor, it didn’t ache like it did when you had no idea where to find him or if you ever would again. You felt it, sure. But you knew that by the end of the day he’d be right beside you. That you’d fall asleep coiled in his arms with the tether so relaxed that the hook in your ribs could latch right onto his without the elastic between them.
Now, as he finished closing the distance from the house to the pool’s edge, the hum of his proximity soothed the unease leftover from Petra’s comment at dinner. Somewhat, anyway.
“Mind if I join you?”
You didn’t look up as he spoke, your eyes cast down at the water as you watched the way it shimmered in the beams from the submerged light. “Sure.”
Aphelion - Part 12 - cowritten with @something-tofightfor - Oberyn Martell x F!Reader - Vampire AU - girl’s night feat. Toban
The past two weeks had been surreal in every way. Just fourteen days ago you were at Golden Lion’s Halloween party, and the biggest shock had been the fact that Oscar, the alluring and attractive stranger you met in a chance encounter a few days prior, was also in attendance. Since then you’d been attacked, watched that same stranger wield what you thought had been a prop blade in fight in an alley as he saved your life while risking his own, and learned that his name was not Oscar but Oberyn Martell - Prince of Dorne and one of the immortals known as Others that you always assumed were just the stuff of ancient folklore.
All of that would have been enough to fill your Bingo card of things you never even dreamed were possible. But it was only the beginning.
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cronagorgonzola · 2 months
Captain Archer has divorced dad energy but captain Pike has stepdad energy yknow?
Captain Archer has dad jokes that are just kinda sad and if you dont laugh he gets these big sad eyes and goes to his room to sulk. Captain Pike's dad jokes are funny in a way that makes you go "oh goddamnit i like this guy."
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niallsdaya · 1 year
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Plot details of Saltburn! I can’t wait until we get a release date! I honestly thought Rosamund and Barry were the leads, but I’m still super excited!
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pinazee · 2 years
If kirk was doing the trolley problem, he’d just blow up the trolley with him on it and somehow survive.
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morallyinept · 4 months
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Thank you so much to everyone's positive response on this! 🥰 I'm so glad you all thought it was a good idea, and one that you want to get on board with. So many of you too, which is great! I've had to split it in two parts as there was so many of you!
Marcus and I are stoked! 🤗
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Below, you'll find the pairings...
Now, the pairings have been done as randomly as possible. I tried to pair with things you might have in common initially, but some profiles are empty or don't have much to give away, so in the end all names were put into a hat and I pulled pairs, so it's as unbiased as possible.
☝🏻This isn't about popularity or numbers, this is about making a new friend in the fandom. If you've been paired with someone you're already speaking with/getting to know, that's great! Continue that friendship.
If you happen to be paired with someone who you've attempted to get to know before and it hasn't panned out so well, why not give it another try?
I can't re-pair you, I'm afraid as we had even numbers, so I apologise in advance if you end up with someone who you haven't gotten on well with before. (Hopefully, that's not the case.) But you are always free to reach out to me - I love making new friends too!
And please bear in mind, I've tried my best - I'm not responsible for what you guys do and how you interact with one another. Please ensure you're respectful and kind and treat others how you would want to be treated.
And if you need some pointers on starting the conversation, you could try these:
Remember why we're here - Pedro! Have a chat about your favourite roles he's played, or films. Which character of his is your favourite and why? When did you first discover him? Why do you like being a fan of his?
Are you a writer/reader/both? Perhaps you can talk about your favourite fics you've written/read? Again, why did you like them? Same goes if you're an artist or creator of any kind.
Saying a simple hello, how are you? Can lead onto great things. Don't be afraid to say hello and strike up a conversation.
You got any pointers, Marcus?
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I mean sure, yeah. That's a great question... personally yes, I like butter with my popcorn. 🍿 Looks like we have something in common, bud!
It's up to you about how much you want to give away about yourself. Stick to your boundaries. Natural friendship will progress how it should - naturally. And those boundaries will become lowered in time. Don't force it, and please, be respectful of one another's boundaries.
If it fizzles out after a few messages exchanged, that's okay. Please don't take it personally. We all have lives off of Tumblr, and it might take some people longer to reply, or they may be really shy. Try not to bombard them with messages.
☝🏻Remember you will only get out of this what you are willing to put in. Please be kind and respectful to one another.
Okay, Marcus, let's get to the pairings...
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Anyone that re-blogged or commented on the original post has been included, even if you signal boosted, unless you specifically stated you didn't want to participate. Hopefully I've not missed anyone. Some of you I am not able to tag so I have linked to your profile for your friend to find you. Please reach out to them when you're ready:
@pedroshotwifey & @vabeachazn
@survivingandenduring & @elvinaa
@bluestar22x & @pedgito
@suzdin & @beskarandblasters
@ohforficsake & @hyzer34
@bbiophiliaa & @papipascaaaal
@tuquoquebrute & @pastelnap
@grace46 & @pedropascal-whore
@i-own-loki & @whiskeynwriting
@darkheartgatita & @covetyou
@codryshrekps & @sweetercalypso
@studioghibelli & @thatredheadwriter
@the-blind-assassin-12 & @rose-with-few-thorns
@kissedbydragonfire & @planet-marz1
@oursisastrangefate & @perfectly-imperfect-me23
@chibimosa & @flightlessangelwings
Good luck and have fun getting to know one another! Marcus and I would love to hear from you guys about your new friendships too, so please feel free to get in contact and let us know how it's going! 🖤
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thespiritoflife · 1 year
𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓽𝓮𝔁𝓽 𝓶𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓰𝓮 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓯𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓼𝓹𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮
other tarot readings here
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take a deep breath, close your eyes and choose 1 pile you feel drawn to.
or more than 1, if you also feel drawn to others :)
please take what resonates, leave the rest 💜
also, pardon my grammatical errors, my native language is not English, feel free to tell me where i made mistake💜🎀
please, let me know your feedback! i will be happy! your reblogs and words make me really happy!
i really took long time with this so i hope it will be worth it! 😅
feel free to talk to me about this or about something else in my askbox 💜
last, but not least: have fun, loves!
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𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 1
𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓯𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓮𝔁𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼....
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୨⎯ " " ⎯୧
𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 2
𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓯𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓮𝔁𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼...
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୨⎯ " " ⎯୧
𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 3
𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓯𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓮𝔁𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼...
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taglist: @lord-westley
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tea-time-terrier · 1 year
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Throwback to when it didn't feel like -40C
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housewifebuck · 7 months
I love the show too and usually I can watch it, but some episodes. There's a firefighter on tiktok who has talked about how the emergencies would actually be handled. My favorite is when they do the whole poking the ceiling with a sharp stick to try and find the brother stuck in the attic, lol.
that scene literally made me froth with rage
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A Whimsy of a Wedding
I had this dream last night and had to write it down. I may have added bits to it but I can’t quite remember as sometimes I start adding to my dreams soon after having them and then they all meld into something like this weirdness.
Warnings: some whimsy, someone gets hit in the face, a clown gets mentioned, Marcus Pike comes with his own warning
Well this was the whimsiest wedding you’ve ever been to. And you were attending it alone as per usual (sarcastic yay)
Walking up to the outdoor location, you notice a number of random items scattered around, no rhyme or reason as to why they are there, having only a slight acquaintance with the couple but naturally honoured that you were invited.
Now that you were here, you’d wondered whether you got the address right. This looked more like a school or church fair than an outdoor wedding. A stage was set up and the seats arranged with no aisle. No aisle at a wedding? Well, this was a first.
The other wedding guests had already seated themselves towards the front, leaving the back row all for yourself. As soon as you sat, you felt the awkwardness of being here by your lonesome. Looking around you noticed a bunch of teddy bears. You decided they must be feeling lonely as well so you toddled off to collect them as your row companions. May as well add to the whimsy.
You’d gotten yourself comfortable while ceremony music started, hugging the one bear that couldn’t get a seat. You noticed two bridesmaids standing to the side of the stage looking a little too formally dressed for this outdoor theme.
You felt a small tapping on your shoulder, so you peered around enough to register that a man shaped blur was standing close behind and you heard a soft, manly voice behind you.
“Sorry to bother you but, I don’t really want to sit by myself but I also don’t want to upset any of your friends” he said gesturing to the teddy bears, “Would you mind?”
You shook your head and gestured to the seat next to you. You sensed that the man shaped blur had moved himself next to you and was hugging the bear he displaced.
“You with the bride or the groom?” he leaned in your direction.
“I know the groom”
“Oh, I know the bride”
At this, you heard a soft rumbling noise. Everyone turned to see a van drive up. More specifically, it was a repurposed milk float. Did people still get their milk delivered? That’s something they should bring back. But back to this weird reality of a wedding, the bride removed herself from the milk float and made her way to the stage with her bridesmaids. She looked like an elven princess, very much in theme.
You were beginning to think that maybe she was being jilted when an even louder rumble was heard. Everyone yet again turned to see a motorbike. You had very little knowledge of motor vehicles but you could guess that it was the type biker gangs liked to use. Although the driver did not fit the typical biker as she was a very beautiful looking woman. Her companion got off from the side car and removed their helmet with a dramatic flourish of long hair. This was the groom. And he was wearing a short white midi dress. Well, he definitely had the legs for it. He looked like a very stylish hippie so again, fitting with this theme, whatever it was.
The ceremony went along without any problems. It was a little hard to follow as the one doing the ceremony was a Buddhist monk or, at least someone who liked to dress as one. It was hard to follow along with all the chanting but, the couple did the kiss, and everyone was clapping so it seemed rude to not follow suite.
They both then skipped off the stage to the other outdoor entertainment which was all tents. So many tents. The guests didn’t seemed bothered by this so you stood to join them, almost forgetting about the man shaped blur that was next to who was now talking to you again.
“Sorry I didn’t introduce myself earlier. The man is Pike, Marcus Pike. Sorry, didn’t mean for it to come out that way, I don’t even like James Bond”
You were shaking his hand and you looked up at the now named man. You were glad you didn’t look earlier because you would not have stopped looking; you didn’t think men were this handsome, they only existed in films and here was one standing right in front of you.
You managed to give the gorgeous man your name without sounding like you were on the verge of swooning.
“So how do you know the groom?” he asked
You were both wandering around the area, occasionally glancing at the many tents pitched around the grassy area.
“Oh, he’s a patient of mine”
His gorgeous face looked gorgeously confused at your answer.
“I’m a music therapist, and he comes to me to help with his anxiety”
“Oh, wow, that sounds impressive”
You just shrugged in humble embarrassment. “So, how do you know the bride?”
“She used to paint forgeries, good ones, until my unit recruited her and now, she works as a consultant in my department”
You just laughed at the absurdity until you realised he was serious.
“Are you an agent?”
“A special agent; I deal mainly with art theft”
You looked at this gorgeous man wearing a formal suit in astonishment.
“Well, you’re definitely dressed like a special agent. I don’t know why I said that, I don’t like James Bond either”
You both just laughed in adorable awkwardness. It’s a good thing you were both still holding the bears, so you at least had something to do with your hands. By this point, a clown on stilts emerged from a tent, much to your horror so you gestured to move away from this. Marcus managed to find a tent that looked like it served refreshments. Several drink coolers were standing around filled with various bottles holding what looked to be homemade beverages. No labels, of course, meaning everyone had to risk either getting accidentally drunk or suffering a bad tasting drink.
All the guests had gathered in a clearing surrounding the bride and groom. Clearly, they all had gotten an itinerary that you were unaware of. Marcus just shrugged at your identical confusion but you both joined the crowd.
“Gather round lords and ladies, princes and princesses” Wow, an actual town crier. Did they still exist?
“We shall now behind the game of succession! The couple requested that no bridal bouquet be thrown to the ladies unwed. Instead, all unattached souls are welcome to join”
This was the part of weddings that you hated as you were one of the few made to be humiliated on a lonely ballroom floor. At least maybe, you’d have some fellow lonely souls.
You stepped forward but kept to the back. Marcus was still next to you which seemed impossible because surely, someone as gorgeous as him wouldn’t be single.
The town crier held up and object in his hand. It was a miniature basketball.
“Now the one who gets final possession of this object will be blessed with luck of future matrimony”
This was new.
“Let the dance of ball bailiwick commence!”
He threw the ball into the air and chaos ensued.
You were glad you were taking the relaxed, staying away from it approach.
“Well, this is certainly different” You agreed with Marcus. “I hope this means there won’t be a garter toss. I hate those things”
You turned to look at him but then felt a sudden whack to the side of your face. The miniature basketball had hit the side of your nose before falling into your arms which was still holding the teddy bear so it was trapped. You noticed none of this as all you felt was pain.
You were only vaguely aware of your surroundings as Marcus became a man shaped blur again, taking your hand and leading you somewhere. Later, you found yourself sitting on a bed. In a tent. How many tents with beds were there? What kind of wedding had tents with beds in them?
“Here, hold this”
The man shaped blur became Marcus again as he held a handkerchief of ice to the side of your face. As the stinging subsided, you took a better look around. Both the teddy bears that you’d been holding were sitting next to each other at the head of the bed, along with the miniature basketball that had caused your injury. A small table had one of those drink coolers on it and you suspected that’s where Marcus had gotten the ice from. You then noticed that he removed his jacket and had rolled up his sleeves, revealing gorgeous arms. Yes, you kept using the word gorgeous, but there was really no other word you could use to describe him.
“I don’t think anything is broken. Hopefully no stiches, just a bruise”
“So, I’ll just look ugly for a while?”
“Oh, that’ll be a hard thing to do”
By the time it took you to realise what he said, he coughed and moved over to the drink cooler.
“Are you thirsty? You must be thirsty? I’m definitely thirsty. Sorry I didn’t get glasses; I didn’t have enough hands”
As he handed you the now opened bottle of unknown liquid, you immediately noticed his hands: they were huge and gorgeous. How much stuff could he fit them? You quashed this thought down as you took a sip; you tasted floral and citrus but not much in the way of alcohol.
“Not bad” you said as you handed Marcus the bottle.
You then had a pleasant conversation on the drink, coming to the conclusion that it at least contained elderflower and grapefruit, until the bottle was empty. He had another look at your face, being surprisingly gentle, given his giant hands, and took the Macgyvered ice pack away.
“Is it feeling better? It’s looking better”
You nodded, taking a little sniff and moving your face around, feeling for anything off.
“Yeah, now the stinging pain has gone away, it’s just a dull ache. Thanks for helping me, by the way”
“I wasn’t going to leave a beautiful woman in distress.”
“Was I in distress?”
“Well, you got hit in the face with a wedding ball.”
“That sounds like the most embarring thing to be hit in the face with.”
You both chuckled again. The mood definitely felt lighter.
“This might sound weird but, I’m enjoying your company.”
“Me too.” You replied
“I’d certainly like to get to know you better. Would it be too forward if I ask you out to dinner?”
You thought about this for all of two seconds.
“Well, there’s a good looking buffet tent, does that count?”
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