#help me pick a wip
• Friday Five •
Hi friends! I hope everyone’s weekend is off to a fantastic start! Mine is starting with indecision! (Not that this is a surprise or different from any other day, it just happens to be Friday.) Want to help me pick what to work on this weekend?
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Here are snippets from 5 of the wips I’ve been working on lately. If any of them seem particularly interesting to you, please do feel free to weigh in or ask about them!
Petrichor - long overdue follow-up to Point of No Return - Ezra x OFC Clara - the rainy season is here.
Leaning her temple against the cool pane of glass, she looked out and up at the sky, at the endless churning of slate gray and deep purple clouds. The occasional rumble of thunder tumbled down as one cluster crashed into another. Sometimes it was low and distant, drumming out a slow beat. Other times it sounded like it was right over their heads, shaking the walls and rattling things on shelves. The first truly loud boom had made her jump and gasp, her eyes widening before they rushed to find Ezra’s across the table, frightened for a second that the roof might cave in or the ground would collapse.
“Not to worry, little bird.” He’d said it with a wink. “We’re safe and sound in here, I guarantee it.”
Recall - Part 3: Un(f*cking)believable - Jack Daniels x F!Reader - Jack finally opens his big brown eyes in this one.
A metallic taste filled your mouth as you glanced over at him and finished your thought. I don’t know how yet but it’s connected. It has to be.
“When did you last hear from Merlin and the Galahads?” Champ asked. “And what’s the status of their mission?”
Their mission. Right.
In the chaos of dealing with Jack you’d almost forgotten what had preceded his arrival in the lab
Unfinished - Part 3: They Haunt Me in The Night - Marcus Pike x F!Reader - Ghost AU - taking on a trope I’ve never done in this one.
You turned into the hallway just in time to see Marcus open the door to the guest room. As he froze in place, head cocked to the side in confusion, you realized you’d forgotten to address the one logistical hang up of his visit. He spoke your name, a hint of amusement in his tone. “Am I missing something?”
“Shit.” You winced, fingertips coming up to rub at your closed eyelid before dragging your palm down over your face. I completely forgot about - you groaned. “I’m sorry, Marcus. I forgot to tell you. Bill took the guest bed when he moved out.” You gave a pathetic little shrug. “It was technically his, so…”
Trailing off, your eyes widened as another realization hit you. Oh, fuck. Because of how the night had gone, the sheets for the pullout couch that you’d thrown in the wash that afternoon had never made it into the dryer. “Shit!” You half sighed, half hissed through another wince. “I fucked up, Marcus. I left the sheets for the pullout mattress in the wash and now-“ You clicked your tongue and threw up your hands.
Untitled ACR one shot - Nico x F!Reader - angst x comfort - a dinner party goes a little sideways in this one.
Since you’d been reunited, the tether rarely stretched farther than the confines of your home. When it did, when Nico had to go into the office for work or when you had meetings with your editor, it didn’t ache like it did when you had no idea where to find him or if you ever would again. You felt it, sure. But you knew that by the end of the day he’d be right beside you. That you’d fall asleep coiled in his arms with the tether so relaxed that the hook in your ribs could latch right onto his without the elastic between them.
Now, as he finished closing the distance from the house to the pool’s edge, the hum of his proximity soothed the unease leftover from Petra’s comment at dinner. Somewhat, anyway.
“Mind if I join you?”
You didn’t look up as he spoke, your eyes cast down at the water as you watched the way it shimmered in the beams from the submerged light. “Sure.”
Aphelion - Part 12 - cowritten with @something-tofightfor - Oberyn Martell x F!Reader - Vampire AU - girl’s night feat. Toban
The past two weeks had been surreal in every way. Just fourteen days ago you were at Golden Lion’s Halloween party, and the biggest shock had been the fact that Oscar, the alluring and attractive stranger you met in a chance encounter a few days prior, was also in attendance. Since then you’d been attacked, watched that same stranger wield what you thought had been a prop blade in fight in an alley as he saved your life while risking his own, and learned that his name was not Oscar but Oberyn Martell - Prince of Dorne and one of the immortals known as Others that you always assumed were just the stuff of ancient folklore.
All of that would have been enough to fill your Bingo card of things you never even dreamed were possible. But it was only the beginning.
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krussyarts · 3 months
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I'm gonna throw up my brain is so full of these two
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nemaliwrites · 11 days
help me outline these plz my friends....one vote = one writing sprint
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climbdraws · 2 years
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daffi-990 · 8 months
Seven(ish) Sentence Sunday 📝
Tagged by the wonderful @giddyupbuck thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️
I was tossing up what to share and thought I’d tease you all with some Buck beginning to remember from The Lightning Amnesia Fic 😘 (I think I even kept it at seven sentences)
His mind is swimming, all these images appearing and painting a picture of love, home and Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. The flashes are so clear, so vivid that Buck just knows the images are memories. They’re memories. Holy shit.
Completely unaware of Buck’s entire world just being turned upside down, Maddie hums, lips pursed together as if in deep thought before a knowing smile stretches across her face as she says “You mean like Eddie?”
Buck nods dumbly, unable to speak, not even knowing what he’d say if he could. You know what Mads, yes, exactly like Eddie, because I’m pretty sure me and Eddie were a thing but somehow I don’t fucking remember and now I’m freaking out a little because what the fuck?
No pressure tagging: @wikiangela @wildlife4life @thewolvesof1998 @try-set-me-on-fire @spotsandsocks @rewritetheending @rainbow-nerdss @monsterrae1 @messyhairdiaz @lover-of-mine @ladydorian05 @loserdiaz @jesuisici33 @hippolotamus @hoodie-buck @honestlydarkprincess @fortheloveofbuddie @forthewolves @exhuastedpigeon @eddiebabygirldiaz @eddiediaztho @devirnis @disasterbuckdiaz @callmenewbie @captain-hen @callaplums @cowboy-buck and anyone else who wants to join and share! The more the merrier 😁
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diamondhour · 2 months
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What pose should I use for Arlecchino?
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asteria-argo · 4 months
I'm suffering and distracting myself with writing, enjoy a snippet on the beautiful and the damned of it all!
“What book?” Skye asks, brow furrowed in curiosity. Jamie sighs, shaking his head out like it might get rid of the fuzzy edges of anger that have settled between his ears. “It was this thing he did when he first came to coach us all yeah?” He explains, tired all of a sudden. He hadn’t felt much of anything, the first time he read the book, to focused on just fucking finishing it to think much about why Ted had actually given it too him. It wasn’t until his third time reading it that it clicked, and Jamie had gotten this sudden rush of shame-anger-horror that still settled heavy in his throat every time he picked the book up again. “Gave everyone books that reminded him of them, or that he wanted us to learn a lesson from or something. He gave me The Beautiful and The Damned, guess I was supposed to be a stand in for Anthony fucking Patch.” “Excuse me?” Skye asked, blinking at Jamie in shock with a deceptively light voice considering the wave of absolute outrage that had overtaken her face. She looked downright murderous, in a way Jamie had only witnessed once before, when McKay had tried to pull one of her students up for being dressed inappropriately because their school dress was ‘too short’ and ‘distracting the boys’. “you're telling me that he’s the one who gave you that stupid fucking book?”
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blae-kitta · 2 months
Zoro 🐯 Process:
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Commentary below:
One of the first attempts at sculpting the boy; the head was later altered quite a bit and the legs entirely scrapped, and the torso bulked up shaking my shoulders feverishly: we need to properly represent his 110 cm bust and what we have isn't cutting it. Scabbards were made (which survived till the end!) and the original clay swords were made by this point.
New torso and legs give (hallelujah), as well as the loops and holes for the ears (such finicky small work, fuck me) were made. Holes were first made with straight wire and dried before the hoops were gently (and with swearing) inserted through.
Clothes added, also with swearing as the clay dried and stiffened faster then I wanted to and made it hard to get nice folds. Scarf was re-made and smoothed later.
Scabbards added! Immediately drops it and breaks a piece of it off. I've glued multiple bits of the scabbards back on the flimsy bastards. He remained armless for a good while. A Venus on the shelf by my desk...
Because the clay sword (after a good hour of tender focused work) would IMMEDIATELY would break upon the lightest touch, annoying me to no end, one evening was like God I wish I had actual metal to use instead wouldn't that be cool, and then was like OH! I COULD DO THAT! So the metal is actually cut from the tin of a cat food can, straightened and sanded., as seen in photo!
The blades hilted, before placed in capable hands
ARMS! and the sculpting is finished. Onto painting!
First layers of paint on various parts; I generally paint via colours I'm using at the moment (ie, greens in this instance)
More layers laid down. I generally go for shading in rules of three (main colour, lighter, and darker hues) and apply them at different opacity of acrylic. Adjusted the green since I found it too pungent. Once the fur tones were finished I gave him his stripes (cue me searching up loads of photos of tigers and tiger fursonas to see how people have done the stripes. Did you know depending on the area they are from they have different face shapes and stripe patterns? Fascinating stuff)
Finished project! Last layers, and highlights where added, adjusted the eye and fuck-ups re-adjusted. Dropped and had to reglue things. The gold is actual gold leaf I applied using a glue you paint on but that was a bit of a whole mess and took a long time, and doesn't go on very flat on very not-flat surfaces... (Who would have thought...) In the future may instead use gold paints for metallics.
Here's also the link to the post of more photos of him finished!
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Mingjue's gaze softens.
"Didi. You are confused. You are misinterpreting brotherly love for romantic interest."
Huaisang clenches his firsts and stares down at the floorboards. His expression morphs into one of pain. He draws in a deep breath.
"Da-ge, please sleep with me." Mingjue's body jerks back at his little brother's words. "If I sleep with you, then I'll know for sure what I'm feeling."
#bro doing anything but organizing her code#my brother says i write like i wasnt allowed to go to school#recently my brother had to do a project for school where he had to pick up a new hobby#he didnt do the assignment and at the last day he was like brother im so fucked help me#so i let him use one of my fanfics for the before and told him to use his own fanfic as an after and present that#his professor told him his improvement was incredible#thats all i have to say#theres something so cringe about when i write#ill write it and be like yeah. and then i read over it and die#unironically i actually run away from my fics. i have never once read them again after finishing#like when i draw. i look at it. im like yeah that part is good that part is bad. pretty mid but its ok.#writing? i turn red and hide from the monster i have created#i think my writing could be lethal. like if i read all my fics one after the other id die from cringe poisoning#i regularly look at my old drawings and cry how much ive regressed. but i can look at them.#one time my friend wanted to torture me so he called me to read my fics out loud. i endorse this as an execution method#shit gets me sweating. i have to get normal about this#some words#wip#the second wip actually#the first one is the saber spirit takes over nmj and he fucks nhs on the training grounds infront of everyone.#second one is nmj is like brother you have to stop being a freak this is getting out of hand and nhs is like nuh-uh. but also how'd you kno#on a side note remember my former student that confessed? yeah well#he proposed marriage
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snakebites-and-ink · 6 months
I've been thinking about tackling—or at least starting to tackle—another whumpy writing project, and I'd like help deciding which one to do next! This poll probably won't be the only determining factor, but it will definitely be taken into account.
These aren't all the WIPs I have, just the ones that are developed enough to maybe work towards posting. Though tbh they are all still in the fairly early stages.
I need to focus on just one or else my attention will be so so divided and progress will be extra slow. And I need help picking which one I should work towards posting next. The losing options will NOT be abandoned, they will just not be prioritized for the near future.
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drawnandredrawn · 4 months
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Know what we haven't played for a while?
'How It Stared' vs 'How It's Going'.
Fell immediately in love with the demon Vox design by ShortsightedOwl over on the site formerly known as bird and my arthritic ass has been slowly plinking away at this ever since.
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dazzelmethat · 7 days
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Hehehehheheheh. Stealing their look for my boy. Cavalier rooster Ren.
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trensu · 8 months
Last Sentence Tag
I was tagged by @fuctacles, @doublecherrypiediscosuperfly, and @katdeerly for this!. Thanks guys, I love tag games!
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
It was the first time his god ever spoke his name; it was stunning in a way Steve couldn’t describe.
...that's 20 words. I love you all, but I am not going to be individually tagging 20 people, that is simply TOO MUCH for me to handle. If this is a game you wanna participate in, consider yourself tagged!
Anyway, this is from my steddie holy warrior au, Stasis in Darkness which i'm working on as we speak.
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inexplicablymine · 1 month
Legal Beagle: Alex runs a famous pet account called “Legal Beagle” where “David @ Law” gives great tips and tricks for law school/law. David the beagle is always dressed up with spectacles… but who runs it is a mystery ~ 5 times nobody knows who runs the account and 1 time they do
The Kiss List: Alex keeps a “kiss list” of everyone he has ever kissed + their ranking and score, henry finds out and immediately wants to top the list, but Alex is no longer a serial kisser and so Henry must resort to ridiculous measures in order to get his wish
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slastyona · 7 months
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oneeee roleplaying event in qowoch_bots (Telegram) MADE ME THINK ABOUT THEM TWO SO HARD
I mean, I don't think them to be lovers or something, I don't even know how to describe what I am starting to feel. maybe, some other sort of love for them, just care and warmth??¿¿ I don't know who can be more teddy bear then Captain if anything and I can imagine how Columbine may need that teddy bear sometimes.
(i mean. BIG men are often teddy bears. soft and warm and careful with cherished ones)
(wip with winged Columbine and Captain being a ✨KNIGHT✨ is really called "the knight and the angel" in my head idk IDK)
while drawing all of that I found a big headcanon that Columbine has MANY moles and she's SOFT if you touch her.
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teenytraveler · 1 year
Hey guys i’m running a poll over on twitter on which twiyor/forger fam wip i should work next! Come join! :DD
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