#philosophy major bullshit
youre 15 again and sucked into a multiverse portal that gives you the option to travel to different time periods in the jjk-verse as a budding sorcerer. Do you choose to join the yuuta-maki-panda-toge cohort, or the yuji-megumi-nobara cohort?
or (dramatic gasp) class hakari-kirara?
Yuuta Maki Panda Toge. This has nothing to do with who I want to be friends with, it’s because you do NOT have a very high life expectancy as a jujutsu sorcerer by default and people won’t stop trying to Actually Murder the yuuji megumi nobara cohort. I’m hiding behind the anxious twink with the power of god who flies into a violent murderous rage if you touch his friends. This gives me my best odds.
I’m aware gojo Geto Shoko is not an option you gave me but I couldn’t have done it even if that did give me the ultimate nukes to hide behind. I would have punted Gojo and Geto like a football. One of them would have died. I don’t care if they have the power of god I would have found a way.
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kurokoros · 8 months
I'm reading Hegel for class tomorrow and I honestly think I would get more out of repeatedly whacking myself in the head with a brick, but whatever
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akechi-stole-my-heart · 7 months
i've seen takes that are like "goro doesn't actually like philosophy it's just part of the detective prince mask and he stops being interested in it after third sem" which i think they get from him misquoting hegel (which imo was probably just a mistake on atlus' part? but if not then goro was definitely doing it on purpose as a test.) but it's like. you literally understand nothing about my boi if you think that. goro loves thinking. he loves solving puzzles. he thinks most of philosophy is pretentious bullshit but that's only after reading every major philosopher and developing a hot take on all of them. all he does whenever you invite him to the jazz club in third sem is talk philosophy. every conversation he's saying bullshit like "what if the happiness of one individual relies on the unhappiness of another?" he's a stupid fucking NERD ok like come on
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mysticbewitched · 1 year
My Beliefs Have Evolved..
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▪︎ I'm about to piss off some popular bloggers & start a major fire in this community.
{ Lights, Camera, Action.}
A serious epiphany hit me hard out of nowhere as I was wandering through some of my old posts way back when I first started this blog. As I was reading through some of my old writings from my former posts, I realized that I held certain beliefs at those times that no longer resonate with me anymore.
I did not realize at the time, but I took some teachings of things from Neville in a *literal manner* that were never supposed to be taken in that way and some aspects of my understanding of the law of consciousness were completely distorted due to the ridiculous amount of ignorant misinformation and misinterpretations flooding through tumblr.
I admit that in the beginning, I was one of the ignorant ones, and it was because of all the information you're constantly seeing spread around like chaotic wildfire in this community.
It clearly warped my understanding and I thought I finally had Neville's teachings all figured out.
Let me tell you, I was beyond wrong.
Recently, I had discovered that I've been missing the main puzzle piece: the entire source of the law of consciousness.
For that reason alone, I want everyone to know that I will most definitely be revamping and transforming quite a lot of my older posts to reflect my newer, evolved beliefs to reflect the philosophy of nondualism.
Now before you start stressing out, I want to explain to you that Neville Goddard was actually teaching nondualism at the core of his teachings, which a lot of people wrongly mistake as something separate or completely different from the law of consciousness.
They could not be more mistaken, and they simply do not understand it. The law of consciousness is the expression of nondualism at its core.
I'm here to tell you that they are the exact same philosophy with different delivery. That is truthfully what Neville was teaching about all this time.
Now whether or not you believe in nondualism, that's entirely up to you, and you are free to believe whatever you wish. - I just want you to truly understand and realize that Neville Goddard was, in fact, truly teaching nondualism.
Admittedly, Neville did start off his teachings with some limiting beliefs, but he eventually evolved in his beliefs and his teachings after he experienced the promise.
The law of consciousness is just a name for the physical expression of nondualism's philosophy. Simple as that.
For everyone who is here for the "law of assumption" and you are being led to believe that you are somehow separate from your own reality, or the law of consciousness is a law "operating outside of you"- you are seriously not being taught the law of consciousness in the way that Neville Goddard actually intended for you to understand the whole core his teachings.
*Your understanding of the law is being warped and twisted out of shape because of all the countless amounts of misinformation.*
Neville Goddard and Alan Watts both taught nondualism at its core. However, their styles of teaching were different from the other, and they were focused on different aspects of nondualism.
Neville focused his teachings on the true operation of the law of consciousness shaping our own lives from within us for his listeners to understand how to consciously create their own realities while Alan Watts' teachings were more centered around our true self as unmatched, infinite awareness and how we as awareness are the original source of the universe experiencing the physical expression of itself.
Nondualism is all about oneness and unity, not separation.
All the total bullshit you hear these days coming from the most popular bloggers in this community about: "The 4D vs. The 3D", "The 3D conforming to your desires", or "The 4D is more real than the 3D" -
Blah, blah, blah.
Throw all of that shit out of the door.
All of that implies separation. There is no separation.
You are the prime *source of all creation* and one with all. This is what true nondualism is all about.
You are source of the universe.
You are God of your own reality and all things come from *within.*
All comes from within. This is the core of nondualism: absolute oneness and unity.
You are one with your reality.
Consciousness is the only reality.
"All things come from within; nothing comes from without-" - Neville Goddard
A lot of my former beliefs were about:
▪︎ The "3D conforming" - That's a huge no, no. There is no damn "conforming" going on, and I will explain all about that in another post. "Conforming" implies separation, and there is absolutely no separation. You and your reality are *one*. Simple as that.
▪︎ Taking Neville's whole "mirror" comparison in a literal manner to imply separation between imagination and reality.
Guess what? That teaching from Neville was *never* meant to be taken as literal.
I'll say it louder for the people in the back this time. There is absolutely *no* separation. Your reality "mirrors" your state of mind because there is no separation between you and your reality.
You can thank the ridiculous flood of popularized misinformation flowing through this platform for making me think there was some sort of invisible, barrier between imagination and reality that performed as a literal mirror in action.
What the hell was I thinking? Most definitely not. Those former beliefs of mine are history and deep in the trash where they belong.
▪︎ Focusing on the "time" with manifestations:
I actually now feel as if focusing your attention on the "time" implies a lack mindset because you're just supposed to focus on enjoying already having your desires in the present moment.
"Time" does not matter.
Stressing out and worrying about the "time" is a strong indicator of a victimhood mindset, and I only want to empower my followers to step into their power and change their mindset to manifest their dreams.
I firmly believe that the more confidence in yourself and your own ability to manifest, the less "time" it takes for the physical manifestation of your desire to be expressed in your reality.
▪︎ Thinking as if the "law of assumption" was a law that was somehow operating outside of us. -
Oh, hell no, it's not. Not even close.
The law of consciousness is *you*.
Everything is coming from within you.
You are the *infinite source of all creation.*
It's simply a beautiful and freeing realization.
Free yourself from the chains of misinformation.
▪︎ { I will be doing a post sometime to explain nondualism in greater detail and how it is actually about the true nature of the law of consciousness under a different name and form of delivery. }
None of the former beliefs reflect my views anymore, and people who are still following these beliefs are only overcomplicating and distorting their understanding of Neville's teachings about the law of consciousness.
I resonate far deeper with the true intended teachings of nondualism from Neville and Alan Watts compared to the popular ways that people are trying to teach "law of assumption" these days on here.
I'm just not having it, chief.
I have stepped away and opened my eyes. I am on the outside looking in and I am now seeing just how much distorted misinformation are being blindly accepted as the end-all and be-all from even most of the Neville inspired blogs.
The teachings from Neville in this modern community are incredibly warped and distorted. These people just don't get it, man and I remember being in the exact same position, myself.
I shake my head when I think about the old, ignorant version of myself. I really thought I had it all figured out and I was missing the main piece of the puzzle the whole entire time to tie everything together.
It is now safe for me to say that I have definitely strayed far away from the distorted misconceptions and "popular" ways a lot of bloggers are trying to teach "law of assumption" these days. I'm just not having it, man. The ignorance is unbearable.
*Knowledge is power* and you want to make sure that you are being exposed to the right information from others that will simplify everything and actually help you achieve success on your manifestation journey.
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whitehotharlots · 1 year
Actually, most stuff *isn’t* political; you are just insane
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Over the last several years, what was once a niche academic observation has become something of a mantra in left-liberal spaces: everything is political. (Everything is ideological doesn’t quite mean the same thing, but in effect the two assertions are interchangable).
There’s a grain of truth here, as anyone who smoked pot in high school and just, like, had some really deep thoughts will confirm. In order to understand any statement or work of art--in order to communicate--there must exist some shared understandings and beliefs between senders and receivers. Okay, great. Whoopdee doo. That’s some real philosophy major-level shit. You should write a fucking book about. 
In spite of being unbearably tedious, this observation has become an all-consuming basal assumption underlying every left-liberal analysis of social issues and criticism of cultural artifacts. No longer are artists and commentators allowed to insist that some things simply fall outside the lens of our manichean partisan binary. No sir. Anyone whose work isn’t explicitly progressive is actually a secret reactionary, and so every work--from sitcoms to video games to journalistic descriptions of city hall meetings--must soak itself in the treacle of cultural liberalism.
If you’re writing a scene in which a black guy and a white guy are friends, you better fucking include a soliloquy in which privilege is reflected upon. If you’re making a breakfast cereal commercial that doesn’t feature at least one person of every conceivable racial marking, you might as well sign up for a job with the Daily Caller. Anyone who tries suggesting that, hey, I’m sorry I didn’t think it was a big deal that we didn’t make the Honey Nut Cheerio’s Bee gender non-conforming, I swear to god I didn’t think this was political is an idiot liar who deserves something far worse than prison. Why? Because everything is political, politics can only be understood within the contemporary Democrat-Republican split, and fascism happens the second our vigilance falters in the slightest.
You all see how retarded this is, right? How much it’s ruining people’s brains? At the very least, you can grasp how this hampers one’s ability to just enjoy stuff, let alone be able to understand its artistic and cultural importance outside the very narrow and stupid and 99% inapplicable lens of contemporary American politics?
I’m sorry, but I’m tried of lying about this shit. There’s nothing political about Kramer storming into Jerry’s apartment. There’s nothing political about Charlie Kelly blowing cigarette smoke into a hornet’s nest. There’s nothing political about the Pink Panther’s appearance in Owens Corning Insulation commercials.
Yes, you can get a byline or a humanities degree suggesting otherwise, so long as you’re craven enough to ignore context and authorial intent and also you think comprehensibility is bad. Again, good for you. But the rest of us, we are not professional lying shitheads, we have lost patience with the bullshit and are begging you to please shut the fuck up. 
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genderkoolaid · 9 months
I think people forget that atheism ≠ anti-theism. Like in the same way, say, asexuality ≠ anti-sex/sexuality. Somebody talking about how antisemitism is bad is not saying people who don't believe in god are Bad, they're saying being against religious people is bad. And for asexuality, not being sexual yourself does not automatically mean you are against people who are
From what I've seen the basis for antitheism is "religion is inherently harmful and getting rid of religion will improve the world." but the problems with that imo are:
religion is a made up concept that's almost meaningless. like its a well known issue that "religion" is such a vague concept that is deeply western which is why its often really really hard to apply it to the vast majority of human spiritual traditions. hell even "religio" in the context of roman polytheism doesn't map exactly onto the concept of "religion"! like in a lot of cases the line between "religion" and "philosophy" is blurred or nonexistent. not to mention that there are religious atheists. jewish atheists are probably the best example since judaism tends to be far more open to that kind of complexity & fosters a culture which allows people to engage with judaism in a variety of ways. but there are people who don't believe in god or jesus-as-savior but are christians for cultural or philosophical reasons. there are tons and tons of atheists buddhists because its a helpful way of engaging with life regardless of whether or not you believe in samsara literally. the idea that there is this strict binary between Religion and Atheism is, like all binaries, made up.
scapegoating religion for all of humanity's problems is just unhelpful. the idea that religion is this force will propels people to do bad things, and that without religion we wouldn't do them, ignores how humans shape religion to our benefit. there's a reason that wealthy kings who want to maintain power emphasize interpretations of the bible or quran that endorse war while downplaying the ones that endorse peace and compassion. for the same reason that people will support philosophies that view humans as inherently mean and violent and in need of control instead of ones that view us as capable of communal care and cooperation- you don't need to believe in a deity to create a reason why you need to kill another group of people and take their shit. religion is a way this happens, and its important that this is dealt with, but this is not a unique feature of religion. getting rid of religion will not fix our shitty behavior.
going off 1 and 2: trying to get rid of "religion" will inevitably mean fucking over marginalized groups who have already had their spirituality attacked and whose culture cannot be so easily separated from their spirituality. and even beyond that, antitheism is just another way of trying to force a belief onto people. believing in no god is no more objectively correct than believing in one, or any other spiritual concept. there are always going to be spiritual people. also you can say "but there are nonwhite/formerly nonchristian antitheists!!" as much as you want but that doesn't change that saying shit like "all your beliefs are childish and mentally ill, you need an educated intellectual to make you realize you are being stupid and irrational and make you think correctly" is absolutely some classic colonial white supremacist bullshit.
also trying to force atheism on people actually does not help atheists. because it in fact only makes it easier for people to stigmatize atheism as inherently destructive and hostile.
anyways now that anon can get mad for being a wretched child ranting about antitheism. now i've earned it.
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catboybiologist · 5 months
I was wondering if you had any readings on the biological aspects of transitioning, especially with the info you use to deconstruct the transphobia argument that being transgender is ‘against biology’. Im a biological sciences major, but haven’t gotten to discuss (much less find resources on) this topic.
Thanks in advance.
Long and rambling response incoming! Sorry for leaving this in my inbox for a few weeks.
This is a very interesting topic to me, and doesn't really have a clean answer. Because its not really about the biology itself, its mostly about the philosophy of science, and how it interfaces with ethics, etymology, and societal understanding. The primary thing to understand is that science is *descriptive*. Morality or classifications are societal determinations that we use to "wrap" scientific observations- gender is therefore the societal "wrapper" to sex, which, over centuries, has snowballed and taken a social definition well past any biological system.
That being said, most of my arguments hinge on the totality of changes that are possible with HRT, and how they affect the molecular mechanisms of sex determination. To me, this sheer totality means that a trans man with significant time on HRT can actually be considered a "biological man", and vice versa for a trans woman. To me, the sheer extent to which cell expression patterns change, and structural elements of the body change, means that the way that transphobes use terminology like "biological sex" is bullshit. And as I've said before, this is NOT a transmedicalist argument, and if I ever sound transmed, I am sorry. Part of the totality of this biological definition includes the interface of genetics, pyschology, and sociology that comprehensively includes all trans people, even those not on HRT. Rather, I use the changes of HRT as a way to demonstrate the plasticity of sex in humans and other animals, and how thin the barrier between sexes actually is. This punches holes in a lot of the propaganda that transphobes tend to roll out, and helps demonstrate how flimsy their talking points are. All of this is to say, something can't be "against biology" because biology is morally neutral. It's not morality. It's not static definitions. It's a set of observations. But, our thinking about definitions and classifications can reflect and be advised by these observations. For me, it helped to think about HRT changes, because my personal mentality is one of a constructed identity. I define myself by what I am in the moment, and if I can document my current state, that helps define who I am- which is a woman. The biology of transition told me how deeply that is true, and continually becomes more true, on a molecular level. So. Here's some individual papers and points that help guide my thinking on the topic, and how each helped me find peace with transitioning: Medical descriptions of changes on HRT:
I'm sure everyone is familiar with this and the WPATH, but from the perspective of medical expectations. Instead, take a look at the changes documented here, and start thinking about how deep and profound they are- these cell types and body structure are sitting there just waiting to happen, and they are literally the same as their cis counterparts. This was huge for me in accepting that my post-HRT body wouldn't be "fake", and actually is literally the
Review paper of sex determination pathways in the animal kingdom:
Transphobes use chromosomes as a prescriptive definition of sex and gender. However, if you take a broader look and see how sex determination works in animals with similar genetic mechanisms as us, it becomes pretty clear that chromosomal sex determination is a late addition to the party. Essentially, most animals use a fairly random mechanism to ensure an advantageous sex ratio in their population. This is often environmental or based on some random gene on chromosome that looks nothing like XY sex determination, but if a large chromosomal deletion comes along, its a convenient way to keep the big version of the chromosome always paired with the small chromosome- for example, the X chromosome always being paired with another X, or its half-deleted pair, the Y chromosome. But there's nothing intrinsic about the chromosomes itself that define sex, its just an evolutionary ride-along mechanism.
So what does actually determine sex? Well, as with any broad scale developmental effect, one signalling molecule or gene can cause extensive downstream genetic effects, and that active, lived set of gene expression then defines what secondary sex characteristics develop.
(even though the main point is about spermatogenesis, it does provide a lot of nice summary figures about testosterone signalling) While these papers don't talk about trans people, the introduction of cross-sex hormones will activate these pathways, and cause the wide variety of downstream transcriptional changes in gene activation. Essentially, the active genes in your body will follow the dominant upstream sex hormones in your body. If you're transfemme, on HRT, the active genes in your body are female ones. If you're transmasc, on HRT, the active genes in your body are male ones.
While I never explicitly studied trans people in my biology education, studying principles of gene regulation, chromosome biology, and just a tad of reproductive physiology means that I started to think about how all of those interface with the way we define ourselves in a lot of ways. And usually, that is dynamic- you can have developmental changes kicked off by signalling molecules later in life, and it would be deranged to ignore those changes out of spite and insist that the biological system is still the thing it was before. Sex determination is not exempt from that.
Again, I use HRT changes as an example, but you can find many similar papers on the psychology of transness even pre-HRT. But, I would caution against trying to find a "root biological reason" for being trans pre-HRT- its likely too polymodal to accurately characterize. It's why I stray away from neurological papers and arguments here. That is an ENTIRELY different argument and this post is already long. But hey, every ask I get like this helps formalize my thoughts on the matter. Hope this helped!
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coconutcordiale · 2 years
In honor of How To Lose a Guy In Ten Days and Matthew McConaughey: “Great Answer.” “Good Question.” With Hangman
make my motor run
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pairing- finnegan (everybody wants some!!) x afab reader
synopsis- everyone thinks finn is so sweet. you're not convinced.
warnings- 18+ minors and glen powell - you are not welcome here. protected piv, oral (f receiving), slight dumbification/degradation, praise kink. reader has ethically not great motives around sleeping with finn but do we honestly think finn cares? no
length- 2.1k
an- not hangman, but it's still glen so...close enough? this is the crossover literally not one person asked for - how to lose a guy in 10 days (if you squint a little) & everybody wants some
idk y'all, i don't have it in me to be ashamed anymore. this is just smut with some bants. idk if anyone even wants to read this but the glen powell brain rot is real so it had to be done so it'd stop rattling around in my mind. blame glen and his stupidly handsome face and the fact that he steals every scene he's in
title from my sharona - the knack
tagging some finn peeps - @sebsxphia / @iguana-braces / @justalonelyslytherin
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It’s Saturday night. Against your better judgment, you’re at the rickety baseball houses, silently debating if you’ll have time to get a tetanus shot before your study group tomorrow morning.
Finn twirls his pipe between his fingers, leaning against the porch railing in a ridiculous paisley button-up. “Aside from how to take my breath away, what do you study here, ladies?”
“Does that ever actually work on real, human women?” You ask, ignoring the elbow to your ribs that Sophia digs into your side, presumably to get you to shut up.
The blond tilts his head, processing. He eventually grins. “Take no prisoners kinda gal, aren’t ya? I like that.” 
You hold back a grunt when Sophia elbows you again, answering the question before you can snark him any further. “We’re both journalism majors.” 
Going to take a sip of your drink, something you’ll surely need to swallow whatever faux-enlightened comment he has about that little piece of information; you furrow your brows when you realize it’s empty.
“I’ll grab you another drink, try not to miss me too much.” Finn winks, the bastard. What a ham. 
Your eye roll is barely contained when Sophia gives you a knowing look. 
“Oh, come on, he’s sweet,” she insists. 
“You’ve seen him with other girls, right? Everything out of his mouth is a line, Soph. It’s all bullshit. He’s pandering to us, so he seems better, different than his asshole teammates. It’s insulting.”
“Then why haven’t you told him to fuck off?”
“I think he’d be a good subject for my article.”
Her eyes widen. “About benevolent misogyny?”
“That’s the one.”
“How far are you gonna take this? Sleep with him to prove a point about how far a chauvinistic male will go for sex?”
You shrug. You hadn’t really thought it through, honestly. It’s not like it’d be a chore, he is pretty hot when he keeps his mouth shut.
She takes your silence as confirmation. “That’s kind of fucked up.” 
“Can’t be worse than changing your entire personality every other night just to get laid.” 
You find yourself sitting on the roof with Finn, having already shown up his mediocre golf swing. You’d never admit it to Soph, but your article is the furthest thing from your mind right now.
“True or false: all fundamental beliefs are reasonable.” You’re so taken aback by his pop quiz you almost don’t notice him sitting down behind you, pulling you into the space between his legs.
Smooth. You roll your eyes, but don’t move away. “False.” 
You can hear the smile in his voice. “I see someone’s already taken Philosophy 101 with Roberts.” 
“Yes, but that’s irrelevant. That’s an insane statement regardless.” 
When you turn to catch a glimpse of him you see him opening his mouth, ostensibly to argue, but you shake your head. “My turn. True or false: all’s fair in love and war.” 
You can’t help the smirk that tugs at your lips. “Great answer.” 
Finn positively beams. “Good question!” His hands drift up from your hips, working their way under your flimsy tank before he brings his lips to your ear, murmuring, “True or false: you’re gonna let me take you inside so I can take you apart.” 
Your breath hitches. “True.” 
He turns your head to him, mouth pressing against yours, mustache tickling you, soft and sweet for just a moment, before he slides his tongue into your mouth filthily. “Let’s go then, honey.”
Your tiny denim shorts and little tank get lost on the floor of his bedroom almost immediately, skin ablaze as he pushes you back onto his bed, on soft forest green sheets that smell like him – warm and spicy and earthy. He stays standing as he makes quick work of his own clothes, raking his eyes across your naked form.
You try not to shy away from his gaze, meeting his eyes defiantly as you feel slick pooling between your thighs. You’re barely keeping yourself from rubbing them together, words laced with an edge you don’t feel. “Thought you were working on a degree in cunnilingus. Put that mouth to good use, Finn.”
There’s a sparkle in those green eyes that you catch just before he braces himself above you, arms bracketing your head. His words are muffled against your skin as he kisses his way down your body. “Overheard that, did you? Knew you were paying special attention to me.”
You roll your eyes, mouth open to respond, but he drags his lips across your collarbone before his mouth closes around a nipple, effectively driving any wit from you.
He pushes your legs open wide, settling himself between them. His chest presses into the mattress as his arms wrap around your thighs where he’s busy putting them over his shoulders. When his mustache brushes against your thigh's sensitive skin, it sends shivers racketing through you and you feel his smirk only centimeters away from where you want it. 
He licks his lips as your resolve crumbles with every passing second.
“C’mon, Finn, please,” you whine, threading your hands through his shaggy hair, trying in vain to pull him closer to your cunt.
“Impatient,” he tsks. You lean up to fix him with a glare, but it only makes him chuckle. “Don’t worry, honey, I’ll take care of you.”
He finally, finally licks a stripe up your slit, and despite it being exactly what you asked for, you tug on hard on the blond hair between your fingers in surprise. He groans long and low, vibrations rolling through your body from your center where his lips are busy fixing themselves to your clit. 
His buries his face in you, moaning against your cunt as his tongue laps at you like a starved man. “Could spend hours drowning in this pussy, tastes so fucking good.”
The sound that leaves you in answer to that is pathetic – high and whiny – hips bucking. His big hands are gripping you so tight you’re sure there’ll be bruises high on your legs tomorrow. He stiffens his tongue to fuck it in and out of you, nose bumping your clit and making you shake, your eyes rolling back into your head.
Any sense of shame, any idea that you should keep yourself quiet in this house full of strangers has left you – your existence narrowed down to your hands in his hair, his lips on your cunt, the moans tearing their way from your throat, unbidden.
Your legs dig into his back, urging him in, hurtling towards the point of no return so fast all you can think of is needing more. He moves his lips back to your clit, hand loosening his death grip enough to slide a finger into the wet mess you’ve become at the same time he curls his lips and sucks.
“Don’t stop, please, Finn I -” You’re begging now, grinding against his face as much as you can in the vice-like grip he still has on you. He doubles his efforts, tongue working over your clit harder, finger inside you curling as you burn with the intensity of it, electricity bursting beneath your skin as the tension finally bursts, his name falling from your lips like a prayer.
Your legs feel like jelly. You let go of his blond locks belatedly, resigning yourself to your new existence as a puddle, a melted version of your former self. 
He looks up from between your legs and grins. 
You grab for his arms where they’re still flexed around your thighs, bringing him up face to face with you. He smiles, dropping sweet kisses to your parted lips and warm cheeks. Whining, you wrap your legs around his waist, wordlessly trying to pull him to you, get him inside of you, greedy for him.
“Don’t tell me a smart girl like you doesn’t know how to use her words,” Finn goads, laughter curling in his words, and you’re torn between wanting to smack him and beg like your life depends on it. You’re so distracted you barely notice him shifting his weight to his knees so he can reach for a condom, tear it open with his teeth, and roll it on.
You try to glare but he braces himself over you again, rubbing his cock between your folds, catching your oversensitive clit and a truly embarrassing whimper comes out, eyes blurring with a mix of pain and pleasure instead. “Finnegan.” 
“Yeah, baby?”
Taking a deep breath, you try to get your last functioning brain cell to cooperate. “Get inside me right now or so help me –”
You can still feel the amusement on his lips as he ducks his head down to slot your mouths together to cut you off, swallowing your moan as he pushes into you, slow and steady. 
When you flex your legs around his waist impatiently, he chuckles before setting a relentless pace, grinding his cock into you hard with each push. It’s too much, it’s not enough, it sets your skin on fire, it rackets the headboard against the wall – if his teammates didn’t know what was happening before, they certainly have a good idea now.
Your head lolls to the side as he hits that spot inside you on every thrust, nerves overloaded as you grip the nape of his neck, just trying to hold on.
“Fuck,” he groans, looking down at the glazed expression taking over your features. “Not gonna last long.” 
The thought that he’s already so close from having his mouth on you has your eyes crossing, cunt clenching around his thick length. His face crumples, mouth parting like you’ve just knocked the wind out of him. “Trying to kill me, honey?”
He lifts one of your legs to his shoulders, leaning down towards you and bending you in half – pushing limits to flexibility you didn’t even know you had.
“Wanna feel you come on my cock, you can do that for me, can’t you?” Finn asks, panting against your cheek, deft fingers moving down to circle your clit.
The sparks shooting through you as he presses into your center border on pain but you’re nodding, head bobbing up and down of its own accord, nails scratching red along his shoulders as you get closer and closer.
“Good girl,” he grunts and you keen, his words hurtling you towards the edge again. “So good for me…look at you, smart ass, brilliant girl fucked dumb on my cock.”
He’s pulling almost all the way out of you on every thrust now, slamming back in, and your back arches against him, a string of unintelligible noises leaving you that you’re just barely aware of, mewling filling the air in the room as your release snaps through you, ears ringing.
When you come to, still shaking and clenching around him, he’s running his mouth still, a litany of praise and groans of fuck honey, perfect for me, spilling from his bitten, red lips. His hips tear forward without rhythm as he pumps into you one last time, filling the condom before dropping your leg and collapsing next to you, strings holding him up suddenly cut.
Finn rolls to the side, and you stare at the cracks in the ceiling, wondering if you’ll ever be able to move again. You think he’s talking, but you can’t even begin to register what he’s saying. 
“Did I fuck all the brains out of the mouthy girl I brought up here?” Finn asks, amused when you don’t respond.
“Just surprised you wanted audience participation for your post-sex speech,” you snark, trying not to belay how difficult it is to form words currently.
“Well, I think Joanna Russ would disparage of me if I were indifferent to your thoughts and opinions immediately after getting off.”
 You raise an eyebrow. “You know who Joanna Russ is?”
 “The Female Man is a cornerstone of feminist literature. I read it be—”
 You can’t help but interrupt, brain quickly coming back online. “Because you thought it was going to be about the ideal woman through a man’s eyes.”
 He even has the gall to look offended. “Of course not, everyone knows Russ is a feminist writer.”
“Then you read it so more women would sleep with you after hearing that you’d read it.” He presses his lips together to hold back a smile and you snort. “I knew it.”
“Honey, don’t get mad at me just because it works.”
You lay your head on his chest, trying not to purr like a kitten as his hands tangle in your hair.
“I enjoy Jack Kerouac too if you really want to round out your article. Paint a full picture.”
Your eyes widen, trying desperately to keep in the surprised squeak when you look up to meet jade eyes and see them filled with mischief.
“Just a thought,” he murmurs, hands resuming their movements on your scalp, lulling you toward sleep.
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full disclosure i haven't actually read the female man but i'm pretty sure it was published in the 70s which seemed fitting for ews being set in the 80s. thanks for reading!
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traegorn · 1 year
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The Bullshit-Free Witchcraft Podcast: 55. Lucky Girl Syndrome and the Law of Attraction
This month we're taking a look at one of New Age spirituality's most toxic philosophies: The Law of Attraction. We talk about the history of it, where it came from, and how it's come back in a major way to a whole new generation as "Lucky Girl Syndrome." What sometimes looks like a harmless TikTok trend can actually incredibly dangerous. (And, of course, don't forget this show is part of the Nerd & Tie Podcast Network, and funded by listeners like you via Patreon. Consider joining our Discord!) Music: "So I Said It," "The Man With One Eye" (Trae Dorn) / "Jaracanda," Random Loops (Apple Music Library) Portions of TikTok videos made by users emilieleyes.hypnosis, lawofattractionvision3, kaitlinvillatoro, lauragalebe, tamkaur_, hothighpriestess, and skzzolno were featured in this episode
Listen to the episode / Subscribe on iTunes
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lol do you ever see a post on the internet that is directed at an opinion that you hold very deeply and it’s taking the opposite side of that opinion and ever wonder? Did I in part inspire this post? Probably not. As many people share the same opinions. But it’s something that flutters across my mind every once in a while.
I do wish more people shared their opinions about all sorts of things. The clash of opinion and thought will only make for a better conversation. Would be a pretty boring life if we all agreed on something.
Hell you see that philosophy in my posts itself. I love the bad batch and a majority of Star Wars. But I will critique all of Star Wars very openly. I will admit that the bad batch’s weakest points was emotional moments with crosshair. There were key moments that the writers just skipped over. (There were others they did not) but that’s a story for another post)
Point being whatever your opinion is share it. I’ll probably not agree, but that’s kinda the point right? That’s where I get like a solid 30% of my fun. Debating random bullshit about Star Wars on Reddit. Or whatever.
And hey you might even change someone’s mind. I am pretty set in my ways on issues, but I have been known to change my mind if the argument is compelling enough. I think posts on this very platform helped make Kanan one of my favorite Star Wars characters back when rebels was airing.
But you know never take it all to seriously and I know I say this about everything. But fandom is supposed to be fun. If you aren’t having fun you’re doing it wrong and that’s my opinion. (See full circle)
Also if you’re curious this post was triggered by a post I saw in a discord server I am apart of.
I don’t know how many times I’ll post about different ways having fun in fandom is imoortant, but I will never get tired of dissecting fandom more meta than not.
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autumnmobile12 · 9 months
Castlevania AU: Modern Day Occupations
Trevor: Manages a bar. The bar is called Death's Door.
Sypha: Coffee barista who's running a café that doubles as a bookshop.
Alucard: Fencer, figure skater, professional Shakespearean stage actor, is a regular at both the bar and the café.
Greta: Paramedic, also teaches first aid and CPR classes on the side.
Hector: Veterinarian that also volunteers religiously at an animal shelter.
Isaac: Professional Event Photographer (Kind of a weird one, I know, but this is mostly because I imagine Isaac's 'no bullshit' personality would be perfect for corralling large groups of people into formation and keeping them all on schedule.)
Carmilla: Either a fashion model or the CEO of a major fashion company.
Lenore: Assistant to a politician...but she ends up doing all the work and has been quietly plotting her revenge for not getting the recognition she deserves.
Striga: Teaches women's self-defense. Morana attends the class; that's how they met.
Morana: University professor for social studies, psychology, and/or history.
St. Germain: Also university professor, teaching chemistry and/or philosophy.
Godbrand: Coach for some winter related sport. I don't know if he's putting the supportive fear of God into a hockey team or some poor snowboarder, but I'm here for it. Is also a regular at Death's Door.
Varney: That one weird guy who has multiple unrelated occupations, not all of them legit. Lawyer, unlicensed dentist, tax consultant, tailor, etc...
Ratko: Runs a YouTube wilderness survival vlog.
Lisa: Physician (Obviously.)
Dracula: Opera singer. (Don't ask why. I don't know.)
Anyone I missed? Any ideas of your own? Let me know!
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curlish · 6 months
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Hi, I'm Curlish and this is my blog
Video Clips about Bart Curlish
by @docdust
Bart Curlish and Holistic Philosophy
Better come with me than die
Bart Curlish - Leaf in the Stream of Creation
The Strange Mating Behaviour of Demons and Assassins
Wanna come with me and be best friends?
By others:
Unstoppable - A Tribute to Bart by Rebel Sun (Youtube)
Fiona Dourif on Bart Curlish
"Bart was originally described as a force of nature [...] It was a unique voice and one of the other descriptions was a “homicidal dirt muppet.”
I think that Bart is the most vulnerable character that I’ve ever played. I really love her. I find her lonely and kind of sincere.
Whole interview
Dubbed the “delete key of the universe,”  Bart is often predatory and always purposeful. But underneath all that is what many would describe as a vulnerable and almost childlike character who longs for all the same things us non-assassins do.
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Dourif: "I played with the character with my own voice for a few days and it didn’t work. And so, I guess like [laughs] a voice I have in my repertoire which I never even knew is like this weird Jersey thing [laughs]. I don’t even know what or where that’s from, but I started doing that a little bit, and then it got a little gravelly, and then it became this like dirty, kind of masculine thing which I felt like worked and so I stuck with it. [...]
I was thinking about what it is to be a woman and my life and all that, and then I was thinking about how much, you know, being like a pretty girl in a feminine setting—how much I have to think about that being an actress because you really do. I mean, when you audition, it’s like, ‘Cool, I need 50 minutes to make my hair look perfect so that some producer thinks I’m fuckable enough to be in this role’ because that truly does really matter. I mean, it’s not the majority of it at all, but it really is a huge part of it.
And Bart, it is the opposite. When I got cast as Bart, I was like, ‘Well, cool. At least I can let myself go.’ [laughs] You know? It’s like, I couldn’t shave any of my body hair or anything; I let my eyebrows grow in and they put dreadlocks and dirt and orange teeth, and I just like became this—not like a strong woman; it wasn’t even that bullshit stereotype. It was a person; even though people would argue that Bart is the delete key of the universe and not a person, I don’t think of her like that. She’s like a vulnerable person who also happens to be the delete key of the universe. But yeah, man, it was like really nice. Sexuality never came into it. And i think men get to do that all the time, and I’ve never ever been cast—I’ve never even read anything that had that, you know? [...]
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’ll walk into a biker gang and there’ll be machetes and knives and bullets flying at me, and I’ve never been scared of that. But, you know, rejection is something that I think hurts and this was me being paired with somebody by the universe. He was supposed to be there and, you know, maybe he won’t like me and that hurts. If anybody’s ever been ostracized in middle school, which I have, it was like, you know, it’s really painful. Really is. [...]
I really love that Bart is unsexualized, but if we took an unsexualized woman and then made her [laughs] like experiment with sexuality, I’d be interested in that. It would be so funny. [...] I had to answer the question for myself if I’ve ever had sex and I’m not going to tell you the answer. [laughs] But I was really curious. I was like, ‘Has Bart ever gotten laid?’ And I know what it is. I know the answer. [laughs]
Whole interview
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thenatezone · 1 year
FRIDA is like the philosophy major at the party that wants to cut right through the bullshit and have a real conversation and Deanna is like the graduate assistant who is trying to keep things light, goddammit!
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mysticbewitched · 8 months
how do i deal with life in the mundane world where everyone is spiritually asleep, and more specifically in school, where my professors have so many limiting beliefs and im being taught things that i know are wrong. For example, im majoring in psychology and im being taught things like "intelligence is fixed and there is a ceiling on what you are able to achieve" like my professor was talking about how the growth mindset thing is BS, and your intelligence is inherited. Like she is sooo limited. And also in my textbook it says awareness is gained in early childhood like what??? you literally cannot exist without a sense of awareness. you are awareness itself. Like im having a hard time having the knowledge that i do, and pursuing a career in psychology where im being taught things that i know are wrong and everyone is soooo limiting. I feel like im being reconditioned into the limiting beliefs of society. But I also need a career and this is the only way to get there. Like what am i supposed to do in a world where no one has true knowledge and everyone bows down to science, like its the only way of knowing things. Society is so misled.
Honestly, whenever I come across these things in my daily life, I just scoff at it with rolled eyes because I know my true self, and I most definitely know better as the creator of my reality.
I refuse to let these things ever affect me or throw me off my spiritual journey because I know that I am the creator, and I realize my power to paint my world into whatever I desire for it to be.
I would just choose to scoff or laugh at the bullshit limiting beliefs being taught at your school and remind yourself of what you already know every time until you are so confident in your understanding of your true self that absolutely nothing can shake you.
I would also stay on top of my daily readings into Neville Goddard, Alan Watts, and other wise teachers of Nondualism philosophy to constantly remind myself of my true self as awareness until it is completely hammered into my head as a rock-solid foundation of understanding.
I also have an interest in the field of psychology and self-improvement.
I view it all from this spiritual way: the true self as awareness created the subconscious mind, the human body, and along with all of its functions for the game of forgotten identity. Awareness created everything, and all that truly exists is awareness.
Put your foot down as the creator and stubbornly refuse to accept any limiting beliefs being taught to you when you are understanding better throughout your spiritual awakening. Nothing can affect you if you simply refuse to allow it.
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kagoutiss · 1 year
Let Ganondorf know. It's funnier that way. Just like, let him direct Sheik to the most ironic things out of petty spite but also just because he's the evil bad guy doesn't mean he won't give advice to someone who is having trouble. It may be questionable advice though.
oh i already have the entire situation planned out how i want it, with all its nuances, and i fully agree that he might give genuine advice and/or mislead for his own amusement in that scenario, lol,,, speaking of, i literally think he’s the type of person to LOVE giving unsolicited advice just in general too. and he is a major asshole, and he loves hearing himself talk, but. regardless he does have a soft spot for sheik even if he does not express it in very constructive ways, and i think some stuff he tends to do when he genuinely cares for someone is 1) needle them constantly, for fun, to the point where they can’t stand him, and 2) try to help them thru their difficulties by…projecting his own philosophies/viewpoints/pieces of advice onto them. which is usually extremely unhelpful and just irritating, but occasionally it does actually help. and it just so happens that sheik is the kind of person who needs to be told every once in a while stuff like “maybe try not to overthink everything to the point of stagnation or insanity,” and “try thinking of fate as a thing you’re meant to control, and not as a maze that you’re trapped in.” honestly a lot of good advice, peppered among the bullshit advice and the questionable advice
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boyfridged · 7 months
In your last ask, you mentioned Zdarsky's bias toward Khoa but didn't really elaborate on it. You also mentioned the Khoa had been retconned barely a year after being introduced. I'll admit I don't know diddly squat about Ghostmaker and honestly I don't really care to with all these back and forths regarding his character. But could you perhaps shed some light on what Khoa is all about in his short page time for someone who doesn't know much about him but is maybe still on the fence about it?
i'm so sorry to disappoint you but i was brief about it mainly because i don't really care much for khoa! i think he's a fun character to play with and i enjoyed his introduction & some of the comics he was in, but at the end of the day his existence as an anti-batman is completely pointless and in my opinion, meddles with bruce's backstory in a way that i do not appreciate. tldr, khoa is someone who bruce meets during his pre-batman training. he is supposed to be an anti-batman figure because he is deprived of "care" and the "philosophy of love." his modus operandi involves killing and his main thing is traveling from city to city and dismantling the existing criminal structures. i'm not sure if at the moment they are still pushing it (since he also was residing in gotham for a while?). either way way, it sounds like a joke to me- as in, it's just not feasible at all and completely ignores why crime exists in the first place and what it is in a social sense. (btw isn't it curious that so many batman writers genuinely believe that if batman just started eradicating rogues it would simply work. i'm thinking about countdown with earth 51 bruce whose biggest issue is just that he's lonely and the assumption that what khoa does actually works too... what is going on with the dc editorial.) so overall i don't think he contributes much to the lore at all. i don't mind him existing per se, because as i said when written by tynion it was quite harmless in its lack of nuance and general silliness. but zdarsky who unironically seems to have a ghostbat hard-on used his character to throw talia under the bus (or as i always joke. make her into a yaoi victim.) i don't recall the exact details of how he changed his intro/the ghostbat backstory because thankfully my memory is bad enough that i can forget the majority of his bullshit though. but i still think it's shocking that he did it just within a year from the first iteration.
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