#petty brain: i HOPE he's feeling guilty
You know what, I don't even care that he's left me on read for the moment, the fact is he's seen it whether he likes it or not, and how he reacts is his problem. And that's actually a relief!
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anton-luvr · 8 months
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𖦹 bf!riize x fem!reader | fluff | prank (?) au 𖦹 note ; in case yall dont know about this prank, its basically just people telling their partners that they're not gonna sit in the front seat and capturing their reactions!! i found it quite funny, so hence the birth of this fic... enjoy! hehe + reqs are open !
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# SHOTARO. - he's concerned. why don't you want to sit in front?? do you not trust his driving skills??? do you not want to be his passenger princess anymore???? feels like his whole world crashes down and tries to understand why you're so insistent that you want to sit in the back. the moment he realizes it's just a prank to see his reaction, he's instantly relieved. there's nothing else he loves more in this world than having you as his passenger princess.
# EUNSEOK. - he's confused. he wouldn't get why you didn't want to sit in front, and he'd honestly just let you be. but he knows you love sitting in front and controlling the music while he cruised down highways too much to give it up. talks to you to make sure you're okay, and will just start driving if you continue saying you'll sit in the back. he won't be surprised when you confess that it's just a prank and starts clambering back to the front ten minutes into the drive.
# SUNGCHAN. - he's amused. the moment you dramatically announced you weren't going to sit in the front seat today, he knew something was up. he finds it funny and kinda cute at what goes through your brain in hopes of 'pranking' him, or to get his attention. plays along and convinces you to sit in front, using the excuse that he 'needs someone to accompany him' on the 'long and weary drive' - you were going to a taco bell that was only fifteen minutes away. rolls his eyes jokingly when you tell him it's a prank.
# WONBIN. - he's chill. don't wanna sit in front? okay, whatever. don't get him wrong, it's not that he doesn't care. but wonbin is just genuinely a chill person, so he'll let you do whatever you want to do. even if you wanted to sit on the roof, wonbin would let you do so. he respects your gaslight gatekeep girlboss decisions, even when he doesn't get them. even after you told him it's a prank, he'll reassure you that he doesn't mind, and that you can sit wherever you want at any time.
# SEUNGHAN. - he's worried. it's rare that you don't want to sit in front. so for you to suddenly sit in the back, seunghan will start questioning his entire existence. he'll wrack his mind trying to remember if he did anything wrong or offended you in any way recently. in the end, he resorts to just talking to you about it and asking you to sit in the front seat. he's too used to driving with a hand on your thigh while you sang your heart out to songs that it felt weird to not have you by his side. lets out a huge sigh of relief when you tell him it's just a prank.
# SOHEE. - he's upset. how could you not want to sit in front?? do you not love him anymore???? i think sohee would go two ways in this situation - it's either he feels terrible and guilty and starts crying (even tho he did nothing wrong) or he'll act all emo and silent and let you be. if it was the latter, he'd simply start driving, the entire car in complete silence. he's a bit immature in that way, because he knows he should talk it out, but give the man his five minutes of pettiness. he'll talk it out with you later on and feel a bit of an idiot when you tell him it's all a prank. makes you make it up to him with cuddles and kisses.
# ANTON. - he's stubborn. oh, you don't wanna sit in front beside him? don't worry, anton will sit in the back with you. the car's not going to move because no one's driving it? anton doesn't care. he just wants to be beside you and as close to you as he can at any moment; he's attached to you like a magnet with metal. takes you a while to convince him it's all just a prank, and he finally agrees to drive the car when you move to sit in front.
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© anton-luvr, 2023.
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thegreymoon · 2 months
The Story of Minglan
Oh, no! Do hit him! Hit him some more!
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No sympathy for rapists and human traffickers getting a piece of what they deserve, especially when they get them on something they are definitely guilty of.
Unfortunately, it's only a matter of time before Gu Tingye gets their rotten asses out of prison, so I appreciate at least the beating.
LMAO, it couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch of assholes 😂
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Honestly, Tingye should just let them rot.
LMAO, since he is so precious, how is he going to run the Gu House, if your scheming comes to fruition, hmm?
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He sounds too incompetent to live.
LMAO, at least Gu Tingyu is owning up to his jackassery.
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He certainly is his father's son, waiting until he was on his deathbed to regret a lifetime of abusing his brother for no good reason.
Fuck this entire family. Gu Tingye should let the Emperor exile and execute them all (not that the Emperor would do it because he seems invested in preserving the honour of the entire Gu family for whatever reason).
LMAO, don't you mean you wanted to spend it yourselves? 🤣
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The audacity of these thieving pieces of shit!
Oh, fuck you.
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You haven't been a small child for a long time and instead of using your brain and thinking for yourself for one single second, you decided to ostracize, bully and abuse your younger brother FOR YEARS.
We saw the horrific scars on Tingye's body. You all saw this was happening to him and gloated about it. And even if Madam Bai had been responsible for the first Madam Qin's death (which you would know she was not if you had half a brain cell), the tiny child she left behind was innocent.
I hate all these people and feel like they all deserve to die unforgiven, in shame and ignominy.
The nerve of him, asking Gu Tingye to treat his wife and child better than he treated him.
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He's just lucky Gu Tingye is a much better person than his sorry ass and would never take out grudges on innocent children.
LMAO, the absolute nerve.
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Of course, adopt the illegitimate child of her own son!
Luckily, Gu Tingyu has finally pulled his head out from his ass and realised that even after all the shit he put Gu Tingye through, he will still treat his daughter better than Madam Qin.
Poor kid.
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She seems smarter than her mother at the very least and maybe with Minglan's help, she can go on to have a not too terrible life.
Honestly, fuck Gu Tingyu.
He allowed himself to be manipulated into being a tool for evil people's ambition and greed and actively took part in bullying and abusing a child for other people's benefit. Even after he became the Marquis, he allowed his clan to descend further into corruption and degeneracy just so that he could continue to scapegoat his brother for no good reason. He was such a weak, petty man, and even when the single solitary lightbulb finally went off in his stupid head allowing him to see Madam Qin for the greedy, manipulative, vicious piece of shit that she is, he still continued to hang onto his single-minded jealousy and resentment. He was perfectly content to continue waging a cold war against Gu Tingye for years and years to come and only backtracked when he realised he was dying and would leave his very young child unprotected in this hellhole that he'd personally had a hand in creating for so many years and at the mercy of monsters he'd happily rolled about in the mud with if it meant victimising his younger brother who had loved and looked up to him.
Anyway, good riddance to bad rubbish. His daughter is better off with Gu Tingye and Minglan anyway and he certainly contributed to nothing good in his lifetime. He regretted nothing and only changed his tune because he knew that if he left his daughter at the mercy of Madam Qin, her life would be completely ruined. I hope he finds no peace in the afterlife, right along with his piece of shit abusive father.
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I absolutely detest him.
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legacyshenanigans · 11 months
Hi!!! I hope you're having an amazing day!!
I originally typed this at 2 am because my brain refused to shut off but tumblr told me to fuck myself apparently so let's try this again..
I know I read somewhere that you're definitely not creating an OC for Sebastian in your Volo/MC & Rominis world. I was curious if Sebastian is a jealous whiney fuck over their relationships or if he's just genuinely happy for them? Or does he feel jealousy over it but then feels majorly guilty about it because he feels that's being a bad friend to MC and Ominis. Or is he just an unfeeling cunt? I can see him being any of these honestly so I was curious what your thoughts are.
(I rewrote this to the best of my ability but it was certainly worded better this morning when the thoughts were in my head 🤷🏻‍♀️)
Thanks as always love
Hiii V 💜 Hope you are too! 💚💚
OK, so, Lemme explain first of all why I'm not creating an OC for Seb, I know you didn't ask that, but I feel like, in general, it needs to be said. I personally have noticed there's people in the fandom that don't like OCs being with the characters, because when people read fanfiction, they tend to like "MC" or "Y/N" because they can self insert, but when it's OCs you take that ability away from them, and people do NOT like that, because some people are fuckin crazy and can't cope with the idea that their fictional boyfriend is being written with someone's OC and not "them"(MC/YN) MOST people from my experience are fine with it though, but like, I get petty weird shit for Rominis sometimes 🤣 and with Sebastian statistically being the number 1 favourite in the franchise, I cannot be bothered going through the double hit tbh haha.
Now, to your ask haha.
It would give me the ick to make him all sad or jealous over the fact he's not in a relationship while MC and Ominis are thriving in their own at THIS point in the development of my VoloRomiverse 🤣
Sebastians chillin' he ain't bothered. So let's just go with "Unfeeling cunt" lmao. 🤣
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raedear · 2 years
somehow, nicky was just positive, this was andy's fault
Somehow, Nicky was just positive, this was Andy's fault. It had her fingerprints all over it.
'... The crown jewel of our summer season,' says the programme director of the Royal Albert Hall, an obsequious man Nicky usually avoided at all costs. 'We can't wait to see what your partnership will bring to our stage.'
He leaves after another round of gladhanding and assurances that contracts and details were already with their respective agents just waiting for their signatures.
Summer sessions of modern classics. Always a crowd pleaser, but not particularly Nicky's favourite works to perform. Without fail they'd want him to play Interstellar on the organ. Worse still, it meant a year of working with Joe when you added in all the rehearsal time they'd need, and negotiating setlists and promotion and all the minutiae that he usually tried to escape. Nicky was in this for the music, but somehow that ended up being the smallest part of his job.
'Well,' says Joe, smiling awkwardly, 'That's that then. I look forward to working with you.'
'And you, also,' Nicky says, short and to the point, already wondering how little he can get away with spending time with Joe.
'I hope we can be professional,' Joe continues, and it's like a firework in Nicky's brain, anger and wounded pride trailing noisily after the rocket of Joe's words.
'Really,' Nicky snaps, rearing back. 'You're saying that to me?'
Joe looks stricken, straight away, hands up and frantic.
'No—that's not—I didn't mean—fuck!'
Nicky flinches a little at the vehemence in Joe's voice as he bites off the curse and shuts his eyes, squeezing the bridge of his nose like he has a headache.
'I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry,' Joe says, still with his eyes closed. 'I just don't know where to go from here without apologising, and you clearly don't want that, which is fine, but I don't want to be walking on eggshells with you for the next year.'
'I don't want your apology because it's not for me,' Nicky says, before his brain gets a chance to voice an opinion.
Joe opens his eyes just wide enough to squint at him.
In for a penny.
'You don't want to apologise to me because you think it'll make up for the things you said to me,' Nicky says, looking Joe dead in the eyes. 'You want to apologise because you feel guilty, and you want that feeling to go away. I don't want your apology, and I still don't want your pity.'
Joe gapes at him, face slack with shock.
'That's—' he stutters after a second. 'That's not true, that's not—'
'Fair?' Nicky offers, hopping up to sit on the director's desk. If he has to have this conversation, he might as well be comfortable. 'I think it's plenty fair, myself. Am I wrong?'
'Yes!' cries Joe, throwing his hands up, before he seems to shrink into himself a little, his hands coming to rest in his hair. 'Or no. Not completely, maybe. I don't expect you to instantly forgive me, but how would you feel to be constantly remembered only for the worst thing you ever did? Something you did as a shitty, jealous, petty teenager, that you regretted as soon as you did it?'
There's a lot to unpack there. Nicky blinks at Joe, and can see the earnestness in his eyes, the genuine regret and apology.
But that moment crystallised something in Nicky; made some part of him hard and cold and impenetrable.
'Funny,' Nicky says. 'I just remember the first boy I ever thought I loved telling me he hated me, and that we had never even been friends. I didn't think about how difficult a moment that must have been for you.'
Joe closes his eyes again, his jaw so tense Nicky can see it tick even through his beard.
'Professional,' Nicky says, sliding back off the desk. 'I can be professional. We're not children anymore. I'm sure you can do the same.'
'We're not children anymore, no,' says Joe, very quietly. 'But I can still be sorry for what I did as a child, and I can still hope to make amends. I threw your friendship in your face once, and I've regretted it ever since. If a professional relationship is all you want, then I respect that, and I understand. But I hope we can try friendship again, one day.'
Nicky stares at him, fifteen years of resentment and hurt choking him. It must show on his face, because Joe looks painfully, terribly sad.
'I'd like to be your friend,' says Joe, so quietly Nicky almost struggles to hear him. 'But I know what I said to you, and how I treated you was wrong. I'm not seventeen anymore though. I'm not the same person you knew.'
Part one
Part two
Part three
Send first line prompts here
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ninebluehearts · 2 years
since im obsessed with dorm room mark (by @) maybe reader/OC going on a date being in a relationship and it becomes serious and it suddenly creeping up on marc how much he misses her aka marc being in loOvE. but he thinks he's not good enough for her bc it marc so self loathing :((
idk its 10pm i tried
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Summary: Marc is overwhelmingly in love with you. You're overwhelming in love, just not with Marc..
Warnings: Some serious sadness up ahead, my dudes.
A/n: First fic in awhile y'all! Hope you enjoy it!
Marc slumped against the frame of your bedroom door, watching as you swiped the wand of a red lip gloss across your lips for the second time, concealing the pink of your lips with the dark red liquid.
"You look like a hooker." Marc said, a smirk creeping onto his lips as you glared at him. "A lovely hooker, if it makes you feel any better."
"You're not funny." You said, shoving the wand back into it's respective tube and tossing it into your makeup bag, knowing you'd be back for it later into the night. "Does it really look bad?" You asked as you swiped your finger under your bottom lip to remove the excess gloss.
"Where are you going? I thought we were gonna watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off and eat the brownies I made?"
"Out." You zipped up your black, thigh high boots and threw your bag over your shoulder, brushing past Marc and heading to the bathroom.
Marc followed you, leaning against the closed door. "So, you're gonna ditch me for Marvin again?"
"You know that's not his name!" You stifled a laugh, not wanting to reward Marc's petty jokes. "It's Mark with a K and you know it." You said as you pulled open the bathroom door, tossing the hand towel at Marc.
"Yeah, Melvin. That's what I said." Truth be told, Marc felt guilty for loving the fact that they basically had the same name. It meant that late in the night, when you thought Marc was asleep across the dorm, and when you screamed Mark's name, Marc could pretend it was his own. It always felt so, so wrong. But also so, so right.
You rolled your eyes, wrapping your arms around Marc's neck as you pulled him into a quick, tight hug. "If I'm up for it, we can do your thing when I get back, okay?"
Marc just nodded, trying to be discreet as he buried his face in your neck and took a deep breath, relishing in the scent of your perfume against your warm skin. It was truly intoxicating.
Before you pulled away, you leaned up and gave Marc a small peck on his cheek, leaving a red kiss mark on the skin. "Oh shit- sorry about that," You said with a laugh, hurrying towards the door. "I'll see you later."
Once the door was closed, Marc slowly reached up and gently touched his cheek, chills running down his spine as he replayed the moment over in his mind. "I love you." He whispered, knowing you would never love him the same way he loved you.
You never did come home. Marc knew this because he fell asleep on the couch waiting for you last night. He woke up with brownie crumbs on his shirt and the main menu for Farris Bueller's Day Off on the TV. "At least I had a good time last night." He mumbled to himself, taking a sip of his warm beer that had been left on the coffee table for the past six hours.
You know that's not true, mate.
The voice in the back of his mind said to him, though he continued to ignore it like he always did. He picked up the glass container that held what was left of his brownies and the warm beer and left them on the kitchen counter.
After that, Marc took a long, hot shower, waiting until the water turned to freezing to slowly scrub the smeared, red stain off of his cheek. A sense of defeat washed over him; defeat, guilt, and anger. You weren't his. You never would be. He had no right to feel this way. And the more he told himself that, the worse he felt.
When Marc left the bathroom to grab a shirt from his room, you were standing in the kitchen with Mark, both of you so engulfed in each other's kiss that neither of you noticed him standing there.
Marc walked back to his room and slammed the door, finally pulling you back to reality. "Marc?" You called out, dashing over to knock on his door. "Hey! I'm sorry I didn't make it home last night. We fell asleep watching a movie." But you were met with absolute silence. "Marc?" You knocked on the door again, but still received no answer.
You felt two arms wrap around you from behind, followed by Marks face pressing against your neck. "Hey, I've gotta go."
"Okay. I'll see you tonight?" You turned around to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into another lengthy kiss.
"Definitely." He breathlessly whispered against your lips. "Unless I pay a visit to you around lunch?" He said with a smirk, his hand slipping down your back to grab your ass.
"Mark!" You squealed with a laugh, reluctantly pushing him away.
"I'll text you." Mark gave you one last kiss, then went on his way.
You rolled your eyes, a stupid smile stuck on your lips. You knocked on Marc's door once again, jiggling the lock this time. "Let me in Marc! I've gotta talk to you!"
"Fine, I'll talk through the door." You slipped down to the floor and sighed. "Ughh, I think I'm in love. I just had the best night of my life with Mark. He took me to that fancy restaurant that I've been dying to try, then we went to his friend's house to have a game night, then we went back to his place to watch When Harry Met Sally. Amazing, right?"
You reached up and knocked on the door again. "Are you mad because I didn't eat your weed brownies Marc Spector? Because now is not the time to be petty, my love!" You called out with a small giggle.
"Well, I hope you come out later, because I'm getting us drinks to celebrate tonight! But for now I gotta get to class." You stood up and brushed off your dress, then pressed your hand against Marc's door. "I love you Marc. God, you're like the brother I never had. You're my best friend." After a moment of waiting for an answer, you walked away, a small pit of disappointment twisted around in your stomach when you were once again met with silence.
Once Marc heard your bedroom door shut across the dorm, he finally allowed the broken sob he had been holding in to come out. And once it was out, there was no stopping the others that followed it out, each one racking his body harder than the last.
Marc Spector had fallen in love with you, and he couldn't see a way out.
Taglist: @hot-mess-express1
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worldformula · 2 years
Omg whats this situation Saito manipulated that makes ryuki think he saved him these posts are driving me crazy
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AITSF / AINI SPOILERS. and another long one because how do I even begin to explain
To be honest, we haven’t really ironed this part out because it’s an elaborate play and I personally don’t have the brain cells to put the details together yet. Which is necessary because at some point Ryuki does question everything about the incident and that’s when it all falls apart. But very roughly speaking, the order of events is as follows:
Uru approaches Saito about ruining/killing Jin Furue, who he thinks is Tokiko’s lover (he doesn’t know he’s her son, which is … awkward). He goes to Saito about it because Saito is their dad’s mouthpiece to the yakuza and figures he can help him with this sabotage.
Saito first finds it impressively ballsy that Uru would ask for something like that but tells him he can’t, since using their Kumakura connections in a way that would escalate the scale of the crimes they commit with them could get their father into devastating trouble. Also he just doesn’t find Uru’s petty jealousy to be worth it.
Uru is intent on this though and blackmails him by bringing up Ryuki’s twin (Yukuto)’s murder six years ago (blah blah, you owe me because I covered for you then, blah blah). They get in a nasty fight about how dare he do this, Uru is a coward for hiding behind Saito and the yakuza instead of doing it himself, it is very weird how down bad he is for Tokiko, etc etc. Saito is furious but for now, he has to follow through. He will get Uru for this down the line.
This is where the details get fuzzy — Saito somehow freaks Jin out to a point of paranoia, wherein Jin believes people are coming to get him for whatever reason. Whatever it is, Jin can’t go to the police about it, nor can his parents help him.
Ryuki goes to meet Jin at his house with Saito, with the intention of questioning him about Music Foods’ association with Bats490. He brings Saito along because Jin refused to meet with him at first and Saito says he’s vaguely familiar with Jin, as they’ve met at a party, so he’s hoping Saito’s presence will draw Jin out. 
Jin, throughly spooked and convinced that the mob has come for him, attempts to shoot them as they break in out of concern, given that Jin is not answering but they know full well that he’s in. Ryuki reacts accordingly thanks to Tama but Jin stuns him, taking him down and knocking out Tama, and holds Saito at gunpoint. Ryuki manages to recover in time to shoot Jin and kill him before Saito gets shot.
A couple of things: 
Ryuki is not sorry about killing Jin because Jin was going to kill Saito, so it was justified in his mind. But it does unnerve him greatly to have taken a life. Saito comforts him and validates the act because it “saved” him. Meeting with him and getting this validated makes him feel better, but it’s not good for him.
Ryuki has no idea why Jin reacted the way he did, and the fact that Jin was also illegally armed further makes Jin look like he was super guilty of something related to the case, derailing the investigation slightly.
A lot of things could have gone terribly wrong in the confrontation itself. But I’m gonna be real, I don’t think Saito is all that concerned about dying so much as he’s afraid of living with the consequences of what he does so the danger of it isn’t that big of a deal to him. Worst case scenario, he was going to just kill them both and then frame it as a whole thing where they killed each other.
It does suck for him to not be able to get directly involved in the murder act, sure, but going about it this way means that Saito is not even a suspect in Jin’s murder and he gets the fun benefit of watching Ryuki struggle. Very cool!
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October Wind:
Chapter One; The Strange Client
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⚠️Content Warning 16+!!⚠️
There will be some violence and mature themes, so if you don't like that leave. -NOT PROOFREAD-
October 7th, 1991
Lady Justice; a symbol of hope, an inspiration of many and the downfall of others. He saw her every day he was cooped up in the courthouse but could never fathom how such a noble figure became so sickening working day in and day out by her statue. She was supposed to be good; why do all good things turn sour?
Tom tried to wrap his head around it before but always came up empty. Today was no exception.
It was a brisk morning, much like any other for Tom Wallbrooke as he paddled down the street, cardboard coffee cup in hand, pondering life's questions as he avoided a puddle, stepping over a curb to straddle his lean, black motorbike.
Upon first glance; Tom is rugged, chestnut curls rustled carelessly about as he rides upon his 'Black Majesty,' as he calls it, leather gloves and jacket in toe. He seems wreckless, possibly even foolish to an outsider. One might be surprised when they hear that he's an inmate's rights defender, working in the criminal justice system. He revs the engine, pressing onward through the city as he turns on some music, making his trip bearable.
Guilty as charged, but damnit it ain't right! There's someone else controlling me!
He pushes onwards through the damp streets, increasing in speed as he overtakes another driver, taking a sharp turn as he inhales a deep breath. It's going to be a long day, he decides. Hearing some street squabble he turns up his music louder, attempting to drown out whatever petty conflict the streets of Crown Point, deciding that's an Indiana problem.
Flash before my eyes, now it's time to die! Burning in my brain, I can feel strain!
He parks his motorcycle outside of the courthouse, pulling up his leather sleeves to expose the tattoos lining his arms as he walks inside, tapping his rings on the front desk.
"Late again, Wallbrooke," the front desk lady, Araya scolds, her lips pressed into a thin line, showing her displeasure. Tom grins at her, exposing his dimples,
"A wizard is never late; nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to," he jests, to Arya's discontent.
"Whatever, dweeb, you have a new case in paranormal affairs," she says flatly and Tom's face falls. This was the one caveat to the job. Paranormal affairs. He could handle cruel prisons, long paperwork and even clients that got short with him- what he wasn't prepared for was the devastation in the treatment of 'the hybrids,' as they call them. They're not exactly human, but they're also not a demon or an angel, they're something in between. The freaks. Tom wouldn't say that, but many do. Tom decided that he'd immediately get to work, rushing to his desk to read the file left on his desk. This one's thick; thicker than normal.
Willow Corey; inmate 420. Tom looked at the name and froze. This can't be right, he thought. Willow Corey is... well, she's a lot of things, a hybrid is one of them, her mom is a high ranking official in hell, deciding upon the punishments and tortures of the sinners, and her father is an angel, known for designing various plants and animals. In the paranormal districts she was practically royalty... that was until 1974, when she was 160, she decided to affiliate herself with some demon rebels, ultimately landing her with charges of treason. Given the sentencing, she shouldn't even be in the prison anymore; she was charged with a lower sentence with a plea deal, conspiracy, which in hell is only fifteen years. He grumbles under his breath and pulled on his jacket, walking to the back room.
As he enters the dark room he looks around, his eyes slowly adjusting to the light until he spots his friend. Tall and lanky, he stands gaurd of a portal red and fierce, his baby face a clear sign of his youth. He was only nineteen, a singular year younger than Tom, but you'd never be able to guess it as Tom's job aged him far more than it should have. He blames the stress.
"Tobi! How are you, you awesome son of a bitch?!" Tom exclaims, excited to be able to work in his friend's sector, Tobi however, doesn't share that sentiment as he scoffs and rolls his eyes.
"Not great, Man, the sitch in hell is bad... Let me guess, you need access?" He asks and Tom nods grimly.
"Yeah man... Another hybrid mis case... This one's high profile," he grumbles and Tobi nods, opening the gate.
"She's all yours," he says grufly, pulling his dark colored bangs out of his eyes and Tom tilts his head in acknowledgement before entering. This is going to be a long day.
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squib-2006 · 2 years
Squib can you give me... Kai hcs that you have 🤲🤲🤲
I have a whole post already going over most of my Kai hcs but fug it here’s some more.
Baby boi has some serious repressed trauma. Like you think Lloyd has bad trauma, at least the green bean talks about it. Like Kai never talks to anyone about his bad experiences ever. This is a bad habit built up on always having to put on a happy face for nya when that were younger.
On that same note kai is an excellent actor. As long as he isn’t put on the spot he can act how ever he wants to. In a situation where he needs to get away from the media? Well even if Kai is annoyed he can act all swave and talk his way out of having to actually say anything.
On his relationships with the other ninja I think it goes like this.
Lloyd: big brother/parental figure. He and Lloyd have a very strong bond. If Lloyd is ever frustrated or sad or mad or stressed he goes to Kai who will listen to him and give him good advice. To Lloyd’s dismay kai won’t ever vent to him about anything and deflects when Lloyd pushes him.
Nya: older brother/parental figure. He practically reased nya so there pretty close. Nya isn’t a afraid to call Kai out on his bullcrap though. The support eachother and respect eachother too. Kai is about over protective of her in earlier seasons but cools down a bit after she shows him she can take care of her self.
Jay: brotherly figure. There chaotic demon brothers your honor. They don’t hate eachother but get into a lot of petty squabbles and tease eachother. If push came to shove Kai would have jays back and vise versa. Kai’s cool about jay and nya dating on the inside but likes to tease jay about not approving. Up until the whole Yang thing jay had no idea if Kai actually approved of him and nya.
Zane: brotherly/parental figure. In Zane’s case he is more like a brother and adult figure in Kai’s life. The brotherly part because they joke and have fun together. But the parental part comes in when Kai can’t sleep, who reminds him to sleep, it’s zane, when Kai only takes the bare minimum to eat who puts more food on his plate, zane does, when Kai slips up and drinks a bit too much who takes care of him more often than not and keeps the slip ups to him self, zane does. Zane looks after all his brothers like a parent would look after wild uncontrollable children. Kai is no exception. Zane does feel a little guilt  towards Kai’s drinking problem due to him only gaining the problem after his “death.” Kai says it’s nobody’s fault but his own, but Zane still feels guilty about it.
Cole: brotherly. They act like two normal brothers would. They goof around and have fun.
That’s all I have for now cuz it’s like 2:30ish in the morning and I really need to sleep but I can’t cuz stupid brain sooooo. I hoped you liked it.
Thanks for asking me for some more hcs.
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gatotequila · 10 months
how will crowley‘s reaction to aziraphale leaving develop on the long term?
hello cool internet people, what do you think crowley‘s reaction to aziraphale leaving will be on the long term? because i refuse to believe he's gonna be petty about it. i believe their connection is beyond broken hearts and words unspoken. i know crowley will be mad at aziraphale (it would be odd if he wasn’t) and probably very deeply hurt as well, but i don’t think he'll go with the big dramatic petty response. i think he's pretty realistic and simplistic when dealing with his feelings and has always been, his thoughts always being straight to the point. “what’s wrong with making a few suggestions?” “let’s make an agreement” “no dying! dying is just wrong!”
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there’s plenty of examples of why i believe he will either repress his feelings or let them out intensely to then making some kind of plan in his brain to fix the situation (and analyze IF it even is fixable). i believe she visits the bookshop at least once a week to tidy it up the way aziraphale likes. i believe he buys records from maggie to make her feel less guilty about rent, and parks the bentley close to the shop at least once or twice a month because he longs for the comfortable routine they had going on for centuries and centuries. i believe he gets ever so scared of the unfamiliarity of the unexpected, of losing the sacred tranquility “they had covered out for themselves”. i think crowley knows deep in their heart that aziraphale will return, even if just for a little while, because it was so them to bump into each other every few centuries and it would contradict their nature to be… apart.
i believe crowley frustratingly but gently accepts what comes to him and finds a way to deal with it. she’s always had to be some kind of quiet about her true desires anyway, and there’s never been a reason for that to change. at the end of the day, expressing his deepest thoughts and feelings has never actually worked in his favor.
so yes, their relationship is strained and hurt and static in some aspects. cold, latent, expectant, but still there, and crowley knows it.
deep inside, unconsciously, he knows (and hopes) aziraphale does too.
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eljeebee · 1 year
Long post ahead. It's a rant. Feel free to scroll away :)
I walk on eggshells everytime my tatay (translation: dad) is around. Which means ever since i started college, i tread on thin ice because of him. I don't know why it has come to this. If this was the sims, my friendship bar with him as kid would be around 90 to 100. Right now? 50-75. Or probably 50. Idk. Why are fathers like this?
I have never heard any good words from him. Just bad. Like hurtful. Hurtful to me. And they all stuck. One of them was when I was in 8th grade. I'm in my 2nd year of my IT course. 6 years, and i still remember where I was, where he was, the time he said that to me, and the way he told me that. He said "babagsak ka na lang" (you'll fail). To my 8th grade self, i was ugly crying because the group leader went on a vacation because his parents forced him to, and i was suddenly left, and it was all too much for me that time (drama play, campus paper projects, radio play). You might think, "lana, that's petty". But it hurts. It hurt me that time, and it still does right now.
And then another time when he told wanted me to do stock trading, but i didnt want to, he said "wala ka nang pag-asa" (you're a lost case/ you have no hope) like ok...? And because of that, my brain learned that: tatay is here = be mindful of your actions; tatay is here = leave the room and do something else that he won't notice and sermon you for it; tatay is here = do not be left alone with him if one does not one to feel anxious and awkward.
He calls me lampa (clumsy; but it hurts to hear it in tagalog lol). I don't know. I wish I wasn't born, honestly.
And then all of this, it all comes down to a thought that goes: "Lana, you have it lucky. You have a home, food, clothes; your parents gave you good education by enrolling you in a private university from elementary to senior high. They've given you wants (that I was still shy to ask and receive). You shouldn't feel this way."
And then I feel guilty. And then I try erasing it in my mind by doing something else (gaming or watching stuff or listening to music or just staring outside).
I can never bring this up to my nanay (mom) because I don't want to hurt her, and that would mean she's gonna bring that up to him, and that may lead to serious discussions with him, and that would be the death of me
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zephrr · 1 year
EEEEEEE ok haven't wrote Munver in a bit so here's.. something... !! 🙏🏼 (It's.. It's an AU)
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You guys know their backstory; They used to be close but then highschool happened yadda yadda *raspberry* but here's some like depth ♥️ (Starting at Highschool.. ofc)
When Jason was going into being a freshman, he started to realize his feelings for Eddie was more than platonic. He, of course, freaked out.
He went to go talk to Eddie about it in freshman year but ya' know...Eddie hurt his feelings by making fun of him. This made Jason surpress them.
Now, Eddie knew he was queer. Knew since middle school. So when he realized his feelings for Jason, he immediately shut them down; hince the 'hurting Jason's feelings' part.
They both buried their feelings into the depths of hell their brains. This made them both angry at each other, then leading to fights damn near every-fucking-day.
All this happened until Senior fucking year. That one 'magical' argument that Eddie had taken too far and Jason had run off. Eddie felt bad and went looking for him and like...for you guys who read prev. post, you know what happened.
Now...their complicated relationship. When I say COMPLICATED...I MEAN IT.
They don't know if they love each other or not. They've been enemies for literally years, but before that they were...best friends. They don't know how to process.
Due to these feelings, they still get into petty arguments that often lead to hate-fucking. Sometimes it ended up in make-up sex, due to Eddie hurting Jason's feelings and vice versa.
They have feelings for each other but don't know if they.. love each other. (At the time)
Then...Spring Break happened. Jason of course knew Eddie wasn't fucking guilty, he literally just got done sucking him off. But he had to not make it obvious. So he had to go along with the team.
Once Jason caught up with Eddie he, obviously, only had Lucas with him (because o my plot reasons..but ntm) but he flaked. Eddie thought Jason thought he did it but when Jason held his hadn and told him that he knew Eddie wasn't guilty and kissed him so sweetly, Eddie fell in love.
Fast forward, they defeat Vecna (CAUSE I CAN'T...MY HEART.) Eddie's hella injured. Jason's worried. They love each other.
bada bing bada boom. They're dating. The fucking end.
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If it ain't obvious... I'm... I'm high. As ALL living hell. I'm not thinking clearly, so i probably mad mistakes ngl. but oh the fuck well. I hope ya' enjoyed 🙏🏼
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Here's a bit of propaganda that I'm hoping's gonna sway people into the toxicity of Theocito!
In short, and as a big red tw marker- Theo's constant suicidebaiting (and how that's made Cito incredibly paranoid and dependent on him)
His whole life, Theo has been grappling with suicidal tendencies- though 'grappling' would suggest it's something he tries to fight off, like he's ashamed or trying to fight it, when that's very much the opposite.
The idea of killing himself has always been so tantalizing to him, but so out of reach. All his attempts were caught in time- maybe not soon enough to stop him but enough to save him. But that's not the only thing that makes it out of reach to him, but the guilt that comes with it in regards to his background.
Previously stated, Theo grew up in a cult in the woods for the first 9 years of his life where he and his family were both physically, verbally and mentally abused by his father. His mother fought tooth and nail to get them out of there, and she did. Which is why he feels guilty over his suicidal thoughts and tendencies.
Anyway- a majority of his suicide attempts were actually stopped by Cito himself which overtime snowballed into him feeling innately Responsible for Theo and his life. That he should be the one who stops him, who makes sure he's safe and won't hurt himself. That he has to be the one to do those things. And Theo is very aware of this effect on him, and often uses it to his advantage to get his way with Cito and to get him to do what he wants.
A notable anecdote being, the time the two of them were out in a field a few months after Theo had been released from the psych ward for previously mentioned suicide attempts. They were out shooting cans and bottles, as teenagers from Assfucknowhere, Alaska are ought to do, and well, Theo was never the best shot and he was feeling petty about losing a stupid shooting contest.
Cito messed with him, pointing out how he kept missing his target and that tipped Theo off, making him chuckle, telling him that "You're right. This is," and pointing the gun to his head. In retrospect, yes, it was reckless and stupid for Cito to hand his suicidal friend a gun with only the two of them around, but he thought that he had been doing so well and making such a good recovery that he could trust him. He was wrong, clearly. Theo basically making Cito beg him not to shoot himself. The image of him having to carry Theo's lifeless corpse through the woods was permanently seared into Cito's brain that day, and cemented the idea that Theo's continued living is his burden and responsibility to bare.
So. Um. Yeah, I think they're pretty toxic. 💚💙 Vote Theocito !!
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soulventure91 · 1 year
im kicking the door down for 🍋🍐and 💙 for the diric lore
oh god Diric lore from the jumbo asks oh boy oh BOY -|
🍋 Does your OC act petty and jealous easily? What sort of things make them feel like this and do they experience guilt for getting so worked up? How do they deal with these emotions when they get them? If your OC doesn’t feel like this often, why not? Okay SO. We know the answer to the first is relatively yes - the why is a bit tricky. Diric's jealousy often derives from seeing someone he cares about (and we're talking like. Devoted levels of caring, like to the level of only-missing-a-ring-and-vows, which is. a problem for him.) interacting with someone else Dir probably doesn't know as well or doesn't feel secure in himself to be around - and getting on with equal or greater ease that Dir usually feels when interacting with the person he's given his heart to. This is why he had to have a couple clarifying talks with Alar when Alar made his initial arrival because man did Alar rub Diric wrong those first few weeks ^^; To be honest if they talked some more, especially because Alar is the last of three party members with direct divine communication he hasn't talked to about his therapy, I think Diric would find a lot of respect and admiration for Alar. Probably he wouldn't reach the same levels of devoted but Diric would be more in line with figuring out maneuvers with Alar in mind like he has with Maahes. Diric absolutely has to be called out on his jealousy if it's spotted; otherwise he's going to sit on it and end up saying something really stupid as his invasive thoughts start going off. He'd be more guilty about what's said in that case, but not over the feelings that triggered the outburst. With his therapy stint, another thing he gets to work on is not getting jealous in general - doesn't help that he and Mio are still figuring out how to patch things up and Diric still has a severe case of heartbreak to parse through - which is part of why Diric still has self-isolating moments at present and also giving Maahes any space he might need (partly in the hopes Mio would come to him if he needed to vent - though overhearing Mio opening up to the others somewhat, while a good healthy move for Mio that Dir does, in his psyche, understand, makes Dir question exactly how much Mio does trust him - look, invasive thought spiral ay). To be honest Dir should not be self-isolating. Someone please just sit next to him.
🍐 What is your OC’s mentality? Are they overall positive? Negative? A bit of both? Describe their thought patterns and reasoning behind their choice making! Motive number one for any choice Diric makes: does this help me better protect those I care about? Protecting others is the focus of his mindset, period. To Diric's mind, if he can't protect the people he loves - even if those people are more than capable of protecting themselves! - that's a failure on himself. Combat encounters where he lags behind the others and is either put in danger or unable to get in a swipe before the party wipes out the enemy? He's failed. Trying to advise or be a listening ear but getting chided for doing that? He's failed. Venting his thoughts or trying to explain the weird broken bits of his brain and not feeling like he's been understood? Failed. It's very negative, not healthy, and why one part of his new promises to Bahamut includes the caveat of not at the expense of myself when it comes to extending himself protectively. Usually, motive two is the more selfish one: can I become stronger doing this? It was this motivation that spurred him into Blackthorn and then the Underdark. If Diric could look at Blackthorn and say 'no, being there again wouldn't help me or anyone', he wouldn't have pressed going. But because it put to rest some of his issues and he was able to grow personally and protect the party, overall Diric's choice was always going to be yes, return to Blackthorn. Even if he hated every second of it. But he'll refuse to go back unless Aislinn herself asks for him.
💙 What did your OC want to be when they grew up and why? Did they have any lifelong dreams or ambitions they never got to work on or are they currently working to achieve this dream? Has their life taken a very unexpected turn and put all these plans on hold for a while or have they given up on any dreams? This poor little boy all alone in his room surrounded by toy weapons and the equivalent of comic books and action figures only ever had one dream: to be important to someone and be recognized for himself. All he could dream of was being a soldier like Malarnur Duskblade and one day being strong enough to fight alongside him. Obviously Dir did get his wish of becoming a soldier, but when you're put in the unit of social outcasts and expected to die...yeah. Add on completely wrecking your first command operation and there was no way Diric was ever going to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with his childhood hero. Which came true for the most part since Diric killed the pit fiend possessing said childhood hero! But I think by that point he didn't...want the hero's celebration he'd once dreamed about. Which is part of why he doesn't want to ever go back to Blackthorn, even with now being fully Drow. He was there as an outsider, not as someone that earned his place. I think part of Diric still has that dream of mattering to someone; it's why he devoted himself so much to Mio, why part of him is so certain he'll find somewhere that wants him. Because if he knows the where, the who should come naturally. But if he can't find the where or the who, that could break Diric entirely. This little boy's dream is all he really has left holding his heart together.
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commaclear · 2 years
I’m gonna kindly ask you to please for the love of god stop making me feel bad for the opposing team. Like. I’m supposed to be rooting for Quackity and maybe occasionally Wilbur /hj. But then you make me think too far into Sally’s personal issues and then you make Karl cry because he just wanted Quackity to be happy and not weighed down. LIKE THATS NOT WHAT WE ARE SUPPOSED TO DO HERE. IM SUPPOSED TO HATE SALLY AND KARL WITH EVERY BONE IN MY BODY. BUT THEN YOU PLANT PROPAGANDA ALL OVER MY BRAIN.
I know Sally doesn’t really show it but she has her reasons for acting the way she does. And I’ve already talked about that and what I think in a long ass rant so I just wanna think about Karl right now.
Karl woke up from a six month long coma. That in itself is an extreme trauma that’s going to take a very long time to get over. He missed six months of his life. He came back and he was in an unfamiliar place for unknown reasons. He had a child who had been so little last time he saw him that was growing fast. He had new problems with his body that could never be fixed. He was someone who was half a year behind everyone else in his life and he had no clue how he was going to keep up. But hey. At least he has Quackity.
Except he didn’t. And it was clear that Quackity’s mind was elsewhere. He doubted it was the oxygen tubes and slightly paler complexion that was keeping Quackity from wanting to hold him and kiss him and tell him they would get through this together. Not to mention the way he acted guilty about almost everything. It was so painfully obvious.
Still, he held onto hope that Q would make the right choice. The choice to create a life together and help him overcome the new hardships. This is technically all Quackity’s fault but he doesn’t want to think about that. He promised himself he would say stuff like that. But Quackity officially had left him for some stranger that was probably better than him. Even if he wasn’t better, at least he had two functioning legs and didn’t live in a hospital room.
It’s like I’m very aware I’m supposed to dislike him bc “ugh. Poor man Quackity. I would die for Quackity.” And while it’s still true. I very much would be willing to do more for Karl. Man’s deserves way better. I hope you make him an unforgivable asshole
- The Quackity Analysis Anon
See I just find it funny that y'all have been rooting for Karl to drop dead for literally months without even knowing the guy, all of you anons assumed he was gonna be a petty bitch/problem
None of you thought that maybe Karl, who genuinely loves Quackity with all his heart, wouldn't want to cause him more grief after inadvertently uprooting Quackity's entire life
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josiebelladonna · 2 years
so apparently kristen on facebook has been getting death threats, and i just want to say that i don’t tolerate that shit one bit.
i told her that she didn’t deserve it, and no one does, either (especially since i just said to not support her because she’s as guilty as any of them and her level of hypocrisy is frustrating to absolutely no end—the fact she calls herself feminist is doubly insulting, and this whole thing has made me more angry than i would like because this threatens all of us, not just myself and not just women). but i also told her to drop the attitude and to stop making blanket statements about pro-choice people because she does. she makes these asinine claims about it all and has been… for years. saying these ridiculous things that range from how women were forced into having abortions against their will to wanting a patch that says “oppression of the unborn is fascism” (yup, she actually said that once. i was floored by what i saw that i had no clue what to say).
(i worry that this is not an isolated incident, either, seeing as every other person is into nostalgia and everything.)
she’s so out of touch, and to the point i have the hardest time calling her a feminist at all and i find it so hard to find her logic—i usually can, too, hence why i play devil’s advocate so well. i can see from both sides of the argument a little too well, like i have been able to look around usually incredibly petty biases, that it’s hard for me to pick a side, so i wind up taking a third option (why when the whole dave ellefson ordeal went down last year, all i said was pay attention to the full details, because we’ve only seen a small bit of the story; i never excused junior for what he did—i just told people to listen and yet no one did, like the children they all are). i’m usually at a loss for words every time she opens her mouth, like nothing she believes in makes any sense whatsoever. i literally can’t follow her logic.
again, i don’t put up with that bullshit one bit, not just because it gives pro-choice people a bad name, but because it’s just fucking horrible. i don’t care how much you dislike someone, you don’t do that shit (especially if we’re the real advocates for life here). but i warned her that her arrogance and snide smugness are the things that will do her in, and it will, and this goes for anything, really. every time you lock yourself in an online echo chamber, you commit intellectual suicide. and knowing how people are now, be it getting blasted on twitter for something innocuous to having half the metallica and megadeth fandoms blocking you because they have attention spans and emotional depths of insects, it will continue to happen to her in particular. i’m not holding my breath, because i feel like veganism ate her brain years ago, but i hope she finally understands the scope of things.
as i said earlier, pro-lifers are literally nutjobs. they don’t understand the seriousness of what happened on friday and they wind up making themselves the victim (two years of fighting masks only to turn sideways and wage a war on women’s bodies and claim it’s for the best). they are anti-american and so far gone that you have no choice but to be angry. and moreover, they are incredibly judgmental and condescending—and again, what choice do we have?
no one deserves a message like that, though. and honestly, i find it hard to be angry with her, too, because of what happened. but knowing her antics, it’s hard to feel wholly sorry for her, or any pro-lifer who’s experiencing that, really. especially when i can’t understand like 75% of what she’s saying. i really hope that she knows what she’s gotten herself into, because as i told her, it’s only going to get worse from here—and it’s not in her place to make blanket statements because it’s unfair to everyone. it’s like getting mad at someone who speaks esperanto when you don’t speak it: it’s pointless. if you’re gonna get mad at them, get mad at the fact they took the time to learn esperanto when it could mean the difference between saving someone’s life or letting them bleed to death from an ectopic pregnancy, and they were literally way too selfish and/or dumb to learn another language that more people could understand so they could be truly good people they claim to be… in esperanto.
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