#people say its finale was garbage you know what i really don't care
mdhwrites · 4 months
Do Themes Make a Story Good? Featuring TOH and Amphibia
I've tried talking about this subject a few times and never found a good angle for it. Last night, a thought wormed into my brain about the fact that I make a lot of posts defending the thematic strengths of Amphibia, how those themes help justify some of its writing choices and even talk about concepts and the like that people claim are not in the show that are actually represented. Contrasted with my blogs on The Owl House where I usually talk about its themes to highlight poor execution on them or how I disagree with them existing, a fear hit me.
Do I consider Amphibia's themes more valid because I like the show more?
The extremely short and reductive version of this is "to some extent yes." That doesn't get into WHY for this though. After all, one's enjoyment of a piece shouldn't matter for a theme. Not all themes are fun or pleasant and so expecting a comfortable experience with them isn't fair. It limits the sort of storytelling you're capable of.
The problem is that this extends to ALL media. What commonly determines if a piece is genuinely good or not is if it was engaging, not if it was fun or enjoyable. A horror fan and an action fan might both call their movies a blast but the sort of engagement they had is vastly different. One is loving the use of scares, tension, etc. like that while the other may have just enjoyed a popcorn flick with explosions, big set pieces and silly violence but neither opinion is bad because they were both properly engaged by the points of the movie.
Themes are interesting because we often talk about them as engaging but I think this is actually putting the cart before the horse. We pick up on these themes because the work itself is engaging. After all, a textbook on mental health can have a theme of dealing with trauma but we don't frame it that way because, you know... It's a textbook. It's dry. Conversely, an author might tell you that their work was about something but if it was incoherent garbage, then who cares what it had to say because you didn't like it in the first place to dig into every piece of symbolism that supposedly has something to say about the theme the author claims.
So what does this have to do with Amphibia and The Owl House? Well, their ways of dealing with theme are kind of fascinating and indicative of how they are built as shows and play into why I find one's themes great while the other is lacking. I'll try to illustrate with two metaphors: Amphibia's theming is like putting away pennies for a fundraiser to make a park for the community. Everyone pitches in but they pitch in in small ways and no one is able to just dumb a giant wad of cash in. They're small drops that build and build until one day you go to put a penny in and are pleasantly surprised to find that hey, you guys are making some real progress! You might not make the goal you had but this is impressive as is! Next week it's a little higher and higher until the jar is gone, only for the organizer to come out to cheer about how they made it and finally revealing the park, but the sum of it all is so much more than you could have expected from mere pennies, especially in all the small details! However, even if you only glance at it, it still looks complete, fun and satisfying.
The Owl House's theming is much more like a college essay that ends up getting a C. It starts with a really strong thesis to their paper and has a compelling starting argument that implies a lot of knowledge. However, they have fifty pages to fill and the student realizes by page ten, they're running short. So they first start pulling in elements that don't conflict immediately but are still a little strange to include. Then it includes a couple strange tangents and personal anecdotes that don't seem to make a lot of sense and are losing the thread faster and faster. By the end, the tricks to achieve word count are starting to become blatant, especially as they spend so much time repeating the same things as if they were new information or something unique but it's actually well worn. All of it is useless to their argument and even actively harming it, let alone when paired with all the rest. Structurally it works and it finished with enough words but it comes back with the thesis statement circled multiple times and the question "Wasn't this the point?" under it, all in red.
These two approaches have knock on effects though. Amphibia doesn't ask anything of the viewer but to buy in slightly. In return, you are invited to just enjoy the characters and its world. It doesn't have anything to prove and doesn't need to be loud in its messaging and so the story is allowed to function simply on a basic level and be enjoyable on its own. It can tell a simple story with a clear moral because it knows that the moral is playing a part to the larger whole and doesn't care about if everyone knows how grand its scope because the goal of enriching everyone will be reached no matter what. This is how you get an entire season dedicated to Anne's character development that only bothers to actually say that was the goal at the end of the season when the option to be selfish once more and cut off community, to reject change and go back to what is comfortable, comes in the form of Sasha. And heck, that is actually one of the most overt times Amphibia brings attention to its storytelling/theming but only AFTER earning it.
The Owl House meanwhile has something to prove but neither the knowledge or focus to do so but it's stated it so now it has to earn it. As such, anything that crosses its desk that is even tangentially related to its themes gets pushed in so that it can claim to be thoroughly exploring the topic, even if previous examples or the like actively conflict with the new example. As an example, I've seen people really praise The First Day for tackling how the traditional school system doesn't accommodate people or work for all learning types. With TOH's early statement of "Us weirdos gotta stick together!" and all that implies, this is actually a great topic for it to tackle. However, because its being grafted onto this thesis, the supporting evidence hasn't been properly built up and so you have people claiming they should be allowed to do school differently... By literally breaking the law in a way that is met with the DEATH PENALTY. It's technically on topic but it's sloppy and loses all of its bite because you're left more confused than properly satisfied.
This causes a weird issue where you can engage with Amphibia only on the surface level, never take in its themes, and still get a deep enjoyment from it because the basic storytelling makes sense, follows its own internal logic and has satisfying payoffs because of every penny contributed to making the whole thing works. You don't need more than Anne's relationships with others to be able to cheer in joy at the "They're not Amphibia's greatest treasure" moment because those relationships are engaging on their own. Because of this engagement and satisfaction though, you're more incentivized to want to actually take a closer look at what the whole picture was and to enjoy the minor details, even if you didn't have to, like how the whole show always pushed seeing selfish things that could oppress others as worthless when compared to the selfless and communal which is part of the thematic punch of the greatest treasure moment.
Meanwhile, The Owl House paradoxically is hard to enjoy as a basic story due to all the concessions to theme while the choices of the story also actively make the theming worse, making only the absolute most surface level read the one that can be satisfying because only then can it desperately claiming that everything had a point actually be believed. Otherwise, the broken seams that are barely keeping the whole thing together start to show itself until it entirely unravels at the end because it cannot tie them all back together. The epitomy of this is how Luz becomes a chosen one, breaking some early theming, due to a power up she only gets after the THIRD time that she theoretically resolves the same inner conflict in THREE EPISODES, muddling any of the thematic payoffs for any of the three times the themes were meant to climax. The best the show can hope for is that the teacher will accept their excuses for why it's so incoherent, despite the fact that even as early as S1B (When The First Day I referenced earlier was) the flaws in the show's ability to actually meet the assignment were clear.
This is why I personally argue that you can have a good story without themes but you can't have good themes without a good story. If the work doesn't support them then the themes will more often than not get in the way and audiences won't care they were there in the first place. Admittedly, this might be due to my own writing method where I usually stumble my way into a theme that stems from simply trying to make the base concept the best way I can. After all, almost every story will have a theme of some sort but if you go in with the goal of making a statement, well...
You better know what you're talking about and how to present it or you'll become more repetitive and rambly than this blog.
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do you have an analysis where you talk about why you disagree with what canon has to say about classpects anywhere? i looked but tumble isn’t exactly the greatest at searching for stuff. i’m just curious to know what the issues are with what was said in canon
Sure. Though I don't know if I'd say I "disagree with canon" so much as I think the more someone tries to give us a straight up, clean answer on it, they're probably an unreliable source. My source is canon, but more holistically.
For me I think this started two places. First: I just..... don't really buy the idea of Pages being the Slow Burn class. I never bought it, honestly? As soon as I figured out how Jake English manages people and their expectations of him to get what he wants, it threw into question the whole concept of the class. Because Jake is the second most emotionally intelligent character in HS after Karkat, but he uses it for himself rather selfishly instead of for a greater cause. When Jake subtly or subconsciously tries to bend the story to his will, he's remarkably effective.
So, of course, I looked at Tavros. What does Tavros Nitram want? Well, he wants to have fun, to progress at his own pace, and to kind of do his own thing. I found it very interesting how the people around him sort of bent to what he wanted. No one stopped Tavros from dreaming on Prospit. He didn't do anything to get those mechanical legs, which he textually wanted, other folks took care of that for him. No one really stopped Tavros from playing the game (both FLARP and SGRUB) the way he wanted to. Aradia enables his allegedly bad class choice, Karkat orders Vriska to save his life, and when Vriska wants to force Tavros to play her way, Kanaya interferes. It's all very cohesive to me in a way that I genuinely do not know if the creator intended, but the pattern is absolutely there.
So, whoop, Pages Are A Slow Burn gets tossed into the garbage where it belongs.
The other one that really made me go "huh" is Calliope's Active/Passive thing. From the moment I read it the first time, I was like "i'm........ not sure that's a thing" and on every subsequent reread and relisten, I became even more certain she's just theorycrafting and its not borne out in the actual text. Which, frankly, fits into Calliope's whole thing of being a proxy for fans, particularly their speculation. She outright says to Dirk she gets carried away with her theorizing.
Like... for me its the Prince thing. I flat out don't think Princes are "The Most Active Class," at all, full stop. The idea is kind of silly to me. Eridan wasn't fucking Super Active, he just became extremely potent when he finally went off. And Dirk, similarly, is the king of Hurry Up And Wait. When shit pops off, he acts with incredible effectiveness, but the rest of the time he's zoning the fuck out, white lying about how cool he is, and fishing.
Same with Seers on the opposite end. Am I meant to take seriously the idea that Rose Lalonde and Terezi fucking Pyrope are the most passive class, nah. No sell. I literally and actually think I could make a better argument that Witches are more passive than Seers.
And then I just... don't agree with Calliope's verbiage of the classes. Dirk was not a destroyer of heart/soul, his most dramatic and effective moments in the story are harnessing his aspect, and in the conversation where Calliope tells Roxy her verbiage, even she says its a little esoteric and hard to grasp.
Calliope's trying to apply very firm wording and delineation to something that Terezi much earlier calls a "hyperflexible mythology." That reading of classpect frankly bears out a lot more, imo.
Which just led me to the conclusion that: all the stuff Calliope says, its her opinion. What I am interested in is action. What do these people do, what do they think of their aspect, how does it manifest.
My conclusion was basically: fuck passive/active, this is all about your role in the narrative. Which, in my opinion, fits very well into the two ways HS is structured: as a video game (the vernacular, the commands, the literalization of abstractions like inventory and leveling up), and as a stage play (the acts, the curtains, the intermissions).
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mrs-monaghan · 11 months
Id Tae stans are the most toxic then JK stans are one of the dumbest people in the Fandom.
See Jimin stans are toxic, they do hate JK BUT you will see them streaming for Jimin even if they hate the person he's collaborating with. None of their egos or hatred comes above the love for him. I even saw some solos streaming take two just because Jimin asked to listen to it.
While JK solos ?
1. Boycotted Chakos, which JK was the Main character, just because there was some queer undertones to his character. Trended 'respect JK' just because his character maybe designed as gay. While you WON'T see Jimin solos mass tweeting/trending 'respect jimin' when fandom was making queer theories about his works
2. They were so fuckin unhappy about Charlie puth collab, spread they won't be streaming it but once they understood its making numbers they suddenly started dickriding Charlie oppa. While the whole Fandom was unhappy with Jimin collabing with taeyang or now Kodak but Jimim stans made it clear they doesn't care for anyone who's part of the song but they'll be supporting Jimin's works
3. They literally trended 'Jungkook hostage situation' when he took pic with Jay Park. And Jay Park reacted to it.. how fucking embarrassing?????
4. They trended 'free jungkook' because his group member hugged him ???? Where else you have heard these fuckery ? HAVE YOU EVER SEEN JIMIN STANS TRENDING THESE FUCK ASS HASHTAGS ? they'll rather trend sweet things for him that humiliating themselves on sm.
5. Now they are mass streaming L&R just because they want to outstream lisa. Let's be honest L&R and Dreamers made those numbers because of gp support too. Dreamers was a fucking WC song while L&R is a collab with a western artist. Comparing those numbers with Jimin's records are dumb af. Even if we compare Jimim is still making more numbers on equivalent days of L&R.
6.. Now they are so frustrated that JK may have a collab with Jimin. Somehow collab with Joon or JB is welcomed but not with Jimin. Too bad their fav want the person they hate the most to warm his dick. I bet if that collab comes to life they won't be streaming it even if it's part of his album... but see JM stans streaming it just because it's something Jimin worked for.
7. I wonder if they even love JK except the competitive part. They only stream, brag, vote IF there's a competition. Especially if it's Jimin or Lisa. If JK does something they don't like it's abandoned and they trend stupid hashtags as protest against him.
8. Even yesterday JK stans were exposed for cosplaying as Jimin stans hating JK. Imagine going that low, that you will stream for lisa and spread as if t Jimin stans are doing it, rather than wholeheartedly supporting your fav. They do this clownery every now and then.
9. Jimim is dominating SK spotify chart for days now. JK stans suddenly panicking and asking K JK solos to stream L&R there and outstream Jimin. As if Jimin is not beloved in SK. They only move their asses if there's a competition, not them army too. Even happy if it's one of BP members against the competition. After then they'll drop the song and then wonder why Jimin's streams are stable.
I saw one person saying they are streaming and voting or doing whatever in Jimin's name is not to brag infront of others or to beat someone's record, it's just because they love him and want to support him. They are continuously supporting FACE because they want to see him holding an award at this year end shows not because they want to beat Lisa's or JK's or whoever records.
I honestly dk what's wrong with V and JK solos. There's just something wrong with them that makes them really really dumb. Even the hyung line solos as nasty as they can be do their best to give numbers to their favs. But these V and JK garbage solos cannot prioritise what's important.
Saw yesterday Tkkrs pushing hard for V and JK best chemistry votes and apparently it was the final voting. Meanwhile I'm over here not even knowing this was a thing that was happening??? I voted Hyunjin just to be petty, of course. But still, shouldn't they be busy streaming Christmas Tree in June? Way more productive that some dumb pole about ships. So fucking useless. Busy being obsessed with Jimin when they should be working to get V the same records as Yoonminkook. Priorities assholes. Priorities
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elegyofthemoon · 4 months
And a happy new year's from where I am, friends! I actually don't know if I'll be asleep by the time this comes out of queue but I thought to write this out as a way to say farewell to the year and a hello to the new one !
It'll be kind of a lengthy post so bear with me eheh
I've been talking a lot about how this year has been utter garbage these last few days, but to be honest, the year in its entirety had been an absolute shit show from May till now. Honestly I found myself feeling aimless with life because of that and it often felt like I was just dragging a corpse of myself along, hoping somehow some way something will work out.
I still laugh how much a lot of it really feels like something out of a terrible comedy -- the way all the timing seemed so perfectly planned that even the final day of the crappiest year for me blew up in flames. Maybe by this point I'm just so tired that you can't help but laugh because well, what is there you can do?
I try not to be someone who is negative, pushing myself to always find the good in things even in the face of bad, and the year certainly tested me with that. I think the last few days made it obvious that I basically just gave up since all I ever do is complain.
But at the very least, what I can say about the year is that I'm happy for the little moments in it -- the ones where I thought I'd find myself alone only to find people around the corner ready to help me. Maybe not even in the traditional way that is giving advice or helping me sort through a problem, but just being there -- by simply existing.
I met a lot of wonderful and new people this year, both offline and online, and I've probably written these a few times in my letters to them for the holidays or just told them in passing, but I'm happy for them at least. I'm happy for the moments I had with the people around me this year. Because despite all the anger and sorrow that the whole year brought, life felt lighter with them, and I found myself happier with them -- even for a brief moment amidst the storm.
And I know I've also said this before between the venting these last few days, but I still want to say it again: to the people who I have met during the year, to the people who I have been friends with before and have grown closer with during, to people who I've just met in passing and shared a short conversation with, thank you for being the little lights of my 2023. I probably wouldn't have made it far in 2023 if it weren't for you. You've brought me so many smiles and so much comfort throughout the year, and I only hope that the next year will fill you with so much warmth and kindness. And I hope that the next year will be amazing for all of us.
Take care of yourselves, and I hope everyone's enjoying the new year the way they want to . And thank you again 💙
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
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Love and Mercy
Part 1
Michael Audrey Myers
Tw: canon violence, major character death, mature language, mentions of toxic relationship
A/n: BROS I HAVE FINALLY DONE PART I OF MY ZOMBIE READER IDEA. I had to do a multiple parts cause it was getting kinda long. I DON'T KNOW HOW MANY PARTS I WILL MAKE CAUSE I WANTED TO MAKE THIS THING WITH OTHER SLASHERS TOO SO YEAH. I know I'm on a hiatus but while I'm at it I wanted to post something more than my usual garbage content. I hope you like it
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Michael has never been the type to show mercy nor love. He in fact has never been able to explain why he let you live, which he can only justify by saying you were a necessary bad. Something he had to keep around in order to use it and get what he needed. He thought that one day you'd bring your life to an end by doing some stupid mistake, by giving him the single push he needs to get annoyed enough to kill you. 
With time he had to come to terms with the fact that, even if he didn't know how or why, he actually wanted you around. 
You could say, at some point, he started to feel some sort of affection. He thought of it as a very small and weak flame inside him that with its warmth just annoyingly tickled his mind from time to time when he looked at you for too long, nothing that could justify why it was so hard to actually get over with it and kill you. Against every fibre of his being the flame started to grow, but how couldn't it if you kept acting like that? Waiting for him awake, cooking his favourite meals even when you've could simply give him something like a sandwich just to make sure he was eating properly, medicating every single scratch or wound he came back with as if it was some sort of fatal injury, asking him all those questions without expecting an answer and always being content with being able to at least talk to him, just overall looking at him like you were looking at an actual human being. He has never felt so…real and alive. Being the shape was great and all but his whole life he has been treated as some sort of urban legend or myth, a ghost story used to scare the kids into being good. He always felt like he was not an actual person who breathes, sleeps, who was a kid once or that thinks and feels. But you, you made him feel like Michael was someone real that has existed before the shape and that was still there. He could've come back home after doing the most unspeakable and brutal acts, and you would still look at him with all that confusing kindness and empathy. For the longest time he thought you were just stupid but then, thinking about it and after spending time with you, he didn't mind you being this kind of stupid that much. 
It was kind of frustrating because at some point, he couldn't really tell when it all started to make him feel guilty. He may not be the best at communicating but he's not stupid and he's really good at observing people. He knew that deep inside you longed for someone to care about you the same way you were taking care of him but he just wasn't capable of it. You always said it was okay, that you felt happy with just being together but he couldn't stop beating himself up for never doing enough. Everytime he looked at you he saw reflected in your kindness, his own ugliness and all the things everyone has ever said about him. They were all right about him, they have always been but he actually managed to fool himself that maybe it wasn't true. He spent so much time under your gentle light that he, even if not for long, started to think he could actually be something else than what everyone has set him up to be. He believed every word you said, telling him that he just grew up inside the box other people put him in, that he didn't have to be evil if he didn't feel like it. 
You made everything so much better, he kind of wished you didn't. Cause if he never knew how good it felt to be loved so unconditionally and so raw he could've then lived a life without you. He wouldn't have to feel like you have left him behind to go somewhere he can't reach.  If you have been less intoxicating, making him actually fall for your lies and giving him a taste of something he couldn't really have forever, he would've been able to kill you when you needed to. 
It all started with you catching a cold, something stupid really, you weren't even that worried and you seem to be doing fine as always. Somehow that cold started to eat at you like some kind of illness, your skin full of colour and warmth started to get ghostly and cold, your eyelids found difficult to stay open more than halfway and overall your whole body seemed to be getting weaker and weaker. He had to watch how you were slowly slipping off and all he could do was just pester you into going to the hospital, which obviously you didn't even want to consider. He couldn't ask for help, he couldn't help you himself and you were too weak to tell him what to do to make it better. The situation was too much even for him and all he wanted to do was run away as far as he could and hide until everything got better. You kept saying you wanted him close to you cause he made you feel better, even though he always felt like you knew what was going to happen and you just didn't want to be alone. He wasn't able to say no either way, he could never say no to you. 
He didn't leave your side and for the first time he got to repay you all that care you have given to him. Everything he did seemed useless, not any amount of care or affection seemed to stop your body from withering away under his eyes. 
All he could think of was every what if that could've changed all of this, every single one of them ended up with always the same answer blaming him for everything. 
He didn't show how much he cared, he never gave you what you deserve and has come to take for granted that you would always be there, that you would always be just..you. 
He was actually there when it all happened. He saw everything that he liked about you, but never made it known, decayed and started to look like a really macabre replica of what you used to be. He had to look in your eyes as your very soul started to vanish into oblivion, leaving behind your body to be consumed by the virus. You initially went really cold and stiff, he couldn't even touch you part because his hands were shaking so much and part because he couldn't find the courage to actually feel your body being dead. 
He swore that for a moment the air felt so heavy he almost felt like he was drowning just by breathing. He wanted to scream but his vocal cords were so atrophied by years of silence that all he got were muffled and painful noises, his heart beating so fast that it felt like it was growing with each beat. He just crumbled to the floor and had to remove his mask before passing out, a hot stream of tears was freely bathing his cheeks and his face was contorted by pain. 
He has never suffered this much as he was now kneeling on the floor, trembling and running his hands through his hair. 
It felt like dying but not quite as peaceful, he literally felt the hand of god crushing him down and stopping just in time for him to breathe before starting all over again and again. He felt the need to rip his own heart out of his chest to make it stop, to make everything stop hurting. Or at least to squeeze his lungs enough to attempt to scream the pain out, even though he knew it was an endless kind of pain that was going to just keep growing until there was no more Michael but just the aftermath of it. 
In the midst of his own breakdown he tried to hold your hand, almost forgetting that your death was the reason for him to feel like this. As soon as your cold hand met with his barely warm one he snapped his gaze to you. 
Everything stopped, there was nothing left for him other than watching you. That was the only thing he had left and he intended to do it for hours if necessary.  
He gently brought your hand to his cheek just as you wanted him to do so many times, he kept staring at your emotionless face and his brain got more and more quiet as he took in fully the fact that he would never see you again. Sure, he could look at your corpse for eternity but it was just that, a corpse. He couldn't help to feel like he has consumed you, that your love for him after not being reciprocated has kind of poisoned your entire system. He revisits everytime he has denied you a hug or a kiss or even some comfort when you were literally crying your eyes out, all he sees is little pieces of you going bad and rotting until they all made you sick. 
He has now to live with his never given love. To feel it go sour and bad inside of him but never having the pleasure of being killed by it, just to be reminded every day forever about what he has done.
He lays next you, holding you close to him while trying to find a little bit of that warmth you always had. Hours pass by and he's still there holding you and watching, taking a few every single detail of your face to burn it in his brain so he never forgets you. 
He was never going to get over you, and for a moment when he saw your hand moving he thought that God was real. His mind was already full of energy and motivation to keep all the mental promises he has made of being the man you deserved. All those promises were about to become his doom since Michael got more than what he bargained for. 
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akihabaradivision · 4 months
ARB Birthday Special: Keiko Yumi
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~~ December 22nd ~~
"The first draft is just you telling yourself the story."
Login Lines:
*Sighs* "Finally done! Hopefully once I send these in, my publisher will get off my back for the next month or so. ...And in record time too! Once I drop these off I can head to work and see what assignments Nemu-san has for me. ...Hmm? A message from... Nemu-san? 'Work is canceled. Enjoy your birthday.' My... birthday?!"
"How foolish can I get? I've been so busy with work I neglected to notice today was the day of my birth! I messaged Nemu-san back thanking her, though canceling work was unnecessary. ...She didn't message me back, but I assume it was because she was busy with work of her own. ...But still, what am I going to do with this free time I have?"
Voice Lines:
"I received a lot of 'happy birthdays' and such from the people of Akihabara, which is nice. ...You know, it's funny. Back when I was younger, nobody really paid me any attention. I was just another face in the crowd, so to speak. And if they did pay me attention, it was usually always negative. I can't count the number of times I got bullied back in high school. I definitely don't miss those days."
"...I don't believe it. Otome-sama, herself, sent me a 'happy birthday'! I don't believe it! I always figured that I wasn't worthy enough to be in the Prime Minister's shadow. That I was just one of the many people working under her. I mean, not that I don't mind working for Chuohku, but... too be recognized by the Prime Minister, herself. This is an honor I don't take for granted!"
"What the...? Where did all these gifts come from?! Are these all for me? Most of them are from my friends at school. ...Ha. Like I mentioned earlier, when I was younger I was used to being ignored or bullied. But now, I'm adored. I don't know if its because of my manga or just because I'm in the D.R.B. ...One thing is for sure, I definitely don't miss high school. Uni beats that place any day."
"Sheesh, it's going to take a while to get through all of these gifts. Here's a fancy one! It says it's from... my mom. Tch, great. What did that hag have the audacity to send me for my birthday? ...Some cash for my birthday? How original. And what's this now? ...A photo of my high school graduation? ...Tch, I won't ask how she managed to take a photo of me like this. Probably asked grandma for it. The nerve of her! She thinks me so soft sending me this will make me forgive her?! To hell with that, and her!" *Throws the present in the garbage, not giving it a second thought*
"Criss? What are you doing here? I mean, not that I'm not glad you're here, but I thought you mentioned in your last letter you were stranded on Hokkaido exploring a haunted hospital or something. ...You hitched a ride with someone? How many times do I have to tell you that's not safe? There are a lot of dangerous people out there, Criss. Any one of them could do something to you if you're not careful." *Sighs* "Well, I suppose the important thing is you're back home and safe. But please be more mindful next time."
"...You got me a birthday gift? Not that's it not unappreciated, but how? I thought you were out of money? ...Ah, that explains it, I guess. So, what is it? ...A hoodie? Oh, and it features a manga artist on it. Cute. It looks really nice. Plus, you got it in pink, my favorite color. Thanks Criss. This was really sweet."
"Nikki? You're here? Wow, someone alert the papers! The recluse actually left her room, for my birthday, no less! I'll definitely have to mark this date down on calendar! ...Haha! Sorry, I couldn't help myself. But really, I'm glad to see you've gotten out of your room, at least, once this week."
"Anyway, are you here to wish me a 'happy birthday' too or... A gift? From you? ...Wow, I'm definitely going to have mark this day down. ...A drawing tablet? ...Wait, this is a Wicom Cintiq Pro, isn't it? Do you know how expensive these things are, Nikki?!" *Sighs* "Fine, I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. But I really find it disgusting that you earn more than I do when you work far less. ...Yeah, whatever."
Criss Lines:
"Hey Keiko! Happy birthday! ...I was stranded, but thankfully, I managed to hitch a ride with some nice gentlemen who gave me a lift back to Tokyo! Oh, come on, Keiko! They were really nice gentlemen! Trust me, I have an inkling if I feel someone is dangerous or not. ...Alright, I'll be more mindful, but I'm really okay, as you can see."
"Anyway, here's your birthday gift! ...Oh, my check came in from my YouTube videos! It wasn't as much as usual, but it was enough to get you a gift. Ta-da! It's a mangaka hoodie! I saw it on the way here, and thought it would really suit you! ...Thanks Keiko! Glad you like it. Promise me you'll wear it, okay?"
Nikki Lines:
"Hey Keiko. ...Are you quite finished? ...You know, if you're going to act like this, then I'll just leave. I don't have to stand here and be ridiculed for my life choices. ...Whatever. Anyway, here's your birthday gift. ...Yes, it's a drawing tablet, one of the most expensive ones on the market, FYI. The guy I ordered it from said this would help with artists who draw digitally. ...Look, if you don't want it, I can always return it and get my money back. ...What can I say? Video games are my bread and butter and they earn me money."
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lyssak09 · 2 years
May I request, yandere Jake peralta with a lawyer darling
Yandere Jake Peralta with lawyer!reader
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At first when he met you, he thought you werw garbage. I mean you try to put people he has arrested back on the streets!
But during a trial he bumped into you during lunch. This started a conversation.
This started your relationship.
Jake wants you to move to a different area of law if you're the one putting his criminals back on the streets. Maybe handling family cases.
He is kinda obsessed with you. He could watch you for hours!
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He loves it when you get frustrated or argue with him and use your lawyer vocab and voice.
Jake loves how smart you are. You can make the dumbest thing ever sound so intelligent.
Because of that he will immediately show you off to Holt to get 'dad's approval'
Jake is a very sweet, clingy, manipulative and controlling yandere.
He loves you so much. He wants to make sure you don't get hurt! Is that so wrong?
"Babe! What do you think you're doing?" Jake says and slides himself between you and the door. "Uh, going out? I told you this last night" you say and try to push him out of the way. But he doesn't budge. "Its way to dangerous! Do you know how many murders are on the loose right now? Go get changed, you're staying in with me. I'll order your favorite!" Jake says and slightly shoves you toward the bedroom. You sigh and walk away. There isn't a point in arguing with him, the last time you tried he pouted for days. Guess you should text your friends and tell them you're not feeling well. Again
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As we learned from the final season of B99, Jake is willing to do something illegal for someone he loves. And he really loves you
So say someone flirted with you. The next day there may be a case at the Nine Nine about a mysterious attacker.
As time goes on Jake's acts of love will progress.
To the point one day you'll wake in your shared bed chained to the bed post.
You wake up extra groggy than usual. How strange. You wiggle your arms but are unable to. All you get is a rattle from chains now connected to your wrists. "What the- Jake!" You yell out to your boyfriend. "Yeah babe?" Jake pops his head in the bedroom. "What is this?" You say to him while rattling the chains. "Oh that? Thats just a precaution. Don't worry about it." He says and walks towards you. "Jake, this isn't funny. I need to go to work! I am handling a major lawsuit that can either break or make my career. Let me out.", Jake ignores you and just gives you his dorky smile. "You don't need to worry about that. You're not working anymore. I've gotten a small raise soo I can make sure were living a comfortable lifestyle without you working! Awesome right? Now you can stay safe at home. It'll be just you and me!". You were dumbfounded. "Jake, no. I have a life outside us. You know that. Now let me go! This is kidnapping!" You were starting to struggle. "LALALA IM NOT LISTENING!" Jake said and left your bedroom. "WAIT! AT LEAST TURN ON THE TV!" You yelled out. But Jake was already gone. "Well Shit."
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Jake has made escape impossible. Sucks for you. But at least he made sure you can still watch tv and play games.
As time passes on you'll get more frustrated. This isn't funny anymore. You're reputations in the firm is probably screwed.
But Jake doesn't care. He has his soulmate with him forever! No one can mess with you. You're all his.
Jake will progress your 'relationship'. So instead of just dating, you'll be engaged!
He made his proposal as romantic as he could without letting you out of the house.
Then he'll bribe someone to marry you two! You wouldn't believe how easy is was to bribe someone to do it. Ah such a sweet wedding it was. You tied to a chair with a gag in your mouth wearing a beautiful outfit. And Jake staring at you with heart eyes. When the time came to the I dos Jake answered for you and kissed you like his life depended on it.
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johannestevans · 1 year
At what point did you start watching OFMD (e.g. I didn't watch til after it had finished) and what got you to watch it? Were there any expectations you went in with that you were totally right or totally wrong about? Have you rewatched it since and have any of your thoughts/feelings/HCs etc majorly changed since?
I can't quite recall, but I think I watched Our Flag Means Death once the whole series was out - if there were episodes left to air, it would have been just the finale or perhaps the finale and the penultimate, and I definitely didn't watch them live.
Going in, I think I expected it to be less funny than it actually is?
I love Taika Waititi's visual work but a lot of his movies I'm not normally that into because I don't really gel with his sense of humour, and Rhys Darby typically does a lot of cringe-based comedy that I have a lot of affection for, but don't always find funny. I wasn't sure whether I would really gel with the comedy of OFMD, but I did a lot more than I expected!
And I also didn't expect most of the characters to be so rich and well-considered - with the exception of Nat Faxon's Swede and Black Pete, I love pretty much every character across the Revenge and the Queen Anne, and I don't hate Black Pete.
I have rewatched various episodes, I've done liveblog analyses of the first few and I do vaguely intend to do the whole first season when I'm in the mood to rewatch again - I've rewatched most of the episodes at least once or twice, but not in order.
I don't think any of my HCs have changed majorly rewatching - most of what I find on the rewatch is seeing even more details that I didn't pick up on before, and I fucking love that. Especially on the rewatch I find myself adoring Oluwande even more - I would say my favourite characters are Izzy, Roach, and Frenchie, but Oluwande and Wee John are the others in the top five.
What's beautiful to me about Our Flag and that strikes me whenever I rewatch an episode is how unique it feels to me, and it's because it's so utterly, unapologetically queer, and you can tell the writers' room is putting in the work.
I like What We Do In The Shadows, but you can tell in the latter seasons that some of the writers really fucking have an issue with writing women, especially WOC, because all that shit with Marwa is just... awful. Like what they did with her and to her, genuinely expecting the audience to laugh along like it was just another gag of the vampires? There's some serious tunnel-vision going on there, and that's even without how little respect or care they had for Nadja in the last season that came out.
But Mary? Evelyn? Jim's Nana? Spanish Jackie? Like! Fuck!
BBC Ghosts is a show that's also quite queer and I do love its variety of women, but it's a subtle queerness and one that's often quite sexless, because it's the BBC and because these guys do Horrible Histories and the show itself is not for young audiences per se, but also isn't allowed to be bawdy like other shows would be.
The fact that OFMD is so astoundingly queer, and also, all those queers fuck? The fact that people actually fuck on this show, and not just "Make love" or some other garbage to prove to the straights we're just like them, but have hot gay kinky poly sex and all have different feelings about it and argue over it and have fun with it? And unlike in WWDITS, the gay bits don't lowkey come across as kind of a punchline sometimes?
Yeah. That makes OFMD such a fucking stand-out show to me, and even though I know that's there, whenever I watch it, I'm like :o, because so few other shows are allowed to be like that, and do it so well.
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blueskyscribe · 1 year
Time to roast Pokemon Gen 5
I was really looking forward to playing Pokemon Black / White (Gen V) because everyone said it was the Pokemon gen with the best story.
The plot:
Evil Guy wants to take over the region.
Evil Guy is like "Hee hee I will trick people into releasing their Pokemon, then I'll easily take over with MY Pokemon."
Evil Guy tells everyone that keeping Pokemon in pokeballs is exploitative. He frames this in generic terms (no examples) and this is enough to make the crowd gawp and wonder aloud if Evil Guy is correct. They seem shocked by the idea the Pokemon could be exploited, to which I say . . . do these people ever watch the news? Like we have had four previous games full of pocket monster exploitation by bad guys. Anyway, Evil Guy urges everyone to release their Pokemon.
Evil Guy of course has an Evil Team. And since the Unova region is based on America, of course they are themed as . . . MEDIEVAL KNIGHTS!
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But don't worry, this team also has American theming such as Seven Sages, a couple ninjas, and a late game castle which erupts out of the earth.
It's all so generic. It's too bad, because America certainly has a history full of conflicts and villains. All right, there are some topics that I wouldn't trust Pokemon writers to address with enough sensitivity (like racism), but what about "Pinkertons versus unions"? Organized crime and crooked cops? The 1920s had a rash of fake spiritualists bilking people out of their money, what about a team based on them, with Psychic type Pokemon? With a Champion based on Harry Houdini, who loved unmasking fake psychics?
But no, we get store-brand Final Fantasy bullshit.
So anyway, Evil Guy's plan relies on people believing that he means well and is trustworthy. And therefore, Evil Team starts . . . committing a wide variety of crimes! In front of witnesses! They steal pokeballs from children, they kick Pokemon, etc.
"But maybe they still have plausible deniability," you might be thinking. "Maybe people won't believe kids." Well, maybe not, but they also commit crimes in front of Gym Leaders, the most trusted and powerful people in the Unova region. Like, one of the Gym Leaders has a museum, and instead of breaking in stealthily in the night, Team Evil just goes through the front door in broad daylight and steals an item while everyone stares at them.
Let's reflect on some other shortcomings of Evil Guy's plan which, to reiterate, is to guilt people into releasing their Pokemon.
First, if a Pokemon loves its owner, why would it leave just because it was released? Why wouldn't it continue to hang around, like the wild Rockruff that lived in Professor Kukui's house in the anime?
Second, if all Pokemon WOULD rather flee into the woods than stay with their human, then the bad guy is seemingly correct.
Third, what about the asshole trainers who don't care about their Pokemon's feelings? We know they're out there, there's a Pokemon move called Frustration.
Fourth, even if Evil Guy tricked everyone into releasing their Pokemon, there is nothing to stop the populace from catching NEW Pokemon the minute Evil Guy starts using his Pokemon to bully people. Feed Evil Guy's plan to a Trubbish and throw it in the bin, because it's garbage.
On a final note, when looking at the ethics of keeping Pokemon . . . Of COURSE it would be unethical to keep a lot of them irl! Giving children Fire type Pokemon would be grossly irresponsible. Litwick feeds off human souls, you shouldn't keep one. And the Yamask--introduced in THIS GAME--are described as "the spirits of people interred in graves. Each retains memories of its former life."
Now personally I love the weirder Pokedex entries and all the Pokemon with horrifying origins. I love that Pallosand shoots the bones of its victims from its arms and that Phantump is the ghost of a child who possessed a stump. However: Gen V made a beeline for the only rake in the yard and stepped on it. Most Pokemon games sidestep Poke-catching ethics; it's understood that this is all pretend, nothing is actually being captured, and therefore the player doesn't need to worry about such things.
But characters within Black & White bring this argument to the forefront, and without having any rebuttal. This is why the Evil Guy makes generic arguments like "If you don't release your Pokemon they can't fulfill their true potential", instead of telling the crowds "Catching a Yamask means you're enslaving a human ghost" or "Hands up anyone who caught your Pokemon by burning, paralyzing, or poisoning it."
So, yeah. Pokemon Black & White has the second worst story of a mainline Pokemon game. I haven't played Black 2 or White 2, maybe they were better.
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Quick Word on the Strike
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Say it ain't so... A little over 15 years after the WGA strike of late 2007-early 2008, we have now entered *another* strike.
Whenever I'm not espousing animation opinions and hyperfixations on here, I'm actually writing stories and making comics.
It takes "writers" to tell the story, visually, among many other kinds of artists who get the short end of the stick in this capitalist hellscape. The strike is really exposing where people fall on this whole issue, and the utter indifference and even outright contempt some have towards the people that work their collective bums off to make your entertainment in the first place.
A lot of that is why I've really dialed back how I used to be online about animated features that I didn't think were up to my expectations. It's easy to rag on writers for... Well... Writing, that you don't think works. Most of the time, from my perspective and just simply listening to what filmmakers have to say, it's people making decisions that they think are the right ones at the right time, not knowing if they'll land some 1-2 years later. You certainly won't get that kind of honesty and perceived human mistakes with *AI*... I shudder at the current techbro circlejerking of this nonsense, and the consequences it could have on us artists, writers, and creatives... And we were already seeing some bleak stuff unfold in the industry pre and post-outbreak eras of COVID-19.
And especially in animation, too... What with mergers outright killing projects and whole studios (Disney shuttering Blue Sky in early 2021, and nearly killing NIMONA), favorites, and other completed things being thrown into a black hole - never to be seen again because they're now "tax write-offs". I don't care if that's how the business works, okay, it's inherently garbage that someone's hard work... Something someone worked years and years on... Can't be seen by the public because of green paper and abstract phony concepts. When a work of art is made, it's for the whole entire world, and that's all kinds of wrong to me. Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav is essentially the poster-boy for this kind of thing, having done this to FINAL SPACE, a largely finished BATGIRL movie, and an entirely-completed SCOOB! prequel called HOLIDAY HAUNT. No work of media should have to be locked away in perpetuity, or in even some cases, erased from existence.
Which is why I also try to appreciate everything that actually *does* get out into the world, even if it's not to my liking. I notice some animation fans here and there vent their not-unfounded frustrations on things that aren't to blame. "Oh come on, and yet BIG MOUTH gets another season?" That's still a show that keeps people employed, and keeps roofs over their heads, food on their tables. Animators, writers, artists, etc. aren't living in posh mansions. They're always on the line...
(I realize BIG MOUTH is ending after its 8th season, but you get the idea, right?)
So... We shall see what this all means for live-action stuff going ahead, considering the big hit a lot of tentpole movies and TV shows took during the 2007-08 strike. The strike is often cited as the reason something like QUANTUM OF SOLACE underwhelmed, or why TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN got such terrible reception in comparison to the first film (which got a more middling reception). As for animation writers, they already have it rough, so I can only imagine what kind of toll this will take on the crews and their projects going forward... But one thing's for certain, it's absurd that these conglomerate CEOs get richer and the writers have to strike in order to make things somewhat right. They deserve so much better. Don't give me that "it's how it goes" mumbojumbo, that's just an excuse to be okay with stuff that needs to be changed. Such indifference is the source of many other problems in this world...
Not to sound melodramatic, but human creativity is a beautiful thing to me... and often times, the business side of it gets too big for its britches and ruins what should be a universal thing, the universal language of telling stories. And that people have to turn that creativity and love of making art into something that merely keeps them alive. Barely, so... Yeah, it's all kinda messed up when you step back and look at it clearly for a second...
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yandere-plague · 2 years
if you do decide to write for the wolf among us 📮 how about bigby crushing on a low level criminal in the area? like maybe hes determined to make them change for the good, or keep them in line 👀👀
Apologies for the wait, hopefully this is good :)
(Yandere Bigby)
(General headcannons + Oneshot)
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You're a fucking what?
Oh come on! Thievery? Honestly he doesn't even know why he's attracted to you in the first place.
All that he knows is that he wants you safe.
He'll try and 'fix' you, making you be some sort of his assistant. Forcing you to be with him most of the time to 'do your job' and to be with him, such a coincidence huh.
(Basically you are with him so long that you literally have no time to steal)
Sorry this is bad I had ideas that I forgor-
Bonus oneshot hell yeah!
This place is a real shit-show. Prostitution, thievery, garbage (literally), murder and so much more I could go on and on...
Anyone who isn't a 'famous' Fables character is considered an outsider who lives in the shadows of Fabletown.
Not as if we have a choice really. The famous just keep on living the riches while us just carry on living the fairytale life, so to speak.
It gets to the point that any mistake, even the rich, can make you instantly drop to the bottom.
Like for example, The Little Mermaid. She's a stripper now.
But one guy is definitely hanging by a thread, or should I say... claw.
The Trip Trap bar, one of the last places not totally corrupt. Sure the people in there are dodgy as shit but who hasn't committed a fair share of crimes.
We have a deputy sherif. Calls himself Bigby or whatever. The asshole only seems to care about the 'rich' like himself rather than literally anyone else not matter how long you report it for.
The clacking of boots snapped me out of my daze, I turned towards the door.
Oh. How fucking cliché, its the Big Bad Wolf himself.
I rolled my eyes and stared back at my drink.
What the hell is he doing here, shouldn't he be solving "important" crimes?
He walked up to the counter as Holly glared holes into him.
"Just give me a (whatever the fuck drink) please, I'm not looking for any trouble." He sat next to me, I mean, the bar is small. But there are plenty seats anywhere else...
"You drink that shit too?" I muffled a laugh, looking at him as I downed the rest of it. Normally I'd stay silent or make a witty comment. But im either wasted or tired.
He chucked, looking towards me.
"I don't, but I needed to get your attention somehow." He grinned, his human teeth despite being hidden behind the Glamor, still looks peculiar.
The smile on my face faded as nervous-ness clouded in, why does he want to see me? I could have sworn I kept a low profile, only stealing during the day while people were at work ect ect.
"For what?" I reach into my pocket and feel my Glamor, It was a habit.
I'm surprised how he didn't move an inch even after I shoved my hand in my pocket.
"You know exactly why I'm here." He took a sip of his drink, grimacing.
"Maybe, that depends on what's going to happen. Sherif." I decided to be cocky, why not.
"You wanna bother my customers? Then get the hell out." Holly finally spoke up, thank god.
"We're just having a talk, arn't we?" He glanced at me and did a forced smile.
"Lets talk. Outside." I gritted my teeth, I wanted to kill him, but I didn't want to start drama all over again.
"Alright." We stood up, I walked towards the door, glaring back and noticing him folding out invisible wrinkles in his clothes.
I raised an eyebrow "what the hell are you doing? Delaying this is going to piss me off more Bigby."
He walked passed me, not saying a word and opening the door, gesturing me to go first.
"Like a proper gentleman!" I mocked rolling my eyes, the humor making the situation a bit lighter than it is.
We got outside, the sky bright orange which was surprising. What time is it?
I leaned against the wall, glaring at him.
"Why do this?" He shrugged, being honest.
Isn't it obvious? Dickhead.
"Fuck, Bigby! It was either stealing or being sent to the Farm! You have no idea how hard it is to afford a glamor-"
He pushed me to the floor, digging his 'fingers' into me.
"Listen here, thievery is for low lives, cowards. You got a Glamor now. You can STOP."
"Oh? So stealing to get a Glamor is okay?"
"Ugh, you know what I mean."
"No, I really don't."
His claws wrapped around my neck, my Glamor thankfully hitting the floor. Breaking instantly.
My body glowed a bright green, feeling my body morph instantly.
I strained and scratched at his hands, I felt alot stronger.
I feel lightheaded, no no no! This can't be happening! Its impossible!
My eyes fell heavy, keeping them up is getting hard, this can't be it! I can't die like this!
His claws now holding me up, he suddenly let go, a glint of something shiny appeared in his hand.
I dropped to the floor gasping for breath, my heart beating like it was a single line.
I felt myself being dragged up, my vision clearing a little to view the thing in his hand. Handcuffs! my right hand being handcuffed, the other side being locked somewhere else, probably to him?
He suddenly let go of me, I stumbled to stand up.
He sighed, picking up my now broken Glamor on the floor.
"Stealing for the Glamor was wrong I know, I'm willing to turn a blind eye for that. But I am arresting you for stealing possessions afterwards."
He fumbled with the Glamor, is he trying to fix it?
I stayed silent, not wanting to even look at him.
He was not making sense today...
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What was once half was now whole again- An oneshot about Empress's mother
“Empress, do you ever remember what your family was like before you were turned?”
“You mean other than being abandoned by them and left to rot in the streets? The answer is no.”
Moon was taken aback a bit from this, knowing her wife had not had the best life before she had been turned and became apart of The Vampire King’s court.
“What about your mother? Was she-“
“I don’t know what happened to her or why she never came back for me, but whatever it was I reckon she had the same reasons as everyone else who left me.” The uncertainty in her voice as she sounded on the verge of crying concerned Moon, she didn’t even know why her mother left, or if she even meant to.
She had to get answers. For Empress.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
“Alright, we’ve tried going to the death worlds, bargaining with Hunson Abadeer and losing the pocket money I gambled to him, now what?” Garbage said as he set down the oujia board, not wanting to remember the time he had been possessed after flirting with a ghost.
“Remind me why we’re out here doing this?”
“I told you already, it’s to bring back Empress’s mother and hopefully get answers as to why she was abandoned.”
“How can we be sure Empress was abandoned though?”
“The same reason we’re bringing back the dead, idiot.” Moon said as she set down the board, fully prepared for the ritual they were about to perform.
Which ended up with garbage getting possessed. Again.
After some…minor issues, however, Moon had managed to strike a deal with the demon, Garbage’s body being tossed aside and a bright light engulfing the area.
“What did you do Moon?” Garbage asked as a tall, human-looking, women in her early 40’s appeared from the board below, dazed and confused.
"I brought back Empress's mother." Moon said as she approached the lady, who was confused but intrigued by this shorter figure with a strange bat ear growing out of the front of her forehead.
"W-who are you? Where am I and what is this place?" The woman said, fear laced in her voice. Good, if it got more information out of her than it would be in Moon's favor. "Why did you abandon your daughter." "You mean Rosita? I never would abandon my daughter!" The lady quickly switched her demeanor from confused and afraid to suddenly defensive, genuine care in her voice as she said Empress's name. Moon was taken aback, unsure now that it had been confirmed that Empress's mother didn't leave her, but unsure whether or not to believe them. "You can explain that to her yourself, then." Moon informed her as she escorted the lady. "Eleanor." "Hm?" "My name is Eleanor." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"So, let me get this straight. Your my mother Eleanor, you didn't abandon me?" Empress questioned, skeptic. Eleanor had nodded, ecstatic to see her daughter once again.
"I don't believe that. You can't just come back out of the blue, freshly resurrected, without some kind of evidence that you aren't lying about what really happened." Empress sneered in denial, the snake coiled around her neck giving a rude flick of its forked tongue. Sighing in frustration, Eleanor brought out an old picture with her, three other people Empress didn't quite recognize, and Empress herself at a younger age, seemingly happy and in the arms of her mother, looking much younger than now in the picture. "You weren't lying.." Empress struggled to say, tears laced into her words as her and Eleanor rushed into a hug, both flooding with emotions and finally able to reconcile.
"How would you like to catch up a bit. It's only been 300 years from now, hasn't it?" Eleanor had cheerily asked, completely unaware that it had been far more than 300. "Sure thing, mother." Empress smiled.
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
RV gear-maker glampifies box trailer into stealthy Swiss Army camper
Hahaha all you get is like some sort of desk kind of it's not really it's cut the stove on it and looks uncomfortable it really does and it is not half the campers that the one I decided and it is seven times more expensive and it weighs too much. If you buy it you won't get customer service cuz it's just Trump a****** and you might not even get the camper and he has a no return policy and for Christ's sake he's trying to steal your money from your bank account that's what he's doing my husband noticed it that he tried to stay with bigger companies and he's ruining small businesses so they started using cash and it works and it started bothering people about it it didn't work and you got messed up and right now they're seeing that. And Tommy f is a huge problem and he's going to get hit but this guy Trump needs to get hit and he will he's putting this kind of garbage out there right now and the Sun is selling the real thing and he's bothering the s*** out of him in front of people you can see him harassing him telling him to pull it out and he needs the whole business and people are pulling him out and it pulling Trump out that is, and they're taking him away and they're taking his people away and it is Dave at times and others and they're killing them by the way that's what you get for doing it
Yes we pull them out and question them and kill them and we incinerate them and they deserve it for Christ sakes are not even humans so dumb and daft to sit there blabbing like zombies
Mac daddy
We don't have time for it but it's happening everywhere all day long and everybody has to stop and take care of these idiots it's going on now you want the stashes the caches and the money and it's coming out that people are doing it on purpose now to grab them
Billium and yeah we're tortured by the stupid s*** some here bothering us trying to stop people so just sitting it out sending it out and people are going to start using us finally holy s*** its backwards
So our son figured it out and his backwards he started to work the living crap out of the guy now people say we haven't scam here and it is working now already and they're using it it's just that it's going to be cyclical for a while until they figured out that boy that's just a lot of them here they know a lot about each area and have the keys and you need there eyeballs in their face stuff like that's happening tell me if sees it and he saw it before but he just couldn't do it they're all over the place but now people are starting to get it and it started to get them in
Thor Freya
There's a lot of movement here there's a ton of people leaving and a lot of them are trumpsters and they're trying to get out of here the more than they leave the more vulnerable they will be and we have to get in here and get our share right now about 1/3 of the trumpsters are up and they're leaving and with all sorts of different modes of transportation. There's going to be a big evacuation today it's going to be down from 16% which is where is that and we said 4% and it's going to be more like 5% and they're all getting up and they're moving around and they're going to get stuff and they're getting campers and they're getting their toe thing and the registration and getting supplies for it and they're trying to turn out where they're going and how they're going to get there and it's not really hard they make it seem that way and point it's a lot of Trump's just leaving they're leaving and they're going somewhere else yeah we take a service out of the 5%, they're like 3% and boy that's going to be nice and that's going to leave only 11% and really there about 3% of that and they're going to be pushed out pretty quick and really they need to leave this is great
He is way over the top he's very mean I'll tell you what people are going to grab him on the road and all the time and then say no they haven't protected and it's not true but yeah I'm trying to keep them here
Tommy f
You're a huge problem Tommy f you wouldn't let me watch any kind of strike and we got ruined
Hey man mostly been the max
Zues Hera
I hear that they're using him and others is not much anyone can do
0 notes
justmybookthots · 4 months
18 Dec 2023
I read a bunch of books for the past few weeks and I mostly disliked them so I'm just going to make this wrap-up as quick and painless as possible.
Six Crimson Cranes
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Honestly? The writing isn't half-bad. The premise and storyline was a whole lot of fun, and I adored most of it. The saving grace / highlight of this entire story? Raikama. This woman made me cry. Yes, I actually ended up shedding some tears for her at the end of the story. I loved her character tremendously, and I just… felt she deserved the world.
I only WISHED the rest of the main cast was as interesting. I'm furious that Seryu isn't the male lead. We were fucking robbed, y'all. He is a gazillion times more interesting than Takaan. Oh Gawd. The romance is the worst romance I've ever read. I don't buy anything here. I don't care. 
Unfortunately, Raikama wasn't enough to save the story for me. If I don't care about the leads, then I don't care about the book. While I don't follow this rule for thrillers, books of that genre are the only exception to that rule. It's that simple. 
Silence of the Lambs
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It's funny because this book is the total opposite. I was extremely fascinated by Hannibal and I thought he was the highlight of the story. However, I didn't care for the rest of the thriller. I'm not the biggest fan of books—in fact, I hate it—where the killer's identity is revealed at the start. I don't mean Hannibal, by the way; I'm talking about Buffalo Bill. That's what the majority of the plot circles around. It sucks out all the tension for me, and I need to say that even for a police procedural, this was a very dry, very tedious read. There was just too much detail on extraneous parts of the book. 
Okay, it wasn't entirely extraneous, but it might as well have been. I didn't need chapter after chapter of the police people doing police things in excruciating detail before finding out something mildly important. I have read A LOT of police procedural thrillers, and this is by far the worst. Most of it just involves you sitting there waiting for the main leads to connect the dots that you... already know.
City of Glass
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I finally read this! I preferred City of Ashes, but it wasn't a bad book. I think out of everything in this wrap-up, I liked this book the best. After watching the paint dry with Silence of the Lambs, reading a storyline that actually gripped me and kept me turning the pages was MOST welcome.
I do think, though, that Sebastian was quite wasted of a character and he died too easily. But the twist with how Valentine broke through the city's wards was AWESOME. (And also the Hodge twist? *chef's kiss*)
In my opinion, the series should have ended here. I really am hesitant to continue with the rest of the Mortal Instruments series. I know the next three books go to shit, and I... do not know if I want to waste my time with the brain rot. This would have been quite satisfying as an ending, and we REALLY don't need any more existential drama from Jace.
(Also, I still think Simon is garbage and I wish he didn't exist.)
Juniper and Thorn
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Ava Reid, you are my mortal enemy. YOU are the reason I'm in a slump right now.
I think a lot of people would like this book, and I don't blame them. The fantasy elements are beyond fascinating, and I think that the story is far superior to Six Crimson Cranes. I couldn't put the book down. I think the level of darkness is just enough for me—any more and it might feel too much. (I was actually expecting more.) The ending twist was pretty good, and I wished A Study in Drowning had produced some kind of twist in its conclusion too.
That said, the heroine is an idiot who does idiotic things, and if this wasn't fiction, she'd be pregnant, duped by a man and even more fucked over than she already was… which is saying something, given her familial circumstances. But because this is fiction (but a very unconvincing one), Sevas, the hero, is a decent man. I do not know why he liked her, I do not know why this romance had to happen, and I do not buy any of this charade with its insta-love and lack of chemistry. I still think Takaan and Shiori were a smidgen worse, but this is a close second. 
Marlinchen is the type of foolish, sheltered heroine you'd read in The Only One Left by Riley Sager, the one that makes horrible mistakes and meets a horrible end. I can stomach characters like that in thrillers, because it's not romanticised and you see the ugly reality for what it is. But in this story, it is completely romanticised, and I just… I don't want any part of it, and I'm annoyed that this is the aftertaste I'm left with after reading three unsatisfying books in (almost) a row.  
I'd hoped this could redeem the author after A Study in Drowning disappointed me, but I know better now. To the Blacklist you go, Miss Reid!
(Also… Ava, there is such a thing called 'female orgasms'. Feel free to Google this phenomenon, because I don't think you've ever known about their existence. We do not exist just for male pleasure. Just a heads-up!) 
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sadomas0chist · 3 years
perfect strangers
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part one; part two; part three
genre: nsfw
pairing: jean kirschtein x female reader
word count: 2.4k
tags/warnings: dom jean, simultaneous masturbation, penetrative sex, oral receiving (female), fingering, swearing, casual sex, partying, make-out session, brother’s best friend, breeding kink, belly bulge.
synopsis: despite being Connie's sister, you were never half the party animal he was. at the moment, getting good grades on your last semester took all your time which made one of your good friends, Hitch, drag you out of your room to the party your brother hosted. what could possibly happen, other than sleeping with your brother's best friend?
a.n. : i was thinking about turning this into a short series but i’m still debating whether i should go for it or not. anyway, enjoy!!!
update: i actually turned this into a series ;) part two is up!!
Being the sister of one of the most chaotic human beings on earth had its drops. I was supposed to be studying for my last semester which was pretty difficult and needed a full-time concentration.
Instead, I was getting dolled up by one of my best friends, Hitch, who was practically begging me to get out of my room and party. "Don't be so nerdy, it's not like you need the extra credit. Connie will be sad if you don't show up. He's been whining to Sasha all day long how his own sister didn't want to attend his own party." She applied some red lipstick to my lips and popped hers as a sign that she was done.
"Hitch, I really appreciate y'all getting worried about me going crazy, but I'm fine really. You know I'm only going because I missed you and the girls." I stood up from my bed and walked to my vanity, gasping at how sexy I looked.
Hitch smacked my ass in response. "Your ass looks good in this dress. Get some tonight." I raised my eyebrow at her. She knew I wasn't in the mood to mess around and get attached again. I shrugged it off and opened my bedroom door.
"Wait, why didn't he invite them to our house?" I stopped, watching her make her way in front of me.
"He needed more space. And a pool. Now come on we're going to be late." she reached out to grab my hand and dragged me out of my house.
"Oh goodness..." I mumbled to myself when I noticed how crowded the place was. Some people were already drunk and throwing up on the grass and in garbage cans, others were shamelessly rubbing on each other, while the rest was either in the pool or at the bar.
"Oh, there's Connie." She pointed at my brother who gave her a tight hug. "Look who's here!" she cheered shaking my shoulders.
"Hey," I smiled and hugged him. "All good?" he smiled down at me and pat my head. I nodded and threw him back a smile. "Aight then, I'm gonna get going. Take care." he pointed at me jogging backward and eventually turned around and disappeared into the crowd.
A pat on my shoulder made me turn around, a grin instantly forming on my lips when I noticed that this hand belonged to Sasha. She jumped in my arms, squeezing me tightly. "Jeez I thought you were dead, never isolate yourself like that again." I chuckled taking a bite of her hot dog. "Hey!" she smacked my arm almost making me choke on the meat.
We caught up on a few things, our conversation getting steamier as Hitch began to mention her sex life and how we should be taking notes.
“No, but really, all jokes aside. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re not getting laid. I don’t even think you know how to pull men anymore babe, full offense.” She took a swing of her beer and shrugged her shoulders. I scoffed, clearly offended.
“Working my ass off for college doesn’t change anything in my flirting techniques.” I scoffed “You know what? I’ll prove it to you right now. Your pick.” I raised my hands up, challenging her. Sasha jumped in excitement next to me while Hitch was inspecting our surroundings.
“Him.” she pointed at the bar. I scrunched my face when I saw a guy who looked musty and crusty. “Girl, not him. Him.” she held my jaw with her hand and tilted my head. My eyes landed on a tall male, manspreading on the stool as his back was leaning against the wooden bar, watching everyone’s move. His elbows were resting on the wood, his right hand holding his drink, swirling it around.
He looked delicious with his tight black shirt and chinos, squeezing him in all the right places. His hair was slicked back, almost dropping to his shoulders. His facial features weren’t clear enough due to the distance I was standing from, but his jawline looked good enough.
He didn’t look like he was expecting company or was here with someone. I smirked and shook her hand, accepting her challenge. “What do you want me to do?”
“Make out with him. You’ve kissed strangers before. I’d like to see if you still have the balls to do it.” I shook my head with a grin. Frankly, I was expecting her to task me with something much worse.
“Done.” Sasha jumped in excitement and Hitch shook my hand. “Watch, and learn.” I turned on my heels and walked to the bar where he was sitting.
“Hey you,” I hissed, getting his attention. “Don’t move,” I whispered as I positioned myself between his legs and grabbed his jaw, placing my lips on his.
From here it could go two ways: he either pushes me off and tells me he’s into guys- yes it happened before, not a pleasant memory- or he kisses me back.
At first, he was shaken. However, it didn’t take him too long to snake his arm around my waist and pull me closer to him, deepening the kiss. He freed his hand from the glass he was holding and wrapped it around the back of my neck, pushing me closer.
I parted my lips, his tongue gently sliding in and toying with mine. When I finally decided it was enough, I let go of him and pulled away, a slight trail of saliva hanging from our lips.
Without adding any other word, I grinned at him and left. He didn’t say anything and sincerely I’m glad he didn’t. He clearly enjoyed it as well.
“Oh my God you actually did that.” she squeaked, shaking my shoulders.
“Hitch, it's not the first time. Also, he was a good kisser. Now, do you believe me?”
She sighed in defeat and nodded. Sasha was long gone, probably dragged to the dance floor by Connie and soon enough Marlo was here to drag Hitch too. I found this as an opportunity to go to the bathroom.
To my surprise, it was empty and clean. I checked if my mascara was still intact and if I needed to fix my lipstick. While I was applying some lipstick on, a group of girls came in, obviously tipsy, and started talking about the guys they wanted to fuck.
“There’s this tall dude with long hair, ugh girl I just want to hump him.” one of them giggled, leaning on her friend for support.
“Stephanie!! He was with a black-haired girl, don't be a slut.” her friend smacked her.
I cocked my eyebrow and added some mascara. I gathered my stuff and texted Hitch that I was going back home.
It was getting lame and my brother was in no way to be seen. I’m sure Hitch and Sasha would understand. I’ve been too focused on my studies and partying wasn’t what I needed right now.
I walked to the gates and waited for a taxi.
“Already leaving?” a voice echoed behind me, startling me. I jumped around to be met with the same dude I made out with, this time, a leather jacket resting on his shoulders.
“I’m not feeling it.” I shrugged.
“You can’t leave alone. Some dudes are total creeps.” He walked to me. His tall frame towering over me, the mixture of alcohol and perfume intoxicating me.
“You could easily be one of them. I don’t know you.”
“Well, if I were, you wouldn’t have made out with me for starters. You look mature enough to distinguish a gentleman from a douchebag.” He grinned, pushing my hair behind my shoulders.
“A gentleman?” I questioned, toying with the pockets of his jacket.
“Only if you want me to be,” he mumbled, raising my chin with his index finger.
We stared at each other for a while. I knew he was another stranger, but he made me feel aroused. Maybe Hitch was right. Maybe I needed some relief. So I did what I thought I’d never do.
“Come over. My brother is having fun at this stupid party and I doubt he’ll be back any time soon.”
I could tell he was hesitating, and to be honest, his silence made me question if I made the right decision asking him to come over. He looked like he didn’t want to take advantage of me. A true gentleman, I thought.
I didn’t really care though. We were both taking advantage of each other in this situation, knowing that we will probably never see each other again after this. It was a one-time thing.
I did have, however, a feeling that I’ve seen him before, but the booze wasn’t making me think straight and I shrugged it off. He didn’t seem to recognize me so there was nothing to be worried about.
“On one condition.” he spoke up. I tilted my head waiting for him to proceed. “Tonight, I’m in control.”
I chuckled and nodded. “If that’s what you want, cowboy then sure thing.”
“Jean.” he handed out his hand for me to shake.
It didn’t take us a lot of time to find his car and get to my place. As a matter of fact, our clothes dropped instantly on the floor as soon as we went through my bedroom door.
“You’re so hot,” he mumbled between kisses, his hand folding my breast. I giggled throwing my head back, my fingers playing with his hair.
His hands traveled down my body, parting ways as one pressed against my heat and the other squeezed my ass. He worked his digits between my folds, my fingers digging in his shoulders.
He gathered my slick before pushing it back with his middle and ring finger.
“Fuck Jean,” I moaned out. I pushed him closer, licking him from the base of his neck to his earlobe, and gently sucked it.
He sighed and backed me until I reached my bed. “Relax now,” He pushed me down on the mattress and spread my legs. I grabbed my pillow and placed it underneath my hips.
He sat on his knees and put my legs on his shoulders, my cunt a few inches away from him. Locking eyes with me, he gave my opening a long lick.
I hissed as he licked my slit, his thumb rubbing small circles to my clit. My hands gripped onto my sheets, my hips bucking. Damn, he was good.
“Shit, ahh, Jean,” I whimpered, his fingers now massaging my insides as his tongue played with my clit. He hummed against me, sending vibrations all over my heat.
I squealed as I felt myself get closer, my legs shakings on his shoulders.
“Be a good girl and come all over my face eh?” he seduced his fingers going faster inside me, occasionally curling to hit my sweet spot.
“I’m so close, fuck fuck fuck fuck.” I chanted gripping his hair, my head pushing down the mattress as my orgasm drove me over the edge.
He stood back up, his stubble coated with my wetness. He sucked his fingers before making them pop out of his mouth.
“Tastes as good as it looks.” He chuckled. “Spread them lips for me again baby let me see your mess”. he purred pushing his hair back.
Doing as I’m told, I spread my folds with my index and middle finger and bit my lip before running another finger between them, feeling my slick. He groaned as I touched myself, slightly playing with my swollen clit.
“You want me?” Jean stroked himself as I dipped my fingers inside me. I nodded biting harder on my lower lip, watching as he pumped himself, his vein now conspicuous.
He kneeled on my bed, pulling me closer to him. “Then take me.” And with that, he rammed himself in. I yelped at the painful stretch, his hands holding my hips. I grabbed his wrist with a hand and tried to reach my headboard with the other.
Once given the green light, he started moving slowly in and out, making sure I was comfortable. Gentleman alright.
His pace was steady, the moonlight lighting his side. He looked absolutely handsome. I wasn’t fragile, nor delicate whatsoever. Still, he didn’t fuck me just to please himself. He wanted to please me and feel me as much as I wanted to.
“Tell me if I’m hurting you okay?” I nodded with a smile. Jean’s thrusts became faster and harder. The deep long strokes were just appetizers for what he was keeping in store. He was big, but he felt incredibly nice.
My room soon was filled with the sounds of our bodies smacking against each other along with my moans and his grunts.
I was already feeling sensitive from my first orgasm, and his strokes were my g-spot almost perfectly. I was a panting mess beneath him, my makeup smudged across my face.
“Ah fuck, you’re choking me so fucking good.” he whimpered throwing his head back. Droplets of sweat trailed down from his toned chest to his abs. I stared at his tattoos and how they complimented him.
“Feel it y/n.” he grabbed my hand and placed it on my lower stomach. Shit.
“I’m gonna cum again, oh fuck, Jean.” I whimpered, his hips rocking my body. I squirmed under him, his thumb rubbing my pink bud, adding more friction.
I wailed as I felt my orgasm rip through my body, his thrusts getting sloppier. I knew he was close.
Fortunately, I’m always on the pill, so I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him down. “I want you to fill me up, please,” I begged, his face buried in my neck, leaving a love bite.
“I’m going to fill you up so good, so damn good.” He lifted my waist with his arms and pulled me closer. “Fuck, yes, oh fuck, yes.” he whimpered in my ear as he emptied himself in me, warming my walls with his semen.
We lead there for a while, motionless. His dick was limp inside me, his arms still holding me.
He feels warm. I don’t want to move. No, he has to move. I don’t do aftercare.
“That was good,” I said breaking the silence. Jean rolled to his side, his cum instantly leaking out of me as pulled out.
“Indeed. Thank you.” I chuckled at his silly response.
“You don’t thank someone for having sex with them dumbass.” A smile formed on his lips as he stood up to grab some tissues from my nightstand to clean me up.
“I’m a gentleman, remember?” he cleaned off our cum and tossed the tissues in my garbage can. “I should get going, we don’t want your brother to go nuts on you.” I nodded and pulled the sheets to cover my nude body. It was a shame that he was leaving, but as I said, I never did aftercare when it came to casual sex.
He put on his briefs and began pulling up his bottoms, however, the most unexpected thing happened, making him stop in his tracks.
“Hey, y/n I brought you some- Jean?!” Connie yelled dropping the bag of chips he was holding.
“Connie?!” Jean who was now half-clothed yelled back.
“Are you- oh my god- did I just sleep with your sister?” He panicked, holding his head with both hands.
I smacked my mouth, my eyes wide open. What the fuck was I supposed to do in a situation like that.
“You sure as hell did idiot!” my brother replied, now both of the males looking at me.
Well, that’s extremely awkward.
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valentinomonsieur · 2 years
Unusual Encounters Pt. 3!
"This is why I don't socialize."
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Summary. Valentino and Angel wake up hungover, tired and sore from the party last night, Valentino shares some new information.
Words: 2333
I woke up to the sound of the TV playing in the background, and someone moving dishes around in the kitchen. I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the brightness of the lights.
"Angel?" I questioned, still half asleep.
"Look who's finally awake. You sure are a lightweight huh?" I laughed at this statement. I moved my hair out of my face, gathering my bearings and sitting up.
I could smell food cooking, and the window was opened from what I could see. I got up, heading over to the kitchen to help him wash dishes.
"You know, in Ukraine you can drink as soon as you can reach the bar." His eyes widened. "So no, I wouldn't consider myself a lightweight by any means." I snickered at his expression, grabbing a dish and scrubbing it. He looked confused now.
"Yo, I can clean my own kitchen thanks." He stated, flipping the eggs he had cooking and taking a sip of his water.
"Oh I know, but it doesn't really look like this place has been cleaned in a while. Plus, I know the whole biker thing cancels it out, but I like helping certain people." I said, putting emphasis on the word certain. "Then why help me?" he asked, a glint in his eyes I couldn't quite place.
"because you're my friend, plus, a Mayan just like myself." I grumbled, trying to shake the bit of drowsiness still left in my body.
He was talking, but, I wasn't listening. I was looking around his house. There were scattered alcohol bottles, a dirty carpet, and it reeked like rotten food. He was still talking, but I just dropped my dish back into the sink with a clank, grabbed a plastic garbage back out from under his sink and went over to pick up the many glass bottles scattered on almost every solid surface in the house.
"And like I sai- wh-..... what the fuck Hawk?" He gave me an irritated stare.
"Don't look at me like this place doesn't smell sour." I snapped, giving him a look like he had the audacity here. "I'm willing to help if you're up to it."
He thought about it for a second, then without saying anything, grabbed a trash bag and started picking stuff up. I clicked on a speaker and started playing some music.
Eventually we got into a rhythm, I'd clean up the empty bottles and leave the ones that still had alcohol in them to him to put back on a shelf. After a few hours of dusting, vacuuming, scrubbing, etc. His house was clean. And better yet, it smelled clean.
My phone rang.
It was Bishop. My heart dropped a bit, I was enjoying spending time with Angel. "Who's that? He asked. I put my finger over my lips and answered.
"Hey uncle, whatcha' need?" I asked, Angel gave me a quiet "ohhhhh," and listened in.
"Hey, I need you and Angel to come to the clubhouse. An emergency cartel shipment was just ordered by Galindo. Sorry to trouble you while you're moving in, but its urgent. We need all the men we can get. It's a shipment of 20 keys, so it's pretty risky. Get here fast."
"Okay, Love you."
"Love ya too, bye."
And he hung up.
"Shit." Angel muttered, we both put our Kuttes on, not having time to change. I followed him out to the clubhouse, still not knowing the way very well. A bunch of thoughts went through my head. How is this gonna play out? What if Angel gets hurt-? Wait. Why do I care if he gets hurt so much?
Before I could answer my own questions, we were already pulling into the scrapyard. Bishop walked out as we parked.
"Emergency Templo. Now."
(A/N: sorry in advance for the amount of dialogue about to happen 😭)
Me and Angel glanced at each other. We went inside without a word, and the other guys were already at the table. I took a seat next to Angel under Bishop's orders, and so began my first Templo.
"So, the keys aren't the problem." Bishop started. "We have the keys we need. The problem, is that our last shipment got ambushed and we're shit outta luck with help from Galindo to get our heroin over the border. Don't suggest the underground tunnels, there's way too much to ship it that way. But chances are, we'll get ambushed again when trying to drive them to the location. Any ideas?"
"Fight back." I mumbled.
"The fuck did you just say?" Bishop demanded.
"I said, fight back. If this ambush is so unavoidable and we have no other options, then I think the answer is pretty simple. Prepare for the ambush, and come back at them with double the power. It's a risk, but it's not like we have a lot of options here."
Atlas, who sits directly across from me, cut a glance in my direction, then back to Bishop. I could tell he didn't expect me to do something like that.
Bishop paused. He looked like he was staring into my soul honestly. But I stood my ground. I mean, what the fuck else did we have to do? Not give him a shipment?
"..anything anyone wants to add?" Bishop finally asked.
"Then it passes. We'll fight back against the ambush if it happens. If anyone gets hurt, I'm blaming you Hawk." He sternly nodded in my direction, I nodded back. "Fair enough."
He smacked his gavel down, and everyone got up.
"Damn Hawk, you for really went for it?" Atlas materialized beside me.
"You came out of nowhere- but yeah, is that a bad thing?" I asked, a bit worried if that was bad manners in America or something.
"Nah, but it shows you got some major balls." He laughed, so did Angel who was on my other side. I gave a nervous laugh, looking over and seeing nails scoping me out. Yep, the same girl I pulled off blondie. She looked at me, marched towards me, and slapped me. Ouch.
All of the guys went silent.
"Why are some of the girls in here telling me that you think I'm disgusting because I'm Taza's girl." God, this girl was seething.
Taza cut me a glance, shook my head.
Atlas was about to open his mouth to defend me, but I put my hand out over his chest. "This isn't your problem Atlas." he looked at me, examining my face. he then put his hands up and backed off. My attention turned back to Nails.
"Taza's practically my uncle, ese. Plus I was helping Angel clean his house all morning. Why and how would I have said that"
Then I saw her.
The same blonde bitch that was fighting Nails, watching the whole thing while drinking a beer.
"You. Blondie. Get the fuck over here." I demanded, she brought her drink with her and took her sweet ass time walking over.
"What do you want now?" She asked me. A fake innocence in her voice.
"Don't be fucking dumb, we all know you started this rumor because you're too pussy to say it about Angel and you don't know me." I laughed, taking her drink out of her hand and setting it on the table. "Get the fuck out of this clubhouse, you aren't even someone's girl." My thick Russian-Spanish accent popped out more than usual. The guys looked at Bishop, and he nodded.
She left, but not before taking the two drops left in her drink and trying to throw it at me.
The guys were laughing at something, then I just look to my right and see Atlas eyeing me like I was fucking crazy.
"What..?" I asked, he genuinely looked like he saw me grow a third eye.
"Nothing, I just thought you wasn't gonna react like that-" he started. "I for real thought you were- let me stop before I get hit."
I looked at him weird, but I didn't pay any mind to it. I'm kind of odd, and by my accent you can tell I'm foreign. So, a lot of people expect me to be quieter. They're dead wrong.
Bishop checked his watch. "We have 2 hours until we have to get this run done. Its 4pm right now."
All of the guys nodded, I went and sat down at one of the leather barstools. Nails strutted over to me. She sat down opposite to me, watching Taza and Coco play a pool game behind my left shoulder. Eventually she focused in on me, a look of sincerity in her eyes.
"Hey, sorry I slapped you. I just get heated when people talk about me like I'm a common whore. I really like Taza, so being treated like I'm one of these casual cumsluts pisses me off; Luckily the guys got that, but since you're knew I wasn't really surprised. My bad." She held out a hand, and I pulled her into a quick hug.
"Don't worry about it Querida; I would have reacted the same way." I was genuine when I said that, shit happens. I put my hand over hers, trying to be nice.
"You two want drinks?" Ez asked behind the bar. I grabbed my card out of my wallet and tapped it on the wooden table. He took it, going behind him and getting two shots ready for us.
Nails looked at me with a slight confusion. "By the way, where's your accent from? I know you jumper charters from somewhere outside of America but that's all I know."
Ez came out with the shots, setting them in front of us. We both grabbed one, clinked them together and threw them back.
"My accent is from two places. I was born in Ukraine and lived there for 19 years. Eventually I moved to Mexico because I couldn't see myself staying in Ukraine without any family. I patched in about 5 months into prospecting because I killed in battle, so I lived in Yucatán for 8 years until I moved here. Plus, the reason I'm around Atlas so much is because he was my sponsor when I was prospecting in Yucatan. Here I have more family and I can cross the border any time I like to see my family that's closer to the border, like in Mexicali or some shit. So, my accent is kind of weird."
"You lived in Yucatán?" I heard Angel say behind me. "I've heard it's beaches are really cool, what's it like?" He asked, I could almost laugh at how socially unaware this guy is.
"Yeah, they don't lie. The only thing annoying about it is shitty tourists acting like you're stupid. I LOVED fucking with the tourists."
Over the next two hours, I started talking with Nails and Angel about both of my old countries I lived in, the family, the club, the people, etc. Along with the occasional interruptions from Atlas talking about how different I was. Eventually we had to call a quits because we had to do this damn cartel run.
,"Alright everybody! On your bikes! Taza yelled, everyone got up, stopped whatever they were doing and filed out of the clubhouse. We still had to pick up the keys, but once we did that, the plan was ready. And the mess ups would be on my hands.
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