#pecky beams
thisistennis · 11 months
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Miami Powder Room Bathroom A medium-sized beach-style powder room with beige walls, a marble floor, porcelain tile, louvered cabinets, an undermount sink, quartz countertops, and a freestanding vanity is shown.
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electrosair · 11 months
Where do they like to kiss? cryo + geo ver.
english isn’t my first language, sorry for mistakes
characters: kaeya + albedo + gorou + itto + zhongli (separate)
word count: 0.9k
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I asked my friend and she confirmed this. She told me he would be very gentlemanly with you, so I can imagine him holding your hand in public just to show everyone what a good boyfriend he is.
I was sitting on one of the stools at Angel's Share, simply sipping some tea as I waited for Kaeya to appear. The door opened, a tall, slender silhouette entered the tavern and almost shouted in a cheerful tone to the bartender ordering a round of his favorite beverage. "One for me and one for my dearest." He said as he took my hand and kissed the back of it, then sliding one of his arms around my shoulders. My cheeks instantly flushed at the cheesy nickname. For the rest of the night events were a blur and I only remember seeing a redhead pull us away from the bar as Kaeya giggled with me. "Where are we going now, gorgeous?"
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Blow kisses.
I can totally see Albedo being the busiest boyfriend ever, all day long doing with experiments that he would blow you a kiss instead of physically giving you one.
I knocked on his door three times before I walked in and saw him with the tucked in between various books and notes that I didn't even fully understand. On the table there were several test tubes and some droppers here and there filled with things that I honestly didn't want, nor would Albedo let me touch. He turned in my direction after hearing the door slam against one of the nearby tables, which luckily only had papers on it. "Is something wrong? Do you need anything?" He asked with a frown and went back to scribbling something in his notebook, I shook my head, a little saddened by the lack of attention these days. Then he gave me a warm smile and blew me a kiss. "Now get out before this gets smoky, hurry up." He pronounced with a chuckle and I heeded him.
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He wouldn't put up with it and would stuff your whole face with peckies every time he saw you or whenever he came back from one of his training sessions or battles, he's so cute I swear.
I was walking around the small houses of the military camp when I saw a face light up in the distance. He was practicing some of his archery on the dummies and as he saw me approaching he hit the last few that were missing. I never knew if it was to show off or for me to praise him for doing so well, knowing him it was probably the latter. "You saw that?" he ran up to me, his tail inevitably wagging from side to side in a gleeful manner the moment I smiled at him. His hands cupped my cheeks gently, and a little anxiously, and he began kissing my nose, my forehead, my cheekbones, and any part of my skin that was free. "See you later, I have to help some people with their training!" He said with a beaming smile and gave me one last peck.
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Surprise kisses.
This man (oni) would literally come out of nowhere, hug you and kiss you wherever he could in that position. I feel like he would organize with the whole gang for this, just to really surprise you every time.
I sighed when I saw an onikabuto in front of the window of my house, a small smile creeping onto my face at the thought that maybe it would be another one of my favorite oni's plans. I walked out the front door until I reached the field my window faced and there I saw him, placing beetles in a row without realizing I was watching him, so I pretended it was nothing. After several minutes he hid behind some rocks and I decided it was my turn to go. Following the row of onikabutos I made my way to him and "Boo!" shouted Itto between giggles, hugging my back and kissing the back of my head. "Bet you didn't expect that!" he exclaimed and all I could do was shake my head and act surprised as I hugged him back.
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It was either this or the forehead, but right now I feel more romantic with him. He's like many years old, so I imagine him giving the typical old movie kisses after a romantic, candlelit dinner, petals and all included.
Hands intertwined as we walked out of one of the best restaurants in Liyue, thanks to the archons neither of us were paying because someone decided to invite Zhongli, I'll never question his connections. "The sky is beautiful today," He murmured, with his typical nostalgic look, only to then rest his eyes on my face. "almost as much as you." he finished the sentence in a low whisper, only allowing me to hear him. The blush on my cheeks became more than obvious even in the dim moonlight illuminating the dark city streets and the light from the artificial lamps with warm touches. His fingers rested on my chin to guide my gaze to his and he planted his lips on mine so lovingly that I felt myself melting right there between his hands and sweet kisses.
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t3a-tan · 1 year
The Party Was Crazy Last Night - Chapter 4
 AO3 | First | Previous | Next
Comments and reblogs keep me posting! A roller coaster of emotions this chapter... TW: concussion, panic attack
“Once upon a time, there was a little dragon living in the woods with his friends, Pecky the bird, Squeaks the mouse, and…Bill.”
A giggle interrupted the beginning of her story-telling, and Sammy smiled, looking down to see her baby brother looking up with a dazzled expression. His laughter was contagious, her grin only growing with exposure as the young boy rocked back and forth, so far from sleepy. Sammy would change that in no time. She cocked an eyebrow knowingly, but prompting the boy to speak regardless.
“Bill? Is bill…a duck?” He asked, giggling again at the images being conjured in his mind. Sammy rolled her eyes fondly.
“A duck? How silly… He’s obviously a worm.” She tapped him on the nose lightly, relishing in the delighted squeal it caused. “Good job knowing what a bill is though, bud.”
He beamed at the praise, looking up at her with admiration.
Sammy knew how much her brother looked up to her– she knew how special he was and promised herself the moment he was born that even her little three-year old self wouldn’t let anything happen to him. The way his eyes sparkled at almost everything around him, and the way he was so fully-formed from day one; knowing exactly what he liked and wanted from the moment he came into the world.
In stark contrast, she didn’t know who she was at all. She was good at almost everything she tried, she absorbed information wherever she could, but she didn’t really want or like anything. Not like her brother. Nothing was hers, nothing was special.
Nothing besides Tanner.
It was unhealthy and she knew that, but after their cousin moved out she found herself latching onto her brother like he was some kind of life support. She heard her parents talk. Sammy knew she was the favourite and it was painful… Even more so when she could see how absolutely oblivious her brother was to all of it.
He deserved all the love in the world, but it seemed that he wouldn’t get it. Not like her. Tanner was ‘special’, but just…not in the way that people wanted. Not in the way that the world would allow him to thrive.
Sammy smiled again, hiding the sadness she felt whenever he looked up at her in that way. Even so, the oddly receptive boy noticed, and with only curiosity he asked…
“What’s wrong, Sammy?”
She blinked in surprise, but her smile only faltered briefly before she was grinning just as brightly as before.
“What do you mean? Nothing’s wrong, Tan–”
“Are you sad because I’m dead?”
The words hit like a freight train, stopping her in her tracks and leaving her stunned; unable to move, her vision blurring slightly. The more her sight shifted, the more her brother’s body changed. First he got older, then he got skinnier, and skinnier, and skinnier, the bruises spreading across his body like a raging wildfire… and finally, he was burning: flesh melting from bone like it wasn’t even a person to begin with.
“I died and it was all…”
“Stop it…” Sammy covered her ears, realising what was going on but finding herself unable to look away. Her eyelids felt like they were glued open, and no matter where she looked she could only see her brother…haunting her. No contempt in his eyes, but an innocent look that made her hate herself that much more.
Sammy dug her nails into her scalp, pressing her ears harder but finding that noise filtered through it as easily as it would air. She rocked herself back and forth where she was sat, only to find now she was chained by her ankles, wrists and neck. She couldn’t breathe.
She tried to scream and to cry but her throat was closed, blackened eyes gazing down at her like the devil himself. She could feel the chains slowly turning into hands, pulling her down further and further from her brother until she couldn’t see him anymore. She would never see him again…
Tanner was special. He was better than her. He should’ve lived.
He should’ve–
Sammy awoke, her mind consumed by panic as she found herself trapped within the dream; unable to fully wake up and instead stuck in a limbo. Her vision was blurry– not that it would do any good in the dark dusty walls– her heart was going crazy and she still couldn’t breathe or scream or cry. Pure unbridled pain poured out of her like a fountain, and she curled up, her muscles tense and shaky.
I’m useless. I’m a terrible sister…
She rolled over onto her side, continuing to choke on her own vocal chords as if they were poison. She wanted to fall back asleep and stay in the eternal abyss of nothingness forever, but instead she was stuck here…
I’m in hell. I deserve this.
Her nails gripped into the flesh of her forearms as she wrestled with herself, trying desperately to free her mind from the panic whilst simultaneously believing this was exactly the karma she was due.
Why wasn’t he the favourite… for once…
Finally, a sob escaped her lips. The moment it did, more strangled cries left her trembling body, her muscles starting to obey her again but she simply curled up tighter. Her nails curled in deeper until she could smell the blood dripping onto her bed; staining it red. Her mistakes painted clear as day.
Mum, dad… I don’t want this. I hate living in hell. I hate being alone like this– I hate myself so much. You can stop blaming Tanner now… It was all me.
Her cries became softer the longer she let them out, and her body began to relax. If her eyes weren’t half open she would’ve seemed to be sleeping peacefully, but instead she was lost in her mind. Every regret she had ever had… They were pumped into her head like drugs, forcing her to become worn out, thirsty, hungry, and all of the above.
Sammy slowly sat up. She looked at the packet of M&Ms, feeling numb but silently buzzing with resentment. Oscar was tricking her. There was no other reason to act like he was towards someone like her; someone completely unremarkable. Annoying. Difficult to be around. Broken.
Sammy was not special. It was plain to see.
Pulling herself out of bed with laboured movements, she looked at the watch she had placed just opposite her nest. It was early…still early enough to get some food that wasn’t directly from a human. Sammy pulled on her fabric boots and threw on a roughly made dress and cloak before grabbing her pack and heading to leave.
She stopped just outside of her den, glaring back at the M&Ms sitting against one of the walls… Then, she began to drag the entire pack out with her in order to give the ‘gift’ back. It was clearly not a gift.. What if he had poisoned just one of them, like some sick version of russian roulette? No. She couldn’t take any chances.
Hauling the chocolates out onto the kitchen counter she gave it another shove of finality before completely discarding it and leaving it for Oscar to find whenever he woke up. If that upset him, good… He would know that Sammy wasn’t dumb enough to make the same mistake again.
Focusing now on actually borrowing something that wouldn’t ultimately kill her, Sammy turned around only to find Oscar standing right there. Startled out of her angry state, she squeaked in surprise and backpedalled before tripping over her own feet and ending up lying on her back. Letting out a small groan of pain at the impact her head made with the wooden countertop, she opened her eyes again dazedly, almost forgetting Oscar entirely for a few blissful moments.
“Shit– sorry, I didn’t mean to ah…scare you.” The human’s voice shook her to her core, reminding her immediately of the threat looming just overhead. She tried to sit up, the whole world spinning as a splitting pain rang throughout her skull. Sammy groaned again, clutching her head and shutting her eyes tightly as she leaned forwards.
“That was a nasty trip…is your head okay..?” Her eyes shot open again when she realised how much closer that had sounded that time, and although he wasn’t as close as last night it was still enough to make her shuffle back again before pushing herself up to her feet unsteadily. Another stab of pain shot through her and she found herself doubling over again, before falling to her knees.
There was the sound of a glass being put down distantly, but the borrower was finding it hard to focus on her surroundings when everything was blurring together. Her skin felt tight and hot and then suddenly Sammy had emptied out the contents of her stomach onto the counter, utterly helpless to the nausea that had come and just as quickly gone.
Her arms shook as she stayed on all fours, not sure what was happening or why she was suddenly feeling so awful. Did she really hit her head that hard? She stared at the small amount of vomit below her with confusion and shock, once again forgetting about Oscar.
“Okay– nope. That’s a concussion… Can you hear me…? Sammy?” She didn’t have the energy to move back any further so she instead looked up at him with squinted eyes, trying to force her vision back into focus. Several moments of silence passed, but then she felt another wave of nausea that had her throwing up on the counter again, tears appearing in her eyes.
“Hey hey…it’s okay– it’s… well I guess it’s not okay right now. Just um..” She didn’t even bother looking up again, the tears spilling silently from her eyes whilst she tried to will the pain to go away. Did I get poisoned?
“I’m going to pick you up, okay? I know you don’t want me to and if you can hear me I’m really sorry… Just…hold still. Not gonna hurt you, I promise…” She didn’t even have enough time to process everything being said before feeling two fingers curling around her waist. They were gentle, but despite that it felt completely restricting and terrifying. Sammy struggled but her limbs tired almost immediately as soon as she had begun. Oscar made some kind of shushing sound, putting her down on her side in the palm of his hand.
Sammy curled up, unable to see his face from this angle but watching as he cleaned her mess off the counter…she felt a mix between embarrassed, terrified, angry, and…tired. But she couldn’t sleep like this. Not as a captive. Why won’t my body just listen??
After already throwing up twice her stomach felt emptier than ever, and yet the nausea was unrelenting in its assault. She coughed a few times, drooling rather than actually vomiting again this time, but it was just as unpleasant to dry heave like she was… Sammy let out a small sob once she had stopped, internally begging for her body to function again.
Oscar’s fingers twitched for a moment when he saw her heave, prepared for a mess on his hands too…but it seemed like there was nothing left to throw up anyway. He winced when she began to cry after, feeling terribly guilty for scaring her badly enough that she hit her head so hard. He wished he could just take the pain away…
He hadn’t been able to sleep at all and just happened to come down to get a drink of water right as she left the wall. Since she didn’t seem to notice him, Oscar stayed quiet in hopes that she would just go back in and he could avoid freaking her out again but nooo.
He glanced at the bag of M&Ms she had dragged with her, but this wasn’t really a great time to question it.. Right now she needed to settle down and rest.. If she was showing symptoms this quickly it was probably a bad sign, and even though Oscar didn’t want to do anything against her wishes, Sammy seemed to climb to get around everywhere…climbing with a concussion was a bad idea.
He’d rather she be pissed at him– scared even– instead of being dead or injured irreparably somewhere on the floor. Despite that, Oscar could already feel the guilt pumping through his veins as he felt her body trembling in his hand. It could just be tremors from the concussion, but they were consistent enough that it was more likely to be fear.
Oscar moved slowly, making his way up to his room, nervous about what his actions intended to help would ultimately do to the trust that had been built. He had been fantasising about taking care of a sick Sammy but he never actually wanted her to get sick enough to need that… Especially not when she was still scared of him.
He sat down at his desk, moving his keyboard aside and folding up a clean hoodie before laying her down on it. His brows furrowed as he saw the way she simply returned to quietly hiccuping and holding her head. Oscar was used to having headaches regularly– he even took medication for migraines… If she was in this much pain it was probably bad.
“I-it’s okay, Sammy. I promise it is…” He was almost pleading with her to stop, but bit his lip as he leaned in, very delicately laying his pinky against the back of her head to check for blood and finding nothing. Oh god. It better not be a brain injury… He doubted it, but the worry was there. Or she hasn’t had a concussion before?
He leaned back away as she buried her head into his hoodie, but sighed again. He delicately stroked her back with a thumb, noticing that despite flinching at first she eventually got used to it. Hopefully the touch would help to ground her in reality a bit more… And take some focus off of her head pain.
“Concussions hurt like a bitch. You fell pretty hard.. I should’ve caught you or something…sorry.” He lay his head down on its side just next to her, eyes soft and concerned. “Just as soon as your balance is back in order you can go. M’not gonna keep you, I swear… I know you don’t trust me and I..fuck… I suck so hard at this.”
His gaze fell away with guilt, pursing his lips in silent contemplation for a few moments.
“…there was an old lady who swallowed a fly…” He whispered, singing under his breath whilst his cheeks flushed red the moment the words left his mouth. He inhaled sharply, very nearly dying from embarrassment but continuing the nursery rhyme once he looked over Sammy’s shuddering form.
“I don’t know why she swallowed a fly…perhaps she’ll die.” He saw her tense up at the word, but continued to sing the tune at a low volume, hoping it would be comforting as for her as it was for him when he felt scared or upset. “There was an old lady who swallowed a spider; that wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her…”
“She swallowed the spider to catch the fly– I don’t know why she swallowed a fly, perhaps she’ll die… There was an old lady who swallowed a bird– how absurd; to swallow a bird. She swallowed the bird to catch the spider; that wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her… She swallowed the spider to catch the fly– I don’t know why she swallowed a fly, perhaps she’ll die…” He shut his eyes, the words coming naturally after having heard it so much in his childhood.
“There was an old lady who swallowed a cat. Fancy that? She swallowed a cat. She swallowed the cat to catch the bird, she swallowed the bird to catch the spider; that wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her… She swallowed the spider to catch the fly– I don’t know why she swallowed a fly, perhaps she’ll die…” He could feel the tiny girl relaxing bit by bit.
“There was an old lady who swallowed a dog. What a hog– to swallow a dog. She swallowed the dog to catch the cat, she swallowed the cat to catch the bird, she swallowed the bird to catch the spider; that wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her… She swallowed the spider to catch the fly– I don’t know why she swallowed a fly, perhaps she’ll die…”
“There was an old lady who swallowed a goat. She just opened her throat and swallowed a goat… She swallowed the goat to catch the dog, she swallowed the dog to catch the cat, she swallowed the cat to catch the bird, she swallowed the bird to catch the spider; that wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her… She swallowed the spider to catch the fly– I don’t know why she swallowed a fly, perhaps she’ll die…”
“There was an old lady who swallowed a cow. I don’t know how she swallowed a cow… She swallowed the cow to catch the goat, she swallowed the goat to catch the dog, she swallowed the dog to catch the cat, she swallowed the cat to catch the bird, she swallowed the bird to catch the spider; that wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her… She swallowed the spider to catch the fly– I don’t know why she swallowed a fly, perhaps she’ll die…”
“There was an old lady who swallowed a horse. She’s dead of course…” Opening his eyes again, he could see that Sammy was now looking directly at him, her face scrunched up in confusion– he moved back away and out of her space quickly, his face turning even more red at the expression she was showing. “U-Um–”
“You have a nice voice.” She remarked, scanning over his expression with…frustration? Complimenting him with such a venomous look in her eyes– why did she insist on giving him mixed signals all the time? Still, Oscar brought a hand up slowly, using it to rub the back of his neck.
“Oh. Thanks… I was just trying to help you feel better–”
“I don’t understand…” Sammy spoke louder this time, and it was then that Oscar noticed the tears weren’t gone; she was just holding them in. His mouth shut with an audible clack, and he thought about asking what she didn’t understand but couldn’t formulate the question properly. Luckily she was already answering.
“Humans aren’t…nice.” It was a statement, and Oscar knew in his heart that she had every right to think that but he still felt the need to defend himself. “You… You must be pretending… I-I don’t know why, but this isn’t real. It’s not.” She continued, pushing herself to a stand before immediately losing her coordination and falling over again.
Oscar resisted the urge to catch her, simply listening. The girl held her head again and groaned, talking to herself as if every frustration in her mind was being released all at once. He hated to be the one taking the backlash, but he knew that she wasn’t talking about him– he knew his intentions… She could only guess.
“I’m not going to let it happen again. I don’t want it to happen again–”
“What to happen again?” He couldn’t help it when the question slipped out, but he had to admit he was curious. She shot him a glare, and he went quiet once more. After going quiet herself, Sammy sat down, resting her arms on her knees and looking down at the hoodie beneath her; anywhere but at Oscar.
“...I’m not a pet.” She spoke softly, almost too low for him to hear. Oscar’s eyes widened, and he opened his mouth to assure her that he wouldn’t dare to think of her in such a way, only for her to speak once more. “I’m not a toy…” She hugged herself as she said that, trembling with discomfort. “And I’m not some fucking dumb rat to be experimented on.” She spat, before meeting his gaze again; eyes sharp as daggers; but still wary.
Oscar had a response for the first thing. Hell, even the second. But…was she experimented on..? Is that what all those… He didn’t even want to picture her numerous scars with the added context, his horror only growing as his mind began to spiral. Get it together– she thinks you want to do that too…
It took a few moments for Oscar to respond at all, his mouth opening and closing multiple times despite not a word falling from his lips.
“I know you aren’t..!” He tried to control his volume, but she still ended up flinching despite his efforts. “I-I– of course you’re not– you’re a person..! I-I know I didn’t make the best first impression, and I regret it so so bloody much…but I promise I have not once thought of you as any of those things.”
Sammy stayed quiet, disbelieving and suspicious and fuck did that hurt… It hurt to know that she had suffered so much that she couldn’t even fathom that he saw her as an equal. He wanted to hug her and tell her he wouldn’t let anyone hurt her like that again– that he would murder whoever dared do such a thing in the first place…
But he couldn’t.
He let out a sigh, watching the way her hair rustled just at the slightest displacement of air with some sense of sadness.
“I…I’m sorry.”
She did a better job at hiding her surprise when hearing his apology this time. Oscar couldn’t even begin to hide his concern over her past, his mind already starting to conjure up horrific situations she might have been through. He was interrupted by a small voice from below– almost lost to a gentle breeze had he not been on such high alert.
“What’s worse is that part of me believes you…” She let out a self-deprecating laugh, looking down again and feeling over the hoodie beneath her with what Oscar could now clearly see was a metal hand… He felt sick. “I shouldn’t… But I do. I just wish that they were…”
She trailed off, the mysterious ‘they’ never being clarified.
Oscar was relieved that she at least partially believed he didn’t have any ill intentions, but he couldn’t manage to be happy about it when he had just found out such horrible things about her past. He simply watched her with a worried expression, tears pricking his eyes the more and more he thought about it, his chest feeling tight all of a sudden.
“You’re a big boy now, Oscar– you know I don’t like seeing you hurting... Stop it with the tears now, okay munchkin?” Oscar couldn’t help it, but he tried his best to be quieter after his mum asked, sensing the care in her voice.
“God, would you stop calling him that? And he’s allowed to cry if he wants. Don’t listen to her, Osc…” Oscar looked up at his dad when he got a gentle pat on the head, but looked back at his mum with a hiccup the moment he noticed his mum getting upset in turn.
“Why are you always trying to turn my own son against me?” She asked, although it was more of an accusation than anything. He was tugged back to her side, and Oscar didn’t mind one bit. “He’s seven already, he should know how to control his emotions properly.”
“Here we go again…You’re always so fucking paranoid. I’m not having this conversation with you tonight.” His dad’s tone was angry, and Oscar went completely quiet, anxiety bubbling up in him as his mother’s grip on his wrist tightened, her stopping him in the doorway before he could walk off.
“Don’t you dare swear in front of him. You always walk off before having to face me properly..! I bet you’re just going to get drunk off your ass again and then miraculously end up in bed with some–” SMACK.
Oscar jolted at the memory. Noticing that his shaky hand was resting on the desk close to Sammy, he let it snap back to being in his lap immediately. She seemed startled, but also…worried..? Why?
“Woah there big guy. I haven’t even told you the details and you’re crying..?” Maybe it was discomfort, not worry? Oscar wiped his watery eyes hastily, clearing his throat.
“I just… I don’t like seeing people who don’t deserve it get hurt…” A pause as he collected himself more. Crying...he knew it was fine, but he couldn't help but feel embarrassed anyway. Especially because he was crying over something that hadn't even happened to him…
Sammy was silent for a few moments, trying to process that. The fact that she even had to process him being upset over the horrific things she had suffered only served to make him feel worse…
Oscar shut his eyes and lay his head down on the other side of the desk. He just needed some time to regain composure, to think a little more clearly…his eyes opened again when he felt the faintest touch on his nose.
Sammy moved away again as his eyes opened, causing Oscar's brows to furrow. But then she took a small step closer again, patting him on the cheek. Clearly she didn't have her balance back fully, but she managed to stay upright this time.
"Chin up. I'm um… I'm okay now. Alive… I mean." She spoke awkwardly, gaze averted, but Oscar could see the effort she was putting in… all to comfort him. He really was pathetic, wasn't he? She had been hurt so much and yet he was the one being comforted?
Oscar wiped his eyes again, looking down at her but leaving his head resting on the desk. He said nothing, unsure of what to say at all.
"I'm scared. Of you. Of humans. But even I can tell you seem genuine." Sammy shifted her weight from one foot to the other, fidgeting. "It doesn't make me less scared though…"
Oscar's expression softened.
"I wouldn't expect you to not be… when you're scared, I'm not upset at you… it just makes me wish you didn't have to feel like that around me." He spoke, voice barely above a whisper. "It's not your fault that humans did awful things to you."
Sammy met his gaze again, inspecting it, but Oscar was full of only sincerity. He hoped she could see that. He glanced away, feeling a little shy himself with her observing him so closely.
"I hope though that you eventually trust me enough to not have to be scared…" He admits. He wanted to get to know her, and to become friends with her. And yeah, he maybe thought she was cute too, but he didn't expect her to feel the same so he wouldn't expect anything more than friendship.
But most of all, he wanted her to feel safe. Even if they weren't friends...even if she went into hiding again, he hoped she wouldn't have to carry so much fear with her.
Faintly, she smiled.
"I hope so too…"
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indraste-darktalon · 8 months
Title: Get Off My Lawn !!! (Indy)
Word Count: 700 Summary: Indy doesn’t like sharing airspace. (guest starring @blixvoronin)
Indy looked up from her book, glowering at the roof as a loud thud and the roar of a drake interrupted her calm afternoon for what felt like the thousandth time. Her grumpy growl was muffled by the sound of the cottage door slamming open.
Blix burst in, face alight with excitement. Indy felt the too-common mix of adoration and worry that bloomed through her middle every time she saw that expression, which firmly settled on the latter when she registered what Blix was yelling.
“Wildflower! They’re doing the drake races here!” She gave Indy a quick squeeze around the waist and then darted for the bedroom, probably to change. “Where the fuck– is Mr. Scrungle in the stable?”
Indy scowled and rubbed at her temples. “I think he and Asraku went for a hunt. On an unrelated note, we might owe the neighbors a few sheep.”
Blix wilted, and then wandered back over to Indy, slow leaning into her front. “I want to go race.”
“You can when they get back. Somebody should enjoy this ruckus.”
Blix looked up at her. “Indy, you love flying. You and Asraku have been using forests as obstacle courses for months now. And if you’re not on her, you’re–” she gestured at all of Indy–”you.”
A few feathers fell from Indy’s braid as she frowned down at her wife. “It’s different here. I don’t like strangers on our private property.”
“They’re not on our property, though. Not unless they crash-land.”
“The air counts,” she retorted, well aware of how sullen she sounded.
Blix pulled back, laughing a little, and pulled a feather from her braid. “You’re defending our territory like a corvid. Are you going to fly out there and swoop at anybody who gets too close to our roof?”
“...I might,” she admitted, wrapping her arms around Blix and squeezing a little to soothe herself.
Her wife looked up at her, beaming. “Just don’t hate me when I go out there and break the sound barrier, okay?”
She made an offended noise. “It’s fine if you do it. You belong.”
Blix started to pull back, grin not getting any smaller. “O-kay. You’re grumpy, shedding, and being overly territorial. You’re hangry. Let me go make us something before you start swooping strangers.”
“I’m n–” Indy let go of her, going quiet, because she was. She was very hungry, but had been too distracted to notice. She silently planted a kiss on Blix’s hair, then went to sit back down in her chair before she incriminated herself further. “I can cook for us, you know,” she said in one faint, final protest.
“Celebratory barbecue. At the end of the tournament. I’ll need it after introducing the competition to the speed of Mach Fuck.” Blix pointed at her, then sauntered into the kitchen.
Another thump, another roar. Indy winced and rubbed at her ears. The cottage was supposed to be their quiet space. This? This was a nightmare.
Still, while Blix fixed them dinner, a plan started to form. Give in to the territoriality and help her wife? There were no downsides. 
In the days following the Voronin Darktalons’ race conversation, there started to be complaints at the courses in the Elwynn and Redridge areas. Many riders commented that there seemed to be a very angry, very pecky crow that kept swooping the people attempting the races. Delays, crashes, and forfeits were reported in much higher numbers at those races. 
Blix looked up from the news-sheet a few days later, eyeing Indy levelly over their coffees. “...What did you do while I was racing, love?”
Indy took a sip of her coffee and made a content sound. “I caused problems on purpose.”
“Did you sabotage the track?”
“You ran it fine, didn’t you?” Indy gave a content smile and settled back into her chair.
The air over the cottage was blissfully, blissfully silent.
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sweetcatmintea · 5 years
A Very Good Day
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@inexorableblob​ tagged me in a find the word game and I didn’t have any that they’d listed. The challenge was set; write a sentence with all of the words. I wrote a whole scene :v Enjoy! (Thanks for the prompts ^u^) Feedback appreciated!
Prompt: Frontier, Insubordination, Minimal, and Victory (Frontier was hard)
Words: 3404
Character(s): Echo and Storm
          Was it a dumb idea to slip out of the facility, practically at the crack of dawn with a sleepy Echo in tow, before anyone noticed they were gone? Absolutely. Was it down right idiotic to bring Avian, of all people, in on it to find out who was supposed to be shadowing them that day? Undoubtedly. Was that exactly what Storm found himself doing that dewy morning in the middle of winter? Three for three. Echo followed along, obediently holding his hand as he guided them away from the building. She was rugged up to the ears in her fuzzy brown jacket, their mothers red scarf, and thick gloves protecting her fingers. A stark contrast to Storm’s thin hoodie. Although, he only wanted it to cover his wings. The cold didn’t bother him after all. He had thought it would be difficult for her to wake up so early, but she’d recovered quickly. She was having a wonderful time pretending to be a frost dragon. Funny, that trick never seemed to work for him.
          The real plan wouldn’t start for a while - the rest of the world needed a chance to get up first. But if they’d delayed any longer, there’d be no getting away. In the meantime, they found a small, open-all-hours diner. There weren’t many perks to his current … situation, but there was one definite advantage. Money.
          A blast of warm air and stale coffee greeted them when they entered. A jukebox muttered out a jangly tune as they slid into one of the many empty booths. Red faux leather creaking with their movements. Storm unfolded a menu, holding it open so Echo could see.
          “Pick whatever you want for breakfast. Today’s gonna be a lot of fun.”
Her face lit up. [Anything?]
          “Yeah. Whatever you want. It’s your birthday breakfast.”
          She let out a delighted chirp, making quick work of scanning the menu and carefully contemplating the options. There were so many things to choose from! So many things she’d never even had before. Two steps in front of her head, her stomach growled. Burgers, eggs. Soup, pancakes …
          [Can I have waffles please? With bananas and maple syrup? And cream too! Please?]
          “Sure thing.” Storm signalled the waitress. It’s all about the confidence, he told himself. He’s totally not completely out of place here. He repeated the order, adding bacon and eggs, a coffee, and an apple juice. He could hardly believe his little sister was already eleven. She certainly didn’t act like it, but he still felt old. His heart tweaked a little at the thought. She was growing up. A blink and she’ll be a teenager. Gods knew he wasn’t prepared for that. He could only hope he was making the right decisions for her.
          Echo poked his arm, pulling him out of his musings. She looked like she was waiting for a response. Had she asked something?
          “Sorry, what did you say?”
She huffed, but repeated herself. [Are we going to get in trouble for this?]
          “No, of course not.” The awareness behind her eyes made his fur stand on end. What happened to all that naivety?
          Her brow furrowed, worry playing on her features. [We’re not supposed to go out alone. They’re gon-] Storm captured her hands in his own. They still fit.
          “Trust me. Everything is going to be fine. We’ll have a nice day, celebrate your birthday, head back, and everything will go back to normal. No problems.”
          Doubt flickered but faith overpowered it. Echo nodded, smiling brightly again. That was better. Storm was, without a doubt, going to have his ear chewed off when they went back. White would probably accuse him of “insubordination” or some other garbage. It didn’t matter. There were more important things than pleasing that pig sniffer. If Storm wanted to spend one day with his sister, by the stars, he was going to. And if White had a problem with that, well, he was just going to have to get in line.
          Their food arrived quickly. Unsurprising given the sparse customers. Storm didn’t know if Echo realised it, but she was purring while she dug in, happily munching away. Darn, she was a cute kid. She offered him a forkful of dripping banana waffle in exchange for a bite of his bacon.
          Business began picking up for the diner, signalling the next phase of his plan. Storm gathered up his sister, paid for the meal, and strolled onwards. Echo remembered her manners, signing her thanks from the safety of slightly behind her big brother as they left.
          Breakfast sorted, they boarded a train and watched the city melt away. Passing towns, parks, and lakes, Echo couldn’t begin to guess where they were going. There was a half-grown hope that they weren’t coming back, but Storm was not the kind of person not to pack beforehand. Without a suitcase between them, it didn’t look likely. Regardless, they shouldn’t be too easy to track down today.
          She never expected to be led to a zoo. She couldn’t quite believe it even as they manoeuvred around other milling patrons to gain admission. A ticket had always been a luxury beyond their means. The biting cold snapping at her nose suddenly didn’t matter. Jittery excitement filled her limbs, warming her and filling her with butterflies all at once. She tried to contain it, but her tail was practically vibrating as she bounced on the balls of her feet. They were going to the zoo!
          One glance at Echo and Storm knew he’d made the right decision. He’d torn himself apart debating the purchase for weeks. He wanted to get her the right gift. Tickets were expensive, even now that they weren’t on dirt poor avenue, poverty lane, and he’d been carefully saving every peckie so they could leave as soon as possible. But it was her birthday and if anyone deserved something nice, it was her. Maybe it would make up, at least a little, for his forced absenteeism. He could hardly keep his own tail from wagging as Echo walked, spell-bound, through the gates. Whatever was waiting for him back there, today was going to be a victory.  
          Not three feet passed the entrance and they saw their first animal. A peacock, all dazzling blues and greens, wandered up to them. Echo, reckless as ever, immediately took off after it, almost disappearing into the crowd. Hand holding was going to be a must here.
          “Echo, don’t run off! I don’t want to lose sight of you.”
          She gave a sheepish apology. [I was asking Nathaniel, that’s Mr. Peacock’s name, where we should go. He said to see the birds first.]
          Storm eyed the bird. “Did he now?”
          Storm opened the map, pointing out where they were. “The birds are all the way back here. If we go there first, we’ll miss a lot of other exhibits and have to backtrack. Why don’t you pick a direction, left to giraffes or right to sheep, and we’ll go from there? We’ll take the best route to see all of the animals.”
          Echo followed along as Storm traced his finger along the potential paths, proving his claim.
          [Let’s go to the sheep!] Bouncing again. [Will we be able to pat them? I wanna pat a sheep!]
          Storm chuckled at her enthusiasm. “It looks like you can. There’s a little hand sign on the map.” She bit back a squeal of delight. “Let’s go then. Hold my hand while we’re here.”
          They found the path with minimal trouble. Despite all of the movement and the winding walkways, the signs were very clear. Birds twittered overhead, presumably chatting to their exotic friends. They arrived at what Storm could best describe as a giant, open, barn, ‘Petting Zoo within. Please wash hands’ was painted over the large entryway. Sheep and goats took turns bleating a chorus to chicken clucks and pig snorts. The smell was offensive. Hay and timber on their own were pleasant, but they couldn’t compete with the musty farm animals. Echo’s beeline for the first enclosure was circumvented by the insistence she take two seconds to follow the posted rules. Other children ran ahead of her, trailed by their less enthusiastic guardians. Finally, permission was granted. Barely waiting for the zookeeper to open the gate, she was waist deep in animals in no time. Storm followed, ready to fish her out again at a moment’s notice.  She chittered and trilled to them, greetings and pleasantries he supposed, before running her fingers through the closest sheep’s woollen curls. If the way she beamed was any indication, it held up to all her hopes and dreams. The more she spoke to them, the more animals joined her. They mustn’t get many Tainted visitors, or at least, many with animal speak. Storm kind of wished he knew what they were talking about. It was uncomfortable not knowing what they were filling her head with. He scratched at the rough horn of a goat to distract himself from his own over-protectiveness. The hair was coarser than he was expecting.
          When murmured complaints began piling around them, Storm figured it was time to move on. It wasn’t Echo’s fault that the animals were ignoring the other kids but that didn’t matter. Besides, there were plenty of other places to explore.
          “Come on, say bye to these guys. I think alpacas are next.”
          [But I love them.] Echo wrapped herself around a lamb, snuggling into its soft coat with big doe eyes for emphasis. Storm sighed internally. Please don’t let this be the procedure for every animal. He wouldn’t survive. His resolve was already wavering. Instead, he plucked a hay straw out of her hair and tried negotiations.
          “We don’t have a lot of time before we have to go. You can stay here all day if you really want to, but wouldn’t it be better to see the other animals too?”
          It was so very tempting, but she relented, reluctantly untangling herself from the animals and leaving the barn. He was no match for her puppy eyes, but she couldn’t dispute his logic. Her high spirits returned as soon as she saw the alpacas wandering about their field. More so when they crept through the reptile emporium, making an exaggerated effort not to disturb the slumbering snakes. An interactive encounter in which a massive python was draped over Echo’s tiny shoulders left Storm’s stomach in his shoes and a spring in Echo’s step. Did children have no sense of self-preservation or was it just her? Tracing the scales on the snake’s behemoth body was enough to send queasy shudders down Storm’s spine.
          Monkeys next. Storm enjoyed their silly antics much more than his sister. It was fun to watch them swing around and groom each other. Echo claimed they were making a lot of terribly rude comments about visitors.
          The red pandas’ acrobatic show enchanted Echo and the kangaroos’ raw power awed her. Although she wanted to watch the crocodiles, she couldn’t bring herself to go anywhere near their big pools. Of course she knew there was no way to fall in, what with the dual fenced perimeter, but her feet would not allow it. It was beyond frustrating. So close to a living fossil, someone almost certainly acquainted with the gods, and the mere thought of approaching their watery habitat sent tremors through her hands. She wouldn’t have been able to speak to a crocodile regardless of whether she visited the exhibit, the language of reptiles beyond the frontiers of her abilities, but to stand in their presence would have been enough. After several minutes of trying to convince her body to follow her wishes, Storm saved her from her self-appointed torture. Scooping her up, he tossed her into his shoulders.
          “Come on big kid, let’s see the birds. Did you know it’s actually the dad cassowaries that raise the babies?”
          Two taps for no.
          “It’s true. They’re also one of the heaviest and tallest birds in the world. Let’s go see if we can find one.”
          One excited tap and a wiggle for yes.
          Even in the safety of her pen, the shaggy black and blue dinosaur bird was intimidating. She stared down visitors with an almost menacing cocked head. Judgement made, she disappeared back into the trees. It took longer than Storm would like to admit for the pair to remember to move. Thank the stars cassowaries are not native to Yonder.
          They enjoyed walking through the massive aviary together. Hundreds of different colours whirled around them as birds called and sang. A handful of crows jeered at parrots who performed for fruit. Echo tried to provide a running commentary for Storm’s benefit, but there was so much going on, she couldn’t keep any of the conversations straight. They came upon a big cockatoo that she really liked until he squawked in her face, making her puff in response. Storm had been mindful to accidentally miss the sign offering canopy walks. Echo would have loved to romp around in the tree tops but even he had his limits.
          At some point, they had found themselves at the giraffes even though they were supposed to be at the meerkats. Apparently the signs were not as easy to follow as Storm had presumed. Echo took to the tall creatures much more than Storm had anticipated. Sure they were cool with their weird alien horns, ambling through their fields like new age brachiosauruses, but that was more his interest than hers. When she started bouncing on her toes again, leaning over the railing to get as close as she possibly could, he had to ask.
          “They’re pretty cool, huh?”
          She turned to him, a full-fanged grin plastered over her face. [Yeah! Plus, they talk like me!]
          He focused his ears to the field. Giraffes were supposed to be silent. Did they communicate with inaudible noises like cats sometimes do? It wouldn’t be that strange, most researchers were just normal people. That kind of thing might have gone undetected. Though he listened carefully, he couldn’t hear anything. He glanced back at Echo.
          [Not like that! They talk with their bodies. They sign.] She turned her attention back to the exhibit, eagerly watching. He’d never thought she’d be so happy over something as little as that. It made sense, but he was so used to her little noises, the way she would chatter to practically any animal she came across, he’d never considered she might feel … isolated? Out of place? He didn’t really know. Was this what parenting felt like? Like you spend every day learning how much you don’t know about your kid? He felt a little guilty. He was doing his best, but she was just running ahead of him, changing before he could catch up. How was she eleven already? He used to think being a parent was synonymous with growing up. It’s not. His breath caught in his throat, a single quiet hitch. He rubbed the mist out of his eyes before Echo turned back to him, head tilted in concern. A charming smile – he was good at those – and an easy laugh to prove he was fine.
          “Are you ready to keep going? We’ll get some ice cream before we check out the next exhibit.”
          Echo slid her hand in his, giving a reassuring squeeze. “Mn.” She was still by his side.
          Finally, they arrived at the exhibit Storm was most excited about. He’d purposefully saved the best for last. A rush of hot air hit as they shuffled into a building, decorated with leafy plants growing up a forest mural splashed over the unoccupied walls. Silence settled around them. There was no one else there. Thick glass panels covered an entire wall, dividing the room from the habitat. With a sharp intake of realisation, Echo froze. Storm nudged her closer, one shaky step at a time. Face to face with the glass, she stared, wide-eyed at the great predator. He surveyed his land atop his artificial tor, reclining into the stony throne. Light and shadow waltzed over the orange flames of his pelt, leaving stripes of ink where they tread. Massive paws hid keratin daggers. Echo let out the tiniest of breathes. His round ears swivelled, taking note. He stared down at her. Gold so intense her gaze dropped. She was face to face with a tiger.
          He rose, stretching his body, a lazy display of godly creation. He did not leap, but dripped to the floor in one fluid movement. Muscles rippled under fur. He was no house cat. A low growl rumbled as he sauntered to them. Not a threat, a reminder. They were so very soft to him. Echo dipped her head, tail lowered politely. An automated response. She wasn’t thinking straight, too busy trying not to throw up her heart. Storm followed suit. Eagle eyes never left his little sister’s form. As closely as he watched the interaction, it didn’t change the facts. He was an outsider here.
          The tiger padded to the glass. He held his head high. Even sitting, he stared down at her. The growls continued. A quiet edge to the air between them. It felt as if she was nothing. Not that she was suddenly any Less but that he was looking past her. Past her body. Past her mind. Scrutinising her very being.
Her ears flicked up. His razor gaze had softened to a kind king’s.
          “Chfufufa.” He repeated himself, waiting for her to understand. Starstruck, she almost didn’t respond, but she recaptured her flickering mind, returning the greeting with a chuff of her own. She hoped he wouldn’t notice how fluffed her fur was.
          {Are you going to introduce yourself?}
          {Oh! Sorry! Yes! I – I’m Echo. Echo Bell. It’s an honour to meet you.} She bowed again. His eyes crinkled warmly at her earnestness.
          {Little Echo, you may lift your head. I am Nikita.} He looked towards Storm momentarily. {Your guardian does not share our tongue, does he?}
          {No. I don’t think many people can. I – I don’t know many people who can speak to tigers.}
          He nodded solemnly, a noise of affirmation. {Few can. Fewer still I wish to spend time on. Perhaps once, but I am old now. My desires have changed. You are young, a child.} He paused. {It is lonely, isn’t it?}
          Echo’s fingers worried the soft fibres of her scarf. She tried not to think about that too much. To speak to more animals than most knew languages, and yet still only able to communicate with precious few humans. But she was a cat, what more could she expect? Realising she’d left him without an answer, she hurried to compile her messy thoughts, but his expression stopped her. He didn’t need her explanation. He already understood.
          {There is a piece of us in you. I can feel him. He’s young, rash, despite the ancient stardust lining his hide. You are afraid. That is understandable. You do not have to be. She guides you with the ferocity of a mother, but you are not overpowered.} A full smile. {You are very interesting little Echo. I can see why the remnants watch you so intently.}
          They continued talking until crowds filtered into the building. Nikita had little patience for their noise, slipping into his pool in retreat. By the time Storm had gotten them both out, a new plush firmly in Echo’s grip, it was time to leave. They farewelled the zoo, both knowing perfectly well they would not be able to return for some time. Neither was sad. It had been a very good day.
          They sat, waiting for the train to complete its journey. Echo had fallen asleep several stations ago. She’d fought the doze off with all her might, but the rhythmic click clack of the tracks had her out in minutes. She nestled into her brother’s side, content. Storm held her steady, making sure she didn’t fall off the chair while he braced himself for the garbage parade that was undoubtedly waiting for him. Of course he was going to have to face the repercussions of his choices. But when he thought about Echo’s expression as she recounted the day to him, like her eyes had swallowed galaxies, he knew he’d made the right decision. “Happy birthday Echo.”
@inkovert and @snobbysnekboi
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Rustic Kitchen Design Ideas
Inside of the comfy Long Island abode, the zinc-topped kitchen dining table is from ABC Carpet & Home, the stools are by Arthur Umanoff, the stove hood is by Thermador, and the walls are painted in Benjamin Moore's Simply White.
Repurposed Items
The owners of this Tennessee cabin utilized reclaimed materials because of their kitchen's diverse but cozy feel. Their stools are coated with tops that were repurposed from Goodwill, while their salvaged sink is revamped with a pleated skirt and legs. The sconces with piping, come for Humanity ReStore added to mimic the shelving below.
It had been love at first sight when artist Eva Claessens and artwork seller Kris Ghesquière came upon a remote roadside ruin in Uruguay which they then converted into their dream home. Inside, the pendant lighting of the kitchen is leather, the ceiling beam is an old railroad track located in a area, and the flooring is tinted cement tile.
Pecky Cypress
Fans of reclaimed timber, here is a brand new kitchen trend you'll want to keep your eyes on: pecky cypress, found here on the island and hood. This grainy sort of wood is known for striations and its long pocketing. Orb lights also help soften a kitchen with lots of edges and straight lines.
Bold Tile
Use eye-catching patterned tiles for contrast in a little, darkened kitchen for added personality, a perfect job if you are thinking about a summer renovation.
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whiskeynwood · 6 years
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Think I got enough? Here’s my haul from the @watersedgewoods garage sale! There’s still one day left if you want some amazing walnut slabs or some ebonized white oak nickel gap or some pecky cypress! Now to do some lifting! #lumber #oak #redoak #timber #boards #beams #deals #maker #material #rawmaterials #wood #woodworker #woodshop #woodworking #woodcraft #finewoodworking #whatdreamsaremadeof #athensga #sawmill #athensmade #supportyourlocalsawyer #smallbusiness #localbusinesses #athensmade (at Athens, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpIAIOEAo6E/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nvlbgyp5rs6z
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atamascolily · 6 years
A Natural History of Tatooine, part 25/?
In which Jedi Talent Night is full of surprises, Mara all but screams "Notice me, sempai" and Luke completely misses the point yet again.
(Previous installments)
True to Corran's predictions, everyone except Mara was excited when Luke announced the next day that Talent Night was a go. The weeks leading up to the performance were noteworthy for the furtive whispers and glances as the students planned their acts in secret, and faint strains of music could be heard coming from their quarters at odd hours.
The students' distraction--not to mention some of the teachers--was evident in their lessons. Luke was sure this was one reason why Mara detested Talent Night so much. Still, he found himself looking forward to it as the appointed day drew closer.
"Are you going to perform?" Callista asked him one evening as they readied for bed.
"Me? No." Luke shook his head. "I'm not against it, but I don't feel like I have any particular talents."
"I strongly disagree with that," Callista said, making a seductive gesture with her fingers.
"I mean, sharing on stage," he corrected, though he couldn't help but smile at the compliment. "How about you?"
"Oh, I'm thinking about it..." she said. "'Got to show those young whippersnapers who's boss, after all,'" she said, adopting the whiny growl of a popular Tondorian comic artist from the Clone War era whose holos they had been watching together.
He laughed. "Well, I'm sure you'll give them all a run for their money."
But she refused to share any details, insisting that it would ruin the surprise.  
So it was with no small amount of curiosity that he arrived at the meditation hall on the appointed evening to discover the cushions lining the walls had been re-arranged in loose semi-circles to create a kind of stage at the center of the room. Three folding screens had been set on either side of the room to create a makeshift backstage. Dorsk 81, who had improbably volunteered to be MC, was fiddling with a set of voice amplification devices from a stool tucked away to one side of the stage.
Kirana Ti hit the han as if it were time for meditation as the community filed in and took their seats, laughing and joking amongst each other as they settled down. Luke couldn't help but smile at their easy camaraderie, and glanced pointedly at Mara when she took her place on his left side. She ignored him, blank on the surface and tightly wound underneath, any other emotions obscured  by that massive wall she'd constructed in her mind. She was the only one besides Luke wearing formal robes, and he couldn't help but wonder if she was making a statement.
Instead, he turned to Callista, sitting on his other side. She wore a light blue dress and leggings worthy of any lounge singer on this side of the mid-Rim. "Don't you have to get ready?"
"I'm performing towards the end," she said. "Tionne wanted to be last."
Mara pursed her lips at this exchange, but said nothing.
On stage, Dorsk 81 cleared his throat, which vibrated through the room with the amplification. "All right, gentlebeings," he said in his calm, accented Basic. "It's Talent Night, and you all know what that means - a chance for everyone to show off all the skills we've acquired that have nothing to do with lifting rocks or staring at walls for hours on end."
There was a ripple of affectionate laughter from the audience at this.
"Be kind, cheer on your fellow students and teachers, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show." He paused and added, as if an afterthought. "And nobody set anything on fire this time, okay? Once was enough. That said, there are fire extinguishers at the ready backstage and please make sure you know where all the exits are, keeping in mind that the best one is usually behind you."
More laughter from the crowd.
"Good. May the Force be with us all. All right, opening up the evening is our very own favorite ex-hermit and prospector, Streen!"
Streen had befriended a number of pikka birds, whom he had trained to do simple tricks with a combination of his Force talents and very generous bribes of fruit and nutmeats. He beamed at the  applause at the end of his routine, and his birds swooped away out of the meditation hall at his whistle, earning him one last round of cheers before he departed the stage.
Up next was Cilghal, who recited an excerpt from the Mon Calamari epic poem, <i>The Myriad Wonders of the Great Mother Ocean</i>. Cilghal was an excellent orator, but Luke the journey of the Small One as she made her way to consult the Oracle of the Hidden Reef less than engaging, and his attention wandered during the lengthy Catalogue of Fishes.
It probably made more sense in the original language, he decided.  
Kirana Ti and Traitakh's offering was not so sedate. The two accomplished warriors presented a paired skills demo with live weapons that had everyone spellbound. Even though it had clearly been choreographed to show off their best moves--Luke was certain Traitakh would <i>never</i> indulge in a spinning kick in a serious fight--it was impressive. He made a mental note to ask Traitakh about it next time he was in the dojo.
After that, Kam, Aerial and Wedan presented a series of abstract shadow puppetry, while G'ata the Bith tootled away on a kloo horn. Luke wasn't sure how this combination had come together, but he was pleased to see Kam working so well with the newer students. He sent a pointed glance at Mara, as if to say, <i>See what good things can come from Talent Night?</i>, which of course she ignored.  
Dorsk 81 had prepared a comedy routine, although Luke suspected a sense of humor did not come naturally to him. Coming from an orderly, predictable world where asexual cloning was the normal mode of reproduction and individuality was not encouraged, Dorsk 81's comic timing was skewed differently from the galactic standards. Judging from the sheer number of Corellian jokes--most of which Luke had heard from Han back in the old days--he suspected Corran had been heavily involved in preparing his apprentice for the stage.
"That's my cue," Callista said, as Dorsk 81 finished his routine to polite, but not enthusiastic applause. She got to her feet and threaded her way through the audience as Kyp Durron sauntered onto the stage. He was dressed entirely in black, sporting a ridiculous top hat and velvet-lined cape that Lando had no doubt encouraged him to purchase during his recuperation on Coruscant after the Exar Kun debacle.  
This year, Kyp had prepared another magic act, but he'd toned down his performance considerably after last year's unanticipated pyrotechnics, offering card tricks and sleight-of-hand that he'd picked up from Lando. After showing there was nothing up his sleeve, he pulled a ysalamir out of his hat, to the delight of his fellow students.
"Amateur!" Mara coughed under her breath, unimpressed. "If you watch his hands instead of his big mouth, you can see him palm that damn lizard right at the beginning. If he's going to spend all his time practicing, he ought to get it <i>right</i>--"
Kyp's fascination with prestidigitation had started while under house arrest on Coruscant for several weeks with a ysalamiri nutrient frame tied to his back to keep him from using his considerable Force powers to cause trouble. After endless rounds of sabacc with Han and Lando had grown stale, the two ex-smugglers had started teaching him simple tricks, and he'd been fascinated by sleight of hand ever since. By the time Mara had arrived to take over his training, she'd found him contrite, repetant, and prone to pulling flowers out behind her ears at the slightest opportunity. She harassed him endlessly for it--but more for his poor form than out of distate for the medium, Luke noted.
Happily, Kyp had calmed down considerably under her caustic tutelage, and had stayed firmly on the straight and narrow path after his near-disastrous brush with the Dark Side and the wild rampage that had nearly taken out the uneti trees. If a fascination with card tricks would keep him from flirting with the Dark Side again, Luke was all for it.
Then it was Callista's turn. She sauntered on stage, a vocal amplifier in hand, and as the music kicked up, Luke couldn't help but break into a grin. Her performance--a rendition of Peckie Blue and the Starboys' greatest hit, "Cosmic Lover" that was one of their mutuals favorites--soon had everyone rocking and swaying in their seats except for Mara, who sat rigidly upright.
"Oooooo," Callista crooned on the chorus.
"<i>And nobody loves you Like I love you, Cosmic lover, We belong together Ain't no distance too vast to hide me When you look at me like you want me Cosmic lover I'll love you forever now that you are mine...</i>"
Luke didn't need to turn his head to <i>feel</i> Mara stiffen beside him as if she'd been hit in the face, though nothing in her posture changed. He sneaked a glance in her direction, but her expression was still neutral--but the intensity in her mental projections had thickened and strengthened to absorb the brunt of her reaction. It was as if the song had some special meaning for her that he didn't understand--
And then Mara's tension vanished. Luke blinked and realized the song was over. With applause and whistles and cheers, Callista bowed, and made her way offstage.
"Thanks, Callista for that great performance!" Dorsk 81 said, as he strolled back onto stage. "And up next--last but certainly not least--we have our very own instructor Tionne Solustar--"
"No," Mara interjected, her voice carrying through the hall without the need for amplification as she rose to her feet. "<i>I</i> am next."
Dorsk 81 was so surprised he put up no resistance--not that anyone could resist Mara when she was glaring at them. "Uh--whatever you say," he said, edged back offstage.
Furtive whispers ran through the audience as Mara stalked to the stage. No one had any idea what was about to happen.
What was she doing? Luke wondered. She clearly had planned this well in advance, and yet--and yet--
Onstage, Mara turned and faced the audience. She gestured to something Luke couldn't see offstage, and recorded music began to play -- a long, slow, sultry Aviden tango.
For a long moment, nothing happened. Then Mara pulled back the hood of her cloak, revealing that she'd braided her red-gold hair off her neck in a series of interwoven loops that rivaled an Alderaani wedding crown for sheer complexity. Then as the music built, her robes slipped to the ground, and Luke inhaled sharply along with the rest of the audience at what was revealed underneath.
Mara wore a red shimmersilk strapless gown that perfectly matched the color of her hair, one that left most of her back exposed. Gold flickered through the dress as she moved, as did the circlet of pearls and gold around her neck and and the emerald bracelets that ran up her otherwise bare arms to the elbows.
Slowly, langourously, in time to the music, she extended her arm to one side, curved it, and leaned into the position, holding herself perfectly still, her expression still resolutely neutral.
And then the music picked up, and she burst into action.
Luke had forgotten that Mara's cover at the Imperial court had been as a dancer, that she'd even gone to Jabba's palace and danced for the crime lord while she plotted to kill Luke when he came to rescue Han. She rarely talked about that part of her life. He'd certainly never seen her dance before.
He discovered he'd been missing out.
The music swayed, and she rocked along with it, leaping and gliding to the right and the left, backwards and forwards with the rocking beat. He didn't know much about Aviden culture, didn't know what the song was supposed to represent, but in Mara's hands, it became a weaving of life and death and the interplay between them, as she rose like a mythical phoenix from the sky into the depths and back again.
He forgot who he was, so absorbed in the melding of music and Mara as she wove a story with her motions that there was no room for any other thoughts. Her timing was as precise and complex as in a battle, but there were no weapons, no violence, no blood, and no death. The Force was with her, and she gave herself up to it utterly.
And then, as quickly as it had began, the music slowed. Slowly, langourously, she slid into one last pose, held it as the music built to a climax - and then, silence.
Only when Mara had broken the position and made one deep bow was the spell was broken by applause and Luke was released from his trance.
"<i>Well</i>," Callista said in his ear. Had she been beside him the whole time? He'd been so engrossed he hadn't noticed her arrival. "Well, that was <i>something</i>."
Luke closed his mouth, managed to come to his senses long enough to mumble something vaguely coherent. She gave him an odd look, but let it pass, settling back down beside him on her cushion as Mara stepped behind the screens and vanished.
Dorsk 81 got to his feet and cleared his throat. "Uh, wow, that was amazing!" he said awkwardly, adjusting his bow tie as he fumbled to regain his poise. "Give it up again for Jedi Instructor Jade again!"
More whistles and cheers from the audience. Everyone, like Luke, was impressed, even if they weren't quite sure whether or not it was appropriate to show it.
Now that he was back on firmer ground, Dorsk 81's confidence returned. "And now, last but certainly not least, our very own Tionne Solustar with the latest addition to her real-time historical song cycle, 'The Ballad of Cray and Nichos'!"
Kam emerged from behind the screen with a carved wooden chair, which he placed in the center of the stage, before exiting back the way he had come. Tionne came out a few moments later, her ballichord slung over her shoulder. She settled in the chair, plucked a few strings on her ballichord to ensure it was in tune, and glanced up at the audience when she was ready.
Callista squeezed his hand. "Here we go," she said quietly. "Ready to be a hero?"
"Ready or not, here we come," he said, and then Tionne began.
Tionne was as good a songwriter as she was a musician. She stuck mostly to the facts, though privately Luke was grateful she had steered away from Cray's intense disappointment in her droid-lover's inability to help her escape from her prison aboard the <i>Eye of Palpatine</i>.
In the ballad, Luke and Callista and Mara were supporting characters; the real stars were Cray and Nichos. Tionne sang of the tragedy of their love, of Nichos's illness, their decision to go out together in a blaze of glory to destroy the <i>Eye of Palpatine</i> and save the galaxy, even as Cray gave up her body to host the benevolent Jedi spirit trapped in the computer core.
Despite his best efforts, Luke found himself tearing up. Callista, who had lived through it all, wept openly. So were most of the students. They, too, were a part of the history; they, too, would have songs written of their deeds if they were worthy and heart-felt. <i>We will become legends to inspire those who come after us,</i> he thought, <i>and hopefully learn from our mistakes. What better legacy for Cray and Nichos could we have offered them?</i>
The ballad ended with Mara rescuing Luke and a resurrected Callista, even as they mourned Cray and Nichos's sacrifice, and swore to keep their memory alive in the New Jedi Order. As Tionne strummed the finale chords, the students roared, and treated the beaming Tionne to a standing ovation. Admist the whistles and cheers, Kam returned to the stage, this time bearing a bouquet of ivory paradise-lilies, and gave his wife a passionate kiss--which made the students cheer even harder.
It was only after the tumult of applause and congratulations slowed and the audience began to disperse, that Luke realized Mara had never come back to the hall after her performance.
Then Callista said, "Luke? Are you all right?" and took his hand, and that particular thought slipped away and did not return.
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ebenalconstruct · 3 years
Hand Scraped Doug Fir Beams with Pecky Cypress Ceiling!
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submitted by /u/Lucky-Wolverine5457 [link] [comments]
from https://www.reddit.com/r/Construction/comments/oqhtii/hand_scraped_doug_fir_beams_with_pecky_cypress/
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callmeselina · 5 years
Rustic Kitchen Design Ideas
Inside of this cozy Long Island abode, the zinc-topped kitchen dining table is from ABC Carpet & Home, the stools are by Arthur Umanoff, the range hood is by Thermador, and the walls are painted in Benjamin Moore's Just White.
Reclaimed Wood
The wood pillar and range hood made from salvaged pine balance out the exquisite white features of this Georgia kitchen, which adds extra country charm with antique porch posts supporting the island, a chalkboard, and farm-fresh blossoms in a pitcher, click to https://www.gtatvwallmounting.ca/.
Pecky Cypress
Fans of reclaimed timber, here's a new kitchen trend you will want to keep your eyes on: pecky cypress, found here on the hood and island. This sort of wood is well known for its long pocketing and striations. Orb lights help soften a kitchen with lots of straight lines and sharp edges.
Nation Details
From the oversize farmhouse sink and dusty blue closets to the exposed ceiling beams and animal wall artwork, this kitchen's rustic vibe is complemented by an earthy palette of reds and browns.
Repurposed Items
The owners of this Tennessee cabin used reclaimed materials for their kitchen's eclectic but cozy feel. Their stools are covered with old shirts that were repurposed while their salvaged sink is revamped with ornamental legs and a skirt. The sconces with piping come for Humanity ReStore inserted to mimic the shelving below.
Bold Tile
Use eye-catching patterned tiles for contrast in a little, darkened kitchen for extra personality, a perfect project if you are considering a summer renovation.
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Historic Miami Manse Features Underground Wine Grotto With Water Views
Descending into a private wine cellar to procure a delicious bottle isn’t a novel idea. But an underwater wine cellar designed like a grotto? You’ve piqued our interest, and our palate.
A home with an underwater wine cellar in Miami’s Coconut Grove neighborhood is now on the market for $1.95 million, represented by listing agent Carole Smith, of Compass in Coral Gables, FL.
“An artist—Meredith Miller—lived in the house at one time, and she and her husband built” the wine cellar, says Smith. “It was her creativity that came up with” the addition.
The renovation, which also added a koi pond and artist’s loft, was completed during the 1980s. The 3,360-square-foot, four-bedroom home originally dates to 1925. Situated on a half-acre corner lot, “it’s surrounded by other 1920s homes,” says Smith.
It’s the home’s (and neighborhood’s) historical character that Smith hopes will attract a buyer, although the one-of-a-kind wine cellar is worthy of a toast. Bottle storage is embedded into the stone walls for a seamless look. While sipping vintage Bordeaux, you can gaze out at a watery wonderland.
Wine cellar with view of the pool
William Jennings Bryan, secretary of state under President Woodrow Wilson, was the home’s first owner.
“A lot of these houses were built in a square shape around a courtyard so they could get optimum breezes, because the ocean is so far away,” explains Smith. The urban area once attracted “well-heeled Northeasterners who wanted to get out of the winter.”
Living room
Fans of the life aquatic will fall hard for this home because “you can see water—whether it’s the pond or the waterfall or the swimming pool—from every room,” says Smith. The koi pond is beneath an ornate foot bridge leading to the home. There’s also a large gazebo for reading or relaxing. With the self-circulating waterfall, “you do feel like you’re in Shangri-La,” says Smith. There’s also a water fountain in the courtyard.
Overnight visitors in the cottage are in for a real treat: “If you are a guest in that house, you can lie in bed and look out at the pool,” says Smith.
Home chefs will fight over the right to cook in the kitchen—especially once they see the robin’s egg-blue stove and its brick surround.
“That’s about an $18,000 French stove,” says Smith. “Although it’s a galley kitchen, it just works in this house.”
Architectural details in the home include plaster walls throughout. The original fireplace in the living room is flanked by French doors. Fabulous arches—also in the living room—are crafted from wood and feature spool beams. They’re a nice complement to the room’s pecky cypress ceiling. Embedded stone lions flank an exterior door to the home. There’s also a private rooftop terrace and a sauna.
Watch: Cave Home Transitions From Fallout Shelter to Nightclub to Luxury Retreat
But the pièce de résistance—in addition to the wine cellar—is the artist’s loft, which features a Juliet balcony and a private terrace.
Given the luxe amenities and historical character of the home, buyers would be racing to put in an offer, right?
Well, when faced with options including new spec homes and modern condos—both of which are prolific in Miami—it won’t be just anybody who puts in an offer.
“The buyer is someone who will dare to be different,” says Smith. “They do not want cookie cutter. They love nature. They like the Coconut Grove history. They’re probably inventive and innovative.” And, we should add, fans of a nice bottle of vino.
The post Historic Miami Manse Features Underground Wine Grotto With Water Views appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from https://www.realtor.com/news/unique-homes/miami-underground-wine-grotto/
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dawnjeman · 6 years
Interior Design Ideas
  It’s great to be here to share some new interior design ideas with all of you! I’m happy to add some beautiful and inspiring kitchens, living rooms, bathrooms, bedrooms, many interiors featuring different styles. So, hopefully you will find something you really like around here!
Pin your favorite interiors and have a great time, my friends!
  Interior Design Ideas
White Kitchen with Pecky Cypress cabinets painted in Benjamin Moore OC-17 White Dove. Countertops are Macaubus Quartzite.
Similar kitchen runner can be found here & here.
Hardware: Brushed Brass Knobs. Brushed Brass Pulls.
Old Seagrove Homes.
Backsplash Tile Ideas
Backsplash is Eveningstar Thassos, blue Celeste, and Azul Macaubas marble tile by Tilebar.
Kitchen Faucet: Here.
Pot Filler: Rohl.
Lighting is from Horchow.
Old Seagrove Homes.
Green Cabinets
Cabinet paint color is Benjamin Moore 2047-10 Forest Green. Cement tile is from Cement Tile Shop (similar can be found here).
Sink: Kohler.
Fridge is Smeg.
Similar Sconces can be found here.
Hand soap set.
Studio McGee.
 Callie Hobbs Photography.
Floating Shelves & White Tile Backsplash
Modern farmhouse kitchen with chunky floating shelves and 4×4 white tile backsplash.
Studio McGee.
 Callie Hobbs Photography.
Black Range
Range is Bertazzoni.
Studio McGee.
 Callie Hobbs Photography.
Island & Corner Banquette
Kitchen island with four seating and corner nook with built-in banquette. The clients for this kitchen have 3 small children and wanted a family-friendly space where their kids and friends could hang out, complete homework, etc.
Clients wanted kid friendly but a very “grown up” looking kitchen, so we added the herringbone marble backsplash, capiz chandelier and glass pendants. All of the fabrics used are indoor/outdoor for easy cleaning.
Similar Counterstools: Here & Here.
 Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Breakfast Nook
The clients spend most of their time in the kitchen, so by creating the breakfast nook and providing ample bar seating it made the space much more comfortable. Paint is Dunn Edwards White Heat.
 Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
The herringbone marble backsplash is from Wayfair.
 Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
White Farmhouse Kitchen
White farmhouse kitchen with reclaimed wood pantry door and zinc hood. The custom zinc hood is by Fine Design Fabrication. The custom Barn wood pantry door is Karten’s Case.
 Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Similar barstools can be found here & here.
Faucet, prep sink and pot filler: Waterstone Kitchen Faucet – Waterstone Pot Filler.
Countertops: Ceaserstone.
Hardware: Top Knobs Pulls, Knobs & Bin Pulls.
Cabinetry: JT Designs Tab.
 Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Wine Room
Beautiful Industrial-farmhouse wine room with patterned tile. The patterned tile is Mediterranean 26 tile​ from Tabarka Studio​.
Barstools​ are Caymus Bar Stools from Arteriors. Pendants​ are Clifton Pendant from Currey and Company. Table​ is custom made.
Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Modern Farmhouse Kitchen
Beautiful, newly-designed crisp white farmhouse kitchen with shiplap hood and brick backsplash.
Sita Montgomery Interiors.
Sara Boulter Photography.
Two-toned Island
Two-toned Kitchen Island Design: “The design of the kitchen centered around my desire to have a two toned island. I designed the island to have a center base, with shiplap detail. I wanted that section of the island to be painted white. It was important to me to add some stained wood into the design of the kitchen to add warmth. One way I did this was to accent the island with stained “X” end panels.” –Sita Montgomery Interiors.
Sara Boulter Photography.
Inspired by this Look:
(Always check dimensions before ordering
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  Shiplap Hood
“The white shiplap kitchen hood got a dose of stained wood and the open shelving was made of stained wood as well.” – Sita Montgomery Interiors.
Sara Boulter Photography.
Backsplash: Painted Brick – similar here.
Kitchen Runner
The kitchen runner is the Journey Wool Rug by Loloi Rugs.
Sita Montgomery Interiors.
Sara Boulter Photography.
Sconces are Savoy House Morland Warm Brass One-Light Sconce.
Sita Montgomery Interiors.
Sara Boulter Photography.
Modern Farmhouse Sink
Kitchen Island Elements: “I topped the kitchen off with gorgeous, easy to maintain, marble look, quartz countertops. We used an extra thick 6cm quartz, with a mitered edge, to give the countertops a substantial look. My favorite feature may be the black silgranit, farmhouse sink from Blanco. The black sink, with brass faucet, set against the white countertops and cabinetry is an absolute showstopper!” –Sita Montgomery Interiors.
The matte black hardware provides a bold contrast against the white cabinet. Hardware is from Amerock Hardware.
Similar Faucet: Here.
Sara Boulter Photography.
Kitchen Desk
Desk chair can be found here.
Sconce is Savoy House.
Similar Shelves: Here.
Sita Montgomery Interiors.
Sara Boulter Photography.
Flooring is Hallmark Floors Alta Vista Malibu – similar here & here.
Sita Montgomery Interiors.
Sara Boulter Photography.
Dining Nook
Farmhouse Dining Nook: “The dining nook is the perfect spot for my clients’ family to sit and enjoy a meal or for the kids to do their homework. The nook is surrounded by beautiful large windows, which showcase the breathtaking views of the Utah mountains.” -Sita Montgomery Interiors.
Lighting is Savoy House Fulton English Bronze and Warm Brass Six-Light Chandelier.
Dining table: here or here (Pottery Barn).
Similar Dining Chairs: Here & Here.
Sara Boulter Photography.
Modern Farmhouse Brick Fireplace
According to the designer, “the painted brick fireplace is the focal point of  the family room. Warmth was introduced into the space with the addition of a custom made white oak mantel. The mantel was given a custom stain, which compliments the other wood tones in the home.
Leather Chairs: West Elm.
Sofa: West Elm.
Get the Look:
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  Modern Farmhouse Living Room
 The fireplace is flanked with a 10ft tall bookcase on one side and a charming window seat on the other.”
Sita Montgomery Interiors.
Sara Boulter Photography.
Farmhouse Style Bookshelves
Sita Montgomery Interiors.
Sara Boulter Photography.
Modern Farmhouse Nook
“The window seat is the perfect spot to sit and gaze at the gorgeous view or curl up with a good book. The two library sconces give off the perfect light for the evening hours. The black windows are absolutely stunning against the white interior walls. This bold contrast is my favorite!”
The cushion was custom made by the designer’s fabricator. The fabric is from Robert Allen.
Sita Montgomery Interiors.
Sara Boulter Photography.
Arched foyer with double wood front doors with draperies, dark hardwood floors and exposed ceiling beams.
Bench and chandelier is Gabby Home. Mirror can be found here.
Old Seagrove Homes.
Crisp White Paneling Paint Color
 Crisp White Paneling Paint Color: Benjamin Moore OC-117 Simply White. 
 Fox Group Construction.
White Foyer with Black Door
White foyer paneling painted in Simply White by Benjamin Moore and black front door. Lighting is Suzanne Kasler Morris Lantern.
Fox Group Construction.
Craft Room
Gorgeous craft room with built in cabinets and a nautical blue and white wallpaper. Wallpaper is Phillip Jefferies – Why Knot in Navy on White Paperweave.
Chair is Ballard Designs. Pillow on Chair HomeGoods.
Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Shiplap Nursery
Nursery features shiplap paneling and window seat with storage. Rug and Rocking Chair & Ottoman are Pottery Barn.
Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Color Palette
     Window Pillows: Custom using Duralee & Robert Allen Fabrics.
    Window Valances: Kravet & Lee Jofa.
Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Bathtub Nook
Arched bathtub nook with marble herringbone backsplash tile. Ceiling features rustic Pecky Cypress wood. Paint Color is Benjamin Moore White Dove.
Pendant is Visual Comfort.
Bench is Gabby.
    Basket is Serena & Lily.
Old Seagrove Homes.
Bathroom Mirror
 In this bathroom, a Moroccan mirror add gorgeous curvilinear shape and shine in combination with the antiqued mirrored sconces.
Mirrors: Wisteria.
    Sconces: Currey and Co.
Old Seagrove Homes.
Bathroom Cabinet Paint Color
White Cabinet Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Simply White.
 Fox Group Construction.
Modern Farmhouse Bathroom
Modern farmhouse bathroom with black framed shower doors, black vanity, brass fixtures, shiplap paneled wall and cement floor tile.
Sita Montgomery Interiors.
Neutral Bathroom
Beautiful bathroom with neutral elements.
Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Countertop & Shower Tile
Countertop is Cosentino and the shower tiles are Asian Carrera Honed.
Faucets & Shower Fixtures: Pirch – California Faucets.
Hardware: Top Knobs.
Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Bathroom Flooring
 Bathroom flooring is Oak Hardwood Flooring – Provenza Pompei Vesuvius.
Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Tub Chandelier
The tub chandelier is Restoration Hardware – 1920’s Odeon.
Tub is Pirch MTI Whirlpools. Window treatment is Maxwell and the fireplace tile is 1 x 2 Rock face white marble mosaic.
Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Grey Bedroom Paint Color
Paint color is Dunn Edwards Miners Dust. Trim paint color is Sherwin Williams Extra White SW7006.
Rug is Pottery Barn; Bosworth printed wool rug. Chandelier is Restoration Hardware Crystal Halo.
Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Bed & Nightstand
This bed was custom made by OHM3 using fabric from Kravet (29484-11) but you can find similar looks at Restoration Hardware. The nightstands are Restoration Hardware – 1930’s French Mirrored 32”Nightstand – similar here & here.
Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
Bedroom & Sitting Area
Neutral bedroom with separated sitting area.
Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
The bedroom draperies are Serena & Lily. Bedding is Annabel Duvet Cover also from Serena & Lily. Rug is Dash & Albert.
    Mirror: Restoration Hardware.
    Floor Pillows: Custom using Duralee fabrics.
    Chair: Pottery Barn. Pillow on Chair: Home Goods.
Tracy Lynn Studio.
Zack Benson Photography.
  Home Exterior & Gardens
Poolside outdoor shower and storage under the deck.
Old Seagrove Homes.
  Pinnable Paint Colors & Color Palettes
10 Most Popular Paint Colors: Cotswold AF-150 Benjamin Moore. Coventry Gray HC-169 Benjamin Moore. Crushed Ice SW 7647 Sherwin Williams. Dovetail SW 7018 Sherwin Williams. Sea Salt SW 6204 Sherwin Williams. Lazy Gray SW 6254 Sherwin Williams. Revere Pewter HC-172 Benjamin Moore.  Sticks and Stones SW 7503 Sherwin Williams. Mink SW 6004 Sherwin Williams. Solitude AF-545 Benjamin Moore.
Favorite Paint Colors Blog for Home Bunch.
  Summer Best Deals!
Thank you for shopping through Home Bunch. I would be happy to assist you if you have any questions or are looking for something in particular. Feel free to contact me and always make sure to check dimensions before ordering. Happy shopping!
Wayfair: Black Friday in July! Up to 70% OFF – Huge Sales on Decor, Furniture & Rugs!!
Joss & Main: Flash Deals! Up to 75% Off!!!
Serena & Lily: The Upholstery Event: Enjoy 20% OFF!
Pottery Barn: New Arrivals!!! Up to 70% Off!
West Elm: Mega Sale – 70% Off sales!
Caitlin Wilson: Beautiful Rugs & Pillows.
Anthropologie: Extra 40% Off Sale Plus 20% Off Furniture + Decor.
Urban Outfitters: Hip & Affordable Home Decor – Big Summer Sales!!!
Horchow: Flash Sale: Up to 55% Off!!!
One Kings Lane: Save Up to 70% OFF! Free Standard Shipping on Orders over $99!
Williams & Sonoma: Spring Clearance: Up to 75% OFF!.
Nordstrom: Up to 40% OFF!
Neiman Marcus: Designer Sale: Up to 40% OFF.
Pier 1: Biggest Memorial Day Sale: Up to 50% Off!
JCPenny: Final Hours of Huge Sale.
  Posts of the Week:
Kitchen and Mudroom Gut Renovation Ideas.
  Santa Barbara Beach Home Design.
  Interior Design Ideas Coastal Florida Home.
  Georgian Home Design Ideas.
Palm Beach, Florida Dream Home.
Interior Design Ideas: California Coastal Home.
Custom Home with Artisan Craftsmanship Interiors.
Interior Design Ideas: Colorful Interiors.
New-Construction Modern Farmhouse Inspiration.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Andrea McQueen Design.
Texas Gulf Coast Beach House.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: California Beach House.
New-Construction Home for First-time Home Buyer.
California Beach House with Beautiful Coastal Interiors.
Grey Kitchen Paint Colors.
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“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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samuelmmarcus · 4 years
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Florida
  Happy new week, my dear friends! How are you today? I really hope you’re feeling happy and healthy. It’s truly an honor to have you on HomeBunch today and I am hoping you will love this “Beautiful Homes of Instagram”.
Located in Watersound, Florida and with architecture by the talented T.S. Adams Studio (previously featuredhere, here, here & here– make sure to see these gorgeous homes!!!), this beach house feels like a vacation just to look at. Now imagine living in it!
I hope you have a really good time and be prepared to pin this Florida beach house because every picture in this post is pin-worthy! Have fun filling up your boards!
  Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Florida
What a beautiful home, right?! The Cedar shake exterior with white trim is complemented by a brick chimney.
The Cedar shake shingles are stained in an acrylic paint color, Benjamin Moore Monroe Bisque. Roof is Cedar as well.
Exterior Trim
Isn’t this home beautiful? Take a close look at the details… Exterior trim paint color is “Benjamin Moore Swiss Coffee”.
Exterior Copper gas lanterns accentuates the front porch and the custom front door.
Refresh your Porch for Springtime:
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The interiors of this home feature plenty of warm accents and innovative, yet timeless, design ideas.
Note: Furniture and decor are available through the designer. I will be selecting some similar options so you can can this look.
Faucet: Rohl.
Pendants: – Visual Comfort – Other Options: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Counterstools: Custom – Other Beautiful Counterstools: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Kitchen Island
The kitchen island is made out of Pecky Cypress wood. White recessed panel cabinets are Benjamin Moore White Dove with a custom glaze.
Hood: Custom, made to match the kitchen pendants – similar here.
Backsplash: 2×6 Beveled Ceramic Tile.
Kitchen Hardware: Ashley Norton.
Dining Room
The home feels open so it flows, yet it has a traditional structural bone that gives each room its own identity.
Dining Table: here – similar.
Dining Chairs: here & here  – similar.
Chandelier: Visual Comfort – similar here.
Draperies: Custom – similar here.
Inspired by this Home:
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  Living Room
In the living room, custom tall cabinets flank a sleek fireplace.
Roman Shades: Custom – similar here.
Console Table: here – similar.
Wood Sphere: here – similar.
Wood Dough Bowl: here.
Chandelier: Currey & Co – similar here (best seller!).
Beautiful Slipcovered Chairs: here, here, here & here.
Comfy Sofas: here, here & here.
Accent Table: here – similar.
Coffee Table: Bernhardt.
Rug: Dash & Albert.
A hallway leads to a staircase with paneled walls.
Hardwood Flooring: The floors are character grade oak – similar here.
Bench: Custom – Other Beautiful Benches/Settees: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Rug: Vintage – Other Vintage Rugs: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Paint Color
Wall paneling and staircase paint color is White Dove by Benjamin Moore.
Stair Sconces: Visual Comfort.
Bunk Room
The bunk room is perfect for the extra guest. It features custom bunk beds in a navy blue color and a custom barn door.
Guest Bedroom
Upstairs you will also find two more bedrooms with its own ensuites. Ceilings are clad in shiplap and stained beams.
Bed: here – similar.
Bench: here – similar.
Framed Coral Artwork: here – similar.
Small Nightstands: here, here, here & here.
Nickel joint walls complement the beamed ceiling.
Guest Bathroom
White shiplap and white cabinetry add a classic look to this bathroom. Notice that a large mirror was installed from counter to ceiling, and custom molding was applied around the oval window.
Hardware: Ashley Norton.
Beautiful Black & White Marble Tiles: here, here, here, here & here.
Cabinet Paint Color
Bathroom Cabinet Paint Color: White Dove by Benjamin Moore.
Faucets: Delta.
Master Bedroom
The master bedroom is located on the main level and it opens onto a courtyard with pool and spa.
Paint Color
Bedroom paint color is Colonnade Gray SW 7641 Sherwin Williams.
Botanical Artwork Sets: here (similar), here, here, here & here.
Beautiful Nightstands: here, here, here, here & here.
Best Seller Beds: here, here, here & here.
Table Lamp: here & here – similar.
Rug: here.
Master Bathroom
This master bathroom is one that will stay in our mind! On the right you will see a custom built-in linen cabinet, followed by a shower enclosure. The bathtub features a classic paneling while the walls are clad in shiplap. Flooring is honed marble set in a chevron pattern. Pure luxury!
Bathroom Faucets
Bathroom faucets are Rohl.
Hardware: Ashley Norton.
Bathroom Cabinetry
The recessed panel bathroom cabinet is Oak with a custom grey finish.
Paint Color
Wood paneling and ceiling beams create a sense of warmth in this master bathroom. Paint color is Colonnade Gray by Sherwin Williams.
This home continues to impress! The courtyard feels private and it’s full of great ideas. Notice the Copper gutters and Copper roof accents.
Screened Porch
The screened-in porch feels cozy thanks to its brick fireplace and Oak Cathedral ceiling.
Chandelier: Custom – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
Coffee Table: here – similar.
Rug: Dash & Albert.
Architectural Details
Wood corbels and brackets accentuates the exterior of this classic shingle beach house.
Flooring: Tumbled Travertine tile, random size – similar here & here.
Can you picture yourself enjoying every sunny day in this relaxing courtyard?
A brick wall and a pergola accentuates this gorgeous pool.
Pool Water Feature
Chevron-patterned brick and a custom water feature add beauty and a relaxing feel to this private oasis.
Beach Lifestyle
A boardwalk leads to the beach, just few steps away…
A brick driveway leads to a two-car garage.
Outdoor Shower
This seaside home is enchanting inside and out and an outdoor shower surely adds to its charm!
  Many thanks to the architect for sharing the details above!
Architecture: T.S. Adams Studio (Instagram).
Project Manager: Justin Bell for T.S. Adams Studio.
Interior Design: Tracery Interiors.
Photographer: Jean Allsopp.
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If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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conanans-thoughts · 5 years
Rustic Country Kitchen Ideas
Inside of this comfy Long Island abode, the zinc-topped kitchen dining table is from ABC Carpet & Home, the stools are by Arthur Umanoff, the range hood is by Thermador, and the walls are painted in Benjamin Moore's Simply White.
Vintage Sink
This couple adopted the history of the 18th-century farmhouse by filling it with antiques, also at the kitchen, that translates to some classic porcelain dual farm sink plus a screen of gorgeous antique dishes. Other touches, such as the faded checkered storage and rug baskets add to the style.
Pecky Cypress
Fans of reclaimed timber, here is a new kitchen trend you'll want to keep your eyes on: pecky cypress, seen here on the island and hood. This type of timber is known for its pocketing and striations. Orb lights also help soften a kitchen with lots of sharp edges and straight lines.
It was love at first sight when celebrity Eva Claessens and artwork seller Kris Ghesquière came upon a remote roadside ruin in Uruguay which they then transformed into their dream home. Inside, the kitchen pendant light is leather, the ceiling beam is an old railroad track located in a nearby area, and the flooring is tinted cement tile.
Bold Tile
Use eye-catching patterned tiles for contrast in a little, darkened kitchen for extra personality, a perfect project if you're considering a summer renovation.
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iqvts · 5 years
4702 Huron Hill Drive, Okemos, MI 48864 from iQ Visual Tours on Vimeo.
For more information: www.cb-hb.com/listing/215-120085/4702-huron-hill-drive-okemos-mi-48864
Welcome to this stunning Mid-Century Modern classic, situated on a hill overlooking the park in Indian Hills, on a spectacularly private 2+ acre tree-lined lot on the Red Cedar River. The renowned architect George Williams of Haughey, Black and Williams designed and built this custom estate in 1960 featuring exceptional quality materials with vast expanses of glass, exotic woods and richly textured walls of natural Michigan split fieldstone. The extensive landscaping was designed by Jack Drew. Its unique design draws the lush outdoor surroundings in, using powerful geometric lines in a serene, private setting. The post and beam construction features a stunning quadra hip roof and ceiling, as well as trapezoidal panes of glass for unparalleled natural lighting. Exotic wood paneling of red cedar, wormy chestnut and pecky cypress give the house a richly textured, natural appeal. The open living room/dining room overlooks an expansive back yard with moving glass walls open to the balcony.
Contact: Martha Rhodes Bashore (517) 281-6461 [email protected]
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davidoespailla · 5 years
Historic Miami Manse Features Underground Wine Grotto With Water Views
Descending into a private wine cellar to procure a delicious bottle isn’t a novel idea. But an underwater wine cellar designed like a grotto? You’ve piqued our interest, and our palate.
A home with an underwater wine cellar in Miami’s Coconut Grove neighborhood is now on the market for $1.95 million, represented by listing agent Carole Smith, of Compass in Coral Gables, FL.
“An artist—Meredith Miller—lived in the house at one time, and she and her husband built” the wine cellar, says Smith. “It was her creativity that came up with” the addition.
The renovation, which also added a koi pond and artist’s loft, was completed during the 1980s. The 3,360-square-foot, four-bedroom home originally dates to 1925. Situated on a half-acre corner lot, “it’s surrounded by other 1920s homes,” says Smith.
It’s the home’s (and neighborhood’s) historical character that Smith hopes will attract a buyer, although the one-of-a-kind wine cellar is worthy of a toast. Bottle storage is embedded into the stone walls for a seamless look. While sipping vintage Bordeaux, you can gaze out at a watery wonderland.
Wine cellar with view of the pool
William Jennings Bryan, secretary of state under President Woodrow Wilson, was the home’s first owner.
“A lot of these houses were built in a square shape around a courtyard so they could get optimum breezes, because the ocean is so far away,” explains Smith. The urban area once attracted “well-heeled Northeasterners who wanted to get out of the winter.”
Living room
Fans of the life aquatic will fall hard for this home because “you can see water—whether it’s the pond or the waterfall or the swimming pool—from every room,” says Smith. The koi pond is beneath an ornate foot bridge leading to the home. There’s also a large gazebo for reading or relaxing. With the self-circulating waterfall, “you do feel like you’re in Shangri-La,” says Smith. There’s also a water fountain in the courtyard.
Overnight visitors in the cottage are in for a real treat: “If you are a guest in that house, you can lie in bed and look out at the pool,” says Smith.
Home chefs will fight over the right to cook in the kitchen—especially once they see the robin’s egg-blue stove and its brick surround.
“That’s about an $18,000 French stove,” says Smith. “Although it’s a galley kitchen, it just works in this house.”
Architectural details in the home include plaster walls throughout. The original fireplace in the living room is flanked by French doors. Fabulous arches—also in the living room—are crafted from wood and feature spool beams. They’re a nice complement to the room’s pecky cypress ceiling. Embedded stone lions flank an exterior door to the home. There’s also a private rooftop terrace and a sauna.
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But the pièce de résistance—in addition to the wine cellar—is the artist’s loft, which features a Juliet balcony and a private terrace.
Given the luxe amenities and historical character of the home, buyers would be racing to put in an offer, right?
Well, when faced with options including new spec homes and modern condos—both of which are prolific in Miami—it won’t be just anybody who puts in an offer.
“The buyer is someone who will dare to be different,” says Smith. “They do not want cookie cutter. They love nature. They like the Coconut Grove history. They’re probably inventive and innovative.” And, we should add, fans of a nice bottle of vino.
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Historic Miami Manse Features Underground Wine Grotto With Water Views
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