#papa Damballa
spiritualityloves247 · 3 months
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purpleplaid17 · 1 month
Jess Watches // Thu 11 Apr // Day 197 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
The Resident (with mum) 3x01 From the Ashes
The doctors of Chastain are surrounded by new rules and doctors, as Red Rock Mountain Medical takes over the hospital; Conrad finds himself in a dangerous situation when the construction for a neurosurgery center causes a gas explosion.
I had a feeling it was going to be Nic's sister who died. The fake-out at the beginning was mean :'( And then they blew up Karen from OTH and gave her brain cancer. Although the addition of the very dashing Morris Chesnut doing her surgery while Lil Nas X was playing did help improve the mood.
Chucky 3x05 Death Becomes Her
Chucky wrestles with his mortality, while Jake and Devon take their romance to the next level.
How are all the Collinses hallucinating the people Chucky has recently killed? Is the Damballa-voodoo-veil getting thinner as Chucky deteriorates? And Jake and Devon making time to be together away from the chaos was very sweet. Hopefully their first time won't also be their last.
Killing Eve (Remix) [x] 3x05 Up for a Game
4x04 - Villanelle is released from prison with the help of Hélène who gives her a new assignment. Meanwhile, Eve meets Hélène who confirms that Lars is in fact her target, and challenges Eve to find him before she does. / 3x06 - V asks Konstantin to join his plan to run away, but his daughter Irina hates her. Eve visits Dasha in Barcelona, who taunts her; Eve is unfazed. / 4x04 - In Havana, Cuba, V kidnaps Carolyn.
Eve-with-an-english-accent you'll always be famous. And I remember seeing the bts pics of Jodie and Fiona filming in Margate when it was a heatwave. And everyone having an opinion on her Paul Smith outfit lol. Also, Eve's strap bowling game was very hot. 🔥
One Piece 1x06 The Chef and the Chore Boy
The group is ambushed by a threat no one sees coming. After a hard-fought battle at the Baratie, Sanji finally follows his dreams while another crew member shows their true colors.
Was young Sanji also Gus SweetTooth? He has a good ear for accents at such a young age. Zeff was such a surprisingly caring papa. I can't believe he chopped off and ate his own leg just so the boy wouldn't starve. If he ever needs help braiding his funky little plaited 'tash, he can call me.
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transgenderer · 10 months
Everybody knows that La Gonave is a whale that lingered so long in Haitian waters that he became an island. He bears a sleeping woman on his back. Any late afternoon anyone in Port-au-Prince who looks out to sea can see her lying there on her back with her hands folded across her middle sleeping peacefully. It is said that the Haitians prayed to Damballa for peace and prosperity. Damballa was away on a journey accompanied by his suite, including two wives, Aida and Cilia. When the invocations reached Damballa where he was travelling in the sky, he sent his woman Cilia with a message to his beloved Haitians. He commanded Agoue’ta-Royo to provide a boat for his wife and to transport her safely to Port-au-Prince so that she could give the people the formula for peace. Papa Agoue’ sent a great whale to bear Cilia and instructed him to transport the woman of Damballa with safety and speed and comfort. The whale performed everything that the Master of Waters commanded him. He rode Madame Cilia so quickly and so gently that she fell asleep, and did not know that she arrived at her destination. The whale dared not wake her to tell her that she was in Haiti. So every day he swims far out to sea and visits with his friends. But at sundown he creeps back into the harbor so that Madame Cilia may land if she should awake. She has the formula of peace in her sleeping hand. When she wakes up, she will give it to the people.
Zora Neale Hurston. Tell My Horse
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Papa Legba, Erzulie, Ogun, Damballa
Voodoo Loa of crossroads, fertility, earthly power and knowledge
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jojosbizarreocblog · 1 year
As Said Before You Are A Dumbass Heifer
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1.  Olorun
2. Baron Samedi
3. Damballa
4. Yemaya
5. Anansi
6. Esu
7. Shango
8. Erzulie
9. Papa Legba
10. Mami Wata
Look them up you will find they have appeared in American media. Also I am not white you dumbass ignorant bitch. Seriously, you guys who think just because you disagree with something means you are white, privileged and lack understanding. I understand that these developers know to pander to lazy dumbasses like you who will eat up crap. You guys thinking white is boring are the real boring ones. It’s because you see white people as a monolith when in reality they are diverse. And interesting enough one can be made as well for other cultures we lumped into one group.  Kratos is not black. He is greek. Kratos does not have the facial features of a black person. Furthermore both his parents are white greeks. His mom is a Greek woman and his father is She's, the Greek god of thunder and very much white. This is what we talk about when we talk about people attributing identity politics in games. Kratos is clearly not black, but to try to finish the criticism of Angraboda being black when it does not fit in the Norse Myth. God of war ragnarok having Thor be fat and Angraboda black is clearly the pushing of identity politics by the games director. Furthermore, the reason the god of war trilogy is held in such high regard is it respects Greek mythology and is as close as you can get to the Greek mythology without copying the narrative. The only liberties taken are with the introduction of the character Kratos and the narrative is tweaked to fit in Kratos as a character. The problem with Ragnarok is with the deviation from the Norse Myth with some of the character designs.
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lordphantomchips · 4 years
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Me and my dad are big fan of Haitian voodoos and stuff. He often cosplays Baron Samedi on carnivals and this gave me an idea to draw Alastor as Baron Samedi. Because he was inspired of Louisiana voodo magic, thought would be fun to draw him like this . I tried my best to capture the style (I fcked up the hands). I even changed his magic symbols to Haitian voodoo Loa symbols of Damballa ,Papa Legba,Maman Brigitte and Baron Samedi hehe.   If I mistook any Loa symbols I apologise
Alastor belongs to Vivziepop Art by me 
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americangodstalk · 3 years
All the Old Gods in the novel: My Ainsel
Let’s continue our exploration of the Old Gods mentionned or seen in American Gods - the novel - this time by looking at the second part of the book “My Ainsel”. 
# We have of course the “forgettable god” at Las Vegas, who has entire posts dedicated to his identity.
# We get to meet numerous entities related to the belief of Native Americans. Shadow dreams of the thunderbirds and of the star-people, while later he and Wednesday meet Whiskey Jack (Wisakedjak, a manitou of Algonquian and Dene stories). Whiskey Jack lives with “Apple Johnny” or “John Chapman” - actually Johnny Appleseed, a real-life man who actually became an “American legend” and part of early America culture thanks to his extraordinary deeds. John Chapman was apparently replaced in people’s heart by Paul Bunyan, a giant lumberjack and folk hero of early America. Whiskey Jack also confirms Shadow that there are thunderbirds still alive in America, and tells him the Native story of “The Fox and the Wolf” (I couldn’t trace where this story comes from precisely). 
# At San Francisco Shadow meets Easter, aka Ostara, a pre-Christian Germanic goddess who was also said to have been worshipped by pre-Christian Anglo-Saxons (who were a variation of the German tribes). 
# The first Coming to America story of this part deals with how the gods of Equatorial Africa, from the Western to the Eastern coast, were brought to America by slavery (the North and South of Africa are not mentionned here). The protagonists of this tale, the twins Wututu and Agasu, visibly come from the Dahomey kingdom - indeed, the gods they bring with them are Elegba and Mawu, the gods of the Dahomey mythology (and Agasu is said to be named after the dead king - and Agasu is a name tied to the Dahomey people). However they also meet slaves coming from Congo and Niger, and all of them mix their gods until they form what is now known as the vodou or vodoun loas/spirits. As a result, are mentionned alongside Elegba (in vodou, Papa Legba) and Mawu : Damballa-Wedo (a loa that was originally a god from the Wedo city of Benin), Ogu (or Ogun, a loa that originally was a figure present in numerous African religion from Yoruba people to the Dahomey kingdom), Shango (an Orisha from the Yoruba religion), Zaka (also called Cousin Zaka or Azaka, another loa whose origin I don’t know quite well) and Aido-Hwedo (a snake-vodoun originating from the mythologies of Dahomey and Fon people). 
# In Chapter 12, a series of “visits” Wednesday makes throughout America gives us the following new gods: a bedridden woman at Rhode Island Coltiage (she is later revealed to be a Gorgon, maybe Medusa herself, from Greco-Roman mythology). A young woman with short red hair and blue-spiral tattoos at Seattle (If my memory is correct and from elements taken from later in the book, she is actually the Irish Morrigan, but I may be wrong). Albanians in Dallas - now we do not have any clue about their actual identities, but these gods come obviously from the Albanian mythology and folklore. Five young Japanese woman in Boulder - given future elements in the story, these women may be kitsunes (I may be wrong, but it seems the most logical choice given kitsunes are quite present in the book and I do not know of a group of five Japanese goddesses). 
# Later, we get an ominous and mysterious description of the beginnings of the “cold war” between Old and New Gods. Thus we hear that among the Old Gods are found: an Arab taxi driver (which was supposed to be the Jinn but was switched with Salim) ; a trucker in Denver (he seems to be linked with a culture who has a “foreign alphabet”) ; Terry “The Troll” Evensen, a trailer-dwelling troll from Nordic folklore ; nine anchorites in Montana ; a crypt in a Key West graveyard (probably belonged to some form of undead) ; the driver of a UPS truck in Idaho ; and a lobster tank smashed in an Atlanta seafood restaurant  (for this one I only have one possibility in culture, the origin of the Zodiac sign of the Cancer, who was said to have been a fabulous/monster crab and/or crayfish-lobster thingy. Either that or Neil Gaiman just messes with our minds.)
# The second “Coming to America” story actually features the arrival of one of the first “American Gods” ever, the deity Nunyunnini, arriving from the Siberian plains in 14 000 BC. In fact, it is implied to be THE first god to have actually arrived in America. When the worship of Nunyunnini was forgotten, several tribes each with a totem-animal that would become a god appeared. Among these totem-gods are mentionned: the raven, the fox, the ground sloth, the great cat and the buffalo (not to be mistaken with the Buffalo Man who is not a god). 
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Vodou Gods And Goddesses
🖤Loco – God of the wild, vegetation, and all its gifts – from healing to death.
🖤Zaka – The friendliest of the Gods, who rules over agriculture and harvest.
🖤Kalfu – The moon God, ruler of the night, sorcery, and black magic.
🖤Erzulie – Goddess of love, beauty, and passion. She has three husbands, adores lavishness and luxury but is saddened by broken hearts.
🖤Ayida-Weddo – Goddess of the rainbow, white is her colour. She is also a fertility Goddess.
🖤Marinette – Patron Goddess of liberation and slavery, she can free you or keep you in bondage.
🖤Damballa - Damballa is the Sky God and the primordial creator of all life. He rules the mind, intellect, and cosmic equilibrium. White rum is sacred to him.
🖤Simbi - Simbi is guardian of the fountains and marshes and cannot do without the freshness of water. 
🖤Agwé - Agwé God, is a loa who rules over the sea, fish, and aquatic plants, as well as the patron loa of fishermen and sailors in Vodou.
🖤Baron Samedi - God of sex, death, and endings.
🖤Marassa Jumeaux - Marassa Jumeaux is the God of the divine twins in Vodou. They are children, but more ancient than any other loa. The God of love, truth, and justice. 
🖤Azaka Medeh - Is the God of the loa of the harvest in Haitian Vodou mythology.
🖤Ti Jean Petro - The God Ti Jean Petwo is a serpent spirit who dances in flames and consumes fiery things when in possession of a human body. 
🖤Agassou - The God Agassou is a loa, who guards the old traditions of Dahomey. 
🖤Baron La Croix - The God Baron La Croix is one of the Guédé, a loa of the dead and sexuality, along with Baron Samedi and Baron Cimetière in Vodou. 
🖤Belie Belcan - The God of justice, protection against evil, and protection against enemies.
🖤Baron Kriminel - The God Baron Kriminel is a much feared spirit or loain the Haitian Vodou religion. He is envisioned as a murderer who has been condemned to death, and is invoked to pronounce swift judgment. 
🖤Baron Cimetière - The God Baron Cimitière is one of the Guédé, a spirit of the dead, along with Baron Samedi and Baron La Croix in Vodou. He is said to be the male guardian of the cemetery, protecting its graves.
🖤Filomez - The Goddess Filomez is a loa that belongs to the Rada nation. She is a water spirit that is served with pastel colors such as blue, pinks, and sometimes even green. 
🖤Adjassou-Linguetor - The Goddess Adjassou-Linguetor is a loa with protruding eyes and a bad temper in Haitian Vodou. She governs spring water.
🖤Anaisa Pye - The Goddess Anaisa Pye is a very popular loa within Dominican Vodou. She is considered the patron saint of love, money, and general happiness within the 21 Divisions. 
🖤Ayizan - The Goddess Ayizan is a racine, or root loa, associated with Vodoun rites of initiation. She is associated with priestly knowledge and mysteries, particularly those of initiation, and the natural world.
🖤Gran Maître - The Goddess Gran Maître is the primary creator God in Haitian Vodou.
🖤Mademoiselle Charlotte - The Goddess Mademoiselle Charlotte is a loa who manifests with the commonly perceived personality traits of a white woman in Haitian Vodou. Mademoiselle Charlotte prefers the strict observance of all the niceties of ritual protocol.
🖤Maîtresse Délai - The Goddess Maîtresse Délai is the patron loa of tambourine players in Vodou.
🖤Maîtresse Hounon'gon - The Goddess Maîtresse Hounon'gon is the loa who presides over the chanting done during an ordeal by fire, called a canzo in Vodou.
🖤Maman Brigitte - The Goddess Maman Brigitte is a death loa and the wife of Baron Samedi in Vodou. She drinks rum infused with hot peppers and is symbolized by a black rooster.
🖤Mami Wata - The Goddess Mami Wata's patronage is water, the sea, mermaids, markets, divination, healing, luck, money, and music. Her attributes are snakes, pearls, gold, and diamonds.
🖤Mawu - The Goddess Mawu is a creator Goddess, associated with the sun and moon in Dahomey mythology.
🖤Yemoja -  Yemoja is a major water Goddess from the Yoruba religion. Yemoja is motherly and strongly protective, and cares deeply for all her children, comforting them, and cleansing them of sorrow. She is said to be able to cure infertility in women, and cowrie shells represent her wealth. She does not easily lose her temper, but when angered she can be quite destructive and violent.
🖤Ogun - The God Ogun is an Orisha, loa, and Vodun. He is a warrior and a powerful spirit of metal work, as well as rum and rum-making.
🖤Papa Legba - The God Papa Legba is a loa in Haitian Vodou, who serves as the intermediary between the loa and humanity. He stands at a spiritual crossroads and gives or denies permission to speak with the spirits of Guinee, and is believed to speak all human languages. Papa Legba facilitates communication, speech, and understanding.
🖤Clermeil - The God Clermeil is a loa who makes rivers flood their banks in Haitian Vodou.
🖤Dan Petro - The God Dan Petro is the loa who protects farmers in Vodou. 
🖤Badessy - The God Bedessy is a minor loa who holds the domain of the sky in Vodou, and particularly in Haiti.
🖤Dinclinsin - The God Dinclinsin is a loa depicted as a white colonial slave owner, feared for his temper, and cruelty in Haitian Vodou. He often carries a whip and is recognizable by his habit of putting whatever is given to him in his pockets. One of his favorite tricks is being able to pour rum into his pockets without getting them wet.
🖤Diejuste - The God Diejuste is a kind-hearted, benevolent loa in Haitian Vodou.
🖤Bugid Y Aiba - The God Bugid Y Aiba is a loa of war in Vodou, and especially in Haiti and Puerto Rico.
🖤Boli Shah - The God Boli Shah is a minor loa who guards families in Vodoun, and especially Haitian Vodou.
🖤Dan Wédo - The God Dan Wédo is a loa of the waters in the form of a great serpent in Vodou.
🖤Adya Houn'tò - The God Adya Hount'tò is a loa associated with drumming in West African Vodun.
🖤Adjinakou - The God Adjinakou Haitian loa in the form of an elephant.
🖤Kokou - Kokou is a warrior God, renowned for his violence, and ferocity. He is the most feared of the Orisha.
🖤Mombu - The god who stutters and causes heavy rains.
🖤Legba - The sun god and intermediary between the Gods and humanity.
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multiverseforger · 4 years
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Returning to his native Haiti (born in Port-au-Prince) after 12 years (originally nearly 20[9]) of education and practice as an accredited psychologist in the United States, Jericho Drumm discovers that his twin brother, Daniel Drumm, the local houngan, is dying, a victim of a voodoo sorcerer who claims to be possessed by the spirit of the serpent-god Damballah, based on the Loa Damballa. Just before he dies, Daniel makes his brother vow to visit Daniel's mentor, Papa Jambo. Jericho does, and becomes Jambo's student. After studying under the aged houngan for several weeks, Jericho gains a greater mastery of voodoo practices than his own brother, becoming a houngan in his own right. Papa Jambo then performs a rite that summons Daniel's spirit from the dead and joins it with Jericho's own. Having fashioned a worthy successor, Papa Jambo dies.
Taking the name "Brother Voodoo", Jericho challenges the priest, who goes by the same name as his god Damballah, and his cult. With the help of his brother Daniel Drumm's spirit possessing one of the cult members, Jericho removes Damballah's artifact of power (wangal), causing Damballah's snakes to turn on him and evidently destroying Damballah's cult. Brother Voodoo becomes Haiti's houngan supreme and champion, and establishes a sprawling mansion as a base of operations. He places the wangal in a safe, its combination known only to Brother Voodoo and his manservant Bambu.[10][11]
Brother Voodoo encounters the scientist Baron Samedi and artificial zombies created by the terrorist-scientist group A.I.M.;[12] the original Black Talon, Mama Limbo, and the Dark Lord Cult;[13] and the houngan Dramabu.[14] Having established himself, Brother Voodoo goes on to help other superheroes, including Spider-Man[15] and Moon Knight,[16] as well as the Jack Russell werewolf[
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voodoospellsxx-blog · 6 years
Voodoo Loa
Adjassou-Linguetor – Haitian loa in the form of spring water (goddess) . Adjinakou – Haitian loa in the form of an elephant. Adya Houn’tò – Haitian loa of the drums Agassou – Haitian loa which guards the Dahomean traditions. Agwe – loa of fish and aquatic plants. Aido Quedo – loa of fertility and snakes. Ayida-Weddo – Haitian goddess, where she is also known as Rainbow Snake. She is married to Damballa. Ayizan – Haitian goddess of the marketplace. Azaka Medeh – loa of harvest. Azaka-Tonnerre – Haitian god of thunder, agriculture and farmers. Bacalou – Haitian vodou evil spirit depicted by the skull and crossbones. Badessy – Haitian god of the sky. Baron La Croix – loa of the dead and sexuality. Baron Samedi – loa of the dead. Boli Shah – Haitian family loa. Bossou Ashadeh – Haitian loa, king of Dahomey. Boum’ba Maza – Haitian family loa. Bugid Y Aiba – Haitian (and Puerto Rican) god of war. Captain Debas – Haitian family loa. Clermeil – Haitian god of flowing waters. Conga – Haitian vodou deity. Congo – Haitian vodou deity. Damballa – father of the loa and humankind. Dan Petro – Haitian god of farmers. Dan Wédo – Haitian loa of the king of France. Diable Tonnere – Haitian god of thunder. Diejuste – Haitian vodou deity. Dinclinsin – Haitian vodou deity feared for his severity. Eleggua or Eshu – Child trickster deity. Erzulie Dantor – Haitian vodou goddess of wealth, vengeance, and protection. She is syncretised with Our Lady of Czestochowa. Erzulie Freda Dahomey – Haitian vodou goddess of beauty, dancing, flowers, jewels, love and luxury. Married to Damballa, Agwe and Ogoun. She is syncretised with Mater Dolorosa. Also called Mami Wata in African mythology. Gran Ibo – Haitian goddess of wisdom and patience. Gran Maître – Haitian creator god. Grand Bois – Haitian loa of creation. Kalfu – Haitian god of the night, symbolized by the moon. Thought to be very dangerous. Lemba – Haitian vodou deity. Limba – Haitian loa believed to live among rocks. Thought to have insatiable hunger and eats people, even his own followers. L’inglesou – Haitian loa which lives among rocks and in ravines. Loco – Haitian god of trees, plants and healers. Lutin – The ghost of an unbaptized child in Haitian vodou tradition. Mademoiselle Charlotte – Haitian loa who resembles Caucasian women. Mait’ Carrefour – Haitian god of magicians and lord of the crossroads, also called Kalfu. Maîtresse Délai – Haitian loa who is a patron of the hountor or tambourine player. Maîtresse Hounon’gon – Haitian loa which chants the canzo or ordeal by fire in vodou tradition. Maman Brigitte – Vodou death loa. Marassa – The twin gods of Haitian vodou. Marassa Jumeaux – The ghosts of dead twins in Haitian vodou tradition. Marinette – Haitian loa, violent and powerful. Mambo – Haitian loa who brings storms. Mounanchou – Haitian vodou deity. Nago Shango- Haitian vodou deity. Obatala – yoruba creator god. Ogoun – Haitian vodou god of fire, iron, politics, thunder and war. Oshun – yoruba goddess of love, also Erzulie Freda (in Vodou). Oya – yoruba warrior goddess. Papa Legba – intermediary between the loa and humanity. Pie – Haitian god of floods, soldier loa. Simbi – Haitian water snake loa, which is one of the three vodou cosmic serpents. Sobo – Haitian god of thunder. Sousson-Pannan – Haitian loa thought to be evil and ugly, with a body covered in sores. Ti Jean Quinto – A mean Haitian spirit which lives under bridges and assumes the form of a policeman. Ti Malice – Haitian trickster loa. Ti-Jean Petro – Haitian snake deity and the son of Dan Petro. Yemalla – Yoruba mother goddess, also called LaSiren, Mami Wata Voodoo healer http://www.voodoohealingspells.com Love spells http://www.voodoohealingspells.com/love-spells.html Wealth spells http://www.voodoohealingspells.com/wealth-spells.html Fertility spells http://www.voodoohealingspells.com/fertility-spells.html Cleansing spells http://www.voodoohealingspells.com/cleansing-spells.html Success spells http://www.voodoohealingspells.com/success-spells.html Voodoo spells http://www.voodoohealingspells.com Lottery spells http://www.voodoohealingspells.com/lottery-spells.html Job spells http://www.voodoohealingspells.com/job-spells.html Lucky charms http://www.voodoohealingspells.com/lucky-charms.html Binding spells http://www.voodoohealingspells.com/binding-spells.html Izinyanga http://www.voodoohealingspells.com/izinyanga.html Muthi http://www.voodoohealingspells.com/muthi.html Sangoma healer http://www.voodoohealingspells.com/sangoma-healer-spells.html Voodoo rituals http://www.voodoohealingspells.com/voodoo-rituals.html
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spiritualityloves247 · 2 months
Li Grande Zombi is the major serpent spirit of worship among New Orleans Voodooists. In New Orleans Voodoo, snakes are not seen as symbols of evil, as in the story of Adam and Eve. Snakes are considered to be the holders of intuitive knowledge—knowing that which can not be spoken. Women often dance with serpents to represent the spiritual balance between the genders. Voodoo rituals in New Orleans almost always include a snake dance to celebrate the link to ancient knowledge. The origin of Li Grande Zombi can be traced to the serpent deity Nzambi from Whydah in Africa. According to the Bantu Creation story, Nzambi is the Creator God:
Nzambi exists in everything and controls the universe through his appointed spirits. In the beginning, only Nzambi existed. When he was ready to create, millions and millions of pieces of matter swirled around him counterclockwise until Ngombe was born. Ngombe is the universe, the planets, the stars, and all physical matters. Nzambi then created movement, and the matter that he had created began to change and drift apart. So, he decided to create a being that could traverse the universe and mediate between matter and space. Nzambi focused on a fixed point and gave life to a being who was simultaneously man and woman, a manifestation of the nature of Nzambi, called Exú-Aluvaiá.
In some groups of practices done in the south, he is also associated with the Haitian lwa known as Damballa. In others, he's associated with Blanc Dani (Dambarra Sutons for Ayida Weddo)
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tipsycad147 · 4 years
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By shirleytwofeathers
Other names: Damballah Weddo, Da, Papa Damballa, Obatala
Manifestation: Damballah is a huge snake, so big his body forms seven thousand coils
Colour: White
Day: Thursday
Plants: Bougainvillea, trees in general, but especially the silk cotton tree (Bombax ceiba) and the Royal palm.
Altar: Keep shallow vessels of clean, fresh water for him to curl up inside.
Holiday: March 17 (St. Patrick’s Day)
Once upon a time, there was only Damballah. He lay beneath Earth, a great snake, cushioning and protecting it from falling into the watery abyss below. Although he lay still for a long time, eventually he had to move. His movements raised mountains and created valleys. Stars were shaken up into the sky. Sacred waters were released, forming oceans, rivers, springs and streams.
The first rain began to fall, and Aido-Hwedo, in the guise of the first rainbow, appeared. Damballah and Aido-Hwedo fell in love. They remain in love today. The intensive all pervasive power of that love infiltrated the entire universe. That power is manifest in human beings in the form of white liquids: milk and semen.
Associated Catholic Saint Patrick (who drove the snakes out of Ireland), and sometimes also Moses, whose staff transformed into a snake to prove the power of God over that wielded by Egyptian priests, Damballah is the primordial snake Iwa of life, wealth and wisdom. He is venerated in Dahomey as well as Haitian Vodou. He may also survive in the New Orleans folk saint Blanc Dani.
Damballah is among the most beloved and important Iwa. He associated with creation and is viewed as a loving father to the world. His presence brings peace and harmony. He bestows wealth, prosperity, good health, and fertility to devotees and can expose the location of missing treasure.
Damballah and his true love, the rainbow serpent, maintain the balance of forces, which sustains all ife on Earth. As a source of life, he is also strongly associated with water and regulates moisture and the rain.
He is incredibly old and powerful and is usually not bothered for trivial matters. He can be extremely generous, however, and so may be approached when one is genuinely desperate or really in trouble. Despite his venerable age, he remains interested in people. He will engage in sacred marriages with women but also occasionally with men.
Dambullah appears in dreams. He does not communicate well. You must pay attention. He is so old and primal that he is pre-articulate; he emerges from a time before speech. Damballah may hiss or make whistling noises but does not speak human language.
When he possesses a human, he does not speak but instead only hisses and whistles. His movements are also snake-like, and can including slithering along the ground, flicking his tongue, and climbing tall objects.
He is a stickler for cleanliness. He doesn’t like strong, pervasive odors of any kind, but especially tobacco. If you smoke, then do so far from his altar space or anywhere associated with him. He may object to cleaning products with strong odors too, as well as air fresheners with strong aromas. Rooms should smell clean and fresh. Open a window to aerate them. He does not object to light floral odors, like rose or orange blossom water, and traditionally expresses a fondness for Pompeii Lotion, a cologne product found in botanicas and spiritual supply stores.
For a very traditional offering, make a bed or hill of white flour on a perfectly clean, pure white plate. Nestle one whole, raw white egg into the centre of the flour and serve.
Other offerings could include white candles and white foods like rice, milk, whole raw eggs (leave them plain or rub gently with rose or other mildly scented, fine quality floral water), corn syrup, white chickens, or white flowers. More lavish offerings might include luxurious white fabrics, crystal or porcelain eggs and/or snakes.
Veve for Damballa and Ayida-Weddo:
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From; Encyclopedia of Spirits
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v-rah · 5 years
// ✶ ᶜⁱʳᶜᵉ
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basic information.
. full name : Circe ‘ Marie ‘ Jones Laveau de Glapion . alias : Circe Jones, Circe Laveau, Circe de Glapion, Marie Lavaveau iii . nickname : CJ, CL, CC, Little Marie, Her Royal Highness, Queen . titles: Voodoo Queen of New Orleans . species : witch, human . gender : female . pronouns : she/her . age : 26 . date of birth : october 31st 1992 . ethnicity : mixed . nationality : american . place of birth : new orleans, louisiana . hometown : french quarter, new orleans, louisiana . current location : french quarter, new orleans, louisiana . religion : roman catholic, voodoo . spoken language : english, french, louisiana creole and latin. . read only: spanish, latin, italina, egiptian hieroglyphs, japanese and many other ancient languages.   . social media presence : yes [ facebook | instagram | twitter | snapchat ] 
physical information.
. face claim : robyn ‘ rihanna ‘ fenty . weight : 134.5 lbs | 61kg ` . height : 5″ 8  | 173 cm . hair type : curly . hair color : black . eyes : hazel . body shape & type : hourglass | mesomorph [ fluctuates ] . scars : none . piercings :  both nipples, both earlobes, both upper earlobe, bose orbitals, both helix, septum [ worn only on special ocassions ] . tattoos : yes [these are protective tattoos that prevent posession, low level curses, hipnotizm and any other form of manipulation and/or ill doing] on her wrists, ankles and lower back. 
medical record.
. psychological issues : none   . physical issues : asma . prescriptions : inhaler / the pill  . phobias & fears :  to be overtaken, controlled and possed by darkness. . drug use : yes [ infrequently ] . alcohol use : yes [ frequently ] . physical activity : yes [ daily ]
. alignment : neutral good . zodiac : scorpio . lunar zodiac : monkey [ water] . positive traits :  resourceful, brave, passionate, stubborn, a true friend  . negative traits :  distrusting, jealous, secretive, violent . likes : being in the limelight, the truth, facts, being right, fashion, jewlery, studying magic, longtime friends, teasing,   . dislikes :  dishonesty, revealing secrets, passive people that let others walk all over them. . hobbies : doing readings [ tarot cards, christal ball, tea leaves ], writing, reading, reaserching magic, 
report card & worksheet.
. education : High School [ finished ] . higher education : Beauty School [ finished ] , Comunity College | Bussines & Marketin [ finished ] . current occupation : philanthropist [ beauty salon owner, inn/hotel owner, realestate owner, restaurant orner, tour owner ( haunted tour of new orleans ) , voodoo shop, reading sessions, mardi gras committee member, religious leader, community leader, mortuary/funeral home owne, blood bank owner, herbal medicine shop owne, owns several fishing boats, etc.]
. magical practice : voodoo, pegan, wicca, traditional witchcraft . group worship:       - The Lao           - rada loa - guardians/primordial loa           - petro loa - anger/violance loa            - ghede loa - death/afterlife loa  . individual worship :      - Damballa Wedo - the primordial creator of all life. He rules the mind, intellect, and cosmic equilibrium.      - Erzulie - spirit of love, beauty, jewelry, dancing, luxury, and flowers.      - Loco - patron of healers and plants.      - Ayida-Weddo - fertility, rainbows, wind, water, fire, and snakes.      - Ayizan - the loa of the marketplace and commerce.       - Agwé - the loa who rules over the sea, fish, and aquatic plants, as well as the patron loa of fishermen and sailors.       - Ogun - Loa. He is a warrior and a powerful spirit of metal work, as well as of rum and rum-making.      - Baron Semedia - master of the dead, Baron Samedi is also a giver of life. He can cure any mortal of any disease or wound, if he thinks it is worthwhile. His powers are especially great when it comes to vodou curses and black magic.      - Mama Brigite - Goddess of Death. cares for dead more than they were ever loved while living. helps trapped spirits move on.      - Papa Legba - the intermediary between the loa and humanity.  . familiar(s):       - Paris - her black cat, immortal loyal servant, protector and magical advisor. named after Marie Laveau I’s first husband Jacques Santiaco Paris. over 200+ years old. after two centues of living on the streets he found himself being summoned by the new voodoo queen. he can talk to other animals, dominick and circe (but only she can understands him).       - Dominick - her raven, immortal loyal servant, messanger and survailance. He’s named after Marie Laveau I’s second husband Louis Christope Dominick Duminy de Glapion. over 225+ years old. he can talk to other animals, Paris and Circe (but only she can understands him). him and paris have a sort of old married couple dynamic calling eachother names and arguing over petty things but they are really good caring friends.      - Damien - her black python. he hangs around the house and the grounds freely. he’s always threatning to eat Dominick in jest. a magically enhanced animal it can change it's size to fit any cavity or to intimidate threats. not poisonous but packs one hell of a bite.
. relationship status : single . romantic orientation : panromantic . sexual orientation :  pansexual   
. family :       - House Laveau - 25+ Family Members      - House de Glapion - A noble french house of 15+ members.
. friends/aquientences :        - Paris      - Dominick      - Damien
. lovers :      - N/A
. allies :       - The Council - The International Council of Supernatural Creatures. They protect the world form supernatural threats and keep the balance of good and evil.      - The Curch - an organization dedicated to the worship of god. and the protection of the light as well as all that is good.       - The French Quarter - Her neighborhood. The heart of New Orleans and the birthplace of Jazz. 
. enemies :      - The Order - a centuries old mercenary group of rogue extreamist hunters hell bent in erradicating all supernaturals.      - The Cult - a group of satanic worshipers, who’s only goal is to serve there master.      - The Beast - Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles, Samael, The Prince of Darkness, The Devil... He goes by many names but no matter what you call him he is cheat and a liar, never believe him. Diety/Founder/Leader of the Cult. 
history. (~COMING SOON)
    teenage years.
    young adult years.
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In Haitian Vodou, the creator loa Damballa is represented as a serpent, and his wife Ayida-Weddo is called the "rainbow serpent." In West African mythology, Ayida-Weddo is believed to hold up the sky. Simbi are a type of serpentine loa in Haitian Vodou. They are associated with water and sometimes are believed to act as psychopomps serving Papa Legba #Snakes #Serpents #Religion #FolkLore #Fertility #Nature #Patterns #SacredGeometry #Haiti #Vodou #PapaLegba #Ancestors #Madagascar #Reptile #Myth #Legend #Gods #Predator #Pattern #Fashion #Shoes #Handbags #Poison #Venom #Medicine #Voodoo (at Haiti) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsnUzxbgHeu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=sqyvzfuvjty3
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pygmana · 7 years
The Loa
Believers in the small and the local, west African deities transplanted to new areas by slavery. They "ride" humans; that is, takes over their bodies as a form of interaction with their followers. One of the youngest pantheons; many of them still remember what it's like to be human and they act accordingly.
BARON SAMEDI. AKA Papa Ghede. Lord of Death. Deity of the indisputably mortal-- fucking and drinking, partying and fighting-- and of death. Champion of the poor; loves to see a tyrant or oppressive wealthy person torn down. Wisest of all deities-- know all of the information held by all mortals who die under his domain. A glutton for food-- shoves it into his mouth and washes it down with a hot rum steeped in 21 spices-- so spicy that nobody else can bear to drink it. Rides his followers to their benefit; in one famous incident, he rode a huge crowd of them all the way to the palace of a local noble, where they demanded money, and received plenty, for in the end, even the wealthiest of men must pay their dues to death. Alignment: CG Domains: Death, power, protection of the impoverished, celebration and partying, madness Rivals: Kalfu; Hades, Hel, Izanami, Miclántecuhtli, Osiris
DAMBALLA. Father of the other Loa. Appearing as a huge green and black snake, he is associated with paternal duty as well as sexuality. Marries many women, sleeps with all of them, leaves behind money and gifts. When he rides a human, he makes them writhe on the ground and speak in sibilant hisses. A woman who holds a snake while naked has the potential to attract his attention. Alignment: N Domains: Sexuality, fatherhood, family, The Ladies Rivals: Baron Samedi; Artemis, Atum-Re, Hachiman, Huitzilopochtli, Loki
ERZULIE. Beautiful, dressed in red and pink, loves sweets and perfumes, the goddess of all love. A three part deity: has maiden, mother, crone aspects, being the ruler over sexuality, protection of children and gay people, and aged wisdom of women. Married to three other gods- Damballa, Ogoun, and Agwe (a busy loa of the sea). Alignment: NG Domains: Love, Hot Dudes, polyamory, protection of the vulnerable, motherhood, wisdom Rivals: Kalfu; Amaterasu, Aphrodite, Bastet, Freya, Tlazoltéotl
KALFU. One half of a twin set with Legba. Rules the dark spirits of the night, stands on the opposite corner of the crossroads to Legba, is his other side. Loa of corruption, especially among the religious. Might be a preacher who visits prostitutes by night, or an abusive father who pretends to love his children. A troublemaker and accompanied by dark spirits wherever he goes. Alignment: NE Domains: Corruption, individual freedom as opposed to community Rivals: Legba; Amaterasu, Artemis, Bastet, Freya, Miclántecuhtli
LEGBA. Keeper of the spirit gate, guardian of crossroads and doorways. Old black man, wears a broad brimmed straw hat. Nobody enters the spirit world of the Loa without his permission. Pathways and doors are his domain. Alignment: N Domains: Travel, paths, journeys Rivals: Kalfu; Frigg, Hachiman, Hermes, Huitzilopochtli, Sobek
OGOUN. Lord of power, authority, and triumph, an iron man. Loves military uniforms and fighting. Interested in merit over connections, excellence. Metal craftsman. Plain dealing and direct. Alignment: LN Domains: War, authoritarianism, right wing nerds, metalworking and craftsmen Rivals: Baron Samedi; Athena, Heimdall, Isis, Izanagi, Xipe Totec
SHANGO. Lord of thunder and priest-king, god of justice, initiation, royalty. Resists oppression and inspires rulers to be just. The lives and rights of mortals are his first concern. Alignment: LG Domains: Thunder, magic, justice, initiation, royalty Rivals: Kalfu; Raiden, Sobek, Tezcatlipoca, Tyr, Zeus
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tipsycad147 · 4 years
Aries March Damballah’s Day
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By shirleytwofeathers
Other names: Damballah Weddo, Da, Papa Damballa, Obatala
Holiday: March 17 (St. Patrick’s Day)
Associated Catholic Saint Patrick (who drove the snakes out of Ireland), and sometimes also Moses, whose staff transformed into a snake to prove the power of God over that wielded by Egyptian priests, Damballah is the primordial snake Iwa of life, wealth and wisdom. He is venerated in Dahomey as well as Haitian Vodou. He may also survive in the New Orleans folk saint Blanc Dani.
He is one of the most important of all the loa, Damballa is the Sky Father and the primordial creator of all life. He rules the mind, intellect, and cosmic equilibrium. Damballa, as the serpent spirit and “The Great Master”, created the cosmos by using his 7,000 coils to form the stars and the planets in the heavens and to shape the hills and valleys on earth. By shedding the serpent skin, Damballa created all the waters on the earth.
Read more about him here: Damballah
For a very traditional offering, make a bed or hill of white flour on a perfectly clean, pure white plate. Nestle one whole, raw white egg into the center of the flour and serve.
Other offerings could include white candles and white foods like rice, milk, whole raw eggs (leave them plain or rub gently with rose or other mildly scented, fine quality floral water), corn syrup, white chickens, or white flowers. More lavish offerings might include luxurious white fabrics, crystal or porcelain eggs and/or snakes.
He is a stickler for cleanliness. He doesn’t like strong, pervasive odours of any kind, but especially tobacco. If you smoke, then do so far from his altar space or anywhere associated with him. He may object to cleaning products with strong odours too, as well as air fresheners with strong aromas. Rooms should smell clean and fresh. Open a window to aerate them. He does not object to light floral odours, like rose or orange blossom water, and traditionally expresses a fondness for Pompeii Lotion, a cologne product found in botanicas and spiritual supply stores.
From: Encyclopedia of Spirits
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