#palio di siena
neptuniite · 1 year
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rough preparatory studies from this week
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furtherfurther · 9 months
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Siena, Italy
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SIIIII 🦏🦏🦏🦏🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
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Nel nostro cuor
vibra l'amor
che trepidar ci farà.
Si vincerà,
lo sento già,
e festa grande sarà.
O Selva, Selvina va!
Il Palio si vincerà,
e quando in cielo saliranno le bandiere
la Selva prima giungerà nelle carriere.
O Selva, Selvina va!
il Palio si vincerà,
con l'arancione il bianco e verde
ogni cuore sarà
in festa nella città.
Siam vincitor,
il sogno è realtà.
si brinderà,
e ognuno ripeterà.
O Selva, Selvina va!
Il Palio si vincerà,
e quando in cielo saliranno le bandiere
la Selva prima giungerà nelle carriere.
O Selva, Selvina va!
il Palio si vincerà,
con l'arancione il bianco e verde
ogni cuore sarà
in festa nella città.
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pygian-weapon · 10 months
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quando sei il Bruco al secondo posto tra la Tartuca e la Chiocciola
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sayitaliano · 10 months
Il Palio dell'Assunta (+ live link)
As mentioned in the Ferragosto's post (here), The Roman Emperor Augusto created this celebration to enjoy also through horses races. The Palio dell'Assunta (the prize for the race on the day of Our Lady of the Assumption), is an example of that habit that is still going on nowadays.
To be honest, there are two Palii dell'Assunta: - one is held on August 15th in Fermo, and it's the oldest historical reenactment of what used to be (based on written sources). It is also called the "Cavalcata dell'Assunta" (ride of Our Lady of the Assumption's Day), to differentiate it from the most famous Palio, and through it the city confirms its devotion to its Patron Saint the Virgin Mary. In this ride, each Contrada (district) of Fermo is represented by a horse and a jockey. The winner gets a very precious piece of fabric that is generally exposed somewhere important [more historical and collateral facts here and here]
-the other one is held in Siena every August 16th, and it's often broadcasted live on TV as well from the main square Piazza del Campo. It's basically a merry-go-round that jockers run (3 turns) on their horse. Here too each horse and jocker represent a Contrada of Siena, usually it's only 10 out of the existing 17 (chosen each year through a rotation mechanism). A "cavallo scosso" = a horse without its jocker -he fell-, can win a race = "carriera", and make its Contrada win). There are sources that state that since 1200, it's been held a horse race in Siena. Before the race, there's a parade in which take part all the citizens and city's representations, and the Contrade walk wearing their own signs and colours. Before the race, the jockers receive the "nerbo" (a crop made of an ox tendon) and go near the starting point = the "mossa". Now the "mossiere" (the judge, basically) gives the permission to the jockers to reach their position inside the "canapi" (two cords that helps the first 9 horses stay in line). The "cavallo di rincorsa" (the run-up horse, the last one), decides when the race can start by entering the "canapi". Ofc the jockers can ask others' help and the run-up horse usually enters when the main rivals are in a bad position at the canapi (and therefore it may take a lot of time before the actual race begins; the mossiere also needs to approve the race start; in some occasions it can be postponed to the following day). To be honest, Siena helds another Palio each July 2nd to celebrate the Madonna di Provenzano (the Visitation day, according on the old liturgical calendar). The amount of people and attention given to this celebration is always pretty huge, it brings lot of tourists and not just them in town (the preparation though, lasts the whole year but the closest 4 days are the biggest ones). There have been ofc critics because of the occasional cruelty of the race itself and accidents that occurred, not just to horses. [more history here and here; to watch it live, look on La7 since 4:45 PM (GMT+2) on August 16th -you probably don't even need an Italian vpn]
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dotsenough · 8 months
Geometric shapes within shapes in the Tuscan colours of Siennas famous Palio horse race https://belinda-moore-artist.sumupstore.com/product/palio
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sonosusannaguarino · 10 months
Acquazzone su Piazza del Campo, fuggi fuggi e prova annullata
Incredibile acquazzone sulla Piazza del Campo mentre i popoli delle contrade stavano accompagnando i cavalli nell’ Entrone. Fuggi fuggi generale, scivoloni sul tufo e Piazza vuota in pochi minuti. Impossibile correre la prova anche se la bandiera verde non è stata ancora esposta.
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travelandimages · 2 years
Siena, a bela cidade medieval italiana/Siena - die schöne mittelalterliche italienische Stadt/Siena - the beautiful medieval Italian city
Siena, a bela cidade medieval italiana/Siena – die schöne mittelalterliche italienische Stadt/Siena – the beautiful medieval Italian city
Siena é uma bela cidade medieval italiana localizada na região da Toscana, na Itália. Ela possui uma população de aproximadamente de 53.000 habitantes e está distante cerca de 76 quilômetros de Florença. Siena teve seu apogeu e chegou a rivalizar com Florença no período de 1260 e 1348. Erich e eu visitamos Siena no mês de agosto e chegamos de trem, proveniente de Florença e a viagem teve duração…
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float-me-now · 2 years
The year is 2022 and I still have to see people calling the Palio di Siena a "spectacular tradition" or bullshit like that. For those of you who don't know what it is, the Palio is a horse race that takes place twice a year in Siena, Italy. Basically, purebred horses representing different districts run around a square where they are clearly not supposed to run in the name of "tradition" and "art" (read: money, money, bullshit 'city pride' aaand... money).
A quick search on Google clearly shows why this event should have been abolished years ago (or at least, why it should be heavily modified). Horses are abused, sometimes drugged, and they risk their lives all in the name of a so-called tradition to entertain thousands of troglodytes and to make money flow. There's plenty of pictures and videos showing horses that break their legs on the circuit (the turns are too sharp and they run too fast), that fall to the ground and get fatal injuries or showing horses being in pain, whipped or pulled in their mouth.
This still happens every year and every year we have to swallow the same stinky parade of newspapers and television programs and celebrities that blather about how beautiful and important this thing is all while deliberately ignoring the fact that animals literally die of terrible and avoidable deaths because of it. When a horse dies they are all "sad and heartbroken", but then they do exactly the same thing as if nothing had happened. If anything, we as Italians and human beings should be ashamed of it, not celebrate it. It's true that it's an ancient tradition and (apart from the obvious money flow) it may be deeply felt by many citizens, but it's time to set some priorities. Is this event really more important that literal lives?
So my point is: if people or animals suffer or lose their lives because of a "tradition", I do not fucking care how ancient or remunerative it is, that "tradition" must fucking go. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk and goodnight.
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racefortheironthrone · 5 months
Please tell me more about neighbourhood PMCs in renaissance Italy
It would be my pleasure! (My research into this owes a lot to the excellent Power and Imagination: City-States in Renaissance Italy by Lauro Martines.)
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The first thing to note that, unlike the condottieri, these were not private military companies. Rather, the neighborhood military companies (in the sense of a military unit, rather than a profit-making entity) were self-defense organizations formed as part of a centuries-long political struggle for control over the urban commune between the signorile (the urban chivalry)/nobilita (the urban nobility) and the populo (the guilded middle class, who claimed to speak on behalf of "the people").
This conflict followed much the same logic that had given rise to the medieval commune in the first place. Legally, the communes had started as mutual defense pacts between the signorile and the cives (the free citizens of the city) against the rural feudal nobility, which had given these groups the military and political muscle to push out the marquises and viscounts and barons and claim exclusive authority over the tax system, the judicial system, and the military.
So it made sense that, once they had vanquished their enemies and established the commune as the sovereign, both sides would use the same tactic in their struggle over which of them would rule the commune that ruled the city. The signorile and nobilita formed themselves into consorteria or "tower societies," by which ancient families allied with one another (complete with dynastic marriage alliances!) to build and garrison the towers with the knights, squires, men-at-arms, and bravi of their households. These phallic castle substitutes were incredibly formidable within the context of urban warfare, as relatively small numbers of men with crossbows could rain down hell on besiegers from the upper windows and bridges between towers, even as the poor bastards on the ground tried to force the heavy doors down below.
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To combat noble domination of communal government, achieve direct representation on the political councils, establish equity of taxation and regulate interest rates, and enforce legal equality between nobility and citizenry, the populo formed themselves into guilds to build alliances between merchants and artisans in the same industries. However, these amateur soldiers struggled to fight on even footing with fully-trained and well-equipped professional soldiers, and the guild militias were frequently defeated.
To solve their military dilemma, the populo engaged in political coalition-building with the oldest units of the urban commune: the neighborhoods. When the cities of medieval Italy were originally founded, they had been rather decentralized transplantations of the rural villages, where before people had any conception of a city-wide collective their primary allegiance was to their neighborhood. As can still be seen in the Palio di Siena to this day, these contrade built a strong identity based on local street gangs, the parish church, their traditional heraldry, and their traditional rivalries with the stronzi in the next contrade over. And whether they were maggiori, minori, or unguilded laborers, everyone in the city was a member of their contrade.
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As Martines describes, the populo both recruited from (and borrowed the traditions of) the contrade to form their armed neighborhood companies into a force that would have the manpower, the discipline, and the morale to take on the consorteria:
"Every company had its distinctive banner and every house in the city was administratively under the sign of a company. A dragon, a whip, a serpent, a bull, a bounding horse, a lion, a ladder: these, in different colors and on contrasting fields, were some of the leitmotifs of the twenty different banners. They were emblazoned on individual shields and helmets. Rigorous regulations required guildsmen to keep their arms near at hand, above all in troubled times. The call to arms for the twenty companies was the ringing of a special bell, posted near the main public square. A standard-bearer, flanked by four lieutenants, was in command of each company."
To knit these companies organized by neighborhood into a single cohesive force, the lawyers' guilds within the populo created a state within a state, complete with written constitutions, guild charters, legal codes, legislative and executive councils. Under these constitutions, the populo's councils would elect a capitano del popolo, a professional soldier from outside the city who would serve as a politically-neutral commander, with a direct chain of command over the gonfaloniere and lieutenants of the neighborhood companies, to lead the populo against their noble would-be overlords.
And in commune after commune, the neighborhood companies made war against the consorteria, taking the towers one by one and turning them into fortresses of the populo. The victorious guilds turned their newly-won military might into political hegemony over the commune, stripping the nobilita of their power and privilege and forcing them either into submission or exile. Then they directed their veteran neighborhood companies outward to seize control of the rural hinterland from the feudal aristocracy, until the city had become city-state.
(Ironically, in the process, the populo gave birth to the condottieri, as the nobility who had lost their landed wealth and political power took their one remaining asset - their military training and equipment - and became professional mercenaries. But that's a story for another time...)
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Headcanons - Dino's family
Because Amano did not give us anything at all, please see below my headcanons for Dino's family and guardians.
Big Disclaimer: these all all OCs except obviously for Dino and his dad, who canonly appear in both manga and anime.
I am also very conscious that I have used actual Italian names and surnames for my OCs, so yeah. Perks of actually being Italian I guess. Anyway. Here you go:
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And here you have all general explanations.
So, Dino's family is mainly normal people - as normal as they can be in the KHR universe, let's say they are mostly Nana Sawada's kind of normal.
I still have to establish how the Cavallone family came into existence, but I figure they were once nobles and once Italy got rid of the Savoy family and voted to establish a republic rather than a monarchy (2 June 1946) they kind of went through the change to kind of save themselves.
So, the thing in Italy is that we don't really have horse races, unless you count the Palio di Siena and the Palio di Asti, BUT we have EVERYTHING about cars.
Car races are A LOT, there is Formula 1, Formula 3, Moto GP, rally, whatever involves car races under the sun. It's kind of our specialty lol, Alfa, Ferrari, Lancia and Lamborghini are VERY famous brands.
And car races means a lot of betting, which is something a mafia boss would want to have part in it money-wise and power-wise.
Which went quite well as an alternative income after losing nobility status until Cosimo Cavallone (the Ninth) inherited the thing from his father Giorgio (the Eighth) and kind of leaned too much into betting and went into huge and heavy debts. Reasons why Dino had to pay off his dad's debts whilst becoming the Tenth boss. :)
Surely this must have given Dino a deep hatred of betting, but I feel this is a headcanon for a different post.
Onto his family.
We of course know Romario and Ivan and all of his subordinates, but SURELY Dino has a big family.
Dino is an only child with an ungodly amount of cousins. He is also one of the oldest among the cousins, which means he has had to babysit A LOT during family gatherings. Here I am including the closest ones, but trust me, there is an entire army of cousins.
And he has to know them all.
Speaking about cousins, the most notable are:
Marco Gallo: son of his aunt Marta and his uncle Donato, Marco has never had a single serious thought in his head in his whole life. He loves playing pranks and whilst the 99% of the times they are harmless, he is also a very easy target if anyone takes his pranks the wrong way. Among his pranks, mainly at Dino's expenses, he snapped a "Christmassy" photo of teen!Dino and teen!Squalo crouched over one of the newborn cousins at a family event and dubbing it as "the Nativity". Oh, sometimes he shows up way too drunk at family events and shenanigans ensue.
Margherita and Irene Testa: they are twins. Those twins who look the same and you cannot distinguish them unless they wear different clothes/different hairstyles. Which was an issue until they hit their teenage years and they developed opposite tastes, as in Margherita is the one who will have everything made of natural fibers, is into the new age kind of thing and Irene is the exact opposite of it. In spite of everything they really get along well. when they were children their favourite sport was to corner Dino and make him play dolls with them, which Dino hated. Once Squalo was in the picture they made him play dolls too.
But Dino not only has cousins and a father, he also has a mother. Veronica Greco, aka the Most Beautiful Woman no one has yet understood how she could marry Cosimo Cavallone, a very average-looking man. Dino took after her in looks.
By the way, in Italy we DO NOT take the husband's name, unless the person specifically wants to, it's the very first "fuck you" to patriarchy that women could have, because up until the mid-seventies women were pretty much treated like property/objects.
Veronica is one of those people who are naturally good at everything. She also has the ability to step into a room and make everyone go quiet, which is very useful when family events go downhill. She just says "Stop" and everyone goes quiet, then she smiles and solves the issues at hand.
Dino can do that for about 1 minute, then he trips or falls down or something and the magic is gone.
Veronica also deals with a lot of the family drama and the gossips and has also gone very near a divorce because of Cosimo's gambling habits.
And speaking of Dino's dad, he is not actually dead, he decided to retire once Dino became boss and he is now enjoying the countryside with his wife Veronica. His hobbies consist in collecting scale models of cars and tending at the garden.
Of course Dino has his own Guardians. We do not usually see them because Dino can deal with most of the things himself, but - figure something like Byakuran happens - they will gladly join the fight. They all were people either saved or friended by Dino whilst Reborn was his tutor and was in the process of becoming the Bucking Bronco.
They are:
Alessandro Ferro: Storm Guardian. Very reliable in a fight, he uses a crossbow and he is a master sniper. Somehow he once got arrested for stealing manholes, but never served as his alibi was proved.
Diego Guerra: Rain guardian, he originally was supposed to join the Varia, but they had enough swordsmen and he needed a job, as he was deep into debt. Dino listened to him and helped him get back on his feet. since then Diego's loyalty has been with Dino. He uses a rapier as weapon.
Lucrezia Battaglia: Sun guardian, Judo black belt 8th dan, undefeated so far. She is short and way too much into cutesy stuff, but she will beat you to a pulp if she feels a hint of threat. She absolutely loves shoujo anime.
Cristian D'amico: Thunder guardian - and no, I have not messed the spelling, in Italy we tend to omit the H bc it is a mute consonant. The chillest guy on earth. Takes things with such a phlegm. It's obviously the calm before the storm when he fights. Would rather nap than fight tho.
Danilo de Angelis: he is the aloof one. He likes wandering about and looks a little bit lost, but don't be fooled. He is very perceptive and will notice when things are not going well.
Iacopo La Morte: everyone is scared of him because they hear his surname (aka The Death) andeveryone is like "OMG this guy is going to kill us all", and they kind of get disappointed when they see he is actually a really nice person. Unless you wronged the family, in which case he is going to make sure you regret it with all your being.
And I admit I have only developed everyone this much just because I was like "oh, it's only for the Big Damn Table, they are going to have sporadic apparitions whilst I fill the 100 prompts", but now that I actually see this written down I kind of want to expand. What do you all think about this?
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dolce-tenebra-toscana · 10 months
It's been a while since i took part in a riot during the Palio, 6 years i think?
Anyway i still got it and managed to get away without being hurt, but the police coming to stop us is always the cherry on top~
And as tradition want....
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My oc like me is a BIG Palio enthusiast, so she will be cheering in the middle of Piazza del campo~ watch out for the lil feral neon tuscan ✌️
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edo71 · 11 months
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Il Palio di Siena!…. E tutti gli sport con gli ANIMALI
Tutti ad osannare il “grande fantino” ma nessuno pensa alle FRUSTATE e la VIOLENZA che hanno subito i POVERI CAVALLI!!!
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diceriadelluntore · 2 years
Dalla locuzione latina Feriae Augusti (riposo di Augusto), festività istituita dall'imperatore Augusto nel 18 a.C., che si festeggiava il primo giorno del mese a lui dedicato, Agosto, mese tra l’altro pieno di altre festività importanti come i Vinalia rustica, i Nemoralia o i Consualia. Dato il caldo e la fine dei lavori più importanti in agricoltura, le Consualia si celebravano in onore del dio Conso, divinità della terra e della fertilità.
Erano comunissime le gare e le corse di cavalli:  anche gli animali da tiro (buoi, asini e muli) venivano dispensati dal lavoro e agghindati con fiori. A Siena si svolge il Palio dell'Assunta il 16 Agosto (tra l’altro un giorno che la Chiesa dedica a San Rocco da Montpellier): “palio" deriva dal pallium, il drappo di stoffa pregiata che era il consueto premio per i vincitori delle corse di cavalli nell'Antica Roma.
La Chiesa Cattolica sincretizzò queste feste pagane con la festa Dell’Assunzione della Madonna il 15 Agosto: il termine “assunta” è centrale nella dottrina poiché determina che Maria fu accolta in paradiso sia con l'anima sia con il corpo, cioè fu assunta\ accolta in cielo cosa che non ne implica la necessaria morte, come per esempio dei Santi. 
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18arte · 8 months
Siena e'la city di piazza del campo, del palio, una city molto carina da scoprire.
Ottobre 2023
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sonosusannaguarino · 11 months
"Palio con soldi pubblici quindi tutti quelli che pagano le tasse possono dire le loro": che ne pensate?
Ricevo un commento al mio post precedente da un amico, Mauro Rosati, che il Palio lo conosce bene. Cara Susanna ti dico che la tua polemica sa di poco. In primis il palio è un evento sociale che non implica la partecipazione solo dei contradailoli. Aggiungiamo il fatto che il Palio si svolge grazie e soprattutto ai soldi pubblici ovvero di tutti quelli che pagano le tasse e che legittimamente…
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