#palia is so worth it
grayscalee · 4 months
Btw if any one of my followers or anyone who sees this in general ig wants a referral code to palia, heres mine <:) youll get smth free for using it to sign up!
Ill go back to posting propaganda for you all now
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the-wanderers-world · 6 months
Hey, people who played/play Palia, is the game good? I'm thinking about getting it but I want to know others' opinions about it first. The game looks super cool and stuff but I still just want to know what others think of it.
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palialaina · 9 months
Well that was... chaotic.
But fun. And I need to earn up so much more money but I want that dragon!
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Suffice it to say, aside from the fact that Kenli has a chappa petting zoo that is not, in any way, actually secure against those things, the Maji Market is genuinely a blast. Jel even made me a lovely jacket for it, and Tish was nice enough to do my hair for me!
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We stopped to watch the fireworks after splitting one of Auntie Del's Halo Halo treats. I swear, all the ice cream... makes me feel like I should remember something important, but. Well.
Anyways. The fireworks freaked out the chappa, who did as chappa do and ran amok. I tried to help round them up, but I was just not fast enough. Fortunately, there were plenty of other humans at the fair who were faster and more able to catch a zooming chappa than me. Mostly, I made sure Jel didn't fall into the lake when one of them ricocheted itself off him!
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I love the Embra plushie, no lie, but I really want the Maji one. Why does it have to be so expensive?! I did all that nice stuff for Kenyatta too, to make sure she wouldn't be bored, and also not get in trouble.
...honestly, I am amazed we got away with testing Najuma's experimental firework. Though I still think I should've given her the money for it. Kids need treats at events like this!
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Also, the fireworks that were not experimental were amazing.
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(Jel said I looked too cute to not take a picture of. This mushball!)
Almost everyone was at the Market. Almost. Jina noped out at the sight of so many people, which is entirely fair and understandable. Hassian got mad because of Kenli's chappa stuff, so he didn't come, and that meant Sifuu didn't either. Neither did Dad, since he had to watch the inn, but pretty much everyone else was there.
Kenyatta was running a chappa themed booth for her dad. I had to not laugh, but it was hard. Reth and Auntie Del both had food booths, and man. I wanted one of everything at both spots, but I can't eat that much!
Jel says we can go as many times as I want, and try something different each time. I might take him up on it!
Oh, but Tish was in a bit of a mood that first night... Turns out she figured out that Reth's in debt to Zeki, and wanted me to help her figure out a way to get him out. Which... Yeah, I agree he shouldn't be in debt over something like this, but he's determined to figure out his own way of getting out. So I don't really think Tish putting some sort of listening in thing in Zeki's room is gonna really do her any good. At best, it'll just make her anxiety really really bad....
Ugh, I don't know what to do about that at all... Theirs is a complex set of problems, that's for sure.
She did give me a very pretty chest for helping her out. Though I'm not entirely sure what I did could be called help.
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blueberry-lemon · 10 months
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Shouting into the Void about Palia, which has begun its open beta.
Palia is a "cozy sim MMO set in a fantasy world", as pitched by the developers at Singularity Six. If I had to set it up in one sentence, I would pitch it as something like "what if an MMO didn't need to have combat?"
Which is something I'm really excited about.
To clarify, I think the MMO term is slightly misleading. When you log on, you're sent to an instance of around 25 players or so, similar to how Sea of Thieves works. For what it's worth, I think this is actually a preferable experience versus being a "true MMO" with hundreds of people crowding around the town area. I think they made the right call.
Although I have some small critiques and some reservations about recommending Palia during its open beta state, I'm having a really fun, relaxing time and I'm really looking forward to how the game grows. Full thoughts below.
--- I'm sure people will be quick to compare Palia to Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing. This is valid, and probably something the developer wants you to do. Like those games, Palia is about relaxing and having a good time in a simple town with charming NPCs.
That said, I think the closest analogs to how Palia works are actually Disney Dreamlight Valley and Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles. Dreamlight Valley I think is the most direct competition, so to speak. It's funny to see that another developer got to the multiplayer pie before Disney's teams were able to fully add multiplayer, lol.
In Palia, you dress up your character and you customize your home. I think the art is really great, and the animation has really impressed me. There's a great variety of outfits (although to be clear, 30% of clothing options are available from the start and the other 70% is, for now, premium currency only.) There's unfortunately only 2 choices of body type in the Open Beta, although the devs claim that more are coming.
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There's a shocking amount of customization for your house and your lawn. At least, picture Animal Crossing: New Horizons but with better controls for dragging and dropping where you want everything. People who like setting up their plot of land will have a good time. You can even expand your property to make it larger.
The core of Palia's loop involves you hopping around between progressing the Main Story and progressing 8 different skills: Cooking, Hunting, Bug Catching, Gardening, Foraging, Fishing, Furniture Making, and Mining. In addition to this, you're progressing your friendship meter with the different NPCs and, if you'd like, selecting one to Romance.
There's some really smart innovations in Palia that I like.
For example, your Mining skill only increases when you PICK UP the ore loot that drops from destroying a vein of ore. Why is that? Because you're supposed to work together with friends and strangers. If the skill increased for each time your pickaxe struck the vein, then you'd get annoyed if your friend helped you, because working together would destroy the vein in less strikes. If the skill increased for destroying a vein, then only the person who got the "last hit" would reap the exp reward. In Palia, so long as a player strikes the vein at least once, the loot will drop for them when it's destroyed. This way, anyone around you can "get their hand on that ball" by helping strike the vein at least once. This encourages working together, sharing the loot, etc. The same goes for chopping trees: anyone who contributes at all will get the wood that drops. This naturally encourages people to work together. There's no reason not to, because you're not "stealing" the loot from anyone else or "stealing" the exp.
Cooking is the most fleshed out co-op experience from what I've seen. Recipes require ingredients and a stove or prep station. Then, when you start the recipe, you do minigames to chop ingredients and stir them. So long as any player contributes an ingredient or does one of the minigames, they get the full exp and the finished dishes from cooking, even if that contributing player doesn't have the recipe. So if your friend loves cooking, and has a bunch of recipes, they can initiate the cooking and then you can bring the mushrooms and do the chopping. Then you all get to level up and get the dishes.
Even activities like Fishing are more fun to do together. If you fish near someone else who's fishing, you'll both get a buff that makes the fish bite your hooks much sooner. It stacks higher the more you fish together.
Another smart innovation: a rework of the infamous "stamina meter." This time, it's a Focus Meter. If your Focus Meter drops to 0, nothing happens. You don't pass out, you don't starve, nothing. However, if you DO have Focus, you get a Exp Gain Multiplier. This encourages you eating dishes to stay well-fed without punishing you too strongly if you ignore it.
And then, lastly, the core conceit of the game: there's no combat or danger. Although there is a Hunting Mechanic, it's completely one-sided, like hunting deer (which the game is quick to tell you are overpopulated in the area.) You can't die, you can't get hurt, you don't take fall damage, you don't even have health, period. I think this is great at trimming the unnecessary parts of a game like this and keeping it truly relaxing.
Although I'm having a fun time, I can't wholly recommend the open beta of Palia for everyone. The game is still early in its life and is missing a lot of important UI/UX and central features. The Pause and Settings menus are pretty sparse. You can only have 1 character so far, there aren't multiple character slots. You can't even change your characters name once you've made it, so choose carefully. In addition, you might feel like there "isn't enough to do together" if you play with friends, which is similar to a complaint I have about Animal Crossing multiplayer. It's mostly a chill hangout game about fishing next to each other.
There are a lot of things in the game that still need to be fleshed out, but I'm really happy with the core structure they've set up. Once this game leaves Open Beta, I think it'll be an easier recommendation, especially for folks who have enjoyed Disney Dreamlight Valley. I think these devs are smart about how they're handling the core desire here: wanting to play a game like Final Fantasy XIV or Stardew Valley without having to worry about combat or stamina.
My partner and I love to play these relaxing zone-out types of games. While trying Atelier Ryza recently, my partner said: "I just want a game where you zone-out and pick stuff up off the ground." My friends, we finally found it. It's called Palia.
You can find the Palia Open Beta on PC, and the game is slated to release on Nintendo Switch.
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shadyshadetree · 8 months
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Romancing Jel was worth it just for this look (¬‿¬) Now to throuple it up with Reth ❤
Really though, Palia has stolen my heart and time away! It's so cozy and the NPCs really help it be a safe space for me with how reassuring they are ˘ω˘
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hecatine-writer · 5 months
Palia: The Ship is Half-Built and It's Already Sinking
So me and my girlfriend have been playing Palia kind of obsessively over the last week, only to discover many many issues with the game such as:
Despite being in seeming active development for about 3 years now the game is very bare bones in terms of content, an overly obnoxious in-game store, poorly implemented mechanics such as climbing (the amount of times I got stuck on the geometry or somehow faced into the cliff face is very annoying), I find the game fundamentally lacking and overly grindy.
That's all there is, it's almost as if they recognize the critical lack of content and try to make up for it by padding out all the content and making everything overly expensive.
My biggest issue with the game however is A) the community management or the lackluster quality of it (they seem more concerned with people criticising their monetization then bigotry) B) their unwillingness to listen to the community. It goes so far that many people from the Alpha have outright stated that many of the issues the playerbase is having now existed in the alpha.
Another concern I have is with their limited size they had less than 200 developers (which is very little for an MMO) and for some reason decided to layoff a portion of their worker when the beta was launched back in November. At the same time a month later, they launched the game on the Switch (which is unstable to say the least) but there's a substantial amount of people who would be into cozy games on that platform which tells me they wanted to tap into that market to make money.
Yet... why would I want to spend money on this game? I do not believe for a second that it will last long enough for it to be worth it when they actively try to crackdown on any less than positive feedback. Their unwillingness to listen, and complete hypocrisy on creating a "cozy environment", tells me that this game will crash and burn. Maybe I'll get to watch a fun retrospective about the little MMO that could, good Ol' Palia and its sad tale of greed and hubris.
My advice to any people working in Free To Play, consider stealing Digital Extreme's homework. They've been going strong for a decade now with Warframe. Also don't try to make an MMO with a fraction of the resources simply because you think the market you're going for is untapped.
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calico-heart · 6 months
10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags
Basic rules: choose 10 fandoms that you are part of/support, and choose a favorite character from each of those. Then, tag ten folks!
Thanks for the tag @briar-ffxiv :3 idk how i'm supposed to pick a single favorite out of all these tho cries. Obvious fandoms are up top, but some (maybe. a little.) less common ones show up further down!
FFXIV // Alisaie Leveilluer
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I think she's one of the most dynamic characters in the series, and I love love love seeing her come out of her shell as the expansions go on. Her personal arc focuses so heavily on surviving grief and learning to keep an open heart even when faced with loss over and over again, and I appreciate how well that ties into the main storyline, too.
Fallout 4 // Piper Wright
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My wife <333 Piper's reckless go-gettem attitude and propensity for ruffling feathers on her quest to out the baddies really endeared me to her. Finding her soft heart under all the bravado and banter is really rewarding, and I love how committed she is to standing for her ideals, even if it means standing alone. Fo4 has such a cool setting to get immersed in overall, and I really do enjoy all the 50s/60s US tropes thrown into the mix with it.
Reth // Palia
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The epitome of making objectively horrible choices for arguably noble reasons. I love this walking disaster. He made me soup. I like how most of the Palia characters have more to them than meets the eye at first meeting, and how many ways they can surprise you as you build relationships with them. But gaining the disgraced pariah Reth's trust? Becoming someone he's brave enough to ask for help from? I treasure it above all the others LOL
Gale Dekarios // Baldur's Gate 3
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I'm NOT going to essay I'm NOT going to essay I'm not -- But seriously I do adore this guy's arc. I like how messy it is, even if in more subtle ways than, say, Astarion (ilu too boo.) Gale has so many "gifted kid" trademarks and strikes me as someone who's entire self worth has been based on how useful or interesting he is to others. It's hard to fault him for his ambition, when his magical prowess was the only avenue he had to make meaningful bonds up until the whole tadpole nonsense. BG3 exceeded my wildest expectations out of an RPG and continues to do so every time I pick it up.
Anders // Dragon Age II
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I feel obligated to say I don't really consider myself part of the DA fandom because every time I've poked my head in I've found it to be a wretched hive of scum and villainy with the most inane batshit discourse I've ever seen in my life. But the game itself? Love the game. Love the characters. Anders broke my heart. I really enjoyed his internal turmoil and the very literal ideological battle between justice and vengeance he faced throughout the game. I'll eat that up.
Obi-Wan Kenobi // Star Wars
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He's baby.
I definitely pick and choose which installations of the behemoth that is the Star Wars franchise to consider canon, and like Dragon Age I try not to actually get involved in fandom spaces. Ever. But I love Obi-Wan's story in the prequels especially, and if you've followed me very long I'm sure you know how much I like my hurt/comfort and angst, which he has in spades.
Halo 1-3, ODST, & Reach // The Arbiter
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I grew up on Halo and even have a little poseable model of this guy decorating my bookshelf. Halo's a shooter game first, of course, and I spent a good chunk of my childhood rerunning levels, and playing ninjanaut with friends on splitscreen. But its lore also fell into that sort of early TES space for me, where you had enough of an idea of the world for it to capture your imagination and inspire you, without being overwhelming to keep track of. The angst. The mystique. The badass alien with a glowing sword. 10/10. My Spartan OC is called Artemis and my brother has one named Ares and yes we did slay in PvP as teenagers.
Firefly // Simon Tam
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Choosing Firefly is predictable af but thats ok. It still makes me ache wishing we got to know more about the world, the characters - and maybe that unfinished homesick feeling is part of the appeal. I loved watching Simon be so out of his depth in the frontier of space, but willing to giving up everything for someone he cared about and learning to make a new place for himself with Firefly's motley crew.
Mizu // Blue Eye Samurai
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I was not prepared for this show to WRECK me like it did. I thought it was going to be a run of the mill cheesy samurai anime and GOD. The thoughtful, clever storytelling and dynamic characters knocked me on my ass. I couldn't stop watching. The cast is incredible, the art style is gorgeous. Every single aspect of this show ties into this theme of being caught between two worlds, and Mizu's story is one I am not going to forget any time soon. If you haven't watched this, you're missing out.
Mal // The Dog Master
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I'm not sure there's even really a FANDOM for this book. I haven't ever met anyone else who'd even heard of it, let alone read it. But a fandom can just be me, occasionally pitching it desperately to friends, right? XD The story follows several tribes, but the "main" character is Mal, who was kicked out of his tribe and survives partly by befriending a wolf and raising it. It's pretty cleverly written, with several timelines converging at unexpected moments to offer up plot twists and tie-ins that really wouldn't have been possible if it was written another way. I'm a little geeky about it just for the structural approach. But there's honestly not enough good caveman books out there, and this one has a wide cast of unique and interesting characters who feel very human.
I will tag @ronqueesha @bogglebabbles-main @sayonaramidnight @traveleorzea @orime-stories @silentletterwords @ellastara @rinka-fortemps @eriyu @jameswrites
And anyone else who wants to! I'd love to see your lists! But no pressure ofc <3
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kawakona · 5 months
Hiya, I was scrolling through the Reth tag for more art of the sweet boy and am PSYCHED to have found your page! Your art of him and your oc are adorable. I love how he translates in your style. 🥺 I've just gotten into Palia myself, and wasn't sure if I'd create lore for my character yet. Thanks to you, I feel inspired! Despite having DND characters to work on too lol, it's worth it! Keep making what you love. 🙌
Goodness!! <3 Thank you so much for the message! ;u; It is always great to hear someone found something they liked on my page! (Even if it is just my boring lovey-dovey romance stuff haha!) Reth is such a delight to draw (although, I admit he looks a bit different everytime! ...very tempted to make a little collage for myself one day titled 'the many faces of Reth' bc I cant-- for the love of all that is good-- draw him in a consistent style!)
CREATE ALL THE LORE! I am having fun with such things myself- and as long as the game isn't really fleshed out in the player character department we have ALL THE FREEDOM for our own ideas! (I LOVE it!) Again, thank you so much~! I will keep doing what I love and I hope you will do what you love as well!!<3
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igglemouse · 10 months
Song of the Day!
It's Saturday! Woo!
Unfortunately that means I won't have any legacy posts today or tomorrow, weekend is refuel time! I also have to fix all the next links I'm behind on that!
I have been playing a few games this week as well! Palia is a game I think some might like? It's only in beta though so right now it is in the worst form it will be in but if you enjoy cozy games like Animal Crossing and Disney Dreamlight you might enjoy Palia!
The sell for Palia is that it is an online game so you see others going around doing stuff too! It's free so worth a try and I do want it to succeed so getting it out there!
Also, I won't have posts today but I'll debut a new weekly simblr appreciation thing! More on that tomorrow!
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awesomestarpower · 6 months
Now I'm really tempted to get Palia 😭 But I've been saving up for Baldur's gate III 😩 And I just bought the Disney Dreamlight Valley DLC (not worth it IMO) so I shouldn't buy any new games. Also I need to finish My time at Sandrock... And Stray.
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m0nswoon · 10 months
Palia - my little journey
TLDR; This game is worth the time you put into it. Some of the later objectives are a bit of a grind, but if you need a stop gap until Haunted Chocolatier or any other cozy game this is a pretty nice distraction. You can add me if you like, I'm pretty active on the game my name is: kerr
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This game feels like a poem to the experiences that I loved from classics like: Stardew Valley, The Sims, and Harvest Moon. Making friends by talking to everyone everyday, even if they are a map away, to opening a notes app to try and remember everyone's wants for gifts. Farming materials so I can try and build my perfect house. It has everything I've wanted in an experience like this.
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It is a massive undertaking to try and upgrade your tools and level your skills. I've easily clocked over 80 hours into and i'm getting close to the "end game." Housing
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God, I love designing my house, placing objects feels great, farming to get the stuff to build your dream furniture sets feels nice to me. This is where my grips begin! I know this game is in beta, and things will be smoothed out when it fully launches! The later quests are a huge grind. Hoping for RNG to bless me so I can get these fish for the bundles. When I finally got the Void Ray (that i was convinced didn't exist) I felt so much joy my hands started shaking. It personally took me over 5 hours to get that one fish.
Bugs We all expect them, but there are a lot that stop quests from continuing. It just really sucks when it's the max level friendship quest. Uneven farm land?
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This is a very small one, I have all the plots unlocked at my house, but even with me having level 11 farming there isn't enough slots to make a even square, might just plant a tree in the odd one out, still feels strange. Find Your Shepp
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WOW this quest is taking forever for me, maybe others will have completed this a lot earlier than me, just feels really hard to get to level 4 friends? Maybe that is the point! List of small things I would love to see - let us right click in chat to add to party - remember password on login - pets for those who can't spend real money - different body types (they confirmed they will add!) - changing our face for in game gold price (or free either or is cool) - sitting animations, please let me sit in my nice chairs, maybe also sleep on my bed! - Larger community sizes This could go on and on. All this being said, easily 8/10, thank you for letting me romance the fish robot. Kinda love that. (also the community in the game has been great from what I've experienced, but I went into the discord and It's pretty toxic in there. I would avoid.) Thank you for reading.
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anxiety-banana · 20 days
Long overdue Palia review!! I've literally been so obsessed with it in past days that I've forgotten to write a review lol I have twenty hours on record this week 🫠
-free on steam!! Though I think it would be well worth buying if I needed to at some point
-Love having so many different dialogue options
-SO user friendly. Settings are easy to navigate, all dialogue is captioned, and the tutorials are so well done.
-the character design is awesome! Lots of free items that are all pretty fun, with optional in game currency purchases.
-On the contrary, there's only one male and one female body size, but at least they aren't disgustingly boob-heavy (*cough* SWTOR *cough cough*)
-I would die for Tau
-Personally mad I can't get a plumehound of my own to follow me around but that's just because they're cute and I want one
-You can build relationships with various villagers and even have the option to build romance! Personally I'm slowly but surely reeling in Hassian 👀
-you have the option to unpin quests which I always think is super helpful in games, because sometimes I just don't wanna catch bugs and the little popup is making me crazy
-because it's beta, there are some graphics issues that have to be addressed, but they're typically minor (like during an event for the mayor, the floor texture disappears). I've personally found two bugs that actually messed with a quest, and yeah they're annoying, but you can't expect much better and at least one of them is being actively worked on.
-chat is pretty user friendly, with whisper options, and even a nearby audio option. I haven't tested the audio, but chat works well.
-a handful of mechanics (like gift giving, and Zeki's underground market) rely on the in game time, but I think it's a good mechanic, and works well.
-Auni is adorable and I want to hug him
-Najuma is also adorable and I also want to hug her
-I needed to download an updated graphics driver for the game to run, but I'm not techy and I don't know if that's because my laptop has the graphics driver of an old man or if it genuinely is a large game that needs a better graphics driver than most laptops have
If I have any more points I'll be sure to add them!!
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freckledsweetpea · 6 months
If you had to give a "so far" review of Palia, what would you say? Also, how's it been on the switch? I'm thinking about trying it out, and am interested in your thoughts and opinions on it.
I'm VERY excited to see it develop in the future. It has enough content that I never feel like I'm running out of things to do. I've been playing it on and off since closed beta on the pc and spent this entire weekend on my couch cuddled up with my dog playing it on the switch. It's such a good single player game while also not feeling lonely. Passing others is pretty fun and it's nice to have the small interactions. I hope they include more cooperative things in the future. For a FREE game... it's hard to really say it's not worth a try.
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descalld · 9 months
I've been meaning to play Palia and keep not getting around to it. Is it worth it?
I definitely think it's worth it! I've been having a ton of fun with it! But there's no rush to get into it.
The game is still in beta, so it can still be a bit unstable at times. Personally I don't mind a few bugs every now and then, but if you don't like them I would say wait till the game officially comes out.
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dynalope · 10 months
Palia: First Impressions
Been playing a few hours of Palia this morning, an MMO that let me into their beta and, I must confess, I'm not quite sure what its going for.
I think its trying to be an MMO Harvest Moon/Stardew Valley but, so far, its been characterised by a great deal of waiting.
Everything is done in real time. If you want to make a plank out of a log, you have to wait 30 seconds to do that. If you want to sell some stuff from your dropbox, you have to wait for that to happen every hour or so.
But the real blow has come just now. I had finally finished making the bricks I need to build a house which took a long, long time because I needed 35 and they took 2 minutes each to make, not counting the time needed to go get the resources.
Regardless, I finally have all the bricks and planks I need, I put them into my house and I'm greeted with:
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This game made me wait over an hour just to make 35 bricks and now it wants me to wait EIGHT HOURS for the house to build???
Nothing productive is even being done. It not like I can make use of the resources already created like I can with the plank or brick making process. Its just a really long timer they've added for, as far as I can tell, no fucking reason.
Not only that but the storage space you get in this game is WOEFUL.
Only a few hours in and I've found myself having to sell most of the resources I'm collecting and thats even after a backpack upgrade.
For some reason this game does not want you to be able to keep ahold of your resources.
Its so bad that characters will send you furniture (for the house I'll have in EIGHT REALTIME HOURS) saying things like "Hey, good job growing an onion! I've sent you a box to hold all your veg!" and the fucking box will be NON-FUNCTIONAL.
Every time you find a chest in the wild, you also take the chest with you to use at your house. A pretty cool feature, right?
So I have eleven chests sitting at my base, empty chests as far as I know, and I can't do ANYTHING with them even though I'm running out of storeage constantly.
Its a joke. Its a game thats trying to draw itself out (I assume because they aren't confident in the amount of content they have yet) and also starve you of resources.
I can only assume its a ploy for some later microtransactions because the ones already in this BETA (ITS A BETA WITH MICROTRANSACTIONS) are a JOKE.
At this time they only seem to sell outfits but, as far as I can tell, microtransations are the only current way to get new outfits. The cheapest outfit at this time requires you to buy £17 ($22) worth of their premium currency and obviously the outfits are priced to just be slightly too low to reach with a cheaper pack so you have to buy a more expensive pack and have some left over, as is standard with this predatory garbage.
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So yeah, not impressed so far. I hope the game improves because it has a lot of charm and a chance to be a good bit of fun but right now the charm is just a front for a shallow game that has little content but timers worthy of a mobile game and microtransations.
Hope they improve.
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cervidaedalus · 11 months
Ya boi got into the Palia stress test alpha which begins July 6. It's still under NDA so I can't really talk about anything, but I'll at least mention what I felt about the game so far and if I think it's gonna be worth playing long term.
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