mau-isra · 1 year
What does Yellow mean?
When Chris Martin was asked about this song he mentioned that he didn't think of anything, it was a funny moment where the ideas flowed and he was playing some simple chords to simulate Neil Young and his funny way of singing.
Martin says: "I don't know what it really means, the word 'Yellow' came up and I thought nobody would know what it meant. This song has more feeling than meaning.
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"Yellow" is a love song with a melancholic touch. The lyrics describe the feeling of being in love and the emotion of feeling alive and present in the moment. The color yellow is symbolic of this emotion, which singer Chris Martin describes as "being surrounded by energy."
I think that Yellow transmits me a feeling of peace, of loving a person or maybe remembering moments that at the time were amazing.
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mau-isra · 1 year
Black people's reality
I have thought about life before and after slavery and all the historical process that black people have gone through to let the whole world know that we are all equal, in usa movements like blm and words like nigga, WOKE and thousands of events like murders of RACHET people by the police made people realize everything, now this theme of equality and things like that has become fashionable and COOL to hear it everywhere, a bit LIT or maybe serious.
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It depends on who interprets it, the truth is that today the Afrodescendant community has grown, there is a lot of support and HYPE from many people, there are even more black people who decide that their BAE is of the same skin color.
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mau-isra · 1 year
Salinas sports-Bodyboarding
Salinas is a very small canton but full of sports and places where you can play sports, in my experience this has changed a lot because I lived here and 4 years ago it was not like this, all rustic dirty and without places like the sports centers that are here today, but sports not only have to be the ones we all know, there are also sports that have been growing for years like surfing and bodyboarding.
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Today I will talk a little about bodyboarding, this sport is little known but very rooted in the native people of the area because foreigners brought it to the peninsula years ago, it is a medium board accompanied by fins, is somewhat similar to surfing but much more exciting, to feel inside the wave and slide as if you were inside a tube is fascinating, I can not find the words to define that feeling
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