#over the fence au
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resident warrior cats...
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changing something crucial about Springdad's lore.
When he was, let's say, 10-12 years old, he was hanging around with his friends when they decided to do the usual stupid children activities, like jumping over fences. William climbed a protection fence, lost his balance, and cut his ear on the sharp edges. The cut was so bad they had to cut half of his ear off. That's how he got half a bunny ear.
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
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Sugar Vladdy: Chapter 27 is now available on Ao3
“Anything else?” the cashier asked. “Uh…” Vlad’s eyes scanned the row of items at the cashier’s back and directed her to a pack of nicotine gum, stalling for time. What was he stalling for? Nail polish? Really? You obviously want it. Just get it, said the voice that’d been growing bolder of late. I don’t need it, he argued back. It’s a pointless impulse. It’s not about need, the voice countered. It’s about having something nice just for you. Vlad bit his lip. I’ll never wear it… It’s not about wearing it. It’s about having the option. What are you afraid of? What was Vlad afraid of? Being judged by his father’s old friends at work? They already did that. What was one more thing…
Oh, hey, it's technically tomorrow. Happy Friday.
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I was sitting and thinking and in my immediate thought was “water damage to fabric” because my thoughts bounce around like ping-pong balls in a hectic game of 16 player free-for-all table tennis.
Anyways the thought I’m trying to say is: in my mind bc you said the rest of the gang will eventually wake up later (sans Frank who woke up first), I imagine bc of Poppy’s size it would be hard for her to have a fully secure area.
TLDR: The end thought is “what if Poppy’s feathers on her tail and head (the big ruff I mean) are shorter in this au bc of water damage?”
OHHHH CHOICE CHOICE CHOICE i am thinking Very hard about this! because although she's stored with everyone (read: crammed in w/ everyone) in the Large Dry Closet eventually, who's to say that she wasn't exposed to leaks? or accidentally dropped in a puddle or two and then Not Dried Correctly? also there are
she could be the one to inadvertently teach Wally that hey. damage exists when water happens. avoid it / treat it correctly or your friends are gonna get even more fucked up. A+++++ suggestion im adding it to the au-canon
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minnow-doodle-doo · 1 year
I’m thinking a lot about in my Sons of Anarchy AU about how Bruce’s death affects his children on such an induvial level.
Dick had never wanted to be like Bruce, but in the end, his death forced him to have his life; to become the parent to his son, to try hold the Justice League together and keep the auto shop afloat. 
Jason had no one to point his need for revenge, formed from his love for his dad, at and subsequently had to deal with the consequence of all that undirected rage.
Cass ran. Cut off all contact. She had been given the stability (loose term) of a home, a support network, and of a somewhat normal life, but Bruce died and in her grief she decided she couldn’t be apart of something like that anymore so once again she was alone.
Tim obsessively thought the impossible, Bruce was alive, to the point of it almost killing him. Jason hadn't actually died so Bruce also must be alive too. He had only lost his parents a couple of years earlier, he couldn't loose another person. But when he is proven without a doubt that he is wrong, all that obsession turns to grief.
Damian had only known his father for barely three years. And when he met his father he cried tears of joy for Jason and not for him. Dick cried tears of joy for him though, many times, and Damian knows that Dick loves him in every stupid little thing he does. He just doesn’t think his father ever had. (its hard understand that people love different from the memories of a child.)
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boldlygreatsuit · 1 year
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The hadestown au gave me ideas :3 I’ll probably draw more tbh it’s fun doing little sketches of the songs and certain scenes from the musical @doyouknowhowtowaltz
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starry-bi-sky · 15 days
tales of the passerine retcon -- did i say danny broke his ankle from the fall? I mean his leg. He broke his leg. And injured his shoulder. probably bruised a few ribs.
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flor4de4amor · 25 days
guys, ik ive just started for tlou n the whole navy abby thing, but i think i wanna cut short writing for the aviator situation. i love american media even tho its literally miltary/cop propaganda, but i genuinely don't know that i wanna write free military propaganda. especially w how much i protest the western/american government . it feels like a form of self betrayal.
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reynaruina · 2 months
I feel like you've said at some point that Twink!Dib would hit on PT!Dib if they met (though I could be misremembering). So...would Twink!Dib hit on PT!Zim if given the chance? How would Zim react (both PT!Zim and Twink!Dib's Zim)?
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A combination of these two
But also secretly maybe this
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its-ezraaa · 11 months
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DnD AU - lesson nr. 1:
The higher your dexterity, the harder it is to hit you! Add a magic shield and suddenly wizards aren't as frail anymore as everyone said...
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laibisclavret · 4 months
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love, the only survival, the only meaning
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nonbinary-niki-bog · 4 months
actually should i let CS!Sigma into the ask blog?
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jesse-cosay · 1 year
Posting on all my socials bc I have nothing better to do during the "holidays"
These were (mostly) made with the intent of a Soul Eater au idea I never finished, I might get back to that later but it's anyone guess on when
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Jesse and Nate would've been Lake's weapons, similar to Kilik's weapons (just,, giant metal fists with powers,,,,, possibly), but I obviously never made a final design
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lanternlightss · 5 months
anyways. finished the fontaine archon quests. and unfortunately the brainrot has hit bc my thoughts throughout it was that should the winds be kinder nameless bard would absolutely adore miss furina (well in chronological order, it would be venti, as bard is already long gone by that point but. au’s are little figures to play with <3)
though venti would love her even more here ,,,
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tired-biscuit · 1 year
thought of the day: canonverse kiba is clumsy when it comes to anything to do with his hands, however he's surprisingly agile when it comes to general movement.
i think his abilities would make him swift - even when he's just a kid. he'd move around like a cat of sorts, with these super soft, light footsteps. kind of wouldn't care if he fell and got hurt; he'd climb high even if heights would make him uncomfortable, and would move around without second-guessing himself or doing that little halt mid-step that most people do whenever they start to doubt whether they can make the jump in front of them or not.
i think he'd just sort of leap into it, if that makes sense? like this really effortless, quick-paced parkour of sorts that would make people question how he does it, especially in his adult years when he gets more bulky and definitely doesn't look like someone who'd be particularly light on his feet.
he'd just understand extremely well how his body works and how it moves. everything would be like a reflex of some kind; something that just comes naturally to him, because i definitely don't see him tiring that one single brain cell he has over a thing like that, lmao.
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honeyblockm · 2 years
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let's go fencing au let's go
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