#otp: i'll miss you. a lot.
loveourfuture-c · 2 years
The love triangle may not be over to you, To me it’s dead and buried in the ground.
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teaboot · 3 months
Since I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be, I have been trying to send to more asks to engage more. I really don't want to bother anyone though so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Detailed? Vague? Work? Fandom? Movies? Books? Childhood? Gardening? Thoughts? OTPs? OCs? I'm sure there are way more categories, I'm not limiting you to these listed options. Perhaps if it's an easier question what types of asks do you not like?
Detailed asks good yes
Vague asks??? Do not understand but open to the concept
Fandom: My first Fandom was X-Men, then Lord of the Rings, then Homestuck, Transformers, Fullmetal Alchemist, Teen Wolf, Avengers (first movie, when it came out), Batman, Overwatch briefly, Mass Effect, Gravity Falls, Trigun, and now my sister's getting me into Call of Duty! Feel free to ask about any!!
Movies: Yes movies are a great topic I have SO MANY
Oh lord I haven't consistently been up to date on books in FOREVER but yes books are good, you can ask book questions, I'm reading a lot of old classics and recently finished Pride & Prejudice, am now on The One That Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Childhood- oh my god bud you have no idea
Gardening- My house is full of plastic plants on account of how good I am at killing things
Thoughts- Always
OCs? YO YEAH GO FOR IT I NEVER TALK ABOUT THEM aaaaah I need to start writing again- I've been working on an urban fantasy for like. God like 7-8 years now
If I don't like an ask I'll just ignore or delete it but not much is off the table. I will not answer where exactly I live, who I am, if I'm a specific person you met, etc. for safety reasons.
I've worked in sex education so I can answer questions on that topic but if you get too personal or abrasive I will not respond.
I'm regularly flooded with donation requests and it's often too hard to figure out which are real and which are scams using stolen legit posts so as a general rule I do not spread those, I'm sorry.
And if you pop in to sexually harass me or use abusive language towards myself or others then I'm just gonna block you and delete the message.
If you want to warn me that a post I shared came from a bad source I do appreciate that, but if I do my research and can't find a legitimate reason to block someone then I probably won't.
I consider Legitimate Reasons to block someone on recommendation to be abusive language and behaviour, threats, bigotry, propagation of misinformation, production of AI content, and encouragement of dangerous behaviors that pose genuine harm to self or others. I'm not gonna block a random cause they enjoy Steven Universe and you think it's annoying. We all like stuff.
Thanks for asking!!! I probably shoulda talked about some of this myself, lol
EDIT: Terfs and radfems are block on sight, it's not your fault you're dumb but I am not capable of educating all of you
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gglitch1dd · 3 months
I hate to be that one fan but glitch are you sure you’re ok to write? 🫤 I’ve desperately missed getting emails that you’ve posted of course, but your health comes first. I just don’t want you to feel like you’re on a time crunch with writing. You could legit update once every few months and we’d be fine with that. And in the past you discontinued a story because people were being so mean about how it was going. I just wanna make sure you’re writing for you and what you want your story to be at your own pace is what I’m trying to get at saying.
Oh my goodness, you're so sweet. This really meant a lot to me🤍 really it does.
The only reason I discontinued Blood and Fire was because I literally could not write anything for it. The way I wrote the plot made it difficult to redeem the otp ship of kiribaku so I didn't want to continue with it when it came to Rent a Dam, at the end, I was just really shocked and hurt by some people who thought that the ending I was leading to was horrible as well as threats I was receiving but I did finish that one.
I've grown a lot since then, and I promise you that I'm finishing and writing for myself. Because I want to. If I finish the story in 2 years so be it. I promise I won't overdo it. My first priority is to my health and myself first before the fic. I promise I'll only update and write if I'm fine. I won't push myself.
Thank you for the concern, lovely.
It really made me smile❤️
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chipistrate · 7 months
do that with Cassie
Sure! :D
favorite thing about them I adore how sassy she can be- like yeah she'll go down and save Gregory from the ruined Pizzaplex, that's her bestie she'd do anything for him, but that won't stop her from complaining about it. i.e. "Under Roxy Racers? *huff* that's all the way on the other side, I'm not even close." Also I believe her VA said something about her not being scared when going into the Pizzaplex iirc cause she "didn't know she was supposed to be scared" and I think that's interesting,,, "yeah that old, decaying, falling apart, creepy Pizzaplex? I don't see why I'd be scared. Gregory wants me to go there so I'm sure it's safe. Plus, what could possibly be hiding inside anyways? Bugs?" <---clueless
least favorite thing about them I'm not good at picking out least favorite things about characters I love LMAO They're just precious and beloved and I see no wrong in them<333
favorite line "that was too close. I was almost a Cassie sandwich" the DELIVERY. I love her so much even in the worst situations she's still making little shithead remarks/aff
brOTP Her and Gregory are the siblings ever<333
OTP Again- if these can be purely platonic and have no familial or romantic meaning, then her and Ellis should be and would be best friends and I stand by this forever and ever
nOTP x
random headcanon When she met up with Gregory again after SB she started helping him tear down his missing posters. She didn't know why he wanted them gone or why he was so hesitant in public, but she didn't want to pry too much and just wanted to help out. She tried, couldn't get a lot of answers out of him, and realized it was just too out of his comfort zone to talk about whatever happened while he was missing, so she just resorted to helping him however she can!
unpopular opinion Tbh I don't think she'd be angry after the elevator fall or even believe it was Gregory- at least not immediately!! Like- I could see her becoming angry over time, but I honestly think that at first she'd 100% think it was the Mimic- I mean- she literally just met a giant endo that was trying to kill her that mimicked her friends voice and communicated through speakers, I don't think she'd assume her best friend would try and kill her after meeting a dude like that. Maybe she'd end up thinking it was Gregory later and becoming way more bitter about it afterwards if we're going the Vannie route, but I think at first she'd just be really tired and sad and upset at the Mimic, but not at Gregory. She probably just thinks "he's my best friend, he would never do that. I'm sure he's on his way to get me right now, so I just need to survive a few more hours and I'll be fine." or something like that
song i associate with them Hmmm if we're talking Vannie arc then I'd say "I'm Irritated" by Fishy Bishie. If we're talking normal Cassie, then I don't listen to a lot of songs that I would consider "Cassiecore" that aren't specifically made to be Cassie songs if you know what I mean? But maybe that one really good part of "One Normal Night"
favorite picture of them
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She's so confident and happy how could you possibly hate her<333
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cowandcalf · 4 months
Feeback Fest 2024: H50 Fic Recs
For International Fanworks Day, February 15 (for more information see this post by @transformativeworks)
Thank you, babe @stephmcx because of your great fic rec list I noticed this amazing Fic Rec Day! I'm not often on Tumblr anymore scrolling and discovering interesting things and I miss the interaction with other fandom folks. And here you are, posting a great fic rec list of the most epic OTP ever: Steve and Danny.
I have my McDanno 'go-to' fics I love dearly but for this list I put together a different number of McDanno stories from my bookmarks. I hope some of you haven't read them already. Maybe there's a chance you find an unknown great McDanno story. All of my recommanded stories always act like a large safety net of love I let myself fall into when I need those special, unique, and most magic McDanno vibes.
1.Blue Shorts and Gloves by WeirdoOfTheCentury - Summary: Danny... well Danny is Danny. Stella is a protective Sister and both Steve and herself wanna commit a crime when it comes to Danno. @shadowhunterdownworlderhybrid
2.Touch My World With Your Fingertips by kristen999 - Summary: Danny has plans for Steve when he returns home from his reserve drill.
3.More Than Words, Part One by Candy_A - Summary: The first chapter in a series based on the events that follow Danny's rescue from Colombia (Episode 5.17). In this installment, Danny returns to Hawaii and he and Steve begin to cope with the reality of Danny's ordeal there. (Nine parts belong to this outstanding series)
4.See You Tomorrow by bgharison - Summary: "When we were leaving the office, I said, ‘see you tomorrow’ to Chin and Kono, and they said, ‘yeah, see you tomorrow'. I said, ‘see you tomorrow’ to you, and you said, ‘goodnight’, And 'goodnight' sounded like 'goodbye', okay?""I wasn't saying goodbye," he said, finally. But he kept his eyes fixed on the water.
5.Why don't you try me? by azziria - Summary: Steve and Danny both want the same thing, they just don't know it yet.
6.Back To Back (They Faced Each Other) by harrycrewe - Summary: Danny didn’t even realize that Steve was a sentinel when they first met. That probably said a lot right there about what kind of a guide Danny was.
7.Like Death and Taxes by ariadnes_string - Summary: "One of these days," Steve growled, voice low and rough and filthy, "I'm gonna rip this thing off you and gag you with it." (That's my very first McDanno fanfic I read.)
8.Moments In The Skript by joannereads - Summary: Hello all! So, over the last few years I have dreamed of a few scenarios before, during and after the events of The Script. I wanted to add to it, but never found the time, so now I'm making a point of doing it. I'll add to this as and when I have time or the muse is singing. Some of the stories will be teen and up, some explicit. Hope you enjoy! (RPF)
9.Close To Me by joannereads - Summary: Danny Williams is 17. Steve McGarrett is 26. They all live in Hawaii. And their lives are about to get really, really messy. Because Steve? Steve's his brother's best friend.
10.Sock Monkey by Cattraine - Summary: He’s late; he’s running late when the call comes in. One minute he’s sitting at a traffic light on a perfect day on his way to work, bemoaning his lack of coffee and the next he’s screeching the Camaro’s tires towards the accident, heart pounding, keeping perfect time with the chant in his head. No, no, no. It can’t be.
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ill-procastinato · 4 months
Simi thoughts?
simi thoughts? SIMI THOUGHTS???
(huge textpost ft. pictures incoming...)
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See how close they are? See how touchy touchy?! LITERALLY NO SPACE FOR JESUS... Like they think they're gonna die if they let go of each other.
I'll miss out on a whole lot of stuff but you guys are free to reblog this and add details that i forgot in the tags!
They literally make their own lore up. I initially thought it was a bit controversial bc of the age difference, but then it's not THAT bad. Like I've seen worse.
The fact that Kimi was the only one who would talk to Seb back when he was a rookie, and him winning the WDC the previous year didn't affect his attitude.
Their relationship is so close knit and healthy, and ofc Kimi smiling non-stop when he's with Seb. Literally Iceman and his Sunshine.
And also Kimi taking the drinks for Seb! ↓
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And Kimi basically admitting he never talked to anyone else but Seb. ↓
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Also this ↓
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Straying away from topic but this is surely one way to word it PlanetF1... ↓
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TDLR: i will die on this hill. This is my OTP (i think that's what it means?) And i shall be crazy about them for eternity.
I could talk about them all day and write an entire novel about them but i have a 1:30hr timer on Tumblr so 💀💀 gonna have to end it here. Thank you anon for the ask!
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smolwritingchick · 3 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 87- Wild N Out
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Chapter Summary: Jennie guest stars on the show Wild N' Out with Angelina. Matt Rife tries to shoot his shot with Jennie while he has been in her DMs for weeks.
Words: 8,000+
Author's Note: Wild N Out is one of my favorite shows! If you aren't familiar with it, I highly recommend watching YouTube videos about the show. They have their own channel and have tons of videos for you to get an idea of the different games and banter they have.
This is one of my favorite chapters! It was so fun to write and edit!
If you are easily offended or aren't that into jokes, perhaps this show and chapter are not for you and you are welcome to skip it.
I used some of the lines from the Wild N Out YouTube videos I've been watching to add to the chapter. So I hope you like it! I liked the build up for this. It started tame and then got crazier.
-------- "Your hair~! Finally, she has dyed her hair! You give Justina Valentine a run for her money," Angelina giggled and pulled Jennie in for a tight embrace.
Jennie flew to LA to join Angelina and stay with her for a little while before they flew to Georgia for their Wild N Out recording.
"Haha, thanks sis! I still need to hide my hair from the public. So human hair wigs it is,"
"I'll help you put it on,"
"Jennie! You're here! I've missed you!" Angelina's little brother, Tyrone, pushed Angelina away and went to hug her.
"Rude!" Angelina complained.
Jen laughed. "I'm happy to see you. You're getting taller,"
"I know! I'll be taller than you one day," he grinned.
"I see it,"
"And for the record, she has a boyfriend. So stop drooling," Angelina called him out.
"Still? Aw, when are you gonna break up with him?" he whined, causing Jennie to giggle.
"Dummy, she is not breaking up with him! Nobody is ruining our OTP! Now if you don't mind, we need to catch up, so leave us be,"
"Can you play video games with me later, Jennie?" he ignored his sister who looked offended by that.
"Sure," she beamed. "I'll play some games with you, later on,"
"It's a date!"
"Oh Lord..." Angelina rolled her eyes and grabbed Jennie to drag her to her room.
She shut the door and locked it so her brother wouldn't barge in. Laying on the bed, Jennie joined her and they began to catch up.
"Soooooo, how are the boys? They surviving well without you?" Angelina asked.
"From what I heard, not really. They're struggling a bit," Jen laughed. "But they're doing all right. Just working on the comeback. With Yoongi, Agust D is a huge success. I'm so proud of him,"
"I heard! He has BARS! A to the G to the U to the STD! That song is hot! I heard you played the guitar for a couple of his songs,"
Jen stared at her in surprise. "You noticed?"
"You have a unique sound. It's easy to tell it's you because of how you play. I think it's amazing you're doing that. The boy always has such a soft spot for you. It's so cute,"
"That is true. Namjoon is working pretty hard on the album. A lot is on his plate,"
"Yeah, he told me and kept apologizing for not having much time to talk with me. But it's cool. I get that way when I'm working on new music,"
"To tell you the truth, he's pretty stressed. And so am I. I keep thinking about my song. I just don't think it's going to be well received. Part of me wants to change it but they're not going to do that, everything is set in stone,"
Angelina playfully nudged her shoulder. "I'm sure you'll be fine. You'll be singing your truth and how you feel. Don't even worry about it or pay attention to any negativity. Focus on performing it when you guys go on tour,"
"Speaking of our tour when it's announced, I hope we get to go to more American dates. Big Hit is underestimating how many people around the world want to see us. K-Pop is getting more attention as the years go by. We need a real-world tour this time. Not just Asia, a few places in Europe, and so on. I want to go everywhere and perform with BTS. So, how is life with you?"
"I've been just doing more shows on TV as a guest star and doing collaborations. Also working on the new music. Things are getting there."
"You excited for Wild N' Out, soon?"
"Oh, you know it! I am always~ on that show! Are you excited? You get to have a chance of getting a belt! I'll have you know I won the belt quite a few times,"
"I expect nothing less from you. And yeah, I am excited, too. I'm not much of a rapper although I'm still learning from Yoongi but I hope I can spit a few bars to win some points,"
"You'll do fine. It'll come naturally. I hope they don't roast you too much. Expect them to come after the boys, though,"
"Mentally preparing. I will defend Bangtan's honor. It'll be a fun experience,"
"I really wish I was a part of the cast," Angelina sighed at the idea.
She had been a fan for years and always felt like she could be a great cast member of the show. She nailed it when it came to the games with her quick wit.
"To be a part of the show, ugh that would be awesome. I love the show so much. I feel so...at home there," she went on.
"Have you thought about asking Nick?" Jennie asked as she pondered about Nick Cannon.
"What? No way. I feel like that'll be too...forward. I mean I like being a guest on the show, so it's all right. And like Justina, she is so damn good at what she does on the show. I feel like I can't compare."
"Angelina, you'd be a great addition. Talk to him,"
"Ah...you flatter me. It's all right, just forget about it, okay? Anyway, let's watch a movie. I'm feeling Waiting To Exhale. What do you think?"
"Yeah, let's watch it. I'll make the popcorn,"
Jennie made a mental note to talk with Nick. Maybe she can help her. Angelina was stubborn and too modest about these things. But Jen could give her that extra push.
As Jennie and Angelina watched the movie, they laughed at the awkward sex scene.
"Grr?" Jen laughed. "Oh my gosh..."
"I hate men who do that. It's so weird. Why you so extra with it?" Angelina cringed. "And what's even more embarrassing is that she ain't even enjoying it,"
"Have you had a bad lay?"
"Oh hell yeah! Oh my God, there's this one guy I met at an after-party of an award show, right? Way before Namjoon. He was flirting it up, saying all the right things. He was talking all this mad shit about him having girls not walk the next day, right? This man lasted like 30 seconds and fell asleep. I was so mad. I pushed him off the bed and cussed his ass out for tryna play me,"
"Yikes~! That's uh..."
"I know! I feel like the guys who don't talk much about their skills are the best ones because they know how to put it down. And a lot of these guys I've encountered like to brag about their size but don't know what the heck to do with it. All talk, no action. It's annoying,"
"But don't you worry. You have nothing to worry about when it comes to that,"
"You have a favorite part when it comes to that?"
"If anything, I would say that pillow talk is the best part for me after everything is done. You'll love it." Angelina said enthusiastically. "I feel like you and Jungkook will just be vibing and enjoying each other's company after that special moment. Watch you two be talking about video games and then end up playing some video games afterward,"
"I mean, it could happen. I see it," she giggled.
"Is Jungkook a cuddler with you?"
"Yeah, all the time,"
"That'll be the best, having you in his arms. You'll see. I usually leave after doing it but with Namjoon, it's so different. I like listening to him. I can listen to him talk for hours. We go into some deep conversations, too. He's so smart,"
"That he is, sis,"
As they continued to watch the film, they watched as Angela Bassett's character put all of her husband's items on fire. Jen was shocked at how real the scene looked as her character yelled and cussed about him.
She shook her head. "He took all the money and left her with the kids. Ridiculous. Divorcing her for that white woman,"
"I know, ain't it screwed up? Men really ain't shit. Wasted all those years of marriage to end up like this? I'd be so mad." Angelina added.
"You and I both,"
And once the office scene between Angela's character and her husband came about, Jen continued to be speechless at how they shouted at each other.
"Man, I'm amazed at how much rage you can have when someone cheats on you,"
"Can you imagine?"
"I can't even imagine it. And I never want to."
As the movie went on, Angelina chuckled after thinking about Matt Rife, "So...Matt really all in your DMs?"
"Yes! Oh my gosh. And he comments on a lot of my stuff, too. I replied to tell him I wasn't interested but he's still trying to spit game and I've been ignoring the messages. Did you see he's following some of my fan accounts?"
"Wow~! How do you think it'll be on the show?"
"I'm hoping it won't be too bad and that he learned his mistakes from Zendaya,"
"We'll see, sis. He wants you bad,"
"I'll let him down gently,"
"Well, if he gets too much, then make sure you embarrass his ass on TV,"
When the movie was over, Jennie spoke, "Hey, you know how I have occasionally talked about wanting a tattoo? I want to get one before I go back to Korea. Big Hit gave me the okay. I want to get the friendship tattoos with you,"
"Oooh! Let's do it. You still have the idea you showed me on your phone, right?"
"Uh huh. We just need to figure out where we want to get the tats,"
Angelina took out her laptop. "Let's research!"
For the Wild N' Out taping, Nick Cannon had excitedly opened up the show and shouted out DJ D-Wrek and the Wild N' Out girls.
"There are two teams battling head to head to see whose the funniest. And usually, it's my team cause I be cheating. I'm just gonna put it out there like that," Nick joked. "And I changed it up this season. We doing it bigger and better. I want y'all to make some noise for my new squad! It's the Gold squad!"
For this episode, the Gold Squad consisted of DC Young Fly, Becky Robinson, Darren Brand, Emmanuel, Karlous Miller, and Matt Rife.
"And we have a very special guest. She is the reoccurring champion here on Wild N' Out, one of the youngest and most successful up and coming rappers today, and can kick your ass if you cross her, give it up for my girl, Angelina~!"
Angelina walked out excitedly, wearing a Gold Squad hoodie, and gave Nick a big hug.
"How you feel!?" he asked.
"Elated man, elated! This my happy place, I love it here!" she beamed, earning loud cheers.
"It's good to have you back. You ready to get down, today?"
"Hell yeah, always,"
"All right, that's what I like to hear!" he replied as she went over to her team. "I can't even front, we got a little bit of competition this episode. It goes down. Y'all make some noise for the team with the dream, it's Platinum!"
The Platinum Squad walked out consisting of Timothy DeLaGhetto, Justina Valentine, Chico Bean, Hitman Holla, Conceited, and Charlie Chips. Nick then proceeded to announce Desiigner as one of the co-captains of the team. 
After shouting him out, he went to announce Jennie. "Now we have another special guest here to represent the Platinum Squad as the co-captain. Someone here to try to take my belt. Not only is she singing in Korean but she is also sticking to her roots and bringing it down in the K-Pop scene! Y'all make some noise for my girl Jennie~!"
Jennie walked out with a big smile, waving at the crowd as everyone cheered. She had on a curly human haired wig that resembled her natural hair to hide the comeback color. Along with ripped jeans, she wore a cropped Wild N' Out platinum hoodie.
"Jennie, today you get a chance to take my belt, how you feeling? You ready?" Nick asked after embracing her.
"Born ready. Let's do this!" she said happily.
"Confident! I like that! Let's get to it then! Platinum squad y'all make some noise for your team captains over here!"
As things settled down, Nick went on to announce the first game. "This is a classic game we like to call Let Me Holla. It's real simple. We bring a Wild N Out girl to the stage, and each cast member gets the opportunity to holla at her. Now if it's funny, it gets a bell. If it's not funny, it gets a buzzer. The team with the most bells wins. Y'all know how we do. Y'all ready? Let's wil' out,"
Once the Wild N Out girl arrived on the stage, Darren Brand suddenly made a dive over to her, sliding on the floor. He then got back to his feet.
"I just slid in yo' DMs," he said, making everyone laugh.
Gold Team- 1 Point
Platinum Team- 0 Points
Next up was Conceited and Hitman Holla to represent the Platinum team as they approached the Wild N Out girl.
"'ight watch this. What's up, baby?" Hitman Holla greeted her with a charming smile, making her giggle. "You remind me of the 20 letters of the alphabet,"
"There's fuckin' 26 letters of the alphabet," Conceited called him out, making everyone laugh.
"Silly me. How could I forget that U, R, A, C, T," he flirted as everyone cheered.
"Okay, that was smooth," Jennie said, impressed with his game.
"No, no, hell no, that's only 25!" Conceited brought up to DJ D-Wrek. "He still missing one! He can't count!"
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Silly me," Hitman Holla apologized before moving in close to the girl. "You can get that D later,"
That statement caused the crowd to go wild along with the cast members who were shooked.
Gold Team- 1 Point
Platinum Team- 1 Point
DC YoungFly strolled over to the girl next.
"Come here shawty," he called out but she didn't budge. "Oh, she tryna play hard to get. Come here shawty. Bring that ass here, girl!"
Gold Team- 2 Points
Platinum Team- 1 Point
Chico Bean pretended that he was ordering something. "Let me get a number two...one three and the rest of them digits,"
The girl didn't seem too impressed and neither did the crowd and he was met with a buzzer.
Angelina casually wandered over to the girl with a smile. "What's up, baby?"
"What's up?" she smiled.
"Now, if I wasn't buying this drink, would you still check me out?" she revealed a can of lime-a-rita which made the girl laugh.
Gold Team- 3 Points
Platinum Team- 1 Point
'Okay, I think I got one,' Jennie thought and stood up, walking over to the girl.
For this, she pretended to look disappointed. She let out a sigh and rubbed the back of her neck.
"Man...I'm so bummed," she said.
"Why is that?" the Wild N Out girl asked.
"I wish we could go to the movies together. But they don't allow snacks in," she replied as she was met with giggles and cheers from the crowd.
Gold Team- 3 Points
Platinum Team- 2 Points
Matt Rife chuckled softly at her pickup line as he gazed at her.
'Man, you are cute...' he thought to himself.
Ever since she walked on the stage, his eyes were on her. He was definitely getting distracted.
With Jennie, she felt that someone was watching her and glanced over to catch Matt staring. He quickly looked away, trying not to make it obvious but she knew what he was doing.
And so it begins.
The question on her mind was, what was he going to do?
As the game progressed, the teams went on to give out the smoothest pickup lines, with Platinum and Gold being tied at five points. Matt Rife approached the stage and the crowd cheered for him, anticipating what he was going to say.
"Wow. You are beautiful," he complimented the girl. "Now, as much as I would like to shoot my shot at you, there is someone else in this room that I've had my eye on for a while now and I want to holla at her instead,"
The crowd and cast got hyped up, anticipating his plan once Matt turned around and put his attention on Jennie.
"Ohhh shit!" Desiigner yelled as Jen's stomach dropped.
"Oh, word!?" Nick shouted.
"Wait! Wait! This is against the rules!" Conceited complained. "It's supposed to be the Wild N' Out girl! Not our co-captain! Leave her alone!"
"Give him a chance!" DC Young Fly defended him.
"He gon' embarrass himself! Zendaya 2.0" Hitman Holla claimed as that made the crowd laugh more.
"No, he not!" Darren Brand spoke.
"Yeah, so chill! I want to see this!" Emmanuel replied, hushing everybody.
Matt had made it very clear ever since Jen was announced to be on the show, that he was quite fond of her and wanted to shoot his shot. He had to at least try to flirt with her. He also wanted to redeem himself from the whole Zendaya fiasco.
"Um, are you serious?" Angelina complained. "She is wayyy out of your league,"
"Aye! You're supposed to be on his side, we're a team," Nick pointed out.
"Here he go," Justina Valentine chuckled while Matt's team cheered him on.
Jen felt her face flush at the commotion. She wasn't expecting to be put on the spot this soon. It was only the first game!
After the commotion died down, Matt went up to Jennie and gently grabbed her hand. He watched as she stood up to face him. His gaze on her grew more intense as he gave her a charming smile.
Yeah, Matt is a handsome guy. But in Jennie's eyes, no one could compare to her man, Jungkook.
"Jennifer Walker...wow..." he checked her out. "Damn, you look so beautiful today,"
She smiled politely as he released her hand. "Thank you,"
"I watched American Hustle Life. I heard you're into older guys,"
Ah, he must have watched the clips of her gushing over Tony.
"I have said that, yes,"
"Now, I'm single and I'm a few years older than you so that's a check off your list. And I hear you have this thing called an ideal type...you talked about what you want in a man,"
"I have," she agreed, surprised at how much research he put into this.
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"All your reasons are valid. And I fit the description. But I couldn't help but wonder about your ideal type in a more physical way. I bet you want a man that has experience. Somebody that knows exactly..." he leaned in close. "...what he's doing and how to take care of a queen like you. Somebody that can handle all that. I'm that man,"
His statement caused the crowd and both teams to go wild. So much commotion surrounded Jennie as she processed what he had said. She became amused at his bold statement and maintained eye contact. He was not going to fluster her. No way. 
Oh, how she wanted so badly to say she had a boyfriend on National Television. But she refrained and decided for this game to let Matt have his fun. She'll think of something to embarrass and shut him down in one of the next games. This won't be the last of the flirting.
'Ooooooo he about to die~,' Angelina thought with amusement, thinking about what Jungkook and the rest of Bangtan were going to think of this when this aired.
This was getting juicy. She thought about Jungkook's reaction, how Jennie was going to handle Matt during the show, and if Matt was going to flirt more later on. She decided to let nature take its course and not get involved. Since the Amity days, Angelina would always come to her aid in situations. But over the years, she has seen Jennie hold her own and was interested to see how she was going to handle this Matt situation during the recording. If she could have some popcorn to go with this entertainment, she would as she watched Jennie laugh softly and gently push Matt away since he got a little too close.
He took a few steps back from her light push and asked, "You don't have a boyfriend, do you?"
"And if I do?" Jennie replied smoothly.
"If you do?" he ran a hand through his hair, "Well, I can confidently say that he won't be your boyfriend for long,"
'HA! He is so thirsty! How delusional can you be!?' Angelina thought as she snorted at his response.
Jen couldn't help but chuckle at that. He really thought he had a chance? If he thought she was going to leave Jungkook for him, he was sadly mistaken.
"And what makes you so confident?" she asked.
"You may not hear a lot about the girls I've had and I may not have as many as some of these guys on stage but just know my satisfaction rate is higher. And you can find all that out later if you let me have your number," he offered with a soft smirk.
The crowd hollered at his words and a series of dings were heard.
"Yes! That is what I'm talking about!" Darren Brand praised with Nick.
Once Matt heard the bell for his team, he smiled victoriously and grabbed her hand to give it a soft kiss. Releasing her hand, he sent her a wink and went back to his team, high fiving Nick and some of the other cast members.
'Celebrate while you can Matt. This is far from over,' Angelina thought to herself as she anticipated what Jennie was going to do.
"DJ D-Wrek! Who won that?" Nick asked.
"Gold team got the most bells," he announced as the Gold team celebrated.
"For this next one is a classic game I like to call talking spit. You know how it go. We gon' have some Wild N' Out girls bring out chairs, some water, and some buckets out here. Myself and Miss Jennie are gonna sit down in chairs, fill our mouths with water and each team member is going to get the opportunity to make us laugh so hard that we spit our water out. The team that makes you spit the most, wins the game! Real easy! Y'all ready? Jennie, come on up here, please,"
Jennie smiled and got up from sitting with her team. Taking a seat across Nick, she sipped some water, holding it in her mouth. All she had to do was try not to laugh that much. Hopefully, she can win for her team this time. She wanted that belt.
"Gold squad wil' out!" DJ D-Wrek announced.
Angelina decided to go first, smiling mischievously at her best friend. Jen knew what was up and narrowed her eyes.
"Yo, Jen, I ain't even gonna hold you...I may need to steal a few of them smart-"
Quickly spitting out her water, she shouted, "Hell no!" which made everyone laugh.
"Ha-ha~! Works every time!" Angelina said victoriously.
"It's on sight after the show," Jen added and was answered by Angelina sticking her tongue out at her.
Gold team 1 Point
Platinum team 0 Points
Chico Bean stood behind Jennie and began to make an improv song, dancing while she joined in, dancing in her seat, "A wha-a wha-a wha-a wha. I said I'm chico bean, yeah you heard what I said. Me and Jennie both got some big ass heads!"
She chuckled as she threw her head back, keeping the water in.
"...yeah you know what it is. No, I ain't gonna stunt, mine big in the back, hers big in the front," he went on as Nick was struggling to keep the water in. "Hey, uh, water wet wet and when we put our shirt on we make the neck stretch. I say uh, hey, the water wet wet and when we put the shirt on we make the neck stretch!"
Once DC Young Fly jumped in to do the shoot dance, Nick couldn't help but spit out his water and laugh. Jennie high fived Chico Bean for getting the team the point.
Gold team 1 Point
Platinum team 1 Point
Emmanuel stood behind Nick and waved at Jennie. She politely waved back and listened eagerly to what he had to say.
"I've been thinking about this. This is all curiosity. I've seen some photos and I want to know what you think," he went on as she watched him curiously at what he was getting at.
He took out a printed photo of the BTS members and their "coconut" haircuts. "I don't know how you do it, Jennie. Do you ever just stare at BTS and be like, damn! What is with them and that yee yee coconut ass haircuts they got on?" he said, causing her to immediately spit out her water, turning to the side.
Nick spat out his too while she covered her mouth, laughing wholeheartedly.
"Why he do them like that?" Angelina asked, cracking up with the rest of the cast members.
Gold Team 2 Points
Platinum Team 2 Points
After wiping her mouth with a Wild N' Out towel, Jen put more water in her mouth as Tim DeLaGhetto went up to get Nick to laugh.
"Nick, when I listen to a Nick Cannon album it gives me a special feeling y'know," Tim began. "Like when you wake up feeling good, right? You get in the shower you all fresh, you feelin' nice. And then you gotta take a shit right after?"
The audience laughed while Nick spat out the water.
Gold Team 2 Points
Platinum Team 3 Points
DC YoungFly walked up behind Nick and pointed at her.
"I will make you laugh, little girl!" he said, making her smile in amusement.
The two battled in a stare down for a moment as everyone watched in anticipation.
"FIRE~!" he suddenly shouted, making her widen her eyes. "FIRE~! FI-RRRRRRRREEEEEEEEE~!"
As she heard him sing Bangtan's song, she struggled to keep the water in her mouth.
"You didn't spit, yet? Man! That's the only lyric I know. It seemed to be working so FI-RRRRRRREEEEEEEEE~!"
Thinking on his feet, he thought of the other English that he heard from the song. "Everybody say LA-LA-LA-LA-LA! Say LA-LA-LA-LA-LA! I do-ont know the rest of thee-ee woor-oor-oor-ords!" he said on beat for Jimin's part.
Nick pointed at Jennie and it looked like she was about to spit as she covered her mouth, leaning forward. He stomped his feet at a rapid rate while pointing as he stood up. But in the end, they both kept the water in their mouths.
Charlie Chips stood behind her next.
"Keep the water in your mouth if you think Angelina is real..." he said to Nick as Nick nodded and kept the water in his mouth. "Keep the water in your mouth if you think Justina is real...Okay, come over here," he asked for the Wild N' Out girl, Teresa Top Notch, to join him on stage.
"Keep the water in your mouth if you think everything about this is real." he went on, gesturing to Teresa, as Nick continued to do so.
Jennie watched as Teresa spun around and posed, looking as beautiful as ever.
"You see Nick? This is my whole thing," Charlie ended up snatching the wig off Teresa once she began walking away.
She was left in her wig cap which caused Nick to spit out his water and run out of his seat while loud laughter and screams surrounded Jennie.
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Gold Team 2 Points
Platinum Team 4 Points
Jennie covered her mouth, laughing while Teresa started to playfully hit Charlie. Miss Bangtan was glad she didn't get her wig snatched off. That would have been disastrous since she was trying to hide her new hair color for the comeback.
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"You shut up! Sit down! It ain't funny!" Teresa laughed and pointed at Nick to get back in his seat.
"Wow...I was not expecting that," Nick said on the mic once he got back in his seat.
As the game continued, both teams were tied up yet again, and this time with Gold catching up to the Platinum team, 4 to 4. 
Matt Rife took the stage and stood behind Nick. Everybody was wondering what he was going to do after the stunt he pulled on Let Me Holla. Anything could happen.
"Now this is a win/win situation for me. So, it's all up to you on how you want to do this, baby girl," he announced, making her confused.
One, did he call her the nickname Jungkook likes to call her?
And two, what the hell did he mean by win/win situation?
Jennie raised an eyebrow while Angelina began freaking out in her head that Matt called her baby girl.
"If you want me to kiss you, keep that water in your mouth," Matt requested.
Jennie snorted in amusement while making an effort to keep the water in her mouth. Meanwhile, the audience and cast were shooked at his boldness and started freaking out.
"Kiss who?!" Conceited shouted.
"Kiss where!?" Chico Bean added.
"Not this again!" Karlous Miller laughed.
"Matt really got some balls today, huh?" Desiigner laughed.
"She has a choice! If she keeps the water in her mouth, that'll let me know she wants me to kiss her and I'll kiss her," Matt explained. "Spit it out, well then that's one extra point for my team. Like I said. Win. Win,"
Angelina covered her mouth. She mentally saw Matt's grave get dug deeper. She already thought about Jungkook wanting to beat his ass when he watches this episode. Oh gosh, Jungkook. When this episode dropped, she wanted to get all the tea on Bangtan's reactions.
Jennie continued to process what was happening. She felt like Matt was bluffing. There was no way in the world. Not after Zendaya. Another thing was she wanted to win. She did not want to lose this game. Her eyes were on that belt. To take it back to Big Hit and place it in her studio. 
She watched him as he began to walk over to her while the crowd was cheering in anticipation.
"Jennie, spit out that water!" DC Young Fly shouted. "Spit it out, now!"
"Spit it out!" Becky Robinson joined in.
"No~! Hold that water in! We need the point!" Charlie Chips said.
"Hold that water in! Hold it! We need the point! We need the point! Take one for the team!" Tim yelled.
"You sure you want to kiss him, baby?" Justina asked her.
The constant yelling of the teams made the pressure in the situation rise as she continued to keep her water in.
"Don't do it! Resist!" Hitman Holla shouted. "This white boy is not going to win this game! Keep it in the mouth!"
Matt kneeled in front of Jennie. "Make a move, quickly. You gonna accept my kiss or spit that water out?" he teased, raising an eyebrow.
'So, this the game you playing? Bring it. Come closer...I dare you,' Jen thought, narrowing her eyes.
Angelina bit her lip in anxiousness as she watched the scene unfold.
'Girl, what are you about to do?' she thought.
As Matt inched closer to her face, puckering his lips, Jennie ended up slapping him in the face to block his advances. That caused Nick to spit out his water and laugh with the rest of the studio. 
When he got slapped, Matt stumbled to the floor and held his cheek in surprise.
"GIRL!" Angelina laughed out loud, holding her stomach. 
Miss Bangtan never ceased to surprise her. This was hilarious and a perfect reaction.
"REJECTED~!" Platinum squad hollered and jumped up and down in excitement and laughter.
"Damn, can you slap me again? That was hot. Playing hard to get, I see," Matt laughed and got back up on his feet, rubbing the side of his face. 
Jennie looked taken aback by his reaction.
He...liked the slap?
She swallowed the water and spoke in Korean with a smile, saying that he was an idiot for trying that cheap stunt and she was going to punch him if he ever did that again.
"I dunno what she just said but it was hot," he replied with a chuckle.
"Y'all make some noise for our girl, Jennie! Thanks for being such a good sport!" Nick praised and went to high five her once the Platinum team won the game.
"Y'all ready for the next game? It's a fun one, it's called Now You Wild Out. We gon' drop the beat, we gon' bring both teams up and DJ D-Wrek is gon' give us some topics and we wild out and improv about it right on the spot. The team with the most bells wins the game. Y'all ready? Gold team step up. Platinum step up. DJ D-Wrek drop the beat!" Nick announced as an instrumental of 50 Cent's In Da Club came on. "Uh! Come on y'all, uh! Now you wild out!"
"Your topic is going to court," DJ D-Wrek announced.
"Now you wild out!" everyone chanted.
In a whiny voice, Nick started, "I don't wanna go to jail, I don't wanna go to jail, I don't wanna go to jail, now you wild out!"
Pretending to get handcuffed, Chico Bean shouted, "You goin' to jail! You goin to jail! You goin' to jail! Now you wild out!"
"My lawyer's white! My lawyer's white! My lawyer's white! Now you wild out!"
"You bout to be in the cell! You bout to be in the cell! You bout to be in the cell! Now you wild out!"
Scared by his statement, Nick covered his butt and shouted, "Not with you! Not with you! Not with you! Now you wild out!"
"Pause! I'm going out!" Chico Bean quickly walked away, making everyone laugh. 
Gold Team 1 Point
Platinum Team 0 Points
"Your topic is the zoo!" DJ D-Wrek announced as Emmanuel and Hitman Holla went at it.
Playing the part, Emmanuel began to act like the animal as he announced, "I'm a monkey with it, I'm a monkey with it, I'm a monkey with it, now you wild out!"
"Well I'm a bird with it," Hitman Holla flapped his arms like they were wings. "I'm a bird with it, I'm a bird with it, now you wild out!"
"I'm a lion! I'm a lion! I'm a lion! Now you wild out!"
Hitman hesitated and that allowed the Gold team to get another point.
Gold Team 2 Points
Platinum Team 0 Points
"Your topic is the club," DJ D-Wrek announced as Angelina and Justina Valentine went up.
"I'm in VIP, I'm in VIP, I'm in VIP, now you wild out!" Justina said.
"I'm gettin' free drinks, gettin' free drinks, gettin' free drinks, now you wild out!" Angelina replied, pretending to be given drinks.
"I'm dancing on yo' man!" Justina got close to her, twerking. "...dancin' on your man, dancin' on your man, now you wild out!"
Thinking about Namjoon, Angelina replied, "And I'm beatin' your ass, beatin' your ass, beatin' your ass, now you wild out!"
Her statement made everyone laugh and she got the point for her team.
Gold Team 3 Points
Platinum Team 0 Points
"Your topic is being rich!" DJ D-Wrek announced as Tim and Darren went at it.
Kicking his feet up, Tim shouted, "Shine my shoes, bitch! Shine my shoes, bitch! Shine my shoes, bitch! Now you wild out!"
"You want a latte? You want a latte?" Darren pretended like he giving out drinks, "You want a latte? Now you wild out!"
"I'm Nick Cannon! I'm Nick Cannon! I'm Nick Cannon! Now you wild out!"
"I own this! I own this! I own this! Now you wild out!"
Tim fumbled his words and Gold received another point.
Gold Team 4 points
Platinum Team 0 Points
The Gold team was truly kicking some tail with their quick wit. Wanting to try to get a point, Jennie stepped up.
"Oh, Jennie? You want a shot at this?" Nick looked surprised as the crowd cheered.
"Yeah! I'll go!" she answered with a smile and danced to the beat.
"Oh, then it's my turn, now!" Matt stepped up.
"Oh, here he goes, about to get embarrassed again," Hitman Holla said, making everyone laugh. 
"I got this. I got this," Matt reassured everyone.
"Would you leave my girl, alone? She's not interested!" Angelina called out.
"Chill~. Don't be a cockblock,"
"She don't want you, dumbass,"
"Your topic is relationships," DJ D-Wrek announced.
"Now you wild out," the audience said while both teams danced to the beat again. "Now you wild out!"
Matt looked directly at Jennie with a flirty smile. "You into white boys? You into white boys? You into white boys? Now you wild out!"
Shrugging, Jen waved him away. "I am but not you, I am but not you, I am but not you, now you wild out!"
Her comment made everyone laugh wholeheartedly while Matt continued to remain persistent.
"Give me a chance!" he replied while his team backed him up by looking like they were begging her to say yes. "...give me a chance, give me a chance, now you wild out!"
Dancing to the beat, she remained unbothered. "No way, no way, no way, now you wild out!"
"You know you want this," he flexed his arms. "...you know you want this, you know you want this, now you wild out!"
Looking around confused with her team, she stated, "Who lied!? Who lied!? Who lied!? Now you wild out!" she pointed at him.
"I still smashed," he shrugged and jumped to the beat, causing the Gold team to look at him in surprise and get hyped. "...I still smashed, I still smashed, now you wild out!"
Thinking quickly on her feet, determined to not stutter, Jennie dropped it down low, balancing nicely as she moved her hips, knees, and ass up and down to the beat of the song, distracting him as both teams yelled. Laughter around the studio rose in volume when she spoke. "Was it in though? Was it in though? Was it in though? Now you wild out!"
"HEYYYYY, MISS WALKER!" Angelina shouted, loving her performance as she watched Jennie get back up, awaiting Matt's response.
Almost fumbling with his words, Matt managed to say, "M-my dick can definitely hit it right! And my tongue is better, my tongue is better, my tongue is better, now you wild out!"
Putting him out of his misery, Jennie grabbed onto Desiigner, letting him wrap an arm around her while she rocked to the beat with him. With Jungkook on her mind, she replied, "I've had better head, I've had better head, I've had better head, now you wild out!" 
As soon as she pulled that stunt, everyone freaked out, while Matt couldn't think of a comeback for it.
Angelina smiled proudly at her. 'That's my girl!'
Gold Team 4 Points
Platinum Team 1 Point
"Man! We had that!" Nick complained.
"So, I really can't get your number or something?" Matt whined to her.
"No, dumbass!" Angelina smacked him upside his head as the crowd laughed.
Desiigner high fived Jennie. "That was good! Good shit, good shit!"
Desiigner went on ahead to represent the team while DC Young Fly went up.
"Your topic is graduation," DJ D-Wrek announced as the energy in the room heightened with them both dancing.
"I fucked my teacher today!" Desiigner jumped on beat with his team following his movements. "I fucked my teacher today! I fucked my teacher today! Now you wild out!"
"You didn't make it!" DC pointed at him with his team. "You didn't make it! You didn't make it! Now you wild out!"
"I put my grrrrr on the desk! I slap my grrrrr on the desk! I slap my grrrrr on the desk, I slap my grrrr on the desk!"
Yelling and moving his body wildly, DC answered, "A KA-KA-KA-KA-KA-KA-KA! A KA-KA-KA-KA-KA-KA-KA! A KA-KA-KA-KA-KA-KA-KA! Now you wild out!"
Jennie laughed along with the entire studio. What the hell was going on?
Getting hyped like he was in the studio when making music, Desiigner began to do his one of signature adlibs with his team backing him up.
Jennie loved that no one questioned it and went along with what those two were doing.
Moving his body vigorously with his team following him, DC shouted, "BOOP-BOP-BOP-BOP! BOOP-BOP-BOP-BOP! BOOP-BOP-BOP-BOP! Now you wild out!"
Determined, Desiigner crossed his arms. DC was speaking his language and he was not having it. He was going to win this battle.
Moving in rhythm, he responded, "Whoop-de-scoop, whoop-de-scoop, whoop-de-boop! Now you wild out!"
"You stupid! You stupid!" DC walked away, allowing the Platinum team to get the point although Gold had won the game.
Their time on Wild N Out began to come to an end as they went on to the final round. Wildstyle. Jen had a blast and hoped that one day she could come back with better rhymes and play different games.
"We got Jennie and Desiigner holding it down for the Platinum squad while we got Angelina on the Gold squad, give it up! It's time for the bonus round and it's called the?" Nick announced.
"Wild-Style!" the audience shouted.
"Yep. Freestyle rapping here at Wild N' Out. We focus on them jokes so each punchline is one point added to your total score. So, the game can go either way. It's anybody's game, right now. Gold squad step up. Platinum squad step up. DJ D-Wrek, drop the beat!"
Once the beat started with both teams on stage, everyone moved to the beat while Nick encouraged the crowd to clap their hands.
"Uh. Clap your hands, y'all. Clap your hands, y'all. Yo, Miss Jennifer Walker, you a real big talker. After you left Amity, we forgot who you are. But don't worry, I'm sure Angelina can still make you a star,"
Gold Team 1 Point
Platinum Team 0 Points
The crowd ooohed at his statement while Jennie kept her composure and let out a chuckle. When Angelina heard what he said, she widened her eyes.
He was not holding back today.
Nick continued. "You left one group so when you leavin' the other one? You tend to do that when you not having any fun."
Gold Team 2 Points
Platinum Team 0 Points
Speaking her mind, Jennie went off. "Coming for me you must have a death wish. Bangtan is charting, where you at on the charts, bitch?"
Loud hollers were heard around the studio while Nick was taken aback that she had that energy in her. The way she put emphasis on 'bitch' threw him off.
'Suga is creating a monster,' Angelina thought as she dropped her jaw, impressed by how she fought back.
Gold Team 2 Points
Platinum Team 1 Point
"I left for better opportunities, ones that SongStress couldn't give me," she went on. "I auditioned for something I love and Big Hit chose me,"
Gold Team 2 Points
Platinum Team 2 Points
"That's my girl! Tell em!" Justina praised with the rest of the Platinum squad.
"'ight. 'ight, excuse me, Miss Walker," Nick backed off and turned his attention to Desiigner, who stood next to her. "Yo Desiigner, you my man you know that what. But why every time you rap you sound like you bustin' a nut?"
Gold Team 3 Points
Platinum Team 2 Points
"I got the 44 hangin' from the baseline. Beat you like the iPhone 4 with no facetime," Desiigner dissed.
Gold Team 3 Points
Platinum Team 3 Points
Angelina stepped up. "Ayo Desiigner let me talk to you real quick. Look, your energy is great, it's really unrivaled but every song you sing need to come with subtitles. I mean I'm glad that you came to play but no one understands what the fuck you say,"
Gold Team 4 Points
Platinum Team 3 Points
Next up was Chico Bean and he called out Nick. "Ayo, this what y'all do not know. Nick makes three hundred thousand an episode. When he get the bread, he go and buy some clothes and spend the rest of the money on Amber Rose!"
Gold Team 4 Points
Platinum Team 4 Points
"Hey!" DC called Chico out after the laughter died down. "What you talkin' 'bout Nick! I don't like hearing that shit!"
"Yo head look like a microphone! I can't believe you got a scar on your face. You still live at yo' momma's place. And you ain't got no house of your own. Nick keep spendin' yo money on phones,"
"You talkin' bout owning a house. Listen that's funky! I know somethin' bout you! You stay with yo' aunties!"
Gold Team 5 Points
Platinum Team 4 Points
"Yeah, I stay with my auntie, fool! What you think I'm supposed to do!? Nick ain't paying us no damn cash! I'm out here on my ass!"
Gold Team 5 Points
Platinum Team 5 Points
"Karlous, how you doin?" Justina called him out. "You look like old dirty bastard. A little bit dirtier, less of a good rapper. They said you fly? Well, I don't wanna lie. You look like chlamydia personified,"
Gold Team 5 Points
Platinum Team 6 Points
"Hol' up. You betta get the white girl cause she already dead," Karlous responded. "She got the red hair but what about the head? Is it fly? Do you know?" he turned to one of his teammates.
"I don't know," Emmanuel answered.
"Is she freaky?" Karlous went on.
"I don't know,"
"Is she a hoe?"
"Maybe so!"
"Well, then you will never fuckin' know," Justina answered as the audience went wild.
Jennie laughed out loud and high fived Justina. She aspired to be so quick to turn the tables like that. She had some thick skin.
Gold Team 5 Points
Platinum Team 7 Points
Becky Robinson stepped up to represent the Gold team. "Jennie, sweetheart, get over here. Let me talk to you," she gestured to her as Jennie went back in front of her team. "Little miss high and mighty, the one that likes Nike. You say you can rap but I doubt that's likely."
Gold Team 6 Points
Platinum Team 7 Points
Jennie grabbed the mic and spoke, "Correction, it's Miss Bangtan and yeah I'm the girl that loves Nike. I'm rapping right now and the chance of you winning ain't likely,"
Gold Team 6 Points
Platinum Team 8 Points
"BTS, BTS, go back to them weird Asian boys. How the heck you go from Amity to trashier noise?" she questioned.
Gold Team 7 Points
Platinum Team 8 Points
"Whew~!" Nick spoke up, thinking that was the end of the face off while the crowd responded in surprise that she went there to talk about her group.
"Weird?! Weird Asian boys!? BITCH!" Tim called out, ready to get involved in the freestyle. "Jennie, you got this or do you want me to go?"
Jennie turned to Tim and smiled in reassurance, telling him she got this, and turned back to Becky. "Bitch, I'll go back to my amazing Asian boys after I win this belt. You got three seconds to get the hell out of my face before you get a welt. Trashier noise? Girl, be for real. Compared to you, our music brings more appeal. You wouldn't last a day in Bangtan's shoes, let's make that clear. Bangtan is selling out venues faster than your career."
Everyone cheered loudly at her response while Becky broke out in laughter and nodded. Jennie high fived Tim as he cheered her on.
Gold Team 7 Points
Platinum Team 9 Points
Now Jen had some unfinished business and turned her attention to Matt who was standing behind the Gold team, quiet as ever.
"Matt. Get over here," she called him out.
"Uh oh! Uh oh!" Nick hyped up the confrontation. "This gon' be good!"
Matt laughed and stood in front of her.
"Matt, your game is tired like Advil PM. I know I am desired but do me a favor and stop sliding in my DMs," she announced.
Matt nodded and spoke up, "Okay, I slid in your DMs but stop with the front. Stop being in denial with this reject Matt publicity stunt. I guarantee that after the show you'll be calling my phone. I meant what I said on Let Me Holla, so let me make your mind blown,"
Jen rolled her eyes. "Face it, just face it. You brainless, you brainless. You said your tongue is better but I think that's outrageous,"
"Outrageous? You know you want a demonstration! After that, you'll be asking for a bae-cation," he smiled confidently.
"Cute. DJ D-Wrek, can you cut the beat, real quick?" she requested as a series of oohs were heard. 
Angelina placed a hand over her heart, in surprise. "Nani!?" she exclaimed.
Oh, he was done for. Jennie was getting mad. She could tell by the annoyance on her face.
"Hm. Okay..." Jen prepared her thoughts and looked directly at him. "Matt, get it through your thick skull that I don't want you. I am not Zendaya from Disney, I can punch the shit out of you," 
Angelina continued to have her hand placed over her heart as she stared at her best friend in astonishment. She had leaned back as her reaction was priceless and was about to become a new meme.
Out of nowhere, Jennie began to speak in Korean, which made Matt look at her in confusion. She had talked about what a joke he was and turned to the camera to give Bangtan a shoutout and that she would be back in Korea soon.
Switching back to her native tongue, she put him out of his misery once and for all. "You ain't the first, you ain't the last but just know you will not be the one to smash. You might as well give up just like the others. All hot and bothered cause you can't get me under the covers. You only think with your second head so think of a new plan. But let's face it, Jennie don't want you, one minute man,"
After she finished, she dropped the mic. The studio was filled with loud hollers and laughter while Matt's face became flushed as he chuckled.
DJ D-Wrek repeatedly pressed the bell, indicating that it was all over.
Angelina had cheered with the cast and she ended up falling dramatically on the floor during the commotion. Meanwhile, Desiigner got excited and patted Jennie on the back, praising her.
"Yo! DJ D-Wrek! Who won that!?" Nick shouted after everyone calmed down a bit and Angelina got back on her feet.
"I got to give it to the platinum squad! Make some noise for the platinum squad, yo!" he announced over everyone's cheers.
"Woo!" Jennie jumped up and down, excitedly as she celebrated with her team.
A Wild N Out girl came on stage with the belt and presented it to Jennie after she went to hug Nick.
"She came through and took my comedy championship!" Nick announced as she happily accepted the belt and raised it up in the air in victory. He then shouted out Desiigner and Angelina.
Jen let out a content sigh. This was awesome. She was glad she was able to do this, today. And now she got to take this title home. Another award for BTS.
"What do you want to say?" Nick asked her as he gave her the mic.
"This has been such a fun experience, thank you so much for having me! And shout out to BTS and BTS ARMY, I love y'all! Thank you!" she said.
She then switched to saying thank you in Korean for the boys and reiterated that she missed them and would be back very soon. After bowing, she was then hugged by Angelina and had her hand raised in victory.
"That's what we talkin' about! Everybody on they feet! And make some noise for Desiigner~!" Nick announced as he closed the show with a performance.
After recording, Jennie hung out with the cast to take pictures and discuss the show. The vibe was full of high energy as they laughed about their favorite moments and roasted Matt for being rejected. What Jen loved about it was that there were no hard feelings and people didn't take any of the disses seriously. If only more people could vibe like this.
"You did well! Great job, today!" Nick Cannon praised her.
"Aw, thank you! It's harder than it looks to think quickly on your feet. You guys got that," Jen grinned.
"It is but you held your own. Especially on wild style," he laughed at the memory of her calling Matt a one minute man. 
That was the utmost disrespect and a huge blow to his ego.
"Ha! Had to hit him where it hurts. Can we take a selfie?"
"Yeah, let's do it,"
Taking out her phone, she gave it to him so he could raise it in the air for a quick photo of them smiling happily. She'll make sure to post it after her little social media break is over.
"Thanks so much for having me. This was a fun time," she beamed.
"Anytime! We hope to see you and Angelina back on the show sometime,"
"Most definitely. And speaking of Angelina, she really is in her element on your show, huh?"
"Got that right. In the last episode, she was in she went off on everybody. It was one of the highest-rated episodes to date. She a real gem,"
"That's Ang for you. One of the best. Have you thought about adding her as a cast member? She'd be a great addition!" she suggested excitedly.
She watched as Nick smiled at the idea and he discussed how well she would hold her own in the games with clever clapbacks and rhymes.
"She really would be a great addition, wouldn't she? I'ma talk to her. You think she'll want to?" 
"Absolutely! She will accept with no hesitation,"
Jen felt pleased that it seemed like he was highly considering having Angelina join the cast. She hoped it went well when he talked with her. She knew how much it would mean to her if she got to be a permanent cast member.
Following some photos and mingling with other cast members, Jen went to hang out with Desiigner who still had a large grin on his face. What she loved the most about him was how positive he was and how happy he looked. His energy was infectious.
"Mama, you funny as shit. You a savage,"
She laughed. "Thanks. It was so fun teaming with you,"
"Likewise, mama,"
"I also think it is so dope and inspiring with what you accomplished. We're nearly the same age and you out here making moves ever since Panda dropped. I hope I can make an impact like that with my music,"
"I 'preciate that. It's all about the music and what we love to do. We both young and hungry in this industry. We gon' make it big,"
"Got that right. Heck, we could even make a few songs together,"
"Oh, hell yeah. For sure,"
The two took photos together and then with Angelina. Desiigner then took out his phone to take an Instagram video.
"Yoooo! With my girls! Beautiful black queens! Jennie and Angelina! You know what time it is! Wild N Out! Stay tuned, it's comin' out real soon! Ya-a-a!" he laughed.
"Platinum squad~! All day!" Jennie stuck her tongue out.
"Gold squad!" Angelina repped her team.
"Boooooo!" Jennie and Desiigner playfully said before they all laughed.
"Y'all some haters," Angelina playfully rolled her eyes and walked away from them as the video ended.
Once Desiigner went off to goof around with DC Young Fly, Matt approached her with a nervous smile.
"All right, I got the hint. I apologize for coming all over you like that," he chuckled nervously.
He did look pretty apologetic with his face looking a little pink.
"It's okay," she responded.
"B-but just know I'll still wait for you if you ever change your mind,"
She laughed. "Well, you'll have to wait forever,"
"Damn..." he sighed in defeat and nodded.
"I have a boyfriend, that's why," she proudly told him. "After rejecting you quite a few times as well as in the DMs, I thought you'd got the hint,"
"Wishful thinking,"
"Regarding my man and I, we're keeping things private until we are ready to announce it,"
"Okay, I respect it. Damn, whoever he is he's lucky,"
"Nah, I'm the lucky one," she smiled as she thought of how much she missed Jungkook.
"Man...your boys, especially your boyfriend and fanbase gon' kill me, huh?" he chuckled nervously at the thought, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeaaaaah, they are."
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Always and Whatever Comes Next
[All Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer Masterlists] [Red Carpet Diaries]
Pairing: Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer (F!OC) Book: Red Carpet Diaries Word Count: ~600 Rating: General: no warnings, just fluff Prompts: ice skating: @choicesficwriterscreations & @choicesholidays
Synopsis: Alex finally has a chance to teach Thomas how to ice skate.
This precious art of my forever OTP is by the amazing @weetlebeetle! Look at how adorable they look!!! I will never get enough of Neb's chibis!
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There weren't many opportunities like this one, and Alex was determined to make the most of it. It was no secret she loved the snow. She somehow convinced Thomas to even have a winter wedding in Lake Tahoe. The glistening snow. The brisk, refreshing air. The feel of the cool wind on your rosy cheeks. Alex loved it all. She loved California, but she would always miss winter, a true winter.
Even with the snow she enjoyed during their many trips to Lake Tahoe in their years together, finding a frozen lake for ice skating wasn't something that happened often. It took a very specific set of circumstances and a whole lot of winter magic, but here they were. It was a small lake south of South Tahoe, but it was gorgeous. The sun glittered against its icy surface. It was everything she hoped it would be. 
Excitement sparkled in her eyes as she stood from the rock on the lake's shore on which they had been sitting to put on their skates. "Are you ready?" 
"Not even remotely," he stated apprehensively, remaining where he sat.
"It'll be great. I'm right here." Alex gave his hand a gentle squeeze as she attempted to usher him forward.
Thomas glanced at the shimmering surface with uncertainty. "I wouldn't want to hold you back."
"You never could do that." Alex took his other hand in hers, gently guiding him to his feet. She helped steady him as he got his footing, standing on his skates. "You can do this! We can do it—together."
He took a tentative step forward toward the frozen lake. With the safety of her beside him as his anchor, he continued steadily.
"I won't let go," Alex reassured him, her thumb brushing tenderly along his hand. "I'm right here."
With cautious steps, Thomas ventured onto the ice, wobbling almost immediately. His legs flailed out to the sides, threatening imminent disaster, but Alex's steady guidance kept him upright.
"Okay, just follow my lead," she encouraged, directing him with gentle patience. "Just like that." 
They glided in unison, Alex's effortless grace a stark contrast to Thomas's stumbling attempts. Even still, their laughter echoed across the frozen expanse as they carved paths on the ice.
"Just keep holding on," Thomas insisted, his grip tightening around Alex's hand. "Don't let go."
"I wouldn't dream of it." Her warm lips brushed a tender kiss on his cool cheek. "You're stuck with me, Mr. Hunt."
"I can think of far worse fates," he teased.
"You mean like if I let you go?" She wagged her brow playfully, pretending to loosen her grip on his arm.
"No." He shook his head to the sides, his faith that she wouldn't let him fall remained unwavering despite her feigned threat. "Losing you, not having met you—a life without you—that would be the worst fate I could imagine." 
She guided them to a halt, the warm sun tickling their rosy faces. "I'm not going anywhere. This is where I belong." Her fingers traced the strong lines of his jaw. "This is where you belong." She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close. "Together—this is where we belong. Now and always." 
"Always." His lip twitched up into a soft smile. "That sounds like a good start."
"A start? What comes after always?"
"I don't know, but whatever it is, I hope I'll find it with you." 
"Always and whatever comes next," Alex pondered, but her words were lost on his lips as he drew her in for a slow and lingering kiss. 
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This is not edited so please forgive any mistakes. I got inspired to write this little snippet so I wanted to share it before I second guess myself and delete it.
Thank you for reading! I always appreciate any support for this couple. They will always have the most special spot in my heart!
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rustyvanburace · 2 months
flynn for the ask game!! or if he's already been sent, then isabeau!!
favorite thing about them: While at first I found it a little jarring, going from a completely silent protagonist to one speaking, I'm really endeared to Flynn's gentleness and soft-spokenness. And actually it suits him really well, having once been a silent protagonist. Nor is it even out of left field -- NPCs in IV comment that Flynn is very reserved and quiet. So I'm really glad that IVA kept that even while giving (the real) Flynn a couple speaking lines. I also really, really like that he (the real one) stays humble and reserved in IVA despite his celebrity status. When I first played IVA, I had only done IV's chaos route, so I found everyone praising him to be really jarring. But now having done the neutral route, I can see why and it makes me appreciate Flynn's modesty all the more. Not to mention, it makes the distinction between him and Shesha Flynn's radical "personality shift" all the more apparent. That's good!!
least favorite thing about them: Having said all that… This is more an issue with IVA's writing and pacing, but I do wish that (the real) Flynn got more moments to express himself and really show his own character. Flynn suffers from the same problem that Toki does -- we don't get to see their actual character for the majority of the game and their potential and own development suffers for it. I'm very happy with Flynn's personality in IVA, but the rest of him only serves as a foil for the plot and especially in handing Nanashi the torch.
favorite line: My favorite line WOULD be his comment on Issachar's fishing hook in the bonds route, had I not permanently missed the fishing hook in my first playthrough 😭
However, I do really like his surprised, saddened reaction when he sees Jonathan's and Walter's spirits in YHVH's Universe. I was actually surprised that he even reacts to them in the massacre route even after becoming a semi-mindless puppet, especially when…he no longer has any attachment to the fishing hook in that route aaaauuughhhhh 😭😭
brOTP: EASILY Flynn and Issachar being the bros for life and eternity!!! And he's totes bros with the whole Samurai cast, for sure for sure!
OTP: I like a lot of Flynn ships (minus my NOtp), but Flynn x Isabeau are truly best for each other. I love that Isabeau cares for and is devoted to Flynn, but without sacrificing her own convictions. I do wish though that Flynn showed some attraction to her (again, an issue with IVA's writing).
nOTP: Yeah uh, I really hate seeing Flynn x Nanashi and I hate how popular it is in the Japanese fandom. Big reason why I don't engage a lot with the IVA fandom cause I'm just so tired of seeing that.
random headcanon: I too also lowkey fancy the headcanon of Flynn being a transwoman, based on dialogue demons can give in IV~ We support trans headcanons in this house!
unpopular opinion: Like aside from how certain sides of the fandom treats him with respect to other characters, and what I've already voiced about his writing in IVA, I don't really have an unpopular opinion on Flynn? Kinda hard to when he's mainly a player avatar. He's good that way.
song i associate with them: I'm so sorry, I'm just not good with song association questions. 🥹 I listen to a lot of music but if you asked me to pick one, I'll pull a blank lol.
favorite picture of them: Def the artwork Doi did for the Sound & Design extra! It's so so good to see BOTH Flynn and Isabeau dressed in different clothes! :) Plus, I actually really like that armor Flynn has so it's SO good to see official art of it.
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Thank you for the ask!
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loveourfuture-c · 2 years
Lately, I've been seeing way too many arguments about why Ben and Devi wouldn't be a good couple or why they shouldn't be endgame, and to be perfectly honest they are all stupid. So here is my long rant debunking all of those arguments.
1.”They are too much alike, their personalities are too similar”
 First of all, having similar interests and goals is not “being exactly alike”. It means you are compatible. They may share some personality traits but that doesn't mean they have the same personality.
Devi is accurately described as “Hotheaded” and a “Firecracker”. She is the one to have somewhat explosive outbursts (see throwing the beaker, throwing the textbook, ect). Even though she has grown a TON this season she still gets fired up (in a good way, I love her hotheaded tendencies)
Ben on the other hand could be described as someone with a “coolhead” (is that a term? idk it is now), we have literally never seen him have any sort of angry outburst. The few times we have seen him angry, he still managed to keep his cool. In fact we have seen him be the voice of reason to try to calm Devi down when she is having one of her “outbursts”.
Example: Ben pulling her aside to tell her she shouldn’t get emancipated and that she should make up with her mom.
(Also opposites attract doesn't mean that two completely different people will work together. Got to have some common ground)
2. “They are way too competitive with each other” 
WHEN???? Show me a time, post relationship, where they have been even remotely too competitive with each other. Oh wait you can’t. In fact we have seen them work really well together as a team (see the debate tournament)
3. “They argue too much”’
Ben and Devi have been through an incredible amount of growth and have both matured a TON this past season. We have literally never seen them really argue at all this season and even before that i wouldn't call their interactions arguing. They just have flirty friendly banter.
4. “Devi was over Ben when she got with Paxton”
No she wasn’t!!! Are we watching the same show?? Did you not see the whole longing loving looks at the dance?? Devi has literally never fully been over Ben. (she is however fully over Paxton).
In conclusion, there really is no sound argument against Ben and Devi being together. The way they have been set up and built up since season one is pretty much flawless. They have never fully gotten over each other, they have attempted but it never worked. Devi LOVES Ben !!! SHE LITTERALLY GOT STOMACH KNOTS WHEN SHE LOOKED AT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you seen the way that girl looks at him? She has never looked at anyone else like that. She chose Ben at the end of season three because she loves and trusts him. SHE ACTIVELY CHOSE HIM!!!!!!
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sessakag · 7 days
I find it pretty difficult to enjoy Sasuke-Naruto as a ship because the way Hinata is treated in that fandom space is disgusting and it’s soured me on the ship completely. But I really really love them in your throuple stuff! It’s nice to see them soft and caring for each other and being kinda snarky but ultimately loving without the thought of “oh this person hates Hinata” in the back of my head. And even when it’s a scene between the two of them, Hinata’s presence is still very much felt which I appreciate a ton. I’m never gonna care about NHS as much as NH but you’ve made the ship enjoyable for me so I’m really grateful!
For sure, there's some really toxic and nasty NaruSasu shippers that go after Hinata just because she ended up with Naruto, and I can't really understand it for her considering she's so damn sweet to everybody, and would be one of the only women to step aside if her husband truly wanted someone else, with no ill will, but, that's a them problem, not mine, lol. I separate the NaruSasu ship from that muck entirely and enjoy it how I want, and what really helps is that there are plenty of SasuNaru shippers I've met that engage with my throuple posts that are absolutely lovely and didn't mind Hinata at all🥰I even got some throuple converts out of it, which I'm always trying to recruit😉
I'm glad you're able to enjoy the throuple for once, trust me, I understand that feeling 100%. There's only a handful of NaruHinaSasu fics and too many of them treat one of the trio like an optional piece (usually Hinata) that can't enjoy the story at all, and that same though will be in the back of my head (this person hates Hinata😩) I'm not one to stew over it though, if I'm not finding what I want, I'm gonna go make it myself🤭
I can't help but mention the other spouse when one is missing. It's probably trauma after reading fics that keep leaving one person out, lmao, but I just have to make sure people know they all love each other, even when it's just two of them. Especially Hinata!💕She be getting done dirty in these dynamics😭
And I got you, I'm in the same boat, I love NaruHinaSasu, but NaruHina is my core, it is life💕my OTP forever💕💕💕
Still, I am very happy that you can enjoy the throuple too. That's all I want is for people that read my throuple fics or stories💕to enjoy seeing these three together because they really have a very cute, very interesting and lovable dynamic when they're all being loved equally. I want to write a lot more for this throuple (been too busy obsessing over NaruHina though lol), and hopefully, more people will give the throuple a chance and that it will help shift the current negative perception of this throuple due to the venom of a few writers😩because you are certainly not the first person to bring up the venom souring them on NaruSasu and consequently, NaruHinaSasu.
I've got about 5 NaruHinaSasu fics coming up that I'll be posting some time this year, and the ones I already have out will be getting some love once I finish a few things with Butterfly and Prey. I'm really excited for these new stories and I hope they're something more people come to enjoy🥰
Thanks so much for dropping by to share your feelings about this ship and your feelings about my snippets🥰makes me super happy!
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magicwhiskers29 · 2 months
For the latest ask game...Great Ace Attorney, specifically
Favourite Character:
Gina, my girl Gina!! I love her development!! She adds to the atmosphere so well in Unspeakable Story, and I love her and Gregson's dynamic in DGS2!
Least Favourite Character:
Roly Beate. I think his gag is a little obnoxious, but I'm less endeared to him than Pat, so... I don't really actively dislike him that much, but he annoys me, so if I have to pick a least favourite...
5 Favourite ships (canon or non-canon):
-Haosusa (/Susarei)
Character I find most attractive:
Uhm. I don't know if I feel qualified to answer this. Maybe I'll just say whose design I like best... In which case, Gina again, maybe? I think she's very well-designed! :)
Character I would marry:
Also not that qualified to answer this one, uh... I could marry Courtney Sithe to make her history of marriages/relationships even more confusing? lol
Character I would be best friends with:
Iris!! We both like writing and science so I think we'd be cool buddies
A random thought:
Killing off Jezaille Brett at the start of DGS2 is an excellent way of setting the tone for the rest of the game, as well as setting up that, yeah, important characters can just die, so that Gregson's death works better later. I think it's a very shocking reveal that she's the victim, and I like it a lot.
An unpopular opinion:
Idk if this is that unpopular, but I asked my friend, and they told me this is at least a weird opinion, but Return of the Great Departed Soul is my favourite case in the doulogy, and my favourite case in Ace Attorney overall.
My canon OTP:
There aren't that many canon ships, to my memory, but the Vigils (Evie and Daley Vigil), I guess? Better than the Beates or the Garridebs...
My non-canon OTP:
I guess since this says OTP I can't say Ginasusahao, so uhm... Ginasusa, maybe? That's probably my favourite DGS ship, but I'm not like, that attached to it specifically, so...
Most badass character:
SUSATO MIKOTOBA!!! She saves you in court so many times, and she will take down anyone she needs to with a Susato takedown <3
Pairing I am not a fan of:
Hm... The most I think I get towards DGS ships I don't care is ambivilent, tbh. I can usualy see why people like them, though. I guess the ones I stear most clear from would be Baroryuu or Asobaro? Nothing against then, and I can get why people ship them, but they're not really my thing.
Character I feel the writer's screwed up:
Right, this isn't so clear-cut as it would be as if I was writing this about PL, but if you'll allow me to be petty for a moment, I do have a few minor grievances with Susato. I love her writing for the most part, but I think there was a major missed opportunity in the specifics of her ending.
I don't think her thematic beats about choosing her own path work quite as well if her sole motivation to return to Japan at the end of DGS2 os for Ryuunosuke. Like, yes, she chooses to follow him over Kazuma, that's something, but she's still just choosing to follow another character, when she was previously set up in Blossoming Attorney to be capable of standing on her own if the law only allowed it! I think i would have liked it more if it was at least implied that she returned to Japan to help Ryuunosuke AND start to try to begin her own legal career.
Otherwise, I think her ending's uncomfortably similar to the midpoint in her arc for the ending of Unspeakable Story. Albeit indirectly, she's once again returning to Japan upon her father's request, and I think that could have been avoided a little if her motivations for wanting to return were established as being outside of what other characters want, because that is her arc!
Favourite friendship:
Kazuma and Susato. Everything they do with those two is so interesting to me, and I love writing about it. It's so interesting how core Kazuma is to Susato, but how also she can't mean as much to him, because he only met her properly after he's already decided his mission. But she still means a lot to him, and I just, augh. I love the tragedy.
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mothellie · 2 months
ST Ships Tierlist Tag Game
So. I did something no one asked for and that took a considerable amount of time to complete. I decided to make a tag game out of it so I didn't feel like I totally wasted my time (/lh).
I made three Stranger Things ship tierlists on Tiermaker, one for each age group. I'm a pretty huge multi-shipper and I was finding it hard to really convey all the pairings I liked and how I felt about them, so I spent the last week and a half doing this. I mainly just love seeing people be passionate about their ships, so here's an opportunity to put your faves on display.
The Tierlists
The Party Tierlist
The Teen/Young Adult Tierlist
The Older Adult Tierlist
Tag Game Rules
Do as many of the tierlists as you want. You don't have to do all three of them unless you really want to.
Download the image(s) of your tierlist(s) and put that into a post here on Tumblr. Can be your own original post or a reblog of this one. Though if you're going to make your own post, please link this post in yours so people know the rules, warnings and other info and know how to participate.
Tag at least five (5) other blogs (preferably within the Stranger Things community lmao) to keep the chain going. Although, you can just do this without being tagged if you want to.
As a general rule, no ship or character bashing is allowed for this tag game. Please be respectful to each other.
If you'd like, please also tag me in your post if you don't directly reblog this one! I'd love to see :)
Tiers Breakdown
ABSOLUTE OTP: These are the pairings you absolutely cannot live without. Your babies, your blorbos that kiss, the cream of the crop, etc etc. You're entirely abnormal about them and probably post/talk about them a lot. They consume your thoughts. Etc etc.
I love them abnormally: You love these pairings so so much. You're feral over them. You talk about them a lot and you might make content for them if you're a creator. However, they aren't quite in the top tier. Think of this as only a half-step down from the top tier. OTPs without as intense of an emotional attachment.
I love them normally: You love these pairings, but a normal amount. You aren't absolutely losing your mind over them, but if anyone asked you about them, you would probably say they were in your main ship list.
I like them: Exactly what it says on the tin. You like these ships. They're good ships and you'll enjoy content for them if you come across it, but that's usually as far as it goes. They're just neat.
I like them under certain conditions: You like these ships, but only in specific circumstances. Only in polycules, only if one of them is trans, only if they're completely removed from their canon stories, etc.
I'm curious about them: You don't actively ship these pairs right now, but the concept/dynamic is intriguing to you and you're open to the idea if someone can sway you.
No strong feelings: You don't actively ship these pairs, but you also don't have any strong feelings about them one way or the other. They just exist and you accept that.
They make sense to me, but aren't my thing: The dynamic itself makes sense to you, or you get why someone might ship these pairs, but you personally don't like them for one reason or another.
They don't make sense to me, not my thing: You don't understand the appeal of these ships, so you don't like them.
They make me uncomfy: The idea of these pairs makes you uncomfortable to some degree for one reason or another, so you avoid content pertaining to them.
If there's a character missing from the lists that you'd like to see added, you can DM me about it and I can see what I can do. I can't guarantee I'll be adding every character under the sun, but I'm pretty open to the idea adding a few more if someone really wants them. Alternatively, you can make your own squares if you have the means to do so. I think there's a way to add your own locally.
That being said, I have not added Lonnie Byers or Neil Hargrove, and I don't particularly want to for personal reasons. You can add your own squares if you have any ships you really wanna display involving them.
I cannot figure out what Gareth's canonical age is supposed to be, because this show fucking sucks at continuity, and the American education system has weird rules. He's also shipped both with the party members and with the teens/young adults. So he's included in both. I can't be fucked to try and determine what camp he should go in.
At the moment, there are only monogamous ships in these tierlists. This was mostly to conserve space and make sure all the pairings could get included, and that I'd have room to add more characters if I needed to. I bounced around the idea of making one or more for poly pairings, but the amount of effort that would take would be nearly double what this took. However, if people really want it, I might just bite the bullet because I love you guys. The same goes for a tierlist for crossover pairings.
My Tierlists
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Tags: @californiaboytoybilly @shieldofiron @applewillowstone @lorifragolina @alicetallula @half-oz-eddie @harringroveera @ocalaghan @whataboutthefish @larkandcarry + anyone who wants to join in can say I tagged you
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shallowseeker · 5 months
My faves of yours this year were the car metas and how long cas was dead grief dean ones
I collected some of them and WOW, we really had a blast this year. I already forgot how much fun we had!!!!
I've seen performing!Dean talked about for ages, but for me performing!Rowena and performing!Sam (as high-falootin' high-class phonies) was particular good-tasting to me this year.
Some of the chatter around Lily Sundar episode as a "hidden Mad Men" type atmosphere with humans as the "hoes you shoudn't have emotions about" was great, and Cas a "exemplary high-performing man's man/angel's angel/results guy" was chef's kiss for me. I ate that like a barbarian.
Also, I adored the explorations about Jack's own performances too, or at least that people might entertain that his niceness and gentleness "golden child/good boy" thing is a little bit of an act to hide any darker feelings. He's brutal when it comes to protecting and has quite a temper (see: gas station worker getting choked out, all of Apocalypse Earth...)
Dean tried to be the truck
Family cars and protecting the ones you love
Heaven is a truck, and the evolution of Cas as a truck guy
The date car that presided over the death of John...AND the death of Cas (also, PINTOS and family cars galore!)
The evolution of Cas from pimp-mobile to family truck guy
Cas + cars silly thoughts
The chair at the head of the table
Dean is the one crying in the soap opera and cas is the man with the bloody face
Dean's grief on speedrun / how long was cas dead anyway????
Dean looking for Cas during THEEEE PRAYER
Dean & the death of Jack
Don't make it real and permanent (And by Lucifer I mean Cas = And by Belphagor I mean Jack)
The everything he ever wanted
Sam doesn't grieve Jack and Rowena, he moves straight on the Eileen and berates Dean for moping
How Dean's rumination makes him seem guiltier
I'm all out of love I'm SO LOST WITHOUT YOU (Don't grieve in front of me Dean it makes me feel uncomfortable and scared)
ADDITION: Here was the first uncomfortable Sam take
The grief ones also bring to mind the great convos we had this year about Sam Winchester, discomfort, and CLASS issues
Sam x Ph.D (Sam's personal OTP)
Rowena's class struggle aaaaaaaah
Rowena, unthawed
Dean x moving the lawn
Sam -> Campbells are "brawn," Winchesters are "brains"
Rowena & Crowley and the dream of upwards mobility + biting off more than they can chew
How Jack & Sam differ; Jack lacks SAMbition
Sam the pillar of the Lebanon community???? Nope
I have so much great Jack stuff but I suck at Tumblr tagging so I can't think of any to feature right now. The different between jack and Sam are great, because Sam got suckered into thinking he was special on borrowed powers. Jack's powers are his own. (Jack is an heir, Sam is a spare. Jack is like Dean in that he's heir to the family responsibilities.) Also, I did a lot of Dean-Mary-Jack posting this year that I just...honesly loved.
Some of my fave ones are from last year though (Like Jack is VARSITY) for this year...maybe Jack is THEEEE BOXER. Or TOYS TOYS TOYS. I think the Tombstone play by play was this year, too. How domains of the house emphasize different parenting styles in TFW. #spn parenting
My brain lives i all.
I'm sure there are some cool ones I missed. But.
Happy New Year and thanks for all the cool convos.
I'll try to get out and tell people which metas of theirs I liked too, but my mind magically goes blank when i try.
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sinningtamer · 5 months
Not sure if you’ve answered this before but what are your favourite fics and ships?
Love all your art btw! <3 Thx for all the food!
i might've years ago, so let's go again! i'm gonna answer this question as only NSFW/kink related, otherwise the list would be way too long haha
alright let's start with the obvious: ParviII is and always will be my #1 one ship, even when I dip in and out of the fandom a lot (i feel the term OTP is super outdated these days? but if there was one ship i could use it with it's them...)
so obviously i'm gonna say Talking Body and Payment and Payback by @sparxwrites. because. you know. how can i not. oh yeah, Good Vibrations is also a classic. hiii sparx, i'm sorry for picking your older fics, i just have such a bias. they've written a ton of great stuff over the years though, so go give the account a peak! there's something for everyone, especially if you like darker stuff.
...speaking of accounts with a lot of content who lurk around here, shoutout to @pawpunkao3. lmpᴇarI is one of my favorite ships, and they're still such a rarepair somehow?? anyways I think about Between Bedrock and a Hard Place at least once a week tbh. A New Religion That'll Bring You To Your Knees is fantastic, and i have a soft spot for I Spy (even tho i didn't watch too much empires). again, another author with a whole arsenal under their belt, so don't just take my word for it and check the rest of his fics!
back to lmpᴇarI being a rarepair... @thatstoomuchsoup has Chicken Soup for the Soulbounds (okay it's more pearI-centric but they're both there) and is another blog that specializes in some of my kinks and these fandoms. same with @anon-teddy's content, gotta give a shoutout to full. this is also making me realize i haven't sought out enough poly S0up Group or GᴇmpuIse/PᴇarIgem fics...maybe i'll get back to you on that...
there's a bunch of good explicit trᴇᴇbark fics, but i said i was gonna keep this list concise, so the only one i'll specifically point to is how to deal with your supernatural lust for blood (and other things) in a completely normal and god-honoring fashion. for...reasons. also because it's good!
edit: oh my GOD i realized two seconds after posting this i completely forget to mention @also-an-art. go read (this is) hungry work and honey don't feed it right fucking now. i've read both of these in full (pun intended) multiple times they're that amazing. it's rare that the plot is just as good as the horniness, when i tell you i lost my mind at some of the development in these. also hot and dirty (like the la air) is a guilty pleasure. AND it introduced me to a song that ended up being #20 on my spotify wrapped LOL (RPF warning on that one! trust me tho)
let's get to my other bias, shall we? RᴛSpiff and RᴛS00t don't....have any explicit fics. nor does poly lᴀds. CMRᴛ does, though! I'm kinda picky about how people characterize them, but play it cool and Every Stumble and Each Misfire are lovely (note that the second one is also blatant RPF! don't say i didn't warn you o7)
speaking of lᴀds, if you follow me on main, you know i got into Bᴀnᴀna Bᴜs Sqᴜᴀd just last year (I'M SORRY, OKAY, DON'T @ ME-) you'd think getting into an old fandom late would mean a ton of great smut fics, right? to be honest, i haven't found many that i care for, but maybe i'm just picky... however, i remember your lips, they're the ones i miss, and smoke in your lungs, your lips on mine are SO GODDAMN GOOD i'm not even mad it's only those two i like because i could reread them 20 times. god. such fun characterization. shame the author orphaned them because i badly wanna read more of their stuff.
this is the part where you go, spirit, do you read anything besides (mᴄ)yt fandoms??? and i go, not really.............well, sort of. i like 0verwatch! and M0icy!! Reciprocity is a delightful PWP long fic. i'm also not really an omegaverse guy, but Water Me has such a good take on it i fell in looove.
okay, i'm gonna cut myself off here, enough though i could probably name dozens of more fics if i sat and thought about it. if anyone i tagged wants to be untagged, feel free to reply here or shoot me an ask/dm!!
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masterwords · 3 months
Hi 3&30&56 if you don't mind<3<3<3
Of course I don't mind! I'll talk about these fools all day every day. I haven't watched much CM lately (which is very rare for me, I'm a lifer with this damn show and the brainrot but I've been very up in SWAT these last few months) so I'm missing them big time. Thank you for indulging me!
3. Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
Absolutely. I think Hotch steals a lot of Derek's really worn in clothes, especially his sweatshirts. Hotch walking around their home on a Saturday in a Northwestern Law sweatshirt with ragged cuffs and bleach spots and missing drawstrings for the hood, this decades old sweatshirt that Derek shoves in the back of his drawer and Hotch fishes out because it's so so soft. And Derek definitely sneaks into Hotch's tie collection when he's got to dress up.
30. Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing?
I shall tell this tale in photos.
Derek is putting Hotch in pure, unadulterated casual. The kind of thing no one but him ever gets to see. Hotch looks great in suits, great in everything, but t-shirts are an indulgence. And he's putting Hotch in jeans, really expensive dark jeans so he can hook his thumb through a belt loop and tug him close.
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And Hotch is going to put Derek in this sweater, not much caring about the rest. This sweater is indulgent and it makes Derek look so soft and warm. It's probably a mistake, because all he can think about is being close and if he can't be, well then it's just torture.
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56. What do they do turn the other on/put them in the mood?
Derek was born in the mood. It doesn't take much. The sight of Hotch in a certain pair of shorts after a long run, the way the water drips down his spine after a shower, the curve of his lower back when it peeks out from beneath his t-shirt as he bends over...Derek is there and waiting. And I'm willing to bet Hotch isn't far from it, he is just a mortal man after all and Derek is very easy on the eyes...he's just a little more timid and a little more duty-oriented. He's got a list of things to accomplish a mile long every single day and that doesn't leave much time for things that are purely for his own pleasure. If Derek wants to get Hotch there, he'll make sure everything is in its place - the dishes are done, the tasks are checked off, the office is shut down and the house is secure. He just needs to make sure the only thing on Hotch's to do list is him. And if there's just too much and he doesn't want to wait, well he's stronger than Hotch...it's not too hard to just manhandle him a bit. Hotch will protest weakly but he won't mind in the end. Even if he does have to get up and load the dishwasher afterward.
want me to talk about hotchgan? i will...at length...and hey, if you don't vibe with those questions, ask some of your own. i'll talk about them all day.
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