#otomiya art
yukiko-otomiya · 2 years
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I wish I could say I did this quick but I’m so bad working with textured brushes :_(
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odaibadivisio · 1 year
Odaiba Division: Valentine’s chocolate!
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“Here! Chocolate cookies! I hope they taste good, It was my first time making them…”
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“I’m not good with cooking, so I bought you this chocolate, Valentine’s especial edition from that fancy brand… If I can’t make them at least I’ll make sure they’re good!”
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“Yeah, eh… I was trying to be original… A tomato heart shaped… this is the best of all I get to grow… I’ll be eating salads and tomato sauce for a month. It made you laugh tho, so worth it. Next year will be better! I promise!
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dadoodler25 · 1 year
Redraw of Haine Otomiya from the Gentleman's Alliance!
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P.S. that hair was a nightmare to draw
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gingerlee-holds · 1 year
Results of "Wake Up, Tword Asks"
From @softleesam's post!
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Neck won first as the spot most people enjoy for giggles, then sides, then tummy!
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This is fascinating! Lotta people love tummies heehee
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Congratulations to @sleepysheepytea, @fluffomatic, and @bigdumbtickler03 for collectively getting first place!! According to (my audience at least), you are the most flustering content creators! In second place, there's @mushiewrites and @made-by-jade-222, who are both so awesome!! And finally, congrats to our runner-ups: @ticklepinions, @lovelymessybubbly, @altheadajoysoul, @sweettallahassee, @coy-lee, @otomiya-tickles, @wormonastriing, @fluffystuffies, @twordish-ler, @parker-fluff, @obsessedwithseb, @touched-starved-switch, (myself! yay!), @massive-uwu-energy, and @shyticklemonster!!!! Each of you were mentioned by name at least once as being the most flustering!!! Congratulations, mwah mwah heehee
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Yeah, this is about what I expected heh- If there's anything everyone agreed on, it was that YOU MUST RESPECT PEOPLE'S BOUNDARIES. NO IFS ANDS OR BUTS. Some people like tickling as a fun sfw activity that makes them happy, and for others, it's a kink. THAT IS OKAY!!!!!!!! Please just be kind, be understanding, and be respectful of people's boundaries.
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Again, as expected, since most of you are lees xD I would like to take this opportunity to shout out the people who don't get enough attention!! Teasy Lees (*biiiiiig stretch, showing midriff to ler and smirking* "whatcha lookin at~?"), Shy Lers ("u-u-uhm,, c-can i tword you pleaseee? its okay if not but you look really twordish and i wanna tword you!!"), Stoic Lers ("Why are you laughing?" *as they poke*), and Gentle Lees ("You're doing great!! I love the way you're tickling me!" *through laughter and giggles*) But if there's one thing we love here, it's playfulness, and I wholeheartedly agree!!
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Once again, you're all mostly lees, so the gravitation towards the 'very easily' side of the chart makes sense heehee (gosh i love trendlines look at that awesome trendline)
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Wow! Almost a 3/4 split! That's pretty neat heehee
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Interesting!!! Most people wanted to watch an animated movie (Disney, DreamWorks, Studio Ghibli, etc.), but a lot of people wanted to watch horror movies so that the tickles could help them relax!!
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okay i know this is ugly but this question produced so many hecking characters i just wanted to include a lot of themmm (im sorry if i didnt get yours on theree) also Featuring: The Marvel Corner in the bottom right cuz you guys love marvel characters heehee
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checks out!!! i wish i saw more back tickles in art and fics cuz they need more attentionnnnnnn
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its getting very late and i had a lot of trouble trying to adapt this question into a chart but i did my besttttt (gosh im so tired im almost to the enddd)
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(for context, the question is if you could choose one spot to tickle/be tickled in, which would it be) ooooo it's a tie between Sides and Tummy! and neck not far behind! interesting!!!
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This was very flusteringg heehee you guys sure are creative with all the variationssss >/////////////<
the "how does tickling make you feel" question has a lot of really personal responses, and i dont feel comfy sharing them, even if they are anonymous
and the last question is sorta vague so everyone answered it however they chose, so I couldn't really make a chart out of it
so uhm I don't usually beg for people to reblog stuff but I put so much time and effort into this so if you'd be so kind as to, y'know ahem ahem, I'd really appreciate that, thank youuuu~!!!!!!!!
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trans-ace-lee · 8 months
That Darn Cat
Author's Note: So sorry for the very, very, very late upload and me being almost nonexistent on this website. In short, a bunch of life changes happened, and I 1000% don't get paid enough to do as much work as I have to do.
Thanks for being so patient with me. This a sequel to Wow Fantasstic Baby and is a product of my brain just going feral. If that what it takes to write fics, then that's what it is, I guess.
Tagging @myreygn @otomiya-tickles @ticklishfanart and a special shoutout to @parker-fluff for being my test subject to @italeean (I hope this is a nice wake up call Elle).
It was no secret that Tsukishima was an observant person. Both on and off the court, his teammates and friends know that although he doesn’t say much, he’s always watching and thinking. Thus, it came to no one’s surprise that he had picked up on a substantial amount of Kuroo’s likes, dislikes, routines, and habits in the few months they had been dating.
Despite the latter’s mess of a hairstyle, Tsukishima had found that he loves running his fingers through Kuroo’s hair and scratching at the base of Kuroo’s neck; his boyfriend, of course, loves it too. He adores the way Kuroo melts into his touch and how Kuroo hums under his breath, recording these little moments in his heart to be played over and over again until the day comes when he can’t remember.
Tsukishima isn’t the kind of person for grand gestures. He shows his love through small, handcrafted gifts made from the leftover scraps from Yamaguchi’s many art projects, daily updates about what he’s doing, sending pictures, finding scented candles that remind him of his loved ones, and reminders about important dates like quizzes and doctor’s appointments.
But lately, Tsukishima notices that the third year’s replies to text messages and phone calls decrease in frequency. It’s not as if he doesn’t understand. Third years have college entrance exams, plus his duties as a volleyball captain with a team going to nationals. He has his own exams and volleyball practice to attend to. Sure, he wants Karasuno to beat Nekoma if given the chance, but he plans on giving his boyfriend a needle-felt cat and maybe a kiss, no matter the outcome.
Instead of mourning the time he’s losing and whining to his boyfriend to pay attention to him, he finds himself worried about Kuroo because he knows that trying too hard not to let go is like trying to hold onto wet sand. And, yet part of him is still insecure because this is his first relationship, and he’s terrified of messing everything up. He has a small but strong support system, but they’re people who know the deeper parts of him that he hides behind walls.
After blurting these fears out loud on accident while talking with Kenma to double-check if his observations are correct, Tsukishima finds himself with a free bus ticket to Tokyo. During the many hours it takes to get from Miyagi to Tokyo, he can’t help but think he’ll see a side of Kuroo that he’s never seen before.
Regardless, he wants the latter to open up to him and show him every side, the bad, the sad, the ugly, the calm, the cheerful, and everything in between. In time, he hopes to do the same.
This afternoon, on the rare day that Kuroo takes a break from studying, his boyfriend is practically sprawling on top of Tsukishima’s lap while Tsukishima runs his fingers through the former’s hair.
“I want, uh, want to do something for you,” Tsukishima says, his face heating up a little as he breaks the silence in the room.
“Hmm?” Kuroo mumbles in response, “But you already do so much for me, love.”
Tsukishima debates hiding his face behind his hands. He absolutely adores how Kuroo still makes him feel like a giddy little kid, as surprising as it is to imagine him that way (Yamaguchi won’t stop making fun of him, not that he minds).
“I know…” He takes a deep breath and leans down to plant a kiss on the back of Kuroo’s neck. “You’ve been really stressed lately, and I just want to help relieve your pain in any way I can.”
Kuroo pushes himself up on his forearms so he can look Tsukishima in the eye. Kuroo’s gaze is filled with such warmth and understanding that Tsukishima falls in love with him over and over again. No matter Tsukishima’s limited and feeble attempts to comfort his boyfriend, Kuroo always treats him with such kindness and grace, letting him warm up at his own speed. He admits that opening up again is hard, but he’s willing to do it for Kuroo.
“All right. What do you want me to do, then?”
Tsukishima bites his lip. Okay, maybe he hasn’t thought this through enough. He tries to think of something, anything that he can do to erase the tension lines in his lover’s face and the stiffness in his lover’s shoulders, until a small voice in the back of his mind has him fighting back a smirk. “Can you lie down on your stomach?”
“Like this?” Kuroo asks, stretching himself out on Tsukishima’s bed with his arms crossed over his head.
Tsukishima slings his right leg over Kuroo’s body and sits down on his butt.
“Ooh. I think I’m going to like this.”
This time Tsukishima actually smirks now that Kuroo can’t see him. He expects his boyfriend to squirm or even at least twitch when he squeezes Kuroo’s sides. What he doesn’t expect is to hear a loud shriek followed by rapid giggling. “I’m just trying to give you a back massage, darling. Won’t you be good and stay still for me?”
The only response he gets is a shaky fuck off.
“Tch. I guess someone better teach this naughty cat a lesson.” He grins at the way Kuroo immediately starts squirming at his words. “Oh? The flirty tom cat can’t take what he dishes out. Don’t worry, I’ll teach you to behave.”
Tsukishima knows he should feel a little guilty, but his boyfriend’s squeaks and snorts of protest as his drums his fingers on Kuroo’s sides. But he loves the way the latter shakes his head from side to side, making his bed hair even messier than usual. Scratch that, he kind of loves everything about the figure cackling even harder than Tsukishima had been before when he skitters up Kuroo’s ribs.
“Naaahaahahat there,” the latter begs, trying to grab Tsukishima’s hands.
Kuroo fails every time.
“Hmmmmm?” he says while alternately poking each side of his lover’s ribs just to see him jump. “Then…how about here?”
The cackling gets replaced by a long howl that’s almost painful to his ears.
He snickers. “Attention neighbors of this small apartment with hopefully thick walls, I need to report a murder. Cause of death some fingers resting on a set up very, very, very ticklish underarms.”
Leaning down next to Kuroo’s left ear, Tsukishima asks, “Left, right or both.”
And he thought his boyfriend was a little sadistic when Tsukishima was getting tickled the last time.
“FUUHUCK,” Kuroo screams, his arms clamped to his sides.
“Oh, it can’t be that bad. I’m not even doing anything.” Tsukishima squints at the shiny dot on his lover’s face. “Wait? Is that a tear I see?”
Kuroo whines.
Tsukishima, with some strength he didn’t even know he had, flips the latter over and pins Kuroo’s hands over his head. “Nope. That absolutely won’t do. I want to see that cute face of yours.”
It takes everything in him not to coo at his boyfriend on the spot as he looks down with a soft smile on his face. Kuroo’s face is flushed, more so than any match he’s seen him in. He relishes the way Kuroo tries in vain to hide his face in his arms. Even the bright red color of his ears matches his face.
Kuroo is so hot like this.
Another squeak of protest breaks the silence.
Tsukishima’s smirk returns at the sound. “Sounds like someone is a fan of that.”
“Nohohoooo.” Kuroo replies, now giggling and squirming from anticipation.
“Now, raise your arms above your head and keep them there.”
“WHAT,” his lover squawks, mouth agape.
He plants a kiss on Kuroo’s forehead. “You heard me love. Or…do I need to do something a little more drastic?”
“I-Ihii…whaaa…?” Kuroo replies, his face growing redder and redder by the second.
“Cat got your tongue? Don’t worry I have an even better idea for you.” He uses one hand to pin both of his lover’s wrists and uses the other hand to grab the latter’s chin so they’re looking at each other. “Please move dow-no, you will move down so I can sit on those pesky arms of yours.”
Somehow Kuroo’s face grows even redder at the command but scoots down like he’s told, albeit while glaring at Tsukishima. Nope. Tsukishima is definitely not proud of himself for that one. Not at all.
Turning around, yet still keeping a strong grip on Kuroo’s wrists, he uses his right leg to pin his boyfriend’s right arm and his left leg to pin his boyfriend’s left arm until he’s more or less just kneeling on them. “Yes…Yes, this is much better,” he says with a low hum that rumbles in his chest.
Kuroo pouts up at him. It’s so fucking adorable that Tsukishima wants to take a picture, so he does as the former only pouts harder at the action. “You don’t want to bully your poor boyfriend, do you? You wouldn’t do something like this to him, would you?”
“Sorry, dear.” He uses his right hand to massage circles onto the base of Kuroo’s neck. The all-familiar hum follows as he moves up the back of the latter’s head and kneads on his scalp.
Once Kuroo is sufficiently relaxed, he digs a single finger into the center of Kuroo’s right underarm. His lover almost leaps off the bed with a high-pitched squeal. It’s music to his ears.
“SHIHIIT,” Kuroo screams before breaking into desperate laughter and flopping around like a fish out of water.
“Now you’re just being dramatic,” Tsukishima teases, “It’s just one little finger. How bad could it be?”
“IIIHIIT’S BAAHAHAD." His boyfriend’s legs wave back and forth in a frantic matter, reminiscent of something straight out of a horror movie.
Kuroo has many sides, sides that Tsukishima has yet to see, but he thinks this might be his favorite. In everyday life, both on and off the court, his lover is calm, cool, and poised. This side of Kuroo is a wild beast he can’t wait to tame. He wants to learn which buttons he can push, and perhaps what his boyfriend will do in return.
“Hmm? I don’t know. I think you can get more desperate than this. I guess we’ll just have to see, then.”
“FUUHUCK OFFF!” Kuroo tries to hiss but it ends up sounding like the high-pitched sound of a tea kettle going off.
Tsukishima settles into a rhythm. Alternating between left and right with a single finger right in the center has Kuroo practically wailing. Spidering around the edges until little hiccups and snorts start to filter through his lover’s laughter. Raking his fingers from the middle of Kuroo’s ribs up to the bottom of his biceps makes him blubber and babble like a brook filled with rocks of all shapes and sizes.
And, once Kuroo almost gets used to the pattern, he wiggles all five fingers into each underarm which has the former straight up screaming like he’s being murdered.
After the nth round of this routine, because Tsukishima has all but forgotten…oops, Kuroo’s begging and pleading becomes incoherent.
“Really, more?” Tsukishima asks. “Don’t forget, you asked for this.”
Tears stream down his boyfriend’s face as his laughter finally goes silent. “I…c…an’t…”
“Okay. Okay. I think you’ve had enough, silly,” Tsukishima replies with a chuckle, crawling off Kuroo’s arms and helping the latter sit up. Biting his lip, he says, “I didn’t take it too far, did I?”
“What!” Kuroo squawks, waving his hands in front of his chest and then covering his face with his hands. “No. no. I…uh…kindoflikedit.”
“Say it again.”
Kuroo tries to hide his face in his hands again. “Nooooo,” he whines. “You already heard it once. I’m not saying it again.”
“Oh come on,” Tsukishima says, bending down to give his boyfriend another kiss, “Be good and tell me again, clearly this time. I want to hear every word.”
Another sound akin to a wheezing kettle comes out of his lover’s mouth. “Oh. My. God. You can’t just say stuff like that.”
 “But I can, and I will,” Tsukishima replies. He could get used to this. Kuroo all flustered for him. “Now say it.”
“I’m waiting.”
“...Fine.” Kuroo takes a deep breath. “I. Liked…it.”
 “Well…I guess that makes two of us, then,” Tsukishima peppering Kuroo’s face with kisses until his boyfriend is giggling. 
“As long as I get to get my revenge, of course.” Kuroo reaches over to squeeze Tsukishima’s thigh just to hear him squeak.
If he was a different person, he would be pouting, but he settles on prying his lover’s hands away from his face and planting a kiss upon his lips.
“But…We need a safe word or something, so we know for sure if we go too far,” Kuroo says after their lips part, his voice coming out more breathy than normal.
“Mhmm. Yeah. I don’t want to actually kill my boyfriend.”
Kuroo glares back at him in a playful manner. “Based on today, you’re sure as hell going to get as close to that as possible.”
“You love me anyways,” Tsukishima replies while pulling Kuroo into his arms.
“Yeah. Yeah, I do.”
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otomiyaa · 7 months
Re: 💌
Finally getting to respond to those who were so kind to me in messages, comments, and reblogs in the past week! @otomiya-tickles was a blog with mainly tickle fics, but you guys definitely made it feel like there was more to it :)
I piled all my answers into one big post and will treasure them for as long as Tumblr decides to keep me online this time 🤭
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@lovelymessybubbly: Ahhh I remember sending that ask long ago and always wondered if you received it. I still think the timing (of my leave and your return) is ridiculous hehehe, but I'm also glad to stick around and to see you back! I hope the hiatus has been good^^
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@dokidoki-muffin: absolutely honored to have inspired you and not only that, I think you're a great friend and I love our chats and our recent collab had me filled with joy^^ !! 🧁
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@fluffandgiggles: I love your blog, the fics you write and the fandoms you choose and your kind personality, I'm glad you got to go from anon to your own blog and hope you can have fun with it for as long as you like to!
@skayleay: Sending love back to you, thank youu*w*
@beth-bethar00: Thank you 🥺
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@tiredleekaz: Your message made me giggle hehe thank you for the support for the x amount of years, I also realized how easy it is to lose count when I think of all my different 'tumblr eras' 😂
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@lilliee0: Sorry you had to find out this way hehe, and thank you! My account is in a good place *dramatic music plays* (no it's actually not lmao)
@rachi-roo: The Real OG 😳 I'm not sure I can accept that compliment but I thank you for it!! :3
@blobbirobbi: Sending love right back, also your tickle stories are always welcome hohoho
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Anon #1: Heheh right! I know I"ve once said that even if I would quit my blog, I would never deactivate voluntarily (and definitely not without announcement) so it would have to be Tumblr to take care of that. To think that actually happened :). Hope you have a lovely day too!
Anon #2: Ahh I'm glad I could help introducing you to the tk community! Thank you for enjoying my fics, all the best to you too!^^
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@infrequent-creator: Don't miss me yet, I won't be gone entirely :) I'll be here, and I'll be loud. Just my fic production will come to an indefinite stop, or break. Who knows.
@yourgigglebugmaya: Ahhh that flatters me! Thank you so much^^
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@shyanon01: Thank you for the sweet message!
@hakurei-k: Hahaha! Well I'm still here too and ready to adore Solomon together.
@dirtpie39: I had to google that lololol ('sike'). Thank you for re-following^^
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@sunstone-smiles: T-T thank you a lot!!
@moongeonight: 4 years ago!! ahhh I'm happy to hear it and hope you're still having fun! :D
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@shy-lee-chu: Love you sweetie, I won't write many new fics so hope you won't be bored by me ;)
@eliankrios: Elian, I'm definitely okay thank you! I'll be mainly here to eat up the content you post ^^
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@flames-tstuff: I DON'T DESERVE YOU! ❤️❤️ Hehe answering all these messages to me feels like an entire ceremony already 🙈 And thank youuu, those 13k posts and 7k followers were from a total of 7 years of active fic writing on Tumblr though for a ton of various fandoms, I don't deserve too much credit for it ^^
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@kusuguricafe: Thank you for staying with me too 😘
@crazy-as-a-jaybird: *hug* thank youuuu T-T
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@ticklystuff: Thank you so much, will do!! I am reviving my animal crossing island (inspired by you and sezzie🤭)
@fantasizes-tickles-daily: I read about so many heartattacks and feel so sorry hehe, thank you for finding me again and for supporting my new one!^^ I can't believe I even considered not making a new blog. Your blog alone gives me the serotonin I need.
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@intheticklecloset: Thank you for the kind words and support!! T-T I look forward to enjoying the community from the sideline hehe:)
@ppystkposts: All these from anon to blogger stories make me kick my feet in delight! It's a chain reaction, I'm sure you will inspire others to start their blog as well. Your art and kindness most surely will do that^^ thank you for the support!
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@giggly-squiggily: waaa that's so sweet, thank youuuu!*0* I'll remember it!^^
@fanfic-chan: Ahhhh thank youu:D I used to call my blog my happy place and am more than happy to turn this one into that as well. Thank you for your message!
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@tickle-panile, @kiwithelee, @ticklish-sidekick, @mai-mei thank you for your concern*w*!
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Special thanks to @lovelynim and @wertzunge for their instant share of my update, to @ticklygiggles for dealing with the questions about my absence, even the nasty ones. Sigh, I don't like they were rude to you! ah and also, it was Mia's message I woke up to when my blog was gone x) Never forget.
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....and also ofc special speciaaaaal thanks to everyone else who reached out in DMs (I hope I answered you by now but will check soon), and to my dear friends on discord 😘
even though tumblr makes it look like my blog never existed, my evil spirit will live on and I'll keep being annoying 🤣
If I forgot anyone's message I deeply apologize ToT !!!!
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
I’m starting a tag game so hAh take that >:D
Anyways it’s time for some self love sooooo
List your top 3 favorite works (art fics whatever u want)
AND WHY :D gotta make sure to do the why👹no self deprivation here🕺
Feel free to rope anybody else into this chain we gotta self lovo 🤸‍♀️
GHOST! This is so cool oh my goodness! Let's make a chain! >:D
1.) Operation WereTiger: BackFired!: One of my favorite works for Bungo Stray Dogs! It combines all my favorite things: Lee!Dazai, Atsushi's paw hands, collaborating with friends, and absolute mayhem! Nym (@intheticklecloset) is a fabulous writer- and getting an opportunity to collab and befriend her makes this fic extra special in my book ^w^
2.) Girls Night: I adored writing this fic ajlkjarkjeajkrakj It's not often I get the chance to write Shinobu and Mitsuri's friendship, nor do I get the chance much to write something so Muichiro-centric. This fic covered both! :D Getting to write these three having a sleepover and bonding brought me so much joy alejkrakjrekj I just love writing sleepover fics!
3.) Phone Chaos: Lookie, it's our collab! :D I love collabs, can't y'all tell? Alongside that- Spy x Family is one of my favorite anime/manga! The characters are hilariously cute, the story is funny and intense, and I adore these two as a couple so much. Also writing Yor with her face covered in chocolate to go alongside your art with her covered in chocolate is beyond funny alkjrkeakraekrjk
No pressure tags: @rachi-roo, @gladdygirl18, @tklpilled @danibby @otomiya-tickles, @duckymcdoorknob @myreygn @ticklish-n-stuff @intheticklecloset @skribblz @helloitsghost (That's right- I'm tagging you too :P) + Whomever reads this and wants to play! :D
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dokidoki-muffin · 1 year
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I posted 182 times in 2022
That's 182 more posts than 2021! (edit: lololo not shit sherlock.. this blog didn't exist then 🤣🤣🤣👌)
176 posts created (97%)
6 posts reblogged (3%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 182 of my posts in 2022
#dokidoki asks - 135 posts
#tickling - 25 posts
#dokidoki thoughts - 24 posts
#art - 21 posts
#dokidoki spice - 20 posts
#not art - 9 posts
#just text xD - 8 posts
#dokidoki requests - 7 posts
#yoi - 7 posts
#yuri on ice - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 127 characters
#can't decide if this is a ramble or a rant xD but honestly just let people enjoy what they enjoy and get on with it xD ^^;;;;``
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Anyone here who read Neon Sign Amber by Ogeretsu Tanaka at some point? 🙃 It's still one of my favourite BL mangas to this day! I really love how some of her characters are actually canonically ticklish 💖 This here is inspired by *the moment* from the extra chapter 😳🙈 (For some reason I was motivated for more detailed colours this time)
566 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
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I just couldn't leave the other Yuri without tickles >w< How did it come to this? You're free to speculate :P
And yes. I am slowly trying to bring this blog back to life, but I have no plans whatsoever xD So I will just go with the flow ^o^;
618 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
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I had quite a few different asks for Sk8 in my inbox, so I tried to combine more characters into this one 🤭✨ Don't ask me, but whenever I see a bratty squirt like Miya, my brain keeps yelling one single thing: Wreck that little shit!!! 😆🔥😈
703 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
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I had a bit of extra time today and a decent idea 🤭✨ So there we go!! I hope this is what you wanted anon ^^ (Colo is a bit simpler again because otherwise it takes forever! 😅😬)
762 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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"Oh, you're sorry? Maybe I should do this every time you mock my cooking 🤔🙃" . Argh fuck it 😂🙈 I originally wanted to write a fic for this as well but I somewhat lost control over my life in October 😬😆 srsly.. there was just so much going on that I barely had time for anything, soooooo for now here's the art post at least 🙄🤣🙈 Yeah. I hope you enjoy it anyway 🙃🙃🙃
817 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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jujumin-translates · 1 month
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 11 - Pause & Pose
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Citron: 《It seems that there are no problems regarding this matter.》
Personnel: 《Understood. Well then, there is one more thing I’d like to discuss--.》
Personnel: 《Actually, ever since your activities have become more widely known about to the general public, Citronia-sama, interest in foreign culture and arts has been growing.》
Personnel: 《There is a proposal that the country should take this opportunity to invite performances from abroad.》
Citron: 《I think that’s a wonderful idea. I will talk it over with my father.》
Personnel: 《If that’s the case, I will make putting together a rough outline my number one priority.》
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Citron: 《I’ll be keeping an eye out for promising theater companies and other groups on my end.》
Personnel: 《Thank you very much for doing so. I will have a rough outline ready in time for the International Arts Festival, so please wait until then.》
Citron: 《Regarding that… please put the status of my attendance on hold due to scheduling circumstances.》
Personnel: 《Would you like someone else to attend in your place? His Majesty also said that this would be a good opportunity to promote Zahra to places abroad…》
Citron: 《No, if we do participate, I would be the person most suited for it… but I’m currently tied up with some other things. Please just give me some time.》
Personnel: 《Understood.》
Citron: …
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tsuzuru: …Phew.
Masumi: …It’s noon.
Tsuzuru: What are you? Some kinda hourly reporter? Chill, I’ll take a break soon.
*Phone buzzes*
Masumi: …
Tsuzuru: If you know who it is, you should answer right away.
Masumi: I know.
Masumi: …I’m answering a call, so get out.
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Tsuzuru: Huh? I’m supposed to leave?
Masumi: Go.
Tsuzuru: Yeah, yeah, I’m going.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Door closes*
Tsuzuru: (Maybe this is Masumi’s way of getting me to take a break.)
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Tsuzuru: (Guess I could go for a walk after I eat lunch…)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Shop bell rings*
Shop Worker: Welcome. Please take a seat anywhere.
Tsuzuru: …
Syu: Oh, would you look at that, if it ain’t Minagi-sensei.
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Tsuzuru: Huh--.
Tsuzuru: (I never would’ve expected to see Otomiya-san in a coffee shop like this, it’s like seeing an animal in the wrong environment… Like a bar would make sense, but here?)
Syu: I ain’t out drinkin’ all the time, y’know.
Tsuzuru: (Busted…)
Syu: You alone? Come ‘n hang out with me for a bit.
Tsuzuru: Ah, well, if you insist…
Tsuzuru: (He even acts like we’re in a bar.)
Syu: Damn, that Yukio’s really done it again.
Tsuzuru: Huh?
Syu: The Fleur Award.
Syu: This is Yukio we’re talkin’ about, so I bet he’s all “Theater is the best” and “It’s more fun when everyone’s aiming to win the Fleur Award ♪”
Syu: He probably hasn’t even stopped to think about all the people who got caught up in this and now can’t tell left from right in the confusion.
Tsuzuru: Haha…
Tsuzuru: (I’m really starting to feel like I’m one of those people…)
Syu: So, how are things goin’ for you? Figure out what you’re gonna do to win?
Tsuzuru: Ah, we’re thinking of doing sequels for our debut performances…
Syu: You don’t say. That sounds pretty interestin’.
Tsuzuru: It’s just, this is my first time writing a sequel, so I’m having a lot of trouble trying to figure out how to make it work and what kinds of things people are expecting from me. I’ve got a huge weight on my pen, so to speak.
Syu: Why can’t ya just keep doin’ what you’re doin’? Doesn’t the fact that you chose to do sequels to your debut performances show that you’ve got some kinda determination?
Tsuzuru: Well, I mean, I guess so.
Syu: Well, if you’re in need of some more help--.
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Tsuzuru: ?
Syu: …Ever heard of a director named Akazaki?
Tsuzuru: Oh, I have. Isn’t he pretty famous?
Syu: He’s a director and a playwright, and every few years he runs a scriptwriting camp to train the younger generations.
Syu: He’s doin’ it again this year and asked me if I knew of any promising young talent.
Syu: I was actually gonna recommend you, Minagi-sensei, but I decided against it ‘cause I figured you’d be too busy for it.
Tsuzuru: A scriptwriting camp… those actually exist?
Syu: Playwrights who have participated in it in the past have done things like won theater awards overseas and have been selected to work on major dramas, so it’s got a proven track record.
Tsuzuru: I’ve never done anything like that before, so I’m really, really interested.
Tsuzuru: But considering that the results for the first quarter are gonna be announced in three months, I don’t know if I’d have the time for it…
Tsuzuru: (I’m pretty attracted to new challenges, but given the timing, I feel like I’ve gotta hold back on this one.)
Tsuzuru: I’ll definitely want to participate whenever the next one happens.
Syu: Got it. I’ll keep ya posted for when that time comes.
Syu: And like I said before, I think you’re doin’ fine as is, Minagi-sensei.
Syu: If you’re goin’ back to the basics, let your past self teach ya about ‘em within the script for your debut performance.
Syu: Think about what it is you wanna write about. It’s pretty easy to find that sorta thing in your first work.
Syu: Writin’ what you wanna write is one of the upsides to workin’ for a specific theater. This sequel’s somethin’ that only you can create, Minagi-sensei.
Syu: Do what you want whenever ya get the chance. Before it gets to a point where ya wanna read somethin’ but can’t.
Tsuzuru: --.
Tsuzuru: (...Right. He can’t read any more of Hakkaku-san’s sequels.)
Tsuzuru: (And if it weren’t for the changes in the Fleur Award system, we might’ve never brought up the idea of doing sequels to begin with.)
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Tsuzuru: (Blindly clinging to the opportunities put in front of me. That’s how I did things back during RomiJuli.)
Tsuzuru: (Thinking it could’ve been both my first and last chance, I was willing to do anything and everything I possibly could.)
Tsuzuru: (That’s why now, I--.)
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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asordinaryppl · 2 months
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 13: Budding Spring - Episode 11: Pause & Pose
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Citron: << I don’t see anything wrong with this. >>
Staff: << Understood. Also, there is one more thing– >>
Staff: << As Citronia-sama’s activities become more widely known, the interest in foreign arts and culture increases. >>
Staff: << There have been discussions about proposing the invitation of foreign performances. >>
Citron: << That sounds brilliant. Let’s try discussing it with my father. >>
Staff: << I will create an outline as soon as possible, then. >>
Citron: << I will also keep an eye on promising theater companies and the like. >>
Staff: << I appreciate that. I will create an outline in time for the International Arts Festival, so please wait for a while. >>
Citron: << About that… Please put my attendance confirmation on hold due to scheduling reasons. >>
Staff: << Would you like to have someone else go in your stead? His Majesty said this is a good opportunity to promote Zahra overseas… >>
Citron: << No, if we are going to participate, I am the right person for it. I just have some work piled up. Give me some time. >>
Staff: << Understood. >>
Citron: …
[Keyboard keys clicking]
Tsuzuru: … *exhales*
Masumi: … It’s 12.
Tsuzuru: Are you some kinda time announcer? It’s okay. I’ll take a break soon.
[Phone vibrating]
Masumi: …
Tsuzuru: Answer properly if it’s someone you know.
Masumi: I know.
Masumi: … I’m gonna call them back, so leave the room.
Tsuzuru: Eh? You’re making me leave?
Masumi: Hurry.
Tsuzuru: Okay, okay. I got it.
Tsuzuru: (Could he have just been trying to get me to take a break?)
Tsuzuru: (Guess I’ll eat and then go for a walk…)
Clerk: Welcome. You may sit wherever you like.
Tsuzuru: …
Syu: Oh, if it ain't Minagi-sensei.
Tsuzuru: Eh—
Tsuzuru: (Otomiya-san in a café is kinda… Should I say surprising? Should I call it a mismatch? … I’d understand if we were in a bar.)
Syu: It’s not like I only go out to drink, y’know.
Tsuzuru: (He saw right through me…)
Syu: Are you alone? Hang out with me for a bit.
Tsuzuru: I am. Then, excuse me…
Tsuzuru: (He even acts like we’re in a bar.)
Syu: Man, that Yukio’s really done it now.
Tsuzuru: Eh?
Syu: The Fleur Award.
Syu: This is Yukio we’re talking about, so all he’s thinking is probably things like “Theater is the best” and “It’d be fun if everyone could aim for the Fleur Award ♪”
Syu: He hasn’t stopped to think about the people who got caught up in this and are all confused.
Tsuzuru: Haha…
Tsuzuru: (It’s really starting to feel that way…)
Syu: So, how’s it going? Do you have a winning strategy?
Tsuzuru: Ah, we’re thinking of doing sequels to our debut performances…
Syu: Heeeh. That sounds interesting.
Tsuzuru: It’s just, this is my first time writing a sequel. I’m worried about how to plan it and what people are expecting of me. My pen’s feelin’ heavy, so to speak.
Syu: Isn’t the way you always go about it fine? Isn’t that why you chose to make a sequel of your debut?
Tsuzuru: I mean, I guess that’s true.
Syu: Well, if you need some more help— 
Tsuzuru: ?
Syu: … Have you heard of Director Akazaki?
Tsuzuru: Eh, I have. Isn't he pretty famous?
Syu: As a director and a scriptwriter, he holds a scriptwriting camp once every few years to nurture new talents.
Syu: He's holding it again this year, so he asked me if I know any promising young scriptwriters.
Syu: I was thinking of recommending you, but it looks like you’re too busy for it.
Tsuzuru: A scriptwriting camp… Such a thing exists?
Syu: Scriptwriters that participated in the past have won theater awards overseas, and have been selected for major dramas. The record’s good.
Tsuzuru: I’ve never participated in something like that before. I’m really interested.
Tsuzuru: But, considering the results of 1Q will be announced in three months, I think now’s not the time to participate in something like that…
Tsuzuru: (It’s a tempting new challenge, but given the timing, I don’t think I can accept it.)
Tsuzuru: If there’s a next time, I’d definitely want to participate.
Syu: Got it. I’ll let you know when that time comes.
Syu: As I said before, it’s fine if you stay the way you are, Minagi-sensei.
Syu: If you’re going back to the start, you should ask your past self to teach you about your debut script.
Syu: What do you want to write? That’s the kind of thing that’d appear most clearly in your first work.
Syu: Writing what you want to write’s one of the better parts of working for a particular theater. This sequel is something no one other than you can put out.
Syu: If you get the chance to do what you want, you should take it. Before it gets to a point where you can’t do anything at all, that is.
Tsuzuru: — —
Tsuzuru: (That’s true. He can’t read Hakkaku-san’s sequels anymore.)
Tsuzuru: (And if the rules for the Fleur Award hadn’t changed, we might’ve never brought up the talk of sequels.)
Tsuzuru: (That’s how it was with the original RomiJuli. I just blindly clung to the opportunity given to me.)
Tsuzuru: (Thinking this might be my first and last chance, I was willing to do everything I could.)
Tsuzuru: (Then, now too—)
previous episode | masterpost | next episode
(1) the episode title is two words written in the same way (ポーズ) but denoted just slightly differently, i went with pause and pose by ear
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About Me and the Blog
I am a 1st year college student pursuing a Bachelor's in Aerospace Engineering. If I don't post in a while, you know why. But, I'll definitely post something in advance or an update whenever I have the time. I love tickling and I am 90% lee 🫠. Interestingly, I have never been tickled before but have always been yearning for it since I learned about it. I usually satisfy my craving by reading fanfics and looking at art which at times gives me the ticklish tingles if you know what I mean ;) 
This brings me over to why I started this blog. I have been thinking of starting a tickle blog for a while now. Around 5-6 years ago. I wanted to write and join the tickle community that has always been bringing me happiness throughout my life. It's the joy, laughter, and connections that I feel when I read a fanfic or see an art piece. The Tumblr Tickle Community has a special place in my heart and I want to be a part of it. 
My main inspiration and love for tickling comes from otomiya-tickles, now known as otomiyaa. Her blog has been a huge influence and one notable post she made back then when I was still exploring the community was key in making me start a tickle blog. Screenshot below 👇
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Her post was a sense of relief knowing that there are other people like me that are hiding their interest in tickling. I wanted to break out of my shell since then and here I am now, proudly starting a tickle blog :) I'm not alone and there is a whole community that I can be in without being judged because we have something in common, tickling. 
I want to also thank all the tickle blogs whom I've liked the content of over the years and how much your content means to me. I have read fanfics or saw artwork of a series and enjoyed it and wanted to watch the series. Avatar the Last Airbender and Dr. Stone, as examples. 
A special thanks to you, the reader, for taking the time to read this and understand me and the blog a bit better. This all came from the top of my head and was a lot of information. I can't wait to make content for you all and see what else the community has in store!
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yukiko-otomiya · 11 months
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odaibadivisio · 2 years
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sleepysheepytea · 2 years
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I posted 620 times in 2022
That's 235 more posts than 2021!
537 posts created (87%)
83 posts reblogged (13%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 487 of my posts in 2022
Only 21% of my posts had no tags
#tickle art - 148 posts
#everyone here is so sweet help - 89 posts
#fluffy's ocs - 65 posts
#spam - 53 posts
#reblog - 43 posts
#go back to sleep fluffy - 34 posts
#tickletober - 32 posts
#tickletober2022 - 31 posts
#sfwtickletober2022 - 30 posts
#other's art - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 109 characters
#the idea literally woke me up last night and i had to quickly write it down on my phone before i lost it fsjk
My Top Posts in 2022:
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do i care that i probably got their outfits wrong? no.
473 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
another oc comic ehehehheheheee
with different ocs tho :p
i hope u all like it!
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See the full post
482 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
more bc this has been the only thing keeping me calm jadkjfhj
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508 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
i need to stop i know hsjdshkf but aaa
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653 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i has done it EHEHEHEHE
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668 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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xsezzie · 7 months
Profile Tag Game
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Hello: My name is Sezzie, I know I can be rather blunt and robotic at times, but I promise you I don’t wish to intentionally hurt you. I am always open to having a chat whether it be in my DMs or through asks.
Chat: Tickling - Of course I like tickling, no shame in that. It’s completely normal… some people get flustered by it? Oh well, those people are the cutest~ Hm? You aren't cute? Well, I guess someone will need some tickles to convince them otherwise!
Chat: Identity - I wonder who I was yesterday, who I’ll be today, and what I’ll be tomorrow… I wish I knew who I was.
Chat: Masking - That thing I just did now, it was incorrect. I will be sure to act correctly in accordance with societal norms next time. If I do not act correctly then others will become disgusted or angry... Just as I would if you were to do the same.
When It Rains: Ugh, this would be nicer if it was at night time…
After the Rain: Everything either looks really clean or really dirty depending on the area… oh look, the birds are coming back out.
When Thunder Strikes: Ah… so relaxing.
When It Snows: What’s that?
When the Sun Is Out: Everything is as it should be…
When the Wind is Blowing: Ugh, my hair is messed up now…  
Good Morning: Get up already, the world is perfect at this hour. The bad people don’t come out until later so it’s best to enjoy it while it lasts! 
Good Afternoon: So hungry… must do my best to not eat a big meal…
Good Evening: Better get inside… they will be coming out soon.
Good Night: The optimal sleeping hours for those who suffer from depression are 10pm to 5am. Setting yourself a strict bed time will do wonders for your mental health, so hurry along, time for sleep.
About Sezzie: Alphabet - A fellow neurodivergent coworker taught me to think of all my disorders as “my alphabet”… so my alphabet currently is GAD, MDD and BPD… with ASD and ADHD in the process of being diagnosed.
About Sezzie: Writing - I actually hate that I’m the writer in the family and cannot physically draw. But, having a high literacy IQ certainly comes in handy when I’m creating. I’m glad people are able to feel my writing when I put the effort into it.
Something to Share: Name - My real name means “princess” apparently… I hope I don’t come off as one.
Interesting Things: Senses - Ah I love exploring sensory things. Honestly, I believe that feeling sensory pleasure is very soothing and not always supposed to be NSFW as most see it.
Sezzie’s Hobbies: Each of my personalities seems to have different hobbies, but if had to take a guess on the true me… writing, worldbuilding, and video games would be on top! I do also enjoy learning new things and gardening.
Sezzie’s Troubles: My existence troubles me… too dark? Well, deal with it. Life isn’t sunshine and rainbows, and I’m tired of coddling the special ones.
Favourite Food: I do not have the ability to have a favourite food due to my sensory eating issues… my addictions and interests change constantly. Ah but if there is one I’ll always come back to… Chicken Kievs hehe
Least Favourite Food: All of them! I like the art of food but eating? Bleh. I wish we didn’t have to.
About @otomiyaa: Ahhh she is my idol! I have been following her for years.. and only recently got the courage to begin talking to her more. I get nervous and think I come off as some weird fan that thinks they are friends with their idols. Forgive me Otomiya-SAMA!!
About @ticklystuff: He is the first person I began talking to when I joined the community. I feel like I owe him something for all the kindness and chats we have had together. I wish I could talk more often about hot MEN with him hehe
About @ticklish-n-stuff: Sakura-chan is one of the few people I can let my guard down and show my more "embarrassing" or "fangirl" sides to when it comes to characters I like. I am grateful to have her in my life. She also gushes about MEN with me and we have a blast discussing tickling.
About @nataliewritez: Nat is my adorable little sister and is a joy to chat to about anything. I can't believe we have known each other for nearly 2 years already!
About @fanfic-chan: Dessie is so adorable and such a comfy person to be around! Also the biggest lee ever hehe
About @ticklygiggles: Little does she know how cute she is. Perhaps I should go tease her sometime soon...
Tagging @fanfic-chan @nataliewritez @ticklish-n-stuff @ticklystuff @italeean @thatonetickleblog @anzynai @stopiteatpopcorn
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feathergil · 8 months
Hey... uuhm there's one thing I wanted to ask. You probably know lovelynim bc I saw them posting your art, so today I checked their blog and they turned out to be deactivated. Same thing happened to otomiya tickles not long ago. I know they were friends with vqler and supported him so could that be you and your friends reporting them? You made several people leave tumblr before so I wanna know for sure what's going on
i have nothing to do with those people. i’ve never talked about them or reported them because they’ve never done anything wrong?? 😭
so yeah. i have no idea whats going on but literally none of it has anything to do with me lmao
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