#or maybe you think i'm an rp blog..... which... clearly not
klinejack · 2 years
What acting are you doing now then Jack?
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
Reading Viv's callout post for DollCreep is kinda frustrating tbh. I wasn't there and none of us know exactly what the dynamic was like but that's why evidence is provided in these callout posts. To convince us that DollCreep is really bad. but.. the evidence provided isn't really on her side?
DC doesn't seem nice, exactly, but I'm not really feeling a lot of malicious intent? Not in the messages where they have normal-ish conversations and when their friendship still kinda existed? I'm not feeling much actual intent on abuse? I've been through some pretty nasty abusive relationships and I can understand being sensitive sometimes and needing a little more assurance but I don't think I'm comfortable calling DC totally abusive? Not without more evidence.
DC has an obsession with copying which isn't healthy. I dunno if I agree with him that the Viv ocs are copies but that also is more of an issue on his part rather than an intent on abusing Viv. I feel like there's gotta be more to that story.
Some of the messages seems more like critique than anything. The whole "those teeth look weird in your style" posts are more critique than abuse. It's not a nice way of phrasing it but DC doesn't seem delicate in general? His language is casual-harsh from the messages. Not horribly cruel? Maybe?
DC seems kind of exhausted with Viv saying the relationship wasn't healthy. To be honest it's probably not a healthy relationship and these two should've just stopped talking a long time ago. When DC does cut Viv off it seemed like it had been a long time coming. I've had to do something similar in my own life. Just sometimes on a certain day you chose to do it. It's not always because of a big blowout it can just be exhaustion. and if panic attacks were happening on the regular then it's not a bad thing they cut each other out.
DC gave Jiji to Viv as something of a peace offering. and in that message in particular (not underlined by Viv) Doll mentions that the copying obsession and character credit issue IS a personal problem that they're trying to work through. Something that isn't acknowledged in the rest of the callout. Viv obviously knows he has an issue with this subject and I feel like she could've spared a little more grace in acknowledging this is a personal problem for him. It's wrong for him to feel that way but it's clearly not just a 'DC is an asshole' situation. It's a mental issue. A hangup. A really nasty and unhealthy mental hangup.
His Afkinz stuff about Viv saying 'It's my story' in her underlined bits.. She bought Afkinz from DC. It seems like he's offering his own thoughts based on the character concept he created. He's not demanding anything just saying what he would've done with the character concept he created? Again, not in a NICE way but still.
I understand why Viv would remove part of DC's credit in Die Young but I still think she shouldn't have. She was angry at him but it doesn't change that it was a bad decision. In the art world credit is more highly valued than it is anywhere else and 'special thanks' doesn't mean much in comparison to a design credit.
Some of the parts towards the end are a bit.. weird. I dunno why she put up the original Jiji art mixed with rp logs to.. make fun of Jiji? The character made by DC was obviously a parody of scene girls.. not a real serious character. So it seems strange to say "wow so smart and original". She wasn't a character used in a real project so..
She's calling DC a stalker for just.. visiting her blog? I don't think that's terribly unusual? and Viv rants and talks about DC about as much as he did her? So.. I think they were both being annoying about all of this.
He made a crappy drawing of Viv.. but Viv made Jojo. So.. According to the writing under the drawing this was made AFTER Viv made Jojo. So.. I don't understand why she's shocked when she did the same thing first? and the 'dislikes' part is pretty.. concerning.
I really feel uncomfortable with Viv pointing out DC's characters that do 'extremely disturbing' things. Why even put this here? It adds nothing to the allegations and serves to shame DC. Especially when Viv does the same thing in romanticizing abusive relationships. Which.. I personally don't think is always wrong in every circumstance. and I know Viv doesn't see that as wrong either considering her OWN characters. So the only reason she put it there is to shame DC.
All in all. Pretty wild? I do think DC was a bad friend and they had a very toxic relationship but.. This is also something that should've been handled privately? Callouts really only need to happen if there's a clear and present danger to the general public. Nothing DC did was a danger to anyone but him and Viv. They should've went their separate ways and never spoken about each other again.
Instead this happened. Making it public was such a horrible idea and did nothing positive at all. It COULD NOT have had a positive outcome.
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I think that's my takeaway from the whole thing too. DollCreep was no saint and they seem like they were both bad for each other, but from what we've heard of DollCreep, they seem to have disappeared, grown up, and become a better person. Vivzie hasn't.
Also, Dollcreep made a crappy drawing of Viv. Viv made a transphobic caricature of Dollcreep. Viv, you don't get a checkmark on that one.
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bewitched-bullet · 2 months
You won't reply to me but I have to say something as well. They deleted their posts because followers (I'm one of them) explicitly asked them to delete them. You can check his blog to see.
I honestly feel you are creating so much hatred out of nothing. I am even afraid to show you my identity, knowing you will come after me if I do. Only because I have a different perspective on it all.
Didn't this whole discussion start with the supposed toxicity of the Sherlock mod? Who was trying to prevent an RPer from leaving? That's precisely what he did to John, according to John's posts on his blog (you have to read between the lines), perhaps to Mycroft even (dunno for sure). But who knows for sure they did? Isn't it logically that you beg someone not to leave because you want to continue what you're doing?
I saw the last post on the John blog and was quite moved. He always sounds like a very reasonable guy, unlike Sherlock, unlike you guys on here. Sorry.
So, we ask you to stop this crusade. I will also ask my friends to send you a message just in case. Stop it. You are hurting people who don't deserve it.
*le sigh*
I'm afraid you haven't been actually paying attention if you think I can see his blog. After our conversation in a comment section, the John mod blocked me. Which I posted about.
If you have read all my posts, etc you would see that I've answered every single ask except two. Even the spicy ones sent by Harriet mod as themselves and as anon and the 3 by the Mycroft/John mod as anonymous. Even, when John sent basically the same message 3 times (my inbox, ask, and tagging me (as John) ((which can be considered harassment)), I never "came after" them. Not like they have for most of the other mods, including ones OUTSIDE of their rp group.
Isn't. That. Interesting.
So, no, I'm not going to "come after" you for being polite and expressing yourself.
Now on to the good stuff.
So the John mod will flip-flop on what they strongly believe, on a whim, for a stranger.
Take note on that.
Looks like you are referencing the post Dump made? Allow me to remind you (which isn't my responsibility btw) what you are talking about if you are. Dump said that (paraphrasing):
"...consult-sherlock begged me to stay. They all contributed to my decision to block JOHN, SHERLOCK, AND MORIARTY."
If you want the exact verbiage, go look for it. It's in the tag "a scandal in tumblr".
We don't know the nature of the begging. And we can't ask the source because they specifically said to LEAVE THEM ALONE. Begging, is not inherently wrong? Not sure what you're insinuating here. Maybe you are assuming how they were begging was wrong? If you have any insider information on this I would very much be interested.
If you call avoidance, deflection, refusing to break character on a concerning issue (referring to when this was just about the fishy miscommunication) as "Reading between the lines", that's a personal problem for you. All that I mentioned in this paragraph are all red flags. Very red. On fire, red. And no one can help you see these till you're ready. That's why so many people stay with OBVIOUSLY (and sometimes not so publicly obvious) awful partners that mistreat them, why we excuse our (our as in as whole, not saying you and me specifically) abusive parents behavior, or side with an abusive government(s) that sanctions genocide.
As for being reasonable...I am reasonable. Till I'm not. I will never be reasonable to bullying/abuse. Especially when it involves little kids and old people. I will go fucking feral. And with this situation, after the pretzels John clearly twisted himself into, the PUBLIC harassment of Greg, yeah, for sure, I'm more in my feels in this. That being said, I haven't lost all rational thought. Cuz these are grown adults that are involved and feral me isn't needed.
I can easily adjust my stance on a situation don't have all information on. Because I'm intelligent like that.
Remember the Amber Heard case?
Thankfully, I could wait till a public court case to see all the evidence presented in an organized manner to make my judgements.
(cuz it's fucking hilarious)
However, so many people were upset at being "wrong". Ooooor they doubled down in their previous beliefs DESPITE the clear evidence. Its ok to change your views as new information and actual facts come out.
This is called critical thinking. (Side note: they were both abusive to each other but it's clear who "started" it. Reactive abuse it still abuse though, y'all. And if you see this in yourself, recognize it, get help, and you can improve. I believe that all people can become better versions of themselves...but that's because I can't squash the optimism that lives deep down inside me)
I'll keep this simple: there's no crusade. Just presentation of evidence, my knowledge, conclusions, and feels.
I'm rather allergic to holy wars that justify murder and genocide.
Oh? You're going to ask your friends to message me to stop? You mean you're gonna recruit people to try and bully me into submission? Gonna harass me if I don't do what you want? Gonna jumpstart your own foray into abuse?
Be careful, it's a slippery slope. And once you start sliding down it, it's incredibly hard to claw your way back up.
Side note: I'm not going to be anyone's brain, legs, fingers. All of you can think for yourselves, can find the info yourselves, and type things in yourselves. The information is there. Stop being lazy if you actually want to know
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wonderful-balan · 8 hours
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I don't understand you. I really don't. Why wouldn't you actively seek to make change after you scared your own friend out of a fandom they went into hoping to interact with you? I apologize, I don't know what they identify as so I'm using they. They were so excited and you posted an entire guilt-tripping essay about how no one interacts with you. You're still posting them. You've been posting them. That's why no one interacts with you. We don't want to interact with someone who's willing to emotionally manipulate like that. We just want to have fun. I'm sorry about your grandma, I really am. I hope you find peace and healing with time, but you've been doing this long before recently. We scrolled through your blog. We looked at the other ones to get an idea of how you rp. You've been through a lot. You have a lot of raw nerves. I don't think rping is a good space for you right now. I think you're hurting yourself and the people around you. That isn't fair to you. It isn't fair to them. I know this will upset you and I am sorry for that. I feel like someone needs to gently say something at this point after what happened with that nice Paimon rper. I hope they come back and I hope you do too some day when you're in a better place. Maybe we can be friends then. Maybe we can rp then.
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Okay, so I do wanna address a few things. I'm not particularly upset, Im more taking this as you being upset you cannot rp with Vinny?
Vinny Uses he/they. (Below Vinny commentary)
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he was recently hospitalized because he had a medical crisis that resulted in him coughing up blood. You can ask him at @reviviscencegruiform about it. I did talk to him in private about my feelings. I'll be honest, please do not tell me what's best for me. Vinny took a step back for a few reasons, we have already discussed. Vinny is like a grown-ass adult. Vinny is fine, he is my friend if I was to upset him in any way. Trust me he would tell me. Trust me He would.
I'm not entirely comfortable disclosing my mental health online but to be transparent, I'm just on an emotional rollercoaster. I think I'm doing fine, then I'm not! If you want a laundry list of what's wrong with me to have a better understanding of someone you've never talked to properly:
I am bipolar! Straight up, 99% of my problems rn. Especially since I am grieving! I have schizophrenia! I don't even know where to begin with that, so I won't. I am Autistic and have ADD/ADHD.
Also, a lot of my general discontent with 0 activity/interaction isn't like from anyone following me? 100% it's me projecting that I'm sad that my best friend jack isn't doing well, and we don't talk every day like we did. I'm sad! And so I turn to my like... coping mechanism which is btw usually RP! Lately, i have been feeling dissatisfied with it, not sure why but Im sure it has something to do with being severely depressed.
I do not appreciate you trying to "break it to me." If Vinny @hootfather/@rance-ed has an issue with me, he will tell me.
If you take someone going through an emotional crisis as emotional manipulation, I pity the people you are friends with. You are not seeing the background of what's happening in my life or with my friends. So what little trickles on my blog in this turbulent time in my life is currently just a fraction of what im dealing with.
I am currently not doing well, and I won't be for a long time, I don't know when things will settle for me, but if my friends ever get tired of dealing with the emotional chaos that comes from being friends with me, they will let me know.
I do not want you to interact with me, you are clearly putting yourself on a higher ground than me. I don't appreciate it. I appreciate people who are patient with me and the moments I am not well.
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This isn't all of it a lot of this goes back to at least the first of this month?
Do not assume things about me. I am not doing well, usually, I'm like pretty okay? However life is falling apart around me, and the LITTLE control I have right now is my rp blogs.
If people do not want to interact with me because of my currently poor mental health. I understand, however, do not frame my instability AS anything other than just being that. Do not act like from a few cursory glances at my blogs that you know me.
Do not act like you know my friends and I's relationships based on a few interactions on the internet.
Also I don't want to be your friend, lmao! This was like kinda fucked up thing!
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reginrokkr · 1 year
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Under cut I'll talk about something serious that shouldn't be taken as a joke in light of what has occurred in the recent days. If you don't want to read, you can skip this without worries. This is just a small warning before any of you peeps interested proceed reading:
These past days haven't been the easiest to me. While I wasn't affected by the person in question in the slightest (luckily for me, I have a good eye for these things and that person didn't inspire much trust with what little I've seen at the time), some things I've seen awakened memories of a bad period I've gone through in this platform also because of another person. Because yes, even if I think I'm doing a good job in keeping myself away from people that I feel like are more prone to be involved in these things based on observations of mine, these things come to my attention sooner or later. In my case it was a couple of days later.
I understand that this must've felt like some kind of relief from others who didn't dare to speak up their experiences for multiple reasons, good for them. I'm happy for them if this will make them feel safer. But at the same time this was like opening Pandora's box in the sense of bringing to light something that is messed up. This something is what made me feel unsafe on this platform as soon as I read the callout and what keeps making me feel unsafe, which is this "stalking". In view of the methods people have to see the IP alongside other sensible information from the users, there is this fear about how anyone is a potential stalker when that might not even be the case. Just for viewing their blog. As someone who doesn't follow many people, I have the tendency to peek in my mutuals' notes sometimes to see if there is a new blog maybe I haven't seen before that could be a potential interest to follow, but now it feels like that isn't an option for me any longer in case I come across a person who is too aware of the traffic on their blog.
Putting my own experience aside and thoughts as well as how I'll operate from now on and what not, I do want to say something important. If you're someone who states clearly in their blog that you don't condone callout culture and that you won't partake in it, then don't. I've seen people admitting in their own tags to breaking their own rule to this in order to reblog the most recent one and that feels unsafe too to people who want to just enjoy themselves in this platform (RPing in my case). Now it's hard not to be skeptical every time yes, people say that they won't participate only for them to not only participate, but make more posts about it later on. By this I'm not saying to not do it, just that you're transparent from the beginning so some of us know what to expect. Anyone could say that it would be as easy as to curate my space to not be exposed to this, but let me tell you. The amount of people I follow is very little at the detriment of having lower chances to RP with people. I cannot curate my space more than I already have. The next step would be to leaving permanently and I don't want to do that, as there are people worth staying here for and I adore this hobby. This is my last resort to do something which might or might not resonate with other people also. Please be considerate of those of us who want nothing to do with any of this. This website is uninviting in many aspects as it is, let's not fuel it more with these messed up instances to make it unsafe at that.
If you reached this far, thank you for reading and sorry for this rambling. I really needed to take it off my chest.
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theangryjikooker · 1 year
I just recently found out ur blog and i tried to read most of the answers to understand ur view point on jikook..but i got confused about u. I mean the name of ur blog is something like u r definitely a believer in jikook but on the other side u r so chill that u didn't even defend them as a couple when ur anons bring some negative points. Angry jikooker....but u behave like u don't give a damn. U even agrees with them on the things which are sometimes against jikook. And m not saying it's a bad thing bcz it's in fact good that at least u behave logically and not someone like a blind shipper. But i got confused bcz ur blog name shows like u r a hard core shipper or supporter of them but maybe that's not the case??? So i just wanted to ask u as a new follower of urs...what u actually think about them??? And how much do u believe in them as a couple?? And do u also think like jk sometimes just use jimin bcz he sometimes behaves same with tae too??? What are ur thoughts exactly!!! M new here so pls if u can explain to me as a little about urself...thn thankyou.
"I mean the name of ur blog is something like u r definitely a believer in jikook [...] But i got confused bcz ur blog name shows like u r a hard core shipper or supporter of them but maybe that's not the case???" Incredibly presumptuous of you–to assume that every Jkkr is a committed believer in the dating narrative. I enjoy their dynamic–why is that not enough? What is so difficult to grasp about someone who doesn't want to cross further lines that the very nature of RPS inherently does already? Their bond resonates with me, full stop. I don't know why it matters to you or anyone else why I'm not arming myself with the full Jikook bible and defending it with my life.
"but on the other side u r so chill that u didn't even defend them as a couple when ur anons bring some negative points." What's negative? That people are sharing information that the members might be dating other people? That they're sharing information that insinuates Jikook might not be dating at all? That they're sharing information that the members might be dating/messing around with women? I make it a point to never fully agree with people who are sharing information based on word-of-mouth, but I am perfectly capable of compartmentalizing well enough that they're all rational possibilities. I don't know that Jikook are dating, and I also don't know that they're not. I can only go by what we concretely know about them, but what we do already know is only the tip of the iceberg. Many shippers choose to explore what's below the surface; I do not, on principle, unless they voluntarily share more of themselves with us. What's so difficult to understand about this?
"Angry jikooker....but u behave like u don't give a damn." The very origins of TAJ began because toxic Jkkrs were ruining my vibe and being shitty, hypocritical, and verbally abusive–among other things, including being brazen enough to DM me death threats all because I don't think like other supporters do. So yeah, Angry Jikooker about sums it up. Clearly, not all Jkkrs are like this, but my experience with toxic zealots pushed me to carve out this space for myself. If being neutral means I don't give a damn, then yeah, I don't. If you don't like it, go somewhere else. I'm not forcing anyone to read my ramblings. Scroll past my posts, block me–IDGAF.
"what u actually think about them??? And how much do u believe in them as a couple?? What are ur thoughts exactly!!!" They're adorable and occasionally partake in questionable behavior that's worth a second look. I don't think they're a couple, but I also couldn't say that they aren't for sure. I think there's been some recognition of attraction and natural flirtation as a result, but that's the extent of it that I'm willing to entertain.
"And do u also think like jk sometimes just use jimin bcz he sometimes behaves same with tae too???" So wait, you mean to tell me you clearly have all these issues with me respecting Jikook as individuals and their private lives by not overspeculating, but you saying shit like this is okay? Make it make sense.
Honestly, this submission was a little troll-y, but there were some points made that I see often enough that it was worth addressing.
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earl-grey-love · 2 years
Excuse me this little discussion about what's on my mind. It is relevant to my blog but it's also personal. No content warnings needed. (skip to "long story short" if you want the tldr)
So ever since I started college in January, my ability to be creative went like 📉. Now I get by on basically the bare minimum which is the rare RP or rambled discussion about SIs, plots or developments (mostly in private). This has shown on my blog. I made hardly any meaningful posts about my ships, SIs or F/Os, aside from small stuff like how I wanna snuggle or lil tag rambles about how pretty they are. These are fine, wonderful in fact, but they don't really do much for me. They don't make me feel happy or satisfied.
I've kinda just been feeding off these tidbits for months and months. Heck, there was even a time where I didnt even talk in the tags (really out of character). Due to this I've essentially lost all the spark and passion I had for self shipping. Which is strange because my feelings for my f/os remain as strong as they have always been.
The lack of this spark has made me feel like I should just pack in my blog and move on. And yes, I did try that. But that only made me depressed. It clearly wasn't the answer. So I kinda sat with this "I wanna be here but idk what I'm doing here" feeling for a long time since.
Coupled with this is the feeling that I need to create ship content. I should be writing fics. I should be making moodboards. I should be posting detailed lore/themes/ideas/plots about my ships. I should be making time for my f/os even though I'm exhausted.
I've cried about it actually. It's so frustrating because I know I don't have to make those things to properly love my f/os, but the fact is I really want to make that kind of content. I want to do all those things and more. Yet I've struggled with the fact that I can't because after college and assignments, and social/family time and adult responsibilities, I have basically no energy left. Especially since I'm disabled too and that's a whole ton of energy expended trying to maintain my additional needs too. The only "spare" time I've really had for self shipping is either during self-care moments or right before I go to sleep or get up in the morning. It sucks.
(especially since my f/os help me cope)
I thought I was okay with this. Like it was some small thing that sucked but I could learn to live with. But something changed. I made that stardew profile. It was the first time in a really, really long time where I actually made something purely for myself. And God it felt good. It made me realise how important making things is for me. I need to create to be happy. It's not something I can really go without. I mean I can, but I'll be fucking miserable.
After that I had the spark again. The desire to create and share. I've been coming up with all kinds of stuff that I'd stopped thinking about. Like yesterday in the shower I made up this whole angel themed magical girl purely for fun. Then I wanted to draw her but I didn't have time. I was okay with that though because I had created her anyway and it was fun. I had stopped doing things for fun. I had fallen into the capitalist mindset of productivity. But no more.
Long story short, I really want to create again. I don't have the time or the energy I used to have, so I need to adapt to that. Make smaller but no less special things. Talk about the stuff I usually think isn't worth talking about, like my idea for that stardew character. Maybe I go nowhere with it or nobody cares for it, but at least I have fun.
On top of this I'm also trying to figure out if I actually want to continue academics into University (sociology) or dedicate my life to what I always valued most, art (creative writing degree). Creative writing was my original plan but I thought doing it for a career or studies would sap the passion out of it. Instead I learnt that not being creative saps the passion out of me.
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Op of the other post, sorry I can’t link the number I’m on mobile: I literally never said people couldn’t go on hiatus, etc. I specified in my ask that unless there was some reason for a thread to last six months continually, without break, I wouldn’t like to write one as I think, I, and most other people who consider themselves veteran rpers, would have been able to bring our plot for that thread to completion before six months. This is all under the assumption that the responder by their own admission is struggling to keep rp partners and is frustrated and embittered by blog hoppers and writers who are not consistent because they blame these types of writers for their failure to find suitable writers. It wouldn’t be unfair to assume maybe expecting a thread to go on for six months continually could be off putting to many writers, regardless to their activity level. This is not involving anyone who is having a great time writing a thread and adding new elements to it continually for six months. That’s really great and each to their own but the responder clearly said that was not the case, which is why they're complaining they can't find “long term” partners. I tied to take into account all the variables and obviously if you’re waiting for more than six months for a reply that never comes, the other writer is clearly not interested in the thread. Hiatuses are understandable and I’m sure it was obvious my reply was not talking about people who are on hiatus and therefore can only manage one or two replies every month. I once had a thread on hold for nearly a year due to sickness and hospital so that is an aspect I understand. Please invest in some reading comprehension. This entire debate would not be going on if not for the astounding lack of it the followers of this blog are showing. And I really have to think if it’s not highly negative attitudes and unnecessary snark / aggression / bitterness toward other muns that is keeping you from getting the roleplay partners and stability in rp you’re all lamenting you cannot find, maybe it’s the fact your reading comprehension and commutation skills are at preschool level. At this point some of you even feel like you’re gaslighting by going off on tangents about things no one actually said or only with half the persons response on the table. It’s ugly and exhausting and yes I’m pretty sure I know why you guys are struggling to find long term rp partners. If you don't like group rps and you can't get rp in the indie scene which means all your revenues are exhausted, maybe you need to try another website. There's no other advice anyone could give you to try help your situation. Stop ignoring and twisting anything anyone says that doesn’t serve your personal narrative. And lastly if you're someone who wants to write a thread for six months continually I'm very happy for you and maybe you need to reach out to the responder so you can write together.
In response to the conversation about this submission.
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malaky-nightm4r3 · 3 years
Not Nightmare (mr goopy asshole) but Night.
Well first off you don't gotta clarify since I literally write Night on this blog and in rps
This should be fun
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Pretty much everything, I love this tiny man so much, I'd do anything for him
Just that he suffers, wish I could help that without breaking logic in overcoming trauma so that's why After Effect exists, both the boys getting help-
Finding my favourite line requires rereading a entire rp event and I don't have time for that today, plus I don't have a comic to reference yet dbsjdkfkggmss jeez Chai get on that, make a comic already
Gotta be Night and Color, recently explored. They met through Killer. Cross and Night friendship is cute too, wish more people focused on just keeping them friends fdssdjdffbsm
(Uncorrupted, and if I had to clarify you have no sense of context, I'm sorry)
There's a few, but I won't name them
At this point I'm not sure how to describe headcanons when I'm describing the Post-Corruption Night from my alternative multiverse timeline, without stating everything I've written for him.
Squishy cheeks even if they're bones I just consider them squishy, they're huge dude, so cute
This song, Nightmare by Set it Off (Which also can match Killer if you think about it :P), I can explain why it matches. Night blames himself for everything, blames Nightmare's existence on himself, because he thinks that he did infact create him in a way. The song is more how he views it, rather than the truth of the situation
What if I told you I barely have images of Night on my phone, I scrolled for 15 minutes and found no good ones I'm allowed to use, only Killer. Just so much of Killer. God, so much Killer.
Maybe I should do Nightmare too sometime 👀
Nightmare and uncorrupted Night belong to jokublog
After Effect Night (the one I used in the answer) is from an Alternate Multiverse Timeline by me! (one where, clearly, Night gets brought back)
Killer cuz I mentioned him so much is by rahafwabas
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rpbetter · 3 years
You make some really good posts!! Can I ask something about DNIs? I know it's not directly RP-related, but I have trouble as an RPer with how many DNIs, with urls, there are now. I try not to interact with muns who have them, I block them, because it feels manipulative? But I'm also tempted to block people who follow those muns, because they probably think their DNIs are okay to have, so they're still "bad", just not as bad? Do you think that's overkill, am I shooting myself in the foot?
Oh, thank you! I'm very happy you've enjoyed them!
And, of course, ask anything at all!
I think, ultimately, the answer to whether that's overkill is entirely dependent on what your experience is and if you're happy with it. I don't think it is overkill at all, but if you feel like it is costing you too many mutuals, it might be overkill for you.
I'm a pretty insular RPer, I like a handful of close writing partners that I write a lot of threads with, so, having something like, under ten writing partners is great for me while it's miserable for other muns. I can go wild on blocking and not have it negatively impact my enjoyment, but I know that's not the case for everyone!
And I do, actually, I do go pretty wild with the blocking when it comes to things like DNIs. If it comes off as policing to me, not just something like a difference of opinion or a strong opinion on something, I'm going to block. Otherwise, it's just recognizing that this isn't a mun I'm going to work out with, but no hard feelings. With policing though...I don't want that anywhere near me or my mutuals, so, it's going to be a block.
Because they do tend to be in these odd, like, nested situations lol I totally will spend the effort if their DNI is bad enough to look at the muns they interact with and make sure I don't have future contact with them either. The RPC is such a big place, making it easier to forget URLs than to remember them, but it's also a place where we establish circles of contact, making it easier to run into the same group repeatedly. I feel like it's better for my peace of mind to be a little more certain than not at all that this isn't going to happen as easily.
If that DNI etc. has been so awful, I definitely don't require their mutuals professing the same beliefs as loudly as they are. If you interact with someone, maybe you don't know their pet fish's name or the obscure lore in a headcanon they posted five years ago or the rule they updated without telling anyone, but you do know what is on their pinned post or blog description or rules. At some point, we all visit each other's blogs in dash-view if nothing else when we're getting replies or checking for memes they might have posted, going through their tags, whatever. I do not believe that you're mutuals who reblog from each other often, reply frequently to each other, ship each other's muses and so forth, and all this time, you've somehow failed to notice your bestie mun is telling proshippers to die in their DNI lmao
No, you've seen it. And I find it extremely hard to believe, too, that it's never come up in conversation OOC either.
So, this hypothetical mutual is so oblivious to others, completely agrees with the other one's views while not feeling confident enough to share them publicly, or is scared enough of the other one that they won't disagree...and no matter which/which combination that might be, they're not a mutual I want.
Especially when it comes to a DNI with someone's URL in it. Hard pass on anyone who is okay with that!
If I visited a writing partner's blog, let's say this person is also my closest friend, I value them and the threads I have with them so much, and I saw that in their DNI they had dropped someone's URL? We would have to talk. I'd have to bring it up because it's the right thing to do (and would also be highly out of character for any of my friends, thus very concerning). There would have to be a question posed about what happened here, why did you feel like this was a good choice, and do you think it's increasing or lessening the problem to have that there?
Honestly, sometimes people do get so upset about something that has happened that their worst impulses are let loose freely. When you ask someone you have an established relationship with about that, unless you're being really hateful about it right off, it can help them settle down, take a step back, and see that this is maybe not the right action to take. To me, silence says you're okay with it.
When muns started putting more elaborate DNI's in, that alone rubbed me the wrong way because I genuinely do not think that the majority of that information is at all necessary. It's something I can see and fully understand minors doing, not because they're terrible or anything but because the impulses and rationale are just different. You're very much geared to be as loud as possible about things that are important to you, making them a part of you in a huge way, as a teenager. Shit just is unreasonably intense! But as an adult, I expect that behavior to be different. You don't actually need to say on your RP blog's DNI that "transphobes WILL be blocked!!!"
Well, yes, I should hope so lol we're a community filled with muns who are trans, I'd certainly hope you were not cool with that kind of thing. It's one of those assumptive states, it goes without saying because, in a group of legitimate adults, it literally doesn't have to be said that a trans mun in a group of trans muns in a RPC filled with trans muns would be intolerant of transphobic assholes.
And, no one likes a damn transphobe, it's not like this stunning, fresh information, here. Not making such a statement does not, in fact, act as a welcome.
Saying that, and I do not mean literally just that, it's just an example of the type of things found in a common DNI, is a little immature for me. Some of those things are, in addition to being purely self-validating: playing into the fear created by policing, virtue signaling, policing, or baiting. And all of them are pointless. Telling someone who would already be bigoted toward you and others to not interact if they somehow miraculously ID as whatever label that takes for them to not interact with your posts is waving a metaphoric red flag in front of a bull. Kind of like tagging a post as either "antis don't interact" or "proshippers don't interact." Actual quickest and most assured way to get that interaction!
I totally understand the age thing, it's self-protecting. Most people do respect it, but when they don't, you've clearly stated that this is not for whatever age group. Things pertaining to your writing and/or muse I also understand and think are great for a quick glance before someone even gets to the rules. Having in a DNI something like "muns who are easily triggered by gore" when you write a horror muse, for instance. You're advising them that this isn't a great idea for them, and it shouldn't be expected that you change your muse and topics because they decided to follow anyway.
But it became excessive very quickly, and there is the expectation that blogs have a DNI. The further expectation is that there be a specific list of things found in that DNI, if yours does not include it, you obviously don't have a problem with those things. I really cannot be okay with that, you know?
However, when it wasn't being used as a callout or a way to police, that was something that could just be ignored. Once URLs of other RPers started to appear, it was a whole other problem.
It used to be the pervading rule of the RPC that it is not alright to force other muns to chose between you and another mun that you had an issue with, but now we have DNIs with other muns' URLs in them. Now, it's the opposite take - if you have an issue with a URL being dropped in a DNI, or if you continue to interact with the mun, you're likely to get a callout or be on the receiving end of other bullying.
So, I very much think the self-insulating thing to do is to avoid those mutuals as well as the RPer with the URL-laden DNI. They could just block you, but is someone who was so juvenile as to put another mun's URL in their damn DNI going to be mature enough to do that? Will their friends once they complain about you? For me, it's too high of a risk of being around muns I wish would take a very long break from RP and only come back once they've grown up some.
I would never advise anyone to do something that is erring on the side of getting them into harassment water unnecessarily (as in, not something that pertains to digging in your heels and writing what you want or not tolerating bullying where you see it happening), and I feel like not doing what you are is that. However, I also am a firm believer in agency, even to make mistakes.
So, if you genuinely feel like blocking mutuals of someone with a URL-dropped/callout/other highly offensive and bullying thing in their DNI is costing you so many chances to RP that you're no longer enjoying yourself here? You might want to consider adjusting how widely you are blocking.
If that's the case, try going for mutuals who are what I call Casual Mutuals and leaving them open. Those are mutuals that the mun doesn't write with often or at all, they're technically mutuals because they both follow each other, but that's it. There might be some liking of posts or even comments or non-committal, OOC style memes sent in by Casual Mutuals, but that interaction is sparse and, yep, casual. These mutuals might legitimately be unaware of the mun's hateful, bullying bullshit in the DNI, or they are actually afraid to unfollow/block them at this point, so their option feels like staying around as quietly as possible.
With that last deal...you could even be doing someone a favor, Anon. When I've encountered that situation before, it's come about because the other person's Casual Mutual is painfully anxious, shy, and a previous victim of bullying. They feel isolated, they don't have many or any writing partners, and they really, truly, are terrified to distance themselves in a way that might be noticed. It's a type of toxic interaction that rarely gets mentioned in PSAs, presumably because it is so low on the actual interaction scale.
Giving them someone else in their corner, especially if that other mun is more open about their intolerant stance on bullying, can go a long way toward giving someone else confidence. I've had other people's Casual Mutuals become my Casual Mutuals and wouldn't you know it? After a while, they get braver. They see my friends and mutuals doing our thing without any of the bullying going on, they see us supporting anti-policing and not tolerating bullying, and they get brave enough to unfollow the hateful mun. It feels nice to even inadvertently help someone, and over the years, some of those Casual Mutuals have become great writing partners, too. People I would have missed if I had made the choice to block them by the association of a hateful mun they were trapped in the orbit of.
Just try to exercise caution! You seem like a reasonable person who doesn't mind truly thinking on things or doing the work required to be cautious. Assume the close mutuals are a problem, too, and block away. Build a wall with some razor wire on it with those blocks! Don't assume the low-interaction, very casual mutuals are, though. Check out their blogs for signs of agreement with Hateful Mun, and if they don't have any, give them a shot as far as just leaving them unblocked goes.
I also have to say, here at the end, that it's extremely nice to see that people out there are doing this. Honestly would have thought I'd be the last person to encourage a ton of blocking, but that's the environment of the RPC now, and it's really the only way we can deal with this issue. You can't reason with these people, you can't stop them, you can only stay away from them for your own good and send a message that this isn't benefiting them. Not everyone agrees with them, they're not going to keep having people left open for their attacks or their RP entertainment. And if enough people are just walling them off, that is a message they'll have to receive because RP runs on interaction with others.
They might think they want every "nasty ass" xyz Problematic RPer to block them, not interact, or vanish from their view of the RPC, but I don't think they realize what that really looks like. What it looks like is a huge percentage of the RPC missing, including people they didn't realize were "problematic." We tend to be quieter, wanting to stay in our own lanes and actually enjoy the hobby and each other. That's why they have to resort to shit like making everyone pre-guilty, or setting up traps to catch people out on being "gross."
So, I genuinely do not think they're prepared for the rude awakening of silence that would happen if we all actually vanished, but I am dying to see it lol and do sometimes have to wonder if the complaints about the RPC being dead/dying/empty, not in a fandom but overall, are coming from the purity police some of the time. It's quite active over on the Leave Folks Alone Over Fiction side of life :D
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seblaine-rph · 3 years
While you're looking into rps can we talk about Devereux Academy for a minute? A basic look at their main and rules reveals Kristin Stewart as an FC but she's asked repeatedly not to be used in rp, people getting originally tested for being Dom Switch or sub at 17, the rp wording is almost an exact replica of another rp that ran for a while, and they are allowing the Motta family to be whitewashed with a white Robert Pattinson FC. I'm sure theres more i was just too disgusted to keep looking.
This isn’t the first time I’ve been told to take a look at @devereuxacademy or heard about it being problematic. I can’t tell you about the dash and I’m not going to troll through everyone’s blogs, so if there is something on the dash that anyone would like to share with me (problematic plots, not tagging triggers, admin behavior,etc) then feel free to send another ask. 
More than one person came to me when this rp first hit the tags, asking if I thought they had stolen parts of their rp. I reported this by answering multiple different asks about it and they never responded, which is very telling. Honestly, I think they did. Intentionally or not, they do have a lot of parts of other, existing roleplays in their plot and there are so many copy and pasted things that it looks to be done on purpose. You can say, “but it’s a D/s academy rp and there’s only so many ways to rp in a school, so of course it looks similar to other rps of the same genre” except for the part where even academy rps have their own unique plot points, including the history of the world, social economics, and the school as well as the history of the administration. And that wasn’t the last time it was brought to my attention, or the only reason. I do see it, if we’re looking for my opinion on the matter of stolen plot content. I can see at least three different roleplays that were already in the tags for a long time, weaved together to make this group. I don’t really see anything that is original in the plot or worldview info, aside from maybe the intense details on IVF as the reason for there being so many triplets. Don’t quote me on that, though, it may have been used before. I just haven’t seen it. 
It weirds me out that they have all of their characters being thrust into nsfw situations before 18, with what should be an 18+ concept like BDSM, and at the same time they’re a discord rp as well as a tumblr rp. It says on their application that the characters are tested to find out which mark they are at 17. That’s a minor, being tested in a nsfw way because however you slice it BDSM and D/s are nsfw and nobody under the age of 18 can legally or morally be allowed to even dip a single toe in and that includes taking a test to find out what kinks they like and whether they’re going to want to be catching or receiving when it comes to sex. It just makes me wonder what’s being hidden in the discord. I’d also like to mention that they do have the option to play teachers as well as students, which is just weird and gross to me in this instance. The content is nsfw, clearly some students are going to get with teachers. It’s weird enough when it’s a sfw college rp and students do not smut with teachers, but being a teacher is a respectable character choice so I can see why you’d want to do it. If you were going to focus on talking to other teachers and developing plots with other teachers. In this instance though... the power dynamic between teachers and students are way different and there is a sexual overtone automatically because this is a kinky smut rp. You can also play a character as young as 21, which just makes me hope there are no relationships being written out by naive 21 year olds with their 30-40-50+, way more mature, could be their parent teacher. That might sound like I’m making up something that would never happen, but I have seen someone try to play a 62 year old lesbian that was predatory towards 19 year olds and even claimed one in a D/s rp like this. We all know how Glee rps work, we all know this line has already been crossed. We all also know why that’s gross- it’s an abuse of power and there is no way that a teacher/student dynamic could be cute because there will always be a sense of one person being way more mature than the other and being in a seat of power. Another reason to wonder what’s being hidden on this discord.
There are incorrectly casted families. In particular, I’m seeing POC families with fcs that should not belong because they do not match. I’d really like to know how it is that two Filipino girls and a black girl are twins. As a general note to the admins, you can’t erase half of someone’s ethnicity either. There are other families where one or more character is half right but also half wrong in an offensive way. And some families that are just wrong. I do give them props on some of this being right, but that doesn’t erase the other problems. You can’t whitewash people. Not all Asians are the same. Not all Latinx people are the same. Brown people aren’t interchangeable. Let me just list these so they’re easier to fix:
In the Adams family, Alex Newell is African-American but the fc has a sister that’s  British, Polish and Caribbean. That might be picking at straws but I always find it offensive when people pick and choose how to group ethnicities- like deciding all Asians are the same so they can be related. Either way, she’s over half white which doesn’t match up. 
Laura Harrier is Rachel Berry, she is half black and half white with Jewish background so that’s a really nice choice but then she’s twins with two Haliee Steinfeld fcs? Hailee who is Filipino... She’s also been accused of using the N word and being racist so she’s on a lot of people’s banned lists for the same reasons as Lea Michele. 
Brianna Tju is in a Chinese family but she’s half Indonesian. She’s also a Disney Channel star, so some people find that problematic from the start, because most of her resources are from kid’s shows at an age that is too young to be roleplaying. She’s only 22 now, which is old enough to rp, however the only real resources she has are from something that aired in 2015 and was likely filmed in 2014 or earlier. When she was definitely a minor. 
Kaya Scoldelario is Brazilian. She’s whitewashed by being placed in the Clarington family.
Zoe Deutch is Jewish. Her siblings are Matthew Daddario (Slovak, Italian, Irish, Hungarian, and English) and Haley Lu Richardson, who has a white background that doesn’t include Jewish. This is the Corcoran family as well, which should be Jewish, since they’re all related to Idina Menzel.
Victoria Pedretti is Jewish and she’s in the very white Evans family.
None of the older Fabrays are Jewish, and Ashley Johnson is Native American but also somehow a twin of the white Frannie Fabray.
Principal Figgins is played by someone that is Pakistani but the Figgins on the masterlist is played by Dev Patel, who is Gujarati Indian. 
Tyler Hoechlin is also partially Native American, but he is placed in the Flangan (Irish, like straight out of Ireland) family that has Rory recast as Thomas Dogherty (Scottish) with an Ariana Grande (Italian) twin as well. 
Kristen Stewart is on the masterlist but she has asked numerous times not to be used in roleplay because it makes her uncomfortable. I just covered this for another roleplay, and I’ve seen other people mention it, so it’s common knowledge at this point. She has been saying this for a long time. She’s also placed as the twin of Danielle Campbell, who is Mexican and Cajun French while Kristen is just white and the canon family member (Gilbert, so Adam Lambert) is Jewish.
Zendaya is also placed as a twin to Samantha Ware. Zendaya is mixed race, half black and half white, while Samantha is black. 
Yvette Monreal is the twin to Demi Lovato. Yvette is Chilean. Demi is Mexican and Portuguese. 
Avan Jogia is a Hart, but he is Gujarati Indian and white. He would be a better family relation to Dev Patel than anyone else on the masterlist and vice versa. As a refresher, Samuel Larsen (the canon fc for the Hart family) is Mexican, Danish, Spanish and Persian.
Maddison Jaizani is Iranian, but she’s listed as a Holliday which makes her related to Gwyneth Paltrow... a blonde, white woman.
Jacob Elordia is Basque and his sibling on the masterlist is Marie Avgeropoulos, a Greek actress. 
Rafael Silva is Brazilian, but he is a Lopez triplet, related to a Mexican-Irish sister (Lindsay Morgan) and a Mexican-Jewish sister (Alexa Demie).
Sugar Motta is played by Vanessa Lengies on Glee, an Egyptian actress. Her family is whitewashed with two white fcs, Kelli Berglung and Robert Pattinson. 
Kaylee Byrant is Japanese but she is twin to Madison Beer (Jewish) and Daisy Ridley (white).
The Puckerman family has lost its Jewish heritage. The only two on Noah’s side are Adelaide Kane (white) and Luke Pasqualino (Italian). Jake Puckerman has been recast as Justice Smith, who is half black and half white but is not Jewish. His sister is Samantha Logan who is half Trinidadian and half white and Pauline Singer, who is full Fijian.
Antonia Gentry is cast as a Weston. She is Jamaican, her listed twin is half white and half African-American. The newest acceptance for a Weston is for an African American fc. 
Lili Reinhart is on the masterlist, but she’s problematic. She’s defended the abusive behavior of her cast mate, Cole Sprouse, who was very publicly accused of sexual assault and abuse. She’s also been accused of blackface annnnnnnd she’s used queer baiting to get people to watch the show. (She teased a girl on girl relationship publicly, telling people to watch the show because they might finally get to see something between Betty and Veronica, knowing that the fans wanted it, but then when she was asked about it in a later interview she scoffed and acted like it was absolutely impossible and would never happen, some would say she even sounded offended by the thought-- which is what everyone got mad at Melissa Benoist for doing with Supergirl.)
David Corenswet is Jewish, cast with Emily Browning as a sister, who is not.
I applaud the Brazilian change for Lauren Zizes, but Ashley Fink was a welcome representation of plus size actresses and the new fc is less than half her size. She’s still plus size technically, but she’s “model plus size,” which is not at all the same as Lauren’s body type. I ran this by someone that this change would affect and they were not pleased. They were the one that pointed this out to me, because it bothered them as a plus size person to see one of the few plus size characters recasted with a skinnier fc. 
Dove Cameron is also on the masterlist, but she’s on a bunch of people’s banned lists. She replied to a fan that said they wanted her to notice them that they were stupid and had no life if that was one of their goals. She’s been rude to cast and crew on set. Dove has also been accused of throwing a fit and making the writers change the Descendants script to take the relationship that was written out for a black actress. She’s being accused of yellow fishing, which I believe is the term for trying to look Asian. She wore a Native American headdress in a cultural appropriation type of way. She’s been accused of being fatphobic and hiding behind photoshop on her social media while saying she doesn’t photoshop, so she’s giving off a false sense of reality to her fans. She’s been talking badly about someone that is trying to get their sexual assault story out there. The latest thing that’s come out about her is a rant about how mental health isn’t real and that people just need to logic their way out of depression? Which would be coming from a seat of high privilege. She wrote a series of tweets on the topic, calling negative mental health and the feelings they cause “a choice.” There’s a whole hashtag on Tumblr for her. 
I’m not at all surprised to see that all of the diverse characters are open. No Artie, no Unique- who could definitely be recast as an actual trans woman, now that we’re living in the age of recasting for reasons of problematic natures- if we can have a new Puck, new Finn, new Rachel, and new Santana why not an appropriate Unique? She is literally the only canon trans woman, why not treat her with respect? They recasted Cooper to better fit the proper ethnicity, so... 
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you're rex dasher information, hand it over. this is a threat
okay, hell yES. he's the greatest secret agent in the Playmobil world (I don't know if he calls himself this, he has a considerable ego on him) and somehow has contact with a guy named Del who lives in his van and owes money to the mafia (no idea why).
Since the main characters, Marla and her brother Charlie, are stuck in Playmobil and trying to relive the fantasies before it all went kinda stale and Charlie gets kidnapped as a result, Marla and Del end up getting his help and infiltrate a base to steal satellite footage of his potential whereabouts.
Rex is this classic James Bond archetype (without the guns), suit, fancy car and gadgets and this charm that's meant to be slightly overbearing (he literally flirts with Marla when they're immediately found out in the base), which I found out I am a complete sucker for.
Although it does get to a point where he takes a drink offered to him by two random ladies (or so it appears) after he lets Del and Marla escape. Three guesses as to what happens next.
It's strange, since he was featured heavily in the trailers that were put out (unfortunately it had little marketing - I ended up seeing it three times in the two weeks it was at my local cinema) and made him out to be almost like a leading role when he was pretty much a supporting character with almost the entirety of his screen time taking place around maybe...about halfway or even over in?
Like at first the people behind it said they were doing a spin off TV show for him before the director tweeted sometime later in reply that they were going to actually give him his own spinoff film, so this time the trailers won't possibly be as misleading as the ones for this film. He does seem considerably the type with his James Bond esque style and it made me realise the classic spy tropes (I mean, not involving clear misogyny, of course) are something I ADORE. I find him surprisingly attractive being a plastic figure and all, but his theme song certainly does not help remotely (considerably steamy for a family film - how do you expect me not to fall in love with him?). I do find him genuinely cool, besides how annoyingly funny he can be because of what he embodies.
I guess even though it's an animated family film, I do have reasons for the headcanons I give him. Obviously things I won't stray into (whoever gave me that ask for my RP blog, what is wrong with you) and there's things I clearly tag heavily. To be honest, I thought with a job like that, that's room for a lot of angst and it's funny what I picked up on and decided what to go with. Like it's said that he lived out of Del's van because everyone wanted him dead - that's just a single line as well.
Also, being a secret agent has given him the ability of disguises, and since it's Playmobil, it is tremendously easy to just peel off the disguise and be back in your normal clothes. I do find him really funny and I think it'll be interesting what they build on depending on the format his spinoff will take. Nonetheless I go nuts when he's in the picture - it has quite a bit of a fandom and the artwork is AMAZING.
I see him as bi, which appears to be a popular headcanon, and he's generally shipped with the villain Maximus, an emperor who kidnaps a bunch of warriors (including Charlie in a Viking figure) so they can fight in his coliseum for entertainment (usually involving giant dinosaurs). It also means I'm a sucker for hero/villain dynamics and I love how, because of Playmobil, Rex and Max embody such a distinct hero/villain dynamic, even though they literally never interact or are even on screen together.
He wears some really neat aviators and has a funny gag revolving around his obsession with his hair despite it being plastic (of course, I'm of the perception that he's probably not aware that there's a world above him and considers himself human? I love the meta ideas involved) and even when he's in peril he actually asks 'how's my hair?' as if that's a convenient thing to say (frankly he's designed to hilariously do certain things at the most inconvenient of times - as I said, he does have an ego on him and even claims that the protagonist loves him before jumping into his car from the speeding van; dramatic as hell, and I love him so much for it).
The flirting is pretty much for show and when he does it with Marla, the protagonist, it's not supposed to be convincing that they'd be together. It says a lot more about his character and how he can be overly flirty, often in the worst circumstances. Being a James Bond expy comes with this I guess.
There's a lot I wanna look out for in his spinoff and I am LIVING for it. Some interesting concept art of him didn't make it into the final film and tbh I'm wondering if they'd reuse any of it somehow (there's concept art of him blowing up a building remotely without looking, because of course) for his film.
Honestly, there's a reason I make so many funny or angsty headcanons about him that I try and draw from the film itself, and it'd be FANTASTIC seeing what happens in his spinoff and what that will change in regards to the ideas I have about him, based on new material.
Also, last thing - lately I got so obsessed I ended up binge listening to his theme which isn't even 2 minutes long (it's supposed to be Bond themed with the classic Bond style girls singing about how cool and attractive he is and I'm certainly not complaining about that) because my brain is now like: father, I crave sustenance, to get me to listen to it (about 40 times in about 2-3 days) and I have no idea why now of all times it demands I listen to it on repeat for god knows how long and I guess the sound and lyrics are just so pleasant I'm just currently going apeshit about it.
I was just sliding around in the kitchen and dining room earlier listening to it and trying to be as cool as possible. It was fun as hell and I'm so glad I love his character so much, such chaotic energy to embody through his theme song. No wonder he thinks he's so cool.
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serenagaywaterford · 5 years
1) Okay, I'm late (bc rl sucks), but I'm back and I'll gradually address everything. "Also do not feel any pressure to respond to my multiple essays! I understand completely!"The same goes to you, bc I feel like I'm bothering you too much. That being said, I truly enjoy talking to you. Not only you offer fresh/perceptive insights into the characters' minds (which made me a. reconsider scenes and motives, b. wanna rewatch S1 --some scenes you're commenting on are SO fuzzy in my head-- mind you,
2) 2) I’m already rereading the book), but you also provide such hilarious, sarcastic lines (some of them are absolute killers).
3) personalities” I know you have an inkling of who’s who. :D But damn, that ‘lesbianing’ bit had me giggling. Kudos, fellow anon. Since we’re on the subject, I have another question about your fic (if you don’t mind): is it post s2 or s1/s2 canon divergent? b) “Add horrid fangirls to that and it’s a big ass no lol.” Ugh. Fandom smh manages to sour my opinion of characters/ships/series I personally like. Especially when fans start pestering the creators to cater to their whims or harass actors
4) or start ship wars. Double ugh. c) “So, that’s the Mass Effect connection!” Two more similarities: i. Mass Effect’s Miranda Lawson got a lot of fandom hate back then (even though she was a famous character), just like Serena. ii. She has a back-and-forth, bickering (hateful but not THAT complex) relationship with another female character. d) “I have seen Westworld! Well, okay, just the first season. I got too tired/confused to get past the 2nd season premiere.” Oh, sorry. I shouldn’t have
5) assumed. Believe me when I say it’s a good thing you stopped watching when you did. The overall quality of the series remained pretty much the same (e.g. acting, cinematography, direction), but, oh boy, some new plot twists (which I usually like) are SO OVER THE TOP in order to impress (?) the audience. It’s reached a point where some characters are unrecognizable, bc they’re servants to the plot. Maeve has a lot bigger arc in S2 and Newton is thriving (imo, S2!Maeve >> S1!Maeve), but so is
6) Strahovski/Serena. :D e) “don’t go around bitching at people who say shitty things or stuff I don’t agree with, or blocking anybody who doesn’t like her."Ah, another thing we have in common. There were times I’ve been blocked by fandom people (with beautiful edits) that I NEVER interacted with (except for maybe reblogging from each other). That’s not me complaining. Like I said, each to their own.I just find this phenomenon funny at times. Story time. Once, an out of nowhere anon (whose msg I
7) didn’t publish, bc drama is SO not my thing) said they’d block me, bc of an uploaded gifset for a canon pairing (which wasn’t to their taste apparently) that was tagged as #[series]edit (although the ship!portmanteau was right there, too, so that people could easily block it). I remember being like: "Okay. Good for you, anon!” LOL. f) “I dunno if you see spoilers but there’s one about them.) She needs therapy so much more than a cutesy feelgood storyline.” I did NOT actually, but feel free to8) enlighten me.
I am sort of back! (RL does get in the way of incredibly lengthy essays about fictional TV shows!) NO APOLOGIES NECESSARY!! I am just so happy I get to read all these excellent thoughts, analyses, and feelings you have! (and that we clearly share lol, including the sheer amusement of your writing!). I really want to write more at the mo but my hands are doing that weird old lady thing where you can see the veins popping out and it makes me v uncomfortable to look at. Especially since I have little baby hands. I hate it.
Ok, I’m now kneeling on the floor and the computer is on the kitchen island. This is better. I cannot see the top of my hands. 
SO. Where was I? OW. my kneeeessss. This is a bad idea.
I’m so lost. Fic question. right. It’s post-S2. Like… quite post-S2. I didn’t even deal with HOW or WHY June is back in the Waterford’s house tbh cos I can’t be bothered to sort that out. (Thanks, show.) So, it just assumes that for some reason, she’s back. Which, if the BTS pics/video is to be believed, that’s the case anyway. 
Fangirls (and boys ofc) ruin so much for me. Even if I like the same thing initially. Ugh. Then sometimes they’ll annoy me so much that I end up liking the complete opposite of what they like. Dunno why.
No worries about Westworld! It’s a reasonable assumption! Please don’t apologise, my friend. I do agree that Thandie was very good in S1. IIRC, her character was my fav (other than Clementine lol). Yvonne S2 was just next level shit to me. Like, what you’re saying makes me wanna give S2 WW another shot but when shows get overcomplicated, they’re not much fun anymore when I’m like “BUT WHAT IS HAPPENING LOL”. 
>> “There were times I’ve been blocked by fandom people (with beautiful edits) that I NEVER interacted with (except for maybe reblogging from each other)”
EXACT SAME. It was actually in THT fandom most recently lol. Like, I reblogged one of their pretty edits once. Ever. I didn’t even say anything snarky or bitchy or rude in tags. I don’t think I added any commentary at all. Next thing I know? BLOCKED. Never interacted with them in any way whatsoever. (Typical N/J fangirl lol.) It’s the strangest behaviour and it’s that kind of thing that sours me towards sects of fangirls, and sometimes even the characters they like. Maybe that’s just petty but I think it actually just reinforces pre-existing feelings I had towards the character or pairing.) The only blogs I block are ones that are gross, RP, or spam. (RP blogs is a long history of them stealing and spamming and adding awful commentary to my posts way back in the day, so I just… block em. lol.)
>> “they’d block me, bc of an uploaded gifset for a canon pairing (which wasn’t to their taste apparently) that was tagged as #[series]edit (although the ship!portmanteau was right there, too, so that people could easily block it). I remember being like: “Okay. Good for you, anon!” LOL.”
Oh. My… WHAT. There’s a very odd sense of entitlement here that seems so peculiar to me. Like, that’s what the blacklisting feature is for? I’ve put every version of my most despised pairings, characters, etc. and it works? Very rarely does it miss on. I guess we’re just dramaphobic, mature old fandom farts. Like, “Kids, let me sit you down and tell you about this site before you could block things. Before even XKit was invented…” Not to mention every other website ever lol.
HOLY GROSS… I just got up and a centipede fell off me!! WHYYYYYY. THIS IS WHY I DON’T SIT ON THE FLOOR. (we live near the beach/woods so we get lots of bugs no matter how clean we are…) no more painful kneeling for me i guess…
OKAY. Spoilers. It’s not much but other than the June in Martha costume (which was shown in the teaser Superbowl trailer anyway by now)… there were set pics of Emily, Sylvia, Nicole, and Luke all happy and smiling. IIRC. I can’t find the post anymore. So it may not have been in character. But I dunno… it all seems… too easy? Like, I’m glad Emily is safe but omg. She’d better not be all hunky dory “I stabbed a lady and threw her down the stairs, murdered another, and ran a dude over with a stolen car, but now I’m Canada, I’m all healed!” (Not including the heart attack/crotch kicking here cos that was fair play to Emily. She deserved that.) Like, honestly, as much part of me was like YESSSS at all of those, still… that’s grievous bodily harm with intent to kill, flat out murder, and vehicular manslaughter. For Emily to do those things, you don’t do those crimes without being really broken and damaged. And… yeah. That doesn’t magically disappear when you hop over a border.
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theangryjikooker · 1 year
Hi, I came across your blog in the tags. I'm queer myself and my ask is truly genuine: If you don't believe Jikook are necessarily a couple, why do you have a blog named after them, and based on a 50-50 chance they are? If you don't think a celebrity couple are dating, why not simply keep it moving? Judging from the last few posts that came up in the tag, you seem to put a lot of effort into discounting certain exchanges between Jungkook and Jimin (thirst trap vid, etc), and even their consistent dynamics over the years as -not- meaning they're a couple. It's just strange to me that someone who's -not- queer chooses to blog about a perceived lack of coupledom between two men, whether they're actually together or queer or not. Of course in theory, it's your blog and you can do whatever you want with it. I'm just taken aback by a cishet person providing their opinion on people (most likely) within a community (LGBT+) they don't belong to.
I'm not sure when shipping (in regards to RPS) became synonymous with believing two people are dating. Shipping, as I have long understood it (at least from a fictional standpoint), was always meant to be a show of support for two individuals who you would think would look and/or be good together for whatever reasons deemed. Now, maybe in the RPS space this is completely different, but I'm not going to mold my participation into whatever anyone says it should be. Shipping should be maintained as a hobby. That people take it so seriously as to question anyone else's motives that don't align with the majority is utterly ridiculous.
I named it after Jikook because, in my mind, I am a Jkkr. I like them and the way they interact with one another. I don't have to think they're dating to consider myself someone who enjoys their dynamic and who wouldn't mind if they became official. But because this involves real life people, there are obvious boundaries I refuse to cross that many others probably clearly don't care too much about. To each their own.
Thanks for assuming my sexuality, which I find incredibly rude and almost hypocritical, considering I've encountered many like you in the Jkkr space who act quite defensive about assuming sexualities but will clearly do so with others (namely, perceived cishets). This whole thing is laughable, really. Honestly, maybe I would've been kinder in response, but this is so insulting and, quite frankly, disgusting of you. I've had people question me on this before, of which I've stated that I personally identify as bisexual but that it might be more accurate to state that I'm pan. To a far lesser degree, I think it's odd that RPS can be gatekept from others solely based on their sexuality. People like you are the reason why the hypocrisy of shipping communities makes me sick.
Screw being nice. Don't drop into my asks with fake goodwill, just don't. I respect other people who are just aggressively confrontational because at least they're showing who they are. Not this bullshit of being "genuine" but then acting like it's an affront to your fandom activities that a perceived cishet is interested in the same thing as you are–and then being entirely wrong about it.
You're embarrassing.
Edited to add: Don’t be an asshole and assume people’s sexual identities. Consider the implications of this, by the way, and this is something I shouldn’t have to say at all to anyone who identifies as queer. Why the fuck would you put someone in a position to have to identify themselves? It’s a good thing it’s just me because I don’t give a shit, but imagine if you did this to someone who wasn’t ready to be so public about it? Fucking unbelievable.
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