#oo oo it's finally done
astrobei · 2 years
love in slow motion
“Are you offended that people think we’re dating?”
“No,” Mike says immediately. “Of course not,” because, again, he should be so lucky.
Will’s baffled expression does not change. “Then why would I be?”
“So– okay, fine, whatever. Should we, like, tell them to get their heads out of their asses and that we’re not– um– dating, or–”
“I think,” Will cuts in, “well. You know what would be funny?”
Honestly, Mike doesn't know what he thought being Will Byers' fake-boyfriend would entail, but he definitely didn't think it would involve this many ugly Christmas sweaters.
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cobraz · 18 days
guys i'm literally COOKING with my new theme oh my gosh.
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lumyart · 11 months
love how you write is like we are getting edged just like alicent 😭😭😭 thats so mean
if you think this was alicent getting edged wait til you read the next chapter😁 i did mention a phone sex chapter a while ago... it seems we've reached it😁
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ragnar0c · 5 months
I think I'll work on Full Mettle Chapter 2 next :3
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lecliss · 10 months
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All joking aside, I for real got teary-eyed. This is making me so fucking emotional. Kadaj means so much to me. He's both just a made up remnant AND a kid. He doesn't know anything other than his mother and his desire to be with her and his jealousy of his "big brother" being the special one to have met her and be her favorite. He just wants to be acknowledged and praised and feel like he has a meaning. And again, at the end of the day it's all just the cells and his existence as an extension of Seph's will. But he wouldn't exist if it weren't for that. He can never truly stand as his own person separate from Seph or Jenova. He can never truly have what he wants the most.
And the reminder from Weiss that he IS a kid. He's like two weeks old from the start of AC. Idk how time passes in OO but he's probably like a month or two old by now. And he's physically 15 and his thoughts are consumed by his mother and his brothers. He may not be human but he sure is the shining example of a "child". He's just babey, really. I feel so horrible for him. This is all he knows with nothing but a child-like mentality about it. Even him saying "I promise" feels so childish. I just want him to be his own person so bad but he can't. I don't think he ever can.
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And not to mention Weiss's situation as well!!! It's both adorable and heartbreaking that Kadaj, the perfect example of an "obsessive little brother", is the one constantly reminding Weiss of his own little brother whom he can't remember but still has this lingering feeling of Nero's existence in the back of his mind. The fact that Kadaj is put on the back burner in the mind of his mother for his "superior big brother", and yet is being acknowledged in the mind of Weiss, who would horribly miss his own little brother if only he could actually remember Nero. I can't fucking take this man. I can't do it. I can't.
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nebulainatree · 1 year
Girl who has severe social anxiety when it comes to talking to people online and has to close her eyes to press the send button whenever she writes a message to anyone 😔
#That girl is me btw. I am that girl#Irl I'm pretty normal when I talk to people (unless it's like super serious school stuff and then I'm a stuttering mess)#But I think my mom instilled the ''Never talk to anyone online or you'll compromise your internet safety'' into me too far#And now it's like. Debilitating. I can't send messages on private Discord servers or dm people on social media anymore#I was active on miiverse back when that uh. Like existed? Well a little active. Well actually that's an overstatement#I also was active on the Nookazon discord but like. At first I was really nervous but then I found a Business Persona that made me normal#But anyway I made this post because I've done this like twice in the past two days#Once when I was trying to finally introduce myself in a rp server I joined a month ago#And once today right now like. Sending a message to a mutual. Hi thousand yeah it's about the comment on your post lol#It took me like a whole day after seeing my mutual respond to my ask to get the courage to say like. Yayy I love emperor on their post#I feel like an anime girl saying kyun or something every time I do it so it's funny but like. It also worries me#Since we live in a very virtual world and. How am I going to make connections in the future when I'm like this#Uhh anyway. 🐙 Oo octopus emoji weehoo#Nebbie text posting#Nebbie posts#I think I kind of derailed this I meant this to be a funny meme so. RIP anyway send post *closes my eyes as I hit post now*#Send fucking post#<- I'm making this my terrible late night decision tag vents tag now. Hopefully I will not have many posts for it.
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emuwarum · 11 months
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mokulule · 27 days
A Man Has Needs - Part 2
First | Masterpost
DP x DC Ship: Dead on Main Summary:
In which Jason keeps up ending up in Danny's bed and not even for any fun reasons.
Part 2
Danny awoke Wednesday morning to the second coming of his human shaped bedmate. Of course with the terrible shape the guy’s core was in he hadn’t expected the first time to be the last time.
He sighed and rested his forehead on the warm bare chest right in front of him, closing his eyes again. Despite the dumpster smell, Danny was really freaking comfortable in the guy’s arms, pressed skin to skin, enveloped in his larger frame. Sighing again he slipped intangibly out of the hold. It was one thing to cuddle incidentally while sleeping, entirely another to continue while he was awake.
The guy was here because he was starving.
Danny cast a longing gaze over his shoulder - was it so wrong to long for someone who’d hold him like that just to hold him and not because he gave off surplus energy?
Danny frowned and floated over to his closet to pull out T-shirt and jeans, he didn’t want to risk getting caught in his underwear again. It had been embarrassing that he’d forgotten the last time, but it was only when the guy came out dressed he’d realized. Maybe he needed to start sleeping in a shirt? Maybe it would be less awkward. - Less like waking up from a one night stand without the benefit of even having gotten laid.
That was a thought - Danny couldn’t really have someone staying overnight.
Not that he really had much game in the first place, but a small part of him had hoped maybe getting away from his parent’s infamy and his own unfortunate high school reputation might change things a bit. And while Danny wasn’t discounting the possibility that he could end up doing something ridiculously embarrassing that would make him a social pariah for the rest of his college experience, these first two days had been really nice.
Nobody could replace Sam, Tucker and Val, but he’d met some really nice people that felt like they could be good friends.
It wasn’t like Danny had had plans to start dating or end up in bed with strangers, but it was college. There were gonna be parties - that he might even get invited to! And he’d been open to the possibility, if it happened. Mutually consenting adults doing adult things because they wanted to. Danny knew and embraced the fact that he was something of a bi-disaster.
Not that that mattered right now. Nothing could happen.
Danny finally pulled the shirt on over his head and stared unseeingly at the closet door. Ghost animals wouldn’t have been a problem, they were generally shy and wouldn’t join him if he wasn’t alone. But Danny’s ghostly visitor was part human and not only that he was starving and sick.
Not only did he not want to explain to a one night stand, or worse someone he was dating, why an unfairly handsome man joined them in the middle of the night, he also didn’t know how his guest would react to Danny not being alone. The starvation might make him territorial over his food source. It also wasn’t out of the question that he would seek out Danny elsewhere in the city.
It was just a potential disaster best avoided entirely.
Danny sighed and finished dressing. Lamenting temporary restrictions on his non-existent love life didn’t help any. Breakfast and coffee however, that was something he could do.
Oo o oO
Mint and frost in his nose.
Jason’s eyes flew open and he sat up. Not his room, not his apartment.
Memories flooded into his brain and he buried his face in his hands. How could he have forgotten this had happened? How had he not done research? He had crawled into some guy’s bed to sleep, been fed breakfast and sent on his merry way, and Jason had forgotten? Or well not exactly. Rather he’d been distracted and the strange events of Saturday morning hadn’t seemed important.
What was wrong with him?
Jason rubbed his forehead. Somehow it had happened again. He quelled the rising alarm. Panicking would do him no good.
There was the rustling of movement beyond the not quite closed bedroom door. Jason’s head snapped up.
For a moment he just breathed watching the door. He would be on the other side of the door. There was the scent in the air again beckoning him to follow. His head spun as he breathed in deep.
Jason should have conducted a proper background check on the guy after the first time. He had no real excuse, but he’d gone to Sunday dinner at the manor. They’d all been so surprised and happy to see him, that had been a surprise for him. He’d expected their surprise but not their happiness. He’d even managed to interact with Bruce without any scathing words. He’d scarcely been able to believe how well it went.
He’d gotten so much done since Saturday and then, what had happened last night?
He was on patrol and he’d suddenly been hit by exhaustion, like a sledgehammer. He’d had to call off relatively early. The last thing he remembered was stashing his gear and then nothing.
Mint and frost.
Would the man have called the police on him this time? First time could reasonably have been called an accident, but a second incident? Didn’t seem near as accidental.
Jason’s eyes fell on the pillow his head must have rested on just moments ago and promptly had to strangle the urge to burrow his face in it and breathe it in.
Disturbed, he jumped out of the bed. Something was up with him. Something weird.
He collected his clothing and boots, just as scattered around the room as they were last time. He couldn’t find his left sock. His shoulders wound up in tension. Just his luck.
Like last time, he considered jumping out the window, but he really should face the music, and he wouldn’t figure out anything if he ran away. Maybe this time he would be able to apologize for the intrusion.
He opened the door the rest of the way and promptly his shoulders lowered as the tension left him in a sigh at the sight of the guy in kitchen area.
Jason didn’t know what to do with the reaction. It didn’t make sense at all. Nothing about his situation had changed. And yet, it was okay now. The idea that the guy would call the police on Jason was ridiculous, because he was safe here.
The guy watched a sizzling pan intently, his black hair was an unruly nest on top of the bent over head. He was clothed today, which wasn’t something Jason should be disappointed about.
“There’s a cup of coffee on the table,” he said, without taking his eyes away from the pan.
Jason’s eyes moved to the small table they’d eaten at last time. Sure enough, a steaming black mug with white text sat there innocuously.
Okay, so they were doing this again.
Carefully he made his way to the table, looking around. There were a lot less moving boxes this time. A bookcase had been assembled next to the window on the right wall and half filled with books. He was too far away to read titles, but the size of most of them pointed toward textbooks rather than literature. There was still an open place on the floor over there suitable for a small couch.
He sat down and folded his hands around the warm mug, then immediately unfolded them as he caught a glance of the word dead. He turned the mug around.
Are you a half-dead or half-alive kind of person? The mug asked to Jason’s bemusement. It was clearly a pun on the glass half empty or full saying, but rather on the morbid side.
“Gift from my friends, they think they’re hilarious,” the guy said, and Jason looked up to find him smiling at him even as he rolled his eyes at his friends. Jason’s lips turned slightly upwards of their own accord.
“Anyways breakfast! And not even burnt,” the guy declared setting a plate down in front of Jason: A piece of buttered toast with two fried eggs sunny side up. And indeed not even burnt. If that was a concern that certainly explained his intense concentration earlier.
Guy sat down with his own plate. Just two fried eggs.
“No toast?” Jason asked before he could help himself.
“I hate toast.”
Now even more confused Jason looked at the toast on his plate. Why did he even have it then? He lived alone, far as Jason could tell.
“My sister brought it,” guy explained exasperated, “she says I should eat some bread too, for variation.”
Jason snorted, then looked down to the breadless plate, and back up with raised eyebrows.
“Yeah, yeah, you laugh it up. I bet you don’t do everything your older sibling tells you to either - if you have one, that is.”
Jason did actually laugh at that. He raised his mug. “To disobeying older siblings.”
Guy’s face went from momentarily confused to a feral smile and he lifted his own mug to clink against Jason’s. “To disobeying older siblings.”
Breakfast continued mostly silent after that point as they both ate. Jason was careful not to touch the other man, he remembered the strange reaction he’d had last, but otherwise he felt good; relaxed, languid and full as if he’d eaten quite a bit more than a single piece of toast and two eggs.
Guy was leaned back in his chair head resting on top of the backrest eyes looking unseeing at the ceiling, long line of his neck on display. It was good Jason felt so sated, it made it easier to ignore the fact he kinda wanted to lick and bite his way up that throat.
It wasn’t like Jason didn’t have any libido but it was an odd thought process to have for him with someone he barely knew.
Guy’s hands were curled around his mug and he occasionally took a sip, throat bobbing with the motion. He looked as relaxed as Jason felt. After one such sip, he checked his phone and the atmosphere was broken with a “Shit! Forgot the time!”
The guy rushed around the apartment grabbing coat and keys and backpack. Jason followed him outside into the hallway as he finished tying his shoes while somehow walking. He straightened and locked his door.
“Take care of yourself,” he called after Jason as he ran down the hall.
Jason was left mildly shellshocked staring down the now empty hallway. He had managed to get through the whole encounter without any strange electrifying touches. Why did he feel so bereft?
Something was clearly up. With the guy? With Jason? He wasn’t sure, something in him rebelled at the very idea of labeling the guy as a threat, and that set him on edge.
One thing he knew for certain; he had a long overdue background check to do - and he felt full of energy to do so.
And so it continues, I actually wrote this months ago, but wasn't entirely happy with it, but then @ollietheotaku commented on part 1 and I was reminded and realized maybe my eyes would be fresh on it now and here we are. Never let it be said commenting on older fics doesn't work!
I also started writing part three but with Dead on MAYn starting in a week I really must focus on my fics for that!
Hope ya'll enjoyed! I don't always get around to replying to all comments but know they are appreciated and so is speculation what is gonna happen.
If you wanna subscribe you can do so at the Masterpost
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wileys-russo · 4 months
KCC, “Will you carry me to bed?”, at home ❤️
couch nap II k.cooney-cross
"ky are you sure? you hate watching stuff like this." you chuckled as your girlfriend returned, dumping a bowl of popcorn in your lap with a block of chocolate held securely in hand.
"maybe, but i love you. and they make you happy and you had a shit day, and if you're happy i'm happy because i don't want you to have a shit day." kyra explained as you melted, leaning up to kiss her and melting into her side.
"but can we not watch one about the ocean please? i'd still like to go swimming when we go home without worrying about whats underneath me." your girlfriend quickly added on as you flicked through the documentaries.
"and here i was about to click into mysteries of the deep!" you teased, choosing one about africa and accepting the piece of chocolate offered to you from kyra's fingers. "i'm aware only 5% of the ocean has been discovered but i don't need to know anything about that 5%." your girlfriend shook her head stubbornly.
"oh elephants! mad." kyra perked up a little as the documentary started making you smile and kiss her cheek appreciatively. "see? they're not so bad." you promised, shoveling a handful of popcorn into your mouth.
"can we start narrating training like this? oo we could make vlogs for my close friends story!" kyra suggested excitedly around an hour later, the next episode starting.
"the allusive snakehipped wally lurks close to the corner of the pitch, watching with beaded eyes as the younger, better looking, wildly successful kyra cooney cross sprints across the midfield. is it pride in her eyes? or a bitter jealousy she's been surpassed by her protege." kyra mocked in her best david attenborough voice making you laugh.
"i'm so telling her you said that." you teased, moving the now empty popcorn bowl off your lap as your girlfriend stretched out, her head dropping onto your thighs instead.
"no don't! she promised to teach me how to rainbow flick on monday." kyra pouted up at you with a whine and her best puppy dog eyes. "shut up and watch the monkeys cooney-cross." you tutted, squishing her cheeks in your hands and nodding to the screen.
"ky, baby go to bed. i'll be up after this episode, your necks gonna get sore." you warned gently another couple of hours later and shaking her softly, your girlfriend now sprawled out in a strange curled up position in the corner of the sofa.
"no m'fine." kyra mumbled, forcing her eyes open again and shuffling around so she was sitting up a little more as you looked on amused. "ky, go to bed." you laugh, kicking her gently as she shook her head stubbornly, gesturing for you to watch the screen again.
you rolled your eyes knowing this was a bad idea but not bothered to fight her on it, glancing over a few minutes later to see she was once again dead asleep.
the episode finishing you left your girlfriend on the lounge as you washed up your bowls, flicking off all the lights and locking up before returning, chuckling at her very awkward position.
"hey, ky." you squatted down and shook her again, poking her cheeks as she groaned tiredly and swatted your hands away. "come on, time for bed." you smiled, tugging on her hoodie as she sighed deeply.
"will you carry me to bed?" the midfielder asked quietly, opening her arms as her eyes stayed shut. "babe you're like a foot taller than me." you laughed softly, shaking her again as she whined. "i've done it for you so many times, its your turn." kyra mumbled.
"fine, but you need to help me out here and sit up a little baby." you shook your head with a smile, grabbing her hands and tugging her into a sitting position. "okay." you nodded determined, wrapping her arms around you and grabbing under her thighs.
trying to lift her you grunted, your girlfriend purposefully rag dolling to make it harder for you as you finally picked her up but stumbled sending the two of you crashing back to the sofa.
"kyra!" you groaned, smacking her leg as her body vibrated with laughter. "you're making it harder on purpose." you huffed glaring down at her, cheeky grin plastered on her face despite the obvious exhaustion in her eyes.
"piggyback?" kyra tried again this time her smile more charming as you let out a deep and exaggerated groan. "get on then, but carefully!" you warned, standing to your feet and bracing as your girlfriend climbed onto your back.
"this is so romantic." kyra sighed, patting your chest as her chin rested on your shoulder, letting out a yell as you reached the bedroom and dumped her on the bed.
"don't get used to it, i'm the one who gets the princess treatment in this relationship cooney-cross."
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webslingingslasher · 11 months
You mentioned once or twice that frat!peter isnt as affectionate when his brothers are around so I was wonder if we could get a little something something about reader just stop being affectionate towards him in general because she didn’t mind initially since some people are just like that when it comes to pda but it’s just starting to feel to make her feel like he’s just repulsed by her ☹️
i imagine this is when they first start entering the situationship era. cause i think they were hooking up for a minute and then the lines started to blur and thats when this starts happening.
so let's say,
one night you're sitting next to him on the couch and peter's got his hand rubbing from your knee to inner thigh and back down while he's talking to you.
and when two of his frat brothers come around from the back of the couch, and one chooses to sit on the arm rest, the other on the coffee table across from him. peter's hand stops and he drops it back on his own leg. so, you try to reach out your hand to hold his but he brings his up to move his hat, obviously dodging your hold, so you got up for a drink and stayed away.
the next time this happens was a morning after you spent the night, the house had gone out for breakfast and peter had made you and him breakfast, which was the first time he's ever done something like that.
you're on counter and he's got his waist slotted between your thighs with his hands up his your shirt while making out. peter pulls at the back of your knees and pulls you flush to him, subtly pulling your underwear down when the front door opens and you hear loud chatter and laughs.
peter flies backwards and turns his back completely, grabbing cups from the cabinet and pulling orange and apple juice from the fridge. he nods his head in a greeting when ethan walks in, "look who stayed the night," he gave you a fist bump.
peter holds up the juices and you point for the one in his left hand, "yup, couldn't get her to leave if i tried."
that makes you feel shitty, "no, you absolutely could. you could've said 'hey, you should go,' instead of 'let me make you breakfast and fuck you on the kitchen island.'"
tarrent's next in the kitchen, "bro, your chicks got buttcheeks on the counter."
peter places a hand on your lower back, "let's stop looking at my girls ass and let her get upstairs." he holds your arm as you jump down, tugging his shirt down to cover your bottom completely.
you speed up the steps, then call out, "i like my toast dark!" before you could hit the landing you heard ethan, "you so like her."
"gross, shut up, keznek."
the final time you arrived to a party late and searched around until you found him talking in a small huddle of his friends so you walked up with a happy grin and pushed yourself up to give him a kiss on the cheek.
"hi, handsome." the most subtle shift away, "hey," you watched him look around the room, "got any friends here?" that must mean he doesn't see himself as one, how rude.
if he doesn't want you acting like you know him outside of fucking that's fine with you. but he doesn't get to act one way around you and another around his friends, it's confusing and unfair.
"you know what, peter? you suck."
you hear his friends scoff and softly 'oo' when you walk off, peter calls out behind you, "what does that mean?" you wanted to turn around and tell him off, but you think giving him a taste of his own medicine is better.
so, you go straight to the kitchen to down three shots and grab a cup of whatever so you could jumpstart the peter hate train. it took a while, but you finally made him break away from his friend group when you'd been in an unbroken conversation with a random guy for ten minutes.
"hey, where you been?" a territorial arm is thrown around your waist, you brush his hand off and step to the side. "hey, i'll catch up with you in a minute."
and that makes peter want to explode. you're blowing him off for some random guy? some guy that's mostly no threat?"
you gesture to the side with your head, "see you later, parker." and to stab him a little harder when he turns his back you shake your head and beam a smile, "sorry, he's kinda weird. what were you saying?"
but when you don't even find him after and wonder into the kitchen he's almost seething. peter walks up behind you and tugs at your arm, "hey, what the fuck was that?"
innocently, "what are you talking about?"
"well, let's see, trouble." he starts counting with his fingers, "you threw my arm off you, you blew me off, you cut me off, um, parker? then you said i was weird and you apologized on my behalf when i all was trying to do was talk to you."
you pout sarcastically, "oh, did i? i'm sorry, i just know how you are with me hanging all over you around your friends." peter dares look confused, "what do you mean?"
"oh!" you blink fast, "you hate it! so, i refuse to do it. and going forward, we'll keep the same energy, so no more hanging around after sex."
"no, what? why do you think i hate it? i mean, where's this coming from?" is... peter panicking a little?
"peter, you pull away and act like you don't know me everytime your friends come around. you act one way when we're alone and another when someone from the house comes around, it's unfair."
"it's not personal, trouble! if they figure out how much i like you i'll never hear the end of it."
"so... you're emotionally manipulating me because you don't want to be teased?"
when you put it like that it makes him feel terrible.
"no! yes? but not purposely. and hey, from now on, no more pulling away. even if i get roasted by every one. you have my word."
"i don't believe you."
that means prove it.
peter grabs your hips and lifts you to plop you on the counter next to the sink, he moved with such accuracy you yelp and rest your hand over his. before you could say anything ethan glides into the kitchen, unfazed by the sight.
"yo, parker, will you grab... and nevermind," just to prove a point, he kissed you while his best friend was mid question and watching.
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bellaaae · 3 months
Yn forgetting she’s the maknae [89k views]
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— Clip 1✰
“Ah yn-nie can you please pass me that marker over there?” Hyein politely asked yn.
“Huh? Yn-nie?” She asked herself.
“Ah right I’m younger” she finally remembered.
She passed hyein who was laughing the marker.
“Yn did you forget you’re younger than me again?” Hyein asked yn and she nodded as she hung her head low from embarrassment.
— Clip 2✰
Yn trying to touch minjis cheeks,but minji stopped her and gave her a scolding look.
Yn looked down and pouted.
“Aww yn is so cute I feel pity for her” haerin awed.
“Minji! Why didn’t you let her touch your cheeks!” Hanni scolded minji.
“Yah Minji unnie look at the poor pouting baby!” Hyein also joined.
“Kim Minji you’re a meanie!” Haerin joked and the other members continued to chant meanie into minjis ears.
Minji was trying to get away from the while yn just sat there and watched them bullying Minji for her.
She couldn’t help but laugh as no one has ever done this for her.
— Clip 3✰
[Yn and Danielle’s live]
Danielle suddenly placed her hands on Yn’s cheeks.
“Oo your cheeks are so soft and warm” she said squishing them.
Yn just sat there looking even cuter.
“You’re so cuteee” Danielle cooed.
Yn gave a smiling done face.
— Clip 4✰
Newjeans were doing a live when suddenly Danielle started tickling yn making her giggle and smile.
The other members noticed it too.
Hanni got up and went straight to yn to tickle her.
Before you knew it the other members joined in and started tickling yn while calling her “baby”.
<is this what it feels like to be the maknae?>
— Clip 5✰
“Yn-nie?” Haerin called out Yn’s name.
“Yes!” Yn answered going toward Haerin.
“Ahh” haerin said indirectly telling yn to open her mouth.
Yn obeyed and opened her mouth and Haerin gently put the food in Yn’s mouth.
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impishjesters · 7 months
If it’s not too much trouble, what about Caine or Jax (whoever you prefer!) with an s/o who is just. Tiny. Like, can-take-a-nap-inside-Jax’s-overalls-pocket small - like not even a foot tall!
Maybe they can change their size at will, maybe they’re just eternally itty bitty, your choice!
Thank you so much, and have a wonderful day/night!!
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You’re so small that while Caine finds it adorable, it is also quite the pain when it comes to including you in activities, or just doing anything with him overall.
In the beginning, he’d offered to carry you when he was present, but because it’s Caine it’s not a very fun method of transportation. His whole head kinda makes sitting on it or his shoulders difficult or impossible. And being carried around like a doll isn’t very fun or comfortable—especially with Caine being the type who talks with his hands.
Jax once called you a mouse as an insult and Caine found the name to be cute and fitting—unaware that it was an insult—and took to calling you his little mouse.
It takes awhile but Caine offers to try making you bigger—though the two of you find out later on it’s not permanent. The upside is you can switch between little and big at the price of exhaustion.
He’s in utter awe the first time he gets to fully take you in, all the hard-to-make details finally pop, and wow you are cuter than he thought initially.
Caine likes to make it a fun little game for himself to play, which is essentially just hide and seek except you aren’t intentionally hiding. You aren’t even aware he’s really playing the one-sided game, he just likes to pop in randomly and see if he can find you. You are a slippery little thing able to bypass many of his all-seeing eyes.
When it comes to dates he prefers them with bigger you, not that he dislikes your smaller form but he realizes how impractical it would be to take you out and exhaust you on such a tiny walk when there’s so much more ground to cover. Or risk losing you—which he’s totally never done before by the way…
Being big means he can hold your hand, lead you around, and sit with you, he feels like you are equal this way, when you are tiny he feels like the bad guy with control over everything—even if it technically is.
Just for funsies, Caine has shrunk himself down to your side when it’s just the two of you, it’s a very trippy experience he’ll say that much. Everything really is massive holy heck.
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Jax has without a doubt nearly stepped on you or kicked you too many times to count that he’s taken to shoving you in the pocket of his overalls for safekeeping.
Mind you it wasn’t intentional, you’re just so damn tiny and he’s definitely far from being the shortest in the circus. If anything he does feel genuinely bad, not only did you get the shit hand of being the size of a Barbie doll, but he’s not even the only person who’s nearly trampled you.
You’re basically a glorified purse dog in a sense, it’s easiest when he carries you around and does all the hard work and walking. You are his little purse dog s/o and he’s your glorified taxi driver, the two of you definitely joke about it though so there are no hard feelings.
Jax has found you more than once taking a cat nap when he checks inside his pocket, you’ve even got a little pillow and blanket—where the hell did you get those?
“I feel more like an apartment than a boyfriend.”
“Oo, free rent, great view, and a boyfriend. What a steal.”
You’ve experimented sitting on his shoulders and head before, Jax vetoed your rights to his head after you’d clung to his ear screaming—though to be fair there’s not much to hold on with him moving around. And after nearly wearing you like a necklace as you choked him out, the two of you settled that the pocket was best.
He just moves around too much sometimes for anything but the pocket to be safe, though when it’s just the two of you and things are chill he’ll give you necklace and earring rights again. (something he started calling you with the way you’d cling to him.)
Regardless of the appearance you’ve taken, Jax calls you a doll because well, you’re literally the size of one it’s self-explanatory. He even stopped calling Ragatha “doll face” to avoid any confusion when referring to you.
The whole permanent tiny thing gets on his nerves but he tries not to mention it, it sucks not being able to do stuff normally with you—or hold your hand or you—well in a manner that’s not his pocket. You get the gist.
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juicyc0utur3 · 5 months
So I was thinking of a very shy timid seemingly innocent on camera reader but shes into spanking choking and stuff and like she had a very coquette dollette style anyway and I was thinking overstim,spanking,choking and ofc guiding through it with praise
And like sorry I forget to say x Johnnie 🤭
oo sounds cute ^^
warnings: smut, spanking, choking
nsfw under the cut
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the two of you had just finished up a video, and johnnie’s moving away his cameras and tripods and stuff when you sprawl on the couch. when he’s done, he comes to sit by you and pull you into a kiss.
it starts off chaste and simple, until you feel him nip at your plump bottom lip. you move into him and straddle him, amused as you feel his desperate length trying to break out the constraints of his clothes. his hands move wildly against you, one smooth against the nape of your neck and the other caressing your hips and the globes of your ass.
he picks you up and gently lies you on your bed, rosy bedsheets creasing at your conjoined weight, continuing to kiss you like an animal. you whimper as he moves down to kiss your pulse point, your heartbeat erratic, and he whispers, “can i take this off for you, love?”, tugging at your light pink shirt. you nod, guiding his hands to the ribbon on the front of your shirt, which he undoes before pulling your shirt off.
he carefully takes off your skirt, leaving you in nothing but your lace underwear. “fuck, you look so gorgeous, pretty girl,” he breathes, savoring the sight of your naked body and making you blush. he takes his skinny jeans and boxers off and his needy dick springs out, precum shining at the slit. you moan at the sight of it, earning a smirk and light spank from him to get back your attention. “you ready, baby?”
you nod quickly, and he plants kisses on your shoulders as he eases in, careful not to hurt you. you sigh out as he peppers your throat with small nips and kisses until you rake your hands through his hair. “you can move, johnnie.” he obliges and begins to thrust gently, eyes rolling back at how tight you are. he rips moans and cries out of you as he slightly smacks at your ass again and lifts up your hips.
you’re close, and you can tell he is too, with his thrusts becoming sloppier and his breathing less even. he moves one of his hands from your lower back to your neck and applies pressure, lightly choking you and pushing you to the edge.
you release, and he continues to thrust, making you whine out. “almost done, baby,” he says breathlessly, before he finally cums hard into you. he bends down to eat up the mess he made of you, leaving soft kisses anywhere he can, before coming up to kiss you again. you taste yourself on his lips.
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cupidscrule · 5 months
Leon X Fem! reader
P in V, smut
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[ no tw, vanillaish idk ]
1.2k wrd
”Woah, woah, slow down” Leon chuckled as you started explaining another cool story to him.
Your relationship was like the definition of a black cat and a golden retriever. You always have so much energy and are nice to almost everyone. Leon on the other hand is a tough agent who doesn’t really enjoy showing much emotion. He’s pretty stern towards others— but his softspot for you is clear.
”Okay, i’m listening. Tell me” He said while you were walking together with your fingers interlocked.
"okay okay! So THEN after Fluttershy wrote an entire song, rainbow dash just decides to throw it out? Ugh she's such a bitch. Don't you agree? I mean her friend went through all the trouble to try and get them to win the battle of the bands but she's so selfish.." you said, going on about a children's movie. You loved cute things, hello kitty, my little pony, really anything a 12 year old girl would be obsessed with, wearing cute little outfits and rambling about pointless stuff. But hey it made you happy and Leon thought it was adorable
"Mhm, yeah, so selfish" Leon couldn’t help but chuckle a little about how into the movie she was. by now he knew EVERYTHING about these stupid colourful horses, rainbowdash, fluttershy, twilight, pinkie, apple jack, list goes on. Honestly from what he knew rarity seemed like the best- I mean she was a boss bitch.
He found the whole thing pretty amusing, you were just so excited about it and he’s glad you have stuff you're so.. passionate about
"I mean, it would probably get annoying if her friend just wasted all that effort right? " He said trying to show his interest in her story.
"exactly! Ugh finally you get it" you said smiling up to him, leaning closer into his side as you two walked down back home, it was a long day. Like REALLY long, you took Leon shopping, got your nails done, bought some new skirts, and a new album. All that sort of stuff, but y'know dragging Leon aside you cause someone had to carry the shit, you were gettin really close to the outside of your house, skipping beside Leon holding hands. Life was like a dream.
But the long day out had Leon pretty tired— he had to drag a lot of your stuff around and you insisted they go to multiple stores (you tried to be nice and let him pick something out but he was too tired and grumpy, I know right such a dick head?)
When you were about to arrive home, he looked at you as you skipped around excitedly and smiled softly. Despite what he’s put through, he can’t deny that he finds your behavior adorable.
He squeezed your hand and chuckled a little before you guys got in front of your door.
"Oo Leon tomorrow we should watch rainbow rocks, then you'll understand what I'm talking about better" you say giggling as you step into your house, taking off your little boots and walking away from Leon plopping your ass on the leather sofa, even if you were like if you gave a six year old crack mixed with sour gummy worms even you could get kinda tired. Right, ain't that surprising? Little princess bitch face getting tired, after crawling over Leon like a little kid and skipping everywhere, runnin, jumping, god doing everything known to fucken man kind
“don’t know if we’ll have the time because of..” Leon muttered under his breath, he didn’t want to upset you and ruin your mood when you’re so excited.
He walked over to the couch and sat beside you silently and just observed you as you started talking about the movie. He placed a hand over your thigh, brushing up and down just silently smiling hearing you decribe your weird ass fictional horse people argue with other creatures from mythology, honestly sometimes he wondered if you needed to be checked into a mental hospital. Little grippy sock princess
“Wellll, maybe we can watch it tomorrow..” He shrugged. “I mean, i’ll do anything you want” Leon chuckled looking over at you.
He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer to him, his body was pretty warm given how hot the day was and his arm was pretty comfortable.
He kissed you forehead before wrapping his other arm around you, squeezing you a little. You loved when he was affectionate, but not in a creepy way, a cute way. But after a long day a girl can get a bit needy, like sue me but when you have a hot ass man cradling you and taking you everywhere, GOD it's like an angel is sent from heaven to fuck you. But fuck you in a good homemade porno way, not one of thoes shitty ones with a whole plotline. Just straight raw fucking
You turn around, breaking his grip on you before climbing onto his lap, placing yourself onto his thigh "Woah Woah, calm down- y'know I'm tire-" he was trying to speak, silly men. You land a big fat kiss on his lips to shut him up, slowly moving yourself on his thigh, pulling away from him getting a breath, saliva dripping down your face like an animal, staring at him in the eyes, his face slightly shocked you made the first move. But you felt something perk up, bingo. Always know what can make your man want ya
"God I can't just stare at your handsome face and do nothing-" you mutter under your breath, pushing yourself closer into him, kissing his face like a big ol' dog, your free hand finding its way to his jean zipper, undoing it his fat dick springing up, he grabs you by your hips, pulling your panties aside, slapping you onto his cock, a groan coming from his lips, honestly didn't expect the day to end like this, went from talkin ponies to getting your brains fucked out. Like a good girl you ride him, his hands are placed on your hips moving you at a decent pase, bit fast but he did do A LOT of work today, guess he deserves it. Nothing else in the world matters right now, euphoric feeling, he thrusted up into you, taking one hand off your hip and grabbing your face, making you look at him, god his eyes make you MELT. He could take care of you, he was real nice with it. He groped your tits sometimes in public, but just made you love him more.
You're at your high, he knows that. Few more thrusts and you whine, feeling your body melt like butter, your weight collapses onto him, but he's not done practically druling on him, limp body he keeps fucken like a doll, if you still have a tight pussy thats all that matters, few moments and he finishes, pressing you down onto him, filling your cervix, still collapsed on him both of you breathen all heavy. "So babydoll, what happened next?" He groaned, a sly ass smirk on his face. "Mm that cunt rainbow got put in her place and they play fluttershys song" you mutter, pushing on his fat chest, rollin off him like a little kid, pussy dripping. His pants stained with you, and a heavy chest.
"I wanna-"
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gayforminatozaki · 6 months
"so what's your name?"
sana x spiderwoman!reader
summary: SANA gets MUGGED??? SPIDERWOMAN SAVES HER? ?? THEY'RE ACTUALLY PRETTY CUTE TOGETHER??(EMOTIONAL) (NOT CLICKBAIT) 😱😨 (tw: implied r//pe but nothing actually happens)
wc: 1.6k
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authors note: please be nice i haven't written anything in 2 years. also y'all like how i decorated this post i put pictures and everything oo i feel so fancy.
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it's 10pm, or maybe 11? who knows. all that sana knows is that it's late as fuck and she needed to get home as soon as possible. unfortunately, the only way home from her shift at the bakery was through a shady neighbourhood that she almost always managed to avoid. unfortunately, some pretentious customer came in just before it was time to close and demanded they make two dozen fresh doughnuts for her daughters birthday party. she was a bitch about it, sure, but seeing how stressed she was she caved. though she was beginning to regret it now as she missed her daily drive home from jihyo, and with no taxis around now had to resort to walking through unfamiliar territory.
it's just a 10 minutes away sana thinks, trying to compose herself. what she failed to realise, however, was that there was someone tailing her. no, not just one person. but two. and as she takes another step she's immediately grabbed from behind and a knife is put to her neck.
her immediate reaction is to stay as still as possible, but on the inside she's experiencing nothing but sheer panic. multiple "what if"s and "i should've been more careful"s and "fuck you jihyo i'm gonna die"s occupy her head, that it takes a couple more screams from the attacker to snap her back to reality.
"w-what do you want?" sana says, half crying half babbling.
"your purse. pull out your wallet and show me." he spits. sana complies, slowly pulling out her wallet with shaky hands. "how much?"
"a hundred" she replies, showing him the bills. she didn't want him thinking she was lying, not that he deserved the truth anyway. sana hands the wad of cash over to him and stays silent as he shoves it in his musty washed out jean pocket. after a while of still having a knife to her throat, she musters up the courage to talk to him, though meekly.
"is that it?"
the man stops, and then chuckles.
"is that it?" he says with a smug smile, getting closer to sana and moving his other hand to her pants. wait, is he going to.. oh god. "well, unless you have something else to offer me..."
tears start welling in sana's eyes, but before she could start begging him not to, a spiderweb shoots down from above, pulling the knife out of his hand. a few more go on his face, blocking his vision. a figure leaps down and starts mercilessly beating the everlasting shit out of him. punch after punch, sana's pretty sure she can hear some bones break. groans and cries erupt from behind, but sana doesn't dare look- not yet anyway. by the end of it, the man's laying down with his face bloody and disfigured. as the figure stands up straight, a wad of spit hits her leg.
"fuck you." he sneers, mouth full of blood, "i didn't even do anything yet."
and with that final word, the figure turns around and aggressively steps on his head. a helpless scream leaves his mouth.
"fucking bastard," you say, pulling the money out of his pocket. sana's left speechless. absolutely frozen. you notice and concerned, ask "ma'am, are you okay?"
what you didn't expect was to receive a hard slap to the face.
"s-spiderwoman you..." sana cries, "you s-saw that and you didn't bother to do anything u-until h-he.."
your eyes grow wide, "what? no no that's not what happened!" you say desperately, 'i thought he was only going for the money and didn't want to risk anything with a knife that close to your neck."
"b-but you managed to grab the knife no problem!"
"because he had his focus on something else!" you sigh, "i'm sorry, i should've done something in the first place."
"...thank you." sana say, "i was so scared. thank you so much."
y/n beams. though it sucked seeing people get hurt, it was nice being able to help them.
"it's no problem. i'm just glad i was here to help." sana nods, "it's too late for you to be out here, especially in this place. what are you doing?"
and so sana begins explaining her situation, to which you suggest you swing her back home. after all, you didn't think sana would be in the mood to continue walking after that. though sana was hesitant at first, you assure her it's completely safe.
"don't worry, i have a lot of experience" you say reassuringly, "though i don't always carry a grown woman with me."
sana laughs. you're both now up in the sky, leaping from building to building. she can't lie, it's absolutely terrifying. one wrong move and she'd fall to her death. fearing this, she clings onto you even harder.
"are you okay?" you say, turning red under the mask.
"y-yeah it's just so weird being up here. how fast did you get used to it?"
"didn't take long honestly. i'm not usually focused on what's below me but rather the criminal i'm chasing. though i do like to just swing around for fun sometimes."
"it's terrifying." says sana
"yeah, but thrilling" you smile, holding sana a bit closer. you don't want her feeling unsafe. this doesn't go unnoticed by sana, who now had the courage to peer down for a bit. "by the way," you ask "what bakery do you work at?"
"hm? oh, rosie's bakery. It's by the-"
"rosie's!? I LOVE rosie's. you guys make the best cheesecakes hands down." you say enthusiastically, to which sana can only laugh, "sorry, i didn't mean to cut you off."
"nono it's fine, honestly i didn't know people were such fans of our cheesecakes." she laughs. you smile back. she's so cute.
"oh we just passed by my apartment. it's the one over there." sana says, pointing to one with a chair on the balcony. you leap down onto it, still holding sana. looking in from the balcony, the woman has a pretty nice apartment.
her living room is neat and organised, with a large bookshelf to the side of it filled with books (she's well-read). her plants are seemingly still alive (she's responsible) and organised in a way which encapsulates the feel of her apartment (she's organised and pays attention to detail). she has a kitchen island- wait she has a kitchen island?? in new york city?? she really is your dream girl.
you don't realise you're lost in thought until sana speaks.
"thanks for the.. i want to say swing but that sounds wrong."
you laugh, "it's no problem. i'm glad you came home safe."
you both stand there silently, not knowing what to do next. sana breaks the silence clearing her throat.
"ahem. well, it was nice meeting you. thank you for everything."
she bows and turns to leave. you stand there frozen until you call out to her.
"wait! what's your name?"
sana stops in her tracks and turns around.
"hm? well what's yours?" she says with a hint of smugness.
you scoff, "i can't tell you that. it ruins the whole anonymity thing i have going on."
"then i won't say."
"okok fine just your first name then?"
sana crosses her arms, a grin forming on her face. "why do you want to know my name so much?"
you open your mouth to say something- wait, should you? oh fuck it you're under a mask you can be as cocky as you want.
"well, it's a shame not to know the name of a beautiful woman."
sana goes red.
"honestly," you continue, "you deserve better. i can't even imagine how hard it must be for you to go this long without knowing my name."
sana stops going red, and scoffs.
"maybe if you weren't so adamant on not telling me yours i would've told you mine by now." she says smiling. she doesn't actually think it's that big of a deal, but she liked messing around with you and seeing your reaction.
"i have an actual reason though! it's too personal, it could link to my actual identity. that's the point of the mask." you say, gesturing to it.
"it's too personal for me too." she replies with a shit eating grin.
she's being so difficult you think. you think a bit more, until a lightbulb goes off in your head. if she wanted personal, you'll give her personal.
you take off your mask- no not all of it, you're not crazy- but just enough so that the bottom half of your face is showing. what you're doing right now is probably worse than just sucking it up and giving her a (probably fake) name. you didn't want to lie to her though, not to those eyes.
you start taking slow steps towards sana, who had just let out a small gasp. you get closer and closer until both of your faces are just a few inches from each other.
you hold her face and pull her in for a kiss.
lucky for you, she kisses back. it's short and doesn't escalate much, but the feeling of her soft lips on yours has you losing your mind. when you pull apart you can't help but feel like you've been kissing for a whole century. you look into her eyes, deep brown and unforgettable, which happen to be looking right back at you. her lips are slightly parted, and you have to do everything to stop yourself from going back in.
"what?" you say, dumbfounded.
"my name is sana."
you smile. you didn't actually think that would work. you take a few steps back.
"see you soon, sana." you say, swinging off the building. sana stands there dumbfounded, touching her lips.
who knew that being mugged was the best thing to happen to her?
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somanyratsinthewalls · 5 months
hello! idk if ur still doing the 300 followers thingy but can i request a cinnamon and hibiscus ^^
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WOOOOOOOO friend, boy did I get carried away with this one! You are in for a treat because *wipes brow* yikes I am down bad for this himbo man.
Pairing: Ace x Female Reader
WC: 2700 I got carried away >:)
Prompt: “So do we like… holds hands now?”
*authors note- it takes 300 years and so much porn to get to the prompt and I’m SO sorry lol*
— —
*slam slam slam* “Yes? I’m working!?” You shout from your desk in your room, still pouring over maps and textbooks you had recovered during your last raid of an island. You knew exactly who was knocking (really actually pounding) on your door from how many times you’ve heard that exact impatient, powerful knock. 
The door to your room whooshes open and Ace bursts his way in. 
“Uh oh, nerd alert, wee oo wee oo!” Ace lights the tip of his finger and spins it around over his head to mimic an emergency light. You roll your eyes. He carries a bottle of rum in his other hand and flops down in the armchair across from your desk. 
“Just because you and the rest of the boys are acting a fool, doesn’t mean I need to participate.” You look above your reading glasses as they sit low on your nose. 
“It doesn’t? What kind of crew mate and best friend would I be if I didn’t drag your boring ass out there to enjoy the party?” Ace hops up from the chair and sidles his way behind you, towering over your sitting form. He runs his fingers along the page that you’re currently reading. 
“Yap yap yap, blah blah blah, boring as shit.” Ace slams your book closed. 
“Ace!” You protest. He places his hands on your tense shoulders and digs his thumbs in firmly to grind at your sore knots. His hot digits release the tension with ease. 
“You work too hard, y/n. Come enjoy the night with us. You deserve it.” Ace prods you in your shoulders to get up out of your chair. You sigh. 
“Fine.” You finally relent. “I’ll be out in a minute. Let me change first, you brat.” 
Ace flashes you a goofy, elated smile. 
“Great! See you in a few! I’ll save you some shots!” Ace jogs out of your room to return to the festivities. 
After Ace leaves, you get up from your desk and move towards your closet to find something to wear other than the grungy sweats you were currently sporting. You pull your drawers open and grab a tight black low-cut shirt and an even tighter pair of jeans. You change into the shirt and forcefully pull the jeans up your legs. 
“come… on…” You jump up and down and eventually get the jeans over your ass and the button done. It wasn’t often that you dressed in anything nice. You brushed your hair and tossed it in the mirror, giving yourself a once over. You spray your perfume on your neck and head out to the deck of the ship to join the party. 
You reach the deck and find it full of lively music and several fleets of the Whitebeard Pirates together enjoying the celebration of success with much food and drink. You spy Thatch whipping up a large pan of hot food and you immediately gravitate towards him You grab a plate from besides his wok and you hold it out for him to fill it. 
“Oh look who it is! Finally decide to come out of your dungeon, y/n?” Thatch jokes as he fills your plate with a steaming pile of fried rice. 
“Hah. Hah. So funny. I’m not staying long.” You begin to shovel the food into your mouth. “Mmm… not bad..” You comment on the food. 
“Ace convinced you to come out? He’s been talking about it all night, hopefully he shuts up now that his girl has arrived to the party.” Thatch smirks at you. 
“His what? I am no one’s anything, thanks.” You furrow your brows at the cook. 
“Oh come on, y/n, still just friends are we?”
You scowl. 
“You’re being weird.” You finish your plate of fried rice and leave it on the table so you could exit the uncomfortable conversation. 
“Y/n! Come drink with us!” You turn around and see Ace waving you over to a table littered with shots of clear liquor and other pirates sitting around it. You hesitate, not wanting to prove Thatch’s point any further, but you eventually join the group at the table. You settle in a chair next to Marco, who hands you a shot glass filled to the brim. Ace lifts his glass and the rest of you follow. 
“A fine day to raise the Whitebeard Jolly Roger! Cheers!” He throws his shot back and you were quick to follow. You cough briefly, not used to heavy drinking. 
“You alright, y/n?” Marco pats your back gently and asks after he takes his own drink. 
“ M’ fine. Are we doing more?” You question with a smirk. Ace smiles back at you from across the table. He looks at the bottle and his expression changes. 
“Shit, gotta get another bottle. Don’t go anywhere guys!” Ace happily scampers back to the galley to retrieve more booze. 
“So… things still the same there?” Marco asks you once a few of the other people around you had dissipated. 
You groan. “Why do people keep asking me that? We’re friends, that’s it.” You roll your eyes. 
“Because he’s so obviously in love with you and you’re too deep in your books to figure it out.” Marco laughed at you. Your eyes widen, you could have slapped him. 
“He is not, and you’re being ridiculous. No one is falling in love on a pirate ship.” You roll your eyes. Ace soon returns with more alcohol and you all partake in several more rounds of drinking. 
As the night goes on the rest of the pirates eventually leave one by one to return to their quarters and fall into drunken slumbers. You are left at the table with just Ace and Marco. You felt that you should cut yourself off and begin to stand up from the table. 
“Well boys, it’s been real, it’s been fun, but it hasn’t been real fun. I’m headed off to bed. Night.” “Ok, y/n, goodnight- OOf!” You hear Ace grunt behind you so  you turn around to face the two men again. Marco was glaring at Ace… did he just kick him under the table when you excused yourself?
“I mean, uh..” Ace stutters. “Wait, y/n. Let me walk you back to your room.” 
You furrow your brow at his request. Ace looked at you with somewhat pleading eyes.
“Um.. sure I guess?” You were confused, but you didn’t want to be rude if he was insistent on escorting you back to your cabin. Ace hops up and you both bid goodnight to Marco before you turn and head to your room. Ace walks next to you closely and reminds you of funny things that happened during the party to make you laugh. You feel his warm arm brush against yours more than once. An accident, you’re sure, you both had been having a few drinks after all. 
You eventually reach your room and you extend your hand to turn the knob. 
“Y/n wait.” Ace suddenly appears between you and the door, causing you to jump back a bit. “I have to tell you something.” 
“Ok…” You look up at him with concern. 
“So, um, okay, so I just- you know how we’re friends? So I- maybe we could? I don’t know-“ Ace can’t even look you in the eye, his head hanging towards the floor. He is stumbling over his words and you just wanted him to get on with it. 
“Ace what the fuck are you trying to say to me.” You were annoyed and frustrated. You grab his shoulders and shake him a bit to try and get his words out.
“IloveyousomuchandIwannakissyousobadallthetime!!!” Ace basically shouts at you. 
You pull your neck back, still trying to process what he was telling you. He picks his head up to look at you finally. 
“I-I’m sorry, y/n… I just can’t keep it in anymore. I’m in love with you, you’re all I think about and I’m tired of being just friends. I’m sorry if you don’t feel the same way, I completely understand. I’m really sorry if this ruins our friendship, I just can’t help it anymore-“ 
You cut off his blathering and cup his face in your hands gently. 
“Oh, Ace…” You whisper and lean forward, tilting your head slightly. You lips were now mere millimeters apart and you could feel his irregular breathing on your face. 
“Is this… really happening?” Ace breaths out as you close the remaining distance. 
“Will you shut up for once?” Your mouth twitches into a soft smile before you finally press your lips on his. 
Your hands remain on his face as he wraps his warm arms around your torso in a bear hug as he kisses you back deeply. You kiss for a few moments before you pull back and look up at him, freckled cheeks flushed pink wand eyes blown wide with both lust and disbelief. 
“Come in with me?” You ask as you pull away from Ace to enter your personal cabin. 
“Yes ma’am.” Ace raises his eyebrows and grins comically. You giggle. Barely before your cabin door shuts behind you, Ace’s body is on you again and attacking your mouth with his. His hands are exploring your curves experimentally, and at a quick pace as if he’d never get the chance to do so again. 
You pull back breathlessly. 
“I’m not going anywhere, Ace.” You smile up at him. He grins back. 
“You better not be! I’ve waited for this for too long…” Ace growls as he starts ripping your clothes off your body. After removing your shirt and bra, he pulls your tight jeans and panties down, helping you step out of them. He attaches his lips to yours again in a wet kiss before he lifts you up and tosses you back on your bed. Ace rakes his eyes up and down your naked form with a slack jaw as he fumbles to remove his shorts and boots. 
“Enjoying the view, division commander?” You smirk and spread your legs for him. 
“Oh sweetheart I’m going to be doing a lot more than just viewing.” Ace finally sheds himself of his briefs, his thick, erect cock bouncing teasingly in your direction. “Now let me have a taste.” Ace hops onto the bed in-between your legs and starts groping your plush thighs while giving them bites and kisses. You sigh out and keen into his warm touch on your sensitive skin. 
After giving attention to your inner thighs, Ace finally reaches where you want his kisses the most. Ace hooks and arm around your thigh so he could bring his hand to your pussy and spreads it messily with two fingers. 
“Look at that…” You cover your eyes with your arm, trying to hide from his scorching gaze somehow. “So pretty…” Ace coos at your dripping sex begging to him to touch. He immediately dives in and laps harshly at your clit. 
“Oh fuck! Ace!” Your left hand moves instinctively to grip at his messy black hair. He continues licking and sucking at your most sensitive bit. Ace’s left hand moves up and grips your right, interlocking your fingers with his in an intimate gesture. Using your hand that was tangled in his hair, you guide his head in the exact movements you need to reach a climax and he happily accepts your instruction. 
“Fuck, that’s so good, I’m gonna cum, shit-!” You cry out. Ace moans against your sex without stopping his expert tongue work. You tense and release, moaning wildly feeling the waves of your orgasm crests over your body. 
You compose yourself and find Ace on his knees between your legs, positioning his now leaking cock up with your entrance.
“Ready, sweetheart?” Ace slides his thick tip through your wet folds waiting for your approval. 
“Gods yes, Ace, please.” 
Ace wastes no time and pushes his thick length all the way inside of you. The both of you gasp at the sensation. Ace is hovering over you, arms propping himself up over your panting face. His eyes are slammed shut, feigning giving you time to adjust to his size, but he was clearly trying to control his own pleasure, not wanting this to end too soon. 
“Fuck me, Ace, please.” You buck your hips to encourage him to start to move inside of you. He obliges, pulling back and pushing into you again slowly. He captures your lips again in a messy kiss and slowly but deeply fucks you. 
“Shit, y/n… it’s better than anything I’ve ever dreamed of… you’re perfect…” Ace starts to speed up his thrusts slightly, succumbing to the heavenly feeling of your warm cunt sucking him in over and over again. Maybe it was the alcohol or just pure lust, but you wanted him to give it to you hard and rough, much rougher than the gentle lovemaking he was giving you now. 
“Harder, Ace, fuck me harder.” You plead from underneath him. 
“Anything you want, baby, I’ll give it to you.” Ace obliges and roughly digs his fingers into your soft hips and drills into you at an intense pace. The sound of wet skin slapping and your collective moans filled the room, surely to be heard elsewhere on the ship. 
“That’s so good Ace, shit, you’re so good for me.” You cry out and throw your head back. You feel Ace’s hips stutter and his cock twitch inside of you. You could have sworn your heard a whimper. 
“I-… say it again… tell me again…please… ” Ace says barely above a whisper. You smirk, realizing what he was asking you to do. 
“You feel so nice inside of me baby, you’re doing such a good job.” You reach your hand up and cup his sweaty face. “Keep fucking me just like that, you’re gonna make me cum again.” Ace fucks into you harder, determined to feel you release around him. 
“Hahh.. please… wanna feel you cum…. wanna be good for you…” Ace huffs out, humping into you impossibly fast. You feel yourself tip over that delicious edge and you moan out your lovers name. 
Your body was buzzing from your orgasm and you impulsively bring your hand that was on Ace’s face to gently circle his damp neck. 
“Will you fill me up like a good boy, Ace?” You purr up at him. 
“Mhmm yes, yes please y/n! Wanna be a good boy for you… gonna fill you up so good… FUCK!” Ace shouts as he shoots his load deep into your waiting walls. You whine as you feel rope after rope hit your insides, stroking Ace’s back as he collapsed on top of you. 
“My sweet, good boy…” You twirl his hair around your finger as your lightly scratch his back. 
“Nnnnhhn…” Ace whines into your shoulder. “Don’t do that, I’m gonna get hard again.” He complains, voice muffled by your skin. 
You laugh. 
“Alright alright, let’s get some rest.” You gently push your lover off you and turn over to curl up into his side. Ace nuzzles into your neck and promptly starts snoring. 
— — 
You awoke still wrapped in Ace’s warm embrace feeling a slight soreness between your thighs. You smile remembering the filthy things you and Ace did to each other last night, but curse yourself knowing that everyone really was right about the nature of your relationship after all. You feel the man behind you stir awake. You flip around and lay yourself against his chest. 
“Hey.” You look up at him. 
“Well hey yourself.” Ace smiles sleepily down at you. He leans down to press a gentle kiss on your lips. Your romantic moment is interrupted by a large grumble coming from Ace’s stomach. 
“What? I can’t help that! It’s been hours since I last ate! Let’s go get breakfast, I’m sure Thatch is up by now.” Ace quickly hops up from the bed and dresses himself. You put on some sweats and you both head out the door. You close and lock your door behind you. 
“So do we like… hold hands now?” Ace asks. 
“Sure… but if you try anything fresh like grabbing my ass in front of the guys, I absolutely will throw you overboard.” You retort. Ace smiles and grabs your hand. You both start walking towards the kitchen. 
“Well I wasn’t going to… but now you’ve put the idea in my head…” 
— — 
xx Mo
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