#only for it to be a weapon šŸ˜
rubys-domain Ā· 1 year
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#ā‡¢ā‚ŠĖšāŠ¹ šŸ©·āˆ„rubyāˆ„yoļ¼Œide yo !!#it feels like ages since i last got a new character šŸ„²#(i say as if it hasnt only been a week since i got sucrose)#(and faruzan but idk if i'll ever use her)#(anyways)#this is motivating me to run a mono geo team down the line#and to pull for albedo because when i was first formally introduced to the game i was a hardcore simp for him#(now hes been supplanted by venti šŸ˜¬)#now i have something of an excuse to potentially whale to get king down the line#because god knows i cant save for shit i want way too many characters in this game#but i'll only spend real money on venti and albedo#the rest i either get or i dont#i was so excited when i saw i was getting a five star#only for it to be a weapon šŸ˜#ig i can put it on bennett idk#but his current sword is an em sword and that might be more valuable right now because i still dont have artifacts#i COULD put it on xingqiu#but rn he's running sacrificial sword matching my chongyun's sacrificial greatsword#and im not willing to give up that matchy-matchy yet ;-;#besides sacrifical sword makes him a more effective battery with its gimmick of ending skill's cooldown#in my very uninformed opinion lol i actually dont know how this game works#on the topic of the sacrificial weapons btw#i vastly prefer the blue color scheme to the post-ascension purple color scheme#solely because it complimented chongyun and xingqiu's color scheme so well#now with the purple there's some dissonance and it feels weird#also honestlyļ¼Œdebate club feels like THE weapon for chongyun#idk it just fits so well imo (ignoring the post-ascension red and gold accents at least)
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reverie-starlight Ā· 5 months
a bus + train ride when youā€™re getting over the worst back pain youā€™ve ever had to endure for almost five days straight is not my idea of a good time but here I am.
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saetoru Ā· 1 year
close ur eyes when looking at the talents those are still a wip šŸ”«
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but my irritating bf is (finally) complete šŸ«¶šŸ½
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bbyboybucket Ā· 1 year
Literally off the top of my head, characters that would 1. Be better for thunderbolts than Bucky and 2. Would be good additions in general because having purely super soldiers on a team is pointless:
White Vision, Sharon, Zemo, Abomination, Titania, Vulture, if they really wanted to get creative: Wanda, or just introduce a new fucking character from the comics and let that be their first appearance.
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ruairy Ā· 1 year
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4giorno Ā· 1 year
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hiraya-rawr Ā· 2 years
little star ā€” diluc 怂
synopsis!! everyone knows the creator doesn't favor diluc (everyone is wrong).
cw !! gn reader, reader is peak diluc simp šŸ˜ somewhat self-aware characters, mild sagau themes (not too much), reader is recognized as the player, reader is a little shy at first. angst with reverse comfort!
note !! the plot feels a little everywhere but i tried to organize it as best as i can, i think i got carried away eheh honestly doesn't feel up to my standards but it was pretty enjoyable to write
word count !! 2.8k something
"No, it's definitely Outrider Amber, she was the first to ever be favored."
"Are you kidding me? Outrider Amber may be the first, but sir Kaeya was definitely loved. Have you seen the sword he was gifted with?" One growls.
"It's the Acting Grand Master Jean!" Someone slams the table with his beer mug, "Twice was she bestowed with fallen stars of gold."
"I'd say that wolf boy in the woods seem lucky."
"It has to be Bennett. I don't know why but that kid has two crowns! Two!"
"You're all missing out on Miss Lisa!"
"Stop, stop! You rowdy drunks! Every vision holder in Mond has been granted favor, this is just impossible to decide!"
There was a pause. "Well. . . not every." Someone mumbles under their breath.
"Not every? Who's the poor allogene that couldn't even get the Player's favoā€”" Shushing sounds break his sentence, the men glare at their companion, pointing to the redhead behind the bar.
It's useless, really.
Diluc has been listening in the entire time. He can't really help it when their voices were loud enough to reach where he stood. Still, he was merciful and pretended not to hear. He's not exactly bothered by what they're saying. It was the truth, after all.
For two years, vision holders all around Teyvat were being granted favor.
It often begins with a meteor shower gracing the sky.
A star gently falling into the hands of a vision holder, embracing them in warm light.
They call the ethereal sensation as something akin to "coming home".
The favored would then be given different things; quality weapons, enhanced abilities, beautiful crownsā€” Some allogenes were even gifted summer apparel (Mondstadt is proud that their Gunnhildr sisters were one of the very first). Even their equipped wings would change into ornamented works of art!
It's been two years, and it seems like every allogene he knows of has received the Player's grace.
He supposed he just wasn't favored. It isn't too difficult to believe that he isn't likable.
He convinces himself it's fine.
It's fine if his summoned weapon is a cheap claymore made of scrap metal. It's still efficient to have the extra blade while he manually carries around another claymore (commissioned from Wagner as the best money could buy). Or that his abilities can only be improved through hardwork, unlike the many who broke the limits of their power through your favor.
It's fine.
As the bar goers leave for the night, as Venti and Kaeya wave around their almost divine-looking five-star weapons to show the crowd, and as he's closing up the tavern and retreating to his upstair quarters for comfort, he convinces himself that the he'll be okay on his own.
The arrival of the Creator was festive and grand; The day the sky parted itself and glowed as the brightest of all stars fell with grace into Mondstadt's very own Windrise.
Teyvat rejoices in the ecstatic ideal of being loved.
A meeting of vision holders was quickly held in the Cathedral, discussing immediate plans as some of the most favored (Venti, Jean, Kaeya, Albedo to name a few) went ahead to fetch the Creator from the large tree.
While Diluc was often the center of any other meeting due to his authority and influence, this was something he chose to step back from. Standing by the windows, away from the meeting, he watched on as Eula and the rest conversed around the circular table.
He isn't even sure why he's invited. Perhaps they felt it was obligatory for vision holders, regardless of favorability? Then again, he could always offer a fraction of his mountain-loads of wealth to help with the festivities.
At least he's competent at being a wallet.
As the others pull out their crowns and stars, weapons and artifacts, eager to thank the one responsible for the gifts, an unknown emotion bubbles in his stomach. It's faint, but it's there.
He tries to look away.
"Everyone, everyone! They're entering the gates!" Fischl announces uncharacteristically to the room as her eye glows brightly, undoubtedly looking through Oz's eyes from the sky.
"We should wait by the statue to welcome them, right?" Barbara chirps in, hands clasped and wavy hair bouncing with every step.
Diluc watches as people steadily leave the room, following last as they walk down the steps to greet the approaching group. Some civilians gathered to see the scene, others didn't really understand what a Player or Creator was to a vision holder, while Dilucā€”
Diluc stood by the steps to see them crowd around you.
You, surrounded with words of gratitude and cheerful squeals. He sees the smile on your face and feels relief that you don't seem too overwhelmed.
He leaves the area without a second thought.
He doesn't exactly see you around the next few days. With Mondstadt celebrating a new festival, the taverns were always full and busy with customers (both local and foreign). You were probably busy too, spending time with the different allogenes and entertaining those who came from Liyue to meet you. He's heard of a funeral consultant with three crowns (are consultants that admirable of a job to you?) and an adeptus gifted with various five-star polearms (this was understandable for the adepti, unlike the consultant).
He doesn't expect to see you at all until you leave for the next nation, honestly.
That is, until the tavern settles into a more peaceful atmosphere and Jean rushes in with several other allogenes. It's unusual to see his childhood friend in the tavern; still, he greets her amicably and asks what brings her here.
"(Name) will be coming here soon with Kaeya and a few others. It's a little impromptu, but we were hoping for a place to settle in with drinks. Perhaps try some apple cider." She smiles, taking a seat by the bar.
(Name)? Jean was already on a first name basis with the Creator?
Diluc thinks perhaps Jean truly is the favorite, she does have a few golden stars in her home.
Somehow, it's not surprising at all to know that his apple cider was famous enough to drag you in. At least there's something about the Dawn Winery in your favor. He promptly gets his employees to work, clearing a few tables near the bar, rearranging the furniture to give space good enough for a group.
Your entrance into the bar was just as lively; with your favored allogenes chatting away with you, everyone falling into place at different parts of the tavern, ordering drinks and meals.
He's glad you enjoy apple cider.
You're trying to play it cool, really. Trying your best not to get overexcited and glomp everyone and everything.
You're taking things step by step as you converse with Jean, Lisa, and Albedo; as you share meals with Barbara and Sucrose; as you play with Klee and Diona; tour the city with Fischl and Bennett. There's plenty of time to meet everyone and your schedule has been filled to the brim with all the fun your having.
You'll see that glimpse of red hair againā€” one that was lingering by the Cathedral staircase. Diluc doesn't like crowds, so it's fine that he isn't approaching you. It's also fine that he hasn't visited at least once, unlike the several raging from Liyue to Sumeru who took the journey to meet you early.
Diluc is too busy a person to meet you; whether it's because of the winery or his darknight hero duties, you wouldn't dare take his time.
ā€” but when are you supposed to give him all the gifts you've brought for him???
Your determination to build him up in one go, from Talent levels to Constellations to Artifacts and Weaponry, all came down to this moment ā€” and the man was simply nowhere to be seen!
An unknowingly loud sigh escapes your lips, catching the attention of the Cavalry Captain next to you.
"Now, what's got our (Name) so down in the dumps?" Kaeya hums, glancing at your face as you stutter a response.
"Aah it's not that, it's just. . ."
Your brother is too busy, I just want to meet him!!
"I'm thirsty." You deflect, looking around for a stall. The streets of Mond were nothing like the minimized version you see in the game; with the city being ten times larger than what you remembered it to be.
"Oh! Oh! Klee suggests apple cider!" The little girl giggles, running around your legs in excitement, "Angel's Share is nearby and big brother Albedo alwaaays takes me there for apple cider!"
Angel's Share. Bartender. A great idea has appeared!
At the excited look on your face, Jean walks up ahead of you.
"Why don't I go and inform the tavern to prepare us a space first, it would save us the waiting time."
"That would be great, Jean!"
You hope you aren't being too obvious.
With the way your eyes would linger on him, casting side glances and hoping he would greet you to strike up a conversation, the way most allogenes do. You didn't want to abruptly disturb his work, nor do you want seem desperate, so you waited for his initiative.
Yet, Diluc lingers just a little outside your group's circle. Your food and drinks were refilled by Charles, you've talked with nearly everyone but the person you want to talk to.
"It's getting pretty late, we should head home for the night." Someone suggests.
"Hm? Do you still have something in mind?" Kaeya asks. You realized you said it out loud, catching the attention of nearby patrons.
With a frantic glance around the tavern, your eyes make contact with Diluc's. He pauses as well, wondering what caused your little outburst.
You are definitely not leaving, not when you don't know when you could catch Diluc in his free time again! You'd be leaving for Liyue by then!
Hands slamming the table to stand up and with a small burst of courage, you approach the bartender who turns away from Charles. He raises an eyebrow at your approach. It's odd the way you feel flustered and nervous, finally facing him.
Pausing just in front of him, he looks on curiously.
"Would you like a refill?" He asks.
"A-ah no, I mean, yes but that's not why I'm here. I. . ." You stutter, stumbling over your words as you try not to behave awkwardly. Should you start with a casual topic?
"You seem to be quite busy." You say.
Diluc blinks. He isn't sure what you're implying. Neither is Kaeya or Jean, who stopped to look at the exchange of words.
"I suppose. . . but as a winery, we do thrive in impromptu festivities." He replies curtly before realizing, was it rude that he never visited the Creator?
"Ah, is it my lack of visit? I apologize, I would have visited but it seems that you were quite satisfied with your favorites and-"
"No, no, no," You wave your hand, cutting him off, "I understand you're busy. You don't have to visit at all! How could I take your timeā€” wait," You pause, recalling his words.
"Favorites?" You tilt your head, "What do you mean I seemed satisfied with my favorites? What do you mean by favorites?"
"Your favorites... allogenes who received your favor. Those you have granted gifts."
Your jaw laxes. Favorites? They decided you play favorites based on how much you've built them?
"You think. . ." You say carefully, not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings, "That I offer gifts to my favorites?"
Diluc nods slowly, unsure of your questioning.
Although it would be a lie to say you didn't have your personal favorites, it would still be inaccurate that it's based on gifts. After all, you built everyone who came home by chance. As an avid player, you did your best to farm and push everyone to their full potential.
Diluc, however, never came home no matter how much you wanted him to. It can't be possible that he doesn't know how much he is loved, right?
"Then what about you?" You blurt out, "How do you think I view you?"
He stares at you oddly. At this point, many around you had stopped to tune in. Everyone knew Master Diluc never received your favor, so why are you conversing with him?
Meanwhile, Diluc wonders if you want him to admit it. Must he say it in front of everyone how he never received gifts?
"I suppose. . . I'm not one of them. It's quite understandable. I don't intend to question your judgementā€”"
"What?" You exclaim, a look of shock crosses your face, "You think I don't like you?" Voice raised in disbelief, you feel the eyes of many turning to watch the scene.
Diluc mirrors your confusion.
"I can't believe you wouldā€“ no, that isn't it at all!" You stutter over your words, a frantic need to prove him wrong goes through you, "Youā€” you of all people!"
"Me?" He repeats.
"I've always wanted you!"
A silence settles over the tavern. Did you have to put it so bluntly? You freeze in shock at your own words. Diluc's expression of disbelief turns flustered, face turning as red as his hair.
Explain yourself.
"I- I mean, I've always wanted you to come home. Ever since the start, really! It's just that you never did-"
"Hmm... so it implies that it's out of your control, correct?" Kaeya piqued, looking on curiously. He's been listening in the entire time. You nod your head.
"Yes! It's a game of chance for me as well. It's not to say that favor is an accident, I truly wanted everyone to come home! It's just thatā€”" You turn to Diluc, "You never did, no matter how much I wanted you to. How was I supposed to give you your gifts?"
Diluc snaps out of his shock, blinking at you, "Gifts?"
"Yes, gifts! I've been saving them up for you, ever since the start." You pause, shyly looking away, "When I said I wanted you since the beginning I meant it. I came here for you, after all."
He looks at you in disbelief, and probably half the tavern as well. You can't help the small chuckle from your lips. With an outstretched hand, something materializes between you. It glows a blinding golden light, before settling to revealā€“
"Wolf's Gravestone. It's a weapon for you."
You didn't have to say itā€” anyone with eyes could see how it was practically made for Diluc. With large handles and a color scheme that matches his own, Wolf's gravestone doesn't look as divine or ethereal as the other weapons you've gifted, but it looked just as powerful, if not menacing.
With a gesture, Diluc grips the handle.
"Fits like a glove." Kaeya whistles, impressed. As does the rest of the tavern who stopped to stare.
Suddenly, flames burst forth from the weapon. It sears and glows red. Unlike the common claymore that can't handle the the prowess of Diluc's flames, Wolf's Gravestone embraces it. Like an extension of his own hand.
He breaks his gaze away from the weapon to look at you.
"Thank you. . ." He mutters softly, but it's genuine. You smile.
"That's not the last of it, you know."
With another flick of your hand, artifacts and talent books materialize. They flow around him like a dance as more and more begin to appear, lighting up the tavern like the night sky.
"I told you I brought gifts!"
All the days spent farming for him and other pyro characters finally paid off. The glimmering artifacts reflected in his own red eyes as he stares, entranced.
Favor did not come to him in meteor showers like it did to the other allogenes; rather, it came to him in your form. Proof of him being loved. The spectacle continuedā€” after the artifacts and talent levels were the constellation (the crowd ooh'ed and aah'ed at the sight), then came the five star apparel (a nostalgic sight to him, and it changed his flames to a darker red), and the ascension materials you passed off as trinkets.
By the end of it, he had a hand over his lower face, his red bangs hid just the ends of his eyes. "I just thought I wasn't that favorable. . ." He muttered and you leaned in to peek at his covered face, wondering why he was shying away.
But it was evident to the tavernā€” the pink dusted ears, the flushed cheeks, and the overwhelming emotion in his eyes. Diluc Ragnvindr was flustered, and it's a sight enough to make even the drunks place down their beers for a closer look.
You bit your lip, trying to prevent the widest of smiles, "Do you believe yourself loved now?" You ask and he gives the faintest of nods.
"Thank you," He says, "For favoring me."
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note !! THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE a very short brainrot that became a fic huhuhuhu
I don't often write creator sagau themes but here we are! this is like peak diluc simpery idk ive never been this down for a man. i wrote this immediately after getting his skin i just got so excited šŸ˜… I wanted to spoil him so bad (but i gave all his mats to thoma before he came home :< )
taglist !! @absolut-wildflower @boundedbyfate @sadlonelybagel @eissaaaa @ladycoleigh @nejibot @milkypompon @bloodreaper08 @irethepotato @x-zho @roriver @mich-cola @mxsomn @ackrylik @nicebonescomrade @starforecasts @stygianoir @yuminako @eccedentesiast-sapphic @nebulaera @nuttytaniĀ @klutzkatĀ @shizunxie
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the-cat-and-the-birdie Ā· 4 months
Canon events aren't bad, Miguel's just projecting his trauma.
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One of the things that will always stand out or bother me in this scene are these three lines from Miguel:
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Because... Wait what?
Miguel admits himself that some canon events can be positive - but he names none, refusing to show any of these instances, instead surrounding Miles with images of loss and grief.
Even he admits that Canon Events aren't inherent tragedies.
They only come off that way, because he's hyperfixated on suffering. Largely, his own.
People have talked about Miguel's background in the past and that's a job for a Spider-man 2099 fan - but in short, Miguel DID NOT have a good life.
If you think about it - it's extremely hard for Miguel to POSITIVELY connect with other Spider-people.
He lacks the spider-bite, has no MJ, Harry, Doctor Octavius, or May. He's never had the experience of happily and excitedly coming into his powers.
The only thing he has, is a lot of tragedy.
Him not having many positive events in his life is just another reminder of how he's othered.
Because he's unable to connect to other Spider-people based on things like biology, love, familial connection to aunt May, the driving lesson that 'with great power comes great responsibility'.
Much of all knows is tragedy.
Because of this he hyperfixates on traumatic Canon Events, using the resulting fear as a source of unity, rather than uniting them all over good, constructive Canon Events.
Idk it just always stood out to me. Cause what do you mean GOOD???
Either Miguel is wrongfully weaponizing 'Bad' Canon Events as a source of authority - protecting his trauma and ignoring the good-
OR he's lying about there being good Canon Events, and that's something he tells them to make them feel better. Which would be fucked up.
OR OR The Canon Events he considers 'good' aren't actually good at all. Marrying your MJ might be a 'good' canon event. But you still have to do it. Even if you aren't into marriage.
Isn't that an arranged marriage?
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If I don't wanna marry my MJ, but that's my Canon Event, is Miguel gonna beat my ass over it? šŸ¤ØšŸ˜
[Yes, that's apart of Dianes lore lol Her MJ Martin is a poseur-punk asshole rich record producer whose bordering misogynistic. He hates Hobie. But uhh oh he's supposed to be a 'good canon event']
But like...
If Jessica Drew's canon event was getting pregnant and the next one is like 'nah I want my tubes tied' Miguel gonna be like 'sorry no can do'?????????
HUH... IS THAT WHAT YOU MEAN BY GOOD??? Compulsory 'positive' events.
BUT NO REALLY what the hell is Miguel talking about???
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vasyandii Ā· 11 months
Giving The CoD Men Icks
But its only the ones I care about and it's based off of vibes (just for funsies!)
[Characters Included: Krueger, Kƶnig,Gromsko, Nikto, Bale]
Messy eater, forgets to use a napkin because he's used to just eating under his mask
Overall just a very messy person, dirty clothes, etc. Stuff accumulates in his room
Highkey condescending?? Like if you were having trouble with a new weapon he would be like "you don't know how to use it?"
Anger issues, has not been to Anger management about it
Takes pictures like a Facebook dad. You know what I mean
Messy eating just runs in the family huh. He definitely chews hella loud and speaks with his mouth full
He's not funny, like his humor might pander to very few people so whenever he tells a joke the other KorTac ops just kinda go šŸ˜šŸ‘€ "okay buddy"
Anger issues, has been to Anger management
Mansplains, Unintentionally
Probably has gone a few days without brushing his teeth on multiple occasions
None, he is perfect
Millennial humour (derogatory)
Uses Facebook
"Yeah I'm 6'3, not a big deal tho (it is, please Date me)"
Mumbles like he knows the lyrics to a song
Has said a slur before. Just look at him and tell me this mf hasn't bc he definitely has
Type of guy who makes fun of your interests even if he obviously knows you like it
Dirty nails, dawg does not clean his gear what makes you think he'll clean his hands
Does not use the right (you're, your), (to, too, two), (there, they're, their)
Watched Breaking Bad and related to Walter White
calls dogs "doggos" or "puppos"
If you're dating him he's gonna want you to call him some stupid corny shit like "bubbas" šŸ’€
Favourite movie is The Matrix but not for the right reasons
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originalaccountname Ā· 9 months
I'm going back to the Decay of Angels plot because I'm trying to understand what just happened and maybe try to guess what's happening behind the scenes.
"One day, I received a message through the Amenogozen. It was a prophecy of a world war that would happen in 36 years. It said it would be sparked by a multinational conflict, and advanced autonomous weapons and bioweapons would take 210 million lives." - Fukuchi (source: CrunchyRoll subtitles)
Fukuchi's plan was to write on the back of the Page that no one would question the need for the humankind army, which he believes would end all wars forever.
Fukuchi knows that giving such immense power to someone would most probably corrupt them, which is why he wanted to make Fukuzawa the one in charge. He doesn't think Fukuzawa can be corrupted.
The reason behind this plan, more than just "world peace", is that Fukuchi had a vision of a war that would happen. This war would kill 210 million people. To prevent this tragedy, he knew he would need to kill people anyway, but limited that number to 500 and below.
That idea was Fyodor's. Fukuchi is comfortable with it because Fyodor was in prison and "couldn't interfere from across the globe."
... šŸ˜
Just about every plot Fyodor has made so far was weaved around twisting someone's motivations, values, dreams and desires into a monster: Hawthorn only longs for his love, whom he might not even be able to recognize; the actor in Untold Origins, who wanted to give his fans the performance of a lifetime, but traumatized them instead; Ivan Goncharov, whose brain was fried to prevent him for feeling anything but happiness and bliss as he served Fyodor...
Where did that vision of war come from? Why to him? Why then? And I know he had a whole plan with the Page as I said above, but he's dead now, can't oversee the rest of these events, and that was probably part of the plan too. Right now, the world still thinks the ADA is guilty (just that Fukuchi is too), Fukuchi broke the trust of everyone, One Order just got used for evil, and there is, in fact, a "multinational conflict" happening. We don't know who wrote/is gonna write on the Page for the final step of the DoA's plan, and CLEARLY something is happening with Fukuchi at the end.
Fyodor's masterplan starts unravelling now, is what I'm saying.
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rboooks Ā· 10 months
In The Royal Consort:
I just imagined a scene where Danny accidentally cried or bleed and that makes the favorite assigned bodyguard appear all spooky and knightly
Fright Knight
The second one drop of blood or tear hits the floor the sun suddenly is covered by clouds and this chilling sensation travels to everyone's spine (Clockwork laughs)
Danny hides his face between his hands cause: omg this is so humiliating, why does the knight have to be so protective!? He isn't a kid! In fact, Danny is stronger than him!
But everyone around just assumes they started a war by hurting the very loved spouse of a very powerful king
Fright Knight walks through a portal and points his sword to the persons that hurt his Lord and spoke all scary and well, frightening
Meanwhile we have a combination of Danny and Batboys trying to calm down the situation (Danny casually hits the ghost all: dude! Relax! Everyone has a mini heart attack)
John Constantine is having a panic attack when he sees the news (you just know someone was making an live all the time) cause this powerful entity surely has to be the assigned protector of Prince Danny and if he appears it was to avoid that the king himself drains his husband when he's already hurt but that only means he was probably furious waiting for an explanation!!!
Danny just wanted a coffee that Tim told him (he just wanted like, enough caffeine that would kill him)
On the other hand, you just know Twitter is going crazy
People are having passionate debates about the situation, maybe for Danny's age, Is necrophilia?, Fanfiction and fanart, Ghosts aren't real and everything is just a government plan, who's Danny and why he was selected and a Buzzfeed Unsolved/The Watchers video (Ryan spends half the video laughing cause he was right! Shane is šŸ˜šŸ™‚ well I didn't expect that but at the same those places they went weren't haunted)
Director movies are watching the news, wondering if they can make a movie about them (normally they'd said that they have to wait to them be dead, that is the norm with royals but like... Dead or not is the same here, isn't it? Can they or not make movies and series about them?
Danny is suddenly the subject of everyone's curiosity. His life, photos, his friends and classmates are on the news and internet all the time
People are just asking why him? What makes Danny Fenton, a normal teenager, so special to have one of the more powerful and mighty entities in the universe so found on him? So in love?
Government/criminal societies/companies are making plans of seduction the king and becoming his consort too maybe stealing Danny's place so they can have access to Phantom wealth and power
This situation is just to say: a ghost appears to attack him while he's in public with a lot of attention from paparazzi and passengers (a friendly attack causes he's far away from his lair and they're checking? A rebel trying to take the throne?) One of the Batfamily tried to stop him but didn't have the weapons to stop them
Danny has to defeat him in his human.
But Danny doesn't even look scared, he just attacks him like a professional, like if defeating this powerful entity was nothing to him and after a few minutes he has the ghost in the thermo and Danny looking normal
I, for one, I'm sure that people would find that very hot of him and the internet reaction would be like: for that reason šŸ˜Æ
Danny went from being an invisible loser to "Oh shit, he's kind of hot" overnight due to the internet hyping him up. There are thirst edits all over the internet and people are eating it up, especially when Wes' blog leaks out footage videos of him doing crazy flips and ghost fighting as a human.
Meanwhile, Fright Knight is screaming, "I will protect my liege's chastity!" which is really not helping Danny.
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anouri Ā· 1 month
Crawling to my knees. More regulus and harry hcsā€¦ how is he as (future step)dad..
omg yess i have Thoughts
i think that (maybe contrary to what ppl might generally assume?) regulus would be the ā€˜chillā€™ dad whilst james would be the more strict parent. reg would be too hesitant to reprimand harry most of the time bc he didnā€™t grow up with a good example on how to handle a kid when they misbehave, so he ends up pulling the ā€œdonā€™t make me go get dadā€ card whenever he feels like he absolutely has to do something about harryā€™s behavior. he gets better at this when harry gets olderā€”heā€™s more likely to tell a teenager to cut their shit out than a little innocent doe-eyed childā€”but it takes him a while. heā€™s also less likely to enforce rules because he remembers being absolutely suffocated by them during his childhood, while james does not have such a strong negative association when it comes to rules.
(keep in mind that i donā€™t even think james is strict in the traditional sense. he encourages shenanigans but he has very unwavering values when it comes to how other people should be treated & he wants harry to not be a bullying little shit like he was so heā€™s very strict when it comes to how harry interacts with others.)
for the first year of interacting & caring for harry i think that reg wonā€™t know how to initiate anything. heā€™d pretty quickly get used to reciprocating whenever harry wants his attention, but if harry doesnā€™t start the interaction he would simply šŸ§ in harryā€™s presence.
regulus also always talks to harry like heā€™s an adult. he treats him like a child (takes care of him, reads him bedtime stories, tucks him in, plays with him etc) but the entire time he does that his actual spoken words are like heā€™s holding a conversation with a peer rather than a child. (in my mind regulus isnā€™t good at code-switching with anyone and just always speaks the same way regardless of the person)
despite being the more chill parent, regulus does not hold back on the sarcasm. this doesnā€™t bother harry but it does scare harryā€™s friends when theyā€™re too young to understand, and harryā€™s friends would actively avoid regulusā€™ presence/be nervous when heā€™s there lol. i think regulus doesnā€™t give a shit about this (in fact, it might even mildly amuse him) bc the only child he really cares about is harry
i think reg would use his stepfather status to annoy sirius into being jealous/use it as a weapon whenever theyā€™re bickering. something about the hierarchy of fathers and how heā€™s better bc heā€™s the stepdad while sirius is just the godfather
i also think that regulus would infect harry with side-eyes and exasperation and sarcasm. he spreads it to him like the plague. and then harry starts school and starts rolling his eyes at everyone without realizing how disrespectful it is and the teachers have a chat with james and regulus (+ lily and mary) to explain his behavior bc itā€™s offending the kids and faculty and regulus goes ā€œwow i wonder where he learned that from šŸ˜ā€¦ what a mystery. šŸ™„ā€
okay wow that was an essay and my brain is still vibrating lmaoo but i must hear what u think about this too!!!
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thesupreme316 Ā· 8 months
ok this might sound weird butā€¦ how would aew men react to having a partner who acts like Chelsea Green ļæ¼so she is a karen on screen hopefully that makes sensešŸ˜­..
AEW Stars React to: You Being A Karen (on-screen)
Pairings: Orange Cassidy x Fem!Reader, MJF x Fem!Reader, Kenny Omega x Fem!Reader, Hook x Fem!Reader, Eddie Kingston x Fem!Reader, Ricky Starks x Fem!Reader, Christian Cage x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 910
Supreme Speaks: hey yall sorry for being MIA, my life has changed so much so please keep me in good thoughts. anyways, i'm back and thanks to @cassie0sstuff requesting and sorry for not responding. Imma try my best to upload as much as possible this week. please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: none i think
Taglist: @cassie0sstuff @wwenhlimagines @hooks-martin @hookerforhook @sheinthatfandom @eddie-kingstons-wifey
Okay for this I can only imagine yall doing the whole Karen thing if the other person was truly in the wrongā€¦not when someone is literally just doing their job
Orange Cassidy
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Heā€™s just going with the flow man
This is the face before you start yellin šŸ˜
And this is the face after you start yellin šŸ˜
He literally would let you go on a rant and finally, when you walk away heā€™ll say
ā€œWhat she saidā€
Will tell you to chill out if youā€™re going overboard
Cassidy literally doesnā€™t have the energy to be playing with you or feeding into your antics
Because of this, Kris, Trent, and Chuck have to pull you off of the other person He loves it when you scream at his opponents; he starts chuckling in their faces
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Tries to calm you downā€¦.sometimes
Like Cassidy, Hook is not with the yelling and screamin (unless its in other ways wink wink)
Heā€™s a very quiet and stoic person if you didnā€™t know
Will shut you down before you even get started
Like Iā€™m talking will pick you up and remove you from the room
However, if itā€™s a time when you really canā€™t be stopped, Hook will sit back and observe
With a huge ass smirk as youā€™re mouthing off at his opponent
After itā€™s all said and done, he says, ā€œFuck around and find outā€
Only will allow you to do it once he canā€™t be bothered to yell or complain
Eddie Kingston
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Man either loves it or heā€™s not phased
Like it has become a part of his routine; wake up, get ready, hear you yell, kick-ass, sleep, repeat
He loves to see you go off the handles every once in a while, especially when confronting Claudio or Jericho
You: You keep getting involved with business thatā€™s not yours! You are not the authority here! Iā€™ll sue you!
Other times you fade into the background
Fenix: Do you hear her?
Eddie: Not really, at this point itā€™s white noiseā€¦or maybe Iā€™m going deaf
I also think he would just place you in front of him when he's finished talking so you can scream the rest of his thoughts
Kenny Omega
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Your character is primarily on BTE
He feeds into it
Will tattletale on Nick and Matt to you
ā€œYou two are in big trouble when Y/N gets here! Ooooooooo!ā€
Will hide behind you and stick his tongue out at Nick and Matt
I think he would also just tell Kota (who can do no wrong) to let you angry translate for him
Kenny would be the significant other who 100% percent supports their partner
Even if they are in the wrongā€¦he wonā€™t let you know when youā€™re wrong
If you really went in on someone, he would quietly apologize after you leave
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Feeds into it x5000
A smirk would be on his face as he states that you are his secret weapon
Will lie to people just for a chance to see you yell at people
Brings you to his matches so you can yell at referees about their ā€œmistakesā€
Will act like a Karen when you get ejected from a match
He might leave the match since youā€™re not there
Sits back stage and sulks while you scream at everyone in sight
Tbh, you are both Karens with the way he acts
You both have to drag each other away
Christian Cage
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Hehe, this man is the biggest Karen
Donā€™t hit me, but this man would use you as a shield and scapegoat (character speaking wise)
He would hide behind you and tell you to tell off his opponent
Will send you to do interviews for him, loves it when you get feisty and start yelling
He would also send you off to let Tony his list of demands (of what he wants in his locker room and wish)
If he said anything outta pocket and gets confronted, heā€™ll say it was you
ā€œI didnā€™t say your mom is hotā€¦Y/N said it! Wait-ā€œ
Hear me outā€¦he has several voice messages saved with you screaming your head off
Uses it when youā€™re not there to get his point across
God forbid anyone starts yelling back at youā€¦he would unleash hellfire upon them
Ricky Starks
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Okay at firstā€¦he was annoyed
Like he didnā€™t understand why your character goes around yelling at people and how it got over
But once he turned heel, he understood
It was hella funny yet justifiedā€¦especially when one of you got disrespected
Ricky tries his best not to laugh on screen when youā€™re screaming
Will join in and verbally jump the person
You: You are so horrible at your job! Like how did you-
He is quick to get merchandise made with your Karen slogans
Cuts people off and threats to get you...which makes them instantly shut up
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lovemyromance Ā· 1 month
lets talk about the truthteller scene, so az gives elain truthteller but then feyre was like "the only bridge of connection was THAT KNIFE" would you call that romantic?
I don't think it was inherently romantic actually, but it was significant. That scene marks a turning point in not just Elain, but Elain & Azriel's relationship.
Before that moment, Elain seldom had moments of boldness or where she was even the focus in ACOWAR.
The first turning point for her was when Azriel discovered her powers, freeing her from her depressive state.
The next turning point was when she helped Feyre find the Suriel - showing she did care, she did want to help, however she could.
Then the next significant event was when she asked Graysen to give the humans asylum in his fortress- displaying her boldness and strength to do what is right even if she knew it would pain her.
Then, when Azriel rescued her from Hybern. This scene I do believe was written to be romantic, but it also displayed Elain's resilience and determination when she kicks the hounds away with her bare feet.
The truthteller scene I think is more than just Azriel giving Elain a dagger to defend herself with. Let's not forget that Cassian offered Elain a dagger first, but she took the one Azriel gave her.
This scene is significant for both Elain & Azriel:
For Elain: The fact that she even accepted this dagger shows she was willing to do what was necessary to help her family. Maybe she had a vision, maybe she trusted Azriel after he rescued her and whatever conversations they had together in the garden, maybe she wanted something to defend herself with - but something definitely made her accept Truthteller over the dagger offered by Cassian. She sealed her fate, accepted what had to be done the second she took the blade.
Additionally, the scene is written from Feyre's POV, and Feyre uses some very vivid, beautiful imagery to describe it. It's interesting because the act itself of giving someone a weapon for defense is not something people romanticize- and yet that is what Feyre did when she described the scene as a painting.
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That knife is the first indicator of a connection between them. Feyre had no business describing Azriel handing over a knife so beautifully - which leads us to raise the question - Why? She could've said "Azriel gave her a dagger šŸ˜" and moved on to the actual battle scenes, but she didn't.
Compared to the other main characters, Elain does not objectively have that many scenes in ACOWAR. And yet, there are intentional scenes with her dedicated to Azriel discovering her powers, Azriel sitting with her in the garden, Azriel rescuing her from Hybern, Azriel giving her truthteller. It is for a reason. It is all significant to draw attention to that connection.
For Azriel: The truthteller scene is also significant because it is made clear he goes out of his way to make sure Elain is not defenseless.
He says "so I want you to." - Personally asking her to take the dagger.
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Furthermore, he gently takes her hand and places the blade into it. When has Azriel ever initiated physical contact? In this scene, he isn't even self conscious about his own hands, no, his focus is on making sure Elain is protected. Their hands even linger on the blade, enforcing that connection between them.
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On top of all that, SJM makes it a point to show us Azriel has never lent out that dagger before Elain.
Feyre wonders. Cassian gawks. Rhys confirms the fact that Azriel has never let anyone even touch that dagger. 3 separate people observe and are shocked by Azriel's actions.
The fact that Azriel trusted Elain enough to take his dagger was significant.
The fact that she accepted the dagger was significant.
The fact that Feyre described the scene so beautifully, with an artist's mind, was significant.
The fact that 3 people were shocked by Azriel offering his most prized possession to Elain, was significant.
Without even delving further into what Elain used that dagger for ultimately, and the importance of her stepping out of a shadow and slaying the king with that very knife - the entire truthteller scene was a pivotal moment for both Elain, Azriel and their relationship. It might not have been romantic in the most basic sense, but it marked an important moment in their blossoming relationship for sure.
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joesalw Ā· 1 month
My husband has clinical depression as well and it really pisses me off how callous she speaks about Joeā€™s. She just doesnā€™t seem to grasp what being in a long term relationship is like. I am so glad theyā€™re not together anymore but I also think she has a very naive outlook on marriage and truly being someoneā€™s partner. No way in hell would I use my husbandā€™s depression as a weapon against him let alone share that detail with millions. Is it hard? Of course. But there is something so beautiful and special about a true partnership and figuring things out and working together. Some relationships need to end but her lack of growth in retrospect proves she doesnā€™t get it. The themes of the album had the potential to be so much more interesting and impactful. Instead it we got a tattooed golden retriever šŸ˜
to marry someone youā€™d have to stick together through thick and thin, good and bad, health and sickness but it's clear that she only wants the positive aspects. the moment joe got depressed, she got bored and cheated on him. she's never growing up
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xxnomadsxx Ā· 4 months
Nomads AU! PEPPY SUCKS !!!!!!! (And so does POP village)
Pop village basically alienated Branch. He was deemed an outcast by the village standards. Sure there have been grey trolls in the past but it has never lasted longer than a day at most! Branch has been grey for months now and has swore off SINGING?!?!! What troll doesnā€™t sing?! Anyway the village was cruel to itty bitty Branch, he was seen as a freak always screaming and crying about the Bergenā€™s, always carrying a weapon, not to mention those hysterical ā€œtantrumsā€ (they were panic attacksšŸ˜) The kids made fun of him and pulled pranks that usually were Bergen related (the new generation was unaware how much harm those things caused many of the survivors, but thats not an excuse) The adults talked about him like he was a pest and a blemish on the ā€œhappyā€ village. No one wanted him and those who tried to take him in only wanted to make him happy, and when he didnā€™t become ā€œhappyā€ they dumped him onto the next family.. Peppy was too busy to take care of the troll and insisted on finding a new home for him,ā€¦.till he gave up looking after another escape from branchā€™s current home (Branch kept leaving to build the bunker for his bros sadly the one in pop village was left unfinished) eventually Branch disappeared, no one noticed for a few weeks till he was brought up in a conversation once. Soon Peppy and the older trolls stopped talking about the grey troll. He became nothing more than a forgotten memory, eventually the knowledge of grey trolls also were forgotten (or kept a secretā€¦)
Everyone forgot you could even go grey or be sad in general the last grey troll was forever gone and so was sadness (Peppy didnā€™t want the new generation to worry about things like that besides they no longer had worries the Bergens are goneā€¦.for now)
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