#omegaverse k!nk
otter-pup · 3 months
Har me out; being a stubborn omega, always declaring that you don't need any alpha. You can take care of yourself. Even when you go out and see omegas heavily pregnant with their omegas, you push down the feelings of envy. It's just your instincts, who cares?
But one day, your heat hits you, and hits you bad. You had a feeling your instincts would be insufferable, and they usually are during your heats since you're unclaimed, but this time around it's terribly bad. You don't know if it's because of you want these instincts to stop or because of your instincts, but you do remember that you have fertility pills you were keeping for a friend..
You take a few (or a handful, it's hard to remember) and head out, the moon high in the sky. You hard ever head out, always too busy or focusing on school, but it couldn't matter less. Maybe if you just got pregnant with one litter, your instincts would finally stop.
You head to a club, and it's easy to get in, and you couldn't get less about your pheromones at the moment before spotting someone who was obviously an alpha; me. I was far too well kept for being in a club, but you could care less. Your feet move you over to me, and I greet you with a charming smile.
We make brief small talk. I'm here because I was recently promoted high up into my company, especially surprising since I was only a year older than you. I was only here to celebrate, but I could clearly tell what you were here for.
You had dragged me back into one of the rooms the club had (apparently this sort of thing happened often) and just soon enough I was mounting you, my cock pounding away at your cunt. You could hardly remember that night, between how pleasurable it felt, how good it felt to have your instincts finally satisfied, and how rough yet soft I was towards you. I never pushed you farther than you could go. (Another reason why I was such a good alpha for you, your instincts informed you.)
When you awoke, you were dressed and alone in the club room. You were disappointed, but also relieved. No more annoying instincts, but even with being satisfied and telling yourself you wouldn't contact me, you still took the card I left beside you.
And as the days passed, you noticed your belly slowly swelling. You were a bit concerned, and checking the fertility pills confirmed your worries. You had taken way more than you had intended to. Who knows how many pups you were carrying now?
You weren't sure what happened first weeks later. Either your instincts, which had been steadily growing in time, finally consumed you or your lust did, and you called me. I was such a good alpha, you needed me.
I was there in just and hour, to see my poor little omega on his couch, desperately trying to make himself cum, but couldn't because of how large his stomach had gotten. I chuckled as I walked over to you, kissing your stomach before trailing my hand down to your wet cunt.
"Just let your alpha take care of you, my little omega." And that was all you needed to hear to surrender yourself to your instincts completely. And now with your first littered delivered and your stomach heavy with another, you know you made the right choice.
i wasn't ignorant of my instincts, but i refused to let myself succumb to them - too stubborn to see where that would land me. i stared at every bred omega i saw with buried envy, refusing to admit that i wanted that for myself, too.
until my heat hit.
i had a friend who was actively trying for a litter, but their state hadn't cleared the fertility meds they wanted to try for OTC sale - so i had bought them for them and was keeping them safe until they could make the trip to come get them. except now, with my heat messing with my brain, i fumbled to get the cap off myself, pouring i don't know how many into my palm and swallowing them down. then, i put on my best outfit and headed out.
the club i ended up at was nice - which is how i ended up meeting you, celebrating such a big event. my pheromones were pumping out nonstop, and if i wasnt able to smell them, i would be able to tell from your dilated pupils. it didn't take much after that to get you to one of the breeding rooms in the back - even the nicest clubs know better than to risk the mess of a breeding in the bathroom.
you mount me, and im gone, cumming from nearly everything you do - when you bottom out, when you start thrusting, hard, when you knot me for the first time. you pump me full of cum, and i can still feel it, warm inside me, when i wake up, even with you gone.
my instincts are gone, too, and i'm relieved until my belly starts swelling much faster than i would expect. after a few days, i give in and check the fertility pills, and at least half the bottle is gone.
half the bottle, of a fertility booster with a recommended dosage of one.
it still takes a few weeks for me to call you - a few more weeks of growing concerningly big for such a short time frame. but even with the logical concern, my instincts are rearing their head again, telling me im such a good omega for taking such a big litter, such a good omega for my alpha, and it's not long before those instincts have me calling you to tell you - and to beg for you to take care of me again.
the hour between the phonecall and your arrival is torture. i can't reach my cunt anymore, my belly in the way even after just a few weeks. you're quick to approach, lips pressing against my belly before your hand presses against my cunt.
let your alpha take care of you, my little omega. that's all it takes for my mind to break, spreading my legs even wider for you as you take me again, soothing my raging hormones and breeding me like you could knock me up again. and months later, when i've given birth to that first litter and you've dosed me with excess fertility meds again, you do get to knock me up again - and i couldn't be happier.
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moonlit-lezbthem · 1 year
Please run. Chasing you is going to make it so much sweeter when I'm knot deep inside of you on the forest floor.
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mindofadoll · 1 month
So I'm in love with the BFFs sister Troup. Especially in a omegavere scenario.
I imagine my beta best friends alpha sister get handsy when BFF's not looking. Like placing her hand on my thigh under the dinner table or hugging me for way too long after sleepovers. It's not that she's a bad person just a little inappropriate when it comes to me. Which is weird because she not like that to any other Omega.
Despite this I'm not afraid of her, so when my friend texts me a invite to a sleepover I agree with out thinking. I'm surprised when her sister opens the door.
"Hiiii, Omega. Whatcha doing? "
I try to push her out of my to look for my friend. I go up to my friends room but she's not there. I check my phone for any cancelations but their are none. When I walk out of my friends room I question her sister and where she is.
"Oh yeah I think she's in my room looking for a jacket I "apparently" stole from her. "
I go to look for my friend in the room she pointed me to but no ones in there and the place is a mess. I then hear a click of the doors lock and turn around to see my friends sister practically panting. Then it hits me the smell of an alpha in rut. How did I not notice? Then as I look around the room I see packages of scent blockers. My brain tells me to run and she seems to notice.
"H-HHey don't panic I... I just want to talk okay. "
I look at her and nod. She slowly stocks towards me. " Good, Good Omega. Do you realize what's going on? " I say yes. She continues to move closer. "G-good so you know this isn't me. (Pants) Fuck, I made a really stupid, rut filled decision. " she continues closer and closer with her hand over her nose. "Fuck your just sso pretty. Have you ever been fucked by an Alpha?"
I wince at this question knowing where it's leading. She seems to notice. "I'm sorry that's, such a stupid fucking question. I just... you smell so good ... even from here. Just so good." I back away from her causing her to lung forward but I dodge out of the way. And now our positions change. Only one problem the door is key locked. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that it's just hard doing these things alone. And toys they don't help. "
I continue to look at her trying to anticipate her next move. Looking around the room for a weapon but all that's on the ground is scent blocker wrappers and broken cum filled toys " My sister hasn't fucked you yet right? " to this I stumble back in utter confusion and surprise."Oh, she hasn't told you yet? Fuck, yeah you have two sisters fantasizing over you little Omega." I think about escaping through the window but it's to high up.
"But I was first, I had feelings for you long before she did! I remember when she introduced you to me and I felt so bad attracted to my little sisters friend. Dreaming ever other night of sinking my teeth into you. Imagining it was you instead of some flimsy toy every rut. And then I saw my sisters old phone in her room after searching for clothes that smell like you in her room. I just... "
She begins to shake and pant more and more. And I can see the bulge of in her shorts from here. I'm so fucked, I think as she continues to take small steps towards me.
"I know that look Omega, please don't try to fight me. I don't want you to get hurt. I don't want to hurt the girl that's going to be carrying my pups. " after this statement she pounces on me again this time I don't dodge it. She knocks me down full force and holds my hands down with one hand. The sight of this only increases her panting. "Fuck I can't believe this is actually happening it's not a fantasy. Your below me, smelling delicious and no ones home. "
As she speaks I feel her grind into my thigh. I try to think of how I'm going to get out of this. Fighting her isn't an option, she's strong enough to have both my arms pinned with one arm. And she's to far in to be reasoned with. I scrap my mind for something anything that will save me and then I feel it her hand ripping my skirt and panties in two.
"You smell so good. " she says as she bites her lip and pants. "Fuuck, what will you smell like when your filled with my pups?"
I keep trying to tell myself to think but it's so hard when you have a hard pulsing clothed cock rubbing against your folds.
"I shouldn't be doing this god it's so wrong. " she say as she grinds harder tears falling from her eyes.
I try to take this moment to my advantage. I tell her that I'll forgive her if she just stops. I wipe away one of her tears with my thumb. Before telling her that I wouldn't tell anyone not even her sister. I feel as she slightly let's up off of me before pulling me towards her bed as I scream.
"Why do you always have to talk about her! Why can't you just look at me? " she yells as she throws me on to her bed standing over me but not touching yet. I look around for something anything to defend but on the bed I see photos of me. So many ones of me in my bathing suit, ones of me get out of the shower, ones of me sleeping and the creepiest of all ones from outside my bed room window.
She breaks my concentrate as she begins to speak "I love you, not her. She doesn't crave you like I do. She doesn't think of you everytime she closes her eyes. She wouldn't fuck you like I would. She doesn't ... I'm sorry omega but I won't let her have you. Your mine. "
She then gets on top of me and tries to kiss me. I try to move away but she grabs my chin and forces her tongue down my throat with a growl. I start to feel as she rips my shirt and bra off and grabs my chest.
"Your so fucking soft and you taste as good as you smell! Gods I need you now! "
I begin to feel myself slip into fear as she holds me like a toy. It isn't until she plants a kiss on my cheek that I look up.
"Please don't look at me like that, stop please. I promise I'll make you feel so good, just stop smelling like that. I... why can't you just love me?" She begins to wrap a hand around my throat her claws daring me to move. "Say it please, just say it tell me you love me. "
I try to compose myself as the fear of being broken spreads through out my whole body. "I... Love you. " she moans and let's go of my throat.
"Good, good girl, so fucking good. Now tell me you don't want her, say you only want me. "
I nod and begin to mouth the words back to her. She growls before letting go of my waist in exchange for my legs. Holding me up to her and looking down.
"I want to taste. I need to know. I want your scent dripping down my chin. So be a good, pup and don't fuck this up. I don't know what I would do in this state and I really don't want to hurt you. " she says before shoving her tongue into me.
She eats me out like its her last goddamn meal. Fucking me on her tongue in and out while pulling me close as I cry. It feels good. It shouldn't feel good. She's taking me, I'm not enjoying it not even as she begins to lap and suck at my clit. A sensation that's just to much. I try to pull away from it but I feel as her teeth ghost on my clit.
"Don't fucking, move away you can fucking into to it, but the next time you run from the pleasure I'm giving you I'll bite this off. After all you don't need a clit to have my kids. " she threatens before sinking her face back down as I squeak.
She takes to nursing my clit more and kissing my thighs. I feel my self shake and whine. As I start to get closer and closer to the edge, I look down and she's starring at me. She then let's up of my cunt with a pop.
"I'm sorry baby, I don't want to threaten you I just... I need you to be good. Obedient, for this to work safely. I'm really trying to be gentle. It's just I want you positively dripping of my cock and I can't control it. But I prepped you so your ready now. "
I feel my eye's go wide as she pulls down pulls down her shorts and it falls out. I know I can't take that it's going to break me, even the knot is bigger than my hand. I have to run, I don't even care if the windows to high at least it freedom or a painless way to go. As I begin to bolt up she slaps me hard against the face.
"No No No, your are not going to ruin this for me! Your going to take me whether you want it or not. " she pants as she lines up "Your going to take me until your properly breed! "
I feel as she pushes in and I begin to cry. "So just enjoy it, enjoy your purpose! "
I try to stay positive as this happens. Think thoughts like at least she prepared me, maybe her seed won't stick and my friend will be home any momment. But I can only think that way for so long as she holds my legs up and starts pounding into me like a animal. Panting "tight" "warm" "love" "breed" over and over again as she uses me like a toy. One that she going to leave broken and cum filled like all the others.
Then I think about how she going to break me by the end of the day and how she'll leave my cunt a gaping mess in the shape of her knot. God no the knot, she hasn't even pushed the knot in and it feels like agony. Despite me thinking that there's the smallest voice in my head telling me it feels good and to rock back into it.
I ignore it, especially as she goes hard and harder fucking me slower but so much deeper. I hear as she moans and grunts and takes what she wants. Fucking me with reckless abandon as she chases her high dragging me along with her. And then I feel it. The burn of being stretchered more and more as she desperately shoves her knot all the way inside before final shoving it all in and bitting. It all happens so quick first I'm in pain from her tearing me open and then from her sharp teeth being buried into my kneck.
She let's out a sharp growl as she keeps moving her hips before spilling into me sending me falling down the ladder of pleasure and pain along side her. My vision goes white and I hear panting it takes me a minute to realize it's my own. I try to wiggle around but all I feel it taunt of her knot a her cum sloshing around painting my womb even further.
She growls "Don't move. Let my knot go down and then we're going again and again until it's not possible for you not to be pregnant. "
I begin to cry and then I realize it's not just going to end after today, it takes the average Alpha a week to go through their rut cycle. I begin to sob as I think 7 more days of this. Then I realize not 7 every day she mated me which means every day she's going to... She mated me and breed me. Which means I'm hers I begin to shake and have a coughing fit.
She then rubs a hand through my hair "Ssh it's ok our children are going to look so beautiful. Our little litter. " she says kissing our mating mark as I continue to sob.
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scarefox · 6 months
can you believe, we live in a timeline where
this guy
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wants to impregnate this guy
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and he totally would let him
on Thai TV?
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spicycinnabun · 4 days
here’s a little teaser of the au @batty4steddie and I are cooking up. let us know if you’re interested in reading more! it features omegaverse, the guys as rockstars and a lot of pining. oh yeah, and smut.
read steve’s pov first!
Another shock to Eddie’s system. Steve’s… kindness towards him. Generosity. Those words didn't go together with sex. He wanted to make Eddie come more than once? Even though he was in rut that had to be demanding he just flip Eddie over and mount him already.
It didn't make sense why he was putting Eddie’s needs before his own. It didn’t make any sense at all.
All the Alphas Eddie had ever been with had treated him the opposite. It was never good omega. It was always bad omega. Needy slut. Desperate whore. You’re just pathetic for it, aren’t you?
And sure, Eddie looked like the type who would be into that sort of thing, he’d admit. His whole persona kinda screamed I’m a brat! Put me in my place. He didn’t look like an omega who wanted to be treated nicely, and he’d never corrected anybody who’d assumed so.
But he was that kind of omega. It actually stung sometimes—okay, every time—he was called names like that. Made him feel as worthless as a broken guitar string. Not that his partners had cared. They’d never had any problem crossing the finish line, even if Eddie had gone limp.
So this, being called good? Being hot? Making Steve feel good? Being his baby…
Shit, it was like nothing Eddie had ever experienced, and it was hitting him so hard he probably could have come from the affirmations alone.
Eddie was making animal noises instead of actual words. There was a direct line from his ear to his heart to his dick. The prostate stimulation was now just a bonus. The cherry on top.
He’d never come so hard in his life, and as the pleasure center in his brain lit up like fireworks on the Fourth of July, it became Eddie’s sworn duty—his eternal vow—to make sure he was Steve’s good omega forever.
Eddie could barely kiss back, uncoordinated and panting. “No more waiting,” he swore.
His last brain cell took a swan dive to its death as Steve ate Eddie’s slick from his fingers like it was a delectable treat. Steve liked Eddie’s taste. Eddie was good.
He flopped back bonelessly against the mattress as Steve maneuvered him, hair that was now mostly dry splaying out on the pillow beneath it. He watched Steve with hearts in his eyes, his post-orgasm scent overpowering the room and almost consuming Steve’s. He felt like he was floating, but also—
“Holy fuck, Stevie, you’re gonna kill me,” he said, completely breathless. Steve was eating his come. The look on his face was predatory and ravenous. Eddie’s abs clenched, and his cock gave a valiant twitch, aftershocks wracking his body before settling again as Steve finished his meal. He grinned. “And what a sweet death it’ll be.”
No way he’d rather go.
Now that the edge was off, Eddie felt relaxed and happy, though no less needy. He could make sure his Alpha was taken care of. He wanted to make Steve feel more than good. He wanted to make him feel great and fucking amazing.
Eddie spread his legs a little more in Steve’s hold and lifted his hips, presenting his dripping hole as much as the position would allow. He clenched his muscles purposefully so Steve could see it gape open and closed, smirking playfully at the reaction. “Shove that pretty cock in me. Go as hard as you want. I can really take it.”
Steve didn’t have to hold back any longer. He could let his Alpha out and let it take him over, take what it wanted. Eddie was still soft—his refractory period was a lot slower out of his heat cycle—but he had no doubt he’d get hard again before Steve popped his knot.
Honestly, probably as soon as Steve slid home.
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pregmothy · 7 months
Continuing from that last post of yours, you’d be pampered not just because the Alpha chose you to carry his young but because you are doing it so well. Many other times that it was tried they struggled to get even close to thier due date. Big pups need a well earned womb and yours is simply perfect. So much so many of the others in the pack become a mix of both jealousy and admiration both wanting to be as good as you but also admiring your ability to hold so many of his pups for so long. You knew you were built for this. This was what you were made to do. The alpha had found their mate for life.
Some of the pack members would feel more want than others after your due date came and went with no sign of labor on the horizon. The Alpha isn’t of annoyed, seemed thrilled. He wanted you to be carrying his pups always so this was what he always wanted. He even bred you more often, giving you more seed too. Maybe you should go overdue with your next litter too…
(❤´艸`❤) well, if Alpha likes me big and pregnant for long times, who am I to deny them. I'm sure if I try hard enough, I can keep the pups in for a bit longer.
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pregnantbfdiyuri · 1 month
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Baby beach day! Show off how swollen and claimed you are🩷
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boytoyblue · 1 month
Thinking about being pregnant, thinking about the sensations, the weight of so many pups stretching out my belly past what I ever thought possible. How much my center of gravity has shifted to accommodate all of the changes. My chest swelling out again, heavy with milk and aching to be pumped.
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moonlit-lezbthem · 10 months
Silence. The woods would be silent while I hurt you. The creatures of the woods knowing that a predator has its eyes on its mark. Sure, it's nerve-wrecking, but it is also so exciting not knowing when I'm going to strike.
The sun is going down and you are going to have limited light. I don't have to worry about that though. All I need is to find a hole to fuck into and I will be satisfied. There is a twig that snaps to your left and you make eye contact with my form. A wolfish grin and hard cock greet you before all you can see is the forest floor.
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kisasan · 4 months
Thinking about omega!kacchan who’s job is „helping” rich people get pregnant,his service includes (besides getting pregnant obviously-method is up to the client) disguising himself as a partner of the person who hires him,so the public/family doesn’t know that they’re using a surrogate.
Katsuki is very professional about his job,he always has a contract ready that specifies what the client can and can’t do,the amount of money he is going to get,and that he will be not be legally responsible for the child/children.
As to disguising himself as a partner of his client,he can do anyone,doesn’t matter the age,gender,weight,height etc. he is very skilled in makeup,he can change his voice,he has thousands of professional wigs in every color imaginable,tons of clothes and costumes,fake body hair,facial hair, birthmarks,you name it! he even has fake breasts & butts!
Katsuki also mastered a method for gaining weight,loosing weight,gaining muscle mass etc. so he is as similar as possible to the parent,his disguises are beyond perfect!
One day he gets an offered from a the very popular but mysterious businessman called „Deku”
Katsuki at first was quite shock when he saw the email,from what he knows the man is single,and he usually gets offers from married couples,very rarely from singles,none the less he decided to accept the man’s offer,especially after seeing how much the man wants to pay him (the double amount from what he usually gets) and he doesn’t get paid small,little did he knew that Deku is planning to make the omega his,he will do anything to make kacchan love him and marry him.
PS.I forgot to say it before,but if you end up using this idea,tag me so I can see it/read it <3
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z0mbieb0ys-recs · 2 days
by: Badhairred
Words: 13,913
Ship: Regulus Black/James Potter
Rating: Explicit
Regulus black hates his heat, so he comes up with a plan to find a little comfort during this period of pain. Little did he know fate would present him with the best gift he could have never hoped for in the form of James Potter.
Or James spends Regulus' heat with him without planning on it.
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castielafflicted · 9 months
post nut clarity except it's just closing the poorly written fics with tags you hate that you opened while not thinking with your brain
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pregnantbfdiyuri · 20 days
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I might do a big drawing doodle page of them breeding > stages of pregnancy > birth > post-partum, This being one of them♡ ^_^
Yeahh this isn't really the kinky aspect of it and its more fluffy but I love how cute and sweet it is. I want them to be a happy little family 😢I know they would be so excited to meet their baby.. 🩷Cutesy little mommies
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onlyfuckswgods · 3 days
Some more medical omegaverse:
An omega who works at an alpha health clinic, examines their cocks, their knots, takes measurements, and makes sure everything is working fine. Of course, the omega has to get a sperm sample and make sure everything is in working order while they're at it! The alphas vary - some are cocky to show off, some are embarrassed as it's their first time being so intimately fondled by an omega. And the omega doctor reassures them, talks them through it, playfully banters with the cocky ones.
One patient always gets them a little hot and bothered, which isn't normal, the omega is so used to handling alpha cocks for work that it's not usually something that phases them...But this alpha is so dominating, watching them as they work, not speaking, calm and collected and serious. The omega doctor just hopes the alpha can't smell how turned on they get from trying to do their job and yet being in this reserved alpha's presence.
When preparing to examine the alpha's knot and needing to get it to swell but having issues, the alpha calling their name and them looking up only for the alpha to grab their chin, "I'm only gonna pop a knot if I'm properly satisfied, and your hands and a toy aren't gonna do it." Not threatening, not demanding, just like the alpha is stating a fact.
And the omega nods, it makes sense! Perfect sense, and they're already soaked, and certainly the alpha knows, allowing them to step back and tug their pants down, bending over their own examining table and letting their alpha client fuck them into it.
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