#olivier giroud fanfiction
lxndonorris · 1 year
suit and tie - Olivier Giroud
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Y/N x Olivier Giroud Theme: Fluff sharing a sweet moment wth Olivier on the red carpet x word count: 530+
A chill runs down your spine as you're sitting in a very nice limousine. Looking outside the darkened window, you see a horde of photographers outside, with what feels like a thousand bright flashes illuminating the darkness of the night. Olivier, your boyfriend for more than two years now, reaches for your hand, takes it, and gives it a reassuring squeeze.
"Ready?" He says softly, and you turn to meet his bright shining eyes. Olivier smiles warmly, stroking the back of your hand with his thumb. "Yes." You nod. Taking a deep breath, the door opens, and immediately, you feel a rush of adrenaline flow through your whole body. The driver lends you a hand, and with his help, you manage to get out of the car gracefully.
You're wearing a blue, sparkly dress. Not too tight, not too wide, simply perfect. Still holding Olivier's hand, you take a step forward, leading your man onto the red carpet. Everyone is taking your pictures as Oli gently puts an arm around your waist, pulling you towards his strong frame. Instinctively, you steady yourself against his chest, enjoying the feeling of his soft suit jacket against the palm of your hand.
Both of you smile kindly, with people calling his name, asking you to pose with him, flashing lights, and screaming all around you. Protectively, Olivier leads you down the carpet, as it's time to move on. "I will never get used to this." You laugh nervously, and again, Olivier's arm pulls you into him, hugging you lovingly.
"You're doing great." He says, placing a loving kiss against your forehead. Together, you walk a few steps ahead, until it's time for interviews. It's not your turn yet, so you turn your attention toward him, trying to distract you. His eyes meet yours again, and he smirks. Blushing slightly, your eyes wander further down his body, noticing the collar of his shirt is slightly messy. "Olivier." You shake your head and reach for his neck. "What?" He licks his lips as you gently lift his chin slightly.
"Let me help you." You smile shyly and fix his shirt easily. He giggles, placing his hands at your waist, and pulls you even closer, playfully teasing you. "Stop." You frown, running a finger along his neck, making him look flawless again. "There." You say, patting his chest before running your fingers along the edge of his suit jacket, your fingertips brushing over his shirt and chest.
"Thank you." He grins and bends down to kiss you. Trying to meet him, you get on your toes, kissing him lovingly. It feels so easy, just the two of you. For what seems like an eternity, you kiss him, and once you separate, your eyes are glued to his. Just then, like a snap of a finger, several bright flashes tear you out of your daydreaming.
The two of you are now the center of attention, this little moment is caught on camera, and everyone is loving it, asking you to smile for the camera. Of course, this is the main part of the interview, with Olivier flattering you with every word he says. You cling to him, smile, and breathe. You'll get used to it.
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mountinez · 1 year
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'Little Red Riding Hood' gimbappe!au but where the bad wolf is a man trapped in the body of a wolf just asking for help;
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halalspamhabibti · 8 months
An odd nightly encounter (Maldini vampire AU) (Drabble)
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Description: Daniel Maldini starts doubting his normality
Notes: -I had this silly concept idea of Paolo Maldini being a vampire, even though I'm not a vampire fan at all, so I thought I'd Drabble with it using his son. -sorry if any one is OOC, I'm not that familiar with the players in this. -English is not my first language!! -just a Drabble! -mayyybe I'll write a part 2
In the middle of the cold and pitch-black night, Olivier was frantically yet quietly running after he had somehow managed to successfully steal something from the AC Milan headquarters,the tall and muscular Frenchman was running as fast as he could, which wasn't very fast, not only due to his notorious pace but also because he could barely see anything, before he could reach the car waiting for him, he froze right in his tracks in front of nothing but a pair of big, inhumanly bright, crystal teal eyes that didn't exactly convey a certain emotion, they even looked somewhat confused and surprised, but still stared piercingly through him, as soon as he retained his senses, he hurriedly turned on his flashlight and aimed the white beam straight at the eyes to see who or "what" they belonged to, and to his relief he immediately heard a familiarly cute groan of pain, not only did those eyes belong to a human, and that human was his young teammate, Daniel.
"Dani!" Cried Olivier in confused relief, he began to feel a bit frustrated at this odd interruption of his plans, "wh-what are you doing out all alone at this hour?" Olivier asked quickly without much thought, "me?" Daniel questioned while he finished rubbing his eyes after they were hit with the light, "I'm just taking a nightly stroll not too far from home, what are YOU doing frantically running in the middle of the night? And straight from Casa Milan?" Olivier panicked internally as he took into thought who Daniel's father is, not only did he fear being directly reported to the sporting director, but having THE Paolo Maldini disappointed in you is something nobody would want, without much thought into his excuses, he immediately tried to clear things up and shift the focus to something else, "w-well I'm just taking advantage of the empty streets to take a jog, y'know? Besides, at least I brought a flashlight with me, how come you're walking around in the black darkness? You wouldn't be able to see anything! Seems pretty suspicious to me..." Dani looked around, Olivier almost seized the opportunity to say goodbye when Dani suddenly became nervously excited to say something
"look, this is supposed to be a secret, but I can't help but tell someone, I can actually see in the dark, isn't that amazing?"
"Makes sense when you have glowing eyes that scare the hell out of people trying to jog, now that I remember, this isn't the first time I've seen them glow" Olivier replied with a bit of forced laughter, he was now fully relieved that his case was off, but then it fully hit him, "but it doesn't make sense..." he wondered, "there is no condition on earth that gives people the ability to see in pitch-black...how is that possible?" "Well my parents told me I was blessed with strong eyes like my father, and that they fed me lots of carrots as a baby" Daniel explained, in an honest and confident voice, there was no sense of deception in his tone whatsoever, this is truly what he knows
"Dani...that's not..that's not a logical explanation" Daniel stared for a bit after a moment of realization then he "now that I think about it, it really isn't, but that's all I've known.."
"Have you ever been taken to a doctor?"
"Of course, but none of it was ever about my eyes" Olivier thought for a moment, though he was sleepy and exhausted at this point, so his brain wasn't really on it's full motors, and then it looked like he
had come to a conclusion, more important a conclusion that'll make Dani forget about Olivier's odd "jogging"
"Dani, have you ever thought about how sharp your teeth are? they're like fangs.."
"Yes? What does that have to do with it?"
"Well I'm just saying, sharp teeth, along with night vision and glowing eyes, these are all traits of a vampire,no? Maybe your parents haven't told you yet?"
"...Olivier..you're nearly forty..you can't be believing in folktales.."
"Not if there's one standing in front of me"
"Oh for God's sake Olivier, if I'm a vampire then how the hell can i stand in the sun completely unharmed?"
"Well you could only be HALF vampire"
"So you mean-"
"yes! It would explain so much about your father!"
"Like what exactly?" Daniel had no idea why someone technically old enough to be his parent was still suggesting that he and his father were vampires, and at this time of night as well, he had become frustrated but was too tired to be visibly angry,
"Well, it would certainly explain his graceful aging...and his-"
"Olivier...please...I'm too tired for this,if my father is a vampire, then how come he can use a mirror just fine?"
"Well there has to be an explanati-" Olivier couldn't finish his sentence before he had to yawn, now he realized how late he was, and he remembered that his partner in crime was waiting for him in the car, "why don't we both go home and discuss this later, I really need to sleep" suggested Dani, "yes,yes,that's exactly what I was going to say" Olivier blurted hurriedly
Each one of them parted ways, with Olivier making sure Daniel is out of sight before he started running back to the car.
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hypathie · 10 months
Je vais la faire courte.
Je lis beaucoup de fanfictions.
Enfin, disons surtout que je passe beaucoup de temps à en chercher qui me plaisent.
Donc quand j’accroche sur une d’elles, je m’accroche.
Laissez donc moi vous présentez une de mes dernières obsessions : le Olivier Giroud x Kylian Mbappé qui a magnifiquement été raconté dans « écris-moi » par @louise_barane.
L’histoire est disponible sur wattpad : https://www.wattpad.com/story/334009358-%C3%A9cris-moi-giroud-x-mbapp%C3%A9
et sur Archive of our own : https://archiveofourown.org/works/45454078
Foncez la lire.
J’ai dessiné la dernière scène du chapitre 10 de la partie 2 de cette fanfiction, il s’intitule « la cent-unième » et m’a remué dans tous les sens.
Voici donc un cadeau pour Louise que je remercie pour son fantastique travail, un cadeau pour moi-même car je suis fière d’avoir mené au bout ce projet et un cadeau pour ceux qui adorent, comme moi, cette histoire.
Avertissement : je ne suis pas dessinatrice pro et ça se voit, j’ai fait sincèrement de mon mieux.
Instant auto promo : j’ai aussi un compte wattpad : https://www.wattpad.com/user/--JuB--
( ma note n’est pas aussi courte que prévue)
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For the frenchies lmao
Yo idk what happened with the tags it shows as one tag tf
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Would your rather be:
A) Kylian Mbappe’s fart sniffer
B) Kylian Mbappe’s piss drinker
C) Kylian Mbappe’s burp vacuum
D) Kylian Mbappe’s foot licker
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Thanks for this question. I used to not appreciate Kylian MBappe, as i explained in this article :
But between my black men addiction and the fact that he is obviously talented, i changed my mind and found him inspiring, because i imagine him as a cute bottom in love with a white man (dilf Olivier Giroud)
and as a dominant man in couple with an Arabian man (his bff Achraf Hakimi)
I have been asked to write more about him
I am currently finishing a story about him ❤️
He recently announced that he is living PSG, which is seen as the most horrible news for many football fans, especially in Paris. However, Kylian MBappe remains the captain of the French Football Team 😁
He deserves to be worshipped, but symbolically, if i had to chose a body part to serve, i would take his feet (D) because that's thanks to his feet that he won and have talent 👏
@kylianmbappee @kylianmbappe1710 @mbappebby @mbappeslover @kykygif @kylianmbappe98-blog @kylianmbappeh @kylianmbapeuniverse-blog @tidodore2 @blackmansbitch @rainykpoptravelcreator @leftprogrammingroadtripdean
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ballsbalb · 4 months
Don't rush yourself, it's not a job to write fanfictions for us.
But if you don't mind me asking, what stories are you working on right now?
really struggling to write right now, and weirdly enough requests help so much with this for me. so if you have any, of any genre or pairing, please send them in- sometimes i can combine ideas to make a full story, so anything helps!
i have 3 in the works, at various degrees of completion:
gio/jude— Gio has a PTSD episode and disappears in the middle of the night, and Jude + Marco find him barely functioning lost on the streets of dortmund
pulisic/giroud— olivier finds out about abuse christian faced at chelsea, helps him adjust to Milan + newfound independence
enzo/julí— after brazil/argentina, several brazil players take an omega julian as a joke, just intending to scare him- but when he starts fighting back, one of them uses their alpha voice. enzo and several of the argentinian alphas find them, and have a very measured, calm reaction (they try to kill them)
none of these have more than like 1k words, and are nowhere near finished right now- and i’m working on some others, but these are the only ones that are more than just a bare-bones framework :)
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getbusylionel · 1 year
i’m alex!
16 years old, he/him and bisexual
i support fc barcelona, manchester city, paris saint-germain, ac milan (in that particular order)
my favourite players are:
lionel messi, neymar jr, kylian mbappe, olivier giroud, erling haaland, julian alvarez, jack grealish
i’m all for the argentina and brazil national teams! (brazil wc champions 2026!!)
i love writing fanfictions and songs (as well as reading and listening to music), history and travelling.
thank you for following, and keep an eye out for some writing :)
Find me elsewhere on the internet:
twitter: leomcssii
ao3: mcvericks
tiktok: messifuls
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So y'all know I am unecesarrily horny and way too single.
So I am going to be writing Football Fanfiction.
Feel free to leave any asks/ player recommendations/ any thing else you would like to see.
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saraalexissanchez · 7 years
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HER, HIM. / -Olivier Giroud - Part Four (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/i8NXd6C0qH Olivier Giroud One Shot.
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lxndonorris · 4 years
becoming reality - Olivier Giroud
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Y/N x Olivier Giroud
Theme: Smutish (not too explicit)
During his physio session, Oli asks you to make your relationship public x
word count: 1290+
Since the day you started your new job as the physio for the french national team, you had one rule. “Don’t date any of the players.” However, Life always finds a way to get more beautiful and complicated when we least expect it. The day Olivier walked into your office changed everything. His charm, kindness, and the way he smiled swayed you from the very first minute. At first, you tried to hide your rapidly growing feelings for him, but then, you confessed his feelings for you and there was no point in denying that you felt absolutely the same.
Even though, the two of you agreed that keeping this whole situation private and a secret was the best way to secure your position in the team. After half a year of dating in private, you’re now back at Clairefontaine, welcoming back all the players you hadn’t seen in months. Of course, there is one guy in particular, that you could not forget. 
A sudden knock on the door snaps you out of your daydreaming, just thinking about everything. “Come in, please.” You say happily, knowing very well who’s standing behind the door. As soon as it opens, you look into Olivier’s bright eyes, just his smile shines even brighter. “Did you miss me?” He smirks, opening his arms widely. “Oli.” You say, wrapping him in a warm hug. Even though you had seen each other a few weeks ago, it feels good to see him again.
“I am so happy to be back here, with you.” He strokes your back gently, his strong arms firmly around your body. “Me too, Oli.” You say, resting your head against his chest. For a while, the only thing you can feel is his warmth against your skin and the faint scent of his cologne tickling in your nose. He kisses your forehead before he slowly separates from you, closing the door behind him.
“How are you feeling today?” Olivier’s eyes still shine brightly as he stares into yours. “It feels good to be back in here.” You say softly, quickly looking around the room. “And of course, seeing you guys again.” Running circles across his chest, you avoid his burning gaze for a few seconds, before the tension gets too intense. “The other guys, huh.” He smirks playfully, his hands firmly on your waist.
“I love all you guys.” You say sassily, raising an eyebrow. “There is just one I love even more.” Now he raises his eyebrows as well. “And who’s that?” Olivier breathes deeply and you lean in to kiss him passionately. Tiptoeing, you wrap your arms around his waist to steady yourself. “You, dummy.” You giggle while he rubs his nose against yours. 
“Should we get started?” He smirks again, looking at the bench right next to you. “Of course, face down please.” You motion for him to get into position while he takes his sweatpants off and you rub your hands. “You’re the boss.” Winking, he lays down and you cannot help it but stare at him, his thighs, his butt, and his arms for a while. Then, you start kneading his thighs firmly, feeling his muscles tense at the slightest move of your fingers.
“Fuck, you know what you’re doing.” He groans deeply, resting his head on his arms. “It’s my job, Oli.” You giggle, still massaging him tightly. “You’re pretty tensed though.” He tilts his head to the right side, so it’s easier for you to understand him. “Believe me, I was relaxed when I came here.” Olivier chuckles underneath his breath, causing you to raise an eyebrow again. “Why are you tensed now?” You knead him even harder, making him moan softly.
“This feels good, Y/N.” He takes a deep breath while you walk around the bench to his other leg. “Tell me when it feels sore, okay?” You say comfortingly as you start massaging him again. For a while, he is silent, lost in his thoughts, just groaning deeply from time to time. “Now, you’re back.” His body shudders at the sweet sound of your voice and you make sure to feel every muscle tensing in his back.
“Now, tell me, why are you so tensed?” You ask him again, kneading his shoulders now. “I want to ask you something, it makes me crazy,” Olivier says, his face tensing now as well. “Let me just finish your back okay?” He nods slowly while you finish your massage. As soon as you’re done for today, he lets out a huge sigh before turning his head towards you. “What did you want to ask me?” You say, cleaning your hands at a nearby sink.
Before you can react, Olivier hugs you from behind, his hands firmly around your waist. “This is a really important question.” You can feel him breathing against your neck, his voice sounding husky, barely hearable. Gasping, you reluctantly give in to his firm touch, putting your hands on his. “What if somebody walks right in on us?” You say, leaning your body against his strong chest. “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”
Confused, you turn around, catching him staring at you. “I don’t understand.” You say, putting a hand on his cheek, tracing his jawline through his beard to his chin. “I want everyone to know, that this beautiful woman is my girlfriend, my partner, my everything.” He says lovingly, his eyes stuck at your lips. “Oli.” You say breathlessly, not sure what to say next. “I need you, now and forever.” He says, and you kiss him deeply, laying your arm around his neck. 
After what feels like an eternity, you slowly separate from each other, but you still feel his lips on yours, his delicious taste on your tongue, and his hands on your waist. “What if.” You say quietly, not daring to finish that thought. “if they’re going to say anything, we will figure it out.” He says, tucking your hair behind your ear. “Everyone in the team adores you, they simply cannot kick you out.” You smile weakly, “Okay, I trust you.” He kisses you again, lovingly as if trying to take even more of your taste. “I’m glad, we will handle it.” You take his hands, stroking him gently. “We will.” 
Then, he looks at the clock hanging above the door, smirking. “I guess I’m the last one for today, am I right?” Olivier smirks playfully, his face still inches away from yours. “Yes.” You whisper before he kisses you again. “Then why don’t we get something going.” He licks his lips and you can feel him starting to grind on you tenderly, his hips against yours, his chest just barely brushing your breasts. “I would love to. But we have a meeting in five minutes.”
Pouting, he stops moving and you can see the disappointment spreading on his face. “That sucks. I was really excited.” He says, tilting his head slightly. Running a hand down his chest, you watch him watch your fingers trace every outline of his abs shining through the tight shirt until you reach his waist, where you can see and feel him bulging in his underwear. “I can see that.” You giggle, stroking him softly. “I promise, we will have more than enough time this evening.”
Now he smirks again, bending his hips even more into you. “I’m looking forward to that.” He says, kissing you one last time before he separates from you, putting his pants back on. Then, you take your bag and see Olivier looking at you again, reaching for your hand. “Come, I’ll take you to the meeting.” Smiling shyly, you take his hand, and together, you leave the room, not caring what anyone has to say.
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Adventures in Relationshipland (Olivier Giroud OS)
Spicing up things in the bedroom doesn’t need whips and leather and lace. Sometimes all you need is an internet connection.
Warning: Adult content of the smut variety.
For @onyxlondon, and the anon(s?) who wanter Oli G smut.
"This is a stupid idea," Martha announced. 
Her boyfriend of three years, Olivier Giroud, looked up at her from the laptop screen as she stood by the bed, hands on her hips. He raised his brow at her, looking slightly amused. 
"It was your idea," he said, scratching his bare chest. "Now, come here." 
She climbed on the bed and settled back against his torso, her body wedged between his powerful thighs. It was true, she was the one who suggested that they do this. But only because her so-called friends had messed up with her mind. They implied that she must be doing some crazy, magical, creative stuff in bed to keep Oli interested after all these years.
Well, she wasn't. She wasn't being creative at all.
Which got her thinking, was he getting bored in bed? Sometimes they do tend to act like an old married couple, which was nice in some aspects and all. But they're too young and Oli was too hot to just be 'okay' in that department. 
Then one of her friends confided that she and her husband sometimes watch porn together to spice things up in their marriage. Which brings them here. Now. 
"Porn's ridiculous and unrealistic," she mumbled. 
"If you don't want to do this..." 
"Do you want to?" she asked, watching him carefully.
He shrugged. "Only if you want it." 
On one hand, this could be the most awkward thing they'd ever do together. Maybe she should just have gone out and bought some sexy negligee and flavored massage oils like a normal person. But on the other hand... 
"Let's do this. Let's watch some damned porn," she said, hitting the play button on the laptop. 
The opening credit was brief and the scene opened to an average looking guy with a dad bod opening the door and seeing an insanely hot girl glistening with fake sweat and wearing the skimpiest workout gear in the world. 
"Sorry, I was out jogging and I ran out of water," the girl said, holding up an empty water bottle. "I was hoping I could ask for a little. I'm so, so thirsty." 
She snickered. "Yeah, she's thirsty alright. Also, who lets random strangers inside their house? What if she's a thief? Or an assassin hired to kill him?" 
"This is porn, my love, not the plot of a John Grisham novel," he said. 
"Hmph," she said. 
"I'd let you in of you knocked on my door," he said smoothly. 
Martha craned her neck to look at his unbelievable handsome face. He looked back at her and grinned sexily, his brows dropping slightly like it usually does when he's trying to be seductive. 
"Come to think of it, I'd let you in if you knocked on my door," she said. 
They turned their attention back to the laptop screen. The guy was looking at the hot girl hungrily while she drank water in slow motion, her chest sticking out like headlights. She finished drinking and actually poured water on herself, which if Martha was the guy, she'd be totally pissed, getting the carpet wet like that. 
"It's so hot," the girl commented . 
"Why don't you, ah, take off your top," the guy suggested. "It will cool you down." 
"Oh, come on!" Martha exclaimed in disbelief, when after a few seconds of 'shy' giggling, the porn girl did exactly that. 
Since the girl was wearing only a sports bra as a top, removing it exposed her huge, perky breasts and the guy leered at them because why not? 
"My legs are so tight from running," she said, rubbing her smooth, hairless legs provocatively. 
Martha groaned. Who wrote this script? Yeah, just have a conversation with a stranger while your tits are hanging out, why don't you? 
The guy, good samaritan that he is, started to massage the girl's "tight" legs. His hand kneaded in circles, going higher and higher while the girl made sounds of pleasure. Hey, if this is what a massage does to her, Martha can't wait to hear what sounds she'll be making during actual sex. She had a feeling she didn't have to wait very long to find out. 
The guy's hand had reached the girl's shorts and started to rub her between her legs through the spandex material. The girl moaned, her eyes closing as the guy continued to pleasure her with his hand. 
Martha was about to make another snarky comment to Oli but as she watched the girl's face tighten with desire, she felt the first stirrings of arousal at the bottom of her stomach. Oli adjusted his knee and she almost jumped guiltily. 
Her mouth was starting to get dry and she licked her lips. Heat was starting to build up between her thighs. She resisted the urge to clamp her legs tightly together just as the guy on the screen took off the girl's shorts and started to eat her out. 
Offhandedly, she noticed that Oli had gone quiet. Too quiet. 
And then his hand absentmindedly made its to her breast, giving it a gentle squeeze under her shirt before tracing the nipple with his thumb in slow, languid circles. She drew in a long, shaky breath and arched her back slightly. She felt him started to get hard behind her 
She angled her head towards him, mouth already open in anticipation. Her eyes closed just before his lips touched hers. 
Oli kissed her deeply but slowly, refusing to be harried by the more passionate noises emanating from the screen or the movement of Martha's behind against his groin. He traced the column of her neck with kisses, sucking gently on the sensitive spot below her ears and setting her insides aflame. 
"We're missing the climax of the film," she joked weakly as he continued to tease her hardened nipples. "Climax, hehe, get it?" 
"That's alright," he said huskily. 
He placed his free hand palm down on her stomach, wedging his fingers between the elastic of her knickers and her bare skin. She gasped as he moved further down, his finger slipping between her folds, feeling how slick she already was down there. He rubbed up and over, spreading the wetness up and over her clit. 
She tried to clamp down on her mouth but an embarrassingly porn star-sounding moan escaped when he started to knead with pressure, circling the sensitive nub. Her head was thrown back, the back of her neck supported by his strong shoulders. Sweat was starting to form above her lips as Oli's fingers circled faster and faster. 
Oli's breath felt hot on her temple as he murmured how hot she looked just now. He whispered those and other things, sexy things, dirty things, all while pleasuring her with his fingers. Her foot jerked and hit the laptop but neither of them even gave it a passing look to see if it was okay. 
"O.. o... oli," she managed to sputter, her breathing getting shallower and shallower. 
The coil at the bottom of her stomach tightened and tightened until the pressure became almost unbearable. Her moans were coming out in shouts, her hand grasping for purchase behind her on his naked chest. The force of her orgasm made her back arch as wave upon wave of pleasure hit her. 
She fell back against Oli, still panting. His hand was still under her knickers, waiting for her to come down from climax. 
"Good?" he asked, a trace of smugness in his voice. 
She looked up at him from under her lashes. "I want to go down on you." 
"Are you sure?" he asked, his hand stroking her arm. 
Martha nodded slowly. She turned around to face him on the bed and started to kiss him on the lips, teasing the inside of his mouth with her tongue. He cupped either side of her cheeks, enjoying the simple act of kissing her even as a thread of anticipation brewed from what she told him she would do. 
She pulled away slowly, watching his half-closed eyes drift open while she moved down to kiss his chest. Her hand went on a recon mission down his body before her mouth followed. 
Oli watched her as she explored the ridges of his hard stomach with her tongue, following the trail of down hair that disappeared beneath the waistband of his shorts. She gave said shorts a tug and he lifted his hips to help her take it off. His dick sprang, half-hard and already huge, and she grasped it with one hand, pumping his shaft until half-hard became rigid with desire. 
And that was even before she put her hot mouth on his dick. She felt him shudder as she swirled her tongue around the tip. She looked up to meet his watchful gaze, the act even more intimate now that they have eye contact She bobbed her head up and down, helping with her hand what she couldn't fit in her mouth. Her boyfriend groaned in pleasure, the sound emanating from deep his throat. 
His fingers threaded through her hair, grasping fistfuls as he lost himself in bliss. Encouraged by his expression and the sound he's making, she went on, swirling, sucking, doing things with her mouth that seemed to drive him crazy. 
"Stop," he said, holding her firmly by the head and pulling her up so they were face to face. 
Her brows beetled at the center. Did she do something wrong? Maybe she sucked too hard... But he seemed to be enjoying it, didn't he? 
Tenderly, he kissed her, melting away the questions in her mind. Slowly, he pulled away and rested his forehead on hers, looking deeply into her eyes. 
"I want to be inside you when I come," he said. "Not like that, but in you... you get it?" 
He kissed her again, then flipped them over so that she was the one lying on her back. They fumbled to remove her clothes together until she was as naked as he is. She touched his cheek and smiled softly at him before his lips came crashing down on hers. It didn't take too long until arousal started to build up in her again, and she found herself needing him inside of her. 
Her nails raked across his back when he finally entered her, a huff of breath escaping her. He started to move within her and she hooked her legs around him, heels digging on his buttocks as if to drive him deeper into her. She met his thrusts with equal fervor, this part of sex familiar and rehearsed, and yet felt as good as ever. 
His hipbones slapped almost painfully against hers as their movements became even more erratic. His face was contorted with the effort of holding back; he was trying to wait for her. 
"Fuck," she spat out in between moans as Oli angled his thrusts to hit her on the right spot. "I love-- fuck, I love you!" 
The fire pooling low in her abdomen roared and she exploded into orgasm once again. Oli grunted and thrust into her a couple more times before he let himself fall on her. The warmth of his climax trickled between her thighs. 
"I love you too," he said after kissing her on the forehead. 
She gently pushed him off her-- she knew if she didn't, he'd be perfectly content to stay on top of her for a long time and he was so heavy. He put an arm around her and she pillowed her head on his chest, listening to the rapid beating of his heart until it returned to normal. 
"Do you watch porn? Without me, I mean?" she asked, the thought occurirng to her. 
"I have not never watched porn," he answered. 
"Wow, a double negative in the correct context," she saidteased. "Your English is improving" 
Her eyes started to drift close, the happy post-coital lethargy starting to take its hold on her. She rubbed Oli's chest lazily in an almost dispassionate way, which he loved and claimed relaxed him. 
"You know what, Oli, I think I might go for a run tomorrow," she said meaningfully. 
"Oh?" he said with interest. 
"Uh huh. I'll probably be so hot and so thirsty," she said. 
He laughed lightly and she felt the rumble in his chest.  
"You are the best girlfriend in the world," he declared.
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Chapter 20 is out y’all
Ion know what the fuck happened with the tags why does it all show in one tag what
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Tu pourrais écrire une fanfictions où Kylian Mbappe est en couple avec moi et il rentre de son entraînement tout transpirant il m'embrasse pendant que je prépare le repas et ça pars vite en baise j'aimerais beaucoup joué avec ses tétons et ses couilles ou qu'il le force à lécher ses aisselles. J'aimerais beaucoup qu'il me pise dans la bouche et dans mon cul après avoir éjaculer. Après notre baise on passe la soirée ensemble chill et il est hyper attentionné avec moi.
Voilà merci bcp d'avance 😊
24 / 04 / 2023
Bonjour et merci pour cette demande d'histoire ! Je comprends totalement que tu puisses vouloir être en couple avec le footballeur français Kylian MBappe.
Il est sublime, très talentueux, drôle, dominant et un leader avec qui moi aussi je rêverai de coucher.
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Il faut savoir qu'autrefois je ne le trouvais ni beau ni excitant.
J'ai changé d'avis depuis. Est-ce lié à mon addiction au porno interracial et à mon culte de la supériorité noire ? Ce qui est sûr c'est que j'ai expliqué ici dans mon article HOMME DU JOUR.
J'ai également écrit deux histoires où il est en couple avec deux de ses coéquipiers. La première est celle où il est légèrement soumis au grand mâle blanc plus âgé que lui qu'est Olivier Giroud, lui aussi magnifique.
La deuxième est celle où, dans un univers alternatif, il aurait été en couple avec son meilleur ami Achraf Hakimi.
Ce qui est intéressant c'est qu'il y en a qui le vénére comme un roi et rêve d'être ses esclaves, et d'autres qui sont fous amoureux de lui et rêvent de lui apporter tendresse et affection, tout en restant à ses ordres.
Je suppose que tu es plutôt dans la deuxième catégorie
Tu voudrais être en couple avec Kylian MBappe pour le vénérer et coucher avec lui ? En bien je vais m'employer à exaucer ton rêve et nous pourrons discuter en privé des détails de ton histoire 😊
Vive Kylian MBappe !
anonymous asked me :
"Could you write a fanfiction where Kylian Mbappe is in a relationship with me and he comes home from his training all sweaty he kisses me while I prepare the meal and it goes quickly into fucking I would love to play with his nipples and his balls or what he forces him to lick his armpits. I would love for him to fuck me in my mouth and in my ass after I ejaculate. After our fuck we spend the evening together chill and he is super attentive with me.
So thank you so much in advance 😊"
Hello and thank you for this story request! I totally understand that you might want to be in a relationship with the French footballer Kylian MBappe. He is sublime, very talented, funny, dominant and a leader with whom I too would dream of fucking.
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You should know that in the past I didn't find it attractive or exciting. I have since changed my mind. Is it related to my addiction to interracial porn and my cult of black superiority?
What is certain is that I explained it here in my MAN OF THE DAY article.
I also wrote two stories where he is in a relationship with two of his teammates. The first is the one where he is slightly submissive to the big white male older than him, Olivier Giroud, who is also magnificent.
The second is when, in an alternate universe, he would have been in a relationship with his best friend Achraf Hakimi.
What is interesting is that there are some who venerate him like a king and dream of being his slaves, and others who are madly in love with him and dream of bringing him tenderness and affection, while remaining at his orders. I guess you are more in the second category.
You say you would like to be in a relationship with Kylian MBappe to worship him and have sex with him? Well I will work to make your dream come true and we can discuss the details of your story in private 😊
Long live Kylian MBappe!
@kylianmbappeh @kyliansego @kylianmbappe98-blog @kylianswifey @mbappebby @mbappeslover @mbappebae @rainingmbappe @lovefanfiction01 @7kylian @eggyfartsniffer
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nonrisque-football · 9 years
The Beard that Brought Them Together - A Olivier Giroud One-shot
NOTE: I’m reposting this fic from my previous blog as I’m cleaning my primary blog out. Below is the original content:
Wai did I do this!!?!?!?!!? please ignore my errors...my error of posting this. ignore everything *dispair*
Disclaimer: This is just a work of fiction, nothing is true. I don’t mean to disrespect or offend anybody. I’m not making any money out of this. Please don’t sue me.
note: I started this way way way back months ago. Just thought I'd finish it. idk wai i thought that was a good idea. sigh.
The Beard that Brought Them Together - A Olivier Giroud One-shot
Daisy was at a small obscure tea/coffee shop - the Old Rose - that only a couple of people frequented. The food they served wasn’t the greatest, the coffee and the other trendy concoctions they served like “mocha mint frap” while sounding delicious always ended up bland and the ambiance was a little gimmicky but their tea selection was delicious and that was enough a reason for Daisy to go there.
Apart from the tea, Daisy also enjoyed that there was little distraction (other than the flashing christmas lights in the corner), there was no wifi to distract her, there was minimal traffic, and the music they played wasn’t too bad or distracting - at least nothing that made her want to start singing or hop on a table and crump badly. The Old Rose was the perfect spot for Daisy to finish the manuscript to her first novel.
Daisy took a sip of her Mint and Cedar Tea, sighed contently and read over what she had typed. Unlike the tea, the manuscript she was supposed to finish was anything but good. Her brain just didn’t want to cooperate in finishing the task at hand, it was just a few chapters away from completion.
She blamed Aaron Ramsey. The last thing she had done before leaving her small one bedroom apartment was scroll thru her tumblr dash to find it being overtaken by Aaron Ramsey and his glorious beard.
Daisy wasn’t the biggest football fan but she couldn’t help notice that lately there seemed to be more and more players sporting facial hair. She had hoped that Aaron would keep his scruff minimal but lately he has been letting it grow wild.
Aaron Ramsey.
Her one guilty pleasure. Her ultimate celebrity crush. The others could keep their George Clooney, Ryan Gosling and Brad Pitt, all she needed was Aaron Ramsey.
She wasn’t delusional enough to believe that one day they’d end up together but hey, it isn’t a crime to check him out - a lot.
She took out her portable wifi and caved in. Once connected she immediately logged onto her tumblr to check on his pics.
“This is bad Daisy.” she said as she bit her lip and scrolled down. “You’re supposed to be working.”
“I know I’m supposed to be working Dais, but look at him. He’s so yummy. I might even start liking guys with beards.” She replied to herself.
“Daisy! Are you crazy! Beards are a deal breaker, remember?”
“I know but- He’s Aaron Ramsey.” she argued with herself.
“I wonder how his beard feels. Is it happier now that it has been let loose and is hit by the warmth of the sunlight? Or does it feel suffocated by the congestion and pollution of the city?” Daisy wondered aloud. “Manuscript break!” she declared. She closed the page of the manuscript, and opened a new document.
Unbeknown to her, there was another patron in the empty mezzanine of the cafe. Just a couple of tables behind her, there was a man incognito thoroughly amused by her antics. When he first arrived, he didn’t even notice the lone customer seated at the empty mezzanine; that was until she started huffing and puffing followed by a discussion with herself. At first he was a little alarmed and a little frightened the girl may have some loose bulbs but she looked harmless enough.
When she started to sigh and look dreamily at the screen, he turned curious at what could have her looking so. He moved a table closer trying to see better of her and what the screen showed. Slowly he moved from one table to another until he was finally seated behind her.
He was surprised to find the screen split in two, half showing the picture of a very familiar man, the other a word document she was furiously typing on.
He scoffed at the discovery and turned away. He pulled his phone out and started playing with a game he was currently addicted to.
His concentration was broken after a while making him lose the game when he had almost broken the record.
She was snickering as she typed.
He glanced at the mirror across the room reflecting her image and he was stunnedat how the joy just made her glow - or maybe that was just the light of the monitor against her skin.
His curiosity was peaked once again; he had to see what she was doing. He looked over her shoulder to find that the word document now contained a short story about a day in the life of Aaron Ramsey’s beard.
He chuckled at the story she had weaved. When she stopped typing to get a sip of her tea, he quickly turned away afraid she would catch him.
“Ok Daisy. Enough procrastination. Save the file away and let’s go back to work.” He heard her say, disappointing him. He wasn’t done reading.
He looked over her shoulder once more but found that she was working on something else, something un-Aaron Ramsey’s Beard related. So again he resumed his game on the phone.
“This is stupid!” the girl - Daisy - slammed her hands on the keyboard before crying out startling him.
“I’m going back to the beard. I don’t want to work. You can’t make me.” Daisy said stubbornly.
“Yes!” the man said before covering his lips. Yes! Let’s go back to the beard. I want to know more about the affair between Mr. Lip’s wife, Lip Balm and the Beard!
However, it took a while of scrolling on her tumblr, much to the consternation of the observer, before she started typing. He gave her a 10 minutes start typing before he turned to check out what she was writing.
Janie wasn’t sure about her lover’s beard. She was never a big fan remembering how an ex-boyfriend of hers used to leave horrible beard burns.
“Trust me. I can change your idea. By the end of tonight you’ll be begging me to keep this.” Aaron had said, smirking.
Janie pressed her legs together trying to alleviate the need she was starting to feel. “Trust me. I will want it gone. Can’t we just shave it now.” She said, trying to sound nonchalant.
The man was perplexed at what he was reading. This was not a continuation of what she was previously writing.
He was going to return to his game when he noticed her reflection on the mirror. She was flustered, her lips parted, sometimes swiping her tongue on her lips other times biting them, she kept blinking and every so often she would squirm.
Mesmerized by what looked like someone turned-on, he decided to read what she was writing - for science; to discover what turned her on.
What he ended up reading was something he would very much played out, just not with the main characters, maybe him and this girl, Daisy, who had such imagination.
“Hi.” he said trying to get her attention but she was focused and typing away her secret fantasies. He noticed that she had earbuds on, so he yanked them away startling the girl.
She jumped away making her bang her elbow against the edge of the table. “OW!! Lord! Ah!” she muttered as she rubbed her elbow.
“I didn’t mean to scare you. You ok?”
Daisy, face and neck - her whole body - red at being caught writing smut, looked up and gasped. In front of her was a poorly disguised - really just a beanie, hipster glasses and a slim scarf - Olivier Giroud.
“Are you ok? Do you need ice?” He asked pointing at the elbow she was still rubbing.
“I’m fine.” she said embarrassedly and looking away. Seeing her laptop screen still displaying her smutty work she made a dash and quickly shut it hoping he didn’t notice what she was doing.
“I couldn’t help read what you were writing. Sorry not sorry.” He shrugged before smiling at her, his dimples showing thru. “The first story on Aaron’s beard was hilarious! The second one though - ”
“I’m so sorry! I - That - I - ” she stammered unsure what to say. “I don’t mean to offend anyone.”
“I don’t think you offended anyone. I think Rambo would be quite flattered. I mean, you are making him quite… big - ” Olivier held his hands out to portray the supposedly sex of the man in question and Daisy covered her face with her hands, thoroughly embarrassed at the conversation she was having with the teammate of her fantasy man. “He’s really no  more than…maybe this?” He lessened the gap between his hands. He laughed seeing Daisy peak through her fingers to see what he was doing.
“Also, Rambo isn’t that creative. I’m not sure he’d be able to accomplish what you were typing on about,” he pointed out. “Sorry.”
“Hey!” Daisy scowled at him. “You shouldn’t say this things about your teammates. Fans might actually believe you. I’m sure he is wonderful in bed.”
“He’s quite noisy actually; I can hear him through the walls.” Olivier pointed out making Daisy blush even more. “I mean, he snores.” He laughed enjoying teasing the woman.  “Get your head out of the gutter.”
“I don’t usually write stuff like…that” Daisy blushed even more. She was a horrible liar and just saying that sentence made her remember all the smut she had written before.
“Have you written about me?” Olivier asked, a wide grin in place and his eyebrows wiggling.
That made Daisy chuckle and honestly answer “No.”
Olivier frowned. “Why did you say that like that? Like you actually meant it.”
“Because I do mean it.”
“But why? I know I’m much more handsome that Rambo and I’m much sexier and I’m French.” He stood up and walked in front of Daisy. He turned around a couple of times before asking her what she thought and whether she liked what she was seeing?
Daisy couldn’t believe that this guy was for real. She did think he had the image of a fun goofy self-assured guy; so far self-assured was definitely an adjective Daisy would use to describe him. Maybe self-assured was too watered down; arrogant seems more suited.
“I should leave. I’m sorry you had to read that. I - I don’t usually, ehm, write things like that. I’m just - ” She stood up and started collecting the pile of notes she had scattered around the table and putting her things together. “It was just a break to get my mind from thinking about  this manuscript I’m supposed to finish.”
“Wait! Don’t go! We were just starting to have fun. I can dish out more about Rambo if you want,” he said as he watched her pack.
“That isn’t really necessary. Again, I’m so sorry,” she apologized.
“I won’t talk about how good looking I am anymore. Promise.” He said, blocking her way. “Although, I really don’t have to point out how good-looking I am.”
“I really should go.” Daisy blushed at just how close she and the attractive man were to each other.
“But why?” Olivier whine. He didn’t understand why Daisy was so adverse to his company. He was great company!
“Because,” Daisy said looking away. Olivier noticed that she wouldn’t look him in the eye and that she was still blushing heavily.
“Do you like me?” Olivier smirked. “Are you too distracted with me being in the same room as you to finish your work?”
Daisy snorted, un-prettily, at the idea. Her eyes grew big and she immediately covered the lower portion of her face embarrassed, again, at having made such a sound.
Olivier gave her sad puppy eyes at the unexpected reply she gave. “Well, ouch. That hurts.” He clutched a hand over his chest. “Fine. If you really do not like my company, leave. I won’t stop you.”
He put a hand over his forehead dramatically.
He expected to be reassure that he was a company that was very welcome; what he didn’t expect was for Daisy to walk away.
“Wait! You’re leaving?” Olivier asked, his voice sad and little.
“Yes.” Daisy said looking at the floor. She clutched her laptop sleeve against her and rearranged the strap of her backpack. “I have to finish my manuscript,” she finished lamely. She hoped she lied well enough for him not to see that it was just an excuse to get away from his teasing and her humiliation.
“Stay. Since it’s just me and you here. I promise not to bother, I won’t say a word. I’ll just sit over there and play my games and you can sit back in your table and do whatever you want,” Olivier compromised.
Daisy glanced back towards the stairs and wondered if she should just leave.
“Stay please.”
“I really need to concentrate and finish the manuscript,” she bit her lip and looked away.
“I won’t bother you, promise,” Olivier says giving her his best good boy smile.
Daisy started walking back to her table. “You’ll sit over there?” Daisy pointed to a table at the end of the room.
“Or I can sit besides you.” Olivier said flirtatiously but then pouted seeing her retreating. “Or I can sit over there.” He sulkily went to the table Daisy pointed at.
Daisy watched the man retreat to the end of the mezzanine and felt a little guilty. He looked like a puppy - a labrador poodle mix -  sent away without food. He glanced back over his shoulder and gave her one more sad pouty face.
Those blue eyes of his were killing her. She didn’t understand why he was there and why he seemed to want her company and she knew she would regret this but she couldn’t let him keep that kicked-puppy look.
“Fine. You can sit here with me if  you want,” she said with a heavy sigh.
The athlete was seated besides her in a second, a big smile on his face making his dimples prominent.
“I really have to finish my manuscript.” Daisy emphasised, hinting at him not to disturb him.
“Or you can finish that story about Aaron’s beard.”
Daisy gave him a stern look.
“If you want to write smutty ones I can model for you.” he winked.
He laughed at seeing her flush once again and huff as she turned her attention back to the screen. As much as he liked teasing her, Olivier didn’t want to disturb her. So he pulled out his phone and resumed playing with his game. He had a record to beat.
However, it seemed as if this record would not be beaten today. He just couldn’t stop glancing over at Daisy every so often.
She was adorable. She still looked a little self conscious, squirming - but not the way she was squirming a earlier when she was typing away her fantasies - under his gaze. She would steal glances at him and when he would catch her he always grinned back, letting her know that he knew she was looking at him. She would then return her gaze quickly to the screen and squint her eyes as if trying to block everything else but the words she had to type.
She was obviously not typing anything - well nothing coherent that is. So far she had written “I am not writing smut again.” a couple of times just to remind her of that and to seem busy. She didn’t want Olivier to think that he was distracting her from her job.
No! He wasn’t distracting her - Daisy thought. I have never even thought of him. Ever. he’s not that good looking.
She stole another glance at him and saw him grinning at her.
“Dais! He’s looking! Why is he looking? I can’t concentrate.” she whispered to herself as she pressed random keys on her keyboard furiously.
“He’s looking because he thinks you’re cute.” Olivier said.
“Ack!” Daisy jumped hearing him reply to her own conversation.
“I’m having a private conversation with myself. Thank you very much.” Daisy mumbled to herself.
“Well, have a conversation with me.”
Daisy kept her eyes on the screen and ignored him.
“Oh Oli, why is it so hard for you to make friends?” Olivier said when she continued to remain silent.
Daisy looked at him, wondering if he was mocking her, only to smile at seeing him huff, his hands under his chin.
“Well Giroud,” Olivier continued the conversation. “You are highly good-looking. It’s hard for people to look at you, much less talk to you.” Olivier sighed dramatically
Daisy shook her head, a small chuckle escaping her lips at his ridiculousness.
“That pretty lady over there doesn’t seem to appreciate my friendly advances.”
She could feel his gaze bore down on her and her blood started pumping to her face.
He called me pretty - she thought. Is he flirting with me?
“Well that’s because she knows that your advances are more than just friendly ones. You want to steal her away from Aaron.”
“Rambo isn’t even that good looking for him to get sexy stories written on him.” Olivier pouted at the red-faced woman.
“I think Aaron is quite good looking.” His alter-ego said.
“I think you’re a traitor.” Olivier frowned. “I wonder if she would say yes to going to lunch with me.”
Daisy, who thought she couldn’t get any red learned that she still could. He chuckled and wiggled his eyebrows at her. He is flirting with me! Do I want him to? What do I do!?
“Let’s go get lunch.” Olivier stated as he stood up and walked towards her.
“Because it’s lunch time; I’m sure you’re hungry; and because I’m gentlemanly.” Olivier smiled graciously at her.
Daisy smiled. You can do this Dais. You can flirt. You can be coy. You are a femme fatal. “I know a place that makes great pizza. It’s new so there aren’t many people yet frequenting it.” You can not flirt - Daisy’s voice said sadly in her head.
“What is it with you and little known places?” Olivier asked as he gave her his hand to help her up.
“Well the other option is that you bring me to lunch in a fancy place and that I, with my meagre struggling writer's allowance will not be able to afford and thus continue to embarrass myself.”
“Hey, I said I am a gentleman. I’d cover for your lunch. But since we are going to an expensive French restaurant, just to show and prove to you how sexy we French are - because I know after you hear me pronounce French dishes properly you’ll be asking yourself Aaron Ramsey who - you’ll have to do two things for me.”
Olivier took her bag from her and carried her ancient heavy laptop easily. “You’ll have to go to dinner with me. and tell me what happens to Rambo’s beard.”
Daisy smiled. “You really do like Aaron Ramsey don’t you.”
“Not as much as I am liking you right now, and that’s saying a lot!”
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I have waited for a boyfriend my whole teen life and now that I've found the world of fanfiction, I don't think any real boy is ever going to hold a candle to what all these fictional men make me feel, either in the their respective shows/movies/books are the fics I read and write.
As Ms. Grande so correctly said,
"Thank you, next."
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