drunkaesthete · 4 months
a letter
it's 3rd of december, the song heather is playing after every 3 songs in this barely lit coffee shop.
it's been a long time since you crossed my mind, whenever you did, i would just call it a bad dream.
though today i wish there was some love left between us.
the kind where we just care.
you hold my hand, kiss my temple, and tell me no more marks please.
i let you take a sip of my icy drink and ask how's your throat.
we might not love each other with the intensity to be together but no one said to throw away the shred of love that kept us connected at least.
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abbottjohn · 2 years
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latenight-notes · 2 years
The Old Draft: What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid?
Suka takjub sendiri nemu tulisan di draf. 
Ternyata beberapa bulan lalu saya nulis soal perasaan paling mendominasi dalam hidup saya beberapa tahun ini, kira-kira isinya gini:
Kata-kata itu--What would you do if you weren’t afraid?--yang kemarin menyadarkan saya akan suatu hal. Awalnya pas liat yaudah saya lewati aja, tapi nggak tau kenapa saya jadi kepikiran dan balik lagi terus baca ulang.
Selama ini saya selalu menjadi orang yang takut dengan apapun. Termasuk untuk mencoba hal-hal baru di luar kebiasaan saya. Terkadang saya sebal dengan diri saya yang seperti itu. Kadang saya juga bertanya kenapa saya tidak bisa berani seperti yang lain tanpa harus berpikir panjang saat mengambil keputusan untuk memijaki hal baru (Ya saya juga gatau sih struggle orang-orang di belakang, yang saya tahu mereka terlihat berani). Loh, saya ketakutannya aja keliatan banget, suka kasian sama diri saya sendiri. Harusnya hal-hal kaya gitu kan cukup saya sama tuhan aja yang tau.
Kurang lebih kaya gitu dan belum terlalu banyak saya modifikasi.
Saya nggak heran kalau tiba-tiba saya nulis tentang perasaan takut, karena mereka sehari-hari bersama saya saat akan memulai sesuatu. Kok kedengerannya ngeri yaa... tapi perasaan takut itu emang wajar kan ada di dalam diri manusia, cuma buat saya rasa ketakutan saya ini udah nggak wajar deh karena terlalu berlebihan. Jatuhnya saya jadi selalu memikirkan kemungkinan buruk terus dan jadi nggak mulai-mulai!!!
Saya sempet kepikiran buat ngelanjutin tulisan ini tapi karena terlalu banyak unek-unek saya soal perasaan ini dan saya juga udah nggak inget lagi waktu itu bakal nulis apa aja jadi saya rasa udah deh dibikin jadi kaya gini aja buat kenang-kenangan. Mungkin waktu itu saya sempat mau jawab pertanyaannya dengan kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang akan terjadi kalau saya nggak takut. Cuma setelah dipikir-pikir lagi, buat apa sih? Yang ada orang kaya saya gini malah jadi banyak nyeselnya.
Saya juga lagi berusaha untuk nggak manifest berlebihan ke perasaan takut saya ini. Tau, saya tau banget perasaan ini akan selalu ada bersama saya, tapi saya mau berusaha berteman lagi dengan mereka dibanding jadi musuh dalam pikiran saya. Toh, dulu saya bisa hidup berdampingan bersama perasaan takut saya, cuma sekarang yang harus saya cari tau bagaimana memperbaiki hubungan saya dengan mereka. Mungkin dulu saya terlalu acuh dan gegabah mencerna perasaan takut saya itu.
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Read-aloud of Draft One of fairy tale WIP
Just like what I did with The Secret Portal, I am reading aloud my old drafts of my OTHER WIP School of the Legends, which is my fairy tale parody.
Draft One is not good though!
Yet I share it with the world anyway.
Since this was part of a series, TSP's three drafts lasted 60 videos, so this starts on part 61:
Part 61:
Part 62:
Part 63:
Thank God I didn't write more LOL but reading this is so funny.
I've posted a lot more Read-Alouds since I've uploaded these, but I've been Lazy™ so I'm doing it now!
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futianz · 1 year
Marcel Siahaan - Firasat 🍃
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gadihtheexplorer · 2 years
Let's play hide and seek. The rule is simple. I am the one who gonna hide, but you don't have to seek me. All you need to do is just keep going, doing all the things you wanna do with the one you love, doing the things that make you happy. I am gonna watch here, in hidden place, keep moving forward until you forget that we still play. That I am still here, hiding, waiting to be found!
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meadowmabel · 3 years
still thinking about what happened that day 
it made my family hate you 
i can’t wrap my mind around it 
it was MY day MY time 
and you threw it all away 
for a tantrum 
because you lacked attention 
wanting me to cater to you  as though it were YOUR day 
inconsiderate asshole 
I hated your guts for a long time 
and then i forgot 
until the next big moment 
of MY first day as an aunt 
and you threw it all away 
for a tantrum 
because you lacked attention
wanting me to cater to you 
as though it was a normal day 
I hated your guts for a long time 
and then I forgot 
until another big moment 
my moment to shine after all my hard work 
at my sisters birthday party 
and you threw it away 
for a tantrum 
because you lacked attention 
I hated your guts for a long time 
and then i forgot 
Until another small moment and another small moment and another small moment  where nights and days and nights and days were ruined 
thrown away 
for a tantrum 
because you lacked attention 
i had no energy to hate your guts 
but now i always remember 
I can’t be myself because that isn’t enough 
and you’ll throw weeks away 
if I don’t prevent your tantrum 
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thequietdreamer · 3 years
You don't pout and wait for people to notice and bow their heads to you.  You don't personally take grudges and not even give people to redeem themselves.
You also don't take it personally as an insult and soak yourself in negativity. 
Be proactive. Be direct. and get on with it. 
What will sulking do? I hope you can learn to grow up on your own.
A plant that stubbornly takes offence in criticism. Sulks in a corner and refuses to grow. They hide in a corner, hoping for people to notice, and waiting for them to send their apologies to you.
Not saying a word, hoping for sincerity... when really, can't you properly grow so that people can genuinely give real praise? 
You have a lot to learn about endurance. A lot to learn about carrying on. 
because one day, there won't be someone who would always bend your way.  You'll have to learn to prove them wrong with your own power and abilities.
Don't wait for someone to yield.
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shannonleearts · 4 years
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𝖣𝗂𝗀𝗂𝗍𝖺𝗅 And yet another draft 😅 heres an unfinished picture of a character I made a few years ago. Her names Elizabeth. She was MaGicAl - - - - - #artist #artists #artsy #artworks #arty #digitalart #digitalillustration #digitaldrawing #digitalpainting #draw #drawing #drawings #draft #olddraft #artdraft #artistoninstagram #artistofinstagram #repost #reposting https://www.instagram.com/p/CHyoAB3llYK/?igshid=8sfsa8xjcu5r
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madstudio · 4 years
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Draft 😬 how is it 😓 In frame_@kk_sharma0 Pc_ @madstudiosk . . . . . #potraitphotography #madstudiosk #rajsthan #jalmahal #olddraft #bff (at Deeg) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBgD4TLpKmr/?igshid=7co8z4kwsgs1
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mayavenue · 4 years
As a woman in her-mid twenties now, it sometimes feels like my options are decreasing and my risks increasing. Each decision weighs heavy.
From something as shallow as a skin routine to something as deep as betting on your partner for life, there seems to be a creeping urgency to make the right choice. There seems to be a need to calm down and to tame my mood. 
Recently, I’ve been set free in terms of career ambitions from being unemployed. Of course I can only say this because I’m still blessed to have good health and a roof over my head. It feels perverse but I feel like I’ve been set free from expectations. As in, now I’m at square one and everyone knows. I don’t need to keep up anymore. It feels good not to have to keep up. 
I don’t know what I need to do though. 
Right now, what feels right is learning to understand myself. Doing things I enjoy and believe in. Letting loose of friendships that are conditional and restricting. Loving and hanging on to those who make me feel at home. Dancing on my feet, singing out loud under the sky, smiling with my teeth, laughing until I cry. Writing my feelings, expressing my thoughts. Taking time for grieving, questioning things I have been taught. 
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shmatii · 7 years
Бурни разговори Красоти Във думи Усмивки Горещи Настръхваш И после Караници Драми Кафе Горчиво Усмивки Няма Спокойно Ще стане Но има ли смисъл Има разбира се Емоции Не чувства Емоции е всичко И искаш Нормално Но нормалното Е безразлично Продължаваш Стиснати зъби Въздишки Копнееш Отчаяно Сила Се иска И вяра Но накрая Оставаш с Празна Надежда
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Read-aloud of Draft Two of SOTL (fairy tale WIP) pt2
Draft Two of School of the Legends was titled MAGIC. Previous post on the subject here:
Here is the next batch of Read-Alouds, starting with the next in the series.
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gadihtheexplorer · 2 years
Kesedihan yang kamu rasakan sekarang, percayalah bahwa itu bagian dari cara Tuhan mendewasakanmu. Tuhan juga ingin agar kamu belajar menjadi lebih kuat untuk ujian yang nanti pasti akan datang silih berganti.
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meadowmabel · 3 years
Even if you took me away To a different state I couldn't stay Because I'm too addicted to you Too in love with you  And it scares me out of my mind  There is so much room for disappointment  For pain and a goodbye  A goodbye I never want to hear  And I'd live every day in fear Unable to enjoy everything you can offer  Even if I started fresh  My life would depend on you A thought I cannot handle.
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thequietdreamer · 3 years
Brewing Discomfort
Have you ever felt aggravated with life?
It's not quite anger nor resentment, slightly more than just annoyance. It's this mixed feeling of frustration which slowly builds up inside me. 
Not intense enough for me to scream or rage, but not small enough for me to dismiss. it's just this ball of discomfort, building in me, slowly draining all the colour from my life. 
And I can't whine about it. I don't know what of. I feel attention-seeking. I can't even. I literally can't. 
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