#old scars
cirilee · 11 months
surprise old scars content!
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whumpshots · 11 months
Whump Snippet Saturday #37
Whumpee tries to play it off cool when they walk into the room and sit down next to caretaker, who already shoots them a glance. Because whumpee tried their best to walk as normal as possible, but the throbbing pain only let them to some extent.
It's exhausting to hide the pain and the limp that comes with it, but old wounds and scars tend to act up at the most unfitting of times. It's been years since their injury, but their body doesn't care. The scars don't care because despite the dead skin, they feel very much painful.
Whumpee massages their knee as good as they can, trying to release some of the tension in their muscles and it works to some extent. As the meeting is over, whumpee waits until the others are out of the room, knowing fully well that caretaker won't leave until they do. But it doesn't feel as bad as walking in front of everybody else.
"New injury?", caretaker suddenly asks and whumpee shakes their head as they keep massaging their leg with their thumbs.
"The cold weather is getting to me," they mutter and look up with a shrug and half a smile.
"Need a hand when going downstairs?"
Whumpee waits for a few seconds and nods. Old or new injuries, it doesn't matter. Caretaker will always be on their side.
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its-soomi · 18 days
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I hate my thighs so fckn much. They’re fat and disgusting imo. My whole body is super skinny like i can see my ribs etc.
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zhurnalproliv · 3 months
short retelling of comic "old scars"
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in a joking manner*
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provoiceactor1 · 1 year
Some injuries will never go away it seems…
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al3ks-x · 2 months
my wrist was so pretty here stop. this pic’s old but stilll
you cant see it much but i loveddd the scars sm. nd yes, i used to wear long sleeved gloves to hide them from parents nd shit🤷‍♀️
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quinncupine · 2 years
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Word Count: 1,341
Relationship: Izuku Midoriya X Reader
Summary: Old scars drag up old memories for a certain pro hero, but you’re there to comfort him.
Warnings: past trauma, scars
Quinns Masterlist
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The gun pressed deep into his lower back and he couldn't help the groan that rolled out of his lips. You towered over him, snickering as he pressed his face further into the comforter, twisting the fabric between his fingers.
"That's okay?" you leaned down to see his scrunched-up face. "I'm not pressing too hard am I?"
"No," he gasped, "no, I'm fine."
"It looks painful. Are you sure this is supposed to help?" Twisting the massage gun to reach a new muscle, you frowned.
"Good pain," he let out another heavy groan and blinked open his eyes. "Thanks."'
"You know, tapping the massage gun along his shoulders, "maybe this is a sign that you should take a break. You've been working non-stop lately. When was the last time you took a day off?"
There was a particularly tight muscle that you focused on in his right shoulder. His whole body flinched as you dug into it.
"I'm - agh- I'm managing it."
"That's not an answer and even if it was, it's not a very good one." you huffed, moving to his left shoulder.
"Sorry," He whispered.
"What are you sorry for? It's not like I can really complain. I mean you are out there saving people every day." Shrugging, you switched hands, shaking off your numb one, and continued down his back. "But you need to take a break every now and then."
"I don't save people every day," he laughed, turning his head enough so he could see you. "Most days I'm helping little old ladies cross the street."
"And they would never get home without you," you leaned forward with a smile, momentarily letting the gun slip.
He flinched hard and yelped. "Spine!"
"Oh, I'm sorry!" Lifting the gun and switching it off, you patted his bareback. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah," he took a deep breath. "Maybe just go a bit slower."
Nodding, you turned the setting down, then slowly traced his back along the tight muscles next to the spine with the gun. As you stared at his bare skin, you took in each scar he'd made over the years of gritty hero work. The recent ones you knew about, but there were some older ones that you'd never asked about.
A large jagged one that ran length-wise down his spin caught your eye. It was probably the biggest one he had and the scariest one that nearly cost him his life. It was close to your third anniversary when a bad earthquake hit downtown, demolishing several buildings in the process.
Izuku had been nearly the first hero on the scene as he was in one of the buildings that went down. He spent hours sifting through the rubble, plucking people out of the rubble one by one. It was when he found someone pinned underneath one of the last remaining structures that things took a turn for the worst. The building had been unstable as it was and had deteriorated as the hours passed. He shouldn't have gone in, but it wasn't in his nature to abandon someone in need.
When the building did collapse, he used himself as an anchor point until the other heroes could dig them out. He saved the man's life, though he took a sharp piece of shrapnel right through his back in the process. He nearly bled out on the scene and even after that, they were worried it hit too close to the spine to fully repair. That had been a terrifying day for both of you. Thankfully, lady luck had been on his side.
"Whatcha thinking about?" Izuku sat up on his elbow, head cocked to the side.
You hadn't even realized you stopped, fingers still touching the scar. "Just thinking. I don't know where some of these came from."
"Most of them are boring," he smiled warmly. "I don't even remember half of them."
"Hmm," you traced your fingers over to another, much smaller scar. "What about this one?"
"Let me think. That was a few years ago. My first solo year." He mused. "Got caught off guard by a mugger with a boomerang quirk. Didn't even see it coming."
"And this?" you went lower, smirking as you touched the barely noticeable thin white scratches.
"You and I both know who that one's from," he turned over onto his back and seized your hand. "And that's not the only one."
"Probably won't be the last one either."
A heated blush bloomed across his freckled cheeks and he quickly pulled you flush against his chest to hide it. When you looked up at him, a sly smile spread across your face, he bumped his forehead against yours then slowly slid his lips down to your own in a soft sweet kiss. He pulled away, leaving you breathless in the process, and dropped his head back into the bed, running his fingers along your back. It was a quiet, content moment that you basked in, letting your fingers absentmindedly roam over the various scars marring his chest.
"You never told me about this one," you murmured, fingers stopping at the raised tissue across his sternum. It was oddly circular in shape but roughly formed, almost like a knife wound.
"It's an old one," he whispered, not bothering to look at it. "One I'd rather forget about."
His tone made it clear he didn't want to talk about it. Izuku never liked to talk about his days before U.A. You'd heard most of it from either Bakugo or whenever Izuku's tongue loosened enough, usually with alcohol. But you never pushed. Being quirkless had its toll, you knew this, but from what Bakugo's told you, it was worse for him. Far worse than any kid should've had to deal with.
"Was it from middle school?" The question fell out of your mouth before you even realized it.
Izuku tensed underneath you, clearly uncomfortable with where the conversation was headed. That in itself gave you most of the answer you needed.
"I'm sorry," you backtracked, eyes widening. "I don't mean to pry."
He lay frozen in place before he shook himself out of wherever his mind had wandered to. "No, it's okay." He gently rolled you off so he could sit up, absentmindedly rubbing the old scar. "It was a mistake that happened a long time ago. A reminder of sorts I guess."
"A reminder?" Staring at the scar a bit closer, it wasn't just circular in nature. It seemed intentionally carved that way.
Hesitantly, you brushed your fingers along the curves. Izuku watched your face with a slight tremble to his form, though you were completely captivated by the scar to notice. There was a small curl off the circle.
"Q," you muttered and then it clicked, your eyes flicking up to his. "Quirkless."
Izuku remained silent, eyes darting across the room. He grabbed your hands and pulled them down into his lap to squeeze. "They thought I needed another reminder," then he chuckled, a dark tint that you barely recognized as his laugh. "As if I needed another."
No wonder he didn't like to talk about his younger days. For someone to do something so permanent, so cruel to a child no less…How could anyone let someone suffer for so long?
"Does Bakugo know?" The words were hoarsely whispered, still trying to comprehend the cruelty of the scar. "Wasn't he your friend?"
He stiffened his shoulders, staring a hole into your hand. "No." Though you weren't sure which question he answered. "But that's in the past. I'm fine now. I have a quirk. I'm not useless anymore."
"You never were," cocking your head and cupping his face in your hands, you gave him a warm smile. "Having a quirk doesn't make you valuable. Having a heart does. Something you have in tenfold."
Forced to stare into your intense gaze, he finally cracked a teary smile. "I suppose that's something we have in common." Then he leaned forward and bumped his forehead back into yours. "Thank you."
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wolverina2002 · 8 months
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types
Relationships: ARC-77 | Fordo & CT-7567 | Rex, ARC-77 | Fordo & Trauma, ARC-77 | Fordo & Original Clone Trooper Character(s), ARC-77 | Fordo & Keeli, ARC-77 | Fordo & CT-6116 | Kix
Characters: ARC-77 | Fordo, CT-7567 | Rex, Clone Commander Trauma of Halsey's Unit (Star Wars), Original Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Keeli (Star Wars), CT-6116 | Kix
Additional Tags: Scars, Fordo week 2023, stories behind scars, Clone Trooper Decommissioning (Star Wars), CT-6116 | Kix & Keeli are twins
Language: English
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umbra-draws · 1 year
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Dragon sketch ^u^
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
TW: Self Harm
Don't read if you're triggered by details involving self-harm behaviour. I promise I'm doing fine right now, sometimes it just feels good to say stuff out loud, or through writing.
So as you guys know, at least where I am, 2 hours from now it will officially be my birthday. Most people get really excited about this, but birthdays have always been kind of stressful for me. They were more an excuse for my mom to get drunk and invite her friends over than they were fun for me. I never really got to choose what to do for my birthday.
Last year, my birthday was really rough. Don't get me wrong, I had a lot of fun on the day, and my bestie took me out shopping. But the night before was awful. I had a panic attack so bad that I "Jokered" My face. Or "Jeff the Killered" It, however, you want to describe it. But I cut a smile into my skin because every time I looked in the mirror I couldn't bring myself to be happy. That was a really low point for me.
I was really surprised how easily I was able to hide the cuts from my parents, the mask mandate for sure helped. But the day after, when I was in a clear head space again, I obviously regretted it. And with my medical knowledge, I was able to help my scars heal pretty well. They are almost not even noticeable among the acne scars on my face, and they're easy to edit out in pictures.
But I know they're there, I always know they're there. I have to see them every time I look in the mirror. I can feel them when I touch my face. And I hate them, they make me feel so weak. Especially since I can't even really say why I did it. I have no way to explain how I was feeling that night, or why my brain thought that was a rational conclusion. And that's kinda how I feel about most of my scars.
I don't feel like I ever had a "good enough" reason to hurt myself. Even though there is obviously never a good reason. But they make me feel like a "Poser" sometimes, because honestly, sometimes I just do it when I'm bored or understimulated. I'm working really hard on getting better, and I do talk to my therapist about it. So things are going well. But scars are permanent reminders that I fucked up.
This is one of the reasons I hate the summer. Because of my health conditions, I can't handle the heat. Which means I can't hide from anyone. My scars are on full display, and I hate when strangers ask about them. But my body is on display in another way in the summer. My dysphoria gets so bad because everyone can see my full hips and thick things. I can't hide my small waist in layers of clothing, and Right now it's not safe for me to bind. So everyone can tell I'm a "Woman" in the summer and I hate it.
I don't think my body is very nice to look at. But I'm working on that. And all the compliments you guys give me on here, mean everything to me. You guys are always so sweet and caring, and you make me feel worthy of being here. I fight very hard every day because I want to be here for all of you, with all of you. I want to share in your sad moments, to help take the load off. I want to rejoice in your happy moments and celebrate all of you! You guy makes me very happy, which is why I feel this year will be different.
So here's looking at 21, it's staring me in the face. And no matter how scary or intimidating it is, I know I have all of you to cheer me along the way. It's weird to be seen legally as an adult when you're still just a scared little kid in your head. So tomorrow I'm gonna get up, put on some makeup and a cute outfit. I don't care what gender other people see me as, just for one day. And then I'm gonna go pick up my cake with my dad. Hang out with my bestie and watch a cool new horror movie. And see my brother at the end of the day. I still have physical therapy tomorrow, so I'm gonna work my ass off, so I can keep getting better.
Thank you all for being here with me this year. It's made a world of difference and I cannot thank you enough. There aren't enough words in any language to describe how much I love and adore and admire each and every one of you. You're all special, and you all deserve to be here just as much as I do. We'll get through this together, I promise!
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2-d-rogue · 2 years
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Old scars
Ryan has a sad life. Good thing he has a Dylan to comfort him.
Line provided by my bestie and awesome Dylan RPer @philian-arkhiv.
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cirilee · 9 months
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this ship will just NOT let me go. @neoncl0ckwork this is all your fault
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whumpshots · 1 year
Whump Snippet Saturday #25
"Oh God ... that is so much blood," caretaker mutters and watches whumpee wrap a bandage around their arm with widened eyes. Whumpee just raises their brows and concentrates on their task again.
"Oi, Kid. Are you gonna watch me without helping or are you gonna do your job?", whumpee asks after they have already moved on to treat another wound and caretaker snaps out of their stupor.
"S-Sorry," they whisper and move closer to whumpee, who still sits on the ground, and start taking in their injuries. Old scars show that whumpee must be used to this kind of pain, no wonder they are still moving like nothing happened.
"Thanks, Kid," whumpee breathes after they have treated and bandaged the injuries, their head leaning back, face drained of every bit of colour. Caretaker nods and swallows hard. They just have to move the taller to their bed now ...
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pocket-poly · 1 year
Every time I think I've made huge progress in healing old veto scars something happens and i feel ripped open.
Hearing we are going to talk about some things immediately triggers me. Like somehow I can mentally prepare that later in the day will be the end of where I am with someone.
He told me it's nothing bad, trying to address what he knows is unsettling to me. But that doesn't stop the spiraling emotions. No matter how hard I try.
*sigh> trauma sucks. Sometimes it feels like a wound that I can never fully heal from.
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poetry-by-lex · 1 year
all these scars have memories of their own walking on a battlefield i called home.
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kittygirlpaw · 1 year
(cw: scars, missing arm, missing eye - no blood, old injuries)
I've been kinda itching to draw this character more (even if there are multiple versions), so here's a sketch while I'm working on a colored piece. She's a bit unstable but she's pretty. Nude girl too but y'know whatevs, it isn't sexual.
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