#officer Sansa
fuck-edfrugs · 9 months
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officercatnaps · 11 months
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Are you trying to bribe me with cat nip?
Because it's working
Offer Sansa tamakawa from mha
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mkstrigidae · 1 month
Coming back from the dead is the kind of thing that can really fuck up your weekend, as Jon has recently found out (especially considering that he’d paid a mint for those concert tickets, thanks). On one hand, the bureau paperwork is horrifying, and the less said about his skyrocketing health insurance premiums or this year's taxes, the better. On the other hand, though, Sansa Stark, the pretty head of the medical/pathology research division and long-time object of Jon's affections, has insisted on giving him her utmost attention until she’s sure he’s back on his feet and fully among the living.
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Ned: I bet you're wondering why I gathered you both here today.
Ned: It's because we need to have a discussion about how some people in this room aren't getting along with other people in this room.
Sansa: …
Arya: Why did you say that so vaguely? Sansa and I are literally the only people here.
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Sansa: Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.
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asadfangirlbitxh · 5 months
Always an angel, never a god
Always an angel
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Never a God
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Always an angel
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Never a God
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Always an angel
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Never a God
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Always an angel
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never a god
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Always an angel
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never a GOD
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imaginarianisms · 4 months
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reallyromealone · 1 year
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Dadzawa and the tiny overhaul
⭐ warnings ⭐
Male reader, Yamada x Aizawa, baby reader, fluff
Aizawa couldn't believe his eyes.
In a prestine room inside the compound sat a crib, a small baby crying his little heart out as the hero gently lifted him "shhh" he said to the tiny babe who cracked open his teary little eyes and let the hero soothe him "it's ok now" he said as he brought the little babe out to where the police and ambulances were on standby "another child...?" Sansa mumbled in shock as Naomosa called for some paramedics to check on the babe.
The poor thing wailed as he was seperated from Aizawa "Erasurehead sir, could you please hold him while we check his vitals" a paramedic asked and the pro hero nodded and took the babe who immediately calmed down and snuggled into his capture weapon.
They worked carefully around the babe, checking for anything of concern "he seems to be in perfect health, no malnourishment or anything"
"Erasure... I'm sorry to ask you this again but..."
"You want me to take him in"
"Please?" Naomosa asked almost pleadingly to the other who sighed "lemme call him"
Aizawa stepped away still holding the baby and called his husband "what's up sho?" Yamadas groggy voice came through as it was rather late "We...we have another one"
"What do you mean?"
"Overhaul had another kid and I'm the only option right now"
"...I'll turn on the kettle"
"I love you"
"Love you to baby" Yamada said shuffling over the phone before hanging up.
"Let's get you home" aizawa said, walking back to the ambulance and after taking a statement and finishing up the pro took the babe back to the apartment.
Yamada didn't know what to prepare for but he took any precautions he could for whatever may be coming through that door.
"Shhh" Aizawa hushed the babe as he stepped into the apartment, the tiny baby babbling away to the hero "who is this...?" Yamada said to his husband as the babe looked at him curiously "from what we gathered, he's the son of Overhaul"
Yamada froze as he took in the happy baby who did resemble the Yakuza boss "I have a feeling we will be caring for him long-term, if he develops his dad's Quirk, he's going to be wanted by everyone" the two looked at him with concern but (name) was stretching his little arms.
"Naomosa is bringing baby supplies to do us till we can get some more, he says he will be here in an hour"
The two walked into the livingroom and Aizawa grabbed one of Eri's stuffed toys and held it infront of the boy, the babe reaching out and gripping it and waving it around before handing it to Yamada with a cute expression.
"He's so cute!" Yamada said taking the boy and lifting him "he's like a little marshmallow!" The blond said as (name) stared at him wide eyed "i can't believe such a monster created such an angel"
The two hung out with the baby who was basically passing out in yamadas arms and neither could blame the poor baby as it was a crazy night for everyone.
By time Naomosa and Sansa came by, they had some baby stuff "I called my sister and she gave some stuff for the little guy" Sansa said holding a few bags of stuff "she had a spare baby bottle warmer and sanitizer from her shower"
"Thank you Sansa" despite his tone Aizawa was genuinely thankful as Naomosa held a file "we found this in his office, it seems to be this little guys files"
"Does he have a name?"
"Not from what we could tell, from the notes it just says "my offspring""
"How could he be so callous with his own son" Yamada said as he gently traced the babes cheek.
"...would it be possible to get custody of him like we did eri?"
"You two already have an impeccable reputation and I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem at all... I will vouch for you two if need be"
After they left, the two men watched the babe before Yamada eventually went to bed, leaving Aizawa alone with the small baby who was out cold in his arms, the hero went to set him down on the couch but the little one began whining and crying at the lack of contact, Aizawa wondering how often the boy was held "shhh"
Aizawa ended up spending the night with the little guy until morning when the rest wandered out "why does dad have a baby...?" Shinso asked confused as a sleepy Eri wandered over to the babe "(name)!" She perked up at the baby who bounced slightly at his name being said "you know him?" Aizawa asked his daughter who nodded "I wasn't allowed near him though, he didn't want me to infect him"
"Well, (name) is going to be a new member of the family" aizawa said softly, the two looking at him wide eyed "he's gonna really need us" Yamada said as (name) stetched out with a seriously focused expression.
"I think he pooped"
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weemsfreak · 1 year
Girl In Red (Lips)
Larissa Weems x Vampire Teacher
One shot I thought of as I was listening to Girl In Red
Fluffy ~2500 words
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It was a Saturday night. Your favourite night. Not because you wanted to go out and party, although it has been awhile since you did. You liked how Saturday was a day to yourself, and the nights were usually stress free. Today though, or rather tonight, you were caught up in writing your masters thesis. Teaching at Nevermore and doing your masters at the same time was exhausting, but recently your students have been very well behaved and on the ball with things. Kind of suspicious.
You were writing your paper on The History of Shapeshifters. You were a vampire, so this topic related to your specialty, but it was a bit far out. You wanted to write your paper on something more rare in the outcast community, but this topic may have been chosen by you because you wanted to spend more time with a certain someone. You wanted to get to know her better, and you wanted to show her that you thought her specialty was rather interesting. You were an English teacher, so you always had to take the time to perfect your work, even though that was technically impossible. After researching and writing all day, you had questions about the biological part of shapeshifting. How did it work, specifically? How do you change formation? Do your cells change? You should know more about shifting, but you weren't the best at chemistry, although you had always found it fascinating. Luckily, Larissa took the same masters years ago, she was the English teacher at Nevermore before she became the principal. Obviously, she would be the best person to ask if you had any question at all. You looked to your phone, “Hmm 8pm, she shouldn’t be in bed yet.” You jumped from your bed and collected your bag with your laptop. Remembering that you were wearing shorts, an oversized sweater and slippers, you thought nothing of it as not many students would be out this time of night.
Arriving in the hall one over from her office, you hoped that she would be there. Her living quarters were attached to her office, so she basically didn't leave it. You paused in the hallway, you could hear music in the distance. You recognized the song, Girl In Red. "Girl In Red slaps, someone is cool" you mumbled to yourself. You continued walking toward Larissa's office and as you did the music got a bit louder. You stopped in front of her large wood doors, staring at yourself in the gold plaque. Is the music coming from her office? You leaned in close to the door, placing your ear against it. "I don't wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your lips.." was playing inside, muffled by the doors. You went wide eyed and slapped your hand over your mouth so you wouldn't squeal out loud. Larissa is listening to Girl In Red! What? Is she...you know? You guessed there was no reason you would know, she doesn't have a partner that you knew of. Trying not to smile too big, you brought your hand up and knocked on her door. A few seconds later, the music stopped. You tried not to laugh, you probably embarrassed her. She opened the door slowly and smiled when she saw you. Still, you could see the nervousness on her face. Pretending you didn't just hear her music, you quickly said "Hi Larissa, sorry I'm visiting at this hour, I just wanted to ask you a few things for my paper! If you're free?" She opened the door to let you in and gestured for you to sit at the fire. She held up a bottle of red wine, "Would you like a glass Sansa?" Of course you did. You pulled out your laptop as she sat next to you, passing you the glass. "So, I just wanted to know how shapeshifting works, like chemically. Cells and stuff. I read about it online, but it's not explained well. I thought you could do a better job" you looked over to her, hopeful and all smiles. She was still in her makeup from the day and her hair was done up, but she was wearing a tan colored satin sleep set. You looked her up and down right quick, hoping she wouldn't notice. "Wait, is this your masters thesis?" "Yes" "You're writing it on shapeshifting?" You froze, suddenly you were the embarrassed one. You thought she already knew that was your topic, you hoped she didn't ask why. "Um, yes." Her face lit up and she smirked as she looked to the fire, taking a drink of her wine. "Okay, well I'll tell you all about it."
You tried so hard to write down everything she was saying, it was so interesting. You wanted to understand it all. She was so easy to listen to, her voice so soothing. Despite this, it was hard to listen when all you could do was watch her. You stared at her the whole time, trying to type while only glancing at your laptop. She talked with her hands and watched you the whole time she explained it. She was mesmerizing, she was smart, witty, clever, stunning, and her smile lit up the whole room, never mind the fire. At one point you stopped typing, you got too lost in watching her and didn’t process any information. "Sansa, are you okay?" she asked worried, you hadn't typed for the last minute. You snapped back into reality as you realized she stopped talking. "Oh, sorry Rissa, yes, continue." She told you everything she knew that she thought would be helpful. In the end you had pages of information. Finishing your third glass of wine you thanked her. "Thank you so much Larissa, this is all really good to know. How did you learn all of this?" Books of course, and obviously if you're a shapeshifter, you have a lineage. "Shapeshifting is so rare, its hard to find anything on it, but it's soo impressive" you batted your eyelashes at her, you were no longer thinking before you said things. She blushed as she giggled at you. "Well, thank you for listening to my rambling, love." You'd listen to her talk all day, any day. You shrugged your shoulders signifying that it was no big deal. You didn’t know what else to say, but you didn't want to leave. You put your laptop away, and turned to her. She smiled, "Another glass? Or do you have to go?" You thought about it, you weren't going to get anymore writing done tonight, fuck it. "Well I think I'm done writing for the night, so…" you held your glass out to her. She fill it and put more wood on the fire, then she sat next to you again.
You didn't know what to say, and you were drunk, so you got up and made your way to her balcony windows. "I have another question" you said confidently, trying not to giggle at the thought of the question. "Sure darling, what's up?" You held back a smile, you always loved when she called you darling or love, it was so cute. "What music were you listening to before I came in?" She bit her lip and her eyes went wide, she was embarrassed. She had thought maybe you hadn't heard, it wasn't that loud, was it? "Um, I think it was by Kings of Leon?" Good lie, you thought. "No, I know them, I don’t think it was." Apparently you were a good actress when you were drunk. You looked out the window, it was hard to keep your composure. "Oh, well I don't remember. Did you like what I was listening to?" You went over and sat next to her, closer this time. "Yes I did, it was something about not wanting to be a friend, but wanting to kiss…someone?" You took a sip of your wine, raising your eyebrows at her. She giggled, giving in. "Okay Sansa, so you listen to them too?" "Yes! I love Girl In Red" you said with a smile, laughing. She shook her read side to side, laughing at your state. You noticed her staring at you and you realized she must be looking at your fangs. You stopped smiling, maybe she wasn't comfortable with them. It was quiet for a couple minutes, then she asked you a question. "So, do you just like Girl In Red, or do you like…women?" she asked you quietly. Thank god, you didn't know if she'd ask or if you would have to. "I like women" you replied, as equally as quiet. It's not that you were ashamed of liking women, but you weren't out. Nobody in your life asked or really cared, and you didn’t have a partner either. She looked at you and her face told you all you needed to know. She was in the same situation as you. You smiled at her, "You too?" She looked down into her wine and chuckled, "Yes." You wanted to hug her, you were so happy for her. "Does anyone know that?" you asked her, not wanting it to be out in the open if she didn't want it to. "Not really, but I guess there was no reason for anyone to know." You knew what she meant, she didn't have a partner for as long as you've known her. You sat back on the couch, looking up to the ceiling. Larissa Weems likes women, well shit. This was the best news ever, but all in all, it didn't mean you had a chance with her. Your smile dropped, the hope that you partially had before, gone.
 You sat up and put your hand on hers, "Don’t worry, I won't tell anyone if you don't want them to know." She gave you a small smile, and turning to you so that your legs were touching, she looked you up and down. You didn't know why she did this, you weren't wearing anything even remotely nice. "Do you have a girlfriend?" she asked you, and you frowned, "No, you?" She pursed her lips and looked down again, "No." Why was she asking? Was she just curious or was this an invitation? She looked lonely, ashamed or disappointed maybe? There was something going on in her brain that she wasn't telling you about. She looked back up at you and you couldn't help but hug her when you looked into her big sapphire eyes. You wrapped your arms around her and pulled her close. You didn't know if you did this for her or you, but it felt so comforting. She hesitated at first, then wrapped her arms around you and pulled you closer. You smiled at her soft touch, she smelled of vanilla. Her scent reminded you of something from your childhood, it was so inviting, so pleasing. You didn't want to make it weird, so you pulled away after a minute, even though you would've stayed in her embrace all night. When you released her and went to sit back, she grabbed you and held you close to her body. You sat there, face so close to hers. You didn't know why she was holding you here, it was kind of an awkward pose. You looked over her features, how you loved older women. Her eyes were so bright, she had seen so much yet still had lots of life. The small wrinkles below her eyes and around her mouth were adorable, there because of how much she had shown her beautiful smile over the years. Her lips were full, so soft looking, and god how you loved that red lipstick on her. Oh, you were looking at her lips. You looked back up into her eyes, scared she would get the wrong idea from you looking at her lips. When you did, she brought her forehead to meet yours. She stared into your soul and whispered, "Are you, by any chance, into older women?" Your heart filled with excitement and you giggled at her question, obviously you were. "I love older women" you whispered, it was your little secret. Not so secret anymore, though. Larissa smiled, showing you her teeth. You loved when she smiled with her teeth. It made you feel like the whole world lit up and nothing bad would ever happen again. You brought your hands up to cup her face, she was adorable. So much so, you had to tell her. "Larissa, this may sound really weird, but you are absolutely precious" you whispered to her, still resting her forehead against yours. She blushed and looked down to her lap, you ending up giving a kiss to her head. When she looked back up at you she wasted no time capturing your lips with a passionate kiss. She grabbed your neck so that you couldn't pull back and kissed you like she's wanted you forever. You had no problem giving her the same energy back, she was the most beautiful woman you've ever laid your eyes on. She was so loving, and she tasted like a mix of wine and sophistication. You tangled your hands in her hair, how silky it was. Coming to straddle her, you pushed your hips down into hers, making her gasp into your mouth. Neither she nor you expected you to be so forward, so wanting, but you really adored this woman. She stuck her tongue into your mouth surprising you. Her tongue ran against your fangs and you were scared you'd hurt her until you heard her moan at the feeling.
After a few minutes Larissa pulled away, and you couldn't help the grin on your face. "Did you just kiss me?" you giggled jokingly. She let out a deep laugh as she turned away from you, looking into the fire. Larissa wouldn't ever let on, but she was longing for touch, and that's what she wanted most. You let go of her as you saw her smile fade, like she had lost interest in your activity. You started to climb off of her, thinking that she didn't want you on top of her anymore. As you backed off, she turned her head towards you and again wrapped her arms around you, tighter than before. The look in her eyes told you what she wanted, she just wanted someone. She wanted to bask in someone's presence, and she wanted someone to bask in hers. Gladly, you would do just so. "Sansa, this may sound odd but, can we just be together? Can we cuddle?" Her words sounded so deprived, so quiet, like she was so unsure someone would want that with her. You cupped her face with your hands, "I would love nothing more Rissa." You kissed her cheek, getting comfortably closer to her. "Can I play with your hair?" you whispered, longing to run your fingers through it. She hummed and nodded in confirmation and you reached up to take the pins out. As you ran your fingers through the soft white strands, you settled in her neck and felt her hug you tighter, perhaps tighter than you've ever been hugged. This elicited a happy sigh and a smile from you and you kissed her neck tenderly. "Thank you Sansa" she whispered, and you prayed to all that was worthy and good that this wouldn't be the last time she held you so tight.
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raspberryfingers · 2 months
A Lion in the Garden -Tywin Lannister x Reader- (Part 10)
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Word Count: 8.6k
A/N: Let me say that I am SO sorry guys, I know I haven't updated in forever. This year has been genuine hell for me and because of that I really haven't had the time or mental capacity to update. It will probably stay that way, but hopefully I'll work through my chapters slowly. Thank you all so much for being understanding.
I was determined to change Tywin’s mind. It was something I commonly attempted, and very rarely did not succeed in. However, he was quite relentless upon the subject of marrying Sansa Stark to Tyrion, along with marrying Cersei to Loras. I personally had no intention of letting that stand. 
In my opinion, it was clear that his daughter had gotten to his head about my house plotting against theirs. It was understandable to want Sansa Stark for themselves, but I would under no circumstance allow Loras to marry Cersei Lannister. 
And so, just as I constantly did now, I found myself in the Hand’s office. Conversation and interaction with the Hand of the King had become a daily ritual, it seemed.
“Good morning, Tywin,” I said, being let into his office and finding him at his desk despite the fact that it was only 7:00 in the morning. He finished a thought and then set his quill down, looking up at me.
“You’re up rather early,” he noted, almost as if it didn’t apply to him either. I raised an eyebrow, folding my hands together.
“I have something to discuss with you that requires immediate attention, and I didn’t want to risk interfering with other meetings or plans, as this might be a long conversation,” I informed, making my way to his desk. As my shoes clacked against the stone floor, he sighed.
“I haven’t a clue what it is that you’d like to discuss,” he remarked sarcastically, leaning back in his chair and resting his hands in his lap.
“Do I need to tell Pycelle that you are having problems with your memory? I’m sure he’d be able to sympathize with you,” I teased him, grinning as I did. Tywin only gave me a look and shook his head. 
“Very well, if it pleases you to continue the conversation that even your grandmother could not win, then we shall,” he said, standing from his chair and making his way around the desk. He pulled my chair out for me, and I thanked him with a nod, putting my hand under my skirts as I sat. 
“I’m not my grandmother—I know you far better. I’m also not here to make excuses about why we don’t want Loras to marry Cersei, I’m here to explain why it makes no sense. Trust me on this, Tywin, I did plenty of thinking after my grandmother told me what you’d proposed,” I began, enjoying the amusement in his eyes as he sat across from me and sipped the water in his cup. This was going to be quite the conversation. 
“Go on then, tell me why it ‘makes no sense’, as you say.”
I straightened in my chair, pressing my lips together for a moment and then beginning. “I know your daughter believes that we—the Tyrells—are plotting against you, and perhaps I can understand where she’s coming from. After all, it’s no secret that I previously had quite a lot of disdain for you. If it had been up to me alone, I probably would have plotted against you.”
Tywin raised his eyebrows, but I did not smile. This was a serious subject, there was no reason to. 
“However, that is an utterly ridiculous notion due to the fact that I have always prioritized my siblings. If Cersei does not trust me, then so be it, but our alliance is going to be solidified by a marriage. And yes, we both know Margaery and Joffrey’s marriage is political, though that doesn’t change the fact that you need us for our gold and crops, just as we need you to validate Margaery’s claim as queen. We both benefit, Tywin. I should hope you studied enough science as a boy to know what the term mutualism means,” I said accusingly, to which he waved a hand as a silent ‘oh hush’ and scoffed. 
“Yes, Margaery needs Joffrey to ‘officially’ have that title, but let’s not pretend that his title makes him the most powerful. By giving your sister access to him, we—or rather I—have allowed her to take quite a lot of power. Now, I would not go so far as to say that I agree with Cersei about the plotting, because most of her evidence is that Margaery has succeeded in manipulating Joffrey, just as you expected she would. That does not bother me at all, Joffrey needs it. What does bother me is that despite already having plenty of access to power, your family wants to thank me for it by seeking out even more. By stealing it from us,” Tywin said, looking away with aggravation. I sighed, shaking my head and gripping the arms of my chair as I replied.
“It is less about lowering House Lannister than it is strengthening House Tyrell. We have an eldest son that needs marrying and Sansa is the first Stark daughter, to me it seems natural. And, it is not as if your family had some sort of claim to her as anything besides a prisoner of war.”
Tywin huffed and adjusted his seat, beginning to open his mouth until I put my hand out to silence him. He glared, but let me speak anyway.
“Let me put it this way, then. I believe that our continued alliance means that Loras marrying Sansa would increase the power of both of our houses. If we have access to the north, then so do you by association,” I reasoned, raising my eyebrows at him to emphasize my words.
“Yes, in theory we would, but currently our alliance is only officially bound by a manipulative marriage. How am I to trust the strength of our alliance when that is its foundation?” Tywin replied, making me smile softly. Gods, he truly was naive sometimes. 
“Their marriage is not its foundation, Tywin, we are. But nonetheless, I already prepared for you having such an opinion. That is why… well, why I am prepared to go to great lengths to ensure that you feel our alliance is strong enough to call off Loras’ marriage to Cersei, especially because Joffrey is a Baratheon in name,” I said, taking a deep breath. The Great Lion only stared at me, slightly turning his head with curiosity. 
“To- to strengthen the alliance between our houses, I will- I will marry Tyrion. I have nothing to gain from marrying your son, only something to lose, and yet I will do it anyway if it convinces you that it is no real loss to call off the marriage between Cersei and Loras,” I announced shakily, pulling my hands into my lap so he would not see them tremble. 
I watched Tywin’s face for a reaction, and was surprised to see his eyebrows raise and his mouth fall open. I’d truly managed to shock Tywin Lannister. 
“You would marry Tyrion to prove our alliance strong?” He clarified, still gaping at me. I would have laughed, but the thought of marrying—not Tyrion specifically, but in general—terrified me. I swallowed and nodded, trying to stop the quivering in my hands. 
“Not even Jaime? You are the eldest daughter, (Y/N),” he questioned, utterly bewildered. I only gave him a condescending look.
“Whether you want to accept it or simply live in delusion, Jaime is a part of the Kingsguard. Not to mention, he’s also not here,” I reminded him, to which he scoffed. 
“You would truly marry Tyrion? You’re being serious?”
“Yes, I would marry him. That is how much I genuinely believe in our two houses working together rather than against each other. Does that satisfy you?” I said, trying not to let my tone waiver. I was pinching my wrist in my lap, dreading his verdict.
All that Tywin had ever wanted was to be rid of Tyrion, and previous marriage proposals with other houses had not gone so well for him. As he stared at me and contemplated, all I could expect was to hear him say yes. As he had just pointed out, I was the eldest Tyrell daughter. Why shouldn’t he want to marry me to Tyrion?
There was silence for several minutes, and I could see on his face that he was thinking. I hadn’t a clue what he was thinking about, for this seemed to be a very simple thing to me. If anything, I was surprised he hadn’t instantly accepted.
“No, it does not satisfy me. I would never let Tyrion marry you, he is not worthy of a woman such as yourself,” Tywin said finally, hand clenching onto the arm of his chair. Relief went through me, though I was slightly upset by the fact that Tywin was being so rude. “And even if Jaime was here, I wouldn’t marry him to you either. No man in all seven kingdoms is worthy of you.”
We both stared at each other in silence, and there was an odd tension in the air. My lips parted, and he inhaled slowly. We only snapped out of it when he forced himself to look away, reaching for his cup and taking a sip. 
“Either way, you’ve proven your point. Our alliance is strong enough that we don’t need a further marriage bond. And, since it is so strong, we would both benefit from Sansa Stark’s claim. However, by your logic, if Sansa Stark were to marry Tyrion, then your family would receive the same benefits as before. There is no reason for me to cancel that betrothal,” Tywin reasoned then, making me scoff and shake my head.
“No. I’m grateful that you at least understand the lack of need to marry your daughter to Loras, but I still feel that he ought to be with Sansa instead,” I replied, shifting in my chair because I’d been sitting here for so long now. Tywin looked at me and then chuckled softly. 
“You’re asking quite a lot of me, (Y/N). You should know better.”
“It is you who should know better. Sansa Stark is a sweet girl with few demands, I suppose I have your family to thank for that. You’ve treated her so poorly that all she desires is to be living in Highgarden; she has no expectations of Loras. And, because it is no secret that my brother is fond of men, when she realizes that it may cause disappointment, but it will not be ruinous for their marriage,” I explained to him, only pausing for a moment before continuing with my point.
“Plus, Margaery’s marriage to Joffrey will ensure our alliance for long enough that we will both get Sansa Stark’s claim once her children are of age.” I leaned back in my chair, feeling quite satisfied with how well this was going for me. I could see Tywin fighting for an excuse. 
“You would be putting a Tyrell child in charge of Winterfell. You may share that claim with us, but the same cannot be guaranteed for the next generation or two. If I were to marry her to Tyrion, it is an absolute guarantee that a Lannister male will have Winterfell. 
“An easy problem to fix, Tywin. Whatever children Loras and Sansa have will marry at least one of Tyrion’s children. That way the Tyrell-Lannister alliance will continue and give those children continued power over the North,” I bargained with him, feeling quite content with such a solution. 
“But the rulers of the North would be Tyrell in name.”
“An unfortunate pill you must swallow. I have already explained why it makes more sense for Sansa to marry Loras than your son. Tyrion is better used securing an alliance with another house. There are plenty of eligible daughters, and marrying him to a woman from another, lower house, has no effect. He’s a son of Tywin Lannister, the most powerful man in Westeros. Plus, you’re not the only one who begrudges him for being a dwarf, people wouldn’t think twice if he married a woman a bit lower in status than he. Perhaps a Karstark or a Frey to ensure that they do not join Robb Stark.”
The Great Lion blinked at me slowly, clearly not appreciating the way I was over explaining it to him. Though, he had to admit that it was sound reasoning. 
“And what of your brother? None of you shy away from the fact that he is not entirely fond of female company. How can you ensure children from his marriage to the Stark girl?” He asked, folding his hands in his lap with a sort of relaxation. Clearly he’d been waiting to bring this up, and I rolled my eyes.
“Loras is aware of what is expected of him, and is willing to put his desires aside. It was a topic discussed at length when we first learned of his inclinations, and he was quite understanding. There can also be a bedding ceremony, if you should truly require that much assurance,” I said with a sigh, knowing that it was a likely thing to happen. It was rather odd, I felt, that even a man like Tywin Lannister had not been able to deny his own bedding ceremony. Such was the reign of Aerys, though that was long over. There was little shame in admitting that the Hand of the King was most powerful now. 
“A bedding ceremony is naturally expected. It will perhaps convince other nobles to ignore the rumors about him,” he replied, looking away as he did. The subject seemed to make him uncomfortable.
“They’re not rumors, Tywin. Let them think whatever they’d like, it doesn’t affect us. I will say, though, that I was quite disgusted by what you think of Loras,” I huffed out, shaking my head at him. His eyes settled on me again, and his eyebrows suddenly furrowed. 
“It is unnatural.”
“In my eyes, it’s a preference. Just as some men like younger women and others like older women. We can’t control any of that. Plus, it does not affect his ability to fight, fence, or function as a regular man,” I reasoned, not really understanding why Tywin or anybody else should make such a big deal of it. 
“And yet he’s engaging in intercourse that would not produce children. That is what I consider unnatural,” he shot back, brows raising at me as he said it. I gave him a look of utter disappointment, almost as if asking if he was serious. 
“Oh Tywin, please. Not all intercourse is for that purpose, even between a man and a woman. You have three children, and by all accounts quite loved your wife. I’m certain you’re familiar with acts of pleasure that don’t produce children,” I laughed, shaking my head at how ridiculous the conversation was. 
“My opinion upon the subject is final. You’re more than welcome to feel anger about it.”
“What I feel is more than anger, Tywin, it is disgust—both at you and at myself. How can I, in good conscience, be friends with a man who thinks so poorly of my dear brother? What if I had the same inclinations, Tywin? What would you think of me then?” I said accusingly, glaring at him as I posed the question. Did he truly expect me to look past such an opinion? I admittedly had felt some attraction towards women in the past, though the interest was not exclusive as my brother’s was. The Hand of the King paused as he contemplated.
“I don’t mean to cause offense. It is simply what I believe, just as many others do. If you were to feel the same attraction that your brother does, I would not hold it against you, just as I don’t with your brother, for it is not his only quality,” Tywin replied with a sigh, his shoulders finally relaxing. I shook my head at him, my stomach beginning to sink. 
“And since when have you been like anyone else? I suppose I simply just don’t understand why you have such an opinion. I have already disproved what you believe makes it fundamentally unnatural. If your belief stems from religion then I’d like to remind you that the gods… well, you know very well how the gods can be,” I said, pausing myself at the end when I saw the look in his eyes. He knew better than anyone how cruel they were. 
“Yes, yes I do…”
I paused, swallowing and looking around before speaking. 
“I just- I don’t understand why you chose to dislike a group of people that has never personally offended you,” I said, realization suddenly coming to me when I saw the look on his face. “Unless…”
“I don’t wish to discuss this topic anymore, (Y/N). Our previous conversation was far more relevant.”
“My grandmother said you were quite aggravated by her questioning of your own desires… that you were very insistent upon not being like my brother. I cannot help but wonder, Tywin, if perhaps this hatred comes from your own self loathing. If perhaps you have felt such attraction in the past and did not like feeling that way,” I said, slowly leaning forward in my chair as the puzzle pieces came together. His firm denial of it suddenly made quite a lot of sense. 
“Don’t be ridiculous, you know very well that my love for my wife was genuine and strong. To insinuate such a thing-“
“Tywin, you do realize that such feelings are not exclusive, don’t you? I am well aware of how much you loved Joanna, but it does not mean that you cannot also have attraction to men. Perhaps you prefer women, but that doesn’t exclude your same sex entirely. I am simply curious… as you did mention frequently leaving the castle with the late King Aerys… and leaving alone,” I pointed out, watching him grow increasingly uncomfortable. I’d figured it out, it seemed. His eyes were extremely avoidant, and he could not stop shifting in his seat and biting his cheeks. He was embarrassed.
“I do not wish to discuss this.” 
I stared at him, and suddenly softened. He was ashamed, of course. And how could I blame him? To be the most powerful man in Westeros, the Hand of the King, and the Lord of Casterly Rock. His job had been to build his house up, to rid the sound of shameful laughter from his halls. So what then if people should discover that the son of the Laughing Lion had ‘unnatural’ inclinations?
I reached across the table, offering him my hand. He did not look at me and he did not take it. 
“Listen to me, Tywin. You may not be ready to come to terms with it, and you may not be anywhere near comfortable with discussing such a subject, but know that I am here if you ever want to. Clearly, I don’t think anything of it, and I personally have felt attraction towards women just as well as men. I hope that eventually you will come to see it as I have, for I do not want you to hate yourself for it,” I said softly, looking at him the whole time even despite the fact that he would not look at me.
There was silence after I finished speaking, and only after a minute did he finally adjust his eyes. Tywin looked at my open palm, and with a bit of hesitation he took it. He did not say anything, but I saw his lip tremble as I squeezed his hand. 
“I- I consent to the marriage between your brother and Sansa Stark, though begrudgingly. I will discuss it with my children. Tyrion needs to marry regardless, I can’t imagine he’ll like that, but he seemed to pity the Stark girl so at least he can be comforted by that. There’s no doubt in my mind Cersei will continue to try and convince me you’re all plotting, but I suspect all I’ll have to do is remind her that she’s getting out of a marriage thanks to you. Well, getting out of one for now,” he said, letting go of my grip and taking a deep breath. 
I nodded, standing up and slowly going over to him. His eyes fixed themself on me as I made my way around the desk. When I reached him, I began to bend down. As a response, he stiffened and froze, entirely uncertain of what I intended to do. 
I found myself pressing my lips to his forehead, and my hand came to his hair. His breath caught in his throat, and when I pulled away there was a slightly confused look on his face. 
“Thank you, Tywin. I know it’s all politics and such, but I am grateful that you listened to me and understood my point of view. This way, we both succeed and don’t have to sacrifice as much happiness within our families,” I said, reaching for his hand again and giving it another small squeeze. 
He nodded, hesitating for a moment before pressing it to his lips. My cheeks heated, though I had not a clue why. It was a common gesture, there was certainly nothing special about it. 
But I could not deny the feeling of goosebumps forming along my arm, and the pleasant feeling of his mouth against my skin. A friend had never brought me such comfort before.
When he let it go, I gave him a gentle smile and turned to leave, but was surprised to hear him call out for me. 
“(Y/N), wait.”
I faced him again and raised an eyebrow. He’d sat up straighter, and he sighed out as he spoke. 
“Since you’re here, there’s something else I’d like to talk about. Especially in light of all that we have just discussed,” he said, his lips thinning as he finished. I could tell this would not be a fun conversation either, somehow. 
“I would like your advice. Another perspective, perhaps. I know what I would like to do, but you are always insistent on doing the opposite of that. And, since it does involve the war, it’s something you ought to hear about,” he explained, much to my curiosity. Had some opportunity presented itself? 
I sat down again, and Tywin got up to pour both of us wine. I thanked him when he brought it back over to me. Gods, what a morning.
“So, tell me, what do you require my humble advice about?” I asked, grinning at him rather widely. He shook his head with feigned disappointment. 
“Well, Robb Stark beheaded Rickard Karstark just as we had all expected. Since those forces have marched home, he is now trying to convince Edmure Tully to marry a daughter of Walder Frey. He is waving the olive branch, just as you suggested he would.”
I nodded, unsurprised by everything he’d just said. I still had not figured out where he was going with this. 
“And if I remember correctly, you said Walder Frey would not make an alliance with him. It seems that’s what he is doing, is he not? Unless there’s something I’m unaware of,” I recounted, an uneasy feeling creeping into my stomach while I did.
“That is what I intend to ask your advice on. Walder Frey was obviously furious that Robb Stark broke his promise. Well, now he seeks revenge for it. He sent a letter asking for the support of House Lannister,” he explained, beginning to avoid my eyes. I started to feel even worse, as I somehow suspected that whatever plan he was about to mention did not involve anything pleasant for Robb Stark. 
“Our support to do what, Tywin?” I questioned, holding the arms of my chair now. I hadn’t even been conscious of my usage of ‘our’.
“The plan, essentially, would be to have Robb Stark, his wife, and his mother murdered at that wedding. It would provide allies in House Bolton and House Frey.”
The room was utterly silent besides the sound of our breathing, and I began to feel somewhat queasy. I desired very deeply to end the war… but this… well, this was quite different from any battle. It would ensure victory, but at what cost?
“Roose Bolton would turn?” I asked, trying to process that information first.
“He already has. It was his bastard who burned down Winterfell, not the Ironborn as Robb Stark was led to believe,” Tywin informed me, to which I nodded. It was not entirely surprising; Roose Bolton seemed the type of man to play such a game. 
With that out of the way, I further pondered the proposal Tywin had just made. Killing an entire family at a wedding. Winning the war. There were so many pros and so many cons. 
“You disapprove of the idea, I take it,” Tywin said finally, seeing that the words had gotten stuck in my throat. I wet my lips with my tongue and then took a deep breath.
“Just- just give me a moment to think. I need to think,” I replied, fidgeting with the sleeve of my dress.
It was an incredibly tough scenario to contemplate. Breaking guest right that way would forever make the north wary of us, and the seven kingdoms were already far too disunited. Not to mention, I would be allowing the murder and possible rape of women by agreeing with him. Tywin could order his own men to not do such a thing, but if the Freys would be committing the act, then…
I did not want to become the person I had lectured Tywin for being, but what else could we do? We could certainly just wait for Robb Stark’s forces to grow tired and beaten down, yet further peace was needed. The distrust would boil over eventually.
Suddenly, an idea began to form in my head, and I nodded to myself as I thought it all out. Perhaps it would work, just maybe. 
“Tywin, consider why the Young Wolf is waging war against us. Obviously he marched for Ned Stark at first, but now that his father’s dead the reasoning becomes more murky. Perhaps revenge is part of it, but more than anything he wants his sister back and he wants to go home. With Loras and Sansa to wed and Robb Stark’s forces so small, what if… well, what if we sent them to him? I know it sounds utterly insane, but why would he continue to wage war if his sister is home? If Sansa is happy in her marriage to my brother then it would be even more convincing,” I said, slowly stringing together my thought process and hoping to find a solution. 
“With your family linked so closely to mine, who’s to say he wouldn’t just murder Loras?” Tywin asked, turning his head with a sort of caution.
“Because he would most assuredly be crushed then, and I’d personally see to such a thing. But, either way, Robb Stark is an honorable man; if we offer an olive branch, perhaps he’ll take it. And if not him, I cannot imagine his mother wanting to further risk their lives when Sansa is home safe,” I reasoned, taking a sip of wine and letting it soothe the headache that had begun to form. 
“You would give him another opportunity to swear fealty? We already tried that, (Y/N), and he responded by calling up his bannermen,” Tywin demurred, raising a wary eyebrow at me. I sighed, shaking my head as I elaborated. 
“But the circumstances are vastly different now. The only reason he took up arms was because Ned Stark was imprisoned, and at his age I’m sure he and plenty of others were itching for war. Now he’s been betrayed by Theon Greyjoy and lost an enormous amount of his forces. There is zero possibility of him winning against the largest force in Westeros, no matter how hard he tries. Whether we side with Walder Frey or merely meet him on the battlefield, his entire family will be slaughtered regardless. We ought to give him this out,” I said, knowing deep down that it was the right thing to do. After all, what boy wouldn’t fight for the lives of his father and sisters? He’d not made it in time for Ned, now he just wanted to make it in time for Sansa. 
“You’d like to do this out of honor? Is that it?” He questioned, trying to figure out my intentions. I shook my head again. It was hard to express exactly what I meant in this scenario. 
“Honor is something to be cautious about. If I can avoid the murder of an entire family, I will. To me that’s more about morality than honor. The way I see it, we could end this war by doing that, but if we do, the North will never trust us again. Ending the war isn’t enough, we need to work on reuniting the seven kingdoms. I believe that if we make peace with Robb Stark, and perhaps help him rebuild Winterfell, it would be a step towards doing that,” I explained, watching his face for any kind of reaction. 
Tywin contemplated, and I could tell that he wanted to see it the way that I did, but he was still unsure. I couldn’t blame him, for quite a lot of things could go wrong in this scenario. It was entirely possible that Robb Stark was so furious about his father’s death that he would never even consider making peace with us, and that thought did make me uneasy. What if sending Loras and Sansa cost the Lannisters a bargaining piece and me a family member?
“Perhaps he will agree, but I’m hesitant. To him, the Tyrells are enemies; you’re siding with a family that killed his father. I cannot imagine he’s particularly eager to make peace with us,” Tywin said, drinking some of his own wine. As he raised his cup, I noticed that the morning sun was shining on his ring. It looked beautiful. 
“If Sansa is married to Loras, she could help convince Robb Stark to agree. She’s close with my entire family, and she trusts us. I suppose my grandmother and sister are the first people who’ve shown her an ounce of kindness in quite some time. It would be useful. Her testimony might be enough to make Robb Stark trust our intentions,” I pointed out, now even more glad that Tywin had agreed to let them marry. 
“He may trust the intentions of House Tyrell, but he certainly will not trust mine. He’s not going to want to bend the knee to Joffrey even if you give him that choice.”
“Right now, I don’t think he gets to refuse. As I said, if his sister is home and his numbers are small, he ought to be wise and return home. When we send Loras and Sansa, perhaps… perhaps allow me to go with them. Loras is kind, and he’s not stupid, but I don’t feel that he’s anywhere near as convincing as I am, and there’s no room for mistakes. I can convince Robb Stark, especially with Sansa’s help. We need unity,” I said, exhaling strongly and reaching for my cup. Gods, this entire war was miserable. At the very least, this wine was quite good. 
Tywin raised both eyebrows at me, huffing out and standing up. This suggestion had made him quite upset, it seemed. 
“If I think there’s a possibility that Robb Stark would harm, kill, or take Loras captive, why in the gods' names would I let you go? I will not risk your life, (Y/N), let alone your safety. Let me be very clear about that,” he said vehemently, gazing down at me with complete seriousness. I rose from my chair as well, taking a deep breath. 
I went around the desk, reaching out to him. He took my hands in his when I offered them, looking down at the sight. I kept my eyes on his face, however. 
“I will be safe, Tywin, I promise. I wouldn’t do it, or even have suggested it, if I thought it might be dangerous for me,” I told him, squeezing both of his palms. He lifted his head, holding my gaze with the utmost concern and care. He shook his head.
“Well I think it’s dangerous. You’re not going, (Y/N). I won’t- I won’t lose you. I can’t,” he whispered, looking away. I let go of his hand and reached for his face instead, turning it back toward me. 
“I’ll take Ser Elias with me, and Loras will have guards for him and Sansa. All will be well, Tywin. You won’t lose me, hm? I’ll help to restore a fragile peace to the seven kingdoms, minus Stannis, and then I will return home to you.” I brushed my thumb against Tywin’s cheek, and he leaned into my palm. His stubble scratched against me, and for some reason it made me want to cry. 
“I hate feeling like I cannot protect you,” he mumbled, closing his eyes so he would not have to look at me. 
“I can protect myself, Tywin. You know that. If not with my sword then certainly with my tongue.”
Both of the Great Lion’s hands suddenly came to my face, and there was a deep sadness in his eyes as he cupped my cheeks. 
“I will tell Walder Frey to call off the wedding. I’ll inform him I have other plans in place,” he said, sighing out. I gave him a gentle smile, knowing that he did not want to feel anxious for my well being. 
“Thank you, Tywin. You won’t regret it, I promise you that.”
He looked at me thoughtfully and nodded, releasing one of his hands from my face and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as he spoke. “I know I told you that I wished for you to fight alongside me should we ever face conflict again, but I don’t know how I’d do it. I’d fear for your safety the whole time.”
“Just as I would fear for yours, Tywin,” I whispered in reply, placing my own hand on top of his and keeping it against my cheek. 
We stared at each other, and—in an odd passion—I felt just as I had at the inn: like I wanted to kiss him. 
My cheeks flushed, and my breath quickened. Letting go of his hand, I looked away. I would never kiss Tywin, we were merely friends. It was simply a tender moment and his face was close to mine. That was all there was to it. 
“Ah, family. I’ve been looking for all of you. I suppose I should’ve checked here first.”
Margaery, Loras, and my grandmother were all in the garden attempting to distract themselves. My grandmother and sister were snacking on whatever the servants had brought, but Loras could not seem to touch it. 
He’d been trying quite hard to come to terms with marrying Cersei; it had been difficult for all of us. 
“(Y/N), come sit with us. Have you had breakfast yet? Ser Elias said you were up early today,” Margaery said, looking up from her plate and motioning to the chair beside my grandmother. 
“No, not yet. I had something to attend to this morning, it’s why I’ve been looking for all of you. I have news,” I explained, sitting down at the table and instantly reaching over for some fruit, cheese, and bread. It was cold now, but I felt so victorious that it was no real loss. 
“Oh? Go on then, spit it out,” my grandmother said, leaning back in her chair and taking a sip of wine. I might’ve told her it was early, but I supposed at her age it made little difference. Plus, I had been drinking too.
“I spoke with Tyw- Lord Tywin this morning. We had a rather lengthy conversation, and though he was quite stubborn about it, I managed to convince him against Loras’ betrothal to Cersei,” I informed them, watching Loras instantly look up with disbelief.
“Truly? You’re not joking?” He questioned, wondering if it was perhaps too good to be true. 
“Yes, truly.”
He was smiling brighter than the sun now, and so was Margaery as she leaned toward Loras and placed a hand on his shoulder. My grandmother, however, was giving me a rather suspicious look.
“And how is it that you managed to convince him?” she inquired, folding her hands together in a somewhat menacing way. I raised an eyebrow. Why was she so wary?
“Well, it’s quite simple, really. A large focus of the conversation was that our alliance is quite stable, and I helped him come to the conclusion that—because of that stability—there’s no reason to marry Loras and Cersei. He’s better off marrying her to someone else,” I answered, shrugging because I found it to be rather straightforward. 
“I see,” my grandmother said curtly, reaching for her cup as a natural way to end her sentence. I merely ignored it, knowing that she was prone to all sorts of moods and opinions. If she wanted me to know what she was thinking, I’d find out.
“But, it’s not only that... I have also convinced the Lord Hand to let your betrothal to Sansa Stark continue,” I revealed with a smile, watching my brother’s face light up once again.
“How on earth did he agree to that?” Loras asked, laughing a bit as he did. He appeared to be utterly giddy over knowing that things were all going to plan again. Margaery had turned to my grandmother, giving her an odd look.
“Well, he settled after I told him that, of whatever children you and Sansa have, one of them will marry a child of Tyrion Lannister. It’s all quite far in the future, but that is the current arrangement,” I said, to which he nodded with understanding. Hypotheticals were easy to accept, it seemed. I prayed that the deal would work out properly, because I did want to keep my word to Tywin. 
“I see. Well, I thank you nonetheless, (Y/N). Gods’ know I’d much rather marry Sansa than Cersei,” Loras muttered, making my grandmother huff out a laugh. None of us preferred Cersei to Sansa Stark in any capacity. 
“Of course. If you have to marry a woman, I’d rather it be a sweet girl like Sansa. Plus, she could certainly use a break from King’s Landing. And, speaking of which, I’m afraid there’s one other reason that Lord Tywin feels alright with this match…” I trailed off, watching all of my family members raise their eyebrows in some capacity. 
“It seems… it seems that an opportunity to make peace with Robb Stark may have appeared, and your wedding to Sansa may be exactly what we need in order to do so. Once- Once the wedding is over, the idea would be for the two of you, along with me, to confront the Young Wolf. With some diplomatic convincing, I hope to end the war and help the Starks retake Winterfell,” I explained to them, anxiously awaiting their responses. 
There was silence for a moment, and Margaery was still staring at our grandmother. Loras seemed to be processing the idea in his own head, but it was not his permission that I needed, especially because I knew he really wouldn’t mind it. 
“And you’re certain it would be safe to confront Robb Stark that way? Just the three of you?” my grandmother questioned, finally looking over at me. I instantly nodded at her.
“It wouldn’t just be the three of us, Ser Elias and a few trusted guards would come as well, but the idea is to seem open. To bring a large group to his camp would cause conflict, whereas a small group would only cause questioning. I believe that Sansa has enough affection for Loras—and for the rest of our family—to help our cause. On top of Robb’s honor, Sansa’s wishes would likely protect us from any harm.” I popped a grape into my mouth, crushing it against the roof of my mouth with my tongue. I was partly hoping that if I relied on those two things enough, it would become reality.
In all honesty, I had no clue if I would be safe. I had promised Tywin—and was now telling my grandmother—that I would, but men were unpredictable. Some less than others, yes, but this was a risk. I could see on Loras’ face that he knew it too. 
“And what if they don’t kill you but instead take you captive? They’d be taking two bargaining pieces and then we would have none,” my grandmother pointed out, scoffing at me and shaking her head.
“Do you think I don’t know that already? Grandmother, I’m well aware of the fact that this certainly could go wrong in quite a lot of ways, but it is a risk that I feel comfortable taking. Robb Stark, at this point, is really only fighting this war for his sisters. Why keep fighting when he has them back? My point is, I don’t think he’s got any reason to want to take Loras and I captive. But, if you’re still anxious about it, I’m willing to take Sansa by myself.”
Loras shot up from his chair, shaking his head at me.
“I’m not letting you go alone, (Y/N). Either I go with you or the whole thing’s called off,” he said, making my grandmother sigh out. She promptly spoke up about her opinion on the subject.
“Loras, you are the heir to Highgarden, I’m not going to have you go with your sister and-”
“So just because I’m the heir it means that somehow my safety is more important than (Y/N)’s? No, that’s ridiculous, Grandmother. I’m going with her.”
“I’m not saying that your safety is more important, I’m saying that you’re more at risk because the Stark’s will see your position as something valuable. I’d rather neither of you go at all, but if you must then I’d like to minimize the risk of it,” my grandmother explained, making Loras scoff and look away from her. I rose from my seat, going over to him and placing a hand on his shoulder.
“She’s not entirely wrong, Loras. It might… it might make more sense for me to go alone with Sansa,” I whispered, seeing on his face that he was still upset about it. 
“No. How are the Starks supposed to trust us, or even trust my marriage to Sansa, if I’m not there with you? I have to be there, (Y/N),” Loras reasoned, turning to my grandmother with a sort of pleading look. It was really up to her more than anyone else.
There was silence for a moment as she contemplated it, but eventually she sighed and relented with a nod of her head. Loras let out the breath he’d been holding and then turned his gaze back to me.
“Thank you, (Y/N). Thank you for convincing Lord Tywin to alter the plans, it means quite a lot to me. I’m certain it’ll mean plenty to Sansa as well. I’ll go tell her right now,” my brother said, pulling me into his arms and giving me a genuine hug. I smiled, wrapping my arms around him and squeezing gently. 
“Of course. Tell Sansa about the wedding plans, and mention the idea of making peace with Robb. Tell her that, ideally, the two of you would go with Robb to rebuild Winterfell, and then eventually return to Highgarden,” I told him, pulling away and tucking a few curls behind his ear. He nodded, kissing my cheek before turning and leaving the garden.
I watched him go, and when I eventually turned around, I found both Margaery and my grandmother staring directly at me. There was a somewhat quizzical look on their faces, and it made me anxious. Why in the seven hells were they thinking about?
“What?” I questioned warily, sitting back down in my chair. 
“Grandmother and I are just… well, just a bit uncertain of how exactly you managed to change Lord Tywin’s mind so easily,” Margaery noted, blinking several times as she did. Both her and my grandmother almost looked… well, suspicious. 
“Well, as I said, Lord Tywin and I had quite the conversation-”
“Yes, I heard. However, he and I had quite the conversation as well, and so I am attempting to figure out how—even after backing me into a corner—he listened to you,” my grandmother said accusingly. I watched Margaery attempt to cover her smile with a hand, much to my confusion. 
“He respects me, grandmother. I believe I’ve earned it after spending so much time around him. Plus, I gave my solutions quite a lot of thought. Every question he asked I had a good answer for,” I reasoned, almost a little annoyed by the fact that they were in disbelief. Did they think I lacked the ability to be convincing? 
The two women before me turned to look at each other, and both of them started to smile. I was utterly bewildered as to what was happening. 
“I hope you will forgive me saying this, my dear, but I’m beginning to think Lord Tywin feels a lot more than just respect for you,” my grandmother continued, to which Margaery began to laugh. I sighed, finally understanding what they were insinuating and giggling about.
“Oh please, Grandmother. Lord Tywin and I are merely friends, that is all. And even that may be a stretch, he still makes me angry quite frequently. Your insinuations are not as realistic as you believe them to be,” I said, though partially lying. I reached for the cup Loras had left behind and took a sip of his wine. I had not even realized it was his cup for a moment, and I had been expecting water, but somehow found that the wine was reassuring all the same. Gods, I was having quite the morning.
“Yes, and that is why the two of you are always going out and disappearing overnight. Don’t think I’m unaware, (Y/N). Not only that, but for nearly a week now you’ve visited the Tower of the Hand at least once a day,” my grandmother pointed out, making me shake my head vehemently. Had she gone utterly insane?
“Please, think logically. I’ve hated Lord Tywin for 11 years now, what makes you think that all of a sudden there are romantic feelings between the two of us? If not enemies, the most that we’ll ever be is friends, I promise you that,” I said firmly, trying to get that idea through her head.
“I think sometimes it is easier to hate someone than to admit that you’re attracted to them. Though, I would like to note that I said nothing of romance, I am merely suggesting that the two of you are sleeping together. You are the one bringing romance into it,” she teased, giving me that grin which insinuated she’d won in this discussion. Heat came to my cheeks, and I sputtered out with shock.
“G-Grandmother! I- I can assure you that Lord Tywin and I are most certainly not doing anything even remotely close to that. I have no attraction to him, none whatsoever!”
“If you’re bedding Lord Tywin, (Y/N), there’s no need to shy away from it. You know neither your sister nor I would care. Well, we might judge your taste a little bit, but that’s all,” she said, laughing. Margaery joined her, and my entire face turned unbelievably hot. To me the thought was utterly unfathomable; I couldn’t understand why they were laughing about it.
“I assure you, I am not bedding Ty- Lord Tywin, and I don’t intend to. Ever,” I told them, trying to defend myself. They only laughed more.
“Of course, sister. That’s why your dresses become more revealing each day. I find myself wondering if you’re stealing from my closet. Not to mention, you seem to have a new affinity for patterns with red roses.” Margaery joined in on the assault, and I sighed out of utter exhaustion. This family would be the death of me.
“That’s complete nonsense. I’ll say it now, and I’m not going to repeat myself: the relationship I have with Lord Tywin is nothing but an alliance and friendship. He is older than Father, and only 6 years younger than you, Grandmother. To insinuate that I am bedding him is insane,” I reasoned, raising an eyebrow at the Queen of Thorns. She smiled and reached for my hand.
“I am aware, my dear, we discussed it yesterday. It’s nothing unusual, plenty of men marry and sleep with women much younger than themselves,” she said, leaning forward as she usually would while making a point. 
“Well not Lord Tywin.”
“(Y/N), from what I’ve heard, the Lord Hand smiles quite easily around you. Tywin Lannister never smiles. The last person he was known to smile around was his late wife,” Margaery mentioned, giggling as she did.  
“This was not the reaction I had hoped for when I revealed that I’d convinced Lord Tywin to reconsider Loras’ marriage,” I grumbled, rubbing my forehead with slight annoyance. I refused to even think about what they were saying, for it was not possible in any capacity.
“(Y/N), I’m not asking you to admit it, perhaps just consider it for yourself. You may not be bedding Lord Tywin, or engaged in any sort of romantic relationship with him, but you do have such feelings for him, don’t you?” my grandmother asked, smiling wickedly. 
I scoffed at her then, confident that she was wrong. Later that night, however, I’d have to consider her words. I’d noticed small things, like butterflies in my stomach when Tywin and I touched, or heat in my face when he complimented me. I smiled at the set of armor sitting in my room every day, and at the Valyrian steel blades in my chest. And I had to admit, I was beginning to grow fond of the color red, for it reminded me of him. 
But to me, that was all normal. Why shouldn’t a friend make me happy and make me feel cared for? Tywin and I simply got along well; we fit together. Yes, I had wanted to kiss him before, but that had been during very tender moments. It was not as if I was sitting around daydreaming about kissing him.
So surely that was not love, right? It couldn’t be. I supposed I’d never exactly considered myself to be in love with anyone before, so I had nothing to compare it to, but wouldn’t it be the sort of thing that was abundantly clear to me? 
Well, it mattered very little. I could not feel love for Tywin Lannister, let alone romantic affection. To be with a man like that would most assuredly be the most painful thing I could possibly do to myself. He was a horrible person who had done horrible things, and because of that I had hated him for nearly half of my life. 
Plus, he was only a few years younger than my grandmother, and he’d probably never even considered me romantically because of that. Right? 
No. To love Tywin Lannister romantically was out of the question. I could crave the sight of his eyes and his smile, and I could crave the sound of his voice and his laugh, but I could not love him. It was not a thought that I intended to entertain.
I was afraid of what doing so might unleash in me.
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goodqueenaly · 4 months
Forgive me if you’ve addressed this before over the years. You’ve covered a lot.
As far as is know, is Betha the only Queen of the Seven Kingdoms to, based on her familial background and upbringing, likely keep the Old Gods? If so, do you imagine this was a factor raised at the Great Council by lords aligned strongly with the Faith against Aegon?
That’s actually a great question, and one I haven’t considered! 
Yes, as far as we’re aware, no other queens during the Targaryen kingdom in Westeros (and obviously not under the Baratheon dynasty either) worshipped or otherwise honored the old gods. (This conclusion obviously does not count de facto crown princess Sansa, of course.) Granted, we know very little about the personal piety of virtually any of the Targaryen queens (Betha included); Naerys, and to a much lesser extent Alysanne and Aelinor Penrose, represent pretty much the only queens about whom GRRM has given any insight regarding their personal religious feelings. However, given that there were no queens from the North, nor any other Houses (besides House Blackwood) which are specifically noted to worship the old gods elsewhere (of which House Blackwood is really the only certain one anyway), I think it’s fair to say that none of the other Targaryen-era queens worshiped the old gods. 
Whether Betha’s religious feelings (real or presumed) would have factored into the debates at the Great Council of 233 AC and even beyond … maybe. Certainly, Westerosi politics historically has been no stranger (no pun intended) to criticisms of religiously unorthodox figures and their supposedly negative influences, from Lelia Lannister during the Hoare dynasty on the Iron Islands to Larra Rogare during the Lysene Spring under Aegon III (and indeed, I’ve suggested such criticisms may have been leveled against Jeyne Manderly, wife and perhaps widow of Rickon Stark). Too, according to Yandel, that “most outspoken of [Aegon V’s] foes” specifically referred to the “gods-given rights and liberties” of which the king allegedly sought to deprive his vassals; however, the quote does not mention which “gods”, old or new (or both), to which the speaker referred, nor the source of the complaint, leaving the potential religious context to the issue unclear. We also do not have a strong understanding of the relationship between the Faith and the crown in 233 AC (or, indeed, during Aegon V’s reign afterward), although there certainly had already been intriguing intersections between the two entities: consider, say, the High Septon under Daeron II, who used the Faith's prejudice against bastards to explain and criticize the rebellion of Daemon Blackfyre, or the nameless septon who used specifically theological arguments to denounce Bloodraven (and was executed for doing as much), or even my speculation on the installation of the office of High Septon permanently in King’s Landing (in its Avignon-esque exile from Oldtown). More directly, the fact that the High Septon of 233 AC was willing to absolve Aemon of his maester’s vows so that Aemon could become king might, perhaps, suggest a desire on the part of the Faith to support the surviving son of Maekar who had no troublesome ties to the old gods, rather than the son whose wife worshiped those strange and ancient gods. 
Again, none of this is explicit canonical evidence, but all of these ideas and suggestions may indicate that Betha’s familial religion was used as an argument against Aegon V’s kingship , at the time of the Great Council and/or during his reign. How could Prince Aegon be trusted as a prospective defender of the Faith, so the argument might have gone, when his own queen worshiped god who were, to borrow Yandel’s phrase when describing the Andal Invasion, “little more than demons”? How could the Faith support the succession princes who may well, so these Faithful might have feared, have been raised to worship those same old gods, and been encouraged by their no-good-very-bad mother to turn away from the light of the Seven? Would Betha have been assumed to share the penchant for sorcery and evil popularly associated with that other Blackwood-blooded old gods worshiper, Brynden Rivers? For those perhaps already inclined to distrust the hedge knight-trained "half a peasant" Prince Aegon, the fact that the prince's wife and the mother of his heirs worshiped gods other than the Seven might have been useful ammunition in their arguments against his accession, or during his reign afterward.
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buttercuparry · 8 months
I am mass tagging this because I think our criticism never reaches a larger part of the fandom. People can't comprehend why certain kinds of fan art styles are criticized. I acknowledge that in our enthusiasm to do so, we sometimes hurt fanartists ( in fact a few months ago a fan artist had deactivated and really that shouldn't have happened). So in this post I am trying to address the issue in the best way I know of. This post is about the way asoiaf artists tend to draw the Stark family. And because I am most interested in Arya I have talked about her in this meta. I have put the meta under cut so that if people aren't really interested in this, they can skip it.
I don't understand the genetics of a mixed race family of starks where only Jon/arya is dark skinned ( because Ned is imagined to be dark skinned) but Sansa/bran/Robb/rickon is pale or paler. Often, 80% of fanarts of every single fanartist follows this trend and when someone comments on it, and questions the fan artist on how and why this same style has become universal interpretation via implementing "death of the author" ( as one very recent defense puts it), the fan artist replies in a dismissive and defensive manner. The deflection of this very apparent problem ( and the implications of following the trend), is done by "uno reversing" the accusation of racism. This is absurd because when it is pointed out that something seems off with drawing the "plainer"Starks in a particular way, the intention isn't to single out and point fingers at one particular fan artist. One particular artist isn't doing this thing. The finger is being pointed at the trend of the style that dominates asoiaf fan art. Does this not strike anyone as odd that in 80% of these text interpreted fanart produced by most of the fan artists, the brown haired starks are darker than the red heads? The red heads who are said to be the prettier ones?
I am an Arya fan so i am going to talk about Arya here. Throughout the fandom at large whenever Arya Stark is talked of, it isn't done to analyze her motifs or themes or political importance. No speculation is made of a future that may position her in an office of considerable political power. No, fandom at large talks of Arya as if she were a brute, who kills people needlessly ( see raceforironthrone's meta on how the harrenhal guard didn't need to be killed), and is in need for constant supervision because she is volatile and therefore politically incompetent. There is also this running criticism of Arya Stans using too pretty face casts for her or yassifying her in fanarts, because to the larger fandom Arya is the ugly one. Now here's the thing, the slogan of let little girls be ugly isn't preached for Lyanna Stark. No one is saying let this dead teen be ugly even when Grrm in explicit terms has said Arya looks like Lyanna. No for some reason even when numerous characters talk of Arya looking like and behaving like Lyanna, the fandom at large only acknowledges that she has a spirit and sense of justice similar to Lyanna's. But they would bend over backwards to negate anything that says Arya looks like Lyanna. Why is that?
Then anything relating to Arya being married or having an heterosexual relationship and children born out of the relationship is mocked. I remember a poll where someone very cheekily gave an option specifying that Arya having non bastard kids with Gendry. I don't know if I had read it wrong but the way it was worded- using the term non bastard children...to me it personally seemed like a jab at what arya Stans speculate about Arya possibly marrying and having a family of her own.
I don't think there is anything woke or anything traditionally disruptive in trying to dismiss any and all possibilities of a GNC woman marrying a man and having kids. Sure on the surface, lumping on Arya various sexual identities other than heterosexuality and theorizing that she wouldn't want to have the whole husband/kids routine is very diversifying but if one is to go beyond the surface, then what is to be said about the hesitance of even considering that a GNC woman might enter a heterosexual relationship? What aesthetics prevent people from considering a GNC woman having a regular shmegular life? A GNC woman's sexuality perhaps isn't affecting her gender noncorfomity. ( this isn't to say that a fan can't see or project onto arya their own reality/identities that make them resonate with her, I wasn't talking about that. I was talking about the fandom blatantly ignoring Arya checking Gendry out and how much throughout the text family plays a significant role in her storyline. Her one "no that's sansa" cannot dismiss the possibility of her wanting to have a family in her twenties, especially as someone in whose story family plays a core theme.) ( there is also another sensuous scene in the bathhouse with jaqen but uhh...yeah I am not really sure how to talk about it).
So all in all a girl considered ugly by the fandom is often treated as being sexless,and is considered a volatile hotheaded brute and this girl when drawn with her sister is drawn considerably darker. Does this not strike anyone as alarming? Also where there is a discourse on if Arya is ugly or pretty, there is no doubt that Sansa is the prettiest of all the Starks, even Catelyn. Why is it that in the interpretation or via death of the author', Sansa is never drawn darker than Arya? In a mixed family why is Sansa never shown with a darker skin than the rest of brown haired/ red haired starks, not once? Individual interpretation and yet it seems like these individual interpretations have been same all through these years. Now yeah, Lyanna is drawn with darker skin sure but then again her looking like Arya is dismissed and it seems like there is a tendency to connect her with Sansa. Any criticism in this exercise is once again mocked or dismissed.
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Arya: I suggested flipping a coin, and Sansa said she doesn't like to gamble. Of course, by saying that she was gambling that I wouldn't hit her.
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murmel-malt · 1 year
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“Aright, you lot!”  Robb calls to them cheerily. “Back to work!”
Almost everyone gives him a quick aye, your grace! before doing exactly that.  Robb clapped his sister on the shoulder and smiled at her, saying, “Let’s go get started on this paperwork, alright?” Arya huffed at him, but Robb could see the uptick to her mouth all the same.
They take themselves back to the office he has claimed for himself, where they find Sansa surrounded by ravens.  They are balanced on the back of chairs, on books, on the desk and the table and the window seat and the window ledge – Sorrow and Mirth are on Sansa’s shoulders.  The Hound, looking mightily uncomfortable, is the only non-feathery surface in the whole room, excluding the walls.
“What the fuck,” Arya breathes behind Robb, and receives a sharp reprimand from Mother.  Sansa looks up from the scroll she was copying with a small smile.
King of Winter, King of Rivers; King of Ice and Snow - Chapter 11 by @fairyofthefriz​
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ichooseviolence · 9 months
There's a specific type of humor that I love in ASoIaF, and it's mostly sarcasm. Even characters that I absolutely loath make me laugh because the deliverance of their quips are so on point that I have to respect it. Tom of Sevenstrings, Jaime, Tyrion, Eddison Tollett, Olenna, Genna Lannister, Oberyn, Cersei, Euron, Renly, even Petyr. Dany has a couple moments that make me chuckle as well.
But I might actually add Sansa to the list, because some of her quips are perfection.. If she was in a healthy environment she would probably let loose on the sarcasm and take no survivors.
The older man in white spoke to Sansa gently. "Ofttimes Ser Ilyn frightens me as well, sweet lady. He has a fearsome aspect." "As well he should." The queen had descended from the wheelhouse. The spectators parted to make way for her. "If the wicked do not fear the King's Justice, you have put the wrong man in office." Sansa finally found her words. "Then surely you have chosen the right one, Your Grace," she said, and a gale of laughter erupted all around her. -AGoT Sansa I
"...It's almost as good as if some wolf killed your traitor brother. Maybe I'll feed him to wolves after I've caught him. Did I tell you, I intend to challenge him to single combat?" "I should like to see that, Your Grace." More than you know. Sansa kept her tone cool and polite, yet even so Joffrey's eyes narrowed in suspicion as he tried to decide whether she was mocking him." -ACoK Sansa I
"She must learn to hide her feelings better, so as not to anger Joffrey. When she heard that the Imp had sent Lord Slynt to the Wall, she had forgotten herself and said, "I hope the Others get him." The king had not been pleased." - ACoK Sansa II (this one literally took me out)
"Dontos was prattling on. "If I were still a knight, I should have to put on armor and man the walls with the rest. I ought to kiss King Joffrey's feet and thank him sweetly." "If you thanked him for making you a fool, he'd make you a knight again," Sansa said sharply." -ACoK Sansa IV
"Ser Meryn Trant held the blood bay for Joffrey to mount. Boy and horse alike wore gilded mail and enameled crimson plate, with matching golden lions on their heads. The pale sunlight flashed off the golds and reds every time Joff moved. Bright, shining, and empty, Sansa thought." -ACoK Sansa V (this one made me smirk)
"Curses are only in songs and stories." That seemed to amuse him. "Has someone made a song about Gregor Clegane dying of a poisoned spear thrust? Or about the sellsword before him, whose limbs Ser Gregor removed a joint at a time? That one took the castle from Ser Amory Lorch, who received it from Lord Tywin. A bear killed one, your dwarf the other. Lady Whent's died as well, I hear. Lothstons, Strongs, Harroways, Strongs...Harrenhal has withered every hand to touch it." "Then give it to Lord Frey." -AFfC Alayne I
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kingsansa · 3 months
Will you be sharing single parent Sansa fic or was it just ideas? I'd love to know your thoughts. Fics often have Jon as a single parent but you see it less with Sansa. Modern au tends to have Jon raised in a single parent household while Sansa has her big family so I've always wanted to see how Sansa would deal with being a single parent.
I know you have PP but that's a young Sansa still at home and Jon is the father and they get back together. I just think there's so much that could be explored with an adult Sansa becoming a single parent.
The single mom sansa bare bones are as follows:
The little girl boss who could™️
Her husband is dead but, she’s lowkey thriving???
And by thriving I mean having a breakdown and leaving Manhattan with her six year old son for the two post office town that is her childhood home in Winterfell, Alaska.
But you know what? She manages the northwestern operations of her dead husband’s multimillion dollar hotel empire from that little two post office town that is Winterfell, Alaska—thank you very much.
Also she’s 75% sure she’s raising a demon who is determined to only sustain himself on chicken nuggets and chocolate milk???
Maybe 90% sure?
On top of that, she has to deal with her mom hovering, and her dad trying to set her back up with her ex boyfriend Jon, A.K.A Definitely Not The One Who Got Away, A.K.A The Asshole Who Dumped Her On Graduation That One Time So That She Could Chase Her Dreams (or whatever the fuck) and now she’s 26 with a dead husband and a six year old and she’s alone.
Also he’s her handy man for the summer. And he’s teaching her son how to fish.
But that’s as far as it’s going. Seriously.
Read more here
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