#octomer steve
sunnysideprincess · 9 months
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September is here, have a stuckony squid-mer-octo sandwich. Stevie boy, whatchu doing there, huh?
A/n: How do you keep track of all those wiggly thingies? You don't. You just let them take over and watch the mayhem unfold. Also kinda wish I used a diff brush for the line art here asgdhdjsgsks
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aurumacadicus · 1 year
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I've done a lot of mean stuff to this pairing, maybe I'll be nice this time 🤔
Deep Ocean's Drift
Bucky hated it when Tony was right. Tony was the smuggest son of a bitch he knew, and when he was proved right about something? Absolutely frustrating. He gloated. The blue scales he used to draw prey in flashed in his glee. He swam flips and figure eights as he crowed about how he was right and others were wrong haha how does it feel to eat shark scales. Or worse--
"Oh, Buck, I'm so sorry," Tony whispered, carefully reaching out, curling his arms around his waist to pull him close as he used his tail to gently urge them both into one of nearby currents, so they could drift instead of swim.
...He was gentle.
"I'm sorry," Tony said again, and blew through his gills to send jets of semi-oxygenated water against Bucky's tentacles. "I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault," Bucky croaked, because it wasn't. Tony had actively warned him not to go into the fissures. It wasn't safe for his species of octomer. There were larger tentacled beings down there that ate them as prey. He'd met one.
Had only escaped by the skin of his teeth.
Tony blew through his gills again, then carefully asked, "Where's Steve?"
"He's fine," Bucky snapped, and immediately hated himself for it when Tony responded by turning his head away submissively. "He's fine," he repeated quietly. "He turned tail as soon as he realized that he'd have to face you."
Tony made a sound, which might have been hurt, or frustration, or agreement. His fingers trailed the edges of the seaweed wrapped around his arm stump. Two of his tentacles were gone, too. The tentacles would grow back. His arm... well. Who knew. All he and Steve knew was that him coming along could end one of two ways: Tony would be too distracted trying to comfort Bucky to notice, or he'd be so furious he'd electrocute them both. Steve felt he deserved it, but he also knew it would just make Tony feel worse later, so he'd watched from a distance to make sure he made it before swimming home to his own mate.
"I'm glad it's you and not Natasha," Bucky muttered, burying his face against Tony's neck, pressing a kiss to his fluttering gills.
Tony was unable to help a bark of laughter. "Oh, to be algae on that wall."
"Yeah, she's gonna be so pissed, apparently Steve didn't even tell her we were going down," Bucky continued.
"He cannot stay with us," Tony began. "She'll storm into our cave and then she'll see you and get aggressively protective--"
"Yeah she's gonna be mean with love," Bucky agreed, nodding.
"--and kick me out to go hunt for us all so you'll be stuck between her fussing over you and her screaming at Steve for being an idiot--"
Bucky sighed. "I hope he just goes to Sam's."
"--and then she'll yell at me for discharging my electricity because she can sense that shit even though she'd be the one who told me to go hunt." Tony huffed. "Should we go stay with Pepper or Rhodey just in case?"
Bucky actually paused to think about the merits of it, but finally, he murmured, "I just want to be home."
"Yeah," Tony agreed immediately. "Yeah, okay. How are you, by the way? Do we need to stop at Bruce's cave on the way back?"
"No," Bucky said, finally lifting his arm to curl it around Tony's back. "I'm good. I just need to rest."
Tony turned his head to press a kiss to his temple. "Okay. Okay. I love you."
"I love you too," Bucky replied, pressing another kiss to his gills, and pulled him closer when he shivered in response.
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findingstony · 4 months
Hi, hope you can help! Steve and Tony are Merpeople, and Steve is an octomer. They live close by in a colony/reef system, and Tony has a little cave where they set up their eggs. Steve is courting Tony, and at one point, there's an earthquake similar, where the eggs are put in danger. Steve helps Tony in keeping them safe and ends up with a crushed tentacle during the endeavor. I read it on AO3.
Request 2,642! Send us an ask if you know this fic!
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ao3feed-buckyxtony · 5 years
(The Sea) Set Me Free
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PFsPj8
by Iron_Eirlyssa (Eirlyssa)
Tony had become somewhat known for rescuing other mers when they had been captured by humans. Still, when he was approached by a scrawny blond who asked him to save Bucky, he didn’t expect this.
Words: 18147, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 9 of Tony Stark Bingo 2018, Part 3 of WinterIron Adventure 2018
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Merpeople AU, mentions of torture, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Some Plot, Some Fluff, Octomer Tony, Merman Bucky, Mersharks Pietro and Wanda, There's also a seahorse mer, That is male, So mpreg, Though not a focus, BAMF Tony Stark, HYDRA is uncool, Non-Consensual Body Modification, WinterIron Bingo Adventure, Tony Stark Bingo 2018
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PFsPj8
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tonystarkbingo · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark Characters: Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Merpeople AU, mentions of torture, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Some Plot, Some Fluff, Octomer Tony, Merman Bucky, Mersharks Pietro and Wanda, There's also a seahorse mer, That is male, So mpreg, Though not a focus, BAMF Tony Stark, HYDRA is uncool, Non-Consensual Body Modification, WinterIron Bingo Adventure, Tony Stark Bingo 2018 Series: Part 9 of Tony Stark Bingo 2018, Part 3 of WinterIron Adventure 2018 Summary:
Tony had become somewhat known for rescuing other mers when they had been captured by humans. Still, when he was approached by a scrawny blond who asked him to save Bucky, he didn’t expect this.
Square filled: S1 - prisoners/captives together
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tisfan · 6 years
Slack Water
Name of Piece: Slack Water Part Two: Gyre Square Filled: R4: Witness Rating: M Warnings: Mentions of torture, mentions of cannibalism (sort of), body horror, grotesque bodily violation This fic is DARK and it just got DARKER. Please proceed with all due caution. This story skates very close to vore, although without the sexualization, since the act is used as punishment. Kissing cousins to Hydra Trash Party (non-sexual) Summary: Starfish doesn’t remember who he is, but he’s going to kill every last member of Hydra for what they’ve done to him Created For: @tonystarkbingo
Part One: Ripples
Slack Water: Part Two: Gyre
He chased after the taste in the water. He’d known something, he was reaching -- down? The face, horrified for just an instant, before he was peeled away. Steve!
He jerked himself awake, away from the dream, away from a name, someone’s name. Not his. He didn’t know his name. Starfish was what the other had called him, joking around that Tony couldn’t just say hey you all the time. As if there were anyone here to be called.
Starfish did a lap around the tank, pressing his face to the clear plastic, checking the walls. He didn’t know what he was looking for until he did. There was a simple white square thing in the upper corner of one of the rooms.
Tony. Tony wake up.
The daggerfish, Tony, had taken to resting near his intake pipe, where the water was nominally fresher. Starfish had seen how hard Tony’s gills were working. The mans were poisoning him with bad water, a little at a time, making him weaker.
What is it?
Need you to do something for me.
Tony swam closer to their joining wall. What can I do? He had a reason to sound skeptical, but more fish than just Tony had underestimated octomers to their vast dismay, later.
I need recon, Starfish told him. Need you to run a distraction mission for me. Go to the far side of your tank. Starfish considered the box again. Bang on the walls or something. Get their attention. They may come and hurt you. I’m sorry.
He needed the information, but he couldn’t both distract and observe at the same time.
Tony nodded. He laid his hand against the barrier and Starfish covered it with his own. It seemed to give the other mer some comfort. He darted to the far side of the tank, then, fingers exploring the corner, as if searching for a weakness in the binding. Starfish kept his eyes on the square, waiting.
A brilliant flash of light illuminated the tank for just a moment; Tony had discharged. Based on the vibrations, a partial, warning spark. Starfish had known a few of the mer-eels before, they had several different blasts they could issue; from a warn-away to enough of a blast to cause distress to something as large as a shark, disrupting its heart. Escape, weapon, a method for hunting.
He would be an Asset, if Starfish could get a good plan going.
For a long moment, nothing happened. Tony discharged again, then started pushing at the corner.
The box swiveled on its peg.
You can’t hide from me. Starfish would have purred in triumph, but he never knew how much the mans could hear him. Besides, he had a job to do. There wasn’t going to be much time to do it, either.
(more below the cut)
The mans came into the room with their spears and their implements and their nets, banging at the sides of the tank. While they were occupied with hurting Tony, and Starfish tried not to listen, not to hear, the horrible sounds coming from the other tank, Starfish raced up to the top of his tank. The square still was looking at Tony’s tank. Starfish had not yet figured out how the square saw, how it reported to its masters, only knew that it did.
Starfish darted around the edges of the tank until he found the outflow piping. Stupid mans. He squeezed, keeping the mansthing arm well away from the hole he’d found. There was no way he could get that thing anywhere, and if he squeezed that part of himself, he’d only hurt himself, and possibly alert the mans to what he was doing.
Check of the square again. It hadn’t moved.
Starfish spit, a siphon of water and mixed with his ink. It splattered right where he wanted it, coating the mechanism that held the square to the wall. Ink wasn’t really corrosive to underwater things, a camouflage or distraction, but to the mansthings, it was sticky. Slowly, if they didn’t notice it, it would damage the tiny parts that made up the mansthing.
Mission accomplished, Starfish let himself sink down to the bottom of his tank, bearing witness to the terrible things the mans were doing to Tony.
Aching for the other mer.
He knew how the sticks and pain felt, he knew the terrible things that the mans could inflict, for no reason, for nothing. Mans and their wars.
When they finally left, Tony was left keening, all his electrical bladders discharged, dull and black and limp and lifeless.
I know, I know, I’m sorry.
Tony raised his head and dragged himself across the floor, unable to even get enough energy to swim. He got to the wall between them. Did you get what you needed?
At least there’s that. Tony managed to press his fingers to the barrier, and Starfish covered them with his own.
How long will it take you to recharge your shock?
Tony waggled his hand back and forth, a mans gesture. A cycle, little longer. Hard to tell when the sun passes.
Any way to speed that up?
More food. There’s never enough of it.
Starfish nodded. You can have mine. They’d only get one chance at this, before the mans realized what Starfish could do.
Tony didn’t bother to protest that there was no way Starfish could share a feeding between the barrier. He was too hurt, too tired. Starfish let himself sink down, until they were both laying on the bottom, barely across from each other.
His wounded arm ached, the mansthing attached to him pinged and vibrated.
You killed one of them. It wasn’t a question.
Not today. How--
I speak the mansthing. One told the other not to hold the stick on you, if you discharged.
Tony nodded. When I first came, I dumped a whole charge into one. Their hearts are weak. I thought they would kill me for it. He waved one hand around, indicating how well that plan had worked out.
They want to make you a weapon. Against the other mans.
They won’t. Tony promised it, grimly.
Starfish looked at the manthings’ arm, attached to him in such a way that he could never remove it. Don’t bet on it.
What happened to you?
Starfish closed his eyes. Behind his eyelids, the scene danced before him again. Lost this-- he waggled the mansthing back and forth-- when they took me. They put this in its place.
And that?
Starfish opened his eyes. His other arm, the bleeding a sluggish trickle, was a mere stump. If he was still in deep water, he would have needed a cave to hide, predators would be drawn to his scent. They cut it off. To teach me not to try to remove--
He wrapped two arms around the mansthing, demonstrating what he’d been trying to do, wrench the mansthing out of his own flesh. It felt… wrong. Like a tumor set inside his body, a malevolent, thinking thing. He still wanted to remove it, stop whatever it was doing to him, the poison that was seeping into his body from the device. But what they had done… what they had…
Tony was thumping on the divide; not hard, just enough to rouse him from his panic.
Starfish laid his hand against the divide. Wanting the comfort that Tony could give him. Needing it.
What happened?
Starfish shook his head. They ate it. They made me watch.
To be continued
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Surprise @krycek-asks
Hi @krycek-asks I'm your Stucky Secret Santa and I come bringing (pictures of) custom homemade plushies!
You mentioned you were working on a fic where Steve and Bucky were bearded and wearing plaid shirts so I made that:
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And you mentioned that you liked tentacle AUs too so I decided to make them octomers
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And as you can see the tentacles have some wreath wire in them for extra stability and are able to hold a pose and hold the plushie up!
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And you can get a detailed look at the shirts (the real challenge of the dolls) and see them hanging out with my fish Zuko!
Wishing you a very happy holidays and if you have some aesthetic adjustments you'd like to have made, please let me know, at this point it'd be an easy fix!
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t-baba · 4 years
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How to use the .avif image format
#455 — August 26, 2020
Web Version
Frontend Focus
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How to Use AVIF: The New Next-Gen Image Compression Format — The .avif format results in files ~50% smaller in size compared to JPEG, and ~20% smaller than WebP. This related post from Netflix (who are seemingly fans of the file format) is also worth a read.
Dan Klammer
Use Advanced Typography with Local Fonts — A look at how the in-development Local Font Access API allows you to access a user’s locally installed fonts and obtain low-level details about them.
Thomas Steiner
The Remote Access Smart Locks That Work Without Wi-Fi — Protect your property with the Deadbolt 2S Metal Grey, Keybox 3, or Smart Padlock. Choose the access level. Share a one-time, permanent, duration, or recurring PIN with family, friends, guests, and employees. Take 10% off with code FRONTENDFOCUS
igloohome sponsor
Gettin’ Foldy with The Dual-Screen Web — With interesting new devices like the Surface Duo and Surface Neo on the horizon, Dave not only shares his thoughts on dual-screen web design in this two part blog entry, but also kicks the tires on Microsoft’s Dual Screen Windows emulator.
Dave Rupert
A Look At What's New In DevTools for Chrome 86 — Includes a new Media panel, the ability to capture node screenshots, emulate missing local fonts, and more.
Jecelyn Yeen (Google Developers)
⚡️ Quick bits:
The Chromium team are looking for ways for the browser to have access to direct TCP and UDP sockets.
Here are the changes for web developers in version 80 of Firefox
Here's a primer on how to use the Layers Tab in Safari's Web Inspector.
A quick note from Steve Faulkner on how the new content-visibility CSS property is exposed to screen readers and other assistive technology.
Mozilla are seeking testers and feedback for VoiceOver support in Firefox for Mac.
Running a WordPress site? There'll be no change to the minimum PHP version this year, as it will continue to support PHP 5.6 for a while longer.
💻 Jobs
Frontend UI Engineer — We are a remote, open-source, mission-driven company building developer tools for the decentralized web. Come build with us.
Stream Provides APIs for Building Activity Feeds and Chat — We are looking for a highly skilled Senior Product Manager to help guide our product direction.
Find a Job Through Vettery — Create a profile on Vettery to connect with hiring managers at startups and Fortune 500 companies. It's free for job-seekers.
➡️ Looking to share your job listing in Frontend Focus? More info here.
📙 Tutorials, Stories & Opinion
How To Build Your Own Comment System Using Firebase — Runs through how to add a comments section to your blog with Firebase, while learning the basics of Firebase along the way.
Aman Thakur
Understanding Web Performance Monitoring — A decent guide to measuring web performance and finding common performance issues in a modern web app.
Himanshu Jariyal
State of Frontend 2020 Survey Results — 74% of frontend developers use React, 54% like TypeScript better than JS, and 31% think that CSS in JS will be dead soon.
The Software House sponsor
Sign-in Form Best Practices — Looks at how to use cross-platform browser features to build sign-in forms that are secure, accessible and easy to use.
Sam Dutton
A Guide to Theming in CSS — How to create apps that are theme-aware using CSS variables and JavaScript.
Ogundipe Samuel
The Little Guide to CI/CD for Frontend Developers
Maxime Heckel
Why CSS Logical Properties Aren’t Ready for Use
Elad Shechter
🗓 Upcoming Events:
International JavaScript Conference (September 2 - 4) — Lots of workshops, sessions and keynotes — now all online.
CityJS Conference (September 14 - 18) — Online conference and workshops. Speakers include Tan Li Hau, Ana Cidre, Kyle Simpson, Maximiliano Firtman and others.
Frontend Love (October 1 - 2) — Online JavaScript conference with over over 20 frontend professionals and authors speaking.
🔧 Code, Tools and Resources
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CSS Vocabulary — This is a neat little visual tool to help you understand different CSS terms (property, keyword, statement, etc).
Ville V. Vanninen
Volt: A Free Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Using Only Vanilla JavaScript — See a live preview here. Includes eleven example pages, 100+ components, and some plugins with no dependencies.
Faven: A Web Tool to Help You Generate Favicons — Use it here. Works offline, client-side only, produces a ZIP file with 20+ icon dimensions and formats.
Mahmoud Ashraf
Online Checkout Made Simple with Square’s Payments APIs and SDKs
Square Developer sponsor
Marks: A Markup Language for Blazing Fast Web Page Rendering — Similar to Markdown but with a few extra features including the ability to add styles and the use of custom components.
françois skorzec
ImmortalDB: A Resilient Key-Value Store for the Browser — Data is redundantly stored in numerous places like in cookies, IndexedDB, LocalStorage, and SessionStorage, and self heals as needed. v1.1 just came out.
Ansgar Grunseid
🕰 ICYMI (Some older stuff that's worth checking out...)
Sa11y is a quality assurance tool that visually highlights common accessibility and usability issues.
Here's a little snippet on how the scroll-margin-top property can solve the problem of in-page jump link content getting obscured by a fixed header.
Lots of good practical tips and suggestions here for anyone building for a global audience, including design considerations, text size, pseudo-localization, cultural differences, and more.
Don't want to rely on Google stuff so much? This post looks at lots of alternatives to commonly-used Google services.
In need of a basic way to allowing commenting on your site? Octomments lets you use GitHub Issues to do just that.
by via Frontend Focus https://ift.tt/2EGnhVB
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 5 years
(The Sea) Set Me Free
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PFsPj8
by Iron_Eirlyssa (Eirlyssa)
Tony had become somewhat known for rescuing other mers when they had been captured by humans. Still, when he was approached by a scrawny blond who asked him to save Bucky, he didn’t expect this.
Words: 18147, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 9 of Tony Stark Bingo 2018, Part 3 of WinterIron Adventure 2018
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Merpeople AU, mentions of torture, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Some Plot, Some Fluff, Octomer Tony, Merman Bucky, Mersharks Pietro and Wanda, There's also a seahorse mer, That is male, So mpreg, Though not a focus, BAMF Tony Stark, HYDRA is uncool, Non-Consensual Body Modification, WinterIron Bingo Adventure, Tony Stark Bingo 2018
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PFsPj8
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ao3feed-avac · 6 years
The Pirate Groom
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2lFrGvy
by blue_pointer, MassiveSpaceWren
Ever since the death of his father, Tony has dedicated his life to eradicating Hydra from the oceans he calls home. But when he becomes Hydra's captive, it's pirate Captain Bucky and his trusty crew to the rescue! Can these reluctant allies work together to stop Queen Nefaria's evil plan to start a war utilizing a Hydra army and their secret weapon? Find out in this Marvel-ous reimagining of The Princess Bride.
[Fic by blue_pointer, art by MassiveSpaceWren]
Words: 15274, Chapters: 13/13, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, X-Men (Movieverse), Marvel (Comics), Avengers Academy (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Tony Stark, America Chavez, Bruce Banner, Edwin Jarvis, Erik Lehnsherr, Wanda Maximoff, Giuletta Nefaria, Loki (Marvel), Red Skull, Wade Wilson, Thor (Marvel), Charles Xavier, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Heimdall (Marvel), Pietro Maximoff, Pepper Potts, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Howard Stark, Steve Rogers
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner & James "Bucky" Barnes & America Chavez, Edwin Jarvis & Tony Stark, Bruce Banner & America Chavez, Bruce Banner & Tony Stark, America Chavez/Wanda Maximoff, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Giuletta Nefaria/James "Bucky" Barnes, Giuletta Nefaria & Loki, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, Loki & Thor (Marvel), Pepper Potts/James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Giuletta Nefaria/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes & Sam Wilson
Additional Tags: winteriron, Alternate Universe - Princess Bride Fusion, Alternate Universe - Merpeople, Comedy, Farce, Pirates, pirate bucky, octomer, merman tony, octopus anatomy, Howard Stark's A+ Parenting, Heartbreak, benign pirating, Hydra (Marvel), prisoner Tony, Swordfighting, Bucky as Westley, America Chavez as inigo Montoya, engineer Rhodey, Hulk as Fezzik, Betty Ross is a chicken, BAMF Tony Stark, Jarvis as Sebastian, Little Mermaid jokes, Rescue Missions, The Tesseract (Marvel), Hurt Tony, Dismemberment, Teamwork, lesbian threats, honest pirate, Hate to Love, anachronistic humor, Shapeshifting, Revenge, Lovecraftian, Friendship, Evil Plans, Sarcasm, Mind Control, Flirting, mostly dead, DC reference, Game of Thrones References, Weddings, Wade Wilson Breaking the Fourth Wall, taking pot shots at Loki, reluctant romance, Star Wars References, Attempted Seduction, Angst, Crack, Hurt Bucky Barnes, Hurt/Comfort, Jarvis the lone cheerleader, Sex Change, bondage jokes, emergency procedure, it's a beautiful day in Thor's neighborhood, Tea Parties, Skeletor jokes, with Red Skull, sorry - Freeform, had to, He-man references, The Hobbit References, Cherik - Freeform, Old Married Couple, Sibling Rivalry, shades of Gamma Hammer, My Two Dads - Freeform, Disney References, Jarvis' attempts at song, epic kisses, passing the torch, twin pirates, King Bruce, no goodbyes, Minor Character Death, Captain America Reverse Big Bang 2018
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2lFrGvy
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tonystarkbingo · 6 years
Week 3 roundup
Name of Piece Mai Tai (Offer You a Drink?) by @wakandan-wardog Square Filled S1: Outsider POV Rating teen Warnings recovering Bucky Barnes, OC Summary Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes
Stella Sanchez is working at her family's bar one Tuesday afternoon when a somber man wanders in. Though it's a bit early she offers him a drink, and when he doesn't know what he likes she makes him a deal: Stella will mix the drinks, Jamie will trade stories. It seems like a pretty good deal, really.
Mod Tisfan Commentary I might have just gotten the pun and I am literally in pain right now
Name of Piece Sunset by @jacarandabanyan Square Filled K1 - Sunrise/Sunset Rating not rated Warnings polyamory, fluff, angst Summary Bucky/Tony/Steve, poly
Steve and Bucky think that Tony is feeling insecure about their relationship, and try to reassure him, but he refuses to open up to them. Instead, he spends his time working on some mysterious project.
Mod Tisfan Commentary Cute. People need to work on their communication skills.
Name of Piece We’re gonna need a Bigger Bucky by @rinnwrites Square Filled T5 - attacked by a creature Rating teen Warnings dark humor Summary Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark
A couple of tourists want to know how Bucky lost his arm....so Tony tells them.
Mod Tisfan Commentary This was funny. Tony is such a liar.
Name of Piece: Slack Water Part Two: Gyre by @tisfan Square Filled: R4: Witness Rating: M Warnings: Mentions of torture, mentions of cannibalism (sort of), body horror, grotesque bodily violation This fic is DARK and it just got DARKER. Please proceed with all due caution. This story skates very close to vore, although without the sexualization, since the act is used as punishment. Kissing cousins to Hydra Trash Party (non-sexual)
Summary: Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes
Starfish doesn’t remember who he is, but he’s going to kill every last member of Hydra for what they’ve done to him
Name of Piece A touch of Shining Restraint by @polizwrites Square Filled S1 - Tentacles Rating Explicit Warnings  Tentacles, Metal Arm Kink, Erotic Engineering, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Masturbation, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex Summary Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark
Tony shows off his latest technological plaything; Bucky eventually joins in the fun.
Mod Tisfan Commentary Both hilarious and sexy, this was a lot of fun to read if you’re into tentacle porn
Name of Piece Sharing Clothes by @bill-longbow Square filled clothes sharing Rating: Explicit Warnings: pwp Paring: Stuckony
Summary: Steve ran the silk through his fingers, soft and cool to the touch, the same midnight blue as Tony’s tie, as his own suit. They all wore each other’s colours. Tony the midnight blue of Steve’s suit, Steve had a charcoal tie that matched Bucky’s suit and Bucky would wear a slim black tie to match Tony’s three piece. This was what had given him the idea, that maybe he could wear the colour of one of his boyfriends under his clothes as well.
It was definitely one of his better ideas…
Mod Tisfan Commentary a little bit of naughty Steve and some clothes sharing, but not what you might imagine.... very hot.
Name of Piece:  Slack Water, Part 3: Phytotelma by tisfan Square Filled R4 – Angst Rating Mature Warnings: body horror, cannibalism, dark fic, torture, extreme body mutilation (entire fic) mermaid AU This chapter is a tiny bit lighter and includes Tony being kissed and cuddled by his Starfish. Also a little bit of description of an octomer squishing himself through some tight spaces, which is a little gross Summary: WinterIron
Where Starfish has an idea, and what it costs Tony.
Name of Piece Wedding Dress for Sale (Worn Once by Accident) by @voodoofee 
Square Filled A3: Freespace Rating Mature Warnings none Summary Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark
Bucky finds a strange note in the elevator reading, Wedding dress for sale, worn once by mistake, with the number of someone named Tony. Bucky only knows one Tony but he doesn't think that's the guy’s name. Why else should the packages he sometimes receives be addressed to one A. Edward Stark? Whoever it is, Rebecca's wedding is coming soon and he wanted to buy her a dress. Maybe this one fits? He's pretty sure she won't mind that it has already been worn once...
Mod Tisfan Commentary Cute, shy!Bucky, WIP, more chapters coming, I can’t wait.
Name of Piece Unlucky in Love by @dracusfyre Square Filled A2: Drunken Confessions Rating not rated Warnings none given Summary Loki/Tony Stark (Background) Tony Stark & Stephen Strange
Dr. Strange hits Tony with a surprising confession. Set in the Blood and Ironverse, somewhere during Tangled Webs but can be read as a standalone.
Mod Tisfan Commentary Very sweet, funny, little bit awkward, all the best stuff here...
Name of Piece Shatter Me by Iron_Eirlyssa Square Filled R5: Steampunk AU Rating Teen Warning none Summary Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes
When Bucky is about to lose hope of ever finding someone who can help out with his arm, a doctor tells him about a mechanic that might be able to help out. A mechanic mostly known as Iron Man.
Mod Tisfan Commentary okay, I love steampunk, I love winteriron, I love caring mechanic!Tony. So, yeah, I smashed the subscribe button, since the author teased at there, possibly, being more to come.
Name of Piece The Good Heart by @harvestingstorm Square Filled S5 - Sexworker Rating explicit Warning Rape/Non-Con, sex worker!Bucky Barnes Summary Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes
The mission parameters are simple. He has done the same dozens of times. Go and seduce the mark, then eliminate. But in the end, it is not as easy as that. Nothing ever is with Tony Stark.  
Mod Tisfan Commentary beautiful and brutal. lots of feels. keep in mind your own mental health
Name of Piece IronMight by @dragongoesmoo Square Filled A5 - Crossover Rating General Audiences Warning Angst with a Happy Ending Summary Tony Stark/James Rhodey Rhodes
Tony Stark living and healing with All Might and Rhodey after Civil War. That's literally it. My Hero Academia crossover
Mod Tisfan Commentary Caring Rhodey, Civil war feels, and Tony getting on with a new life. 
Name of Piece:  Building Occupied by @27dragons Square Filled: K1 - Steve Rogers Rating: T Warnings: None Summary: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Everywhere Tony tries to go, it seems Steve Rogers has beaten him there. What exactly is Steve playing at? 
Mod Tisfan Commentary - delicious little Avengers Academy fluff. I continue to wonder about a campus that has three places to shoot a gun, but only one computer.
Name of Piece: To Be Fair, TimeWarner Had It Coming by @dracusfyre Square Filled T4 (image) Rating: None Warning: Depiction of the aftermath of a depressive/PTSD episode Characters: Tony Stark and Clint Barton Summary:  This was based on a picture prompt of Tony and Clint where Clint needs Tony’s help hooking up his television. I took a picture from a funny comic panel and made it sad, I’m sorry.
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Mod Tisfan Commentary: This is great, a real bro-helping out a bro moment. I love it.
Name of Piece: Slack Water Part Four: Palagic by tisfan Square: S5 - Seeing Red Ship: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark Rating: M Major Tags: flashbacks of torture, graphic violence, mermaid AU Summary: Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes
Starfish gets some of his memories back and learns more about the Chimera projects at Hydra.
Name of Piece: Soft Reset by @sopherfly Square Filled: R3 - Fix-it Rating: Teen Pairing: Tony Stark/Natasha Romanov Warnings: Angst Summary: Chapter 1 of 2. Tony can’t stop thinking about Siberia. Natasha knows exactly how to get him out of his head.
Mod Tisfan’s Commentary -- very soft and sweet. Looking forward to the next chapter.
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