#octavia + trikru
okmcintyre · 2 years
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#TheBestofThe100: Pick Your... - First Favourite Character 'Octavia Blake'
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dilfgifs · 9 months
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RICKY WHITTLE & Marie Avgeropoulos THE 100 | S03E02
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daniel-bruehl · 6 months
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#i too would abandon my clan if she looked at me like that
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TEN YEARS OF THE 100 ▸ Favorite Season: Season Two
"I bear it, so they don't have to."
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freikdreinaslaw · 2 months
Clarke : Kane control your children
Kane: I can do one of two things. I can be ambassador of skaikru or I can control the Blake siblings. I can’t possibly do both
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hd-junglebook · 2 months
The Other Side
Part 1 - Word Count 2463
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Crouched on her tree branch overlook, Y/N watched curiously as the group of five approached the cliff's edge. She was intrigued by these strangers, the first new people she had encountered since witnessing the ship crash.
The boy with long hair moved to grab the rope swing first but was interrupted by another wearing steampunk-looking goggles.
After a brief exchange, the long-haired boy moved back, now standing next to a pretty blonde girl. The four of them exchanged weary glances, silently communicating after they switched places.
The goggled boy backed up several paces, then sprinted forward with a leap, launching himself from the cliff. He swung out in a wide arc, whooping excitedly. At the apex of the swing, he released the rope and landed gracefully on the far ledge.
The group stood in silence watching before they erupted in shouts at the Mount Weather sign. She sat for a moment watching the pure joy of these strangers, hesitating, debating whether to reveal herself. Her curiosity was piqued, but she knew little of their motives or intentions.
The commander sent her down here to gather information with Lincoln, both splitting up as he stayed by their camp, performing a headcount.
Y/N was impressed by his bold daring. She studied the other four strangers, wondering about their origins. They appeared around her age, and wore weird clothing, the material all cobbled together. Perhaps they had banded together after some other disaster or tragedy.
Lexa wouldn’t like any of this, dread filled y/n and she reminded herself that they weren’t going to live long after she traveled back to the capital.
Lexa was stuck in the old ways, never straying from harsh and outdated rules placed by their grounder society. Not that Lexa could change anything, if she allowed these invaders to live, her people would see her as weak, and she couldn’t have that.
Y/N couldn't help but smile as she observed the scene from her hidden vantage point among the trees despite her thoughts.
In that fleeting moment, with their guard down, she saw only vibrant youth, not strangers to fear. She remained hidden for now, but hoped someday their paths might properly cross if fate worked in their favor.
But their happiness was short-lived, shattered by the sudden violence that erupted as a spear was hurled at the unsuspecting boy. His friends' screams pierced the air, echoing with terror. She quickly sprang into action, leaping down from the tree with a soft thump.
Her horse, sensing the distress, whinnied softly as she approached, offering a comforting presence in the midst of chaos. With a swift pat on his flank, both of them set off back to civilization.
With a final glance back at the scene unfolding behind her, Y/N urged her horse forward, their hooves pounding against the forest floor as they disappeared into the safety of the woods, leaving the invaders and their violence behind.
“Lincoln?” y/n called out, searching the brush for any sign of her friend. “Lincoln it’s me.” She continued, cupping her hands around her mouth.
There was no reply except for the sound of rustling leaves and the echo of his name. She sighed, weighing her options briefly before heading back to her horse, weaving through the twisted trunks and stomping over the bed of fallen leaves and twigs.
The sound of crunching filled the open space, quickly she grabbed her bow, notching an arrow before scanning the tree line again. Lincolns burly figure melted out from behind a massive oak, his face paint smeared haphazardly across his face from the sweat and heat.
“Lincoln!” she breathed out gratefully, loosening her grip on the bow before stepping forward to greet him. Lincoln stood before her, his calm gaze surveying her from beneath the hooded cloak draped over his shoulders. “I was starting to think you forgot I was coming.”
The barest hint of a smile played across the grounder’s lips. "I am well-versed in the ways of these woods.
It is you who makes noise like a stampeding gorilla." y/n rolled her eyes good naturedly at his teasing. “"Well? What did you see? Anything we should be concerned about?"
Lincoln's expression turned serious once more as he relayed his findings. “I counted about 100 of them. A blonde girl she’s their leader.”
After their discussion, Riss gave him a nod farewell. "I should get back before the Commander sends out a search party for me too." With that, she turned and headed back through the shadowy forest, leaving Lincoln to fade back into his camouflaged surroundings like a ghost.
Y/n strolled through the bustling streets of the capital, the cobblestones echoed with the rhythm of her determined steps.
Street vendors peddled their wares, their voices blending into a vibrant cacophony of commerce. The scent of sizzling street food tantalized her senses as she navigated her way through the throngs of people.
Approaching the imposing structure of the commander's building, she felt a surge of anticipation mingled with a hint of apprehension. "State your business," one of the guards demanded, his tone gruff.
She met his gaze with steely determination, her hand resting casually on the hilt of her hidden sword. "I seek an audience with the commander. It's a matter of utmost urgency."
The guards stationed at the entrance scrutinized her with suspicion until she presented the emblem of her authority.
The guard exchanged a wary glance with his companion before nodding reluctantly. "Very well, you may proceed."
With a satisfied smirk playing on her lips, she passed through the threshold and into the hallowed halls beyond, her gaze fixed on her objective: the commander's hall.
Her steps seemed to melt into the background noise of the bustling corridors, her presence almost unnoticed amidst the chatter. With purposeful strides, she approached the ornate door, its imposing frame a gateway to power and intrigue.
With a soft creak, the door swung open, and she stepped into the chamber, greeted by a gentle breeze that whispered through the open terrace door, ruffling her hair. "Commander," she greeted, her voice carrying respect.
Lexa, seated at the head of the room, smiled warmly, her gaze flickering with recognition. With a graceful gesture, she dismissed her companions, who filed out of the room one by one, leaving the two women alone to discuss matters of consequence.
"Ah, it's good to see you," she began, rising gracefully from her chair. The room seemed to hold its breath as she approached Lexa, her steps deliberate and purposeful.
"What brings you back so early?" Her voice was calm, but her eyes betrayed a flicker of curiosity.
As Y/N spoke, she couldn't help but notice the subtle tension that crept into the lines of Lexa's face. A furrow appeared between her brows, a silent question hanging in the air. Y/N pressed on, her own resolve mirrored in the unwavering gaze she held with Lexa.
"I spoke with Lincoln," she declared, her voice steady, each word carefully chosen. Lexa leaned forward, her expression a mix of anticipation and apprehension.
The silence stretched, broken only by the soft sound of Y/N's footsteps as she paced the room, the click of her boots echoing the rapid beat of her racing mind.
As she spoke of her findings, the space between them seemed to shrink, the distance bridged by shared secrets and unspoken truths. The dance of words and emotions played out in the quiet expanse of the room, a delicate balance of power and vulnerability.
Once she finished her account, Lexa rose from her seat. Y/N observed the subtle shift in her body language, noting the resolute set of her jaw and the firmness of her posture.
"Thank you for bringing this to my attention," Lexa said. "We must deal with these invaders if we are to protect our city from chaos."
Y/N rode on horseback through the lush, green woods, the earthy scent of pine filled her nostrils, mingling with the sweet fragrance of wildflowers.
The sunlight filtered through the forest canopy above, casting a warm, golden glow upon the trail as she journeyed down familiar paths - passing by small villages nestled amongst the trees.
She couldn't help but smile as she passed by, exchanging friendly nods with the villagers who went about their daily tasks. Y/n had been away from home for some time and was eager to return.
The steady clop of hooves marked the miles melting away as the trees thinned. She spotted her modest log cabin in the distance, its weathered exterior a welcoming sight against the backdrop of the forest.
Reaching the edge of the property, y/n hopped down from her steed, her boots sinking into the soft earth beneath her feet. With a gentle pat on her horse's neck, she released him to graze freely, knowing he would find his way back to the stable when he was ready.
Y/N took a moment to close her eyes and breathe deeply, cherishing the scent of pine and wildflowers. It was good to be back. She hitched up her pack and strode towards the front door, the familiar scent of aged wood enveloped her, a comforting embrace that welcomed her home.
Setting her pack aside, she moved with purpose to the corner where her woodworking bench stood. With practiced hands, she began to carve arrows, the rhythmic scrape of the blade against wood echoing in the cozy confines of the cabin.
the moonlight filtering through the canopy above cast eerie shadows on the forest floor. The night was still. Heading out into the night to gather firewood had become a routine for Y/N, a solitary task that allowed her moments of quiet reflection amidst the whispering trees. Tonight, however, a feeling that prickled at the back of her neck as she navigated the winding path.
y/n began to gather the fallen branches, a sudden sound shattered the silence. The unmistakable sound of running feet echoed through the trees, sending a shiver down Y/N's spine. Instinctively, she dropped the firewood and reached for the dagger she always kept strapped to her side.
Moving cautiously towards the source of the noise, Y/N's senses heightened, every rustle and snap of a twig magnified in the stillness of the night.
Y/n's heart pounded in her chest as she approached a clearing, the moonlight revealing a figure hunched over, gasping for breath against a gnarled tree trunk.
Drawing closer, Y/N's eyes widened in surprise as she recognized the figure of a boy, his face contorted in pain and exhaustion. His clothes were torn and dirt-streaked, his hands clutching at the rough bark for support.
"Who are you?" Y/N's voice cut through the night, a mixture of concern and caution lacing her words. The boy looked up, his eyes wide with fear and desperation, a silent plea for help etched in his gaze.
Her body subtly leaned forward, indicating her readiness to assist if needed, while her hands hovered near her sides, poised to react to any sudden movements.
The moonlight bathed them in its silvery glow, Y/N and the mysterious boy stood facing each other in the heart of the forest, the boy steadied himself, before sucking in a breath and speaking.
"I could ask you the same thing.” He replied, the boy's voice was deep and raspy, his words were slow and deliberate, as if he was rehearsing a speech.
Their gaze locked in a silent standoff, a sudden eruption of yells in the trig language pierced the stillness of the woods. Y/N huffed, a hint of sarcasm coloring her tone. "Those your friends?" she quipped, a wry smile tugging at the corners of her lips. John shook his head.  
Undeterred, Y/N pressed on, her voice firm yet tinged with intrigue, the trees towered above her, their branches creaking ominously in the gentle breeze.
"Who are you?" she asked, her curiosity driving her forward. The rustling leaves and distant echoes of the forest seemed to hold their breath, waiting for John's response.
After a moment of hesitation, John relented. "My name is John," he admitted. His voice was calm now, yet his eyes were a little wild. He looked like the man who had been on the verge of being killed, his head bowed in prayer.
"I can help you, John," she said, Y/n felt a shiver run down her spine as she looked into John's eyes. They were deep and piercing, like two black holes that seemed to suck her in. She couldn't look away, even though she knew she should.
John hesitated, unsure if he could trust her. But the thought of surviving in this harsh new world was too tempting to resist. "Okay," he said, his eyes darting between y/n and the area where the voices came from.
"I'll follow you." He approached her cautiously, keeping a safe distance. Y/n nodded, a look of satisfaction on her face. "Good," she said. "Let’s go."
Y/N and Murphy made their way back to her cabin, the shadows of the forest casting long, eerie shapes on the path ahead. "I need you to help me gather resources," she said.
"Food, water, weapons. Whatever I need to keep me alive. And in return, I will keep you safe from my people." She stated, looking back at Murphy as she climbed the steps to her door.
John nodded, his heart racing but he knew he had no choice. "Yes," he said, his voice firm. "I'll do it. Whatever it takes." Y/n could tell he wasn’t sure about his own agreement but kept walking anyway, opening the rusty door and entering.
Murphy hesitated at the threshold, his eyes scanning the surroundings warily, a flicker of fear betraying his tough exterior.
Y/N chuckled softly, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. "Come on, it's not a trap," she reassured him, her voice warm and inviting. Murphy stepped inside, the cozy interior of the cabin enveloping him in a sense of unexpected comfort.
The aroma of cooking rabbit wafted through the air, a tantalizing scent that stirred memories of simpler times with her family. Y/N moved with practiced ease around the small kitchen, spooning steaming stew into an old wooden bowl before handing it to Murphy.
He accepted the bowl gratefully, the hunger evident in the way he practically inhaled the hearty meal. Y/N watched him silently, her gaze lingering on his worn appearance and the shadows that clouded his eyes.
"What happened to you, John?" she asked, her voice soft yet probing. The question hung in the air, laden with unspoken implications.
Murphy paused, setting down the bowl with a nonchalant shrug. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you.” he replied through gritted teeth. “Let's just say I've had better days."
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black-dragon1998 · 9 months
Lone Wolf chapter 11
Summary: the story continues
Author note: First I want to apologize it took so long for me to post the next chapter for lone wolf. After that, I want to thank everyone who has sent me comments and kudos for my writing. I haven’t forgotten this story, writing has just been difficult the last couple of months.
previous chapters: part 1- part 2- part 3- part 4- part 5- part 6- part 7- part 8 - part 9- part 10
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“What! Gives you the right to touch my daughter!” you were livid. How dare this boy touch your daughter. Madi in general had a hard time with being touched. The only people who were allowed to touch her freely, were you, Lexa, Clarke and Anya. From time to time Indra, but that was only when Madi instigates it. So who did this piece of shit think he was for giving Madi a panic attack.
At this point, you were really starting to regret coming to the Skaikru. Would Clarke be really upset if you cut this guy's throat? Probably. Pushing aside the murderous intent you were feeling you turned toward Madi who was still protected by Dina. Madi who was still sobbing uncontrollably. You throw the sword in your hand to the side and crouch down so you are at eye level with your daughter. Dina steps away from the two of you and keeps the rest away.
When Madi spots you through tear-filled eyes, she looks you straight in the eyes but doesn’t move to get closer to you.
“hey, peanut.” You say in a voice you only reserve for your daughter. The little girl is so attuned to the sound that she is already calming down.
“Yes baby, it is Mama. Are you feeling big emotions?” you knew she was but this made it easier for Madi to work through it. Madi gave you a small nod.
“is the feeling going away?” most of the time the emotions Madi was feeling would pass on their own. When Madi shook her head, you gave her a reassuring smile.
“that is okay. I am here and we are getting through this together. Can I touch you?” with speed almost too fast for a human, Madi was in your arms. She pressed her head against your chest to feel your steady heartbeat. The sound helped in calming her down.
“alright baby, can you tell me five things you see?” your voice is just about a whisper but Madi could hear you just fine.
Clarke and Lexa were wrapping up their meeting. Things had gone smoother than hoped and resulted in the two being able to meet (Y/N) and Madi for lunch. Clarke was putting away the last of the documents when one of the guards sprinted into the tent. The markings on their arms told them that they were on (Y/N) personal guard. Lexa was aware of the guards (Y/N) had put on both her and Clarke.
“Heda! Permission to speak.” The guard asked. Like all your subordinates they had discipline.
“speak soldier,” Lexa said in her heda voice.
“Heda, Wanheda, both of you are needed at the training grounds. One of the Skaikru boys tried to touch the princess. Causing her to have a panic attack and the general to lash out at the boy. Some of the females with the boy are afraid of an escalation.” The guard spoke so fast that Clarke and Lexa almost didn’t catch all of it. The moment Clarke heard Madi was involved she started walking toward the training ground, not listening to Lexa who was calling after her.
Lexa took a moment to collect herself and thanked the guard, before going after her wife-turned-mamabear. She already felled sorry for whoever stood in her way.
Clarke was at the training grounds in no time. There she saw the Gona from a circle around you, Raven, Octavia, Lincoln and Bellamy. Dina was standing close to you ready to react to any situation. You were cradling Madi to your chest, trying to console the sobbing toddler.
Madi didn’t seem to be injured, neither did you. Bellamy on the other hand was sporting a big red line around his neck. Steeling herself Clarke stepped forward to make her presence known. Bellamy was the first to approach her, like a kid rating out somebody to the teacher. You however stayed where you were, cuddling Madi close to your chest.
Instead of listening to Bellamy rambling Clarke made her way toward you and Madi. Laying a comforting hand on Madi’s back.
“Maid sweetheart, look who is here.” You whisper in your daughter's ear. Locking eyes with Clarke, conveying that it was a bad one. Very slowly Madi lifted her head from your shoulder and looked behind her. When she spotted her mommy, she started reaching out for her and you quickly handed her over to Clarke so she could soak in her mommy’s scent. The toddler sagged into the blond's hold immediately.
For some reason, Clarke’s and Lexa’s scents had always a calming effect on you and Madi.
“hey love, somebody told me you were cuddling with Mama. Mind if I join?” Clarke spoke in a tender tone, to not set Madi off again. That had happened in the past when she was overwhelmed too soon.
“Mama helped. Big emotions. Counted. Calmed.” Madi’s sentences were cut short, telling Clarke she hadn’t down completely.
“oh! You and Mama did the counting. Did it help?” Clarke was relieved when Madi nodded into her chest. While Clarke was talking to Madi you had positioned yourself in front of them with crossed arms and a death stare levelling Bellamy, who was trying to get closer.
“what made you feel the big emotions? Can you tell Mommy?”
“Man touched me,” Madi said burring her face back into Clarke’s chest.
“what man sweety?” Clarke Cöed as to not set her off again. without looking Madi pointed a finger toward Bellamy, who was trying to push past (Y/N). (Y/N) however, wasn’t bunching an inch. In the meantime, Raven and Octavia tried to pull Bellamy back.
“let me pass! I have to talk to Clarke.” He tried to sound intimidating, hoping you would let him pass.
“you upset my daughter, do you really think I’m just going to let you near her? No way in hell! If Clarke wants to talk to you she will come over here. Until then back off!” your voice was nothing more than a growl.
Clarke really had hoped Bellamy wasn’t involved. You already didn’t like him and this wasn’t helping. She could only hope to settle your mood before things escalated. Clarke still remembered the last time somebody touched Madi without permission. It was a warrior from Azgeda. He had quickly lost his hand and head. Then she hadn’t batted an eye at it. She hoped it didn’t turn into a brawl. You would level Bellamy with no problem, the only question was when you would stop once you started.
Clarke walked with Madi still clinging to her chest but stayed a couple of feet behind. Hoping this was enough distance for Madi. You immediately sensed Clarke come up behind you, turning partly around so you can look at her and Madi, still preventing Bellamy from getting closer. Clarke knew her next words would be hard for their friends but she had to think about her daughter and wife first. She could talk to her friends later, but first, she had to defuse the situation.
“I think all of you should return to camp until things have calmed down,” Clarke said while looking at her friends. Raven and Octavia seemed to understand, Lincoln respected the words of his kwin. They also knew that if they stayed longer and Bellamy did something stupid, they would be putting Clarke on the spot. Bellamy however started immediately pushing against you to get to Clarke.
“Clarke! Please listen to me. I didn’t mean to do this.”
“Back off!” you got into the shaggy-haired boy's face and pushed him back.
“you come here, make my daughter cry and now you dare to make demands toward our kwin. I should skin you alive for that.” This finally makes Bellamy back down with a loud gulp.
“General!” there was an edge to Clarke’s voice that told you you were getting onto thin ice. It made you back down just a little. The last thing you wanted to do was upset your wife.
“we will leave for now,” Raven said, pulling Bellamy back toward the camp. Leaving you and your family as the only ones in the training ground. The gona had scattered already, knowing nothing good came from upsetting their kwin when she was in mama-bear mode.
Lexa arrived at the exact moment the Skaikru left. You had turned around to look at Clarke. The blond looked anything but happy. Believing it to be best for you and Clarke to talk about whatever the issue was. So Lexa took Madi from Clarke's arms and retreated toward the tent.
“let’s go Madi. Mommy and Mama need to talk.”
“mad?” Madi asked.
“don’t know bug. Why don’t we go find something to eat and wait for them?”
“What the hell is wrong with you? You could have taken Bellamy’s head off today.” Clarke exploded the moment Madi and Lexa were gone. Now that everything had sunken in, Clarke had gotten angry with you. Her reaction made your anger surface again. why was she angry with you?
“He upset Madi. I just reacted on instinct.” You say between clenched teeth, not wanting to snap at Clarke.
“That was an over-the-top reaction. Bellamy didn’t know Madi would react like that.” Clarke counters, while stepping close to you. Like she wanted another response from you. At this point, you had a hard time not glaring at your wife.
“If it had been anybody else but that Skaikru boy we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”
“ you went too far. You acted like a sa…” Clarke seemed to catch herself at the last moment, but you knew what she was going to say. You had heard it often enough. The dark part in you that you had suppressed for so long reared its ugly head and you could feel your emotions freeze. Looming over Clarke you glared at her.
“say it.” A moment passed and it stayed quiet.
“say it!” the ringing of your voice surprised Clarke. She had never seen you like this.
“Savage.” The word was nothing more than a whisper but you could hear her loud and clear. Did your wife really think of you like that? You could stand for everybody else thinking you were a monster but not your family.
“maybe Clarke I am nothing more than a savage beast, pretending to be something else.” With that, you walked away and into the woods, leaving Clarke alone.
The moment you left a pang rang through Clarke. What had she done, she had never seen you so cold toward her before. When Clarke finally turned around she, you were gone.
part 12
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sickoherd · 1 year
THE 100 — only you can…
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summary: preferences for characters of the 100 :)
author note: i took a mini hiatus … sorry <3
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bellamy :
- play with his hair
- convince him to not go on dangerous missions
- get him to take a break
murphy :
- call him john
- make him genuinely happy
- hear about his past + his regrets
monty :
- make him feel better after jasper's death
- make him blush
- tease him
jasper :
- help with his depression
- hear stories about maya ( sorry )
- get him to dance with you
lincoln :
- help him hunt or forage ; he likes being able to concentrate but he likes listening to you
- do his warpaint
- steal his clothes
roan :
- stand up to his mother without being executed
- wear his crown
- sit on his throne
wells :
- joke about his father with him
- kiss his nose
- calling him funny nicknames to wind him up
octavia :
- braid her hair
- influence her decisions
- bring out her soft side
raven :
- get her to take a break
- help her feel more confident about her leg
- do her ponytails
clarke :
- tell her what to do
- call her princess
- make her smile and laugh
lexa :
- do her war paint
- call her lex
- make her smile
emori :
- steal her stuff
- trace her tattoo
- convince her not to do something
echo :
- use her bow and arrows
- comfort her
- make her laugh
harper :
- flirt with her shamelessly
- make her believe anything
- scare her with ghost stories
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laufire · 3 months
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STACKED100 | february 11th | “rubicon” + “watch the thrones” Ge smak daun, gyon op nodotaim.
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elegantsplendour · 10 months
Women for whom I would be an absolute whore for
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Source: Pinterest
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oswinian · 11 months
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the 100 fandom rewatch // 2.10 “Survival of the Fittest”
good can come out of even the darkest acts.
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shinnith · 1 year
100 fandom- u still here?
I haven't been in the fandom in years and wanna know if the community still going strong or even lurking-
Interact to let me know if ya'll still alive ?
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vmplvr1977 · 6 months
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Chapter Six is posted!!
Fate is a funny thing. Just when you think you have your life planned out, destiny sweeps in and fucks it up. And the worst part? You're helpless to stop it. Like a boat without a rudder or anchor, floating from one end of the ocean to the next with no way to impede or change its direction. Next thing you know, you're stranded on an island with no hope of escape. That is destiny. Or Clarke's, at least.
Sometimes, fate's intervention is for the best. A meet-cute, of sorts, where two people destined to be together, whether as friends or lovers, share a random moment that changes everything. Usually, it is bumping into a stranger and spilling a drink all over their new shirt. Or two people who pass each other only moments apart at the same coffee shop for years before fate finally intervenes.
Clarke's parents had a charming little tale like that. They told it at dinner parties, anniversaries, and family gatherings more times than their daughter could count. But Clarke's first meeting with Lexa was nothing like the rom-coms on TV. Nor was it a tale to share with friends and family without extensive revisions. Still, it was clear that destiny had brought them together, though the reasons remained unclear for some time...
Clarke and Lexa's love was forbidden for many reasons, notably their different natures. Their people had been sworn enemies for centuries. So, by all rights, the wolf and vampire were born to despise one another. But fate doesn't give a damn if its intervention is untimely or unwanted. Destiny blazes its own path without care for the world's rules.
It all began on a particularly gruesome night. The pack was under tremendous pressure after a string of murders within Skaikru's territory had garnered the attention of humans. Skaikru couldn't risk mortals discovering their secret, especially after centuries of carefully integrating into mortal society. So, Clarke's mother and the pack's leader, Abby, ordered her to find the killer and bring them justice as swiftly as possible.
Of course, many assumed the vampires were to blame. Each slaying had occurred near the invisible border that marked Heda's territory. Furthermore, the victims had been exsanguinated with their bodies riddled with bite marks. Naturally, the wolves were eager to place the blame on their oldest enemies.
But they had to be sure before they broke a two-century-long treaty with the Vampire Queen, Heda. Which is why Abby specifically assigned her daughter to lead the hunt. Clarke may be the typical alpha, but she is more intelligent than most and often seeks peaceful solutions before resorting to violence. Furthermore, as a physician, Clarke was better qualified to inspect the crime scenes and sniff out the killer.
Additionally, Abby hoped this special mission would grant Clarke the opportunity to prove herself as the next pack leader. If her mother had known the chaos this assignment might bring, she likely would have chosen another to take Clarke's place. Perhaps if Abby had, her daughter would not have been dragged into a fight with hontas (hunters), nor would she have had the opportunity to fall in love with a bloodsucker.
There were countless times through the following centuries that Abby wished she'd sent anyone but Clarke. But she couldn't have known the mysterious killer had set a trap. Nor did they realize that wolves and vampires were the prey, not the hunters.
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darkphoenix180 · 5 days
CW's The 100 character poll
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alannacouture · 1 year
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Ladies of The 100
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freikdreinaslaw · 2 months
Harper : why are you following me
Monty : because we’re dating now
Harper : okay… but why is Jasper following me?
Monty: we’re a package deal
Jasper: yeah, buy one idiot get one free
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