#oc: sheridan
shrowdly · 1 month
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behind the curtain
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ariazou · 1 year
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Been thinking about summer, tigers, and painting so this is what i came up with 🐯 Ty warrior cats for teaching me how to draw cats at the age of 12 <3
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chestnutroan · 1 year
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Courtney Sheridan 1986
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purpleprincessonfyre · 2 months
AvengerFan3000: If you could be trapped in any Romantic Comedy movie, which would you choose and why?
Ooh that's a good question! Um if I was able to choose then I would have to say Mamma Mia!
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Yes it's cheesy *looks up* Fin's laughing at me, I LIKE CHEESY THINGS!
I'm sorry but being stuck on a gorgeous island Greece as either a mother with three hot ex flames on the way for her daughters wedding or being a bride-to-be with three mystery Dads who all want to be part of my life and a life having grown up on a Greek island in the sun? There is literally no downside!
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You feel sad, sing an ABBA song!
Horny? Sing an ABBA song!
Best. Case. Scenario.
And both of those characters get the guy in the end.
So to answer your question...Mamma Mia! Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go rewatch the movie and stream the soundtrack via the Tower's speakers.
"Yesssss I've been broken hearted, blueeeee since the day we parted,
Why, why, did I ever let you go?"
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But nowwwww it is YOUR turn! Fellow Avengers, if you could be trapped in a Rom Com of your choice, which would you choose?
@askstevella @ask-starrk @ask-missparker @therealdaydreamstark @thechoooooosenone @wizzzardofoz @finlayholmes (ha) @rickb-chaos @luna-d-marsh
@jackiequick @gcthvile @blueboirick @cherrysft @meiramel
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missdurianne · 3 months
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sketch dump of ocs, stardew, and other video game girlies
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eudaemonix · 8 months
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Some art for OC-tober! Based on _bweird's prompt list
day 1 - Fave OC(s): Verity and Phakt Theta! I draw Verity more but I love both of them a lot :) and it felt wrong to exclude Teth since he's techically Veri's host-
day 2 - New OC: A character from a personal project with a friend, her name is Sheridan!
day 3 - Old OC: My old ponysona, Monochrome Dream!
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Ch. 12 of A Serpent's Heart, A Lion's Pride out now!!! :)
read on AO3
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goldieclaws · 4 months
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A joke sketch I ended up more committed to than anticipated after watching a Spyro speedpaint. I don't know if I'd get to explore these two's relationship on a humorous level in canon, but that's what memes are for.
(Both Nameless [left] and Ghirren [right] use he/him and are trans men)
Reblogs appreciated, thank you! 💖✨
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ninawolv3rina · 2 months
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POV you’re the party and you just asked Humphrey about their academic rival
OC: Dr. Humphrey Sheridan (he/they)
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shrowdly · 4 months
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soakedinbloodandmagic · 5 months
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NAME: Greer Jolie Sheridan.
AGE: Fifteen years old (born July 31st, 2008).
ZODIAC SIGN: Leo (she doesn’t really believe in astrology, but Charlie insists they fit her sign perfectly).
PRONOUNS: She/they (identifies as genderfluid).
SPECIES: Familiar shapeshifter with a hedgehog form.
LOCATION: Nightshade Hollow, Virginia (their home, though she never would have thought it would be when they arrived).
OCCUPATION: Sophomore at Nightshade Hollow High School.
FACECLAIM: Sophia Lillis.
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ABOUT: Greer was born into a family without a purpose, and she’d always thought it showed pretty perfectly in their upbringing. The Sheridan family had been familiars - shapeshifters created hundreds of years ago when the first witch had received her power, made to create a bond to those who could do magic and strengthen their abilities - for generations, but after a disagreement between Greer’s great-grandfather and the patriarch of the family the Sheridans had been bound to, the familiar-witch bond between them had been forcibly severed, and for decades now the family had been aimlessly drifting, trying in vain to find a new witch bloodline to attach themselves to.
This being adrift, this loss of the family’s purpose as familiars, had shown pretty clearly in the family’s attitudes, particularly in those of Greer’s parents, Bonnie and Malcolm Sheridan. Greer's conception was a complete accident - without a witch family to bond with, most of the family saw little point in having any children - and for the most part, they certainly treated her like a mistake they didn't want to acknowledge. From a very young age, Greer had had to learn to be self-sufficient, teaching themself how to cook and mend her clothes and apply first aid to the various little bumps and scrapes that came with childhood, all while their parents drifted between minimum-wage jobs and generally spent their time pretending they didn't have a child.
Finally, when she was ten years old, Greer experienced the most important event in a shapeshifter's life: the first transformation, which would reveal what their shapeshifter form would be. Despite knowing that it would come eventually, as their parents had at least cared enough to tell her about being a shapeshifter and some techniques they would need to use to control her changes, Greer was still terrified when the sudden change occurred, leaving a little hedgehog standing on the bedroom floor where their human form had just been standing. It marked the first time since Greer was about four that she had ever run to their parents for help, and, after Bonnie had coaxed her child through the focusing exercises she needed to change back, one of the few times since then that they'd cried in front of their parents. But even her tears did not move their parents very much from their apathy - they simply told Greer to practice some more of the exercises that they had shown her and left to go out with their friends.
Thankfully, Greer was a quick study when it came to mastering their shapeshifting, but after three more years of being the only one taking care of her and silent, fruitless pleas for their parents to actually look at her, they realized that she couldn't stand any of this for one second longer. On one warm night in late spring, Greer took advantage of their parents' being passed out on the couch and left the small, run-down house that was the only home she'd ever known, carrying only what they absolutely needed and refusing to look back.
Over the next several months, Greer travelled all over the state of Virginia, searching for something more than what she'd run from but not being at all sure what it was. They lived off of the charity of strangers and what little money she could earn from doing little chores for people, sleeping in local homeless shelters and never staying in one place for long, always skipping town before anyone could think enough to call Child Services. By the time they found her way to Nightshade Hollow, a tiny town with a name Greer thought was straight out of a horror movie, they were scrawny, hadn't bathed in a week, and after so long on the run, nearly ready to just try and find her way back to their parents... and that's when she ran into Addy Hawthorne.
From the moment they met Addy, Greer could sense he was a witch; the natural draw that all shapeshifters felt to magic kicked in as soon as she looked him in the eyes. Addy could clearly see how much Greer was beaten-down and struggling, as well as being able to sense that they were a shapeshifter, and despite how Greer was clearly wary and distrustful of him, offered to let her stay in his house. Despite what they were sure was her better judgement, Greer accepted his offer, and the longer they stayed with Addy, the more the two of them bonded, and the more they, as well as Addy's siblings, cousin, and friends, started to see each other as family.
Finally, almost a year after Greer decided to stay with Addy for good (with no official paperwork or custody, but this far out in the Virginia woods the law enforcement couldn't be bothered to care), the two of them made the mutual decision for Greer to officially become Addy's familiar, channeling and amplifying his magic using her little hedgehog form. Greer viewed it as undoubtedly the best decision they had ever made - not only solidifying the bond with her newfound family, but finally uniting a Sheridan shapeshifter with a witch after so many years and, in Greer's mind, effectively severing the remaining ties to their parents.
Now, a while later, Greer is very happy living as a normal (as far as the human residents of Nightshade Hollow know) teenager - going to school, crushing from afar on the new girl from Georgia in her English class, spending quality time with the Hawthorne family and their friends the Moorland siblings, and teasing Addy nonstop about his new love interest. But when a terrifying evil force starts making progress in breaking through the barriers surrounding their found home, Greer may be forced to accept the fact that her life will probably never be normal - even if they're still going to fight like hell to keep safe the only true family she's ever had.
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And here we have my little shapeshifter baby Greer! They're honestly one of my favorite babies in this universe, and and I'm so excited to write more for them. I very much hope you enjoy this little intro, and seeing what I have for them going forward!
Tagging the slasher OC fam: @raraeavesmoriendi, @jmathesonandsiblings, @baubeautyandthegeek, @publiclypining, @bubbles-the-banshee.
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chestnutroan · 1 year
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Christmas Courtney for my besty @boneshit
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midna-chavelink · 4 months
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It’s day 1 of green week! I’ve kinda figured out my preferred method to drawing digitally. I hate drawing line art so painting over and under my sketch has helped a lot. I need more practice as always but I am proud of how far I’ve come.
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mishkaartwork · 1 year
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Nera, half fairy cleric, full of questionable decisions ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Comissions | Patreon | Kofi | Twitter
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Look at how cute this cover of my fanfic, A Serpent's Heart, A Lion's Pride, is! (read on AO3!) My dear friend, crescentcatart, made it for me, and this is my OC—Elspeth Sheridan!!!
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If you want to look at more of her art, you can find her linktree here - it has her Etsy, Instagram, RedBubble and Patreon!!! Her art is SO good, so please give her some love !!! <3
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goldieclaws · 7 months
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Putting them all in my pocket and giving them chips to eat throughout the day.
(All characters use he/him)
Reblogs appreciated, thank you! 💖✨
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