#oc: raven reaper
newbiealliance · 2 years
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gonna start posting my ocs here in increments
died escaping the oven but was resurrected via means of dark magic, granting her mysterious power. a scatterbrained cookie that governs death and guides the recently departed home. despite her intimidating stature, she is an easygoing and kind cookie who prefers to have fun as opposed to doing her job. rumors say that anyone who sees her true face will have their soul stolen, which is why she wears a mask all the time. her scythe appears to be sentient and the two communicate with each other frequently.
basically my cookie run version of the grim reaper 😁 i combined a plague doctor with a reaper basically. what would u do if she came to collect your soul
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bonus legendary corruption costume
her wings are falling off and she stitched them together in an attempt to salvage them :( overcome with a sense of futility in the inevitability of death
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mykatzone · 1 month
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This is my OC Raven. He's basically what would happen if you fused a conspiracy theorist with your average 2000s emo MCR nightcore listener and shoved him into the Edwardian era.
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aller-geez · 1 month
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More vanilla Zeroh cause I cannot fucking stop ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;) 
Sorry Remi, I’ll be back to you soon I swear ₊˚⊹ᰔ
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cryptidkreates · 6 months
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this took me 14 hours 👉👉
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mischiefmagpie · 2 years
She’s a 10 but accidentally mobilized the forces of Menzoberranzan to attack the surface. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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spiderben2011 · 8 months
Teen Reaper V2.
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Chapter One
Jump City
It was a quiet night in the city as many of its citizens have gone to sleep or are working late for their night jobs. Things have been quiet for the last few weeks thanks to the city’s heroes, the Teen Titans. They protect the city from criminals that the police can’t handle and have made sure no harm comes to its people. But other than that things have been peaceful around the city.
That was until the alarm for the city’s bank goes off. 20 masked armed men come running out of the building as they begin filling the back of their truck with money. Two of them get in the car as they try hurrying up before they run into trouble. They weren’t worried about the cops, but they knew if they didn’t leave soon, they would run into the Titans. The back of the truck began filling up with money as they are close to finishing.
“Hurry it up! I don’t want to get caught by those brats!” the leader of the robbers shouted.
“Quit complaining, we’re done,” said the last member of the robbers as he finishes putting up the last bit of the money. “Anyways, what’s the big deal? They’re just a bunch of kids.”
“You’re new around here so let me explain something to you. These kids are no ordinary kids,” the leader of the robbers began explaining. “I heard these kids took down Slade.”
“Whoa! Slade? For real?” one of the other criminals asked surprised what these kids did.
“So, they took down some old guy. Big deal. I still think we can take them,” said the robber as he was hit with a projectile object on the head. “What the hell was that?!”
Up near a building stood five figures with one of them holding a similar object that hit the criminal. “You should have listened to your friends, because we’re going to give you five reasons why criminals like you shouldn’t try stealing.”
"One," said a large mechanical man.
"Two," said an orange skin alien girl.
“Three,” said a green humanoid boy.
“Four,” said a hooded pale skin girl.
“And five,” said a masked boy as all five jumped near the robbers, who all backed away. “We’re the Teen Titans and you’re all going to jail.”
“Get em’!” shouted the leader as they all took out their weapons and opened fire.
“Titans! Go!” Robin ordered as the Titans all charged at the criminals.
The robbers engaged the heroes, while their leader and a few others got in the vehicle and took off with it.
The first two robbers were confronted by Cyborg, but noticed their weapons were not match for his armored body. So, they charged at him to overpower him, but it proved to be unaffected. Cyborg used his power to lift both men up with ease. “Man, you two need to work out some more,” he replied before tossing them into a nearby trash container.
Three of the other men opened fire on the organ skin alien girl, Starfire as they try to shoot her down. “I do not wish to harm any of you. Please surrender so you may go to the jail.”
But the men did not listen as they continued firing at her. Starfire seeing this decided to attack back. “Very well, but please do not move,” she replied as she fires two green energy blasts from her eyes as it knocks the weapons out of the hands of the men. She then picks the three men up and dumbs them in the trash container with the other two.
“I hope when the police arrive you will have learned the error of your ways,” said Starfire as she closes the lid.
Two of the men got behind a vehicle and opened fire on Beast Boy, who changed into the form of a bird. They continued firing at him feeling this was going to be an easy fight for them.
“Hey, hold still kid! What’s the matter? Don’t you want to fight like a man?” one of the robbers replied mocking the green-skinned hero.
Beast Boy flies under the car and then transforms into a T-Rex as he lets out a loud roar at the two men. The color in the men’s skin turned pale as a ghost as they dropped their weapons and ran into the trash container to hide.
Beast Boy turned back to normal and began laughing. “I’m sorry, were you guys saying something?”
Three of the robbers continued firing at Raven who blocked their shots with her shield. “Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!” she chanted as she fires a blast at the men that causes their guns to transform and wrap around them.
They struggled to break free, but they couldn’t get out. Raven uses her magic to lift them up and dump them in the trash container. “You all really should think of a better employment to seek.”
She closes the lid as she sees the last two robbers fighting Robin hand-to-hand. However, Robin took out two staffs and easily took down the two criminals before he dumbs them with the rest of their friends.
“Good work, but we need to find where that van went. Cyborg, did you place a tracker on it?” Robin asked.
Cyborg nods as he checks on the screen in his arm to track the vehicle. “It looks like they’re trying to get out of the city.”
“All right, Starfire, Raven, and I will go find the van,” said Robin as he turned to his two other friends. “You two wait here for the police and check to make sure no one got hurt inside.”
“You got it,” said Beast Boy as he and Cyborg went to check for any people inside the bank.
Robin activates a button from his belt as his motorcycle arrives. He got on it and puts on his helmet. “Let’s go get that van.”
The van drove down the street, passing several red lights, and nearly crashing into other vehicles. They weren’t planning on slowing down, especially now that they got a chance to escape the Teen Titans.  
"I can't believe we got away! This is awesome!" said one of the robbers.
"Yeah, this is the first time anyone got away from those brats,” said another robber.
"Shame the others didn't make it,” said the boss of the group as he began counting the money. “Oh well, more money for us.”
While the robbers in the back were celebrating the other two in the front were keeping an eye out for the Titans and the cops.
“Hey, make sure to keep an eye out for those brats or the cops,” said the driver who was still nervous as they drove past more red lights. “I don’t want to get pinch now that we got this far.”
“I hear ya,” said the passenger as he held his gun close to him. “I want to get through this job and retire so I can live off somewhere those brats can’t find me.”
“Sounds like a plan,” said the driver as he rubs his right shoulder a little. “Last time I got caught by those brats, one of them dislocated my shoulder. There’s no way I’m going back after being locked up for so long.”
Just as they turn the corner, something is tossed to the hood of the van causing it to stop in a screeching halt. The driver and passenger rub their heads as they look up to see what happened. Something appears to have hit them, as smoke began leaving the hood of the van. Both men get out to see what happened and find a katana sword pierced through the engine.
“Is that a sword?” the passenger asked.
“Sure, looks that way,” said the driver as he sees the vehicle is done. “Damn it! We need to get out of here before those brats catch up.”
“How do we know they didn’t already?” the passenger asked, getting nervous that those kids are nearby.
The driver grabs the hilt of the sword and tries pulling it out. “Because those brats don’t use swords. Now go get the others and tell them what happened.”
The passenger nods as he heads to the back and opens it to find the men rubbing their heads from the abrupt stop. “We got a problem. The engine is destroyed.”
“Great, that’s the last thing we needed,” said the leader as he begins putting the money in the bag. “Grab as much as you can boys and let’s get out of here.”
Just as the men were getting their money, they hear something coming from the alley. They took out their weapons and aimed them in the alley. The noise got louder and louder as the men got nervous about what it is. It got closer and closer as the men began backing away. Finally, out from the shadows, turned out to be a small white fur dog.
The men sighed in relief with what they saw as the dog began barking at them. This of course was beginning to make the leader mad.
“Hey kid. Take care of the mutt, will you? We’ll get the cash,” the leader ordered as his men begin getting the money.
“Sure, no problem,” said the passenger as he begins approaching the dog with his gun pointing at him. “All right, snoopy. Time for you to get going or I’m putting you down.”
The dog continued to bark as the man approached it. Just he’s about to shoot the dog, something appeared from behind and grabbed him. The passenger yelled as he is lifted into the air. The men turned around and see he’s disappeared.
“Hey kid! Where are you?” the leader of the group asked as they hear another yell coming from the front of the car. They run over to the driver, only to find he’s gone too. “Everyone, get the money and let’s get out of here! Those Titan brats are here!”
The leader ordered as his men run to get the money, only for the light posts around them are getting taken out. The light nearby also begins getting taken out until there is only darkness. Two of the robbers turn around when they hear something and are taken down. This caused the other robbers to open fire, as the leader takes cover to grab the money.
More men begin getting taken out as the leader rushes to get the money, not caring what happens to the others. He finally gets as much as he needs as the screaming and gunshots ceased. He slowly gets out of the vehicle, with his gun shaking in his hand. By this point he realizes this couldn’t be the Titans.
This wasn’t something they would do, but it felt like something Batman would do. Still, he doubts the bat would be here since he has his own city filled with freaks to deal with.
“Who are you?!” the leader shouted as he hears a noise nearby and opened fire, only to see nothing there. “Where are you?! Show yourself or are you scared?! Come on out!”
“Okay,” said a dark figure as he appears from on top of the van and kicks the man in the face knocking him out. “Here I am.”
Hours Later
On an island, found off the bay of Jump City lies an island. An island that is home to a large T shape tower, which belongs to the Teen Titans. The tower overlooks the city allowing its heroes to keep an eye on their home. It also is seen as a symbol for criminals to fear knowing the city is protected by its heroes.
Three members of the Teen Titans returned to their home after capturing the criminals, at least the ones they captured. The ones that got away were later apprehended by someone else and were taken in by the police. Robin and Starfire stayed behind to find out any more about what happened. The others were sent back to get some rest.
Beast Boy and Cyborg went to the living room where they got out their video game so they could pick up where they left off.
“All right, get ready, Cy. I’m going to beat you this time,” said Beast Boy as he grabbed his controller and looked confident.
“You said that how many times and every time what happens?” Cyborg asked as he grabbed his controller and un-paused their game as they continued with their game.
Raven ignored her friends, playing their game and focused on making some tea. She sees her friend’s pet, Silkie coming by and eating the food Starfire left for him. She pets his head and walks over to one of the sofa chairs to continue reading. As she goes back to reading, she hears Beast Boy screaming, which broke her concentration.
“No fair! I wasn’t ready for that!” Beast Boy whined when his character got beaten by Cyborg, again.
“I told you. BB. I was going to beat you again like before,” said Cyborg as he began doing his victory dance.
“Rematch! I demand a rematch!” said an angry Beast Boy.
Cyborg stops dancing and turns towards his friend. “All right, but let’s make this interesting. Loser has to wash the dishes for a month.”
“Deal!” Beast Boy accepted.
Raven sighed in annoyance as she turned towards her friends. “How can you two play video games after what happened? Aren’t you curious on what happened?”
Cyborg paused the game and turned towards Raven. “You mean about those robbers we found?”
When the Titans found the criminals, they were all unconscious and tied up. They weren’t sure what happened and couldn’t get any information from the men. The money was all there, so they doubt another rival group took the money. Without any way of tracking who did this they knew there wasn’t much to go on.
Raven sighed as she closed her book. “I just think we should have looked around a little longer and maybe we could have found something.”
“Didn’t we already do that and found nothing?” Beast Boy asked, recalling how he tried picking up a scent on who attacked the thieves but found nothing.
“Yeah,” Cyborg agreed with his friend. “We couldn’t find a trace of the guy. For all we know it couldn’t have been a ghost.”
Beast Boy’s eyes widen in awe. “Dude, imagine if we had a ghost on the team. That would be so awesome.”
Beast Boy began imagining them hanging out with a cartoonish ghost. They’re going around scaring the bad guys, flying around, and eating pizza.
Raven narrowed her eyes in annoyance with what Beast Boy said. “I doubt it was a ghost,” she replied not wanting to admit to the others what she did find.
While they were looking around, she sensed something. It was weak, but it was near the van where she sensed something. It felt like some sort of spiritual presence that was nothing that she had sensed before. She wasn’t sure what it was but decided to keep it to herself until she had an idea what it is.
“I don’t know. It would be kind of cool to have a ghost Titan on our side,” said Cyborg who agreed somewhat with his green friend.
The door slides open and in came Starfire as she flew in. “Greetings friends! We have return.”
“Welcome back, did you guys find anything?” Cyborg asked unaware Beast Boy pressed the pause button to play the game. “Hey! You little cheat! You’re going to pay for that!”
Beast Boy and Cyborg began playing, while Starfire replied to her friend’s question. “Unfortunately, we could not find anything. Robin did find something pierced the engine, but there was nothing left behind to tell us what it was.”
Raven puts her book down and walks over to her friend. “Where’s Robin?”
“He is in his room waiting for the police to send him the statement the criminals plan to give,” said Starfire as she picks up her pet and begins petting him after he finished eating. “Robin doesn’t believe though we should worry about. Whoever did this did not harm the criminals, merely knocked them out.”
Raven was glad to hear that, especially how they don’t try causing any serious injuries to any criminals they come up against. At least the ones with no powers. Those that have powers, they have to get a little rougher. In order to incapacitate them, but they do hold back a little.
“So, we’re not going to look for him or her?”
Starfire shook her head in response. “For now, Robin said we should get some rest and worry about this tomorrow,” she let out a small yawn and covered her mouth. “Which I plan to do now. Goodnight, friends!”
Starfire floated out of the room, just as Cyborg won the game. Beast Boy groaned loudly, while his friend did his victory dance. Raven decided to get her book and head off to sleep by herself. It was getting late, and they have a long day tomorrow if criminals cause trouble early in the morning. But before going to sleep she decided to go pay Robin a visit.
She finds him in the crime lab going over the pictures they got from the police. Showing the men tied up, all the money being recovered, and the destroyed engine from the van.
“Found anything?” she asked, getting his attention.
Robin shook his head in response and looked back at the pictures. “Whoever did this made sure not to leave any evidence behind. Even made sure we couldn’t track this guy down.”
She knew he was right. She couldn’t track this guy with her magic, Cyborg couldn’t track him with his science, and even Beast Boy couldn’t track him with smell.
“Still, I don’t think we should worry about this guy,” said Robin reassuring his friend not to worry, since he figured that’s why she came by. “This guy didn’t steal anything and knocked out the men leaving them with no serious injuries.”
“And yet you look like you’ll be staying up late,” said Raven pointing out what she is noticing. “I’m guessing we should be cautious on who this guy could be?”
Robin knew Raven could tell what he was thinking, especially when she got into his mind. “I’m staying up late to figure out how to find this guy, but I’ll be heading to bed soon. Something you should do too.”
Raven was about to say something when she let out a small yawn. She knew they had a long day, and it would be best if she got some rest.
“All right, but don’t stay up too late,” she replied before she left the room.
Despite Robin telling her why he is staying up late, she knew he wasn’t being truthful. Ever since what happened with Terra, they have been concerned about who comes to their city. If it’s someone with powers, then they want to be sure they can be trusted. That they have control over their powers and won’t turn on them like Terra did.
That’s why she figures Robin is staying up late to find out anything about who this guy could be. That way they can find out what their intentions are and if they are friend or foe.
In another part of the city near an old abandon observatory which originally belonged to Dr. Chang. That was until he was locked up for his crimes against the city. It was now abandoned until the city can decide what to do with it. To either open it up or tear it down to build something else that doesn’t remind the city what it was used.
There would be some kids that come by to mess with the facility or even have parties. This caused the police to lock the place up so that no one got it. However, it didn’t stop a cloaked figure from breaking in. He cuts through the chains and goes into the facility to find it abandoned.
He looked around to find the place empty. There was nothing left in the facility, including the once giant telescope that was used as a giant laser. The figure pulls out a sleeping bag and sets it down in the middle of the room. It was a long night and he decided to get some rest.
Looking up into the ceiling and began thinking back what he was told to do when he got here. He remembers three days ago being in another city and him speaking with his sensei.
San Diego (Flashback)
On top of a large building, there are two figures observing the police who are arresting some men for drugs.
“It’s funny, how these men are trained on how to handle criminals and yet can’t handle one babbling idiot,” said the younger figure as he watches three police officers trying to take one guy down. “The guy must be on the same drugs he is selling.”
The taller and older figure nods in agreement as the police use tasers to take the guy down. “It’s not an easy job, but they still do it to protect the people and keep them safe. That’s something we should respect for them doing.”
The younger figure looks up at his teacher. “I know, but I did wish we would help them take down these criminals. I could this guy down and do it without them seeing me.”
The older figure chuckles softly. “Like how you took down the last guy? If I recall correctly, you almost stabbed him.”
“Hey! It wasn’t my fault the guy was moving so much when I was trying to incapacitate him,” the younger figure replied. “Still, I wish we could do more than just protect them from monsters.”
The older figure nods in agreement and places his hand on his shoulder. “I know you do and believe me I wish we could do more as well. However, we both know that what humanity does is their own choice, and we cannot control them. If we did, we would become just like then and become corrupted.”
The young figure sighed and looked down into the city. “I know…I still wish we could help.”
The older figure understood and then looked up into the sky. “I have something to tell you. I need you to go to a city for a few weeks. I plan to go visit an old friend to lend them a hand.”
“What do you want me to do in this city then?” the young figure asked wondering what he plans to do.
The older figure looks down at the young figure and smiles. “I have been getting word there are some people there that have a strong spiritual power. If that’s true, then you know what will come for them. Do you mind keeping an eye on things until I get back?”
The young figure thought about this and knew this might be his chance to have a little fun. A few weeks without his sensei around. That sounds like it’s going to be fun. Plus, he could also use that time to do a little hero work.
“Sure, I’ll do it. When do I leave?” he asked.
The older figure could tell the boy was looking forward to some alone time. “Tomorrow, but for now let’s go get something to eat.
The young figure nods as he bows his head. “Thank you, master. I won’t let you down.”
The older figure returns the head bow. “I know you’ll do fine, and I hope the path you follow will be one that leads to happiness.”
The young figure chuckles a little. “I think the day that happens is I can find a girl who can see me.
The figure opened his eyes and looked up into the ceiling. It has been a few days since he last saw his master and he hope he will see him again. For now, though he’ll need to get his rest. Tomorrow is a brand-new day and he’s going to make the most of it with some fun.
He also hopes he will get a chance to meet the Teen Titans in person. He heard a lot about them and how they are superheroes. He wonders if one of them knows who Batman is. Oh, he is hoping.
Earlier he did see them but didn’t stay around long since he didn’t want them to see him. He could sense they all have strong spiritual energy but knew only one of them is stronger.
He didn’t know who it was, but is hoping when he meets them, he’ll know who they are. So far, no other problems have occurred. So, all he has to do is kick back, relax, and enjoy his little vacation time. I wonder if one of them knows Wonder Woman.
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doctorsiren · 2 years
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Angel of Death, Servant of the Raven Queen, AU Reaper!Siren design :)
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oi-isha-oi · 11 months
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drathanasius · 2 years
The Three Ravens
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kytah-art · 1 year
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This is boy, Noah: An aasimar grave cleric of the ravenqueen. He may have died at the end of his campaign this year... although we don't actually know for sure.
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bloodynereid · 7 months
Reapers & Ravens
<< prev | chapter i | next >>
pairings: jordan li x oc
tw: canonical violence and gore, allusions/talk about sex, alcohol and drug consumption and misuse (i don't condone the actions of the characters so remember to drink wisely), A LOT of mentions of death, iffy morals?? - if there are any more pls lmk
description: the story of a girl. a girl cursed by compound v to live a life without touch.
a/n: hiii and welcome to the first chapter of my new fic. I haven't written a multi-chapter fic in a while so be patient with me. some little disclaimers: as of the moment of writing this chapter i have only seen the first 3 eps of gen v so if something doesn't work plot wise with future eps i will try to come back and change it, secondly i do not support chance perdomo's actions - i felt like this needed to be stated cause his character andre will be a prominent part of the story and i would change it but he literally is the only one that really makes sense in his role in vic's backstory. vic's wonderful roommate was created all thanks to one of my mutuals (not sure if you want me to mention you by name) so all credit goes to them for gemma. FINALLY i hope you enjoy! the second chapter should be out soon and i'm always open to feedback so lmk your thoughts either in the comments or in an ask. love you and ty for taking the time to read my fic - my a/n will not be this long all the time i promise.
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19 years ago…
A little girl lay peacefully in her wooden cot, the walls surrounding her were painted in a beautiful pastel lilac and a snowflake mobile lay spinning above her little head. The night was serene, the wind rustled the leaves of the great oak outside the girl’s window and a soft lullaby was echoing through the room.
The girl’s mother smiled down at her perfect bundle of joy as she laid the pads of her fingers right against the soft silky skin of her daughter’s hand. Everything was perfect for another few seconds before the mother started to feel herself fade away. She deliriously looked down at her hand where she suddenly saw her skin going gray.
The baby’s eyes flew open and she let out a happy gurgle as her mother started to wither away in front of her just because she held her daughter’s little hand.
“I love you my darling girl.” Were the last words that came out of the mother’s mouth before her soul was taken far far away. Too far for her daughter to follow.
The second that the tingly feeling that the baby experienced faded away she let out a loud cry. Her mama wasn’t moving and she looked all wrong. The little girl cried and cried and cried until finally the door to her nursery flew open.
Her papa filled the doorway as he let out a horrified gasp before kneeling next to his wife. His dead wife.
“Victoria, what have you done?”
Present Day…
I pressed skip to the song playing on my phone and shifted my gaze to the flashing scenery, music resonating through my headphones as I was being driven to Godolkin. It was absolutely insane that I was actually doing it. I was actually going to GodU. The whole situation just felt so unreal. Distantly I heard a voice calling out so with practiced precision I moved my headphones away from my ears. 
“Sorry, could you repeat that?”
“Of course Miss. I was just saying that we’re nearly there.”
“Ok thanks Rob.” 
I sent him a smile and replaced my headphones before taking a moment to examine my newest pair of gloves, the carefully crafted design on top of the white leather made me smile. Dad didn’t really pay that much attention to me ever since the incident™ but at least he seemed proud of me for getting into GodU. He had gifted me these gloves after stuttering out that they had once belonged to my mother.
I promised myself that I would try to wear them as much as possible since I barely had anything to remember her by anymore… other than the power my parents decided to inject me with. Life-force absorption isn’t all that common, as my relatives put it: ‘those powers… they’re a curse!’
Everything that touches me dies basically. It’s how my mother died and it’s how I kill plants and sometimes people (by accident I swear). I absorb their energy and it sort of works like a drug - I get a shot of life. Other people aren’t so lucky, they slowly turn into a gray statue and die.
Sometimes I’m able to stop before they're totally gone but with the potency of my powers they’re kaput by just 3 seconds of physical touch. I know it sucks, I can’t even shake hands for Christ’s sake!
“Miss? Miss?” I’m shaken out of my string of thoughts when I heard Rob’s voice echoing through the interior of the car.
“Yes yup sorry.” I took off my headphones and quickly shoved them into my canvas bag before looking out the window. There stood Godolkin University, the end goal of all my relentless studying and hard work.
“We have arrived. Are you okay Miss?”
“Yes I’m more than okay Rob. Thanks for driving me.”
“Of course, do you need any help with any of your boxes?” He asked as he unlocked the car and we both stepped out into the warm September air.
“It should be fine but thanks Rob really. I’ll see you at Christmas?”
“Definitely Miss Oaks, have a good semester.” He finished placing your 3 boxes and suitcase onto one of the many trolleys and sent me a smile.
“Thanks.” I gave him a little wave as he got back into the SUV and drove off. Turning to the big metal gates I took a deep breath to steady myself. Time for the start of the rest of my life.
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Okay maybe I really should have asked Rob for help with these idiotic boxes. I’m a goddamn super hero. Why was I struggling so much with this? I was already regretting this as I walked past the Lamplighter School for Crimefighting, failing to push both the trolley and my suitcase. 
“You look like you need some saving from a gracious prince.” I heard an eerily familiar voice as I looked up from my tortuous task. Andre Anderson. An old friend whose friendship was sort of forced on us by our dads, who happened to have been in the same class at Godolkin.
“Andre! Fucking hell I’m so glad to see you, please help me. I’m dying here.” I said dramatically as I sunk down to the ground next to all my stuff.
“You know you should consider majoring in Performing Arts if you keep up with that.” Andre said with a smirk but he still started to help by pulling my large suitcase towards the freshman dorms.
“Haha. You know I’ll be joining you at Crimefighting, my powers will probably render any makeup artist dead.”
“Oh please become an actress I would love to see that.” I narrowed my eyes at him and lightly punched him in the arm as he took a sip of his latte.
“You deserved that.”
“Ok maybe I deserved that. So Vic, what are your first impressions?”
“It’s huge for one thing.”
“That’s what she said.” I rolled my eyes at his immature sense of humor before stealing the latte out of his hand and taking a sip, only to scrunch my face.
“What the fuck do you put in this? It’s literally pure sugar.”
“Hangover cure.” He said with a shrug as he stole the latte back. “You should come hang tonight. I can introduce you to everyone.”
“Mmh sure. I think you mean getting me into trouble.”
“When have I ever done something like that before?” Andre asked as his eyes twinkled.
“Oh just about every time I hang out with you.” Stopping in front of the freshman dorm room Andre looked at me and tried to make his usual puppy eyes.
“Fuck fine. You need to stop doing that.”
“Why? It works every single time.”
“I’ll see you later then?”
“Definitely, enjoy being around the freshers.” Andre gave me a military salute making me roll my eyes as I started dragging all my stuff into the building.
Weaving my way through a shitton of supes was way harder than I expected, at least I had a jacket on or a few of them would be very dead right now. Finally and by finally I mean, FINALLY I found my room, I clutched the handle of the door and pushed in when I realized I definitely had the wrong room. Two girls were already all set up in the room and swiveled to look at me weirdly.
“Uh hi? Shit I’m sorry, I'm in the wrong room.”
“Wait! Are you Victoria Oaks?” asked the shorter blonde one.
“Uh yes?”
“Holy shit I follow you on Insta hi! I’m Emma and this is Marie.”
“Oh cool hi.”
“I can’t believe you’re on the same floor as us. Want to go check out the Golden Boy’s workout? We’re going to head down in a few.” Right, okay, I should make friends. So time to compromise.
“Uh sure? What exactly would we be doing?”
“Oh you’ll see.” Emma says with a mischievous smile.
“Righttt that sounds incredibly ominous but I’ll see you in a few. I’ve got to go put down all my stuff.”
“Ok see you!” I smile and retreat back into the busy hallway but not before catching Marie’s remark.
“Who is she exactly?”
“DO YOU LIVE UNDER A ROCK?” Emma replied loudly, making me snort. Taking a deep breath I once again clutch the handle of the door across the hall and push it open to see a girl lying on the bed closest to the door. She smiles up at me and bounds over to the door in an instant.
“Hi! You must be Victoria. I’m Gemma, nice to meet you.” She says before extending her hand. I carefully move my gloved hand over to hers and shake it.
“Hi, it’s a pleasure to meet you too.” I took a moment to scan her appearance, she was absolutely stunning. Her red hair trailed down her shoulders and her smile seemed to light up the very room. “You’re so beautiful wow.”
“Aww thank you so much! You are absolutely stunning as well, like this blonde totally suits the whole vibe you give off.”
“Is it a good vibe?”
“Oh definitely.”
“Ok whew I was worried for a second there.” We start laughing and Gemma helps me sort out all my stuff in the huge boxes.
“Actually with the talk about appearances would it be okay if I ever shift into you? I love being able to get to know people more through their faces and stuff but only if you’re cool with it.”
“Shifting? You mean like shape shifting.” I ask as I look over to her curiously, picking up yet another pair of gloves which I placed on one of the shelves in the closet.
“Oh I wouldn’t mind at all, that's such a cool power!” Her entire face brightened as her hair slowly started to shift and match the shade of my bleached one.
“Brilliant! Thank you. So… what’s your power?”
“Oh umm here let me show you.” 
Carefully taking out one of my older plants out of the box I place it on the window sill and pull off my leather glove. Within just a few seconds of my fingertips placed on top of the delicate leaves the plant withered away and died. I could feel the zap of energy encase my being and I smiled. Life absorption feels incredible, it’s so encompassing. You quite literally feel full of life. For a second as I turned around I could see the blood and energy from Gemma’s cell move around her body but I shook off the stupor.
“Wow. Can you just do that with plants or?”
“Uh no people as well. Anything alive that touches my skin just dies.”
“So you can’t do human contact?”
“Nope, unless I want them dead.”
“What about sex?” I chuckled at her slightly incredulous tone.
“I think you need to reevaluate what you consider sex.”
“Oh okay wow” Gemma laughed and we continued to set up my plants on the windowsill and chatted about our favorite movies, surprisingly enough we had pretty different tastes but there were a few that we had in common - like our love for Clue. That was when we heard a knock on the door, Gemma looked at me with a clear question in her eyes.
“I met our dorm neighbors a few minutes ago and they invited me to go see Golden Boy train.”
“Ooo I’m so coming with you.” Gemma shifted her hair back to red and waltzed over to open the door as I finished placing my last plant pots.
“What’s the deal with his workout sessions anyway?” I ask as she pulls open the door to find Emma and Marie standing sort of awkwardly outside.
“Oh he’s like super hung, and when he blazes up his clothes all melt away.” Emma answers my question but when she catches sight of Gemma her jaw drops.
“Right, uh Marie and Emma meet my roommate Gemma.”
“Holy fuck you’re so hot.” Emma says, almost as if the words involuntarily jump out of her mouth.
“Why thank you, love, you are as well.” Gemma flashes her a dazzling smile.
“Alright then enough flirting. I have been promised to see some hot supes. Let’s go!” I exclaim as the little group makes their way towards the arena. Hanging back so I was walking next to Marie, we watched the two girls flirt.
“Oh that’s going to be very interesting. I don’t believe we’ve talked much yet, but I’m Vic. It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too. Emma gave me a full on lecture on why I should know who you are but I kind of zoned out halfway through.” I let out a laugh at her admission and gently nudged my shoulder with hers.
“Oh don’t worry, it’s kind of nice having someone who has no idea who I am or who my dad is.”
“I’m glad, everything is so…”
“A lot, I know. My dad homeschooled me for the last few years of high school so being among this many people, especially supes can be overwhelming. If you ever need to chat or just need someone to hang out with, I'm your girl.” Marie gave me a grateful smile, “So what are your supe powers?”
“Blood manipulation.” My eyebrows shot up and I looked at her with astonishment.
“Holy fuck that’s awesome. I basically drain the life force of any living being.”
“Yup so don’t touch my skin unless you’re covered up.” I throw up jazz hands to showcase my gloved hands which elicits a short laugh out of Marie.
“Got it. You’re really nice by the way. Everyone here seems so like aggressively in your face.”
“Yeah I know. I’ve had to live around supes my whole life, it really isn’t at all like Vought or the movies say.”
We finally arrive at the arena and I take a seat next to her, Emma is sitting next to Marie and Gemma is still trying and succeeding at flirting with the blonde. Leaning over the railing I peer out into the main arena and spy Andre making his rounds with the group.
“Yo Andre.” I scream out into the stadium making him turn around, trying to find me in the crowd. The people seated around us had now turned to look at me as I smiled down at him. He smiled back and tilted his head towards where Golden Boy and some other dude were gearing up to fight, inviting me to come down.
“You sure?”
“Yeah get down here.” I turn towards my new group of friends and say: “You guys okay if I go down?”
“Since when do you know Andre Anderson? You know what don’t answer that question go, go, go. Tell us everything when you get back.” Gemma and Emma urged me out of my seat as Marie kind of sat there awkwardly but with an encouraging smile on her face.
I carefully picked my way down the stands and vaulted over the fence to get over to the sidelines of the fight. I poke at Andre’s shoulder as I fall in next to him as I watch the fight playing out. Golden Boy was obviously winning and wow Luke Riordan really had some moves.
“Oh hey Vic. It’s earlier than I expected to see you.”
“Well I did want to honor you with my presence more than once today.” I sent him a sarcastic smile which made him respond by pushing my shoulder.
“Wow Andre I can’t believe you have more friends than us, I feel betrayed.” I turned to the source of the voice and there stood a beautiful blonde, who had a big smile on her face. Little butterflies exploded in my stomach - how was everyone so damn attractive?
“Cate, darling, I hate to break this to you like this but I have a lot more friends than just you guys.”
“Oh how will I live knowing this information?” Cate said with a dramatic gasp and pretended to faint into Andre’s arms. He just pushed her up and they stuck out their tongues at each other.
“You guys are going to be perfect for each other. Cate Dunlap meet Victoria Oaks.”
“Hi! Nice to meet you.” I say as I extend a gloved hand only to be met with a similarly gloved hand, only that it was covered in brown leather instead of white.
“Oh my god, your gloves! I love these designs, you have got to tell me where you get yours. My collection needs adding to.” She says excitedly as she quickly shakes my hand and turns it over to inspect the handiwork. We continue to nerd out about gloves as the fight finishes and Andre throws Golden Boy some clothes, before they head over to us.
“Hi sweetheart you did great out there,” Cate throws her arms around him and they make out for a few seconds as I kind stand there awkwardly with Andre.
“Do they usually do this?”
“Yes. There is so much PDA I’m surprised they haven’t had sex in front of us yet.” Andre’s voice was raised in volume a little at the end which caught the attention of the couple.
“Oh right, Luke meet my new best friend, this is Vic.” Cate said as fixed her now slightly messed up lipstick.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you Vic. Andre has told us a lot about you.” 
I cringed but shook my head trying to forget about the many instances the idiot had nearly gotten us arrested and the one time he did.
“Yeah well, I hope it’s all nice things because any time I do spend with this guy somehow ends with us breaking a law.”
“Oh we can relate. I remember this one time…” We started making our way out of the arena as Luke started to recount one of the insane adventures that Andre managed to string them into. It felt nice to actually be part of a group again and it was easy. Way easier that I thought it would be.
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After a few hours of touring the grounds and eating at Vought-a-Burger, I finally trudged back to my dorm absolutely exhausted. Not that it wasn’t great getting to know Cate, Andre and Luke but the whole day had absolutely drained me.
When I finally opened the door to my room I was surprised to find Emma sitting on top of Gemma’s bed reading some random fashion magazine.
“Uh Emma?” 
The girl basically jumped out of her position on the bed and whirled to face me. Suddenly her entire body shifted and there stood Gemma, looking rather embarrassed with a sheepish smile on her face.
“Look, I asked her if I could change into her body! This wasn’t without consent and she’s just so stunning and it’s the-”
“Hey hey, Gem. Chill, I get it, you have a crush on our neighbor.” I smiled a little teasingly as I tried to reassure her. Thankfully Gemma’s panicked look faded and was replaced with a grateful smile.
“It’s all good, you guys would look great together.”
“Do you think that Emma might actually like me?”
“Oh Gem, I think anyone would be lucky to have you. From the few hours that I’ve known you, you're genuinely one of the sweetest people out there. And that’s saying something cause you’re also a supe.” I gave her a small smile before opening up my arms to signal for her to hug me. She flew into my grasp and I was careful not to let my exposed face anywhere near her.
“Thanks I needed this.”
“Hey I’m here anytime, just don't touch any skin.” I sent her a teasing smile when she finally pulled away. “How about we have a chill night in? There’s this new show I’ve been meaning to start.”
“Great! We can have our first girl’s night.”
“Fuck yeah! I’ll just get changed into my pajamas and grab some of my snacks from the stash.”
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After spending the night doing absolutely nothing except watching Yellowjackets and raiding snacks from the vending machine after my relatively large stash ran out, Gemma and I woke up sugar hungover. Somehow we managed to make it down to the cafe and bought some coffee, which was thankfully enough to wake us up.
“So you heading over to Performing Arts?” I finally asked Gemma after the caffeine started to kick in.
“Yeah, Marie and Emma said they were going to meet me there as well so…”
“Can you believe we’re actually doing this?” I ask as we slowly walk out onto the common, I readjust my favorite pair of black gloves, knowing that if we were doing any sort of combat sessions at Crimefighting I would probably end up damaging my mom’s ones.
“Nope, it’s still surreal that I actually got accepted.”
“What are you talking about? You literally have some of the most interesting and versatile powers.”
“Yeah but I’m on scholarship, if that somehow falls through…” I smiled at her reassuringly as we stopped at the fork in the walk.
“Look you’re super fucking smart and you have more control over your power than most of the supes I know. Gem, you’re going to be great and never let anyone tell you otherwise.” Gemma smiled at me after she thanked me and we both went our separate ways - time to see what orientation was going to be like.
I navigated through the slew of students making their way through the halls of the Lamplighter School for Crimefighting when I suddenly bumped into someone. Thank whatever entity out there that I had just thrown out the remainder of my iced coffee.
“Shit sorry- Oh.” I caught the eye of the person I had bumped into as I helped them gather the assortment of books, all Brink’s for the looks of it.
“Right yeah, it’s fine just be more careful next time.” The person just kind of ran off after I helped them with the books. Strange and kind of rude but also so very attractive. I smiled at myself, if bumping into people meant getting to meet more enticing supes then this year was going to be incredible.
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“Hey! Hey! Victoria. Vic. Vicky.” I finally stopped and turned to look at Andre who had been relentlessly pursuing me for the past few minutes. Orientation went well and I got to meet some of the other supes - mostly it was just for selfies but still.
“You know I hate when people call me that.”
“Well it was a last resort, you weren’t stopping.”
“You don’t think there may have been a reason behind that? Maybe my dad is dying and this is the last chance I get to hear his voice.” I remarked in an overly bored tone, I could already tell from Andre’s whole face that he was about to invite me to do something illegal… again.
“I know for a fact that isn’t real since it hasn’t been on any gossip sites-”
“Wait since when do you frequent gossip sites?” I ask incredulously as he somehow starts to lead me towards the opposite direction I was going in the first place.
“Not the point. You’re coming out with us tonight.”
“Do I get a say in the matter or?”
“Nope, go get changed into something hot and meet me in front of Lamplighter in half an hour.”
“Excuse you, but I always look hot. Thank you very much.” I say scoffing but we both know I’m silently agreeing with his plans - like always.
“Oh I know darling. Now hurry up.” He pushed me softly (as softly as a supe could push someone) and I made my way to my dorm.
“Hey Gem. Good day?” I said as I threw my bag on the bed and started to look through my outfits, I needed something that would cover all exposed skin - I really didn’t need another incidental death on my roster.
“Yup! We really should plan out more ways to- wait what are you looking for?”
“Andre invited me out with his friends you’re welcome to come if you want.”
“Nope it’s okay. I’ve got some auditions I need to tape.” She said with a smile.
“You sure?”
“Yeah I’m not really in the mood for partying tonight, orientation was a lot.”
“Tell me about it. You can use my bedroom if you need any extra space by the way.” I shouted out from behind the wall as I laid out the different materials that made up my outfits - it was a mismatch of blacks, whites and reds. Cute.
“Thank you! Holy shit you look fucking incredible.” Gemma remarked as I walked back into her bedroom now wearing my going out outfit.
“Why thank you. I haven’t been out clubbing for a while so I thought it would be best to go big.”
“Always the best choice. Make sure you don’t get too smashed okay?”
“I will try. Byeee.” Her laughter echoes into the hallway and the door shuts behind me. I flash the security guard a smile before leaving the freshman dorm building and making my way to the Crimefighting school. 
“Oh god please don’t tell me Andre has dragged you into one of his schemes.” I say when I catch sight of Marie standing next to Cate, Luke, Andre and someone I had a vague inkling that I’ve met before.
“Vic! You came!” Cate smiled and pulled me into a little hug when I was close enough to the group.
“Hi guys.” I said with a smile before turning to the stranger of the group. “I don’t believe we’ve met yet, I’m Victoria.”
“We have actually, I’m Jordan. You bumped into me this morning.” A giddy smile slowly spread out over my face.
“Oh right, you were the hot and mysterious person I nearly killed this morning. Pleasure to meet you.” A dusting of blush appeared on their face and we held eye contact which was annoyingly broken by Andre’s screech of:
“You nearly killed someone AGAIN?”
“Ok dude chill it really wasn’t that bad.” I roll my eyes at his antics and thankfully the exchange gets interrupted by Luke.
“Come on, we don't want to be late.” Luke said after removing his arms from around Cate and heading over to the driver’s seat. Andre makes a whole thing of opening up the passenger seat for Kate and I get into the back seat with Jordan sliding in next to me. 
The entire car ride was spent awkwardly avoiding whatever feud Jordan and Marie had going one and trying to get everyone better. Cate and I talked more about our glove choices, mine were black with a red heart detail and hers were stunningly sculpted brown ones. The playlist was (thankfully) controlled by Jordan, which ended up with music that could have been stolen from my own playlist.
When we finally got to our first destination, my jaw dropped - I had only been to Seven tower a handful of times. Mostly to deal with lawsuits from accidental deaths, there were surprisingly few of them for the amount of death that seemed to follow me everywhere. Luke and Cate managed to get us up on the roof, and I couldn’t help but wonder if Homelander could literally hear us up here. Better not to think about that.
So I took a hit of coke after Andre passed me his little vial - drugs were a way to kind of quell the murderous impulses my power demanded plus they were fun to do when around friends. Doing coke alone does not have the same effect - trust me.
“Hell yes! I forgot you did this stuff.” Andre said as I spied Luke wandering off to talk to Marie.
“Eh sometimes. I usually stick to weed or shrooms. The harder stuff messes with this whole thing when I’m hungover.” I said as I raised my hands to try and illustrate my point, wow okay this was strong stuff. I could quite literally already feel the haze starting to form around my brain.
“What exactly is your power anyway?” Jordan asked as we continued to do some more bumps.
“Oh well basically everything I touch dies.”
“So your skin is poisonous?”
“No, I absorb energy or rather life force. Here.” I wander over to one of the randomly placed potted plants and take off my glove, only to place my fingers on the red petals. The plant started to shrivel up and die about a second later.
“Awesome.” We were both clearly starting to feel the effects of the coke. We started to laugh as we made our way back to the main group.
The next stop on our little unsanctioned outing was some fancy club that Andre had been raving about the entire drive over there from the tower. I lean against one of the golden walls as I watch Cate do her thing.
“We don’t have one but you don’t give a fuck. Right?”
“I do not give a fuck.” The doorman leads us straight into the club and I smile widely at Cate.
“You are such a fucking badass.”
“I know.” 
After getting some much needed drinks I lean back against the red seats and stretch out my arms. This many people were making me antsy and drugs and alcohol can only settle so much of my power.
“So yeah, basically this fucking idiot decided we should have a lightsaber duel in the middle of Grand Central and someone must have called the cops cause they randomly pulled up and we were arrested for ‘disrupting the peace’.” 
The entire group burst out laughing and one of the many stories I had from when Andre and I would hang out as teens - we sort of drifted ever since he got to GodU but it felt just like old times.
“Alright, alright, enough embarrassing stories about our arrests. You guys in?” Andre asks as he holds up a bag of Molly and Jordan snatches it from his hold.
“Is that cocaine?”
“Nah we finished all the coke. It’s Molly. Vic?”
“Ooo yes please.” Jordan smiles charmingly and passes the little bag over to me. 
“Hey I don’t really fuck with powder. But I do microdose shrooms.” Luke says with an almost triumphant tone as he also pulls out another bag.
“Hey where do you get yours from? I need a good dealer now that I’ve moved from LA.” I ask Luke before passing the bag containing Molly back to Andre.
“I’ll send you my guy’s number.”
“Thanks man.”
“So, what do you say, freshman?”
“Hey Marie, you don’t have to - we are not trying to peer pressure you but… it’ll be funnn.” I smile widely and wiggle my eyebrows making her laugh, Cate also joins in on my teasing and she relents.
“Yes, let's go Marie.”
“Whooo. Come on, let's dance.” 
That’s when I suddenly feel a little part of me sober up, fuck. It was a bad memory - the last time I danced was homecoming. A really sweet guy had asked me out and of course I had said yes. It was one accidental touch of my cheek against his and a few seconds later he laid dead in the middle of the dance floor. I ended up changing to homeschool after that whole incident, there had been issues across the years but overall this was one of the worst.
“Vic?” I shake out of my stupor as I look up at Cate extending her hand in invitation.
“Nah I don’t dance.” She must have seen something in my eyes cause she smiled softly and retracted her hand.
“Ok, just know you’re missing out on a great time.” She pulled Marie off towards the dance floor and I took a sip of the whiskey I had ordered.
“Any reason you’re not dancing out there? I remember all those clubs we sneaked into and you fucking killed it everytime.” Andre asked as he leaned back against the cushions.
“Andre, darling, that’s not proper club conversation. I’m going to go get another drink, you guys want anything?”
“I’ll come with you.” Jordan exclaimed as they sprang up from his seat and started following me towards the bar. I could quite literally feel the smirk that Andre and Luke had on their faces. Suddenly I heard a small pop next to me and I turned to see that Justin had shifted.
“You want anything specific?” I asked with a slight tilt of my head. 
“I’ll have whatever you’re having.”
“Wise choice.” I winked at them and leaned over to wave to the bartender. He, obviously trying to flirt, ended up giving us a bunch of free vodka shots and 2 whiskies, the top shelf stuff.
“So how are you liking GodU so far?”
“It’s greatish. There’s so many bloody supes.” Jordan just raised their eyebrows at me as she helped me carry over the drinks.
“Oh I definitely know what you’re talking about. Have you met Rufus yet?”
“No?” I look at them in question and she looks at me with relief.
“Pray that you don’t.” We dissolved into laughter for a second time that night and finally set our drinks down at the booth.
“Well don’t you two look cozy.” Luke remarked.
“You changed? Why?”
“Cause I fucking felt like it. And more free drinks.”
“Here here.” Luke agreed as we each held up a vodka shot.
“To the Seven.”
“No way.” I look at Luke in minor awe, he actually got a place in the motherfucking Seven.
“I literally just told you.”
“Yeah well you do know that I’m an open book, plus you have to invite me to the tower sometime. I crush so hard on A-train… imagine that man in bed.”
“And that is exactly why he won’t be inviting you.” I added after taking my shot. 
“It’s the least surprising surprise ever but congrats. You deserve it. When are you leaving?”
“More like when do you get to be number one?”
“Please, the trustees think I’m too confusing. I’ll never get number one.”
“They put you in the orientation video.”
“Yeah so they can suck their own dicks about how progressive they are.”
I listen to each of them debating the merits and the downsides (mostly Andre) of getting ranked number one when I start to feel it. Goddammit. Every life force around me seemed to pulse. I could see literal life running through each person’s veins and the conversation started to grow further and further away. 
Quickly fishing in the pocket of my jacket I pulled out a few tablets of the experimental drug Vought was testing out on well… just me. I place one of the cylindrical neon green pills on my tongue and wash it back with another shot of vodka. A few seconds later everything went back to normal and I watched Luke and Andre have a whole bro moment. It was actually quite touching.
“By the way I forgot to mention but you’ve looked so fucking hot tonight.” Jordan turned to look at me with a slight smirk on their face.
“Oh you haven’t seen anything yet.” She winked and I felt a blush start to color my cheeks. Okay game on baby.
We all end up dispersing after a while and I start walking around all the warm bodies, being extra careful to avoid my face touching anyone’s exposed skin. That was extra hard when you’re in a club so I decided to just take a step out onto the balcony. Spying through the doors, I took in breaths of sobering air and watched as Jordan easily flirted with a group of girls.
Fuck Vought and fuck my dad for this stupid power. I turned towards the ivy growing over the balcony railing and without a second thought I ripped off my gloves and pressed my palms to the stems. 
Life thrummed through my veins, I sucked it in deeper and deeper until I finally reached the roots of the ivy. I felt them start to rot away and die as my power crept into every crevice and cell. Stealing away vitality. Suddenly I was wrenched away from my ivy killing by high pitched screaming. I leave for a single second…
Quickly pulling on my gloves I looked into the chaos that was created over a woman’s body whose throat was punctured by a tiny metal hummingbird. Andre you fucking idiot.
Calculating how to get out of the club without actually having to go through the chaos I saw a few window sills that would easily get me close enough to the fire escape on the next building. 
Using my supe strength I jumped between each sill until I was near the fire escape. Taking a few deep breaths in and out I jumped and let gravity take over. It was a few seconds of bliss before my entire body slammed against the hard metal railing with a resounding bang. Goddamit sometimes I wish that I got pain tolerance when I was injected with V.
The next few steps down were easy and I was able to get to street level and disappear into the night without getting noticed. My phone dinged as I started putting on my headphones and I looked down to find that I had been added to a group chat:
(possibly Cate Dunlap): vic you good?
you sort of disappeared
we’re on our way back to GodU.
Me: yup all good
god Andre u need to be more careful.
A.A.: u don’t think I know that
u need us to pick u up?
Me: that would be appreciated
*you have now enabled geotracker with the group*
(possibly Jordan Li): see you in a bit!
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Waking up after a night out was a bitch. Carefully maneuvering out of bed without activating my headache too much was even more of a challenge.
“You good there?” I heard a shout loud enough to rattle my very soul reverberating through the room.
“Fuck Gemma a little quieter please.” Her laugh twinkled in the air but even it's usually nice sound zapped my brain.
“I thought supes didn’t get hangovers.”
“Yeah they don’t- it was all the people.” And the experimental Vought pill I felt like saying.
“Oh shit yeah sorry.”
“Right, I'm going to have a shower.” Gingerly grabbing my shower essentials I picked my way through the already busy hall. Communal showers sucked.
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Thankfully, 3 coffees later I finally started to feel a little more like myself. Andre had made me promise last night that I would have to help him with some power drink promotion. So off to commons I went, the sun seemed to burn my eyelids so a pair of slim blue lenses adorned my face. The shade perfectly matched my gloves.
What I didn’t expect to find outside the school of crimefighting was Luke. Completely flamed out and Andre stepped closer and closer to him. My eyes widened and I started running - the blue gloves were torn off and I nearly collided with Marie when Luke (thank the universe) stopped flaming out.
“What… Marie, what is going on?”
“I- I found him murdering Brink.” If my eyes widened any further I was pretty sure my eyeballs would quite literally jump out of my head.
“WHAT?” I turned towards Luke again to find that he had started walking away from Andre, muttering apologies under his breath. I could identify that crazed look in his eyes. He knew he was cornered and he didn’t want to run anymore.
Luke started flaming out and suddenly flew up into the sky… only to make himself completely explode. Blood, guts, muscle, bones and brains started raining down.
The ‘materials’ that managed to touch my uncovered face and hands thrummed with power. That was strange. It was as if they were still alive somehow. The cells oozed energy.
My power started to immediately absorb whatever life-force the cells had remaining and then I felt a foreign kind of ache. It felt like a cold burn spreading all over my hands and my face, bringing my palm up to my face. I was surprised to see a tiny flame start to sputter on.
What the actual fuck?
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did you know that human cells can stay alive for hours and sometimes even days after you die? so yes the ending makes sense - I did research. also Vic has never "absorbed" another supe before - her mom was human.... so we shall see how that affects her hehe.
if you want to be added to the taglist lmk!!
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mykatzone · 5 months
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I brain vomited and finally worked on my main OC story The Raven & The Reaper again! Yippie!!! Y'all might have to zoom in to read some of these notes though...
Premise: After the gruesome murder of his parents, Raven is determined to clear his name, seeking revenge against the monster he knows robbed him of his loved ones, the Grim Reaper.
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aller-geez · 1 month
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Vanilla, but I can’t stop screaming into the void about Zeroh and his raven spirit, Amara.
This is my favorite piece I’ve ever done of any of my OCs to date…
As a Reaper, it’s his job to come collect the souls of the recently deceased and escort them to their designated afterlife. Most of his job consists of walking with cute animals and the elderly, both of which would typically die of natural causes, up to heaven. He loved hearing every different soul’s vastly different stories about their lives and the lessons they learned while in the mortal realm, and never rushed anyone. He wanted each and every soul he escorted to begin thier afterlife at peace with the life they left behind.
However, there was always going to be those malicious, evil souls that needed escort as well; although their afterlife was a bit… hotter.. and usually required Zeroh to use force to get them to comply.
But the worst for Zeroh, by far, was the seemingly innocent souls of people who had clearly suffered in their lifetime, whether it be at their own hands or something else entirely. Those souls who somberly accepted the fate that had been chosen for them, and followed the Reaper to hell without any resistance. He often had the same type of conversation with them about their life experiences and the choices they made that they regretted.
Some of those souls had horrible lives that forced them to make bad decisions just to survive; most of those decisions being the exact reason they had been condemned to hell in the first place.
In those moments, he just wished he could change things in the world.
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gummygoatgalaxy · 3 months
Just some screenshot edits of my fav DT ocs of mine
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My oc Circe and Louie
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My oc Friday/Gamma and Thursday who belongs to my bestie @phoofoz
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My reaper oc Guinevere with Violet
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My DonaldxReginella oc Raven with her cousin Huey
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wanderingreptile · 1 year
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My halloween costume I made this year! Took me about a month and a half, working on it in between grad school and my job! First time trying out costume making and I had so much fun!!
Character concept was a grim reaper raven, going to draw this and flesh it out into an OC soon!
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kit-williams · 4 months
The Space Marines and their Darlings (so far)
I have to thank @ghouljams in the way they do sorta OC pov's and have to 100% give them credit for how I've been able to write the Yandere Space Marines without making full blown OC's like I really want to.
It will go Brother x Darling maybe I'll turn this into a masterlist once I'm done
Dark Angels Azazel x Mortal/Pet This one will probably change as Azazel and his Darling were before I embraced the OC pov idea/got the ball rolling
Emperor's Children Palion Hiss x Muse
Iron Warriors Harram the Wallbreaker x Orichalcum or Ori for short
White Scars TBD
Space Wolves Captain Arkyn x Elskling (darling in norwegian) The pack won't be mentioned here as Arkyn and them were before the OC darlings pov sort of thing but just there are 4 females, 2 males, and 1 gender neutral (referred in the story as they/them) darlings
Imperial Fists TBD
Night Lords Ghosk Sevyrarek x Rabbit
Blood Angels Sirus Amah x Moonlight
Iron Hands Vauth x Byte
World Eaters Zul x Spaseniye (Salvation in Russian) or Brass Lady
Ultramarines Tulio x Psychi/Psychoula (greek for Soul and the diminutive version of soul) When you realize you never gave the darling a nickname
Death Guard Solos Phorgur the Reaper x Lovie
Thousand Sons TBA
Black Legion TBA
Word Bearers Jihias Kinreaver x Lamb
Salamanders TBD There will be two
Raven Guard Sor Delyn, Kazi Delax, & Moremo Klaek x Dove
Alpha Legion TBA
Black Templars Brother Roland x Bäckerin
Carcaradons Tyberos the Red Wake x Ophelia
Dishonorable mention Mechanicus 91-Yrac x H3X (whom he calls sweetspark)
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