#oc: enid
starmagnets · 2 months
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ocposting once again
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reagan-the-saunders · 3 months
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One Enid for @afamoore <3
I love (I'm obsessed with her) her so much I hope I did her justice!
Honestly, her armour is so much fun to do hehe 10/10 would draw again.
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illastrologist · 1 year
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Enid 🔮
Definitely not haunted 👀
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mrbloodbender · 1 year
Picrews of my OC(s)
PT. 2
Did I- Did I just found a new amazing picrew tu use on my OC's?
YES! Yes I did! 😜
Anyways, I wanted to use this opportunity to not only show Theo, my main oc, but also present some of my most recent OCs, so If they catch your eye and want to know more about them just let me know sending asks or dm-ing me. Without further to do, here they are:
The main boy here, Theo, Purple Ninja, EM of Wind, something something Storm, yadah yadah yadah. (He looks so cute in here omg)
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Now the new ones:
Here's Iggy, Master of Lava. (Lavashipping secret love child? 🧐)
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My little autistic and introverted baby, Ozzy! Master of Sound (With and Without his headphones)
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The pretty girl here is Alya, Master of Gravity.
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Is it a fairy? Is it an elf? Is it a hybrid between Sky Folk and a new species I made with its own lore? Yes! Here's Enid, Master of Life.
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Aaaand that's all for now, I'll probably keep using this picrew to make OC's in the future, so stay tune to get to know them and send ask to meet this new wonderful characters. See ya in another trip down the sewers of my mind palace, bye!
Credits to: Naylissah, for making this amazing and beautiful picrew!
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lost-confused-brat · 1 year
Enid Nightshade, a character from "The Owl House," and Remus Lupin, a character from the "Harry Potter" series, have a few similarities and differences:
1. Magical Abilities: Both Enid and Remus possess magical abilities. Enid is a powerful witch-in-training, while Remus is a wizard with unique skills as a werewolf.
2. Loyalty: Both characters demonstrate strong loyalty to their friends and loved ones. They are willing to support and protect those they care about, even in difficult circumstances.
3. Underdog Status: Enid and Remus often find themselves as underdogs or outsiders due to their respective circumstances. Enid is a rebellious witch in a conformist magical society, while Remus faces prejudice and challenges as a werewolf.
1. Setting and World: Enid resides in the magical realm of the Boiling Isles, while Remus exists in the wizarding world of Hogwarts. Their stories take place in different fictional universes with distinct rules and settings.
2. Age and Background: Enid is a teenager, while Remus is an adult. Their age and life experiences shape their perspectives and the challenges they face.
3. Supernatural Nature: Enid is a witch, while Remus is a werewolf. Their supernatural characteristics and abilities differ, leading to unique storylines and challenges for each character.
4. Personality and Role: Enid is portrayed as rebellious, independent, and resourceful, while Remus is often depicted as thoughtful, kind, and burdened by his condition as a werewolf. They have distinct personalities and play different roles within their respective narratives.
While there may be some similarities between Enid and Remus, it's important to note that they exist in separate fictional worlds with different storylines and themes.
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eddysocs · 2 years
Merlin OC Masterlist
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Name: Amarise
Face Claim: Emma Appleton
Love Interest: Arthur Pendragon
Fic Title: Set It Free
Plot Summary: Amarise lives her life as a witch within the borders of Camelot. While she lives peacefully, she knows she can’t remain undetected forever, and the day she’s found out arrives when she rescues Camelot’s prince, Arthur Pendragon. Will Amarise be condemned for her use of magic, or will Arthur, out from under his father’s watchful eye, see something in Amarise that tells him to let her go?
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Name: Astris
Face Claim: Alyssa Sutherland
Love Interest: Gwaine
Fic Title: Magic In Me
Plot Summary: Astris was called to Camelot by destiny. Her life was meant to intertwine with Merlin and Arthur’s. What she didn’t plan on was meeting brave and dashing knight, Gwaine. During her visit to Camelot, she challenges him to a duel, and the two of them become sparring partners during her time in Camelot, but is there something more between them just under the surface?
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Name: Avalon Clarissant
Face Claim: Kristin Kreuk
Love Interest: Uther Pendragon
Fic Title: Destiny's Queen
Plot Summary: Summoned by witches, Avalon rises from the lake, awakened from a cursed slumber of a hundred years. She has risen to take Camelot and make it hers. She charms Uther into allowing her to become his bride. When Merlin finds out what she’s up to, he’ll use magic of his own to break her curse and, no longer controlled by the witches who raised her from her slumber, Avalon’s true feelings will return to her and she will have choices to make.
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Name: Colette Lockwood
Face Claim: Olivia Cooke
Love Interest: Morgause
Fic Title: For The Hand Of A Princess
Plot Summary: Colette Lockwood wants to escape her upcoming marriage of convenience. With the appearance of a stranger in the kingdom, she’s able to do just that. The knight that fought the prince for her hand has won, and now it’s up to Colette to decide her own fate.
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Name: Malina Astormore
Face Claim: Annabelle Wallis
Love Interest: Morgana Pendragon
Fic Title: Under A Cursed Moon
Plot Summary: Malina is a princess trapped in a fate she doesn’t want, but one she had long ago accepted. It’s only when she becomes betrothed to Arthur Pendragon that she begins to see a different life for herself. She falls instead for Uther’s ward, Lady Morgana and begins to cast off the role that has been set for her.
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Name: Nella Landon
Face Claim: Emma Watson
Love Interest: Merlin
Fic Title: A Binding Secret
Plot Summary: A bookbinders daughter, Nella Landon is always going around with ink stained fingers and a stack of books in her arms to deliver to the patrons of Camelot. A collision on a remote part of her course of deliveries shakes her entire world when a young man stops the books in midair. She’d never seen anyone else perform magic before and it startles her. She darts off without the books and the young man brings them back to her at the end of the day, introducing himself as Merlin. What transpires from there is a careful dance of tentative friendship and secret keeping. Merlin has magic, but so does Nella, and she doesn’t want it getting out.
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There's something about little, quiet Annie Selwyn's screams ricocheting off the stones of Great Hall when she sees Enid fall unconscious after blood comes shooting out of her nose (and ears?)
And then there's also something about how Enid's cold, unconscious body is never left unattended, even in the nights - let it be Annie or Tom (or even Abraxas or Philip Greengrass), who sits by her side, either holding her hand, or reading a book, or just talking to the unconscious girl who can somewhat hear them, like how you can hear your alarm in a dream.
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barblaz-arts · 4 months
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Domestic Addamses
(click here for a masterpost to all my AU's including this one)
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crypticdata-art · 1 year
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redrawing a nearly 10 year old drawing (in the middle) and im loving it so far
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twicetheheartx2 · 3 months
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Sora & Vega’s mugshots after their first run-in with Jericho’s police department, aka Skywolf Barbie meme.
@barb-l Honestly, I was almost done with these when I had the idea of how Sheriff Walker would react to finding out he has to deal with an Addams' spawn and then how Enid & Wednesday would react to Vega getting arrested. Which then led to the fact that getting arrested is basically an Addams Family tradition at this point. And it was just too funny to pass up on both ideas, so I just had to draw it.
The lil comic:
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And the Addams Family mugshots:
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starmagnets · 1 year
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came to me in a vision
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illastrologist · 2 years
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“He and I are closer than friends. The same sin binds us.”
Hehe, look at them!! They are just two REDACTED friends that are definitely not scheming ANYTHING 😌
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kulai · 3 months
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still on that brainrot btw
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dangergays · 2 years
we all know about the red and blue gays what about the sun and moon gays. sunshine and dark goth gays. gays fucking love celestial aesthetics i am living proof
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carnalhaus · 2 months
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american tradition
“knuckles inked up at just fifteen, to me they were the hands of god.”
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The Creature (1)
She called the creature many names - "Little Rogue" "Thief" "Sticky Fingers" and even "Thumbless George" (for the fun of it) - but most of the time, she called him "Little Rogue," and then, after a while, only once he'd offered her a piece of his treasure (a largely crumpled piece of foil) did she start calling him, "My Rogue," or even "Roguish Fiend."
The strange-coloured Niffler (blue, the beast was Russian blue - no, not the cat, but the actual colour) was a menace, at first, stealing everyone's valuables - but to Enid, he was an entertaining little fellow, whose feet prints she found in the floured floors of the kitchen (which he was the cause of) to be quite cute.
And he was endearing, she realised, his angry face, and the hissing sounds he made at the children who once found him caught in the trap they meant to catch a rat in.
But Enid also found a strange sort of kinship in those green eyes that stared in hers - perhaps it was the colour of their eyes, or the fact that he was prodded at by the children in the same way that she was prodded at by the adults when they came in to view the children before adoption day - and Enid decided, enough is enough.
There was no one to protect her from their touchy hands, or uncomfortably smooth fingers (a clear sign they hadnt worked a day in their life... unlike herself), and Enid looked around as the little creature made cries, wondering if it's mother was nearby, or perhaps, friends...
If it had any.
She let his cries go on for one moment longer, before she snapped when a boy, Buford Hayes, took a rock and threw it at the creature, narrowly entering the trap through one of its holes and hitting the paw of the poor creature, who hissed and jumped back -
And Enid didn't care anymore about the creature - if it had a parent, or siblings, or someone who could come save it, because at that moment, the little creature seemed so much like her. Trapped. Caged. Enclosed within the walls of the Orphanage. And more importantly -the creature was alone, very much like her, with no form of defense, except...
Edin's fists.
Which she used very well, after pushing past the boy and opening the trap, never minding the wire that stuck itself into her skin, drawing blood, or the hissing sounds of the little creature, who reminded her so much of... an otter? A beaver? Enidwasn't sure, but she didn't think much on what the creature looked like, as she stared into his eyes for a moment, and telling him, wordlessly, "I'm only helping."
Ignoring the questions and shouts from the other children, Enid quickly lifted the trap so that the closest part to the creature no longer trapped it. And without a second glance, but a very long first one, the creature had bolted.
And the children groaned and complained and cried -
Some of them pulling Enid's hair. Shoving her to the ground, before she got up and punched the face of the closest boy towards her.
Buford Hayes. Man did she hate him.
He was a liar, and a cheat, and a bully. And an abuser of animals, she supposed she could add to the list -
And women, or girls, who were so much smaller than him - a thing quite evident when he sent a punch back Edin's way, his fist clashing with her cheek, sending fire along her cheekbone and nose and eye socket.
She thought it would have come out, which only angered her, bringing her to lash out once more (a final shot, she told herself) and sink her teeth into his flesh.
She kept biting until the Caretaker came running to see what all the shouting was about. And clearly, there was much - because there was blood, and two children fighting it out - biting and pulling and spitting and screaming and hissing. Enid, throughout it all, kept silent, only biting down hard on her teeth, preparing herself to use them once more, should the moment present itself.
But it didn't. Not when there was intervention. And then Buford and Enid were sent to confinement - made to stand in a dusty cupboard (Buford was too big for the cupboard so he was made to stand between his bed and the peeling wall) for a total of one hour, before they were to apologise to one another.
Buford apologized and was let go.
Enid didn't.
And so, she went the rest of the day standing with her hands behind her back, the cupboard locked, too small to sit in or be comfortable, for another one and a half hours, before she was sent to her room (which she shared with another older girl) without dinner, and if she wasn't going to apologise after, then she wouldn't have breakfast.
Enid knew they couldn't starve her - because if she died, and her bones were discovered, then surely, the police would come and the government would shut them down for mishandling of children left in their care. (Enid didn't know how it worked, but this seemed the only logical. Little Enid didn't know much about the corruption of the government, no. Not until she grew a little older and faced the exact same scrutiny and disgust from the Wizarding folk, would she realise that justice was only an idea created by the rich, to appease the weak.)
So, Enid sat by herself in her room, looking out of the window, hoping that the little creature was safe and with his family... if he had any. And if he didn't, then Enid only hoped that he was safe and would go to bed with a warm tummy. Unlike her - but it was alright, because while being hungry made it difficult for her to fall asleep, she did eventually fall into a very deep one. (A hunger induced sleep, only made possible by the weakness of her bones. Not that she was very weak or hungry. This is just the author being ridiculously dramatic.)
Lack of regret also acted as a cool blanket for Enid, who had the smallest of smiles on her face when she thought of the sound her well-closed fist made in contact with Buford's face (and more specifically, his nose), along with the sight of a small dribble of blood that fell from his nostril and into his mouth... before that dribble was stoppered by a cloth that was (not very gently) shoved up his nose.
Regardless, Enid was quite pleased with herself for that day - because not only did she save a little creature who reminded her so much of herself (which made her feel as if she had saved herself, all in all), but she also managed to sock Buford in the face, which was a triumph all on its own.
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