#nyo rome
ammoun · 1 year
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serica-e · 2 years
Cornelia Porsenna, the Roman empire
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(please rb this if you can I really put a lot of effort into it)
(image id: A picture of a female version Rome from Hetalia, she is wearing an ancient Roman dress, with a red tunic draped over the dress, her dress covers up her legs, she is wearing a laurel In her hair, and she is wearing her hair short, her skin is a medium reddish brown and she has quite a dorky smile
She also has a little earring on her right ear. End id)
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hetagrammy · 25 days
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Here's my round of six fanarts, since I decided to take a crack at it again! Thanks to everyone who dropped suggestions into my inbox! I'm putting the full images under the cut.
Also, a bonus Seychelles as requested:
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pinkflipphonez · 4 months
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roma, roma de mi vida, roma, roma de mi amoooor
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hwsevents · 4 months
List of some mythological creatures/figures for inspiration:
-Selkie, Will o’ the Wisp, Wolfwalker
-Harpy, Nymph, Centaur
-Lamia, Siren, Sphinx
-Odysseus, Athena, Heracles
-Yuki-onna, Kitsune, Oni
-Circe, Calypso, Poseidon, Cassandra
-Valkyrie, Giant, Dwarf
-Loki, Thor, Odin
-Dullahan, Banshee, Changeling
-Huldra, Lorelei
-Frey, Freyja, Ymir
-Osiris, Nephthys, Amun
-Arachne, Medusa/Gorgon, Echidna
-Mars, Venus, Pluto
-Tsurara-onna, Kuchisake-onna
-Tengu, Kaguya, Ameterasu
-Adonis, Galatea, Hecate
-Chang'e, Hou Yi
-Rusalka, Baba Yaga, Alkonost
The HWS characters can be these creatures/figures (e.g. nyo Japan as Kaguya, France as Adonis, Russia as a centaur, nyo China as Chang'e, Egypt as Osiris)...
...or interact with them (e.g. Ireland following Wisps, England meeting Hecate, America running from the Dullahan/Headless Horseman).
Doing both is also an option (e.g. human Lithuania interacting with rusalka Belarus).
Link to Prompt Themes
@hetaliahappenings @nsfhetalia @heta-on-the-books @hetaliacalendar
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apersonwholikeslotus · 6 months
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IreNor, SweGre, SpaAusHun, NedAme HRExCzechia, The Polycule(TM)
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m4ruk4ts · 8 months
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this is what i meant with "angst purposes" :')
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michichi69 · 4 months
Gonna be working full-time in Feb so I gotta pick my struggles. I wanna do both of these eventually but i'll only be able to do one fully rendered art thing this coming month if i'm being realistic-- It's probably not that noticeable but my output nowadays is pretty much already once or twice a month anyways lol
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you're born under a bad sign with a blue moon in your eye
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italians x sopranos send tweet
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expressive-bread · 2 years
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legendary version of our dnd characters...
...or dnd-AU for hetalia, as you wish
1. Sigurd (Norway) - wizard-dragon (silver) who destroyed half of the continent; 2. Arthur (England) -  half-elf wizard with great ambitions and an even greater love for fairy tales; 3. Gunther (2p!Prussia) - ancient elven warlock with a thousand secrets; 4. Henrik (Denmark) - human barbarian of dragon totem (you know which dragon); 5. Francesca (nyo!France) -  high priestess of the god of beauty and no one knows what she really looks like under the illusions; 6. Cornelius (2p!Rome) -  high priest of the god of law without empathy and morality
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sweeet-caroline · 2 years
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Rare Pair Week, Day Three - Flowers
Featured Pair: Grandpa Rome x Nyo!Germania
I’d like to imagine that even in modern days, they still meet up at their usual spot to talk about different things. And Grandpa Rome still finds ways to get at least a little blush on Miss Germania’s face.
Like Grandfather like Grandson-
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ammoun · 2 years
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I have a cold and am a little busy.
If only I could draw them and they could appear in my dreams... 😿
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serica-e · 1 year
Not to get emotional but the lyrics of After All by Christina Eberbole
"you look into their eyes and find you are looking in your own"
"so you got to feed your little future, assure her talent, posee (?) and charm"
"some dreams die upon the vine, some never have a change, sweeter than the sweetest wine, that mine becomes the queen of France"
"might just grow up and save you, after all" is just Rome to Romano
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hetagrammy · 1 year
I'm blaming @apersonwholikeslotus for putting this on my brain, but the dichotomy between Rome the Empire and Romulus the Papa will never not make me go feral. Like the memory Lovino and Feliciano have of Romulus as their heroic and loving father is real and true, because he never treated them any differently. Their father's success was partially for their sake.
On the other hand, ask any of the British Isles kids and he's quite literally the bogeyman who hunted down and subjugated their mother. Ask Francis, Antonio, or João and they'll tell you about the stern caretaker who gave them privileges and an education, but always treated them with an undertone that he would move quickly and harshly if they stepped out of line. Just as he did with their predecessors.
It's the difference between him as a king versus as a father. Him as a nation and empire versus him as a human with feelings and attachments of his own. The empire falls and some nations cheer while his heirs weep.
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kostantina · 1 year
GerEng Week 2022: Day 7
Title: As the Sea Kissed the Shore, the Sky Dawned Upon Them
Prompt: Bakery/Baking || Family
Rating: Explicit
Genres: Fluff and Smut
Category: F/M
Pairing: Fem!HRE!Germany x England
“Oh?" He stopped. No. Slowed down was the proper term because his touches had become provocative, frustrating her, and leading her to drive herself against him impetuously.
Her pregnancy, as well as the long days her child's father was away from her, made her more reliant.
He laughed deeply, much to her embarrassment, and kissed her on the lips after removing his head from her marked neck. Looking at her darkly, he responded huskily, "Just tell me about it during our intimacy, all right?"
He then smirked. “But then you will be unable to express yourself more eloquently in words. You always end up—”
"I may be with child!" she blurted out, unable to stand his indecent talk and piercing stare any further.
She speedily pressed her face against his chest to hide, her cheeks and ears burning up owing to her candour and the awkwardness that ensued.
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hwsevents · 3 months
Mythtalia March
Decided to make another list for inspiration!
Mythological Ships:
-Odysseus & Penelope
-Apollo & Hyacinthus
-Apollo & Daphne
-Pygmalion & Galatea
-Helen & Paris
-Hades & Persephone 
-Achilles & Patroclus
-Aphrodite & Ares
-Aphrodite & Hephaestus
-Dionysus & Ariadne 
-Heracles & Megara
-Odin & Frigg
-Loki & Angrboda
-Frey & Gerd
-Thor & Sif
-Svarog & Lada
Again, none of these are obligations, this is just for the sake of possibly giving people ideas!
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@hetaliahappenings @heta-on-the-books @nsfhetalia @hetaliacalendar
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