#nurse pov
alanaundercovers · 2 months
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Me 👩‍⚕️ nursing all PPP’ed up 😷 middle of my shift. 🏥 Can I examine you? 🩺 💉🩻😘😘
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totallynotsarkaz · 2 months
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be a good girl, and let me take care of you.
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okthatsgreat · 4 months
rewording a post i made a while ago just bc it was a bit nonsensical but something that definitely needs to be examined in the danganronpa fandom is how a lot of characters seem to be interpreted through one single lens of intelligence. does that make sense. like in order for a character to be “smart” in this fandom they SPECIFICALLY need to be book smart and well spoken, regardless of their talents. we gotta shape up guys .. examining other types of intelligence is FASCINATING and really highlights each characters strengths and weaknesses, and this especially applies to emotional intelligence.
like is byakuya smart? absolutely. but is he emotionally intelligent? fuck no!!!! and aoi used that against him in chapter four!!!!!!!! and even though she is misguided as all hell, tenko has the ability to understand her opponent mid-battle and use that to determine how she continues the fight (likely something other fighting ultimates do as well!!!) which is crazy. mikan is able to read facial expressions well, even if she IMMEDIATELY misinterprets this as something she personally did wrong lol. these characters navigate through the killing game differently and in some cases survive because of it, and if you want something interesting to write on it’s definitely something to be examined!!!
also straight up sometimes the fandom interprets characters who don’t speak super formally/are optimistic as dumb too which is so strange. more of the “buff” talents like mondo and fuyuhiko need to understand battle tactics and serious team management/planning in order to get anywhere in their field, but are pushed aside quite a bit because theyre these super gruff macho characters that swear a bunch. sonia as well because she's a fish out of water type of character. and yes he isn’t very well spoken and is very trusting but gonta is an actual scientist guys… i could make a whole separate post about this weird trend of pessimism being seen as smart and optimism as stupid but yeah seriously
anyways all this to say, when writing for a “dumb” character take a step back and ask just what makes them dumb in your eyes. is it because they aren’t considered academic or a scholar?? is it because they’re a “happier” character that might not be as well-spoken?? theres nuance there and this obviously doesn't apply to all of them, like clearly akane isnt super good with emotions or smarts in general, but even THEN her spacial awareness and heightened sense of perception is something that is often under-utilised in fics!! it provides a whole lot of depth to remember that a lot of danganronpa characters are very talented and well versed in other forms of intelligence than what might be most obvious !!!!!
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burnertracfone · 9 days
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ナースアスナさん by めろぱん
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lubdubs · 7 months
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Nurse Gianna
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xcorpsekitten · 1 year
POV: I'm ur nurse
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*a lil crazy
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fish-bowl-buddy · 11 months
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vanillabeenflower · 1 year
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she will eat the bugs (bc that’s the only thing she can safely eat)
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sunderedazem · 20 days
14 - bitter
Ancients? :)
You KNEW what you were asking for. So have some Elidibus POV of Azem and Emet-selch's break-up before the Sundering.
There are shards of red on the steps, and utter silence in the square. He blinks. Etheriys feels a little like a dream now, with the soft roaring of so many souls dulling his senses- but this sting of sorrow and shame he feels, distantly. It aches in a way he's sure he's forgotten, almost. And yet he and all those within yet remember…
The people are watching (not saved- but soon) stricken, frozen - all but one, whose cowl hangs down his back, whose silver staff is still tight-gripped in white-knuckled fingers. Who is walking away with a snarl on his lips and tears streaming down his bare face. Who has before the entirety of Amaurot denounced the Convocation, who has accused them of forgetting their duty, who has- has accused him of bias- 
They had to save the star. They have to save the star. And He was their answer. Is their answer. The roaring in his ears will never cease, now. He thinks the stretch of his very self was a small price to pay for the blue of the sky. He knows it. He volunteered.
So many had. And yet-
Azem storms out of the city center with his staff aglow in Light, wreathed round himself like a shield against- something, and he does not look back. There is only the sway of his long white braid as he departs, and Elidibus- watches it. Watches the narrow shoulders and frail stature recede into the distance, until shattered and broken and burning buildings obscure him from sight completely. Watches as one of Themis's closest friends turns his back on Zodiark and all the salvation he promises.
Elidibus does not understand it. He- remembers. Azem had pleaded with the Convocation to stay Zodiark's summoning, to give him time to find an alternative. Half the lives of their people was too awful a price for him - and Elidibus cannot condemn him for that love he has for their star and people, cannot condemn him for his dissent. Azem is the Traveler - the Shepherd. It would go against everything his seat stands for to agree. Lahabrea had not agreed - nor had Pashtarot - but in the end, Elidibus could not be partial. And thus Azem was given his time to find another way. But should Amaurot begin to burn- then they would have to act.
But he returned too late. Three days too late. And his solution was…incomplete. An effort commendable, to be sure. A solution worthy of gentle praise, and perhaps use later. But the star had fallen to ruin, and Zodiark could restore it. And then- then the star could restore their people. And Zodiark would save them all. He would save them.
He will. No matter if one man refuses to understand. Elidibus and Zodiark will save him too.
No matter how bitter that salvation tastes.
There are shards of red on the steps. Emet-selch is kneeling among them, his hands shaking, gathering the pieces one at a time. He is not crying, Elidibus thinks. Not yet, at least. He seems more stunned than anything. Of course, he is not the only one, if the way the silence still rings deafening has any meaning.
Azem has always had a temper, though it was not often apparent. But this- this by far had been the worst outburst Elidibus had ever seen from anyone, let alone from Azem. And worst of all, it had been a willful misinterpretation- a cruel misinterpretation, made solely to make a point about their plans to sacrifice the lesser creatures of the star to return those given to Zodiark to life. And- and perhaps Azem even had a point, if a misguided one.
He had always been thin of aether, incapable of all creation magicks no matter how simple, and sickly for it besides. His elevation to the Fourteenth Seat had been long delayed by a discussion of his health and the risks posed to his own wellbeing, rather than any disagreement with regard to his temperament or accomplishment as a researcher and theorist both. But to use his own recurring illness - which Emet-selch had cared for him through countless times - as a bludgeon to say that the Convocation must therefore count him among those lesser creatures-
I too am thin of aether. Weak, sickly- imperfect. Incapable of creation. Are these the only requirements for you to be willing to slaughter living beings in order to undo the willing sacrifice of half our people? I gave you another option! Those who are thin of aether - thinner than me! - may use this dynamis to restore our star, and you dismiss their capabilities save for their worth as livestock? You swore to hearken unto my solution, Emet-selch- you promised me you would have faith I would find a way and now you- you reject what I have found in favor of dishonoring your seat and returning the dead to life? Fine then! I count myself among these lesser beings freely, for I am more akin to them than you. And should you wish to wet Etheriys with their blood, you will start with me. And you will draw the blade across my throat with your own hands.
But even if he had a point- Emet-selch had only stared, utterly lost for words. The entire square had been quieter than death. Even Zodiark had seemed to still. And then, caught in the folly of sentiment, Emet-selch had stepped forward, had reached out a hand, had called- 
Helios- Helios, please-
There had been a whirl of black, a flash of red- and then Azem's mask had shattered on the wall above Emet-selch's head, had shattered into shards of his office even as his sigil had glared red over silver eyes.
I am Azem,  Emet-selch. I revoke the privilege for you to call me by my personal name- not only do I not know this man you have become, but us lesser creations have no names to speak of, now do we?
Elidibus had not known how to stop him. Emet-selch had just dropped his hand, jerking a little as if he had been struck by a physical blow.
And then Azem had gone.
And now he is gone. And Emet-selch is on his knees, gathering the shards of that shattered mask, cradling them carefully, as if he could piece together what was broken. As if he could repair a heart threaded with thorns, or another cracked down the center. As if saving the mask would save the man.
“...he will come back,” Emet-selch whispers then, staring at the bitter, broken ashes of Helios in his hands. “...I- I will have that much faith in him.”
And Elidibus- and in Elidibus, the dark waxes strong, and he lays a hand on Emet-selch's shoulder. 
“Nay- we will save him, my friend,” he promises, and watches as golden eyes behind a red mask snap to him and glaze over. There is weight in his words now - the promise of a thousand thousand souls and the hope of their people. “We will save him, and the star as well. We will.”
The doubt and grief in Emet-selch's eyes disappears, wiped clean by faith. And Elidibus smiles, heart heavy with certainty and the knowledge that in time, Themis's dearest friends will mend the rift born between them here. They will save Azem - they will - and the star he so loves, and all the people too. Elidibus will not allow for any end other than perfect salvation. The bitterness of these sorrowful days will fade, and Azem will smile again, and look upon Emet-selch with that loving mischief in his eye, and this will all be but a distant memory. 
They will. 
He will make sure of it.
Enjoy the angst/keep the change ya filthy animal
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jomiddlemarch · 29 days
And thy mercy shall follow me
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2. He woke in an hour, crying out, fearful, the color leached from his sun-bronzed face.
“Mary, Mary! Christ, the babe’s screaming, quick, lass—”
He spoke in his native tongue, far more guttural than Portuguese, but Mariko could make out the name he’d spoken. He must be calling for his wife, as the priests said the heretics did not honor our Blessed Virgin. In any case, he was frantic, trying to sit up, trembling with fever, with weakness, his lips beginning to become chapped.
“Anjin-san, you are safe. I am here, Mariko-sama,” she said as calmly and slowly as she would speak to an elder with eyes milky with age. She reached out a hand to touch his wrist and gauge how high his temperature had climbed but he jerked and flailed, hitting her away with enough force he would have bloodied her nose if she’d leaned in closer.
“Ai!” she exclaimed before she could stop herself. 
In the next moment, Sugi started to rise, called out “Lady Toda—” and Anjin’s eyes lit with awareness. They were the color of the night sky as dawn broke and recognition was overcome with shame in an instant.
“I beg your pardon, most sincerely,” he said, his voice like a frog’s croak, too rough to go on.
“You needn’t,” Mariko said. “You’re very ill. You weren’t even awake. You must drink some water and a little of the tea the physician left for you.”
“It tastes of the grave,” he muttered.
“It will help,” she said, though she was unsure if it was the truth. He needed it to be, so she gave it to him. He tried to lift his head and she saw the effort it cost, an effort he couldn’t sustain.
“I’ll manage the cup. You swallow,” she said.
“You shouldn’t,” he began, then coughed, a harsh, wretched sound, his shoulders hunching up with the force of it. Mariko laid a hand on his chest lightly, as if it might soothe him. Anjin looked at her, panting as he caught his breath. “I’ll try not to make a mess.”
She put the cup to his lips and moved the hand that had been on his chest to the back of his head, helping to bring him forward enough to drink. His hair was softer than she’d thought, the curls tangled and matted.
“Swallow, Anjin,” she said.
He got most of the tea down, only sputtering at the end. She used the sleeve of her robe to wipe his chin, forgetting the cloth that had been left with the medicines. It was a gesture she would have used with her son or her sisters. Not with Buntaro.
“Thank you, Mariko-sama,” he murmured, spent. His eyes fluttered closed. There was something terribly young about his face as he drifted off to sleep, something old in the hollows of his cheeks. She felt the memory of his skin against her palm, the silkiness of the hair at the nape of his neck.
He still burned.
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alanaundercovers · 5 months
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Let me check your heartbeat. (Confession - I usually wear an undershirt when working 😄 )
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megan-kearney · 1 year
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POV: you’re late to a party
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alocalband · 1 year
Something Suitably Extreme NurseyDex, 1.3k Chowder POV, Getting Together
“Why is this here,” Dex says, completely flat and unamused, so that it comes out, not like a question, but like the start of a lengthy scolding before a fine.
Chowder glances up at the offending object, and then quickly back down at his homework. He shrugs a shoulder.
Dex remains unamused. “Christmas was over a week ago.”
“And yet its traditions live on.”
“Chris,” he says, warning.
“William,” Chowder says right back, attempting to mimic him, but breaking into a snorted laugh at the end that he tries to cover with one hand while the other keeps writing calculus equations at the kitchen table.
Dex sighs, long suffering and with his entire body.
Which is perfect, because it means he doesn’t move from his current location.
“Yo, C, have you seen my--” Nursey stops short in the doorway between the Haus living room and kitchen. “Oh, chill,” he interrupts himself, eyes trained up at the mistletoe above him, just as, directly to his left, Dex puts his head in his hands with a groan.
“That’s why it’s there,” Chowder tells Dex with a nod.
“I will murder every person on this team,” Dex responds.
Keep reading on AO3
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actualsunflower · 1 year
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decided to draw prewar Jay and have some pics of when he was younger :)
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lubdubs · 7 months
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Nurse Gianna
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youngpettyqueen · 6 months
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“This is Lieutenant T’Strei. Requesting permission to engage with the enemy. I estimate 10 seconds until I reach them, please make your response timely.”
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