#nurse abuse
wandering-night19 · 1 year
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I really wanted to write/post something for nurses week, so I stole a piece from a bigger AU I’ve been working on. Enjoy some Nurse TK and Doctor Carlos.
you dream of some epiphany
2.2k . Carlos Reyes/TK Strand . Teen
TK feels like there should have been a warning. He should have known this was going to happen. He’s been doing this long enough that he usually has a pretty good read on patients.
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Listen, you should never film strangers in public without their consent, but I swear there need to be fines or something for people who do that shit in some spaces. For example: I had to go to the ER last night, and some jerk filmed a woman who just came in and was clearly having an asthma attack. She immediately got to go back, and he was unhappy about that. Believe me, I get that it sucks having to wait when you're in pain, but you don't get to pick who deserves care when. The medical system in the US is a nightmare, and the ER could be the worst moment of someone's life. No one deserves to be recorded because some jack ass believes someone doesn't look like they need care.
This is fine to reblog. People who film strangers should be shamed if nothing else.
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artisticdivasworld · 1 year
Violence and Nursing
When you think about workplace violence, what do you envision? Most people think only of physical aggression when asked this question. While physical aggression is certainly a major part of workplace violence, it is by no means the only part. Consider incivility or bullying as one of the types of violence nurses face on a regular shift. There is patient on nurse violence, patient family on nurse…
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neuroticboyfriend · 5 months
honestly you probably shouldn't go into the medical profession if you aren't prepared to treat patients with dignity and respect - even if your job exploits you, even if your bosses suck, even if you're exhausted.
yes, you are allowed to have feelings and be tired. but you have to be willing and able to either admit when you can't do something (and take the consequences), or put how you feel aside and do your job. for the sake of your patient.
you and your job may be harmed by the medical industrial complex's wrongness, but to your patients, you are part of the complex that is also gravely failing them. you have the power to be a force of goodwill and care, or an instrument of oppression.
that is what you're signing up for when you become a medical professional. don't like it? don't become a medical professional.
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yuridovewing · 3 months
i really hate how the fandom’s excuse for jayfeather’s shitty behavior (and outright medical malpractice in certain cases. looking at the time he refused to help squilf in labour bc he couldnt be bothered and later blamed her for how bad it was) is “well the clan was ableist to him growing up, so fuck them!” ok how does that excuse him screaming at and berating the cats that didnt do any of that. or the babies.
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Listen, I love the Night Nurse as a character. I love Ruth Connell, period.
But when she stands there in Charles' memories and watches him get beaten with a belt and then takes the words he cried at his father to beat him down further "No, you can't make it better. You never made it better, then you died."
I have yet to forgive her for that. It is, without a doubt, one of the cruellest lines I've ever heard in film or television.
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classycookiexo · 2 months
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mayomkun · 16 days
Rewatching dead boy detectives and I love the music box that starts playing when Charles started hitting the night nurse. Like, the haunting melody went so well with the shock of what we learned about Charles' past and his sudden outburst (spiralling out of control, the feeling of the world beating down on you over and over and even when you try your best, be your best self, it isn't enough and there isn't anything you can do). And then morphed to something more upbeat/thrilling when she fell into the sea, followed by complete silence with Charles' breakdown. Oughhhhhhhhh
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stardust948 · 4 months
Atla modern AU where Ursa has plans to escape her abusive husband but keeps pushing back the date until he burns Zuko.
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johannestevans · 6 months
went on a lunch date recently where the guy like. didn't mention what job he did on grindr, just that he'd been working late etc, and then when i got there and mentioned it i asked what he did, and he was like "oh well i work for the police" and i was. immediately shut down, understandably
and later on i asked his opinions abt police brutality, police abuse rates, if he thinks the police should be abolished etc, and later was like, yeah, ethically this is a bad match
but idk like. when ppl tell me they're a cop or a gard (or in the military) on grindr i just block them from the off, bc it's like, well, you're cool w brutality, rape, and abuse, there's no reason you could or should be trusted with an intimate partner. and this guy had mentioned he followed me on twitter and didn't at all seem surprised by my open disgust for his profession, and idk if that was why he didn't mention it up front and thought i wouldn't make a big deal about it (as if) or if he just doesn't mention it to anybody
but i'm still so like ??
like my house has a very explicit no cops policy. if sb else brought their partner or brother or whatever to dinner and they were a cop, they would be told to fucking leave. as if i'm gonna fuck one myself
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memesomething · 13 days
thinking abt the way that blood vessels in the whites of the eyes and pinpricks on the face/cheeks/neck etc can burst whilst being strangled. thinking about muses who are so good at hiding everything else but the whites of their eyes have turned pink with burst blood vessels as they strained for air, thinking about muses who were deliberately strangled/attacked/tortured for whatever reason and who see evidence of it when they look in the mirror for a week, thinking about. the physical evidence you would otherwise not think anything of (thinking about medical muses seeing it in their friend, and following after, because That's Not Right, and Do You Want To Talk About What Happened?)
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redrobin-detective · 7 months
I keep thinking about how sad and unfair Ice King/Simon's relationship with Fionna and Cake was in the main Adventure Time series. We all made fun of him for writing gender bent fanfiction of Finn and Jake. Characters cringed at how obsessive Ice King got about his fantasies, the lengths he went to so they could be real. He believed so fiercely in those ideas that he acted out in ways that were extreme even for him.
Typical Adventure Time to take a gag and make it into something serious.
Because Fionna and Cake WERE real. Prismo created them and their world and then dropped it into Ice King's head. Yes, he had permission but did IK know the reason? The risks? What even was happening? Or did Prismo take advantage of the fact that Simon was a prisoner in his own mind with little agency to force more confusion into his scattered and incoherent brain. How much of his actions was the result of a godlike being knowing that Ice King's resultant behavior would be written off and dismissed.
In addition to the loss of sanity and identity Simon had to deal with over his years as Ice King, he also had the burden on an entire universe of living people living in his head adding to his delusions. How devastating that must have been for someone who could barely tell what was real on a good day.
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mueritos · 8 months
being in a social work masters program as a marginalized person who is ages ahead in theory and experience in comparison to your (white, privileged, rich) cohort is a fucking minefield. solidarity for all and every other marginalized person in these fucking micro aggressive and liberal ass social work programs.
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gwydionmisha · 9 months
CW: Elder Abuse.
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myfriendgoo94 · 1 year
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Awwwww it’s ok little 7/10, mommy’s here to take care of you ❤️
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varyathevillain · 8 months
one thing I definitely don't want out of the rest of S2 episodes, and afraid that will come to happen nonetheless due to the "love triangle" interview, or due to stereotypic expectations of "softer love saving from past abuse and toxicity", and also, like, LOTS OF SPOILERY STILLS for the episodes premiering tomorrow... is for Izzy Hands to come out of his fucked up dependent toxic love for Ed into another romantic relationship, especially if it includes Edward.
I want Izzy Hands to be developed as a character, to finally untangle his love towards Ed/Blackbeard, not through falling in love again... but through the love towards the crew, and of them towards him. I want for the trauma pack of attempted Ed Teach murderers to bond, not so hard it's impossible to untangle them from one another, but enough to see "yeah, all these people are together, and they're gonna stay shoulder to shoulder to protect one another".
I want a friend group that did bond through a traumatic experience, but came out trusting one another because of care, not trauma. I want that to be the crux of Israel Hands' development, to be someone who can finally see himself apart from Edward Teach, and apart from "this love he has", like a disease... I want him to embrace what he has yet refused to admit. that he wants to care for his people, his crew, and to be cared for back equally, without any dynamics of power in the way.
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