do you ever hear people talking about something and you’re like. fuck. let me be real for a second. i’m too much of a commie to have this conversation
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most trans people who people like to call "non transitioning" actually do transition, but people don't want to acknowledge that not all transition is medical
changing your hair is transition
deciding to shave or grow your body hair is transition
doing something different with make up is transition
changing your new wardrobe is transition
changing your name is transition
changing your pronouns is transition
coming out to people is transition
even just accepting your own transness without telling anyone else is transition, as it changes how you see yourself
it's almost impossible to be trans and truly non transitioning, even if that transition might be non medical, non visible or entirely self contained
all kinds of transition are valid.
there are also things that aren't necessarily associated with transition that an individual may consider to be part of their transition, like working out to make their body look different, getting piercings and tattoos and so much more
there are so many ways of transitioning besides surgery and hormones
"non transitioning nonbinary/trans person" is just code for "i don't consider your transition to be real because it doesn't fully fit into what cis people expect"
"some parents would rather have a non transitioning trans child than one who does" like yeah no shit. a non transitioning trans child is a trans child who doesn't come out, doesn't change anything about themself. not their name, not their pronouns, not their hair or wardrobe. a non transitioning trans child is a trans child who never talks about being trans so their parents can pass them off as cis. a non transitioning trans child is a trans child that is in the closet. of course a lot of parents would rather have a trans child who stays in the closet so they don't have to deal with their transness. but you all mean "non transitioning" as in "not medically transitioning" and that's not true either. trans people get kicked out of their house for doing as little as changing their pronouns. and if you say you're doing literally anything as part of your transition/because you're trans, people will absolutely give you shit for it, while a cis person can do the same thing and it's no biggie. social transition is not accepted at all.
there are some weird trans people out there who will completely dismiss people's life saving transition steps as "non transitioning" because they don't fit cis ideas of transness, it's disgusting
when i say "transition" i'm always including medical transition and social transition, as well as anything else an individual may consider part of their transition that doesn't necessarily fit into the two boxes
also can we stop acting like social transition isn't also constantly under attack
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i learned about Tim Wong who successfully and singlehandedly repopulated the rare California Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly in San Francisco. In the past few years, he’s cultivated more than 200 pipevine plants (their only food source) and gives thousands of caterpillars to his local Botanical Garden (x)
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I was today years old when I learned that when you type “otp: true” in AO3 search results it filters out fics with additional ships, leaving only the fics where your otp is the main ship
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lots of times if I tell my boyfriend that I am proud of him for dealing with a situation, or that I'm sorry he's having to deal with a situation, he will say "no it's my own fault." meaning that he feels like he doesn't deserve praise or comfort for dealing with a situation that is his fault. (for example a financial problem caused or exacerbated by him having been too anxious or absentminded to deal with the situation sooner.) and I tell him this and I will tell y'all this, that I don't believe that. I think you are even braver and stronger for taking steps to deal with a mess that is of or partly of your own creation, because you have to cope with guilt and shame on top of the thing itself, and because you're fighting against the same ingrained dysfunction in yourself that caused the mess. that's like the bravest and most constructive thing you can do and you should be proud and I am proud of you.
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Sorry boss, can't come in today. I'm suffering from severe whimsy deprivation.
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PEMDAS is a conspiracy according to far-right idiot and friend of Elon Musk.
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There is something about proudly proclaiming a show "tumblrista catnip" that makes me emotional.
Something about how for years tumblrinas were ridiculed by show creators.
Something about Supernatural having a meta episode set at a convention with all the weirdo fans that made the main characters uncomfortable. Something something about Becky and the message that fangirls are gross and obsessive.
Something about Sherlock and the way fans were portrayed as crazy obsessive nutjobs for trying to figure out how he faked his death.
Something about creators mocking fandoms, dismissing them as freaks. Something about queer people not being welcome to engage in their creations because "why do you have to make everything gay?"
Something about the malicious culture of queerbaiting throughout the 2000s/2010s, followed by Bury Your Gays tropes across the media landscape because hell, you should be grateful we even gave you queer characters to begin with - and everyone dies in our show! You ain't special!
Something about Destiel questions being banned from conventions...
And then...
Something instead about Good Omens, and letting the story adapt naturally, embracing the fanbase and leaning into the fanservice.
Something about Our Flag Means Death, and the genuine outpouring of love and affection between cast, crew, and fandom that culminated in an explosion of fanworks that were never once mocked or deemed gross or wrong.
Something about Sandman, and staunchly digging in their heels on the queerness of it all, refusing to give in to the homophobes and instead avidly mocking THEM on social media rather than us.
Something about the writers hearing about fandoms favourite ships and excitedly stating that YES! We DID lean into that because it happened naturally and made sense.
Something about a firefighter coming out as bisexual after 7 seasons...
So yeah, something about a new high quality show made FOR US. By creators that love US. Respect US, and WANT our love.
Something about US FINALLY being a target audience for the best shows being made on TV now.
Tumblrista catnip. Creators saying "we made this for you. You are important. Your voices have been heard."
It just... all got a bit overwhelming for a moment there.
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And I guess I'm also saying: don't be afraid for that awakening to take years to settle in even after your characters have fucked each other stupid because apparently that's still, at best, Sexually Ambiguous™
Had a friend tell me a while back that it took him a long time to realize he was bisexual because "I mean all dudes' first sexual experiences are with a (male) buddy because like, that's way less scary than with a girl you barely even know."
And, friends, I gotta tell you, having grown up afab and with zero friends of any gender, that sounded like an incredible number of gay and bi-awakening fanfics I've read.
So, I guess...what I'm saying is...don't doubt your writing? There are real people out there living the same awkward, confused lives that you've written. Bless them.
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Had a friend tell me a while back that it took him a long time to realize he was bisexual because "I mean all dudes' first sexual experiences are with a (male) buddy because like, that's way less scary than with a girl you barely even know."
And, friends, I gotta tell you, having grown up afab and with zero friends of any gender, that sounded like an incredible number of gay and bi-awakening fanfics I've read.
So, I guess...what I'm saying is...don't doubt your writing? There are real people out there living the same awkward, confused lives that you've written. Bless them.
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died and came back exactly the same but something was so so so wrong with me before and now I have an excuse to really lean into it
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part of being an ally to trans men is not being a dick to cis men for their appearance btw
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Fibromyalgia: Oh you've got an interview Tuesday and you want to spend the weekend preparing? Lol no FIBRO FLARE. Get misery nerd.
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David tennant begging neil gaiman for more scripts vs michael sheen browsing ao3
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I made you a gift!
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It's a cheesy bumpersticker style nudge to STOP SENDING NEIL GAIMAN
- fan therories about season 2/3
- your own theories about season 2/3
- other people's theories about season 2/3 (ESPECIALLY WITHOUT PERMISSION)
- your wants for season three
- things you don't want for season three (other people might want that!)
He has repeatedly asked not to bring these things to him. And even though his answers can be funny it can get him into legal trouble if what ends up in the show is similar to fan art/fics/creations
Please! Stop!
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Feel free to spread these around I'm so tired of the second hand embarrassment
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