#now hes only 75% badass
bonkbunn · 1 month
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rottenpumpkin13 · 2 months
Sephiroth, Genesis, Angeal, and Zack take Wired’s Most Searched for Questions interview
How does it go?
Is Sephiroth evil?
Sephiroth: Not yet.
Is Sephiroth gay?
*Sephiroth stares blankly at the camera with his mouth parted open*
Is Sephiroth left-handed?
Sephiroth: I'm ambidextrous, though I prefer using my left hand to write, eat and maneuver a sword.
Is Sephiroth part cat?
Sephiroth: Perhaps I would be happier if I were.
Why is Sephiroth shirtless?
Sephiroth: An excellent question.
Why is Sephiroth so attractive?
Sephiroth: I seem to have inherited my looks from my mother. She was very beautiful.
Where are Sephiroth's parents?
Sephiroth: Ah. I've tried looking this question up. It's ineffective and provides no answers.
Why does Sephiroth hate Genesis?
Sephiroth: That's absurd. I like Genesis very much. He's my best friend. He's a special person to me. If I were asked who my vest friend is, I would have to say Genesis.
Who is Sephiroth's best friend?
Sephiroth: Angeal! He's very dear to me. We have a good relationship and there is no one in the world who I like more than him.
Why does Sephiroth like pasta?
Sephiroth: I feel complete and whole when I eat it. I assume that's what being loved feels like.
Why is Sephiroth's hair long?
Sephiroth: Because it's not short.
How old is Genesis?
Genesis: How dare you insinuate that I'm old.
Is Genesis gay?
Genesis: Hm. About 50%, sometimes it's 75%. It depends on the day and my mood.
Is Genesis shorter than Sephiroth?
Genesis, through gritted teeth. I am.
Why does Genesis like red?
Genesis: It's the most vibrant, eye-catching, attractive color of the rainbow. Like me.
Why does Genesis dye his hair red?
Genesis: Lies and falsehoods.
Why is Genesis obsessed with Loveless?
Genesis: And I'm expected to answer with one sentence? I need an hour at least to accurately describe how much it means to me.
Why is Genesis called Genesis?
Genesis: I'm sure Dr. Hollander was trying to be poetic.
Why is Genesis annoying?
Genesis: WHAT?
Why is Genesis shorter than Sephiroth?
Why does Genesis say his hair is red when it's brown?
Is Angeal related to Zack?
Angeal: Not blood related, but he's like my little brother. Don't tell him I said that though. He'll cry and hug me and then I'll be covered in Zack snot.
Is Angeal dating Sephiroth and Genesis?
Angeal: Simultaneously?? Dating one would be a nightmare on its own.
Why is Angeal so attractive?
*Angeal stares up at the camera blankly, blushing profusely*
Is Angeal single?
Angeal: Uhh...yeah.
Does Angeal have a girlfriend?
Angeal: No, I don't.
Why is Angeal single?
Angeal: Who's writing these? My mom??
Is Angeal dead?
Angeal: Only on the inside.
Is Angeal stronger than Sephiroth?
Angeal: I'm not sure. I can sit on him and he starts flailing and struggling though. That's very funny.
Is Angeal older than Sephiroth and Genesis?
Angeal: Believe it or not, I'm the middle child.
Does Angeal kill plants?
Angeal, tearing up: I—...No? Once...It was a sunflower. There's barely any sun in Midgard.... I learned that the hard way.
Is Zack alive?
Zack: Yeah I am! *finger guns*
Is Zack stronger than Sephiroth?
Zack: Not yet.
Why is Zack popular?
Zack: Uhhh.... because I'm a nice guy? At least I hope I am! I like to make friends, so maybe that's why.
Why is Zack called a puppy?
Zack: Because Angeal thought he was funny when he compared me to a puppy, so now the nickname stuck. I don't mind though! Although it'd be cool if I had a badass nickname like wolf. Or snake!
Why does Zack do squats?
Zack: Because it's fun! Plus, it's a great exercise. It strengthens your core and leg muscles. .....I also have a lot of energy and don't like being still for too long. It stresses me out.
Why is Zack so adorable?
Zack: Aww! Am I? That's just my natural charm.
Does Zack have ADHD?
Zack: The TV in my room is HD, yeah.
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nuri148 · 20 days
Distances in AoT
Or: Yams has no idea of geography and the relationship between distance and travel times in AOT makes no sense.
In the first part, we’ve seen how freaking huge the distances between the main districts of the Walls are. Here is a summary:
Center-Sina: 250 km
Sina-Rose: 130 km (Center-Rose: 380 km)
Rose-Maria: 100 km (Sina-Maria: 230 km; Center-Maria: 480 km)
To go from a District to the next on the same wall:
Along wall Sina: 393 km (352 if cutting in a straight line between the two)
Along wall Rose: 597 km (537 in a straight line)
Along wall Maria: 754 km (~720 in a light curve, as straight line not possible)
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Here’s a summary of the shortest distances (combining radius and chords) between districts:
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(I’ve only put the most frequently mentioned in canon)
Throughout canon, we see the characters moving between a handful of Districts. To the iniciated it may look like said travels are a tad too fast considering the means of transport that they use. It’s okay. The insta-travel effect has been seen in every other epic fictional world, be it the Middle Earth, Westeros or Narnia. And we’re willing to suspend our disbelief. But AoT has a crucial difference in that sense.
We’ve been told the exact distance between the walls. In kilometres, not some fictional or obscure, ancient measure unit. Suspending disbelief does not come easy when the numbers are exact.
It’s like when you’re watching a movie, and the hero has only 10 minutes to get to the bomb before it detonates, so he races through the streets of, say, Paris, and they go from the Louvre, to the Arc de Triomph, wreck havoc on a market along the Seine, rush through Montmartre, around the Eiffel Tower and skid to a halt when the car crashes in front of the Opera. And most people will be ok with that, but the few millions who live in or know Paris are like... Nope. That’s not possible. Not even with 007’s Aston Martin or the Batmobile. That makes absolutely no sense. It’s ten times worse if the hero is running.
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Well, guess what, the Survey Corps do not travel in the Batmobile.
The Survey Corps travel by horse. On longer expeditions, they also have horse-drawn carts.
Now, if you fill up the tank of your BMW and pad your butt, you can drive the 480 km (road distance) from Berlin to Ansbach in about 4:40 hours without traffic. That’s not stopping for anything other than traffic lights, and using some of the best highways in the world. That’s an average of 102 km/h. With normal traffic, you could do that in 5:30 hours, averaging 87 km/h. That’s how long a badass modern car would take to go from Mitras to Shiganshina.
But, and this may come as a shock, a horse is not a car.
First and foremost, a horse cannot ride as fast as a car. As per the Publicly Available Information from canon, “The stable horses used by the Survey Corps are selectively bred (...) and travel for many hours without complaining. (...) Their top speed is between 75–80 km/h, and they can maintain a swift 35 km/h gallop. The horses are tenacious, able to maintain a fine speed of 20 km/h even when pulling a carriage.”
For one good thing in all this mess, numbers are in accordance with real horses. And I have no problem accepting that the SC horses are the cream of the crop when it comes to speed and resistance, like our fastest horses and most resistant horses combined. But horses, I repeat, are not cars.
Cars are machines. Horses are living, sentient beings. They cannot fill their stomach like a car a gas tank and run at top speed until it empties, rinse and repeat. They need food and water. They need shoes. They need bathroom stops (they can shit while walking, but they need to stop for pee). But mostly, they need rest. Horses can and do die of exhaustion. (And given that SC horses are super expensive, you don’t want to work them to death.)
A horse can maintain its maximum speed for only 3 km—4 for a race champion. That’s the maximum length of horse track races, actually. After such a sprint, they need to rest for a while. So even when dodging titans, you won’t do so at top speed – you just need to be faster than the enemy. Obviously, the slower the gallop, the longer the time it can be maintained, so sprinting at less-than-top-speed will allow to dodge more titans.
When you’re just travelling from point A to point B, then, you won’t waste the precious energy of the horse in a sprint. Those journeys would be made at a lower speed, for the faster you make the horse go, the more, longer stops it will need to rest, catch its breath, eat and drink. Likewise, if the horse is carrying weight, it will go slower and need more rest. Long distance horses can only cover 50–60 km per day—And before someone says endurance competition horses can run over 100–160 km in a day... that is not the same as 100 km per day, in the same way marathon runners don’t do 42 km per day; they do them in a day. The day of the race. After training specifically for that race. Then they rest for a few days. Horses are the same. Moreover, long distance endurance races have mandatory vet checks along the way to see that the horse is able to keep going. And if you have an expensive horse and no vet every 20 km to check it, you will take care not to push it, lest it collapses midway and the titans eat you.
So, considering SC horses are specially bred for endurance, we can safely equate them to long-distance working horses of our world; I’ll assume they’re the GOAT and can cover 60 km per day.
But wait! I hear some of you say. If they can go at 35 km/h, they can cover much more than 60 km a day! Er... no. Because they need to rest. They cannot trot at 35 km/h for 8 hours straight. They can’t even walk for that long without stopping to rest. Same as like Marathon runners never reach the same speeds as sprinters and middle-distance runners. 
Please note that this numbers refer to a single horse. You can cover longer distances, or cover a given distance faster, if you change your horse for a freshly rested one at given points. This is not an instant process: the new horse will have to be tacked and you’ll have to transfer the cargo, if any, from horse A to horse B (in AoT world, they cannot text the next station to have the horse tacked when they arrive). A convoy of several horses will be slightly slower and, I repeat, if there are carts, the whole convoy will be conditioned to the slowest cart (the horse/s will be slowed by the cart in the same way a car is slowed if you attach a trailer to it). In every rest station, the horse needs to be untacked and then re-tacked before continuing, same as hikers will put down their backpacks when taking a break.
For reference, The Pony Express, the fastest horse dispatch system ever, could cover 300 km per 24-hour day (they rode day and night). They managed to cover that much that by having a huge infrastracture that allowed the rider to change horses every 16-24 km, and pass the dispatch to another rider every 75 km or so. That’s 4-7 horses every 100 km.
So either AoT horses are more magical than My Little Pony ones or Yams cannot distinguish between a horse and a Ferrari.
Guess which one I’m betting on.
Side Comment: The Ferry
Talking about this with one of my fandom friends, she mentioned her bafflement that they didn’t use the ferries that we see in the first chapters evacuating people from Shiganshina to transport  themselves quickly from place to place. I thought she had a good point, so I looked into it. Thankfully for Yams though, I looked into this and it’s not really an option.
The steam engine is unknown in Paradis, so the ferries would have to be operated manually. (The publicly available info panel on the subject comes from the Lost girls OVA, so its canonicity is questionable, and it has contradictory info saying they are moved via wires along the river (as manual ferries do) but also that they are powered by the same gas as the VMG – which make little sense bc then you don’t need the wire and why not have a railway as well?). And the maximum speed a manually hauled barge can attain is not better than that of a horse. For a RL example, the fastest that horse-drawn barges travelling the Canal du Midi in the 19th century could reach was 32 hours for the 240 km ride... changing horses every 10km. Before that, it took four days. That’s 13 hours for 100 km – basically the same time it took the SC to go from Trost to Wall Maria in RtS, but without the possibility to change course if the road’s blocked or to dodge titans if they attack (and provided they had the fresh horses every 10 km, which they wouldn’t in RtS).
That said, I do think Yams totally forgot about the ferries.
Part 3
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ahsokaismyqueen · 2 years
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Pairing - Steve Harrington x Reader
Summary - You’ve been dating Steve for a while now, but don’t really know his “kids” all that well. When you invite them all for dinner, you can’t help but be a little nervous. Of course, Steve is there to quickly reassure you of how much they’re going to love you. 
Word Count - 825
Warnings - Language
“Why do I feel like I’m meeting your parents?” You asked as you put a spread of whipped cream on some eggos. 
“No clue. It’s not like they don’t already - shit that’s hot!” 
You turned around to find your adorable, idiot of a boyfriend nursing a burnt thumb in his mouth from a cookie he had just picked up straight out of the oven. “Really, Steve? I told you not to touch those.” 
He pouted, and normally that would have made you have some sympathy for him, but right now you were too stressed out for that, trying to make sure everything was put together before the kids got there. “They smelled so good.” Steve whined. 
“I guess I know why you get along with the kids so well, considering you’re also a child -”
“All right, all right,” Next thing you knew, the whipped cream was being taken from your hands, and Steve had tugged you close to him. “You are too stressed, and when you get too stressed, you get grumpy.” 
“I do not -” You started to stay in a disgruntled tone, but stopped when you saw the look on his face, realizing your tone was proving him right. “Okay, maybe I’m a little grumpy.” You admitted, leaning forward to rest your head against his shoulder, letting out a sigh. “I know how much these kids mean to you. Especially Dustin. I want them to like me too, and I know how ridiculous that sounds, wanting the approval of middle schoolers -”
Steve started leading the two of you around in a circle, a slow, easy dance, slipping one of his hands around to rest on your back while the other held yours. “Are you forgetting that these kids all saw you run over a monster in a minivan? Pretty sure they already think you’re a badass.” Steve assured you with a kiss to the top of your head. 
At his words you couldn’t help but flush a little, knowing that had indeed been one of your cooler moments. 
“Besides, trust me when I say, these kids are pretty easy to please. You’ve got plenty of food and some scary movies. That’s all you need.” He added, shrugging his shoulders. 
“We’ve got scary movies?” You asked, raising your eyebrows at him. “I thought you were getting some sort of Disney flick.” 
“I thought you wanted them to like you?” Steve said, raising his eyebrows.
You kicked his toe playfully. “If they don’t like me you’re not going to dump me are you?” You asked, only half joking. 
Steve stopped spinning you around, picking up on your tone again. “. . . You think you’re still getting out of this? Because I hate to break it to you, but you’re kinda stuck with me now. No matter what those little shits think.” 
Warmth filled your chest at his words, but before you could say anything else, he spoke again. 
“They’re going to love you though. They’d be idiots not to. Not that they don’t have their idiot moments, but most of the time -”
At that moment the doorbell rang, and you could already hear voices from the other side of it. You glanced back at Steve, still feeling a little nervous. 
“You got this, babe.” He assured you, sliding his hands up to your shoulders and giving them a squeeze. “Just be your amazing, badass self.” 
If there was one thing you could count on dating Steve Harrington, it was that he would have confidence in you when you had none, and you adored him all the more for it. “I love you, you know that?” 
“You two aren’t making out are you?! It’d be a really dick move if you left us in the cold while you two were making out!” A voice yelled at the door. 
Steve rolled his eyes, grabbing a hold of your hand and leading you to the front door so you could let them all in. “It’s summer, Henderson. It’s 75 degrees out here.” Steve said when he opened the door. 
But Dustin ignored him, his eyes only on you, calling out your name. “Hi!” He said happily, and then his smile widened. “Do I smell cookies?” 
“And pizza,” you added as you gestured them all in. “And eggos.” You said, feeling triumphant as the shy girl in the back gave you a small smile. “Come on in.” They all filed past you, and you felt a little bit of relief that all of them seemed happy to be there. 
“See?” Steve said, sending you his own smile once they had all gathered around the food in the kitchen. “They’re easy to please.” You let him pull you into his arms, placing your hands against his chest. “By the end of the night they’re going to love you just as much as I do.” 
“Promise?” You said, holding up your pinky which Steve lifted his hand to wrap his own pinky around. 
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daryl-dixon-writes · 2 years
Writing prompts
1) “Let me guess. You caused it?”
2) “No, YOU have a problem!”
3) “You call it a problem, I call it a solution.”
4) “Well, what can I say? I’m a badass.”
5) “Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?”
6) “(Y/n), I don’t ever want to hear say that ever again. I almost lost you, and I can’t bear to hear that.”
7) “Excuse me, I have to go make a scene.”
8) “I already know I’m going to hell. At this point, it’s really go big or go home.”
9) “How the f*ck did you survive that?”
10) “Keep away from me, before I do something I’ll regret later on.”
11) “Don’t you ever take a break?”
12) “Touch her, and you’re dead!”
13) “I’ll come back for you, I promise.”
14) “We’re not alone.”
15) “Keep your eyes closed and don’t make a sound.”
16) “Listen to what I’m trying to tell you!”
17) “I have something for you.”
18) “Happy birthday, (Y/n).”
19) “Baby, we are the law.”
20) “They’re have to go through me before they get to you.”
21) “I won’t let anything happen.”
22) “Stay close to me.”
23) “Are they going to find us?”
24) “Not as long as you’re with me.”
25) “You don’t intimidate me. Drop the act.”
26) “Put the knife down, I’m not going to hurt you.”
27) “For once, I’m not the bad guy here.”
28) “Who doesn’t?”
29) “I know, thanks.”
30) “I’m I that unimportant?”
31) “I’m sorry.”
32) “If anything, you’re more zombie then human.”
33) “Are we really going to just sit back and watch this happen?”
34) “That’s crazy talk! I’m not doing that!”
35) “I told you this was a terrible idea.”
36) “Can you breathe? Where does it hurt?”
37) “I’m like, 99% this is illegal.”
38) “I don’t make the rules, here.”
39) “I don’t like the person you’re becoming.”
40) “Oh? I don’t like you much either!”
41) “Not fair!”
42) “I’m not stupid! Where is she?”
43) “(Y/n)… long time, no see.”
44) “It’s not that funny! Shut up!”
45) “Hey! I kept your secret, why didn’t you keep mine like you promised?”
46) “I hate you.”
47) “I don’t f*cking care! You’re supposed to be mine, you belong with me!”
48) “Do you not trust me?”
49) “How would you know?”
50) “I can see she’s into you just as much as you are in her.”
51) “I have nothing to say to you.”
52) “You don’t have to do this!”
53) “I told you not to get close to me, (Y/n)!”
54) “I gave you a chance to run, but you didn’t take it and now you know why.”
55) “Hate me all you want, but I will always love you.”
56) “Just be careful out there, okay?”
57) “If you don’t mind, I would like to live a lie that I can survive.”
58) “Please.. let me help you.”
59) “I’m tired of watching you suffer like this, (Y/n). Can you please have (f/c) help you find a doctor?”
59) “You’re coming with me.”
60) “You better do as I say!”
61) “Do not test my patience with you, (Y/n). It’s dangerous.”
62) “Why are you doing this?”
63) “How could you?”
64) “You’re not the man I once called my lover, for the time being at least. Deep within you, is where he remains and I want him back.”
65) “Please don’t yell at me.”
66) “Not again.”
67) “You’re my greatest treasure.”
68) “I love you, and you only.”
69) “Please come back with me. I miss you just as well as everyone else.”
70) “I never meant to hurt you, I never mean what I say.”
71) “I wouldn’t trade you for the world.”
72) “I detect a little sarcasm there, missy.”
73) “Watch yourself.”
74) “Do whatever, just don’t get involved with the wrong crowd.”
75) “It could lead you to danger and possibly death.”
76) “Did you not sleep again last night, (Y/n)?”
Requests: OPEN
Character list:
• Rick Grimes
• Shane Walsh
• Daryl Dixon
• Glenn
• Negan
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crimson-host · 16 days
Welp, another AU idea I gotten and now running with, Gilf Jaune, yeah, this is gonna be out there but oh well, again, question ask away, mainly gonna be shitposts but I like making stuff at random
Old Man Relic
Jeanne was pouncing on her bed, giddy and ecstatic, having received arguably the best news in her life! "My my, first time seeing you this excited partner" Giggling her was Jeanne's partner Pyrrha, at the desk working on some homework "heh, sorry about that, I'm just so exited because my grandpa is coming to visit!" Pyrrha perked up at that, happy for her leader "aww, that's great, will we be able to meet him too?" Jeanne scoffed at the idea of not showing how her badass grandpa to her team "duh!, not only is he my grandpa but also a badass veteran huntsmen, he said he was coming to see how Beacon been and to help train me more!, so obviously gonna let you, Ren, and Nora join in!" Ren perked up, happy for his leader but also intrigued "a veteran huh, considering he's your grandfather I'm presuming he served in the great war?" Jeanne nodded, indeed her grandfather was old, but in truth the man was so much older, he barely looked over 75, and in truth he was 120! "Yup, 120 war veteran and hero!"
Pyrrha and Ren couldn't believe what their leader said, sure Aura could basically slow down aging by a bit, staying in peak condition by 60 if not littl more, but 120 had to be a exaggeration, and right on queue "120?!?" busting out off the bathroom was Nora, only wrapped in a towel as she was in the process of brushing her teeth "That's so cool!" Jeanne chuckled as their surprise, Nora quickly shutting the door to dry off fully and get dressed, then busted out of the bathroom again "HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!?" From Ren or Pyrrha that question would have been one of bewilderment, but for Nora, she genuinely wanted to know Grandpa Arc's secret to being so old "Well it's due to his naturally large aura reserves and his semblance, Aura Amplification, basically he can rapidly refill anyone's aura and even strengthen their semblance, including himself, basically giving him near unlimited reserves, thanks to that and using it so often back during the war, his lifespan is further than even most huntsmen" Her team was in shock and awe, not only a walking relic, his semblance was downright broken "That so cool!, he must have been a monster back in his day!" Nora was endlessly giddy "Yup, tho now he mainly stays back home, guarding the village and playing the village sage, offering advice and wisdom to whoever asked, a hero he was, a tired old man he is now" And with her peace said, she smiled softly reminiscing about all the old adventuring stories, Ren got up off his bed "So, when is he supposed to arrive?" And at that question Jeanne got up with a surprising smug grin "in just an hour" Nora started jumping and bouncing off the wall "wooooo!, let's go meet the badass Arc Patriarch!" And with that they began finishing up and making sure they all dressed to impressed
Team JNPR stood at the front of Beacon Academy, waiting eagerly for Grandpa Arc's arrival, but while they waited their sister team, Team RWBY spotted them and came over "Jeanne!" Shouted the Red Reaper of Team RWBY "Ruby!, Yang!, Weiss!, Blake!, heya guys!" Jeanne responded back as she was tackled hugged by Ruby "Hey guys, so what's the special occasion?, standing out in the plaza all fancy and pristine" Pyrrha perked up to answer "Jeanne's grandpa is coming to stay awhile to see how she's been" Ruby let go of Jeanne and stood excited "Jeanne's grandpa!, then he must be a super cool Huntsmen!" Jeanne nodded, happy Ruby could already recognize her Grandfather's badassery without even needing to know of his exploits "And get this, Jeanne said her grandpa is 120!, he's a immortal badass!" Nora unable to keep a secret, too excited to contain herself, obviously Team RWBY couldn't believe it "I'm sorry but I find that very unlikely, the 100 would the most, but 120?, that has to be exaggerated a little" Huffed the heiress Weiss Schnee "I'm not, I'm serious he's super old because of his aura and semblance, he'll tell you the same when he arrives!" Jeanne refused to let anyone doubt her super cool grandpa "Well then we won't have to wait long, that must be his Bullhead" Pointing at the approaching Bullhead transport was the smu-(ow!...ahem) Adult Literature reader Blake, which soon landed in front of Beacon, it's side transport door opening, out stepping a fairly tall man, gray and white haired pulled out mostly into a pony-(ow!...sigh) Lone Wolf tail, simple white button up shirt, duster, blue jeans with two belts, and boots, the most striking was his partly dull but still piercing blue eyes, a tower shield on his back, and a strange sword hand with a unusual blocky guard, Jeanne began rushing the man down "GRANDPAAAAA!"
The Old Man had just reached the bottom of the stairs as he was knocked to the floor by his granddaughter, letting out of heavy groan "H-Hey Jenny, g-good to see you too..ooh by back is gonna feel that one in the morning.." Team RWBY and rest of Team NPR look on in..confusion and less than convinced about the old man's incredible past, tho maybe the age was accurate little..
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 75
Chapter 75: “Unyielding Reed”
EVERYONE SHUT UP, the best Emma is here! AAHH, words can’t describe how much I love her in this outfit. Hell, I have a separate tag dedicated to it. And all the lovely artists who create such beautiful fanart of GP Emma have my enteral gratitude, especially since the second season denied us of ALL THIS.
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I love how impressed Sandy & Zack are of her shooting skills. It’s honestly kinda scary how good she already is despite only becoming familiar with guns a few days prior when she first left the shelter. (I know the target only shows one hit, but since there’s three “bangs” in the previous panel, can I assume she fired three shots and just hit the bullseye on each one? because that would be amazing.)
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I actually really like Sonya in that darker jacket she has in the flashback. And I’m only realizing now that it’s Paula & Pepe who are the ones dodging Nous & Nouma’s attacks.. aahh what brave souls, getting that close to the enemy just to gather information. Another reason to love them.
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Mmmm okay okay, for the longest time I was kinda salty (like the tiniest bit you can imagine) that Yuugo ends up firing that final shot against Leuvis because I thought it would’ve been so badass if that was Emma’s kill instead, but I’m reminded now that it was solely Leuvis (and not any of the other poachers like I mistakenly thought of) who was responsible for killing off Yuugo’s entire family, so yeah.. perfect case of revenge for our bunker dad. I’m more okay with it now.
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Pfftt, I’m glad everyone can agree this demon is insane.
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Killing off a whole family just so he could feel that hatred of the lone survivor.. this psycho resembles Itachi. No wonder I like him so much. (see! having Crispin voicing him would’ve been PERFECT). But yes honey, Leuvis is definitely trying to pull the same trick on you. At least he’s nice enough to give Palvus head scratches.
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Gillian with her many patches and Pepe being a proud chef!
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Violet slapping other people with affection as usual.
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The whole “staying strangers” bit of this reminds me very much of Isabella & Yuugo and how they handled dealing with the children. With death being a common occurrence in this world, it’s ideal to stay detached from everyone, saving yourself from becoming emotionally invested so if/when the time comes where someone does die, their death wouldn’t break you emotionally as well.
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“Tomorrow” huh? That’s wishful thinking.
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The poachers must’ve heard Emma being so ambitious about a possible hunt tomorrow and said nah, how about today! RIGHT NOW!
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Favorite panel/moment:
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Self-imposed rule aside about not rambling on about extra pages because I MUST chat about this one! It is just so damn PRECIOUS how the girls take care of her and set her up with THE OUTFIT. And OF COURSE we got Sandy being a total sweetheart and gifting her the hair clips to help hide her missing ear. I really wish they all had more scenes with Emma throughout the story.. they’re just so adorable and it gives me many warm and fuzzy feelings about how quick they accepted her into their little GP family.
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aroceu · 5 months
work is dead so i'm looking up funko pops for abc's lost on amazon and it looks like they're priced by popularity like merch stores in hong kong which is very funny to me.
anyway here are the prices for the characters, in increasing value:
man in black: $14.94 looks like this is the base funko pop price. understandable, even tho we see him in every season we only see him in this form in season 6. not much to say about him. i suppose he is a guy
jacob: $16.95 not sure why he's more expensive than his brother but i guess we did hear his name a lot more than we heard the man in black's (and we technically never heard his name). still pretty cheap though. maybe this is the base funko pop price?
kate: $29.95 NOW we're getting into the good stuff. sad she's the cheapest of the real main cast but at least she's like double their price so it's totally worth it. my girl. still a funko pop though
jack: $47.95 honestly i thought more people disliked jack than kate but i suppose i should never underestimate the power of #misogyny over protagonist hatred. regardless, i love women and protagonists so this is still kind of a win for me. still would not buy, but would definitely accept as a present, as a protagonist (and thereby a jack) lover.
hurley: $59.70 he should be the most expensive one imo but whatever. objectively the best character on lost so i guess in terms of popularity i'm glad he's on the more expensive side by that virtue. still: not fat enough. still: a funko pop. why: is he holding a chocolate bar.
locke: $74.97 he's not my favorite but i know he's widely loved (and because he's widely loved you'd think more people would get the finale... but i digress...) so i suppose this makes sense. and like, funko pop locke DOES look badass, even for a funko pop. but the reality is that locke is not as badass as he thinks he is. he is a softboi liveblogging his mental breakdown. i personally would not buy him for 75 dollars
sawyer: $78.95 him being the most expensive is both deserving and not a surprise, and yet still 78.95 more than any funko pop deserves to be paid for. but he is a fan favorite and a general audience favorite so i suppose the average person who watches lost and wanted to buy a funko pop would more than likely at least want a funko pop of him. i like the touch of him reading a book, even though it just reminds me of his weird little pacemaker subplot with ben and made him feel guilty about being horny. hmm. actually i suppose that reminder puts a little more value into the funko pop
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krowmeats · 11 months
I am quickly realizing you can use tumblr for literally whatever so here are cartoon characters that somehow managed to inform my gender identity even though I am a cis man and there is very little to figure out
These are all very stupid and I don't expect a single other human being to gain anything of value from the list. However, it was fun to make this list and I'm probably gonna look at it later and go "huh. neat" which is all you need to know sometimes
Death from adventure time I am not like him in any way he is just a synthesis of what I thought was cool and badass as a teenager and also a normal and kind of lame dude which made me go "Wow, that's achievable and you can do it without being some kind of shithead" The hierophant from adventure time Literally I just want to give off the same general vibe you get looking at him. Nothing about his actual character. I saw him and imagined a guy that was cool in a way that I thought would be fun to be and then kept that mental model in my head and ignored everything else about him Mayonnaise from Split the Room The exact same thing from the hierophant applies here. The only new thing to add is that I used the Mayonnaise mental model when visualizing the story of an Armenian guerilla fighter I was listening to in a podcast and the psychic cross contamination made me have to demote him from Abstract Aspirational Qualities Model Bob Belcher from Bob Belcher's Burgers Despite my total disinterest in Bob as a character whenever I think of the definition of masculinity I have cobbled together for myself his image just hangs out in the back of my head. And you know what yeah he does kick ass in that regard. He's pathetic and level-headed and he's exerting agency to provide for himself and the people he cares about. Good job Bob. The show you came from got kind of boring after a while. Mr Fox from Adventure time This is kind of a cheat one because Mr. Fox didn't inform this, it's more convergent evolution. But the respects in which I have molded my personality to be a specific Kind of Guy in the greater Guy schema have caused me to talk extremely like him. Will I pass through his guy territory onto greener guy pastures? Probably not actually I think I'm calcified. I'm not too torn up about it though Mr Fox from that Wes Anderson movie This one was when I was 14 I don't really think it applies now. I think his whole spiffy suit debonair adventurer schtick sucks actually. He's only on this list because I thought he was cool once and I don't want this list to be 75% tertiary adventure time characters Buck from Ice Age This one I was even younger and emulating him exactly is probably gonna be worse for you long term than Mr Fox (Wes anderson) but even despite that and the whole Grizzled Mountain Man(tm) thing I like him a bit more. There is a Buffoon quotient and an Extremely Disheveled quotient there that has embedded itself into my worldview.
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fireemblems24 · 2 years
Cindered Shadows Ch 6 - End
It's going to feel sooooo good to have this finished. Because after this, I'll have beaten all of Three Houses content and can focus on Warriors.
I feel so bad for Balthus, Hapi, and Constance. Betrayal sucks. Like, I'm sure Yuri has some excuse or whatever we'll learn later, but it must hurt for them now.
So how did Aelfric find all these crest people if they kept it such a secret?
Constance being like, this background is too ugly for me to die in!
Glad Balthus is rightfully angry about this.
I realllly hope there's more to it than "I have yer mom! Yergh!" from Aelfric and Yuri. Because there's just not enough time left for a proper "rebuild trust" arc if that's all that's going on because like . . . why not just tell them??
Aelfric is batshit 🤣😂 🤣😂
Wait, is that green-haired lady Byleth's mom?? I thought I remembered something about that.
OMG - AELFRIC IS SNAPE OMG 🤣😂 🤣😂 But like unhinged!Snape.
These guys are way more forgiving than I would be about this.
I really cannot follow Yuri's thought process here though. Like for a guy who talks non-stop about "I've been though all this tough shit" and everyone is like "he's o so cunning" when someone held his mom hostage for a situation that would result in him dying, his friends dying, and having to betray everyone his grand plan was . . . nothing?? Just go along with everything Aelfric said?
Oh, his grand plan was, Byleth. I should've known, lamo. The flames in the background behind him look badass though.
I mean, why is Aelfric surprised.
I don't know why he didn't just come clean to Rhea and/or Byleth though. Like, he could've at least told them where it would take place . . .
Still, if I were one of Yuri's friends, I'd slap him and never talk to him again after this. But I'm very bad with grudges.
Constance is the only sane one. Yuri's like, our lives are getting drained by a madman and our only hope is a mercenary who doesn't know where we are find us, but like don't panic because I have - a plan! Which like, tell them what it is for once, dude.
Seems like they borrowed a lot from what people say about Claude (but doesn't seem actually true) and put it into Yuri? Like, oh, he's a genius schemer you can't trust.
My brother warned me about this chapter. Saying prayers that Constance and Hapi don't prove too hard to keep alive since they're wayyyyy more fragile than Balthus and don't dodge like Yuri.
Poor Linhardt not wanting to watch the blood. Dimitri distressed that people are in danger.
Yuri, your plan fucking sucks.
OMG it does damage to everyone. I want Mercedes with Fortify back.
I could kiss Dimitri right now. Everyone else is fucking useless, doing like 8 damage to Aelfric, missing every hit, and he's over here doing 44 damage and actually hitting shit. This is king behavior, Claude better take some fucking notes (he was utterly useless against Aelfric).
Dimitri MVP. Yes. No one else was even a possibility.
And, like, the funny thing, that Dimitri's maybe like 1 or 2 levels ahead of Claude, Ashe, and Hapi, yet they all did jackshit to kill Aelfric with their puny 4x2 damage - at most - and missing 75% and 85% chances, while Dimitri's over here telling Aelfric to eat shit and die.
Aelfric is surprised that we're fighting him. He's delusional.
I guessed right, though, it's Byleth's mom.
Dimitri's like that's not a two decade old corpse, dude.
Aelfric's motivation is sooooo, yeah.
Rhea's like shut up. I'm not explaining myself to you. That's also King behavior.
Dimitri, once again, being the person worrying about others, concerned the wolves are too injured to fight.
Oh, good, Balthus punched Yuri. Deserved. Also King behavior. So now we're up to three kings.
Nice to see everyone calling Yuri out for not trusting his friends. If only Claude would've gotten the same treatment. It actively makes me less angry with Yuri BECAUSE he got called out. It's nice when you get to release that emotion through characters. If only Crimson Flower took notes.
Aelfric is . . . really pathetic. Not for supporting her with Jeralt, that's great actually, but like . . . everything else is . . . yeah.
Oh, 21 years ago. Guys, we know Byleth's age!!! So Byleth's only a few years older than the students, probably younger than some of them.
No matter how hard they try, I'm just going to find this pathetic.
Rhea sounds like an angry mom at a child that won't stop playing video games and not doing their homework.
Everyone's like, stop, this isn't going to work, but Aelfric is . . . yeah. Channeling his inner Orson I guess.
Oh, he's finally one with his love, as a beast, lamo.
Dimitri's delivery on that last line, that little shake, he sounds scared, and now I'm super pissed at Aelfric.
Good on Yuri for taking responsibility for this mess. I don't blame this all on him, but by him taking responsibility, more than he needs to, I'm more willing to forgive. Again, it's too bad Crimson Flower didn't take note.
And for some reason, we won't have playable Rhea in this chapter for no good reason. I don't even have to see the map to know that.
Final battle, let's go. I think my brother said the tiles move people around randomly in this chapter. Looking forward to that. Not.
I'm not worried about Dimitri, Edelgard, Yuri, Byleth, or Balthus, but everyone else . . . . Hilda, Ashe, and Claude can take a hit, but like only one or two and they don't dodge enough. But Linhardt, Constance, and Hapi - not looking forward to that. Esp Linhardt who infantry, the other two and likely run away at least.
I like how Dimitri and Claude are encouraging caution. Dimitri should take not for himself about that though.
He's dead. Took a team effort, but we're through now.
Byleth MVP. Deserved.
I like how Sitri made a choice, and Rhea respected that choice.
So Rhea really did a magical heart transplant.
Man, if it's really Byleth's mom's heart in there, that just makes the line in CF about wanting to get rid of their nabatean blood even sadder.
Kinda creepy Rhea didn't just burry her though.
So is this cannon to the main plot? Because if it's not then it's funny imagining Aelfric trying to make his crush come back to life while there's a continent wide war going on.
So if the AW house is disbanded, then they join a main house now, right? Oh, Abyss is still around though.
Love how Rhea tells Yuri that he's slain the underserving and now has to deal with the guilt. This man and Dimitri need a support.
Approve of Constance going to Faerghus. Good for her.
I can't believe they're letting Hapi roam free though, with her weird power. IDK she seems dangerous to everyone alive.
Ashe sounds so dissapointed that Yuri's going back to being a thief or . . . whatever he was.
I had Byleth say he'd look after the Abyss, which after all the other stuff I had Byleth say (i.e. always ready to run away screaming), isn't exactly meaningful lamo.
Lamo, Dimitri assuming Claude's motivations aren't always selfish. He's always trying to assume the best about Claude.
This was pretty fun to play, actually. Makes me wish the maps and goals were a bit more creative in the main game. It was challenging without ever being frustrating. Though, I played Normal.
DLC is now finished. Feels good
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calkestis · 1 year
I FINISHED THE GAME OMG 😭 DID YOU SHARE ANY OF YOUR THOUGHTS ON IT?? (ive been avoiding spoilers so if you have pls link) but if not, please share! i wanna scream with someone
i did not share my thoughts because i needed time to process everything lmao but now that you asked, consider this the thoughts sharing post (below the cut, cause it turned into an essay ofc 💀)
i won't be talking about performance issues because i didn't run into many of those (game crashed just once in over 75 hours of play and i've only had some small issues with the fps) - for me it was amazing and i enjoyed every moment of it!!
it didn't leave the mark that jfo left on me, but i think that's because jfo totally took me by surprise, i never thought i'll end up loving that game as much as i do. i love having so much to explore in survivor and so many customisation options as well as many saber stances (i love them all, it's so hard to settle for just 2, but right now the blaster is my new best friend - also because it has some of the most badass finishers)
narratively, i think what carries the game is the characters and how well most of them are written. it's amazing to see the mark that all the loss and nonstop fight has left on cal and the thin line he's walking between the light and the dark - but like i said before, it makes total sense for him to tap into the darkside without being overwhelmed by it or totally falling. and it's great to see that by reflecting on the villains; unlike dagan, cal's main goal is not driven by ego, it's driven by his selfless need of protecting others, and unlike bode, cal is not trying to gatekeep his loved ones, he understands that sometimes people need to walk their own paths even if it means that they'll be in danger at times.
and speaking of villains, i adored rayvis, it was my favourite boss fight and also my favourite villain. i just have a thing for characters that put loyalty and honour above all else and it was so easy to understand and relate to his desire for freedom; the way he asks cal to free him after all this time, even if it meant dying (and the parallel with the ninth sister, which was also a very bittersweet moment, but set up the tone of the game very well).
the entire part that starts with bode's betrayal and all the way to cal finding cere's body put me through a roller coaster of emotions; i was expecting bode to betray them after the conversation he had with cal the night prior (kudos to noshir dalal for showing so much emotion), but my jaw was on the floor when he revealed himself as a former jedi. then the awe of seeing cere fight, the absolute terror of the fight against vader and the way i felt like someone pulled my heart out of my chest when cal was hugging cere one last time. it was some top tier storytelling not just for a video game, but for any media.
the only thing that didn't totally work for me was cal and merrin's relationship. i never actually shipped them (even if i understand why people do) and imo the romance was pretty cliche, even if i understand why they went that way narratively, what they wanted to show regarding the characters. i would've loved to see more of how the closeness between them develops, the dinamic of a friendship maybe or even a more implied kind of relationship, the kind that we saw with jyn and cassian in rogue one. i feel like the way the did it takes away from merrin's character and kinda turns her into a plot device for cal's character. it didn't bother me much, i would've just preferred they went a different way
anyways i'm playing the main story again right now so there might be more thoughts coming ajksdabh
but feel free to come to my ask so we can scream together
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I know this is niche one so here is the reasons why for each Bruin being what wrestler. This doesn’t have to do with appearances more character, entrance music and overall performance.
Charlie Coyle: John Cena is a classic good guy and also is from Mass
Jake DeBrusk: Scott Steiner, I know what your thinking who? Scott Steiner is famous for his math speech where he takes his 75% chance of winning and then adds his 66 2/3 per cents to get to him having a 141 2/3 chance of winning at sacrifice. All I know is that if I had to watch Jake do math it would go along the lines of this speech.
Nick Foligno: Stone Cold Steve Austin=bald and a badass, Nick Foligno= bald and a badass sometimes
Derek Forbort: Goldberg, Goldberg never loses he also makes dumb decisions. I’m now respect the epic highs of Forbort Hockey he never has lows now.
Trent Frederic: Mankind, most famous for doing crazy stunts like getting thrown off the top of the steel cage multiple times. This guy just keeps making bad decisions so he can fight which suits Trent
Brandon Carlo: Kevin Nash otherwise known as big daddy cool diesel, honestly I gave him this guy solely because his nickname.
Matt Grzelcyk: Rob Van Dam, small and agile guys. Also out of all the bruins the one I would pick to randomly appear in a syfy shark film like Van Dam has done would be Matt.
David Krejci: The Undertaker, a person that’s just been around a long time that is consistently good. Also I feel like Krejci would have a random motorbike phase like the undertaker did.
Charlie McAvoy: Randy Orton. He has a nickname that is the legend killer and the amount of veterans of seen McAvoy ass check to oblivion I feel like he earns that title.
David Pastrnak: Ric Flair, always had the most over the top beautiful robes just like pastas suits
Jeremy Swayman: Kurt Angle who is an Olympic gold medalist, famous for winning with a broken neck. The only American I could think of here with any type of Gold medal was Sway. Wait I just done research and he won Bronze, I’ll change my reasoning too that how he is getting treated now is the same as fans chanting ‘you suck’ in time with Kurt Angles entrance music
Pavel Zacha and Jakub Zboril: Edge and Christian. One of the best tag teams to exist, childhood friends like our two boys (not the tag team parts just the friendship part).
Hampus Lindholm: The million dollar man Ted DiBiase…..have you seen Lindholms contract?
Tomas Nosek: Rowdy Roddy Pipper, Nosek is one of the rowdiest players I’ve seen, he lives for the drama
Connor Clifton: Cactus Jack/ Mick Foley. This wrestler is also Mankind (see Freddy) but this is another one of his egos which is hardcore which suits Cliffy hockey.
Mike Reilly: Heath Slater, classic loser just a jobber. Mike was on my template so I had to find someone that suits my boy.
Craig Smith: The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels is my all time favourite, his entrance music is sung by himself and is called sexy boy which suits Craig.
Brad Marchand: Chris Jericho, 2 Canadians that people hate
Linus Ullmark: The Big Show, solely for the entrance music which says that he is gonna give you a show.
Patrice Bergeron: Bret ‘the hit man’ Hart. Famously Hart has a quote that is ‘the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be’ which is how I would describe Bergy
AJ Greer: CM Punk, one of the best heels there is. And i feel like Greer just knows how to taunt like him
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doggiewoggiez · 1 year
My 75 gallon Central African tank!
Stocking and such below
Senegal Bichir (Polypterus senegalus) x2
AKA Dinosaur Bichir. They get 9-12 inches, they're badass predators but the tankmates will be safe, too big to be aggressed upon. I've got one albino and one normal one. Their names are Bulk and Skull, like from Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. They have true lungs and can breathe people-air! It's cool to watch them do it.
Leopard Bushfish (Ctenopoma acutirostre) x1
AKA Spotted Climbing Perch. Gets about 5-9 inches but is a slow grower, so considering moving him to a 20 long with one of my Krib pairs and my Synos when I eventually move them and he can return to the 75 when big. In the wild these guys drift along until they're close enough to nab some prey that thinks they're just a leaf. His name is Demi because of the famous Demi Moore photo.
Peters's Elephant Nose Fish (Gnathonemus petersii) x1
AKA Ubangi Mormyrid. By far my most interesting guy. He's an electric fish, and that silly proboscis is called a Schnauzenorgan, covered in electroreceptors, which he uses to snuffle around for worms. He has an organ in his ass that generates an electric field. No, really. They've also got the highest brain to body oxygen usage ratio of any vertebrate. He's super cute and full of personality! Wild caught, too, so this guy traveled across half the planet to get to me. In ancient Egypt these guys were believed to have eaten the penis of Osiris and were worshipped in the city of Oxyrhynchus.
Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher) x4
AKA Rainbow Cichlid. An African cichlid that's not an asshole? Sign me up. Well, they're still assholes but only to each other. You probably could spot a full grown 4" male, a pair of 2" female and male, and a 1.5" female in the video if you look closely. Incredibly beautiful fish, very aggressive when they breed, so I plan to separate one pair of kribs into a 20g and leave the other in the 75. One of the rare instances where the females are the flashier ones!
Congo Tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus) x6
One of the larger tetras kept in aquaria, they get about 4 inches or so too. Semi-aggressive, which here just means they steal everyone's food and get fat, so I have to distract them with flakes on one side of the tank so everyone else can eat. Beautiful, shiny blues and reds and clear fins. Love 'em. Way overpriced for tetras though, like 8 bucks per! Comparably sized South American tetras are still $2.50 at PetSmart.
African Butterfly Fish (Pantodon buchholzi) x1
You've probably seen them in nature documentaries. They're those guys that float at the waters surface looking like a butterfly or a leaf until they see some unsuspecting bug above the water and then BAM! They jump way up and snatch 'em. Relative of the Arowana. Beautiful little guy, goes bananas bonkers when I feed him crickets.
Upside-Down Catfish (Synodontis nigriventris) x3
AKA Blotched upside-down catfish. Adorable little guys with naturally tubby bellies. They're friendly and I love them, though they'll be moving to the 20 gallon long with kribs and Demi. They really do swim upside down!
FALSE Upside-Down Catfish (Synodontis nigrita) x2
Ohohoho, you fool, you fucker. You thought you bought upside down catfish, didn't you? Well, now I'm gonna get a foot long and poop a lot and suck the slime coat off your expensive fish and kill them and look so sillycute while doing it. AND I won't even swim upside down. Will be banished to local fish store rehoming tank to be sold under the correct name this time.
Snails (Various sp.) x999999999
I've got Malaysian Trumpet Snails (intentional), Nerites (intentional), Ramshorns (unwanted hitchhikers), and Bladder Snails (unwanted hitchhikers).
Jungle Val (Vallisneria americana)
AKA Eelgrass. Not technically African but it was cheaper than the African-native Corkscrew Val.
Narrow Crinum (Crinum calamistratum)
AKA African Onion Plant. Slow growing and small so far but looks cool fully grown.
African Water Fern (Bolbitus heudelotii)
AKA Congo Fern. Really sickly and shitty from PetSmart but should improve.
Cameroon Moss (Plagiochilaceae sp.)
Really pretty moss I attached to some driftwood in small bunches, should grow in soon enough.
Anubias (Anubias heterophylla, Anubias barteri)
Probably the most well-known African aquatic plant besides lucky bamboo, you'll find this in a TON of fish tanks.
Tiger Lotus (Nymphaea zenkeri)
Still just a wee baby, eventually this'll grow into some rockin' red lily pads.
Ammania (Ammannia gracilis)
Beautiful stem plant with red-tipped leaves. Lovely pop of color.
Duckweed (Lemna minor)
Fuck this guy kill this guy. Duckweed hell one million years forever!!!!!!!!!!
Tank Setup
75 Gallon (idk brand) I believe dimensions are 48x18x21
Fluval 407 Canister filter w/ spray bar
Secondary sponge filter with air pump rated for up to 100gal
Tertiary filter running water softener pillow and establishing spare biomedia
Substrate is pea gravel and Black Diamond Blasting Sand, coarse grit.
Wood is California driftwood/ghost wood iirc, got it at a reptile expo.
Light is Finnex Planted+ 24/7 (I just leave it on auto mode)
Heaters are 3 preset tetra 100W heaters. Nothing fancy.
There's caves made out of PVC piping covered with pond foam.
That bag you see is weighing the driftwood down since it's a little new, it still wants to float.
Leaf litter is mostly oak and live oak and a bit of catappa.
This shit all cost me way more than was reasonable at all jesus christ it was pricy but it's so worth it.
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quotablefanfiction · 1 year
“Tell the men we leave for war in the morning.” “Are you going to stab the map all d-dramatic like?” Wen Qionglin asked with a smile.   “Well I’m not now,” Wei Wuxian huffed as he crossed his arms.
Wen Ning spoils Wei Wuxian’s drama moment (chp. 5)
I Will Not Go Gentle into the Quiet Night by TriviasFolly (AO3) Mo Dao Zu Shi/The Untamed – Mature/Explicit – Lan Zhan/Wei Ying #Alternate Universe #No Cultivation #Omegaverse #Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics #Omega Wei Ying #Alpha Lan Zhan #Vaguely Historical #Royal AU #War #Slow Burn #Wei Wuxian is a Badass #Attempted Rape/Non-Con (Not between main pairing) #Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con #Murder #Character thinks another is dead for 75 percent of the story 
With the Emperor and Empress of Yunmeng slaughtered, Crown Prince Jiang and his childhood companion Wei Wuxian are forced to flee from their home of Lotus Pier. Chased to a small garrision, Wei Wuxian realizes there is only one way he can give Crown Prince Jiang an attempt to escape -by sacrificing himself.
A sacrifice that leads Wei Wuxian to a destiny, and a name, for himself that he never could have imagined.
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arcturion-the-joke · 1 year
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I posted 116 times in 2022
That's 116 more posts than 2021!
29 posts created (25%)
87 posts reblogged (75%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 87 of my posts in 2022
Only 25% of my posts had no tags
#mighty med - 9 posts
#lab rats - 9 posts
#elite force - 6 posts
#chase davenport - 6 posts
#izombie - 5 posts
#kaz mighty med - 5 posts
#oliver mighty med - 5 posts
#paper girls - 4 posts
#chucky spoilers - 3 posts
#wednesday - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 100 characters
#whats the point of being good if i have to hide in the crevices of society like a common sewer rat?!
My Top Posts in 2022:
I love your profile photo! Bruno Carelli is one of my favorite Marvel characters! My profile photo is Kareem. I love how we both have profile photos of Ms. Marvel's love interests. 😂
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Thanks :) They're all so adorable, really!
5 notes - Posted December 10, 2022
Kaida to chase: Chasey doesn't know i didn't eat today
Chase: you didn't eat?!
Kaida: oh, sorry
*scoots to oliver*
Kaida: chase doesn't know I didn't eat today
Oliver: wait what?!
Kaida: oh, sorry sweetie
*goes to kaz*
Kaida: Chasey boy doesn't-
*skylar shoves a granola bar at her mouth*
Skylar: eat that
8 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
Ay yo it's chase davenport's day of birth...that's it that the post...
I'm kidding, ok
HAPPY DAY OF BIRTH CHASE DAVENPORT! his character has given me my love for science when I was younger. The dude made me believe that I was actually smart, and his sensory issues, I RELATE too. So chase davenport, thank you for existing and being relatable. Ok I'm done now
10 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
Ok, now hear me out. Chase in a dress.
Do u agree? 👀
No pressure to answer.
Oh yeah, for sure. He'd look quite badass and plus, it's chase. He looks amazing in anything.
12 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
OK but, can we talk about the ending of Paper girls for a sec please?
Like what was that ending?! So, did they go back their timeline or are they now in a different one? Are KJ and Mac ok?! Did they end up in a different timeline too?! What happened?! What did I FUCKING miss?!
Other than that, it was really good i really hope there will be another season because WHAT THE FUCK MAN?!
37 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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godheadjones · 2 years
riverdale infodump pls? 👉👈
okay. this is gonna be wild knife
we start off with the murder of jason blossom. whodunit? no one knows. jughead, our narrator, writes from his booth in the only diner in town, pops. shit happens. veronica comes to town and hits on archie a few time before they move from closest fucking to being in a relationship. archie struggles with his feels for betty and they immediately disappear as soon as veronica closest fucks him. this is one episode. more shit happens this season, like the revelation of the blossom/cooper family incest, cheryl calling archies dad a dilf as a not-yet-lesbian, betty and jughead start dating, jughead hates his birthday, sticky maples and clifford blossom hangs himself just after his daughter tries to kill herself. cliffored is revealed as being the killer cause jason said "no! im not taking over your maple syrup buisness which is actually a cover for heroin business" blah blah. shit happens in this town then archies dad gets shot in pops and even more shit happens. archie, without his drivers license but with an undiagnosed hero complex rushes his father to the hospital. everyone comes and is worried and theirs heart to heart and cheryl burns down her house. why not. new killer: the black hood. and he wants to purge riverdale of sinners. now theres a new drug dealer, the sugarman, who sells jingle jangle to the kids of southside high, where jughead attends school now with his foster family. another big bad rolls into town and his name is hiram lodge. hiram is hiram forever, we chant as veronica kisses his cheek in the dark. more shit happens, then, they think they finally caught the black hood! its a random janitor! haha, the students think, we can return with our life. nope. the janitor really was just a random janitor. at their musical production of carrie, played by cheryl, whos finally realized she gay and is dating southside serpent toni topaz. midge turns up dead in their show and the town is haunted. they hold each other, fuck each other, and interrogate half brother imposters whove come to town. jughead is caught up in drama with southside serpent member penny peabody. he cut off her tatoo cause he joined a gang, hes badass, he has to prove this blah. penny takes over another gang, the ghoulies, and jughead approaches them and is like "just kill me" so they do. or so they think? jugheads alive! jughead besting death 1/? gifset when? anyway hes alive. then betty catches the black hood and its none other than her father! hal how could you. he says bettys speeech at the 75 years jubilee (in season one) inspired him to go shoot shoot shoot. mystery solved! yippee! assembly time then uh oh. hiram lodge has nailed archie for the murder of some guy while archie was at a fuck cabin with bughead (betty and jughead) and veronica. hes going to jail. archies 3 friends try to save him along with his mother, who is a lawyer. good for her! they spend all summer trying to save archie from prison but its all for nought cause archie confesses under threat from hiram. farewell archie andrews. new school year but its weird since archie isnt there. hes teaching other prisoners about the epic highs and lows of high school football. as he does this, the school gets addicted to g&g, which is just d&d on jingle jangle. its all part of a larger scheme of the farm, a secret cult harvesting organs for a dying girl pretending she’s in high school. meanwhile with archie, hes in a wrestling ring for the prison and hes very good at it. he espaces with the help of monica posh, undercover vee lodge. when he does he runs away to hide from hiram with jughead because they are gay. not really both are in straight relationships. archie has kissed men tho. hes on thin ice. hes in canada has some trippin visions of killing himself and its all fun and games until he comes back. turns out the gargoyle king, the second g in g&g is penelope blossom, cheryls homophobic mother along with the help of fake jason blossom (imposter half brother) and the black hood!! gasp!
I can’t believe I’m even saying this. part two will be out soon
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