#not really a kinfession
kinfessionsnmore · 6 months
Good Morning!
Since there's not much activity on the blog as for now (since it's new and all), I decided to give little reminders that this blog exists! Reminder that I do:
Doodle Requests
Canon/Source Calls
If you want any of those this things, just send an ask!
-Mod Sundrop
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unhingedkinfessions · 4 months
i kin rainbow road. yes from mario kart. yes it’s spiritual and not just an ‘i like the vibes’ kind of thing. technically there’s a lot of au context but i think it’s funnier to give none of it. one of my friends kins coconut mall and moo moo meadows. have a nice day
that's really cool and awesome is the thing. good on u guys.
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motoroil-recs · 4 months
Kinfession- Sometimes I'm worried that I'm faking my kintype because I don't have a LOT of memories. They're all fuzzy, and sometimes it's hard to tell if they're just headcanons or if they are actually memories I am having. It feels all the same in my head. Despite this, I have such a close bond to many mediamates. Does this make me invalid as a kin?
It absolutely does not. First and foremost, remember that kin as an identity doesn't have strict rules and regulations. You don't have to remember things a particular way, hell, you don't even have to remember things at all for you to be able to identify as kin!
Otherkin is such a complex and deeply personal experience, that what you find to be core parts of the experience, like your relationship with mediamates, are all you really need to both be able to belong in the community and find peace in the label.
Ultimately, to try and define your experience by the standards of others is just not going to work, because that's not what you're living! Your way of experiencing your kin will always be valid because it is yours, nobody else should be able to tell you otherwise.
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ghost-van · 3 months
i miss my wife, guys. i miss her a lot.
tall wwife…… 8’0” deity wife……….. wife pretty……
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Kinning Crepus and playing Genshin is having Kaeya and Diluc on your team; and they both get their fancy skins.
Jean as the healer.
Your only C6 character is Venti because 🥴🙏 that's literally the Barbatos. Why wouldn't I?
- Crepus 🔥
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honorary-fool · 3 months
I think that analysis post I rbed Really put things into perspective for how some kin memories of mine fit together. 'Cus Holy Fucking Shit dude.
it's funny 'cus my canon's Arlecchino fuckin sucked. But I do like her as a character (and I have that cat plush of her too which makes it all the funnier).
But through the lenses of That 4.1 scene being intentionally planned as like a test of the dynamics Father and myself/my siblings had... Ough yeah.
I think that grudge against Wriothesley for the whole thing finally vanished, realizing this now..
anyways Wriothesley & Neuvillette are cool as shit, and Neuvillette's a cooler dad than 'Father' ever was, *suck it Arlecchino-* /lh
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just want to make a reminder that you don't need to remember hermitcraft/life series fully or even at all to talk here! you don't have to remeber anything, just have to know you are indeed a person from hermicraft/or the life series!
-Mod Hels
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the-kinfesssional · 3 months
I feel so scared to kinfess cuz I'm a (ambiguous season but still Hermitcraft) Rendog kinnie, a Nikola Orsinov kinnie, and a Ghostbur kinnie (heaviest kin tbh). cuz I don't wanna talk about it makes me feel cringe (especially Ghostbur). Also I feel a sort of guilt about kinning a character from W////r S//t. He sucks but I swear I wasn't that way!! Maybe alive me was but I'm a ghost! I'm not the same guy!
- A kinnie named Bram (can I claim #🐺👻🌌 ?)
I see. I've never kinned from media like that, but what happened? Im so sorry. It can be strange and confusing, but sometimes you gotta seperate your kin from you (even if they are VERY you.)
As a wise friend once said : "remember, you have changed, and you are not the same. It's not your fault."
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thekindisco · 3 months
i dont think i was ever free like in canon, i never got a body, i never had any real friends aside from maybe roxy, i never met my other brothers
i think.
i think i was just alone
-hal? strider
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fictionkinfessions · 23 days
First off, I want to clarify that this isn't a response to any one ask, it's more about a general trend. A lot of people, when they find out about a fictive in their system (either newly split or newly discovered), seem to send in confessions that go "SIGH. Are you kidding me, we seriously have [name] in here?" or "Ugh why do we split so often, there's too many of us!" Or something along those lines. While this blog is a private and safe way to be able to vent out your frustrations, I want to remind you that there's a really good chance that the fictive you're complaining about will *see* your kinfession (and so will other people who are the same character, sometimes). I want you to imagine how you would feel if you came onto this blog and saw an ask sent by another member of your system, complaining that *you* exist. Even in situations where you only meant to express surprise, think about whether it might be taken the wrong way to someone who is already anxious or depressed. A lot of us, when we first split/formed, we were scared and confused, we didn't know where we were, we didn't know anyone in this world. To a newly-formed alter, introject or not, the other members of the system are all they have. Even if you aren't getting along with them - this person is going to be with you for the long haul, now, and wouldn't it be better to try and improve things by being welcoming, rather than making it worse by complaining about their existence? For better or for worse, you're in this together, and you should consider the kind of relationship you want to have before you say things that are potentially hurtful.
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 11 days
hi everyone! i'm real sorry to say i'm gonna be going on an extended hiatus. life is a lot, and between job-hunting and my other hobbies, i'm overdue for a break like this. i've been running this blog for over three years with very few long breaks, so i hope you'll all be understanding. in the meantime, i will be clearing my inbox of any requests that are currently there so that, when i do come back, it'll be a fresh space. i've been doing a lot in the way of self care and enjoying my time for myself now that i have it, which has been majorly helpful for regulating my mental health. i've needed this for a long time, honestly- during my time at university, requests were a good way for me to unwind when i did have free time, but lately they've just been another thing i feel i should be doing... which isn't what i want! i want to be passionate about what i do for you all, when i'm burnt out my work suffers! so! a hiatus from requests will allow me to get put together.✨ thank you all for the years of support, i'll be back eventually, even if i don't really know when!🩵✨ i'll be keeping my askbox open for kinfessions or canon-calls if anyone has any, but my other request types are closed until further notice. feel free to send chatty messages too, but any requests will be deleted without response.
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kinfessionsnmore · 3 months
So... A system is running this account
Hey, how are you all doing? As the title says, we're a system. Mod Sundrop is two of our headmates who kin Sundrop, Mod Peri is the already mentioned Karkat fictive, and moi, mod william, I'm going to present myself here soon enough. But yea, I just wanted to make that anouncement here because, well, it's one of the main reasons we stopped using this account at such a young age of it's creation. Didn't know if we should have revealed that here and our disagreements on it made us not really want to be on this account for a little while. But what the hell, who is going to protest us being a system running this account when we litterally have "Fictives allowed" in this blog fixed post.
Anyways, going to keep updating and try to draw the things we should have for a long time now lol
Oh and also make my presentation ig
-Mod William
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unhingedkinfessions · 5 months
I have a theory. The reason that all the Will Graham spiritual kins I’ve seen have been transmasc (including myself)- is because we were too irresponsible with our dicks in that past life, and so the universe revoked our penis privileges for this one. Thinking with my dick lead me down a road of cannibalism and murder. That’s why god confiscated it.
Anyways that scheme clearly didn’t work because I’m still on my homoerotic cannibalism bullshit, except now it’s just powered by boypussy. Amen.
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motoroil-recs · 4 months
[❄️ — kinfession]
since my kin experience is heavily based on feels and vague sensations (I only have one really ‘proper’ memory thus far), is it bad I want to make headcanons about my canon??
like I have no confirmation if they happened but I think it would be so fun and silly if I did. for example I had this silly lil thought that maybe I went killer frost mode whenever I got really angry and such 😂
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ghost-van · 2 months
it’s my birthday hooray!! time for another year of not celebrating it beyond acknowledging that i’ve aged because i never celebrated my birthday anyways
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Seeing people headcanon me as Autistic kind of pisses me off ngl. No, my story is not a metaphor for masking autism, I have fucking NPD!!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!! While yes, this grand persona is fake, it’s a coping mechanism!!!!! I don’t even know who I really am!!!! I have been pretending for so goddamn long now to fully go back to that!!!! It’s subconscious!!!!!!!!!!! To make people believe I was the archon I had to convince myself first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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